#my poor baby ears
boldlyygo · 6 months
it should be illegal for bagpipes to be played indoors actually
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itsbebebe · 1 year
"we're going down the skeppy-hole" Bad please never say that again ever. I'm too dirty minded for this.
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luwkade · 4 months
He can't get a break
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salmonight · 5 months
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A lil naruto character sketch that ended up surprisingly recognisable. Did not except even that much to be honest. Been wanting to draw some naruto characters for a while now as i rly got into naruto fanfics. All the fun character designs in the fandom is another point tho.
Havent been much motivated drawing or writing vise these days but welp good to pull out the pen sometimes after a huge break
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I had this really sad heaccanon that I needed to share like...Fiona as a kid not dressing like a kid becauee she needs to be taken seriously or because she needs more tips at a job. Fiona as early as 13 waitressing and trying to look "more grown" for guys to tip more. Never wearing slap bracelets or fun things ( glittery hairbands those ones with the plastic balls you tie together) in her hair because shes got to be taken seriously by teachers at meetings. Just Fionas childhood ending early and it reflecting on her clothes.
sorry for getting to your ask so late, acey! but this is so sad omggg... i can see your vision so clearly and completely agree! especially the forgoing cutesy kiddie clothing to look more 'grown' for jobs and her siblings' teachers and DCFS workers and stuff. ughhhh fiona.... :((
i definitely think this would factor into her self-presentation and clothing choices as a grown-up, too! i'm thinking about the scene in s3 (i think) where she's dressing up to go see her old high school crush and her first outfit is reminiscent of what a teenager would think was a 'hot' and 'grown-up' outfit to impress a boy (see-through tank top, colorful bra, makeup and dangly earrings). her self-image is still very much that of a little girl needing to seem older than she is in order to get the job done.
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hiwaporwave · 2 months
destiny sound designer
what were you DOING
context: using polaris lance in destiny 2, and complaining about a weird case of tinnitus, it just wouldnt seem to go away. I started to worry if i was losing my hearing or something. then it seemed to come in bursts, and.... wait....
I shot my gun, and ohhh my god oww my ears, that is the highest pitch I have ever heard in my life. I took it into audacity to have a look:
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what the actual hell that is at the top of the spectrograph. analyzer says it B9 WHAT. the NINTH octave WHAT
so then i open up my music program (sunvox) just to double check, and for the love of god B9 is literally the top note on its interface
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it doesnt seem like this is the top of the midi standard, but maybe its the same in other programs. did the designer straight up add a highest note sine wave??? to the ??? gun???
the hilarious part is that sunvox wont even let you play B9. I believe because of harmonics and nyquist? I could explain these seperately but what i mean here is that its tapering towards the high end (not that B9 is the "highest pitch" in machines or humans however). i guess they dont expect you to play a ballad in OCTAVE NINE.
this is like 15.8kHz, and with rough testing of my hearing, till 18kHz still sounds just as loud?? so its very. high. and we perceive tones logarithmically, so thats only like 4 semi tones up i believe.
these pitches might normally be in a sound, like a high hat, but definitely tapering down towards that end! not just a pure isolated pitch. maybe it was added for a machine-like sound? perhaps because of sensory issues it definitely signals in my brain as "machine that i want to walk away from very quickly"
anyways yeah, it seems it really was B9
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it feels like they sprinkled CRT humm into the sound effect for good measure, and it is actually going to stop me from using this weapon. sad because i was liking it too
heres the pitch if you want to hear it but WARNING that it might actually be unpleasant to listen to if you are like me!
reminds me of when I received a synth that had a similarly high pitch, but even way way louder! to me it was genuinely unusable, but I realized because of the age of its creator, it was likely that he just couldnt hear it at all
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introvert-celeste · 6 months
My cat Sirius isn't eating and I'm worried 😟 He's elderly (11, almost 12, years old) and not eating is a bad sign at his age. I'm hoping he's just not feeling good and that he'll get better, but at his age, I'm not sure.
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ace-and-ranty · 9 months
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17gz · 9 months
meatball was SO good at the vet 🥺 he was scared obviously and was trying to run and wriggle away but he didnt scratch anyone or bite anyone or pee/poop anywhere 🥺🥺🥺 i gave him his fave lunch w his fave chicken puree drizzled on top as a treat
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honeycombhank · 1 year
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Guys my dog is exhausted from keeping me up all night with her crippling anxiety that she has when we stray too far from routine and have her try and sleep without her crate in a different house from her own. Wow do I feel stupid.
I call these Nelly’s tired ears
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aroaceart · 1 year
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@owlart18 Cattember Day 27: OC
Another Pokemon-adjacent drawing. This is a fakemon I've only drawn like three times ever, Mistikit! I have so much Lore on this little one and its evo, but I don't think now is the time for it.
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moongirldreamer · 2 years
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Well, can you see me? I cannot see you
Everything I thought I knew has fallen out of view
In this blindness I'm condemned to
Cassandra - Florence + the machine
click for quality
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anothermaddi · 7 months
shoutout to that girl on tiktok who had the audacity to give herself E I G H T piercings AT HOME using jewelry that look straight from claires 😭
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belleswiftss17 · 8 months
I want to stay awake but I have two sick babies and need to sleep while they’re sleeping.
Good luck @taylorswift ❤️❤️❤️ So excited for your new album!!! You deserve everything good in this world and that includes every award you’ve been nominated for. Proud of you always.
Swifties bring the pitchforks if we don’t win ROTY and/or AOTY.
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ereborne · 1 year
Distracted and sleep-deprived is no way to make it through multihour meetings, but have I ever let that stop me before?  
Notable side-effects of this system include: forgetting my camera is on and dropping my face into Jo's fluff; forgetting my mic is on and playing with my hot wheels stormtrooper ATV (thankfully off-camera, and thankfully they did all assume the weird noise was Jo again, and not tiny wheels rumbling back and forth over my num-pad); forgetting that there is an IT rep in this meeting specifically to answer idiot questions and answering them myself; in fact answering any question whose answer I know, no matter how rhetorical or off-topic.  
One of the finance analysts asked, I assume as a joke in response to some other joke I didn't bother to hear, what they should plant to grow a black-and-white chessboard lawn.  (black mondo grass and lambs' ear, but you'd have to be really careful watering)
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floral-hex · 1 year
5 hours of sleep. Woke up, hearing is a touch wonky. Instant anxiety. Tried to go back to sleep, but couldn’t calm myself, so after an hour of darkness and tinnitus, I took a klonopin, then got anxious over how I only have 14 left. Was it worth it? Would I have been fine if I’d just gotten up and walked around? More things to worry about, but it is what it is. Then breakfast, more medications, and finally I am (mostly) centered. Off center, but still close enough to call it a good shot.
Littlest brother has a chess tournament today and I’m going to lend my outstanding emotional support. Got my little bag with a couple of books, a phone charger, and snacks. It’s going to be a long day of sitting, but I’m excited to see how he’ll do.
I always feel weird saying this, but feel free to send any asks to help me pass the time, but really, I’ll be hunky dory without them. Okay, I love you, bye.
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