#my poor shuggy heart
beanghostprincess · 9 months
what if. what if the reason Shanks didn't want to go to laugh tale right after Roger's execution is because he had realized that Devil Fruit users couldn't reach Laugh Tale... and he wanted to go TOGETHER with Buggy so he wanted to first figure out a way so he wouldn't get sick when they got there a second time and that's why he wanted to wait. But in the moment he couldn't figure out a way to communicate that clearly without offending Buggy/making him misinterpret it... too bad Buggy drew the worst possible conclusion anyway
What if I cried myself to sleep
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saltygilmores · 7 months
So I had seen this Charity Dance Marathon gimmick on an episode of the Golden Girls (an episode which aired in 1987) and I feel as if I’ve seen it on other shows as well. (fun fact I just learned this week: Gilmore Girls and Golden Girls both shared at least one writer). Were these ever real things or is this just a gimmick made up for sitcoms? Are there real people out there shaking their moneymakers til they drop? Who can actually dance for 24 hours with only minimal breaks? It seems incredibly uncomfortable. See also: Charity bachelor auctions (Seen this gimmick on The Golden Girls again, and The Simpsons). Stars Hollow could never auction off a date with a hunky bachelor because Miss Patty keeps all the eligible single men and teenage boys chained up in her basement. I may have to do some research on these phenomenons.
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I already can't stop saying Shug and Shuggy and Shugar at random intervals after seeing Land of Bad yesterday, and Babette is not helping, lol. Maybe on a different timeline, she was Shug's Momma (actually...maybe I shouldn't wish that for dear Babette).
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I just want to point out the sign in the background reading: "All students riding a school bus home after school must wait in the gym." Who is so far away they're taking a bus to school in Stars Hollow? Stars Hollow is like four feet long. Maybe there are so few teenagers in The Hollow they have to consolidate with other districts and bus in students from other towns, like seat fillers. Those poor kids, deprived of an education like that.
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Everything reminds me of Captain John "Sugar/Shug" Sweet. Sookie informs Lorelai that under duress, she reluctantly agreed to her husband's "four in four" plan (four kids in four years, what is she, a dog?) and now she can't back out or have a conversation with him about it so she has no choice but to lay down and accept his sperm, lest she cause any conflict in their newlywed marriage where things are still bright and shiny and they enjoy sniffing each other in the morning, or something like that.
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Tell that to Liz Danes.
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That's rich and creamy coming from Ms. "I Almost Married Max Medina Without Discussing Where We Were Going to Live".
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This is a janky medical operation we've got going on here. Medical examinations being performed next to open containers of food, no gloves being worn by medical personel or kitchen staff, and massage therapists walking around wearing tshirts saying "Masseuse" on them, because it's important to establish who you're getting massaged by. If it doesn't say Masseuse on the shirt, you might end up getting a rubdown from an unsanctioned random weirdo.
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Alexis's is sneering like, "I'm here working 14 hours day in the Los Angeles heat in a heavy coat with a bunch of DORKS when I could be home boinking MY NEW BOYFRIEND MILIO VENTIMIGLIA and touching his BIG WANG! But maybe we can sneak in a quickie behind craft services later"
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Mrs Kim is the real star of this episode.
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Oh hey Mrs. Stanley Appleman.
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If you keep drinking all that coffee, you're going to turn into a Coffee. Or probably have back to back heart attacks.
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The clock is ticking to Shane's imminent demise. Hopefully her collapse from excessive blood loss won't get in the way of the other dancers, because Jess is going to butcher her behind the school without any witnesses. He is home sharpening his axe. #MurderOnTheDanceFloor #BetterNotKillTheGroove How the hell did they rustle up 156 couples/ 312 people for this thang anyway?
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I love Luke in this episode :)
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Pretty rich and creamy coming from you, Miss No Car, No Job, No Pet, One Friend, Butthead Boyfriend, Goes Home From College Every Weekend to Visit Mommy. Kirk has a thousand careers, he will eventually have a pet and a girlfriend, and what reason would you need a car in The Hollow? Except to escape it. Kirk easily has the most interesting life in The Hollow, save for Miss Patty, maybe (who has the most interesting past). He seems pretty content with his life. I love that there's a "security" guard back there. I guess he was sleeping on the job when Shane's cries of agony rang out into the cold Connecticut sky.
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Says Miss Lonely Pathetic Existence Also Attending The Same Marathon With Lonely Pathetic Mother And Every Other Lonely Pathetic citizen of the entire town.
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If Lane doesn't stop causing so much friction in Hep Alien, she might be replaced with this guy. I'm sure he will get paid equally as much drumming for a group of teenagers as he's currently getting paid to drum for a small town twerk-till-you-drop charity event.
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Remember when swing music had a brief resurgence in the late 90s? Those were the days, oh some days they were. But since time stands still in The Hollow, they're actually still on the 1930's wave. This is too much fun and so cute and whimsical and joyous and what a wonderful episode it is. Can't even snark too hard about the dancing. Lowering snark cannons.
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They're going to go home and have unbelievable amounts of sex.
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You know who else is going to go home after the DM and have an unbelievable amount of sex? I'm sorry. You came to The Thing, Dean! You did the bare minimum! You paid your girlfriend and her mother an uninspired compliment! For that Lorelai will stare at you like a hungry dog salivating over the last scrap of meat on a bone.
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inpolariis · 1 year
"Your Stupid Face" by Kaden MacKay is a shuggy song and whenever it comes up on my playlist it reminds me of this ship and ur art sometimes. I just wanted to share that have a nice day 🤡
HELLO??? The tone of the music, the notes, from the shifting of the emotions to the delivery of the lines and the unfolding story is so undoubtedly Shuggy 🥺🥺🥺
The snark and sarcasm and the 'I don't care about you AT ALL go AWAY stupid redhead' attitude just fit Buggy so well… sob sob sob I LOVE IT
Also the 'I didn't run away!' lyrics… ough my poor heart…… never recovering after 1082…..
Thank you so much for sharing this song with me, it's immediately going in all of my Spotify playlists for them!! (I have… far too many)
It makes me so happy to know that people remember and think about my art!! I feel so flattered!! 🥰🍒🌹💕🌈💗✨ Please feel free to share more music with me whenever, and I hope you have a great day!! :o))
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stubbornpimple · 3 years
Book : Shuggie Bain
Author : Douglas Stuart
Read in : 2020 || Format : Paperback
Score : 5/5
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“When she had disgraced herself with drink, she got up the next day, put on her best coat, and faced the world. When her belly was empty and her weans were hungry, she did her hair and let the world think otherwise.”
Indeed a terrific read. Something, excruciatingly beautiful
It took me several hours to gather my thoughts on this brilliant work of Stuart after I finished reading. The storyline is stirring.
We see Agnes leaving her husband for the man who truly moves her heart and later getting hurt for the love. We see her choosing alcohol as her escape and gradually falling deep into that. Her dear ones but not little Shuggie leave her for the monster she creates out of lager cans. Shuggie has his own problems. School seems hard. He finds it hard to blend in. Despite he wants to be with his mother. He wants to make her proud. He wants to make her happy, protect her pride. We see people wearing the best smiles have deepest scars. Stuart also paints a vivid yet grey picture of closing of mines at Glasgow, men being unemployed and all the other consequences, leading to the miner's strike.
I had had a bit hard time with the narration for first few page since I'm not that familiar with the Glasgow dialect. But that couldn't keep me away from this book. To be honest I wanted to DNF this book as the chain of events seemed too depressing and sad for me to continue. Every chapter was breaking my heart. To see Agnes have her love, pride and desires which slowly breaks her isn't something easy, no?
Now if we talk about characters, Leek is my favourite. He seems sensible, real calm and collected, like an eye of a storm. After Shuggie and Agnes, I seem to hate rest of them (my poor reader soul). Everyone is messed up and genuinely BAD (haha, that's so biased of me) but sincerely speaking, majority of them were described very earthly by the author.
Undoubtedly, this book leaves an impact.
This book will surely be one of those best reads of life if asked.
-j (stubbornpimple)
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yourownoscar · 4 years
Thank you for tagging me @montressori ❤️❤️❤️
Favorite comfort food: Tomato Soup :)
Favorite alcohol (or hot drink): I like just regular coffee and sometimes I’ll drink lemon tea
Favorite relaxing activity: I like to hang up laundry or to just sit outside reading
Favorite calming scent: Vanilla and cinnamon
Favorite relaxing (or uplifting) song: The Lengths - The Black Keys, Poor Fake - Kelsey Lu, Strawberry Letter 23 - Shuggie Otis, Roses are Falling - Orville Peck. These aren’t relaxing or uplifting really they’re just songs I like
Favorite white noise: crackling fireplace
Favorite book to get lost in: The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan made me feel seen in such an uncomfortably intimate way. Just the idea of being stuck somewhere between two separate cultures and the loss of identity that comes with it is something that really resonates with me. Also, not having any idea who your mother truly is and this strange connection between your mother, and her mother, and her mother after that- this feeling that you hold inside of you a long chain of broken women - trying to shape an identity out of it not knowing what part of you ends with them and begins with yourself... I also like If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin and The Waves by Virginia Woolf.
Favorite chill out TV show: The only tv shows I really watch are true crime documentaries, but they make me stressed :/ I do not enjoy them
Best advice you’ve ever had: I’m not good with words so idk if I can explain it right, but my step mother once sat me down at the kitchen table and wrote out the word 喜怒哀楽 and described it to me as is the “inner essentials of all mankind.” Basically if you separate the individual characters of the word you have 喜 joy, 怒 anger, 哀 sorrow, and 楽 happiness. Each character follows the other, and if you tried to remove even one the word would no longer make sense. There is no joy without anger, and yet no sorrow without happiness. I think it’s like... we can’t live our lives clinging desperately to one emotion and refusing to face the other - people who do not suffer can never grow, and people who devote to suffering can never heal. The only way we can ever face forward is to accept every coming emotion fully and with an open heart.
I tag @wampiry @fridayinlove and @shrimpcolors 🧡🧡🧡
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sewncross · 5 years
Tag meh meh
Tagged by @sylphdrake
1. Nicknames: Sethy Pooh, Dimz, Dimzington, Bastard, Deta, Chewdee, Hound, Ramen man, Pisces Bitch, there's probably more but idk my friends tend to make things up on the fly and use it as a joke for a few months until they find a new nitch
2. Zodiac Sign: Pisces (Sun, Cancer Moon, Leo Rising)
3. Height: 5′9″ (5'7 on my driver's license but they're WRONG)
4. Hogwarts House: Slytherin, the test gave me Gryffindor the first time I took it, but that was literally the only house I didn't want to be in so I just cheated and found the answers for slytherin online and I think I that speaks for itself.
5. Last Thing I Googled: "who will be at megacon 2019" shocker, its me
6. Favourite Musicians: GOWIWWAZ owo (Gorillaz), Bryce Fox, Nothing but thrives, Childish Gambino, Rose Cousins, The Mountain Goats, Billie Eilish, Beach House, Elohim, Cat Paw, Half Alive, Matt Maeson, Oliver Riot, idk man my tastes b all over the place rn.
7. Song Stuck In My Head: Tie between Bad Guy by Billie Eilish, an Love Me Now by John Legend
8. Following Now: 3552 (dont you dare judge me I used to follow 5000 something reached the FOLLOWER LIMIT, and had to go in and unfollow a bunch of inactive blogs)
9. Followers: 316
10. Do I Get Asks:  mmmmm if the stars align I may get one every couple months
11. Amount of Sleep: 7 hours on a good day? 5-6 on not so good days, and 2-4 on them Days™️
12. Lucky Number: 7, 23, 77
13. What I’m Wearing: black crewneck, boxers, I'm going tf to sleep in a second
14. Dream Job: if I didn't have to worry about money I'd become a writer and illustrate my own works n profit off of like some mf poetry books n shit. I say, as I put 0 effort into being poetic in this very moment cri
15. Dream Trip: I want!! To see Japan!! When the cherry blossoms are!! In bloom!! Its big dream, maybe one day yk
16. Favourite Food: strawberry milk
17. Instruments: I hardly remember anything now but I used to be able to use piano, violin, flute, clarinet, guitar and bass, uuub xylophone was a weird one, lmao I was once upon a time a prodigy n then I was sent to live w my ma again and she put me in a school with no music or drama programs and my fingers forgot how to do the thing and my vocal cords went through puberty untrained so shrig now I just have a 4.0 instead which is still good just, not what I wanted as a plucky youngin
18. Languages: enGlusH, bit of poor Spanish (I'm Cuban and Puerto Rican, but my family never taught me the language so they could talk in Spanish and I wouldn't get the tea as a younging) I took three years of historic Latin and can only remember how to sing twinkle twinkle little star, so theres that.
19. Favourite Song: Shuggie by Foxygen, to me it's a story about loving someone but never telling them or making any moves so the chance to be w them passes you by, and before you know it they're married with kids and you're still stuck trying to shove down those lingering feelings because it wouldn't be right to tell them now, but like that longing that if you would've just said something before, it could've been so different. But you cant and now you have to just live with how things are. Not projecting at all.
20. Random Fact: The guy who plays Crowley in Supernatural used to be in a band, I learned that today and now I just keep thinking about him being an edgy teen and its great.
21. Aesthetic: 
-ocean waves
-bastard jokes
-forced positivity
-actual positivity
-old paintings
-70s/ 80s horror
-fanmade art
-homestuck on main
-naruto on my homestuck main
-bisexual dramatics
-lota pink
-generally think cryptic with a fabulous feather boa
Tagging @ewwisauce @wholocked397 @masteremp @yourbuoyfriend
Lmao u dont have to do this I'm jus a man whore
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radiofreejro · 6 years
New Year's BYOV @ Tap and Barrel - 1/1/16
New Year's BYOV - 1/1/16
*denotes request
Star Wars - Opening Titles/Imperial March Theme
Devo - Mongoloid (Hardcore version)*
Dead Milkmen - Bitchin' Camaro*
Charles Mingus - Gunslinging Bird*
Fleetwood Mac - The Chain
Talking Heads - Love For Sale
B-52s - Party Out of Bounds
Love and Rockets - All In My Mind
Beach Boys - Girl Don't Tell Me
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Green River*
Tool - Sober
Pink Floyd - When the Tigers Broke Free
David Bowie - In the Heat of the Morning
Sonic Youth - My Friend Goo*
Mission of Burma - This is Not A Photograph
Cursive - Art Is Hard
The Smiths - William It Was Really Nothing (Hatful version)
Dirty Projectors - No Intention*
Siouxsie & the Banshees - Cities In Dust
Cat Power - Cherokee
Shuggie Otis - Strawberry Letter 23
Flaming Lips - Bad Days
Kurt Vile - Goldtone
Death Cab For Cutie - Your Heart Is An Empty Room
Neil Young - Down By The River
Beastie Boys - Looking Down the Barrel of a Gun
Grandmaster Flash - The Message
The Time - Jungle Love
Prince - 1999
Chaka Khan - I Feel For You
Madonna - Borderline
The Monroes - What Do All The People Know
Sisters of Mercy - Gimme Shelter
Public Image Limited - This Is Not A Love Song
The Godfathers - Birth, School, Work, Death
Dead Kennedys - Kill the Poor*
The Count Five - Psychotic Reaction
The Kinks - Everybody's Gonna Be Happy
Elvis Costello - Welcome to the Working Week
Fountains of Wayne - Leave the Biker
Modest Mouse - Float On
Alvvays - Marry Me Archie
Tori Amos - Cornflake Girl
The Beta Band - Dry the Rain
Yo La Tengo - From a Motel 6
Thunderclap Newman - Something In the Air
Supertramp - The Logical Song
Psychedelic Furs - Dumb Waiters
Black Sabbath - War Pigs*
Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Child*
Bauhaus - She's In Parties
Radiohead - Idioteque
Yazoo - Nobody's Diary
Flock of Seagulls - Telecommunication
Nena - 99 Luftbaloons
Luscious Jackson - City Song
Bright Eyes - From a Balance Beam
The Decemberists - Grace Cathedral Hill*
Frank Turner - Long Live The Queen*
The Hold Steady - Stuck Between Stations
Wilco - I Must Be High
The Replacements - Little Mascara
Concrete Blonde - True*
David Bowie - Golden Years*
Flight of the Conchords - Bowie
Modern English - I Melt With You
Elliott Smith - Twilight*
Brian Jonestown Massacre - Anemone
Bowery Electric - beat
Mogwai - Tracy (remix)
Black Sabbath - Iron Man*
Guided By Voices - Postal Blowfish
Pink Floyd - Echoes
0 notes
beanghostprincess · 8 months
Post Marineford Shanks ferries Buggy to drop him off to his crew, Galdino is already side eyeing the fuck out of him because he keeps sending heart eyes his and Buggy's way and he knows these are not for him, but Buggy is too caught up in everything else (including his ever growing cult) to notice. Then they get there and Shanks, loathe to leave Buggy immediately after just getting him in his vicinity again, suggests they throw a party. Shanks' crew is side eyeing him, Galdino is side eyeing him, everyone is essentially going "Okay gayass", except for Buggy. And Buggy feels like bragging so he drags Alvida over to introduce her to Shanks as his beautiful cool deadly co captain/first mate/associate. Shanks becomes intensely jealous of this 20 something woman being all touchy and close and friendly with HIS CLOWN so he is essentially glaring at her the entire time. (Doesn't help that she is more or less occupying a space he always thought HE WOULD HAVE). Meanwhile Alvida is both unwilling to get close to Red Haired Shanks the powerful yonko who stinks like booze and probably hasn't showered in 5 days and to be dragged around by Buggy, she spends the entire time trying to slip slip away and go in a corner to get drunk. But Buggy has a vice grip on her arm and Shanks is alternating between glaring at her and making cow eyes at Buggy so she is stuck there watching the world's most teen girl lesbian coded 37 year old men talk, until Benn took pity on her and helped her disengage and they spend the rest of the day getting drunk and complaining about this mess (and maybe they hookup idk, might as well let her have some fun, if Buggy won't fuck a red hair pirate, she will)
Alvida my poor girl just wants a way out. Let her go!!!!!!!! Girl is stuck with old men when she should be at the club. This is great, honestly. Nobody can't stand Shuggy. Most awful duo ever. They're annoying on their own but when they get together it's even worse. Save the girl save her.
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Thinking about Shuggy and Shanks actually just being in love with Buggy’s nose. It’s the cutest thing. When he was a teen he first tried to hide his feelings for his friend and pulled some , sometimes quite literal, pigtails to annoy him, often pointing Buggy’s, self perceived, flaw out to him to drive him up the wall, but in all honesty he really likes it. The crew goes out drinking and someone makes a jab at Buggy’s nose and the place is just roaring with laughter as the boy stomps away from everything, while Shanks just half mumbles into his beer that he wears it actually quite well.
It’s one of the many things about Buggy that he knows are ugly. Or so he’s been told. He knows Buggy is funny looking, not only the nose, but his face that starts to get more square as he grows up, his awkward stubble that doesn't seem to want to grow into a full beard, the lips that stretch too wide across his face, the ears that protrude a little from his head, the list goes on. People have been pointing out those things to him all the time, often mocking, sometimes soothing, because looks aren’t all that matters and Buggy also has other physical features that could be considered quite handsome despite those features. Shanks has decided that those people are idiots, because there is nothing about the way that Buggy looks that he doesn’t like. Not that he can tell him that.
Because if he told Buggy one of the best things about his kisses is just how he always has to smoosh his Nose against Shanks face to get a good angle, how it’s so endearing when he miscalculates and has to try again after realizing that it got in the way, how he loves how his ears go red when he’s embarrassed or flustered and that he wants to plant kisses all over Buggy’s weird looking face, Buggy would think of it as a joke.
So he just settles on watching Buggy get ready in the morning, how he puts his hair up in a ponytail and is already complaining about upcoming tasks, till he catches Shanks gaze in the mirror. His mouth curls into a slight snarl as he turns around to Shanks, a bit of patchy stubble sill dotted across his chin, his nose crinkles slightly in dismay, but it can’t hide the hint of self-consciousness in his voice when he asks “What?”
“Nothing.” Shanks answers, hugging his pillow closer to himself as he rests his head on it, smiling at the clown. “You’re just looking handsome today is all.”
The last line,,, I am sobbing,,, This made my heart do so many fucking backflips I am shaking and crying and curling up on the floor.
Shanks literally loves everything about Buggy. He doesn't even understand why people say he's ugly, they just say it and he just assumes that they're either stupid or that beauty standards suck ass. Because to him, Buggy is the most gorgeous pirate he's ever seen. Ever since they were kids, he has always been fascinated with him. He's always found his face captivating, and while they grew up, he started to find his whole body captivating and gorgeous. He's so down bad and he does not want to get up, really. He wants to stare at Buggy for as long as Buggy lets him. When people laugh at Buggy for how he looks, Shanks always fights them. Or he goes away too to be with him because he despises the idea of leaving him alone. When they were kids, nobody in the crew took him seriously when he screamed at them. But now? That's the one thing you can't do around Red Haired Shanks. Do not disrespect Buggy. If a poor soul finds themselves unaware of that fact...... Pray for them.
He enjoys Buggy's beauty the way somebody would enjoy a piece of art. And it's quite funny how Buggy is usually so self-conscious about it and how much it bothers him that Shanks won't stop staring at him. But Shanks can't help it! He just feels at ease when he's looking at the clown. He reminds Shanks of when they were younger. He makes Shanks feel younger. And Shanks doubts there will ever be somebody that warms his heart as much as Buggy does.
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