#my savvie <333
ox-imagines · 1 month
TDB as K-pop Idols
Part 2: Kaito, Luca, Towa, Lyca, Jiro, Leo, Tohma
Pt. 1
Disclaimer: These are my opinions! I know 18 groups well enough to be able to do something like this with them and matched the TDB characters with who I believed best suited them from those groups based on personality, vibes and, at least to a point, looks!
Kaito - Mark (NCT)
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Boyfailures <333 Kaito would so do the "MC, this is for you!" *throws basketball* *completely misses.* Also, the way Mark just turns into a mess on fancalls with girls he thinks are pretty? Yeah. Silly, friendly, and easily flustered.
Luca - Lay (EXO)
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Honest, loyal, hard-working, trusting, and sometimes a bit oblivious to social cues, Luca and Lay both make valuable additions to any atmosphere. They're both kind-spirited, but courageous and unafraid to take initiative.
Towa - Minhyuk (Monsta X)
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Both Towa and Minhyuk are brilliant sunshines, but with an attitude. They're not exactly aware of personal space and boundaries, and aren't always in tune with how those around them feel about them or what they're doing. Free-spirited with two volumes: very quiet or very loud.
Lyca - Doyum (Just B)
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Usually reserved but unafraid, these two are both willing to be friendly even if they come off as serious or cold. Do not tell them that they're silly little guys because they will deny it and stop being silly
Jiro - Yoongi (BTS)
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I know they seem scary but they're not I promise! They often seem cold and indifferent, maybe a bit unaware of their surroundings, but they're very intelligent and observant. Once you've earned their loyalty, they will do what they can to protect you.
Leo - Hoshi (Seventeen)
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Smug little evil geniuses. Period. You've never been the mafia, but that doesn't mean they won't convince everyone to vote you out first every single time. And of course not to mention the cute looks and playful attitude that garnered them big followings to back them up. Good luck trying to go against them, it won't be easy.
Tohma - Kihyun (Monsta X)
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If you hear me in the distance barking at them no you don't These two. Smart, witty, self-assured, extra-fine absolute fucking husband material I'm not apologizing it's true. They are the planners of the friend group, and the ones who make sure everything always gets cleaned, and the ones who make sure everyone is doing well and if they're not they're the first to know why. Sure, they're cunning and savvy and will work hard for their goals, but they're also kindhearted and loyal.
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archivist613 · 4 months
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hi internet. how is everyone doin'? i just got my first computer ever ;333
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soo... i'm user @archivist613 but u guys can call me archie and i'm not, like, that tech savvy but i'll get the hang of it ...eventually "-.-
i like memes, music, scrollin' thru da web so far, my friends and family, idk that's all ig.
h8ers and trollerz and weirdos f!#$king DNI.
okeeez stay tuned for more content from me!1!!!1 i'll be posting about me and my journey in lifeeee<333
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volivolition · 2 months
[A note is slipped under your door, when you open the door nobody is there][the note is written in scratchy bold letter, the note reads:]
[Y'all turn the paper over and there is a drawing attached to it with tape]
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[Under the drawing there is text that reads:]
Do y'all remember the seacritter quiz? Ya, I drew us as the critters :] hope y'all like it 💛💛💛
[immediately pins the drawing on the fridge with star shaped magnets] wow this is SO PRETTY AND CUTE WAUGH <3333 your coloring is always so wonderful, i love the little fish as my earrings waughhhh :'] <33 you are such a cute sunfish i love this for you!! :D <333 thank you for taking the time to draw this, its so lovely!! swims around you in circles appreciatively!!! 💛💛💛
HAPPY WIP WEDNESDAY SUN(FISH)DAY!! hgkjh lets see, i haven't been writing for a while actually, but here's a snippet from one of my more recent fics, "Who Are You, If Not..." which is an esprit centric fic! :] <33 [rips a section out of my manuscript and flings it out the window. the wind carries it to you to read!]
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ESPRIT DE CORPS has many of his eyes shut in futile efforts to sleep. However, when he closes one set, another pair opens unwittingly. Through them, he can see his fellow psyche skills lounging around him with blankets and pillows. Their varying shades of purple are familiar. He tries to take comfort in it. But it's too quiet – …
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Easy: Success] broadens his scope to tune into the other skill types across the mindspace. Intellects… sleeping, Encyclopedia among the bookshelves of the memory banks and Conceptualization's dreams painting soft brush strokes above xer. Physiques, mostly sleeping besides Endurance who sits by Half Light with a grunted promise to keep watch while she rests. Motorics, all asleep, Hand/Eye and Savvy a pile of arms together and Interfacing slowly recharging. Esprit concentrates on each of them, but it's not what he's looking for either – …
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divider by @/saradika-graphics!
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rudnitskaia · 1 year
question in the subject of the marvelous miss maura!! what's the relationship between her and rocky? is there a romance between those two kitties or is it platonic? oh-- and dynamics!! how are they like? pardon the onslaught of questions, that art you did of them piqued a lot of interest! sending hugs and hearts your way rudni <333333
Omgomgomgomgomgomg my first ask aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *runs around in circles*
Mars, Iza, thank you, honeybuns, I’m honored, hug both of you tightly <333 I’m a bubbling puddle now ✨ QwQ ✨
Answering your questions: yes, I see an opportunity to intertwine Rocky’s and Maura’s storylines and develop their relationship in a romantic way, BUT this is not necessary at all. These folks just communicate quite well and like to play verbal ping pong with each other. :3 But friendship is the strongest foundation for romantic relationship, isn’t it? So, yes, I can consider this option. Despite Maura is a talkative one, she is also a very eager, curious and attentive listener, while Rocky is a VERY erudite guy and a fount of unusual information, who clearly won’t neglect unironically interested listeners. Therefore, these two characters can quite soon turn from “the restless oddball” and “the chirping firecracker” into friends and, eventually, into something more. A flame thrown into fireworks. It will definitely be loud, bright and fun.
I guess Rocky and Mau would generally have a lot of strange, but mutually interesting topics to discuss. Like, on the one hand, Rocky can recite Yeats and Mau is quite savvy about the Gershwin brothers’ musicals, but on the other hand, both can easily stuck on discussing the issue of “do bugs crawl or walk in a recumbent position”. :D
I can even imagine how these two might spontaneously get married because of an accidentally blurted out series of utterly stupid puns. Because it’s simply something fun to do. Like, they sneak out on the roof in the night, chatting incessantly, and then
Mau: You won’t do such a felony to me. Rocky: A fell-on-knee? Well, I can dare. Mau: And if I agree you’ll dare to do it right now? Rocky: Oh, Miss Venza, it would be such a delight, but no one will marry us in the dead of night. Mau: The dead of night, huh? I remember you told me about some business you run with a funeral home. There's supposed to be a minister. A funeral home marriage in the dead of night. Sounds like a perfect match.
And soon Rocky, arm in arm with Mau, will be banging on the door of the Arbogast Funeral Home, and if the face of sleepy Abelard Arbogast could have stretched more from their request, it would have stretched. :D Though everyone should pray for Rocky if Maura’s father, Augusto Venza, knows about it. Just remember what Viktor did to those guys who decided to woo Ivy. Augusto would have reacted the same in case of his daughter and Rocky. He will simply break the poor guy in half like a dry spaghetti noodle, so secrecy is the only option here. :D
Aside from any jokes, Rocky’s and Maura’s skill to use words sharper than knives is the reason why they will get along not only because it is mutually entertaining. Both Rocky and Mau are accustomed to create an image that’s somehow different from what they prefer to expose as an armor, but it’s hard to hide your soul forever from a person who literally exactly knows how to pin people. What questions to ask and how to ask them. Rocky and Mau simply won’t manage to hide the truth about themselves from each other. And when one of them hits the right spot, a dark page of one’s biography or some fondest memories, Her Majesty empathy gets onstage. And here they are, developing trust and, eventually, affection. Knowing each other’s weaknesses, but never daring to use them after revealing them. Their little secrets, hidden between their words and smiles understood only by them. Friendship, that deepens into partnership.
I guess mainly that’s it and I hope I answered your questions, guys! Thank you SOOOO MUCH for asking and giving me an opportunity to write about this. <333
P.S.: Though I have some additional thoughts on the subject, I’ll prefer to hide them under the cut for the most curious readers. :3
For everything I wrote above it is necessary to, uh, make some assumptions. Firstly, the events in Lackadaisy, at least in the comic, are developing rapidly, and it is not an easy task to insert another arc there, especially a romantic arc. We simply need to have more extended time periods between the main events in the comic to get the opportunity to add a romantic subplot for any character. Secondly, Rocky, no matter how much we all love The Best Boi, is a doomed character with a very strong line of development that, ironically, can be easily skewed by romantic subplot as such, which, if it is added, must add something crucial to Rocky’s improvement as a character. Not to mention that he has a huge chance not to survive at the end of the comic. To fit romantic feelings into Rocky’s character arc to add an interesting angle to his already mastery canonical development, motivation and character itself is also an extremely non–trivial task. I’m not sure if I can manage it, ha-hah. Besides, every time I thought about it while writing an answer to this ask, the potential outcomes of intertwining Rocky’s and Maura’s storylines are rather angsty and gloomy due to these characters’ personal arcs.
It is not a secret that Rocky’s main intention is to save the sinking ship called Lackadaisy, as it is the place he belongs to and considers much more of a home due to his core, deep inner loneliness. If any personal romantic interest somehow outweighs his role of the “Lackadaisy savior”, it will inevitably cause a conflict in Rocky: a choice between “me and my personal happiness” and “the well-being of my home and family (Lackadaisy)”. The easiest way to solve it (from the character's point of view) is to combine these two elements, and if Rocky considers Maura as his ladylove… many obstacles occur on their way. Mau and her father are literally chased by the criminal syndicate from New York, and Mau herself has nowhere to go and is doomed to flee with her father. She is sick of this situation by the time when the Lackadaisy comic takes place, but she can’t solve it, especially because she has lack of personal money. No escape. At all. And if it’s the matter of earning money the only thing Mau can do very well is playing pool for bets, but rumors spread in a jolt, so if she uses this skill in any underworld establishment, it will draw guaranteed and definitely unwanted attention both to Maura and this establishment. Rocky has no money either, and the best he can offer to Mau is to live together in a car (:D) or to run away and wander together, which he won’t do because of, look upwards, his main intention to save Lackadaisy. And if Rocky, God forbid, will suggest Mau to run away with him and work for the Lackadaisy speakeasy (again, in order to share with her his home and his chosen family), it will be equivalent to throwing an armful of dynamite sticks in his own cherished home. The last thing that Lackadaisy needs is the attention of another potential rival in addition to Marigold. And though I can imagine many warm and enjoyable romantic interactions between these two, as a narrator I MUST admit that Rocky and Maura fallen in love = a disaster multiplied by ten. Ka-boom. No survivors.
So, if Rocky and Mau decide to develop their relationship in a romantic way, it will be an interesting plot… and an interesting game of survival. And which bet will win in this game is unpredictable. But let’s hope they’ll handle it. Let’s hope they will.
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andyetnobananas · 2 years
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I posted 946 times in 2022
That's 908 more posts than 2021!
64 posts created (7%)
882 posts reblogged (93%)
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#epithet erased - 7 posts
#jelloapocalypse - 6 posts
#parasomnia oct - 5 posts
#original character tournament - 3 posts
#dnd oc - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 86 characters
#feel like reblogging my animatics from this year. with new people coming in i'd really
My Top Posts in 2022:
NEW VIDEO: Flour Bag MURDERS - JelloApocalypse Animatic
@jelloapocalypse @bigmovingtarget @eternal-savvy-blog
151 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
Ok, so you know that whole "HBO Max killing off cartoons" thing that happened recently? So after some digging (and by that I mean watching this video from Shark3ozero) the situation is so much worse than that. Like... Monstrously worse.
In case you don't know, it's not just cartoons and their creators that have been f__ked over recently, but a WHOLE SWATH OF PoC CREATORS HAVE BEEN LAID OFF. Like, almost no non-whites left in executive positions.
Apparently, before the merger, Discovery has a more white, old, heteronormative demographic than HBO, and instead of trying to consolidate the 2 demographics, Discovery's CEO, David Zaslav, has been made into the CEO of both sides of the company, and is trying to turn one into the other. To this end, he has slashed the divisions overseeing kids, family and international content, and intends to create more content for "Middle America." So yes, they cut Infinity Train and Batgirl and others BECAUSE. THEY. ARE. DIVERSE. CONTENT. They are deliberately removing different cultures from their services because catering exclusively to white audiences is more profitable... According to them. I have serious doubts this is casting the net wider instead of narrower. (Also, another part of the shift is that they want to pivot back to cable content and away from streaming, which... Lol, good luck man. Warn-scover-CNBO might already be on a collision course, and fingers crossed that it is.)
HBO also owns CNN, and they have a new chairman in the shadow of the merger, Chris Licht. It's already canned one news show, 'Reliable Programming' a show frequently critiqued the republicans and fox news, and has warned that "more changes are coming soon."
Worst of all, John Malone, who is on WBD's board, and gave Zaslav his job in 2006, has explicitly said that he wants to CNN to have a "less liberal bias", and thinks that Fox News "makes actual journalism." Yes, Fox dominating a third of US cable news is not enough, he wants to make another 3rd of it propaganda programming.
Warn-scover-CNBO's market capitol were flushed down the tubes in light of all this horses__t, but in order to keep the a new propaganda apparatus of unfathomable scale from rising, it must stay down and never recover. Warn-scover-CNBO's changes scaring off huge droves of people is an objective good, and the complete collapse of the company is our only hope now.
Tl;dr: The death of Infinity Train and Uncle Grampa is the canary in the coal mine of a massive swath of pop culture and journalistic practice turning into a right-wing propaganda apparatus unlike anything seen before.
180 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
NEW VIDEO: Ike get TROLLED: JelloApocalypse Animatic
200 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
268 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Epithet Week Day 1: Prison of Plastic
333 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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freakurodani · 6 months
Hey! I love your art!!!
I want to get back into drawing, so I was wondering if you had any apps or anything you’d recommend for beginners? (I have an iPad and a stylus)
!!!! congratulations for getting back into art!!! this is so awesome and exciting!! thank you for sharing with me!
and thank you for liking my art!!! <333333 🫶🫶🫶
so I draw on an ipad with the apple pencil and i use procreate! its in the app store for $11 USD and i find it pretty simple to use!! i definitely recommend just spending some time and messing around with any program you use! im still learning procreate and ive been using it for like years lmaoo
tho I'm pretty utilitarian with my art, i generally just use layer styles and the transform tool lol i dont consider myself super tech savvy, and procreate has served me well this far!!
good luck on your journey!! i hope you share more with me <333
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inkykeiji · 3 years
(1/4) Yandere Keigo who finds himself with a man-eater darling. She’s figured out exactly how to use her abduction to her benefit and play the game with the bird man. She’s honed in on the fact that the bird can be bought, that although he can be sinister and spiteful and punishing, all he really wants is a willing darling and housewife. And she’s willing to be that. In exchange for luxury. She knows exactly how to spend his money, and Keigo has a lot of money to spend.
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HAHAHA OH MY GOSH XOXO ANON I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!!!! i love this so so so much aaaaah thank you for sharing!!!! and like tbh i could totally see keigo in particular getting trapped by like a ‘man-eater’ type yk??? i’m not 110% sure WHY but i feel like, esp with yandere keigo, i could definitely see it happening. oh my gosh oh my gosh i just LOVE the relationship dynamic you’ve got going on here too!!!! like it’s so toxic but so funnnn!!! with the two of them kind of playing off each other and using each other to their advantage, that’s very very interesting. it’s very like, parasitic if that makes sense??? like they eat away at each other, they feed each other, they suck resources from each other. super intriguing!! aaah once again thank you thank you!! <333
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yamikawas · 3 years
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U two have great chemistry <3
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bloodiedbiotic · 6 years
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absent-minded  |  abusive  |   addict   | adrenaline junkie | aggressive  |  aimless  | alcoholic  | anxious |  arrogant  |  audacious |  bad liar  |  bigmouth  |  bigot  |   blindly loyal  |  blunt |  callous  |  childish  |  chronic heroism   |  cheater  |  clingy  |  clumsy  |  cocky  |  codependent |  competitive |  corrupt  | cowardly |  cruel  |  cynical |  delinquent  |  delusional |  dependent | depressed |  deranged  | disloyal  |  ditzy  |  egotistical  | envious |  erratic  | fickle  |  finicky | fixated  | flaky |  frail  | fraudulent  | foul mouthed | guilt complex |  gloomy  |  gluttonous |  gossiper  | gruff  |  grudge holding  |  gullible  |  hedonistic  |  humorless  |  hypochondriac  | hypocritical | idealist |  idiotic  |  ignorant  |  immature | impatient |  incompetent  |  indecisive |  insecure | insensitive |  lazy |  lewd | liar |  lustful  | manipulative |  masochistic  | meddlesome | melodramatic | money-loving  | moody |  naïve | nervous  | nosy |  ornery | overprotective | overly sensitive   | paranoid | passive-aggressive  | perfectionist | pessimist |  petty  | power-hungry |  proud  |  possessive  |  pushover |  reckless  | reclusive  | remorseless  | rigorous  |  sadistic  | sarcastic |  senile  |  selfish  | self destructive |  shallow  |  sociopathic  |  sore loser |  spineless  |  spiteful |  spoiled  |  stubborn  | suspicious |  tactless  | temperamental |  timid  | thief | tone-deaf  | traitorous | unathletic |  ungracious  |  unlucky   | unsophisticated  | untrustworthy |  vain  |  withdrawn | workaholic
Tagged by: @freedomsacrificed​ ( thank you, Savvy, ily ♥ ) Tagging: @arianashepard​, @n7soldiered​, @weaponsdonotweep​, @oneuglyturian​, @acrossthcsea​, aaaaand @horrorempathy​ ( for Faith ) !
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1-800-scaryphone · 2 years
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fishy-xp · 2 years
my top five kinnporsche characters
this is just for fun! also let me know y'alls tooooooo
No.5 - Chan
he's competent and he's hot, i rest my case
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No. 4 - Big/Ken
i mean they're technically the same person, just let me have this okay. i loved everytime these two were on screen. they are the mean girls, the bad bitches, the popular girls. everything about them, i love. also ken gave us the single greatest line in kinnporsche
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No. 3 - Vegas
red is my favourite colour that's a lie. but come on, what's not to love? he's an evil pathetic little babygirl who keeps a hedgehog in the sex dungeon. he reads, he's a businessman, he can cook, he cares for his little brother but he's got the moral compass of a roulette wheel. he's a murderer, he's a sadist, he's a slut. HE RIDES A FUCKING MOTORCYCLE????? *chefs kiss*
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No 2 - Macau
if this wasn't fucking obvious??? i am a slut for the sin city brothers and my entire tumblr is practically dedicated to this funky lil sweater man. i love him, i want nothing but the best for him. i hope he's happy, i hope he's well fed, i hope he never experiences sadness in his life. i love him. *holds gently*
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Honorable Mentions
ep 1 + 2 feral gremlin porsche in his raccoon era (what's not to love?)
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gameplay as porchay in this one scene - adorable (even though barcode did an amazing job, i keep thinking what could have been if gameplay played porchay hujgehrgujsetg)
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filmania pete (the black uniform and the hairstyle, oh daddy) + pete's bar outfits (do you know how sexy you are?)
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anytime timetay were the epitome of couple goals (and we ignore everything else, also jj chalach i'm look SO DISRESPECTFULLY BRO IS SO HOT AND I'M SO UNNORMAL ABOUT IT)
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kinn during the cafe date <333
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And No.1 is....Arm!
hahaaaaa is this a surprise? i feel like i'm a lot more vocal about macau but arm was was the first character i really latched onto. when he came in with the 'who's the nerd?', I HAVE NEVER GOTTEN ON MY KNEES SO FAST FOR A MAN I SWEAR- what's NOT to love? he's smart but does dumb ass shit, he's tech-savvy, he's super jacked, he's wears glasses, he's a foodie. he could be the next chan, but he's a lazy piece of shit that said oh hell naw to actual responsibilities and just watches series with khun all day because he can. he's loyal to a fault to his friends and i just know his dick is big on god
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socheckitout-mikey · 2 years
Can you do a curly shepard headcanon where you are the curtis sister and you are having a secret relationship with curly
heya! i'm so glad to see people requesting more curly bc i don't see much written for him. i love that we get to know more about him in That Was Then, This is Now. i know this is probably not you were expecting, but ig it's just my own personal opinion on someone being a curtis sister and dating curly. if it was more of a general reader then i would've made it much different. (: <333 - mae
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Being a Curtis Sister and Secretly Dating Curly Shepard Hc's:
° Your brothers are insanely protective of you, which means that they'll always have an opinion when it comes to your s/o, no matter who it is. Honestly, they just want the best for you, which means no bums or hoodlums: A.k.a anyone like Dallas Winston, Tim Shepard or Curly Shepard are off limits! 
° You weren't a stranger to Curly Shepard, having seen him around school and with your brother's gang, but most often because he would hang out with Pony and the gang in the vacant lot, kicking a football around. So y'all were friendly at least by this point.
° As I've mentioned before, Curly isn't canonly smart at all and began flirting with you in front of your brothers and gang: Each of their heads turned to Curly lightning fast! He got cussed out and almost beat the tar out of as if he was complete filth for pulling a move like that on you.
° In fact, Sodapop was definitely the worst of the bunch because of the quick bursts of anger he experiences often. He's the most protective of you other than Darry and doesn't think anyone is good enough for you. That was the day that Curly Shepard knew better than to do such a dumb thing in front of your brothers. It was also the day that he developed a big thing for you, as he saw you as a challenge worth acquiring. He does dumb things all the time, not having much courage. However this time he went in impulsively, knowing he had to have you.
° It was also the day that you saw him in a new light. You'd always listened to your brothers, however, now you felt that a little fun behind their backs wouldn't be so bad…
° Surprisingly for not being intelligent, he's actually really good at flirting. He's got a smoothness to him, a recklessness that won you over quite quickly and the rest seemed to be history! Well, except for the fact you had to keep this on the down low even from Dallas because this is the one time he'd snitch on you. He wasn't even keen on Curly being a match for you, having pulled you off to the side on the front porch after Soda had to go on a long ass walk that night Curly tried pulling a possible move on you.
° "Listen kid, I don't think it's such a hot idea. Curly's an alright buddy for us guys, but not for you, ya savvy?" Dally said, drawing in a deep breath as he smoked.
° "Really? You too?" You looked amused, eyebrows raised, almost miffed. “I know what ‘not for me’ means. You think I’d date him, don’t you?”
° "It ain't cruel, but to save ya a lotta trouble. We all want what's good for ya, kid. You know that right?" 
° "Yeah sure."
° “Now don’t get mouthy with me, kid!” Dally said real stern and mean, his eyes like two hot coals.
° You nodded, backing off from the topic which caused him to smirk a little and ruffle your head playfully.
° It all becomes a massive secret from the moment it starts, but Curly makes that challenging when he's literally so mouthy and such a bad influence on you. You've never quite been a goody goody, but Darry has always been stricter on the likes of you and Ponyboy than on Soda, which makes you resentful. Despite being a year younger than Soda - making you around Curly’s age.
° But even you drew the line one night when your brothers and gang were all out and Curly turned up at your window drunk. You rolled your eyes as he hiccuped, sat flat on his ass on the dirt outside after falling the short height from your window sill. He was bitter as you snorted at him, miffed he’d arrived. That was the one and only time he ever tried something dumb like that. You chewed his ear in for weeks! Didn’t let him live it down for awhile after either.
° Canonly Curly is sort of a coward in the sense that he’s all bark and no bite. Unless his gang is there. He acts like he’s not afraid of what your brothers and their buddies will do to him once they find out, but for now he’s enjoying the ride while it lasts.
° He thinks it’s a good idea to put on shows sometimes to make you crazy with jealousy, because Curly can be a bit of a dick, but he realises it’s just not worth all of the hassle.
° God forbid when he inevitably goes back to juvie. You’re understandably emotional, but you can’t exactly tell your brothers why you’re so upset. You try hiding it but Soda’s really good at reading your non-verbal cues.
° Curly is definitely not the best influence on you, probably causing you to become more reckless and mouthy. It’s a wonder that you haven’t been stopped by the cops by now. Darry and your brothers probably hold an intervention when it gets worse. Curly will goad you to do stupid shit.
° Inevitably your brothers will discover this secret. It was Two-bit who found out, and although he didn’t like to be a snitch, the talk he had with you didnt go so hot. Your promises ended up being empty and he got worried. Two has a soft spot for you since you remind him so much of his kid sister. With his grey eyes gone sombre, he came clean to Darry who blew his top immediately when he picked you up from school. Man you hated Two-bit for a while.
° Curly got into shit himself from Tim and the gang. It didn’t end well, but it didn’t ruin the gang's ability to back the other up.
° I’m sorry to say it but once they find out, everything is over between you and Curly. It just isn’t happening. Not under Darry’s roof and you don’t have the dough to get your own place, not whilst you’re still in school that is. You’re most likely grounded for a long time too. You so much as get caught speaking to him and you’re in big trouble. Darry is a momma bear!
° Sodapop tried to understand but he feels betrayed that you didn’t trust him enough to come clean. You guys are close like that. He gets over it quickly, albeit a little sore.
° Pony comforts you a lot in his gentle way. He doesn’t really get it but he takes your mind off of things by taking you to movies.
° Overtime you realise your brothers and their friends were just looking out for you. Curly isn’t really the cream of the crop. He’s not striving for much and has a pretty messed up police record. Darry reminds you that you dodged a bullet, but you still don’t exactly see Curly the same way he does: You still are fond of him, sneaking him glances and smiles. Hell, you even snuck behind their backs in order to talk with him: He dug it, but you knew it hurt him. You never realised he dug you like that.
° When you parted ways with somewhat understanding, you kissed his cheer. “Goodbye, Curly. You take care’a yerself!” He still remembers your honey sweet voice and the way you looked so good walking away from him.
° (I totally know that this is probably not what you wanted to hear, but it’s just my own personal view. Although Ponyboy is friends with Curly, calling him a good kid - Curly kinda has a rough streak. The Curtis boys would react the same if even Dally or Tim tried to pull something like that on you too. They’re protective, and being as you’d be the only girl in the household, they’d see it as their duty to protect you. They’d want the best for you, which probably means dating someone more like Johnny or another good person: Someone that would treat you right and be a good influence on you. I hope that makes sense.)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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requests: closed!
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dreamcast-official · 3 years
📂📂📂📂 headcanon time
omg hii <3 hiii thank you bestie <333
assistant videogames hcs for you and to complete the trilogy of videogame hcs
maya is Very good at videogames. not that she plays them that often, but she's good. when she DOES play games, she prefers more casual ones like rhythm heaven. she's decent enough at physical videogames like ddr, but those aren't exactly her favorites yknow? jrpgs are fun for her too! i think she'd like to play mario party w phoenix. and proceed to absolutely anihilate him. as younger siblings do.
pearl 100% is a twitch streamer by the time she's a teenager. she finds it easier to express herself through videogames, so she plays quite a lot of them quite often. platformers, rhythms, rpgs, party games, you name it - pearl's probably already beat it. i do think she'd be interested in dating simulators! personally i hc her as aroace and just interested in the idea of love, so she would be Vibing with more dramatic, high-stakes dating sims - moreso over the typical, high school whatever ones.
EMA SKYE 100% gamer. idk what she plays (she will not reveal her gaming secrets) but she's godly at it. she mentions her high score and everyone is shocked even though they don't know what she's playing. the plot twist is that it's either a shitty mobile game that no one would ever put this much effort into or dark souls.
i talked abt trucy in my waa post but just so she's not left out: gacha game enjoyer. cookie run player.
you can bet kay is a rhythm game enjoyer!!!! ddr player babey!!!!!!!!!! i don't remember if this is canon but she feels like she'd be a very physical person to me so i think she'd like games that need you to move (ddr, games on the kinect maybe, wii games.) slight pass for games that involve any form of thievery.
rayfa would 100% be both a fashion game enjoyer and a violence game enjoyer. she has the range. i think she played through the entire style savvy franchise in one day. also she plays gta
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butch-stag · 2 years
Oh of course <3 what a chivalrous butch knight to us princess femmes <333 ~Savvy
only doing my duty ma'am 🥰
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sneezefiction · 4 years
with a model s/o
Atsumu, Akaashi, Bokuto, & Kenma x Reader - Modeling S/O Headcanons
request: “heyy girly can i request a hc for atsumu, akaashi, bokuto, and kenma w a fem s/o who does professional runway modeling and models for those fancy brands like victoria's secret and such 👉🏽👈🏽🥺? i've been modeling since i was 15 even though i'm not the "typical" body type for it (like i'm 5'5 but i use rlly tall heels to compensate lmao) and it was kind of my dream to be a VS angel and i was crushed when the fashion show was canceled but i'm fine now lol. Tyyy!🤎”
a/n: eeee this is a cute request!! i so admire you for putting yourself out there in such a public way, it’s so inspiring. especially since you’re 5′5″, like wow. i’m amazed. i hope you enjoy these headcanons, bb!!
warnings: language
total wc: 920
Sumu is pretty savvy and works his ass off, but even he’s impressed by how hard you work as a model
the fact that you choose to pursue it even without the “standard” industry body type shows just how much you care to chase after your passions and he’s genuinely impressed
he’s always telling people that he’s dating a model, showing them photos of you from your public instagram, and getting your name out wherever he can
if you’re in any magazines, he’ll buy them and post all about it on his social media
his team doesn’t believe him until you show up and wow are you gorgeous
but more than just how beautiful you are, they’re impressed he managed to score someone so kind and smart
Osamu is especially confused and literally asks if you need help escaping his asshole twin brother
he definitely thinks Atsumu must have paid you to date him
but no, you genuinely love how much Atsumu respects your craft and how difficult it is to put yourself out in public
he’ll support you at any campaign, fashion show, and hype you up before any photoshoots saying,
“Get yer hot self in there and show em how it’s done, baby girl.”
really so supportive and proud of you <333
i think he’s mostly surprised how quickly he adjusted to your fast-paced lifestyle
the appointments, bookings, early arrival times, and scheduling seemed more daunting on paper than in real life
I mean he has had Bokuto’s insanity over the past several years though, so it makes sense that it doesn’t faze him for long
Akaashi would actually love how strategic the industry is and he’d probably become your personal and media manager alongside being your boyfriend lmao
he genuinely appreciates you trusting him enough to actually be dating him
you’ve dealt with so many liars and fake people that he’s surprised you are still so dedicated to your modeling career, but he supports you and does his best to help you succeed
he also knows how critical others are of your body and how painful it can be to live under constant scrutiny
but whenever you’re alone together, he’ll hug you, tucking your head into his chest and whisper sweet affirmations into your ears,
“You’re so beautiful, y/n.”
“You’re strong and hard-working. You’ve got this.”
“When this is all over, I’ll treat you to a movie at the theaters.”
he’ll also make sure you eat and drink enough, keeping you healthy and aware of your physical body in a caring, thoughtful way
Akaashi is always encouraging, refreshing, and remind you of your worth. both internally and externally <3
you ARE his social media page at this point
Bo loves to do little mini photoshoots with is own personal camera and keep his Instagram and Snapchat poppin’ with your loveliness
he’s both a hypeman and your beautiful boyfriend, so you’re winning tbh
if you’ve got a booking or you’re featured on a runway, Bokuto will want to be there no matter what
and if he doesn’t have to be super quiet, he’ll be tapping of the shoulders of strangers and telling everyone at the venue that he’s dating you
and it’s not even because you’re a model, he just actually adores you so much and he can’t contain it
and Bokuto kinda wants people to know that you’re off limits… soooo there’s that too
also i feel like he would be completely fascinated by your skincare routines
he’ll spot you putting strange products on your face and immediately be like,
“I need to know what those things are for.”
Bo will ask to do face masks with you at night and when you’re not looking he’ll borrow your serums and moisturizers just to see what they feel like
you’ll have created a skincare monster because now Bo has decided he needs his own skincare routine and i swear you will never shop just for yourself again
okay so yes, he’s crazy to keep up with, but he would do anything for you. just say the word and your loving boyfriend will be there in a heartbeat
Kenma doesn’t get all the hype about modeling and fashion or anything of that sort
but when he met you, he decided it might be worth it to take a small interest in it
slowly, he becomes more and more interested, learning more about why you love it so much and what it means to be successful in that career path
Kenma refers to appointments and bookings as “gaining XP” and relates it into gaming terms
he will never break that habit, it’s just so... him
Kozume also becomes super protective of you
he doesn’t usually care about people’s outward image, but cannot stand if you’re being insulted or judged by others for what you wear or how you look in a photo
he reminds you that he likes you for more than just your body
that you are very intelligent, incredibly funny, and so unique
he appreciates that you understand him and that you enjoy playing videos games with him after you’ve both had a long, frustrating day at work
Kenma will patiently listen to you if you need to unpack anything annoying or hurtful that happened that day and he’ll have one hand on a controller while the other brushes through your hair
he’s a breath of fresh air. separate from your modeling life, but always there for you when you need him. such a chill boyfriend, 10/10 would recommend
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dangergays · 2 years
man now i really wanna find my 3ds to play yokai watch,, i miss jibanyan and whisper T-T
omg do it,,,,, as someone who has been obsessively playing old nostalgic 3ds games (cough style savvy trendsetters cough) i will sit next to u and play 3ds games with u <333
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