#my sister got a grant to college my one friend irl is going to a trade school his sister got a scholarship
thesoundofmadness · 1 year
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I boarded this ship following you! From now on, what should I aim for?!
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myriadimagines · 4 years
Oh god, men who are saying we misinterpret... 😂 Brought me a funny memory.
When I first had a irl crush 7.5 years ago, I actually came forward to him (he was my classmate) and told him I really like him/said it straight to his face that I have a big crush on him because we had had fun together and for example, he always waited for me at the train station when I came to school and literally RAN to me when I got out of the train and he always wanted to walk with me back to the class after lunch etc so my friends told me to go for it and see what happens. He got super confused, but the next day he messaged me being like "I'm sorry for getting confused yesterday. But I have feelings for you too."
Well we had a very nice time for a couple of months which included a lot of staring, blushing and smiling at each other and goofing together and having Facebook messaging with stuff like "I missed you at lunch ❤️" from him (after I couldn't go to school because train operators were on a strike) and EVERYONE IN OUR SMALL SCHOOL SHIPPED US, students and teachers and even the school cleaning lady, they called us JJ because his name also began with J 😂 (there was about 30 people total in our school) And my teacher told me afterwards that he saw that there's something going on between us and purposefully paired us for assignments etc.
Then my crush apparently developed a crush on our class assistant (at least that's what it looked like) and shortly after that he sent me a very frustrated toned message claiming that his sister had written that message to me where he confessed he has feelings for me too, and I had just misinterpreted all that cute behavior and wanted me to stop talking with him. 😅 Yeaaaaah right. So his sister apparently took over his body too and he couldn't help it????
I guess that was a psychological kick to my gut because I haven't been crushing on anyone real since that one.
I saw him at a pizza place 2.5 years ago on his birthday btw and he just stared at me and I just tried so hard to keep my face static so I wouldn't show that I recognized him... I don't know what he was doing here because everyone is like "where the frick is that???" when I tell them where I live and then J just appears at the local pizza place on his birthday??? He lives 70 kilometers away from me in a city so I doubt he came all the way here just to eat pizza 😂 This place literally doesn't have anything else than that, two small grocery stores, a small gym and pharmacy.
Just telling you this for peer support and maybe for laughs 😅
JENNI PLSSSSSSSSSS omg first of all i am so sorry men are so confusing and this is just such a prime example sakjdhsajk but also this is almost the same as what happened to me and this guy???? im putting this under the cut bc its so long and messed up BAHHAHA
granted we never explicitly confessed feelings for one another but we would hang out at school all the time, sit next to each other on the bus (AND HE’D LET ME REST MY HEAD ON HIS SHOULDER) and he lives like 2 streets behind my house so he’d walk me home and everything. he’d get weird when i hung out with other guys and would incessantly tease me about it to the point where i was just like ok maybe i shouldn’t. and i ended up going over to his house all the time because we were studying for our exams together but we’d just watch tv and lay on the couch and talk. i met his dad and even my mom asked if we were dating and our english teacher also asked my friend after we all graduated if we got together and it makes me scream!!!!! but then right when we graduated he started dating another girl in our class (i had to find out from mutual friends which was so shitty akjsdhaksd bc he never talked about it with me, even long after i found out). and i was like damn that sucks but whatever, i never told him how i felt. but we still kept in touch and when i moved away for college he hugged me and told me how much he’d miss me, and i just start to move on bc we obviously cant get together. 
fast forward to a semester into college, he’s messaging me all the time about how he misses me and asking when i’ll be back, i come home for break, and its radio silence. dude doesn’t message me until the end of break where he asks to hang out, and i find out later that the day he asked to hang out was the day after his girlfriend left to go back to college. we hang out, i leave to go back to college, and we text for a bit more before he stops talking to me completely. we don’t talk for like a year and a half and i find out it’s because he girlfriend didnt want him talking to me anymore and he freaking deleted my number. 
we somehow get back in touch through our mutual friend but he’s still with his girlfriend and whenever we hang out he lies to her about where he is. im super uncomfy and debating if i should cut him out bc i dont like him sneaking around his gf like that for no reason since we’re just friends. but at this point he starts getting weird and affectionate and telling me he wants to go to nyc to visit me, and always randomly asking me if i have a boyfriend. he gets on my case all the time about not replying to his texts fast enough and eventually he hits me with the whole ‘i love you so much’ situation after he got a good grade in his exam and was sharing it with me (which is so weird bc why would u say that while celebrating your grade). at that point i start really distancing myself, and eventually stop talking until recently :)
his gf even reached out to me to talk the whole situation through but honestly they’ve both got issues and im terrified of them both. 
i recognise my own part in this situation about sneaking behind his gf’s back but i just.................................................................. it was a lot. 
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theshapeshifter100 · 6 years
Guess What? I’m Not a Robot Ch14
Summary: The meeting continues, we learn about the members of this new group and Megan and Paul have an argument
Chapter Warnings: allusions to suicide, anxiety
Word Count: 2,584
08.20PM Tuesday 2nd November 2038
Not everyone was in, a few left, and Alex let them leave. Soon they were left with a grand total of six people, Alex and Megan included.
“Okay,” Alex checked their phone. “We’ve still got the hall for a while and I want to talk more about deviants next time, so, let’s introduce ourselves and our history with androids. You all know me, so Lucas, why don’t you start?”
Lucas turned out to be the guy with shoulder length black hair, and he let out a small groan, knowing that everyone hated these.
“Alright, I’m Lucas and I’m a History major. I grew up in California and watched the numbers of androids increase. We have one at home and I was fairly indifferent until I saw a gang kick the shit out of one. I didn’t get involved and it’s probably a good thing that I didn’t. I’m hardly a mountain of muscle, but I still regret it.”
Lucas fell silent and nodded, signalling he was done.
The rainbow dressed girl was next, and now Megan noticed that under her rainbow beanie poked out blue, yellow and pink strands of hair.
“Hi, I’m Ivy and I’m gay as fuck,” there was a small amount of laughter at the frank statement, successfully lightening the mood. “I’m from Chicago and mom swears an android ruined her marriage. Really it’s my dad’s fault for hiring one to have sex with, and I’m all for androids not having to put up with that shit.”
Megan was next, and she found herself staring at the floor again, specifically the part of the stage where Alex’s feet were dangling. She could imagine she was just talking to Alex.
“Hey, I’m Megan, History major,” she nodded to Lucas without looking at him, “I’m from a small town in Minnesota, only really got androids a few years ago and I’ve never really been comfortable with the idea. I was given an android by my elderly neighbours over a week ago and I’d be more than happy for him to able to live his own life and not have to put up with me.”
It wasn’t the whole truth. She didn’t really want Paul to leave now, but she didn’t want to force him to stay. She wanted him to be her friend, and friends didn’t force each other to stay.
Alex nodded, some things clicking together in the back of their mind. “Thank you Megan, Oscar?”
The footballer shifted in his seat. “Well, you’ve heard my name, I’m from Phoenix, and I’ve got a couple of stories. I’m kinda pissed about the idea of androids replacing footballers, and how far that could go, although, if androids could push themselves beyond their programming in sport, that would be pretty cool to see,” Oscar then swallowed. “I saw a similar thing to Lucas, except it was my own team beating the shit out of the other team’s android, and I don’t care what you’re made of, that’s not on.”
Megan got the feeling that there was more to the story, but Oscar wasn’t going to elaborate.
Finally was a gangly freshman, who looked like they still going through puberty. Poor boy still had acne. He also looked vaguely familiar to Megan, from the Ace/Aro society maybe?
“I’m Nathan,” he stated, accent clearly British. “I’m an international student studying Music. We don’t have humanoid androids in Europe, and I appreciate that’s a misnomer. You Americans are weird, why make them look human if you don’t treat them like they are?”
“Hear hear!” Alex agreed. “Well, you all know me, I’m Alex. I’m from right here in Detroit and grew up with the advent of androids. We’ve had one at home for years and I didn’t think of it as odd. Then my parents didn’t let me take an android with me to college and I had to learn to all these chores by myself. I think the idea was to ‘not take things for granted’ and it worked. So, that and talking with Julia, the Detroit Police Captain’s niece, gave me the idea to start this up.”
“Great, so are we done with the ice breakers?” Lucas asked. “Because nobody likes those.”
“I like them,” Alex defended, “but yeah, not everyone does, I get it.”
The group sat in awkward silence, broken by Oscar.
“You’ve said your plan, we’ve introduced ourselves. Now what?”
“Well,” Alex rubbed the back of their neck. “I had wanted to talk more about deviants, but Julia couldn’t get here tonight so that’ll have to be next time.”
“In the meantime,” Ivy adjusted their many wristbands, “We can brainstorm ideas to get new members.”
Alex nodded, “Obviously we want people we trust, people who are going to be on our side.”
“I can talk to some people at home,” offered Nathan. “See if we can build up some international pressure.”
“Good idea, maybe wait until we get info on deviants, but yeah, start poking feelers out. Anyone else?” Alex’s eyes were starting to shine with enthusiasm.
“Er, I guess I can ask around the sport teams, see what they think,” Oscar offered. “I’m not good at subtlety.”
“You can say you’re asking for a friend’s assignment,” Ivy suggested. “I know a few people who might agree with us, see if I can get them to come.”
“Yes, yes!” Alex was practically clapping their hands in glee.
“I can also think of a few people on my course,” Lucas fiddled with his hair. “And my little sister, who’s still in high school.”
Megan looked around at everyone, all of them having a plan of how to expand this idea and get more people, and she had nothing. She had no social life, online or IRL. Her family probably wouldn’t agree. Paul...
Her eyes widened. The next time they were going to meet was when they had this Julia here, someone who knows about deviants. What better to add to that than an actual deviant?!
Alex noticed Megan’s epiphany. “Got an idea there Megan?”
Startled Megan looked up to see everyone looking at her expectantly. “Um. W-well, I-I could get, a friend, to come. If he agrees, he might be able to help m-more than me.”
Alex’s smile didn’t diminish. “Great! Can’t wait to meet him!”
“Okay,” Ivy clapped her hands. “We have a plan, some homework. Now what? We go for drinks?”
Megan panicked initially, but Alex quickly cut in.
“Most of us are under the drinking age Ivy,” Alex sounded like they had to remind Ivy of this a lot.
“I’m not really one for it anyway,” Oscar admitted. “Don’t like the taste.”
“Alright, so, we part ways here?” Ivy asked.
“Some of us have work to do,” Lucas intoned, standing up. “Do you know when we’ll meet again?”
“I have all of your phone numbers, I’ll let you know,” Alex answered. “After next week we can set up a group chat and we’ll be ready to go.”
“Excellent,” Lucas collected his bag. “See you then,” he turned to leave, before pausing and turning to Megan. “See you in class?”
Megan knew he didn’t recognise her, she didn’t show up enough.
“Probably not, but I’ll be here next time,” she answered, surprisingly calm at admitting that. Lucas nodded, smiled, and left.
Oscar, Ivy and Nathan also said their goodbyes and left, leaving Alex and Megan.
“You alright Megan?” Alex asked, noticing that the younger girl hadn’t left.
“You, you know a lot of people,” Megan noted, and Alex nodded.
“What can I say? I like talking to people. A lot of different people.”
“I can tell,” Megan agreed. It had been an eclectic bunch meeting tonight.
“So, this friend,” Alex probed. “Is this the same friend who had their world turned upside down?”
“Yes, it’s the same guy. Paul.”
“Cool, see if you can bring him,” Alex nodded, before snapping their fingers in realisation. “How’s your android been? I got the impression you weren’t too keen.”
Megan was gripped by a decent amount of panic, and clenched her hand so tight in her pocket she began to dig crescents in her palm.
“H-he’s doing alright. Doing his thing. No issues.”
“Good, let us know how things go with him.”
Alex started towards the door, pausing to see if Megan was going to follow them.
“Why did you nag me about this?” Megan asked the question that had been niggling at her for the past two days.
Alex took their time answering.
“Would you believe me if I said I had a good feeling about you?”
“Not really,” Megan admitted, and Alex chuckled.
“Yeah, I didn’t think so.”
“And what’s with all the cloak and dagger? Was it really just theatrics?”
“That I can answer,” Alex turned to face Megan. “I’m a little paranoid, okay, maybe a lot,” they amended at Megan’s disbelieving face. “But, I didn’t want people showing up just to cause trouble, ya know? I wanted people who were serious, and if I threw in a bit of challenge, I’d get people who were determined.”
“And, that somehow applies to me?”
“You figured it out didn’t you?” Alex had that annoying, knowing smirk again. “You took the chance of it being a hoax and came anyway. Seems like you’re dedicated enough to me.”
“So, basically you took a chance, and it might have paid off.”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself,” Alex’s smirk turned to a soft smile. “I know it sounds like everyone has big ideas on how to help, but if everyone had big ideas then we’d never decide what to do.”
“I, I guess.”
“Hey, if you want to feel more involved, do you want to take minutes for the next meeting? I forgot to do that today, kinda got wrapped up in the excitement of it all.”
Megan blinked in surprise. “Er, yeah, I guess. What do I have to do for that?”
“Keep a note of roughly what was said when. Not word for word, you’d have to either be fluent in short hand or the world’s fastest writer. Just ‘this was suggested then’ and such. You can change your mind at any point.”
“I’ll, I’ll do it, yeah.”
Alex grinned. “Great. I’ll text you when we’ll have the next meeting. See ya later!”
“See you,” Megan added as Alex left, leaving her in a massive, empty room. Did, did all of that just happen? Did they just plan the start of an android rights group? This was how history was made, right?
Megan focused on her breathing, which was starting to get faster. This could be massive, what the hell was she doing, thinking that she could be involved with this?!
She did, focusing on the air going through her nostrils and into her lungs, then out again.
It was okay. One meeting at a time. Now, she had to go home, and tell Paul that this was real. This was happening.
Calm, Megan left the room, and made her way home.
9.30PM Tuesday 2nd November 2038
“How did it go? What happened?”
Paul had been waiting by the door for Megan to get in. When she didn’t answer immediately he began to pace up and down the room.
“Paul you’re going to wear a hole in the floor,” Megan commented as she took off her shoes and jacket.
“Unlikely,” Paul refused to stop pacing.
“Okay,” Megan sighed, setting her bag down by the door. “So, this group is legit. It’s real, people showed up, discussed android rights and little on deviants, which will be covered in more detail next time. Overall, looks good.”
Paul visibly relaxed and stopped pacing. “So, now what?”
“Now, we wait for Alex to get their guest speaker in, spread the word,” Megan paused as she remembered. “Oh, and I may have said that I would ask you to come next time. They don’t know you’re an android,” she added at Paul’s alarm.
“Why did you say that?!”
“Because I thought you’d be interested! Besides, if we’re talking about deviants next time, who better than an android who’s actually a deviant!”
“I can’t,” Paul shook his head and began pacing again. “I just can’t.”
“Why?” Megan pressed.
“I’m scared, okay?!” Paul nearly shouted.
“Guess what, so was I!” Megan retaliated “I still went. Trust me, I get it. It sucks being scared all the time, but you can’t hide here forever!”
“Watch me,” Paul all but snarled.
“Paul, you will go mad if you stay cooped up in here. It’s already happened and you can’t deny it!” she called as he tried to walk away, however, it was a small apartment, so there wasn’t far to go.
“I’m not going to that meeting!” he shouted, making Megan step back, heart rate rising. She had to pause to gather herself in order to respond.
“I never said you had to!” Megan countered, making him pause. “For the love of- you stopped following orders the night you decided to stop me doing something I’d regret, and I’m grateful for that. This is not an order, this is a suggestion. I think it would be a good idea, but I can’t force you and I don’t want to.”
Paul had his hands on the kitchen table, head lowered as he tried to regain control of himself.
“From what you’ve told me, your mind has, essentially, been broadened. Now, you do experience boredom, and loneliness and don’t think I haven’t noticed,” she added when it looked like he was going to disagree.
“You’re being a little hypocritical, aren’t you?” he asked, and Megan froze. “You only ever left your apartment building once a week, at best before I was given to you.”
“That was self imposed.”
“That was you caving into your anxiety,” Paul snapped. “And now you’re telling me to not do that same thing.”
“Because we both know it was bad and we both know that you hadn’t been there I probably wouldn’t even be here right now!” Megan shouted, voice started to shake as she realised what she’d said. “It-it was bad, and I’m trying to st-stop you from, from making the same mistake.”
Paul was calmer when he replied, but still clearly upset.
“By pushing me to do things I’m not ready for?”
“Some-sometimes you need to be pushed. You pushed me, a lot, without realising.”
Paul let a sigh, and stood up from the table. His face was blank, and Megan took an unconscious step back, making him blink.
“I-I’m scaring you.”
Megan smiled nervously. “A-a little bit?”
Paul’s legs seemed to fold beneath him as he down in one of the kitchen chairs. He ran a hand over his face as he tried to collect his thoughts.
“... I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have lost my temper.”
“Welcome to riding the shitstorm,” Megan tried to joke, but it fell flat.
Paul tried to respond how she wanted him to, mouth twitching into a smile, but it was clearly forced.
“You don’t have to come,” Megan reassured as she walked over to her computer.
Paul didn’t respond, and Megan waited a few minutes before starting to go over new commissions, since it seemed like Paul wasn’t going to say anything.
It took about half an hour for Paul to say something.
“Has the money from your commission come in?”
“Yeah, earlier today.”
“Shopping tomorrow. See where we go from there,” Paul decided and Megan nodded.
“One step at a time,” she agreed.
So, yes, mostly exposition about the the new characters, who we will be seeing a lot of. And with Nathan's thing about Europe having different androids, according the wiki that's canon. Here's the link detroit-become-human.wikia.com…
And Paul is under a lot of stress, as Megan said, him being stuck in the apartment is driving him mad, even if he doesn't want to admit it. He knows that he goes outside there's a high chance of something going wrong, which when he wasn't deviant didn't bother him, but now has the potential to make him freak out.
Other Options Flowchart Dismiss idea about Paul (argument won't be so intense later in the chapter, as Megan would merely suggest it to him) Agree to see Lucas in class Ask how many more people were supposed to show up. Ask how many Alex expected to stay
Don't ask Alex why they asked Megan to come
Don't agree to be note taker
Lie. Be 100% honest
Break the silence
@septicart-appreciation @nightmarejim
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gatorfruit-moved · 7 years
200, 192, 189, 174, 171, all in the believe in category, 154, 149, 146, 145, 142, 141, 138, 131, all in the here's what i think about category, 86, 84, 76, 66, 60, 54, 49, 44, 22, 18, 15, 11, 6, 2 Only answer the ones you want - there's a lot...Sorry lmao. I'm just curious
I love when I can go on and on about questions, thank you
200 My crush’s name is:I have two and people irl have my tumblr and one of them has a tumblr so :x they’re both a K name. 192 I am allergic to:Cats which does not stop me, all kinds of pollen, and lavender. 189 Last book you read:I’m currently working on When The Moon Was Ours174 Do you have any siblings?Not biologically but my friends may as well be my brothers, we say we are. 171 Do you play an instrument?I’ve been on flute since late third grade and I’m learning both guitar and bass. Do you believe in169 Love at first sight:Mmmmm not really? I dunno. 168 Luck:In a way to just describe entropy yeah. 167 Fate:Again not really but I like to use it in a poetic sense. 166 Yourself:Pfffft not really165 Aliens:HELL YEAH164 Heaven:Nope163 Hell:Nah162 God:Nada161 Horoscopes:No but I think they’re neat160 Soul mates:It’d be cool but no159 Ghosts:No but I like supernatural shit like that158 Gay Marriage:OH YEAH BABEYYY157 War:No but I don’t really like involving myself in that discussion, i don’t know jack about psychology or sociology. 156 Orbs:In the supernatural sense no but I do believe in my friend’s cat we call Orb. He deserves all the love. 155 Magic:No but another thing I think is cool. 154 Hugs or Kisses:I love bear hugs so much but I’ve also never been kissed. Cheek and forehead kisses are good but I’m going with hugs. 149 Hot or cold:Cold but with warm sun146 Chocolate or vanilla:Vanilla! Swirl is the best though145 Night or Day:Night but like just as the sun is starting to set. 142 McDonalds or Burger King:mcnaldos. I was gonna italicize it but mobile sucks. 141 White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate:Milk unless it’s cookies and cream which reminds me of the summer, when Uzii and Abbas bought out the whole stock at the general store on Kelley’s Island. 138 Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor:I mean I’m ugly and poor lmao. If we’re talking personality, sweet and poor. If it’s appearance, i don’t care ab looks sooooo ugly and rich. 131 Small town or Big city:This is so hard for me because I live for Pittsburgh but Kelley’s Island was so perfect. Here’s what I think about122 War:Like I said in the do I believe one, I don’t know enough to say anything. It’s a complicated issue but for the most part I hate it121 George Bush:I have no idea120 Gay Marriage:I may be gay married one day lmao119 The presidential election:I mean this past one gave us some top notch SNL. It’s a shame though that the first on I kept track of was this shitshow. 118 Abortion:I’m very pro choice117 MySpace:Idk116 Reality TV:I love me some drag and cooking competitions but not things like the bachelor. 115 Parents:Mine? I’m fine with. Our relationship is a little weird. Plus I was raised by grandparents so it’s a complicated thing. I can go more in depth if you want. 114 Back stabbers:Rot in hell Alexa. Sorry just a vent. 113 Ebay:I dunno really112 Facebook:I barely use it but it was good to come out on lmao111 Work:I need it110 My Neighbors:I don’t talk to them but my old ones were creeps109 Gas Prices:I don’t drive so 🤷🏼‍♂️108 Designer Clothes:Hate it when they steal my culture 🔪🔪🔪 but other than that idc. There’s some stuff that is ridiculously priced but others, it’s just people making money doing something they love so power to them107 College:Let me in106 Sports:I bleed black and gold. I’m such a pittsburgher. 105 My family:Strange. I love em but they’re weird. Like I’ve got Opa’s side in Detroit which is all 6’+ and fairly well off, although we did lose the matriarch. There’s Oma’s in the Netherlands that I don’t know anything about. Papaw’s who are also well off, Aunt Martha outbid a college for her house but other than that I don’t really know them. Grandma’s Mexican yinzer family I love. We get petty over refried beans and guacamole. There’s some issues with me and coming out though. 104 The future:I’m kinda of afraid but there are days where I’m not and those are the best. 86 The thing that I’m looking forward to the most:Testosterone tbh84 People call me:Scottie, Scooter, Scoots, Major, two people are trying to push Scrotum and Scootums, along with various things like faggot and dumbass lmao. By friends, it’s not in an insulting way. 76 Right now I am talking to:Mack and attempting to get tumblr to let me talk to @kairoth although answering all these did take time66 People that make you happy:This list would be bigger if I talked to some people more and others didn’t betray me but the big ones are Mack and Kennedy60 I lose all respect for people who:Oof I can’t remember any of the big ones but if I heard them I’d remember. Deadnaming and misgendering is the biggest tho. 54 The worst pain I was ever in was:I can’t remember what it felt like when I got the fishhook through my shoulder but it left a scar. Granted falling in the parking lot during practice did too which didn’t hurt a lot. The one I can remember though is waking up in the middle of the night not able to move my knee, and so my leg, at all. It stills hurts from time to time and it’s got a mysterious bump that’s stressing me out. 49 Do you want children:Yeah, I feel like I’d be a good dad. I have dreams about it sometimes. I had one where I had a little tan freckles blonde haired daughter was teaching how to box. Another with a little brown haired brown eyed son, tying his tie, talking to him about how if he likes a girl, not to be mean but to treat her like a princess. If he ever makes a mistake, to buy her and her mother flowers, maybe even her sisters. I dunno. It’s nice to think about. 44 One person that you wish you could see right now:Carson so I can have a serious talk with him. Opa because got i miss him, and Great Grandma Laney. Dad, although I saw him recent enough that I’m not desperate. And the two crushes, not gonna name names. Favorites22 Animal:I love hyenas with all of my heart18 Sport to play:Hockey. Not only am I good at the actual game and get so much enjoyment out of it, but there’s nothing like a solid shoulder check. I threw a kid way bigger than me into the wall in middle school. 15 Day of the week:I used to really like Tuesday for some reason but now it’s probably Friday, especially if I go out and do stuff with friends right after school. 11 Food:Wedding soup I guess? It’s a comfort food. 6 Flower:I really like snapdragons, bleeding hearts, and warm colored roses. I’m also a huge fan of daffodils, tulips, hydrangeas, snowball bushes, and pansies for nostalgic reasons. I just really like flowers. 2 Dog breed:Oh man that’s tough. I really like big dogs, not quite in size but like stature if that makes any sense??? Things like bulldogs and pitties. Xolo dogs are great too
Thank you again!
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dazzling-ji · 4 years
flower~ asks
DAISY: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
honestly, i don’t really remember. wat a way to start a ask session lol
CARNATION: If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer?
i mean...i really wanted to go see gallant play live, but then... honestly, maybe kehlani just to get the live experience of her newest album.
JASMINE: What color looks best on you?
black lol. i look good in other colors i guess, i just always feel the most confident in black. all white is bomb, but folks, a girl is much too messy to be wearing white.
FOXGLOVE: Name three facts about your family?
complicated? funny. nigerian.
ALLIUM: What’s the best thing you can cook?
it’s between my egg bagel sandwich and my chicken + potatoes dinner. granted, i haven’t experimented much since i still grocery shop on my college budget, but best believe i love those dishes.
ORANGE BLOSSOM: If you could pick the gender and appearance of your child, would you?
i wouldn’t 1. because i don’t want kids (lol) and 2. refer to #1. theoretically though, i don’t really mind what gender kids are, since i mean it doesn’t really matter? what matters is allowing someone to be authentically themselves. one gender isn’t inherently better than the others, we just socialize the genders differently.
CALLA LILY: If you died right now, what song would you want to play at your funeral?
i’m gonna pretend you asked me what song i’m currently listened to, because i’m much more comfortable answering that: “blessed” - daniel caesar
POINSETTIA: Favorite holiday dish?
pepper soup. if it’s not spicy, you didn’t make it right.
OXLIP: Would you ever get into a long distance relationship?
i would. as long as the person actually makes time to communicate with me. distance isn’t a problem as long as you’re not distant.
PRIMROSE: Favorite kind of soup?
lol can i say pepper soup again? i’m really not a fan of western soups.
DAFFODIL: What’s the most thoughtful present you’ve ever received?
i honestly really love the picture the tiny handed one drew for me a few years back. but i also really love the heated blanket shay gave me. thoughtful gifts to me are when someone shows they were really listening to me discuss my concerns. (that being said, friendos who know me irl, i want music instruments winkwink nudge nudge)
ROSE: Are you currently in love with someone?
i’m not. but i am grieving a past love, i guess... was that too much to say?
AMSONIA: Would you ever become a vegan?
no i love meat way too much tbh. sorry not sorry.
PEONY: What’s your favorite hot beverage?
hot chocolate, preferably from dunkin donuts.
TULIP: For your birthday, what kind of cake do you ask for?
maybe marble?
MYRTLE: Do you like going on airplanes?
sorta? it has the insinuation i have enough money to afford a flight. but i do not like dealing with ears popping.
HIBISCUS: Did you ever play an instrument? If so what?
i quit flute after like 3 months back in elementary school. but i’m trying to learn the piano and guitar rn. 
ZINNIA: Who was your best friend when you were six years old?
when i was six? maybe star? (not her real name)
POPPY: What color was your childhood home?
don’t remember. i barely remember the house tbh.
HYDRANGEA: Starbucks order?
chocolate croissant (warmed) and a strawberry referesher (small)
VIOLET: Do you like where you’re from?
lol no. because it’s boring. but it’s always nice to come home and not be on edge all the time.
LOCUST: What was your favorite book as a child?
anything from the sisters grimm series.
RHODODENDRON: What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had?
maybe the one where my mom got mad at my for going to the downstairs bathroom?
QUEEN ANNE’S LACE: Would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents?
i’ve never carved pumpkins before, but i’ll go for wrap presents.
MAGNOLIA: Favorite kind of candy?
butterscotch is my favorite candy. but i also really like sour skittles.
ASTER: Would you rather be cold or hot?
i’d rather be chillin on the beach lol. idk man, i hate both. i hate sweating and i hate freezing. i wanna be somewhere where the sun is pouring out the window and there’s a nice breeze coming from outside.
MARIGOLD: Do you listen to what’s on the radio?
no because i don’t drive. and even when i do, i’m listening to a podcast or some music on youtube.
HELICONIA: Do you like when it rains?
i do when i’m inside and don’t have to go outside lol.
AZALEA: What’s a movie you cried while watching?
don’t think i’ve ever cried while watching a movie.... i promise you ‘sad’ films aren’t sad. tho, when peter parker/tom holland was all “i don’t feel so good”, just know your girl was yellin in that theater. what i didn’t need was him adlibbing that well.
DANDELION: Do you think you’re important?
i like dandelions. they’re very aesthetic.
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ikagrp · 6 years
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Welcome, Lix! You’ve been accepted as your first choice of Abigail Cowen as Narcissa Xenos. Please send in your account within the next 24 hours.
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Lix, she/her, 25, EST.
I work a physically hard job 3 days a week, so the other 4 I’m resting, stalking this website that’s about to get f'ed up in 3 days from now and keeping up with my people irl so it totally depends on my mood how active I am? Can be dead for days but also be on whenever, really!
Dang 9 years, time flies when you have fun.
FACECLAIM: Abigail Cowen. Secondary choice: N/a.
NAME: Narcissa Aphrodite Xenos.
AGE: 20.
BIRTHDAY: February 18th, 1998.
OCCUPATION: Vlogger & studying online.
HOMETOWN: Papingo, Greece.
PETS: 2 baby turtles named Celia & Melani.
TW: 9/11 & death.
It was a forbidden love type of situation, Ashley Johnson, raised by a single mother, and Darius Xenos, raised by a big family, met in college when the student exchange program struck. Ashley, from Australia, got sent to Greek with a few other fellow students she had no connection with whatsoever. But with the boy who came sitting next to her one day in English class, she did. His English was anything but close to okay, but it entertained Ashley to no end. And that entertainment he provided her with meant they’ve got to hang out more, she got to teach him English and he taught her Greek in return. Except, you’re guessing it already, their little masterclasses outside of class didn’t remain just that. Languages weren’t the only things exchanged. But feelings and innocent physical contact were too. All kept very secret, for he wasn’t allowed to bring any girls home, especially not the foreign kind. And by the time Ashley had to fly back to Australia again, their crush had bloomed into love - a big flame that wasn’t easy to be put out, so they promised to write each other letters until they were able to see each other again. Ashley would save up to earn enough to visit him next summer, until then; they were limited to writing. To being faithful, patient and trustworthy of each other. 
But letters were uneasy to keep secret, especially not in Darius’ big household full of siblings and parents that were on top of him all the time. They found out about his long distance relationship and forbid him to write any letters to Ashley any longer. For months Ashley didn’t give up writing though, feeling hopeful, she even saved enough to take the plane to Greece the very same day she graduated college. Knowing his whereabouts, she showed up at the Papaevangelou Hotel and like a movie with a happy ending, it was love at first sight all over again. By the end of that same Summer, he proposed to her and they got married before the end of the year. A year later, a baby was on the way - and they moved to Greek, for the sake of Ashley’s visa and so Darius’ family could take care of the baby when it was born. 
Narcissa Aphrodite Xenos, that was their daughter’s name, as Darius’ family business is a hotel where mainly daffodils grow and it was the kind of flowers he always gave to Ashley, stuck in her fiery red hair behind her ear and was the first word he taught her to his girlfriend-now-wife. Ashley had always been fond of the Goddess Aphrodite, and that’s how her middle name came to a stand. For three years they lived in a tiny apartment, Darius worked at the hotel, Ashley was an accountant who mainly worked at home, taking care of their daughter they both loved so dearly. There wasn’t a day they couldn’t live without her - but when a business opportunity for the hotel came up, a big company from New York willing to invest in the business, it was their job to travel over from Europe to the United States. Which meant Narcissa had to stay over at her father’s family for a week or so, depending on how long the meetings were going to last. 11 September, that was the day they were supposed to land in the city of dreams - but the plane never landed. On that day it was when Narcissa lost both her parents to a horrible terrorist attack.
The business opportunity got retracted a month after, her grandparents never got back to them as their heads were filled with grief and worry. Ashley’s mother had taken them to court on top of the loss, fighting over the custody of Narcissa - which she terribly lost due to both lack of money and the fact Narcissa was born in Europe. She was granted visitations, but Narcissa remained to live in the Papaevangelou Hotel with her father’s parents and his of age three siblings. Two brothers and a sister, who were leaving the house over the years as she grew up bouncing and running all over the place. Never has she ever had time enough to run around, even without sugar she had energy like a puppy, always wanting attention - always wanting to play! She barely cried, nor was she a difficult child. She grew up bilingual, as her grandfather was a well-spoken Greek man who threw himself into learning English from a young age, for the tourists that came into the hotel ever since he was a young child. He continued to teach her what Ashley already had started, both in honor of her and the fact he thought it was never too early to learn as much as possible. By the time she was supposed to go to kindergarten, her grandparents made the decision to home-school her, as her aunt was a teacher herself.
As she grew up she helped around the hotel throughout the days and worked on school during the evenings and the weekends. And when her teenage years hit, she could be found outside the gates of the hotel, hanging around with others that were around her age. Narcissa made lots of friends, both tourists and the locals she made her impression with. She’s a true goof that likes to be loud and attract attention, isn’t shy about anything and speaks whatever’s on her mind. This caused her to be in an argument with any of her family members at least once a week - which was typical Greek behavior, or so she got told. Especially when she started to mature she clashed with her family often enough, leaving her to wander around Papingo, either on her own or with the friends she’s made in town. She often even hung around with customers of the hotel, showing them around town - and finding interest in the women especially. At the age of sixteen, she got her drivers license for a motorbike - after often enough stealing her grandfather’s for a ride throughout town illegally. And when she got her own vehicle, she drove her friends around, some of them a bit older than her own age. They were the kind that weren’t from Greek, and had no intention in sticking around - which gave Narcissa the opportunity to start exploring her sexuality. 
It was no secret Narcissa had a likings for the ladies as well, her family found out when she came home on her eighteenth birthday with a girl, kissing her in the front yard, not having a single idea there was a surprise birthday waiting for her. A small shock for the family - that wore off over time and even started to accept when they learned she was interested in both genders and could still marry a man someday, as old-fashioned they were. When she started visiting bars, she came to discover a show that often played on one of the TVs, an MTV show called I Kissed A Girl. It definitely pulled Narcissa’s attention, but she was too naive to even think of joining when she was still eighteen. But two years later, and watching the show non-stop just as talking about it to her friends, she got nudged to finally audition for the show - it was in Europe after all. Not too far away from her family, which she could visit anytime. 
Half niece to Izzy Hallow.
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