#i will probably delete this later but enjoy this drama everyone
chaifootsteps · 11 months
God. I was in class and remembered something. I had a falling out with someone cause of something so stupid, but it was me putting boundaries with them. As a result she, along with friends, have stalked me nonstop and constantly bad mouth me in person and online despite it being 12 years later. So, in this period of 12 years, I have had several friends she's had a falling out come and find me to try giving me "the tea". It's at the point I have everything private and deleted my IG and Twitter. Well, not long ago I went into a Starbucks and her former bestie from 3 years ago tried doing the same crap too. I won't reveal who she is or what she does, but it horrifies me that years from the incident, people still actively look for me to tell me stuff she's said about me and etc. And the thing is, i want nothing to do with her or any of her former friends. I want them leaving me alone. You don't have to post this, but I truly wonder if something similar has happened to Ashley. I've tried a lot to forget this person, but it's been hard when every chance someone gets they find me to tell me drama. I use to make statements online asking people to stop, but no one has. I know everyone talks about what a hate boner she has, but I wonder if it'll continue going on for so many years to come. I remember making a "get off my chest" post and people had said that seems like she has an untreated mental illness or she's just a pure narcissist if over 10 years later she won't stop. I just think some people are just assholes and want you to suffer. I mean, I think I've taken all the precautions for her to stop. Ok, sorry for venting. But idk, I just really wonder if something similar is happening with her.
No, I get what you're saying, and it's true.
I've never gotten a decisive, solid answer as to why Ashley's never spoken out -- whether it's out of fear for Far Fetched's future, fear of dragging other people into this, or because doing so would mean she has to talk about her personal life -- and I don't know if anyone I talk to has one either. It might be a little of all of it. But I think part of it is as simple as what you're talking about here...she wants to get on with her life and enjoy all the good things coming her way and never have to think about Vivienne Medrano again.
The problem is, Ashley and Michael are probably in the best position of anyone to stop this madness. Vivzie's hurt so many vulnerable people and is on track to hurt a whole lot more and she gets away with it because everyone's so afraid of her and her lunatic fandom.
It's got to stop. Someone's got to say something, and ideally, someone big enough that people will listen.
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bkblaise · 5 months
I think english and jp bllk communities are going to get worse, the english side is talking about making a block list about going after artist that do incest ships etc to retaliate. I don't think those artists have anything to do with what's happening but if that blocklist happens it's going to get a lot worse i fear. It's a shame we all enjoy a common story and are excited for it but this leak drama is causing a huge fall out between everyone.
Yes, I agree, anon, it's really not a good thing that they're doing that and that it probably should stop before it catches wind in the JP community. Now people who don't even care about leaks that much are gonna feel the need to unionize... I understand the anger from EN as well, but I think the OP + unrelated people will get madder/mad even if they had no reason to. I saw a post yesterday from a Japanese person who wanted to see leakposters suffer & live painful lives, which they later deleted, but OP retweeted before. I think comments like this set EN off as well. Playing the insult game both ways isn't the way to go AHHHHH. I'm starting to realize tumblr is quickly becoming my safe haven!
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
I've been following you on here pretty much since you started blogging and I just found out I've also been following you on Twitter without realizing it 🤣
People say Tumblr is just as bad as Twitter, what's your opinion? I lurk on both, but I feel like I see a LOT more firsthand craziness on Twitter, but mostly responses to craziness (usually from Twitter) on Tumblr.
Do you think the vibe on Tumblr is gonna change if Twitter dies?
Lol it's like the deck of the digital Titanic over there... Everybody's scrambling to consolidate their mutuals, get their new SM profiles out and get their parting shots in
I had some friends point out that I mostly successfully lurked on Twitter and then when everyone was sharing their tumblr/insta links with their moots for the possible digital titanic (lmfaoo! Love that) of Twitter, I figured I would too. And they then said it was like I just did a face reveal. The shock some people had 😅🤣 and now I'm feeling a little exposed on Twitter. Lol but that's okay, I'm deleting the post later so the few who saw it, yay. Let me know if we are moots or not anon and if you want to be lol
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I don't think Twitter is actually going anywhere anytime soon. I don't think it's going to capsize on us like Titanic, although the amount of panic over it right now is very Titanic 🤣 I think it's going to be a slow painful agonizing death that gets drawn out. Lol unfortunately. Maybe Elon can pull his head out his ass long enough to ask for help and maybe it can be turned around
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Tumblr has survived through every time people thought the site would go down. It survived through every other social media crash. It's adapted, overcome, and gone straight back to its own specialized verison of a hellsite as it always has. At least, from my experience. Lol it'll probably be an adjustment period. Especially as people from Twitter try to bring Twitter culture over onto tumblr and have it not work quite as well. But I think overall it'll be fine. The nice part in MY experience with tumblr is that what you see is VERY easy to curate. You only have to see things from blogs you follow or tags you follow. You can block out specific words or tags if you want so that even if you get asks, you won't get some with certain words in it. Or you won't see posts with certain words or tags in it. Whereas on Twitter, even if you curate your timeline very well, it's still super easy to stumble across alot of drama and hate. Now, I mostly only find that on tumblr if I go looking for it, if it gets sent to me in DMs or a troll shows up in my ask box. And I haven't even blocked any tags, just a few accounts here. I will say, for anyone new from twt, enjoy learning tumblr. I've been here for a while, have only been blogging for little over a year though, but I still don't always know or understand what I'm doing or how it works. Lol good luck!
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Anyways, if you found me on Twitter with my little announcement to my moots. No you didn't 😅 lol keep it to yourself, but feel free to DM me, talk to me, or engage with me over there as well. I'm pretty chill over on Twitter honestly, but I enjoy it still! I'm still jikook focused over there, but much more of just a bts account too.
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maya-matlin · 3 months
I loved your UO question so am sending it right back to you! Name your five most unpopular opinions about Charmed, Degrassi, and One Tree Hill. I haven't seen Degrassi so I'll just nod along and smile as if I know what you're talking about :)
1.) I never understood the appeal of Phoebe and Cole. I can't explain why, but I was never invested in their relationship or felt much chemistry between them. They were fine and it was probably a necessary dynamic compared to Leo and Piper who were a lot "safer" and kind of the guaranteed endgame, but nothing about the two of them grabbed me. To me, Cole had the most chemistry with Prue and it's disappointing that it was never explored.
As far as unpopular opinions ago, that's about it? I've only seen Charmed once and am not at all familiar with what the fandom thinks.
1.) I can't stand Eli Goldsworthy. While some of his story lines are legitimately good and I can enjoy him in some of his friendships, as a person he sucks and I think the writers' obsession with him did far more harm than good. I have zero tolerance for all the hell he put Clare through and don't think they're remotely on the same level just because she's sometimes a drama queen. Being dramatic and being an emotionally abusive asshole the second things don't go your way are very different things. Every single guy that Clare consensually kissed was better than him by a mile.
2.) People are way too critical of the Degrassi movies. The franchise has over 500 episodes plus lots of minis and other bonus content. It can't be all about the drama and life lessons all the time. Sometimes things happen for the fun of it and that's okay.
3.) Honestly, every single opinion I have about Tristan is super unpopular, but I'll say that Tristan lashing out at Maya after she told Snake about his affair with their teacher not only made sense but was extremely sympathetic. There are a lot of ways the show mishandled the aftermath of the story line. Obviously, Maya Matlin was done dirty by practically everyone at one time or another. But I can't be that upset that a victim of grooming had a negative reaction and struggled to accept at only sixteen years old that what he believed was his first experience with romantic love and a sexual relationship had been predatory all along. It will always bother me that the writers were clearly so meticulous in terms of showing us step by step the process of grooming only to give us a bullshit resolution. This character who preyed on Tristan is given a brief mention only for there to never be any closure. I feel like the consensus is basically that Maya was the character wronged the most in this arc because she was never validated or given a proper apology. I disagree. That sucks and there are plenty of ways Maya deserved more, but mostly I'm disappointed that Tristan never got the help he needed and had his trauma basically retconned so that Miles Hollingsworth could be the end all be all for him. But unfortunately, all Tristan discourse rarely goes further than talking about how unlikable he is or the unchecked biphobia the writers perpetuated and never took seriously.
4.) I was on Ashley's side during almost every conflict with Jimmy. More often than not, Jimmy either overstepped or behaved in a passive aggressive way so that he could avoid conflict. For instance, Jimmy tells Ashley in a backhanded way that he doesn't consider her physically attractive with her goth makeover and directly admits that he preferred the old her. Somehow, Ashley was the villain for not feeling accepted when Jimmy "did nothing wrong". Then later, Ashley makes it clear she wants to pursue her music on her own and shows no signs of needing Jimmy to stick up for her or join her musical act. But because he feels the need to be a savior, Jimmy joins in and basically takes over - the exact thing Ashley didn't want to happen. While Ashley deleting his track was shady, I can't say I blame her. She also went on to give Jimmy the track to do with it what he wanted. In return, Jimmy emotionally cheated on her with another girl and passively allowed Ashley to find out about it much like he did with Ellie and Hazel. IDK. There's a consistent problem with female characters on the show getting raked over the coals for any slight, perceived or otherwise, against their boyfriends while the guys are frequently excused for behavior that would make the girls be deemed "toxic".
5.) I was more on Clare's side than Alli's in Nowhere to Run. Yes, Clare was self involved and possibly a bit hypocritical to forgive Jake and not Alli, but it always came across to me like Alli reacted in a very passive aggressive way to Clare's earlier dismissal. While I believe the kiss with Jake was unplanned, Alli had to have known Clare wasn't going to take it well? I don't think Alli would have reacted super rationally had the roles been reversed. Overall, it's just weird that Clare is expected not to have negative feelings about her best friend kissing the ex-boyfriend she still wanted to be with. It's entirely because the fans hated Cake because there's just no way in hell that gets the same reception if it's Alli kissing Eli. I don't know. I never understood how it devolved into a situation where Clare was on the outskirts of the friend group when most of the characters in it (Alli, Jenna, KC) had screwed Clare over at one time or another.
One Tree Hill:
1.) There are certain sketchy things Nathan does that are virtually never brought up compared to Haley almost constantly being raked over the coals for season 2. This is particularly bad on Reddit where there seem to be weekly threads about how much of a selfish bitch she was for kissing Chris and then leaving to pursue her dreams. It's exhausting. Like, Nathan showed up at the bar Haley's sister was working at and attempted to have sex with her during their separation. I'm pretty sure that plot point has been brought up maybe a handful of times in almost twenty years since that episode aired. Haley never even finds out about it. Or the time he spends the entire night flirting with Peyton seemingly because he's not used to being a good guy and is petrified because he's starting to realize he's in love with Haley. Nathan occasionally lacks any boundaries when it comes to other women and yet never has to face many if any repercussions for it in the fandom or on the show itself because he never *technically* cheats.
2.) Overall, the legacy of Keith and the impact he left on characters like Lucas and Karen is much more significant than his role on the show ever was during the time he was alive. During his long absence during seasons 2 and 3, it was obvious to me how much the character lifted right out compared to more crucial, richer characters such as Deb. It's sad, but I really feel like his character fell off after season 1. It doesn't help that a good chunk of what he did was just pine for Karen and act entitled to her affections.
3.) I'm going to hell for this, but Haley and Dan have a lot of chemistry during season 9. I'd never call it a ship or root for it to happen for numerous reasons, but I picked up on a vibe and it was sometimes distracting to watch their scenes. Apparently, Joy and Paul kissed in real life at least once, so that would explain it.
4.) Everything prior to the state championship episode in season 4 is mostly terrible and just in general full of Brooke bashing to manipulate the audience into rooting for Peyton to be with Lucas. There are exceptions and good moments, but in all honestly across all nine seasons this is probably my least favorite run of episodes just because everything feels so off putting. At least during some of the later seasons, what you see is what you get. But season 4 overall has the reputation of being one of the show's strongest seasons. And it is, from 409 on. But there's a lot wrong with it that's rarely discussed.
5.) I hate Brooke's miracle pregnancy. Even though I was happy to see Brooke finally become a mom and realize a dream she'd had for the entirety of the adult seasons, the fact Brooke achieved this by carrying her sons to term rather than adopting leaves a bad taste in my mouth. After seeing Brooke care for Angie, take in Sam as her foster daughter to the point she had adoption papers drawn up and then come very close to adopting a third time, it felt like borderline anti adoption propaganda. Basically, all of these "fake" children Brooke cared for or almost raised never became a permanent part of her life so that eventually, Brooke could became a mom in the conventional, biological way. Aka, the right way. I'm not even sure if this an unpopular opinion, but I pretty much never see it discussed.
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cartoonfuel · 2 years
Coed Chapter 5
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Chapter 5: The Twins
See Chapter 1 for warnings, rating, etc.
Chapter 6
Back at the hotel, you, Kageyama and Hinata were waiting for Tendou to return from the grocery store.
“Ah…hanging out in pajamas and talking about men’s volleyball drama is probably going to be the highlight of my weekend,” you said to the boys, enjoying a snack from the lobby. “Unless we win the tournament, of course. Though by the sounds of it, winning’s not gonna be easy.”
“I think we have a good shot!” Hinata proclaimed optimistically. “Though I recognized some really great players out there tonight.”
“Several recognized you two as well. Karasuno’s Dynamic Duo!” You paused for a brief moment, just in time to hear Kageyama’s stomach gurgle. “Oh shoot, we need to eat dinner! I can give Tendou a call and have him grab some food for us.”
“He messaged us a few minutes ago and said he was gettin’ pizza, so no worries!” Hinata explained. “Don’t you check our group chat?”
“I should probably check it more than I do. I’m not the best at messaging.” You pulled out your phone and were surprised to see a message from a number you didn’t recognize.
Unknown (20:22): Ryu, I am truly sorry about that ball hitting you in the head earlier today. For the record, it was mostly Iwa’s fault. Good luck tomorrow, Bitch-chan!
What the hell? He didn’t even sign it, that bastard.
“Um…Shoyo? Did you give my contact out to anyone today?”
“About that…”
“That snake!” You were tempted to throw your phone across the room. “He couldn’t ask me for my own goddamn email?”
“I’m sorry! The guy never really talks to me so I do whatever he asks me to—he’s just too good of a volleyball player I can’t help myself!”
“I mean sure, he’s a little intimidating, but seriously?!” You punched Hinata in the shoulder.
“Enough you two!” Kageyama snapped. “Ryu, just be flattered Oikawa’s interested in you and move on if you’re not interested in him. It’s that simple. You probably won’t see the guy much after this weekend anyway. Hinata, your arm alright?”
“Oh yeah, it’s good!” Hinata affirmed.
You sighed dramatically. “Fine, fine. You’re right, I’m probably just overreacting.” You deleted the text from Oikawa and plugged in your phone, leaving it on the nightstand and turning towards Hinata. “I still can’t imagine you just giving my contact out willy-nilly, especially to a dude. Did he say why he wanted my number?”
“I thought it was obvious. What, were you expecting me to be more protective or something?”
You scratched your head. “Maybe a little bit. You are my best friend, like c’mon, just check with me next time.”
“Hinata tends to panic when successful volleyball players interact with him,” Kageyama interrupted while staring intensely at his phone screen. “In other news, it appears tomorrow’s schedule was just emailed to everyone. The teams are labeled based on who was selected as a captain. In terms of pool play, it appears we play Tooru Oikawa’s team first.”
“You have got to be kidding me!” you grunted, collapsing onto your back on the hotel bed. “It’s like he saw the schedule ahead of time and decided to immediately get inside my head.”
“Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if he somehow weaseled his way into seeing the schedule early,” Kageyama continued. “Anyway. Then we play Daichi and Suga’s team. After that, Yuuji Terushumai’s team.”
“And so after we play these three teams, we go to bracket play the next day?“
“Yes, also known as tournament play. The pool brackets just help organize all of the teams into which bracket they will compete in later based on points earned and skill. In this case, it looks like there are four brackets: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. We are going to need to rack up a lot of points as well as win sets. According to the pool play rules, we play the best two out of three sets, with each game going to 15 points.”
“15 points? Those games will go by quick. We’ll need to come out swinging right away if we want to win.”
Right then and there, Tendou burst into the room full of excitement, with not one, but two bottles of sake in hand. “I’m baaaaack!” he sang happily.
“You got two bottles?! Tendou, that’s too much, man!” Hinata gasped.
“I thought I told you it takes a lot to get me drunk!“ Tendou snapped back.
You glared at the middle blocker. “More importantly, I thought we all agreed not to get wasted.“
“Relax, girlie!” Tendou said, setting the groceries down and patting you on the head. “The ABV is fairly low and I also brought us pizza and waters. We will be fiiiiine! Quit being such a party pooper, Ryu-chan!” He handed you the bottle. “You take the first swig, eh?” You just stared at it for a moment. “Plus, the sooner we drink, the sooner the effects will wear off,” Tendou winked.
You grabbed the bottle, opened it, and took a swig as instructed. It wasn’t the greatest sake in the world, but you didn’t mind. Tendou was next to drink, and then Hinata and Kageyama.
“So, Truth or Dare? Spin the Bottle?” Tendou chortled.
“Are you bonkers?” you sneered. “I’m the only chick here, you’re just asking for me to get abused in a socially acceptable light. Spin the Bottle? Jesus.”
“You’re right, I was only kidding. Chillaxaroo, Ryu-chan!”
“Truth or Dare doesn’t seem too harmful,” Kags cocked his head in thought.
“I’m in!” Hinata smiled from ear to ear, taking another sip of sake.
“Okey-dokey! Fancy Fingers,” Tendou grinned, leaning towards Kageyama, “Truth or Dare?”
“Ooh, how exciting. I dare ya to kiss Ryu-chan!”
You choked on your sake. “Bro, no way, I’m quitting the game if that’s how you’re gonna play!”
Tendou burst into laughter. “I jest, I jest. Kiss Hinata.”
Kageyama and Hinata both started screaming at Tendou, causing you to crack a smile and laugh a little. Tendou hadn’t changed at all. He can’t help but be the ultimate instrument of chaos in the room.
“Hey, quiet down, we’ve got neighbors!” Tendou was rolling on the floor. He quickly sat up, a glimmer in his eye. “Alright, if nobody wants to kiss Kageyama, then how about he walks over to the room next to us and knocks on the door. What you do next is up to you, Fancy Fingers!”
Understanding the assignment, Kageyama hopped to his feet and exited the hotel room, turning left down the hall. You all watched with your heads sticking out into the hallway as the boy tiptoed his way over, stopping at the door and looking back at everyone with an anxious expression. He took a deep breath and then knocked, immediately racing back towards the room. The three of you were quick to let him in and get out of his way.
“Ah, excellent decision, Mr. Ding-Dong-Ditcher!” Tendou clapped in amusement.
Since you never got to see who opened the door, you couldn’t help but wonder whose room that was.
…Fast forward an hour and a half—the pizza was gone, and so was the last of the sake.
“Imma go to the lobby—“ You told the boys, “—Gonna get snacks for tomorrow’s tourney…what do y’all want?”
“Anything you would want, baby,” Tendou replied. It was weird being called that, but you didn’t care at all right now.
“I’m goin’ to sleep,” Kageyama stated, crawling under the covers and curling into a ball. “Seems like the right thing to do. I’m tired. If there is yoghurt in the lobby, can you grab that for tomorrow, hon?”
“I’m tired too. I think I’ll turn in,” Hinata interjected. You were surprised at how well he held his liquor, chuckling to yourself as he climbed into bed with Kageyama. “I’ll eat anything tomorrow. Thanks for doin’ that…grabbin’ snacks n’stuff.”
“Is’no problem,” you smile at them, shutting the door and zigzagging down the hallway to the elevator.
When the elevator doors opened to the lobby, you wandered out towards the miniature grocery area. Checking in at the front desk were two boys who you swore looked freakishly alike. Twins, perhaps? Or was it the sake? Meh, none of your business. You grabbed some snacks and gave them to the lady at the front desk. “Would you like to charge this to your room?” the woman asked you.
“Shhursh,” you replied, not completely drunk, though you were well on the way.
“I think that was a yes,” one of the boys at the counter interrupted, speaking to the clerk. “She wasn’t shushing you.”
You nodded at the hotel employee. “Gotcha,” she said, scanning your items and asking for your room number. She put the food in a shopping bag and handed it to you.
“Thank ya kindly!” you smiled, feeling very warm and bubbly. Your face must have been as pink as a peach.
“You playing in the volleyball tournament tomorrow?” the other boy said curiously, slinging a backpack over his shoulder after being handed a room key. He was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, while the other was in just shorts and a tight-fitting white tank.
“Yup!” You approached the boys fearlessly. “M’name’s Ryu, and I’m from Karasuno!”
“Karasuno, eh? Nice to meet you. Name’s Osamu.”
“I’m Atsumu,” the other stated.
You were rather taken aback by how kind they seemed. “And, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but are y’all related or…?”
“Not at all,” Atsumu stated, crossing his arms.
You froze, completely stumped…not to mention embarrassed.
“Why would ya ask a personal question like that?” the blonde continued. “Me? Related to him? I’m way more handsome.”
“Tsumu’s messing with you,” Osamu briefly explained. “We’re twins.” Gradually, your confused demeanor transformed into one of awe.
“Wwwhooooaaa! Cool!” you beamed, stumbling a little.
“I mean I guess it’s cool. Never really thought about it,” Osamu brought a hand to his chin.
“Are you guys playin’ tomorrow then?”
“Yes ma’am!” Atsumu responded. “We got in a little later than planned. Not to worry, though. Won’t keep us from winnin’, no matter how little sleep we get.”
“That’s the spirit!” You leaned into the nearest wall to prevent yourself from toppling over. “Although…we’re gonna beat ya, so watch out! Anywho, I gotta get these snacks back to m’teammates and get some shuteye. It was nice meeting you both.”
You turned around and headed towards the elevator—but the twins started following you. They trekked inside the elevator alongside you, making your premature goodbye feel extremely awkward.
“You on the eighth floor, too?” you asked them inside the elevator, your paranoia beginning to fade away.
“That’s right,” Atsumu replied with a smirk.
You laughed, a wave of relief sweeping over you as you pressed the elevator button. “Yeah! Guess we got ahead of ourselves when we said our goodbyes.”
“How about good lucks? Let’s say that next time. Sound like a plan?” Osamu suggested.
“That’s a little cringe, Samu,” Atsumu raised an eyebrow. “It’s late. A goodnight would suffice, don’t you think?”
“That’s even more cringe, you moron.” The elevator dinged, though you hadn’t made it to the eighth floor yet.
Slowest. Elevator. Ever.
Of all people, the elevator door opened to reveal Iwaizumi and—you guessed it—Oikawa. Being alone in the elevator with the twins was awkward enough, now Oikawa and his bestie were being added to the mix?
“Hi frens,” you grin, trying to hide the fact that you’ve been drinking—though dammit, you probably just blew it by calling Oikawa your “fren.”
“Promoted to Friend?” Oikawa chuckled. “I’m honored!” He and Iwaizumi stepped into the elevator. You had never felt so short in your entire life. “And the famous Miya Twins, too? Truly, what a delight!” Those words of his dripped with an odd poison.
Wait a minute. What the heck. Why were these boys all so freakin’ tall?! You were really hung up on that.
Also, isn’t this tournament supposed to be coed? You haven’t seen any ladies running around anywhere—well, aside from a few you saw in the gym earlier. For real though, what’s up with all these intimidating dudes you keep encountering? What kind of crazy tournament had you gotten yourself into?
“What floor?” Osamu asked the pair from Aoba Johsai.
“Eight,” Oikawa replied next to you, a hand on his hip.
“Thank you,” Iwaizumi said politely.
“Popular floor,” Atsumu commented with a shrug.
You gulped nervously, turning to Iwaizumi. “Sooo…what were you two up to?”
“Strategizing with the girls after getting back from dinner,” he told you in response.
“Where’d ya go to eat?”
Oikawa, apparently very eager to participate in the discussion, had no problem butting in. “The cutest little restaurant not too far from here,” he slung an arm around you. “Holy shit, you’re warm. Are you feeling okay?” In your regular state, you’d push him off. After sake, however, you realized you were much more of a pushover.
“I’m fine,” you told him. “Why do you ask?”
“Because you seem drunk, silly goose,” Oikawa poked you in the nose, his face a lot closer to yours than it was a moment ago. “…Are you?”
“You’re acting way too friendly,” you said in a whisper.
“Well we’re ‘frens’ now, aren’t we?” he whispered back.
“Hey, Loserkawa,” Iwaizumi snarled at the setter.
Oikawa rolled his eyes and groaned. “You know, as endearing as those names are, I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to put up with them, Iwa.”
“Hands off, dumbass.”
“Okay, okay, sheesh!” Finally, Oikawa gave you some breathing room. “I was just making sure she was okay—“
“Oh shut the fuck up, Assykawa.”
The elevator wasn’t crowded per say, but you were definitely sandwiched between Oikawa and Osamu more than you wanted to be. After getting off the elevator, you made your way towards your room—losing Oikawa quickly, thank god—but only made it so far before losing your balance, too. The Miya Twins, searching for their room, were right behind you when you tripped over your own feet. They both were quick to maneuver in front of you and catch you.
“Careful there,” Osamu said with a deadpan expression. Atsumu, on the other hand, looked more surprised.
“Are you alright?” Atsumu inquired, his hand at your waist.
“I’m g-good!” you insisted, hopping to your feet in a whirlwind of panic.
“Okay, well, this is our room right here. If you need anything—“
“I’ll be perfectly fine, thanks!”
The twins exchanged glances. Atsumu handed his bags to his brother. ���At least let me help you to your room. Wouldn’t want you passing out here in the hallway.”
“Alright. M’room’s right this way.”
”See ya later,” Osamu bid you adieu before entering his hotel room.
You started down the hotel corridor, Atsumu at your heels. “Slow down,” he recommended, “You might fall again.”
Oh crap—you had better listen.
“So…how much have you had to drink?” Atsumu asked, causing you to turn and look at him sternly. Welp, there was no longer any point in trying to act sober.
“Does that really matter right now?”
“If you plan on playing volleyball tomorrow it definitely does,” Atsumu grunted.
“I dunno, but I’m sure I’ll be okay. It was just some sake,” you paused. “This is my room by the way.” You gestured to the doorway on your right. Reaching into your pocket, you realized you’d forgotten your room key. “Shit,” you muttered.
“What’s the matter now?”
“Uhh…gimme a second.” You knocked on the door, praying to God that Tendou was still awake. After about thirty seconds of waiting for the door to be answered, you decided to give Tendou a phone call.
Still no answer.
“Do you need to get a new room key from the front desk?” Atsumu queried.
You sighed. “I think I might.”
“What’s yer room number? 832? I can go get one for you. Just give me a moment. You seem tired.” He turned and walked down the hallway. “Wait here, okay? I’ll be back with one.”
“Thanks,” you smiled awkwardly. This definitely made up for the way he was teasing you earlier.
You patiently sat on the floor with your back against the door, trying to keep the room from spinning. All of a sudden the door opened and you tumbled backwards into your hotel room. Tendou looked down at you in skepticism, wearing nothing but a pair of grey sweats.
“There you are!” he said as he helped you up. “I was in the shower. I thought you took a key with you but I guess not? Glad I decided to check on you.”
Just then, Atsumu approached you and Tendou. He didn’t saying a word—probably because he was shocked to see you were staying with a male teammate. It clicked in your brain and you began to get defensive.
“Atsumu! This doesn’t—there was a mixup with the rooms and I had to stay with my boy friends! Not ‘boyfriends’ but BOY friends, friend-boys—I—p-please don’t judge me!” You stepped towards him and ended up closer than anticipated, practically giving the guy a hug. You looked up at Atsumu and noticed the blush on his cheeks.
“I’m not judging,” he said, biting his lip a little bit. He wasn’t at all sure how to react. Meanwhile, Tendou was leaning against the doorway and enjoying the show. “Soooo…that guy in the elevator was quite the character,” Atsumu stammered, trying to peel you off of him.
“Oh, he is a complete pain in my—“
Rather abruptly, you felt Tendou grab the back of your tank top and yank you away from the Miya Twin. “Alrighty, time to get some sleep,” he commanded, ushering you into the hotel room. “We gotta get up early for da tourney. Atsumu here does too.”
“Good luck tomorrow,” you heard Atsumu say before Tendou shut the door on him.
Atsumu stood there for a moment, surprised by how eventful his night had been once arriving at the hotel.
“…She forgot to take the room key,” he mumbled to himself.
Inside the room, the alcohol began to wear off just in time for you to register that Hinata had fallen asleep in the wrong bed. You were a little offended he had forgotten about your sleeping assignments.
You could almost feel Tendou’s height as he stood behind you like a skyscraper, and with the lights out, the feeling was rather spooky. “Welp,” he shrugged, stepping around you. “Do I sleep on the floor or tickle Karasuno’s #10 awake?”
Karasuno’s—oh, Hinata. You rubbed your eyes. “Errr…I mean…I don’t really want to wake him, that wouldn’t be very kind. Besides, we need him to be well rested n’springy tomorrow.”
“Floor it is, then.” Tendou started making his way toward the bed, grabbing a pillow and dropping it to the floor.
A pit started forming in your stomach. Were you really about to—? “Actually…don’t make me regret this, Satori…but we can share the bed. Just stay on your side, got it?”
The slender man stopped what he was doing. “Are you sure?”
“Are you a blanket hog?”
“Bed sprawler?”
“Ryu, I can sleep on the floor, it’s fine—“
“You wouldn’t get any sleep. C’mon.” You climbed into bed, patting the spot adjacent to you.
“If you insist,” Tendou obliged, laying down next to you on top of the covers.
You both stared at the ceiling for a moment. “Goodnight, Ryu-chan,” Tendou said quietly, rolling onto his side with his back facing you. You did the same, facing away from him and curling into a ball.
“Night, Satori,” you whispered.
Several hours later, your puffy eyes fluttered open, working hard to locate the digital clock’s glow nearby. You sighed. The alarm wasn’t supposed to go off for another twelve minutes. You blinked a couple more times, trying to figure out if you felt hungover at all.
Thank god, you weren’t.
You reached for your phone, noticing another text message from who you assumed was Oikawa.
Unknown (05:22): Rise and shine, Bitch-chan! See you on the court at 09:00. ;) Remember: LOOSE wrists!
Geez louise. What a pain.
That wasn’t even the worst part of your morning.
Tendou was spooning you.
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myriadimagines · 4 years
Oh god, men who are saying we misinterpret... 😂 Brought me a funny memory.
When I first had a irl crush 7.5 years ago, I actually came forward to him (he was my classmate) and told him I really like him/said it straight to his face that I have a big crush on him because we had had fun together and for example, he always waited for me at the train station when I came to school and literally RAN to me when I got out of the train and he always wanted to walk with me back to the class after lunch etc so my friends told me to go for it and see what happens. He got super confused, but the next day he messaged me being like "I'm sorry for getting confused yesterday. But I have feelings for you too."
Well we had a very nice time for a couple of months which included a lot of staring, blushing and smiling at each other and goofing together and having Facebook messaging with stuff like "I missed you at lunch ❤️" from him (after I couldn't go to school because train operators were on a strike) and EVERYONE IN OUR SMALL SCHOOL SHIPPED US, students and teachers and even the school cleaning lady, they called us JJ because his name also began with J 😂 (there was about 30 people total in our school) And my teacher told me afterwards that he saw that there's something going on between us and purposefully paired us for assignments etc.
Then my crush apparently developed a crush on our class assistant (at least that's what it looked like) and shortly after that he sent me a very frustrated toned message claiming that his sister had written that message to me where he confessed he has feelings for me too, and I had just misinterpreted all that cute behavior and wanted me to stop talking with him. 😅 Yeaaaaah right. So his sister apparently took over his body too and he couldn't help it????
I guess that was a psychological kick to my gut because I haven't been crushing on anyone real since that one.
I saw him at a pizza place 2.5 years ago on his birthday btw and he just stared at me and I just tried so hard to keep my face static so I wouldn't show that I recognized him... I don't know what he was doing here because everyone is like "where the frick is that???" when I tell them where I live and then J just appears at the local pizza place on his birthday??? He lives 70 kilometers away from me in a city so I doubt he came all the way here just to eat pizza 😂 This place literally doesn't have anything else than that, two small grocery stores, a small gym and pharmacy.
Just telling you this for peer support and maybe for laughs 😅
JENNI PLSSSSSSSSSS omg first of all i am so sorry men are so confusing and this is just such a prime example sakjdhsajk but also this is almost the same as what happened to me and this guy???? im putting this under the cut bc its so long and messed up BAHHAHA
granted we never explicitly confessed feelings for one another but we would hang out at school all the time, sit next to each other on the bus (AND HE’D LET ME REST MY HEAD ON HIS SHOULDER) and he lives like 2 streets behind my house so he’d walk me home and everything. he’d get weird when i hung out with other guys and would incessantly tease me about it to the point where i was just like ok maybe i shouldn’t. and i ended up going over to his house all the time because we were studying for our exams together but we’d just watch tv and lay on the couch and talk. i met his dad and even my mom asked if we were dating and our english teacher also asked my friend after we all graduated if we got together and it makes me scream!!!!! but then right when we graduated he started dating another girl in our class (i had to find out from mutual friends which was so shitty akjsdhaksd bc he never talked about it with me, even long after i found out). and i was like damn that sucks but whatever, i never told him how i felt. but we still kept in touch and when i moved away for college he hugged me and told me how much he’d miss me, and i just start to move on bc we obviously cant get together. 
fast forward to a semester into college, he’s messaging me all the time about how he misses me and asking when i’ll be back, i come home for break, and its radio silence. dude doesn’t message me until the end of break where he asks to hang out, and i find out later that the day he asked to hang out was the day after his girlfriend left to go back to college. we hang out, i leave to go back to college, and we text for a bit more before he stops talking to me completely. we don’t talk for like a year and a half and i find out it’s because he girlfriend didnt want him talking to me anymore and he freaking deleted my number. 
we somehow get back in touch through our mutual friend but he’s still with his girlfriend and whenever we hang out he lies to her about where he is. im super uncomfy and debating if i should cut him out bc i dont like him sneaking around his gf like that for no reason since we’re just friends. but at this point he starts getting weird and affectionate and telling me he wants to go to nyc to visit me, and always randomly asking me if i have a boyfriend. he gets on my case all the time about not replying to his texts fast enough and eventually he hits me with the whole ‘i love you so much’ situation after he got a good grade in his exam and was sharing it with me (which is so weird bc why would u say that while celebrating your grade). at that point i start really distancing myself, and eventually stop talking until recently :)
his gf even reached out to me to talk the whole situation through but honestly they’ve both got issues and im terrified of them both. 
i recognise my own part in this situation about sneaking behind his gf’s back but i just.................................................................. it was a lot. 
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crosswalkfan · 4 years
I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with tumblr since there's a lot of nice art and unique memes, but for some reason some people are just... so mean? Especially to artists, finding every single thing they do somehow problematic. Why do you hate everything and everyone so much? If you see something you don't vibe with, just block them and move on... There's a lot of funny blogs in the jj fandom but the constant negativity can't be good for anyone's mental health (especially for the ones posting that stuff).
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don’t steal adrien’s phone - a fanfiction by miraculous_carnation
hi yall! this amazing piece of art isnt unfortunately done by me- it’s by the ultra charming miraculous_carnation on ao3, so be sure to check her out! i’ve gotten her permission to post this here, so dont worry! enjoy the show!
Lila Rossi posed for the camera, putting on a flirty face, Adrien sitting next to her. They were at the Palace of Versailles, the place for their photoshoot. Lila hugged Adrien in a way that made him uncomfortable, running her hands across his back. The photographer, noticing Adrien’s discomfort, asked them to take a 5 minutes break.
Lila walked to where Adrien was sitting. “So, Adrien! The photos are going to look awesome, right? I mean, we look so in love!”
Adrien’s eyes opened wide when he heard her voice. “Um, Lila? I know I’ve said this a lot, but can you please stop touching me? It makes me uncomfortable, and I already have a girlfriend,” Adrien tried to explain.
Lila narrowed her eyes at his last statement. Ugh, that Maritrash. What did Adrien see in her?
“Oh of course, Adrien! I’d never want to do something that would make you feel uncomfortable,” she whispered, leaning towards his mouth. Adrien grew stiff. Luckily, the photographer called for them just in time. Lila rolled her eyes, but then put on a fake smile.
“Oh well, anyways, we better go back, Adrien! We have to finish the shoot!”
Adrien hated photoshoots with Lila. They were the worst. Luckily, it was only for another 30 minutes, because after that, he had an interview with Nadja Chamack on Face to Face.
Lila hid behind a bush, watching Adrien get up and head toward the photoshoot. Perfect. She ran over to the table and picked up his phone.
“Well, Adrien, let’s see who you really love,” she smirked.
“Welcome back to, Face to Face! This is your host, Nadja Chamack, live in Paris!” Nadja Chamack enthusiastically said while the audience clapped. “Today, we have a very important guest. He’s a model, born here in Paris, ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the son of world famous designer Gabriel Agreste, Adrien Agreste!”
2 seconds later, Adrien walked onto the stage, wearing a suit, created specially by his father, strutting in the way his father taught him when he was little. ‘Flash a flirty smile to the audience, then greet Nadja Chamack professionally’, his father’s words repeated in his mind. His father cared about his appearance and reputation, after all…
“Hello there, Nadja! How are you doing today?” Adrien politely asked. He wished he could be somewhere else,particularly running around as CHat Noir, maybe playing a game of tag with Ladybug…
“Oh, well I’m doing wonderful!” Nadja responded, snapping Adrien out of his daze. “Anyways, I’ve got a bunch of questions for you! First one, are you dating Lila Rossi, a fellow model from your father’s company? Are the rumors true?”
Adrien sighed. There were so many rumors about that going around, many of them created by Lila. She already convinced the class that they were dating, when he actually was dating Marinette.
“Sorry, Nadja, but that is incorrect. I am not dating Lila Rossi, but I am dating Marinette Dupain-Cheng, of who you may know.”
Nadja smiled at the name of her friend’s daughter. “Yes, I know Marinette, I commissioned her to create a dress for Manon for my sister’s wedding, and it came out beautiful! Everyone in the audience, go check out Marinette’s website!”
Lila Rossi was watching the Face to Face interview, fuming. She didn’t know he had an interview! How dare Adrien say that! She’d ruin his relationship with Marinette! She tapped into his phone, already knowing his password, courtesy of his father. Gabriel Agreste gave her access to all of his son’s social media accounts for safety reasons. She logged onto his Instagram account and made a new post, adding the photo of Lila kissing him on the cheek.
“So grateful for my girlfriend @lilarossi! Love you!”
She smirked. No way he was getting out of this one.
Nadja Chamack was confused. Apparently, a new post from Adrien on Instagram was posted just now, but how was it possible? Adrien was talking to her the whole time!
She coughed. “Adrien, it seems that there has been a new post on your Instagram,” Adrien looked shocked, “can we have the post on the screen?”
Adrien’s eyes grew wide as he saw the post. “Nadja, I didn’t post that! I couldn’t-”
“I know you didn’t, Adrien. You’ve been talking to me the whole time right now!”, Adrien let out a sigh of relief, “Is it possible your social media team did it?”
Adrien shook his head. “No, they don’t put out posts like that. They only put out posts that promote the brand!”
“So if it wasn’t your social media team, who was it?” Nadja said in confusion. There were several murmurs in the audience as well.
Adrien narrowed his eyes. “Well, I have a hunch. What is the post about?”
Nadja caught on with his thinking. “Oh, so you believe Lila Rossi posted this? How would she have gotten your phone?”
Adrien thought about what happened before the interview. “Well, you see, before coming here, I had a photoshoot with Lila. She probably took my phone then.”
Gabriel Agreste was watching from the safety of his home. Lila Rossi had not thought about this beforehand! She was going to ruin his plan and his brand! How dare she!
Nathalie walked in. “Sir, would you like me to delete the post and disable Adrien’s social media accounts?”
“Yes, Nathalie. Have Adrien’s social media team clean up the mess.” Gabriel sighed. The only good thing that came out of this was that he figured out his son was dating Marinette Dupain-Cheng. It was a good choice, as Marinette was exceptional.
Lila’s eyes grew wide at the revelation. She posted about herself on Adrien’s account when he was in an interview! It made her the prime suspect! Hopefully Mr. Agreste’s social media team could take the blame.
She dialed Mr. Agreste’s number. “Hello, is Mr. Agreste there?”
She was greeted with the monotone voice of Nathalie. “Excuse me, Miss Rossi, but Mr. Agreste has decided to terminate your contract on behalf of Gabriel. You will never model in his brand again. Goodbye.”
Lila gasped. How dare that dumb assistant! She was Lila Rossi! How dare Gabriel Agreste do that to her! She would ruin him!
“On top of recent events, Lila Rossi has lied about many things. She even got Marinette expelled once!” Adrien explained to Nadja, excited that he found a way to expose Lila.
Marinette was watching all of this from the comfort from her room, her mouth wide open. Well, she wasn’t super surprised, Lila would do something like this, but Adrien called her his girlfriend! Sure, they were dating, but she didn’t think he would announce it publicly!
Girl, are you watching Face to Face? Can you believe Lila lied?
Hold up, you’re dating Adrien? Why didn’t you tell me?
Girl, I can’t believe you didn’t tell me. I thought we were BFFs!
Marinette snorted at the latter. BFFs? Yeah, right. Alya literally announced to the class two weeks ago that their friendship was over and that her new best friend would be Lila. Go figure!
“Wow. As you can see, ladies and gentlemen, startling revelations about the newest Gabriel model has come through! Hold on, we have a new post from the official Gabriel Twitter account! Can we please have this on the screen?” Nadja exclaimed.
Adrien read the post, not surprised. Of course his father would try to save face. It wasn’t new. He was just happy he wouldn’t have to model with Lila anymore.
The audience and Nadja gasped when they read the post. “Wow! It looks like the Gabriel brand has officially terminated Lila Rossi’s contract!” Nadja had to act surprised because this was predictable from the fashion designer. Typical Gabriel.
“Well, folks! There was a lot of drama today, but that concludes today’s interview! I hope you come again for another episode of, Face to Face!” Nadja concluded.
Bonus Scene:
“Well, Adrien, you made a good choice with Marinette. She could take over the designing area of the company while you take over the business side. When will you marry her?”
“Well, kid, he’s not wrong. Pigtails makes pretty good bread. And oh how good it tastes with camembert! Oh my sweet gooiness!”
“Shut up, Plagg.”
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Tomura Shigaraki x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, cheating, 
A/N: (edit) To all that have seen the first authors note, don’t mind it. I was supposed to finish this awhile ago but never got around to it until now. But yes crying in the club is still going on it’s just on hiatus. But i promise its not going to be as long as the Hero wannabe hiatus. So either way enjoy it lol
You were no idiot, you saw the way he looked at her. Hearts in his eyes, stutters on his words, face red. All the tell tale signs of someone falling in love. It would have been sweet and cute if the person wasn’t your boyfriend.
Distance. That’s how it’s always been. No matter what you did you could never get Shigaraki to fully trust you. It was a struggle to even convince him to be your boyfriend and it was even more of a struggle to see people get way closer to him then you ever could. It hurt. You would make him food, give him gifts and everything under the sun cause you loved him. Honestly you feel like the only reason he said yes was out of pity. And that hurt even worse.
So you just watched. Watched as your boyfriend fall in love for another. You tried asking him about it and all he said was ‘it doesn’t matter, calm down jesus.’ which didn’t give you much comfort.
“Am I really that annoying?” You thought as you looked at your phones lock screen. Showing a picture of you and Shigaraki together. Normally looking at this picture would make you happy. But once getting a closer look, you see the reflection in his eyes as he stared at something while you took the picture. You try to get a closer look and let out a little sob once you saw the familiar body shape of the woman that Shigaraki wanted.
You open your phone and go to gallery. Immediately deleting said picture. You wanted one that just had you two in it. One where you both looked genuinely happy. Searching, searching, and searching only for nothing to come up. All of them he was frowning. You put your phone on your bed before fully collapsing on your bed. Sobs racked your body as you try to find excuses and reasons why he loves you.
But you couldn’t think of any.
You sat there, anger boiling inside you as you watched as that girl flirted with Shigaraki. And he didn’t say anything about having a girlfriend! Everyone could sense the tension in the room. Everyone wondering who would make the first move. You or Shigaraki. The last straw for you was when she kissed him on the cheek.
You stood up throwing your hands on the table startling everyone. You sent daggers at Shigaraki while you stomped out of the room. Slamming the door shut along the way. Anyone that passed you could obviously sense your untrained anger.
You walked to your room and got some clothes, shoving them in a backpack. You weren’t leaving forever just leaving for a little bit to clear your mind. You’ve watched this shit go down for how long? Watching as your boyfriend flirted with other women.
Putting the backpack straps over your shoulders you walk out of the  bar doors and into the alleyway.No words were exchanged with anyone when you left. They only saw you leave. No explanation. They didn’t even know where you were going. Which concerned them. Were you leaving them? Everyone seemed confused and interested at the drama that followed there new leader and his probably ex-girlfriend.
Shigaraki sat at his desk in his room. Lights off as the darkness consumed most of the room where his computer screen light couldn’t reach. His fingers tapping on the keys in furious manners as he watched closely, trying to stay alive.
“And here I am thinking I’m an asshole.” Shigaraki jumped causing his character to die. He turned to the burnt male, glaring at him with all his might.
“You are.” Shigaraki growled.
“At least I’m not the type of guy that cheats.” Dabi gave Shigaraki a deadpanned look.
“What the hell do you mean ashtray?”
“Oh please hand man, everyone knows your fucking that chick that keeps flirting with you.” Dabi sends Shigaraki a glare. Did he not see that you were hurting? Dabi was always protective since he saw you as a little sister.
“The hell do you mean? I haven’t been fucking anyone.”
“Thats a bunch of bullshit. You know that the girl that keeps flirting with you. That girl is probably only with you to be higher up. Unlike (y/n) who truly loves your selfish ass.”  Shigaraki only rolled his eyes before turning back to his screen.
“You don’t know what you have until it’s gone Shigaraki.” Dabi turned around and went to close the door behind him.
“And said thing is slipping through your fingers.”
“Yeah Dabi I’m fine. I just had to leave for a bit. I can only take so much ya know?” You spoke into the phone. Dabi had called you asking if you were okay. In which you told him that you just needed time to yourself.
“What do you think I should do? I can’t stand watching that girl flirt with him any longer. I feel as if I truly do mean nothing to him.” You felt tears rolling down your face as you looked at yourself in the mirror. Picking yourself apart trying to find whats so wrong with you that Shigaraki can’t love you.
“Dump him?” The thought of leaving Shigaraki burned your entire being. How could you just leave? Dabi made it sound so easy. But deep down inside you knew he was right. You never wanted to admit it but facing the facts seemed easier than just slowly suffering, watching as the man you adore never any attention to you.
“You know what. I’ll give him one more chance. If he fucks it up Ill dump him, I promise Dabi. Okay? See you later, bye.” You throw your phone on the hotel bed before flopping on the bed looking up at the ceiling. Breathing softly before you hold your knees to your chest. Hugging them as the overwhelming pain of sadness drifted you to sleep.
“Hey Shigaraki, I’m back. I even brought you McDonalds!” Well more or less stole it when the employee was handing it to the customer through the drive through window. But you thought it would do some good to try and be a good girlfriend.
But as soon as you open the door you heart drops and so does the McDonalds bag. There was your boyfriend, and that girl in bed. Having sex. Tears glazed over your eyes as you slam the door shut. stomping away. You try to rub away the tears that fell from your eyes. 
Fuck this, fuck Shigaraki and fuck the LOV. You don’t need them. You don’t need anybody! You can do whatever you want. You don’t need some cheating dick to tell you what to do. You can make a name for yourself! Be your own villain! Start your own organization! It will be better then the LOV could ever be!
Grabbing all your things, which wasn’t much, and shoving them all in a singular suitcase. It was heavy, but you rather be holding this than stay here. 
“(Y/N) where are you going?!” Dabi asked you, watching you leave out the bar door without a word.
(One day later)
Shigaraki sat at his little desk playing some video games when his stomach growled loudly. He let out a little huff before getting up and heading to the kitchen for dinner. He wondered what it was tonight. 
He walked into the kitchen only to see no one. No food on the table, nothing even started. Shigaraki scratched his neck a little irrated and went to your room only to see nothing. It was stripped dry. Like no one lived here in years.
Where was all your stuff? An unfamiliar feeling grew in Shigaraki’s stomach. What was this? Whatever this feeling was he hated it with a passion.
Scratching his neck with more vigor this time. Where were you? 
“Dabi have you seen-” Dabi’s fist had connected to Shigaraki’s face, knocking off father.
“Are you fucking serious you asshole? Who knew that you of all people would be a cheater.” Dabi growled at Shigaraki who in return punched him back. There were fists were flying as each other tied to get a winning hit on the other one.
“SHIGARAKI AND DABI! STOP IT IMMEDIATELY!” Kurogiri yelled at them as he teleported both men into there rooms. Dabi could be heard screaming at Shigaraki from his room and Shigaraki screaming at Dabi from his.
One week later
You laid down in the alleyway you back against a brick wall as the rain from that night soaked you. Your hair sticking to your face. Well at least this was some form of a shower right? Sighing you put your drenched hood up and hide your face into your knees crying as you hit rock bottom. 
To say it was cold was an understatement. It was fucking freezing! The cold wind combined by the rain made it feel like you were going to freeze to death. Well at least if you freeze to death you would never see his stupid face ever again-
“What happened to you? Why are you in the streets?” A voice called out to you. Sniffling you look up and see a man with auburn hair  looking down at you.
“I...my boyfriend of 2 years cheated on me for another girl...” You say as the pain was obvious in your voice.
“Such a shame, you seem as the kind to do anything for their lover.”
“Yeah i guess.”
“Well may i ask if your one for revenge?” His question made you arch an eyebrow as you look at him.
“Well at times yeah.”
“I’ll make you a deal, work for me and you’ll never be lonely again. We’ll think of a revenge plan for your lover, but that is if you work for me.” You looked up at the man and saw 2 more emerge from the darkness. You sat on the ground thinking for a bit before slowly getting up and nodding your head.
“Good, the names Overhaul. I’ll be your boss from now on.”
To be continued?....
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ohbae-me · 4 years
HC: Brothers + Dia and Solomon reactions when MC sends a seminude unintentionally. Like, she was feeling herself that day and decided to takes some pictures. However, when she was deleting it, a bug occurred and send it to him. Who would delete it and who would?
I CACKLED when I read this request. I love it. Such chaos. What i wouldn’t give to send nudies to my demon bois
MC studied herself in the mirror. She'd just gotten back from a shopping trip with Asmo and was putting on her own little fashion show. She had to admit, Asmo had not steered her wrong when he took her to that lingerie shop. She admired the intricate detail on the matching bra and panty set. It sat absolutely perfect on her, no awkward bunching or spilling anywhere. And, if she was being perfectly honest with herself, she looked damn fine. Eyeing her phone, she thought what the hell! Asmo would be so proud. Taking these types of selfies wasn't her usual thing, but today had boosted her confidence. She looked fantastic, and it made her feel amazing. After her little photoshoot, she got dressed and decided to scroll through some of the photos. She'd decided that she didn't need to keep all of them, so she selected a few and deleted them before sticking her phone in her pocket. 
Not long later, her phone was blowing up. She'd opened her messages, and to her utter horror, realized that she did not in fact delete any of the pictures. She'd sent them to every single person in her contact list. 
Chokes on his coffee when he opens the message
Blushes a little at first and can't help but stare at the pictures, taking in the details
When he gets your text apologizing, saying he wasn't supposed to receive it, he smirks
Too bad. Picture moved to blackmail folder. Decides he needs to have a little chat with you on being more careful just so he can see you all squirm. Can't help but wonder if you're wearing that same set under your uniform the whole lecture. 
Finishes the lecture and tells you that you look very good in red with that beautiful, cocky ass smirk of his
Blushing profusely, all 2 brain cells have stopped functioning 
Can't stop staring. He thinks you look beautiful. He wants to send a cocky text back but literally can't string three words together. Can't look you for a solid week without blushing like a fool
Is downright livid when he realizes his brothers all saw too
Will never in a million years delete the photos
High-key thinks you should be a model. But then immediately dismisses that because that would mean everyone would be looking at you like that and that ain't happening. Nu-uh, no way. 
Screeching. Literally throws his phone across the room like it grew 3 heads. 
This has to be a joke right?! There is NO WAY you would be sending him those pictures ON PURPOSE?!
When you text him and say you accidentally sent it to everyone, he is disappointed but not surprised. 
He will delete the pictures, but he will certainly never forget them. Can't help but fantasize about you wearing skimpy cosplay outfits and feels dirty for it. Will probably never look you in the eye ever again
Stunned and quite taken aback by the risque pictures he's received, definitely blushing up a storm
He's used to it from Asmo, and the odd crazy fan but he never expected it from you
Suspects it was an accident right away
When you confirm as such and say he should just delete them, he says absolutely not. If you didn't want him to see, you shouldn't have sent them in the first place, and he likes them, what's the problem with that?
Will tease you for life about this. However, if you are really upset and uncomfortable about his response, he will apologize and delete them all. 
You have 34 new messages from Asmo
Yaaassss girl! I'm so glad we have this kind of relationship now~~ followed by many photos of him in varying degrees of nudity
Will keep his favourite pictures, and delete the rest. After all, he needs the space for his own pictures!
Will show everyone the pictures again. Doesn't she just look so cute in the stuff I picked out for her?! Look at that cute little butt! I told her the colour was just delicious on her- queue physical fight with Mammon
Mammon wins and deletes the pictures himself. Asmo says it's fine, he'll just take more pictures with MC~
The sweetest boy. He sees your frantic text right off the bat and deletes them right away
He'll feel really guilty if he finds himself thinking about it. 
Sees how embarrassed you are about the whole situation and will take you out for lunch to make you feel better.
He wants to tell you that you looked amazing, but will keep it to himself. He doesn't want you to embarrass you anymore
Smirks as he checks his phone when he wakes up. 
Takes him time admiring the pictures.
He will find you to tell you not to worry, he enjoyed them very much. As he snuggles up to you, he will forever wonder what you're wearing underneath. 
Is absolutely keeping the pictures for future... reference
Absolutely fucking delighted
Realizes very quickly what happened, and pesters Lucifer for details on how all the brothers responded to the little mishap
Gossips with Barbatos about it as they look through the pictures
Is honesty more amused by the situation than he is turned on
Though, he can't deny that he likes what he sees. 
He will save them all
Also realizes what happened right off the bat when his, Simeon’s and Luke’s phone all went off at the same time (he deletes them from Lukes phone before the poor bb can see anything)
He is definitely keeping these photos, thinks maybe he can use them against the brothers somehow
If you REALLY want him to delete them, you’ll have to give him something in return~
Loves all the drama is causes
Don’t get me wrong, he likes what he sees in the photo, but he is much more interested in how this could benefit him in other ways
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coreyww · 3 years
Hello! So…I had a tumblr a while back which I deleted do to inactivity, but now that I’m getting back into writing fanfic again I thought it might be a good idea to do so.
Just to let you know about myself, I write fanfic as a hobby (here is my Ao3 with most of my work). I have done that off and on since I was 15 and I’m now currently 32 still doing so. It’s a fun hobby and I honestly enjoy writing fanfic than I do original stories (which I have tried before with mixed results), so I don’t see a reason to stop. Right now the current focus of this hobby is the game Omori which I just got into and am about to start a big fic project for that I’ll go into in another post.
I will likely do a big masterpost of most of my fanfics “greatest hits” over the years, but I can touch on the two things I’m probably most known for here.
The Connie Maheswaran Fanclub (Or: How Connie Became the Most Popular Topic in School After She Pulled a Sword Out of Lion in Front of Literally Everyone) is a Steven Universe fanfic and yes that is the actual title. Essentially it chronicles the story of Connie (in very very loose canon-compliance) as her high school of normal students see evidence of the magical and extraterrestrial things she’s involved with. That’s the basic setup but as the story goes on it mostly becomes a comedy/dramedy slice-of-life story with school centric adventures involving Connie, Steven, Peedee (who gets major screen time in this fic), and Jeff (a character who appeared only on episode in the series as someone Connie judoflipped and felt bad about, only in this fic to become a major character with a crush on Peedee).
It is probably the most popular work I’ve created in recent years and the work I’m personally the most proud of. Slice-of-life and comedies-with-occasional-serious-drama are the genres I am the best at and I feel like this is the fic where I truly came into my own with it. It’s a fun read though the more serious bits do have some content warnings you’ll see in the actual affected chapters, but if you like Steven Universe and only want to read one of the…many…many things I wrote in that fandom, I encourage it to be this.
The other fic that is probably the most well known thing I’ve done is one of the oldest things I’ve written that I still consider Good-With-An-Asterisk-Attached is The Vinyl Scratch Tapes, a My Little Pony Friendship is Magic fic (though it is more popularly known for the audio adaptation which is what I will link as it is the best way to experience it). The story is basically Vinyl Scratch, a enthusiastic bordering on manic DJ and lover of rock and roll, starting a radio station shortly after radio stations As A Concept are even invented in Equestria, which she co-hosts with Octavia, a prim and proper yet sarcastic classical musician, and shows their relationship as it develops over two seasons (which honestly like…you can listen to the first season and just stop if you want, the second season is Just Okay compared to the first if I’m being honest).
It was one of the first comedic writings I ever did and it did seem to resonate with people at the time, though as with anything you might look back on a decade after writing it, I can’t help but see a lot of the things I could have done better even though I’m still proud people like it. It is often credited with starting the Vinyl Scratch/Octavia ship which became popular in that fandom (though the reality is actually a bit more complicated because another popular ship fic of the two did start at around the exact same time, though neither of us were aware of the other until later and we both agreed it was basically a coincidence). If you’re interested, I highly recommend at the audio adaptation I linked above as my script (which is not always perfect) was absolutely elevated by every member of the cast of that project and I love them dearly for it. (I’m actually lucky enough to still be close friends with one of the VAs on that project which is great because he’s super talented and a great person).
That’s basically a short description of my whole like…deal. If you like Omori stay tuned for a lot of content related to that game and upcoming fics (which I will delve more into later).
Stay safe and have a great day!
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tobeornottotc · 4 years
WE BEST LOVE RANT- warning probably is insensitive or whatever but I just had to get it out!
Wasn’t going to complain but I had to because y’all are just filling up the whole tag, the whole drama list, everywhere with negativity about every single thing. If i’m reading the show’s outlines right then look. It’s a trope done before but it’s one that’s important to see. Shide likes to deal with problems on his own because that’s how he grew up, the father probably gave him a different option to end up with Shuyi later, which is to wait until he becomes the owner of his fathers company, Shuyi is on the verge of being promoted to his father’s role hence why the company acquisition storyline is important, but shareholders and others are looking for ways to get rid of him, its why he’s so pressured to fire these people with no emotion, the father probably believed their relationship won’t last, and won’t be worth the eyes on Shuyi looking for reasons to get rid of him. Shide’s promise to the father probably was to back of until that’s sorted which is why immediately he reunites with Shuyi he understands his anger but pretends like everything is normal (because he doesn’t think they’ve broken up, they’re just on a pause for a while), I don’t think he knows about the cheating misunderstanding if he did he would have acted more desperately he just thought Shuyi will have a hard time understanding and would be angry he just didn’t expect him to be so heartbroken since he sent him messages telling him there’s a reason and he should wait. It’s still stupid but Shide wanted a desperate way to let the dad accept him and Shuyi, and to protect Shuyi’s future as ceo, he didn’t want any issues for Shuyi. 
As stupid as the story is; it was very Shide to be a noble idiot and do this so people complaining about how tired the trope is, we best love didn’t promise to be a new unique outstanding different BL calm the fuk down. It’s just a normal BL using the same tropes written well and acted well. People all of a sudden shouting and complaining is just so exhausting like stop watching the show if you don’t like watching the same tropes over and over again. Or accept that tropes can be repeated and still be interesting, it’s not lazy writing, it’s not problematic writing because the characters are all humans, they can be flawed, they can make mistakes, the fu*king can act in a way that has already been told to us that they act in, so why are people making people feel bad for wanting to enjoy a good BL? Urgh. 
I get that the couch scene is non consensual, I get that we all want PC culture and we want things to be shown that way. It is not okay that the music used was romantic, however the couch scene is not meant to be seen as romantic, it’s not meant to be seen as something that is wanted. Shide is broken at that moment and his most worst angry version of himself, it’s not an excuse, but it’s understandable. And yes I’m allowed to understand why the characters act the way they’re acting, like they have been separated for 5 FUCKING YEARS so there’s a lot of angst, pain, anguish, automatic longing, toxicity that is brewing between them but this is not SURPRISING. The show isn’t saying to anyone this is right? No one is applauding the fact that they slept together because it’s not a good thing. But everyone who’s making people feel bad for wanting to like a scene that represented a predictable character action that was going to happen one way or another, like just stop! No one is bad or a pervert, or wrong for wanting to say that scene was good writing, no one is bad for wanting to say that scene was acted well, no one should feel guilty or messed up in the head for understanding why that scene happened. 
Second to all the people feeling triggered, I get you, I understand why non/dubious consent is an issue believe me i understand but at the same time it has been warned time and time again that the 15 minute couch scene was going to be bad, the actors themselves has said it, the tags have been filled with it, it was obvious this was going to happen, if you get triggered by stuff like this, and you know you get triggered by this why watch? why choose to come to the episode and watch, you had time to stop if it triggers you so badly, I’m sorry for being insensitive but I’m also a victim of this so i’m also being insensitive to my self,  and I didn’t get triggered, cause I understood why it is was written this way but if I knew this would be a problem i would have listened to the warnings and just backed off. 
For everyone else? I mean how else do you think these two were going to confront what they feel when there’s alcohol involved? There’s reasons why the writer used alcohol as a tool to break down Shide, Shide is problematic already and this is him being that way amped up because he has no control. I am not defending ass*ult, or non consent, but I’m tired with all the people who keep saying the people who understand why this scene is written are what’s wrong with the world because god forbid we don’t want to end the show, and send hate repeatedly and negativity because we feel uncomfortable but expected to feel uncomfortable since the beginning of this show? This scene is not a shock?  This might be problematic to some people and you can think whatever you want to think about me, but this tag has been really annoying, everywhere apart from weibo and maybe twitter, is just negativity. Just tiring and this is not just about the comments about the scene, or the ass*ult, its more than that, everyone is having a fu*king problem with everyTHINg.  Jesus. 
will probably delete this later. 
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rainbowsky · 3 years
More on the Fan Fic issue
I have a few more asks about the issue raised the other day, some of which are long and go into detail on the 'wars' that have been happening on Twitter and AO3.
Sorry for grouping these but I wanted to put it all under a cut because these are long, and also in case people don't want to dig into these issues (which would be understandable).
Anonymous 1 asked:
"I am very strongly of the opinion that the BJYX term is still a fandom umbrella term" I agree. Mainly because Bjyx is the most popular. Many antis always say bjyx, and have no idea the others. So sometimes it's easier just to say bjyx instead of explaining all three. I myself more like "who cares as long as they happy." So I enjoy Yizhan in all contexts. Many bxgs I know also like that, mostly ibxgs. I think deep down all bxgs (no matter which position they prefer) just want Yizhan to be happy
Not sure we can be so certain about that last part, Anon (I think for a lot of people GG and DD are just characters in a smutty story they have in their heads), but I agree about the term being popular regardless of the type of fans people are.
From what I can see the BJYX term seems to be used 80-90% umbrella, 10-20% dynamic in both international and c-social media (for every 10 times you see the term used, only one or two of those usages - probably less - are referring to a dynamic). This is my totally unscientific estimation, but I think even 10-20% dynamic is being generous. The number of people who are fixated on a sexual dynamic aren't nearly as large as they'd like to believe.
Anonymous 2 asked:
about the promptfests - i’ve been on twitter since early 2020 and what i’ve noticed is that this influx bjyx-only promptfests started gaining speed once lots of rational voices started leaving the fandom recently either because a) new interests have caught their attention or b) the toxicity of the popular bxg circles on twitter have become too much to handle.
gdgdbaby was usually the organizer of dynamic-inclusive events, and she’s received lots, and lots, and lots of backlash by bxg, sometimes even by accounts with thousands followers, for using bjyx as a catch-all term. and as her interest in yizhan has since waned—hopefully for reasons unrelated to fandom toxicity—many of the people who were attracted to the welcoming environment she created distanced themselves as well.
zsww/lsfy fans have become an outnumbered circle who try their best to create exclusive events to avoid the “is bjyx a catch-all term” discourse, but never seem to gain as much traction as gdgdbaby (who has a sizeable following) or those who host bjyx-only events (who also have sizeable followings).
meanwhile the dynamic war has only become more and more hostile and bjyx is clearly the more populated group… ao3 is simply a battlegrounds, if i may dramatize the situation a little for the sake of humor, and the promptfests are a reaction to this irritating t/b discourse that has made bxg twitter completely inhospitable for me…and lots of other fans too.
(i’ve also noticed a huge reinforcement as of recently where ppl will call gg laopo, a milf, an omega, etc even outside of rpf (i.e. posting pictures of him at events and saying he looks pregnant or he’s going into heat) and it’s just… uncomfortable.)
(also please note i have a biased account of all of this drama bc many of my friends were harassed over it, and anyone who disagrees with my take may feel free to interject.)
I took the liberty of adding paragraph breaks because they are pretty important for some readers, particularly ND readers like me.
It's sad to hear how fucked up everything has become, but I'm not even remotely surprised. Toxicity leads to toxicity, and the whole idea of dividing up a RP fandom by sex position was misguided from the outset - no matter why it was done or how good the intentions might have been.
And yes, like I said, these people aren't just framing things this way for fan fic. This is how they talk about IRL GGDD.
I had written a lengthy essay here about homophobia in the fandom but deleted it all. Perhaps I'll post it separately at some later point. Suffice it to say that this stuff creates a climate that's often hostile for queer people. So much of it is deeply homophobic, whether people are aware of it or not.
It's really sad to hear about gdgdbaby being mistreated in any way. Anyone who steps up and sticks their neck out to help organize and coordinate activities that benefit a broader group of people should be celebrated and supported, not run out of town by an angry mob.
I've read some of her stories and even have one or two on my rec list. And here's someone who is not only writing good works, but also supporting others to write more good works. Such a shame.
Anonymous 3 asked:
Hello Mr. RBS! I think I can chime in a bit about the fanfic topic as I’ve watched this all unravel on twitter (where a majority of authors/readers are). I apologize if this gets long but it’s been something that’s also been on my mind.
I want to preface this by saying that I’m not a fan of the distinctions of dynamics as, like you said, the supposed line between real life and fanfic is long gone, so I’m not trying to be biased against one group over another.
Short answer to the question of, “is this retaliation?” : I do believe it is. (From here onwards I’ll be using bjyx as the dynamic term just for the ease of simplicity.) To understand why, I’ll have to explain with a bit of background info. On twitter, I’d say that there’s a quite large divide between bjyx and zsww/lsfy. That itself isn’t really a problem because people are free to like what they like and associate with whoever.
However there is a big problem where bjyx people are not just bjyx but also anti-zsww/lsfy. To the point where I’ve seen people say that they feel physically ill when they accidentally read zsww. I don’t think this type of behavior should exist in any dynamic bc in the end GGDD are real people with a real relationship behind this content and it’s just a gross fetishization at that point.
With all this happening, zsww/lsfy people have gotten more outspoken on how GG is often portrayed in those types of scenarios, mainly the over-feminization of him, bc it’s not just done in the context of fanfic but regular discussion of GGDD at this point. This tension between the dynamics kind of boiled over when the pregnant xz fest was announced, as you can take a guess at how that went over with zsww/lsfy people. lol.
But around that same time, another zsww/lsfy event was announced (I’m not sure if it’s the one anon was talking about) but the creator of the event suddenly got a ton of backlash for excluding bjyx, with the reasoning that bjyx is technically a part of lsfy. But the event was done to highlight zsww/lsfy (as all specific events are) bc the community and content for these dynamics are much less than bjyx.
Which is how we come back to the starting point of, is all this recent bjyx stuff retaliatory. I believe so bc the events (preg fest, dark event) are very specific prompts that target exactly what zsww/lsfy people have been outspoken against.
As to the point anon made about trying to drown out the tags, keep in mind that zsww/lsfy content is very minimal compared to bjyx and has only just recently started to gain more traction. I think most people would love to just peacefully exist in their own circles but I don’t see this problem between dynamics disappearing anytime soon.
Like I said with the above Anon, I've added paragraph breaks for ND readers.
What a mess.
I have absolutely nothing useful to say here about the fandom on AO3 and how it's managed by community members, but I do think it's unfortunate that people choose to be war-like rather than make space for diverse voices, and I think it's a real shame that some people have been essentially run out of the fandom because of this garbage.
Thanks for giving some context for how/why the major shift in tone of fan fic lately. I had no idea any of this was going on.
I urge people to work hard to give space for all voices and perspectives, and not just the ones they favor. I'd also urge people to reflect on how their thoughts, behavior and actions in the fandom might affect queer people in the fandom.
As always, we have no control over what other people do, say or think. All we have any control over is how we respond to what other people do, say or think. Hopefully we'll chose the path of peace and try to avoid fan wars or fights that only ruin the experience for everyone.
I guess one thing I'd ask any of the Anons who have written me about this issue - or anyone who has thoughts about it - is, what can we as readers/fans who care about diversity of voices and perspectives do to support that here and on AO3, without getting involved in any kind of war?
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aer-in-wanderland · 4 years
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구미호뎐 | Tale of the Nine Tailed - Lee Dong Wook’s Early Christmas VLIVE 2020.12.23 TotNT Talk
In which Lee Dong Wook talks about the series finale, deleted scenes, behind the scenes, and what TotNT means to him. 
This Year as Lee Yeon [1:16:20~] 
The final ‘2′ is: ‘This Year as Lee Yeon.’ Yes, that’s right. Well, truly this year, after Wook Talk* wrapped, I lived as Lee Yeon for nearly the full year. As of this week, it's been.. What is it? Three weeks since Tale of the Nine Tailed wrapped, right? Still, to think three weeks have already passed… 
At first, after it ended, for about one or two weeks, I was continuously listless; after it finished airing. But filming actually wrapped a while before then, so for nearly about a month, over a month, I've felt a bit empty, yes. And heartsick... (sigh) So, this year I lived as Lee Yeon. I received a lot of love, yes. And got to experience many new things; there were a lot of enjoyable things, yes. 
Humans really are like that. We're forgetful creatures, aren't we? While we were filming, it was intense and exhausting. I would think, ‘Gosh, when are we ever going to finish? Seriously, when are we going to film all of this?’ But now that we've actually wrapped, now that a month and three weeks have already passed since we finished filming... (nods) Now that I'm able to calmly look back on things, ‘It was fun,’ ‘It was enjoyable,’ ‘We really had a great time of it. We really worked hard.’ These are the things that have stayed with me the most.  
[*Note: This is the nickname for Lee Dong Wook’s 2019 talk show.]
Lee Dong Wook’s Affection for TotNT [1:18:18~] 
[Reading the live chat] Do I have a lot of love for Tale of the Nine Tailed? 
Yes. Most likely, of everyone in the world, I probably have the most love for Tale of the Nine Tailed. Of course, the fans of our drama that loved it, and my fans that loved me, probably have a lot of love for it as well, but it's possible that I love TotNT even more than our director and writer, yes. (nods) 
(Sigh) Since there's so much that went on behind the scenes that I can't even begin to tell you about... (nods) 
There's... Lee Seung Hwan, among Lee Seung Hwan hyung's songs, among Lee Seung Hwan sunbae's songs, there's one called ‘Even if I Write A Poem with Tears’ (눈물로 시를 써도). In the lyrics there's a line that goes, ‘A letter torn up for having far too many circumstances [to convey] / Do you know the meaning of that?’ Right now, that's precisely how I feel. There are so many circumstances, and since they're not all things I'm able to tell you about.. (nods) Yes, well, in any case, I believe of everyone in the world, I have the most love for Tale of the Nine Tailed. 
Sense of Responsibility [1:19:51~]
Tale of the Nine Tailed is... to me it was one of the dramas in which I had a large burden, a lot of responsibility to bear; in which an immense amount rested on my shoulders. From the very beginning, the director, the writer, and I spent quite a lot of time preparing just the three of us. Mm...so, while I'm only saying this now, before we even began, from the very start, I began this project with the feeling that, whether the drama succeeded or failed, I would have to bear the full responsibility for that. (nods) It was a drama, and a character, that I felt that much responsibility, that much affection for. 
So, yeah, we spent seven months filming, and the broadcast, too, ended well.  
The Final Scene [1:21:10~]
There are an awful lot of questions about the final scene. ‘At the end, is he a gumiho or a human?’ 
Honestly, I hadn't thought that that was something to be that shocked about. ‘They'll just think of this as a bonus cut.’ ‘Whether he's become a gumiho, or he's human but his powers remained, Lee Yeon will continue to eliminate the demons (ak’gwi) of this world, and Ji Ah will be with him, encouraging him and lending him strength.’ I thought people would think of it as just that much of a bonus cut, but, ‘He's become human,’ ‘He's a gumiho,’ ‘He lied to Ji Ah,’ ‘He deceived everyone.’ There was so much talk going around. So, ‘Ah, this.. I may have been somewhat mistaken.’ I did think that, yes. 
But that wasn't necessarily a decision made solely by the writer and director. My opinion is reflected in that as well, so, well, since it's all over and done with at this point, rather than blaming or not blaming someone, I think it would be best if we all just laid it to rest, yes.  
Six Years Later [1:22:37~]
Rather, I thought the focus would be on the happy ending: ‘Lee Yeon returned. And so, he and Ji Ah became a happy family.’ (nods) And, there is a bit more to it than that, actually, yes.  
Originally, hmm... We don't know if we'll be able to do the commentary [for the director's cut Blu-ray] or not, but if it turns out we do, we'll talk about these sort of.. yes, we'll talk about these things, so..  
To tell you a little bit up front, originally, in the scene at the park where I meet Rang-ie, that boy who is like a reborn Rang-ie, that's six years later, according to the script. As to why we didn't add that '6 years later' in as a chyron... If we had, our environment would have needed to change completely. At the very least, the smartphones Lee Yeon and Ji Ah use; their car, like, the cars driving about on the roads, all these sorts of surrounding items; the house we live in - so, well, that would be a set, wouldn't it? - all those things would have had to have changed, but we didn't have the time needed to physically make those changes. And, honestly, none of us know what sort of smartphones we'll be using in six years, do we? What car models will be released six years from now, how people will dress and go about six years from now. So, in wanting to keep true to those details, we thought it might be fine to just leave it at, ‘some amount of time had passed,’ and go with that. But now, well, thinking about it now, if we'd just added in the chyron, I think maybe it might have been easier for you all to understand, yes. 
Daughter [1:24:33~] 
And, ah, there was really a lot [of talk] about that. That's...of course, we, since that scene itself was deleted it's only natural that you all wouldn't know, but, ‘Lee Yeon and Ji Ah have a daughter.’ 
So, well, there were these photos of this child actress going about [the internet], but.. she's not our daughter. (laughs) She's just.. As to what that deleted scene was, it was a scene in which Ji Ah and I happily enjoy a picnic, just the two of us, at the park. I’d made delicious kimbap... 
And then, the little girl just passes by.. So, to put it simply, that little girl was an extra. But then, somehow, that scene ended up being deleted, and with all the curiosity over the ending, that just snowballed until people started saying, ‘That little girl was our daughter,’ ‘They had a daughter, but they didn't show her to us,’ that sort of talk was all over. 
But, yes. (laughs) That's not the case. Well, for this, since there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding, I thought I might set the record straight for you just this once, yes. 
[Reading the live chat] Yes, she's not our daughter! (laughs) She's a child actress who, yes, just came briefly to act as an extra for us.  
Lee Yeon’s Thread Rings [1:26:08~]
Oh! The thread rings, yes. I said in my previous VLIVE that, yes, that the color of the thread rings was of no consequence. They’re just one of Lee Yeon’s accessories that I had come up with from the very beginning. But after I began wearing the couple ring I no longer wore them. Also, in episode 16, when I return from the River of Three Crossings as a human, at that time too I’m not wearing the thread rings. But...well, after the 6 year time jump that only I know about, I’m wearing them again. The thread rings.
So they were actually a mark just for me that symbolized my abilities. I regained my abilities, and so, at the end, in the bonus cut as well, I’m once again wearing those rings, as always. So that was what I was referring to when I said that. But at that time, the broadcast was still ongoing, so I wasn’t able to explain these sort of specifics; the meaning of the thread rings.  
But that’s something that nobody knows. I’m the only one who knows that. The director, the writer, nobody else will know that. Because it’s something that I came up with all on my own, a detail I made all on my own, so that’s probably something that nobody knows. It was something that only I knew, yes.
‘Missing’ Behind the Scenes Footage [1:27:43~]
Well, I'm aware that there are a lot of other things you're curious about too. Regarding Tale of the Nine Tailed. But, well, I can't just go into each and every one of them here.  
Ah, right! The.. ‘The kiss scene, the bed scene, why was there no BTS footage of that?’ I heard that people have been saying this, but.. (chuckles, sighs). Yes, there's a bit more to the story there as well. 
So the thing is... that was the production team being considerate of us. They were being considerate of me and Bo Ah-ssi. As to why, it's because, before being actors, we're people. Of course, as part of acting we act out those sort of scenes, but there are times when we feel self-conscious. If a camera that isn't ours, another camera like a BTS camera or a still camera is filming that, the people who are taking that footage, those photos, are a bit, yes. They're hesitating for our sake. ‘Ah, is it okay for me to film this right now? To capture this?’ ‘Is this not, in some way, inconsiderate towards them?’ ‘Am I interfering with the filming of this important scene?’ Well, from that line of reasoning, they were being considerate of us.   
But, also... It was something that I wanted. “I would like it if you didn't film the BTS for these sorts of scenes.” This goes for me as well, but also, the actress could feel even more self-conscious and uncomfortable, so. Well, it was that sort of thing, yes. It wasn’t as if we were filming some sort of x-rated scene with a lot of exposure or anything, but - I'm sure many of you are aware - when it comes to those sorts of specialized scenes, only the essential crew remain while everyone else goes outside, yes. They vacate the space. But, well, we also did that when we filmed these sorts of scenes. So you can just think of it in that context. Of course, I know that wasn’t what you meant when you said you were curious about the behind-the-scenes [for these scenes] but, (laughs) well, I'd I appreciate it if you understood, yes.
Behind the Scenes Story? [1:29:52~]
Tale of the Nine Tailed behind the scenes [stories]... There are so many. Yes. But, well, honestly, it's not as if each and every last one is coming to mind right now. My thoughts are all jumbled. 
Inviting Questions [1:30:35~] 
Since we're on the subject of Tale of the Nine Tailed, if you’ll send me some of the questions you had about TotNT, I'll take a look and answer a few. Using this time. That would be, yes, I think that would be best. 
Iconic Scenes [1:31:03~]
[Reading the live chat] Iconic Tale of the Nine Tailed scenes? 
Oh, I can't pick one. Iconic scenes, iconic lines, anecdotes that stuck with me, I can't pick these sorts of things. There were just so so many. Yes, so much happened. And well, yes, so many memories are coming to mind that I can't pick just one. (nods) That's a bit... I'd appreciate if you would understand.  
But I’ll say this: from beginning to end, there wasn't a single scene, a single cut, that wasn't precious to me. Truly. (nods) Yes. Because I gave my all to the creation of every scene; because I had to take responsibility for more than I ever have in any other drama, all of it is precious, and all of it has stayed with me.
The First Scene Filmed [1:32:00~]
[Reading the live chat] The first scene we filmed? 
The first scene we filmed was the one where, in episode 1, after exterminating Yeo Nui at the wedding hall, I'm sitting in the park and, yes. He's revealed later as Soo Oh. The scene in the park I filmed with that kid, that was the first scene we filmed.
(Sigh) But that day, there was a high wind warning. A high wind warning. The wind was blowing really hard, and even though it was mid-April, even wearing a long parka, it was cold. On top of that, our hair and clothes were being blown about, so even though it wasn't such a difficult scene, it took a long time to film. 
So, although it was our first day filming, we really had a hard time of it, and it took a long time, and, conversely, it helped me adjust quickly [to what filming TotNT would be like]. It was that sort of scene. (chuckles)
The Red Umbrella [1:32:59~]
[Reading the live chat] You want to own the umbrella? 
Ah, the umbrella. (chuckles) The umbrella. It's expensive. Yes. That's, but, as I mentioned previously, promotional items aren't something I can do anything about... 
Wirework [1:33:31~]
[Reading the live chat] Did the wires hurt? 
Ah, they hurt a bit at first. They hurt a bit at first but, later, after doing wirework for about seven months, I got used to them. (nods) Later on, doing wirework action was a bit fun. Well, that is, the people rigging the wires, our stunt team, must have had a hard time of it, but for me.. (laughs) I sort of enjoyed it later on. It was fun. I mean, moving about mid-air is something that, frankly, we can't normally do, isn't it? Flying about like this for a long period of time.. (nods) Later on it got really fun.  
Imoogi SFX Makeup [1:34:50~]
[Checks the live chat and laughs] Hahaha Was the Imoogi makeup a sticker? 
That's (laughter) that's really, really expensive special effects makeup. It takes an hour to do that (nods, laughs again). Yes, it's not a sticker. It's special effects makeup. Specialists in our country who are extremely good at special effects makeup came and took an hour each time to painstakingly apply that makeup.  
[Checking the live chat] The questions are going by so fast. Hold on a second.
The Scene in which LDW Cried the Most [1:35:46~]
[Reading the live chat] Ah, the scene in which I cried the most? 
Ah~ The scene in which I write a letter to Ji Ah. Mm....In that scene where I write a letter to Ji Ah......I really did cry a lot, yes. 
And.... A scene where I cried when I wasn’t originally supposed to was...that, when I leave a video message for Rang-ie. Originally, crying there wasn't in the script. But, without even meaning to, tears came. 
Ah, so, if you watch that scene again... The part where I go, ‘This message will explode in 10 seconds... I'm kidding. I just wanted to try saying that,’ and end the video, the camera draws back from me, like this. But I suddenly start crying, and sob. So this camera draws back, and stops. Originally it was supposed to zoom all the way out, but it stops, and goes back in a little bit, about this far. They used a camera rig to film it like this, but.. That’s how I remember it, yes. If you try watching that [scene] once more, you'll see. Yes. They were tears that hadn't originally been planned on.  
Lee Yeon’s ‘Profession’ [1:37:51~] 
[Reading the live chat] Haha After he's restored, will Lee Yeon really be a stay-at-home husband while living off rent money? 
(Nods) He probably will, yes. (chuckles, nods) Lee Yeon has so much money that I don't think he'd bother working. And, I think he would focus all of his strength on protecting Ji Ah.  
The Video Messages [1:38: 31~]
[Reading the live chat] In the final episode, in the scenes where Rang-ie and I cry while looking at each other’s video messages, were we really watching each other cry? 
Yes. Rang-ie [Kim Beom] and I both actually recorded those messages on our phones. We really recorded them, and we each filmed while watching the video the other had recorded. So we really did watch them, and we really did cry. (nods) 
Who Has More Money? [1:39:18~] 
[Reading the live chat] (chuckles) ‘I heard that Lee Rang has more money than Lee Yeon~?’ 
Ah, it seems this was something Rang-ie said. (nods) That could be. I think that’s entirely possible.  
[Note: This is a reference to something Kim Beom said in his Instagram LIVE]
End of TotNT Question Time [1:39:56~] 
[Reading the live chat] I'm looking for a question I might be able to answer...but...nothing is really jumping out at me. 
Hmmm Hmmm... Yes, well, it seems like I'll have to wrap up talking about Tale of the Nine Tailed here, yes. I had wanted to answer more of your questions but...yes. I'm not seeing the sort of question I might be able to answer for you. Well, in any case, thank you so, so much for loving Tale of the Nine Tailed, and for liking it so much even now. 
Drama Memorabilia [1:42:12~] 
[Reading the live chat] Oh! ‘Did you ever want to own any of the outfits you wore while filming a drama?’ 
Oh this one, yes. I can answer this one. While filming a drama, key items, things that are associated with me, like outfits, I have them. Yes. Ah... I think I have an item from just about every [project] at home, yes. So, come to think of it, hmm...from Goblin, you know, that grim reaper...uh...costume? From the fedora down to the shoes - the suit, shirt, shoes, fedora; I have all of them. Just as they were. The coat, yes. So I have my reaper costume kept nicely at home, just as it was. And when I was filming Life, the name tag I wore around my neck all the time, that, ‘Ye Jin Woo,’ yes, that, ‘Emergency Medical and Health Services, Ye Jin Woo’ name tag is also at home. It's hanging on the fridge. And that, when I filmed Partner some years ago, at that time, I had a nameplate that read, ‘Lawyer Lee Tae Jo.’ That nameplate is at home, too. So I always keep at least one prop, one item that's associated with me that contains memories.  
I also have my grim reaper [death] list at home, even now. That list is really something that no one else will have. Yes. I'm definitely the only person in the world who has one. (chuckles) No, it's just, this is just another anecdote but, right around when we were nearly done filming Goblin, the staff had kind of made a lot of those lists, so there were extras. And they kept asking me to sign them. (laughs) But, originally, you're not supposed to write your name on there, right? You only, you know, write the names of people who are going to pass on, so I was like, ‘Even though I know this..is not the real thing, is it really all right for me to, ah, sign this?’ (laughs) Later I was like, ‘No, no I can't sign this,’ and turned them away. There was that anecdote. (laughs) 
Oh, and that, that umbrella sheath that Yeon-ie wore everywhere. You know that umbrella sheath he wore like this? That's... I made that. I designed it. Should I have brought that today to show you? Well, later, if there's an opportunity. But even though I only ever wore the black one on screen, there was actually another one that was brown. So I had those made out of high-quality leather, very expensively, yes, two of them. Yes, it was my idea. It was an idea my styling team and I came up with. ‘Since he's always carrying that umbrella about, rather than carrying it in-hand, what if I tried wearing it over my shoulder?’ I thought. So we had them made, and when I mentioned it to the director he said, ‘Oh, that sounds interesting,’ ..yes. Naturally, I have those. Those too, as you'd expect, are in my possession. And... [Reading the chat] Yes, I designed them, yes. I paid for them myself.  
And, oh. The umbrella that you all wanted so much. That umbrella, and the sa'ingeom, yes. I have them both. (nods) Ah, I should have brought them today. How much you all must have wanted to see them. I didn't think of it, I'm sorry. That umbrella case, the brown one that never aired, the umbrella, and the sa'ingeom, I have all of them. Later, if there's an opportunity, it'd be nice if I could give you a good look at them. Yes, well, from small things like the name tag to my reaper costume, these sorts of things, yes. 
[Reading the live chat] You’re envious, aren't you? Yes (laughs) Yes, well, anyway.  
For anyone interested, you can find excerpts from Lee Dong Wook’s earlier TotNT VLIVE that I translated here, here, and here. 
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livefordrama · 4 years
Reviewing Dramas I Have Watched Part 6
It’s been a while; I haven’t been able to watch a lot between school and just life. Not to mention the time I do have is spent doing buddy watches of kdramas I have already seen with my friends and family (On teleparty of course.) Again, here is my rating system:  1- Did not like, 2- Enjoyed but probably wouldn’t watch again, 3- Enjoyed and would watch some episodes again (or for movies may watch again), 4- Enjoyed and would watch again, 5- Loved
Korean Drama
Melting Me Softly: 3/5
Melting Me Softly is about a guy and s girl who get cryogenically frozen for an experiment for what was meant to be only a day. Unfortunately, something happens, and the 24-hour experiment turns into 20 years. Now they have to deal with the changes of not only their family and friends but the world and society as a whole all while trying to uncover the darker secrets behind the experiments.
I gave this a 3 because while the earlier and later episodes were amazing and hilarious, the episodes in the middle of the season bored me. I am not much of a romance person unless it is either subtle or played out a specific way and the romance in this wasn’t my personal cup of tea so it just got boring for me. On its good episodes though, it was funny, sad, and cute. I really did like the dynamic between the two main characters and the romance is pretty good, just a little slower in the middle of the series. The relationships with the family members of the two were so cute and so sad, I loved the all the scenes where the mains got to interact with their families. I did feel awkward and weird about the second-lead, I’m not sure if he counts as a second lead but for lack of a better term that’s what I’m calling him. I love Choi Bo-Min as an actor, and it had nothing to do with his acting, just the whole situation was uncomfortable to me. That other guy who doesn’t even deserve to be the second-lead, if you watch it you know, the stalker one, I despise that man. Not once during the entire show did I like one of his scenes. That could be why I didn’t enjoy the middle scenes as much cause he found a way to worm his way into almost every scene and I would get so annoyed with him. This show does have its good points and bad points, so I would recommend it for those who like romance with a little bit of suspense and humor.
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Welcome to Waikiki (season 1): 3/5
Welcome to Waikiki is about a group of friends who own and attempt to run a guesthouse together. When they find a baby left behind in one of their rooms, they have to find out how to take care of her and find her mother. This becomes even more complicated when the mother returns in tears saying she had no where else to go and didn’t want her baby to suffer. After hearing about her troubles, they decide to take the two in, in exchange for help working at the guesthouse. It follows the group and mother as they try to figure out how to take care of a baby, save their failing guesthouse, and achieve their own dreams, all while falling in love.
This show was hilarious, I watched it because everyone was talking about how funny it was and I agree. I especially love how it focused on all the characters instead of picking just one or two and focusing on them. I love when shows really work on all their characters and this show played it out so well. Not one was neglected and I didn’t feel like any of them were underdeveloped by the end, and Sol was super cute! I loved every single one of her scenes, she was so funny and sassy and I know she is just a baby but she is amazing. I watched some episodes on the tv and my sisters even made comments on how cute she was when they looked up at the TV, even though they didn’t watch it. I enjoyed the ending and how it all played out and tied together nicely. 
It was a delight for the first two thirds of the season. However, yet again that romance hit and the humor kinda dissipated to be replaced by the romance for a good few episodes. While it was admittedly cute, and I adored the romance scenes in the last few episodes, most romance scenes gave me such second-hand embarrassment I had to pause the show for a while and gain the courage to restart it. I did enjoy it but would probably only ever rewatch the first two thirds and maybe the last two or so episodes. It reminds me of Love With Flaws in the second-hand embarrassment romance scenes, so if you enjoyed that show, definitely give this one a chance. If you like romance, humor, and can handle the second-hand embarrassment stuff I highly recommend this one! It’s super cute and hilarious!
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Missing Nine: 5/5                                
Trigger Warning: Plane crash, Blood, Injuries, Suicide attempts, Murder
Missing Nine is about a girl who gets hired as a stylist for an arrogant and cold idol. On her first day, the plane they are all riding on to an event crashes on a vacant island. Only nine of them survive the crash and must now fight to survive and be found all while struggling with the betrayal of one of their friends who began to murder them one by one.
I really enjoyed this one, it was my perfect type of show; angst, suspense, subtle romance, crime, found family. The only issue I had with it was the unrealistic ending, I just don’t understand how it is possible and don’t know how I even personally feel about it. I am also probably one of the very few people who didn’t watch it for Chanyeol, don’t get me wrong I am an Exol too, but like really new Exol. You can skip this parenthesis if you want, it’s a kpop tangent. (I am a huge multistan. I love all the kpop groups I have listened to so far and have all the dalcomsoft games minus Gfriend even though I love them, cause I feel like it’s going to be a BTS superstar and get deleted so it’s not worth my time or efforts. Feel free to talk to me about any group and any member. If I don’t know them, I would be happy to find new ones so even if they are not well known or new, don’t feel worried about squealing to me about them, I would love to make kpop/kdrama loving friends.) I watched for Jung Kyung-ho and only when I started did I see Chanyeol which was cool to find. This also means POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT I wasn’t disappointed or biased after a certain episode like many of the people I saw raging in the Tvtime comments, not saying this in a bad way just stating that since I am neutral on certain events, I will be focusing on specifically the plot and how I felt about said plot versus how I feel about characters. SPOILER ALERT OVER
Overall I really loved this show, it was certainly an emotional roller coaster. I felt that it could have had a second season or a spin off to tie up that last little cliffhanger but I personally and satisfied with how the main issue wrapped up, other than that one weird ending scene. If you like angst, suspense, crime, and a little romance seen in an enemies to lover type of trope then I highly recommend this show. I gave it a 5 cause I personally loved it and am already planning on rewatching it with my friend. It does have a lot of blood and injuries so if you are sensitive to that, I wouldn’t recommend it to you. 
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Because this is my first life: 5/5
Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault, Attempted R@pe (but it didn’t get far at all, just be careful)
Because this is my first life is about a woman (Ji-ho) who has to find a new place to live as her brother is getting married and her parents gave the son the apartment that they had bought for both their children. Because of many misunderstandings and coincidences, she accidentally rents a new apartment with a very strict and stoic man (Se-hee). Due to more problems, the two come to an agreement that they should get married since they both can gain something from it. The woman gains a place to stay and the man gains a tenant to help pay the bills, no more, no less.
Okay, so while I said that I didn’t like romance this is the exception, much like Shopping King Louie, it was just a really cute slow burn that I thoroughly enjoyed watching. Many people in the fandom, on TV time at least, were giving Se-hee a hard time and saying he was using and manipulating Ji-ho but I didn’t see it that way. She consented and never voiced anything other than that and the deal was for her to stay in the apartment since she needed a place to live and he needed someone to help pay bills. He didn’t ask for anything more, she was already following his schedule before the marriage issue and was just fine and accepting when they decided to get married. Neither had any expectations of falling in love, they just both needed something that marriage would help them gain and both consented to it. Later on, Se-hee even asked her if any advances were okay and backed off when they weren’t with no questions asked which I find admirable. Okay, rant over. It was cute and at times annoying cause you just want them to get together already. I laughed so hard in so many episodes and cried in a few too. The cat was so adorable and I love the interactions the main’s had with the little fluff. The best, and sometimes most painful, bonding moments between the main’s were the ones that dealt with the cat. I wasn’t too fond of the love triangle but was pleased with how it actually played out with the two women actually accepting each others presence instead of being horrible to each other for the most part. Highly recommend it to any romance lovers, and especially to those who are fans of shows like Shopping King Louie as mentioned above.
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Flower boy next door: 3/5
Trigger Warning: Stalking, Panic Attacks, Sensory overload, Bullying, Teacher Crushes and Manipulation of Such
Flower boy next door follows Dok-mi, a young woman with crippling social anxiety to the point she never leaves her apartment. From her window she watches her across the street male neighbor every day, taking note of his entire schedule. This all comes back to bite her when her neighbor’s brother comes to visit from Spain and catches her. What starts as an attempt to make her stop stalking her brother, quickly progresses into a mission to help her overcome her past, anxiety, and to get out of the house and adapt back to a healthy social life. As this mission goes on the two begins to realize they have feelings for each other, but Dok-mi’s own next-door neighbor has his own mission of getting her to stay inside and fall in love with him. He has been writing a web comic about her being a modern Rapunzel and has been in love with her for many years.
I enjoyed this one, I watched it cause the actor from Psychopath Diary starred in it and it was really cute. The romance was adorable, and the whole telepathy thing was a great addition that made me laugh. I love the whole adorable dork male with quiet cold girl trope so much. I didn’t like the whole stalking situation very much, it’s just kinda weird and was something that made me really uncomfortable during the first few episodes. I wasn’t a huge fan of the next-door neighbor, he just seemed like an enabler to me and I found myself angry through most of his scenes, as well as through most of Dok-mi’s childhood friend’s scenes. Other than those two characters, I enjoyed it well enough. I know some people can get annoyed by each characters flaws but I usually am good with morally grey characters as long as they learn from their mistakes. Some did in this show and there was a lot of character development and some didn’t which is realistic but makes me kind of sad. I recommend it to people who like a cute romance show with some angst and don’t mind morally grey characters.
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Ghost Vros: 4/5
Trigger Warning: Suicide, Death, Some gore, Jump scares.
Ghost Vros follows two young men who are trying to start up a business where they hunt ghosts using virtual reality software. The main character is able to sense the ghost through his ears turning red and his friend programs the virtual realty to make sure the main has everything he needs to catch the ghosts.
I liked this one, it was fast like many web dramas are, but really interesting. I did attempt to translate it myself with my, admittedly little, Korean knowledge before finding the English subs (which you won’t be able to find now that Youtube has rudely removed community subs, unless it’s uploaded somewhere else. If someone finds it please let me know.) I was always engaged during the show and wasn’t bored at any point. It did have some confusing points and I wish we got more backstory as there was mentions of some interesting things that was never explored further, but it is a web drama, so that is more than likely too much to ask for. Recommend to anyone who enjoys a quick comedy ghost story.
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 Cats Taste and Cat Bartender: 5/5
Cat’s Taste and Cat Bartender follow three cat gods who run a bar at night to make money for their injured owner. At this bar, they give upset humans cocktails which enable them to either posses said human or go into a dream world, this isn’t really clear, and correct the issue in exchange for items the cats find interesting on top of the alcohol cost.
This show was so cute, I absolutely loved and couldn’t stop smiling. I got the first season, Cat’s Taste, on my youtube recommend and decided to watch it since I was bored. I am so glad I did, I got super excited when I saw that there is a second season as well and spent forever trying to hunt it down before a kind person on MyDramaList put a link to the English subs in a comment (if anyone needs it, I will be happy to send it.) Both seasons were amazing, and I am hoping for a season three as the ending looks like it might be set up for one. The way they showed the bartending moves was so pretty and satisfying and I liked how all three cats got to show their moves instead of just the one.  I don’t like alcohol, have tried many kinds many times to but just don’t, however this show makes me want to drink the mixed drinks even though I know I would hate the taste.
Also, is it just me or does Ms. Hana remind anyone of Johnny from NCT? I don’t know if she looks like him or what, sometimes someone reminds me of someone else and the two look nothing alike. Don’t know what that’s all about but let me know because I could not shake the feeling that she reminded me of Mr. Johnny from Chicago. Anyway, tangent aside, I highly recommend to someone who like a quick but cute drama.
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Korean Movies
Beautiful Vampire: 3/5
Beautiful Vampire is about a female vampire who tries to avoid people due to her nature, but has all that shattered when she runs into her landlady’s son one night and begins to fall in love.
This movie was pretty good, but a little confusing. I couldn’t even write a proper plot explanation cause I was just so confused. I honestly felt like a fever dream, though a relatively interesting fever dream. I wish we had more information and backstory cause it just kinda felt like a rollercoaster ride of pining. It ended okay; I mean I was bored at the time, so it was something to do. If I am bored in the future, I might watch it again. I agree with most on TvTime when they say, it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good, it was just something to do. I feel like the story line needed more work done and that it ended too fast and progressed in such a way that it was hard to follow. If you are bored or have nothing to do, give it a try, you might like it more than I did.
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Chinese Drama
Take My Brother Away: 3/5
Trigger Warning: Alcohol Abuse
Take My Brother Away is based on a web comic about two siblings living with their alcoholic, debtor father in China, after their mom filed for a divorce and left. It follows the two as they go to school, work, and try to live a normal life. The sister hates her brother for being lazy and not being able to help her get what she wants, and the brother gets annoyed at the sister for always getting violent with him and nagging him.
I loved this one, it was really interesting to see the dynamic between the family. I felt that the brother should have been given more credit in the beginning for all he does for his sister and I felt really sorry for the sister because she just wanted to be like the other students who could afford to read web comics or go on trips. Some episodes were hilarious, some were heartbreaking, some were admittedly annoying, some gave me secondhand embarrassment. I just love it all, the only reason I give it a three is because I wouldn’t watch all 50 episodes again, I loved it but some were more on the boring side like filler episodes and I just, don’t think I’ll ever watch the whole series again. I can defiantly say however, I will probably watch most of the episodes again. I enjoyed the ending though it was admittedly on the strange side, and felt it was wrapped up nicely. There was a lot of character development too which is always great. I recommend this to those who enjoy some dysfunctional family humor and some angst and who are able to commit to long seasons.
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 Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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somestansomewhere · 3 years
Debbie Gallagher: ALL Love Interests RANKED
Okay! I tried to rank all of Debs’ love interests and it was hard to do because I am not set on that ONE PERSON that I ship her with above all else, but these are my thoughts! Keep in mind that these are all MY OPINIONS and you are entitled to yours as well! Let’s talk about it! If you read all this ILY.
Here we go:
23. The Guy At The Pool (Season 5)
He thought Debs was special needs and she tried to flirt with him...
22. Kelly (Season 9-10)
I LOVE Kelly so much but she was not into Debbie! I really love her with Carl and Debbie should not have tried to interfere! I will however say that I really really REALLY enjoy their friendship and I wish that that would have continued on. They had some really good moments together.
20/21. Eugene (Season 6) & Board Game Guy (Season 7)
Alright so these two don’t technically count because Frank tried to set Debbie up with Eugene so that she’d be written into his will. And the Board Game Guy was from a deleted scene as one of Debbie’s “life partners” from that flyer she made. So enough said.
18/19. Tyler (Season 6) & Erika (Season 6)
Again, Frank attempted to set Debbie up with Tyler and while that “potential relationship” wasn’t as bad as what happened between her and Erika, I am grouping them together because Debbie wasn’t technically into either of them and it was set up to fail right from the start.
17. Larry (Season 6)
The pregnancy fetish guy! I’m not quite sure what the intentions were for this character in the long run but it was a funny joke in the episode he was in. Even in the beginning Larry gave off red flags, but Debbie was happy... until the truth was revealed. Weird.
16. Jared (Season 11)
Another irrelevant love interest: the gay guy that cheated on his husband with Debbie after giving her cocaine. Obvious issues with this encounter/plot line aside, I did feel that their interactions at the bar were flirtatious and I didn’t hate him.
15. Calista (Season 11)
ANOTHER irrelevant character that was used and never brought back!!! I didn’t totally hate her either, she was upfront about her ex-girlfriend and that whole situation. She helped Debbie and didn’t take advantage of her but the second she came on screen; I’m sorry but I did not give a fuck. Her last episode built up a potential friend/relationship opportunity for Debbie and they just did nothing with it. Idfk what else to say, not a fan but I did appreciate Calista trying to take care of Debbie when she clearly was drinking too much.
14. Sandy (Season 10-11)
Oh boy, everyone’s favorite partner of Debbie’s... Yeah, Sandy is so low on this list not necessarily because I didn’t like her for Debbie, or that I have beef with Elise (b/c I love her as an actor sm). I personally just hate the sheer fact that this character EXISTS in the first place. I never understood the hype, but I know that people only like her because she’s a Milkovich ie. related to Mickey. That’s the hard truth this fandom isn’t willing to admit. My disliking Sandy should be a post of its own but lemme get into her relationship with Debbie.
You could tell that Emma and Elise liked working together so the chemistry was sorta there (definitely not soulmate shit tho). Each time that they interacted in s10 I was over it. S11 was better in the sense that whether I would like to admit it or not, they did have some “cute moments” (mainly just Sandy calling Debbie babe/babes). The second shit hit the fan in regards to Sandy’s history, I immediately understood Debbie’s issue with her and why her character would not want to be with Sandy. But, with that being said, Debbie was also in the wrong because she made everything about herself throughout the entire course of this relationship! Sandy did call her out, ex: “who was supposed to take Franny to school?”, and things like that were nice. HOWEVER I am sorry to say, this relationship felt like a massive waste of time and it felt like they were trying to force something that shouldn’t have existed to begin with. I don’t have the patience to even analyze this anymore, but maybe down the line because clearly there is SO MUCH to delve into!
13. Alex (Season 9)
Omg I did not like this relationship/plotline at all. Alex had issues but Debbie was so inconsiderate! I never saw the appeal here! It was nice that Alex had the decency to go and help Debs with Ford after the fact. I just feel “meh” about this tho. They had moments but ultimately I personally wasn’t into it and Debbie’s random newfound self discovery of “lesbianism”.
12. Kyle (Season 3)
Emma Kenney’s first kiss! Kyle was a one episode character that did have the potential to be more than that. I didn’t hate the kid as Debbie’s love interest, but there also wasn’t anything special about him. He was just kinda there and then he left. Debbie really seemed to like him though, spelling his name in her peas, etc.. I do like that one line about cigarettes that Kyle had but again he was such a short lived character and when he turned out not to be related to Kevin it became unnecessary to keep him around... even if the episode alluded to him returning. They were sorta cute!
11. Claudia (Season 10)
So I didn’t like this relationship much either but there was a certain kind of stability in the relationship that felt organic and nice. Partly because I enjoyed watching Constance Zimmer and she made Claudia likeable. Do I ship it? No. Was it a problematic dynamic? Yes. Was it a tolerable relationship? Eh. I didn’t hate it entirely though. Debbie, being a Gallagher, eventually fucked it up. And while I did like the drama, Debbie wasn’t REALLY into Claudia as much as she may have believed she was. So, it totally felt like a one off that would end with Claudia not returning... and it was. So there was no time for an investment of any kind.
10. Hedi (Season 11)
Gosh... Debbie’s endgame(?). Hedi was introduced too late for me to care enough about her (At this point it would have made sense for Debbie to wind up with Calista because at least she was already introduced!). I don’t necessarily like Hedi as a character and quite frankly it was a “who tf does SHE think she is” kinda deal for me. At first I was interested and didn’t hate her (and I don’t), but then she “thought she was Jimmy” and I instantly got annoyed (LOL I GUESS it was a nice nod to him tho... I guess).
My (several) problems with Hedi as a character aside, there IS something about Hedi being presented as this “dangerous badass” who is (somehow) WORSE than Debbie, that worked well. I’m not a fan of the ship, but it is an interesting dynamic in the sense that Debbie could potentially be “living on the edge”. I fear for what trouble this could cause Debbie BUT it’s like Frank referenced: Monica vibes. I don’t think it’s “true love” like Debbie said to Franny. A constant storyline for Debbie has been “why can’t anyone ever love me” and so she falls in quickly. Maybe Hedi will leave her but that’s the thing, “she’s done worse” so idk, either way I don’t think it’s meant to last! But I guess I don’t mind them being together! Karma’s a bitch! Will Carl tell her what Arthur found? Would it even make a difference?
9. Julia (Season 10)
I would have actually rather preferred her with Carl too! It was never love between Debbie and Julia, but the relationship did create good conflict for my viewing pleasure. UNPOPULAR OPINION, I didn’t mind Julia as a character at all. She was fine for me. I also enjoyed how ultimately SHE was only using Debbie in the end. Julia does admit later on that she was experiencing with her sexuality so maybe she did have feelings for Debbie at one point, which I thought was interesting. Debbie got herself into this one. At least Julia was more age appropriate than Claudia... (which is ironic since Debbie got in trouble for being with Julia when the age gap is MUCH bigger between Claudia and Debbie LOL I love it)! I also found Julia annoying Debbie to be amusing, that’s not to say that I liked her a lot either cuz I don’t!
8. Matty (Season 4-5)
Man do I feel bad for Matty! Debbie raped him and it was horrible. From the get-go when Matty was introduced the relationship was hella awkward!! And not only that but Debbie was a MINOR! Matty did do the right thing and said they couldn’t be together but a part of me will always feel strange that he WAS INITIALLY attracted to Debbie before learning her age. That to me is still wildly inappropriate. He shoulda cut it off. He did try to be her friend and took her to that dance which was cute but ahhh this was just a MESS all around. Cringe. At least he didn’t take advantage.
7. Henry (Season 4)
Speaking of Matty and that dance, Henry was supposed to take her. He asked her as a joke in order for Seama to inflict revenge on Debbie. If that weren’t the case however... DAMN THEY WERE CUTE! The potential that this relationship could have had! If only it wasn’t all an act! It was a “day worth of love” and sure that’s not enough for two people to REALLY be IT, yet there was something charming about their connection that I wish was real. Or idk maybe Henry could have reconnected with her later and apologized and it could have been revealed that he did actually like her... but that wasn’t the case. Fuck him!
6. Simon (Season 1-2)
Debbie was NOT interested in Simon at all but at the time he was almost like the male version of her. Their banter back and forth was fun to watch and he probably would have treated her well. It’s unfortunate that we didn’t get to even see their friendship progress. Their interactions were funny and he was a good guy!
5. Batiste (Season 10)
Y’all may not understand why this guy is so high on the list but a part of me wishes this character wasn’t a one off. Batiste is the dude Debbie tried to return her “unused” shoes to. If you can recall, he wanted a blowjob to take advantage of her. While this was a dick move (and the plot went nowhere) a part of me would have liked to see more! He did have an arc where he acted like an ass and realized that it is wrong to degrade women. I just think it could have been built upon and Emma may have had chemistry with this actor. There was something here that I didn’t hate and I felt it could have been expanded upon.
4. Little Hank (Season 2-3)
Debbie’s first real crush! It was interesting to see how he didn’t like her at first and then a “friendship/relationship” slowly started to develop after he gave her flowers. IT JUST NEVER CONTINUED! Little Hank was in no way the most upstanding, but it was cool to see Carl have a friend that Debbie crushed on (when she was little she wasn’t intentionally taking something away from Carl ie. Kelly, so I support it). Their interactions were fun to watch too! The fandom definitely has a soft spot for Little Hank! And at one point everyone was rooting for them to be together. Too bad we never discovered what ended up happening to this character!
3. Neil (Season 7-8)
The bathtub scene tho! Adorable! There was a short moment within this relationship that was super cute where the two of them really did seem to care about each other and may have both been in love. It goes without saying that Debbie was only using him, but they did have SOME potential and they found a common ground where they each benefited each other’s needs. Debbie once again was TOO controlling and self absorbed to make it work, but I don’t think she was entirely happy in a relationship with him. He deserved more respect!
2. Derek (Season 5-8)
Baby Daddy! I really did enjoy them together until Debbie took advance of him and Franny came into the picture, but at the same time that’s one of the reasons that Derek, as a character, has a deeper connection to Debbie and the audience. I always enjoyed their flirting back and forth and the relationship they had (the deleted scene with the card/push up game ahh my heart)! Debbie really did mess up due to her desperation to “belong to a family”, which is another one of her consistent character traits. She just went too far and tried to trap him. Then shit got messed up between their families. Derek did eventually ask for parcial custody and did have a desire to be a part of Franny’s life. Debbie said no and that plot line died until s10. Pepa!! Ahh! RIP to Derek, it was sad to me that he died. Definitely a character and relationship that I wish was incorporated more because I truly enjoyed them together.
1. Duran (Season 8)
Besties with benefits! Stop! Nobody talks about my guy Duran! Sure they both said that this relationship was of a sexual nature and that they were just a couple of friends but damn! The chemistry and dynamic was palpable! It is truly a shame that we didn’t get to see more of this friendship! They were on common ground and really did care about each other! I don’t know why but I really just LOVED them together! Duran was also in her friend group with Farhad and that was a group that seemed to have a positive impact on Debbie as a person. S8 Debbie was cool! These two complemented each other so nicely! Duran wasn’t by any means the best influence on her because he almost lead Debbie down a “Monica path” but come on, Hedi is worse in that department. He was getting his life together like Debbie was with her profession. Just think of the hair convos Duran and Tami could have had Lol. Idk, I just like Debbie with him a lot! It was healthy to an extent and he was supportive of Debs with Franny.
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