#my sleeping pills are kicking in
rodolfoparras · 11 months
what are ur headcanons for price? like they can be as weird or as normal like they don’t gotta be naughty it could be something like his fave food is crackers 😭😭
First of all I love this question thank you sm for asking it I was literally vibrating with excitement second of all I have so many I was a wee bit overwhelmed but I split them up in four types of HC, first one being about him specifically and then two of him in relationships and then one of him in platonic relationships is it obvious that I am hyper fixated on this man
Anyway here’s what Price would be like in a relationship and a bit about him
Price in a relationship:
Price had enlisted very early on in the army meaning that most of his life he’s spent being surrounded by men (and women) and he’s most definitely had different types of relationships with men, he’s probably even had one defining relationship with a man in his early days that didn’t last but left a lasting impact on him
Price rose very fast in rank, meaning most of his younger years he’d spent being dedicated to his work, and would have little to no time for serious relationships. If anything he’d indulge in hooks up that would happen at the many banquets and private parties organized by the army. If he were to ‘date’ anyone in his younger years it’d be for the sole reason of having someone to do romantic stuff with, to have someone to write letters to while stationed somewhere, to have someone special to visit during holidays, to have someone that knows your body better than a stranger would, but he wouldn’t be taking it seriously because at the end of the day the work he does is dangerous and having a serious relationship with someone would only put his significant other in danger.
Price would only start thinking about getting into a serious relationship once he gets a bit older and things have slowed down in both his private life and work life. He’d only date someone he’s known for years, not someone he met within a short period of time just to be sure that he can trust them and to be sure they’re taking the relationship as serious as he is because once he gets in a relationship he’s really in it for the long run.
Price likes to keep his work life and private life separated, only a handful of people would know if he was dating someone and even less people would know if were to marry someone.
If the person he’s dating happens to be in his team he’d treat them no different to how he treats any other soldier, for example you’d be sent out to train in heinous weather conditions along with the rest of the soldier, you’d get scolded if you were to mess up during a big mission, and there’s nothing but professionalism surrounding your interactions. However at some point he’s be more open to pda but even then it would only be around those closest to him.
When out in a bar with 141, he’ll put his arm behind your seat or rest his hand on your thigh, subconsciously tapping his finger or stroking the skin while listening to Soap’s drunken blabbering.
During a meeting he’ll pull his chair up next to yours, wipe at his nose to hide his smile and try to start the meeting pretending as if nothing strange had happened. However someone (Soap) will dare call him out on his action “oi cap was that the only chair available?!” To which he’d only respond with a harsh glare that would quickly shut the Scotsman up.
Or if you’re eating in the mess hall, you’ll see him quickly snatch something off your plate and when you meet his gaze with a questioning look on your face he’ll just say “it has pineapple in it you won’t like it”
Even though he’s very private about your relationship he’d keep something of yours strapped to his backpack or pinned to his bedroom wall and if you were to get married he’d get a small and simple tattoo to honor it but it’d be somewhere hidden so that even if he ends up captured and tortured they’d never find out about you.
If someone were to find out about your existence that shouldn’t know about it he’d lose it, tracking them down and getting rid of them.
Price wouldn’t be the type to get overly jealous or possessive. He likes to think he’s long surpassed the age for that but every once in a while he does get jealous and when that happens, he doesn’t like to make it obvious, matter of fact you can’t get him to admit for all the money in the world.
If there’s a soldier that’s getting rather chummy with you, he’ll stand off to the side, rocking on his heel while trailing his gaze across the room, pretending he’s unbothered by things
If you try to confront him about his jealousy he’ll fold his arms across his chest, doing his best to avoid your gaze, while a familiar heat creeps up his neck ears and cheeks.
If you’re dating him, you’re one of the people, if not the only person he feels comfortable confiding in. Price is so used to caring for everyone else, he doesn’t know how to let someone care for him.
So when he’s feeling upset he’ll crawl into bed with you or sit down and join you in whatever you are doing, hoping you won’t ask questions as he blinks back tears.
“What are you reading?” He says, voice soft and pointing to the book in your hands.
There’s so many things you want to say to this man. What are you doing here? Are you alright ? Anything but - “it’s an old favorite of mine”
“Read it for me” he says blinking so fast to keep the tears at bay as he shuffles further up on your bed, head resting against the headboard and meeting your worried gaze “please” he says, voice slightly cracking. You heavy out a sigh, but shuffle closer to him before you start to read
Sometimes he’ll dare say what’s on his mind, when the two of you are outside of some pub close to base, and he’s propped against the wall with you next to him, speaking in a calm and composed voice about anything and everything that’s on his mind, allowing tears to trickle down his cheeks while smoking on his cigar
If you were to get into a fight with, it would eat at him for days, from the words he had said in a fit of anger to the way he acted, he would want to resolve it immediately or as soon as possible.
As soon as you open the door to your shared bedroom he’s hastily walking towards you, eyes red, hair a mess with apologies slipping past his lips.
“I am so sorry my love no let me apologize please-“
He probably has assigned days where the two of you go to the pub to watch a soccer game, as you get older you get to take the bike there and it’s plenty fun because you can get however drunk you want while taking the bicycle back home, bicycling on the countryside as day bleeds into night and the sky is a mix of yellow red and orange
If you were to pass away he wouldn’t date/ remarry. He'd rather visit your grave every day than start over with someone new.
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imsorryimlate · 2 years
i think one benefit of reading dracula stretched out like this is that you’re kinda forced to sit with all the details, which makes it easier to pick up on certain things.
with seward and the phonograph, it started out like “oh he’s recording his diary entries? that’s so cool, he’s keeping up with cutting-edge technology, he’s a nerd” etc., but then it became like “oh… he’s still using the phonograph, even when it’s not convenient” (like bringing it to lucy’s house or recording longer entries which would require him to switch cylinders). and that’s when you start to think that perhaps there is something else behind it, and then at last you get this confirmation that writing by hand is what is inconvenient for him; his use of the phonograph is an aid.
i’ve seen two interpretations of seward’s statement that writing by hand is irksome for him. the first one is that he has dyslexia and/or dysgraphia. it’s something i’ve considered myself before and also seen people post about occasionally. the second one i hadn’t considered, which is that seward is left-handed, and i’m warming up to it a lot!
one thing that occurred to me that i haven’t seen suggested (but i could have missed it) is that, well, left-handedness could be used as a so called “narrative prosthesis”, that is, the use of disabilities as a characterisation device (theory developed by mitchell and snyder). now, we generally wouldn’t consider left-handedness a disability, but for much of history is has been considered a deviance from the norm and an unacceptable one at that. i can’t speak on how the situation is globally today, but where i live it’s not seen as a problem anymore, although i have older relatives who were beaten in school for being left-handed or had their left arm bound behind their back to force them to write with their right hand instead. it seems very strange that left-handed people should be discriminated against, but they were, because right-handedness was seen as, well, right, on account of being more common. it was seen as the “natural” state of things, while left-handedness was seen as a mirrored perversion of that natural state.
you see where i’m going with this, right?
i am far from the first person to point out that seward can be read as queer-coded, and his possible left-handedness could be seen as a narrative prosthesis to prop up that reading. just like left-handedness, same-sex attraction and gender nonconformity was (and is) seen as a mirrored perversion of the “natural state” of heterosexuality and gender conformity.
so, say that seward is left-handed, but he still writes with his right hand because it’s what he’s been taught, possibly what has been beaten into him, and it makes writing “irksome”. in a queer reading, it could be interpreted as him forcing himself into heterosexuality and gender conformity even though it doesn’t come naturally to him.
we could also go even further with this reading; perhaps the phonograph, in its position outside of left- or right-handedness, could have some symbolic value as well. the first that came to mind for me was that it could symbolise abstinence, which would be an aid to seward in his struggle between his inner life and the expectations of society. but i’m curious to hear what you think!
anyway, if someone has already made a post like this, i haven’t seen it and i’m sorry if i’m just repeating what others have said before.
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quillisadoll · 6 months
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Guys I'm so confused is this part of the ouran manga?? It seems just so randomly put. I originally thought this was about honeys goth girlfriend who exists in the manga but idk
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junglejim4322 · 5 months
I’ve been drinking diet drinks for so long I genuinely prefer them. Once I took a sip of someone’s plain coke and I swear to god it wasn’t even sweet it was like I was drinking salty tar please take this away and bring me the elixir of life (pepsi zero) IMMEDIATELY or this toxic poison will KILL ME!
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successionyaoi · 1 year
One elementary school Kenstewy moment I have stuck in my mind forever is stuttery, shy Kendall suddenly having Stewy transfer to Buckley and immediately latching onto him, this bombastic, loud, big (physically big #fatkidstewynation), commanding presence. And he's not immediately popular, he's not white and he's "big boned", kids are racist and fatphobic, and he's transferred schools over and over again anyway, every time the Hosseinis could afford somewhere better, so he's wary of making new friends if he can't keep them.
So he sees the sad stuttering kiss ass of a child who never talks out of line, who keeps his uniform squeaky clean, and has a lightbulb moment. 10 year old Stewy comes back to this kid, who he finds himself drawn to for some reason, with a live worm on a stick. Follows him around while Kendall goes "stoooop it's gonna land on my shirt and make it grimy". He's sort of laughing, he seems to be having a bit of fun, but when it gets too close he looks afraid and whispers to Stewy, looking hin directly in the eyes. "Dad'll kill me". Stewy understands. There's actual fear.
So Stewy finds a jar and leaves and sticks to put the earthworm in, it's just a plain old earthworm. Puts canvas over the top with holes in it. And gifts it to Ken. Ken keeps it on his windowsill for weeks, until the worm shrivels and dies from lack of soil and moisture and nutrients.
And he's a sensitive boy sometimes, but he tries not to let Logan see it. So he calls Stewy aside to help him bury the worm in the schoolyard. Stewy's finally making other friends, hanging out with Kendall isn't a death wish but it's pretty lame. But he likes Ken, so he says yes. The jar gets buried in the very back of the yard, where no one can see that Kendall's legitimately sad and a little bit teary eyed. It's not about the worm, it's the fact it was a present for him.
"I killed the worm you gave me. I'm sorry."
Stewy pats him on the back and goes to join his other friends and Kendall sits by the swings by himself. And suddenly people wanna sit next to him in class, usually just Stewy himself, but his friends chime in sometimes. Because he's Stewy's friend now and people like Stewy.
And they're "the worm boys" all through 5th grade and they come as a pair, you don't separate them. And anyway I'm high as fuck on Ambien just imagining these nervous preteens who are made for each other and become Those Guys and on the playground they're not two separate entities, Kendall and Stewy are a two headed beast, all because of a charismatic new kid and a worm in a jar. I'm going insane thinking about it.
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coyotethursday · 13 days
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elizabeth is so mean like y ou don't even know
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barryhbo2018 · 29 days
im crazayyy [just sat and drew for 20 minutes and its not dogshit awful]
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alola03 · 1 month
have not slept all day my nose is stuffed up and the pressure in my head is killing me
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liddlediddy · 9 months
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@aquaspiderart 's Pokecémber Day 21: Favorite Regional Variant
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rodolfoparras · 1 year
Cant stop thinking about Simon ghost Riley with a back tattoo, something you didn’t even know he had until the two of you hooked up one night, clothes stripped off and scattered about on the floor with Simon sprawled out on his stomach
And it’s not just any tattoo, it’s a tattoo of the different moon phases tattooed on his back
Imagine dragging your tongue along the outline of his tattoo, starting from the spot between his shoulder blades and ending just at his lower back, hearing hitched breaths escape his lips, blunt nails clawing at the sheets, before his back arches up just as you lick a stripe along the cleft of his ass
Imagine sliding your cock between his cheeks, hands fondling at the supple skin, eyes glued onto the tattoo, watching the way it moves on his skin as he squirms on the sheets and before you know it you’re cumming all over the pretty ink
Imagine being the only one who knows of it, looking at it so often you got it burned into your memory so much so you’ll subconsciously slide a hand under his shirt and blindly trace the half moon in the middle of his back
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
The biggest crime is RE4RE removing Weskers eyebrows and lips. he genuinely has none. AND WHY DOES HIS HAIR KEEP GETTING TALLER
>"removing" >implying they were ever there in the first place
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i swear to god u motherfuckers just
come into my inbox and just fuckin tell fuckin lies
bec u want me to go dig up pictures bec u think it's funny
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this fandom has been clutching their pearls and choking on their own panties ever since RE4make Wesker got revealed bec they're too much of fucking COWARDS to admit that Wesker was never actually hot, Wesker has always looked like your dad's friend from work that u don't like wearing short skirts around
it's just that now that he's photorealistic u all have to face the reality that u WOULD let ur dad's friend bend u over in that short skirt because ur all a bunch of fucking degenerates and ur afraid of the truth so ur brain makes up this fuckgin lie that Wesker used to be hot and he used to have lips and eyebrows BUT LOOK AT THE TRUTH THAT'S STARING U IN THE FACE
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folklaurr · 11 months
Dean Winchesters eyes flicking down to Cas’s lips send tweet
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bitegore · 4 months
genuinely fucking hate sleeping. why must i undergo torments every day of my goddamn life
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daz4i · 7 months
hey. hey. pokes you. pay attention to me. hey.
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softshuji · 1 year
Hanma <3 ♡
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cursethememory · 1 year
Now, ten seasons into Its Always Sunny, I’ve realized that my favorite episodes aren’t the Charlie episodes or the ones with a strong bit, like I thought. It is, in fact, solely determined by whether or not Dennis is suffering more than everyone else. I am not satisfied unless that bitch is about to chewing his own fingers off.
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