#my tag for selina is so original wow
allgremlinart · 2 years
Genuine question, since you seem to be a prolific Superbat enthusiastic. Why do so many Superbat fans disrespect Clark so much? 🤷‍♀️
Whenever I see Superbat posts in the Clark/Superman tag most of them ignore his history, his trauma, personality, his family/friends/allies [Lois, his parents, other Justice League members, Jimmy, Kara, Perry, John Henry, Pete, Steve, Cat and etc] his city, his children, [Conner, Chris, Mia, and Jon] and mythos.
It seems people are only interested in Bruce's character and his family. Also, most Superbat fans strike me as being an odd combination of being homophobic, heteronormative, and misogynistic and sometimes even abusive! Very crazy combo, but that's how it seems to me from looking at the majority of works.
For example, people typically make Bruce the bottom or feminine one. When realistically they would be switches. Yet, overwhelmingly all the work is dedicated to "Brucie Wanye." Even though most of the time his true personality is a cold, macho, caring man. Heck, I see Clark being more the bottom type, since he's a very loving partner, and he enjoys being taken care of. You know he's definitely getting pegged by Lois.
Which brings me to the lack of care towards Lois, where she is either villainized or not made to be an important person in Clark's live. Regardless of ships and platonic/romantic feelings, Lois is Clark's closest friend. Yet, none of that is rarely displaced in fanart, headcanons, and fics. Yet, Bruce's people are always made sure to be included.
Also, what's with the influx of evil Superman and poor innocent babyboy Batman. Look I like some dark tropes too, and I wouldn't mind so much if we at least kept the same treatment with both parties. Instead of only favoring one person.
It's deeply upsetting and disturbing to see the kindest original hero immigrant aka the champion of the oppressed. To be used for such weird, oc, fetishistic works. Again, it's odd to due Batman having so much privilege and is known for being very controlling, yet it's never displayed in these darker takes. Batman is a good man, but can have troubling qualities, as all good characters have. Clark has his darker attributes too, but that’s okay as long as it presented fairly.
Lastly, Clark and Bruce have a close friendship. Yet, again I see no one making art/fics about Clark's other close relationships. But, everyone seems to be a huge fan of being a multishipper for Bruce. Example being Selina, Talia, Joker, Harvey, Ghostmaker, Hal, Barry, Arthur, Diana, and etc. Seems to be to be a bit biased no, for fans that claim to love Clark and ship Superbat have no problem doing this for Bruce.
Where's the love for other Clark ships like Lois, Lana, Lex, John Corben, Brainiac 5, Hal, Arthur, Diana, Barry, Maxima, Volcana, Blanque, and etc.
Also, it's not really special that Clark recognizes Bruce's heartbeat as the go to Superbat trope. He does that with everyone like again to list Lois, his parents, his children, his villains, his friends both in the Justice League, at the Daily Planet, and in Smallville. Heck, he's even given Jimmy his own personal watch to call him!
Sorry, this is a lot. I didn't mean to type so much, but I didn't want to use multiple asks. I also want you to know I'm not attacking you personally. Some of the text posts and art I looked up on your blog are awesome! ❤️ Keep up the good work! I just sincerely want to know why there's such a strong bias in Superbat. I personally, do like the pairing as long as they are both treated like equals.  
Thank you, for reading this and have a great day! 🌟 
Ok uhhh wow this one is a lot. I’ll break it down under the cut.
But first lemme say that thanks for complimenting my blog! Glad you are enjoying it. But for future reference, if you want to complain about something you don't really like about a ship or fandom maybe consider making your own post about it. Cus I know your intentions were good but going to a superbat blog and saying “this is everything I dislike about superbat!!” comes off pretty rude. I could stop there but I’ll address your questions/points because why not and I’m a glutton for punishment,,
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So first off, and this is what I’m gonna end up repeating throughout this post, I understand your frustration at parts of Clark's mythos not being explored more in superbat fic/art but a lot of what it comes down is just that uh. Some people know more about batman mythos! And some people know more about superman mythos! It doesn’t really mean that they like/respect one character more than the other.. people are just interested in different comics lol. For example I rely a lot on my wonderful superman mutuals (hello @/blorb-el :] ) for info about Clark and his lore because I just haven’t read as many superman comics.. doesn’t mean I like Clark less. Just means I like sci-fi less…
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As for this I have no idea what most of it means lol but like I said, telling a blog that you know likes superbat that superbat fans are “homophobic and abusive” is pretty rude for obvious reasons…
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Now uh there’s a lot to unpack with this lol. Long story short, top/bottom preferences dont really have anything to do with personality. And as for “realistically they’d switch” yeah I personally see them as switches too! But there’s no “correct” way of imagining how a fictional character has gay sex lol. People are just gonna have their preferences for what they like to see and most of the times they dont have/need a specific reason for them. Also: this is gonna be a big theme when it comes to my response to you because my advice? Utilize tags. Cus uh if you check the tags for “bottom Clark” and “bottom Bruce” in the superbat tag on ao3 -
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There isn’t exactly a dearth of bottom Clark works. There’s plenty great ones out there 
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As for this, some of it is going to be because ppl maybe dont know as much about Lois as they do other characters, and some of it is yeah misogyny lol I won’t lie to you. But to be honest I haven’t seen any Lois bashing in fics or fanwork since like the mid 2010s. So I cant tell if this complaint is in good faith or not. Either way I still dont know why you’re telling it to me..
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Lmao this one. First rule of fandom is that people are going to write weird, ooc fetishistic fics purely for the sake of writing weird, ooc fetishistic fics. Its fanfiction, its not like they’re official DC stories - they dont have to be accurate. I understand your frustration if you’re seeing a dynamic you dont like a lot but, again, I would advise you to utilize tagging + filtering to your advantage. The reality of fandom is you’re going to see interpretations of a character that you don’t like. And what you do is simply don’t read what you don’t like. Its not always that deep. 
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Again! You just! Have! To look! For creators! That are more into! Superman comics! (@/sully-s has a lot of cute Jimmy + Lois/Clois art if you’re interested) Like I’m not a Batman multishipper because I want to personally spite Clark Kent, I’m a Batman multishipper because I’ve read a LOT of Batman comics lol. Like I’m gonna level with you I have no idea who John Corben or Blanque or Volcana even are. But I know there are probably plenty of people who ship superbat who have no idea who Minhkhoa Khan or Silver St. Cloud or Andrea Beaumont are!! And that doesn’t mean they hate Bruce it just means they don’t feel like reading 80 years of Batman comics which!! Is fair!!
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As for this part I dont have any advice or suggestions this is just rude. “Hey that popular trope you like is stupid!” Ok! You’re allowed to think that, I get it honestly. But, again, I don’t know why you felt the need to send that opinion to a blog that you know likes superbat. Like its not exactly a question, its just something you dont like lol
In conclusion my advice is: use filtering! use tagging! If you’re good at searching for stuff you can pretty consistently avoid ships/dynamics you dont like! I do this all the time. And for next time, maybe remember that fandom isn’t curated to your personal tastes automatically - you have to curate it yourself, and thats no one else’s job but your own. 
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bri-notthecheese · 3 years
Opening Line Tag Meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
Tagged by @esperata and also @gottaread2!! It is an honor, thank you both <3 <3 this was so fun to do! ^_^ 
1) “Oswald, move!” (current WIP so it may be subject to change tbh) (Gotham)
2) Genichiro slips down the side of the roof of the castle, crawling away in defeat against the Shinobi of the Divine Heir. (Sekiro)
3) Yuna follows at a distance while Jin keeps pace with the fox in the deep snow. (Ghost of Tsushima)
4) Oswald starts as Ed plops something down on his desk. (Gotham)
5) The familiar process of formulating a plan does little to ease the numbness encapsulating Jin’s heart. (Ghost of Tsushima)
6) Things keep looking up. (Uncharted)
7) “But did you see the way I so excellently took down that scimitar wielder?” James asks with false bravado. (Bloodborne)
8) “Right this way, Lieutenant.” (Bloodborne)
9) I never asked for this. (Dark Souls 2)
10) It had been a bloodbath. (Dragon Age: Origins)
11) “Mr. Frodo, don’t you think it’s time we ought to be getting ready?” (Lord of the Rings)
12) If she’s being honest, Selina can barely believe he’s back. (Gotham)
13) For now, the town settles. (Ghost of Tsushima)
14) Oswald stumbles right before screaming out in pain. (Gotham/Dragon Age AU)
15) “Four-hundred thousand.” (Uncharted)
16) Waking up on winter mornings is never fun. (Gotham)
17) “Here you are, sir, Mr.—uh, Riddler.” (Gotham)
18) Waller’s echoed shouts didn’t sway him in the slightest as he grapples away. (Batman Telltale: The Enemy Within)
19) He’s talking to Saulden when he spots him. (Dark Souls 2)
20) “Well, you’ve certainly given me quite a lot to ponder, haven’t you?” Oswald smiles, his fangs bared in a manner decidedly not friendly, yet not overly antagonistic. (Gotham)
PATTERNS: Wow I really like to open things up with a line of dialogue, don't I? XD And even if it’s not a line of dialogue, they typically seem to be shorter sentences in present tense that drop you right into the story. I like to think they help set up the mood quite quickly ^_^
FAVOURITE: I think #4 might have to be my favorite. Just the image of Ed loudly dropping a bar of chocolate down by an oblivious Oswald and saying nothing because he doesn’t dare acknowledge its connotations first was a really fun image in my head, and then it allowed me to establish the setting before we really even got to see that it was chocolate that he dropped. 
Tagging: @midnightanddiamonds, @connerluthorkent, @bandicoot88, @dicax-asina and anyone else that would like to participate! <3 
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blackbatpurplecat · 4 years
What do you think of Catwoman in the video games (Arkham City & Knight, Tell Tale, Injustice)? Which are you favorites and do you think TPTB would ever come out with a solo game of her's?
Yay, finally I get to say something NICE! XD Short answer: They’re (almost) all great! My absolute favorite is Catwoman in the Telltale games!
Very long answer incoming:
Lemme rank them from the one I like the least to the one I love the most. That’s probably the easiest way to answer this. There are many more games Catwoman is appearing in but they’re not really worth mentioning here.
3) Catwoman in Injustice 1+2
Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of Catwoman in those two but that’s no big surprise when the cast is bigger than the one in Avengers: Endgame. She’s fantastic in the tie-in comics but I can’t count those here.
So in part 1, she’s Bruce’s ex who ratted him out to protect him and after everything, she still wants to redeem herself and get back together with him. I liked her purple-gray costume (the weird steampunk one with the tail... not so much), I liked her voice-actress who also voiced her in the Arkham games, Grey DeLisle. I liked her cunningness, how she quickly figured out that Cyclops was a different Cyclops and made him blow his cover.
I understand that Selina would do something more selfish to protect the man she loves. She wanted Supes to spare Bruce and for that, accepted that many other people would die - BUT I will never understand WHY they wrote her arc like that. Why not write her as Bruce’s loyal partner and girlfriend? Why couldn’t she be on his side in the fight against Superman and the Regime? Even Harley and Luthor were! At least, they didn’t make her entirely evil, she did have good intensions but was misguided. And her ending had a feeling of hope in it.
Years later, she’s apparently reached her goal of redemption, found her way back to Bruce, and is now working as a double agent for the Insurgency. This time, she has more than only two scenes but we don’t learn much more about her, her relationship with Bruce, or her arc. You gotta read the comics for that... And again, not a huge fan of her costumes in this one but it’s cool that you can modify them to your liking. 
Her ending is the worst in this however. After what she’s been through with Bruce, after fighting with him, against him, redeeming herself, earning his trust again, and getting back to his side, she... just leaves him because she got bored. Wow. What fucking idiot wrote that?!
All in all, she’s a minor character in both games, her arc happens mostly off-screen, they don’t do anything new or outstanding with her but I enjoyed seeing her. Too bad, you can’t play as her.
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2) Catwoman in the Arkham games
Now THAT’s more like it! ❤️Back then, I only bought Arkham City because you could play as Catwoman in it. I didn’t know much more about the game, I had never played its predecessor, I only wanted to play as Catwoman - and boy oh boy what a glorious purchase that turned out to be!
To this day, I still adore Arkham City, so much so that I bought it three times (CD + Steam + PS4). I can play it in my sleep! And it made me buy Asylum, Origins, Blackgate, and Knight, half of them were good and some also had Catwoman!
City - Her part in the game is a short side quest that’s not really connected to the main story: Catwoman wants to steal from Hugo Strange’s vault, convinces Ivy to help her break into it, then she leaves her loot behind to save Batman’s life, then tracks down Two-Face to get her stolen loot back, and after finishing him, retrieves her loot. She then decides to stay in Arkham City because it’s still dangerous there a.k.a. fun!
While it’s a shame that Catwoman and Batman only meet twice, they do save each other’s lives. The banter and flirting could certainly be better in this though. Her story isn’t anything new BUT it’s perfectly executed and it’s exactly what Catwoman’s like. She’s playful and seductive (they could have turned down her horniness about a few points - but you gotta please the fanboys *sigh*), she’s looking after herself, she only does what she wants (so she won’t return the plant to Ivy who had treated her so badly), but in the end, she does the right thing by saving Batman because she has a good heart.
While her side story felt tagged on, I really enjoyed it! I just love playing as her, beating up thugs, using the whip, and crawling on the ceilings. Also you get to wear the BTAS suit AND the purple Long Halloween suit! YAY!
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Blackgate - It starts with Batman chasing Catwoman across the rooftops for the very first time, that’s just a fantastic intro! And I really liked their fight towards the ending for its very interesting execution. This time, Catwoman is not playable but both a suspicious ally who helps Batman with information and an enemy Batman has to defeat. Which I get because they’ve basically just met and don’t know each other yet.
The lack of trust is also the reason why Catwoman’s playing him like she is in the game. She figures him out rather quickly and cleverly uses his urge to save and protect others against him to get access to what she had been told to get from Blackgate. Manipulating Batman into helping her completing her mission is a real Catwoman-y move so the Arkham games continue the trend of “getting” her character. Well, except for having Catwoman lick herself like a cat.
Knight - Selina’s third and last appearance in the Arkham games. She’s kinda playable and she’s no enemy BUT she’s a damsel in distress... ... ... Okay, Knight, what do have for us?
Riddler, of all people, has captured Catwoman and uses her to play with Batman. Well, at least it proves that everyone knows about the relationship between the Bat and the Cat (yet Catwoman keeps saying they’re not close - oh honey, no one believes you). Selina’s wearing an explosive collar and Batsy has to find Riddler trophies and complete riddles (and for some fucking reason drive races!) to unlock the keys to set her free.
Catwoman’s kinda playable since you can’t explore the city with her but you can switch to her while you’re solving Riddler’s contraptions or fight his robots. The dual team feature in the game was magnificent in general. I would have loved to play more as her but at least, she’s not just sitting around waiting for Bruce to save her but is partaking in her own rescue.
The chemistry between Bruce and Selina is the best part of this Riddler mission. Neither fears nor takes Eddie seriously and especially Selina drops so many awesomely annoyed comments and jabs against him, but gets increasingly more worried. While we saw BatCat meet in Blackgate, in Knight they’ve known each other for years and it shows. There’s no other character in the game Batman talks to in the way he talks to Catwoman. It’s... casual, funny, flirty. Additionally, you can clearly hear his worry for her in his voice. In the end, Selina even comes back to help Batman with Riddler even though she didn’t have to - she wanted to! And offers more of her help, it’s so obvious how much he means to her.
I love Batman and Catwoman working together and flirting and bantering while fighting other Rogues but the only thing that’s holding this back from being perfect is the series’ idiotic insistence that Bruce is still mourning the al Ghul chick which we all know is bullshit. And Selina doesn’t know Batman’s identity?! Come on.
To sum it up, I really liked Catwoman’s attitude and portrayal in Knight but would have loved to have more of her in the game. What we got was passable enough to have fun with. Bonus points for the 90s Balent suit you can put her in!!! If only there was an Arkham game in which both characters were playable and constantly working together, now THAT would be my dream!
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1) Catwoman in the Telltale games
Where do I start? The voice? The charm? The complexity? 
She’s not playable but that doesn’t make this game and her in it less perfect. We again meet a clever, confident, I-mostly-care-about-myself Selina who’s great at fighting and stealing and manipulating. She’s caught Harvey in her trap to get close to his buddy, rich boy Bruce Wayne. She instantly finds out that he’s Batman (same way he finds out that she’s Catwoman) and they form a rocky alliance which either blooms into something deeper or not, depending on your decisions.
The makers of the game understand her the way Rocksteady did but add a softer layer to her. She’s playful, seductive, and doesn’t take no shit from anyone and in episode 3 of the first season, we see a vulnerable Selina for the first time. A woman who doubts she could ever be more than a cat burglar. She does take pride in her skills and doesn’t apologise for what she does (she even says “you shouldn’t trust me”) but you notice that she’s longing for a connection, for someone who trusts and relies on her without weighing her down. 
I personally had the impression that she felt a bit honored that Batman would support her and have faith in her the way he did in my playthrough. It gave her a chance to prove to herself that she could do more, be more. And that it felt good to have someone she in turn could rely on and trust which proved to her that the world maybe wasn’t as bad as she’d thought, that she could let her guard down once in a while. There was also another side we don’t see often on her: She didn’t want to face Harvey at the hospital. Maybe due to cowardice, shame, you decide.
Her last scene in season 1 wasn’t the best, it was just her going back to her old ways, seemingly leaving behind her character development from previous episodes but she probably wasn’t at the point of staying and saving people yet. It was the usual move to save herself and telling herself that she’s a bad person who doesn’t have feelings for Bruce. Changing yourself isn’t hard, it’s not changing back to your old self that is, and I think that’s what happened there, she simply fell back into her old self. 
In season 2, she returns as the thief we all know and love. They didn’t change her, her actions and dialogue lines fit the character we met in season 1. This time, we also see her vengeful side as she’s trying to get revenge for her dead friend, Riddler, and she won’t let anyone get in her way, not even Bruce.
Later, she wants Bruce to tell her that he needs her and he can’t take down Harley and the rest without her, proving she wants to be needed and trusted as I’d mentioned before. Same goes for admitting that it means a lot to her that he lets her into his secret life. Season 2 shows us that everything from season 1 did leave an impact on her and her development is slowly moving forward. One lovely example is her being surprised by a hug in S1 and in S2, she hugs Bruce first.
To put lots of rambling briefly I LOOOVE Telltale’s Catwoman! She’s not just a cunning thief but a woman with feelings, hopes, fears, layers. I really hope we will get a third season someday, especially since we didn’t get any closure scenes with Selina, no matter which Joker we fought in the last S2 episode.
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Now regarding her own game... She had one already with a 1999 Game Boy Color game. Nothing huge but I count it. Especially since she’s wearing her 90s suit in it. 😉
I would very much welcome a Catwoman game with her as the lead! An Arkham like game: open world Gotham, you get to meet many Rogues, you have to flee from Batman and/or fight his kiddies. Maybe you need to team up with Harley and Ivy, or with Batgirl! OR make it like a Lara Croft game with lots of breaking and entering, and stealing valuable artefacts.
Alas, I think the chances of getting a Catwoman game are very slim! DC are so focused on Batman and Superman, they won’t spend millions of dollars on the production of a game that’s... not starring at least one of those two. I mean there’s not even a Wonder Woman game so why would they make one starring Catwoman? A shame really.
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lucispietate · 4 years
Dear Hurt/Comfort Exchange writer
Hello, fellow writer! First of all, I really want to thank you in advance for taking up the challenge to make something for me, I appreciate it so much. I really enjoy being surprised (especially with pairings where Canon leaves a lot to the imagination and everyone has their own headcanon) so you're absolutely free to write anything you wish and mostly take this letter as suggestions if you need inspiration.
I don't have much to say for likes, I have some fandom specific ones but overall I'm fine with anything. I tend to love heavy introspection, conflicted relationships and angst with an happy ending/bittersweet tone, but I'm really fine with anything. I also want to point out that you're free to combine my tags/prompts however you wish and that while I didn't bother to include "both hurt" for any of these ships, it's absolutely always allowed. As for dislikes: - any kind of dub con and on page rape unless otherwise specified. I can accept harassment and such, but not too graphic - AUs, especially fluffy modern AUs and supernatural ones (Canon divergence within the original universe is fine and encouraged) My only real exception is Romeo and Juliet where I do enjoy modern AUs as long as they still keep the violence/hate/gang war element of the play - sex described in any detail. I'm not bothered by it and I don't mind allusions, jokes or fade to black, but the scenes itself hold no interest for me - cheating (jealousy is fine and so is crushing on more than one person at once with all the guilt it entails, as long as it leads to poly, healthy or not, or stays a frustrated wish) - unrequited love that doesn't get resolved either by the two getting together or the pining person finding their true love - eating disorders or tbh even dwelling on appearance related insecurity is a no no
I want to preface I'm a DC newbie, so I can't really appreciate crossovers or influence from other media and I wouldn't want futurefic, especially not involving BatCat, I just want to see them as kids For BatCat I would prefer something set between season 1 and the first few episodes of season 3, before they start their weird on/off relationship. The one exception would be the killing for the first time prompt, in relation to what Bruce does in the beginning of season 4, and that horrible plot line with Selina's mom since it's such an ansgt/hurt comfort goldmine . I think canon offers a lot of possibilities with them already, they do a lot of rescuing each other and I'd like anything that is cute and sweet. Something from their time living on the street together would be adorable too.
For Selina/Bridgit I would be happy with anything: a cute moment of them living on the streets as kids, Selina helping Bridgit to work through Dr Strange's conditioning, or something angstier while Bridgit still thinks she's a goddess and Selina her servant and Selina trying to show how much affection as she can while in that framework and things that blur the lines between comfort and act of service/worshipping like washing, taking of care of poor little Bridgit's burns etc.
For Oswald/Ed... Wow, there's so much potential. Any moment from their first meeting, a What If where Oswald regrets his deeds and decides to thaw Ed himself and then nurse him back to health, the two of them adopting Martin... Anything really, I haven't read much on these two
What I want with Yara/Dany is mostly something to give me joy after that godawful ending. So I would love something set post ending, with Dany being exiled/imprisoned, in a terrible mental state and only Yara who's still loyal/taking care of her. Though also Yara coming to terms with her last brother's death would be something wonderful
No particular ideas here. Any moment pre—book with them getting hurt in missions, Inej's first kill, the tattoo removal, or something like what happened in the prisoner cart, with Kaz having a serious breakdown and Inej being the only one to notice and try to comfort him, knowing most of her instinctive reactions would make everything worse because of his issues
Murtagh and Nasuada are my childhood otp and I would honestly squeal to get anything at all about them would make me giggly. I like the idea of an AU where Murtagh is rescued early with baby Thorn in a tow before Galbatorix can completely break them with the torture, or something more emotional/psychological post saga, where they must help each other heal from their Shared Trauma and mental issues they both seem to have in the last few chapters. If and only IF you feel like it, this is the one fandom where I am ok with sexual abuse as a past event as I used to occasionally write Galbatorix as having had a relationship with Morzan in their former days and viewing Murtagh as a replacement in more than one sense.
ROMEO AND JULIET This is somewhat complex. First of all I want to say I made somewhat of a mistake in nominations phase by nominating some d ships as All media types while others nominated some as Shakespeare, but I'm absolutely ok with fic based on Shakespeare or any production of Presgurvic's musical. Exceptions are the 2010 revival and ensuing tour and Takarazuka productions. Also while I said I am okay with AUs here, I'd prefer they not be based on the 1996 movie in aesthetic/characterization, though the stakes/situation of the feud is a good example of what I imagine for modern au. Now going specifically about each of my prompts:
For the Romeo/Juliet ones I mostly want emotional hurt/comfort, either set during their wedding night or in a AU where they manage to leave together. It always bothered me that it's assumed they just went straight to fucking on their wedding night: I love the idea that they, well, somewhat fought over the Tybalt issue, snuggled, comforted each other for their losses and imminent separation and Romeo's obviously very traumatizing murder experience, maybe got to know each other a bit more and shared about their insecurities, their clearly a lot to unpack family baggage... There's lot of potential here. I am very attached to the play, so I do like to believe in them being soulmates/true love rather than a random fling, silly as that is, so I'd like the tone of the whole thing to be according, and I am pretty attached to the canon ages too (almost 14 as per canon for Juliet and please not too much older Romeo) so ofc the no sexual stuff beyond the vaguest throwaway mention rule holds especially true here.
Regarding the Montague boys anything tied to the pretty self explanatory prompts is perfectly fine, either set in the present or as a cute childhood flashback. I would definitely appreciate some kind of AU where they all live but are badly hurt or mentally scarred in the course of the events Now, for the various combinations of Benvolio/Mercutio/Tybalt... again, plenty of self explanatory tags. I think these three characters and which tags would best fit which of them are very dependent on personal headcanons and I don't want to limit that at all, especially for individual relationships as opposed to the ot3. I'm definitely very interested in exploring the dynamics of their love triangle and possible polyamory and the obvious hurtful effects it has, (I generally see Mercutio as the center with Benvolio and Tybalt somewhat disliking each other at the beginning, though that can absolutely change, later! ) jealousy, feeling of inferiority by each of the boys, guilt, abandonment issues, the like. My first instinct is to imagine Bencutio as together and Tycutio as bitter exes who may or may not go for another round at any moment, but the reverse or any other combination of Drama is fine too. I also love scenarios, for either individual ships or ot3, that explore the effect of the feud on their lives: someone having to be nursed back to health after a duel gone too far, someone being traumatized by their first serious act of violence, the unrealistic expectations/responsibility/toxic masculinity Tybalt and Benvolio are loaded by their families and so on. An AU where Mercutio survives the duel but is very badly hurt and Tybalt is guilt stricken by his own deed and starts to realize his feelings for him as he helps take care of him would be lovely.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 years
A Dark Knight of Gotham
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MujH14
by brucethomaswayne
Its been ten years since Gotham’s re-joining with the mainland and a masked vigilante is quickly building a reputation amongst Gotham’s criminals. The city's underworld is now run by Sofia Falcone who has rebuilt her family's empire and restored the Falcone name to power. The notorious Penguin plots to retake Gotham alongside his parter in crime, the Riddler; Catwoman is made an offer she can't refuse; and Jeremiah Valeska's transformation draws to a close. In a city ruled by criminals and rebuilt on madness- everything is about to change.
Words: 831, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of A Dark Knight Of Gotham
Fandoms: Gotham (TV), Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Multi
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Jim Gordon, Selina Kyle, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Harvey Bullock, Harvey Dent, Ivy Pepper, Pamela Isley, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Barbara Lee Gordon, Talia al Ghul, Zatanna Zatara, Clark Kent, Batman, Robin, Sofia Falcone, Jervis Tetch, Joker, Jeremiah Valeska, Harleen Quinzel, Harley Quinn, Catwoman, Batgirl, Zsaszettes (Gotham), Martin (Gotham), Barbara Kean, Leslie Thompkins, Kate Kane, Tommy Elliot, Tony Zucco, Lucius Fox, Rogues Gallery (Batman), Hugo Strange, Renee Montoya, Aubrey James, Jonathan Crane, Victor Fries, Nora Fries, Roman Sionis, Talon
Relationships: Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon/Leslie Thompkins, Jim Gordon & Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: gotham season 6, post season 5 episode 12, WE deserved better, actual closure, i just miss gotham, will put down more tags, the gotham season 6 i wanted, Slow Build, i wanna tag nygmobblepot but they won't be romantic (unfortunately), platonic nygmobblepot - i guess?, Sofia Falcone is kinda meh but hey i needed a filler villain, Bruce's trust issues, batcat angst, Baby BatCat, baby batcat when they arent babies, i gues that's just batcat huh?, BatCat, No OOC Characters bc i hate that shit, Jeremiah becomes the Joker (duh), Harley Quinn (who will later have a healthy!relationship with Ivy because i HATE harley x joker), platonic batjokes, is it slash if it's platonic?, Harvey Dent having two faces, Wow am i just gonna tag the entire plot/, Arkham Asylum, the batcave, Dick Grayson (my son), I want to do this long enough to include all the Batkids maybe?, So naturally Bruce will have other s/o s, Including Zatanna, Barbara Kean redeeemed herself, Pining Oswald Cobblepot, because when is oswald ever not pining, he's pining over Gotham and something else that starts with E, Martin returns, Barbara Gordon & Dick Grayson Friendship, Supes will make an appearance, So will the rest of the jl hopefully, Oswald is running out of ideas, nyssa al ghul - Freeform, Catwoman loves diamonds, Catwoman x Diamonds just because, Harleen's origin, Batarangs, Zatara taught Bruce how to use Batarangs and do the vanish into thin air thing, Talia trained Bruce, Amanda Waller doing Amanda Waller shit, Joker being iconic af with his trading cards and tricks, Ivy Pepper and Selina Kyle's friendship
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