#my trainer and I are going to talk about them on Friday :)
Huh. My medical team actually thinks that a service dog is a good idea for me, and they filled out the medical forms I need to be approved to train with an organization. They had all the forms filled out within two hours of me sending them. They didn't question my final decision to pursue training a service dog. Not even for one single second. Wild. I guess we're doing this.
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petew21-blog · 4 months
Life upgrade
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Hi, I am Earl Montgomery. I am 34 year old gay man. I studied history and enhlish literature at Columbia and then I became a teacher. I have been working as a teacher since than and I have to say that being a teacher is one of the most honorable proffesions there are. You get to educate all the young minds and set them on a right path in life. If only they would listen to me during classes. Maybe my life wouldn't be so boring. The job takes all my energy. I never believed that so many teachers get burnt out, but man. Once you see that your job affects only few of those kids and the rest just doesn't care, you contemplate back on your life. What could I have done different? I could have had a happy, adventurous life full of fun and sex. Oh how I miss the sex.
Oh sorry, my bad. You thought the guy wearing sports clothes is me? Oh no no no. This is me actually
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That guy is Barry. The gym teacher. He's the same age as me. But his life is much better. He works as a gym teacher, coach and in his free time he is a personal trainer in gym. He gets to coach all the hot bodybuilders and sometimes women, that lust over him a later on sleep with him.
I onced tried to hit on him, thinking he might be bisexual, but ended up being ignored for the rest of the school year. He started talking to me again recently and that's fine. If there is no drama it's all good. Besides. He has his own life full of sport and travelling around the world, fucking everything that moves. And I have my own life. My slightly boring and depresive life.
Who am I kidding? I hate my life. I wish I were Barry. To have his hot body, his libido, his life full of travellling and fucking everyone.
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Suddenly it was so bright all around me. I was in a garage. Running. I stopped. Where am I? Why am I running? How did I get here?
I looked around but the place was empty. Then I looked down and saw the grey clothes for sport that Barry has. "This can't be". I walked over to the nearest car and saw Barry. No, I saw my reflection.
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"Well well well. Can't ignore me now, huh?" I flexed my biceps over the shirt. So freaking hot. He is so buff. Must be amazing to be so strong and have strong muscles like this. His skin is so tense and beautiful. I gotta go somewhere more private to look what he's hiding under this. Don't know how this freaky friday will last.
Vibration in my pocket. Some girls want to have a private class with me in the gym. But the emojis don't seem like they want to take the training very seriously. Might be fun.
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"Flex for the camera. Perfect!"
"Omg Barry, you're really hot. How did you get so big?"
"You think this is big... you haven't seen all of me yet. Haha" Where the hell was this coming from? Why did I say that?
"Really? We were actually thinking you coul help us stretch some time and show us how to do this to not hurt ourselves."
"I can stretch you both now in the showers, babes" Whyyy am I saying this. I'm not straight for fucks sake. Oh no. I'm not, but Barry is. I need to get back. I can't be straight.
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1 hour later
"Thanks Barry. What a great personal class. Haha. Same time next week?" the taller oned asked while walking away from the gym
"You bet!" the sex was really good I have to admit that. But only this body craves it. Not me. I am gay, I don't want to watch pussy all day.
Phone vibrated again
Holy shit, A message from my number:"Hey, I don't know what you did to me, but I just jerked off for the third time thinking about my own body and I can't keep doing this... I want to swa... SUUCK your dick"
Oh maan, he has the same problem as I do. His body responds to what the person craved before, bout our minds didn't change our sexual orientation it seems.
"Came to your body's place in 30 minutes. Bring lube. Don't be late" I texted. I love this confidence the body is so full off.
And I bet I am gonna love the fact that my old body is gonna suck my dick very soon.
Haha. Gotta thank the istock photos for the inspiration
Story from inbox: Would you be able to do a story where a nerdy teacher swaps bodies with the hunky football coach. Maybe even cucking him?
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joeshiestyslover · 2 years
save a horse (ride a quarterback)
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pairing: joe burrow x southern!reader
summary: joe goes back to texas to meet your family and ends up learning about a very important rule
warnings: language, suggestive content, joe smoking a cigar because yes, it deserves a warning
a/n: y/n’s backstory is pretty much based off my life bc i’m from texas and i have an uncle james that smokes cigars 💀
when you first met joe, you were very weary of him. you grew up in texas and the football players there, especially the quarterbacks, all thought they were hot shit. but joe was the total opposite, so you immediately took a liking to him.
in high school, you were a trainer for your football team, so in college at lsu, you decided to do the same thing. that’s how you met joe. one day after practice, joe came to see you about an ice pack for his wrist. while you were grabbing one from the freezer he asked you on a date. you were skeptical, why would the star of the football team be talking to me of all people? you think.
joe somehow noticed your skepticism, and said, “don’t worry y/n, i’m not one of those dumbasses on the team. i don’t sleep around and that’s certainly not my intention.” you ended up agreeing to the date, and you’re glad you did.
you two have been together for about five months now, and you’re ready for him to meet your family. your entire family lives in texas, and they all know about joe and are dying to meet him.
after considering it for a few days, you finally decide to bring up meeting your family to joe. you’re both sitting on your couch when you decide it’s time to talk to him about it. “hey joe?” you ask him. “yeah babe?” “how would you feel about meeting my family this weekend? my uncle james is having a barbecue and they really want to meet you. so what do you say?” you ask, a little scared for his answer. “are you kidding? i would love to meet your family! i thought you would never ask.” he tells you excitedly. you were a little shocked with how happy he was.
“okay so i was thinking catching a flight on friday because the barbecue is saturday. is that cool with you?” you ask him. “yeah totally. i’ll book tickets right now.” he says whipping out his phone. “make sure you put down dfw airport because that’s the closest one to my uncle’s house.” you remind him. joe looks up at you and nods before going back to his phone.
on friday, ja’marr offered to give you both a ride to the airport, so you and joe loaded your luggage into his car and got in. as ja’marr and joe were singing along to whatever song was playing, you were texting your mom, who was overly enthusiastic about joe’s arrival. her constantly making sure that he’s coming and will be on time. you reassure your mother that everything will go according to plan.
ja’marr pulls up to the airport and you all get out of the car to get your bags out. you and joe thank ja’marr as he gives joe “good luck” before getting back into his car and driving off.
you and joe walk into the airport and check your bags then go through security. while sitting at your boarding gate, you notice joe’s leg shaking up and down. you put your hand on his thigh to stop it and you ask him “is everything okay honey?” “yeah.” he tells you. “i’m just a little nervous. i mean, what if they don’t like me or don’t think i’m good enough for you because i’m just a football player and you’re so fucking smart and guaranteed a good job and-” “joe” you cut him off. “everyone is going to love you okay? trust me, it’s all they’ve been talking to me about since i first told them about you. and even if they don’t like you that doesn’t matter to me because i like you. and my feelings towards you are much more important than theirs right?” you reassure joe. “yeah i guess. it’s just that i’ve never really met a girlfriend’s family before, so i don’t know what to do or what to say. and doesn’t your uncle own a gun?” he asks you still a little bit worried. “he does, but he’s not going to use it on you joe. he might whip it out to scare you-” “WHAT” he all but yells in the airport. “BUT i promise he won’t use it okay?” “okay yeah.” he says much more relaxed than he was earlier.
soon after, you and joe board the plane and the flight ends up being very smooth with very little turbulence. one of the things you loved about your home state, there was never much turbulence when landing. you and joe order an uber to take you to the hotel you’re staying at after you both grab your bags from baggage claim.
once you both check in you immediately go up to your room and lie down on the bed, exhausted from the plane ride. you and joe end up taking a nap for a few hours until it was time for dinner. you ordered takeout from a five guys, which joe has never had before, much to your surprise. “you’ve never had five guys?” you ask him shocked. “nope.” “we are getting five guys right now.” you grab your phone and click on the uber eats app to place your order.
once the food got to your room, you and joe immediately sat down at the little dinner table in your room. while you’re eating your fries, you hear “oh my god this is so fucking good.” “i told you joe. nobody makes better burgers or fries.” you tell him. “you’re so right babe. i’m never doubting you again.” you laugh at him. “just eat your food so we can go to bed.”
the day of the barbecue, you start to understand joe’s nervousness. your family’s opinion of him means everything to you. what if they don’t like him? what if they think you should break up with him? you try to convince yourself that that’s ridiculous. of course they’ll love him. everyone does.
once it’s time to go, you and joe head downstairs to meet your cousin, savannah, so she could take you to your uncle’s house. once you see her, you greet her with a hug. “i missed you so much.” she tells you. “i missed you too. let me introduce you to joe.” you say to her. “joe this is my cousin, savannah. savannah, this is my boyfriend, joe.” “it’s really nice to meet you, i’ve heard a lot about you.” joe tells your cousin. “likewise, joe.” she responds. “you ready to go?” she turns to you. “yeah let’s go.” you say to her.
once you pull up to your uncle’s house, you’re holding joe’s hand tightly in yours. you turn to him, “you ready joe?” “as ready as i’ll ever be baby.” he tells you with a newfound confidence.
you both get out of the car and walk into the house. there’s nobody inside, so everyone’s probably outside by the pool and grill. you open the back door and walk out. the first person to notice you is your other cousin, jamison. “hey y/n/n!” he walks over to you and gives you a bear hug. everyone else walks over to you and they also give you a bear hug.
“everyone” you get their attention. “this is joe, joe this is my family.” everyone turns to joe and they look at him for a second. you start to become worried, and you can tell joe is too. then all of a sudden, they walk over to him and greet him. the men in your family including all your uncles and your father give him a firm handshake while introducing themselves, while your aunts and your mom give him a huge hug.
you suddenly don’t know why you were worried. of course they would all love joe, i mean who the hell wouldn’t?
“oh joe!” your uncle james exclaims. “i almost forgot, i have a little gift for you to welcome you to the family!” “welcome me to the family sir?” joe asks confused. “well you’re family now joe. you’re the first boyfriend of y/n/n’s we’ve had the pleasure of meeting.” your uncle james tells your boyfriend and you feel yourself start to turn red. your uncle walks back inside to grab whatever it is he has for joe as he turns to you. “so, i’m the first boyfriend they’ve met huh?” he asks with a smirk. “yes but don’t let it go to your head joseph lee. i just never had many boyfriends in high school.” you tell him as you walk over to the mini fridge outside to grab a beer. you offer joe one and he accepts. you grab a bottle opener and just as you got joe’s bottle open, your uncle walks back outside… holding a cowboy hat?
“everyone in the family owns their own cowboy hat, even y/n, so i thought it’s only fair that you get one too.” your uncle says as he hands joe the hat. “go ahead try it on.” your aunt says to him. joe puts it on and you swear you could combust right then and there. you never imagined joe wearing a cowboy hat before, but now you couldn’t get it out of your head.
“i’m about to fire up the grill to make some wings, but i heard that you smoke cigars, so you wanna sit down with me and have one later?” your uncle james asks. “yeah sure that sounds great sir.” joe tells him. “don’t call me sir, just james. i don’t need to feel older than i already am.” joe laughs a bit and nods at your uncle.
“well i think this is going very well.” you tell your boyfriend happily. “yeah me too.” he smiles at you. “so… the hat?” you ask. “i actually really like it. think i might wear more often.” “yes please.” you tell him. “oh? so i take it you like the hat then?” he asks you cockily. “you could say that.” you smirk back at him. you walk away to go chat with your aunts as joe goes to talk to your uncle by the grill.
after everyone eats james’ delicious wings, your uncle walks inside to grab his cigar box and a lighter. he sits down on the couch by the pool and gives joe a cigar. james lights joe’s cigar first, then his own. you suddenly smell that familiar smell and look over to your uncle and your boyfriend. you see joe with a cigar hanging out of his mouth while he listens to your uncle talk about something you can’t quite make out. you can’t take it anymore. you can handle the cowboy hat, but the cowboy hat and cigar combo? you’re done for.
you walk over to the both of them. “what are you guys talking about?” you ask. “oh nothing” your uncle says. “just guy stuff.” joe adds. “oh well, joe and i are actually gonna head out, i’m exhausted and we have an early flight to catch tomorrow.” you say with false regret. “oh well, i’ll see you during summer, hopefully you too joe.” james says as he stands up. you give him a hug as joe gives him a handshake. you and joe wish everyone goodbye and walk out of your house to wait for your uber.
suddenly, you gave into your temptation and kissed joe in the sidewalk. he pulls away, “what was that for? not that i’m complaining of anything.” “oh nothing.” you tell him as you pluck the hat off his head and put it on yours. “why’d you do that honey?” he asks cluelessly. “oh i forgot you’re from ohio.” you tell him through your laughing. “well there’s this rule around here called ‘save a horse, ride a cowboy’ you ever heard that before?” joe shakes his head. “well the rule says you take the hat, then you ride the cowboy.” you tell him with a smirk.
it suddenly clicks in joe’s head and you see his eyes turn dark. “oh really?” he asks. “then we can’t break the rules can we baby?” “no we can’t joey.” you tell him while slowly creeping your hand to cup the back of his neck so you can pull his lips to meet yours. it only lasts a couple seconds because you notice that your uber has pulled up beside the two of you. joe grabs your hand and swiftly pulls you into the car with him.
you were in for quite a night.
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hoe4sports · 6 months
“My heart recognized you before my mind did”
Caroline Graham Hansen x reader
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A/N: No triggers. Rewritten 31st of May. You are a playing assistant coach. Basically a player with more knowledge.
The sun was blaring in the Spanish sky which caused your sweat to pour. It was particularly hot because you weee busy placing the gear you had planned to use this session for the attackers. It looked like something close to the world championship of materials. It devastatingly hot as the Spanish sun was going towards record breaking heat. The attackers came out, all of them looking as ready as ever. You had already analysed them which meant that you knew each of their weaknesses. “Fridolina, Salma and Claudia; group up to the left.  Caroline, Mariona and Bruna; group up to the right.” You ordered, and the girls split up eager to see what you had planned for today. “We are doing drills, left to right, up towards east, strike three times, across the field and return. 1-2-3, let’s go!” You yelled as the girls got into action. Caroline caused you to take special notice of her. She was taller than you, and you had read about her. You went to talent camp together as teens. You always thought that she was into girls, but she was very private. Even back then! Nonetheless, she was stunning. Her hands were large, and her rarely shown smile was contagious. 
“Alright girls, I want you to group up.” You announced after 15 mins of intensive practice. The girls fell to the grass pacing, trying to catch their breath. “Now, this feeling is what we will feel on the pitch during the last 10 minutes. We are gonna push through it. Watch me, and copy it until I call quits.” You ordered as you did a series of cordinating moves as a ran between poles and over blocks. When you finished the round, you pulled my t shirt off your tanned skin as it was once again, recording breakingly hot. Everyone started doing the exercise, and you started looking at Fridolina while making notes of what she needed support on. You turned around and catches Caroline glancing at you. “Caroline? Are there questions? Are you okay?” You said as the tall girl shook her head and started doing the exercise. You shook yournhead, and started taking notes once again. 
Later that day, you spotted her staring at you. In the cafeteria, during the pre-match meeting and during the gym session. You decided that you were over it when you and Ingrid was walking to her car, and you catched her stare again. “What’s her deal?” You asked Ingrid, and she shrugged. “I’m not too sure, she isn’t normally this awkward. “ she suggested and you brushed it off as we got into Ingrid’s car.
Over the next months, this weird thing with Caroline kept happening. You would notice her staring, but whenever you talked to her she would get all stuttery. As she was getting weirded, me and the other girls were getting closer. You were also marking my spot as a playing assistant trainer when Jonathan on multiple occasions had me be a stand in during practice. This caused you to develop a close knitted relationship to quite a few of the girls, but Ingrid, Mapi, Alexia and Lucy were of the closest. Lucy would often flirt with me, and you thought it was hilarious. Over the next 6 months, we grew closer. Like sisters, she would tease you. and you would kick her ass in practice.
After a very particularly hard practice, you were clearing the pitch for equipment as the girls had already headed home for the day. You had turned the music on full and you were listening to “Typisk norsk å være god». It was blasting out on full volume and you felt like you were having the time of your life. It was friday, and you were feeling ready for Lucy’s birthday weekend shenanigans.
“Uhm, listen, Y/F/N-“ a female voice begun but was quickly shut down by your shrieks of horror as your heart went from 50 to 180 in the span of 1 second. “GRAHAM, you scared me!” You yelled as the tall brunette was walking awkwardly towards you, almost resembling a baby giraffe.  The girl was rubbing her neck while staring into the grass. “I just, ehm, regarding, you know-“ she stuttered. “Oh my, whenever you are ready” I stated as an ironically looked at my sports watch. “Never mind” the brunette stuttered as she was turning her tall frame and walked towards the warderobe. You could see the girls staring from the tunnel, and you knew that they had put her up to this.
You sighted as you felt forced to try to catch up to her, considering your 38 cm height difference. “Caroline, wait up.” You cooed at her as you were shortening the distance by the second. You catched her as she entered the now empty team warderobe. She sat down underneath her cubby with her name and face printed on the wall with her hands rubbing her knees. You could tell that she was nervous, that made you feel flattered. “Let’s try again shall we?” You said as you sat down on the physio bench in the middle of the room, but still in front of her. She still looked down with her serious face. She always has a serious face, that’s her thing. Stone cold, hard working and dedicated. You dangled your feet on the physio bench as you pointed towards her picture on the wall. “You see that girl?” You started, as she shot a quick gaze towards where you were pointing. “I think she is hard working, dedicated, confident and very passionate.” You stated while staring at her picture in awe as a you smiled lovingly. “Now, what seems to be the issue for this hard working girl?” You repeated. “Strugglig with your right to left transitions?” You suggested. “What, no!” She stated, knowing that you knew that her transitions were always perfect.
“I just-listen Y/F/N. I’m not very good with talking to new people. But I was trying to remember where I have seen you before, because I’m confident that I have seen you but I can’t seem to-“ she said as her speech was picking up the pace. “Statoil talentleir” you smiled as you let out a small laugh. “I remember, who could ever forget those a girl with eyes like the sea during the biggest of storms?” You smiled, and she looked down again as she blushed. You could see that she was hiding a grin, and you smiled again looking back on the memory. “It was around 2012, you were 17. I was around 13. You had your stilly little hairband across your forehead and I pulled it. It smacked your forehead and you had a bright purple spot for the whole camp.” You stated as a let out a chuckle.
The thing was, that you were younger than her. She was 1995, and you were 1999. That didn’t stop you though, as you liked my women older. “Are you going to Lucy’s birthday dinner tonight?” You asked to break the silence as you realised that we were running out of time and you had no intention of missing out on a chance to party. “I’m not sure..” Caroline shyly stated, and you stood up. “Well.” You said as a reached your hand out. “I want you to come, Caz” you said as your new nickname for the tall framed girl slipped. She smiled softly “as you please, coach” she chuckled as her smile lit up the room. 
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luke-hughes43 · 1 month
terrible teammate | luke and mel
mel gets back after a particularly tough roadtrip to penn state where she wounds up on crutches with a sprained ankle, to a bunch of hateful messages from her softball teammates wanting to have a team meeting in the locker room only to bully and berate for never being around.
mel's pov
we get off the plane after penn state and I'm wiped out. I ended up with an ankle sprain during the second game after splitting the series. I turn my phone back on to a bunch of messages from Lauren, Audrey, Alex, and then the softball group chat. I obviously look at lauren's first:
lo grant💜: hey, as you soon as you land and see this, come to the locker room. the girls wanna talk.
then audrey's, then Alex.
audrey leclair🩶: I'm sorry for the shit storm you're about to walk into. especially after getting banged up this weekend, but come to the locker room when you get back.
alex storako🤍: I did my best to stop this but I couldn't. this is not going to go well for you but I need to come to the locker room. be prepared for this to get ugly, and I'm so sorry in advance.
I hobble my way down to the locker room like I was asked, but I'm confused and unsure of what to expect. I see the whole team waiting for me when I finally get down there, and most of them roll their eyes at me on crutches.
I sit between lauren and audrey and I ask, "what's up?"
alex takes a deep breath and says, "so there's been some conversation amongst the team, and a mojority of them are upset that you aren't around much and how you aren't as committed as the rest of us."
one of my teammates, lexi, says, "alex is being nice because she's the captain and lies you but we're sick of your flakey behavior and how you're never here with the team. like you are never morning lift, you're the last one to practice when you bother showing up, and when you are here you never talk to us or interact with the team besides lauren audrey and alex. and you're the first one to leave when practice ends. we're sick of feeling like you aren't as committed as the rest of us."
ellie asks, "why are you never here and where are you when you aren't? we feel like we deserve to know."
"if you feel so inclined to know, I'm either at the rink for hockey or I'm at the library doing homework to stay eligible."
"the point is here is why are you at the library instead of here." Sarah snaps. I take a deep breath and explain, “well, coach gave me thursdays and fridays off for the fall because of games and I have hockey practice at 4:30 on thursdays so she told me not to worry about it. So I’ll go to the library and get some homework done.”
“and lift?”
“I go to hockey during the week and softball on the weekend. that’s changing next semester.”
“how come you cancelled your bullpen session with lauren earlier this week then?”
“how did you even know about that?”
“who do you think she called to go to the cages with her when you cancelled?”
“hang on, I never said I was mad about her cancelling. I was fine with it because I knew why so I didn’t care.”
“and why did you cancel mel?”
“because the trainers told me to take it easy this week. after getting hurt last weekend, they wanted me to take it easy so both of the trainers advised me on canceling and coach was ok with it.”
“excuses, excuses.”
"this is exactly the point we're making here. you're never around and you're just making excuses for why you aren't. you're acting like you don't wanna be on the team. and we're over it."
I roll my eyes and say with an attitude, "if I didn't wanna be on the team, I never would've committed to play hockey and softball and never have any time to myself or my boyfriend. if I didn't wanna be here, I wouldn't have voluntarily had every ounce of free time and a normal college athlete experience taken away from me. I'm playing 2 sports, studying 2 different majors while possible graduating early, I have a boyfriend, and there's only 24 hours in a day. I get 5 hours of sleep every night and I barely eat because I don't have time. so sue me for the coaches looking out for my physical well being because it's obvious none of you are."
"all of that aside, why do you chose hockey over us?" sarah bluntly asks. I chuckle to myself, "you really don't wanna know the answer to that."
lexi says back rudely, "she wouldn't have asked if we didn't wanna know. why are we second to the hockey team?"
"because most of you don't fucking like me. or even pretend like you do. I have all of 30 minutes to myself everyday and that time is spent in the shower every night. if I have to chose between a group of people who seem me for me as a person and not an athlete or a group of people who don't even know what state I'm from, I'm gonna pick the people who see me for me. I don't have the time in my day to deal with people who don't even have the ability to pretend they like me to my face."
"well we don't feel like you given us the chance to get to know you."
"I've given you plenty of chances. you guys don't bother to talk me during practice, let alone out of practice. the phone works both ways and you guys always know where I am. i've tried but you guys aren't."
"you aren't even listening to us mel. you're just making excuses."
"I apologize that I’m a little spaced out because I have a sprained ankle, a headache from not sleeping in 3 days and my teammates are yelling at me for being a bad teammate when they haven’t fucking treated me like a part of this team in the first place.”
"and you getting hurt all the time at hockey doesn't help our team here. because when you're hurt, you aren't here and it effects team chemistry and team performance. on top of you being hurt so much that you can't fucking practice you're own stuff to get better and help the team. from our eyes, it's all about mel and not the team."
"yea well this isn't the only team I play for. it hurts hockey just as much if not more when I get hurt. you think I don't feel guilty about getting hurt? you think I didn't hate myself for getting hurt senior year of high school and watching my team fall short of winning a championship while I was sidelined and then watching the Leo of my life get drafted to the NHL knowing that I should've been getting drafted with him? you think my getting hurt doesn't just effect softball but also hockey an my mental health? you know what, I'm not gonna sit here and listen to you guys call me a bad teammate and not committed when you don't even know the half of what I deal with everyday nor have you made me feel included. I have homework to do." I say and storm out.
I stop when I get out of the building and call Johnny. he answers not he 3rd ring, "what's up moynihan?"
"if I asked you to come pick up, would you do it without telling pat or Luke?" I say choking back tears. I hear him doing around on the other side of the phone and he says, "yea, where are you?"
"softball building. I don't think I can make it back to my dorm safely on crutches with the ice."
"don't even worry about it. I'll be there in 5." he says and hangs up. and 5 minutes later he's there just like he said he would be. he gets out and helps me in his car, "do you wanna talk about it?"
"the softball team hates me. like actually hates me and is blaming me being iced out on my own behavior. like I don't know what I did to make them hate but I wanna fix it. I want with them what I have with the hockey team. but they are trying to call me uncommitted."
"you are the most committed person I know. you'd die before quitting on something that you started." Johnny says patting my shoulder as he drives me to luke's dorm. I smile, "thanks beech. I just wish I could get them to see that. I don't even know how to explain it to Luke."
"you don't have to if you don't want to. it's your business and if anyone is gonna understand that, it's Luke. just don't lie to him."
"I've tried lying to him about being hurt, it doesn't work. but I won't, I promise. I'm just not really ready to talk about it. do you think he'll be mad that I talked to you about it instead of him?"
he shakes his head as he parks in front of luke's building, "no. he knows that I'm the closest thing you have to a big brother here in michigan and he gets that. and I know not to tell pat, and that if you want him to know then you'll tell him. everything you say to me, always stays between us unless I think you're in danger. you know that."
I nod, "thanks for listening. and picking me up. I'll let you know how things go." he smiles and helps me out again before I turn around seeing Luke in the doorway. me and beech fist bump before I hobble off to my boyfriend and give him a hug. he holds me tight and asks, "are you ok baby?"
"not really but I don't really wanna talk about it. can we just cuddle while I ice my ankle and do homework?"
"whatever you want mel. always." Luke says while kissing my head.
we get to his dorm room and we just cuddle together all night while I work on some of my assignments. and naturally I fall asleep in the middle of one of my assignments while Luke uses me as a pillow.
let me know your thoughts and if you want more of the angst!
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octuscle · 7 months
Business Trip (Day two)
Shit, it's after 10:00 when I wake up in my hotel room. Naked on the bed. My, or rather Liam's, clothes strewn across the floor. My bed crusted with cum. Filled condoms on the floor. Shit, my head is going to explode. What the fuck happened last night. And where's my mobile phone?
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I call my client from the landline phone in the hotel room. I call in sick. Terrible migraine. Of course I'll be back in the morning. Yes, of course I'm staying until Friday under the circumstances and not leaving on Thursday as planned. Yes, I'm inconsolable. The chambermaid knocks. I open the door and hang the "Do not disturb" sign on the door. Naked. And I go back to bed.
At 6.00 pm I'm freshly showered and in my spare suit at Liam's snack bar. His clothes are in a laundry bag from the hotel. The only thing I'm still wearing of Liam's are his worn-out trainers. I didn't pack a change of shoes for a four-day appointment.The snack bar is busy. He grins at me and asks me to either wait or come back in an hour. However, it would be totally sick if I could help him in the kitchen. He can't keep up with washing the dishes. I grin and say that I mustn't ruin my last suit. He laughs and asks what happened to my clothes from yesterday. I hold up the bag. Come on, what are you waiting for, get changed and then I'll quickly show you how the dishwasher works, he calls out to me. My jeans are still damp from my urine. And only now do I realise that I didn't pick up my T-shirt from yesterday but Liam's vest from the floor. Shit, I'd like to know what else happened yesterday. Liam comes into the kitchen, hands me two long rubber gloves, a hairnet and gives me a quick briefing on the industrial dishwasher. He gives me a deep French kiss and hurries back to the cookery counter. Damn, the urine in my jeans is now joined by more precum.
The mountain of dirty dishes is slowly getting smaller. I'm sweating like a pig in the heat of the scullery. But I'm starting to find my way round. Liam calls out to me to clear and wipe the tables. I don't even think anymore, I act. The small dining room in the snack bar is packed with guests. It stinks of sweat, beer and frying fat. I walk around between the guests with the plastic basket from the dishwasher and collect glasses, bottles and plates. Suddenly I feel a strong grip on my crotch. A greasy bloke, long-distance lorry driver type, looks at me lustfully. "Oh, not just a fuck-whore, but also a dishwashing slave," he says. He slips me five pounds and says that he still owes me that for the hot blowjob. I have no idea what the truck driver was talking about. But I take the five pounds. Liam shouts that he needs fresh plates. I grab the basket of dirty dishes and hurry towards the scullery.
When I get there, I slip on some grease on the floor and the basket tips over and spills all over me. Now I'm covered in the food left behind by the people. The grease drips off me. Everyone is laughing and shouting 'take your filthy clothes off, boy' and I'm standing in the middle of the café covered in slime. I have no choice but to take my clothes off. But as I do so, I remember that I'm still wearing Liam's dirty, cum-stained jock…. Liam snaps at me that I'm really useless. He tells me to go to the social room at the back. There are clothes hanging there that I can wear. The clothes look like the rubber gear of an abattoir worker. There were big black boots, some waterproof trousers and a thick rubber apron. No top to wear underneath though. I stand there wearing only Liam's dirty jockstrap and slowly get into the outfit. It feels very strange to be dressed like this in a cafe. I have the strange feeling that I'm being watched…. I didn't notice the camera in the room. There's no time for that. After Liam gets really angry, I hurry to clean up the mess of my mishap and then get on with the dirty dishes in the kitchen. Sweat is pouring down my forehead and all over my body.
I swear the heating has been turned up because it's like an oven in here now. Dirty plates are piling up and I am struggling to keep up with the workload. Liam laughs and says if I don't get my shit sorted he'll have to discipline me later. He's smiling when he says it, but there's something in his tone that makes me think he's deadly serious. When I'm more or less finished with the dishes, I go back to the dining room to clear the tables. The clock tells me it's now 22:00. I've been slaving away for four hours. Only two guests are left. The sign on the door had been changed to 'closed' and the two remaining guests were both elderly men. They looked at me expectantly as I came in from the kitchen. "We've been waiting for you, son," one of them said. Then they both got up from their chairs…
Liam is cleaning the counter. "I told you that you deserved to be chastised," he says. "When you made that mess, you got the two guests' shoes dirty. You should apologize." I say I'm sorry and collect the last of the dirty glasses. "Shit, Boi! That's not an apology. It won't get your boots clean either." I ask for a rag. One of the two guests grins and says, "What do you need it for? He sits down and puts one of the boots on another chair. "You've got a healthy tongue, Boi. Let's go!" I'm wearing rubber clothes, I'm sweaty, I'm wearing a hairnet… And the two old guys look really hot. I get down on my knees. I'm a slut. And sluts lick other guys' boots clean. While I lick the boots of one guest, the other one wanks. Occasionally I get distracted from my job for a moment and lick his cock. I have a colossal boner in my butcher's pants. Sweat and precum have made my or Liam's jockstrap soaking wet. I'm almost done with the second boot when the other guy grabs my chin and turns it towards his cock. I don't react fast enough to swallow. And his full load of cum smacks me in the face. Liam takes photos.
It's just after midnight when Liam and I step out of the snack bar. Liam has stuffed my suit into a plastic bag. He lights a cigarette. I ask him if I can have one too. I haven't had a single cigarette all day. He hands me tobacco and a leaf. I look at him questioningly? "Roll your own, saves money." And he gives me 20 pounds. "Your wages for tonight." The two old guys gave him 200 pounds each for licking their boots.
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louloulemons-posts · 8 months
The Criminal And The Princess II
Grumpy!College!Eddie X Sunshine!Skater!Reader
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Summary : Edens dad is pushing her to breaking point, but when Steve Harrington suggests going to a gig, they stumble upon who she never thought she’d see.
Word Count : 2k
Warnings : not much eddie (i’m sorry), shitty parents, once again talk of eating, girlhood, nancy is sad, swearing, billy hargrove.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Dad I have to go I have class,” I sighed, skating towards him. “Regionals are coming up how are you expecting to win if you’re still so sloppy?” he snapped at me.
“Maybe I don’t want to win! Maybe I don’t even wanna go to fucking regionals!”
“Don’t you dare talk to me like that!”
“I’m telling you the truth!”
“Your mother-“ I didn’t give him the chance to finish, “I’m not mom!”
With a deep breath, i spoke calmly, “I know you miss her, god dad I do too, but me skating, won’t bring her back.” The man who I love so dearly didn’t say a word, his dark eyes stern. “Just go Eden.”
“And don’t worry about dinner on Friday.”
“Dad come on-“
“You need to lose the weight anyways.” I sucked in a breath, but said nothing more as I watched the greying man walk up the stairs and slamming the door to his office.
Rubbing my hand to my face I sat down on the cold plastic bench, taking off my skates and replacing them with my trainers. Throwing my oversized hoodie on, I headed out of the rink and to my car.
“E!” a voice called out.
“Harrington,” I replied, as the brunette jogged over the parking lot to me. “Hey- woah you look like shit!”
“Yeah 4:30 starts will do that to a girl,” I shrugged, throwing my bag in the back.
“Sorry that was rude of me,” he said, but I brushed him off with a smile. “What can I do for you Stevie boy?”
“So my friend has gig after the match on Friday, I was wondering if you wanted to come? Obviously I’ve invited the rest of the gang.”
“Did you really just say gang?”
“Yeah, I regret it, shut up. Do you wanna come?”
“I have training the next-“ my brows furrowed, dad’s words echoing in my head, “You know what, yeah it sounds fun.
“Great, I’m gonna text Robin all the details so, I’ll see you around.”
“See you.”
Well that was something to look forward too.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Sat in class the professor droned on and on, Vickie was almost asleep besides me. I felt my phone buzz in pocket, taking it out I saw a message from Robin.
Robs : soooo a little dingus said you’re coming to a certain gig this friday? 👀
E : figured it was time i had some fun
E : lets be honest its a rare occasion
Robs : im actually so excited for this!!!!!
E : yeah me too, and you’re gonna be extra excited when i tell you who else is coming 😚
Putting my phone down on my notebook I nudged Vickie. “Hm,” she said rubbing her eyes, then brushed an auburn curl from her face.
“Sorry did I fall asleep?” I huffed a laugh,
“A little, but that’s not why I’m waking you. Are you free Friday?”
“I think so yeah, what’s up?”
“Wanna come to a gig?”
“Who’s gig?”
“Not sure yet, but me and a few friends are going, Nancy, Steve, oh and you know Robin right?”
“R-robin?” she stuttered.
“Yeah! I could text you the details, it’d be nice to hang out when we’re not studying.”
She nodded, cheeks flushed slightly, “Yeah cool, just text me.” I returned the nod, picking my phone back up.
Robs : who???
Robs : ????
Robs : did you die???
E : lmao no very much alive
Robs : who’s coming???
E : Vickie
Robs : …
E : love youuuuuu 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
With a laugh I put my phone away and attempted to focus on this mind numbing lecture.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Friday rolled around really quickly, people were so ready for the weekend already. Who knew summer break would be missed already.
“I’m still not over the fact your dad said that to you?” Nancy said, whilst taming her curls.
“It’s fine, it’s not like it’s out of the ordinary.”
“Are you sure I can’t kick him in the throat?”
“I really don’t wanna have to bail you out of jail Robs.”
She hummed, “Yeah that’s true, would not look good for my future.”
“Dads are so shit!” Nancy exclaimed out of nowhere. “Nance-“ I began.
“No! I Robins dad walked out, your dad bullies you and my dad acts like I don’t fucking exist. Why do these men have kids and then treat them like trash?”
The girl was flinging her arms around like crazy, huffing angrily. “Nance, but the hairbrush down you’ll hurt yourself,” Robin said. The girl placed it to the floor, kneeling down behind her, I met her gaze in the mirror.
“What happened?” I asked. She looked at me with glassy eyes. “Mom called, yesterday she was going out to that meal, you know the one for her friends birthday?”
Me and Robin both gave her affirming nods, “Well Mike was working a shift at the record store and dad was picking Holly up from school,” she let out a shaky breath.
“It’s okay,” I said, hugging her from behind, resting my chin on her shoulder. “He forgot her, was sat at home watching a game. She was there for hours, when Mike came home he found him passed out on the couch.”
“Is Holly okay?” Robin asked, sliding off Nancys bed and down next to us. The brunette nodded, “Yeah, a teacher stayed with her and Mike went to get her. Mom got so mad and then you know what he said?”
I rubbed her shoulder, and Robin squeezed her hand. “He said, ‘Oh Nancy was supposed to get her,’” she choked on a sob, “He didn’t even know I was gone!”
“Oh Nance,” I said, pulling her back to hug me, Robin went to her front, wrapping her arms around us both. “Dads are the worst,” Robs said. “They really are!” I agreed.
“I swear Jonathan, Will and El are the only ones who got a decent one!” Robin laughed. “H-Hoppers a good man,” Nancy sniffled.
“You know what we’re gonna do tonight?” I asked pulling away from the hug, going to face Nancy, I wiped the tears from her face.
“What?” she asked.
“We’re gonna go to that game and cheer on our guy Harrington! And then, we’re gonna go to that gig and drink and dance and celebrate the badass women who raised us!”
“That sounds like the best plan,” Robin smiled, “You up for it Nance?”
“Yeah! Let’s go celebrate our moms.”
“And also get Robin a girlfriend!”
Me and Nancy laughed as Robin fell back, groaning into her hands. “What about you? You got your eye on anyone?” Nancy asked, cleaning up her tear stained face.
“Oh come on E!”
“Seriously there’s nobody,” I laughed. “Plus I’m happy enough being wingwoman, I mean you and Johnny are getting to 2 years now?”
“Yeah,” the girl couldn’t hide her smile, “Speaking of, he’ll be here soon so, get ready!” She shooed us out of her room with a laugh.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Come on Harrington!” I cheered, jumping up and down. The game was almost over and our guys were down 6 points. Jonathans friend Argyle let out a loud whoop as the puck hit the back of the net.
“Let’s go dingus!” Robin shouted. I looked up from the ice briefly, my eyes meeting my fathers. His face looked like its normal stern self, but he looked sad?
I know I shouldn’t have yelled at him, specially not about mom, but god he shouldn’t have said the things he did either.
Suddenly I felt arms wrapped around me and the siren went, signalling the game was over. “We won!” Robin screamed. I looked at the score board, we were up by 2 points.
With a smile, I put my arms around the girl, giving her a squeeze. Leaning over the side of the seats, Steve walked past, “Go on Harrington!” we all cheered for him, making him smile bashfully.
“I’ll meet you guys after,” he said walking away. “No cheers for me Eden?” a vile voice came. “In your dreams Hargrove.”
“Oh they’re more than cheers in the dreams gorgeous.”
“Gross, “Robin said from behind me.
“You okay Benny?” Jonathan asked. Benny was a nickname he’d decided on when we were in kindergarten, apparently Eden was a weird name, but I thought Johnathan was too old so,” All good Johnny.”
The rink soon cleared out and we decided to wait by our cars for Steve. “Eden,” a deep voice called from behind. Dad was stood at the end of the hallway, Robin held my hand, Nancy appearing on the other side.
“It’s okay, I’ll catch up,” I said, walking towards the man. “What’s up?” I asked.
“I … I just wanted to apolo-“ he was cut off when the team of hollering boys ran by, Steve being one of them.
“Coach Bennett,” the boy smiled, swinging his arm over my shoulder. “Steve, good match,” the man offered him a smile, I hadn’t had one of those in a long time.
“Sorry I interrupted,” Steve spoke.
“It’s okay, what did you want to say dad?”
“Take a break this weekend, no training, but I expect you to do a morning and evening practice on Monday. Yrene is back from maternity leave so she’ll be training you.”
I sighed, but spoke through gritted teeth, “Great, thanks dad.” I turned to Steve, “Let’s go,” almost dragging the boy down the hall.
“We could get lunch on Sunday?” My dad called after me.
“Lunch. I know dinner isn’t an option tonight, go have fun. Let me know if you’re free Sunday.” I gave him a nod, before I did drag Steve down the hall.
“That was weird,” he said when we got out into the fresh hair, you could feel that autumn was rolling around fast. “I know, who knew that Ethan Bennett wasn’t always an ass,” I said.
“Everything okay?” Nancy asked as we headed to the car. “Yeah all good, now let’s go!”
“What’s the name of the band your friends in again?” Jonathan asked.
“Corroded Coffin, and I gave you the address right?” Jonathan nodded, consuming, “The hideout right?”
“Yeah that’s the one, E does that friend of yours need a ride?”
I felt Robin go stiff beside me, “Vickie? Nah she’s being dropped off by her brother.”
“Cool, let’s go then!”
“I swear I’m gonna kill you,” Robin muttered. “What was that?” She gave me a sickly sweet smile, linking our arms, “Nothing!”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
The bar known as The Hideout was packed, I recognised some faces from college, everyone was here to have a good time. Onto your second drink, I smiled as I saw a familiar redhead.
“Vickie!” I called out.
“Hey,” she smiled, making her way through a crowd of people. “Come and meet the guys.” Taking her hand I led her over to my friends.
“Everyone!” I shouted to get their attention, “This is Vickie, we’re in history together.”
She raised a hand, offering a smile to them. “Vickie this is Steve, Nancy, Jonathan,” he cringed when I said his name,” Argyle and you know Robin.”
“Yeah, hi,” she smiled.
“Hey um … can I get you a drink?”
“Uh yeah sure, cool.” Oh my god they were so cute. When the pair walked away me and Nancy squealed.
“Alright folks we have our next act of the evening for you, give it up for Indianas own, Corroded Coffin!” A man shouted into the mic.
The five of us walked into the crowd getting to the front, standing by the stage, I was excited to see Steve’s buddy.
Out walked 3 boys, one sitting behind the drum set and the others picking up guitars. Taking a sip of my drink, I regretted it right away, almost choking when I saw the final member walk out on stage.
“Holy shit!” I exclaimed.
“Good evening Indiana!” he shouted. He looked so different, so alive, his curls falling down his back, freely allowed to do so. His dark eyes shining with mischief and joy.
“We’re Corroded Coffin and we’re here to rock your world for the next hour or so! Are! You! Ready!”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
They meet again 👀
This part was mainly me healing the parental issues in stranger things with friendship lmao.
taglist : @gnrquinn @flawiette @taylorswiftsloverfr @mygirlchaos @marvelcasey05 @ali-r3n @browneyes8288
let me know if you want to be added 🫶🏻
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r44d · 3 months
Let’s talk about bashslash and the way the romantic tension between them was there WITH EVIDENCE. (I’m really really delusional)
In D2, we have the ice cream scene where they catch Bombay with the Iceland trainer. NOW I WANT TO POINT OUT THE WAY ITS BASICALLY A CLICHE FIRST DATE.
- getting ice cream together is considered a nice first date idea.
- it was Saturday night, again we can see in movies that Friday and Saturday are considered good days for date nights. (Fulton, telling Bombay in the locker room: “We saw you two Saturday night”).
- We also have the shared look scenes. Specifically the end credits scene where they look at each other and then smile knowingly. Sure this could mean nothing, but with the way they looked at each other, it was a look of “we know something the others don’t” and like they are hiding something. (kiss?????).
- And just how they act around each other in canon and the original script, their rivalry (‘what is a rival if not a crush you are mad at having?’). Weight lifting competitions, always trying to one up each other, always wanting each other’s attention, always having their hands on each other.
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- The way they protect each other on the ice (Fulton going after Olaf the minute he checks Portman, sure this could be considered him being the defenseman he is. But he IMMEDIATELY went after him, NO HESITATION).
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- They ignore babes (with focus possibly on each other).
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- The transition from rivals to friends happening under the surface in the script (Fulton copping bandanas, couples tend to copy each other)
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that’s just a few!!
In D3 we don’t get as much considering Dean wasn’t there for a third and a half of the movie. However there is a couple moments (still delusional).
- The way fulton describes Dean not coming to Eden Hall, which in my personal opinion, sounds like a divorce (😭)
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- the way Dean’s focus was only on Fulton up until Fulton grabbed his hand during his arrival in the locker room (sure it could be because Fulton WAS basically the first one to go up to him but… still. THEY HOLD EYE CONTACT. And again with the physical touch).
- the way Fulton stands up for Dean against Riley, as well as coming to his defense when he got his penalty.
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- (‘hey sorry about YOUR Bash Brother’ is basically no different then saying ‘sorry about your boyfriend’)
- the way they look at each other, and their side hug (again, always touching. can’t get a clean ss so trust me!)
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that is all (my brain is too hyper to think of anything else 😞). THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!!!
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brian-in-finance · 18 days
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Caitríona Balfe attends the premiere of 'The Cut' at the 2024 Toronto International Film Festival. ROBIN MARCHANT/GETTY
Outlander star Caitríona Balfe says boxing for The Cut with Orlando Bloom was a lot more fun than wearing corsets
"It was undoing a lot of the corset damage," the actress tells EW.
Outlander star Caitriona Balfe steps out of the stone circle and into the ring for The Cut, director Sean Ellis' psychological sports drama.
Speaking with Entertainment Weekly on Friday at the 2024 Toronto International Film Festival where the film had its world premiere, Balfe says she "really got into boxing" for the role of Caitlin, the wife and trainer of Orlando Bloom's protagonist, known only as The Boxer, in the film.
Was it more fun than putting on a corset as Claire Fraser on Outlander? "Hell yes," says Balfe. "And it was undoing a lot of the corset damage, I have to say. A decade of wearing a corset has done wonders to my back."
Described as an exploration of the "wounds that will not heal," The Cut follows Bloom's retired fighter and his obsession with getting back into the ring after a nasty cut took him out of commission a decade ago. John Turturro also stars as Boz, a brash trainer not above using every technique — legal or not — to come out on top.
Bafle wouldn't categorize herself as a "super boxing fan" per se, but the Irish actress does hail from Ireland, after all, where the sport is massively popular. "I knew quite a lot about various different boxers and the sport and stuff." Yet "it was only when I signed onto the film and I started taking some boxing lessons and worked with this amazing coach, Ruth Raper," she says, that the world opened itself up to her.
"You talk to people in the boxing world and it is often —especially [for] working class kids — the sort of one avenue where they go to get out of trouble," she explains. "They put their energy into that, it keeps them off the streets, keeps them on the straight and narrow. But it's a single road. It looks after one thing. It's like, we're going to take you and put that intensity and all of those energies into something, but it doesn't really fix the root."
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Orlando Bloom as the Boxer in 'The Cut'. COURTESY OF TIFF
It's a path that represents Bloom's fighter, says Bafle. "He's found something that's kept him on the straight and narrow, but it's just really put the actual problems back in the recesses of his mind," she notes. "We all know if you repress something, it eventually has to be dealt with. And I think that's a lot of people in sports. It's such a single track. It's like, you can do one thing brilliantly, but sometimes at the expense of dealing with the rest of the things in your life."
Entertainment Weekly
In The Cut, Orlando Bloom transforms into a washed-up prizefighter in an otherwise overwrought boxing drama
"Outlander" star Caitriona Balfe plays Bloom's partner and coach.
Despite a trio of knockout performances, The Cut is a lackluster boxing drama.
Orlando Bloom's character, known only as Boxer, runs a boxing gym with his partner Caitlin (Caitriona Balfe). Until the death of a fighter propels him back into the ring for one last shot at glory, even if it might cost him everything. Bloom is the center of the drama, his handsome leading man visage transformed by prosthetics that give him a broken nose, cauliflower ears, and a pugilist's demeanor. It is truly a physical leap for Bloom, and he disappears into the role of a hard-scrabble, mumbling Irishman.
There's no trace of vanity as he sheds pounds in dangerous pursuit of returning to fighting weight (at one point we're told he has to lose 26 pounds in six days). Bloom moves with the lithe, unsteady canter of a man who's punch drunk, while the trauma of his horrific childhood emanates from his haunted eyes.
He's matched by a silver-tongued supporting performance from John Turturro, who plays Boz, a sadistic trainer who pushes Boxer to the physical and mental brink. He is the devil in a polo shirt, charming and malevolent all at once. A less charming actor would have robbed the role of any warmth, but Turturro sells the notion that Boxer cannot release himself from the man's toxic web.
Balfe gives a thankless role her all as the lone woman in this boys' club. Caitlin has a dark past too, alluding to a struggle with addiction. But we never learn any of her past in detail despite numerous and repetitive flashbacks to Boxer's bleak childhood. Instead, it's left to Balfe to convey it all through Caitlin's stricken expressions and misplaced devotion to Boxer. She even gets a few moments to shine as a fighter herself, training Boxer for his fight before Boz takes over. Balfe is a sublime talent, but she deserves far better material that doesn't rely on her to make up for deficiencies in the writing.
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Orlando Bloom, director Sean Ellis, Caitriona Balfe, and John Turturro at the TIFF premiere of 'The Cut'. RYAN EMBERLEY/GETTY
Because despite these three strong performances, The Cut can't overcome its overwrought script by Justin Bull (with a story from Mark Lane) and Sean Ellis' flaccid direction. The film is a drama that explores a man who pushes himself to insane limits, only to realize he needs help for his issues (which include an eating disorder and PTSD over the death of his prostitute mother who also pimped him out to pedophiles), and an unhealthy obsession with proving himself a champion in the ring.
Bloom reduced himself to an emaciated husk of a man to tell a story that should've started where it ends. There's not much to take from a man's descent into hell if we don't also get to watch him attempt to crawl out. But that's where it concludes, with Boxer only just peering out of the pit he's fallen into, realizing he needs help to emerge.
As a director, Ellis seems more interested in gratuitous vomit shots and strained depictions of hallucinations than the subject at hand. The Cut is a boxing movie with very little boxing (indeed, we don't even see the climactic fight). It's a deliberate directorial choice that seeks to foreground Boxer's fight inside his soul rather than any external battle. But it robs the film of any energy or propulsion beyond a clichéd portrait of a man in free-fall.
The Cut has the potential to be something fresh and interesting with three particularly fine actors at its heart; instead, it keeps its audience against the ropes, bludgeoning viewers with a trite, histrionic tale of trauma that will likely eliminate any hopes it has of being an awards contender.
Grade: C-
Entertainment Weekly
Remember… Balfe is a sublime talent, but she deserves far better material that doesn't rely on her to make up for deficiencies in the writing. — Entertainment Weekly
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anylady-fics · 3 months
Friends | Bang Chan x F Reader
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People always say never to slide through someone else's photos, but I was just trying to find the best one among the many we took. Then I saw something I shouldn't have. It wasn't intentional—I wasn’t looking for anything—but there it was.
Or... she found her best friend's nude pic and freaked out about it.
*** this work is for adult audiences. Minors DNI ***
TAGS: #smut fanfic #bangchan fanfic #straykids fanfic #nude photos #best friends #porn with a bit plot #oneshot
Warnings: couch sex, creampie, oral sex, vaginal sex, rough sex, fingering
6,792K words - cross posted on ao3
Ⴡ Masterlist
Christopher and I have been friends since high school, and we're always together in college too, even though we study different things. We've had so many experiences together, a lot of hangovers, and a ton of stories to tell. But despite what people might think, nothing romantic ever happened between us.
I get why people might think otherwise, since we're always together, hugging or just having some kind of physical contact. Chris is the kind of friend who really takes care of his close friends. He carried me on his back when I was sick and needed to go to the hospital, when my shoes destroyed my feet, or anytime I needed help, no matter the reason. That's just who he is. Explaining this to my ex-boyfriends was always tricky, and Chris had to deal with some jealousy issues in his relationships too.
We're so alike in everything, even in our mischief, and we know secrets about each other that will probably go to the grave with us. We're that close, just best friends, partners in crime.
Our Friday routine after class was to hit the same bar, sit at the same table, and play games with others until they kicked us out because they couldn't stand losing anymore. Sometimes we had a few drinks, but since we started working out together, it was pretty rare. Chris turned me into a gym rat, acting like my personal trainer, which sucked but was pretty effective, I must admit.
Sometimes our weekend parties led to dates, but separately. He'd hook up with a girl, and I'd find a guy, and we'd talk about it the next morning. Occasionally, only one of us would get lucky, and the other would go home alone, but that was rare.
Life was good, no problems between us for years, until one damn day at the bar. We decided to take a picture together since it had been a while since we posted anything, and all our friends were there, which was uncommon. We used his phone, and I was editing the photo like I had done a thousand times.
People always say never to slide through someone else's photos, but I was just trying to find the best one among the many we took. Then I saw something I shouldn't have. It wasn't intentional—I wasn’t looking for anything—but there it was.
First, an explicit nude showed up, taken from below. I'd recognize that hand and those painted nails anywhere. And despite his abs... oh my god! I panicked and slid again, finding even more explicit dick pics. I was so shocked I didn't know what to do. There were even pics of him in just his black boxers.
I tried to slide back to the original photos, but I was shaking, and my face must have shown how freaked out I was. He was coming closer, so I quickly blocked the screen. I was sure he saw his own photo on the screen before I turned the phone face down on the table, pretending nothing happened with my best poker face.
“What happened?” He grabbed the phone, sitting right next to me.
“Nothing! Send me the pics later, okay? I’ll edit them.”
“Hm…” He unlocked the phone, and the pic was still there. Being shameless as he was, he really didn't care. “I think you saw them… well, that’s what happens when you slide through someone else's photos!”
He just played dumb and laughed really loud while my cheeks burned. I was haunted by how shameless he was. I always thought I was as bold as him, but I would've totally freaked out if the same thing happened to me—if he had seen me naked through some photos that weren't meant for him.
“Why the hell do you keep that on your phone? What if someone steals it?” I tried to sound normal, but my voice was shaky. Something clicked in my head the moment I saw those pictures.
I wasn’t blind. Christopher had always been really hot, but I just didn’t look at him like that. Even knowing he had a pretty active sex life, I never asked about it and didn’t want to know any details. Well, now I have seen plenty of details in those photos…
Fuck, I was so nervous.
“Aren’t you overreacting? You can’t even tell it’s my d—”
“I could tell.”
“I think we should forget about it. Will you give me a ride home? I have to go, there's that thing tomorrow.”
“Wow, you're really like this just because of the photos? Good thing you didn’t see the video, then…” He laughed again, and I was just paralyzed, feeling really slow to process everything since I saw those photos on my best friend's phone.
“What do you mean? Oh, forget it, I don’t want to know. Please, can we go?”
“You know what kind of video…”
“Just shut up, Chris.”
We stood up and said goodbye to all our friends. For a few moments, I could forget what happened, but that didn’t last. Chris’s place was on the way to mine, so I used to get a ride with him every day coming back from college. On our way, I was totally quiet, just hoping I could wake up the next day and not care at all about what I saw. If I didn't, it could be a big problem. I was already really disturbed thinking about the video he mentioned—it could be him jerking off. Just thinking about it made my body feel really weird, which felt wrong.
“We’re here. Are you sleeping?”
I didn’t notice we were in front of my house for a few seconds. I was looking outside, avoiding him the whole way and not even commenting on the awful music he played to annoy me.
“Oh, my bad. Yeah, I’m so sleepy…” I tried to fake a laugh but failed.
Chris was looking at me, already suspecting something, but he didn’t say anything, thank God for that. I said goodbye, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek like always, and jumped out of the car as fast as I could. Once I was in my room, alone with my thoughts, I finally stopped pretending everything was okay and started really thinking about what happened.
I saw photos of my best friend’s dick—a lot of them. It was… nice? So thick, with all those veins… Fuck. I could congratulate him for it. That’s why he was so cool about someone seeing his genitals unintentionally. He knew exactly what he could cause with that kind of picture and wasn’t worried if somebody saw it. His high self-esteem was kinda explained in a few seconds. But, problem: I liked what I saw. Oh, I liked it a lot… I liked it so much that I wished I could taste it. But how could I do that? God, it was Chris! I shouldn’t even be thinking of him this way, but I got home with soaked panties from seeing the photos and just imagining there was a video, too. It might not even exist; he could have said it just to mess with my head.
Oh, what a regret for even touching that phone.
When I lay down to sleep, I just hoped the impure thoughts about my best friend would leave me alone. But I can’t even describe how disappointed I was when I woke up, and the first thing I thought of was his dick pic, one in particular that gave me so many details…
Urgh, I was hating myself. How could I be like this? I’ve received so many dick pics before, even bigger ones, but none affected me like that.
As a result, I spent the whole day keeping myself busy and barely talking to him. In fact, we didn’t text at all. We usually talked all day, even if it was just sending memes to each other, but the last message was from him saying he got home, and I didn’t even reply.
I felt really bad and thought about sending him something just to pretend everything was okay, so he wouldn’t know something was wrong, but his message popped up on my phone first.
Chris Bang: Sup! We have that party today, wanna go?
Me: Idk, kinda tired…
Chris Bang: k, let me know in 1h. If u want, we can just watch a movie or something.
Usually, I would just say yes to the movie, and we’d be great. But just thinking about being in the same place with him, in the dark… oh. I really needed professional help. I felt even worse because I was pushing him away because of my craziness, so I decided to do anything that could help clear my head.
I exercised a lot. It was okay. After being totally exhausted, I felt better. I took a deep breath and replied to him, saying yes to the movie night. He texted that we could meet at his place and asked me to bring something to eat that wouldn’t mess up our diet.
I took a long shower, and when I opened my closet to pick my clothes, I saw two of his shirts there. I used them to sleep sometimes. My mind went to the wrong place pretty fast, but I managed to get it back on track equally fast. Thank God, I was coming back to my normal self.
I picked an oversized look with huge pants, a shirt, and my favorite sneakers. I just checked my hair before I left.
The way to his house was short and familiar; it barely took 5 minutes to get there. I brought just popcorn and sparkling water, feeling sad for us.
As soon as Chris opened the door, I looked at his face and felt all weird, avoiding eye contact and remembering those fucking pictures all over again. I took a deep breath after he hugged me to say hello, and for my bad luck, it felt totally different than it did two days before.
“Wow, you’re really taking it seriously…” he pointed to our snack. “You have more results than me already!”
“Oh, please! You have abs! I’m still flabby…”
“No, no… don’t say that. I’m there with you and didn’t see anything flabby.”
He used his natural flirting tone, but it hit me so differently that it was hurtful. I was used to it; he always did that. So why the hell was my face burning just from thinking that he was looking at me, at my body? Yeah, watching a movie was going to be hard.
I was really embarrassed about myself, my thoughts, and my behavior. It wasn’t right that Chris just messed with my head like that out of the blue; it could really mess up our friendship.
The problem was… I was too easy to read, like an open book. He knew pretty fast when something was wrong, and he always waited for me to say it before he had to ask. I was already getting nervous because I sucked at lying to him, and I knew that as soon as the movie ended, he would be asking questions.
During the movie, we were really close on the couch, which was pretty normal for us. We always did that, but I was freaking out inside, wondering how weird it would be if I just… decided to sit a little farther from him. Yeah, that would be a bad idea. I just took a deep breath and tried to forget about the photos and all the crap I was thinking, focusing on the movie and staying quiet.
As the movie played, I kept my eyes glued to the screen, trying to ignore the way his arm brushed against mine or how his laugh made my heart skip a beat. I needed to get a grip, fast. 
It was a horror movie, and I really wanted to watch it, but... well. Chris was really into it. He had this habit of putting a cushion on his lap during movies, and this time he had chosen a fluffy one. The way his hands slid over it, repeatedly... it really got into my head. Oh my god. For fuck’s sake, he didn't stop caressing it, and I always had a thing for hands, and his were particularly sexy... especially with his black-painted nails and rings.
Oh my god, it was so embarrassing. I felt like a desperate whore, but just for him.
“You’re snorting…” He came even closer to me. “Is everything okay?”
“I’m not snorting!”
“Yes, you are. You’ve taken so many deep breaths that you’re scaring me more than this movie. Wanna stop watching?”
I was curled up on the couch, holding my knees and hiding most of my face.
“It’s nothing, let’s keep watching!”
“You know you can’t lie to me, right? Let's finish the movie, but then you’ll tell me what happened.”
Oh, sure! How could I say it? 'Hi, Chris! So… I saw those dick pics of yours, and now I’m interested'? 
My head was spinning, and nothing useful was coming to mind. I thought about so many ways to make him forget about this, but it wasn’t going to work. Buuut… a small part of me, I mean, really small… tiny, wanted him to know what I was thinking. Maybe if I just spit it out, we’d laugh ourselves to death and then it would all be over. He’d probably mock me about it, telling me how sensitive I am for being all weird over a nude.
Maybe… just maybe, that was the solution, and I was really inclined to do it. Just tell him I was feeling weird about seeing those photos.
The movie ended, and I started to panic when he turned off the TV and faced me.
“Now tell me, what is it?”
“It’s nothing, Chan. Relax, it will pass soon.”
“You’re making me worry. Did something happen at home? With your family?” He touched my arm, and I felt so guilty seeing his worried expression. He could be really sweet sometimes.
“It 's not that. Actually, it’s something stupid, just let it go.”
“Did some guy act like a jerk to you? That one from the bar? I knew it… do you want me to help with that?”
“Oh, God… Chris, just let this go. Please? It 's not that.”
“You know you’re not going home without telling me what happened, right? Besides, the fact that you still haven’t told me is making me really concerned.”
“It 's nothing. And it’s too dark here…”
“Hmmm, are you scared after that movie?” He pointed the remote at his lights and set them to keep changing colors. “Now talk.”
“Actually… no, I can’t tell you that. You’re gonna mock me.”
“It depends, maybe I will. For fuck’s sake, woman, just say it.”
“Okay, ahm… oh god. Okay. I got a bit weird because… ahn, I can't, Chris. I’m going home now.”
I stretched my legs, put my feet on the ground, and almost got up from the couch, but he held me and made me sit down again. This time, he was even closer, and I could smell his wonderful scent, making my situation much worse.
“Really, what happened?”
“The photos that I saw yesterday…” I didn’t even finish the sentence, but it wasn’t necessary.
He tilted his head like a dog trying to understand its owner and then burst out laughing, but he didn’t let me go, just held me firmly, probably already knowing I’d run off at the first chance.
“You’re like this just because you saw the photos? I can’t believe it!”
“Oh, wow! How funny.” I was serious, and tried to hide my face again, but he pulled me closer and stared at me, waiting for me to say more. It wasn’t fair that I was so affected while he just kept laughing. “It wasn’t just the pictures, but what they did to me after.”
“Hm, tell me more.”
“I couldn't stop thinking about it since yesterday, I thought it was obvious.”
“So… you've been thinking about my dick since yesterday?”
I started to laugh, but it was a nervous laugh, totally shocked by how shameless he could be. I knew he’d mock me like that, but I didn’t expect to be even more turned on by it. Hearing him say that... fuck.
“Yeah, exactly. And you mentioned a video. What video, Chris? Why the hell did you have to leave that on your phone? Everything was fine before that.”
“Let me see if I got this right…” His voice lowered, and I shrunk even more on the couch, holding my knees again. “You’re all weird because you’re… horny?”
“Basically, yeah. But I can’t. I can’t see you like that.”
“For fuck’s sake, do you know how many times I’ve felt attracted to you like that? Imagine if I got all weird about it.”
“Excuse me? What do you mean?”
I was in complete disbelief. He was naturally a flirt, always hitting on me and every girl around him, but I never thought it was serious. Never.
“Yeah, it’s normal for me. Of course, it’d be harder if I’d seen you naked - and I’m not saying I don’t want that - but, I don’t know… you don’t have to feel like this.”
“Oh my god, you’re really a naughty one, aren’t you? Why did you never say anything?”
“Because I didn’t want you getting all weird about it. I know I’m fine with it.”
“Well, it’s different. You’re used to it.”
We sat in awkward silence for a few moments, and then I noticed how his expression had changed. The way he was looking at me, biting his lower lip and trying to read me… and that damn smile.
“So… you wanna see it? The video, I mean.” He took his phone and unlocked it in front of me. I was speechless, just staring at that damn phone in his pretty hands.
I blinked a few times, thinking about it. It wasn’t unpredictable… I kinda knew he’d want to show me the video if he thought I wanted to see it. And I had made it really clear how much I was thinking about it. Of course he’d offer.
“I’m just kidding! Unless you really want to…”
Oh god, the way he smiled and bit his tongue was killing me. I wanted to throw a shoe at his face, but at the same time, I was tempted to take the phone and watch the damn video. I had the brilliant idea of being as shameless as him, just pushing to see how far he’d take it.
“You’re really okay with it? No shame? Then show me.”
“I have no reason to be ashamed. You did see the photos… and liked them.” He opened his gallery, and the pictures were still there. He made his point by sliding through each one and commenting on which he liked most. Coincidentally, it was my favorite too.
“Here, it’s the next one. Make yourself comfortable.”
He handed me the phone, and I realized I was shaking when I took it. I thought I could keep a cool expression and pretend that everything was normal, like seeing my best friend touching himself was no big deal, but well… I failed. I knew I was screwed the moment the video started to play, and it had audio.
Hearing Chris moaning while pleasuring himself was so hot it made me clench, and my brain just shut down. I hadn’t even considered this until yesterday; it was so unfair. I kept watching the video, enjoying it more than I wanted to, and apparently, it was made when he was close to cumming because it was short… just a few seconds. I watched him cum on his abs before the video stopped. My body was really tense when I handed back his phone, struggling to think of anything to say that wouldn’t embarrass me even more.
“That was it. No big deal.”
“Do you have premature ejaculation? This video is 15 seconds long.”
Maybe provoking him like that wasn’t a clever thing to do because I was really affected by the video. But I tried, even with a dry mouth, weak legs, and being totally soaked through my panties.
“I’m not! I recorded it when I was close.”
“Sounds like something a premature guy would say…” I liked seeing his tone get serious, his ego clearly hurt by my question.
“If you keep saying that, I’ll understand that you want me to prove you wrong…”
That escalated quickly. From the moment he decided to show me that video, I knew there was no way back. Our little fun could continue, but it was leading us somewhere kinda dangerous yet inevitable since I spoke the truth. For a moment, I really thought he’d just make some jokes and forget about it, but the tension between us would get unbearable. That would happen anyway, so…
“You can try.”
“You’re testing me? Because you know I’m fine with that.”
“No, I was just thinking… I got all shaken up for nothing. It’s not that much, right? I mean, you did take the pic from below to make it look bigger…”
I tried to keep provoking him since it was really affecting his huge ego, but I didn’t imagine it would go that far. His reaction...
Chris took one of my hands and made me touch his hard cock through his shorts to feel him, all of him. My reaction wasn't planned—I just squeezed and grabbed really hard the moment I felt him, hard as a rock below my fingers. Then I pulled my hand back, feeling a bit weird about it.
“You teased me, now you gotta handle it.”
God, I just realized how hot I was feeling. My whole body was responding to him. I felt the heat, my neck and cheeks were burning.
“We shouldn’t…” I was just looking for an extra dose of convincing because I already knew we were going to do it.
“You think so?” He stood up, the thin fabric of his gym shorts hiding nothing, and the way he grabbed his own dick, feeling himself, made me shiver. “I’ll stop when you ask me to.”
First, he stripped off his shirt and threw it on the couch right beside me. I think my jaw just dropped when he lowered his shorts, revealing his waistband. In just a second, he was wearing nothing but his boxers, touching himself, squeezing his clothed dick right in front of me, staring at my face and testing me.
I didn’t notice how hard I was pressing my thighs together, feeling my pussy throb because of the tension and the touches I was denying myself, making a huge effort to stay still while watching him.
“Wanna tell me what you thought about those photos?” He hooked one of his fingers into the waistband of his underwear, lowering it just enough for me to see the trimmed hair on his pelvis.
“Are you really gonna touch yourself in front of me?” I shifted a little on the couch and felt the wetness between my legs, so intense that I could leave a stain where I was sitting. I couldn't believe the situation and how turned on I was because of it.
“I told you that I’ll stop if you ask…” He lowered his underwear a bit more, revealing a part of his length. I wet my lips, feeling my mouth water at the thought of sucking him, imagining his taste, his veins, everything…
When Chris finally stripped off his last piece of clothing, I was speechless. It was even better than the pictures or the video, as I expected. Watching the way his hands worked on his dick, grabbing and stroking slowly while he watched me… it was too much. I was losing my mind.
“So… wanna tell me? What you were thinking, huh?”
“About this… you touching yourself for me to watch.” I couldn't look at his face, even if I wanted to.
“Hm… what else?” He sped up a bit, stroking and pressing his head slightly, making me feel an insane urge to taste him, watching the precum already leaking from his cock. 
“I thought about how it would be to suck your dick… trying to fit everything in my mouth.”
“Oh, I think you can do it. You were just telling me that it’s that big, right? Feel free to try, I’d love to watch you.”
This time I looked up and saw him smiling at me, knowing exactly what he was doing to me. Chris took advantage of my eye contact to bite his lip and stroke his dick a little harder. I lost all control when he looked down and moaned, making my pussy clench around nothing, wishing he was inside me already.
“You can stop, I don’t want you to cum… not like that.” I sat on the edge of the couch and touched his thighs, feeling his muscles under my fingers, noticing every detail that I’d never seen this close.
“And you called me naughty… look at you, wanting my dick and not knowing how to ask for it.”
“Oh, I don’t need to ask… you’re slutty enough to give it to me without asking.”
“Is that a problem?” He kept touching himself, and I watched closely, already shaking with anticipation of touching him, tasting him.
“Of course not.”
I wrapped my hand around his hardness, moving his own out of the way. Gripping his dick at the base, I stroked slowly, running my fingers along his entire length, relishing the feel of his skin and the torment it brought me. When I noticed more precum leaking, I couldn't resist. I took him into my mouth and sucked eagerly, not wanting to miss a drop, sucking hard and stretching my cheeks with him.
"So hungry for my cock, baby…" He ran his fingers through my hair, pushing it behind my ear before holding my head to pull me back a little. I watched the saliva connecting his cock to my lips and smiled, looking up at his face, making it clear that I wanted much more. His taste was already on my tongue, and I became addicted the moment I tasted it.
He held his cock, rubbing it against my lips, and I stuck my tongue out, wanting to make him even wetter for me to suck as soon as he slid back inside.
"You have no idea how many times I've fantasized about you sucking me like that." This time, he pressed more firmly against my tongue, and I closed my lips around his head, savoring his taste once more.
"You're something else…" I managed to say before he pulled my hair, tilting my head to the side while still rubbing his dick against my lips and cheeks.
"So are you…" I felt the weight of his hardness against my face, tapping against my skin occasionally, teasing me as he stroked his cock. The urge to strip off all my clothes overwhelmed me, my legs trembling with anticipation. "That's why we fit so well."
I bet it must have been a real treat for him to watch me smiling at him like I did while he teased me, rubbing his cock against my face. I was really pleased with the outcome because he finally let me suck him again, pushing himself into my mouth and using both hands to guide my movements.
I grabbed onto his thighs, digging my nails into his skin every time he held my head to make me take him all in. I have to admit, I was loving every moment of it. I kept sucking without stopping, making it wet and sloppy, varying the pressure with my lips and mouth, paying attention to his reactions and doing everything to make him moan louder for me.
After a few minutes, my jaw was starting to ache, and as much as I wanted him to come, I was already soaking wet with arousal. I couldn't keep going like that, so I pulled away and used my hands to jerk him off while I caught my breath, my face all wet.
"You still think that I'm premature?" He laughed, passing his thumb over my swollen lips. "Lie down and strip. Let me take care of you now."
"I never really thought that, you know? I just wanted to see you nervous. It worked perfectly..." I leaned back on the sofa and unbuttoned my pants. Chris quickly took care of removing them, pulling them down my legs.
"Look what you've done..." My panties were completely soaked, as if I'd jumped into a pool with them on. They were light blue, so the dark stain was visible even in the dim light of his lamp.
"Did you get this wet by sucking on my dick?" He ran his fingers over my mound and down, feeling the wetness, fascinated by what he found. "Or did you come here already wet, thinking about me?"
"A bit of both..." I spread my legs wider to give him better access, watching as he moved closer to the damp fabric. "But sucking you off did most of the damage. I was really needy for it..."
He pressed his nose against my clit through the fabric, and I felt his tongue slide over everything, making me shiver despite the barrier of my panties.
"You should've told me you were this wet. I could've had my face drenched in that pussy sooner."
"I was too busy watching your show." I pulled off my shirt, left in just the sports bra I'd chosen without planning to get naked in front of anyone.
I thought he’d finally take my panties off and give me some relief, but Chris just stood there watching me undress. Then he came over to the couch, letting his body weight press down on mine, leaning in to kiss me.
Honestly, I never thought something like this would happen. Somehow, kissing him felt even more intimate than sucking his cock. It wasn’t a complaint, far from it. I’d been waiting for the moment to do it, his mouth was really something.
The kiss was amazing, igniting my whole body with a burning desire for him. The way his tongue moved against mine, circling and sucking... I could only imagine how it would feel if he was licking my pussy. My hands were on his back, feeling his muscles, scratching him each time he pushed his hips against mine, making me feel his hardness rubbing against my clit, leaving me breathless.
He laid beside me, and we kept kissing while one of his hands explored me. First, he pushed up my top to grab my tits, my sensitive nipples hardening at his touch. He had big hands, filling them with my chest, squeezing while his thumb circled my nipples. Every touch felt like it was reaching my core.
His hands slid down, caressing my belly and finally slipping into my panties. He teased me at first, rubbing my clit through the fabric and sinking his fingers into my labia, whispering in my mouth how wet I was for him. I spread my legs, and he pushed the panties aside, his fingers now touching my folds, playing with my pussy and then rubbing my clit.
“Gonna tease me forever? Put those fingers inside.”
“So impatient…”
Chris pulled back just enough to look me in the eyes, biting his lower lip as his fingers slipped inside. I closed my eyes and moaned, feeling myself tighten around him and hearing the wet sounds as he started moving. He was really good with his hands, just as I hoped he would be. He was so precise… His thumb massaged my clit the way I needed - I could cum really easily -, while he worked three fingers inside me, moving them nonstop. I was almost coming for him, and I started to grind against his hand. He was just watching me, moaning along with me as my orgasm hit, whispering in my ear how hot and tight I was for him.
I felt his fingers slide out of my wetness, and he brought them to his mouth, tasting me before kissing me again. I could taste myself on his lips as I removed my panties, sucking on his tongue.
Chris knelt down, moving my body like I weighed nothing, positioning me on my back with my legs spread. He supported himself on his elbows and began licking my pussy, his whole face pressed against me. His chin, tongue, lips, nose… every part of him rubbing against my arousal, licking and drinking me like I was the last drink in the world.
I couldn't hold back when he stuck his tongue inside me. I grabbed his hair and ground my hips against his face, searching for the perfect angle to cum again, even though I was still sensitive from my last orgasm.
He moaned with me, the vibrations of his voice against my skin intensifying my pleasure. When I came again, I tried to close my legs, trapping him between them because he refused to stop licking me, even as I squirmed on the couch, whining for him to stop.
I was panting heavily, still thinking I might regret what we were doing. That crazy thought vanished when he sat on the couch next to me, started touching himself again, and looked at me.
"Already tired, baby? I thought you could handle more."
I kneeled on the couch and took off my top, tossing it at him. My legs were still trembling a bit - a lot - , but I crawled over and straddled him, placing a leg on each side of his body, settling on his thighs, and holding onto his shoulders.
“It’s much better when your mouth is busy…” I ground against his cock as he kept stroking himself. I grabbed his dick and positioned it at my entrance, rolling my hips to tease him a bit before sliding him inside me. I moved slowly, feeling how he filled me up with his hardness, burying himself deep inside me while he grabbed my buttcheeks and spread them, making me take him all in.
I felt the way he stretched me, rolling my hips a few times to get used to his size, and I pulled his head to my breasts, wanting him to touch me everywhere he could. He sucked and bit my nipples, squeezing my ass as I kept rolling my hips. He pushed and helped me move faster, so I started to really ride him.
At first, I was moving slowly, just coming up and down to enjoy the feeling of being so full with his cock, feeling how wet I was as he slid in easily. His hands were abusing my tits, squeezing hard as he used his tongue on my nipples.
I kept going until I was almost passing out from exhaustion. It was really late, and we weren’t holding back our sounds, so maybe the neighbors could hear us. My whole body was sweating, and so was he, but his smell was so good... Even being that tired, I was turned on by it. I kept putting my face in the curve of his neck so I could taste him as well.
His hands were all over me, grabbing and squeezing everything he touched. I brushed his hair out of his face so I could kiss him again, while rolling my hips against him, trying to breathe so I could start the fast rhythm again.
“Let me be on top now.”
Chris helped me get up and waited until I was laid on the couch. I gotta say, that was a huge relief for me - I needed some ‘rest’.
He knelt between my legs and adjusted himself so he could rub his cock on my clit, teasing me and smiling at me in a way that drove me insane. I was soaked and sensitive, so I just used my hand to put him inside me again. I couldn't stand to wait any longer. Yeah, he really got me impatient.
He was thrusting slowly, I folded my legs and spread them wide so I could touch my clit, and he watched closely the way my fingers were working on my own pleasure while he fucked me. It was pretty fast for me to start to feel my core getting hotter and hotter as my orgasm approached.
Chris grabbed my thighs and spread me open wider, keeping the rhythm slow but thrusting really hard. He whispered all kinds of dirty things that made my whole body tremble when I came on his cock. My eyes rolled back in pleasure as he kept doing exactly what he was doing until I stopped touching myself. My legs felt heavy and practically powerless, he made me all weak.
“You get even tighter when you come, baby… so fuckin good.”
It took me a few minutes to start breathing normally again, and he was still going slow inside me. I thought maybe he was being sweet about my sensitivity, but I still thought it would be funny to tease him a bit more.
“Feeling sorry for me? Just fuck me hard, Chris.”
His first reaction was to burst out laughing, then he pulled my legs up, put my calves on his chest, and wrapped his arms around them. Just that move made me feel him so much deeper, giving me a preview of what was about to come. When he leaned forward a bit, I had the pleasure of seeing him suck in air through his teeth and close his eyes, twisting his face in pleasure. I could feel how tight I was with the new angle, and I knew I was going to be sore after that.
Chris fucked me so hard that my entire body moved on the couch in each thrust. My breasts bounced in the rhythm of his thrusts, too... and our moans were cut off each time his body slammed into mine. The sound of his thighs slapping against my ass was really loud, and he was so deep that it left me breathless, and felt so fuckin good that I could come again if I wasn’t already dying because of the sensitivity.
He kept up that insane rhythm for several minutes, it was so good... I was just trying to hold onto the couch so I wouldn’t slide around too much, his cock hitting all the right spots deep inside me, places I could never reach on my own.
“Gonna cum…” His voice revealed his exhaustion, and I thought that so hot that I couldn’t even explain. “Where do you want it, huh?”
“Fill me up, Chris...”
He grabbed my legs even tighter, and I leaned up a bit, raising my body to watch everything he was doing to me. The look on his face when he came would stay in my mind longer than any photos or anything we did today. His abs contracting, the sweat, everything was so erotic, so hot, so perfect. I was lost and couldn’t take my eyes off him.
He slowed down until stopped thrusting, and I felt his warm liquid inside me, not wanting him to pull out. Chris folded my legs a bit more, bringing my knees close to my chest and making me lie back down as his cock slipped out.
“I never thought I’d see this.” His eyes were fixed between my legs, just like mine had been on his face seconds ago.
“See what?”
“You, all fucked up and dripping my cum like that. I can't believe we did this.”
“Me neither...” I used one hand to touch myself, feeling my sensitive spots and using his fluids to slide my fingers around, really enjoying the sensation. “But I’m glad we did.”
The way he smiled made me want to do it all over again, and if it were possible, I really would.
“I guess I can be promoted to ‘fuck buddy.’”
“Maybe, but we need to talk about it later.”
“Wanna take a shower and sleep here?”
“Do you think that's a good idea? I mean...”
I was genuinely worried about the intimacy. We didn’t have feelings for each other, and that was clear. I was terrified of making things confusing.
“I think it’s a great idea because I can do even better tomorrow morning, in my bed.”
“If you put it that way... then I’ll stay.”
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teine-mallaichte · 3 months
Hey, thought it was probably worth making an intro post.
So... I'm a wannabe writer who only started sharing my work in 2023, so I'm still kind of figuring out the world of online fandoms.
Writing Master List
Fandom wise I mainly write One Piece and Dragon Age stuff. Mainly ZoSan and Fenders to be honest. Which as a point are two wildly different fandom experiences 🤣
However, I am also currently branching out into original characters/fiction - mainly living weapon type stuff to be honest.
What I Like to Write About:
Character Studies and Internal Monologues: I enjoy attempting to delve into a character's mind, having them wrestle with their own demons or dilemmas.
World Building: I love world building, in fact I think I may prefer world building to writing actual narratives... But I can't exactly just share world building - at least I don't think I can...
Canon Divergence and "What If" Scenarios: I think these may be my favourite "tropes" to write, though I am getting into AUs recently.
Types of whump/angst I enjoy:
Living weapon
Hiding injury/illness
Altered consciousness
Environmental whump
Guilded Cage
Psychological whump
Whmperless whump
What I don't write:
I don't really write smut, I've tried and I just can't do it... I might try occasionally but, well don't hold your breath.
I hate writing fluff and comfort, but I do try to do so.
About Me:
Day Job: I'm a personal trainer & run coach, who specialises with marathon runners.
Peer Support Worker: I also work in peer support working with people who have experiences of self-harm and eating disorders. (I’m recovered from self-harm and bulimia myself.) I have also done a lot of work with people who have experience of abuse, and have my own history of PTSD.
Hobbies: I have done kendo for 16 years, akiedo for 6 months, and HEMA for a year. I also run.
Mental Health: I have schizoaffective disorder, which means I experience periods of psychosis, mania, and depression. Even when I'm stable, I have auditory hallucinations, my main voice is called Nigel and is essentially my constant irritating companion.
I am very open about my mental health, I've written several blogs under a pen name for charities in the past and often give talks locally about my experiences. So if anyone has questions go for it, if any writers want any info about what it's like to experience hallucinations or mania or whatever also just ask, seriously I'm basically impossible to offend.
I often incorporate elements of my own mental health experiences into my writing. It's the whole "write what you know" thing. After having to drop out of studying post-grad medicine at 22 (after fortunately at least completing my bio-med degree) due to my mental illness, sometimes it does feel like mental illness is "all the know" 😅
I'm back at uni now as a mature student, but studying psychology... So in a way this is still "all I know."
So that's a bit about me!
I take part in DADWC each Friday taking prompts from here.
I'm good with taking prompts at any time, from prompt lists (include the full prmpt and list in the ask) or just whatever prompt you feel like sending.
Most of my longer pieces are on AO3 here.
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phantomram-b00 · 1 year
So I realize I never did an introduction before, untillll now as spooky season is here so why not make-
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Gotcha >:) but as I was saying, I thought why not make one now, (and maybe one day I might make those meet the artist, let see)
Soooo, spooky to meet you, I’m Phantomram…BOO
Sorry had to again. But you can call me Phantom or Ram; whichever you prefer or all together, hey, the world is your oysters. Or ostrich. Just a shy yet very talkative ghost that love to talk about good omens. If you ever wanted to talk, you can just please be mindful, I am shy and not the best with conversations but I’m happy to talk. And uh, if you ever want to ask me question whether to get to know be better or ask anything about good omens, Ahh you can ask in the ask my anything box ^^ but I will reveal info here starting now!
About me:
-Age: 21 (or as my family member say, I’m old.)
-Zodiac: I’m an April Aries!
-height: 5’3 (I’mma fun-sized ghost)
- just to add as I wasn’t comfortable at the time but now I am, I’m autistic ^v^
My scary interest:
-GOOD OMENS! (I love this show and also the book as I’m slowly reading it. I’ve watch this back in 2019/2020? And I love it and waited when the second season came and it did and now I’m loving this show and now going to wait patiently for season 3. But for now, this is my main hyperfixation, and I can’t get enough of it. I love it. But I promise I do have other interest to so let continue 😅)
- Art/drawing/(sometimes) writing
- magic/fantasy
- music (my music taste is haha complicate.)
- books (I love them, I wish my attention span a bit better but I do love a good read.)
- horror movies
- dnd
- oversized jackets! (Specifically the one with the zippers) or trench coats.
- mythology.
- Halloween
Shows/movies/books/games I love:
- Good omens (love love love!)
- Little shops of horrors
- Soul eater
- Coraline (I do wanna read the book tho)
- Star Wars (I seriously still need to catch up to watch Ahsoka aahhhh! 😭)
- Transformers
- Sally Face
- Percy Jackson (haven’t finished reading but I do like it so far and I can’t wait for the show coming up)
-murder drones
- FNAF (yes I’m excited for the movie coming out, I’ve been waiting for this movie since middle school-)
- MK (mortal Kombat)
- owl house/Amphibia/ducktales/Svtfoe
-TMNT (edit: because I forgot to add this Idek how I forgot this)
And more that I can’t think of. I can’t collect them all, I’m not ash Ketchum or any Pokémon trainer. I’m just a ghost on the internet let me have this.
Four random fact about me:
- when it came to doing the MBTI test, my introvert was almost 100%.
- despite being Latine/Latinx I can’t speak Spanish to save my life 😅
- my mom once banned coraline because it was “too scary”
- I learn about zodiac because of animal crossing of all things
“Can I use the ask me anything?”/dm you?: yes! You can ^^ I know some used it (for the ask me anything at least), but if you want to ask me anything go right ahead. I’m happy to answer (almost) anything you like. As for the dm, sure, especially if you’re a mutual I have here, you can ^v^, just all I ask is please be respectful and be mindful. That literally all I ask from you :))
However what I do not allow on this page and imma make this very clear: if you are racist, homophobic, transphobic or just bottom line don’t care about humans rights or any rights at all. Please go and do fucking better and leave me and my fellow ghostly pals alone. Please and thank you very much.
‼️BOUNDRIES: please do not use my ama for donations ask as scammers are using this tactic. If you disrespect this, I will ignore or delete your ask. Please use my AMA for anything else. Any questions. Please don’t cross this boundaries ‼️
Plz go Donate to RAINN
And uhh, I guess that’s all. Have a spooky Friday 🤭
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ask-pokeprofvoid · 6 months
Pelipper mail!
[Oh! It's a letter from Polaris!]
"Dear Dewdrop and Drea,
I think I’ve gotten a proper hold on how the mail system works here, which is a plus! Looks like letters from me will be coming in on Tuesdays and Fridays, providing that nothing goes wrong.
It’s been a bit chaotic with the Walrein, but it seems like things are settling down. Wallace has been a massive help in settling them.
Drea: Oh, Opie is a very cute nickname for me. I like it a lot :) Zeze and Nini are also very cute. It’s nice to know that your school has a wide array of teachers giving lessons. And you’ve made friends, oh that’s excellent Drea! I love working with Dragonite, they’re always very sweet and gentle with their trainers. I would love to meet your new friends when I come home.
Oooh, I see. I’m glad to see that you’ve found a safer alternative to Pokeblocks while I was gone. Nana is an excellent cook so I’m sure that they are delicious.
Dewdrop: Everyone is safe :) Yes that’s very important. First bristles on the babies!! Augh, I can’t wait to come back and see them, I’m sure they’re so so cute.
Also, I would like to contest, I think that I personally am the Lucky One in this relationship. Your family has always been so kind and welcoming towards me.
Ah, nightmares…I’m sorry Droplet :((( I’m trying to resolve the Walrein issues as soon as I can. I’ll be on the plane home literally as soon as physically possible.
I miss Liam, and Cobbler definitely misses his Criminal Companion.
Sorry for the shorter letter today, it’s been so so so busy handling the Walrein. I haven’t had too much time for much else! I’m writing this letter on my lunch break. Bird says Hi!
Lots and lots of love from me, we are staying safe
Your Starlight."
[Attached are a few photos of the Walrein line in the sanctuary. Once seems to be Wallace, based on the old burn on the back.]
Hi again Opie, Uhm I have a question. when you get home can you help me with the service pokemon stuffs again? I know Mis Mom miss Viv has been talking about it alot but i am very nervous :-( BUT!! She says she will ask Uncle Ingo to help train me a strong pokemon so I wont be scared when going outside! ALSO!! I caught a little Larvitar that uncle is gonna train up for me!!
Dune and Liam have been cuddling more and more!! [Theres a image of Dune and Liam cuddled in the sun with Liam grooming the old persian.]
[There is a piece of tape, seemingly being a easier way for Andrea to leave room for Vivianne, the Washi tape being magikarp themed]
Hello starlight :) I am so glad that everyone is okay and remember what you tell me 'dont rush yourself'...or was it the other way around? I don't remember haha. Mischeif decided to use bounce on me yesterday, was funny since he is still quite weak. Knowing Queenie though? She'll get them in fighting shape quick, Shes always loved sparring with the little karps.
Rememeber to not over-work yourself though Starlight. You need time to recover and rest too! Also, Tell bird me and Drea said hello :)
Love you from the bottom of the ocean to the furthest part of space, Your Dewdrop <3
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haruka-vii · 2 years
Normally I don't write up Anipoke comments here but since I'm avoiding other social media for pretty much a month due to the release of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet to avoid spoilers until I'm done with the main story and post game, I'll just exceptionally write up my thoughts here concerning what's to come in these next two weeks.
Knowing how the show has been breaking the traditional formula chain we got used to witness for, perhaps 16-19 years if we count Alola or not, things might turn out differently but anything goes at this point as I can't predict with great certainty how did they write the Generation 8 disclosure. I had the theory for at least an year that Project Mew was secretly evil and this last Friday I was proved wrong so...
About what's going to happen in 9th December. I want to believe this is the scenario:
Goh is hesitant to tell Ash about his idea to go on a journey because he doesn't want to separate from him for an extended/undetermined period of time. The crying bit of the preview is either:
Not managing to tell and running away out of frustration
Admitting the idea to Ash and running away without listening to Ash's feedback
Admitting the idea to Ash, listening to his supportive feedback but Goh gets frustrated with his positive feedback and runs away
Now what I expect (I hope it's this, though), is Ash being supportive about the idea but asking Goh if he can join him in that trip as well (Paldea, everyone?). Knowing Ash I have my doubts he'll just return to Pallet Town, resting on his bedroom while polishing his WCS cup and do nothing else. Remember that dinner talk between Ash and Chairman Rose? The boy openly admitted that what he wants to do is to travel and meet lots of Pokémon and literally not staying stuck in the same place at once to have greater competitive battle notoriety and exposure. Ash will want to continue this as travelling is what made Ash grow as a Pokémon Trainer and what made him become a WCS Monarch.
Although the title of day 16th December was revealed I can't help but have two questions: together or separated? Together to Paldea? I also want to believe that Professor Cerise calls/suggests them to visit Paldea region to investigate something or to learn in first hand about the Terastal Phenomenon. Who knows! And besides I learnt yesterday that among the Pokémon that can be transferred in future to Scarlet and Violet games is Mew. And I'm still thinking about the "temporarily disbanded Project Mew" line of Professor Amaranth. Coincidence?
I'm trying to keep my spirit settled down and to be mentally prepared for any outcome in these next two weeks. I really love Ash and Goh's dynamic and the idea of separating them tears me apart, I think it would be their biggest mistake since that time they decided it was a good idea to write Unova arc as a soft reboot. It essentially thanks to them I found some mental stability during the pandemic curfew. There's a clear differentiated treatment to Goh as a travelling companion (both in and out of the screen) in the course of Journeys and it just wouldn't make sense to discard him away back to the drawer.......... would it? If Ash and Goh are confirmed to stick together then a travelling companion sticking around since the first regional meeting doesn't happen since Brock (who although had to absent for a while in the Orange Islands, he sticked around until the end of Sinnoh's arc so, 2010). It will feel like a Christmas gift for me and as a fan that lives in the Iberian Peninsula I would love to see the duo exploring Paldea! Please make it happen!! 🙏
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m323200 · 4 months
4x04: Love Can Be Dangerous
Luke Dunphy x Female Reader
The past other posts and next one will be a Luke Dunphy x Female Reader story
W A R N I N G S: mentions of abuse
It was a Thursday, I woke up and straight into the shower. As soon I was done, I went downstairs to see Alex and Luke. I told them that I had news. 
They asked what it was. I told them, "I found an apartment. It's not far from here.". They didn't want me to move after what I told them. 
Alex said, "It's not that we don't want you to leave, it's just that we want you to be safe.". I told them, "When I left him, I didn't have a plan. I just left.". 
Luke told me that it was because I had no choice and if I stayed, it could've gotten worse. 
I thought I had to stay and have supervision. Felt like I was a kid again. Me, Alex, Haley drove to the gym. When we got there, Haley had to watch us work out, but she did the easy workouts, a bit. 
Alex and Haley were wondering if anything is going on between me and Luke. I told them we were just friends and it was the best. They thought I was lying.
I said to them as I walked in the ring, "Maybe I still like him. I don't know?". They were excited. 
My trainer said, "There you go. Just keep that tight.". Haley said, "Nice. You are on fire with that sassy new haircut.". I questioned her when she said sassy. He wanted me to work on that two-three-two combo. 
Alex said, "We want you to be ready with that devastating hook is you ever see Brian again.". I got shocked. I told them that's not why I'm doing this. Alex said, "You don't want to kick your abusive ex's ass someday?".  
I said no. Haley said, "I would. I would show him that you mess with Isabella, you mess with me. If anything everyone can be the living shit out of him.". I said that I'm not doing anything for him anymore and it's the next chapter in Isabella's fresh start. 
I said, "Come on, haircut, apartment, employee of the month. I don't know if you heard.". Haley said that she bragged about it a thousand times.  The trainer said to Alex to join in.
Alex said, "How's Luke?". I said that me and Luke are just friends. Haley said, "Except, you want to date him. Again.". I said that I never told them that. 
They said they didn't need to and Alex said my fists are saying it the second we mention his name. Haley asked, "If you're doing so well, you're-you're "thriving." 
Why can't you just date the guy?". Luke said to Brian, "I don't know. We know each other a lot. We've been together a lot. We've been in each other's life a lot.". 
Brian says, "You don't think she's seeing anybody else, do you?". Luke said, "No. I'm telling you, her ex really did a number on her. I'm not saying he ruined her for anybody else, but...". Brian says to ask her out when she's ready or giving hints. Luke says he's bad at hints. That's why he's on his fifth phone.
Three Hours Later
I had Luke meet me at Hollywood Boulevard to talk. Luke asked once he arrived, "Hey! What did you want to talk about?". I told him, "You.". I gave him papers. Divorce papers. 
Luke said it's a really big step, that he's gonna know where I am. I told him, "I know it's a risk. But the only way I'm ever gonna feel free of him is to be free of him.". 
Luke said that he's here for me. I asked, "Well, you told me days ago that your calendar was wide open, when I was ready." Luke said to name the time and date. I told him on Friday at 7:00 p.m. 
He said he was busy, but was joking apparently. I told him I'll see him soon. I kissed him on the cheek. I left in my car. When I left, Haley, Alex, Gloria, and Cam came out clapping and whistling. Embarrassing for him am I right. 
A few minutes later, Luke called Brian, "Hey. Uh, sorry, I got to cancel our thing on Friday.". Brian asked if he has work, but it was because she asked him out. Luke said drinks on him next time and that Brian will see each other real soon. 
It was Friday night, I was getting ready, more likely preparing. My phone rang. It was a friend of mine, "Michelle? Hey. Uh, how did it go? Did you guys give Brian the divorce papers?". 
She said no. Michelle said, "Isabella, we can't find him.". I got confused. I questioned her.
She said that they talked to his neighbors and nobody seen him for months. I asked about his work. 
Luke drove up to the house, he walked to the door with flowers and chocolates. He had a smile while he walked.
Michelle said, "He was asked to take some personal time, after he paid your old agent a visit. He was convinced she knew where you were. It got physical.".
"Allie? Oh, my God. How bad?", I asked worrying. She said she's okay and that security made him ran away and nobody's seen him since.  
When Luke almost came to the door, he got stabbed in the stomach. And thrown to the floor in the middle of the pathway.
Michelle said she has investigators looking for him and warned me to be careful. I thanked her. I told Luke, or I thought so, "You are not gonna believe this.". A man appeared, "Hey, babe.". I said, "Brian?". He punched me which knocked me out.
To be Continued
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 2 years
Fun & Games (Forrest Bondurant x Reader, Modern AU)
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(Credits for the images in the moodboard go to their respective owners)
Genre: Romance, Humour, Modern AU
Pairing: Business Analyst!Forrest Bondurant x IT Trainee Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.3K
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, a sprinkle of awkward romance (well, it’s rather just Forrest being a mess), very little swearing, Forrest being a gentleman, unrequited crush/love/lust (or is it?), responsible drinking, Jack being on the short end of things
Summary: Everyone has a hidden side to them. But on a Friday afternoon at the office, Forrest Bondurant, the normally stoic and feared business analyst reveals a side to him no one had expected. 
Least of all a certain trainee.
And everything is fun and games, even if eventually feelings get involved.
Tag list: @buttercup32sstuff @liliac-dreamer @vir-tual​ @potter-solomons @ilovemanypeople @zablife​ @hecatemoon87​​ @alikaheroes
Monster Masterlist / TH Masterlist
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Friday afternoons at the office are for sharing drinks and playing games. Then again, what else can you expect when you’re surrounded by geeks?
All tables in the cafeteria are occupied, more and more colleagues either leaving their office or coming in through the front door. The small room is filled with chatter, pieces of conversations about various topics blending into each other to the degree you occasionally can make out a single word.
Unsurprisingly, the Nintendo Switch is swiftly turned on and taken into use to organise an informal Mario Kart tournament. In less than a minute, the first two contenders have already stepped up and taken their places at the start line of Toad Harbor. Sipping on a can of beer or soft drink, we watch them, and afterwards each other, going head to head like we’re in a stadium watching the Olympic Games. 
After a disastrous loss on the Royal Raceway playing Lemmy, Gary holds out the controller to me. “Fancy a round, Y/N?”
“Sure, why not?” I shrug, hop off my seat and walk around the table to take the controller from his hand.
Now, everyone gets to pick their own opponent but no one goes twice in a row. The latter doesn’t matter, but the first certainly does since there’s one person in the office who’s sparked my interest ever since we met.
The grumpy business analyst who’s working even now, tucked away in the corner of the sofa. 
It’s Friday, basically the weekend! Even you deserve and need a break.
Mentally crossing my fingers, I pick up Charlie’s controller as well and hold it out to the bear-like man still busily typing away on his laptop. “Play Mario Kart with me, Forrest?”
He peers over the edge of the screen at me, the blue flames of annoyance calming the moment we lock eyes. Features softened, he shakes his head. “I ain’t gamin’.”
“Aw, come on. Don’t be a spoilsport and do the lady a favour,” Howard, our low-code trainer and his brother, cuts in. “Or I will.”
“I’ll play,” Jack intercepts, stepping away from the people he’s talking to and drinking beer with. “If you’d like, of course.”
I hold out one of the controllers, glad the data analist wants to compete. Truth be told, he’s my second choice of company I’ll happily settle for. “Sure, bring it on.”
Behind me, muttered words end in a grunt.
“What was that?” Howard asks. “What’s wrong, grumpy?”
“I’ll play the next round,” Forrest grumbles. He shuts his laptop, puts it in the leather bag at his feet, crosses his arms, and sits a little bit more upright.
“I promise I’ll go easy on you.” I smile at him, a warm feeling spreading throughout when he averts his gaze. Though his scruffy stubble hides most of it, his cheeks are rosy.
“What about me?” my opponent asks, feigning indignance. 
I turn back to him, feeling uncharacteristically brash. “You’ve been here longer than me. I’d expect you to have become an expert by now, Jack. After all, you’re a data analyst. Surely the data has told you how to win.”
A bright smile tugs at the corners of his lips the moment I mention his name. “Bold of you to assume.”
“What? Am I wrong? Aren’t you a gamer?”
“Tell her about the Bloodborn tattoo you got recently. Or how about the new Pokémon you caught and nearly yelled me out of my bed for last night,” Howard chimes in.
Jack hunches his shoulders and throws his brother a poisonous look. “Shut up.”
‘‘Which one did you catch?’’ Though I’ve only recently gotten back into games and especially Pokémon, I’m still as eager to talk about them as I used to be.
“You caught Zamazenta?’ Okay, yeah, no,” I shake my head, “I’m definitely not gonna go easy on you. Success comes with hard work, that much I’ve learned so far. I’ll show you how serious I am.”
I cringe.
That sounds like one of those cheap lines those trainers and Gym Leaders say.
Nonetheless, no one seems to have noticed it because various of my colleagues break out in an amused ooooooooh. Slowly but surely, the first murmurs about bets arise.
Jack and I plop on the couch. Forrest scoots to the side to free up space for me. I half-expected him to immediately stand up to sit or stand somewhere else, but he stays put. Not that I mind since the heat radiating from his body is pleasant like his cologne. Leather, sandalwood, tobacco, and warm spices are the most prominent notes. However, there is something I can’t quite place, an element reminiscent of the woods.
Something wild.
Grumpy wolf.
I snort at the thought. Fortunately, I manage to conceal my amusement behind an awkward cough. I can’t lose face yet around here.
“Ready?” Jack asks.
“When you are.”
He chuckles and shakes his head. “Fiery. I like it.”
And so the battle begins.
Supported by and with the blessing of our co-workers, we decide to partake in a 150 CC Grand Prix. Normally, the rule is everyone gets to play one race, but apparently they allow full tournaments whenever a trainee wants to challenge a senior. 
In the corner of my eye, I notice Forrest leans forwards and throws a look in my direction. However, when I glance to the side to read his expression, he averts his gaze to the floor. If only he knew how bad he is at faking interest in his shoes. The way he fumbles with his fingers is endearing, however, because it shows a fragility beneath the rough exterior.
Throughout the races, and again failing to be inconspicuous, he brushes my shoulder in encouragement while intently watching us go at it. Almost as if he’s trying to learn through observation. 
In spite of the slow start, I end up second with Yoshi while Jack ends in fourth place playing Princess Peach. 
The business analist holds out his hand as soon as the on-screen ceremony is over. “My turn.”
Startled by the abrupt gesture, I lean back to avoid being hit in the face. Forrest blinks, probably realising what almost happened. He beckons his brother to hand over the controller quickly and rapidly retreats into the corner of the sofa. “Sorry ‘bout that. Should’ve… should’ve done that differently.”
“No worries.” Our gazes meet. The brightness in his eyes has dimmed, the seas in them darkened with sincere regret. “Don’t apologise.”
You’re just a little clumsy, but that’s okay. A clumsy grumpy wolf. Keep it in. Don’t grin. Calm and collected.
He opens and closes his mouth, unsure what to say. Finding no words to answer with, he simply nods and lets out a low groan. 
“Um…” As if he’s holding a rock for reasons unknown, Forrest stares at the controller in his hand. Howard barely manages to stifle a snigger. Jack has his lips pressed firmly together in a straight line, also on the verge of breaking out into a fit of laughter.
“We can activate Smart Steer,” I propose. 
“What’s that?”
“It prevents you from falling off the map. It’s especially handy on Rainbow Road.” I might as well have spoken in tongues because he gives me a foggy look. “It’s one of the most difficult tracks. Notorious, even.”
“Ah,” he mumbles, brows still knit together.
I almost feel sorry for putting him on the spot, but, then again, it’s also quite funny to see one of the great giants in the office struggle.
“Now, with the L button, on top of the controller on the left,” I indicate where it is, “you use that to launch the items you gather during the race. However, you can only have one at a time.”
“One at a time… right.”
“You use the left joystick to steer and press A to accelerate.”
“Those are the basics. Still wanna play?”
Please don’t say no. Please don’t.
He nods. A smile spreads on my lips and I bounce in place like an excited puppy. “Yay. I’ll activate Smart Steer, though, just in case.”
“Aw, look at that. Forrest has safety wheels again,” Howard coos.
“Shut your damn mouth,” Forrest grumbles. 
I chuckle, shake my head, and set everything up including the safety wheels. Can’t throw the senior business analyst into the deep and have him crash, after all. 
We pick our characters. Well, it’s perhaps better to say I pick our characters since Forrest mucks about with the controller and already doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing. 
A few seconds later, the timer for the first round of the first course in the Flower Cup appears on screen. Everyone turns towards the screen in anticipation, except for Jack and Howard, who prefer watching Forrest as a form of entertainment.
Engines are starting to roar. 
“It ain’t startin’.”
“You have to press A.”
“I am.” Forrest briefly taps the button. “The cart don’t move.”
“You have to press and hold it down. A regular car also doesn’t drive itself, does it?”
“Not yet,” Jack mumbles next to me.
I look at him, make a face, and turn back to the man on my right. “In Mario Kart they don’t. Now try it.”
Forrest holds down the button and lo and behold, the cart comes into motion.
Only to leave me at the start.
“Oi, you-’’ I exclaim and put the pedal to the metal.
We’re not even halfway through the first lap when the next car crash is bound to happen. 
“Ehm, where are you going?” I ask, squinting while trying to figure out a reason for what he’s doing. Then again, I suppose there is no rhyme nor reason, no analysis to be made, when it comes to video games. At least not with this particular business analyst.
On the screen, Forrest is trying to race up the waterfall. “Followin’ the track.”
“No, you’re not. We’re supposed to go down. Watch the map.”
“What map?”
“In the corner of the screen. That map!”
“Since when that’s there?”
The remark triggers both chuckles and eye rolls. Nonetheless, it doesn’t decrease the fun and joy of having gotten Forrest out of his comfort zone. 
And ending third in the Flower Cup because, despite the rocky start, I still managed to climb up the ranks. My poor colleague, however, ends in sixth place, having taken too many detours while wasting items.
“You tried.” I nudge his shoulder with mine as he hands me his controller so they can be passed on to the next pair of speed devils, “Thanks for playing. That was fun, wasn’t it?”
His jaw clenches and he avoids my gaze. Then, surprisingly, he grunts in acknowledgment. However, it seems there is still no time for a break because he reaches down to his bag, fingers automatically outstretched to the laptop inside.
Feeling emboldened by having gotten him to relax, to a certain degree, I dart forward and grab his wrist. Well, that was the idea, but my fingers are too short to fully wrap around it. All the same, it does the trick in getting his attention. 
His breath hitches and he stiffens. Yet, whereas I had braced myself against the first traces of wariness or even pure animosity, his demeanour is anything but violent. Forrest doesn’t attempt to escape my grip. Instead, he looks at me, eyebrows raised while he gazes at me with sharp focus.
I’ll have to choose my words carefully. Perhaps he’ll turn on me the second I say the wrong thing.
I bite my lip and gently squeeze his wrist, trying hard not to get lost in the warmth of his skin. “Put the laptop away? Surely work can wait until Monday.”
“I’m working on a big project.’’ He grimaces and scratches his cheek with his free hand. At least his fingers are off of the laptop. ‘‘One I need weekends for.”
“Working so much isn’t healthy. Everyone needs time to recharge.”
“He’s a notorious workaholic, Y/N,” Howard comments, sipping from his beer. “He’ll need someone to keep him away from the damn laptop for him to rest.”
He puts his bottle down, a wolfish yet well-meaning grin on his face. Evidently up to no good, he swaggers over and crouches down in front of us. His attention focused more on Forrest and me rather than Jack, he leans in and lowers his voice to a conspiratorial murmur. “Just give the girl your number. She seems awfully worried about you so why don’t you give her the means to assure her you’re doing fine. Or we can arrange a meeting point this weekend and you two enjoy the city, take some time off together.”
A prickling travels along the back of my neck when the implications of the comment dawn on me. A funny tingle rises in my chest, which has grown tight. Nevertheless, hoping it doesn’t show too much, I turn to the business analyst. “Maybe exchanging numbers goes a bit far, but I have nothing planned tomorrow.”
“C’mon, Forrest. This is the point where you ask the lady whether she’d like to spend time together. Ask her out for a cup of Joe. Show her what we mean by Southern comfort.” The Mendix trainer wiggles his eyebrows, but flinches and grimaces when Jack kicks him as kindly as possible. Or, rather, as politely as you can be when the situation calls for subdued violence.
“Fuck off, Howard.” Forrest clenches and unclenches his fists. If neither Jack or I intercept soon, we might very well have a fight on our hands.
“Alright, that’s enough out of you. You heard him, go on. Off you go.” I playfully push Howard’s shoulder, gently telling him what Forrest has already harshly put into words.
“She’s a keeper,” he mouthes before sauntering back to the table by the window.
“Sorry ‘bout my brother,” Forrest mumbles into his fist, gaze averted. “I’ll talk to him ‘bout crossin’ lines.”
“He means well,’’ I chuckle and tilt my head, secretly glad he can’t see the way I fumble with my necklace. ‘‘And, to be honest, it sounds like he agrees with me. It’s okay to take a break. So, I know we don’t know each other well, but would you humour me with a trip to Starbucks or another café? We’ll both take a break.”
Slowly he turns to me and nods. “How about one o’clock, hm?”
I let my necklace fall back against my skin, feeling light as a feather carried by a storm of butterflies. “Sounds good to me.”
“Might need my number. To… let you know,” he squirms a bit, “where I am. And vice versa.”
I fish my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans, create a new contact, and hand it to him. “Here. You fill out your info while I go grab something. Keep my place warm.”
“Want my number too?” Jack cuts in. The suggestion sounds frantic, but is also strangely reminiscent of the way a wolf whines. “In case he don’t answer.”
I giggle, in part to hide the embarrassment of only having just remembered he’s here too. “Sure. When he’s done, feel free to give me your number as well.”
A smile passes over Forrest’s lips as he looks at the case. Strangely, there is something endearing about the slightly crooked teeth peeking through. He briefly glances at me, but forces himself to maintain eye contact. “Suits you. Bunnies.”
“Do they?”
He nods.
Do you think I resemble one?
I stiffen at the thought and blink as if slapped across the cheek. “I’ll, uh, yeah, be right back.”
He sees me as a bunny. He does, doesn’t he? Hang on, is that good or bad? I mean, they’re cute. Does… Does that mean he likes cute girls? Also, they’re easy prey, weak. Sure, I might be out of my comfort zone here, but I don’t make easy prey, do I? Right? Yeah. Besides, men like girls that are a little fragile, in need of help. Smaller than them too. Why am I so worried about this? It’s ridiculous. Let it go! Let. It. Go. For. Fucking. Get it.
Like a woman possessed, I scour my bag and retrieve my Nintendo Switch Lite from it. I inhale and exhale deeply, roll back my shoulders, straighten my composure, and head back to the cafeteria. 
Casually, I plop down on the couch between Forrest and Jack, who returns my phone to me. “Thanks.”
“Give me a call whenever you want. Don’t have to be business,” Jack says, a careful smile playing on his lips.
“Same,” Forrest mumbles. “Call whenever.”
“Well, I’m gonna grab another beer. Y/N, want one?” Jack slaps his hands on his thighs and rises to his feet.
“Nah, I’m good. I’m a lightweight so I’m at my limit.”
Besides me, Forrest mumbles something. The only clear words I can make out are “never” and “drunk”, laced with what sounds like a promise. Or I might be imagining things, the booze having gotten more to my head than I thought.
“Anything else then? Water? Soda? Tea?” I shake my head. “Forrest?”
He grunts as a substitute for ‘no’, focused on the e-reader in his hands. He must’ve picked it up while I was gone.
“Alright,” Jack murmurs and turns his back on us.
I plug my headphones in and start up my favourite game at the moment. 
Silence is an important language to understand, but also incredibly hard. Only few are well-spoken in it, know how to use it to communicate with one another.
But even a master sometimes needs words. 
“If you want you can…” In the corner of my eye, I see Forrest awkwardly shift in his seat.
“Hm?” I look up from my screen, wondering what it is he wants. “Sorry, what is it you said?”
“Lean. On me.” He clears his throat, voice toned down. “If- If you want.”
I shuffle over and rest my head on his shoulder. “Oh, yeah, this is really comfy.” 
I snuggle up to him further, basking in the hearth-like heat his body emits. Perhaps it’s his cologne, but the woody notes in it conjure a pleasant image of being curled up by the fire in a cabin in the woods. Sheltered and safe from harm since there is a fierce protector nearby, hiding beneath the skin. “You’re really warm.”
He stiffens for a moment, but then lets out a pleased hum and rests his head on top of mine. 
After another moment of comfortable silence in which he reads and I game, Forrest asks perhaps the most ironic question this evening. “Whatcha playing?”
“Pokémon Brilliant Diamond.”
“That’s what Jack plays, right? That game in which creatures fight each other.”
“You also have to train them. And they’re not ‘creatures’, they’re Pokémon.’’ I sit up, my tone harsher than intended. Then again, who does not get carried away when talking about what they love? ‘‘Also, there’s an overarching story line, an adventure to go on.”
His features soften, surprise melting into tenderness, and he hums.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m a nerd.” I roll my eyes and lean against him as before.
He hums again, but whether he agrees or means something else is up in the air.
We retreat into the same bubble we created at the quarterly meeting last week. Strangely, he let me in despite the walls he’s surrounded himself with, prolonging the conversation as much as possible. Afterwards, he walked me to the station.
I’m still unsure whether his cheeks were rosy because of the cold or he was blushing.
“When are you leaving?” Forrest mumbles after a while, the words hardly intelligible. It’s almost as if he’s reluctant to ask the question, let alone keen to hear the answer to it. 
“In a little bit.” I check my watch. “Half an hour, I wager.”
“It’s dark out.”
“Wanna walk me to the station again?”
He slowly nods after a moment of hesitation.
“I’d like that.’’ A genuine smile, full of anticipation and the vivid memory of last time, spreads on my lips. ‘‘Thank you, Forrest.”
This time, he really is blushing.
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