#my uber was so cool he had a lil vlogging youtube channel + he was a tesla???
garoujo · 1 year
friends i’m home!!! ໒꒰ྀི。•̀ᴗ-꒱ྀི✧ my new drink of choice is tequila w soda water + lime!!!
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clubdolan · 6 years
Noah + Youtuber
Just like Noah dating a youtuber and being used to her vlogging. There’s pictures in here too.
“This is a vlog, I am Lucy and this week I am doing things.” The video went to an intro screen, a black and white sketch of her popped up and winked as -VlogLucyVlog- was written at the bottom.
“Hello everyone, it’s Lucy, I am power walking through LAX because I just got back from Fiji and I have to get ready, film with someone and get to Noah’s movie premiere in four hours so I am stressed.” She took off running as the camera and her camera person (her editor/assistant, Kelsey) chased her.
Two people stopped her as she rushed out, she took quick pictures and ran around the luggage carousel to find her bright red polka dot bags and wait on her uber.
“James said it’s fine to go to his apartment now, he’s set up to film.” Lucy kept tapping on her phone, “And Brandon is bringing my dress choices there to pick from.”
“Do you want any food? I’ll post mates.” Kelsey offered waving down the SUV that came towards them. 
“I can’t believe it’s time for his movie to come out, I think I’m freaking out more than him.” Lucy said, sipping on a  drink while James did her eye makeup. 
“Have you seen it?”
“Yes! I also read the books once he got the role. It’s the cutest and everyone will fall in love with the characters. And everyone will love Lana who plays Lara Jean, she is the sweetest and funniest person. Ugh, I love her.”
James and Lucy kept talking as he painted her face. A simple eye with a glossy, light brown lip. He ended his video thanking Lucy for coming over which she thanked him back for even offering. They were good friends, they hadn’t collabed in a while and she didn’t want to be stressed doing her own makeup in a  rush.
Her stylist, Brandon, had outfits laying out down James’ couch and Lucy scanned them, picking two to try on. She held up the mirror selfie Noah had taken of himself; navy suit and different muted greens on the shirt underneath. She scanned the outfits again and put one down and grabbed another.
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Lucy shook out the bottom of her hair that Kelsey had helped put half up before straightening up her appearance in the mirror and taking a picture.
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Noah: Wooooahh woahh WOAH 😍 
Lucy: Also not wearing heels, prepare to look two feet taller than me.
Lucy: AND I’m 20 minutes away from your hotel.
A twenty minute Uber drive (that should normally take three minutes) and she practically ran into the hotel towards a group of familiar people with Kelsey filming on her heels.
“Peter Kavinsky, is that you? THE Peter K?” She laughed, wrapping her arms around Noah. “Are you excited?”
“Ahhh, babe. I’m so excited. I’m so happy you could make it.” He turned around and squeezed her to his chest, her head just touching his chin. “You’re so tan, I’m so jealous about Fiji.”
His hands traveled down her arms and grabbed onto hers, “You’re so pretty.” He smiled, looking her up and down again. “I really like you. Like a lot.” His face scrunched as he spoke in his baby voice. “Hi Kelsey.” Noah smiled at the camera that was popped over his shoulder. “Hi vlog!” He took the camera from her, “Today is the premier of the movie and I’m super psyched. Look how gorgeous Lucy looks. Give us your ootd.” 
Noah wasn’t a stranger to the vlogs. He hadn’t been since Lucy and him had met. This was her life, making beauty videos, making vlogs, instagramming her outfits, collaborating with brands and other influencers; doing anything to entertain her fan base of three million and growing.
Boyfriend Tag, Boyfriend Does my Makeup, on set with him, a day at the beach, a vacation to Greece; she had it all on their channel for the last seven months they had been dating.
The red carpet was packed, waiting on the main cast to arrive. She said her hellos to the director, the writer of the book and other actors before getting yelled at by fans for pictures. 
Lucy let Noah go ahead, he was with the cast taking pictures, doing interviews and continuously smiling for everyone. She was stopped for a few interviews, “It’s so good to see you again, we saw you were just in Fiji, how was that?”
“Yeah, Dote Shopping sent us to Fiji and it was honestly one of the prettiest places and I had a blast with all of my friends and made so many new friends and I didn’t want to leave but I did; I had to be back here for this.” Lucy smiled, listening to questions.
“I’m nervous for some reason even though I have nothing to do with the film. Noah is excited, he just wants everyone to see the movie and finally be able to talk about it. That whole cast is so talented and they were hilarious to watch. It’s a cute movie, everyone will love it.”
Kelsey still filmed, walking around the red carpet behind Lucy who randomly would talk to the camera, “I am absolutely starving.” She whispered to the camera, “I know Kelsey has snacks in her camera bag--
“LUCY!” It seemed like the whole population of the red carpet yelled at her. She turned around and saw Noah standing alone near the back drop, waving for her to come over.
She skipped her way over, wrapping her arms around him. The photographers had a hay-day as they smiled at each other, Noah held her in front of him, she pulled him down to kiss his cheek and they stood next to each other smiling for a few normal pictures.
Her cheek muscles were about to cramp from smiling so much when his publicists said they needed to get inside.
“I honestly don’t even know what happened, I think I blacked out that whole thing.” Lucy said to the camera, “Hopefully I didn’t say anything stupid.”
“You probably did.” Noah said, pulling her along by her hand. “I know I did.”
“You always say stupid stuff.” She laughed, leaning up to kiss him. “Hold on.” Lucy stopped him, using her thumb to wipe a little bit of lipstick off his cheek. She kept his face squished in her hand and looked at him, “Wow you’re cute.”
“Stahhhhp.” He laughed, walking away from her.
“A rare Noah Centineo, blushing?” She questioned, following him inside. “His cheeks turned a light pink from a compliment. This is a rarity. Usually it’s him making people blush.”
The premier was over and two SUV’s of them went to the Taco Bell drive-thru before crashing in one of their hotel rooms, reading up reviews of the movie as people watched it.
“Babe..” Lucy tapped on Noah’s shoulder as he slept with his head on her lap, “Noah..”
“Yeah?” He was the only one who immediately fell asleep after eating, no surprise to anyone.
“You had like eight hundred thousand instagram followers, right?” He nodded, his eyes still closed, “You’re almost at two million...”
He quickly sat up and pulled his phone from the charger on the table, “What?”
“You’re a trending topic and top on Social Blade and-- I got like two hundred thousand new followers....” She checked her apps, her statistics she tracked and was also texting her manager about it.
“This is .. insane.” He scrolled through instagram as his follower count grew.
“Aww, baby No is a lil heart throb.” She joked, poking his cheek, “These comments are.. intense.”
“Shove your--- I want to have you choke--- Run me over--- Jesus Christ these are like twelve year olds.” His eyes widened as he kept reading, “Oh someone here asked you how good the D was.”
“I should go reply.” She joked, getting her camera out to vlog. “So it’s been...” Lucy checked her wrist where no watch was, “It’s been two hours since the movie came out and someone has become Mr. Popular.” She scanned the camera to him and he grinned back, “He’s gotten like two million followers since it came out, it’s insane.”
“I don’t understand it.”
“You’re soooo cute everyone’s gotta follow you.” She teased, “It’s good, that means people are watching the movie and liking it! Let me know in the comments below if you have watched it.”
“To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, on Netflix now.” Noah said, “And in two weeks Sierra Burgess is a Loser comes out.”
“Have you said what else you’re filming?”
“Oh, the Fosters spin-off Good Trouble. I get to come back in one episode.” He danced a little as he sat. “And The Stand In has a release date soon.”
“Geez, after all this I’ll have to fight twenty billion people off of you.”
“You’ll never have to fight people off of me.” He wrapped his arms around her, “You’ll have to fight me off of you.” Noah squeezed her and kissed the top of her head, “Because I think you’re really cool. I like you a lot. Maybe we can .. go out or something.” He quoted a vine, like they always did with each other. Their own personal inside joke that some people caught onto.
“I dunno, maybe.” Lucy shrugged, getting a pillow shoved over her face as she laughed, “Noah! Noah let me see---- thanks.” She pushed her now messy hair from her face, “That’s it, that’s today, we did today, we finished today. Noah’s a movie star so go watch To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before on Netflix! See you tomorrow.” 
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Thursday, August 9, 2018
post #213
main points:
- facetime with lil sis
- submit iOS PR for review
- start fixing request command bug PR
- start renaming a data field PR
- quick takeout lunch
- xueyan’s demo meeting
- 1:1 with monica
- 1:1 with harvy that turned into a surprise party
- clean up some tests
- go to gym and run 3 miles
- start laundry/eat sushi with damien and john
- finish laundry/melee tech grind
- chill at home watching youtube
today i:
- woke up around 7am from a wet dream. yikes. i figured i’d need to shower and clean off but slept in bed until like 8am. saw in a snapchat that my sister got her license today
i texted her congrats and then we ended up facetiming for a while from 8-8:30am. it was nice catching up with her, i haven’t talked to her in like a while (a few weeks)
went to go clean off around was ready to head out by 8:55am. sent out the usual message to karl and damien if they wanted to uber at 9:20am. unfortunately karl said he was feeling sick so it was just me and damien
we ubered to work and grabbed breakfast. no salmon today :’( we chatted a bit about uber as a company/how the consumers benefit significantly more than the drivers
- went to my desk and sent out my iOS PR for review after cleaning up some stuff
- began work on fixing a request command bug. basically whenever the OK button was hit, the request sent out would always default to “all”. this was due to having different types of objects. after some thinking, i was able to come up with a solution to get around this and began implementing it
xueyan also swung by my desk to record the demo video since yesterday it was bugging out and she was unable to get it
- worked for all morning through lunch time cause i enjoyed doing python stuff. worked until like 1pm. then went to grab takeout lunch with john and brought it back upstairs
i also started a small PR that was just renaming a data field to make things more consistent. i spent some time cleaning up those tests, and then also the tests for the request bug once i got it working. also got some comments from matias about the iOS PR, cleaned it up and then submitted
- at 1:30pm, xueyan had her demo meeting with her team. it went really well, i think everyone was generally impressed. i was glad to hear my mentor and her mentor say how they were very impressed :) 
- spent some time cleaning up the tests still and around 3pm, met with monica for another 1:1. we just chatted about how our work is going/post graduation plans. cost of tuition in mexico vs in the U.S., pebble/smartwatches in general
- at 3:30pm i met up with harvy. i got an invite when i came in this morning for a 1:1. when i initially saw it, i panicked a bit like “what did i do wrong???” but then realized it was probably a check in. there wasn’t a meeting room specified so i assumed he was unable to book one at the time. so we met up in the micro kitchen and he said he just wanted to check in with how things are going. i talked a bit about my internship/experience so far, and then he said he found a room so we started moving downstairs. i was confused about where we were going but just continued going through my updates/experience thusfar
he brought to the first floor to the (other) big meeting room where we sometimes have team meetings/demos. when we walked in, it turned out to be a surprise party!!! i was so caught off guard. everyone on the team was there (except for a few peeps here and there). it was a surprise farewell party to lilia, ellen and me. mostly for lilia and ellen since tomorrow’s their last day :( 
it was a fun party. there was ice cream cake. we were just hanging out and chatting. i chatted with lilia and jennifer, listening in about their experiences at MIT classes. chatted with harvy, xueyan and john and shared some youtube channels LOL. some of the team also put up youtube videos on the meeting screen, playing some dank stuff in the background. like the bbc animals narration video. just youtube-y vibes :) 
- the party wrapped up around 4:30pm. i went back to work to clean up my tests and make sure everything was good to go. then i sent the two PRs out for review
- changed and went down to the gym to work out (basically just running) around 5:30pm. i hopped on a treadmill and ran 3 miles in about 30-35 ish minutes. whew that was a workout. my legs were really sore afterwards. i did some stretching and then went back upstairs
- cooled down for a bit at my desk and then changed back into my normal clothes. i intentionally pushed off laundry until after my workout so that i could include those clothes in the wash cycle. 
around 6:40pm, brought the laundry to 1000 with john to start the wash cycle. then met up with damien in front of 900 and the three of us went to get sushi. i was craving fish post workout and damien messaged me around 6pm asking if i wanted to grab dinner anywhere. the sushi place is aight... but i wanted seafood so i guess it was the only option
we ate there from 7-8pm ish. each of us got like 3 different orders of sushi LOL. yummm. i showed damien Tab and Plates bill splitting app. i was happy that someone else was finally excited about these apps and how cool they were 
after we paid the bill, damien and i walked back to the office. john went back home to change to go to the gym. i went back to 1000 to swap the wash to dry cycle. then went back to the main building to melee tech grind for a while
i just did a bunch of wave dashing, shield dropping, trying to dash dance/wavedash and vary up my movement. i felt like i was really inconsistent today. maybe my fingers are worn out from yesterday. i couldn’t wave dash consistently which was kind of frustrating. oh well. then played some level 1 cpu fox for a bit. basically did that from 8-9pm
- around 9:15pm, met up with damien to pick up my laundry and then called an uber. we happened to land in the same uber as pedro, who’s also leaving tomorrow. it’s so bittersweet :’( the summer’s almost over already. dang
- got back home around 9:30pm. then i just chilled on youtube for a bit. was surprised to see a new nick eh video, since he hasn’t uploaded anything in a really long time. he put some sick edits on his new video
also saw that a cinematographer i follow on youtube called NIIGHT 
is about to head out to college. is suburbia video was so cinematic. and then i realized... dang this guy is so young. his videos are so aesthetically pleasing but he’s just about to be a freshman in college?? dayum
watched new david dobrik vlog. the skit with alex at the end is so funny. it gets me every time
this is novel and funny content
- took a long shower around 11:30
- now it’s 12:39am. i’m ready to sleep. typing this with my eyes closed
figured out logistics with lydia to go to outside lands tomorrow. i’m so pumped to see odesza omg. okay good night
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