#he was nice tho :3 i am home + starving!!! i had a good day tho i hope u guys had a good day!!! <3
garoujo · 1 year
friends i’m home!!! ໒꒰ྀི。•̀ᴗ-꒱ྀི✧ my new drink of choice is tequila w soda water + lime!!!
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aquaquadrant · 9 months
do you have any idea how excited i am for the next chapter. Bursting right now. Every time I see you or lunarcrown post I am here in an instant. I am so in love with the htp au I am going insane. Literally biting and throwing it around like a feral dog rn. I also just hope that Bravo doesn't bully Timmy too much, he deserves some love.. He needs something good in his life. Honestly I think that Tango would appreciate him more, and not just because he's a version of Jimmy, but because he is beautiful and his special little rabbit <3 he's also my special little rabbit. I love Timmy a lot btw. He's so dear to me. My pathetic little paper bag rat of a man, I will hold him up to a heating lamp and comb through his tiny little hairs. He's baby. To me specifically. I hope he gets to have a nice meal one day, and a place to call home. And that he never has to worry about starving again. I also hope that Atlas gets punched in the face again because he deserves it. No, he needs it. He needs to be punched repeatedly until he is a little brown stain. On the floor. And then I will burn that floor.
Anyway keep up the good work yaaaaa sorry for ranting haha I just ramble a bit. I love htp it's my favorite hehe
I LOVE ALL THE TIMMY LOVE. it’s so great especially considering the super limited role he’s had in the actual text. like “yes king give us nothing!!”
fr tho thanks so much for sending this in, i never mind ranting or rambling. it’s actually really helpful and motivating for me cuz seeing u guys get excited makes me even more excited. i added probably another 2k words to chapter nine after u sent this in.
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switchysyphus · 6 months
Hunger kink fantasy - it’s super long oops
If you want to read it I’d appreciate it but if you don’t TLDR - my partner keeps me from having food all day, keeping me starving
I am allergic to some foods and generally am a really picky eater. In this situation I do have a partner and am working as a teacher.
Before falling asleep I make sure that my alarm is set for 7am since it’s a Monday morning but my partner has other plans. They secretly wake up before me and turn my alarm off. At 7:35am they wake me saying things like “babe! I thought you were awake! You have to leave for work in 10 mins.. come on wake up!” I drag myself out of bed and change quickly. I think maybe my partner has made me breakfast and I can eat in the car but he didn’t make me anything and it’s too late for me to make myself breakfast.
I teach my morning two classes while being a little hungry but used to not eating for 10-12 hours. During snack time while the kids are eating I try to go to the canteen to grab a snack but another teacher comes to me in a frantic rush saying that there is a problem with the printer and she desperately needs worksheets printed for her class in 10 minutes so I go with her to help her print her copies.
Oh well I think lunch is in an hour I can wait. The hour passes and finally it’s lunch time! I go to the staff room fridge and realise that I forgot to bring my packed lunch cuz I was rushing in the morning! I remember that I still have some money on my card that I can pay for lunch at the canteen! When I go down tho the card reader says it’s at zero so I have to put back the food I took! At this point I am starving… I try to order food but as I am about to press order my teacher friend reminds me that we aren’t allowed to order food cuz we need to set good example for the kids. I’m all out of options by now and soo hungry.
I just remind myself it’s only another 3 hours before I can go home and eat. I text my partner and tell him how hungry I am cuz I had to skip breakfast AND lunch! They say “oh you poor thing! Why don’t we go to that nice restaurant for dinner? You can fill your tummy with all the good food there!”
The hours pass slowly while I teach, soon enough the final bell rings so I can go home yay! By the time I come home it’s almost 4pm, starving I go to look in the fridge and there is nothing!
Partner chimes in and says “oh I cleared the fridge, I ate up the leftovers and threw away the expired stuff! Aren’t you so proud of me?”
I nod and say “I’m starving! Would you mind if we just order some pizza?”
They respond with “I’m not hungry babe, we will go to that lovely restaurant at 7 I already made the booking. I hope you don’t mind I invited some friends!”
I groan and say “ I havnt eaten since last night dinner! Is there really NOTHING I can eat now? Not even a small snack?”
They say “no baby, that homeless shelter needs snacks and you have a whole cupboard full of snacks so I donated them all… yes even the Cheetos and popcorn. Come let’s watch a movie to distract your hungry tummy!”
So we watch a Disney movie and they rubs my tummy which has started to growl, I curl up into them and hope that the times goes quickly. By 6:30pn partner tells me to go get ready and to dress pretty so I go shower and change starving at this point cuz it’s been almost 24 hours without any food. I get ready and they say “you look so thin in that dress baby, it looks so big on you!” I smile and nod. We leave for my favourite restaurant and as we are in the car they say oh shoot I forgot to tell you that “Daniel wanted to go for sushi for his birthday dinner so I couldn’t say no now could I? It’s HIS birthday after all!”
I start to cry cuz they know I don’t eat sushi and im allergic to the ginger and soya sauce they use. I ask if they can just turn around and drop me home but they say “no baby, my friends really want to see you! It’s been soo long and I already told them you would come. It would be rude for you not to come now” During dinner I am forced to sit and smile politely and tell everyone that I ate before coming when it’s been a full 24 hours of no food at this point! I get so hungry that try to take a sushi piece but partner slaps my hand and says “babe! You are allergic! You ate before coming.” I blush and keep talking to my friends. I suggest we go for ice cream but everyone is so tired and full now they all want to go home. On the drive home they keep rubbing their belly and saying they are wayy too much and are so full! I say I’m still hungry and ask again if we can pick up some food for me. Again they say “awww so cute for asking! But no baby, no food for that greedy tummy! Maybe if you wake up early tomorrow you will get breakfast!”
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solaaresque · 2 years
oh my god reze i did not know you know/like arknights!1_)#)(&(2)32($! I was scrolling down my feed AND I SAW YOUR REBLOG OF ART OF THE NIAN SISTERS AND I WAS LIKE?? “OMG REZE LIKES ARKNIGHTS???” :o
nian sisters .. i both hate (/nsrs) and love them esp NIAN BCS SHE'S SO??? FUNNY AND CHAOTIC MAN (hate i meant ling she didnt come home to me after 120 pulls so i decided to be anti-blue dragon mommy woman (im still devasted ling i thought we had smth 🥹)) i hope this wont happen to me if one of her brothers become the new limited nian sibling soon 😭😭
AND STAINLESS .. gosh lil meow meow idk if im getting him once his banner comes out bcs he's a specialist BUT maybe bcs he's handsome and a cat 🫣 THAT SAID THO PLEASE DO HAVE A NICE DAY AHEAD!!!! HEHE i should drop by on your inbox more often! <( ̄︶ ̄)>
YES YES i do like arknights haha i don't play it personally (i don't have time for more then 3+ mobage nor do i have the storage for it cries) but a friend of mine does and they introduced me to it!! (s/o to bee fontanarossa mx arknights and lumen's s/o <3) HELPME yeah i do occasionally fall down the rabbit hole and rb things abt my current interests teehee... that nian sisters art was too good to pass up tbh
I LOVE THE NIAN SIBLINGS they are all my wifes and husbands they are the rezecule of arknights im /srs teehee esp nian i picked her out of a lineup and it was love at first sight... sighs dreamily
AND YEAH STAINLESS i love him sm he's my cringefail boywife i am kissing him on the lips... it's too bad there's like. literally No Content of him why do i starve myself like this... U HAVE A NICE DAY TOO YORI DEAR ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ੈ♡‧₊˚ and yes yes pls def drop into my inbox more!!!
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kerie-prince · 3 years
butterfly fly away
Dad!Sirius Black x Reader (platonic)
requested: (anon) may i please request ( platonic ) sirius black x daughter ! reader where the reader is about to start another year of hogwarts but she doesn’t want to go because she’s worried something will happen to sirius and he’ll miss another 12 years of her life 🥺
warnings: none
summary: Now that you've reunited with your father after years of being in Azkaban, you're worried about his safety and overall well being when you start another year at Hogwarts (song inspo: Miley and Billy Ray Cyrus' Butterfly Fly Away)
a/n: uh this is me announcing that i'll be using the fancast for all marauder fics, ty <3 also what is it with me and making everything into a song fic? am i gonna stop tho? no
(gif cred)
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Things were happening all too fast in your third year of Hogwarts. You found out that your best friend, Harry, is your fathers’ godson, your father had escaped Azkaban, and your friends found out that your Uncle Remus is a werewolf. You've known for a long time as he's raised you in stead of Sirius while he was imprisoned and your mother who had unfortunately passed when you were born.
It was hard to lie to your friends about your real name, especially during the course of the last year. That you're actually Y/N Black, not Y/L/N. But when Sirius’ name was cleared, the weight of the lie was a relief off your shoulders.
Your friends, especially Harry, were upset that you hadn't told them the truth but eventually understood where you were coming from. You kept going by Y/L/N for a while and only your friends, Dumbledore, and a couple professors knew of your true name.
Meeting Sirius for the first time since you were a baby was a shock. In the Shrieking Shack after following Ron to save him from the dog that dragged him in, Sirius met your gaze and immediately pulled you into a hug.
‘Let her go!’ Harry yelled, not knowing what was going on and thought Sirius would kill you first. He was about to stun him off of you before Professor Lupin ran in and disarmed Harry. You ran back to Harry and Hermione’s side when you were let go.
Sirius and Remus were talking amongst themselves and you heard your father say 'Let's kill him’ before Hermione started talking. She exposed Remus’ truth to Ron and Harry.
Then all the chaotic events followed. Snape was stunned by Harry, Ron’s pet rat was actually Peter Pettigrew and was the one who had actually turned the Potters in to Voldemort, and Remus turned into a werewolf. And in between all of that, Sirius said that once everything was all said and done, he’d take you and Harry to live with him and be a family.
And for summer, you were actually able to do that. Harry stayed with the Weasleys, which was better for you as you picked the biggest room at your father’s place in Grimmauld Place. Well… it's your place as well now. Remus even moved in and you felt at home. You never wanted to leave your fathers side. The whole summer was spent catching up the past twelve years with your dad.
When you read in the newspaper what had happened at the Quidditch World cup, you were beyond scared and worried for Sirius. He could be a person of interest to Death Eaters now that they were on the move again.
Hermione wrote to you that everyone was fine, but that Harry has been having nightmares for a good duration of the summer. He hadn't mentioned anything to you, but Sirius had. His reasoning for not telling you was to prevent you from worrying even more.
Now, there were three days left until the new school year started. You hadn't done any packing and your dad noticed. “Hey love, what’s going on? We still have to get your books. It will be my first time taking you to the platform. I know you must be used to it, but it’s our first time going as a family.”
“I’m not going. I sent an owl to Professor Dumbledore that I will be skipping out on this year,” you stated as it was normal.
“No, you’re not,” he had stood in silence for a moment, but when he said that, Sirius’s voice was stern. “Y/N, you have to go. School is important.”
“Being with you is more important,” you stood up from your desk chair in your room, “I don’t want to miss out on being with you anymore. Uncle Remus said it would be fine–”
“Remus isn’t your father, I am. You’re going, so start packing.” Sirius left your room and went to check on Kreacher about dinner. You groaned and jumped face down on your bed. You thought he would be happy to spend time with you, but it turned out to be a surprise to you that he isn't.
There was a knock on your door which got you out of your bed to see who it was. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be your best friends. You gave them each a big hug, “What are you guys doing here?”
“To see you, of course,” Ron pointed out. Harry was the last one to hug you and you held on to him the longest. “Your hair grew out,” you stated. He laughed in response. Kreacher came upstairs and looked disgusted at the sight of your friends, “Kreacher is here to tell Young Mistress Black and her… friends that dinner is served.”
“Thank you Kreacher,” you sighed. He was always mean to you and spoke ill about you and your friends to the portrait of your grandmother in the halls. Sirius explained that it was just from the views that his mother passed on to every house elf that served the House of Black. Sure enough, you heard Kreacher talking to the covered portrait and your grandmother saying something about a “blood traitor granddaughter.”
Remus and Sirius were talking in the dining room in hushed tones and stopped as the four of you walked in. Sirius sat at the head of the table with Remus to his right and you to his left. When you sat down, he leaned over and whispered, “Nice try, but Remus never approved anything.”
Dinner floated from the kitchen onto the table, ready for everyone to dig in. Of course, Ron was the first to grab food and ate as he had been starved for days. “I hope everyone is alright after the games ended,” Remus started.
“We've been better, but we’re fine,” Harry spoke. You squeezed his hand and smiled at him. Harry’s always been a good friend, almost like a brother to you and it’d break your heart if anything happened to him. You were sad about skipping out the new school year, but right now, you could only worry about one person at a time and since Harry has not only Ron and Hermione but the entire Gryffindor house and Dumbledore to look after him, he should be fine.
Your father just got you back and started living a normal life again. You couldn't miss that. Not again, and he shouldn't miss out on new memories with you.
“Are you all ready for school?” you could tell what Sirius was doing. They all nodded as they ate. Hermione talked about her classes and what she was excited for. “What about you, Y/N? What classes are you taking?” the curly headed girl asked.
“Y/N says she's not going to Hogwarts this year,” Sirius butt in.
“Why?” Harry had wide eyes when he looked at you.
You cleared your throat, wiped your mouth with the cloth napkin in front of you and explained, “I just want to get to know Dad better. A couple months of summer isn't enough.”
“But you can always write to him during school,” Ron added. Sirius gave you an ‘exactly’ expression. “C’mon, Y/N/N. I hear that this year is going to be really fun,” Hermione pleaded, “I can help you pack if you need help–”
“I'm not going!” you felt bad for snapping at everyone, but your mind was made up. “Well, why not?” Harry asked.
“Because I don't want to be gone if something happens to Sirius!” Everyone at the table looked at you. There was an awkward silence, the only thing you could hear was Ron chewing his food. You abruptly stood up and went upstairs to your room.
“Excuse me,” Sirius followed after. Your door was locked so he knocked on your door, “Darling, can you open up?” The door opened, and he walked in to see that you were laying on your side on your bed facing the other way. Sirius took a seat in the open space next to you and patted your arm. “Talk to me.”
You laid in silence waiting for him to say something again. A few minutes has passed and he let out a deep sigh, “What's going on?”
“I just got my dad back, and this summers’ been great. But I'm scared that when I'm having fun with my friends at Hogwarts, you'll be vulnerable with Death Eaters out loose again,” you still faced the opposite way. He tapped your shoulder in place of vocally asking you to face him which you listened. He pulled you in for a hug and felt you crying softly. He soothed your back and hummed slightly.
You pulled away and wiped the dry tears on your cheeks. “Darling, nothings going to happen to me. I’m perfectly safe and I have Remus here with me. You have nothing to worry about, okay?” you nodded in response. “I’ll write you everyday and let you know if anything happens. Harry, too.”
“Okay. I love you, dad,” you pulled him in for another hug.
“I love you more. Now let's get you packed.”
requests open!
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~ And All That For a Lighter ~
Pairing: Damiano David x Naomi (fictional character)
Word count: 3035
Warnings: none
Summary: Naomi meets Damiano in a café for the first time.
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Naomi entered the café all soaked, her cheeks red from running and her hair messy and wet from the rain. It was pouring outside which was the thing she despised the most. Surprisingly tho she felt good. Fresh. She loved walking around Rome in the morning and for the first time in her life she admired this rainy weather. Little drops of water flowed over her cheek. Her life was a big mess and you could say she needed something new.
When a month ago she found her boyfriend cheating with her best friend she felt like her whole life collapsed. That’s when she decided to change something. Start a new life. She started admiring things she’s never liked before, she started dressing differently, she became more confident in her own body. She even started working out which was the most unexpected thing since physical education was her least favorite subject in high school.
Naomi always thought love was the most essential part of everyone’s life, but a sight of Alessandro having fun in their bed with Sofia made her hate love more than anything. She decided to move on and live life completely and only for herself.
- Buongiorno Joey - she said reaching the bartender standing behind the counter.
- Buongiorno piccola, what can I get for you?
- One espresso please, and one brownie - the bartender nodded and started preparing her order.
She decided to sit down since she would probably spend a lot of time working on her laptop and enjoying this rainy morning. The inside of café was warm and welcoming, comfortable couches, puffy pillows and a lot of plants. She visited this café every day for the past two weeks and she found herself enjoying this place maybe even more than her new flat.
Naomi went to sit in the corner on a cozy red couch. She took off her soaked jacket and pulled out her laptop with a couple of notebooks. She was a student of economy and since she had to find herself some more things to do she decided to actually try harder to have a better degree at her college. She wasn’t so fond of the direction she chose but she knew it’s gonna bring her a prosperous life. In fact her favorite thing in the world was art. She started painting when she was 8 years old. Since then she really enjoyed staying all day alone in her room painting everything she could, from beautiful portraits to mesmerizing landscapes. She had a huge talent but she was too afraid to chase her dreams.
When she met Alessandro he quickly bashed her ideas of becoming a professional painter, saying that it’s not something she will build her life on and that she will be only wasting her time. She was mad at him for a couple of days but then she quit her painting dream and chose economy for her main subject.
- Ecco a te, one coffee and one brownie - said Joey bringing her order to the table and putting it right in front of her.
- Grazie mille - Naomi answered and smiled to him.
She took a sip of coffee and smiled. It was delicious. That was another reason why she kept coming back here every day. They made the best coffee she’s ever drunk.
Two hours passed and Naomi was still working on her assignment she was supposed to give in till next Monday. It was about lunch time so she decided she will pack her things in an hour and she will go find a place to eat something. She took the last sip of the coffee and finished her first task when someone pulled her out of her little trans.
- Ah shit! I’m all wet! - she heard someone saying and moment later she saw a guy reaching the bartender.
He was tall and had slightly longer, dark brown hair. She could only see his profile but only that was enough for her to admit that he was really handsome. He was wearing black trousers, black Dr. Martens, white tank top and an oversized black jacket. He looked good and Naomi couldn’t take her eyes off of him.
- Damiano! It’s so good to see you man! - Joey said and shook hands with the new guy.
Damiano. The name really suit him. Naomi didn’t take her eyes off him even once.
- Ciao, ciao, Joey! - his voice was attractive as well. Raspy and deep but really calm.
Naomi didn’t know what was happening. Usually she didn’t pay attention to any guys after Alessandro but he was different. He looked edgy and bold but he seemed nice too. She was staring at him. And not in a polite way. She was literally eyeing him from up and down and she didn’t even realize.
- Give me an espresso man, I’m so tired, I just woke up. Yesterday we had so much fun. Victoria came up with this new idea of the song and we all stayed up late till 4 am trying to figure out how to pull it up together. - Damiano said.
So he’s into music. Nice. Naomi was still staring at him so rudely but she didn’t care at this point. Music is also art - she thought and smiled slightly not letting go of his person.
- Typical you, Dam, you’ve never slept a full night, did you? - Joey said and they both laughed.
- Do you have a lighter maybe? I forgot mine. - Damiano said and started searching his pockets.
- I don’t man, sorry. Let me make your order. Anything else for you?
- No, no that’s all. I’m gonna go search for a lighter and I’ll be back.
He turned around searching for people but at this time the café was empty. Only Naomi sitting in the corner. He started walking towards her. Oh shit, he’s coming here, stop staring, stop staring, stop staring - Naomi thought and looked at her laptop trying to pretend that’s she didn’t just checked him out for 10 minutes straight.
- Scusi, I’m.. - he reached her table and started speaking but stopped when she looked at him. - I’m sorry to interrupt but do you have a lighter maybe? - he said after a second.
- No, I’m sorry. I don’t smoke. - Naomi blushed and smiled lightly.
- Okey, grazie. - he smiled and started walking away.
- But there’s a store at the corner, I think they might have some. - Naomi said
- Grazie, grazie. - he laughed slightly and waved at her.
Naomi went back to her tasks still blushing not knowing why. 15 minutes passed and Damiano entered the café again carrying two bags. He came up to Naomi smiling.
- I uh.. Sorry to interrupt again but.. Do you want to maybe eat lunch with me? I just thought that it’s lunch time and you’re sitting here alone and since you helped me with the lighter.. - he couldn’t stop speaking and Naomi blushed again laughing. He looked a bit nervous.
- Of course, I would love to eat lunch with you. - she said interrupting him.
- I’m Damiano - he said pulling out his hand.
- Naomi - she said and grabbed his hand to shake it but he turned it and kissed the top of her palm.
She felt something weird in her stomach, like butterflies but she pushed them aside and only smiled to him. Damiano sat on the couch opposite Naomi and put two bags on the table.
- I didn’t know what you like, obviously because I don’t know you, yeah very clever Dam, whatever.. - he started speaking and Naomi couldn’t stop but laugh at him loudly
- Don’t worry, I’m not a peaky eater - she said sending him a reassuring smile.
- Alright, well, I ordered pasta with shrimps and some pesto and cherry tomatoes. - he said taking out the box with food from the bag. - I also got you a cherry smoothie but we can switch if you’d like.
- Wow, and that all for a lighter? You really didn’t have to. But thank you so much, I was about to go for lunch anyways. - she said grabbing the box that he handed her.
- Yes well, you’re really beautiful.. I mean, no.. I mean you are beautiful but I just wanted to say that you’re really nice and yeah I don’t know I just thought you might like to eat something.. Not that you look like you’re starving but yeah..
- Heyyy, thank you, really, that’s so nice of you. - she said smiling widely.
Naomi took the first bite of her pasta and it was delicious. She remembered her grandmother cooking shrimps every Saturday and all her family gathering together for a family dinner in the garden. It tasted just the same.
They ate everything and after two hours of talking and laughing and getting to know each other it was time for Joey to close the café. Naomi stood up and packed her things, said goodbye to Joey and together with Damiano they stepped out of the café. It stopped raining and instead there was a full sun and a fresh breeze.
- So what are you gonna do now? - he asked standing in front of her.
- Umm.. I think I’m just gonna go back to my flat, make myself some snacks and watch Netflix till I fall asleep - Naomi laughed.
- Alright well, do you mind if I walk you home? - Damiano asked steeping a bit closer to her.
- Sure, why not, we can take a walk.
That day Damiano walked Naomi to her house and they exchanged numbers, planning to meet again. He kissed her cheek for goodbye and squeezed her hand and Naomi has never felt like that in a long time. She was happy and Damiano, even tho she met him today, made her feel really good. Naomi couldn’t sleep that night still thinking of him and wondering why she felt so different around him.
*3 months later*
- What do you mean you don’t like Star Wars! - Damiano shouted to Naomi while they both walked towards the beach where they were supposed to watch sunset and have a little picnic.
Since the day they met they spent almost every day together. Damiano surprised her with multiple occasions to go out together, either for lunch or dinner or even breakfast when he woke up earlier than usual. He found himself falling for her. In fact he realized he fell for her the day he first laid his eyes on her. He found her funny, spontaneous and really kind and caring. When she told him about her painting dream he was so shocked she gave up, that he argued with her till he convinced her to chase the dream even if she thought it was too late. Naomi really enjoyed his company, he made her feel really happy and safe and most importantly - loved. She knew she developed some feelings and she didn’t want to admit it but at the back of her head she knew she fell in love. He made her laugh and supported her when she was having bad moments. He became her best friend at some point. Both of them were taking things a bit slower tho, they were both afraid, broken-hearted after rough ended relationships.
- I just don’t, I don’t understand how they made so many movies out of such a lame plot. - she said defending herself.
- How can you even say that! The plot is amazing! The space action scenes, come on! - he said offended but smiling.
- Yeah I just don’t see the point of filming it, that’s all.
- I don’t know how Victoria can still be friends with you, we’re both huge fans of Star Wars! You’re lucky I like you - Damiano started laughing and put his arm around Naomi’s shoulders.
She got to meet Victoria, Ethan and Thomas. Bassist, drummer and guitarist of their band Måneskin. Naomi wasn’t really into music so she didn’t really know them and didn’t know they’re pretty known here in Italy. Victoria was the kindest person Naomi could ever see. When her and Damiano stepped into the studio where they were recording, Vic was the first to reach out to her. She hugged her tightly and was clearly really happy to meet her. She then introduced Thomas and Ethan to her. Thomas started joking around that Damiano finally found himself a girlfriend and Ethan was really polite, he kissed Naomi’s hand and hugged her too, smiling really kindly. They were all so nice. They started inviting her over for dinners or just to hang out by the pool. She also listened to them playing and recording their new songs. Damiano told them that she wanted to be a painter and they all started reassuring her even more, that chasing her dream is the best thing for her and that she should never give up. Naomi really felt like she finally found her place.
Naomi and Damiano reached the beach, they put the blanket on the sand, put out all the food from the basket and they sat opposite each other. They were both smiling widely and chatting about everything. They drank some wine, ate some pasta and then they sat next to each other admiring the sunset.
- I really like you, you know? - Damiano said glancing at Naomi. - And I mean, I like you a lot. You’re really an amazing person with so much talent and you’re just so caring and loving. You really make me happy. - he said not taking his eyes off of her.
- Dami.. - Naomi started but she was interrupted.
- What I want to say is.. - he took her hands - I fell in love with you Naomi. I fell for you hard and I’m pretty sure since the day I saw you at that café. I care about you so much and any time with you is my favorite time in the world. So if you want to.. We could try, you know.. Being together, like, in a relationship. - he said in one breathe.
Naomi was speechless, her stomach was squeezing and she felt her cheeks turning red. She never would have though that someone will make her feel like this again. She knew that he cares for her but she didn’t know that he would feel the same way she felt about him.
- Dami.. Of course I do want to try, you make me the happiest, and honestly I didn’t know you feel the same way, that’s why I didn’t say anything. And also because.. - Naomi wanted to tell him about Alessandro but she was scared that Damiano will back off, saying that he will give her time.
- What’s wrong, bella? - he said gently squeezing her hand.
- I was in a relationship before. His name was Alessandro and we met before I started college. We were together for 3 years and everything was going just fine. But then.. One day when I came back home earlier than usual I found him cheating with my best friend, Sofia. Since then I just decided to not get into any relationship and live only for myself because I was too afraid to get hurt again - Naomi said looking down at their intertwined hands.
- Oh bella.. - Damiano pulled her into a tight hug.
He stroked her back and her hair and he was whispering to her ear. A single tear fell down her cheek but not because she was hurt but because of how gentle and caring Damiano was. He hugged her and made her feel better and she couldn’t find herself with anyone else right now than with him. He pulled away, looked into her eyes and smiled slightly.
- I was in a relationship too a while ago. It turned out we didn’t match and our life goals and perspectives were so different that we decided to end things. Maybe it wasn’t as harsh as your breakup but I felt awful for at least a month. I didn’t go out of my room and I lost all will to write music. Victoria brought me food every day but I just didn’t want to eat. But it all passed.. Listen, if you need more time it’s all good, I’ll give you space and I’ll wait till you’re ready.
Naomi was silent for a couple of seconds. In her head there was a battle. She wanted to let go of bad memories and trust Damiano completely, start a relationship with him, but on the other hand she was scared to get hurt again.
- No Dami. I don’t need time, I know what I want and I know how you make me feel and that’s why I want to try. - Naomi said hugging him tightly.
She knew she just overcame her fear and she felt free. Like a huge stone fell off of her heart. She felt amazing and she wanted to live this moment as long as she could. Damiano pulled away and cupped her cheek with his hand. He pulled her closer and she could feel his breath on her face. Slowly, but slightly Damiano leaned in and brushed his lips against hers. Naomi touched his cheek and pulled him even closer. And then they both intertwined their lips in a gentle, yet passionate kiss.
Naomi felt her stomach squeezing when Damiano put his hand on her back. It was their first kiss and the sunset was almost turning into the night. They pulled away after seconds and smiled widely at each other.
- I promise, I’ll always take care of you. - Damiano said leaning his forehead against hers.
- Always. - Naomi said grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers together.
That’s when they both knew that they found soulmates in each other.
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storysofmyown · 3 years
can u do a hc on how the brothers n u would b in quarantine? ik there would b no quarantine in devildom but yk dhsjsjjs-
Of course! And as someone who has been in quarantine since almost February, this was a little too real XD
Oh? There's a quarantine? Time to be productive!
He goes full mother mode and starts cleaning the whole house while also making the brothers clean their rooms and help him up.
He doesn't use the "does this spark joy?" Methods, nah, he uses the "if it's on the ground it's getting thrown out"
That's how Levi almost lost one of figurines. Poor boy dove on the floor to save it a still has the scrap
Besides cleaning, Lucifer also spent most of his time doing the paperwork he would usually do at night.
This man went in strong and finished all the paperwork in 2 weeks and so...he was forced to spend time with his brothers.
Worst/best months of his life. He has never been so close with his brothers...and he absolutely hates it-
On the bright side, he has discovered new ways to punish his brothers in different, inventive ways. (RIP Mammon)
While some may think he would be from the ones that have the hardest time, he actually suffered from it the first few weeks and then he just...grew uses to it?
Tho, Lucifer did give him a hard time with his room. Was his floor always this color? Or did it change when you mopped it?
Also, how the hell was there loose change in his room?! How the hell did he not know about it!?
After that he offered to help clean the others room just so he could snatch any loose change they had.
Tho, the part that most bothered him of being quarantined was not being able to go out and go to casinos or get to his usual schemes
But then, he found a couple of online games that fueled his addiction to gamble
"I mean! It's a gambling game, with all the real life stuff...but get this! You don't actually have to spend or lose any money! Isn't that great?!"
"You do realize that also means you don't make any money...right?"
This boy didn't even know there was a quarantine the whole time.
He thought it was weird how everyone was always home all of a sudden but he had many events, games, animes and mangas to care for to ask his brothers why they were at the house all the time. 
This whole thing did make him grow closer to his brothers tho. Since, he is basically the king of isolation (Elsa who? Nah, Levi) all the others kept constantly bugging him and asking him for recommendations of games and even shows to watch.
He has like 70 new records on his games and didn't even bat an eye when Lucifer told him they would be taking online classes. His response was just “Nice, less people!”
Which got a whine out of Asmo who is so touch starved
The day Lucifer announced the quarantine was over everyone was happy except for Levi who just ???
“There was a quarantine going on?”
“You are a useless otaku, you know that-”
This man went into quarantine with a whole ass library worth of unread books and he came out being able to recite them like old poetry, learned 6 languages (without including morse code), is basically a chef at this point, has a whole ass youtube channel to debunking stupid theories he saw on the internet and knows how to play violin, piano, and the flute.
He wasted zero seconds being stuck in that house. He used them all to gain knowledge.
He even started to read some mangas from levi just because he had read ALL of his books at least twice and he wouldnt be getting any new because he couldn't leave to go to the library.
Tho, his and Lucifer’s relationship got better...and worse at the same time.
The two spent so much time stranded with one another they are physically sick of seeing the others face. Satan literally put a spell on Lucifer so that he wouldn't be able to see him for a whole day. He was grounded an entire month.
Being grounded from the stuff he liked to do ended up making him have to play along with his brothers ideas. Which only gave Lucifer more headache. Satan 1 - Lucifer 0.
“It hasn't even been 3 days-”
“AND YET I HAVE LOST SUBS, BEEL! This is all because the lightning in this house is LESS than ideal for my beautiful skin!”
This poor demon has never been as touch starved as he is during the whole process.
He is constantly whining about how he just wants to be hugged and held. It makes all the brothers sick of hi by the third day. Tho, he does manage to get some hugs a day from them! Even from Levi the reclusive.
Also, you KNOW this man made himself an only fans account.
He got so fucking popular on it even Diavolo heard of it...which obviously meant Lucifer found out and close the account.
“Eeeeeh?! But what about my fans?! They cant possibly survive this quarantine without my precious face!”
“I’m sure they will manage.”
“You are so mean! Where am i going to get from the attention and compliments I deserve?”
“You literally compliment yourself every 2 seconds in front of the mirror.”
“It’s not the same, Belphegor!”
Also, this boy did so many g=face masks and shit he basically came out shinning-
This poor boy gets in trouble so much. But he cant help himself! he gets hungry and being able to just...get up and go into the kitchen is a possibility he is not about to throw away!
Like! How is he supposed to resist?!
Besides! It was Lucifer’s fault for buying a month worth of groceries knowing Beel would be around. They didn't last an hour.
On the other hand, has actually been working out quite a lot.
And! Boy even managed to convince Levi to work out with him as well!
Granted, Leviathan didn't make it 10 minutes in, but it was fun for Beel to instruct his brother! : D
Beel actually would be one of the less that suffered during the whole time. Yes he missed going out and tasting new restaurants. But he loves his family and enjoys spending time with them quite a bit!
He literally slept trough the whole thing.
The day it started he looked at Lucifer and went “Welp, i’m going to hibernate. Wake me up when its over.”
Lucifer only rolled his eyes...but almost a week later he realized that Belphegor was being serious about not waking up at all-
So, Beel was instructed to wake him up.
He was in a bad mood for being woken up, and groggy the rest of the day. But after that, he started to spend a lot of time with both Asmodeus and Leviathan playing games.
He even managed to win against Levi once!
Also, Belphegor spent the whole time procrastinating on doing any chores Lucifer gave him. Clean his room? Good luck waking him up. Do the laundry? Awe, too bad Beel ate the detergent. Help Satan on the kitchen? He almost burned Mammon in the process because he feel asleep watching over boiling water. 
Bonus on one of my Mc’s just because I can
During this whole thing I can see my Mc, Amaria,driving Satan crazy! She wouldn't leave his side at all XD. She would also be constantly helping Mammon, Belphie, and Satan on their pranks on Lucifer
Hope y’all enjoyed those little headcanons! I dont know if this is exactly what you wanted but I had fun with it! Stay safe people!
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canongf-archive · 3 years
HI LIV! im so glad u liked those imagines for luke, bc I HAVE MANY MORE (literally most of these are imagines I play out with my f/os bc i am THAT romantically starved)
1. COOKING WITH HIM! maybe you both set aside time to have a nice dinner and spend quality time together, so u help him out in the kitchen! reading recipes, bickering over how much of an ingredient you should add, him guiding your hands while you cut up a pepper and holding u towards his chest...Yeah.
2. SPA DAYS! having matching robes, wearing face masks, painting his nails, taking a shower together the whole shibang!
3. MOVIE NIGHTS!!!! him setting out a space on the couch with blankets and pillows, taking you to get your favorite snacks n telling you that you can get whatever you want!!!! curling up to him n watching a rom com together (or buddy cop movie I feel like that’s very Him too)
and now *cracks knuckles* im gonna go crazy about erik. i have this cute au where Erik stays with the xmen (mostly bc i think erik looks SO good in his xmen uniform i go bananas at that scene) so that leaves me to think about: him getting back to xaviers late and curling up on the couch where i am bc he’s tired and just wants to not think for a moment. so he wraps me up in his arms n doesn’t let me go for a solid hour until i realize he has definitely fell asleep
AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BUCKY! this is INCREDIBLY late bu tell him to take it easy tho, we don’t want him in a nursing home :)! all jokes aside, I hope y’all have a great one! i know he will when he has you by his side :) —🥮
the way i’m about to adopt these 3 imagines and run them on a loop in my head for the next several months... i ADORE them!!! 
cooking with him!!! putting on music to inspire us... singing along, using wooden spoons as microphones to make each other laugh... navigating each other in the kitchen... him doing that thing where he puts a hand on my the small of my back and says something like “i’m grabbing something behind you”... starting a little food fight with each other that leads to him just grabbing me and spinning me around... feeding each other!!!!! 
spa days!!! showering together... washing each others hair... huddling in close so that we can both get the hot water... wrapping up in towels / robes after... sitting on the counter and having him slot himself between my legs so i can put a clay mask on his face... him doing the little nose scrunch because it’s cold... him offering to give me a massage!!! 
movie nights!!! our favorite take out, popcorn, candy, a couple of beers... my legs in his lap, my head on his shoulder, a blanket over the both of us... laughing at lines, repeating them to each other... pausing the movie to make commentary like we are our own MST3K... i think you are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT, a buddy cop movie DOES feel like him!!! we’d start with the nice guys and then perhaps he’d finally convince me to watch lethal weapon. and i’d doze off on him on the couch and he’d carry me to bed... 
WHEW. ALL OF THESE!!! THE POSSIBILITIES!!! i am simply. weak. they are so good and to think of them with LUKE!!! even better. i am so grateful that you put them in my head. thank you, thank you, thank you!!! 💗💗💗
your Erik thoughts... absolutely exceptional... first off i am obsessed with the fact that you created an AU mostly because you like the uniform he wears like... be the change you wish to see. canon is YOURS, you might as well give yourself what you like!!! why NOT !!!
and then... the thought of him wrapping you up in his arms like that!!! like!!! the thought of him being so tired both emotionally and physically that truly the only thing he cares about doing is being close to you, and he feels so safe and comforted in that position with you that he is able to actually fall asleep... that is Love!!! and i feel like i say that every time but it’s because it’s true every time!!! what you and Erik have... it is such raw and genuine love and i truly. cannot get enough. 
ALSO!!!!! BUCKY SAYS THANK YOU!!!!! he has been feeling the love and he looks better than any 104 year old i have ever known in my life!!! and honestly, with some of the things he has to put up with and has had to put up with in his long life, i’m sure a nursing home doesn’t sound all that bad to him sometimes... but!!! he has far too much fight left in him for that !!! 
!!!!! thank you for stopping by, my sweet!!!!! i love you lots, i hope you never forget!!!!! 💗
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Another person coming from A Nontraditional beginning, was wondering if you’d like to elaborate on any of the Martin/Elias/Jon ideas you briefly mentioned earlier? (I’m always starved for some good MartinElias content)
Oh my god, I cannot deal with this, i am so delighted and surprised, @apatheticbutterflies look at what you’ve done my love, good lord. 
But yes, yes, anon, I can, because I supposed I cannot have shame anymore, and there are SO MANY -- not actually so many, but i can try to give a summary of them all; bare in mind really that the gist of it doesn’t change so much, once the premise has? it all ends in happy twisted family. 
Anyway, under the cut;; warning for long ramblings
Okay, so the “most elaborate”, let’s say, the first AU/idea from which my whole obsession was born, was a AU where, basically, Elias had been grooming/manipulating Martin ever since he’d come at the Institute. Just -- acting like his father, right from the start. Straightening his clothes, flattening his curls in public; wishing him happy birthday and offering him toys that Martin dreamt of getting when he was seven. Praising him and slowly giving small little rules to follow. And thing is, Martin was into it. When it turns to sex (cause it does, in this) he thought “god, i’m having an affair with my boss, with a huge side of “daddy kink”. Oh well?” but he enjoyed Elias’ attention, and his little rules, and the tug of humiliation and pleasure at being treated like a kid, etc. 
And then canon events happened, and Martin impressed Elias so much, and Elias changed his behaviour a bit; because clearly now Martin was pissed at him, and so angry at being treated like this as a game for so long, but Elias KEEPS GOING except now he’s like “you’re mad at your father, aren’t you, Martin? You’ve always been so angry at him -- well show me, darling.” and Martin starts to fuck angrily Elias. In earnest. And he’s not exactly kind or gentle or anything, QUITE THE CONTRARY, but Elias loves it, especially because afterwards, well, Martin’s been conditioned; once he’s fucked Elias out of his smugness, he still needs his evil dad to tell him he’s been such a good boy, he’s done so well, Elias is so very proud of him --
(bare in mind then the canon events get.. fuzzy after season 3 ending. Maybe Elias just plain doesn’t go to prison, despite being impressed Martin almost get him there) 
ANYWAY, in the meantime, Elias&Jon has had their.. more or less canon relationship except Elias did a bit more seducing. Jon&Martin have also had their canon relationship and now they’re in sweet love with each other. And one day, Jon and Martin are discussing Elias, and Martin, after MORE THAN TEN YEARS, finally slip, and call Elias “Dad” by accident. And Jon blinks and goes “what?” and Martin gets all red and embarrassed about it, and then Jon asks, because he’s worried, because he knows what Elias is capable of, and Martin just;; basically tells everything that happened (because, compelled). Everything that he loves. about all this. 
Then like, confrontation with elias, discussions upon discussions, and somehow they end up moving out in a nice lovely family home, where Elias and Jon have their bedroom, and Martin has his own childishly decorated bedroom, right next to theirs, and Martin gets rules and bedtimes and supervised baths and gentle cuddles and family dinners and birthday parties and holidays and outings as a family for the rest of his life, except he’s an adult man often treated like he’s like, six or something. And it’s; it’s fine. Elias and him knows that he actually loves it and he’s never going to go away despite the small constant humiliations of it, (cause they both know the second he said “i am not okay with this” jon would leave with him), and Elias and him ALSO keep having very sexy Angry Sex with each other (it’s not always angry. eventually), and Jon, who is into this because he WANTS to cherish and take care of Martin tenderly, keeps having moments where he remembers this is very sexy/kinky for Martin and Elias and goes “ah.” (notably when he starts to slip and calls Elias “Your father” to Martin)
Okay, that’s, actually the main AU and the one i go back to the most often, and it’s rather long, so.. i’ll go shorter for the rest: 
Variant of the AU that Fly wrote yesterday is, Elias still adopts Martin, except instead of Martin working at the Institute and meeting Jon there, Elias asks college!Jon to come babysit his college-aged!son. Jon is like “this is. weird” but also got a huge crush on mature Elias, so he diligently does what’s asked of him. Martin gets a stupid crush on Jon. Jon asks once “is this a sex thing?” and Martin sort of say “yes” because what if otherwise Jon gets too freak out by the whole situation and leaves? He likes Jon. And Jon nods, and then never asks again. Then he goes to Elias, who’s began to seduce him, and nervously, stiffly says HE’s not going to be into being treated like a kid, or whatever, and Elias is very amused and goes “Of course not. Martin’s my son, Jon. You i’d like you to be my partner”. And then bam, twisted family. 
Other AU i might have written several words of already is, after his mum dies, Martin gets into an accident, and loses all his memories. All of them. Elias goes “this is free real estate”, gets out of prison, and is like “Martin, i am your father”. Martin is like “.. i guess??” and Elias calmly starts doting on Martin and, again, treating him like he’s six or something. By the time Jon woke up, Martin is used to his weird dad and their weird relationship; Jon’s FURIOUS and horrified, but Elias is like “oh, jon; are you going to take away from him the one person he has left? :)” and so Jon comes over elias’ house and stays a lot to make sure Martin’s okay (and tries to jolt martin’s memories). Except Martin does start to remember, most of it, but -- this; this is better. This is having a loving father, and Jon who loves him too, and it’s. it’s good. So he does confront Elias about it, eventually, and Elias goes “it could be a reality tho, martin :)” and, then, martin, a month later, gets jon to admit that he loves elias too, and would it be so bad, to just have this? to stay like this? and bam, twisted family.
That’s it! see! that’s not..............;;actually.............a lot............ for now...................... thank you for asking, i am obsessed with the idea of twisted family;;; er; as it is quite obvious; 
(me, writing all this: mmh, i could make other scenarios though. i could. aah.)
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
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anon: The artist @franeridart answers all of their asks in one mass post with a read more link so maybe you could try that as well. That way you could answer everyones ask but not spam anyones dash with all of your replys
you genius anon, and you genius artist! I just feel like as of late I have been getting a lot more things in my askbox, and I dont want to overwhelm anyone with spam. so, I will be creating these! unless it’s for y’all thirsty hoes asking for extra parts or whatever from very recent posts, expect this to happen every so often! the rest will be below cut. also first time using photoshop? how’d I do yall??? and also like.... let me know if you like this idea??? if not i’ll just resort to spam :)
oh season four episode one, you may have been a filler, but you made me so happy to watch. honestly ngl, I was pretty surprised when he said kiri, not because he has no potential, but because it seemed like the top 4 from the sports festival, bUT FUCK YEAH KIRI AND TOKOYAMI!!!!! IN A DIFFERENT WORLD IT COULDVE BEEN THEM!!!!!
anon: Makeup smut for villain Deku should be good. 100% tender, no chicken
honestly, my favorite thing at this point is seeing you all crumble in fear if i’ll even give you a happy ending, and tbh idk if it will be for villain!deku >:)
@ohmycolie: So it’s Saturday night and I’m just sitting at home 🤦🏼‍♀️ could you maybe do a scenario where Bakubaby and Kiri decide to bring Kami into their sexcapades and after their little adventure Kiri is like “can we keep him?” 🤤💕
hi bby, while I can imagine something of this sort I am only a “x reader” blog :( so while its good thirst, I won’t be writing anything about it, sorry :( ily tho!
@michealsheep: Honestly is shiggy ended me after an intense nut like that I’d just thank him
honestly, I want shiggy just to end me??? whatta way to go. death by fucking nut.
bigdickkiri: I don’t get ship wars. Why do people wanna be so mean? It’s so easy to not be a part of any a that.if everyone appropriately tagged their posts, blacklisted rags they don’t like and didn’t act bitchy then they wouldn’t be an issue. - bigdickkiri
neither do I honestly. they’re just people looking for drama at this point, and it’s like... come on... you’re 25... stop
bigdickkiri: What a fantastic evening to tell my favourite writers that I adore them and that they're amazing! Look after yourself and have a gorgeous day! ❤️💙❤️💙 - bigdickkiri
I’m literally the worst. but um, I adore you so much, and I think you’re amazing!!!!! its 2am rn, but I can’t sleep anyways
🍒💥anon: Girl, your blog is having a glo up!!! I love it!! So pretty 👌 How are you doing today? Are you taking care of yourself? *sending good vibes and virtual hugs your way* -🍒💥
teehee, thank you for noticing!!!!!! i’m not 100% happy with it rn, but I haven’t had the time to get it perfect!!! wait a few more weeks and when I have actual down time, im fixing it >:) also, I am doing well, a lot of caretaking today! I never take care of myseld! *accepts the good vibes and virtual hugs because I am touch starved*
anon: I'm part of the protect uraraka squad!!! ♡
me too boo! you wanna fight me on my mochi loving girl meet me on the corner of my fists and in your faCE!!!!! (is this considered cyberbullying?)
this was in regard to my fic “because of you” which I posted because I was in a crying mood. HAHAHAHAHA YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO FEEL SAD I WINNNNNNNN
@joyfullydawn: I just wanted to say you're heccin' amazing??? The fact you named that roommate one "And they were roommates" I just--yes. This is more than ok. This is excellent. Please keep being awesome aaaa
and they were roommates was the first series I had, and the thing I did in celebration for 100 followers.... jesus that feels so long ago and not in fact less than two months ago!!!!!!!!!!! maybe I should reblog my old works so you newer lovely followers can read them!!!!!
anon: would u ever do a part 2 to under the mistletoe with aizawa? its so sad and i just want them to be HAPPY
I am planning on doing it!!!!! it’s in my requests, so no worriesssss ;)
hermana anon: hermana that todo angst 🥺🥺you’re literally the best angst writer jdjdbd
okay but for real do I write actually good angst??? asking for a friend..... and HGAIGHJIAORGHUOG THAKN YOU FOR THAT COMPLIMENT!!!! PLEASE RECOMMEND ME ANGST FICS BECAUSE I LOVE CRYINGGGG
🍒✨ anon: this has literally nothing to do with anything that’s on your account right now but do you think that dabi sends shoto happy birthday messages? i like to think he does because even if he’s a villain, he still lowkey care about his siblings - 🍒✨
this was from a very long ass time ago, and im sorry I never responded to you sparkle cherry anon, but I definitely do believe that he sends birthday cards. with his baby bro’s increase in his fangirl club, he now is unafraid to send shouto a card. its always the only one that catches shouto’s attention when he goes through them because they’re weirdly personal. shouto, being a smart yet dense idiot, believes its someone in the class pranking him.
~ I won’t be posting these messages, but they were from awhile ago when I was hitting a rough patch with my insecurity as a writer and my ability to give my all to you. there are many of you, 19 messages in total, where you told me why you loved my writing. I never responded to them because they make me cry even now looking back at them. to each and every anon, I thank you for saying those kind words. to @saladsharkz, @thecryingsombra, @olivenight17, @shutupwylow, @expressyourstarstruckrebel, and @awkward-theaterkid thank you as well. there is another non anon, but they asked not to be revealed. thank you so sososo much.
~ I will not be posting these as well, because again, drama from awhile ago. but this was in regard to the anon who did not like the kinklist I had created for kinktober. while now I think I am doing a pretty damn good job, and no one has said otherwise, to the 2 anons, @connors-my-boy, and bigdickkiri, thank you for fighting an anon that was never your responsibility to take <3
@w0w-s0-3dgy: u make me uwu so much🥺❤️ I LOVE YOUR PAGE BABE I HOPE YOU’RE DOING WELL!
anon: You followed me and idk if it was just to be nice or if you want to be friends or what hdhakanskenebdhsiq
im starting to follow back people that make me happy. it’s been awhile since ive been on a followspree, but I follow you back when i see kind messages from you, when I see that you’ve liked so many of my horrible posts, when you reblog my things with the most amazing tags. I follow you because I want to be your friend, you’re always welcomed to be my friend!!! hell you can literally be like “bitch listen to this” and never once having spoken to me I will respond with “give me the fucking chisme my queen”
anon: *gives u an encouraging and comforting yeehaw*
now.... now I can conquer the world, thank you
anon: Hi! I love the way you're writing things for kinktober, and I'd personally love if you could reblog what you're writing multiple times because I'm at uni most of the day so I miss out on a lot. Pd. I absolutely adore your writing! Please keep up ❤
heathers anon: Its the anon who sent the Dabi heather au. I send it because i know your popular and a lot of popular blogs check your blogs. And I honestly struggle with other blogs because they ignored most of my asks.
teehee, I appreciate you thinking im a popular blog and that other popular blogs check mine, but thats not true!!! sorry for never responding back, but i’m sure they’re not meaning to ignore you on purpose. there’s just so much happening things get buried!
@sinnaminsvga : we're both alyssa so it's really interesting to see the nicknames u use bc i see you use lyssa and i got the nickname ari and i think that's pretty neat how we both have the same name but wildly different nicknames
it don’t matter, we be alyssa twinsies!!!!!!!!!!
anon: I was just going through your master list, cause I’m in a stunning mood and why not make a good mood better? and I saw bakugous “sickness and that word I can’t spell” got hella happy for a sec CAUSE YES THAT WAS SO ADORABLE AND I LOVED IT. Then I remembered the heart shattering angst that came with Todos side. So like. Ily but you a meanie.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA WE LOVE SUFFERING!!!!!! I just... really have a thing for angst it seems... don’t tell my followers though, im in denial over it...
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habibialkaysani · 4 years
okay so. a lot has been going on lately and I haven't had much time to be on here or time in general. now that the week is over tho things are starting to die down hopefully. and like I do with work emails I'm gonna just write a list, of all the things that have been going on, because I feel like my brain is about to explode otherwise.
lots of rambling, potentially triggering stuff under the cut:
1) pain. so much pain. I thought I'd moved past this endo thing, or at least that the pain was contained because of the meds the gyno gave me plus the progesterone that was definitely easing the pain for a bit during the month. but the ones my gyno gave me, they can only be taken during my period and mine isn't starting. so I've been in agony, like in so much pain, and the only relief has been a hot water bottle and codeine. and I don't want to take more days off when I've already taken sick days this year - which is not like me, at all. but potentially that might not be an issue for a while if I end up having to work from home. and in terms of addressing the root cause of the problem, that's unlikely, because the mri I had of my pelvis came back normal. no indications of endometriosis which I expected because this shit doesn't show on ultrasounds or mris. I do think there might be a chance it shows on a transvaginal ultrasound but they outright refuse to do that which really fucking pisses me off bc it's on the basis of me never being laid before which as I've mentioned is ridiculous.
2) speaking of. this motherfucking coronavirus is doing my head in. seriously i had to order hand sanitiser for the office and it still hasn't arrived. I did manage to get a few masks but god those were expensive. and just generally it's all anyone will talk about at work which is driving me nuts. and what makes it worse is that I'm going out of my mind thinking about speedy and if she gets it, because she's got a heart condition and her immune system isn't very strong even for regular flu. this shit will hit her hard and I'm terrified of that esp after hearing boris fucking johnson saying in his speech that people are going to lose loved ones. I don't know what I'll do if I lose her. actually I have an idea and it would not be good. I spoke to my brother who is a healthcare professional and he said that it's best to get in touch with the cardiology team that look after speedy to see if we can do anything preventative or get her tested.
3) in better news, my brother just announced to our family that he's getting married. already its causing arguments and his fiancee comes from a more well off family (the bar is low tho admittedly) so we're all gonna be scrambling to get our tiny house somewhat in shape for when my bro's future in laws visit in a couple weeks. but it's still good news I think because my bro is smitten and that's just nice to see. his fiancee makes him happy and that's something I'm really glad he found. they want a small wedding too so hopefully we'll have like 200 guests max, which would be sacrilege in any desi household lol.
4) I've been looking for a new job for a while now. things at work have been tough, ever since my old manager gave in her notice. I don't mind my current manager all that much, but she's in hr, and she's clearly never managed anyone before because she is nowhere near as good a support system as my old manager. I could go to my old manager and complain about something and she'd listen, and she actively made an effort to monitor my workload. this new one, she just doesn't put the same effort in and she also just doesn't understand the role I'm in either. she seems to think the job I do is easy and straightforward when it is neither, on the basis that she thinks admin is something anyone could do, and she does nothing to try and ease things when my workload gets heavy. plus my managers manager who is also in hr is just really not nice. she enjoys a power trip way too much. that and the fat cats that are our clients - well suffice it to say I think my time here is up. so I've been looking and I found a nonprofit that was hiring. I did my first interview with them and it went surprisingly well. and now I've got my second one next friday. I really hope that goes well too and that I get the job, just so I can see the look on my managers managers face when I give in my notice 😂 and this new job if I get it would be five fewer hours and I think that could do wonders for my wellbeing. and my sanity.
5) writing. I've done none of it. it's a problem. I don't know what to do to make my mojo come back because I write the best when I'm alone, and I'm never on my own nowadays unless I'm in bed in pain, in which case writing is the last thing I feel like doing. but I also really want to write. so badly. I feel like I'm emotionally more stable when I'm writing. I'm happier. and I just do not have that right now which is not fun.
6) reading - now this is something I have done. my dear friend reen recommended a series of books called reluctant royals, by alyssa cole, and omg. they are so good. I powered through three big novels and two novellas. like I devoured them. and I'm being reminded of how much I love books. good ones. they made me laugh a lot and I'm really glad my friend recommended them.
7) speaking of devouring. a few weeks ago I found on several occasions that people were offering their seats to me on public transport, presumably because they thought I was pregnant. it was this combined with my doctor admitting my bmi wasn't normal (tho only when I asked if this might be causing the pain) that made me realise that I needed to lose weight drastically, and to eat better and walk more. so I've been eating more veggies and salad. trying to put more greens on my plate. not have fast food as often. in all honesty I'm not sure how much of a difference its actually made, but I do know that I feel a little better having done so over the last few weeks. my brother also said I looked like I had lost weight. I've also noticed it a little in my tummy going in a bit too. but I also know that this is a rabbit hole I don't want to go down too far. I worry I might have already with the weighing which I've been doing far too often now that there's scales at work (for weighing big packages). I don't want this to spiral out of control. but I think I've done okay so far, minus the weighing thing - I've always eaten when I've felt hungry so it's not like I'm starving myself. and so far I've only lost about 3kg. which I feel is significant but also nowhere near enough when it comes to the nhs bmi calculator.
8) my little brother has been acting up for months now, and tbh it's starting to give me anxiety. my mother found weed in his room and he's just been rebelling in what I see as normal teenage ways like smoking and staying out late, but it's also affecting his school and I'm worried he won't leave with decent a levels bc he already failed once. and his school keeps emailing my dad about him supposedly being absent, and my dad's response to this for about two months now has been to post a screenshot of each email into the family group chat and demand where my bro has been. it doesn't help. and I don't need to be notified every time he skips school or whatever like that is not my fucking problem to have to see when I'm at work and have enough stresses as it is. my dad is an idiot and honestly some days I would dearly love to punch the man in the face.
9) I start my group therapy in a couple weeks. it’s for generalised anxiety and I am really, really hoping it will help me because the other group therapy I’ve done previously, like a couple months back, has proven to be really helpful. here’s hoping.
10) if anyone is still reading this far - I realise this sounds a lot like I'm feeling sorry for myself. maybe I am to some degree. but my life is just a lot right now and I'm genuinely a bit shocked I'm still in one piece and that I haven't had a nervous breakdown yet. everything is a lot and I feel like I'm going through a lot of change. that's hard. but I'm trying my best to get through this and I hope somehow I can. I actually left tumblr for a bit because for various reasons I didn’t feel as safe talking about my problems on here, through no fault but my own really. I’m hoping I’ve moved past that now.
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Adventures in running a table at a charity bazaar
Day 1
-Lady bitching abt how the younger generation is wasteful and just throws everything away... Uhhh okay lol
-As i was carrying a VERY large tote full of books this man walks by with an EMPTY hand truck and says "wow that looks heavy" and walks off. I might kill a man today.
-Two ladies running a pyramid scheme for shitty makeup. "Yeah it's $50 for like a drop of anti-age serum but if you get your friends to invest too it ends up really cheap! Do you and your friends have credit cards?" Yeah ok.
-One lady actually made some super cute christmas decorations I hope good things happen to her she is v nice
-One of the same ladies who is running the pyramid scheme keeps telling me to smile and i am going to SNAP
-Lady in the kitchen kept getting distracted (its really not her fault, people kept going in there and talking to her) and it took her 45 minutes to slap some meat and cheese on some bread for me and i am STARVING HOLY FUCK HURRY UP
-Had to lug a 50lb sandwich board 3 blocks to the main intersection by myself whilst being slapped in the face by several balloons and couldn't see
-My grandmas neighbor has COTTON CANDY HERE AND I WANT SOME
-Other pyramid scheme lady is super nice tho I feel bad she is trapped in that
-No one is fucking hereeee
-Seriously though I kinda really want some cotton candyyyyy
-Old man in the kitchen made some bomb ass homemade chili and its delicous but its not really agreeable with my stomach sooooo i might buy some before i go home
-I doubt I'm getting paid for any of this bullshit and that's fine i guess
-The. Most. Umcomfortable. Chairs. In. Existence.
-At least this provides a distraction from my job interview on Tuesday 😬
-During set up last night, there were a couple kids doing a karate class and when they were done they were super sweet and helped us move tables and such and i heard one of them go DISGUSTANG really loud in an echoey room full of old ladies and I felt my soul leave my body. Teenagers are fuckin amazing
-Man looking through some prints I'm selling. Other lady wants to look too, she asks him to pull the stack he already looked through bc he has been there for like 5 minutes. "Well You can just wait" he says. Another 5 minutes later he is finally done. This lady has had to sit down bc she can't stand too long. He goes "there ya go. Didnt kill ya now did it?" What a fucking dick
-My grandmas neighbor has a hoodie that says Winchester on it and i figured it was like the place or something but as she walked by i noticed that in fact it said Sam and Dean on the bottom and i dont know what to do with this information now
-One vendor brought her dog and his name is Russel Wilson its SO CUTE
-Theres this home made Rudolph... Thing that just keeps staring at me. It is very cursed and i hate it
-God everyone who shows up is either an old lady or a crackhead
-The one crackhead woman was really nice though. I hope she does well
-Every vendor's phone is so fuckin loud what is with boomers i stg
-One lady. Made tote bags. Out of bags of horse feed. Whyyyy
-Evidently as I walked away from my grandma and someone she was talking to, that person was like "oh my goodness she has such pretty hair" which made me feel rly nice thank you embroidery woman
-Oh god that chili smells so good
-Someone brought doughnuts fuuuuuuck
-Im gonna blow all my gas money on food guys god dammit
-I wish it wouldn't be considered rude to watch netflix rn
-Thank fuck the bitch pyramid scheme lady left
Oh my GOD they were so cute my HEART. One little girl saw this halloween decoration and giggled really hard and said "eyeballsss" it was SO FUCKING CUTE. "Can i have a baf boom?" (Bath bomb) Im gonna cryyyy. Those girls have their dad wrapped around their fingers oh my Lord.
-I bought the chili. Burnt the shit outta my mouth. No regrets.
-1pm rolls around and fuckin no one is showing up. I wanna watch TWD dammit
-Vendor lady's sister's purse got stolen outta her shopping cart today apparently Awh 😕
-Now everyone is swapping attempted theft stories lol
-Girl came in named Rehannon. Looked like Stevie Nicks. I am blessed.
-We close in 2 hours and im pretty sure only 15 people came in
-Yeah ive been watching Netflix. God i wanna leave.
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The cursed Rudolph btw
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lovebunnie · 5 years
Do all the asks coward
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1. what does your wallet look like?
-i got it as a present from my uncle for christmas and its really expensive but also so ugly im sorry uncle tom. its like that ‘southern fashion’ bullshit that white MAGA moms wear. but it was better than my old wallet, which looks like this and i got when i was 12:
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2. favorite color?
- baby pinnk
3. do you own a pride flag, or more than one?
-heres the thing: my parents basically know im not straight but i havent told them. my brother has thought i was a lesbian since freshman year, i have a small pride pin on my backpack, ive never been on a date, its complicated. but no, i dont have one. maybe one day, hopefully.
4. describe your favorite outfit
-black pants, platform doc martens, hoodie under a jean jacket, one clip on earring, and holding my crushes hand :]
5. when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter, and what’d she do?
-okay so theres this girl in my theatre class who is really cute, and she put her head on my shoulder and shes pagan so she drew a little sigil on my arm that means “safe and homely” so like :)))))))))))))
6. do you use nail polish?
-i do, i mostly do black tho
7. do you keep organized?
-absolutely. i have things online filed accordingly, i pick out my outfits the day before, my binders are neat, i learned how to army fold my shirts, i keep my shit CLEAN
8. ever take naps?
-only accidentally. ill be laying in bed watching youtube and next thing you know my autoplay has me watching a markiplier video even tho i dont like him and its 4 hours later
9. who was your first crush?
-idk if this is a real person or not so ill do both. my first fake person crush was either troy from high school musical or frankie stein from monster high. and my first real crush was on a boy named dominic in elementary school. i told him i liked him at the end of 5th grade because i thought i was switching schools but then i didnt and we never spoke again.
10. what are your crush tendencies? fall hard or often?
-both both both. i am the worst with crushes. i have crushes all the time because im romantic and a fucking fool. i have 3 crushes off the top of my head rn and i like them all for different reasons. thats not to say that i want to date them, but its that i like them a lot and i kinda wanna kiss their cheek or hold their hand idk
11. describe your ideal day
-play overwatch with my best friend (u gonble >:) ) then hang out with my cat, go get a smoothie, buy some cool shoes or something, take a shower and be asleep by 9 :,)
12. describe your ideal date
-i have stated that build a bear is an amazing first date and im NOT BACKING DOWN. ITS CUTE AS FUCK AND ILL ACCEPT NOTHING LESS!!
13. whats your favorite food?
-either sushi or strawberries :3c
14. who do you feel most comfortable around?
-my theatre class, people from camp, and gobble
15. what is your favorite compliment to receive?
-i dont have a favorite, any and all are going to make my face go red so i have to cover it and maybe make me cry
16. did you/do you like highschool?
-the first 3 years fucking sucked but senior year has been amazing so far. mostly because i just kinda stopped giving a fuck but its amazing
17. favorite animal?
-i think its cats now. i really like cats
18. do you like your name?
-eh, its okay. its pretty but also it seems like there are 60 million fucking people named grace and its so annoying. i wish it was something more unique idk
19. what kind of weather is your favorite?
-a light rain. no swinging trees or thunder, just lots of rain. its nice to stay inside and feel secure
20. do you believe in horoscopes?
-absolutely not. but theyre fun if you like them
21. tell us about your music taste
-its horrific. to sum it up, my two favorite musicians are the gorillaz and frank sinatra. take from that what you will
22. have you had your first kiss? if so, what was it like?
-i havent had my first kiss yet. gonna be honest, i felt like i was going to, a few times at camp and recently when classes ended. but yeah, nothing yet
23. did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a kid?
-i went thro cycles of favorites. but one ive had for years is a plush shadow the hedgehog from universal studios i got when i was 6. i used to carry him around, even to a pool once
24. what time do you usually wake up and go to bed?
-if you know me, you know i go to bed ridiculously early. i usually get tried at around 6pm and fall asleep between 7:45 and 8:30. and i always wake up before 6 am. i havent slept past 6 am continuously since the end of junior year. please help me
25. what dream trip would you take with your wife?
-maybe to go explore new york, just the two of us that sounds like fun :]
26. do you have any pets?
-i have 2 dogs and a cat. the family owns the dogs but that cat is mine
27. what pair of underwear is your favorite?
-uhhhhhhhhhhh i have some with rainbows that are cool? i dont have favorites, none of them are cute anyway
28. what makes you smile?
-funny jokes make me smile real hard, and if you compliment me at the right time, i kind of pull my legs up and hide my face? its cute and charming i promise
29. what makes you feel heavy?
-in both the physical and metaphorical sense, eating bread
30. what makes you feel better?
-watching bo burnham always makes me feel better, hes my go to whenever im really depressed
31. how do you show your love?
-i show my love in everything i do. everything i do is for love, i love love so much its sickening
32. when is it time to get a haircut?
-whenever u want to lol?
33. where would you live if you could live anywhere?
-maybe san francisco, its beautiful and i love the city
34. do your friends and family take good care of you?
-as much as i allow them to. sometimes i go days without communicating and i know thats annoying but my friends put up with it (they shouldnt have to, i know) and my family is okay. its cliche to say, but they honestly dont understand what im going thro alot of the times, esp with my anxiety and shit
35. have you always used the labels you use now?
-back in the beginning of highschool, i used they/them pronouns and identified as asexual/aromantic. eventually, it didnt feel right, so i know identify as cis and bisexual and that feels right to me
36. what makes you laugh?
-my friends, when people shit talk gobble and i in overwatch even tho???? we didnt know him?????? and the mcelroys always get me
37. who is your favorite fictional character?
-too many options, see list here
38. who do yo admire?
-my father when hes not threatening to throw my phone into a fucking lake and my friends for putting up with me
39. describe yourself in three words
-i am baby
40. how long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 
-usually about 45 min, more or less as each day goes
41. what do you wish you could tell your younger self?
42. what would you do if you win the lottery?
-get my parents settled, see about other family members, and then distribute the money to charities accordingly, starting with flint and getting them water
43. would you call yourself a romantic?
44. what is your gayest childhood memory?
-my mom had cosmos magazines
45. do you have tattoos or want any?
-i dont have any tattoos but ive been obsessed with them since the 6th grade. id love to get tattoos, i just dont know what or where and also im afraid of pain
46. whats your worst habit?
-either biting my thumbs, starving myself, or ghosting my friends. prob ghosting my friends
47. what are you proud of?
-i guess coming out of my shell finally? idk, i actually have friends now and it feels amazing tbh. im in 5 group chats now. i havent been in a group chat since 6th grade. :))))))
48. did you know that youre actually a gift to the world, for real?
-hi i love you?
49. whats your favorite memory?
-there are so so many. but what comes to mind first is our dance night at camp where we all stood outside and i finally gave ian my tumblr and we all ran inside to dance to mr. brightside then ran outside again and we requested nightcore and rivers was fucking dancing their hearts out and we all sang along and im going to crying just typing this out
50. do you have a sweet tooth?
-i guess so. too much makes me feel like shit but i do really enjoy smarties
51. what do you like most about yourself?
-this is dumb, but my sense of style. since i got a job ive been wearing shit i actually like and its amazing. ill admit i have cool clothes
52. what makes you fall for a girl?
-besides acknowledging me, probably getting to know me and not like, putting me on a pedestal. idk its weird, ive met a lot of people this year who like to place me so high it feels like i cant make a mistake around them without disappointing them. idk, i want someone to call me out on my bullshit instead of assuring me im okay. i want to know what i do wrong so i can fix it
53. make a recommendation
-for what? uhh okay for music, listen to ‘clay pigeons’ by michael cera (yes i know michael cera) and for television, watch bojack horseman and for movies, watch the docuseries called ‘7 days out’ on netflix
54. have you ever had your heart broken?
-yeah, when i broke up with maddy because we werent ready to date. i cared and continue to care about her and i didnt want to hurt her but i knew its what we both needed. its what i needed, atleast. and i cant be a good girlfriend if i feel like im doing badly. but also ive had friends break my heart and family break my heart. but im okay now, this heart is ready to be broken again
55. when do you feel most yourself?
-def when i was at camp, that place is magical in the way it allows you to be yourself. but also when i talk to gobble because hes my best friend and when im at college, we can talk more and its gonna be dope as shit
56. name a gorgeous celeb
-jake gyllenhaal jake gyllenhaal jake gyllenhaal 
57. what are some of your favorite songs this week?
-fake happy by paramore, im not okay (i promise) by my chemical romance, tomorrow comes today by gorillaz
58. tell us 2 or your biggest hopes and fears
-biggest hopes: i publish a book someday & i get a job doing something i love
-biggest fears: i end up homeless and broke & something horrific happens in college
59. what flavor chapstick/lipbalm is the best?
-raspberry i guess
60. are you okay?
-i answered a lot more honestly then i shouldve for some of these and i start new classes tomorrow so im feeling really anxious so im doing alright i guess.
gobble you test me but i do love you
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planetdream · 2 years
okay no but yes I just got sick for another week 😭😭😭 life is not kind to me,,,,I JUST finished an essay and it's 6:19am rn and the sky is lighting up this is homophobic </3
I'm trying to get to terms to losing it but mannnnn I'm so pissed and upset because I had three kpop photo cards in it 😭 (along with other very important stuff ofc like my old student cards and I, obviously, alr graduated)
What can I say I'm just someone who loves the dark too much sksksksks jokes aside tho the dark is nice cos it makes me less guilty to be depressed - it's so weird to see it still light outside at 7pm rip
DREAMIE I WAS LOWKEY KIDDING BUT YOU ACTUALLY SAVED A SPOT FOR ME ALDHFJSJSHDJSKKDDK I LOVE YOU HELLO?? Okay but yes I will Sit Down and Think About It and come back to you with an MV uwu
Also Maniac omg,,,,Felix is such a queer king with that skirt and his HAIR as always a fashion icon. Hyunjin with red hair?? Chan with blue hair?? Changbin with green highlights?? Freaking LEE KNOW with purple hair?? These boys are here to slay and they aren't leaving anyone alive oh no. And Han with that slicked back hairstyle </3 I'm sorry Seungmin but Han is killing me there I can't skskkzsksksksks Also erm no hate but I didn't like the song at first? But it's so catchy?? Like does it sit at the top of my skz playlist? Not really. But is it so catchy that it makes me want to loop it so many times my brain explodes? Yes.
(also sorry if everything looks incoherent I've been writing a 2k essay for the past seven hours and I desperately need sleep)
Bestie SAME on the touch starved end 😭✋ and yes physical emotional connection desperately needed here as well pls 😭😭 I think my friend's constant complaints rubbed off on me because he's always like omg I want a boyfriend and there can only be one touch starved hoe between us so I have to be the bigger person ☠️☠️ but yes much love needed here as well
SCREAMING CRYING MOANING AT THE MENTAL IMAGE. just,,,,seungmo trying to not betray his feelings but ultimately man is a human as well and at the end he's not even scrolling through his phone,,,,the screen is black and it's just something to anchor himself onto </3 absolutely insane with that idea
Also that anon who said Lee Know <3. Massive vibes <33
How are you doing dreamie? Hope all is well hehe :)
ok first off—get some sleep (maybe u already are idk) can't have u out here sleep-deprived AND sick omg.
and the wallet 💔💔💔 three pcs and important things oh baby i really feel for u...tbh i dont think i'd be able to come to terms with losing it...
as for the collab—there's not a set deadline for posting the fic at the moment (and there probably won't be lol) so you can take your time choosing the fic, but that seungmin spot is 100% yours, babe!
maniac—the boys all look so good and im proud of what they've accomplished this era so far. i was talking about this with moon the other day but it's so fun to watch all of this happen in real time. like bb200?? so sexy of them, really. and yeah, at first listen i wasn't vibing with maniac like i did the other songs on the album (chalking it up to my general occasional dislike of singles) but after the second listen i liked it a lot more ahaha
— apologising for things seeming incoherent?? welcome to my entire blog fr
i've been going outside more and more lately since it's getting warmer and idk im just so...starved of different types of connections. i think i want a romantic connection lol, but that's a lot of work rn and i can't put someone through the stress of dealing with me atm rip
how am i doing? well it's pretty late now and i had a pretty busy day and im finally settling in at home fr and im just....so emotional for no reason?? wanna cry a little bit but other than that im doing good. upset bc i don't have any weed rn but it is what it is lol
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velvet-chae-blog · 6 years
bts annoying boyfriend things:
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-will brag to everyone about how your mom loves him more than you
-asks you if you’re gonna eat something and then takes it before you even answer
-the worst backseat driver of all time but when you ask him if he would like to drive he’ll say no gshshsjshshdhd
-when going to eat, he’ll tell you to choose but he’ll have a complaint about every place you suggest
-dad jokes at the WORST possible moments like even once while you were making out?? and you’re like dear god what have i done in my past life to deserve this
-will eat your left overs out of the fridge even if you leave notes telling him NOT to
-once you went to a Halloween party together and he dressed as ‘prince peach’ and made you dress as Mario dhhdjsjsjshdjsjjs
-is absolutely not afraid to tell you that you look like something a cat through up. like pls you can’t be a lil nicer?
-will steal your good razor to shave his face
-is religious about his skin routine and will nag and nag you about yours
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-asks you to take pictures of him and will make you retake it 637383829383 times. seriously how does jimin deal with this?
-‘borrows’ your headphones all the time and thrn BREAKS THEM hshsjsjsjsj. this is the 5th pair you’ve had to buy this month
-always wants to FaceTime or talk on the phone, but never text
-when you ask him to bring you home food it’s always the wrong thing. isn’t this boy supposed to have an amazing memory? where is it?
-on that note, he loses things constantly. ‘babe have u seen my sunglasses’ and like seriously they’re on his head
-joon’s top priority is aesthetic, always. to the point where you will go two hours out of the way to have dinner at a swanky italian place with low hanging lights even tho YOU’RE STARVING
-will answer your questions with questions or quotes, like b*tch did you just quote dr suess at me? i just want to know what kinda pizza you want
-long philosophical speeches which can be nice and endearing at times but sometimes you’re like ‘joon, it’s rly not that deep bby’ hdhsjsjsnsnsnsn
-tells you that you’re a traitor whenever you buy anything with a kkt friend that isn’t ryan
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-sleeps in soooooo late and makes you crawl over him every morning when you have to work
-‘if this house was burning to the ground and i could only save u or min holly, i will choose min holly’ - min yoongi 2k16
-will use your laptop instead of his own bc yours is closer
-king of excuses which is handy when you want to call in sick to work, but very very annoying when you want to go do something that he doesn’t want to
-will take the remote right out of your hand and change it to what he wants and when you’re giving him a death glare he’s like ?????? tf you want?
-uses all of your bath bombs without asking shshjs i don’t think he understands how expensive those are????
-insulting kumam*n is a sin worthy of death
-would probably fake his own death if that meant he could avoid a social outing 
-is the worst to play any games with bc he always cheats and calls it ‘being resourceful’ 
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-always leaves the toilet seat up and like laughs so hard he cries when you fall in
-wants to be the little spoon and never the big spoon
-he tried to teach you the choreo to dope one time and you twisted your ankle and he rly will never let you live that down
-snores so so so so SO loud, but will wake up in the am and say he couldn’t sleep bc you were snoring
-you cannot go to the bar alone with him bc he is the worst drunk person you’ve ever met zbsnsjsnsnsnsn he goes completely dead weight and sings kid songs and cries about how beautiful the moon is
-constantly singing girl group songs. like red velvet is gr8 but one can only listen ‘rookie rookie my super rookie rookie’ so many times without wanting to scream
-randomly pantses you around the house and will say ‘i got you’ like it’s a prank.....how is this....a prank hobi? ur just being a perv.....pls
-never folds his laundry ever. like if it wasn’t for you, the clothing mountain in ‘spring day’ would reside in your bedroom
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-cries every time taey*ng releases a song
-always has the receipts on hand when you’re arguing. even if it’s over something super petty hdhdjdj
-complains that you take too long of showers but there’s never any fcking warm water left once he’s done with his shower
-always pulls uglie faces when your trying to take cute couple pics. why won’t he let you have any nice pictures?
-teases you about being too soft but also complains when you don’t show him enough affection. what do you WANT park jimin?
-he’s a smug lil sh*t whenever he’s right and you’ll never ever hear the end of it
-he tells your mom everything i s2g they’re worse than the old ladies gossiping at the farmer’s market
-imitates you in the highest pitch most awful voice ever hshsjsjsjsjsnsns
-probably yells at you when you break a streak on snapchat
-steals the blankets at night, leaving you to freeze and d*e
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-sends texts in all emojis all the time and will expect you to decode them perfectly. like how are you suppose to know what  🤐 👩‍🍳 🤳 👏🏻 ✨ 🚓 💔 means?
-smart about weird things like he can tell you every star that exists in the milky-way but don’t ask him help you build any IKEA furniture
-will probably wake you up at ungodly hours to ask you why dogs walk in circles before they lay down
-his shoes actually smell sooooooooo bad bc he never wears socks
-super loud playing video games. like it’s literally 3 am and he’s having a debate with a 12 yr old about overwatch vs. titanfall and you have an exam at 7am. can he pls for the love of god just not?
-uses your tooth brush so now you have to hide it from him when he stays over
-probably asks for nudes like 80 times a week. does he not understand that there are only so many creative ways you can take sexcie pics?
-you absolutely cannot take him grocery shopping bc you either will loose him or you will wind up with $50 worth of cereal in your cart and nothing else
-made you a playlist once that was just gucci gang on repeat
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-drinks milk straight from the carton
-weird af compliments. like bitting your face and telling you that you’re a snacc. 
-is actually a decent cook BUT DESTROYS THE FCKING KITCHEN
-seriously. all the cabinets are open, the fridge is open, there is trash on the counters, there’s siracha on the ceiling? he only made boxed ramen. how did this even happen?
-constantly reminds you that you’re short and will use you as an arm rest
-has your contact id as a kermit meme
-always making you hold his things in your purse. like why can’t he just use his pockets? hshsjsjsjs
-will probably call you dude and babe in the same sentence
-makes literally everything a competition.....everything
-he’s so lazy that he’ll make things more difficult then the were. like he will carry 20 bags of groceries in and almost cut off the circulation to his fingers bc he doesn’t want to make 2 trips
-uses all of your shampoo and body wash all the fckin time. you’ve even gone out and bought stuff for him BUT HE STILL USES YOURS
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camachameleon · 7 years
Cam’s Voltron Fic Rec 3/∞
VLD Rec Lists:  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Here’s a Fic Masterlist for my other fandoms. ( ** =  favorites )
    **Recoil/Release by Cheshyr
Word count:  22,387 (13/13)
Summary:  When Keith is bitten by an alien creature with venom that causes your dominant emotions to be amplified, the team is ready for a day of dealing with an incredibly angry paladin.
Which means they’re not ready at all for what actually happens.
Comments:  The almost stream-of-consciousness writing of Keith’s parts are really gut-wrenching because it’s as if you are experiencing it with him. (Warning for panic attacks- if you are triggered at all by that sort of thing you may want to sit this one out, it gets pretty graphic). A couple good song pairings for this fic to set the tone are Broken Crown and World Gone Mad.
    **Synergy by Kokochan & Spanch
Word count:  74,064 (10/10) 
Summary:  The vines were large, stiff, gnarly, and thick-stemmed, with blue leaves as big and round as dinner plates, but Shiro’s battle-arm was able to sever several long straggles with ease. The vines draped easily enough over the shuttle and hid it quite handily from view. “Good enough, I suppose,” Shiro said, glaring at the empty greenish-blue sky. “Come on, let’s… Hunk? What’s the matter?”
Hunk was staring at something behind him. “Shiro, don’t make any sudden moves just now, but there’s a really big lizard thing standing right behind you. Um. Two of them.”
Surprised, Shiro turned, albeit carefully. He’d never even heard them approach. That was rather impressive, considering the size of the beasts. It was as though someone had taken a pair of Arizonan horned lizards and rebuilt them more on the lines of a tiger without leaving out any of the spikes, then expanded them to about the size of an Indian elephant and added six large, intelligent blue eyes. Understandably, Shiro froze in place.
Comments: OH. MY. GOSH. OK. SO. This bad boy is Part 1 of 3, so far, with a total series word count of 241,404 at the moment. This beautiful titan of a series is named Of The Pack, and it updates with great speed, considering it has two top tier authors working on it. The several OCs in this story are so lifelike and realistic and fit so well into the universe that I forget that they aren’t actually canon and I kind of miss them when I’m reading other Voltron fics. My favorite part is the world-building it does. Everything about this fic is so dynamic and multi-dimensional, from it’s characters to the epic plot - this is the exact opposite of lazy writing. I am so here for badass Pidge, and the matriarchal Galra culture and the dragons. I👏LOVE👏THIS👏FIC👏
Also there’s magic! (with a scientific explanation, of course)
A cool song that I think goes nice with this fic is Heroes by Måns Zelmerlöw.
  The Kids Are Alright by pugglemuggle
Word count:  10,430 (3/3)
Summary:   Three Garrison Cadets Missing After Freak Satellite Crash
By Mara Garrett, News Editor | The Guardian | Monday, June 13, 2103 7:40 A.M. ET
Two seventeen-year-olds and a fifteen-year-old went missing Friday night after a rogue satellite crashed into the desert a few miles away from the Galaxy Garrison Training Facility, reports say. Garrison officials were quick to cordon off the area, claiming many of the remaining satellite fragments were dangerous and unstable. Government search parties have been sent out into the surrounding desert areas. Details are forthcoming.
Her brother is missing. Lance’s sister isn’t about to sit quietly while the Garrison keeps lying to the press. No—she’s going to get to the bottom of this.
(Or: The paladins’ families team up to find their kids and overthrow the corrupt Garrison regime. Told through news articles, prose, the internet, and art.)
Comments:  The format of this is very intriguing and fresh. We get to see scenes of our favorite paladins through the eyes of their friends and families, from before they disappeared and the aftermath. The open ending is still satisfying and leaves you with a sense of determination and hope for these characters that you just couldn’t help but get attached to. If you’re big on government conspiracies then this is the fic for you!
  **Patty Cake by Froldgapp
Word count:  7,829 (6/6)
Summary:  Quiet, aloof, and alone, Keith is distant from the rest of the team. Hunk begins to suspect why, and it’s only when the red paladin pushes himself too far, the Voltron gang realise he’s just as vulnerable as the rest of them.
Comments:  Aaaaahhh this fic. Something about this one has me coming back to reread it all the time even though I always cry. It is just so angsty but in a more poignant, sharp, breathless kind of way. Some of the things the characters say send painful stinging jolts into your chest and you can feel your heart cracking and then you get angry because how dare (I mean ch4 tho holy sh*t). I just want to hug Keith so much ugh. Hunk’s protectiveness of Keith gives me the strength to finish this masterpiece every time. Also, this can kind of be Sheith if you squint (or not, if you don’t).
  The Message by Shipstiel
Word count:  132,787 (45/45)
Summary:  (4:07) okay, but considr this, and hear me out here (4:08) so like, a photobooth u can do with ur pets like there’ll be lil costumes that u can dress them up in, and u can do liek, period costumes and shit with them (4:09) omg, can u imagine, u and ur cat/dog, and theyre in a lil 1800s dress and one of those lace umbrella things omg so cute
(4:15) Why the FUCK are you texting me at four in the morning with this
Keith is texted by accident by some idiot one day, and honestly he’s not even sure why he responds. Or why he keeps responding. Yet somehow he finds himself drawn in, and okay, so maybe this fool is mildly entertaining after all. Who would’ve thought.
Comments:  Slowburn Klance Wrong Number AU. These two are so cute I just can’t. This is the perfect story if you are looking for something effortless and relaxing to read. Even though this contains some softcore Langst, it is still a very cute and heartwarming story about two dorks slowly falling in love. It features Lance’s mother who I fell in love with here, and the kind of supportive nosy best friends that everyone wants in real life (i.e. Hunk, Pidge, and Allura).
  **The Quiet by MilkTeaMiku
Word count:  66,700 (32/32)
Summary:  Does he not realize he’s dead?
Keith can see ghosts. As a part of his Garrison training, he’s sent to a hospital to do one year of medical clerkship - it’s there that he meets a charmingly irritating chose who definitely needs to learn what boundaries are.
Comments:  Modern Ghost AU with eventual Klance. This fic is the most suspenseful story I have ever read in my life. Idk if it’s just me, but I just have this feeling building up paragraph by paragraph of an impending… something. And it has my heart racing which is crazy because it isn’t even particularly fast-paced. There’s just a heaviness to the words that have the hairs on the back of your neck prickling. I literally have to take a breather from reading sometimes to calm down. 
A couple cool songs I think set the mood for this fic is Smother and Mirror.
  Finding Home by spacegaykogane
Word count:  26,966 (6/6)
Summary:  After the wormhole collapses, Keith finds himself stranded on a strange planet. Alone. Until Lance comes along. With their lions dead and resources limited, Keith and Lance need to put aside their differences and work together to get home. Wherever that may be, now.
Comments:  Klance. I love Stranded fics where they have to work together to survive and bond over that. So yeah this one has some whump obviously, bc you know, crash landings aren’t very fun. This one is angsty but its balanced out by the fluffiness in the end.
  Cuddle Puddle by nothingwrongwiththerain
Word count:  46,782 (6/6)
Summary:  Unexpectedly, Shiro’s hand landed on the top of his head. Apparently with Lance and Hunk taking up all the shoulder real estate, Shiro would settle for ruffling Keith’s hair.
Keith was fairly certain his soul was about to detach and abandon his shaking body on the couch. He was surrounded, in the complete and total sense of the word, by other people. Not once before, not in his whole life, had he dealt with a situation like this one.
Or, five times Keith found himself too close for comfort and one time he couldn't get close enough.
Comments:  Klance featuring ace!Keith. Don’t be fooled by the fluffy summary, this is a very angsty fic with lots of Keith whump. Basically, as stated by the author, this story is about ‘Keith struggling with physical contact and learning to accept people care about him’. I love touch-starved Keith stories, like this one. I love the scenes with Kidge bros, featuring a super supportive Pidge. 
  At the Beginning by Sakuraiai
Word count:  64,203 (12/12)
Summary:  Inspired by Anastasia
King Zarkon of the Galra empire lost his only way in to the Kingdom of Altea. In his anger, he put a curse on the royal family. The young, adopted half Galran prince Keith disappeared when the palace was overrun, never to be seen again -- or so it seemed. The only surviving princess, Allura, grieving for her child, offers a reward for Keith's safe return.
Con artists, Lance and his best friend, Hunk plan to pawn off a phony to the princess, hoping to reap the rewards. They hold auditions and choose an orphan man who has a remarkable resemblance to the missing prince -- all the way down to his fluffy Galran ears.
Comments:  Can anyone say Anastasia AU?! I waited with baited breath for each chapter to come out and I was not once disappointed. I love the integration of the different alien races in this timeless story, it all works out so well. Keith just wants to find his mommy and I just want to cry. Also Kidge bros are still my fav as always.
  out of orbit by rbillustration
Word count:  78,135 (19/19)
Summary:  Dragged apart by Haggar’s attack on the wormhole, the paladins and Alteans struggle to survive and find one another again. Luck has placed them all within the same galaxy… but their fortune ends there. Lance is stranded with a badly-injured Shiro and his relief at finding their leader still accompanying him soon turns to terror. Keith may be the only who can rectify the situation - but the Galra have him in their grasp, and they don’t want to kill him. They want him as one of their own.
Comments:  ANGST. SO MUCH ANGST. A brainwashed Galra!Keith plus a Possessed!Shiro. This is the perfect recipe for disaster if I ever saw one. If lots of blood bothers you proceed with caution. I love stranded fics.
A good song rec for this one is Darkside.
  VLD Rec Lists:  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Here’s a Fic Masterlist for my other fandoms.
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