#my venus sun & jupiter are all in his 12th
martian-astro · 6 months
Solar return observations- Part 3
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(the artist is @eb_hua on twitter)
Saturn in 10th is a frustrating placement (my mom had it last year and basically with this you feel financially helpless, you keep on trying and trying but nothing works, but the good thing is that 2-3 months before your next birthday, you're gonna hit the jackpot, so don't worry too much) (my sister also has it this year)
I have noticed that in every solar return chart that I've looked at, the chiron was in conjunction with the north node and it has happened way too many times for me to call it a coincidence. (do you have it as well, let me know) (according to my observations, the house that it's in represents the area where you'll experience pain but also by the end of the year, you're gonna be able to deal with the themes of that house in a better way, am I making sense??) just let me know if you have any questions about this placement, I think it's very common
The year in which you have a gemini AC, you will focus a lot on building your professional network, a lot of communication, short distance travel and improving your relationship with your siblings, if you have any. (my sister has it this year and her master's will end on 29th April, she has applied to many places for a job and she's also coming to visit me, I'M GOING TO MEET HER AFTER 5 FUCKING YEARS😁😁)
Mars in 12th indicates a low libido, a very exhausting year in general, if you also have sun in 1st then... It can be pretty bad (it's like you KNOW that you need to stop procrastinating, but you really can't help it, so you look calm on the outside but your brain is like AKDHSGHSKGSKJDJK)
Jupiter in 10th in aries is a REALLY GOOD placement. (you get the courage to go after what you want, especially in terms of career) and if Jupiter is Trine/sextile with saturn, then it's even better
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Uranus in 5th can mean having flings with people that are not your usual type. (one of my friends came to Italy this year, and the first thing she did was hook up with an Italian guy 😭😭, she's Indian)
Aries in 2nd is an impulsive shopping placement (if you have it and you think you need something, you don't) (one of my friends had this last year and he bought a hat for €150...... Yeah. He has saturn in 2nd this year and he's finally facing the consequences of his actions)
I know that saturn in 8th is associated with difficulties in sex and intimacy but there's another side to it (a lot of my friends have had this, and they became really mature about sexual matters, like if they were previously very into the hook up culture then that year they were more cautious and had this "I'm going to have sex with the person who I genuinely like or love" mentality)
This is very shocking but I looked at the solar returns of all the married couples I know and the year in which they got married, NONE OF THEM had a 7th house stellium 💀💀. For men, I didn't notice a pattern, but for women, 90% of them had Venus positively aspecting saturn (mostly, Trine and sextile but 2 had a conjunction)
My favorite solar return placement has to be mercury conjunct Jupiter, if its happening in capricorn or virgo, then you're really precise and direct with your words, a very leader type aura for that year. If it's in libra, then good for flirting and talking to your crush, there's a high chance they'll fall for your charms. If it's in pisces, then it's your sign to start a cult.
(all pictures are taken from Pinterest)
© martian-astro All rights reserved, 2024
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starastrologyy · 10 months
Composite Chart Notes 🪐
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Hi everyone, please do not copy or repost anything I write on other social media platforms :) I recently became aware of a Pinterest page reposting all my posts from TikTok/tumblr! I don’t have a Pinterest for my astrology blog :)
A composite Aries Rising, can often indicate a very active couple. They may enjoy partaking in various sports or various forms of physical activities together. However, they can appear to be a very argumentative couple, this is especially true of mars, mercury, or pluto squares the composite ascendant. Their conflicts can often be made public.
This is interesting because in terms of long-distance couples, I often see Uranus conjunct the descendent or Uranus in the 3rd house in their composite charts. A composite Sag or Aqua rising is also common in the charts of couples who are long distance.
The North Node in the composite 5th house can indicate a couple who have children together.
Another indication of a “hidden” or private relationship, is if the composite chart ruler is in the 12th house.
This is more of a personal anecdote, but I once had a man slide in my DMs on Instagram. We had mutual followers but I didn’t personally know him. Long story short, he just began offering to buy me things/send me money with nothing in return. Obviously I found that kind of suspicious as there’s usually a catch! He didn’t even push meeting me in person! We just kinda spoke online for a bit. I got his birth details and ran a synastry chart between us. We had no 2nd or 8th house overlays. However, his Jupiter did aspect my Sun (which explains why he was so generous towards me). I then took a look into our composite chart, and our composite Sun & Moon are both in the composite 2nd house! Additionally , the ruler of our composite ascendant is in the 8th. Which explains why our relationship is literally based on him sharing his resources with me, giving me money, and buying me things. Obviously not all relationships with this kind of configuration will play out like this, I just thought this was so interesting.
There can be elements of sexual idealizations in relationships where there are hard Mars-Neptune aspects in the composite chart. One or both people may feel as if they have met their “dream” sexual partner if the orb is particularly tight. However, once the illusion or initial “high” fades. This aspect can prove to be problematic in many ways. There can be deceptions and disappointments that start to manifest. Mars square Neptune is common to see in the charts of *affairs* or short lived sexual relationships. However, please remember the entire chart needs to be taken into consideration.
Couples who travel a lot together usually have significant 3rd and 9th house placements in the composite. Jupiter in the composite 9th, 3rd, or conjunct the composite Mercury can also indicate a couple that travels frequently.
A couple with Jupiter or Venus in the composite 7th house, can make very good business partners. Couples who have the ruler of their composite midheaven, in the 7th house, may also decide to go into business together.
My readings are still open for those interested ! The link is in my bio :)
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bouquetface · 3 months
D2 (Hora Chart) : Your Potential to Create Wealth
This post will provide general info on the D2. THIS METHOD IS NOT CREATED BY ME. I have spent awhile researching and thought some may like to know this information as well. Astro Losik and KRS are helpful youtube channels.
I have tested this info out on people I know in real life. I find it crazy accurate.
If finding out you have many negatives would cause you stress, please do not read. Measure your success by your own efforts.
Step One:
Generate a D2 chart. If you choose astroseek, make sure to put it in whole sign. Make sure Uranus, Pluto and any asteroids do not appear.
When you see your chart, you will notice that the ASC is either in Cancer or Leo. If you have ASC in any other sign, you have incorrectly generated the chart.
Step Two:
Below, I have listed the positives and negatives. You can tally whether you have more positives or negatives.
Many positives = Great amount of wealth.
Many negatives = You may go through periods where you struggle with money. Try to avoid debt. Try to become more disciplined in saving.
Equal (or almost equal) amount of positives & negatives = Moderate amount of wealth. Ups & Downs. Nothing too extreme.
💲 If you have Mars, Jupiter & Sun in Leo. This is a positive.
💲 If you have Venus & Moon in Cancer. This is a positive.
💲 5 or more planets ( rahu & ketu are not planets) in Cancer is a positive.
💲 5 or more planets rahu & ketu are not planets) in Leo is a negative.
💲 If your natal vedic chart (D1) 2nd House ruler is in 1st or 2nd of the hora (D2) chart, this is a positive.
💲 If your natal vedic chart (D1) 2nd House ruler is in 12th of the hora (D2) chart, this is a negative.
💲 If the 2nd House ruler of the hora (D2) is in 2nd or 11th, this is a positive.
💲 If the 2nd House ruler of the hora (D2) is in 1st or 12th this is a negative.
💲 All or most of your planets in 2nd or 1st is a positive.
💲 All or most of your planets in 12th is a negative.
I have noticed that if you do not have any planets in 12th, you are more likely to overcome any negative. Financial setbacks may occur in life likely because these people often have a lesson in regard to money (saving, budgeting, etc). Once it is learned, they become successful.
Do not be discouraged by having negatives. This can indicate you struggle with savings and asserting yourself. And I have noticed, those with many negatives, simply have a lack of interest in creating wealth. They aren’t wealthy but they have a roof over them, food to eat and enough to spend on hobbies and desires (video games, clothes, a vacation, etc.) They're happy and live good lives.
For example, my cousin with many 12th House placements in D2, was once homeless (living in his car). He had moved to a city that he couldn't afford with his spending habits. However, for a long time he did not want to leave the city. So yes, he struggled but according to him, it was an enjoyable experience. He's the kinda guy who would enjoy living in his van and travelling. But it is true he struggles with money & often is asking his parents for help.
However, even if you have many 12th H placements. You are not destined to be broke at all.
Those who have many positives I have noted are always either: born into wealth OR are very driven. They do care for creating/having wealth. They often think about ways to branch out and invest to make more. It’s a rewarding experience for them to work for their wealth. ngl they just thrive in capitalism.
Some of the people I know with many positives only had a moderate amount of wealth themselves. It wasn't until marriage, joining wealth, they became very wealthy. For example, my aunt who worked a regular office job until meeting her husband. They opened up a business together that has become very successful. You may not find that wealth until much later in life.
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astroismypassion · 11 months
Astrology observations 🦊🦊🦊
Credit goes to my Tumblr astrology blog @astroismypassion
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🦊Libra Chiron, Venus Chiron aspects and Chiron in the 7th house often experience pressure from parents when it comes to partnerships. They might have parents that had a hand in coming together with their partner in union, marriage. I'm not saying these people experience an arranged marriage, we should look for other aspects for that, but whenever the native is in a serious partnership, the parents might pressure them to get married, they are rooting for it to happen.
🦊Mercury Chiron people along with Chiron in the 3rd house feel like they were never chosen when it comes to friendships, partnerships. They were the last picked on soccer team or for a team project. Therefore these people often want to have more variety, they desire more people around them that they can choose from.
🦊Neptune square Chiron people often don't like their feet, the shape and how they look.
🦊Libra Chiron and Chiron in the 7th house often have the feel like partnership is something hard to come by.
🦊Pisces and Sagittarius Chiron have tons of hobbies, because they often feel like they lack rich "inner world". So they need a lot of hobbies to fill them. They might think about themselves that they are not really that imaginative.
🦊Jupiter positive aspect Juno often have a person that they met when young and stay in touch throughout life for many years.
🦊Ascendant negative aspect Ceres often come across as they simply don't care even when they actually do. They need to work hard to overcome their tendency to micromanage too or giving opinion when is not asked for. These people often come across as not caring enough, so they end up overdoing it to the point of being overly sweet with compliments or little gifts. They might be tempted to buy affection of a person.
🦊People with Sagittarius Ascendant (Gemini Descendant) might often attract a partner that ends up looking more like their sibling or a cousin rather than a partner. One example of this happening in real life is Madeline Argy (Sagittarius Ascendant) and her former partner British rapper Central Cee (Gemini Sun).
🦊Boyfriends of a Virgo Sun often end up looking very boyish or have this teenage charm, like they look pure, angelic and young.
🦊I often find in same Sun couple (for example both are Capricorn Sun) that one of them has Libra Juno. They are looking for the same version of themselves basically.
🦊People with Scorpio South Node need to learn in this lifetime that not all of people in their inner circle of friends, family and romantic partners deserves their time, energy and affection.
🦊Virgo Jupiter and Virgo over the 9th house natives might feel anxious about engagements and marriage. They have this back and forth thinking about marriage, one day they are up for it, other days they are more anti marriage. Also, these people could feel like their in-laws are hot and cold or two-faced with them. One day they get along really well with them, the next day they might be more ignorant. You could travel with your in-laws too. You might also work with your in-laws, like being part of family business.
🦊Mercury in the 12th house, Virgo/Gemini over the 12th house keep their room, home soo tidy. Like they can't fall asleep if there are still dirty dishes in their kitchen.
🦊Actor Matthew Perry from Friends had so many addiction indicators in his Natal chart is unbelieveable, such a concentrated chart.
🦊I noticed in romantic Composite charts that Libra over the 12th house often points to the fact that the romantic connection, partnership might not flourish, happen. Because there is this feel that both STILL don't know each other well. There is so much confusion between both with this placement. A lot of misunderstandings, miscommunication or misplaced expectations.
🦊That person you had feelings for, but never confessed? You might have Composite Pisces Moon with this person.
Credit goes to my Tumblr astrology blog @astroismypassion
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calmwaterstarot · 9 months
What placements would you say in synastry show that a woman is a man’s dream girl?
I'd check his Venus first. Venus = love and beauty. If his Venus conjuncts her Ascendant, even better. That's a "love at first sight" aspect, although it can be a bit superficial.
I also think these aspects (mostly conjunctions, but trines, sextiles, squares, and oppositions can be good, too) work well with each other:
Sun/Moon Sun/Venus Venus/Mars Venus/Jupiter Venus/Pluto (careful with this! the sexual chemistry will be hard to resist) Moon/Mars Moon/Jupiter Moon/Pluto
Conjunctions are strongest, while trines and sextiles make for smooth sailing. Squares and oppositions can cause tension, but, depending on the placement, this isn't always a bad thing. I mean, imagine the sexual tension with a Venus/Mars or Venus/Pluto square. Whew! 🥵
Planets in the 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, or 8th houses are the most common in dream person synastry.
I'm going to add 2nd house synastry because while it can cause possessiveness, it's not necessarily toxic possessiveness. It's like, "This is my person. I don't want anyone else to have them." It's great because you can feel secure and safe with this person, like they're your rock.
I'm also going to add 12th house synastry here, too, even though people argue about whether it's good or not. If you have Pisces or water placements, the 12th house could be a really deep, psychic connection. It's also considered to be the house of karma and soulmates. But some people hate the feeling of the 12th house, so the experience is entirely subjective.
I also like looking at asteroids, such as Valentine, Eros, Psyche, Cupido, and Union, especially Sun and Venus conjunct Valentine, Eros conjunct Psyche, Cupido conjunct Cupido, and Union conjunct Union.
If you have your Ascendant or Descendant conjunct your person's Ascendant or Descendant, this can feel like you two have known each other all your lives and have so much in common. This can be a very intense, magnetic pull when these axes line up. ASC/MC and DSC/IC are also good.
Lastly, at the beginning of this post, I talked about the Venus/ASC aspect, but Venus conjunct Descendant is just as potent. Specifically, if another person's Venus conjuncts your Descendant, they're exactly your type. Venus/ASC is more of a physical attraction, while Venus/DSC can feel much deeper and that person is exactly your type. It's a bonus if you or your person's Venus is in the 7th house conjunct the Descendant.
💖 💖 💖
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cosmicpuzzle · 11 months
How to Analyze your Man (For Woman)
Knowing about the man in your life is quite simple. Many people suggest using Mars for your man.
While Mars can indicate the type of men you find hot for sex or one-night stands and his longevity, when it comes to a traditional setup of family, marriage and especially raising children, Jupiter has more weightage because your man is supposedly instrumental in the birth of children (Jupiter rules children). So, whomever you co create with becomes your Jupiter.
Check your Jupiter sign and conjunctions and aspects to Jupiter. Jupiter stays in 1 sign for about a year. So, the conjunctions and aspects to Jupiter can differentiate your man from other Jupiters. If your Jupiter is in Libra but conjunct Mars, this can be very different from just having Jupiter in Libra alone.
Check for aspects to Jupiter. If Sun squares or Mars opposes Jupiter, this can mean a more masculine partner. If Moon or Venus aspects Jupiter, this makes for a more feminine partner. So accordingly check for all aspects to Jupiter. Aspects make the most subtle difference.
Check the houses Jupiter rules. This is very important as this is dependent on your ascendant. Example for Capricorn ascendant, Jupiter rules 3rd and 12th house. So, your spouse will have qualities of Gemini and Pisces. IMO, this is single most important factor as the sign is pretty much the same for all women born in that period. If you are Leo rising, husband will activate houses 5 and 8 meaning qualities of Sun and Pluto. your husband will bring themes of these houses in your life (children and sexual bonding here for Leo)
Check the house placement of Jupiter. This is again important to differentiate. If Jupiter is in cancer but in 10th house, then your spouse may not be so nurturing but also have some Saturnian qualities.
Check if you are running the major period of Jupiter. This can be significant if Jupiter runs anywhere between ages 20 and 60.
Check the angular distance between Moon and Jupiter. Jupiter in 6,8,12 from Moon can mean a difficult relationship with your Man (6=Addictions, 8=Transformations, 12-distance).
Check if Rahu or Ketu or Pluto conjuncts Jupiter. This can impact your marriage deeply.
Finally check placement of Jupiter in D9 and D7 (if you are aware of these harmonic charts). You should check the conjunctions, aspects, house placement and house rulership as we did above.
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vivmaek · 1 year
Hi! I hope you’re doing good! Do all aspects and placements in someone’s chart make up their appearance? I’ve heard that it does, and I’ve heard that it doesn’t. Just curious to know :)
Hi, I love this question! I can see arguments for both sides, but in my opinion I think all placements within someones chart make up appearance. I say this because our emotions and inner psychology directly affect physical appearance. And the same can be said for our physical environments. Here are some examples:
Gemini Saturn in the 12th House - Prone to getting bags under the eyes due to poor sleep. Struggles with anxiety and poor appetite.
Venus in the 2nd House - Having the resources to maintain ones appearance. Having access to high quality food, clothing, makeup, and skincare.
Neptune in the 8th House - Prone to drug usage, and is especially susceptible to the negative side effects. These types look spaced out and detached even if they have never used substances. They've probably been asked, "Are you high?" even if dead sober.
12th house stellium - Looks mysterious, even when you get to know them. No one ever truly knows a 12th house stellium. My life long friend constantly reveals details about her life that change the way I view her. And I never really know what she is up to, even when we were in each others daily lives. She travels more than any young person I know, yet remains humble and wise. 12th house stelliums are the ultimate mystiques, and this is an incredibly attractive quality.
1st House stellium - Their distinct personality overpowers whatever their physical appearance may be. Usually people attach traits onto others based on their physical appearance, but the reverse happens for 1st house stelliums. It is almost like they're cartoon characters, its like their personality and sense of character was developed before their physical form even came into existence. Their physical appearance suits who they are so well, I don't know how else to describe it.
Pluto in the 6th house - There are periods in which people with this placement will be overworked.
Scorpio Uranus in the 12th House - The wild card. Their subconscious state shifts drastically and changes unexpectedly, and this most definitely affects the ways in which they present themselves to the world.
Scorpio Mars in the 5th House - People with this placement are baddies. Cool af and might partake in some dangerous hobbies.
Chart ruler in the 4th House - Nostalgia frames the ways in which these people present themselves. Might have a timeless look about them.
Virgo Mercury in the 8th House - Could partake in hygienic practices that are diligent and maybe strange.
Cancer Saturn in the 5th House - Handyman vibes. Down to earth in their self expression.
Sun in the 3rd House - Seemingly youthful, the eternal student.
Strong 11th House placements - Their appearance is somehow associated with whatever group they belong to. This could be church, clubs, sports teams, humanitarian efforts. (For instance, Tom Cruise has his Jupiter in the 11th house and you can't look at him without thinking about Scientology.)
Strong 7th House placements - Tend to take on traits adapted from their relationships. They mirror people.
Uranus in the 9th House - Might end up living amongst a culture that differs from the one they grew up in. This will affect the ways in which people perceive their appearance.
Saturn Square Pluto - 😐 <- this face
Mercury Trine Pluto - 🤨 <- this face
Mars aspecting Uranus - Prone to accidents, bodily injury, scars.
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mercurianthing · 2 years
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🫀 I have venus in the 12th house synastry with someone I've known for almost four years and to this day I have no clue what he thinks of me. he always gives me a vibe that he's in love with me or that I'm his type but on the other hand he also tries very hard to hide it and tries to ignore my existence no matter what, like yesterday my friend and I were sitting next to each other and he was sitting at the table next to me and our tables were quite close to each other and another friend of mine who was sitting next to him asked my friend something and he looked in the direction of me and my friend and as soon as I looked at him and made eye contact with him he just immediately lowered his eyes and it was so strange I was trying so hard to not laugh☠️ also his mars conjunct my venus & his moon falls in my 8th house and conjunct my sun so I know he is attracted to me anyway hahaha.☠️
🫀 I know a gemini venus man who kissed someone and the day after just ignored her😭💀
🫀 Venus conjunct ascendant in synastry can turn very quickly from admiration to jealousy especially if it's in friendship.
🫀 Chiron in the sixth house does not always have to indicate problems in your work environment. It can also indicate that you have an inexplicable fear of animals. it can also indicate problems with your daily routine. you may feel that your daily routine is boring or at least not the way you want it to be. if neptune is also in the sixth house with chiron it can also indicate that you are constantly imagining (sometimes even really planning in your head what it will look like) your dream routine and day-to-day life but not being able to turn it into your real reality and it just remains in the realm of imagination (especially if Mars is also in the sixth house).
🫀 Indicators of curvy body placements:
- Venus in the 9th house - hips are the most beautiful and noticeable part of your body.
- Sagittarius risings - thick 🍑, beautiful hips and in general curvy body.
- Jupiter in Libra/ in the 7th house - big 🍑.
- Cancer dominate/moon/venus - big and beautiful 🍒.
- Jupiter in the 4th house - blessed with big 🍒.
- Pluto in the 4th house - the most attractive part of your body are your 🍒.
🫀 Pluto in the 3rd house can indicate that in a certain part of school (elementary, middle school or high school) these people were a relatively poor student academically or behaviorally and that after a few years you suddenly become a student who gets good grades or you started behaving better and this can change over the years. in any case, this also indicates that people with this placement get good grades in tests without making any effort or investing at all, it comes easily to them, they are one of those kids who can not be in classes at all and still get a good grade.
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learnastrowallura · 20 days
🥀Planetary joys in Astrology
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I briefly mentioned this in my Mercury post but I would like to talk about it more and clarify everything for u guys <3
The sources I used for this are the books Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune by Chris Brennan as well as The Astrologer's Encyclopedia + The Moon's Joy Astrology YouTube channels as well
So basically what the Planetary Joy scheme entails is that the planets manifest in the best or most constructive/productive/beneficial way when in a house they find their joy in, aka where they are most comfortable.
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Daytime and nighttime planets (sect):
Here we will take into account the classification of the houses by above and below the horizon; as you can see, the houses from the 1st to the 6th house are below the horizon, and they are linked with both nighttime and an individual's inner world and his body, while the houses from the 7th to the 12th house are above the horizon; describing a certain relationship with daytime and the outer/ public world as well as the soul. This is a very generalized classification of the houses but I want you to take into account the nighttime and daytime terms that I have used.
According to sect, planets are assigned to two "teams"; the day sect and the night sect:
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Meaning the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn are part of the day sect, and the Moon, Venus and Mars belong to the night sect. And Mercury is neutral.
Now go back to the first image. If you take a look, you will notice that the daytime planets find their joy in houses above the horizon, associated with daytime and public affairs, and that the nocturnal planets are more comfortable below the horizon; in the houses which relate more to nighttime and inner topics. And Mercury is in the 1st house because it is neutral and the 1st house can find itself above or below as well <3
Now I realize this is still quite general but now we have made the point of daytime planets being more constructive in houses above the horizon, and the nighttime planets being more productive in houses below. And this matches those planets' nature well, to be honest; come to think of it, why are certain planets associated with the day, and others considered nocturnal planets? Let us analyze for a moment.
I believe the luminaries are clear. Sun being a daytime planet and Moon belonging to the night "team" or sect is obvious. As for Mercury it is known for its duality and being like a messenger, of sorts. You know the sentence "don't shoot the messenger"? That describes Mercury's nature quite well. It does not pick a side and so stays neutral within the sect scheme. However we CAN find out more about if it is productive or not, based on the sign, house, aspects etc and I've already talked about this planet in length so check it out if u want.
I will be brief since I will be making a post on these upcoming planets anyway, but, Jupiter's nature is expansive, wise, optimistic and so in a day chart (meaning where the diurnal planets are more constructive) these positive qualities will be enhanced and yk under the sun. Conversely, Saturn is more cold and restrictive in its nature and so it needs a little warmth from the sun to loosen up and actually utilize that discipline without the hindrance of excessive limitations.
Now for the nocturnal planets, I would say Venus is very fitting; after all, it is all about harmony, comfort, love, intimacy and these themes are quite relevant to the nighttime because that is when we get to relax, have fun, be vulnerable etc it is more focalized on BEING rather growing, unlike its benefic counterpart, Jupiter. As for Mars, well, think of it like this: we are basically telling Saturn to get the fuck up and do the thing; cuz it's too restrictive. Mars is impulsive, so we tell it to go to bed and chill the fuck out. Hence why it does better in night charts and why Saturn does better in day charts <3
Triplicity rulers:
I have not quite grasped this particular point, to be honest. But I thought I should share anyway. Basically:
Fire triplicity rulers: Sun, Jupiter, Saturn
Earth triplicity rulers: Venus, Moon, Mars
Air triplicity rulers: Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter
Water triplicity rulers: Venus, Mars, Moon
From left to right the planets are the primary ruler, the seconday ruler, and the cooperating ruler.
Sun and Jupiter (Fire triplicity rulers) in their joy are close to the MC aka the Midheaven point; the highest point of the planetary path associated with the Fire element. Whereas Venus and the Moon (Earth triplicity rulers) at their joy are closer to lower region associated with the Earth element. Saturn and Mercury are associated with the rising sign or ascendant region, tied to the Air element since air "rises", and then finally Venus and Mars seem to be close to the setting place aka the descendant because water settles down and rests. I am not very philosophical 😅 and I definitely want too look into this more but yeah I thought I'd share this point. According to Chris this resembles Aristotle's doctrine of "natural place" aka the hierarchy of elements if u wanna look into it lol
Note: I took a very positive and personal approach when describing these placements also dw if you don't have one of these specific placements ur not doomed 😭
Mercury in 1st house:
The 1st house, the starting point, the Helm (steering wheel of a ship/boat), the way we approach life and our very character. There is a reason why I and many other astrologers start with the interpretation of the rising sign and planets found in the 1st house; they tell us a lot about the native. Now we know that our planets have their... "quirks", is how I would describe it? Mars is impulsive Venus is comfortable Sun is radiant Moon is introspective Jupiter is hopeful and finally Saturn is restrictive. Oh wait there's one left. See with the other planets without taking into consideration the planetary condition we can tell where in the spectrum the planet lies. Good or bad. Benefic or malefic. Mercury is our one and only neutral planet and this I would say is a controversial reason to consider it the best for 1st house but I do. I like that... almost starting off of a blank slate and having to go into detail to discover more aspect. As well as the duality of Mercury, its balance between light and dark, its potential, it is so fascinating to be honest
Moon in 3rd house:
Moon is intuition and emotion and I feel it is very suitable to navigate in that instinctual way during one-on-one communication; intellectual as well as mental exchange paired with connection to one's intuition and subconscious can add a lot of depth into one's communication style as well as aid in talking about one's feelings and generally being vulnerable which helps a lot with conflict resolution. The 3rd house also rules over our immediate environment so having moon here could signify growing up in or being in an entourage where emotional vulnerability as well as expression is encouraged which is always nice
Venus in 5th house:
In the ancient world children, which are a 5th house topic, were especially considered a blessing and so having a benefic such as Venus which is more in tune with the body than Jupiter in it made sense. But other than this old view on things this was the one which I heard of the first time and I was like duh. I mean Venus is love, beauty, aesthetics, comfort, harmony, pleasure and the 5th house is creativity, self expression, romance and inner child too imo so yeah it's like this cute soulmate connection I love it. Really enjoying what life has to offer and not rushing through anything with this placement I feel
Mars in 6th house:
Mars is considered a malefic and is associated with physicality and aggression as well so its obvious match would be the 6th house; the house associated with physical injuries and health issues. Mars is productive in this house because there is action involved to hopefully prevent the triggering of certain conditions (sport for example is very Martian) but also it provides the drive and the resilience to deal with issues even when they are present so yeah
Sun in 9th house:
As I have mentioned in my post about the Sun before, its rays illuminate the truth; which is a key term for the 9th house. The 9th house is not about the detailed factual analytic type of intellect or knowledge (3rd house), rather it is more focalized on the higher truth, spirituality, belief and religion. Sun is all about identity, leadership and potential. You cannot be a true leader if you do not know and therefore cannot SHOW the truth to your followers, or if you cannot guide them toward a higher path; one that is filled with wisdom, enlightenment, as well as enthusiasm for life and for discovering it and, of course, fulfillment.
Jupiter in 11th house:
11th house is associated with friendships, hopes, the desire/urge to become something greater than ourselves, to have a vision and to follow it with the faith and belief that it will work out. And what better planet would aid individuals in the achievement of such dreams? Jupiter. The benefic that speaks to our soul, the one who gives us luck, expansion and abundance <3
Saturn in 12th house:
The 12th house is the one most associated with mental health issues and isolation, while Saturn rules over restrictive measures, discipline, limitation etc so Saturn being in this house is thought to restrict the mental and spiritual issues that relate to the 12th house's nature; therefore allowing the individual to be productive in spite of those setbacks. Not to mention that Saturn always gives me the vibes of just work hard and be patient and I'll give u what u want and in this particular case I think it manifests in eventually working through these 12th house issues and challenges and mastering one's inner world which is always nice.
Bro this was all over the place I stg 😭 but I spent hours on it (was hard to find material to work with) and struggled a lot so anyway hope you enjoyed it
Thank you for reading <3
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celestialtarot11 · 11 months
Astro Observations <3
My best friend has Gemini over her 12th house, and I’m a Gemini Venus. I always said to her that her spirit guides know me, and in fact they talk to me to get messages to her. It makes sense given our shared 12th house placement. She has Saturn over her 12th house and found it difficult to communicate with the spirit realm. But through me, it’s like I’m the gateway to her receiving the messages she needs to hear. Straight up, spirit talks through me like a normal person. Our connections runs deep and its easy for us to communicate spiritually. Likewise, she has dreams that are related to me and she gives me warnings of anything I need to know :)
Having sun in the 10th house composite of a relationship, the breakup/ending/issues can be public against the couples will. Be careful, people will want to leak personal information to the public even if they aren’t meant to do so. Also, major power couple vibes. People strive to copy this couple and may send evil eye their way. This couple embodies Pinterest 😤 a walking pinterest board
Pluto in the 10th and having an emotional reactive father figure. Hi 🤗✨ and then equally arguing with their father if the native has fire/earth placements. Ya’ll got facts to spit ☕️ but also thats because you guys hold in everything you want to say, so at some point it bubbles out.
Pluto in the 4th house and having an emotionally turbulent mother. Hi :) maybe she was diagnosed with BPD as well. Any moon-Pluto aspect can indicate the mother having BPD, or narcissistic tendencies.
Jupiter in Leo women will not settle for less than they deserve. They are fierce in what they want in a partner.
Jupiter in virgo indicates marrying a spiritual partner. Someone who will share spiritual awakenings with you.
Virgo’s tend to grow spiritually as they get older, and they are great at manifesting abundance/ spiritual help. They have a whole team of ancestors by their side 😤 the type to call on their ancestors after someone drops a petty comment
Also, women with jupiter in virgo are incredibly detailed when it comes to their partner and who they will date. They want a partner who will represent them, not just anyone. Even with males this can be true. Women with jupiter in virgo knows they worked hard to get to where they are at, so they want a partner who will be on their level. They know that their partner is a reflection of their healing. A reflection of them as a whole. So just like jupiter in leo, jupiter in virgo women will not settle for less than they deserve
P.S Jupiter in virgo women come up with the most funniest roasts for men they don’t like 🤡💅🏻 they’re real quick and sassy with it & blunt. Same with Jupiter in leo women.
Gemini venus, when ya’ll get your nails done just KNOW abundance is coming your way. Caring for your hands/using them to create/ scripting with them is how you manifest. You don’t absolutely need to get your nails done if you’re not a baddie like that (and thats fine ☺️) you’re still a baddie using your words to make anything come true. If you have a taurus degree on your venus, buying necklaces, rings, will also attract abundance to you 💅🏻 even getting a tattoo on your neck/hands can help greatly
Thank ya’ll so much for reading, hope you guys found it resonated and found it funny ☺️💗 its meant to be a great time reading these posts but also informative! I appreciate all the support send my way 🌀✨☕️
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ilsolefiesta · 3 months
some self-analytic observations based on my natal chart
1. the 9th house Moon & Saturn + Sagittarius IC conjunction with Chiron always make me think that my true happiness and home are elsewhere but here. I'm always dreaming of moving abroad but Saturn... I've never even travelled abroad. hope I make it someday.
2. also about the 9th house Moon. I can't say for sure if this is the reason... maybe I can also add Pisces DSC here. but all my relationships (there have only been two of them, lol) had some... foreign fleur, I guess? despite the fact that there were no actual cultural or mental differences between us, my first boyfriend still was from a different nationality. as for the second one, he was a Sagittarius with experience of living in different countries. well, when is my turn, huh???
3. some people might consider Libra Venus in the 2nd house to be materialistic... WELL, I can say that this is only partly true. perhaps the restrictions of Virgo's placements don't allow me to go crazy with money issues. but to be honest... both of my ex-partners had a better financial status than me. I swear, I didn't choose them for that reason!!!
4. my Taurus Moon (Moon again...) makes me a true foodie. my mood totally depends on whether or not I've eaten. I've had situations where I get mad at someone simply because I'm hungry. I see delicious food as the main source of happiness in my life. and here goes big BUT. my Moon is squared by Uranus, so guess who has eternal dieting periods and eating disorder?
5. my Sagittarius Pluto is located in my 3rd house and it is also the ruler of this house. my little sister, who is Rising Sagittarius with Scorpio Moon, and I have a really deep relationship, but we ALWAYS seem to have intense and sarcastic arguments. she is extremely emotional and vulnerable (+ Cancer Sun), so she often attacks before someone else can hurt her, like a hedgehog. my cutie.
6. continuing the topic of the Moon and family in general. my Taurus Moon has made my relationship with my mother seem a bit... materially focused? I love her dearly, but for a long time I saw her as someone who just cooked, bought my clothes, earned money and was concerned about my physical well-being. in terms of emotions we were stable and neutral. by contrast, my sister has far more intense feelings - they have many arguments, resentments and mutual claims. it's strange and fun to witness this love-hate dynamic.
7. I also see a connection between the charts of our parents and our charts. my mother is Rising Cancer with Sagittarius Sun. it's vice versa for my sister. despite the fact that she is an exact copy of our father in terms of appearance... my 1st house Sun makes me a real father's daughter. btw, he had Libra Sun with Virgo placements. so, it's again vice versa. my personality is greatly influenced by his, and his upbringing has had a significant impact on me. having Chiron conjunction with IC as a family house... losing him is still one of my most painful wounds.
8. 1° Virgo Mars in the 12th house supported by Capricorn Lilith... I'm still learning how to deal with my anger in a healthy way and the need to control everything. sometimes I feel a truly destructive desire to release my anger, even if it hurts other people. in such cases, I usually go for a walk alone for about 30.000 steps to fix it and calm down.
9. the conjunction of my Jupiter and MC makes me extremely delusional about becoming famous and global. I'm not sure what to do about it. maybe I should see a therapist.
10. the connection (however it's not very accurate in my case, somewhere it is stated to be a conjunction) of Venus and Mercury in Libra is usually said to have some special, magnetic voice features. while I cannot say for sure what is meant by "special features", I've often been told that my voice and way of speaking have a calming effect on people and can even make them feel sleepy if they listen for too long.
11. I guess, it's again about my active 9th house, but I'm good at learning foreign languages and it comes naturally to me.
12. having Rahu in my 11th house... I guess it has an aim to teach me how important friends are. my social circle greatly changed many times over the years.  I've had about 10 "best friends", but we don't communicate anymore. as my 11th house is in Cancer, each time it was very personal and dramatic for me. so, at some point I began to think about friends with "easy come - easy go" philosophy and didn't want to be attached to someone anymore. after that, I met someone who has been my best friend for four years already, and we've been through living together, long-distance communication, shared interests, traveling together, and haven't had any serious arguments yet. I think this is also connected to my Ketu-Lilith conjunction in Capricorn and control issues, something from "previous" karmic experience. after learning to let things go their own way, I have succeeded.
13. having my Saturn in square with my Mars makes me a kinda... renegade? I've always had troubles with authority figures, like teachers and directors. like "why should I listen to and respect you if you're saying nonsense?" however, my Mars is weak, so I tend to just silently complain and endure it, haha.
14. also, there is an interesting connection between Sagittarius IC and Gemini Saturn in the 9th house. my family is strongly religious and I was raised according to Christian beliefs. as the 9th house is also the house of faith, guess whose Gemini Saturn is rationalizing everything and saying: "it has nothing to do with me. I cannot simply believe in something 1) unjust 2) having weak evidence" etc. I guess my family secretly hates me for this when we discuss religion...
15. Libra Venus trine Aquarius Uranus has given me a good aesthetic sense in terms of visual arts. I'm not that bad at digital art (art in general, but that's not the main issue). damn, why it feels like I'm bragging... nevertheless, my friends and family often ask me to take photos of them and do "post-production", as I've been learning Photoshop since I was 11. I'm really a huge perfectionist when it comes to it. I "blame" Uranus specifically because it rules technologies.
16. Mercury is the dominant planet in my chart and it doesn't have any harsh aspects. + it forms a trine with my Uranus. I learned to speak when I was around 1-1.5 years old.
17. I don't know why, but Virgo Sun & Ascendant haven't made me obsessed with cleaning, despite the stereotypes. in fact, my house often gets messy. HOWEVER, when I do start cleaning, it can take up the whole day...
18. Sun and Ascendant in the same sign really make me really obvious to define. people often say that I'm that one pedantic killjoy when it comes to communication. I'm really sorry about this, but I can't help it, haha.
19. Pluto in the 3rd house + Virgo Mars in the 12th house, I guess, is the duo which explains my irrational love to songs with some harsh, disrespectful, and dark lyrics. I mention Virgo Mars here because I feel that it helps me to deal with my internal aggression properly. and also Libra Venus and Mercury in the 2nd house... my guilty pleasure is to listen to rappers' lyrics, when they sing about being broke nonames initially and achieving money, girls, fame and, overall, being on top now.
20. active 5th house with Leo as a ruler of the 12th house... it's tough. I really enjoy imagining myself on stage, receiving attention. I think I have a potential at least to act 'cause my image and appearance can dramatically change if I want them to. a friend of my ex-boyfriend, who saw my Instagram profile once said that he couldn't believe that the same person was in all the photos. my makeup artist also told me that I have the appearance of a chameleon and it's possible to create any image on it. but the reality is cruel and when I actually receive attention, I become scared and shy, not knowing what to do next. is there any way to overcome this..?
21. btw, Virgo ASC and that "you can be anyone" feature. I personally believe that it's hard to identify them by their appearance as this ASC can give a slightly... standardized appearance? especially if a certain person has some strong planets connected to ASC / the 1st house (for example, my 1st house Sun gave me red hair when I was a child), they can easily be mistaken for anyone. I may be biased, but you can identify Virgo Rising by their behavior or style, but not by physical traits.
Thank you for reading!
Maybe there are some mistakes, so I'm sorry.
That's how my first post came to be. I've talked a lot about myself. Damn. But writing about oneself is always the easiest thing to do. Hope someone can find it relatable. I also attach my natal chart here. Maybe you will find something interesting in it or make some assumptions, I'm opened to discuss your placements if you want to!
Pictures credits: Pinterest
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rainy-astrology · 1 year
ATEEZ San Birth Chart Analysis
Based on my opinion and observations. Not a professional astrologer. May change later.
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July 10th, 1999
Jinju, South Korea
10:08 AM
☀️♋️, 🌙♊️, ⬆️♍️
Sun in 11th shows a drive and ambition towards his future dreams and goals. San has always wanted to be a singer since he was young and has worked very hard to achieve his dream. He has improved his performance and vocal skills immensely over the years, often being the most eye catching member for many people who aren't ATINYs.
Mercury Leo in 11th shows a preference for like minded people. San seems to really enjoy the company of others - seems considerate of others feelings and cares to be on good terms with people. He has a natural charm and sweetness about him.
Moon in 9th also adds onto his ambitiousness - he truly seems to want to make a great influence on the world and be successful. Especially as a Virgo rising...I've never seen a lazy Virgo placement, they always work so hard for they want. He's very strongly opinionated, all of his beliefs come from the heart.
Saturn is also in 9th, which solidifies his strong beliefs/opnions. Saturn here puts a heavy focus on building future career and life. He makes sure to implement a sense of strictness and discipline into his routine.
Saturn trine ASC can make him appear serious and quiet. Physically, it can give people sharp features (Saturn and prominent bone structure), which San definitely has: sharp cheekbones and jaw, nose and eyes, prominent brow bones. Angular brow shapes suit him the best too (at least imo - it looks more cohesive with the rest of his features compared to straight brows). This is also likely why many people may find him intimidating at first or think he's older than his real age.
Mars Scorpio in 2nd is such a possessive and protective placement. It also creates an incredibly hardworking individual who always goes for whatever they want with no limit. San may be especially inclined to working hard towards his finances and can be particular about things he owns (iirc he has a black card but also won't bother to buy new things sometimes).
Jupiter in 8th...this could be about being good with finances, it is a priority for him (could obtain wealth from someone else maybe). This could also be about transformation of himself as 8th house is "death" and Jupiter is expansion. San seems to focus a lot on being authentic and true to himself, so it would not be too surprising if it is about him constantly trying to improve his character for the better. Maybe he has gone through a lot of life changing experiences or will be/is going through them.
Venus Leo in 12th is interesting, especially since Venus squares Moon and Pluto too. He's certainly loyal and devoted to those he loves (Leo's loyalty + Pluto's possessiveness). In 12th though, perhaps San is shy at first? Or at least very selective. It seems once he trusts/loves a person though, he really clings onto them (just look at the way he's glued to the other members and how he always says Yeosang is his. Venus square pluto behavior). Moon square Venus can add onto his attached and affectionate nature (though, many Leo venuses are just affectionate in general)
Uranus and Neptune in 5th makes for a creative and expressive individual. San clearly loves the arts and always expresses his passion in every performance. He may be a bit strange and unconventional, but I think that's just an artist thing in general
Pluto in 3rd explains his thoughtfulness so much! San is a little silly at times, but he seems to have a very deep side to him due to this placement. You can especially see it in the way he talks/writes in his letters to the members and fans - he writes in a way that pulls at heart strings (even I've gotten emotional at one of his letters and I'm not the type to get soft hearted so easily) and makes people reflect. It also explains his strong beliefs and opinions - he's such an advocate for authenticity. Pluto in 3rd folks have a very specific way of talking and thinking that makes them stand out.
Chiron in 3rd may make him feel insecure about the way he talks and thinks though - maybe San is going or has gone through a period of feeling misunderstood by others. A lot of Chiron in 3rd ppl do. Although he does like spending time with others, I think he may accidentally drive people away by oversharing and/or talking too much...He seems a bit intense and clingy, which may be overwhelming for others. Communication and self esteem is a struggle for many with this placement.
Being a Virgo rising, he may appear quiet and serious, observant and disciplined. Hard working with high standards. Pluto and Saturn aspect his ASC so it adds onto the natural stern energy he has.
North Node Leo in 11th is focused on building community, contributing to groups, and celebrating the individualities of others. I think he is doing a pretty good job at this as he's very encouraging and kind to others and is always advocating for people to simply be themselves.
Gemini MC can appear sociable, curious, and optimistic. San is a pretty positive person, I don't think I've seen him be negative to himself or others much...He always seem to be active on socials as he talks to ATINYs a lot. ATEEZ considered him one of the more talkative members in the group too.
Other Analysis:
MBTI | Enneagram
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northopalshore · 25 days
Celebrity Birth Chart Analysis: Matty Healy
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✦•┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•✦
I found him to be very interesting recently, especially after the amount of female celebrities singing about him that has flooded my reels. I thought, why him? So here we are:
Please note that I am unfamiliar with him & The 1975 outside of the realisation that many songs I liked were actually written about him & shallow research i.e a couple Google searches. I will be using a lot of may & could be(s) to describe him.
Planetary placements:
12th House stellium
I'm presented with the answer immediately. So Matty has a very confusing, soft & almost unreachable aura. He himself is a very spiritual person, or at least he finds himself reflective of the more transcendental part of life. He may be living in a constant state of enlightenment, fear, & isolation. His life may be surrounded with a lot of illusions and mysticism. He is also extremely prone to struggle with a lot of substance abuse i.e alcoholism, drug abuse.
ex: I've started listening to some of The 1975s' songs and they have this theme of being dreamy, hazy & slightly out of touch with reality. There is also a slightly depressing undertone in their songs. He himself has had an unhealthy streak with mental illness & drug abuse until entering rehab in 2017. He has since been abstinent of drug use but still drinks & smokes.
Sun (18° virgo) in Aries 12th house
He is someone very talented in the realms of artistry & music. He may have gone through multiple periods of isolation or dark periods of depression & pessimism. He may have attachment issues. He uses his music as an outlet to vent the feelings he feels strongly & those he can't contain/control (aries). He may have issues with boundaries too i.e people invading his privacy. He may dislike feeling like a separate entity from his lovers. He wants to be fully a part of their being.
Venus (19°libra) in Aries 12th house
He could have very idealistic views on love and romance especially with the libra degree & 12th house placement. He may have an unhealthy expectation of how love, s*x (aries) and intimacy is supposed to be like. He is forever searching for something unattainable. Forever running through his own fantasies, hoping to indulge in his idea of true love.
Mercury (22° capricorn) in Aries 12th house
He works with his voice, and his career involves a lot of thinking, writing, creativity, romance & fast-paced movement i.e moving from city to city & town to town. Long distance travel (12th house) is a part of his career. He is never in one place for that long to sing or write.
Lust (6° virgo) in Taurus 12th house
He could be very s*xualised throughout his career (virgo/6th house). People may fantasize about him endlessly, his s*x appeal is very intriguing to women, and they may use him as a s*x symbol. People may have their assumptions on his s*xuality & s*xual nature in general.
Moon (18° virgo) in Taurus 12th house
He feels very deeply, and I think deeply is an understatement. He is able to feel every layer of himself, others and the universe. He is very empathetic, pessimistic and may have abandonment issues. His mother may have been absent in his life, or he has always felt very distant from her. The way he channels his emotions is through work. He will bury himself in work, or his writing to cope with any overwhelming feelings he may have. Taurus adds a lot of attachment and stubbornness. Most of his troubles or his feelings will relate to other people & his close/romantic relationships. He may vent about all his frustration through writing (virgo, hands) or music (12th house).
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AC (20° scorpio)
He has a very s*xual, and intense image or something about him is considered very s*xually appealing. People may have trouble parting with him. People could be easily obsessed with him.
Jupiter (4° cancer) in 1st house
He could attract a LOT of women into his life. He may be seen as very attractive to women. He has a soft, romantic & approachable appearance. People will feel immediately comfortable when they are around him.
ex: Taylor Swift & Halsey both reference him as a soft boy, a tattooed golden retriever if you will.
Mars (17° leo) in Gemini 2nd house
He will attract a lot of lovers through his work (mars). Many women (2nd house) will see him as a s*x symbol or at least very s*xually appealing. He could go through a lot of romantic relationships pretty quickly. A lot of his early romances may be quite short lived because of his work or his drive/ambition.
Boda (17° leo) in Gemini 2nd house
He may attract a lot of marriage potential partners. He may attract a lot of admirers, idealising marriage or a commitment relationship with him. He may marry twice or have more than one marriage or engagement. His is very much in love with love. Romance is a big part of his life & he is very loyal to any lover he currently has.
Part of fortune (19° libra) in Gemini 2nd house
He is very lucky with romance, money & relationships. He attracts a lot of female admirers & love interest through his work or through making money. He is able to live in luxury, or at least attain a lot of money in this life.
Chiron (2° taurus) in Cancer 2nd house
He heals through his voice, people may think he has a very soft, & emotionally healing voice. People can connect with his emotions through his voice. He may have trauma surrounding women, food, his voice , money or his mother.
Eros (11° aquarius) in Cancer 3rd house
Women (cancer) on the internet (11°) may find him very s*xual, very hot & may find it easy to fantasize about him in an almost maternal or clingy intimate way. He also may be an avid adult video enjoyer. He could like to have unprotected s*x or emotionally driven s*x. Might have a mommy kink.
note: I won't go any deeper than that here.
Cancer 4th house, moon in 12th house
Again, he may feel very detached from his mother. His mother may have been very dismissive of him, or he may feel unimportant & even invisible to her.
Union (18° virgo) in Leo 5th house
He may meet his future spouse/romantic relationships through his career or while working in the entertainment industry. She (future spouse) may also work in this industry, although she doesn't seem to be a singer.
Alma (19° libra) in Leo 5th house
His soul is a lover. Longing for a romance with full devotion & one that never ages. His soul is also very artistic, music, art & entertainment is a part of his life purpose & journey. His art may be his true love as well.
Juno retrograde (25° aries) in Leo 5th house
It may be a while till he finds his true love. He may have a lot of lessons or karmic debt surrounding love & romance especially under the age of 20-25 that he must overcome before being able to be truly in love & united with his spouse. His early 20s and teenage years were probably filled with a longing for true love that he searched for in many women.
6th house virgo
His career involves writing and singing. It could also involve a lot of planning & organising. He's a singer, having to organise songs & tour dates so that checks out lol.
Vertex (19° libra) in Libra 6th house
Romantic relationships could play a role in his career. Perhaps he is very affectionate or romantic in his work/day to day life. He may show a lot of affection to his coworkers, bandmates & his partners.
ex: he writes a lot of love songs, dates a lot of other artists & is known to be very generous with his kisses lol.
Groom retrograde (0° ) in Scorpio 6th house
He may have the thought of being a husband in the back of his mind often. At the end of the day, he'll think about how his life could change if he were ever to settle down and find that true love of his. He could also sing about being an intense lover often. He might be a very obsessive/possessive spouse.
Pluto retrograde (14° taurus) in Scorpio 6th house
He could attract a lot of toxic or intense relationships through his work. They may be very attached to him & feel very connected to his darkness. He may incorporate very dark or deep issues & themes in his work i.e his songs (taurus). A lot of these themes play out through energy and thought rather than physically.
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Great Attractor (14° taurus) in Sagittarius 7th house
He may attract a lot of diverse lovers. He may date a lot of people from a different country. He could sign a very big contract with a foreign (sagittarius) or local (taurus) company for his voice or his writing & may work with/attract a lot of international people (as fans). He attracts a lot of romantic interests.
ex: His record company, Dirty Hit is a local (to him) label based in London with a very diverse genre of music production. A lot of his exes were from another country or state. He has no particular preference for race either. If he loves them, he loves them.
Fama(22° capricorn) in Sagittarius 8th house
He may be known internally for his work & his 'wild' lifestyle. People may be very critical of his love life or his ill life choices. They may think he is too hedonistic and that 'ruins' him. People could be reminded of other celebrities that share his lifestyle and think 'he's doomed'.
ex: In the song 'Colours' Halsey sings the line " I love you make it till you're 28 years old". Perhaps referencing the 27 club (celebrities that died at 27) i.e Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison & Amy Winehouse.
9th house stellium
He could have a very open mindset. He is very accepting and understanding of people from different walks of life. He may be very philosophical & street smart/witty. He could be very introspective & intuitive as well.
Uranus (5° leo) in Capricorn 9th house
He travels a lot to perform in different countries. Many countries may have very different beliefs from him however, perhaps a lot of them will be quite traditional & strict. Most of the times he may add a lot of change or eccentricity in his art & add excitement wherever he travels. However, his eccentric nature could also cause trouble for him & the people around him.
ex: In July 2023, he kissed a male bandmate while performing in Malaysia as a protest against anti-LGBTQ laws. It caused the music festival to be shut down & the band was briefly imprisoned.
Neptune (12° pisces) in Capricorn 9th house
Similar placements to what I've written before; working with illusion, dreamy & obfuscating presences. He could have been absent from school life or he was never keen on pursuing higher education. He could also have very differing views on religion or spirituality i.e not be raised in a religious household (capricorn). His relationship with the religious world could be very complicated. Could be very introspective about it too or have reservations on the topic.
Vesta (6° virgo) in capricorn 9th house
He may have very conservative friends, people who aren't relatively religious per say. His friends are usually people that he works with. He could relate to a lot of his friends through their shared philosophies or views on religion/god.
Saturn (13° aries) in Capricorn 9th house
Same as Neptune in 9th house. He may have very strict feelings regarding religion or God when he was younger (aries).
ex: In an interview, he mentions he was once an ATHEIST *angry face*, now he's just mildly so and open to the idea of a god or higher power i.e source of salvation.
MC (22° capricorn) & Capricorn 10th house
He is very career driven & may be known for what he does i.e highly valued in his industry/career.
Aquarius 11th house
He has a very clear humanitarian drive. He could be very protective & invested in the underdogs of society. The outscasts. He may have very unique friends or attracts a lot of different people from different communities into his friend groups. He is very genuine with his approach to communication & community.
ex: He has always been outwardly supportive of the LGBTQ+ community.
North node (4° cancer) in Pisces 11th house
He is very community driven i.e very close to his community & his fans. His focus in this life is to enter a state of enlightenment, and total understanding of life (at least the spiritual & karmic side of it). He may have accumulated heavy karmic energy that he must learn to let go. His life will be very intertwined with women & the feminine world.
Some Aspects:
Sun conjunct mercury
He has no issues verbalising his thoughts and opinion. The way he speaks is very genuine to how he feels & what he believes in.
Mercury conjunct venus
He definitely has a way with words. He can be very romantic with the way he conveys his emotions. He seems like the type who has no problems converting his feelings into poems or melodies.
Venus square saturn
He may have trouble getting into a long-term relationship. Most of his relationships may be short-lived i.e less than 5 years. His career may prove quite problematic for his love life as well.
Mars conjunct Part of fortune
His s*x drive, passion, and energy will bring him a lot of luck & opportunities.
Neptune square venus
He idealises love, and devotion. His lovers will also be very attracted to his dark, emotional & dreamy personality. His unhealthy habits may make them feel slightly responsible for him or attached to his tortured artist soul. He has a way of making his lovers feel like they are specially connected to him.
Neptune conjunct MC
He is idealised throughout his career. People may have mixed views over his career or they may have assumptions about him in general.
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His birth chart:
✦•┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•✦
*** entertainment purposes only: reader discretion is advised***
Thank you for reading ♡
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astroismypassion · 1 year
Astrology observations 🧡🐱🍊
Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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🧡 Libra Chiron and Chiron in the 7th house native can often attract a partner with a “man child” behaviour. They might go that far to give nickname to their partner, such as “mamma”, “daddy”, “mamacita” etc.
🍊 Saturn in the 7th house people can divorce around the same age as their parents age were when they got a divorce. This native can disconnect emotionally from their partner around the age their parents divorced.
🐱 Why Sun in the 12th house often comes across as a victim is often, because they change the narrative. They present one story and later they change it or present another aspect of it, which people don’t end up accepting and would often accuse the person of trying to portray themselves as a victim.
🧡 Gemini IC or Gemini over the 4th house native: some of your family members tend to have allergies
🍊Libra Moon men inherently have a knack for what women like in partnerships and how they enjoy being seduced. They just have this natural knowing and instinct. They also think that they seem to prefer big romantic gestures (such as picnic) over gifts.
🐱 Saturn over the 2nd house transit: in the middle of the transit you might realize that money and financial stability doesn’t buy you happiness, emotional stability, confidence, optimistic outlook or status.
🧡 Cancer Venus loves the idea of marrying their first crush. Or someone they have known since teenage years or their whole life.
🍊 Capricorn Jupiter ends up marrying someone older than them. Or a bit younger, but often older. Similar Aquarius Jupiter, either someone a lot older or someone younger. Meanwhile, Libra Jupiter often marries someone with the same age, their peer, because they like an equal partner. Gemini Jupiter ends up marrying someone with whom they have 2-3 years age difference.
🐱 Pisces Venus really enjoys reviewing red carpet looks, fashion choices and outfits. They also really like to discuss fashion and they sometimes idealize it. They share this with Taurus Venus as well.
🧡Aries Moons love dance soo much. Even if they just broke up with someone, failed an exam, broke off an engagement, they are like... at least I can still have dance and have fun. They really express their emotion through dancing.
🍊Celebrities who have Libra MC are often known for their perfume. Such as Gabrielle Coco Chanel and perfume Chanel No. 5, which remains one of the best known perfumes of all time around the world.
🐱Taurus Venus women often face remarks of other people about their body, I would say even more so if the woman also has Taurus, Libra or Aries Moon and Scorpio Rising or Rising at a Scorpio degree. Much like in the case of Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez.
🧡 People who have Gemini Moon or Gemini IC: your parents might often criticize your partner.
🍊Virgo MC often perfects their craft to the last detail. Their clothes are really carefully chosen and curated when younger just to have nurture this image of being flawless. But with age, they tend to dress down, show themselves just as their are. Often they grow to understand that what their identity is and who they are (Pisces IC) is already enough on its own. That they don't need to be perfectly dress or put on a performance without any mistakes. Celebrity examples would be Kim Kardashian, who dresses down with age and likes to present herself in a more "natural" light. Also Justin Bieber, who used to plan out all of his performances with perfect dances and clothing. All was well curated for the audience and the public.
🐱Also, when you have Virgo Midheaven you are more likely to SELL something. Like your own perfumes, bracelets, tarot readings, astrology chart readings, your own music, clothing etc. Even if you are working as a waiter since Virgo is related to service, you are selling drinks and food in the end.
🧡 People with Libra MC or Libra over the 10th house might get accused of having a job or a career only because of their spouse or partner. Like "Kanye made Kim" who has Libra over the 10th house. These people can also end up working for their spouse's business.
🍊Composite Pisces Mars or Mars at a Pisces degree (12, 24) can often cause delays in who one person sees things and when the other learns about them. You might write them a love letter or decide to tell them your feelings months in advance. But they don't really know about your intentions and might hear things for the first time much later than you. Or you might plan a birthday surprise months in advance, but your person might only learn about it much later. Or they mention something they like that you have already bought them or plan to give them.
Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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trolagygirl2022 · 1 year
Fame indicators in the charts of kpop idols
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Important places/asteroid I look for:
5th house
1th house
2th house
3rd house
4th house
6th house
9th house
10th house
11tg house
12th house
Asteroid "Fama" (408)
Asteroid "Singer"
Asteroid "Apollo"
Asteroid "Talent"
Asteroid "Dionysus"
Asteroid "Jobbe"
North Node
Part of fortune
Asteroid "Destinn"
And degrees!
1st house of self:
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Neptune/Venus 1st house
This placement can not only be a beauty placement but one of creativity and music too as Neptune and Venus can rule over music (Same applies to Pisces and Taurus/Libra first house)
Dionysus and Apollo in the 1st house=BORN PREFORMERS. And talented musicians too
Singer in the 1st house/Aries
2nd house of the voice
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Venus, Singer, Dionysus, Apollo, NN and Destinn, Talent, PoF, Vertex Jupiter, Mercury Fama and Jobbe in Taurus/2nd house. Especially if they are conjunct their big 6. Moon in the 2nd house can also give singing skills. And Venus can indicate making money from singing as well.
3rd house of writing and communication
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Venus, Talent, Jupiter and Mercury in Gemini/3rd house can make someone a fantastic writer. Also 3rd house can represent TV, and media in general and lots of kpop idols are famous due to social media.
4th house of the home
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Pluto and Uranus in the 4th house. (Scorpio and Aquarius/Pisces)
Jungkook has a Scorpio 4th house and Jihyo has Uranus 4th house. Both had an unconventional childhood and we're spending their young years training to debut and it must have been a transformative period for them.
5th house of Creativity
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ANY fifth house placement literally ANYTHING.
6th house of routine
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ALOT of kpop groups/idols have 6th house placements it makes sense given the intense routine kpop idols have. So placements I'm sure idols would have are Jupiter, Venus, Singer and Jobbe. (Enhypen has Asteroid Singer in their 6th house)
9th house of travel and expansion
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If I were HYBE's astrologer I would debut their groups under Sagittarius season lol. Sagittarius literally rules over luck and expansion so a group with Sagittarius placements can have more luck (like Enhypen and IVE). So Jupiter, Venus, Fama are really important here! (Same goes for placements in Sagittarius).
10th house of career
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Any placement is good here honestly, but ones I see a lot are: Sun, Venus, Uranus, Singer, Jobbe, and Talent. Also if they are conjunct MC.
11th house of groups and internet
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This House is important for idols because it rules over groups. So Vertex, Destinn, Venus, Sun, Singer, and Fama are some main key factors here.
12th house of music and foreign lands
(can't include more gifs ugh)
Again any placement is important here. Jungkook has his Fama in Cancer and you all know how it went down for him lol...
Important Signs/ rising signs I've seen idols have:
Libra (Charismatic, music, beauty)
Taurus (beauty, music, singing)
Pisces (Beauty, music)
Aquarius (Especially in the 10th house, can also rule of creativity.)
Leo (Just plain fame, SO MANY idols have a Leo placement.)
Gemini (Great song writers but also great stan attractors. Can make great centers)
Sagittarius (Again great stan attractors, charming and also rules over luck and success)
Important Degrees:
1, 2, 5, 7, 11, (a lot of idols and groups have 11 degrees in their charts) 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, 24, 27, 28, 29.
Phew that was a long post! Let me know what you find in idols charts too! You can ask me to guess the rising signs idols without birth times and their ideal types in my ask box. Have a great day :)
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astrhoeluvr · 2 years
Astrhoe observations Pt.2 🫂🥰🫶🏻
(thank you all for all the love on my previous post🥺)
Back to 👉🏻 my materialist 👁️🫦👁️.
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a lil disclaimer : these are just my personal observations, so don’t take any of them to heart🥳.Some could be applicable to you and some would differ, so take all of them with a grain of salt OKIE! enough of me blabbing let’s get on with it🫶🏻🥰
🥵: Saturnian doms 🤝🏻 milfs/dilfs (y’all age like FINE WINE 🍷 💅🏻✨)
🤨💻: Aquarius moons are literally SO GOOD WITH TECHNOLOGY. My brother has this placement and I literally run 🏃🏻‍♀️ to him when I need to get something fixed.
🌕👀: OKAY BUT LIKE CANCER PLACEMENTS ARE LITERALLY SO FUNNY. Like why is this not talked about more often???? Y’all literally have me rolling on the floor 🥲🥲😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨.
💃🔥: I’ve noticed many famous dancers with Venus- Mars aspects. Like y’all are so smooth with your moves. LITERALLY BREATHTAKING. Y’all are the embodiment of “SHE’S AN ICON, SHE’s a LEGEND AND SHE IS THE MOMENT”💅🏻🥵. (If you need a dance partner, I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE 😳👀)
💸💰: having any planet at 2° could indicate a lot of success wealth and fame (esp if your Uranus/Jupiter is at 2°) Y’ALL ARE GONNA MAKE IT BIG🔥😮‍💨. I think Bill Gates has his Uranus at 2° too😳😳👀.
🗣️💪🏻: pluto-mercury aspects are such powerful aspects. Your words hold SO much power. But ofc you must be cautious with what you say because you have so much influence over people that y’all can convince people to do anything and I mean ANYTHING (even negative and questionable things🤨) just by communicating.
☀️🤣: sun conjunct Jupiter will literally laugh at ANYTHING.😭 like y’all could see someone just walking and y’all would be like “🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣”. HMM LIKE EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT WAS FUNNY IN THAT?🎤🤨😭But y’all are genuinely so FUN to be around. Your laugh is literally so contagious.😮‍💨🫶🏻
🔥🌊: water and fire placement culture is listening to sad music when they’re already sad, just to make themselves cry🤡🤡😭.
💭👀: cancer mercury’s HAVE SUCH A GOOD MEMORY. They’d literally be like “oh yeah I remember the coffee order you bought the last time we met which was approximately a year ago and I got it for you, hope the order is correct haha 🥰. It was a Grande Carmel Macchiato in a venti cup, 1/3 whole milk,1/3 soy milk, double the amount of vanilla syrup, caramel wall in the cup, whipped cream, rounded lid, 1 shot espresso (decaf) and cinnamon sprinkled on top right?” And you’d be standing there like huh😦😀🧍🏻‍♀️.
🍀🧿: Jupiter in the 12th house/ Jupiter in Pisces and even Jupiter trine Neptune are DIVINELY PROTECTED. The luck they have is incredible.
Okay that’s all for today luvs🥰🫶🏻
(Please do not plagiarise or copy any of my work <33)
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- san✨🍵🪴📖🧘🏻‍♀️
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