#my wang gae park gae
catcastielart · 10 months
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fff777 · 10 months
I've had GOT7ing bookmarked for a long time but since it was so long I kept putting it off. I started missing them recently so decided to finally watch the entirety of this.
Episode 1
I had watched some of episode 1 before but I might as well watch it again from the start.
Wang Gae Park Gae are always so goddamn comfortable it's nauseating lmao. Jackson makes Jinyoung laugh soooo much like please leave some happiness for the rest of us.
I'm pretty sure there are people sitting in the back who have to cover their faces up ^^;;
Jackson and Jinyoung arguing about meat. It's very Jinson squabbling but it's also very 'GOT7 fighting over food.'
Jinyoung laughs SO easily at Jackson's antics ToT
The way Jackson PUMMELS Jinyoung with "why didn't you want to be my partner back then?!?!?!"
Jackson did not let Jinyoung eat the meat himself and had to feed it to him.
Eating meat with their arms linked...so unnecessary ^^;;
Jackson kickstarting JB story session lmao.
Coco peed on Jinyoung's shoes T_T
Mark and his touching story about Jackson being the only trainee his age that he could talk to :P But it came right after the Coco dried poop on Jinyoung's white dress shoes story ToT
I'm not used to Mark talking a lot and telling stories lol.
Bambam: Mark and I were best friends at that time.
Didn't they get into a fight when they first met each other XD
Yugyeom was a listener for Jinyoung :3 And then Jackson pointing out the Yugyeom favouritism because the way he said it implied that no other members could put as much effort into listening as Yugyeom.
So Youngjae's the guy who goes "guys guys guys!! let's focus!" lmao.
So Youngjae's just always awake, always gaming. But also his mouse clicking being a comfort to Bambam when he watches TV XD
Jackson: Mark-hyung, ment!
Mark: Let's do good
Not exactly how it went, but basically how it went lol
Episode 2
The subtitles keep calling Jinyoung "Junior" even though we can clearly hear that the guys are calling him "Jinyoung."
All the guys cried when they were trainees and had to stretch their legs ^^;;
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Jackson just kept putting Youngjae into compromising positions ToT
And then the guys ganging up on Jackson and putting him in a compromising position lmao
Finish dancing and then immediately sit down to watch the game tape.
Jackson really is shit stirrer supreme, he's always trying to make jokes or play pranks ^^;;
So many of the guys wear NBA-related stuff. Jaebeom was wearing a Bulls sweater Jinyoung was wearing a Suns sweater, and Yugyeom had a bulls jacket. I'm pretty sure I saw some NBA clothing in episode 1 too lol.
I don't know what the point of Mark having his coat halfway around his arms is (when he and Jinyoung go out to buy ice cream).
At first when Jinyoung introduced the battle between Yugyeom and JB I was like well Yugyeom has dance battle experience doesn't he? But then I was like oh wait, JB was a b-boy too lol.
Episode 3
They could just ask Jaebeom to pay but GOT7 (spearheaded by Jackson) always has to find the most annoying way to tease Jaebeom lmao.
Youngjae setting the mood for karaoke lol.
Jackson playing the tambourines with the most 'I was paid to be here' face ever.
Jackson: I can sing any song you choose for me
GOT7: *Chooses a song he doesn't know*
Yugyeom's falsetto verse of Pick Me, with waacking freestyle dance break
Aw, Bambam was nervous about singing and JB sang it with him
Lmao "maybe we should have at least one good performance"
Yugyeom really is Jinyoung's baby uwu. When Jinyoung was going back with the snacks, he was tugging Yugyeom along by the hand.
LMAO Jaebeom, Jinyoung, and Yugyeom just having an argument about the money while the others are paying them no mind and just singing karaoke.
They pulled up an English song (JBiebs) for Mark :P
The House You Live In by Park Jinyoung by Park Jinyoung
LMAO Pororo song is a must XD
I still don't get why/how karaoke gives scores.
Episode 4
Jackson sitting on Jinyoung's armrest. Clingy boy.
Mark wearing a Bulls sweater, Yugyeom wearing a Nets shirt, and Youngjae wearing a Bulls coat. I'm guessing their stylists got a bunch of NBA themed stuff and that's why.
Coco's parents and Tuan brothers is Youngjae + Mark and Mark + Yugyeom I guess lol. Why is Yugyeom a Tuan brother?
The Youngjae/Mark/Yugyeom van is the music & relax van. The Bambam/Jinyoung/Jaebeom/Jackson van is the shenanigans van.
Jaebeom's a dog
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Youngjae woke up Mark to get food at the rest stop and Mark said he was full, but honestly I wonder if Mark just said that so that he could continue sleeping. Wouldn't surprise me :P
As always, the claw on the claw machine is way too weak.
Jaebeom heard a dog and put everything down to look for it. A lover of critters.
Lol Jackson and Jinyoung looked so awkward trying to approach the pomeranian. But Yugyeom and Jaebeom had no problems approaching either of the dogs.
Jaebeom getting up close with the dogs :P He accidentally bumped into one though who barked at him.
Jackson getting on his hands and feet because he wanted to be played with and praised. Jackson dogboy always.
Episode 5
"Look at Yugyeom being weird singing by himself!"
Contrast that with Dream seeing Jisung sing alone at the wall and teasing him but joining him later XD
I thought it was a bit when Jackson was like "something entered my body!" and ripped off his jacket. I realized that he meant like something went in his shirt when he started getting it out lol.
Mark was the culprit XD
There's a zoo on the island!
Jackson and Bambam having the most pointless argument about ostriches and whether Bambam learned about them in school.
Youngjae was already talking a lot in English these days
Jinyoung flying jump kick at Yugyeom
Jinyoung is being such a nuisance lol
I was already noticing how nobody calls Jinyoung "Junior" even though the subtitles always call him that. But recently I saw a video where Jackson was ranting about how nobody actually calls him Junior and that everybody calls him Jinyoung. So now I notice it even more.
Mark wants to lie down and relax and nobody's joining him
What is this dog roleplay ToT First it was Jackson in the last video and now Jinyoung and Youngjae have both done it on Nami Island.
PADDLEBOATS!!!!!!! I love them even though they go a lot slower than you want them to lmao.
Somehow it turned into bumper paddleboats, that's gotta be some kind of safety hazard ^^;;
Jinyoung and Jackson had to leave early
LMAO in the background there was a woman wearing an Exo sweater
Snacks (hotteok and ice cream) before food (chicken galbi)
Jaebeom ok with holding hands with Mark but not with Yugyeom
Episode 6
Way more interested in playing than eating
Mark playing rules lawyer today
Jaebeom and Mark still eating long after the others have finished and started to clean up and play.
Jackson imparting his fencing knowledge onto us. So apparently when the fencers touch each other at the same time, the one with the offensive move wins.
Well actually Jinyoung is the only one cleaning up and chilling. Jackson, Youngjae, Bambam, and Yugyeom are doing the fencing.
Youngjae fencing with an iced coffee in his other hand.
JB and Mark continuing to eat, finishing with the fruit.
Jaebeom also going to sleep after eating. Perfect healing day indeed.
Jackson is taking fencing too seriously, as expected lol
JJP literally don't care
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Youngjae blurry cam
Youngjae shaky cam
Mark casually doing flips. So casual. Also the height though.
JB random breaking on the soccer field.
Why did Youngjae continue holding the foam sword during soccer
I'm feeling Jinyoung might be the best soccer player here lol.
Episode 7
Apparently Mark, Jackson, and Bambam are really good at bowling?
So the secret to unlocking the forbidden Jinyoung affection is by getting a strike
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Breaking: Jackson is actually BAD at bowling!
Youngjae didn't get a strike but he did get nine pins when before he kept getting the gutter
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Nooo Jackson ripped his pants ToT what is with this group and ripping pants on camera
I don't get why Jackson and Youngjae switched teams lol
Is it just me or does Mark just hold the bowling ball and not put his fingers in the holes?
Jinyoung coming back and Mark asking him to spank him ^^;;
Omg but it's always Jinyoung who makes sure the spankee is in proper position before he spanks (which he did to Yugyeom lol)
Wait Jackson was wearing the Bulls jacket that day?
Episode 8
Yugyeom doing colouring, Youngjae doing watercolour painting.
Bambam told Yugyeom his cellphone password? Except it was too long so Yugyeom couldn't remember it.
These guys are so not subtle in how they're trying to get Yugyeom to drop the bottle of wine.
Ngl pranks do make me uncomfortable so I skimmed this episode.
Noooo Yugyeom ToT
Now I know the clip of Yugyeom going "DON'T HOLD ME I'M FINE!" is from this lmao
"Sorry Yugyeom's mother."
Episode 9
Yugyeom wanting to get back with his own prank, but he only shares it with the fellow dongsaengs Bambam and Youngjae :P
At the time I am watching this, I am hungry, so watching the guys snack on food is not helping!!!
Bambam was like "eat this, it's good!" to Yugyeom and then he ate half of it and Yugyeom ate the other half ^^;;
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Bambam coolly passing the lie detector tests. He is flashy but I do think he is humble and realistic about his popularity in Thailand.
And then everybody passing the lie detector test X'D I think GOT7 is relatively close and understanding of one another so there's no need to hold grudges because they know they're all different. Proven by the fact that Youngjae got buzzed when he said he was a better singer than Jaebeom because you really can't compare. I know the lie detector test is just for fun and not that scientific, but I'm choosing to read too much into it lol.
I KNEW the passport drama was a prank lol. If they showed it on TV like that, it probably is.
Bambam: Y'all can just sleep at my house :3
Omg they're all just gonna prank Mark ToT
Mark the chillest victim of a prank ever. But he felt that the others were acting so he just let it play out XD
Yugyeoms' prank: Failed
Jinyoung taking a flight in a dress shirt are you kidding me. He also went bowling in a dress shirt though. Always the prep.
And then Jinyoung READS on the plane after he finishes his meal. Couldn't be me.
Episode 10
JB recovered from herniated disc T_T
Not fair
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So NOISY as they're trudging to the escape room blindfolded
The MOST 大驚小怪, the employee only turned off the light and they freaked the fuck out T_T
Jackson is just here to be a nuisance TAT The others are starting to look for hints and Jackson is just there on the phone.
I thought Jackson was bluffing but he really did randomly find a key lol. He's so exhausting x.x (I know it's for the bit but omg pls)
Jackson: Please praise me
Jaebeom had such a pleased smile on his face when they escaped >3
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Apparently they were a little over but the staff ended up counting it as a pass.
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Final thoughts
I do miss GOT7 a lot. I'm glad I saved this up to watch when I was in a GOT7 mood T_T
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highflyerwings · 3 years
Cue 7 years of Wang Gae Park Gae content for whoever said jackson was straight
Don’t even get me STARTED on Jackson and Jinyoung.
We all know the entire hyung line is whipped for Jinyoung, but there’s something special about Wang Gae Park Gae. Jackson just gets a special kind of way when they’re together.
They’re just so comfortable with each other. This isn’t the first time Jackson casually throws his leg over Jinyoung’s thigh during a live video.
Don’t talk to me about their photo shoots together either.
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Bonus: Jackson was fully prepared to follow through that day. Jackson will always win every game of gay chicken. Jinyoung is a coward.
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In all seriousness, Jackson has always put out less than straight vibes. He’s overly comfortable with men in a way he’s not with women. Which yeah, can be attributed to him 1) being respectful, and 2) any friendly interaction with a woman immediately translates to “they’re dating,” so culturally speaking (both in China and SK) he might be intentionally more friendly with men than women on camera.
Anyways, Jackson’s never in the 6-ish years I’ve known and been a fan of him (I was fan of him a couple years before getting into got7), he’s never ever done the “no homo” thing. He’s always casually intimate with men, and obviously enjoys being flirty, and takes no issue being flirted with by men himself.
Remember that video from that time Jackson was a groomsman at his friend’s wedding and they were playing “suck and blow” (ok they weren’t exactly playing Clueless “suck and blow” but whatever that game is where they pass a piece of paper from mouth-to-mouth). And that one dude saw an opportunity to stick his tongue in Jackson’s mouth, and he fuckin took it, and while Jackson looks understandably startled his following statement was simply “It’s fine if you want to kiss but why did you have to use tongue?”
I don’t like to speculate about people’s sexuality. Or force some kind of label on them that they’ve never identified as publicly. But it blows my mind when I come across people who say things like “Jackson gives off purely straight vibes.” Like the evidence speaks for itself your honor.
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pja2jae · 4 years
A little extra love from Wang Gae Park Gae!
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jjproject · 4 years
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bringing this photoshoot back
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cuddlybambam · 4 years
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Park Jinyoung did what now.
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beomie-rabbit · 4 years
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Wang Gae Park Gae Snowglobe making 🧡💙
Credits: Got7 on Vlive, gifs made by me -A🐰💜
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twinmoles · 5 years
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behind the scenes fun
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jamiesenshi · 4 years
Who do you think would fit the Romeo and Juliet role within Got7?
All credit goes to lejinsondairy.
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got7detailz · 5 years
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~ XO
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poppin-cinn · 5 years
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let’s have a chat!
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catcastielart · 9 months
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sweetdreamer90 · 5 years
Jinyoung interlocking his hands with jackson and I love how their fingers instantly go together at the same time
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marlensjan · 5 years
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Can we just talk about this? (Bc I'm JINSON shipper so I'm gonna talk about them) LOOK AT JACKSON FACE! I know that Jinyoung have a nice ass (XD) but pls... And his hand.. Look at Jackson hand. He "clenched his fist" (his fingers? Idk)... (Why I like this so much? I need help)
Btw. Sorry about my English.
I just wanted to say that bye
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pja2jae · 4 years
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[ #Piece_Of_왕개박개 #👑 #🍑 #🐍 #🌼 ]
아가새, 퀴즈 위의 아이돌 봤어요~?
I GOT7, did you guys watch Idol on the Quiz?
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jjproject · 4 years
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wang gae park gae
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