#song lyrics : ❌
kraniumet · 1 year
not trying to do any ranking here but some like it hot and acchi muite's ending significance for being about being in the city
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vimbry · 5 months
*if you've heard a couple songs but don't really know much about them, or haven't listened in a long while, you can play!
update: the highest votes went to gudetama. but was it correct? here are the full titles and albums.
❌ "put your hand inside the puppet head" - they might be giants
the opening verse makes reference to leaving one's job and how "it's sad to say, you will romanticise all the things you've known before. it was not, not, not so great". according to flansburgh, "the lyric revolves around the idea that looking back on anything colors it in sentimentality".
❌ "I'll sink manhattan" - they'll need a crane (ep)/miscellaneous T
this is a flansburgh song, but linnell explained its meaning in a 1989 interview with NME as "a song about a guy who somehow figures out how to sink the island of manhattan just to kill his ex-lover, so it's his apology to the other people he's gonna kill in between. he's just gotta do it!"
❌ "meet james ensor" - john henry
it's about james ensor (belgium's famous painter).
❌ "wicked little critta" - mink car
from the tmbg unlimited collection: "forged in the crucible of an eastern massachusetts junior high, this song expresses the dreams, fears and hopes of a new england young adult" the lyrics seem to suggest said young adult fantasising about being a sports star alongside bobby orr and john havlicek while goofing off outside.
❌ "working undercover for the man" - mink car
from flansburgh: "it's more a meditation on the "mod squad" [a 1968 crime series about cool undercover detectives] than anything else. the idea of the narc just seems... like, those episodes of "dragnet" where they have the young undercover dress in a hippie suit."
✔️ "talent is an asset" - kimono my house
the lyrics illustrate an overly-cautious family shielding their very gifted child from others, to keep him studious and soak in all the glory, and is heavily implied to be little albert einstein through puns on relatives and relativity. it's not by them, tho. it's by the band sparks. it came 2nd, so I think many of you recognised it (or really wanted to see the results!)
❌ "bee of the bird of the moth" - the else
"this is a song about a creature called a hummingbird moth, which imitates another creature, which imitates yet another creature. it's completely fucked up, and can only be explained in song!" so they did.
❌ "2082" - join us
thewrap's review of the album describes this song as, "a science-fiction short story (...) a protagonist who travels into the future, finds himself hobbled but still unhappily alive all the way into the next millennium, and travels back to the title year to smother himself with a pillow in a mercy killing". fun!
❌ "call you mom" - nanobots
referred to by linnell as an "oedipus pan" song, the lyrics follow an unfortunate young man beginning a relationship with a woman, getting dumped due to his behaviour of treating her like a mother figure, then infantilising a possibly younger woman in a different relationship and in turn leaving her, who goes on to experience the same issues. fun! (altho, the final chorus actually still refers to her Mom leaving, not her dad, I got the details wrong there in the poll).
❌ "gudetama's busy days" - dial-a-song / my murdered remains
yes, that's a real song. quote flansburgh: "(...) it is really just about feeling isolated from the world, even if you are in a crowded place and manically trying to keep up with your life. the character of gudetama appealed to me because he is such a mopey sad sack."
❌ "marty beller mask" - album raises new and troubling questions
this is real, too! it's just about how marty beller was actually an alter ego of whitney houston the whole time. he's not, but wouldn't that be interesting. the song name-checks multiple of her own in the lyrics. it was temporarily retired out of respect following houston's death (4 months after its release), returning to live performances ten years later in 2022.
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bbrissonn · 1 year
𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭? - 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐫 𝐳𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐬
summary: in which trevor broke up with you at the end of the season because of his own insecurity, but what happens when he's back in anaheim and he's had a little too much to drink
disclaimer: english is not my first language and this is not proofread so please excuse any errors and if any words are missing add them in your head :) also this is a work of fiction, this doesn’t reflect how these boys act in real life, and it isn’t how i imagine them acting 
warnings: slight smut, angst, fluff, swearing (i think), not proofread  
pairing: trevor zegras x reader
wc: 4.9k (including lyrics)
a/n: based on the song bad idea right? by olivia rodrigo
guts masterlist
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You’re eyes scanned the bar as you, along with your group of friends, walked into the place. The loud music filling your ears, making you grimace slightly. This was your first time going out since your break up with Trevor at the end of his first full NHL season, back in April. He had made the decisions to end your relationship only hours before going on his last road trip of the season, and when he came back home a couple of days later, all your things were gone.
You hadn’t tried to reach out to him when he left, instead choosing of just leaving and moving back into your parent’s house for the summer. Your friends were with you everyday, not wanting the end of your year long relationship to destroy like your previous breakup did. They understood that you were in the mood to go out every night, or any night at all, so movie nights, walks on the beach, ice cream runs were a daily thing. 
Eventually, in early July, you started moving on from him, he hadn’t bothered to reach out to you either, so you had no choice but to do so. Slowly but surely, you started spending more time outside of your house, something your parents were grateful for. Then, you found yourself your own apartment, still close to home, but not too close to where Trevor lived so you wouldn't have to run into him in the store or on the streets. 
Now here you were, October only a couple of days away, standing at a bar with a bright smile on your face as your friends talked about all the drama they heard from your high school days, which couple were still together, which ones weren’t, some of them were now married with kids, something that shocked you a bit since you were only 21, but if that’s what they wanted, good on them, you thought. 
Haven’t heard from you in a couple of months
But I’m out right now and I’m all fucked up
And you’re callin’ my phone and you’re all alone
And I’m sensing some undertone
And I’m right here with all my friends
But you’re sending me your new address
And I know we’re done, I know we’re through
But, God, when I look at you
As the morning hours approached, it was safe to say you were completely drunk, somehow this casual night out, had turned into you guys celebrating going into your last year of college, meaning way more drinks were bought than expected. 
You were all sitting in a booth, laughs echoing, when you felt your phone buzz in the pocket of your jeans shorts. You struggled a bit, but eventually, you got your phone out, squinting your eyes to see who was calling you. 
You let out a sigh watching your phone ring until his contact disappeared, and then voicemail notification popped up. You knew you couldn’t do this to yourself, you shouldn’t, but you wanted to. So, you excused yourself, claiming you needed to use the bathroom, of course some of your friends suggested they came with you, not wanting you to be alone. But you assured them you’d be fine. 
“Hey, it’s me. I… Uh, it’s been a while.” His voice echoed through the speaker of your phone, making you bit your lips as you heard his voice for the first time since you two broke up. “I hope you’re doing good, I really do.” He continued, his voice shaky a bit. Before he said anything else, you heard him sip on a drink and let out a sigh. “I don’t know if you’re busy or whatnot, maybe you’re having a night with your parents or something.” He added, sipping once again on his drink, and now you could tell he was a bit tipsy by the way his words were slurred a bit. “But I was wondering if you’d wanna meet up? Talk a bit about what happened. I’ll text you my new place, come if you want.” 
And then it went silent, but he hadn’t hung-up, after about ten seconds of silence, you decided to hang up, telling yourself he was probably done and just miss clicked the red button on his phone. You stayed in the bathroom stall for a bit, wondering what you should do. You wanted nothing more than to see him, talk to him, get some closure about why he ended your relationship, but you didn’t want to get even more heartbroken than you already were. 
When you made it back to the booth, you knew what you were going to do. Was it a smart decision? No, absolutely not. But did it seem like a good one to your drunk self? Yes, absolutely.
My brain goes, “Ah”
Can’t hear my thoughts (I cannot hear my thoughts)
Like blah-blah-blah (Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah)
Should probably not
I should probably, probably not
I should probably, probably not
As you announced your departure to your friends, a lot of them suggested to go with you, make sure you stay safe, but you convince them you’d be fine, only having a couple of minutes to walk and promising them you’d call them if anything happened. 
As you started your adventure towards your desired place, your brain started to come to it’s sense. This was horrible idea, but you didn’t care. You craved to hear him, see him, smell his cologne that you adored so much, you need him. So, you just ignored what your head was telling you, choosing instead to follow your heart and what it wanted. 
Seeing you tonight
It’s a bad idea right?
Seeing you tonight
It’s a bad idea right?
Seeing you tonight
It’s a bad idea right?
Seeing you tonight
Fuck it, it’s fine
As you got closer and closer, the anxiety of seeing him again started to settle in. What if he decided you took too long and left? What if he had another girl over and asked you to come just to rub it in your face? No, he wouldn’t that. Trevor could be an asshole on the ice sometimes, and to other guys in the bar if he saw them let their eyes linger on your body a little too long for his liking, but he wouldn’t do anything like that.
 That’d be such a dick move from him, plus, you were still in contact with Jamie, and from what you understood through the boy’s weird texts, Trevor hadn’t seen any other girl yet. So, truly, what was the worst that could happen, right?
Yes, I know that he’s my ex
But can’t two people reconnect?
I only see him as a friend
The biggest lie I ever said
Oh, yes, I know that he’s my ex
But can’t two people reconnect?
I only see him as a friend
I just tripped and fell into his bed
Deciding that at least informing your parents of where you were going, or more like who you were going to see was the least you could do. That way if your friends went over to check on you, they’d call your parents to see if you had gone to their house, they’d know of the horrible decision you had made the previous night. 
Your mother wasn’t too fond of your idea, but she had met Trevor, he was a sweetheart, he knew you weren’t in any danger. If anything, she was over the moon that you had decided to finally go see the boy and talk about what had happened. 
Trevor had met your parents countless of times during your relationship, your dad being a big hockey fan, even though his favorite team was the Kings and not the Ducks. Every time you’d mention coming to visit them for the day, Trevor coming along with you, they’d almost jump from excitement, happy that their daughter had finally found a good boy for herself. They were a little cautious of him at first, doing their researches online before meeting him and seeing not so good things about him and his reputation of being a playboy, but all that worry quickly washed away when they caught the two of you sitting on the front porch watching the sunset. The window in the living room giving them a perfect view of the two of you, wide smiles on your faces as they saw Trevor looking at their daughter the way your father looked at your mother, pure love in their eyes.
No, your mother was more scared of you walking the streets of Anaheim all alone in the dark, and you understood her. The world wasn’t a safe place, neither during dark or light, especially for young woman your age. The fact that you were drunk didn’t help either, so you decided to stay on the phone with her until you made it safely to Trevor’s place.
Now I’m gettin’ in the car, wreckin’ all my plans
I know I should stop, but I can’t
And I told my friend I was asleep
But I never said where (in his sheets)
And I pull up to your place on the second floor
And you’re standing, smiling at the door
And I’m sure I’ve seen much hotter men
But I really can’t remember when
Your hand were shaking slightly as you knocked on his door, making sure not to make too much noise to wake up his neighbors, but enough so he could hear you. You heard movement behind the door, along with the sound of the TV getting paused. 
Then, the next thing you knew, Trevor was standing in front of you, a beer bottle in hand. A wide grin appeared on his face as your eyes meet for the first time in months. He had gotten a haircut, thankfully, the last time you saw him, his hair kept covering his eyes and he was always complaining about it, but refused to get it cut anywhere other than his hairdresser back home. 
Suddenly, all the emotions you had been holding for the past couple of months rose within you. All the anger, hurt and love you felt towards him were all present inside you, making you extremely confused as to how you felt. 
“You came.” He stated, his eyes growing wide as he realized what was going on, you were here. 
“I did.” You confirmed, more to yourself than to him. Suddenly, you regretted coming here, but at the same time, you were so grateful to see him. Almost as if seeing him just confirmed that you’re relationship truly happened, that it was real and wasn’t just something you made up in your sleep, that he was real.
“Come in.” He said, opening up his door completely for you to walk in. There was still a couple of boxes in the corner of his living room, and there was barely any furniture, meaning he hadn’t been back for a while. 
As the two of you walked into his living room, it was the first time you truly saw him. The lights in the hallway were dimed down considering the time, and all the lights in his kitchen and entry way were turned off. His skin was tanned, his muscles were more defined than they were back in spring, but one of the first thing you had noticed was his arm, more specifically his left one. It was now home to not one, but two tattoos. 
You knew he was planning on getting some soon, it was something he talked about a lot during your relationship, but he never figured out what to get. 
“A spider? Seriously?” You laughed as the two of you sat down on his couch. He gave you a weird look before realizing you were looking at his tattoos. 
“Spiderman.” He answered with shrug, making you roll your eyes with a smile before letting your eyes drift over to the TV. Your heart dropped slightly as you realized what he was watching, Shameless, your favourite show. He had never watched it before the two of you started dating, and you quickly made sure to make him watch all the episodes, gasping when he informed you he’d never seen it before. You were about to mention it to him, but the screen went black before any words could leave your mouth. 
“So, how you been?” He asked, his words a little slurred. You looked over at him, only to see he was already looking at you with a way too familiar look. A look he always had on his face when he’d be talking to you, or at any moment really, one that was reserved just for you and no one else. Only making you wonder even more why he had ended things between the two of you. 
My brain goes, “Ah”
Can’t hear my thoughts (I cannot hear my thoughts)
Like blah-blah-blah (Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah)
Should probably not
I should probably, probably not
I should probably, probably not
“Seriously? You break up with me for no reason, then five months later you call me, drunk, asking me to come over to talk, and all you have you say is ‘how you been’?” You asked, the anger in you taking control. Trevor looked down at his lap at your words. He knew calling you was a bad idea, he didn’t even know why he decided to do it in the first place. Sure, he had been thinking about it ever since he walked out the door in April, apologize to you a million times and do anything you’d want him to if he meant he could be yours again, but he knew he couldn’t. He couldn’t break your heart even more than he already did. 
“Listen, Bug, what I did, what I said, it was the worst mistake of my life.” He started, the nickname he had given slipping past his lips. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened and I was so stupid to end it. And, I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life and during our relationship, but being your boyfriend was never one. I am so in love with you―”
“Then why’d you end it, Trevor?” You cut him off, your voice stern as you avoided his gaze, scared that tears would start to form in your eyes if you looked over at him. 
“Because you deserve better than me. You’re the most perfect person I’ve ever met, and I know that you don’t think you are, but to me you are. You’re kind to everyone, you’re smart, you care about everyone even if they’ve done bad things, you’re perfect. And I am… am just me. I fuck up everything good that happens in my life, I hurt people without even realizing it, I am not a good person, Y/N/N. You deserve better than me.” He confessed, his voice low, almost scared that you’d hear him. After he was done, he chugged the rest of his beer before adding one more thing. “I am not good enough for you.” 
“Says who?” 
“Everyone. Every time you’d meet someone I know, they’d always say they didn’t understand what someone like you saw in me, like I wasn’t good enough to be your boyfriend. All my family and friends, they all love you, but they don’t understand why you’re with me, and honestly, I don’t either.” He admitted, the tone and volume in his voice not changing. You knew Trevor was a bit insecure about himself, scared that he was too high energized that people wouldn’t want to be around him, but you never knew it was this deep. 
“Why didn’t you just tell me, Trev?” You asked him, your voice shaky a bit. You start to wonder how long he had been feeling this way, suddenly feeling guilty for not noticing it. The boy next to you scoffed a bit before answering as he opened another beer. 
“I didn’t want to burden you with my stupid problems.” 
“Trevor… you could never burden me. I care about you, so much―”
“You care about everyone.”
“Yeah, maybe I do, but I don’t care about them the way I care about you, Trevor. You’ve made me feel the best I ever have in years, you’ve helped me over come so many challenges in the last year, you’ve been there for me through everything. The way I care about you, Trev, I can’t even explain it. And I am so, so sorry I didn’t realized that something was wrong and hearing you talk about it makes me feel guilty that when you needed someone to help you, I wasn’t there.” 
“You couldn’t of had known―”
“But I should’ve. I should’ve realized, Trev, and I am sorry I didn’t. You were there for me every time I was hurting, and when you were, I wasn’t.” 
Seeing you tonight
It’s a bad idea right?
Seeing you tonight
It’s a bad idea right?
Seeing you tonight
It’s a bad idea right?
Seeing you tonight
Fuck it, it’s fine
Then, the next thing you knew, his lips were on yours, one of his hand cupping your cheek as your eyes grew wide. After a couple of seconds, the boy pulled back, his eyes focused on yours, and you waisted no time pulling him back in for another one. 
Minutes later, your tongue met his in the middle, a small gasp leaving his mouth as you bit down on his lip. His other hand was now resting on your waist, holding you close, as one of your hand was holding onto the collar of his shirt tightly while the other was holding onto his neck. Then, both of his hands started making their way down to your thighs, softly rubbing them before picking you up and placing you on his lap, your lips never leaving each other’s. 
Soon, his hands made their way back up your body, slipping under the shirt you were wearing, pulling you closer to him. Your mouths separated for split second and you took the opportunity to lift his shirt over his head, wasting no time to attack his necks with small kisses and love bites. 
Groans slipped past Trevor’s mouth every time you bit down on the skin under his ear, and even more when you started moving your core over his. Your shit was next, joining his on the floor behind the couch, and this time he was the one to attack your chest. Your hips accelerating every time his mouth got closer and closer to your breasts and soon your bra joined the small pile of clothes. 
“Trev!” You moaned as his lips attached around one of your nipples, pulling the hairs on the back of his neck as he did so, a loud groan echoing through his living room. Eventually, his lips left your body, your foreheads now leaning against the other’s, mouths inches apart, as you both grinded on each other, moans leaving both of your mouths. Then, you uttered the three words he had been dying to hear in since April. 
“I need you.”
Yes, I know that he’s my ex
But can’t two people reconnect?
I only see him as a friend
The biggest lie I ever said
Oh, yes, I know that he’s my ex
But can’t two people reconnect?
I only see him as a friend
I just tripped and fell into his bed
A grunt left your mouth as your back hit his mattress, his body soon leaning over yours as your lips attached, his hips meeting yours as you whined. You wanted nothing more in that moment than for his pants and underwear to disappear, as well as yours. 
“So inpatient.” He mumbled as your lips parted, a smirk plastered on his face. 
“Trev.” You whined, your hips leaving the comfort of the mattress to meet his, his smirk only growing even more. The forward waisted no time baring the both of your of your bottoms, creating a new pile of clothes, now in his bedroom instead of the living room. 
As the morning hours rolled in, the two of you gave your everything to the other, your bodies, your wants, your heart. It was like you were back to last year, one of the happiest times of your life, spending each second that you could with the love of your life. 
It was like April never happened, you had been stuck in time in March, the familiar sent of his cologne filling your nose as you feel asleep in his arms, your head tucked into his chest as his arms wrapped around your figure protectively, scared that you’d disappear and he’d lose all over again. In that moment, you felt true happiness in months, all the heartbreak and tears the boy had caused being forgotten by your undying love for him. 
He was yours again, well at least for the night, but you didn’t want it to be just for tonight. You wanted him to be yours forever and always, you didn’t want to go back to how you were mere hours before, heartbroken and hung-up on the boy of your dreams. You had him right there, in your arms, and you weren’t ready to let go, not again. You lost him once, and you weren’t about to lose him twice. 
At that moment, you decided that whatever happened when the two of you woke up, no matter how hard Trevor tried, or didn’t, to tell you to just forget it even happened, that it’d be best if the two of you didn’t see each other again, you weren’t gonna let him slip out of your grip without a fight like last time. You didn’t care if it took him days, or weeks to understand that there’s not other man you’d rather be with, having already decided that if you couldn’t have him, you were the spend the rest of your life alone. But, you needed him to understand that he was perfect for you, and that he was all you ever wanted. 
Maybe he’ll never be yours again, but you’ll always be his.
Oh, yes, I know that he’s my ex
Can’t two people reconnect? 
My brain goes, “Ah”
Can’t hear my thoughts
“Morning!” The Zegras boy exclaimed as you walked into his living room the next morning, well almost afternoon. All he was wearing was a plain pair of grey sweatpants, his boxer peaking over his waistband slightly. You had allowed yourself to dig through his closet, finding the pair of sweatpants and hoodie that were yours for most of the relationship before leaving his bedroom. 
“Hi.” You whispered as you sat down on his couch. The boy sent you a small smile before throwing one of his arm on the back of the couch, something he always did. 
“I just ordered breakfast, got you the same always.” 
“Thank you.” You responded, and then a silence settled between the two of you as a news channel played on the TV. “How’s your head?” 
“You… you looked like you drank a lot last night.” You mumbled, keeping your eyes focused on the TV as you felt his looking at you. 
“‘M fine. Had a little headache when I woke up, but I took an advil.” He answered, his eyes still looking at you as you nodded. “This is the part where you tell me we need to talk, isn’t it?” He added after a couple of seconds, another nod coming from you. He had a feeling about what you were about to say, and it wasn’t something he wanted to hear. 
He had spent the whole morning prepping himself mentally to not break down if the words “mistake” and “forgot” left your mouth, telling himself he couldn’t just believe you’d come back after how he ended things previously. One of his solutions was avoiding eye contact, so he looked at the same place as you did, straight ahead. 
“I get, I get that opening up and talking about things like insecurities is hard, Trev. It’s scary, you think people will judge you or making fun of you, of use it against you, trust me I know how it feels, but when you’re in a relationship with someone, that’s the kind of you stuff you can’t just hid from them. Especially if it makes you want to break up with them. That’s what I am here for, I am a safe space, Trev, nothing you tell me about how you feel or how you think will ever make me see you differently. 
I love everything about you, Trevor, every little flaws about you just make me love you even more than I already do. To me, you’re perfect, Trevor. Everything about you is perfect to me, you’re everything I’ve ever wanted, you’re the one for me, I know you are. And I get that hearing people say that you’re not good enough for me can be hard, but trust me when I saw, you’re perfect for me.” You stated. 
His heart dropped as your words filled his ears, in a good way of course. You remembered, even though you were drunk, you still remembered his confession from the previous night. Just as he was about to say something, the doorbell rang and he quick to push himself off the couch, but before he could take a step, your hand gripped his. His head turned to look at you, only when his gaze met yours, tears were pooling in your eyes. 
“Don’t runaway again, Trev, please.” You begged, your voice shaky and broken. You knew him, if he walked away right now, your conversation would never continue, he’d come back in the living room and pretend that it never happened, he’d runaway from it instead of facing it, just like he did last time. He hesitated for a bit, your eyes staying locked together, before he nodded slightly and sat back down. 
“It hurts. When people say all those things about me not being good enough for you, or that you could do so much better than me. I hate it.” He admitted, his eyes looking down at the floor, your hand still gripping his as you moved closer. 
“Trev, look at me.” You said, and when his head didn’t move, you grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at you. His eyes were watering as he blinked repeatedly, trying to hold his tears in. “I don’t care what people say about us, you’re way more than enough for me, and yeah, maybe I could do better, but I don’t want better, I want you.” 
“Maybe you could do better?” He questioned, a little confused as to why you would chose to say that to him. 
“Someone that doesn’t have only three functioning brain cells.” You joked, making the boy laugh a little. 
“You love it.” 
“I do. I really do, Trevor. Everything about, all your flaws and everything, I love.” You spoke, your voice soft and low. Your hand that previously grabbed his chin now cupping his cheek, a soft smile appearing on his face. 
“I am sorry.” He said as a tear fell from his eyes, which you were quick to wipe away before wrapping both your arms around his neck, his going around your waist as you held each other close. 
“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, love.” You whispered in his ear, only making his smile grow wider. In that moment, he realized that no matter issue he was dealing with, either from hockey or his personal life, you’d always be there for him, just like he always wanted to be there for you. 
“Girlfriend?” He asked, making you pull your head away from his neck, but keeping your arms around him. 
“Boyfriend.” You confirmed with a wide smile on your face, an identical ones plastered on Trevor’s face before the two of you leaned in and your lips locked together. Unlike all your kissed from the previous night, this one was slow and full of love. It wasn’t a quick, rushed and hungry one, no, it was one that only true lovers shared. 
To say your mom was excited when you told her the news that you and Trevor were back together would be an understatement. A loud squeal came from the speaker of your phone, making you pull your phone away from your ear quickly as Trevor sent you a weird look. Before you even had time to say anything else to her, she hung out, claiming she had to go tell the good news to your father. 
As for your friends, they were a little iffy about the situation, scared that the boy would break your heart once again, but eventually, they came around, realizing how in love the two of you were. 
Trevor no longer ran away from his insecurities, now confronting them and talking about them with you, something you were extremely grateful for. All of his friends were over the moon when they heard that you were back together, tired of always hearing the Zegras boy mop over you. 
As for you, you were the happiest you had ever been, everyday Trevor made sure to tell and show how much he loves and appreciates you, spoiling you with hugs and kisses.
 Your life was perfect again.
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mashup-writing · 9 months
Bela Dimitrescu (Resident Lover) Headcanons:
Requested? ❌
"Pero bakit ba, ang layo mo?"
"But why is it, that you're so far away?"
Summary: Headcanons about Bela Dimitrescu (+ With MC Romance route, this post contains Filipino Pop Culture snippets and Tagalog words but translations are provided at the Author's Notes section at the end of the fic!)
Warnings: Minor Angst, Miranda (Need I say more?)
Genre: Fluff, Headcanons, Minor Angst
Resident Lover Masterlist
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Newly Cursed:
Felt so lost when Miranda first cursed her.
Couldn't figure out if she was scared or angry that there was no longer love or interest for the things and people she used to feel deeply for.
It turned into obsession instead.
Sometimes she'd catch herself zoning out, how could she not just stop functioning every now and then when she no longer feels?
Overtime she stopped zoning out, functioning on full autopilot instead.
Cut off her sisters due to not knowing how she'd look them in the eye and have them catch her not feeling anything for them anymore.
She may no longer be able to feel, but she still doesn't want to hurt her sisters.
Ends up obsessed with taking down Miranda because she sees it as a way to make up to her family for cutting them off.
Curse Lifted:
The first thing she does on her own is to sit underneath a tree's shade to just feel the gentle breeze.
She cries silently, not knowing how it was possible to miss such a common experience in human life.
She goes for a jog on a day when it's sunny and she's free. Pushing herself to her limits until her vision swims due to exertion.
She lies down on the grass for a moment and laughs, carefree as the sun shines down on her. Letting the heat draw out more sweat from her and simply just basking in how she's able to feel it now.
Bela stands under light rains, never once passing up the chance to feel the small pitter patters of water on her skin. She smiles with glee every single time.
MC Romance:
While cursed, she definitely gives off "Rhodessa - Kisame" vibes.
Bela started to theorise that she was falling for MC when she brought them chicken soup.
It didn't slip her notice that MC tried to steer the conversation towards her mundane life.
Not her accomplishments, not her riches, not her connections- Just her and what's in her mind.
Looks like she takes the lead in their relationship, but actually discreetly let's MC make the decisions.
Bela is a sucker for MC's chicken tinola.
MC taught her a bit about Filipino pop culture.
She may not have perfected the language yet, but she definitely nailed the:
"Science tells us that our genetic imprint predetermines your life, your fate, your choices. Pinanganak kang bobo, lalaki kang bobo, mamamatay kang bobo." (Translation is in the author's notes below.)
Bela also adopted the habit of saying "Bwisit" whenever she gets mildly frustrated;
And "Putangina" whenever she gets very frustrated.
She loves how those words just sound satisfyingly crunchy.
Likes "Cup of Joe"
Learned Tagalog to understand what the lyrics say.
Once the loop is broken and she remembers all of the things her and MC had done across all past loops, she coins "Cup of Joe - Ikaw Pa Rin" as her favorite song.
MC is thankful that Bela doesn't remember the times in the loops when she turned into a Zombie. They have sworn to take those memories to the grave, unwilling to subject to Bela to it.
Whenever Bela gets flustered by MC doing little romantic things for her, she'd try to downplay her swooning by raising an eyebrow and telling MC "Bading, bading- Bakla, bakla!"
Bela is able to sing Tagalog songs she loves without an English accent but whenever she speaks Tagalog normally, the English accent always bleeds in.
MC always smiles, finding it absolutely adorable.
MC taught Bela how to eat a chicken wing by removing the lower joint so that it's easier to take the meat off.
On her first attempt, she somehow choked on one of the wing bones.
Bela has forbidden MC from letting literally anyone other than the two of them know.
Daniela knows this though, and she's waiting for the right time to use the story as blackmail.
(Y'all CANNOT convince me na hindi chismosa si MC sa mga tamang tao.)
Once saw someone flirt with MC on Christmas season.
Went right up to MC, placed her arm around their shoulder and told them in the sweetest tone she could muster that if the person doesn't back off, she'll ensure that "Sasama siya sa kwitis papuntang langit."
01-11 wished for more instances of the game reinforcing the canonical fact that MC is a Filipino, but understands why the Game Devs didn't because it can break immersion in gameplay for non-Filipino players. But if any non-Filos are interested then 01-11 encourages you to look up Gen Z Filipino culture because rest assured- 01-11's people are hilariously unhinged on a different level.
01-11 wishes everyone a Happy New Year. This is a gift to every fellow Resident Lover players like 01-11, and for every Bela simp as well! 01-11 encourages everyone to download Resident Lover. It is completely free, and the game devs have an account here on Tumblr (@resident-lover) with complete lore guides. The way each story line is written in 01-11's correct opinion: Will not ever disappoint.
Filipino Phrases - Translations:
Pinanganak kang bobo, lalaki kang bobo, mamamatay kang bobo. - You were born stupid, you'll grow up stupid, and you'll die stupid.
Bwisit, Putangina - Tagalog Curse words.
Sasama siya sa kwitis papuntang langit - I'll send them up the sky alongside the fireworks.
Bading, bading, bakla, bakla! - Gay, gay, gay, you're gay! (Common teasing mechanic for gay friends amongst Filipinos.)
Y'all cannot convince me na hindi chismosa si MC sa tamang tao. - Y'all cannot convince me that MC isn't a gossip with the right people.
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tokoyamisstuff · 1 month
Masterlist: Homelander
aka. John Gillman
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💀 = Angst and/or Adult Themes 🌸 = Fluff 💌 = Personal Favourite 🔥 = Smut 🎵 = Song Fic / Contains Lyrics ✅ = Finished Series / ❌ = WIP/Hiatus 🔞 = Not suited for underaged readers
Each and every work has it's own detailed warnings listed.
Fragments 💀🌸 x GN! Scientist! Reader ✅ After a drug renders Homelander both powerless and amnesic, he gets saved by someone blissfully unaware who he is. [Pt. 1] [Pt. 2] [Pt. 3]
Emergency Meeting 🔞🔥 x F! Reader - Homelander shows the Seven his latest object of desire.
Sweet Tooth 🌸 x F! Barista! Reader - An incognito Homelander regulary visits Reader at her coffeeshop.
Delicate 🔞🔥💀🌸 x F! Reader - Homelander is afraid to hurt Reader when things become more intimate.
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Do You Remember? ~ Bell & the Safe-house Crew
{Author's Note} Been thinking about my Bell lately and listening to The Beach Boys gave me an idea. Nothing too long but I thought it'd be fun to explore a little bit of the relationships between MACV-SOG and Bell. The song title just happened to fit perfectly with the idea so I went with it. I may post more like this in the future cuz I'm having fun with my OCs lol🤭 hope you guys like it and let me know what you think❤️
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‼️Content Warning: none ❌
Lazar had been the one to gift her the Walkman. To Bell, it looked like nothing more than a simple rectangle made of sleek aluminum. She turned it over in her hands, eyes wide as she took in every detail of the rather strange contraption.
"It's a nifty new gadget," Lazar said with a smile. "Plays music through these when you plug 'em in." He handed her the headphones, gesturing for her to put them over her ears as he plugged them into the correct port. He quickly popped a random cassette in and pressed the play button. Faint music echoed from the headphones' cushioned speakers and the sudden noise made Bell smile.
"Neat, huh?"
Bell nodded as she let the headphones dangle around her neck. "Where did you get it?"
Lazar chuckled rather nervously. "Park and I saw it at that store we were hiding in when you went searching through Kraus' place. Thought you would enjoy it since you're always decrypting the evidence we find. It'll keep you from getting bored."
"For me?" Bell wondered in surprise and Lazar dipped his head. Another smile touched her lips. "Thank you. That's very kind of you."
"Don't worry about it," he told her and placed a bag of cassettes on the desk before her. "Courtesy of Mason and Woods. They picked out some classics for you."
Bell immediately began to rifle through the bag as Lazar walked off, eventually settling on a Beach Boys cassette as she'd heard the name mentioned on the safe-house radio at one point. Lazar shared a glance and a smile with Park and the pair left Bell to her own devices.
Popping in the cassette just as she'd seen Lazar do it, she pressed down on the play button again and music began to drift through the speakers into her ears.
"Well now do you remember
All the guys that gave us rock 'n' roll?"
Blue eyes fluttered closed as Bell let her thoughts follow the song's rhythm, offering a brief escape from the risk and occasional monotony that came with her role in MACV-SOG.
"Yeah the critics kept a-knocking
But the stars kept a-rocking
And the choppin' didn't get very far"
She bobbed her head to the beat, mouthing the lyrics as they began to become more and more familiar.
"Let's hear the high voice wail,
And hear the voice down low"
She didn't hear Adler approach, only noticing his presence when he clicked the stop button on the Walkman. Bell slid the headphones off her ears and met his steely gaze, his eyes forever hidden behind those shades of his.
"We've got a job to do, Bell."
She straightened at his words, feeling her mind clear of the sleep that had been lingering at the edges of her thoughts.
"We need these decrypted by tomorrow," Adler told her as he tapped a finger on the folders beside her. Bell simply nodded and turned her attention back to the evidence they'd gathered. Lyrics danced on her tongue as she focused on her work, newfound energy spurring her onward despite her exhaustion.
"Well now, do you remember
Do you remember, do you remember?"
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waterloo-to-anywhere · 7 months
Talking points:
"Be Upstairs Ready My Angel (B.U.R.M.A.)" is a postal acronym that WWII soldiers used to seal their correspondence to their sweethearts back home, so this is ostensibly what the song is about. I LOVE this so im not gonna try and pull it apart too much. HOWEVER that being said. songs can be about more than one thing, & there are things here that don't add up.
"Do you remember like I remember? / Lost pursuits of excellence / The glory of the crowd" <- I think it's pretty obvious from this verse that he's using war/conquest as a metaphor for chasing fame/stardom/etc, and there's basically only one person he could be asking to remember this with him tbh.
"So no wonder you frown / When you’re two world wars down" <- a streeeeetch but the Libertines were on their 2nd (?) breakup at this point. (And also. 2 albums.)
"So when the dark times come / Well I will sing you a good time song" <- reminds me of Grimaldi which people have theorised was an early carl-to-peter song. AND ALSO the Likely Lads alternate verse that carl would sing when performing the song without peter
"I’m pretending that it’s ending / But it kills me to act so strong" <- look, this COULD be about war but it reminds me much more of something carl said in 2015 about demonizing your exes/past-relationships as a self defence mechanism, "pretending" that the relationship is done forever if that makes sense
"I’ve been re reading letters / They were moving warm but bitter / And I cried right through them all" <- why would his sweetheart's letters be "bitter"?? this is clearly about a relationship that's ended, which doesn't fit the narrative line of asking them to "be upstairs ready" when he's back from war. ANYWAY we know who obsessively wrote him letters
"I’m hoping if you know where I am / Send your heart in a telegram" <- not saying CARL was thinking this, but IM thinking of that one interview where peter was practically pleading with the journalist to tell him carl's new address
"To gaze on your eyes makes all the difference to me" <- see: Basically Every Time They Share A Stage. Gonna run this peter quote too bc i think it's hilarious (also. in the year of our lord 2024???):
“After all these years, we can be doing an acoustic set and I’ll look at Carl and wonder what the hell he’s thinking. Is that a twinkle in his eye? Is that smile real? And then I think I’d prefer if he wasn’t looking and me, and I’ll look up and he’s not. Then I wonder, ‘Why isn’t he looking at me?’”
Verdict: Ostensibly NO ❌, but probably YES ✅ if you stop and look at it for more than 1 second
See also:
(some version of) Grimaldi:
but if you stay for a while, I'll try and think of something nice to play
What Became of the Likely Lads (Carl alternate lyrics):
some nights were all alone / then I will hold you [so long/for a song] and say you're not so bad
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ultraexclusivetrash · 5 months
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Reviewing and revising essay ❌
Doodling Wei Ying on exam papers ✅
The quote is a lyric from “Devil’s Backbone”! If you’ve watched the animatic on YT from Lan Zhan’s pov, you’ll know it’s such a befitting song for MDZS :”DD The rumored practice of mo dao instead of gui dao, how Lan Zhan continues to protect Wei Ying despite the allegations against him. It’s so, so brilliant.
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cantuscorvi · 2 months
RANDOMLY GENERATED HEADCANONS use this generator to create some randomly generated headcanons for your muse(s)!
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Raum has fallen asleep at their desk while working in the middle of the night. ✅ I can see it happening, especially at crucial points.
Raum doesn't know how to say they're sorry. ✅ 100%, no notes. Even if he did know, he probably doesn't want to.
Raum believes in ghosts and insists on trying to summon one at every sleepover. ❌he's not a high school girl, so nope
Raum is very good at using chopsticks. ✅ he can use them. he doesn't find it to be a big deal.
Raum knows the lyrics to every Hatsune Miku song by heart. ❌ he has no idea who hatsune miku is but it's a shame because World is Mine was practically written for him
Raum is a cry baby. ❓ when he was a child, yes. but now he'd rather die.
Raum can hug you and will. ❓ can? yes. will? not so likely.
Raum chews their nails when nervous. ❌Raum is more likely to start a fight when he's nervous. He keeps his nails well.
Raum forgets to eat sometimes. ✅ His eating habits are quite hit or miss!
Raum hacks their stats in every video game they play. ✅ If he played, he would definitely be a filthy cheater.
stolen from: @nezumivc103221 tagging: @distopea (do gabs?) @tximidity @royaletiquette @confettiguts @vulpesscarred
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barb-l · 1 month
sorry if this comes off as weird, but I really, really appreciate the love and support and appreciation you give Vaggie. This really is my comfort blog. You actually see the depth her character has, you don’t just write her off as ‘bOrIng, ’ you say everything I think and feel about her, you actually appreciate ‘Whatever It Takes’ (Kimiko, too. 🤭). I don’t care if the whole damned fandom hates that beautiful angel - I love her and it’s so comforting to find others that love her, too, and don’t just jump to the overrated characters ( who happen to be men: Alastor, Adam, Vox, Lucifer, Angel. and I actually like Lucifer and Angel as characters. The other three can burn. 😁). Believe me when I say this: more Vaggie fans (and people in general) should find and see your blog.
You’re the real Vaggie MVP and I’m so happy to have found your blog. ❌💜
Whatever It Takes is suuuch a good song! I'm just such a sucker for ballad-y songs, and the lyrics in Vaggie's verse are just so damn sweet. I love how everytime it's her turn to sing the song turns even softer with a bit of music box notes in 'em. And yessss, love Kimiko even more for choosing it as her favorite
That's so sweet of you to say, I'm touched really! I usually hear compliments about my art or fics, so occasionally being thanked for this blog that shows the brunt of my unwell brainrot is kinda... reassuring? I'm sure my rambling can be a lil crazy sometimes.
It's come to my attention that apparently a lot of people aren't aware I write and draw too tho, so if you dont know about it yet maybe check out my chaggie fic and art too 😁
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 10 months
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.·:🎼¨༺ Songs from the heart ༻¨🎼:·. | 200 followers event
So I just hit 200 followers and had this idea for an event! Here's how it works!
Description: You are playing Genshin Impact or Twisted Wonderland as you listen to music. Three of the characters, however, are curious about the song you're listening too. How will they react to the lyrics?
What to do: 1.) Pick a song 2.) Pick 3 characters (either from genshin or twisted) 3.) Choose either normal or Yandere 4.) Pick angst or fluff
Restrictions: I will not do any song that has slurs in it, I won't do any problimatic artists, I won't do any song that has a problimatic meaning. I AM ALLOWED TO TURN DOWN ANY REQUEST AT ANY TIME.
Status: Closed ❌
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glacierfront · 2 months
Random headcanon generator
Julie knows the lyrics to every Hatsune Miku song by heart. ❌ She knows the lyrics of nearly every Disney tune by heart, if that counts????
Julie is unemployed. ❌ She might be in some verses! She was for a little bit in ~arc 3-4, because she takes a long step back from performing when it turned out she was too tired to... In Stark verses she's like probably pretty unemployed because she's rich af so why work... She is.. Lazy..
Julie gets road rage. ❌ She will talk shit but she doesn't get mad like some others might. She just verbally gets salty about it..
Julie is oblivious to any and all romantic interest someone may show them. ❌✔ Depends on the person! If they've established themselves as "safe" (Odysseus is notable) then she's pretty oblivious... or perhaps she just chooses to ignore it... but if some random person she's known for like less than a year is putting on the moves, she's like, I hate it and you and also die?
Julie is a dog person.❌ She is more of a cat person! Dogs are alright but they're kind of messy and require more maintenance than a cat..
Julie is constantly singing for no reason. ✔ Ayo?? Kind of true though... It does still have to be in the right space, but if she feels comfortable with your character then she's probably inclined to start humming or singing for no reason around them.
Julie has an incredible long-term memory but an awful short-term memory. ❌ Julie actually has no memory..
This character sings in the shower. ❌ Which is like, weird, right?
Julie is great with kids. ❌ She is... in theory... decent with kids. But does she like hanging around them? Not really...
Julie has fallen asleep at their desk while working in the middle of the night. ✔ I would say so! She more often falls asleep during the day though... She is like.. what if ... I had a little... nap...?
Julie is not good with social cues. ✔ She is very aware of it... but that does not stop her from being very bad at it..
Julie is aromantic. ✔️✔️✔️ LETS FUCKING GOOOO
Julie tells dad jokes. ✔ She tries! Mostly she has to google them and then rehearse them and/or text them to someone. Usually she misses when other people share their dad jokes lmao.
Julie uses the word "fuck" like a comma. ✔️ Kind of! She definitely says it a lot...
Julie has a mary sue oc. ⁉️don't call me out like this..
tagged by @whinedarksea
tagging @magicxecustos @likemosaic @milehighmechanic @inrovina (also wesley)
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laughterlust · 7 months
Songs that get to me and make me have kink-related thoughts Pt 8:
...I feel like this one should be self-explanatory
The singer & the lyrics really get across Moon's deviousness. Total chills the entire time I listen to it, imagining a tickle-hungry Moon playing hide-and-seek~
❌🔞MINORS AND NO AGE IN PROFILE DNI. This is a NSFW blog, you will be blocked on sight.🔞❌
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tokoyamisstuff · 1 year
Masterlist: Buggy the Clown
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💀 = Angst and/or Adult Themes 🌸 = Fluff 💌 = Personal Favourite 🔥 = Smut 🎵 = Song Fic / Contains Lyrics ✅ = Finished Series ❌ = WIP/Hiatus
Each and every Work has it's own detailed Warnings listed.
Punchline 💀🌸 x F! Crewmate! Reader ❌ Reader has amnesia after a fight and is scared of Buggy. [Ch. 1] [Ch. 2]
[Read here] 💀 🔥Yandere! Buggy x GN! Reader HC's (16+)
[Read here] 🌸 x GN! Crewmate! Reader Buggy overhears one of his subordinates simping for him.
[Read here] 🌸🔥 x F! Reader HC's for a Reader with an Age Gap (in their 20s). (16+)
Coming soon:
💀🌸 x GN! Reader Reader convinced Buggy to let them do his makeup.
💀🌸x F! Reader Buggy rediscover his softer side when he crosses paths with a very kind Reader.
🌸x F! Pregnant! Reader The Strawhats are amazed to find out Buggy has a wife.
💀🌸 x GN! Reader Buggy is pining for Reader but thinks they're interested in someone else.
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waterloo-to-anywhere · 5 months
You Fucking Love It
Talking points:
Not about Peter. BUT it's a pretty clearcut case of "she that's carlos" to me
"So when pretending ends she'll have scattered her friends / And she’ll find she’ll wake up dead" <- gonna run this carl quote on his dpt years even though it makes me miserable:
"I think I was just going for four or five years waiting to die…I was climbing around on the roof of a hotel in Italy despite being petrified of heights. It just all sort of became a game to me really, just asking the universe if it wanted me dead.”
^ also reminds me of that letter Carl wrote his younger self where his advice was to "trust the people around you, they are your brothers and sisters on this journey too. You cant keep recasting the script." (sidenote: fuck this letter fr man why am i crying again)
"Drunk as a skunk / Lean as a dean / Always the same / Since she was thirteen" <- we know he had a difficult childhood and started drinking very young
& I think just generally the idea of throwing yourself into partying a little too hard bc you're depressed is pretty consistent with what carl was doing during the dpt years
+ while we're on the topic of She That's Carlos, there's also the running theory that the girl on the cover is Carl as well, because 1) scratched-out heart (as per Bang Bang You're Dead) and 2) broken libertines tattoo arm. yeah.
Verdict: NO ❌
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meadow-dusk · 1 year
Songwriting Asks 🎼
I felt like talking about this and wanted to do one of these, but I could not find anything at all like this already in existence here...
so...send me an emoji! and feel free to rb/share.
📆 When was the first time you remember writing a song? 🕺🏻 Do you have a particular style or "genre"? 🪕 What's a style you've never written in, but hope to one day? ❤️ Who are your primary influences? 🦋 From where do you derive inspiration? 📝 Do you have a "process" or a formula, or is it more freeform? 🎹 What instrument do you primarily use to compose? ✍️ Do you write lyrics by hand, or on computer? Both? Neither? 🧶 Are there lyrical themes across your songs? 🗝️ Do you have a favorite key, or one you keep coming back to? 🎤 Share a line (or phrase) you wrote most recently. ⭐️ Have you ever written a song for someone else to sing? 🎁 Have you ever written a song for someone else as a gift? 👯 Have you ever collaborated with someone else? 💌 Have you ever shared any of your songs, offline or online? 🤔 Do titles come easily or are they a pain to come up with? 🖌️ What's the title of your most recent composition? 📚 Do you have any "works in progress?" Care to elaborate? ⏳ All in all, how long does the process usually take? ❌ When do you know it's time to call it quits for the day/session? 🌚 Do you have any ideas for songs you haven't started yet? 🦕 What's the longest song you've written? 🐛 What's the shortest song you've written? 🦄 What's the weirdest song you've written? 🎉 Do you have a favorite part of the process?
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