#my watermark is wrong but im too lazy
zacksnydered · 5 months
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HENRY CAVILL as GERALT OF RIVIA Netflix’s The Witcher ‧ A Grain of Truth
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saeriji · 3 months
no layout im using my phone to make sure this stupid thing looks okay because on tablets and pc it looks crappy asf.
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i took a good hour and 15ish minutes on the top graphic and an hour on the bottom because the dividers were confusing
unfortunately i have to put the ugly blue watermark because some people can’t figure out that it’s wrong to steal
um yeah I’m preparing stuff for my event just having a burnout and an urge to complete this rentry i just showed u
i’ll share the rentry when it’s fully finished; i just don’t have motivation because this took me like 2 hours for just the main pieces
you can take inspiration off this rentry btw just credit me
no heavy or remakes though
i made this awhile back i just didn’t feel like posting it
um yeah
omfg i just looked back at this and realized the cropping on the right SUCKS
btw if i ever manage to collect myself and open requests don’t ask me for this big level of like templates or layouts i’ll combust into flames because it’s annoying to make (me and my layers fight)
I should’ve used folders but i get too lazy to use them
bye byes
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starsteemer · 3 years
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I adore @trishabeakens ‘s plant mutant design for Kimbra so of course i had to draw her vibing with her fellow mutants! 
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fiction-worlds · 4 years
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Hey guys I finally made an ig art account! You can follow me at tonia.be if you want! Will be posting a bunch of my other work there too, not just my fanart :)
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hongseokkie · 4 years
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woojin ✧ salute 201105
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cactusdrip · 4 years
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twitter sketch
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kaeveeoh-art · 6 years
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animated twitch stream alert commission for cyol commission info
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 3 years
Hakuoki Yuugiroku 3 - Short Episode #7 “It’s difficult to supervise”
This is my last post of the month, so I’ll end by asking you to please support me if you can through my ko-fi, and paypal or patreon which provides access to my hakuoki blog translations and early access to my postings. Also, please let me know if you have any hakuoki drama cds that you’d be willing to share that are on my Lookout List since i either do not have audio for those cds or do not have audio that I can share…. and if you are able to remove watermarks from a video, please contact me.  
This week’s translation is from also Yuugiroku 3, and is the 7th short episode from the game. Won’t be until October that I have something scheduled from this game again.
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enjoy~ also im aware that i spell sanan different ways in this (too lazy to fix it). i usually spell the name with a single ‘n’ cuz that’s what im used to but the patch spells it with two... and well, im a creature of habit lol. 
Hakuoki Yuugiroku 3 - Short Episode #7 “It’s difficult to supervise”
Translation by KumoriYami
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Yamazaki: Sannan-san, it's Yamazaki. Are you awake?
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Sannan: Yamazaki-kun? What is it/What’s wrong?
Yamazaki: There were a few things I wanted to ask. Is that okay with you?
Sanan: It's fine, go ahead.
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It's rare for the two of you to come and visit my room.
Shimada: Actually, there were some things we need to investigate.
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Sannan: What needs to be investigated?
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Yamazaki: Actually, Nagakura-san, Toudou-san and Harada-san, the three/all of them broke curfew/all broke curfew.
Sannan: The three of them/Those three?
Yamazaki: Breaking curfew is punishable by seppuku, and the Vice-Commander seriously reprimanded/criticized the three of them.
But the three of them said they saw a rasetsu escaping into the streets from headquarters that night [reword later?]——      And that they broke curfew to chase after that rasetsu.
Sanan: A rasetsu escaped?
If such a thing happened, I wouldn’t not know about it. 
Yamazaki: Yes, that's what we said——
Then we were told that they might have mistaken an old man with white hair at night to be a rasetsu. 
Sanan:...I see. 
Yamazaki: Then, there's the usual thing/matter—— The Vice-Commander's haiku collection was apparently stolen from his room /That haiku collection was apparently stolen from the Vice-Commander's room again.
Sanan: In that case, isn’t it Okita-kun again? It is his hobby to harass Hijikata-kun that way. 
Yamazaki: No, Okita-san has no recollection of doing that this time.  But, he said that he saw a white-haired man stealing something from the Vice-Commander's room. He speculated that it was done by one of/someone from the Rasetsu Corps who had complaints towards/a grudge against the Vice-Commander.
Sanan:...Is that so? One of the Rasetsu Corps...
Shimada: Also, a few days ago, there was a commotion caused by the disappearance of the side dish that had been left in the pot for dinner [reword later?].  Nomura-kun reportedly saw a rasetsu flee the scene from nearby. ...For some reason though, it looked as if there were traces of that side dish around his mouth...
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Sanan: Hoh/Oh... So one of the rasetsu specifically snuck into the kitchen to steal dinner/food meant for dinner? I see, I see... If that’s true, they will be certainly be reprimanded... If that really is the case.
Yamazaki: And just three days ago, Nagakura-san asked the Vice-Commander if he could receive his wages early/receive his pay in advance [reword later?].
Sanan: He must have spent all of his money while playing around Shimabara again. Did he drop his wallet somewhere?
Yamazaki: No, according to Nagakura-san, he he was saving up/saving money/very economical this month. 
He said that one of the Rasetsu Corps might have stolen his wallet.
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Sanan:..One of us rasetsu? You mean to say that someone that turned into a rasetsu stole it? How would someone who is unable to walk freely/freely walk in the sunlight, steal Nagakura-kun's wallet?
Yamazaki: We-We're just telling you everything that we heard...
Sanan: Yes, I know/understand that.  In other words, there are more people blaming the Rasetsu Corps for things that have been happening lately, right?
I understand. I will personally talk to them all later.
Yamazaki: Th-Thank you very much...
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laizru · 5 years
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a comic I made a while ago i love neprezi so much holy shit
also I changed my instagram homestuck account username to egirlhussie so the watermark is wrong now but im too lazy to change it oops
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merveiilles · 2 years
// For anyone that wants the story of my art on a dvd in wal-mart. Here ya go;; this is why im very wary of posting my art and wanting only certain people to re.blog, re.post or re.use it.
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I was in a walmart with my family about 2 hours from home and we were walking through the electronic section, and I spotted a dvd with very familiar looking eyes. I examined it further. And it was my art. They took out part of my watermark but my signature was still visible.
It was a bootleg dvd of a concert. But I think the people who made it just google searched for an image and used a random one.
But I had a full on mental breakdown in walmart that a lot of employees came to ask what was wrong. We had them search for any others like it, and that was THE ONLY ONE. They even looked online. None. It was like it was placed there by some strange force in the universe.
I was 2 hours from home. The company from which it was based, was 3 hours away in Toronto. We contacted Deviant.Art, we tried to contact the company in question. it was like they just up and vanished. they closed down the next day because the night we called them we got an answering machine and the next day, it was gone. their site was gone. Everything was gone Deviantart said that there was nothing they could do on their end because my art was published to their site and basically, everyone had free range on that site to take things despite there being or not being a watermark. I was devastated. One of my mom's lawyers was trying to contact her lawyer and everything. Because this company up and vanished... there wasn't anything they could do One of my mom's friends worked for Walmart in the higher ups. So she did a full scan through multiple stores for the dvd. Nowhere to be found.
some how... it appeared and disappeared like a bolt of lightning. That's why I'm very wary of my art getting out there and noticed. As much as it would be nice. I just had the wrong kind of exposure to it. And it's ruined my chances. Because I've had Rajia Baroudi who played the White Alien Ranger in the early seasons of Power Rangers, ask me if I wanted to make official art for her.
But my own reservations with what happened was a big blockade with making the deal with her.
im sure it's still open. because she loves my work.
It was just a lot to deal with so suddenly. I don't think I was able to sleep properly for weeks. --  also, yes pixie if you’re looking at this post, i did copy and paste this from our conversation because i was too lazy to write it out again.
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shapetorn · 6 years
lux dissects ‘the truth about tan.a.con’ in detail 
these details / rant is going under a read more because as someone who’s worked in the media / entertainment industry and has worked on planning full festivals - this is incredibly frustrating to me to see how poorly executed this was:   content warning:  potential swearing, idk whatever. just be prepared for a rant. 
tana literally curses vidcon. talks so much shit about it. she is partly responsible for this. for seeing that it was set for the same days that vidcon was to happen. to try and one up vidcon. this was a spiteful move on her end, 100%. we can’t even act like it’s not. 
to even advertise and promote this event for FREE - yet to charge people money. obviously this is a fucking idiotic thing. you can’t do that, logically. especially when you have expenses that occur - venue rental, security, adequate food and water - WHICH THERE WAS NONE. all of this should have been properly executed and set up before the vent was able happening. 
also no. no there was no 20,000 people.  im not even going to touch that. 
shane and every other ‘speaker’ advertised to be speaking at this shit show have EVERY right to be upset and bothered by this. they weren’t involved in the planning of this event but had to watch their fans get ripped off, get burned by the sun, heat exhaustion, etc etc. they have every right to be upset. to not be able to help these people in any way - it really puts them in a tough position. it’s taking advantage of these presenters and content creators as well - using their face and name as a means of promotion and not being able to deliver on that promise. 
there should have been adequate medical supports on site - dehydration and the fact that these people have been BURNED! heat exhaustion and heat stroke are incredibly real and deadly. this entire thing is a lawsuit waiting to fucking happen. 
i’d like to briefly touch on the ‘is there a shooter’ comment that i heard in one of these videos. shane even touches on how i feel exactly - michael and tana are so very fucking lucky that were WAS no shooting. with the increase in gun violence, the probability for that to occur was very high and without security and police assistance - there is nothing safe about the execution of this event. 
tana, thank you for being able to at least admit that you were a fucking idiot. i hope that it was a sincere admittance of fault. your planning of this event was completely out of spite for your distaste in vidcon and being banned. you did not properly do your research into who you were going to work with. EVEN SHANE TELLS YOU THAT! this was planned entirely as a revenge act with no thought for the fans coming to this event or the other content creators for this event. 
michael. lets address Good Times or whatever the fuck his company is called. 1) i had the hardest fucking time actually finding his damn website online. it was on the second page of google for me. i found a good times company in new zealand which mislead me for a moment into thinking that tana blindly trusted a company in new zealand to organize her event. 2) once i actually found this damn website. it is so poorly created with images that don’t contain watermarks and could have easily been snatched from other creators / brands.  even the brands listed on the bottom on his damn website: disney, coca cola, nike, universal, etc. these are huge fucking companies - global. uh some that have been around longer than michael has even been alive AND companies that handle their own branding or hire their own team / are very elite in their hiring process. michael provides no actual proof on his website that he’s worked with these companies. also not to mention the COUNTLESS videos that i’ve managed to find of clients of michael getting scammed and ripped off by him. 
michael is attempting to sue the marriott because he claims that they lied about capacity. no. im sorry.  when planning any event / convention / festival that requires use of a venue - there is - by law - a paper that dictates the maximum capacity of a certain space - PROVIDED AND SIGNED BY THE FIRE MARSHALL. there are also floor plans and maps outlining secure fire exits, etc. all of this information would have been readily available to him in the planning stages. he is either grasping at straws or is purely lazy and irresponsible - my guess is both. 
sponsorship! sponsorship! sponsorship! to minimize finances in planning an event - seek sponsorship. honestly had they planned this right...could have been a lot better. 
michael has no idea what he’s doing. he’s tripping over his words, he’s dodging questions. he’s lying through his teeth. michael you scam your clients. 
MICHAEL - AGAIN! CAUGHT IN A LIE!!! says that they gave him no capacity / lied about it but openly admits on camera that HE IGNORED CAPACITY TO MAKE MONEY! but tana!  she also knew the capacity and still ALLOWED him to ignore it. she supported it. 
okay so we know there were no free tickets and tana claims that she had no knowledge of this yet there was a snap video of her making some joke about being a scammer and then trying to brush it off as just being drunk? no she makes a point about michael saying that he’s a liar and wanting to say anything to cover his own ass but she is just as capable of doing the same thing. i believe both of them are in the wrong for various reasons - obviously michael for a much bigger and more crucial reason. especially his gross need for publicity. 
i don’t even have the mental capacity to understand. how the fuck do you fuck up this badly unless the entire thing was set to be doomed from the start. this is not how you execute something. there are LEGAL steps that are needed. proper contracts and permits with your venues, ensuring that you deal with the fire marshals to keep capacity and safety measures in check. NOT OVERSELLING YOUR FUCKING VENUE!!!!!! hiring adequate security and medical teams. branding, sponsorship. i’m 22 years old, i’ve been working in this industry since i was 15 years old on my own, learning from industry elders in my area and even learning more gaining a college education to hone my skills and learn more. i’ve managed artists and musicians, i’ve helped organize and run festivals and even smaller scale shows. it’s not impossible. the heart was not into this event, it was created clearly out of spite with people who had ill intentions with no understanding of what they were doing.
too much lying and bullshit. this just made me so annoyed and angry to see things executed so poorly and to see people get HURT here when all they wanted was a good weekend with their idols. 
and fuck. if michael can scam tana and the likes of bella thorne - send them here. i’ll fix it.
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crappycrafts-blog · 7 years
Session 1: Motivational excerpts
I am an artist…
Or so I say…
I am now a working artist in a small indie game company. However, I still think that my skills are not enough to make high quality art hence, the name crappycrafts. I am not saying that my boss was wrong to hire me but it’s just that I want to deliver more.
I am a lazy person. I am ambitious as well. Very contradicting huh? I am aware that I can’t reach my dreams if I stay lazy af but I can’t help it! Sleeping and playing games are just so fun to do!!! Thinking about it though, I have so much passion in playing games to the point that I exert so much effort to finish the story, complete all the missions/quests and get all items/equipments. That is why I don’t understand why I am being lazy to do things for the better of myself, right? I know for sure that if I exert the same effort that I put into games into learning and practicing art then I’ll get to achieve my ultimate goal, my ultimate quest in life and that is to be a professional artist. (my personal definition of professional is “being someone who doesn’t need a diploma or anything but someone who is knowledgeale in his craft and able to produce something that can level the standards of the community and the industry.)
I graduated college with a degree in BSIT with specialization in Digital Arts. It’s not an art school where I studied and as a matter of fact, college sucked. I didn’t learn a single thing in that course that helped me to get where I am now. What it thought me is that I can never learn the fundamentals unless I take interest to it (even without a teacher). So let’s get to the point shall we?
I am starting this blog(?) for the sake of keeping track with my studies. Hopefully I stay motivated. I am very bad at updating stuffs too so I am getting anxious as I am writing this but I have to learn how to negate my lazy self so I can continue forward.
I will be studying the book of Andrew Loomis, “Figure Drawig For All It’s Worth”. Almost all artists I saw online recommends his book and I’ve already read the book before but of course, I didn’t take it seriously. I just read it without grasping things and without applying and practicing those. I already started reading it again and I got some excerpts from it that I think are important to highlight.
All these excerpts can be found in the ‘Opening Chat’ section of the book.
You love to draw. You wish to draw well. If there is any chance, you greatly wish to make a living at it. - pg. 15
Honestly, I never thought that I will pursue art as a career. When I was a kid, I just draw whenever I feel like it. I can’t really say it was a hobby since it’s very rare that I draw although back in high school, I got so much passion in drawing that I draw even though everything I do looks like crap. Well, I still draw crappy art up to this day. I am one of those people who didn’t know what they wanna do in life and I just had to pick a course to take in college and so I said, “yeah well, I draw so maybe do that” I didn’t know I’ll regret that decision so much.
I believe that greater chances of success lie in the mental approach to the work, rather than in sheer technical knowledge - pg. 15
I am lazy… I already said that, right? So even if I get the urge to draw something and be creative, I just shrug the idea and think of it as a bother and that I’ll just exhaust myself. Someone slap me please…
I feel that talent means little unless coupled with an insatiable desire to give an excellent personal demonstration of ability. I feel also that talent must be in company with a capacity for unlimited effort, which provides the power that eventually hurdles the difficulties that would frustrate lukewarm enthusiasm. - pg. 15
Talent, well, I think that there are really gifted people. However, I also believe that talent is worth nothing if it’s not put into practice. It will stay stagnant and will never improve if not taken care of. Like a seed that needs to be watered and exposed to sunlight, talent needs effort to achieve improvement (but exposure isn’t a good deal to take advantage of artists so please stop that nonsense)
…what is of greatest importance and subordinates what must be there is of less importance - pg. 15
I used to get compliments for taking good pictures. So I thought that I have a good sense of composition but that isn’t the case. Taking pictures are a lot easier than drawing a whole scene. In pictures, I just need to position the camera in a nice perfect angle to capture my message but in drawing, I need to think of what things would make up the message I want to convey.
Everything about your pictures is, and should be, a little of you- pg. 16
This is probably the easiest thing I could do in all of these important points Loomis stated. I always put something of me in my art to the point that sometimes, I overshadow the personality of the character I wanted to portray. So far, I have 13 official OCs that I plan to create a comic of and they have varying personalities. I am an introvert and an extreme one so I always find it hard to portray my OC that is an extrovert. I suppose I need to control the amount of me that I put into things.
Good drawing is neither an accident nor the result of an inspired moment when the Muses lend a guiding hand. - pg. 17
THIS HITS HARD because you know what? I always rely on the supernatural being to bless me the motivation and the ability to draw sometimes. And at times when I feel really exhausted, I just thought that maybe the being is not here to bless me. Pretty ridiculous, right? I keep giving excuses not to draw or practice and yet I get frustrated when I can’t achieve what I have in mind.
Use another’s style as a crutch only-until you can walk alone. - pg. 17
There are lots of artists out there nowadays that has a distinct art style e.g, Kawacy, WLOP, Ilya Kuvshinov, Gabriel Picolo, Artgerm, Sakimichan and more that anyone would be able to tell that it’s their artwork without even looking at the watermark. I’ve been seeing other new artists out there that I could tell that they were influenced by some of these masters I mentioned. There’s nothing wrong with that and I am actually awed that they managed to get the technique from another and use it for their own. However, I honestly feel that anyone can have this distinct art style if we keep developing what we gained from others. So far, I have very inconsistent art style since im a crap.
… nurture individuality and not produce imitation. - pg. 17
I started out drawing by merely imitating a photo of a character. From the pose, to the expression, to the colors, and more. Of course, just like most of artists out there, I thought that this is what it means to draw. Apparently, that’s wrong. Drawing as a person can be different as drawing as an artist. An artist adds creativity to the creation and not just imitating what is seen.
Technique is not so important as the young artist is inclined to believe; the living and emotional qualities- the idealization you put into your work- are far more important - pg. 18
Every artist, every person has different experiences in life. These experiences enables us to think differently and have varying opinions. This creates a unique idea and personality within us and we can learn how to turn it into something creative that is new and that will define us.
For the next post, I’ll be tackling the chapter one of the book. I’ll probably take out some excerpts again and anything hat could be helpful to highlight.
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