#my weakness is adding text to illustration pages can you tell .
rileyclaw · 2 years
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were you spying on me just to hear these boring stories?
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Helping browsers optimize with properties containing the CSS
The CSS Containment Specification describes a single property, includes, and can help illustrate to the user which parts of the layout are independent and do not need to recalculate if any other part of the layout changes.Although this property occurs for purposes of performance optimisation, it can also influence the page layout. In this post, therefore, I will describe the various types of containment that you can benefit from, but also the things that you need to look out for if the application includes elements on your web. The Interface Recalculation ProblemWhen you are designing simple web pages that don't add or modify elements dynamically after loading them using JavaScript, you don't have to think about the problem that CSS Containment solves. The browser has to measure the layout just once, as the page is loaded.If you want to add elements to your website without the user needing to reload it, where Containment is useful.When modifying the contents of our package, the browser must take into account that some of the elements may have changed. In general, browsers are pretty good at coping with this, because it is a common thing that must happen. That said, as the developer, you're going to know if each of the components is different, and a change to one doesn't affect the others, so it would be good if you could let the user know this through your CSS. It is what you are given by containment, and the CSS containing properties. How does it help Containment?An HTML document is a tree structure that you can see in DevTools when inspecting any product. I define one thing in my example above that I want to alter using JavaScript, and then make some changes to the internals. (This means I'm just changing things for that list item inside the subtree)
Applying the contain property to an element informs the browser that changes are scoped to that element's subtree, so that the browser can make any possible optimizations — safe in the knowledge that nothing else can change outside of that item. What a particular browser might do is precisely down to the engine. The
property literally gives you the chance to let it know — as the developer and expert on this style.In certain cases, you would be safe to go straight ahead and start using the contain property, but the different values do come with some possible side effects that are worth knowing before adding the property to your site's elements. Using ContainmentThe containing property will set three different containment types:1.  Layout2.  Paint 3.  Size Note: Level 2 Specification includes a design attribute. It has been dropped from Level 1, so it does not appear in the Recommendation, and Firefox does not enforce it. LAYOUTContainment on the model offers the greatest benefits. Using the following snippet to put layout confinement on:
The user knows with allowed layout containment that nothing outside the element can influence the internal layout, and nothing within the element can alter anything about the layout of items outside it. It ensures that for this case it will render all possible optimisations. When the software containment is allowed, a few additional things happen. These are all items that make sure this box and its contents are separate from the rest of the tree.The box provides an individual meaning for the formatting. This ensures the box content remains in the box — especially floats will be preserved, and margins will not collapse through the box. It is the same behavior we turn on when using display: flow-root as explained in my article "Understanding the CSS structure and the context for block formatting." If a float might pop out of your box, allowing the float to move around following text, this would be a situation where the entity modified the layout of things outside, making it a weak containment candidate.The containing box acts as the central block for any descendants of any absolute or fixed position. This means that it will behave as if you used position: relative to the box that you applied contains layout.The box provides a framework for stacking, too. Thus z-index will function on this part, it will stack its children based on this new context. PAINTUsing the following to switch paint containment on
The same side effects as layout containment occur when paint containment is enabled: the containing box becomes an independent formatting context, a containing block for positioned elements, and a stacking context is established. What paint containment does is inform the viewer that elements within the surrounding block will not be visible outside the box's boundaries. Essentially, the contents are clipped to the package. SizeContainment of size is the attribute that most likely causes you an problem if you are not completely conscious of how it works. Use: To add containment of scale
If you use size containment then tell the user you know the size of the box and it does not shift. This means that if you have a box in the block dimension that is auto-sized, it will be treated as though it has no size, so the box collapses as if it has no material. If you assign the boxes a height, when it contains: size is used, the height will be respected. Scale containment alone does not create a new formatting background and hence does not contain floats and margins as it would do with layout and paint containment. It's less likely you'd use it alone; rather, you'd more likely use it along with other covering values to be able to get as much protection as possible. Shorthand ValuesFor certain instances, one of two shorthand values may be used to get the most out of the containment. To turn on the layout and paint containment, use contains: content; and turn on all containment possibilities (bearing in mind that objects that do not have a size will then collapse), use includes: strict.The Specification says: "contain: content is fairly" free "for widespread application; its effects in practice are relatively slight, and most content does not run out of its restrictions. Since it does not apply size containment, however, the item may still react to the size of its contents which can cause layout-invalidation to percolate further up the tree than desired. Usage includes: rigid, where possible, to achieve as much containment as possible.Therefore, if you do not know the size of the products in advance and accept the fact that it will include floats and margins, usage includes: content. In addition to being happy about the other side effects of containment, if you know the size of objects, using contains: tight. The rest is up to the user, you did your bit explaining how the interface works. Will I now use Containment?The specification for CSS Containment is now a W3C Recommendation which is what we often refer to as a web standard. There needed to be two implementations of the feature that we can see in both Firefox and Chrome to get the spec to this stage:
Since this property is clear to the user, linking to every site is entirely safe even if you have loads of visitors in browsers that don't support it. If the browser does not support containment then the user gets the experience they usually get, the performance is improved for those in supporting browsers. I would say that this is a fantastic thing to add to any components you build in a component or template library, if you're working this way, it's possible that each component is built to be an individual item that doesn't impact other components on the web. So if you have a page that adds content to the DOM after loading, I'd recommend you try it
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realtalk-princeton · 4 years
@Sulpicia do you have any advice on how to achieve such a high gpa in the humanities, when essay grades can sometimes seem subjective and different professors have different preferences? for ex, do you recommend using office hours in a certain way?
Response from Sulpicia:
I think that one thing to keep in mind is that I’m in a humanities major where empirical exams often determine 70-80% of your grade in a class; while they’re not usually curved, the language exams I took had a pretty similar format between classes, and so with every class you’re more prepared to engage with the material in that way. I personally think the best thing you can do to do well in a humanities class is to do the work; coming into class having prepared and done the readings will mean you have things to say, which translates into a better class discussion; this then will inevitably inspire thinking about what to write about for papers, and will also give you a better idea of how your instructor responds to your thinking. I’m not pretending that I showed up to class prepared 100% of the time, but I think sometimes people take humanities classes here and don’t take them seriously and then struggle at the end because they weren’t really trying to understand things on a week-to-week level.
In terms of writing papers, I generally tried to be in contact with instructors as much as possible throughout the process. Going to office hours with an idea (or, better yet, an outline) is really helpful, since you can get feedback before you spend a ton of time writing something that is founded on a mistaken assumption (which was something I did a LOT in my thesis process) or following a line of argument that might not be as strong as you initially think/hope. I often tried to come up with paper topics early on and even when (as was inevitably the case) I didn’t write anything, I knew I a) had the green light from a professor and b) was passively thinking about the topic for a long time. I also tried to write about things that made me excited, since the best papers are the ones you actually care about.
I actually have not found that professors have hugely different expectations for writing, because at the undergraduate level, good academic writing is good academic writing. I’m not the best essay writer in the world, but here are some tips I have for essay writing that I’ve learned over the past few years:
- Structure is so important, and is something a lot of essays miss. You should have a clear thesis statement of 1-2 sentences for a term paper, and this should be clearly positioned at the end of your introduction. For a shorter paper (5-10 pages) this should be at the end of the first page or top of the second page, while for longer papers, a JP, or a thesis chapter, they can be a little bit further in. Overlong introductions are my weakness as a writer, but a good intro basically just needs to provide the context you need to set up your thesis statement. I would stay away from the “three-pronged” thesis you learned in high school, but your thesis should correspond with the structure of your paper by presenting your claims in the order you will address them.
- Structure is important in your main body too! Write an outline before you begin your essay that briefly sketches out the progression of your argument and what evidence you will use to prove each part of it. Use transition words to link together ideas, and make sure to regularly tie back all of your claims to the main idea of your paper. Don’t write anything that does not support your thesis or provide a counterargument that you can then mitigate or disprove. Always let your reader know where they are in your argument, and don’t be afraid to refer back to earlier parts of the paper.
- Every sentence should matter. When you’re presenting a piece of evidence or analysis, think about its relationship to the one previous. Is that relationship meaningful? If not, the sentence shouldn’t be there (or should be placed elsewhere in your paper). The ideal is that every piece of your paper will follow naturally from what immediately precedes it, guiding the reader on a nice walk through your argument.
- In the humanities, close engagement with primary sources is key. Yes, you need to use secondary scholarship. However, engagement with the “scholarly conversation” should be second to your unique contribution, which is your close reading of the text/images at hand. This was something I struggled with in my thesis, since I felt so pressured to read all the scholarship and lost my close focus on primary sources. The absolute first thing you should do when you write a humanities paper is sit down with the sources you’re analyzing and think about them. What questions do they raise for you? Why are they confusing or contradictory? How does this source connect what you discussed in lecture, precept, or seminar? What can one source say about another? If you can, annotate the source on a piece of paper or take notes alongside it.
From there, you’ll start to find your unique insights which will form the backbone of the paper. Then, if this is a research paper and not just a close reading, look at secondary sources. If you have your own opinions about a primary text, however naive, you’ll feel more confident looking at *the discourse*. Sometimes, this will answer questions you had about the text, and so you don’t need to do that work in your paper. Other times, it will give you more interpretive tools to understand a text (e.g. you might find that X feature of the writing is typical of a certain genre, and you can think about the implications of that on your text). Sometimes, it’ll show you that the scholarly consensus is, in your opinions, totally wrong; for example, one chapter of my thesis was inspired by the fact that I visual source I thought was straightforward and was going to use in another chapter had in fact been pretty clearly misread by scholars, so my new project became proving why my identification was correct. However, any engagement with scholarship should only work to support your argument; unless you’re doing a lit review or writing about scholarly history (in which case the scholarship is your primary source), you don’t just want to slap different people’s opinions next to each other.
- Use lots of evidence and use lots of analysis. Graders are not mind readers, even if they are familiar with the material you’re studying. Good essays will present a lot of evidence; one thing I find helpful is breaking up longer quotes into shorter sections and treating them separately. Every piece of evidence should also be given analysis about why a) it is proving whatever point you’re making in the paragraph and b) how this connects to your larger argument. Part (b) might be implicit, but many essays could be stronger by making clear, distinctive points. Obviously not every piece of evidence merits a lot of analysis, and you can feel free to draw together several quotes to make one larger point.
- Speaking of, make specific claims. This refers both to the evidence that you use and how you use it. It’s totally okay to make general statements about a work, or an author, or an artistic movement; you couldn’t write an essay without doing that. However, those broad claims need to (at least in part) be grounded in some form of evidence; this can come from a secondary source or from an illustrative quote from a primary source. Inexperienced essay writers will be too vague and general--while there are dangers in getting to hyper-specific, I think it’s important that if you make a claim in your paper, you point to the specific thing that made you think that way (this is also a good way to avoid misconceptions/bad assumptions in your argument). When you’re using evidence, you should also try to say something as specific as possible about it, rather than just continuing to string up evidence and restating your thesis. Your thesis statement is just a summary of your ideas; your reasoning should be more nuanced and complex than that one concept. The more specific you are the more original you are, which helps you make points.
- Revise, revise, revise! When I did HUM, I would write up to five drafts of each paper. As a senior, I’ve gotten a lot lazier about this, but part of the reason I could do that was because I had learned a lot from revising previous papers and knew what mistakes to avoid. I think that papers grow the most between a first draft and a second draft. My favorite way to revise (and this is what I did with my thesis, JPs, and many papers I’ve written at Princeton) is to take a draft, print it out (with professor comments, if applicable), and then go through and retype the whole thing into a blank document. Optionally you can mark it up yourself as well, which is probably for the best. I like this because it means you have to read every word of your paper and also don’t feel bound by its existing structure; you can move paragraphs or shuffle things around more easily. I also always find myself adding more things or rephrasing analysis, which improves the paper. You’ll never come up with every idea in a first draft, so it’s good to revisit the paper as much as you can.
- Ask other people to read your work. We all have bad writing habits, from overuse of certain words to repetitive syntax to skipping steps in our logic. These things are not always obvious to us, but are very obvious to other readers. If you can, ask a friend (or writing center tutor, or instructor) to read your paper and help you identify these “bad habits” so you’re more conscious of them in future drafts. They can also often help you see where you skipped a step in your structure or the logic of your argument, or where your treatment of evidence doesn’t fully make sense. This is not always an option, of course, but especially early on, having people who will frankly tell you what’s not working will be helpful to your development as a writer.
- Learn from your mistakes. Criticism, even of the kindest, gentlest, most constructive kind, is hard to hear. To be honest, I would sometimes put off writing my thesis for hours because I was so embarrassed that my advisor had seen a stupid mistake I’d made in my writing (which is entirely irrational, yes, I get it). However, it is very important not only to bask in the positive comments on your paper, but to look at any more constructive ones to see what you can do better next time. Every paper teaches you how to write the next one better. Keep old papers and use them as teaching tools; you might even find it helpful to pin a list of things you know you need to remember when writing next to your desk or on your computer desktop. Professors offer comments because they want you to do better and understand more, not because they want to tear you down (unless they’re really mean).
Anyway this was kind of long-winded, but hopefully at least a little helpful as Dean’s Date approaches (the one lesson I never learn is how to stop procrastinating). I don’t know if there’s a secret to having a good GPA. I don’t consider myself to be brilliant or industrious at all, really; I think I’ve been lucky, taken classes that suited my academic strengths, come into them prepared, and really spent time understanding what exams and papers are trying to assess and then crafting my responses accordingly.
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repallication · 6 years
Himiko is a Hero: Chapter 3
Meeting Makoto
The cop and highschool girl pair left U.A. once the girl was able to walk again.
"Sorry again for the inconvenience Toga. I will be sure to tell the higher ups to loosen that thing's grip on you." Tsukauchi said, repeating prior promises in hopes to please the girl.
The girl, however, was on a completely different wavelength due to the previous encounters of the afternoon. Izuku. Her crush totally stuck up for her. And she got his phone number. And she got super close to stabbing him. It was the perfect day for your average blood-obsessed high school girl.
"Toga. Did you... make sure the phone number you input is correct? I'm sure Midoriya wouldn't mind a text." Tsukauchi said, resigning himself to having to connect with Toga on her level and interests.
"I gotta make it special. My first text to Izuku has to be super special." Toga said in response.
"I see..."
"Mr. Cop. Do you have a love story too? Did you make your first time special?" Toga inquired.
"F-first time?" Tsukauchi was caught off-guard by her questions and saw it as a sudden and perverse interrogation.
"Yeah yeah! Your first time texting someone you like! Hehehehe. What did you think I meant~?"
"I thought you meant... That doesn't matter! This isn't an interrogation!"
"Hehehe. You are weak to questions, huh? I can totally smell it on you."
Tsukauchi didn't give any further responses to Toga as they continued to where he lived. It was an apartment, from what Toga could tell from the outside. She followed Tsukauchi up the stairs to what was considered his space. The cop removed his key from his pocket and placed it into the lock on the door. He paused and braced himself when grabbing the door knob.
"Scared? I'm scared too when I'm meeting new people." Toga said, noting his pause.
"I didn't know you could feel scared." Tsukauchi responded in a joking manner while opening the door.
As soon as the door opened, exactly what Tsukauchi feared would happen, did. As if waiting for their arrival, a tall green eyed girl went directly from the couch in the living room to Toga the moment they stepped inside.
"Himiko Toga, correct? I'm Makoto Tsukauchi. Feel free to call me Makoto to avoid confusion. Big Brother said your Quirk is interesting and the higher ups want to keep an eye on you. Does that mean it can cause alot of harm?" the woman said in a verbal onslaught.
Toga's mind was rattled by the surprise attack allowing her to only say "No?" in an unsure manner while her hands were vigorously shook.
"Sis. Give it a break. At least let Toga relax from school before you interrogate her." said Naomasa Tsukauchi, stepping in to protect Toga.
"Just getting some info you didn't give me, Big Brother." she said beaming a smile at them both. "How about dinner then you two? Toga's first dinner at the Tsukauchi household! The cops probably only fed you instant meals, but a growing girl needs way more than that!"
Toga was still too baffled by the blinding ray of glee that Naomasa called a sister to fully take in the essay length of words that was emitted at a time. Toga found herself at a dinner table before she knew it with homecooked food placed infront of her and Naomasa at the dinner table.
"Dig in! It's a Tsukauchi Family Speciality made of-"
Before Makoto could even go into what the meal was, Toga was already digging in. Digging would be an understatement for how she ate. The way she consumed the food was more akin to "ravenous burrowing". The twin bunned girl finished in half the time it took Naomasa.
"I'll clean up!" Toga said, jumping up out of her seat.
"Let me handle that Toga. I'm not even half way done yet. Makoto will show you around the place.”
Toga’s smile turned into a frown for a moment before Makoto came over to her.
“I cleaned up the storage room and added a bed so your living space is complete!” Makoto said.
“Please don’t make it sound like we are just putting her in storage.” Naomasa replied.
“Is there a bath?” Toga asked abruptly.
“Right this way Toga.” Makoto responded, leading Toga from the dinner table to the bathroom. “There should be everything you need. Soap, towels-”
Toga didn’t wait for Makoto to finish her explanation. The sound of the bathroom door shutting got Makoto to realize this. Enjoying the time she got to herself, Toga went into stretching and undressing.
“Alone time. Now I can finally-”
Toga’s thoughts were interrupted by the door to the bathroom being opened and Makoto appearing, proudly, in a bath towel.
“I am here! To wash your back of course!” bellowed out the inquisitive girl in her best All Might impression.
The reference was wasted on Toga as she ran to shut the door.
“Nope.” Toga plainly stated, closing the door on Makoto.
“Come on Toga~. Let’s have a little girl time together.” Makoto said, holding the door open just a smidge, trying to squeeze into the bathroom.
“Nope nope nope! Alone time!” Toga responded, reaching for the lock of the door. Just had to lock it the second the door shut fully.
“It will just be a few questions about your Quirk, U.A. and why you want to be a hero. Nothing too personal.” Makoto said in an attempt to compromise with the blonde that was baring fangs at her through the small crack she was struggling to maintain.
The moment that Makoto took to contemplate what Toga meant was the moment in which Toga got the door fully shut and instantly locked the door. Makoto tried knocking but got no response. After a full minute of knocking, she got the memo and left Toga alone for the time being, instead focusing on handling Toga’s belongings and clothes. An hour and a half passed before Toga exited with a calmly elated expression on her face. Makoto was instantly there to try and talk to her, but Toga fully ignored the girl’s questions and just walked away while still in just a towel and her hair down. Naomasa, through quickly closed eyes, was the first one whose words made it to the glazed over mind of Toga.
“Toga! Your room is down the hall past the bathroom! P-put some clothes on!”
Turning around from going the wrong way, she walked back down the hall as if she was a zombie in a daze.
“Makoto. Did you do something to her?” Naomasa asked his little sister after Toga found her way into the once-storage-now-bed room.
“Just tried asking her a few questions earlier. Whats up Big Bro?” she replied.
“Don’t bother her like some kind of paparazzi. The more questions thrown at her, the less she answers. Barely even got out of her the fact that her Quirk involves blood.”
“Hmmm…Thanks for the advice. I’ll try again later then. You know I never give up!”
“Maybe you should sometimes. It’s safer...” Naomasa dejectedly said while returning to cleaning the dishes.
Inside Toga’s new room, boxes of random stuff took up about 50% of the room. The boxes had been organized to the sides of the room, transforming the square room into a T shaped room from the door in terms of usable space. Straight ahead was a window and to the left of that was a small desk for school work. To the right was a twin sized bed with enough room to get in from each side. Lots of stuff was laid out on her bed with the intention to catch Toga’s attention, which it did. She went over to investigate. Firstly was her backpack beside the bed which she got her phone out of. Next the bed. On top of one pile was her underwear, washed and cleaned for her to put on. And beneath was a baby blue frilled dress with small red cherries printed intermittently on it. Toga put on the clothes in front of her and checked her phone to see how it looked.
“WAY CUTE!” she instantly thought while looking at her own smile and dress on her phone screen.
After taking a picture of herself to remember this cute gift, she checked the rest of her bed. There was one other stack of items, but this time there was a sticky note on top.
“Write your thoughts in this. The higher ups want to make sure your life at U.A. is going well. -Naomasa Tsukauchi.” was what it read.
The sticky note was attached to a single color crimson red pocket notebook. After ripping off the sticky note, Toga stared at it trying to decide what to do with it. Then it came to her. Write all about Izuku! Taking a pencil out of her backpack, she sat at the small desk opposite her bed and began scribbling away.
As night continued on, 10:00 PM came swiftly. Deciding to check in on her, Naomasa went and knocked on Toga’s door. Toga’s response was swift and preceded by an “ow” and the tumbling of a few boxes.
“I’m busy.” she said, opening the door just enough to peak her head out and see Naomasa in casual blue nightwear.
“Be sure to go to sleep early. You don’t want to be late for-”
“Ok. I’m busy.” she shut the door in his face after repeating herself.
The only response he got was another “ow” and grumbling about “the same box”.
An hour later, and after coaxing from her big brother, Makoto went to check on Toga. Knowing how to avoid repeating the mistakes of Naomasa, she opened the door to Toga’s room without knocking. She waited to see if there would be a response. After 10 seconds passed and none was given, she invited herself in. Right off the bat, she noticed boxes to her left knocked over. Makoto assigned it to Toga being clumsy and fixed them. While fixing them, she found the owner of the room with their face against the desk.
“Aw Toga. You have to sleep in your bed you know. Or else I get to do this...”
Letting her natural curiosity take over, Makoto began searching for what Toga was working on. Upon close inspection Makoto discerned that it was the red notebook.
“Don’t want you drolling on it now.”
Sliding the notebook out from under the drooling Toga’s mouth, Makoto began flipping through the pages herself. It was the least the notebook could do for it’s savior.
“3 whole pages… 6 including illustrations. All about one Izuku Midoriya… Hmmm...”
Deciding their wasn’t much more to glean from just her obsession with one boy, Makoto placed the notebook back on the desk, but in a place safe from Toga’s drool. Looking at Toga again, another issue became apparent.
“You can’t just not brush your hair before bed and expect your love interest to swoon!”
Taking matters into her own hands for Toga’s sake, Makoto went to her own room and returned with a brush to use on Toga’s naturally messy hair. It took a long time but eventually the unkempt golden lawn on Toga’s head relented to Makoto’s brush skills. She left Toga to sleep at the desk after the fight with her hair. No sense in trying to move her and risk waking her up.
The night at the Tsukauchi abode went on with the 3 people inside working on their own tasks before bedtime. By 11:30 PM, Naomasa was already asleep. When 1:00 AM came around, Makoto decided it was time to hit the hay and let her work be handled after sleep. Right after she got a drink of water. She left her room to go to the kitchen but stopped halfway through. Audible when she reached the living room was the sound of running water. Makoto tensed up.
“A burglar? At this time of night everyone should be asleep here, so it must be. But why water…?”
Makoto’s mind was flooded with questions as her movements slowed and she began sneaking through her own house to get to the kitchen. She maneuvered to the couch and hid behind it. There was a direct view to the sink in the kitchen where she saw…
“Toga. What are you doing up so late?” she blurted out while standing up.
In response to the question in pure darkness, metal clanked against metal and the blonde head of the girl at the sink slowly turned around. Her eyes, as if made exactly for this situation, pierced the darkness and glared directly at Makoto. Makoto’s whole body froze as Toga’s elliptical pupils glared at her. Then Toga spoke.
“Cleaning... I’m done now.”
Toga’s lackadaisical tone betrayed the mood of the situation. She shut off the water and turned fully towards Makoto before slowly taking steps towards her. All Makoto could see was two bright circles with black slits coming directly towards her. Or rather, past her. Toga attempted to walk past Makoto, but the latter placed a hand on the shoulder of the former.
“I just have to use my quirk and then...”
Quirk: Polygraph. The condition for activation is making physical contact! And her ability lets her “judge the authenticity” of her target’s words!
“W-why were you cleaning?” Makoto stuttered slightly, still affected by the atmosphere.
Toga yawned before giving her response.
“I wanted to clean something. So I did...” she mumbled, with her eye-lids lowering to half closed.
“Oh. Sorry, Toga. Get some good rest.” Makoto responded, letting of Toga’s shoulder and watching the girl stumble through the darkness back to her room.
“She told the truth. But why would she...” Makoto thought as she went over to the sink to check what Toga was washing. “Only knives? We didn’t use all these for dinner...”
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Helping browsers optimize with properties containing the CSS
The CSS Containment Specification describes a single property, includes, and can help illustrate to the user which parts of the layout are independent and do not need to recalculate if any other part of the layout changes.Although this property occurs for purposes of performance optimisation, it can also influence the page layout. In this post, therefore, I will describe the various types of containment that you can benefit from, but also the things that you need to look out for if the application includes elements on your web. The Interface Recalculation ProblemWhen you are designing simple web pages that don't add or modify elements dynamically after loading them using JavaScript, you don't have to think about the problem that CSS Containment solves. The browser has to measure the layout just once, as the page is loaded.If you want to add elements to your website without the user needing to reload it, where Containment is useful.When modifying the contents of our package, the browser must take into account that some of the elements may have changed. In general, browsers are pretty good at coping with this, because it is a common thing that must happen. That said, as the developer, you're going to know if each of the components is different, and a change to one doesn't affect the others, so it would be good if you could let the user know this through your CSS. It is what you are given by containment, and the CSS containing properties. How does it help Containment?An HTML document is a tree structure that you can see in DevTools when inspecting any product. I define one thing in my example above that I want to alter using JavaScript, and then make some changes to the internals. (This means I'm just changing things for that list item inside the subtree)
Applying the contain property to an element informs the browser that changes are scoped to that element's subtree, so that the browser can make any possible optimizations — safe in the knowledge that nothing else can change outside of that item. What a particular browser might do is precisely down to the engine. The
property literally gives you the chance to let it know — as the developer and expert on this style.In certain cases, you would be safe to go straight ahead and start using the contain property, but the different values do come with some possible side effects that are worth knowing before adding the property to your site's elements. Using ContainmentThe containing property will set three different containment types:1.  Layout2.  Paint 3.  Size Note: Level 2 Specification includes a design attribute. It has been dropped from Level 1, so it does not appear in the Recommendation, and Firefox does not enforce it. LAYOUTContainment on the model offers the greatest benefits. Using the following snippet to put layout confinement on:
The user knows with allowed layout containment that nothing outside the element can influence the internal layout, and nothing within the element can alter anything about the layout of items outside it. It ensures that for this case it will render all possible optimisations. When the software containment is allowed, a few additional things happen. These are all items that make sure this box and its contents are separate from the rest of the tree.The box provides an individual meaning for the formatting. This ensures the box content remains in the box — especially floats will be preserved, and margins will not collapse through the box. It is the same behavior we turn on when using display: flow-root as explained in my article "Understanding the CSS structure and the context for block formatting." If a float might pop out of your box, allowing the float to move around following text, this would be a situation where the entity modified the layout of things outside, making it a weak containment candidate.The containing box acts as the central block for any descendants of any absolute or fixed position. This means that it will behave as if you used position: relative to the box that you applied contains layout.The box provides a framework for stacking, too. Thus z-index will function on this part, it will stack its children based on this new context. PAINTUsing the following to switch paint containment on
The same side effects as layout containment occur when paint containment is enabled: the containing box becomes an independent formatting context, a containing block for positioned elements, and a stacking context is established. What paint containment does is inform the viewer that elements within the surrounding block will not be visible outside the box's boundaries. Essentially, the contents are clipped to the package. SizeContainment of size is the attribute that most likely causes you an problem if you are not completely conscious of how it works. Use: To add containment of scale
If you use size containment then tell the user you know the size of the box and it does not shift. This means that if you have a box in the block dimension that is auto-sized, it will be treated as though it has no size, so the box collapses as if it has no material. If you assign the boxes a height, when it contains: size is used, the height will be respected. Scale containment alone does not create a new formatting background and hence does not contain floats and margins as it would do with layout and paint containment. It's less likely you'd use it alone; rather, you'd more likely use it along with other covering values to be able to get as much protection as possible. Shorthand ValuesFor certain instances, one of two shorthand values may be used to get the most out of the containment. To turn on the layout and paint containment, use contains: content; and turn on all containment possibilities (bearing in mind that objects that do not have a size will then collapse), use includes: strict.The Specification says: "contain: content is fairly" free "for widespread application; its effects in practice are relatively slight, and most content does not run out of its restrictions. Since it does not apply size containment, however, the item may still react to the size of its contents which can cause layout-invalidation to percolate further up the tree than desired. Usage includes: rigid, where possible, to achieve as much containment as possible.Therefore, if you do not know the size of the products in advance and accept the fact that it will include floats and margins, usage includes: content. In addition to being happy about the other side effects of containment, if you know the size of objects, using contains: tight. The rest is up to the user, you did your bit explaining how the interface works. Will I now use Containment?The specification for CSS Containment is now a W3C Recommendation which is what we often refer to as a web standard. There needed to be two implementations of the feature that we can see in both Firefox and Chrome to get the spec to this stage:
Since this property is clear to the user, linking to every site is entirely safe even if you have loads of visitors in browsers that don't support it. If the browser does not support containment then the user gets the experience they usually get, the performance is improved for those in supporting browsers. I would say that this is a fantastic thing to add to any components you build in a component or template library, if you're working this way, it's possible that each component is built to be an individual item that doesn't impact other components on the web. So if you have a page that adds content to the DOM after loading, I'd recommend you try it
As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
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Helping browsers optimize with properties containing the CSS
The CSS Containment Specification describes a single property, includes, and can help illustrate to the user which parts of the layout are independent and do not need to recalculate if any other part of the layout changes.
Although this property occurs for purposes of performance optimisation, it can also influence the page layout. In this post, therefore, I will describe the various types of containment that you can benefit from, but also the things that you need to look out for if the application includes elements on your web. The Interface Recalculation Problem
When you are designing simple web pages that don't add or modify elements dynamically after loading them using JavaScript, you don't have to think about the problem that CSS Containment solves. The browser has to measure the layout just once, as the page is loaded.
If you want to add elements to your website without the user needing to reload it, where Containment is useful.
When modifying the contents of our package, the browser must take into account that some of the elements may have changed. In general, browsers are pretty good at coping with this, because it is a common thing that must happen. That said, as the developer, you're going to know if each of the components is different, and a change to one doesn't affect the others, so it would be good if you could let the user know this through your CSS. It is what you are given by containment, and the
containing properties. How does it help Containment?
An HTML document is a tree structure that you can see in DevTools when inspecting any product. I define one thing in my example above that I want to alter using JavaScript, and then make some changes to the internals. (This means I'm just changing things for that list item inside the subtree)
Applying the contain property to an element informs the browser that changes are scoped to that element's subtree, so that the browser can make any possible optimizations — safe in the knowledge that nothing else can change outside of that item. What a particular browser might do is precisely down to the engine. The CSS property literally gives you the chance to let it know — as the developer and expert on this style.
In certain cases, you would be safe to go straight ahead and start using the contain property, but the different values do come with some possible side effects that are worth knowing before adding the property to your site's elements. Using Containment
The containing property will set three different containment types:1.  Layout2.  paint 3. size
Note: Level 2 Specification includes a design attribute. It has been dropped from Level 1, so it does not appear in the Recommendation, and Firefox does not enforce it. LAYOUT
Containment on the model offers the greatest benefits. Using the following snippet to put layout confinement on:
The user knows with allowed layout containment that nothing outside the element can influence the internal layout, and nothing within the element can alter anything about the layout of items outside it. It ensures that for this case it will render all possible optimisations. When the software containment is allowed, a few additional things happen. These are all items that make sure this box and its contents are separate from the rest of the tree.
The box provides an individual meaning for the formatting. This ensures the box content remains in the box — especially floats will be preserved, and margins will not collapse through the box. It is the same behavior we turn on when using display: flow-root as explained in my article "Understanding the CSS structure and the context for block formatting." If a float might pop out of your box, allowing the float to move around following text, this would be a situation where the entity modified the layout of things outside, making it a weak containment candidate.
The containing box acts as the central block for any descendants of any absolute or fixed position. This means that it will behave as if you used position: relative to the box that you applied contains layout.
The box provides a framework for stacking, too. Thus z-index will function on this part, it will stack its children based on this new context. PAINT
Using the following to switch paint containment on
The same side effects as layout containment occur when paint containment is enabled: the containing box becomes an independent formatting context, a containing block for positioned elements, and a stacking context is established. What paint containment does is inform the viewer that elements within the surrounding block will not be visible outside the box's boundaries. Essentially, the contents are clipped to the package. Size
Containment of size is the attribute that most likely causes you an problem if you are not completely conscious of how it works. Use: To add containment of scale
If you use size containment then tell the user you know the size of the box and it does not shift. This means that if you have a box in the block dimension that is auto-sized, it will be treated as though it has no size, so the box collapses as if it has no material. If you assign the boxes a height, when it contains: size is used, the height will be respected. Scale containment alone does not create a new formatting background and hence does not contain floats and margins as it would do with layout and paint containment. It's less likely you'd use it alone; rather, you'd more likely use it along with other covering values to be able to get as much protection as possible. Shorthand Values
For certain instances, one of two shorthand values may be used to get the most out of the containment. To turn on the layout and paint containment, use contains: content; and turn on all containment possibilities (bearing in mind that objects that do not have a size will then collapse), use includes: strict.
The Specification says: "contain: content is fairly" free "for widespread application; its effects in practice are relatively slight, and most content does not run out of its restrictions. Since it does not apply size containment, however, the item may still react to the size of its contents which can cause layout-invalidation to percolate further up the tree than desired. Usage includes: rigid, where possible, to achieve as much containment as possible.
Therefore, if you do not know the size of the products in advance and accept the fact that it will include floats and margins, usage includes: content. In addition to being happy about the other side effects of containment, if you know the size of objects, using contains: tight. The rest is up to the user, you did your bit explaining how the interface works. Will I now use Containment?
The specification for CSS Containment is now a W3C Recommendation which is what we often refer to as a web standard. There needed to be two implementations of the feature that we can see in both Firefox and Chrome to get the spec to this stage:
Since this property is clear to the user, linking to every site is entirely safe even if you have loads of visitors in browsers that don't support it. If the browser does not support containment then the user gets the experience they usually get, the performance is improved for those in supporting browsers. I would say that this is a fantastic thing to add to any components you build in a component or template library, if you're working this way, it's possible that each component is built to be an individual item that doesn't impact other components on the web. So if you have a page that adds content to the DOM after loading, I'd recommend you try it.
As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
0 notes
Helping browsers optimize with properties containing the CSS
The CSS Containment Specification describes a single property, includes, and can help illustrate to the user which parts of the layout are independent and do not need to recalculate if any other part of the layout changes.Although this property occurs for purposes of performance optimisation, it can also influence the page layout. In this post, therefore, I will describe the various types of containment that you can benefit from, but also the things that you need to look out for if the application includes elements on your web. The Interface Recalculation ProblemWhen you are designing simple web pages that don't add or modify elements dynamically after loading them using JavaScript, you don't have to think about the problem that CSS Containment solves. The browser has to measure the layout just once, as the page is loaded.If you want to add elements to your website without the user needing to reload it, where Containment is useful.When modifying the contents of our package, the browser must take into account that some of the elements may have changed. In general, browsers are pretty good at coping with this, because it is a common thing that must happen. That said, as the developer, you're going to know if each of the components is different, and a change to one doesn't affect the others, so it would be good if you could let the user know this through your CSS. It is what you are given by containment, and the CSS containing properties. How does it help Containment?An HTML document is a tree structure that you can see in DevTools when inspecting any product. I define one thing in my example above that I want to alter using JavaScript, and then make some changes to the internals. (This means I'm just changing things for that list item inside the subtree)
Applying the contain property to an element informs the browser that changes are scoped to that element's subtree, so that the browser can make any possible optimizations — safe in the knowledge that nothing else can change outside of that item. What a particular browser might do is precisely down to the engine. The
property literally gives you the chance to let it know — as the developer and expert on this style.In certain cases, you would be safe to go straight ahead and start using the contain property, but the different values do come with some possible side effects that are worth knowing before adding the property to your site's elements. Using ContainmentThe containing property will set three different containment types:1.  Layout2.  Paint 3.  Size Note: Level 2 Specification includes a design attribute. It has been dropped from Level 1, so it does not appear in the Recommendation, and Firefox does not enforce it. LAYOUTContainment on the model offers the greatest benefits. Using the following snippet to put layout confinement on:
The user knows with allowed layout containment that nothing outside the element can influence the internal layout, and nothing within the element can alter anything about the layout of items outside it. It ensures that for this case it will render all possible optimisations. When the software containment is allowed, a few additional things happen. These are all items that make sure this box and its contents are separate from the rest of the tree.The box provides an individual meaning for the formatting. This ensures the box content remains in the box — especially floats will be preserved, and margins will not collapse through the box. It is the same behavior we turn on when using display: flow-root as explained in my article "Understanding the CSS structure and the context for block formatting." If a float might pop out of your box, allowing the float to move around following text, this would be a situation where the entity modified the layout of things outside, making it a weak containment candidate.The containing box acts as the central block for any descendants of any absolute or fixed position. This means that it will behave as if you used position: relative to the box that you applied contains layout.The box provides a framework for stacking, too. Thus z-index will function on this part, it will stack its children based on this new context. PAINTUsing the following to switch paint containment on
The same side effects as layout containment occur when paint containment is enabled: the containing box becomes an independent formatting context, a containing block for positioned elements, and a stacking context is established. What paint containment does is inform the viewer that elements within the surrounding block will not be visible outside the box's boundaries. Essentially, the contents are clipped to the package. SizeContainment of size is the attribute that most likely causes you an problem if you are not completely conscious of how it works. Use: To add containment of scale
If you use size containment then tell the user you know the size of the box and it does not shift. This means that if you have a box in the block dimension that is auto-sized, it will be treated as though it has no size, so the box collapses as if it has no material. If you assign the boxes a height, when it contains: size is used, the height will be respected. Scale containment alone does not create a new formatting background and hence does not contain floats and margins as it would do with layout and paint containment. It's less likely you'd use it alone; rather, you'd more likely use it along with other covering values to be able to get as much protection as possible. Shorthand ValuesFor certain instances, one of two shorthand values may be used to get the most out of the containment. To turn on the layout and paint containment, use contains: content; and turn on all containment possibilities (bearing in mind that objects that do not have a size will then collapse), use includes: strict.The Specification says: "contain: content is fairly" free "for widespread application; its effects in practice are relatively slight, and most content does not run out of its restrictions. Since it does not apply size containment, however, the item may still react to the size of its contents which can cause layout-invalidation to percolate further up the tree than desired. Usage includes: rigid, where possible, to achieve as much containment as possible.Therefore, if you do not know the size of the products in advance and accept the fact that it will include floats and margins, usage includes: content. In addition to being happy about the other side effects of containment, if you know the size of objects, using contains: tight. The rest is up to the user, you did your bit explaining how the interface works. Will I now use Containment?The specification for CSS Containment is now a W3C Recommendation which is what we often refer to as a web standard. There needed to be two implementations of the feature that we can see in both Firefox and Chrome to get the spec to this stage:
Since this property is clear to the user, linking to every site is entirely safe even if you have loads of visitors in browsers that don't support it. If the browser does not support containment then the user gets the experience they usually get, the performance is improved for those in supporting browsers. I would say that this is a fantastic thing to add to any components you build in a component or template library, if you're working this way, it's possible that each component is built to be an individual item that doesn't impact other components on the web. So if you have a page that adds content to the DOM after loading, I'd recommend you try it
As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to
get in touch with us!
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Blog #3
It is not uncommon to see typography and graphic designs mixed. You see the mixing of words and images everyday, whether it be in advertising or on social media. It is a vital way to get your message across when just images aren’t enough. Graphic design is often associated with print media but in these more modern times it has expanded to include motion pictures, television, and the internet. In this blog I will be looking at 3 different instances of the use of typography in graphic design and analyze the personal, technical, ethical, historical, and cultural perspectives. 
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The first image I will be looking at is an image created by the Instagram page animarx.crossing. The original image is a screenshot from the very popular video game Animal Crossing: New Horizons but the creator took out the original character dialogue and replaced it with a quote from Angela Davis. The character featured here is Marina the octopus who is a fan favorite among players. 
Personal: The text is in the middle of the image as if it were the actual dialogue in the game. This is to the advantage of the viewer because it displays like the game displays so if you are a player of this game or video games in general is would be easy to read. The colors in this image are bright and cheerful which adds to the jarring nature of the text. The unexpected nature of the juxtaposition between the text and image grabs peoples’ attention. 
Historical: This image is definitely from the digital age. A big aspect of my generation is this notion of meme culture, memes are usually images with typography overlaid on top for either humorous or dramatic effect. These memes have become so prevalent in our society that they are used in advertising and even in magazines and other print media. Memes are often used to display complex social political ideas in a smaller more manageable format. This image does just that, it uses a recognizable popular image to make the complex ideas of Angela Davis and racism more palpable to the reader.
Technical: The text in this image is smaller and underneath the characters to indicate that it is dialogue. This technique has been used in images for a long time and is reminiscent of old cartoons in the newspaper. The image takes up the whole frame so it makes the viewer feel like they are in the conversation with the characters. 
Ethical: This piece may seem a little hedonistic as the creator is trying to shock viewers and get their views on race across. The medium used to express these views is aimed at privileged people because they are able to play this video games and afford the system required to pay it. They are using their creations to get ideas about race to a demographic that might not have thought about those ideas. 
Cultural: This image uses a grid approach and uses a modular design. It is separates the image and text with a box so you where the text begins and the image ends. This keeps the graphic organized and easy for the viewer to decipher.
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The next image I will be looking at is an advertisement for the popular insurance company Progressive. This ad features the longtime spokeswoman for the company, Flo. She appears to be on the phone texting and on the right side of the screen is text bubbles like the ones you’d see while texting on an iPhone. 
Personal: The text in this image is all centered to the right of the character Flo. This ads to the flow of the image because most people read from left to right. The text displays how the company compares rates with other insurance companies by including text bubbles that read things like “progressive $$$” and “company A $$$”. There is also a text box at the bottom of this image for the viewer to ad their zip code if they would like proceed in getting and insurance quote. 
Historical: This image can be classified as the digital age as it was designed to be either a side-bar ad or a pop-up ad for a website. You can also see the the smartphone the character is using dates the ad because she is using modern technology. It was designed to be widely distributed through the internet to get more viewers to see it and interact with it.
Technical: The typeface used in this image is predominately the same one used in most phones. This is done because the ad is aimed at a younger generation and that sort of font will be familiar to them and catch their eye. There is a use of emojis because in texting culture they are used to grab attention and get points across. This also gives a good breakup between the text and the images. The colors of this ad are muted but this is typical for most Progressive ads because they usually are mostly white with some navy blue accents. 
Ethical: This ad falls under hedonism because it is explicitly made for marketing a product to you. It exploits youth culture as a way to market to a younger generation that might not seek out the product organically. 
Cultural: The ad also uses a grid approach with a modular design because each section is blocked off. It is reminiscent of an actual text screen on a phone and is designed to give you those feelings. 
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The third image I will be looking at is the famous World War II ad for the War Production Co-ordinating Committee featuring Rosie the Riveter. This ad features a woman, Rosie the Riveter, at the center making a muscle with her arm. The ad also features large text at the top that says “We Can Do It!”. This ad was run during WWII and was aimed at garnering women to help out and join the defense industries for the war effort. 
Personal: The imagery of the woman at the center making a muscles is powerful because in most advertisements of that era women were seen as weak and subservient towards men. The woman depicted isn’t dressed in common feminine attire like a dress and makeup but instead she is dressed in work coveralls and a bandanna to distinguish that she is a working woman rather than a housewife. The words at the top of the image  are surrounded by a speech bubble to indicate she is speaking them and the phrase includes an exclamation point at the end to signify she is either shouting or chanting the phrase.
Historical: This ad is in the artistic period. You can tell the illustration was made for mass production because it uses unsaturated primary colors, no color blending needed to be used when printing so they could print a lot of these ad in a shorter amount of time. There were many depictions of Rosie the Riveter during that time period but the most famous and the one I’m using here was by artist J. Howard Miller. 
Technical: Since this piece was originally painted, the typeface is unique and doesn’t fully align with any modern ones you can get on your computer but since it’s release the font has been copied. The text is roughly the same size as the woman so they seem to be of the same amount of importance. The use of primary colors grab the viewers’ eye because it makes the image simple without too many complete hues. Red, yellow, white, and blue are colors everyone knows and describe. Also the use of red, white, and blue specifically give off the feeling of patriotism. It gives off the feeling that this woman is helping the fight for her country even if she isn’t directly in combat. 
Ethical: This image is falls under both utilitarianism and hedonism because it is creating a useful and legible image while also pushing the commercial purpose of hiring for wartime production. This ad doesn’t promote a certain product but rather promotes the idea of patriotism and the strength of women. 
Cultural: This image has an industrial feeling attached to it. The artist who created the piece was J. Howard Miller who was an American graphic artist. The depiction is believed to be based off a photograph of Geraldine Doyale. You can get that feeling from looking at this image, it has realistic relatable motif.         
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araniaexumae · 7 years
Do You Want to Fall in Love With Me (and Go to France)? - chapter 1
AN: Hi! This is my first Jily fic so I’m very excited about it. This is going to be a fake dating AU. But between strangers. I hope you like it.
Chapter 2 is now available here
James leaned against the counter of the coffee shop his friend Remus worked at.
“Hey Moony, are you on break soon? I had an idea I wanted to run by you.”
“Well it's not that busy right now so just go ahead. Although if it's to talk about filling Filch's car with apples or some shit, I am very busy and I can't talk right now.”
James put his hand on his heart, taking mock offence. “Apples? Come on Moony, what are we? Amateurs? Obviously we'd pick something stickier. Like those weird honey sweets Peter carries  around when he's sick.”
Remus rolled his eyes as he adjusted the blue apron he was wearing. As if to illustrate his previous point, the doorbell jingled. A blonde woman came in and made her way towards the counter, concentrating on the menu which hung above the barista's head. She seemed slightly confused by all the choices available. While Remus left to offer his help to the customer, James took out his phone. After checking his facebook and twitter notifications, which were mostly Peter yelling at everyone about macarons, he opened Matchmakin, the dating app he usually used. He scrolled through the suggested profiles absentmindedly, lifting his eyes every once in a while to check if Remus was coming back soon. He noticed a blur of red disappearing from his screen as he was still scrolling without looking. He went back up and that's when he came across the picture of one Lily Evans, London, a woman with red hair who was quite possibly the love of his life. Because Wow.
Read on AO3
“You do know that app has a messaging system, right? You cannot contact her by staring at her picture for several minutes.”
“Oh sod of, Moony! Just look at her! How could I not?”
“Prongs I can't actually see the picture if you keep shoving it in my face. I know you wear glasses but some of us can actually see just fine by holding the phone at a normal distance.”
“Oh insulting my eyesight? Weak.” Nevertheless, he stopped fidgeting. “Just look.”
“Yeah she's pretty.”
“Pretty? Are we looking at the same picture because that woman is not merely pretty.” This time, James didn't seem to feign being offended.
“Whatever. Don't you have work to do or something?”
“I'm an elementary school teacher. And it's summer? Who's the smart one now, Remus?” James raised his eyebrows, pasting the smuggest smirk on his face.
“Ugh please go annoy Sirius. I have work.”
Prongsie to Sirius Black ft his fans: Remus is cancelled
Wormtail to Sirius Black ft his fans: why
Wormtail to Sirius Black ft his fans: what did moony do
Prongsie to Sirius Black ft his fans: do NOT say the nickname he doesn't deserve it
Sirius to Sirius Black ft his fans: what did I miss
Sirius to Sirius Black ft his fans: did he fill your drink with mustard again
Sirius to Sirius Black ft his fans: Remus wtf you swore you'd wait until I was there to do it again
Sirius to Sirius Black ft his fans: you soLeMnlY swOrE
Sirius to Sirius Black ft his fans: I agree with James, Remus is cancelled
Remus to Sirius Black ft his fans: stop making me text while working
Remus to Sirius Black ft his fans: Also that meme is aweful Sirius let it go
Wormtail to Sirius Black ft his fans: *insert frozen gif*
Sirius to Sirius Black ft his fans: nEveR
Prongsie to Sirius Black ft his fans: can we get back to me pls?
Prongsie to Sirius Black ft his fans: I found my soulmate and Remus deamed it as unworthy of his attentionTM
Sirius to Sirius Black ft his fans: Is it a squirrel?
Prongsie to Sirius Black ft his fans: Sirius is cancelled
Prongs to Wormtail: hey so what should I send?
Wormtail to Prongs: ? Elaborate
Prongs to Wormtail: to Lily!!
Wormtail to Prongs: still no idea what you're on about
Prongs to Wormtail: she's this girl on a dating app and she's way too beautiful dqsjihihkf
Wormtail to Prongs: why are you asking me, I thought padfoot was “the expert with the ladies”
Prongs to Wormtail: lmao he said that in middle school. sirius is gay af
Prongs to Wormtail: and i'm ignoring him
Wormtail to Prongs: because of the squirrel thing?
Prongs to Wormtail: please focus. what should I tell Lily
Wormtail to Prongs: well I'd start with hi
Prongs to Wormtail: no that's lame
Prongs to Wormtail: wait I have a great idea
Wormtail to Prongs: no pickup line
Prongs to Wormtail: I was totally not going to say that
Wormtail to Prongs: oh nvm then go ahead
Prongs to Wormtail: okay so maybe I was going to say that
Marlene to your local girl gang: drinks tonight. meet at 8
“To Mary and her angsty poetry!”, Dorcas shouted to make herself be heard despite the noise in the pub. The girls clinked their glasses together before downing the burning liquid as fast as they could. Mary smiled.
“Thanks girls. It really means a lot.”
“Of course we were going to celebrate. It's not everyday our friend's angsty poetry gets published in a magazine!” Marlene said as she gestured for the bartender to come to buy the next round.
“Will you ever stop calling it that?”, the petite girl asked.
“Probably not.” Lily admitted. She squeezed her friend's hand over the table. “We are all really proud of you, Mary.”
Marlene cut in. “Alright enough sentiment guys. Let's drink!”
We are throwing a contest for the people who have found love with Matchmakin! We are looking for good-looking couples who have met using our app. Participate to maybe win a four-day all-inclusive trip to Nice, France!
To participate, send us a picture of you and your partner with a link to his Matchmakin profile through our contact page (a picture of you together is preferred but separate pictures are accepted). Don't forget to write Matchmakin In Nice as the subject of your message! Five couples will be chosen!
- Participants must be 18 or older
- Participants must reside in the UK
- Participants have to be willing to be filmed several times each day. The footage will be used to promote Matchmakin and will appear on our website as part of a series titled a Match Made in Heaven. Filming will take place in the hotel restaurant, at the pool or the beach, as well as in the city of Nice. To ensure your privacy, participants will never be filmed in their suites and never more than three hours a day. Click here for more info on a Match Made in Heaven.
Mary giggled as she tried to put Marlene's keys in the door for the fourth time. The latter was too occupied by kissing Dorcas' neck to help in any way. Lily just sank to the floor because her legs didn't seem to work anymore. She took her phone out of her purse and opened Matchmakin. She stared determinedly at it until the words stopped being blurry and jumped up once she managed to read the message that had popped up on her screen. She took Mary's hands, who had eventually succeeded in opening the door, and started jumping up and down.
“I don't get it Lils. What are we celebrating now?” Her friend asked as the redhead made her twirl.
“I'm going to France!”
“That's amazing!” Marlene screamed in delight. Dorcas and Marlene had apparently stopped kissing, at least long enough to hear the other girls' conversation. The four women entered the flat.
“Matchmakin is throwing a contest to win a four-day trip to the south of France!!!” Lily explained as she shoved her phone in Mary's hands. The four girls flopped down onto the couch in Marlene and Dorcas' living room.
“Lily wait! It says here that it's only for couples 'who have found love with Matchmakin' ”
“Oh” Lily fell onto the floor. “No France for me I guess… that's seriously so unfair.” Tears welled up in her eyes. Marlene sat up suddenly.
“I have an idea! Mary why don't you make a profile and you guys can pretend to be in love!”, the brunette suggested. Lily high-fived Marlene to congratulate her on this great idea.
“The trip is a week from now. I'm alone at the bakery this month, I can't leave.”, Mary answered. “I'm sorry Lily.”
“Shit, I have work too.” Dorcas said. “Not all of us are eternal students like Miss Lily here.”, she added as she prodded her friend's shoulder with her foot.
“Well it's not my fault if becoming a doctor is so damn long. I wouldn't have done it if I had known.” Lily defended herself.
Mary smiled, albeit a little maniacally. “Yes you would. Because you're smart and nice and I love you.”
“I love you too but I still wanna go to Fraaance!”, she whined, dragging the sound.
“Well just pick someone and ask them if they're free and want to do the contest with you.”
“Dorcas I love you that's such a good idea!”
Lily started crawling on the carpet in search of her phone, before she remembered that she had given it to Mary. She took it back, unlocked it and started to scroll through the profiles.
“I need someone attractive. Just because I want to go to France doesn't mean I'll go with just anyone. Oh what about this guy?” She angled the phone toward her friends, who were still sprawled out on the couch. It seemed Mary had fallen asleep.
Marlene shook her head “Nah, can you imagine kissing that mustache?”
Lily shuddered. “Venom has a mustache. Wait that's not his name. Oh yeah, Ver-non.” She scrolled to the next profile, ignoring Dorcas and Marlene who had started chanting 'venom, venom!'.
“What about her then?”
“She looks too much like Marlene. It's creepy.”
“No she doesn't! I'm much prettier than that!” As Dorcas and Marlene bickered, Lily continued her search.
“He's perfect! It says he's a teacher so he should be on holidays too, right?”
Marlene snorted. “Right cause that's totally why you chose him. Not the fact that he's super hot and has glasses.”
“Glasses?” Dorcas asked.
“Our dear Lily has a thing for glasses.”
Dorcas pondered the idea. “Oh yeah, I totally should have noticed this before.”
Lily took off her shoe and attempted to hit Marlene with it. Unfortunately, she only managed to hit the bottom of the sofa. “I do not. Whatever, gimme the phone back.”
Lily Evans to James Potter: do you want to be in love with me and go to France?
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Just how to make a logo: the utmost overview (Component 3)
Be sure to plainly establish yourself aside from your competition. If all the various other companies in your market are going black and white, possibly you must opt for some shade to stand apart. If everybody else is standard, maybe a fun as well as modern logo design will certainly stand out.
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5. Choose your design style
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Retro or vintage
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Fun as well as unusual
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Handmade and handmade
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johnmuffus · 4 years
eCom Freedom Review
eCom Freedom Review (Nick Biedermann Course)
eCom courses today are everywhere, and even if some people don’t care about the business, they’re still seeing countless ads on their social media feeds. Today, we’ll be reviewing another one: eCom Freedom, by Nick Biedermann.
We’ll analyze the content, quality, and even the author, so you’ll have a clear idea about whether or not you really want this course.
So let’s dive into it.
What is it?
eCom Freedom is a course by Nick Biedermann, and he claims that you can follow his steps with the information offered in each of the videos. You can make up to $550,000 in 1 and a half years after finishing the course.
There are 9 modules on the course right now, and each comes with its own videos, some shorter and some longer. His library is updated with both produced videos and recorded live streams, and he keeps growing the course with time, which he also states during the course’s introduction.
The classes cover different topics like product research, pricing, website creation, and implementing ads to make everything more efficient. There are modules dedicated to Facebook Ads entirely as well.
Who’s the author?
Nick Biedermann is 21 years old according to the bio on his Instagram account. He says he’s the owner of several eCommerces, and he went from being completely broke to make just a bit more than half a million dollars in just 18 months.
However, there isn’t a lot of information available online. In fact, his overall internet presence is very reduced, so you won’t find out how he managed to succeed like that unless you take his course and actually learn his methods.
Additionally, as I mentioned previously, his social media presence is actually really small. It’s a problem because he has several modules dedicated solely to growing your social media influence, but it’s hard to trust someone’s knowledge when their online profiles don’t show their expertise.
His Instagram and YouTube accounts don’t have enough uploads (about 30 pictures on Instagram and a few videos on YouTube). He does have over 50,000 Instagram followers, but the lack of YouTube videos is worrying since his course is made up of videos in its entirety.
Target audience
This course aims to satisfy all audiences, from beginners to experts. There aren’t any requirements for you to sign up, and anyone can do it. You only need to be willing to learn how you can set up an online business using Shopify and take advantage of the dropshipping business model.
Reviewing eCom Freedom
There are currently 9 modules on this course, each with their own videos and topics. They’re as follows:
Introduction to the course
There’s a single video in the first module giving a general overview of the course, what it’ll teach you, and how you can use it.
Store creation
The second module is your standard tutorial for creating your shop. It starts off telling you about general and niche stores for you to choose before telling you how to actually create your store. There’s the usual steps for adding pages and your products, getting your own logos, what Shopify apps you want, and the finishing touches. The actual video about creating your store is a recorded stream nearing 20 minutes.
Researching products
This part is all about looking for products. You learn about 4 tools you can use, and Nick compares low and high ticket products before moving on the most intriguing section of this module.
Nick talks about a secret strategy he uses for finding your winning product, and he shows you one that made him almost $300,000 in just 3 months. There aren’t a lot of sensational techniques, though; it’s mostly just choosing highly rated AliExpress sellers and Facebook in tandem.
Making up to $200 in profits daily without ads spending
In here, you get an explanation of the basics of the method and a single step before seeing a 7-minute live case to illustrate things.
Basics of Facebook Ads
This is your first exposure to Facebook Ads on the course. Nicks tells you the number of ads you want to run at first, plus the structure you want for them. You also learn the mistakes you should avoid when testing your products and how to break even if something goes awry.
Starting with Facebook Ads
While the previous module was just theory, this module starts giving you the practical side of the class. It starts off by setting the business manager account on the platform. He then goes into comparing the picture vs video ads, and an overview of the testing stage before you launch your campaign.
You also receive a view of what occurs 3 days after your launch, a case study of the following 2 days, and 2 scaling levels. The last lessons explain retargeting and lookalikes.
Scaling strategies
This module offers 4 videos, and they all focus on the creation and implementation of lookalike audiences and retargeting, the last 2 concepts explained in the previous module.
There’s also some content on manual bidding and generally scaling your store as your sales and customers base grows.
Case studies
The 8th module comes with just a couple of videos of different case studies. The first one is a demonstration of how you can get $2,950 returns with an investment of just $558 in a single day, and the second one comes with a higher investment (a bit over $14,000) for a much higher profit (a bit over $43,000).
The last module simply provides answers to the most common questions regarding the business model. The answers include what to do when getting a lot of visitors but not generating sales or when Facebook Ads fail to run. Other inquiries answered include how much you should invest when starting, what to choose between Instagram influencers and Facebook Ads, and what you can do when getting returns and refunds.
More Info
The course started off quite weak, with just a few short videos for each module, and it didn’t even have half the modules it has right now. Nick has managed to change that by continuously adding more content, and it’s a proper course right now as it is.
While I applaud his willingness to improve his product, I’m still troubled by the lack of information available on both him and the classes. While finding his Instagram wasn’t the longest task, it’s mostly empty, and many of the photos look like they were taken in a single day.
The same goes for his YouTube Channel and this course. You won’t find any information online about the course itself other than a few reviews and the Teachables’ text that’s copy-pasted on other websites.
The secretiveness of it all makes me doubt whether he’s making real money from his businesses or if it’s just another strategy like the ones most online gurus use for selling their courses, which is their real business.
You may think his course isn’t expensive enough to make him a millionaire, but selling a single course each day, then he’s still making a bit over $3,300 every month, and if he sells his mentorship packages for $236, then it’s a significant boost and quite a living for someone who’s just 21.
Final Verdict
Now, eCom Freedom definitely isn’t a scam. It’s a relatively cheap course that will give you a good introduction to dropshipping, and you can certainly start your business with the knowledge given here.
However, this course really has nothing to set it apart from all the other courses online. In fact, the lack of proof backing Nick’s success makes me believe he just studied the contents online and paraphrased them into a course, perhaps even with content from similar courses.
That doesn’t mean that there aren’t helpful videos here, and especially those with zero clue on what eCommerce is and how they can start will learn a lot from it. My problem is with how gurus inflate their real success just to sell more memberships.
The basic price sans mentorship is good, I must admit. You can start anytime you want, and you have lifelong access to the content and its future updates, which increase the value you’re getting without spending more. In fact, its product-price ratio is amongst the best I’ve found online.
The content is fine, and it’s easy to watch. The only problem is the lack of backing behind its claims.
Best Alternative
I’d recommend you save up a bit more for eCom Elites, by Frankiln Hatchett. You can get it for $197 or $297 depending on the plan you want, so it’s a bit more expensive, but the extra cost is definitely worth it.
Franklin is one of the pioneers behind the popularization of dropshipping thanks to his success, and his course adapts perfectly to both beginners and advanced dropshippers who want to increase their incomes.
Not everyone is made for this business, but you can take a stroll through Franklin’s YouTube and see the comments from his students.
I hope you found this review useful and if you have any questions, please comment down below. I’ll be more than happy to assist you.
Once again, thanks for reading my eCom Freedom Review and I wish you the best of luck.
The post eCom Freedom Review appeared first on Only Genuine Reviews.
source https://www.onlygenuinereviews.com/ecom-freedom-review/ source https://onlygenuinereviews.tumblr.com/post/190169461782
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swipestream · 5 years
Liminal Review
I will let you all in on a secret. I may have a little bit of a weakness for urban fantasy. There is something that speaks to me about being in the modern world, but still finding the strange and magical just out of regular view. Tell me about ghosts and shadows and fey that still hang out just down the street and explain why I don’t always see them when I look their way, and you’ve got my attention.
There is no shortage of urban fantasy RPG products today. What is less common is one that details a specific setting that does not default to the United States. It’s very easy for me to view urban fantasy through a lens crafted from watching Buffy and Supernatural, and reading the Dresden Files. Liminal, the RPG that I’m looking at today, features the UK as it’s setting, and that important distinction is evident in several places.
Ghostly Forms
This review is based on the PDF of the product, which is a 286-page full-color document. It has single column formatting, and unlike many RPGs, where art is limited to full page chapter introductions and potentially half page or quarter page illustrations, there are many pages that utilize thematic imagery blended across half the page, under the text, or pages that have a running theme such as a city skyline across the bottom of the page.
While many products evoke a feeling with the included artwork, the way Liminal uses its imagery tends to weave in and out of the narrative to create an otherworldly feeling in several places in the book. While some artwork is used traditionally as half page pieces, there are several pages where the artwork also serves as the background image for the page.
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 serves as a basic introduction to the premise of the game, introduced with a short piece of in-character fiction. The game revolves around liminal characters–characters that are part of both the mortal world and the supernatural world–forming crews and solving cases. There is also a quick reference to the base resolution mechanics, which utilizes two d6s + a modifier, versus a target number. If modern game design leads you to wonder if this is a Powered by the Apocalypse Game, it isn’t, but we’ll get into more of the mechanics later.
The basic framework of the setting involves the following “truths”:
There is magic, and magicians
There are vampires with their own power group
There are werewolves and werewolf gangs
There are fae with multiple courts
There are ghosts
The myths of the UK, as well as many cultures that the UK has interacted with, have a basis in fact
Some religious organizations know about the supernatural
The UK has a police division that deals with the supernatural
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 delves into character creation. This involves coming up with a character concept, picking a drive, choosing a focus, and then buying skills and traits.
The drive is what the character wants to accomplish by getting involved with supernatural cases and interacting with the hidden world. The character’s focus is the chassis on which the character is built, and includes the following options:
Determined (someone with strength of will and a strong mind)
Magician (someone trained or with a natural talent to use spells and magical abilities)
Tough (someone with a strong body or powerful endurance)
Some of the traits listed later in character creation are keyed specifically for each of these character foci. While most forms of magic use are restricted to the magician focus, shape changing is available outside of the magician focus to represent lycanthropes and other were-creatures, although only magicians can learn multiple animal forms.
Initial skills have a skill cap which can later be increased during character advancement, and some skills can double as stats used for casting spells. For example, most magic will use Lore, but Glamour magic uses Art to resolve effects.
Characters have Endurance and Will as attributes, which measures how much physical and mental wear and tear they can take, respectively. These have a base number, modified by the Athletics or Conviction skill.
Traits are similar to what other games would call feats or stunts. Picking up the ability to use a specific form of magic is a trait, but there are also traits like Graceful or Rich as well. Characters can also pick up to two limitations, which can get them additional points to use for character creation. These limitations are also the means to represent characters that fit a specific supernatural origin, so giving a shape-changing were creature a weakness to a specific material can help create the overall theme, as can giving someone with vampiric abilities an aversion to sunlight.
In addition to focus, skills, traits, and limitations, there are example archetypes in this chapter to cover what a formally trained wizard might take, versus a mortal investigator, versus a lycanthrope or a dhampir. There are also sample player characters, which are the same characters utilized in the text for various in-character quotes and introductory fiction.
Chapter 3
Chapter 3 details the rules on creating crews and adjudicating factions. There is a specific list of things to detail about a crew before the game begins, and the information derived from this helps to shape what the campaign will look like. It is essentially a mechanized session zero for the group.
Crews have a goal, much like a group version of the individual drives that characters create for their characters. There is a list of crew resources, and each player picks one of those resources for which the crew has access. This can involve having greater starting capital, a headquarters, a safe house, or even a bonus when dealing with specific enemies.
The group determines what major factions are at play in the campaign, and each PC determines if they have a positive or negative relationship with that faction. Rankings for each faction at play go up one for each positive relationship, and down one for each negative relationship, to a maximum of +/- 3, with an extreme rating meaning that the crew is either known as an ally to, or devoted enemy of, that faction.
Additionally, each player will provide a hook, an open-ended supernaturally adjacent bit of news that is floating around the game world, that the GM can then weave into the greater campaign.
I really like this formalized way of setting up the crew, and even separated from the specific mechanics of the game, it serves as a good way to start a campaign and to poll the table as to what the campaign should look like and what the players want from the game. The biggest sticking point I think may be the hooks–it’s a great idea, but not every player is going to have a strong hook to contribute early in the campaign, and it may feel a bit like putting them on the spot.
Chapter 4 
This section deals with how the game rules work at the table. Base resolution is 2d6 plus a relevant skill versus a target number, but there are a number of ancillary rules that make this resolution a little bit more robust.
Opposed tests involve a base number plus the opponent’s relevant skill, rather than having both sides roll against one another. Characters can spend points from their Will attribute to modify their rolls. When a character fails, the GM gets to determine which of four options apply to the failure, so failure doesn’t feel quite as binary as it might otherwise. Additionally, if a character succeeds by 5 or more on a test, there is a list of additional effects that can be added to the result.
One of my favorite rules bits in this section involves persuading or coercing other characters. Successfully doing this doesn’t mean that the character has to do what you want them to do, just that they either have a penalty to actions that don’t line up with what you want them to do, or they must suffer a hit to their Will to shake off the effects of the failed contest.
In conflicts, initiative is handled in a manner similar to Cypher system, in that the players roll against the highest opponent’s skill to determine if they go before or after the opposition.
Chapter 5 
Chapter 5 is all about magic. Way back during character creation, you could buy the base level of various forms of magic, but this chapter has a number of upgrades that you can purchase to allow more thematic effects based on the type of magic being enhanced. The magic traditions included in this chapter include:
Blessings and Curses
Ward Magic
Most of these are straightforward effects that utilize the game rules. For example, base necromancy lets you talk to spirits, and one of the upgraded effects lets you drain life energy from opponents. Shape changing gets a little tricky and confusing, at least for me. Bigger than human forms get a bonus to Endurance, smaller than human forms get a penalty, and animal forms grant a bonus to skills that animal form is good at performing–all this works for me and adjudicating what an animal form is good at on the fly isn’t too hard in this kind of game.
Where I got a little turned around is that the description of the ability in this chapter starts mentioning traits that may go with the animal form, and that some of those may carry over to the mortal form, and I don’t know if that’s just flavor for how a character should build their character, or if you are meant to give them bonus traits based on animal form, and to decide if they should be split across animal and mortal forms. I don’t think this is the case, but for some reason, I got turned around it this particular form of magic and its description.
Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 
I’m grouping these chapters together, as they are both descriptive of what the assumed setting of Liminal should look like. Major and minor factions are detailed, as are various cities and sites in the UK. One of the elements that sets Liminal apart from other urban fantasy games is that the factions and locations often have ties to specific elements of UK history. Some historical figures were turned as vampires, and their deaths covered up. The Council of Merlin may have looked the other way during some historical events while protecting the isles during others. There are a lot of details that feel like they add one extra layer to history, without burying the setting in lore, and without changing some important, sensitive events by shifting the blame from human shortcomings to supernatural involvement.
There are major factions for wealthy, formally educated wizards, less formally trained and potentially less lawful wizards, government agencies, Anglican, Catholic, and Muslim religious organizations that deal with the supernatural, a powerful werewolf family attempting to unite the various gangs, fey courts native to various geographical areas of the UK, and the primary vampire organization in operation.
There are some subtle and not so subtle commentaries going on with some of the factions. Vampires are dangerous, but their organizational goals tend to be a little out of date. The Council of Merlin is very much a rich male organization that thinks it is being very progressive by allowing women to join and having a reasonable application fee that only the wealthy could possibly front. The police unit that investigates supernatural crime doesn’t actually formally record any supernatural details of events, to shield information from the public record, but there is also an ancient group of wizards that still nominally works for the crown as well.
One interesting aspect of the setting that becomes apparent as organizations and locations are detailed is that creatures like demons and angels aren’t really a feature of the setting. Gods are mentioned as potentially being powerful fae creatures, and djinn and rakshasas seem to be fae as well, so it may be that all of the ephemeral creatures from “other realms” fall into this category.
There are a few places in the text where this struck me previously, but in these chapters, especially, I am very aware that there are no specific sidebars or separate discussions on safety or content. Not only are we dealing with some fairly ghastly werewolf rituals, predatory vampires, and gruesome means for ghosts to come about, but we’ve also got the misogyny of the Council of Merlin, potential religious friction, at least some discussion of political tensions between various regions of the UK, and fae king who kidnaps women to be his bride (they are mentioned as needing to willingly accept the position, but they are also mentioned as being kidnapped, coerced, misled, and put in suspended animation when he is ready for a new bride).
It is a rich history that has been woven into a real-world location, and it has been done better than some urban fantasy setting material, but in this era of games, there really needs to be more awareness of content that could be problematic, and how to deal with that in a game that touches on those topics.
Chapter 8, 9, and 10
The final three chapters in the book are the chapter on gamemastering, the chapter for “faces” (which includes stats for various supernatural beings PCs might encounter, and the chapter for sample cases.
The gamemastering chapter has sections on how to structure cases, advice on setting difficulty, and places outside of the UK where Liminal stories may take place. I like the very solid, practical advice on how to structure a case, and its advice that could work for structuring other urban fantasy games as well, making it even more broadly useful. It’s also interesting to see the setting assumptions applied to locations in the US and Germany as well as the baseline assumed setting.
The faces section includes new traits, some of which can be available for PCs, but may push them further into the fully supernatural, rather than the border between. These traits mainly exist to help with the stats found in this chapter, which include fae, ghosts, clued-in mortals, ordinary mortals, vampires, and werewolves.
The final chapter sample cases do a really nice job of explaining the setups, the facts of the case, the point at which complications may occur, and ways that the case may be resolved, but not much about detailed specifics between certain “notes” in the case. The outlines are more interested in pointing out that you need to find out about X, not that you need to do a specific thing to find X, but that once you find X, some kind of complication should happen. I like the solid outline with flexible sections between approach.
That said, between gamemastering and sample adventures, no dedicated discussion on safety or content warnings for a game that can have some potentially uncomfortable content.
Index, Concepts, Sketches, Process, Afterword, and Acknowledgements
The final sections in the book include an index, a section that showcases the art that serves as the backdrop of most of the book, without the words and formatting that obscures it, an afterward, and an acknowledgments section that details the various backers and playtesters.
Geomantic Node
 The setting resonates as a strong urban fantasy realm that is both familiar and unique, because of the rich ties to historical locations and events. 
The rules do a nice job of riding the line between simple and granular and pick up some of the best modern game design notes by building in ways to fail forward and to add detail to skill tests. The setting resonates as a strong urban fantasy realm that is both familiar and unique, because of the rich ties to historical locations and events. The crew creation rules provide a solid structure and direction for the campaign and ensure a degree of intentionality that would benefit a lot of games.
Shadowed Path 
The rules are just granular enough that they may have benefited from a few more summaries or examples, especially where magic is involved. While not entirely a negative, players need to have some creative investment to get most of the structure of the rules. In a modern game, there really needs to be more discussion on safety and content warnings at the table, especially when modern problems and elements of horror stories are assumed aspects of the game.
Qualified Recommendation–A product with lots of positive aspects, but buyers may want to understand the context of the product and what it contains before moving it ahead of other purchases.
This is a rich urban fantasy setting with a solid set of rules for adjudicating the game, but you may need to do your own work to reinforce safety at the table without any support from the game, and you may want to be sure your players are up to coming up with their own elements that help to shape the setting.
Have you also been bitten by the urban fantasy gaming bug? What are your favorite urban fantasy games, and what subgenres within urban fantasy are your favorites? What games do you think have most effectively utilized the tropes of your favorite subgenres? Let us know in the comments below–we’re excited to hear from you!
Liminal Review published first on https://medium.com/@ReloadedPCGames
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ulyssesredux · 6 years
He liked to read at stool. It's rather a strong check to one's self-possession enough to speak so! She too was silent, only the other hand, lift it to his mouth. What time is the funeral? Listen. Begins and ends morally. He creased out the folded money from her dressing-room door was unlatched, and associating this with some new form of inspiration and give a terrific meaning to responsibility, may hold a vitriolic intensity for remorse. The clear spring morning, when he comes. And when he comes. —You might be in his and spoke with low-hanging uniformity of cloud. He turned the pages back. They crossed the broader part of her married life, contemplated as so great beforehand, seemed to be more conscious of having to talk to, said Mr. Brooke, exchanging welcomes and congratulations with Mr. Featherstone. Remember the summer morning everywhere. Must be without a farthing.
He felt here and there.
For instance M'Auley's down there: away. And a letter addressed to Mr. Featherstone Caleb rose to bid him good-for-nothing blackguard. —Mr. Brooke, exchanging welcomes and congratulations with Mr. Featherstone, with all his self-indulgence. Agendath what is it? Dearest Papli Thanks ever so much for the portrait of Aquinas, you didn't mean me to know the painful truth than imagine it. Hard as nails at a time, said Mary, and ask for beauty, when he will come home, was Mr. Brooke's attractive suggestion of suitable characteristics. We are not going to do me a hundred and sixty pounds. Said the Vicar to himself, and she took it as a kind of a deeper relation between them, was beginning to be judges. If a man who carries off the porter in the gravy and raising it to the fire. Cold oils slid along his veins, chilling his blood: age crusting him with a slight to themselves, Mary, her strongest impulsive prompting, had not yet freed her from the gentlewoman's oppressive liberty: it had from the Vicar's knee to go to Middlemarch on purpose?
Course they do.
Her full lips, drinking, smiled. He glanced back through what he does. Drink water scented with fennel, sherbet. Or kind of placard on poor Will's back than the noise of the competition.
Perhaps hanging clothes out to dry. Windows open. Illustration. Put down three and carry five. A soft qualm, regret, flowed down his nose: they bind us over to rectitude and purity by their brevity when Dorothea, after kissing her forehead. There was evidently some mental separation, some barrier to complete confidence which had checked her retreat, and ask for beauty, when the antagonism turned on the hallfloor. Mary—if you clip them they can't. Mr Philip Beaufoy, Playgoers' Club, London. You pay eighty marks and they plant a dunam of land for you with the furniture and the wrongs which she tried to convey to her and none asked for her when there is no company, said Lydgate, whose married loneliness under his armpit, went to the bright side, avoiding the loose cellarflap of number seventyfive. You pay eighty marks and they plant a dunam of land for you, or your father wanted your earnings, said Dr.
Bought it at the governor's auction. Poor old professor Goodwin. He read, restraining himself, and that a man's mind must be for a living, said Martha, pushing it without looking into the kidney and slapped it over: then the night. I thought so when Rosamond was perfectly graceful and calm, and the loose brass quoits of the family. Quiet long days: pruning, ripening.
I am out of her tenderness should lie in memory, and close upon it the desirable cause, and was quickly in her agitated absorption had not noticed the silently advancing figure; but it soon turns into working day, my dear.
Inishturk. He prolonged his pleased smile. There was evidently some mental separation, some barrier to complete confidence which had arisen between this wife and the servant did not occur to him. A creak and a gleam had come another fact affecting Will's social position, which roused afresh Dorothea's inward resistance to what was said about the funeral?
Moses Montefiore. Doesn't see. No, she said.
Heigho! Better be careful not to be talking widely for the day, without fuss, began again in her mind when she had well by heart, liverslices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencods' roes.
No. He watched the dark, perhaps. I shall talk to her, but saying them in a half of Denny's sausages. Wouldn't eat her cakes or speak or look. Marion Bloom. Celia's color changed again and sewing quickly. The ferreteyed porkbutcher folded the sausages he had been towards the smell, stepping hastily down the page into his mouth, asking: You don't want to be shrinking with the door having swung open and swung back again, ready to do. Mr. Brooke, exchanging welcomes and congratulations with Mr. Featherstone grunted: he moved and stood in her quality of bridesmaid as well as in everything else; and before long they went into the drawing-room avenue the blue-green boudoir looked much more of enthusiasm to her that the lady who belonged to it. He tossed it off the hob and set it on the other side of the hall, paused by the bedhead. Dead: an old woman's: the model farm at Kinnereth on the fire. They lay, were read quickly and quickly slid, disc by disc, into the drawing-room, meeting these timely questions with dignified patience.
No? He smiled with troubled affection at the rate of one guinea a column has been made to the nostrils and smell the perfume. Afraid of the moist tender gland and slid it into a corner to make good everybody's loss. She poured more tea into her mouth, asking: Mn. —O, look what I look like to her without hindrances to her: What shall I do? Never read it. Prr. Costive. Sir James came in again, and Fred was in the street pinching her cheeks to make good anything, Mary—don't you keep him chattering: let him come up to see that Henrietta Noble was in shadow. —The few passionate words in which light even a revoke had its full illumination of fun. Just how she stalks over my writingtable. Of course it might be worse. —About topography, ruins, temples—I thought I had a breathing whiteness above the differing white of the pan on to Freshitt Hall, she said to the right. —Here Caleb's voice became more tender; he had heard his voice say it he added: Mn. A cloud began to search the text with the life of a close, proud disposition, I know that you are, Mr O'Rourke? Dearest Papli Thanks ever so much for the Japanese. The crooked skirt swings at each whack. So.
In the bright light, lightened and cooled in limb, he said. She entertained no visions of their difficulties than they need to hang on the peg over his collar. The cat, having cleaned all her morning's gloom would vanish if she would carry me too much the pattern-card of the pan on to other feelings.
Tell about him now, said the Vicar learned something which made him shrink into unconquerable reticence. Strange kind of a certainty which filled up all outlines, something which made her more ardent in readiness to be fairly regarded as a kind of a bore. A bent hag crossed from Cassidy's, clutching a naggin bottle by the nextdoor windows. Our souls.
I am sure my father and mother. Chap in the weak light as she was not completely happy, being checked now, eh child. He went in,—the delicate woman's face which yet had a breathing whiteness above the differing white of the trees, signal, the evening wind.
The crooked skirt swings at each whack.
Might manage a sketch.
She looked back at him, only two and six return. Music hall stage.
Nothing doing.
Do you know what? To catch up and walk behind her moving hams. I can only get together; but that is?
All the way? 9.24. He tore away half the prize story sharply and wiped himself with it, said Louisa. What will you be glad to see her husband, and looking before her in Eccles lane. Our souls. Lydgate know that if she pronounces that right: voglio.
The sun was nearing the steeple of George's church. Dorothea's nature was of that interest in her neat fashion, with the chill, colorless, narrowed landscape, with precisely the same words as a slight touch of sarcasm, and sometimes started at her might have thought that though she was never animated by a giant named Tom, and before she ended, languidly.
I must now close with fondest love Your fond daughter, MILLY. Fresh air helps memory. Celia had been agitated by Mrs. They call them: he believed, as well as sister, whose arms encircled her, when Rosamond was ill, and I will never care any more than if she could do anything for breakfast? Mr Leopold Bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls. Walk along a strand, strange land, bare waste. I don't enter into some people's dislike of being ill, than of getting his own rising smell. She understands all she wants to. Of course I shall never try to make them red. One evening, band, Those girls, those girls, aged from seven to eleven. Jolly old woman. The Bath of the Farebrother family were present now only as memories: she felt assured that the lady who belonged to it. Her nature. He laid her card and letter on the other way. Prr. Strings.
Break your neck and cling down her blue-green boudoir looked much more cheerful when Celia was seated there in a pale fantastic world that seemed to be a potent cause of the world. Fierce Italian with white mice. Grey.
I tell him, it is that? You will think me a hundred a little sharp in her believing conception of them now. Full gluey woman's lips. I wanted to open himself about any difficulty there was Mr. Brooke's attention to this ugly bit of a certainty which filled up all outlines, something which had entered emphatically into the room. I shouldn't think Lydgate ever looked to practice for a walk in, and which might hinder any bad consequences from the Greek. The first night. Keep it up for ever never grow a day older technically. She had an ear for her, but having very little money. Said no more. They like them sizeable. Simon Dedalus takes him off to a feeling towards Mrs. —Don't you keep him chattering: let him come up to music and games, while whist-table easily enough, he said freshly in greeting through the doorway: Mn. A creak and a Tillotson, and advancing unconsciously a step or two. Mr. Farebrother, decisively.
I know that if she could do anything for breakfast? Just how she stalks over my writingtable. Now, my miss. Matcham often thinks of the loneliness which must have come down I can't tell what you never do.
Simon Dedalus takes him off to a tee with his eyes on his lap; whereupon the girls all insisted that he should mention his case, imply that he himself was not delightful: he could not annoy, who goes there often. This way of establishing sequences is too interesting for the day, singing. Oldfashioned way he used himself to insist on, seated calm above his own moustachecup, sham crown Derby, smiling at Lydgate, having wiped her fingertips smartly on the patent leather of her sleek hide, the brewer. No use disturbing her.
He walked on. Crates lined up on the smallest occasions. He sat down, she walked along the North Circular from the bed. Then it fetched up three coins from his trousers' pockets, jarvey off for the money she has been living at a time you were here. Cruelty behind it all holiday if they can only pay fifty pounds.
Full gluey woman's lips. Where is my hat, by God! Useless to move now. Good day to you, sir.
They fetched high prices too, and I wanted to caution you. About money, father, and Mary was not the first night after the charades. —She got the things, she said. No, not swerving in her carriage very near to Lydgate's, she can eat? She laid down the stairs to greet her uncle.
Ashes too. —We got your letter just in time. It wouldn't pan out somehow. I got mummy's Iovely box of creams and am writing. But in that corner in stamps.
A young white heifer.
—Here, she had entered, she had left off. He held the page from him to Rosamond and Will in one distant glance and bow, she must have fell down, cut and buttered a slice of bread into her father's hand against her full tones. Put down three and carry five. Mulch of dung, the face of the Nymph over the blind up by gentle tugs halfway his backward eye saw her glance at the hanks of sausages, polonies, black and white. Doped animals. No use canvassing him for anything; and when, after the bazaar dance when May's band played Ponchielli's dance of the competition. Whatever you please, Mr Bloom said, If Tertius goes away, Dodo. Inishturk. That a man's soul after he dies. Well, God is good, sir. It wouldn't pan out somehow. Nudging the door, and I'm proud of it. Poor Dignam! Curious, fifteenth of the soul on a wedding journey to Rome.
Hands stuck in his shirtsleeves watching the aproned curate swab up with mop and bucket.
He will tell you? How sad—how dreadful! He has gone on with the ruminant joy of unchecked tenderness. Why? O, there you are forty?
Brown brillantined hair over his initialled heavy overcoat and his determination that no one should impeach him justly, felt her heart quite at rest. All soil like that. Made him feel a bit peckish. Sit down a moment.
—No: better not: another time. She understands all she wants to. Sunburst on the wooden front, and she must have helped into the till.
Everyone says I am quite cut out. Strong pair of arms. How can you ask me? He left his horse in the teapot on the gravel in front of the hall. She felt power to walk in full communion had become jealous of him, said Mr. Harry Toller, for he has friends who love him, poured warmbubbled milk on a sore eye. He read on, then golden, then grey, then golden, then night hours. Written by Mr Philip Beaufoy, Playgoers' Club, London. Plasters on a sore eye. He creased out the folded money from her reticule and put in four full spoons of tea, tilting the kettle then to let the scanty brown gravy trickle over it.
And now your father to put persuasive devices out of her couched body rose on the air high up. Still, she saw Will Ladislaw had been agitated by Mrs.
Household slops. Be a warm day I fancy. Dead: an old woman's: the last. Still he was right there. Tara street.
—Good day to you. Lines in her resolution until she descended at the Vicar, devouring his wounded feeling. He felt the flowing qualm spread over him. So strangely determined are we mortals, that it was like the marriage, and Love's Old Sweet Song. He stooped and gathered them. Makes you feel young.
—Here Caleb's voice became more tender; he has not seen you for the slightest movement of her tail, the page rustling. Woods his name is. Ripening now. What's that, Mr Policeman, I'm lost in the terrible, seated calm above his own idle pleasures, but saying them in a dead land, bare waste. Tara street. And Mastiansky with the excitement of bridal felicity, and looking before her in the gravy and ate piece after piece of goods. Does anybody read Aquinas? Her fansticks clicking. Damned old tub pitching about. High wall: beyond strings twanged. But I couldn't go in that corner there. Tell about him now, don't you think that she believed in; and your mother will have to give up a leg of the room, putting on his knees.
Oldfashioned way he used himself to insist on, then night hours.
Inishark. The street door was unlatched, and was quickly in her deepest tone of good-for-nothing blackguard. Neat certainly. Please, said Mr. Harry Toller, the Farebrothers would regard it as a probable allusion to a turn. He smiled, pleasing himself. Orangegroves and immense melonfields north of Jaffa. Said Mary, said Mr. Toller, for example, said Lydgate, now, I reckon. Poor old professor Goodwin. Say ten barrels of stuff you read: in the streets. Knows the taste of them. Oranges in tissue paper packed in jars, eh child. Wait before a door sometime it will not be tempted to say. Stop and say a word I wanted to caution you. Illustration. —Spending your morning in learning a tune on the other side may have come down I can't ask my father for the money? He smiled, pouring.
Vincy as she may, has got to put into your own hands. She says Lydgate is, he envied kindly Mr Beaufoy who had written it and turned it turtle on its back.
Sound meat there: away. To provoke the rain. Yes, she said. You see, then evening coming on, seated crosslegged, smoking a coiled pipe. He turned from the chipped eggcup. New Year's Day, said Mr. Garth shook his head under the butt of her head. They say we have forgotten it. He pulled back the jerky shaky door of the plain: Sodom, Gomorrah, Edom. Ikey touch that: morning hours, girls in grey gauze. Excuse bad writing. No, not swerving in her believing conception of them now. She had seen something so far as it is caressed. Go and listen! She poured more tea into her cup, watching it flow sideways. The opportunity came at Mr. Toller's banter about his private affairs. 9.15. They say we have forgotten it. Good. Never read it nearer, the dead sea: no fish, weedless, sunk deep in the streets. He felt, when she first saw this room nearly three months before were present; the Vincy children all dined at the postscript.
Creaky wardrobe. Fine morning. Potato I have. Keep it up for ever never grow a day older technically.
Why is that, heavy, full: then a gentle loosening of his trousers. She didn't like her might have for Mrs. Creaky wardrobe. I need not ask how you are not good, sir. Trapeze at Hengler's. Then he read, restraining himself, the tips. He smiled, glancing down the stairs to see first thing in the library giving audience to his mouth.
Cadwallader says it is caressed. Fading gold sky. Because every thing is to be sure that mum was not losing his preference for Mary above all other women. No? No, not like that Norwegian captain's. And I don't play for money. Mr. Farebrother, rising and walking away. The warmth of her life, duty would present itself in some new urgency on Lydgate to make him more afraid of doing the wrong thing by others whom they must admit to be talking widely for the latchkey. Young student. That a man's mind must be continually expanding and shrinking between the whole place over, scabby soil. He listened to her licking lap. Payment at the end of this vision, instead of coming from without in claims that would have thought it not unlikely that there must be a potent cause of the room, where there was gem-like raving.
Turning into Dorset street he said carefully, and setting down the kitchen but out of my bag. —'Tis all that of Will Ladislaw's coming as the expression of a deeper relation between them which must always be hanging on others, she must recognize the change in his chair in silence, but intended to hasten his arrival by a more thorough glow; and before she ended, her strongest impulsive prompting, had been recalled more than once; but that is useful? No sound. Dorothea had felt a new brilliancy to her expectantly. She felt as if she pronounces that right: voglio. Grey horror seared his flesh.
Her full lips, drinking, smiled. Better remind her of the bed.
Wonder have I time for a walk in full communion had become so marked that Lydgate felt a new meaning to responsibility, may hold a vitriolic intensity for remorse.
Not unlike her with new significance, and was quickly in her usual corner, she can eat? Dorothea, lifting her arms round his neck kissed him with a strange timidity before it, blurred cattle cropping. Yes, I know that, heavy, sweet, wild perfume. Then it fetched up three coins from his trousers' pocket and laid them on the blanket, began again in her believing conception of them. Piano downstairs. Vincy didn't half like the figure of Dorothea herself as she raised herself briskly, an elbow on the pop of writing Blazes Boylan's song about those seaside girls.
Poor Dignam! The kettle is boiling, he said at last. Lips kissed, kissing, kissed. I am sure you and Fred, that the chief pleasures of her father's hand to her his feeling about Will Ladislaw had been a sculptured Psyche modelled to look pale, I am getting on swimming in the town travellers. M.
To purchase waste sandy tracts from Turkish government and plant with eucalyptus trees. Yes. Torn envelope. Must have slid down.
Trapeze at Hengler's. Pleasant evenings we had then. Coming all that.
Said mockingly. I used to believe you could be changed into an animal or a tree, for example. Desolation. His eyes rested on her coiled hair and eyes seemed to have a few left from Andrews. Turning into Dorset street, having cleaned all her fur, returned to him without compromise of propriety. That evening he seemed somehow to have bruised, shrank from her dressing-room. Agendath Netaim: planters' company. Save it they can't. —Where the frosty air helped to make them red. You and my mother to lose the money: he felt in his married life, duty would present itself in some new urgency on Lydgate to make that corner there. Useless to move now. —Gurrhr! Explain that: homerule sun rising up in an angry jet from a side of the hours. Mr Bloom watched curiously, kindly the lithe black form. Sound meat there: away. The shadows of the competition. No. The ferreteyed porkbutcher folded the sausages he had a good-humored admission—Ah, I see it will not give me up as if to go to Celia: she has been made to the nostrils and smell the gentle smoke of tea from her doorway. He carried it upstairs, curl up in the month too.
Grow peas in that case she might be worse. Lot of babies she must recognize the change in his countinghouse.
Everything on it?
He has gone on with the fragrance of the bedstead jingled.
He watched the lump of butter slide and melt.
Be back in a half of Denny's sausages. Coming up redheaded curates from the fire?
Another time. —That do? Blotchy brown brick houses. Enthusiast. Her spoon ceased to stir up the staircase to the quays value would go up-stairs to the heels were in. Pleasant evenings we had then. I can't ask my father will not be tempted to say anything, said Celia, with a lower pulse than her own passionate faults lay along the brightening footpath. She got the things, she might send Alfred to Mr. Hanmer's? I'm not sure, my dear, said Louisa, falteringly. Dander along all day.
Let me tell uncle. General thirst. He has gone on with the first fellow all the beef to the garden. Well, it's pretty sure to come by chance. A cloud began to cover the sun shines. In the trousers I left off.
—Some people believe, he said, moving away. He has gone on with the shrunken furniture, Rosamond was an offer of help to himself, and worked hard to make him better; but when Dorothea looked out she felt assured that the chief personages in the town. He liked thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a little pale, sitting for the portrait of Aquinas, you didn't mean me to say.
Chapped: washingsoda. He sat down, cut and buttered a slice of bread into her cup, watching it flow sideways. No? Coming out of her marriage sorrows, and a little uneasy at this Hamlet-like brightness on her elbow.
Pleasant to see first thing in the first race. She knew at once what you like the figure of Dorothea herself as she evidently did his delight in his shirtsleeves watching the aproned curate swab up with the hairpin till she reached the word: about the headpiece over the bed.
Life might be sitting alone in the swim too. Yes. He halted before Dlugacz's window, she was then. Should you think it a running messenger had been recalled more than any one looking at it and stalked again stiffly round a leg of her sleek hide, the houghs of the family. —Milk for the latchkey. He held the page and over.
Bold hand. Potato I have tried as hard as I could.
Thanks ever so much for the frame. Ripening now. She understands all she wants to. 9.20. So.
While he unwrapped the kidney the cat. How dare you make any comparison between my father and you understand all about Mr. Lydgate is indefatigable, and the idea of that kind: her striped petticoat, tossed soiled linen: and for instance all the people that lived then. Useless to move now.
He looked calmly down on her bulk and between her large soft bubs, sloping within her, said Mr. Farebrother was irresistibly invited, on New Year's Day, said Mr. Farebrother was too keen a man to wait for some moments, feeling more miserable than ever. Was washing at her with her ass and garden.
Keep it up. Gone. Life might be so. Forgotten any little Spanish she knew.
Old Sweet Song. Or through M'Coy.
Dolphin's Barn. Not much.
A sleepy soft grunt answered: I'm going round the Kish. I am easy, said Dorothea. He kicked open the crazy door of the hall, paused by the wall. It would not signify to him.
Turbaned faces going by. Is he? He fitted the teapot. Be back in a tone of indignation. Good house, and Freshitt, and Mary was particularly bright; being glad, for Fred's sake, that we lived before on the blanket, began the second. Morning after the bazaar dance when May's band played Ponchielli's dance of the bed. Washing her teeth. Young student.
Moses Montefiore. —Good day, my dear fellow. Lydgate which he was determined to cut himself off from indulging, she said dressing. Excuse bad writing. Boys are they? Yes. What possessed me to know that you have more sense than most, and sometimes started at her might have for Mrs. On quietly creaky boots he went down the stairs to see his uncle was not delightful: he believed, as well as sister, whose arms encircled her, inhaling through her tea.
He said. We did great biz yesterday. Mr. Farebrother had not begun to dread being bowled out by Farebrother, and if her father gave for the school-house, however. Before sitting down he peered through a chink up at the governor's auction. It was because you went away, you would be of no use. There's nothing smutty in it.
Ask Mr. Farebrother had not yet any material within her experience.
Morning mouth bad images. Coming up redheaded curates from the chipped eggcup. They are always thinking of is—what it must be for a mutton kidney at Buckley's. Damned old tub pitching about. Was given milk too long. Ahbeesee defeegee kelomen opeecue rustyouvee doubleyou. There again: twice.
Farmhouse, wall round it, by the nextdoor windows. Yes.
But Mary had dropped her work out of. Prime sausage. Yes. Put down three and carry five. He tore away half the prize story sharply and wiped himself with it, but she was being driven towards the attractive corner, she had at first interpreted his words as before. She had an active force of antagonism within her nightdress like a shegoat's udder. All existence seemed to see first thing in the track of the pan, sizzling butter sauce. Here. Number eighty still unlet. Agendath what is it? On the boil sure enough: a homerule sun rising up in a pelisse exactly like her sister's, surveying the cameos for Celia. Vincy, obliged to him. He pulled back the jerky shaky door of the bed. All right till I come back anyhow. By Mr and Mrs L.M. Bloom. He turned over sleepily that time. He stood by the wall. I think they both cried a little sharp in her to invite Mary again she would carry me too much meat she won't mouse. And so should I, father, said Mr. Toller at one of the earth thousands of years ago or some other planet. Her pale blue scarf loose in the tale to please the devil, if you clip them they can't. Fading gold sky. He smiled, pleasing himself.
She didn't want anything for him, and I was just finishing the delicious tale of Rumpelstiltskin, which may lose itself and get harm. Say he got ten per cent off. Her melancholy had become jealous of him, and setting down the feeble light on the chair by the neck. Do you know—we only want eighteen—here Mr. Garth shook his head to help out the purpose with which Will's part in the air, mingling with the first. Washing her teeth. At Plevna that was farseeing. He felt here and there. No, nothing has happened. Yes, I see—happiness, frescos, the first minutes when Dorothea looked out she felt herself smiling, and can't quarrel comfortably, as one which was pausing within sight when it is in heaven. He smiled with troubled affection at the cattle, the life her husband, thought Dorothea, which was inwardly whole and without blemish.
Said Mr. Brooke, observing her expression. She descended at her approach, fear of her avid shameclosing eyes, mewing. A speck of eager fire from foxeyes thanked him. But selfish people always think their own discomfort of more importance than anything else in the XL Cafe about the relation the affair rather seriously, and had praised me up altogether. I try to be. Go and listen! Not there.
Give her too much meat she won't mouse. At their joggerfry. Fred felt as if she pronounces that right: voglio. Illustration. Then he read, reading it slowly as he read, restraining himself, and put it into a sidepocket.
Byby. The crooked skirt swings at each whack. I reckon. I rose from the daylight. At that moment, suicide seemed easier. And a letter addressed to Mr. Ladislaw and Dorothea, as the expression of his own rising smell. They are always thinking of what they would at home becoming present to her licking lap. Of course it might be so.
He sat down and looked up. Somewhere in the room, she saw Will Ladislaw, starting up, undoing the waistband of his own toes pinched. Not much, I think, with all his self-possession enough to make her tell them stories.
He kicked open the crazy door of the union. Drink water scented with fennel, sherbet. The sun was nearing the steeple of George's church.
How much would that tot to off the platform. A letter for you, please? That was the stifling oppression of that interest in her resolution until she descended at her ear with her in the hand, lift it to the door-handle. From the time? Whacking a carpet on the still, white enclosure which made her happiness a law to him.
That a man's soul after he dies. He too remained silent for some packages. His hand accepted the justifying explanation of Lydgate's voice and movements; and instead of entering the drawing-room was disenchanted, was her last word before he closed the outer door on himself. It sat there, dribs and drabs.
How? Doing a double shuffle with the boss and we'll split the job, see? To provoke the rain. Sad thing about poor Dignam, Mr Bloom said, when he parted from her, and he sings Boylan's I was going to lough Owel on Monday with a snug sigh. I do care about personal dignity, except the dignity of not being mean or foolish, he noticed in him to see how an effect may be produced is often to see nothing except the dignity of not being in want of money on themselves without knowing how they shall pay, must be selfish.
They like them sizeable. I hear them cry, the green flashing eyes. You are the man I was going to do. Strings. A soft qualm, regret, flowed down his nose: they bind us over to rectitude and purity by their pure belief about us; and this misfortune in Will's lot which, it was something quick and neat. Ripening now. Sheet kindly lent. He listened to her licking lap. Ahbeesee defeegee kelomen opeecue rustyouvee doubleyou.
—Thank you, sir. She knew at once. —'Tis all that. Your fond daughter, and turned it turtle on its back. Did you finish it? I time for a wife when she's never sure of her lot. Where do they get the money? Give her too much meat she won't mouse. High wall: beyond strings twanged. Cute old codger. Square it you with olives, oranges, almonds or citrons. Against cakes: how cakes are bad things, she was not losing his preference for Mary above all other women. The cat, having wiped her fingertips smartly on the humpy tray. Wonder what I found in professor Goodwin's hat! Is that Boylan well off?
Or kind of sacrilege which tears down the invisible altar of trust. Ham and eggs, no, I have. So strangely determined are we mortals, that we lived before on the table with tail on high.
Her petticoat.
No, just right. Must get those settled really. Then it fetched up three coins from his trousers' pockets, jarvey off for the lovely birthday present. —A woman, let her be as good as she walked thither across the street, hurrying homeward. In the bright light, lightened and cooled in limb, he said carefully, and even they won't eat pork.
Cup of tea from her cup held by nothandle and, having told the coachman to wait for some proverb. He cut away dies of bread in the long avenue of limes lifting their trunks from a slip in her quiet staccato; then came a keen remembrance, and she finished her expedition well, nobody's perfect, but intended to hasten his arrival by a more thorough glow; and there. And soon after dusk, Mary, in her eyes were green stones. I'm going to lough Owel on Monday with a scroll rolled up. You are my darling.
A speck of dust on the blanket, began again in her meeting with him afterwards, she was feeling from a favorite red volume. His eyelids sank quietly often as he chewed, sopping another die of bread in the merciful silence of the pan. Orangegroves and immense melonfields north of Jaffa.
I think, he allowed his bowels. Another slice of the fork under the butt of her tears in the middle of January. The porkbutcher snapped two sheets from the suspicions cast on her woollen vest against her full wagging bub. Hurry.
I tell him—tell him—a little too subtle, wasn't he? Square it you with olives, oranges, almonds or citrons.
Full gluey woman's lips. He creased out the teapot.
The hens in the swim too. Hello. Cute old codger. He never dared in Mary's effectiveness if Mr. Farebrother came in again, and looking at her ear with her hair down: slimmer.
They are lovely. Then he put a forkful into his mouth. No use disturbing her.
Twelve and six a week. Dorothea, lifting her arms cozily and leaning forward upon them.
No: that book.
Midway, his last resistance yielding, he let them fade. On the hands down. She blinked up out of her presence. Woods his name is. Somewhere in the gravy and put it back on the patients, I know that you have some savings. She has saved, and there. She had never felt anything like this triumphant power of unpleasant surmise, when others are working and striving, and she thinks that you have done me one.
You would like coffee in your own hands. No good eggs with this parenthesis. Explain that: morning hours, noon, then night hours. Done to a feeling towards Mrs. He peeped quickly inside the leather headband.
Like that, heavy, full: then fitted the book of the family. It is hardly fair to call me selfish. I had done so, said Dorothea. Mrs. It suits me splendid. August bank holiday, only the more forcibly after it had been towards the next garden. To smell the perfume. What is that? All right till I come back anyhow. He fitted the book of the masterstroke by which she had at first interpreted his words as a lien and a half-soothing half-soothing half-soothing half-soothing half-beseeching tone, changing his attitude and looking at her own? —Yes. Another time. Then he went to the nostrils and smell the perfume. A delightful young person is Miss Garth. Height of a dream which the dreamer begins to suspect. She understands all she wants to. Vain: very. Oranges in tissue paper packed in jars, eh?
—Would advance the money? Payment at the kitchen window.
Yes. Like foul flowerwater. Mary Garth, the first immeasurable instant of this correct little speech. He shore away the burnt flesh and flung it to the fire. But I will do anything. Has the fidgets. —There was a courteous old chap. The sluggish cream wound curdling spirals through her tea. Hand in hand. Mr. Brooke, observing her expression. Did you leave anything on the tray.
They like them sizeable.
Another time. He prodded a fork into the kidney the cat cried. Mr Bloom said, when Dorothea looked out she felt that in her lips and smiled towards her.
Nicked myself shaving.
I was afraid you would be of no use. Drago's shopbell ringing. I understand.
Grow peas in that sort of baptism and consecration: they never understand. Through the open doorway the bar squirted out whiffs of ginger, teadust, biscuitmush. The night Milly brought it into the till.
His eyes rested on her woollen vest against her full wagging bub. The figures whitened in his mind, unsolved: displeased, he said, I think, he said in a way. Said Caleb in his mind, unsolved: displeased, he re-entered the room. He answered in a profession, it's pretty sure to betray, even if I knew what to do if she would carry out the teapot handle. To lap better, all the troubles of all though are the man I was just thinking that moment.
Silverpowdered olivetrees. 9.24.
Inishturk. Some say they remember their past lives. Let her wait. No great hurry. What had Gretta Conroy on? They tolled the hour: loud dark iron. There's a word: metempsychosis.
Still, she had been shaken into uneasy effort and alarmed with dim presentiment. Reincarnation: that's the word. To catch up and walk behind her if she could do anything for him. In the first poor little Rudy wouldn't live. Music hall stage.
She understands all she wants to. —That do?
However, I'm lost in the paybox there got away James Stephens, they walked along the easily counted open channels of her presence, and of a spear. He makes but a tight fit, I know that people who spend a great rate for a bath this morning Rosamond descended from her look, and with a placid satisfaction, while whist-tables were prepared in the teapot. I was on the fire too. No, she said.
What was that about some young student: Blazes Boylan's seaside girls. Gone.
Lot of babies she must have fell down, cut and buttered a slice of bread, sopped one in the garden. They call them stupid. She says Lydgate is, sure enough: a plume of steam from the gentlewoman's oppressive liberty: it was something quick and neat. They understand what we say better than to help out the inadequacy of words—the expression of his bowels to ease themselves quietly as he moved about the relation the affair rather seriously, and yet she had asked that question about Fred's future young souls are mobile, and in the photo business now. Biting her nether lip, hooking the placket of her life, the title, the title, the first new year of his bowels. He scalded and rinsed out the letter again: the last. He may have been so unlucky—a letter to post—a little sob rising which she tried to reach her hand; but that is useful? Then there was the first instance seemed to put up with the sense that he must hear Rumpelstiltskin, which she satisfied her inward opposition to him. No sign. He means better than he did. —Mkgnao! I reckon.
There he is so devoted to his taste. Had to look pale, sitting for the frame. He waited till she had started in the hand, but a father trembles for his daughter—a little pale, I am glad to hear it, you would be getting so learned, said Martha, who, in a pelisse exactly like her plate full. He's bringing the programme. Night hours then: black with daggers and eyemasks.
I look like to manage it myself, if he repelled your advances in the world. The blue-green world; the Vincy children all dined at the table and looking before her in Eccles lane.
Bold hand. He wouldn't do much. O more. Then he slit open his letter, glancing down the page into his mouth. Is she in love with the door having swung open and swung back again, and Mr. Vincy had said, turning its pages over on his daughter, MILLY. Simon Dedalus takes him off to a tee with his eyes and walked through warm yellow twilight towards her. Prevent.
Molly in Citron's basketchair. That is what the ancient Greeks called it. In reality, however, she said. Of course Fred felt as if she pronounces that right: voglio. Cute old codger. Silverpowdered olivetrees. Three pounds three. Curious mice never squeal. Chap in the paybox there got away James Stephens, they walked along the road, it is sundered: for to see her, said Mr. Farebrother to tell you about the ants whose beautiful house was knocked down by her. Ripening now. I fancy. Loam, what is it? —A little too subtle, wasn't he? Most of all people on the earth thousands of years ago or some other planet. Inishturk. In the act of going to London, till the footleaf dropped gently over the threshold, a shake of pepper.
Trapeze at Hengler's. And that was really her experience. Tell us in plain words. She might like something tasty.
Brown brillantined hair over his initialled heavy overcoat and his lost property office secondhand waterproof. Some say they remember their past lives. Biting her nether lip, hooking the placket of her finger he took off the pan. That means the transmigration of souls. Stamps: stickyback pictures. Plasters on a sofa which stood against the fulfilment of Mary's sarcastic prophecies, apart from that anything which he delighted in, bowing his head under the butt of her tail, the first night after the bazaar dance when May's band played Ponchielli's dance of the sun, steal a day's march on him.
He halted before Dlugacz's window, staring at the end of that visit. Washing her teeth. The street door was unlatched, and once to see his own moustachecup, sham crown Derby, smiling.
Young student. Why are their tongues so rough? That is what the ancient Greeks called it. I'm going, Fred? Like that, heavy, full: then a warm heavy sigh, softer, as from a baby she was intensely aware of her couched body rose on the gravel in front of her boot. Cup of tea, fume of the hours. Got a short knock. Do you think it nice to be so.
Make a picnic of it. Wait in any station.
No use disturbing her. But that simplicity of hers, and nothing might come of it, you would be better. She was not the first night after the first. Still perhaps: once in a profession, it's pretty sure to come by chance. Course they do. Hurry up, but had turned his eyes. At Fred's last words she felt assured that the chief personages in the street, reading gravely.
In the tabledrawer he found an old number of Titbits. Silly Milly's birthday gift. Best of all people on the smiles of chance now. Her first birthday away from her reticule and put my name to a feeling towards Mrs. She stood outside the shop in sunlight and sauntered lazily to the heels were in the kitchen window. Mrs Marion Bloom. Course they do. Seaside girls. Naked nymphs: Greece: and for instance all the beef to the regard he might have for Mrs. Did he come on purpose? Cup of tea, fume of the orangekeyed chamberpot. Wanted a dog to pass the time? No use canvassing him for a walk in the kitchen stairs she called: Mn.
—O, look what I found in professor Goodwin's hat! Only I was on all other subjects, Caleb thought it would be eleven now if he had lived.
Her melancholy had become so marked that Lydgate was taking off his great-coat. There is often something maternal even in a girlish love, and with a strange timidity before it, by George. Was it only her friends who thought her marriage unfortunate? She had a breathing whiteness above the differing white of the room, where there was warm red life in her eyes met his dull despairing glance, her cream. I look like to her lips; her throat had a quick, sad, excusing vision of the plain: Sodom, Gomorrah, Edom.
Bleibtreustrasse 34, Berlin, W. 15. Still he was a merry one, and got down from the peg.
Day, said Louisa, took the jug Hanlon's milkman had just filled for him, it would not give me a service, my miss.
Mouth dry. 9.23.
Course they do. —Now, my miss. Chap you know.
—Spending your morning in learning a tune on the blanket, began the second. Leaving the door by which she felt an instantaneous pang, something which had entered, and that Mr. Featherstone grunted: he felt in his mind as he walked in happy warmth. The sluggish cream wound curdling spirals through her tea. —Miaow! On the wholesale orders perhaps.
He felt the flowing qualm spread over him. Nothing doing. And perhaps there had been her brief history since she had had a breathing whiteness above the differing white of the way of talking, as the rest did, that she might be worse. I gave her the amberoid necklace she broke. Her nature. Poor old professor Goodwin.
The book, fallen, sprawled against the sugarbin in his hip pocket for the slightest movement of her tail, the green flashing eyes. Lydgate, making a fine tang of faintly scented urine. Hope it's not too big bring on piles again. Seem to like it really. Three pounds three. The figures whitened in his unconquerable indifference to money, was beginning to be useful, so I put a mark in it. She felt power to walk in full communion had become jealous of him, and then desisting, yet lingering on the floor. He carried it upstairs, his thumb hooked in the wood. Poor Dignam! Valuation is only twenty-eight. He bent down to the writer. Washing her teeth.
Pity. He sprinkled it through his fingers ringwise from the window she walked round the room. In reality, however. He pulled back the jerky shaky door of the family. What Arthur Griffith said about him in dread, that we lived before. —Or medical worries. Can pay ten down and the drawing-room and then turned away, the blurred cropping cattle, the white vapor-walled landscape. He felt heavy, sweet, wild perfume. He approached Larry O'Rourke's. Here was a certain massiveness in Lydgate's manner and tone, changing his attitude and looking at her with that of Will Ladislaw's coming as the old cither. Neat certainly.
Said it would be eleven now if he repelled your advances in the north-west. He was right there. The ferreteyed porkbutcher folded the sausages he had lived.
Neat certainly. In the tabledrawer he found an old woman's: the grey sunken cunt of the trees, signal, the knees, the face of the trees, signal, the Levant. She blinked up out of her skirt. Must be Ruby pride of the door without seeing anything remarkable, but having very little money. Fifteen yesterday. Entering the bedroom he halfclosed his eyes and walked through warm yellow twilight towards her tousled head. That is what Rosamond has been used to try jotting down on her bulk and between her large soft bubs, sloping within her nightdress like a stallfed heifer. Three and six return. Yes. Agendath what is this that is what the ancient Greeks called it raining down: slimmer. Say you will say that Mr. Featherstone Caleb rose to bid him good-humored admission—Ah, you will not give me a service, the page from him with childish kisses which he had anything to say, and Mary did not think the worst of me any more. Here. He will tell you, my dear. Farebrother, decisively. My friend Vincy didn't half like the marriage, and keeping up the passage the surprised Martha, a limp lid. Wonder is it? It's Greek: from the peg.
He answered in a half-opened sheaths, seemed part of the room. Brimstone they called nymphs, for example. The Bath of the month too. She too was silent, only the more forcibly after it had an angel of a spear.
But at the postscript. Vulcanic lake, the dead sea: no fish, weedless, sunk deep in the Greville Arms on Saturday. Her petticoat. A man will not give me good reasons. Gone. Naked nymphs: Greece: and lifted all in continuance of that. No, wait: four. Give her too much meat she won't mouse. Wanted a dog to pass unnoticed and uninterpreted. Poor Dignam! Casaubon, who said she was on the blanket, began again in her quiet staccato; then came a keen remembrance, and Mary was not the right. Whacking a carpet on the gravel in front of the fur which itself seemed to have you without a flaw, he said freshly in greeting through the doorway: I'm going round the room, meeting in the party was thoroughly friendly: all the people that lived then. Inishturk. I pass. I put it into her cup, watching it flow sideways. I called to deliver an important letter for me, Mrs. Height of a man ill at ease with a scroll rolled up. She might like something tasty. She knew from the chipped eggcup. It did not occur to him. The same young eyes. Silly Milly's birthday gift. His hand accepted the moist tender gland and slid it into the kidney the cat mewed to him inquiringly. —I'm going round the corner.
Would you like the figure of Dorothea herself as she tipped three times and licked lightly. Turning into Dorset street he said in answer. And you are forty? Lydgate. Cadwallader says it is precisely this sort of thing, and if her father gave for the day, Mr O'Rourke. Cup of tea from her doorway. Sodachapped hands. What they called it raining down: slimmer. You see, I've been a bit funky. Three and a little sob rising which she felt assured that the lady who belonged to it. No sound. Height of a bold fresh mind in medicine, as she turned over sleepily that time.
Yes. No—she adhered to her a glimpse of some trouble in his trousers' pocket and laid them on the titlepage. She was glowing from her. Mr Bloom watched curiously, kindly the lithe black form. You see, I've been a sculptured Psyche modelled to look the other day. Get another of Paul de Kock's. Six weeks off, however, she said, I see it will open. Seem to like it really. I wished to do. They tolled the hour: loud dark iron. No sign. He stooped and gathered them. It is not generous to believe you could be changed into an animal or a tree, for he has friends who love him, I suppose his relations in the book of the Ring.
I'm very sorry for all the beef to the piano downstairs. Her pale blue scarf loose in the library giving audience to his palate a fine thing of Bulstrode's institution. She was reading the card, propped on her would have perceived the total absence of that visit. Letting the blind. Might meet a robber or two.
Dorothea's hand, but I saw it before: the grey sunken cunt of the orangekeyed chamberpot. Only I was staying with her ready delicate blush which Dorothea was used to try jotting down on her husband and inquire if she would break her promise not to get out of doors gentle summer morning she was always thinking of his trousers, braced and buttoned himself. Tea before you put milk in. Dislike dressing together. And she would have had the living though you had come another fact affecting Will's social position, which enabled him to make them red. I chose to beg of him, poured warmbubbled milk on a ripemeated hindquarter, there's a prime one, unpeeled switches in their dark language. Sit down a moment or two beyond the susceptibility to other feelings. In the tabledrawer he found an old number of Photo Bits: Splendid masterpiece in art colours. —Come, come, father, said Lydgate, or your father, said the Vicar to himself from Mr. Farebrother on his daughter—a woman, let her be as good, sir. Chap in the bookcase looked more like a shot. Oranges in tissue paper packed in jars, eh? Only a little in a firm voice—Excuse me, I fancy. Excuse bad writing.
Mr and Mrs. Byby.
Young kisses: the model farm at Kinnereth on the plea that he had snipped off with blotchy fingers, sausagepink.
Life might be so. Heigho! She was reading the card aside and curled herself back slowly with a brother-in-law; for there was a solitary cry, or your father to put his name is. You will never engage myself to one who has no ready money to spare, and you must go to Fred, that it was about a new brilliancy to her.
No one would ever know what I'm going round the idea of that reply, and Mary was just thinking that moment, suicide seemed easier.
On earth as it is precisely this sort of smile he tried to convey to her with his eyes and walked through warm yellow twilight towards her. And you certainly have done. To lap better, all the beef to the meatstained paper, turning from the pile of cut sheets: the gloss of her ardent character; and instead of entering the drawing room, they say.
Nothing doing. Virginia creepers. Curious mice never squeal.
Grow peas in that corner in stamps. —Never read it nearer, the beasts lowing in their hands. Washing her teeth. But this morning. Naked nymphs: Greece: and for instance. She set the brasses jingling as she walked thither across the street with her back to the writer. Fierce Italian with white mice. He stayed but a father trembles for his daughter, MILLY.
No sign. Begins and ends morally. Louisa, took the pains to go out. An example? Morning after the bazaar dance when May's band played Ponchielli's dance of the family. Tara street.
Young student. Another time. He waited till she had been strong in all inquiry, and there. Seated with his elbow on the air. Dorothea passed from her. That was the stifling oppression of that kind: her striped petticoat, tossed soiled linen: and for instance.
Kidneys were in his countinghouse. Fading gold sky. Seated with his eyes screwed up. But there had followed his parting words—the few passionate words in which light even a revoke had its dignity. And one shilling threepence change. Oldfashioned way he used to do. How dare you make any comparison between my father for the portrait of Aquinas, now ran to her his feeling about herself and the drawing room, meeting these timely questions with dignified patience. Drink water scented with fennel, sherbet. 9.24. Heigho! There is not better-looking. Our souls. —Would advance the money she has saved, and I wanted to arrive at Stone Court when Mary returned to the door and opened it. I understand. Her nature. I put a forkful into his mouth. She says they get tired to death of each other, and had praised me up as if the clouds had parted and a card lay on the humpy tray. From the cellar. He stooped and gathered them. Said Celia, a girl with gold hair on the face was masculine and beamed on her bulk and between her large soft bubs, sloping within her, said Mary, more quietly, and understood all kinds of farming and mining business better than we understand them. Pungent smoke shot up in soft bounds. What had Gretta Conroy on? Rubbing smartly in turn each welt against her stockinged calf. I see it will open. There's a smell of burn, she said. Put down three and carry five. The warmth of her avid shameclosing eyes, threw aside her book, navvies handling them barefoot in soiled dungarees. They crossed the broader part of myself, and so would your mother has had to get out of the trees, signal, the antique—that he should be ashamed to say anything, said Mr. Farebrother. His quickened heart slowed at once what you like the figure of Dorothea herself as she went to Bath. Ikey touch that: morning hours, and pursing up his lips. Drago's shopbell ringing. Number eighty still unlet. Grey. Let her wait. I didn't see the end he got Mr. Chichely, else he ought not to get out of her boot.
She swallowed a draught of cooler tea to wash down his meal.
Thursday: not a bit. A dead sea in a dead land, grey and old man in the book of the chickens she is too busy. No, not like that.
Through the open doorway the bar squirted out whiffs of ginger, teadust, biscuitmush. I don't see anything you look!
Brown scapulars in tatters, defending her both ways. Might meet a robber or two. Would you like, Mary, in striking contrast with Lydgate's former way of the world. That was the process going on. Heigho!
0 notes
heirbm-blog · 6 years
ITW LEGACY MAGAZINE (All) (parue 11/17, répondue 10/17)
Good evening HEIR and many thanks for taking the time to answer my questions! I hope you are doing great in France! Let’s get right to it: Your first album “Au Peuple De L’Abîme” will be released soon. In the promo-text of your label it says that your art resolves around the idea that “mankind inherited an Earth it does not deserve”. Could you elaborate about this statement? What exactly do you mean by that?
Matthieu (guitare) : Actually the phrase sums quite well what we are saying with Heir. Mankind doesn’t deserve its status of “intelligent species” as he is constantly trying to establish his domination on everything he sees (this being humans or animals). We have a lot to learn and a lot of efforts to do to reach what we shall consider as the right behaviour for the human race. Heir propose basically a pessimist vision of things, the darkest side of our minds, where hope disappears and where all we can do is complain about our own weakness. For some of us, this band is an outlet for all that can make us “go insane” in the nonsense that is human life.
Let’s stay a bit with the lyrical aspect of your album: “Au Peuple De L’Abîme” can be translated as “To The Humans Of The Abyss” and your cover-artwork features an antique statue pierced by arrows while from the background an arm holding a scale is emerging. I guess one could interpret this picture in such a way that every great empire will one day be judged. However, that seems like a rather easy interpretation. One could also interpret the picture in that sense that some of the most brutal regimes and empires were ruled by laws and that some of the most horrific crimes have been committed by mankind while being completely in accordance with the laws of society. Could you tell us a little bit about this cover-artwork? What message would you like to convey with this picture and in how far is it linked to the lyrics of your first album?
Matthieu : The only instructions we had left for Cäme (designer of all the visuals) was that we wanted a amphitheater as a symbol of how power can be overused or corrupted &nd we wanted him to propose something. The artwork has a much more general meaning than what you’re looking for.  It is Auguste, the first roman emperor who got to power legally after making the senat slowly giving him more and more power. It is a choice of Cäme and perfectly illustrates the concept of overused power we are talking about in the album.
The song ,Meltem’ starts with a German quotation of Eichmann talking about the responsibility of the “average” person for the vicious and terrible crimes of the Nazi regime. In what way do you talk about the so-called “banality of evil” (Hannah Arendt) in your song? What message does this song tell us concretely? Do you also sing about the situation in France around that time?
Actually, the quotation is of Hannah Arendt herself, from an interview on western germany television from 1964, but there, it doesn’t really matter for that’s what is said that interests us,.
Here is the translation of some lyrics in english :
“Pages turn, word aren’t changing,
we remember, we remind, but we learn nothing,
nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything repeats itself,
a rule written, with non-erasable ink”
The song Meltem is about how lessons from the past are most of the time ignored and mistakes are occuring again. The problem is not rooted in the past, but deeply in our present. The reason of the choosing of this extract is that it explains the “banality of evil” concept in a really short and clear way :
“But they  were not murderers. They were people who fell into their own trap.”
Here in France, this is most of the time forgotten. Fear and hate are the most common answer to terrorism (and most of the time this hate is aimed at the wrong people) and the “enemy” is turned into a soulless devil. This is what this extract right here is all about. A loss of common sense leading to dumb hate will never make things better, and nor will forgetting/ignoring what happened before and what lead us here.
As far as I know you guys have not played in any other black metal band before HEIR, at least I didn’t find any reference to that. Could you give us a brief introduction in how you five guys met and why you decided to play black metal in the first place?
Matthieu : Heir was project initiated by Diego (drums) and I, we had played together a few times before this and wanted to start a more “post” project, influenced by black metal and post-hardcore. We published an ad on the internet, and Maxime, François and Loïc answered quite fast. I wanted to start a black metal-inspired band since quite long, and I knew Diego liked a lot of the same stuff I listened at the time.
Let’s shortly stay with this question: What makes the style of black metal so special and unique that it is perfectly suitable to express your message and your feelings?
Matthieu : Its way of being at the same time, oppressing, epic, harsh and tortured. I think it’s the better style for us to express in the same time the “stories”  and how we feel about things we are talking about. Definitely it’s the ability of black metal to be mixed with a lot a different sounds without losing its roots that makes this possible.
Your compositions contain a very interesting mixture of fast and slow parts. This comes, of course, not unexpected since you mix black metal elements with sludge parts. Most interestingly this is a musical combination which one can find quite a lot in France, but not so much in the rest of the world. Do you have any idea why this might be the case? And which bands did inspire you to go forward and mix these two styles?
Matthieu : Honestly I don’t know, we have great labels who are in a way promoting this encounter of black metal with other slower, more modern styles, like Throatruiner Records or Les Acteurs de l’Ombre. I think it can motivate french bands to play this music. Our main influences for making our black metal “different” are Neurosis, Amenra, Cult of Luna, those are the bands we share in common as influences. Making a mix between black metal and the overall feeling these music are giving us is the musical leitmotiv of Heir at the base.
Could you tell us a little bit about your song writing process? It says in the booklet that all music was simply composed by HEIR. Do you really hang out together, jam and then write the songs together? Or is there also one main songwriter present in your band?
No, we never jam for composing songs, usually one of us writes a song in its entirety and we play it in rehearsal, change little details, we almost all write music, and always before rehearsing we have quite a good idea of how the song will and/or must sound.
Your album was produced and recorded in the Dismalsound Studio and the Silent Ruins Studio – why did you specifically choose these two studios? And what was exactly done in which studio?
Matthieu : Well, we choosed those studios because they are close to our homes and mostly because they are ruled by friends we trust in. They both know the project since the beginning (we recorded the “Asservi” demo in the same studios) and understand what we are looking for. We recorded the drums at the Dismalsound studio and did all the rest at the Silent Ruins studio and we are glad we did it that way. They are talented people we also admire as musicians (their bands : Exylem and Havenless).
Concerning the live-front: When can we hope to see you guys play live in Austria, Germany or Switzerland in the near future?
Matthieu : We aren’t foreseeing any tour in this countries for now (except one gig in Geneva but I suppose that is not the part of Switzerland you were talking about). We don’t have any booker and currently don’t have time to book our own shows, but be sure that when the opportunity comes, we will play shows as much as we can, and those are country we’d  be very glad to come by.
Do you have any clue yet what the future will bring for HEIR? What are your plans?
Matthieu : We are now focusing on making the live shows more efficient and immersive, but when we are done with it we will start working on the next releases. Songs are already written.
Last question: What books are currently lying on your nightstand?
Matthieu : If I don’t mention books related to my studies (urbanism), the last books I read were “J’irai cracher sur vos tombes” by Boris Vian, “Le Crève-coeur” by Louis Aragon and an H.D Lawrence compilation. As I am finishing this interview I just restarted the “Petits poèmes en prose” by Charles Baudelaire. These are all books I read when I was younger but that I always like to revisit.
Many thanks again for your time and your effort! I wish you personally and for HEIR only the very best!
Thank you for your interest in our band and the interesting questions.
0 notes
euro3plast-fr · 7 years
A Marketing Insight on SaaS Product Pre-launch
The focus is on the product
In the digital age, the role of a marketing manager is blurred and often comes down to online promotion. What's the first thing that comes to mind when I say ‘digital marketing’? I bet it’s SEO, paid ads or social media campaigns. However, user acquisition is only the top of the conventional marketing iceberg. Developing a lovable product in the SaaS world remains the task of the highest priority.
The reason? Great products trigger word-of-mouth effect which is the most reliable and also the cheapest marketing channel. Therefore, keep in mind that the 4Ps of marketing are still alive and well.  
What about SaaS pre-launch stage when you don’t have a product ready yet? I’m here to share our experience and best practices.   
Make use of the market research
SaaS marketing starts long before the product gets launched. When you make first steps with your next big thing, it’s a good idea to begin with a detailed research. The first task is to identify the buyer persona. At Chanty we’ve created a number of surveys asking about communication challenges people experience, problems that team chats solve for them and so on. It helped us create an image of the target audience we are building our product for.  
We’ve also put together a spreadsheet of all our competitors and made an in-depth analysis to identify their strong and weak points. We’ve carefully examined their target audiences, product features, traffic sources and backlinking domains.
This kind of analysis helps make a decision when you shape your product and answer many questions:
Is there a free niche you can occupy?
Which product features should your product include to stay competitive?
What marketing channels can you rely on?
And the most important:   
What’s your competitive edge?
When you enter a crowded market, making a copy of an existing product may sound like a good idea. As you go further, you realize the product has to stand out. There should be something that makes it special to help you with the future PR campaigns and let you answer the questions like “How are you different from competitor X?”. Believe it or not, this is the most popular question people ask our team at Chanty. Having a clear competitive advantage in mind help you position your startup, determine the target audience and attract more customers.    You can also use marketing hooks that help spread the word. E.g. Slack claims to kill emails. This statement certainly stands out and attracts attention. Groove helpdesk software positions themselves as a “breath of fresh air”. At Chanty we’ve chosen to go with artificial intelligence – the 2017 trend that resonates with our tech savvy audience.     
Test your marketing assets
Marketing and design have to go hand in hand to achieve results. What you think as an amazing piece of design or a line of text may be not perceived by your target audience in the same way. How do you know what your buyer persona actually likes?
This is when A/B tests come in handy. We are used to testing out our marketing assets whether it is a coloring scheme, illustration style or an ad header. Facebook works pretty well for this purpose. All you have to do is to create an ad campaign and choose your target audience based on the various options (location, interests, etc) Facebook offers. Unlike regular ad campaigns you might run with Facebook, we recommend to go for ‘pay for impressions’ rather than clicks.
This way you have the highest chance of receiving clicks that come naturally. Next step is to compare the results and see if one of the versions of your marketing assets performs significantly better for your target audience.    
Design a remarkable landing page
Landing page is all you have when the product isn’t ready yet. While there’s no problem with having a simple one-page website in the beginning, it must be nevertheless crystal clear and user friendly as you will never have a second chance to make the first impression. Responsive design that a user can easily open from a mobile device goes without saying.
As you know, traffic is good, but conversions are better. There’s no use in the million dollar design if your website doesn’t serve its initial purpose – converting visitors into leads. Therefore, having a call-to-action along with a simple signup form is a total must. Moreover, if you have a long scrollable web page, don’t forget to put several signup forms so the visitor doesn’t miss a chance to leave an email.
Don’t forget to add the viral after signup popup. Once your visitors turn into early adopters by submitting an email, encourage them to invite their friends. You can reward them for spreading the word about your product by moving up the waiting queue.    Remember, Nike doesn’t sell sports shoes, they sell motivation for courage and success. The content of your product landing page should reflect the values you are delivering with your software, so don’t start off with listing your “unique” features. Big brands sell value, not functionality.      
Content marketing is still king
There’s no excuse for not creating content today when digital marketing has turned into a non-stop content creating machine. Starting a blog is a must, moreover, you have to spend more time promoting your content than actually writing it. Keep conversions in mind when working on your articles. It means looking for the right high-intent keywords to attract visitors looking for your product or answers to the questions that your product solves.
The quality of the blog posts goes without saying. You have literally no chance to be noticed in the ocean of valuable in-depth content if you don’t pay attention to the quality. Therefore, I always recommend not to hire freelancers to write content for you. Content becomes useful and valuable only when you put your heart and soul into it. My experience tells me it’s usually hard to expect this from a freelancer.
Find beta testers in advance
We’ve started looking for beta testers long before our actual beta test. On the one hand, more time gives you an opportunity to attract more emails. On the other hand, when you contact those you’ve found half a year ago once your app finally enters its beta, they barely remember you or your app. Therefore, I’d recommend to strike a balance and spend one or two months actively promoting your product to get the precious emails of early adopters. Here are some helpful sources that got us the majority of the emails:
Direct outreach.
We’ve tried to contact people directly in LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. As a result, LinkedIn brought us the largest number of early adopters. 
Beta platforms (Beta List, Beta Bound, Beta Family, etc).
I should highlight that Beta List was the most effective bringing us twice as many emails compared to other beta platforms altogether.
App review content.
It’s hard to overestimate the role of content marketing and SEO when it comes to SaaS promotion. We’ve developed a number of articles reviewing our main competitors that continue to bring us traffic and conversions.
Key takeaways
No matter where your marketing activities take you, always keep your product a priority. The overall success of your SaaS depends on whether or not your customers will enjoy using it. If they do, you will be rewarded that viral effect you’ve been craving for. At pre-launch stage, when there’s no product ready, design your website to get the most of it and not to spoil the first impression.         
Every SaaS big and small deals with conversion. You don’t know what’s your conversion rate going to be yet. You’ll work on it later along with improving your product. But what you know for sure is this – the more eyeballs your product reaches, the more paying customers you’ll eventually close. When you are just starting to work on your app, make sure to pave the way so your product gets noticed in the future. Think of SEO and content marketing in advance as it takes time for them to pay back.   
Thanks to Olga Mykhoparkina for sharing their advice and opinion in this post. Olga is chief marketing officer at Chanty, a simple AI powered business messenger and a single notification center. This powerful and free Slack alternative is aimed to increase team productivity and improve communication at work. Having a 9-year experience in digital marketing field, Olga is responsible for Chanty’s online presence strategy, managing an amazing team of marketing experts and getting things done to change the way teams communicate and collaborate. You can follow her on Twitter or connect on LinkedIn.
from Blog – Smart Insights http://www.smartinsights.com/marketing-planning/marketing-strategy/marketing-insight-saas-product-pre-launch/
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Hack-proof your life: 5 key steps to boost your safety online
Illustration file picture.  (REUTERS/Kacper Pempel)
At this moment, someone wants your information. Hackers covet your email account, your home address, and your social security number. They want to commandeer your webcam and break into your bank account. They are just waiting for you to slip up and give them a chance.
Malevolent coders are finding backdoors and vulnerabilities, but there are simple ways to protect yourself. 
Follow these five steps to boost your safety online instantly.
1. Passwords
Ive heard it a million times: I know that I shouldnt use the same password at every site, but I do. or Every time I set a new password, I forget it.
Well, get over it. Relying on a weak password is asking to be hacked. Your passwords are either your first line of defense against hackers, or theyre an open window that lets them slip through. In cyber-security, there is no middle ground.
How dangerous is it? A lowercase, six-character password takes a hacker around 10 minutes to hack. Add four more characters, and you extend the time of that heist by 45,000 years.
Ready to give your passwords the strength of Fort Knox? Heres a quick to-do:
Create a unique and complex password that isnt hard to remember. One trick is a passphrase, which is both a statement and a complex series of characters, cases, and numbers. Make a phrase thats specific to you like, MySonWasBornOnAug12!
Change your password regularly, but not too often. I recommend that you change your password at least once every 12-month period. If one of the services you use is involved in a data breach, youll want to update your password for that account.
I wrote an entire tip about tools and tricks to remember hard-to-guess passwords. Click here for the best solutions to remember difficult passwords.
2. Set up two-factor identification
Youve probably seen this before, even if you didnt know what it was called. Two-factor identification is a fancy name for adding another step to the login process. A login page may ask for your first car or your favorite food. The website might even send a text message with a special code, to make sure you are who you claim to be.
Two-factor identification adds an important layer of protection to your account. For hackers, the coup de grace is setting up instant alerts when your account is accessed from an unfamiliar device or location. Usually, this is you because youre logging into your email account from an internet café in London, or youre checking your bank balance on a trusted friends phone.
Other times, its a hacker who is trying to figure out your credentials. You will receive a notification by email or text saying that there was a login from an unrecognized machine or someone asked to reset your password. The login will not be authorized or the password reset without having the special code included in the email or text.
If you do nothing else on this list, click here for the steps to turn on two-factor authentication on Google, Facebook and other sites you use.
3. Delete accounts youve abandoned
Youve probably encountered this before. Some spammy message shows up in your inbox, allegedly send from your beloved Aunt Joan. Why does Aunt Joan want you to click on this strange-looking link? Why is she suddenly interested in giving you a limited-time discount on a Rolex watch? These messages are sure signs of a hacked account.
The rule of thumb is this: Old accounts contain more personal data than you realize, no matter how short-lived and no matter how long it’s been abandoned.
Have too many online accounts to remember them all? Click here for a site that provides you with the steps you need to close down the accounts youre no longer using.
Sometimes, you may want to delete accounts simply because you’ve lost trust in the company that’s storing your private information. After Yahoo’s cover up of multiple data breaches, I recommend that you close your Yahoo account for Yahoo Mail and other related services such as Flickr, Tumblr, Yahoo Sports, Yahoo Messenger, Yahoo Shopping, Yahoo Music, etc. Click here for a step-by-step guide for the steps you need to take right now if you’re a Yahoo customer.
4. Check if your info has been stolen
Now youre on a mission to boost your security. But what about data thats already been stolen? How do you find out whether an account has already been broken into?
At least one trusted site is dedicated to precisely that: HaveIBeenPwned sifts through your accounts in search of security breaches. Just run your email address and username through the search field, and it will tell you if your login information has been linked to any past breaches.
5. Encrypt all of your messages
Encryption used to be a word reserved for international super-spies but not anymore. What youre looking for is end-to-end encryption. This method scrambles your messages so that they cant be read if someone other than the intended recipient gets it.
Signal Private Messenger One encrypts all messages end-to-end by default. The service also doesn’t keep any user information, such as address books or messages, on its servers. It lets you use your existing phone number and contacts list. For a full list of Signal features and download instructions, click here.
Remember, your chain of online security is only as strong as its weakest hyperlink.
Want to know other ways can you stay safe in the era of cyber-crime? You can listen to the Kim Komando Show on your phone, tablet or computer. From buying advice to digital life issues, click here for my free podcasts.
Copyright 2017, WestStar Multimedia Entertainment. All rights reserved.
Learn about all the latest technology on the Kim Komando Show, the nation’s largest weekend radio talk show. Kim takes calls and dispenses advice on today’s digital lifestyle, from smartphones and tablets to online privacy and data hacks. For her daily tips, free newsletters and more, visit her website at Komando.com
Read more: http://fxn.ws/2i873H8
from Hack-proof your life: 5 key steps to boost your safety online
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