#my wil wix
skinnyredd · 2 years
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My sister is a counselling psychologist, she has known me my entire life and she knows the magnitude of fucked up my mind is, at least, what I tell her, and I tell her more than I tell most people. So when she told me that some people are born depressed, in the sense that some people genetically are more inclined to develop depression, I believed her, however baffling it sounded. Of course, the ever critical crow that I am, I looked it up myself instead of taking it at face value. And it made me wonder, have I always been depressed? Or was my sullen personality throughout childhood just that, a personality and not a pathology?
Perhaps it made me more susceptible to developing depression, a combination of Emotional Abuse and Neglect may have very realistically led to the person I am today, with all these issues that have festered over the duration of my existence, exacerbated into the myriad of mental health issues that I've failed to acquire treatment for, but there isn't a singular moment I can think back on and confidently claim that I was truly happy or content.
If I was a wix in the Harry Potter universe, I would have never been a able to successfully cast a patronus charm, corporeal or non- corporeal. That speaks to great lengths of the supposed "evil" characters in the HP universe, powerful witches and wizards, death eaters and by default, Slytherins, as people who cannot cast a patronus. Obviously there are exceptions to this rule- Severus Snape being one such Syltherin to master the charm, but what of those that cannot? I do not deny that there is a copious amount of darkness and "evil" tendencies and behaviours and thoughts displayed by the Death Eaters portrayed in the books and movies, even fanwork for this universe, I myself would easily fit into the category of a dark wix. I do worry that despite everything, deep down inside, I am evil. But there is the saying that people aren't born evil.
Monsters aren't born, they are made, crafted carefully through a lifetime of hurt and anger, hatred and abuse. I know exactly what made me who I am today, I know exactly how many people contributed to the evil that lurks within me, and yes, I am what people would classify as a dark person, slotting perfectly into the mould of a Slytherin.
But what does that say about the HP universe? That all Slytherins are evil? Or does it say that all Slytherins are victims of something traumatising or the sum of many traumatising events and experiences that literal children go through to reach the age of 11 and immediately be classified as "evil", does putting us in that box help the others keep an eye on us and see it as a brand marking us as a cautionary tale or is the box there to give us support and acceptance amongst people like ourselves, a support group for traumatised children, if you will?
I like being a Slytherin, despite everything else, because when you get labelled with something so glaringly obvious, openly marked as a hazardous person, people think twice before trying to mess with you, but being a Slytherin is a double edged sword, it goes both ways, it keeps people away, yet hurts you, because you get isolated and demonised when you're so young, and despite everything you've already been through, you get pushed further into a dark world surrounded by dark people, and while they may stand with you against the rest of the world (read: the other three houses) there is brutal vicious battle within that box we lock ourselves in and have been locked into.
You can trust no one with your secrets and are constantly on edge. You are constantly at war with everyone simultaneously.
How then, do people expect the Slytherins to thrive in a healthy environment when they've been living their entire lives in a toxic minefield doing their best to simply survive?
People can get help and get better, break free of the brand of a Slytherin if they work hard enough, but when you're cornered and in danger, a snake that may have been harmless will strike with intent to kill to survive. Do we label this as self defense of do we call the snake a murderer?
No creature is dangerous unless threatened, the same goes for people. Does protecting oneself the only way we know how make us evil? Or is that just a classification for people who have trauma because we aren't allowed to lash out?
Are Slytherins just inherently evil, dark witches and wizards and wix in the making, or are they proof of generational trauma and victims of societal scrutiny?
I'd like to say I knew the answer to this, but truly, I don't.
All I know is that the very motto of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is quite literally, canonically, "Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus", which translates to "Never tickle a sleeping dragon" and if you ask me, that explains Slytherin in a nutshell, and yet, so many people just don't get it.
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codylabs · 4 years
My first act as mayor will be to repurpose the letters X, C, Q, and Z by replacing their current noises with KS, KW, K, and S. In the new order, X, C and Q shall make the TH, SH, CH sounds respektively. As for Z, it call henseforx be used to make guttural growling noise, since it’s about time we had a way to spell AAAUGGGGHHH. As an ekstencun to xis amendment, all words will be henseforx be spelled eksaktly as xey sound. And wiyl we’r at it, ditq capitul leters; simpul peeriuds ar good enuf for me too tel wen xe sentens ends, xey kan bee good enuf for yoo.
dooing this wil eliminate any and all need for speling and englic klases in skool. xe time saved wil bee yoosed to teaq kids yooseful skils lyk hunting, traping, starting fyrs, dryving kars, handling fyrarms, cooking, and fyling takses. wix eny luhk, we kan blow xroo al xe important stuf by 8th grayd, so we kan dump hy skool entirly, and tern the bilding into an armored fortres so the town can defend itself in tymes of trubl. the unyoosed teaqers wil al beekum syentists, and werk on a way to genetikaly modify hyoomans to bee aybl to eet wood, sins food is ekspensiv and lumber is evrywehr.
and as for evrywun hoo’s not bisy on xat, get rid of yor howses and go liv in kaves and bunkers undergrownd so we don’t hav to deel wix lite pohlucun and nooclear falowt. yoo hav yor orders. make it so.
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Harpy (Classification)
Harpies are a relatively clear-cut category of magical creatures, though they are sometimes confused with distant cousins such as transformed Veela. All Harpies are winged, and some also are feathered all over. None known have beaks, but many have taloned feet and all can replicate bird calls. Beak-like protrusions in place of noses are seen as a semi-frequent mutation in some communities, but are the exception rather than the norm.
The precise evolutionary path of Harpies is debated. Some speculate the group may be related to Meadow Sirens, while others suggest they may be closer to the Rayskie Ptitzi of Slavic regions. Others still suggest them to be entirely separate, though a study of the history of all three groups suggests at least some interlinking between them. As it stands they retain both avian and mammalian traits - their feathers truly are feathers, just as those of Veela are, but they also bear live young and nurse the resultant infants. 
They are also sapient and well-able to speak, despite being classed, for a long time, amongst Beasts. Though they still are, this is by wilful choice on their part, alongside Merpeople and Centaurs.
Arctic Harpy - The northern-most variety of Harpy, these creatures uniformly have pale feathers, usually white, cream and white with black tips. Sharply intelligent and with a tendency to hunt in packs, they are known to have interesting bonds to both Inuit and Sámi groups, with whom they have occasionally shared their Divinatory rites.
Coastal Harpy - Sometimes also called Grecian Harpies, Coastals were for a long time suspected of lacking arms, until it was realised how they hid them in their wingfeathers unless using them. Interestingly, Coastals are voracious readers, and though their relations with wixes have at times been strained, they are becoming increasingly positive as some wixes permit them use of their libraries.
Harpyja Orientalis - Found in China, the Harpyja Orientalis are the variety of Harpy most suspected to be related to the Rayskie Ptitzi, as well as to Sphinxes. Living in complex social groups in the mountains of China, these creatures take a communal attitude both to meeting new individuals and to resolving problems with trespassers. Though generally non-confrontational, they have a matter-of-fact attitude once a solution is found and, rather like Sphinxes, can be rather hard to talk or reason out of their chosen course.
Inland Harpy - Possibly the most benign of the known types of Harpies, Inlands may catch and rip apart prey on the wing, but are generally more direct about their intentions (due to certain cultural mores of the variety) and mostly wish to be left alone. This isn’t to say, however, that they won’t defend themselves; the sung charmswork of Inland Harpies is as powerful as the enchantments the Coastals can weave with Sirens, and they need no aid but their own will.
(Image Source)
(Read about Harpies in canon over Here. I hate that I have to include this but PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THE IMAGE SOURCE OR MY CAPTION.) 
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kaitlinfolland3 · 7 years
Website: Current situation
I have two web pages up and running however in this current situation I have closed my official. 
1) Official website: A web site I had purchased and have the rights to the domain name (www.kfolland.uk)
2) Wix website: This six website was created in my second year as part of a project of self branding. That said this web site 
My domain name (www.kfolland.uk) Will remain the same 
What was fantastic about my official website was that the URL was so simple to  navigate. I could easily type my name into the google search and on the top first web browser would present my website. Likewise I could also type my web link into the search bar and it would instantly direct me to my home web page. The navigation of this was .., 
The procedure: 
At this given time I have asked for Sarah to close down my website momentarily. I have addressed Sarah of the changes that I would like seen be made. In this given time Sarah has full function to my website I will not be able to make any changes to it, not until I send some of the main requirements required form Sarah first. This includes my brand (logo) bio, contact, an array of images / footages that can already be put onto the site. Until that is completed only then will Sarah give me access for me to freely edit my webpage. 
I have been in close contact with Sarah and currently she is requesting for some material that will 
Plan of action: 
- I wil produce a small document of some of the sites I have looking at that I have of interest. This will help provide Sarah an idea as to what kind of format / layout I am looking for. 
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The history of human and mer interaction is storied and colourful and not always as favourable to humans as many would wish. Beyond just the way Merpeople have been historically viewed - as beasts, animals, or malevolent seductresses - there are plenty of aspects of history that the Mer remember and humans do not.
Most notable of all of these is a series of tales recorded by the Ambassadors of the Icthyocentaurs, Bythos and Aphros. Not a myth, but a true recounting of the historic hunting of Merpeople, there are over twenty stone tablets preserved by the brothers, each containing their own story of Merpeople killed due to the ignorance and wilful hatred of wixes.
Notable on their lists are the tales of the death of Amphitrite, a young mermaiden of the nearby Mediterranean Mer, who was tangled in nets, hauled ashore and butchered like an animal on the beach even as she sang for help. Due to the long shallow incline of the beach none of her sisters could reach her in time, even the two which took human form.
Another tells the tale of Cephalea, an Octo-mer who was captured and hauled ashore. Not seen for some ten years, she returned, battered and beaten with several of her tentacles damaged beyond healing. The records indicated she died not long after, and her fate - never told to any but other Octo-mer - is widely believed amongst Mer to have been a key part of the Octo-mer decision to commit mass suicide.
There are also the tales of the young brothers Polydeuces and Castor, who swam into the shallows when fetching shells for their parents and siblings. Caught by a fleeing tide they drowned in air, too young to take on a human form. Their bodies were seen drying on racks alongside the day’s catch of fish, and, the Mer believed, were eaten. My studies have indicated this may not be entirely so; the Athênaion - the largest Museum of Magic in Greece - has several pieces of preserved merpeople, including two mummified young boys, who tests indicate were siblings.
-- Extract from Myths of the Mediterranean Merpeople by Benedick di Monalto, Chapter 11: Tales of Bythos and Aphros, the Icthyocentaur Ambassadors.
Fish traders by hoooook
(I hate that I have to include this but PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THE IMAGE SOURCE OR MY CAPTION.) 
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Close cousins to the Sin-you, Xiezhi are believed to be descended of cousins to Sin-you traded to Japan and then back to China. Like Sin-you, they seek justice but can be a bit more direct about it, as well as having a more goatlike form. With black fur, hooves and horn, westerners often consider them an ill omen while Chinese wixes recognise them as symbols of justice. By and large the greatest differences between Xiezhi and Sin-you is in appearance - Xiezhi are goatlike compared to Sin-you’s more feline appearance, but both are four-legged and single-horned and both seek justice. However, it is worth noting that where Sin-you kill based on guilt of a crime, Xiezhi kill based on who lie most heinously, though in court settings where the creatures were originally - and sometimes still are - used, the distinction was often seen as minor. Those who lied in court, the feeling went, were likely not innocent.
Xiezhi travel in herds of up to twenty members, though single specimens are not unheard of. Those which kill more zealously than others may often be cast out by the herd, while those which hesitate to judge those who lie - by pointing with their horn - may be shunned. As Xiezhi are less likely to immediately kill, they are more commonly kept in the wixen courts in China than Sin-you, but both have their place and both have been known to kill on occasion. Despite rumours of corruption and that the handlers “slipped” to allow the creatures close enough to kill, nothing has ever been proven, and while China, like America, has received censure for their wilful use of the death penalty, the laws have not yet changed.
Twisted Unicorn by Davesrightmind
(Read about the Xiezhi in lore Here and Here. I hate that I have to include this but PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THE IMAGE SOURCE OR MY CAPTION.)
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