#my worst enemy jaywalker yellow
CHARACTER BINGO that jod guy
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What a guy. Afo could never
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am not ur mutual anymore fuck u >:(
I was talking about Panda, you narcissist
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and also, that black haired guy i always see in the gifs with power amd denji. the third one in their found family
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My feelings regarding Aki are complicated. He is a complete and utter moron and also I only want the best for him
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good day trash chan. have you been well recently. have you beheld any especially pathetic losers lately
Yes, I have been well, and as for your second question, absolutely! I did just speak to you earlier today, after all <3
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what about hamlet
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Lmao he really would "get thee to a nunnery" my ass
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and the lady with the bone arm
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I wish I had more to say but I genuinely do just think she's hot and funny unfortunately
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trash chan please what does
outline?? ?
have in it
Funnily enough, you actually read and beta'd the original version of outline?? ? a long time ago, but I would totally understand if you've completely forgotten it, esp because I've reworked and rewritten it a few times since then lol
This one is sort of(?) a Yoichi & AFO roleswap, though it's got a few more layers to it than that? I'm just going to post a little snippet of the outline in question bc I kinda think the concept behind it is cool and I'm going back and forth on actually finishing it
Yoichi is immortal like afo
When Afo forced a quirk onto Yoichi, he picked a regen quirk instead of a stockpiling one
This improved Yoichi’s constitution and allowed him to actually help the resistance force
1rst, 2nd, and 3rd actually managed to defeat afo, this was in large part due to his unwillingness to harm Yoichi and Yoichi’s participation in the fight
Afo was kept alive, but locked away (Yoichi may be a little petty so. Vault time)
After an *ahem* amorous exchange with 2nd, Yoichi found out he could transfer his quirk
Yoichi employed afo’s scientists and grilled him for info on certain points of quirk usage
Eventually, Yoichi learned how to make copies of quirks, and transfers copies of the regen quirk to his closest followers, granting them immortality
Bc of their notoriety and influence following afo’s downfall and the repossession of his research/wealth, Yoichi, Second, and Third are very well-regarded in the current world hero community and hold positions of considerable power
Yoichi heads the hero public safety commission and is heralded as a very important figure in Japanese hero society (somewhat corrupt)
Other vestiges are high ranked heroes with immortality and close ties to Yoichi
Afo is still alive but imprisoned, Yoichi uses him to move around quirks (The vestiges and other pros who Yoichi trusts often end up having two or more quirks depending on what they can handle, quirks are also used as a reward/punishment system in certain cases by the hpsc)
This is tough bc it takes a lot of convincing every time, Yoichi was looking for a mind control/brainwashing quirk for awhile but eventually stumbled on cloning as a solution when Ujiko suggested it
Izuku is a clone of afo designed to use his quirk and replace him. When afo becomes obsolete, the hpsc plans to kill him
The vestiges hold real affection for Izuku, but are pretty much willing to kill him whenever if he steps out of line/starts acting too much like the og afo
Izuku isn’t the first clone, the other prototypes didn’t work out because they didn’t have enough of afo’s dna/weren’t stable. Izuku is the first stable clone
He receives constant doctor’s visits bc of this, but these visits slow when it’s determined that Izuku is entirely stable and not in danger of organ failure
2nd and 3rd dislike Izuku more than the others because they knew afo personally
Izuku takes quirk suppressants (yeah they aren’t real but I like them as a concept) for most of his life, slowly being weaned off as Yoichi tries to transition him into use as afo’s replacement
Izuku’s name is Izuku bc a woman who was a dna donner for his cloning (Inko) was under the impression that the experiment she partook in was for an experimental fertility treatment (people with self-esteem issues, meek personalities, and anxiety were intentionally chosen as donners) and expressed how she always wanted to name her son Izuku (she had high hopes that the trials would work, rip)
Yoichi is personally raising Izuku, so he actually grows very attached to him
Izuku is very sheltered and not allowed to engage with anything that might cause him to develop traits similar to afo
No quirk talk, no hero or villain talk, no watching the news
Compliments are sparse and always have caveats
The outline is finished, but I'd feel weird posting more of it here bc this is technically supposed to be a snippet??? Pls interact if you have interest in it lol, I'm looking for a reason to get invested again
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Eeby deeby Yoichi simp collection, or as I like to call it, images that immediately cause anyone who views them to become concerned for my mental health
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‘it’s alright, you could never hurt me.’
a. eri and someone
b. dark shadow and tokoyami
Thanks Yellow, I've never really written for Tokoyami before, but this was a lot of fun!
"It's alright," Tokoyami mutters absentmindedly, arranging the circle of candles carefully on the floor. Each sits atop a blood-red doily; as dedicated to proper seance etiquette as the hero-trainee may be, Dark Shadow knows he'd really rather not owe money on new wood flooring. "You could never hurt me."
The outline of Dark Shadow's beak forms an approximation of a frown, her sharp, yellow eyes wandering downward. "You always say that." She blinks. "But I don't think you really mean it. You still flinch when you turn the lights off."
Tokoyami raises a quizzical eyebrow, lowering his zippo down to kiss the wick of an unlit candle. It flickers to life, small, and weak, and terribly unimpressive. Not nearly enough to prevent a episode.
But that isn't Tokoyami's fault.
"Not that I'm blaming you!" Dark Shadow ammends, lifting her arms. "It's just... well, everytime we do something like this, I'm worried I'm going to lose control. The candles are light sources, sure, but... are they enough?"
Tokoyami sighs, beak fading into a soft grin. He shuts the lighter, setting it on the floor beside him before turning to take his quirk's hands in his. She bows her head in response, the motion bearing faint hints of shame.
"I'm sorry, I can retract if-"
"No," Tokoyami interrupts, shaking his head with an unusually gentle form of sterness. "No apologizing. We've walked this path before, and in far more volitile times. Your fear is unwarranted, you must know that. We're linked you and I, like pact-bound demon and human, or perhaps vampire and thrall. We exist as one, and I trust the darkness within you with the same surety that I trust the darkness within myself. I know you enjoy these mad banquets of darkness as much as I, and I would not rob you of them."
Dark Shadow quirks her beak. "Ugh, c'mon, those are just platitudes! You're scared of me Tokoyami, of course you are! Remember that night at camp? I... I almost really hurt you. How can you put yourself in complete darkness again so soon after that? It's too reckless!"
"No." Tokoyami frowns, allowing his neck to lose its usual rigidity. "It isn't reckless at all. I trust you, Dark Shadow. Implicitly. And if we don't try to work through this together now, in a safe and stress-free environment, then we never will. I have been flinching when we enter the darkness, but not because I fear you. It's because I fear for you. I don't ever want to make you feel a burden, and the thought that your concern for me may ruin your enjoyment of the night's bounty is... disquieting."
"Oh." Dark Shadow shrinks back. She hadn't considered that her reluctance might be the thing that caused Tokoyami such evident stress. "I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize," Tokoyami orders, though there's more warmth to the words than there is authority. "That's the point of all this. That you don't need to."
"Oh, alright." Dark Shadow attempts a smile. "You can finish with the candles then... but... before you turn the overhead off, do you think maybe you could keep your lighter in your hand? I know it'll be harder to work the ouija board, but..."
"It's of no concern." Tokoyami clutches the lighter to his chest, casting his gaze towards the far window with evident dramatic flair. "The spirits of the damned are perturbed not by the presence of fire. We shall call them to us yet."
"Pfft, okay." Dark Shadow can't help but snicker a bit at that. "Turn off the lights then, you big goober."
"You're sure you're ready?"
"Yeah. We are one in the same, bonded by time, and soul, and the demonic powers of evil, linked forever in darkness," she recites, imbuing the words with the lightest touch of teasing sarcasm. "In other words, we're family. And if you say we're ready, then I believe it."
"Yes." Tokoyami stands, walking over to the lightswitch. "Then we shall let the madness consume us."
It's a poor choice of words, but Dark Shadow nods all the same. The lights die out.
And despite the near pitch black of the room around her, she can't help but feel perfectly, utterly at ease. She trusts Tokoyami.
And Tokoyami trusts her.
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love you have a nice day/night
Omg thank you sm Yellow same to you!!!
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*pointing and laughing*
I am literally actively generating more hot afo content for your sad pathetic simping ass and you're LAUGHING at me. Disgraceful.
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sorry trash. ur like at -50
Thank you Yellow, this is exactly the kind of answer I was expecting
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ask game! 90
Ooh okay, so a lot of things make me angry if I'm being honest, but a very notable one is when people don't pull their own weight in group projects/activities in a scholastic setting.
I'm a pushover and a workaholic so a lot of people in highschool tried to cosy up with me whenever a group project was announced because they knew I'd reliably do their work for them, and nothing about this has really changed much in college.
I'll probably never actually say anything about it out loud, but I very much retain the right to silent stewing!
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