daletraesp · 3 months
Ver la letra de la canción “My Block” de 2Pac
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daletraita · 4 months
Testo della canzone “My Block” di 2Pac
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coffeenuts · 7 months
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fagryanlucan · 8 months
do u guys pick up what I'm putting down
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Ryan, texting: Alex?
Ryan: Where are you?
Ryan: I'm at the Black Lantern for our hike but Dad says you aren't here?
Ryan: Would you like to go another time?
Ryan: Alex?
Ryan: Okay. I'll just head home. See you next week!
Alex: oh my god Ryan I'm so sorry
Ryan: It's fine, Alex!
Ryan: But if I'm allowed to ask... where were you?
Alex: I was on a date with my girlfriend. I swear I tried to get back on time but I fell off the bridge
Ryan: You... fell... off... a... bridge.
Alex: yes
Ryan: Alex if you really didn't want to come, you don't have to make excuses. I understand
Alex: I swear it's not an excuse!
Alex: okay okay okay
Alex: Charlotte was there with Ethan
Alex: and he tried to hug me because I saved him that one time at the mines
Alex: and I was Not Prepared for this
Alex: and I got Emotional
Alex: and I backed up very quickly to get away from the grateful little urchin
Alex: and I fell off the bridge
Alex: and the only reason it took so long to get out was because Steph was too busy laughing at me to actually give me any adequate help
Ryan: You fell off a bridge because you couldn't handle a little boy hugging you?
Ryan: You? Alex Chen? Genius, talented, musically gifted superhero?
Alex: basically
Ryan: I'm screenshotting this and posting it on MyBlock.
Alex: yeah I figured you would
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fuck, that scene with Pike "pranking" Alex by threatening to arrest her in ep 1 of true colors makes my skin crawl, especially compared to the way lis2 treats interactions between cops and people of color. i mean, the whole Mac situation feels like a pretty strong parallel for Brett attacking Daniel already (because I refuse to believe what Mac did wasn't at least partially racially motivated, the language in his myblock about 'outsiders' is hard to view any other way) and if that was the case then the Pike thing would be a wink to what Officers Matthews did, 'see, not all cops are like that' even if they kind of fucking are.
like they do realistically show fucking uncomfortable Alex in this scene and they do admit how messed-up Pike is re Typhon later on, but the way the threat of police brutality just gets treated like a punchline or a clever subversion in that moment is sooo. ugh. and considering what Gabe and Alex have been through I can't believe he would be okay with Pike pranking him that way, let alone pulling that shit with his sister. plus the fact that you don't have the opportunity to be anything except a "good sport" to Pike in the immediate aftermath of what he did, but you can have a drink with him feels like icing on the whole gross cake.
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skye-huntress · 3 months
True Colors: Kids and their Secrets
It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, not since 2018 to be exact. For the first two Life is Strange games, I took the biggest choices and I’d talk about what I chose and my rationale behind it, and a few other things when they were relevant. Honestly, I could have made even longer posts about the final choice in the original game but chose to exercise a little restraint. I didn’t do it for Life is Strange 2 because I could never fully get into the game and only played part of it, and my reasons why are a whole other conversation. I intended to do it for True Colors but never got around to it. With the Double Exposure reveal, I’m in a Life is Strange mood so I want to get back into doing these. At the time of this writing, I’ve already finished the first chapter, Side A, and the tears have started flowing already.
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Let’s begin then. Alex has arrived at Haven Springs, had an awkward reunion with her brother she hasn’t seen in years, and they start making their way down the main street on a brief tour/meet and greet with the locals. As Gabe steps away for a bit to grovel to his girlfriend for forgiveness for who knows what, Alex meets the kid of said girlfriend, Ethan. The two hit it off almost immediately, bonding over their love of comics, and then Ethan reveals he’s been secretly exploring the old mines in the mountain. That’s a red flag if I’ve ever seen one. Doesn’t take a genius to know that old, abandoned mines are extremely dangerous and no child should be anywhere near them, supervised or not. And if that weren’t bad enough, if you’ve been paying the slightest bit of attention, you’ll see around town and on the MyBlock app warnings of a blast going off that very night. So perhaps it’s not surprising that your first choice is whether to reveal Ethan’s plans to Gabe.
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If in the likely event you’re not going into this game completely blind as to what this story is about, you’ve likely already connected the dots. No matter what you do, Ethan’s going up to those mines anyway and that will set off a sequence of events leading to Gabe’s inevitable death. Maybe that makes some people feel like this choice doesn’t really matter, but even for choices like this I think what you choose and why says a lot about you or at least, the kind of person you’re roleplaying as. I am surprised though, the stats for this choice are 50/50 and I can’t really explain why. I had considered that telling on Ethan might cause him not to be so forthcoming with Alex in the future, but given the literal warning signs I was seeing all around, the responsible adult in me couldn’t not say anything. Plus Gabe’s a sweet guy, why would you keep this from him, you monsters?
By the way, feel free to comment your thoughts on this or any of the other choices I cover. That includes the ones I’ve done in the past, I won’t mind.
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anticipatecrime · 1 year
'𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙚' 𝙧𝙮𝙖𝙣 𝙡𝙪𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙭 𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙊𝘾 | chapter ii
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𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: ronan meets ryan and is late to his own welcome party 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨: 1.7k
he yawned, almost falling asleep in the comfort of his new bed. it felt like heaven, finally being able to relax and stretch out. his back ached like never before, and he didn’t want to get up. 
sighing, he pulled out his phone at the beep of a notification. he saw himself added to an app called myblock. he heard eleanor mention it earlier so he went on it and checked the newsfeed. he scrolled through the different messages left by townspeople. 
lethe flowers: calling volunteers to help with this year’s spring festival! the sign up sheet is on the east side of lethe flowers. march 25th, save the date!
eleanor lethe: my nephew is moving to haven springs! he’ll arrive march 7th, and come on down to the black lantern to celebrate his welcome!
steph gingrich: just met ronan lethe, can confirm he’s a cool dude, can’t wait to get to know him better at the party! | alex chen: agreed
he was kind of shocked, he’s never lived in a small town and it’s a weird feeling to him. myblock was a cool but foreign concept to him, the whole town on one app where they can communicate, post news and updates, so odd but surprisingly comforting.  he smiled before replying to stephs message. 
steph gingrich: just met ronan lethe, can confirm he’s a cool dude, can’t wait to get to know him better at the party! | ronan lethe: thanks, looking forward to seeing you two
turning off his phone, ronan got up and yawned again. he thought about what his aunt said a few hours ago, to explore and meet people in haven. him being an anxious person makes socializing hard but he felt cooped up once more and needed to stretch his legs.
last time he was here, 17 years ago, it looked much different. knowing he’s going to be here for awhile, he might as well go look around, and get used to his surroundings.
he grabbed a sweater and picked his glasses off of the bedside table. taking a glance in the mirror he saw his headphones sitting on one of his suitcases and a little light bulb lighted up in his head. ‘can’t forget those’
he looked into the office next door and saw eleanor talking to someone on the phone about a flower order, she turned and gave him an encouraging smile, he returned it before leaving the shop. 
it was a few hours from sunset, and the sky was beautiful, a light pale blue with fluffy clouds. he took a look around, taking in the sight of a few people on the streets, walking around and laughing. ‘everyone’s so happy here’ he thought to himself.
he walked down mainstreet, and the first thing that caught his eyes was the silver dragon, and rocky mountain record traders. weed and music, his two favorite things. 
making his way to the record store, ronan saw steph outside, watering the plants below the window sill. “hey steph.” he called out to her. 
“hey lethe, watcha up to?” she asked. “coming to see our selection of music?”
“oh hell yeah! do you own the record shop?”
“yeah i’m the manager plus dj, i run the radio station, krct 104.3.”
“holy crap that’s actually awesome. i wish i could do something like that.” he comments.
“so you’re pretty into music, i take it.” steph says curiously. 
“yeah.. i was in a alternative rock band, stuff went down and now i’m here.” ronan admits, rubbing the back of his neck, chuckling slightly.
“no way! me too! we have so much in common, we both came from seattle and were in bands.” steph is in shock, grinning widely. “would i have heard of you guys before?”
“maybe! we were called bathtub thrashers, odd name but people liked it and we played tons of venues, one time we opened for this larger band and got like 10,000 more listeners on spotify. it was sick!”
“holy shit yeah i recognize the name, i remember hearing a cover of blister in the sun from you guys.” 
“yeahh our covers were the most popular unfortunately but our loyal fans absolutely loved our originals.” ronan smiled, happy he could actually relate to someone here. when he first arrived he was nervous he wouldn’t actually create bonds with anyone. “so, are you hiring here? i could use something to keep me busy.” he gives a smug face, almost to persuade her.
“hmm, i like running it myself but it does get pretty overwhelming. have you been a cashier before?” steph asks, considering it.
“who hasn’t.” he laughs. “of course. i could always send you my resume if you wanted it.”
“no no, that’s not necessary, you’re practically family now, everyone here is.” steph thinks for a moment. “if you’re down to start working in a few days, that’s cool with me.”
“holy, thank you so much.” the excitement in his voice was blatantly obvious, almost to an embarrassing extent. 
“no problem, anyways, the store is closed right now but i’ll let you take a look.” “oh and there’s a hold list, see something you like, write it down.” she encourages. 
“alright awesome, thanks!” he said, feeling almost giddy, shocked that he’s made a real friend already. he pushed open the door and was in awe. it was such a beautiful store. he would of never expected a small town like this to have a large record store like this.
his hands traced the edge of the desk as he walked in. this was heaven. it smelled like a library, like old books almost. it was comforting.
he glanced towards the bulletin board and read a few flyers and updates about the record store. walking down one of the aisles, he read a few of the bands they had cds and vinyls for. 
ronan picked up a few vinyls, writing their names down so he could later add them to the hold list. he was finding some really good shit. as he walked to the back he noticed the radio station room. ‘looks sick’
in the middle of his staring out of fasination, something brushed up against his leg. “ah fuck!” he shouted out of fear. ronan jumped back, only to see a small black cat at his feet. “jesus. you’re a sneaky one aren’t you.” he chuckles, giving the cat chin scratches.
“i’ll be seeing you a lot more soon, better get used to this.” he giggled, as valkyrie enjoyed the attention. she’s a very sweet and loving cat when she’s not trying to sleep. she begins to pur so ronan decides to sit down, inviting her into his lap.
he continued to admire the place from his seat on the ground, still in awe that he gets to work here. so into his thoughts, ronan didn’t hear the bell of the door.
“woah, stores closed buddy!” a masculine voice calls out. ronan stiffened, trying to turn slightly without angering the beast trying to sleep.
he heard footsteps get closer and gave up on turning. “hello?” a blonde man in a flannel pauses, looking at ronan.
he took this chance to apologize. “sorry, steph said i could check out the place.” his voice quiet caused from the intimidation.
“oh.” the other guy begins to stare. “do i know you? i feel like i haven’t seen you around.”
“are you ryan?” ronan asks, recognizing his dorky face. “im uh ronan, eleanors-“
“ohh oh my god, i’m sorry i didnt recognize you..” he trails off. “you look so.. different.” ryan said, taking in his face.
“yeah well that was the goal.” ronan shrugs, laughing it off.
“right, sorry.” he looks towards the cat. “im surprised she’s letting you touch her. she doesn’t like anyone that much.”
“guess i’m just special.” ronan comments, right as valkyrie leaps out of his lap. “awh man.”
“here.” ryan holds out his hand, extending it. ronan smiles and takes it.
“thanks.” he dusts himself off. they stand there in silence, ryan leaning back and forth on his feet, trying to think of a conversation starter. he watched the other, attempting to see what he was thinking.
ryans cheeks started to have a pink tint to them, and ronan couldn’t decipher whether or not it was from awkwardness or something else.
“so do you uh like birds?” he blurts awkwardly, his palms moist.
“uhm yeah birds are cool. what’s it like being a park ranger? i’m assuming you speak to animals and save people from bears or something.” ronan jokes. 
“well you’re not exactly wrong.” he chuckles. “but they’re aren’t many people in this area so my days are pretty boring and it gives me a lot of free time. i’m usually just patrolling trails, investigate poaching and illegal hunting, and sometimes i have to take a shift in a watchtower.”
“is that what you’ve always wanted to do? be a ranger?” he inquired.
“to be honest i never knew what i wanted to do, until i was walking a trail and met a ranger, i watched him help a bear cub after it’s mom left it behind.” he exhales. “something about it made me want to become one too, help animals and help the forest.”
ronan giggles. “how noble of you, you’re like a hero!”
“i’ve never thought about it like that.” he smiled, rubbing the back of his neck. “so what do you do?”
“well i was apart of a band back in seattle but, something happened and now i’m here. i’m actually going to be working here soon.”
“oh cool, i’d love to hear your music sometime.”
“well i’d love to show you.” ronan smiled. they sat in silence once more but this time it was pleasant. he pushed his glasses back up and checked the time. “what time is the welcome party starting?” he asked.
“around 8 i think, what time is it?”
“8:03.” ronan laughed. “i’m missing my own welcome party!” 
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tsuyo-gee · 5 months
今日の高知市内のお天気は曇り空スタートです。昨夜は地震がありましたね。高知市は震度3の少し長めの揺れでした。震度3の体感…南海トラフ大地震はもっと大きな震度になると予測されています。備えあれば憂いなし!昨夜は夜職の再就職先での面接があり、無事採用されました。とりあえず一安心 今日は何の日? 今日 4月18日(木)の記念日・年中行事 • 世界アマチュア無線の日 • 発明の日 • よい歯の日 • 三重県民の日 • 岡山県創立の日 • お香の日 • ウッドデッキの日 • ガーベラ記念日 • よいお肌の日 • 毛穴の日 • 夏美容はじめの日 • 準婚カップルの絆を確認し合う日 • 米粉を使った四角いシュークリーム「myblock」の日 • ニューギンのよいパチンコの日 • 防犯の日 • 「森のたまご」の日 •…
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bryankd-stoutld · 2 years
How To Transfer Money From Emerald Card To My Bank Account
Prepaid debit cards like Emerald work just as regular debit cards. You can transfer money to a bank account, pay bills, buy things online, and send money to other individuals. Later, I'll demonstrate how can you link more than one bank account to cash app. To store money for later use or conduct other types of activities in your bank account, you must have a prepaid card that enables money transfers to your account.
The Emerald card is provided by MetaBank for use in tax refund-related deposits. You may use it at ATMs that accept Mastercards to access your money because it is a Mastercard. It carries FDIC protection because it was issued by a bank. The FDIC insurance makes sure that you won't lose your money if the financial institution in question fails. Every bank is required by law to guarantee any account that is open with them.
The MyBlock mobile app lets you manage your account online with an Emerald card. This enables you to quickly access your money so that you may complete transactions with a few touches. You may examine your transaction history and card balance using an online account. For such straightforward tasks, visiting an ATM is not necessary, nor will you feel the need to contact customer service to check your balance.
How To Apply For The Emerald Card
Online card applications are accepted for the pre-qualification procedure. You require your:
Number for Social Security
Identifying information
Tax refund from the previous year
Your email address, phone number, and physical address are all examples of personal information.
Depending on the available credit scores, the card enables you to get an Emerald Advance of $350-$1000. You must be at least 18 years old in order to apply for the card.
Following the debit card application, you must wait for delivery to your actual address. After you get it, call the Emerald Card hotline at 1-866-353-1266 to activate it. Also, in order to manage your money using the MyBlock mobile app, you must create an online account.
Why The Emerald Card Is Important
For people who want to apply for H&R Block tax return advance loans, the card is quite helpful. Every year at the start of tax season, the corporation makes these loans available, but to apply, a person must have an Emerald Prepaid MasterCard. The loan cannot be obtained with a cheque or direct deposit.
Five loan sums are available from H&R Block: $250, $500, $750, $1,250, and $3,500. The fact that H&R Block offers 0% APR on loans is its largest perk. We are all aware that many lenders frequently add interest to the loans they provide. Some lenders demand exorbitant interest rates because they are so greedy, draining the borrowers' finances. To be eligible for the advance loans, you must file your taxes via H&R Block and pay the required costs.
Despite being so important, the Emerald card has a number of costs when used as a standard debit card. Each ATM withdrawal costs $3.00, and each balance check or refusal costs $1.50. You can be assessed additional costs by the ATM service provider.
If you remain for 60 days without using the card, a $4.95 monthly charge will be assessed. You may also be charged a cash reloading fee of up to $4.95 by the card issuer. You will have to pay 95 cents if you use the card to pay bills.
Money Transfer from Emerald Card to Bank Account Procedure
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You can transfer money between your associated bank account and your Emerald card. Keep in mind that when you apply, you need link your card to a bank account. You typically utilise this checking account for day-to-day transactions.
To link a bank account to your Emerald prepaid Mastercard, go to the add bank area and enter the account and routing numbers for your bank. You can transfer money to the account whenever you need to once your bank account has been securely linked. Afterwards, you may make different types of transactions or transfer money from your bank account to someone else's bank account.
How to Obtain Money Using an Emerald Card
There are several methods available for you to withdraw money from your Emerald Card. Here are a few of them:
i)using an ATM. Any ATM that displays the Maestro, Mastercard, or Cirrus brand marks accepts Emerald Prepaid MasterCard transactions. Certain ATMs may charge a $3 withdrawal fee. When a need for cash occurs, it is feasible to get money at an ATM location.
ii) Transfer funds to a bank account The ability to withdraw money to a bank account has been verified. It enables you to utilise your money for transactions that are not feasible to complete with your card.
iii)Cashback at a retailer Each business that accepts the card will provide cash back when you use it there. You can be assessed certain costs by the POS for the transaction.
iv) Over-the-counter drugs Every financial institution that accepts the card will allow you to withdraw money from your account using your card. You will have to pay a transaction charge of $35, though. You may save around $32 by using an ATM to make a withdrawal.
v) Ask for a check or a one-time ACH If you need to withdraw big sums that you cannot withdraw from an ATM, you can ask the card service provider for a check to cash out at a bank. By asking for a one-time ACH, the business guarantees that funds will be transferred from your card account to a bank account.
How Secure Is Your Money With The Emerald Card?
Because to FDIC insurance, your funds are secure at Emerald Card. Hence, even if the firm fails, you will still get your money back. Money up to $250,000 per account is insured by the FDIC. You can still keep your money if the firm fails. Your funds are held by MetaBank on your card, and as the bank is FDIC-insured, your funds are secure from any unforeseen circumstances.
Additionally, since the card has a PIN, no one can steal from it by using an ATM withdrawal. You should verify the card's PIN when you first receive it. Even at an ATM, you may change it to your favourite one. But, since some persons can use the card information to make online purchases of products and services, you shouldn't disclose the card information to anybody.
Your card provider may block your card so that no one may withdraw cash from it if they discover fraud in your account. When you attempt to withdraw from an ATM, the message "Account restricted" will appear on the screen. Nonetheless, that is typically a short-term problem created to prevent you from losing your money. Not just Emerald imposes these limits; other financial organisations including credit unions, bank accounts, and mobile wallets also frequently do so.
Is there a cap on the Emerald Card?
The card issuer has put numerous restrictions in place to limit how much you may spend at any particular moment. For instance, the daily limit that may be withdrawn from an ATM is $3,000.00. Compared to other cards, which cap the amount at $1,000, this one has a significantly larger amount. Consequently, possessing the Emerald card has an extra benefit.
The most you may spend while doing PIN transactions is $3,500.00. The sum includes both POS authorisation and ATM withdrawals. The daily cap for signature transactions is $3500.
Are there routing and account numbers for Emerald Cards?
Yes, the routing and account numbers are both on the card. If you need to submit the card's routing number someplace, it is 101089742 and it is the same for everyone. For direct deposits, you must give the routing and account numbers to dependable individuals and businesses.
Be in mind that some scammers may request checks from the card issuer using your account and routing number to make purchases at several locations. Thus, doing so might result in financial loss.
When you log into your account online, the routing number and account numbers are accessible. Calling customer service will also get you your routing and account numbers. With an Emerald card, you simply need the recipient's account information to send money to someone else.
Even when you wish to rapidly transfer money from your bank account to another person's account using a checking account number, all you need is the account number and maybe the recipient's legal name for confirmation.
Expiration Date for Emerald Debit Cards
The card has a similar expiration date as other debit cards. You must order a new one when it expires since you can no longer use the old one. The brand-new card has a unique card number. Call customer service at 1-866-353-1266 to place your order for an Emerald Card. To minimise any hassles, it is usually a good idea to order a new card before the old one expires.
Questions and Answers (FAQs)
Can I use Emeralds to make online purchases?
You may use your card to make purchases online. Also, you may pay at a real store.
What occurs if I misplace my Emerald card?
You must notify customer service right away if you lose your card so they can deactivate it. If you don't, someone else could use the card illegally.
Can I use my Emerald card to deposit money directly?
Yes. The Emerald card enables direct deposits, and you may authorise your employer or other appropriate parties to deposit funds into your account by providing them with your routing and account numbers.
The Emerald debit card may be applied for by teens.
Only individuals who are 18 or older are eligible for the card. Teens are hence not eligible to apply.
Does the Emerald card have an impact on my credit rating?
Your credit ratings are unaffected by the card by itself. Your scores will suffer if you accept the H&R Block loan, though.
To sum up
The Metabank that issues the Emerald card has FDIC insurance. Your money is therefore secure in the account. You may get advances from H&R Block with this prepaid debit card. The card may be used to make purchases both online and in-person, transfer funds to a bank account, and make ATM withdrawals.
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giaiphapbank · 2 years
Emerald Card Login: An important distinction is that the Emerald card is only accessible through H&R Block's tax preparation software and at its physical locations. Customers of H&R Block have only one choice for obtaining tax refund advances: the Emerald Card. All you have to do is create an account and log in using the details supplied on this page.
Instruction Emerald Card Login on the website:
The Emerald Card login form lets you manage your account, request money, and sign up for SMS and email notifications. You can watch this video to know how to sign in to your account:
Still unsure about your Emerald Card login? Please don’t be panic, the following login processes should allow you to access your Emerald Card online account, which is fantastic news:
Step 1: Open the Emerald Card webpage
To sign in, go to the Emerald Card website using your browser, and use this link: https://www.hrblock.com/financial-services/emerald-card-login/.
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Step 2: Type your data bank details
After step 1, the login form for your Emerald Card account will show up on the right side.
Next, you have to enter your account information, including your “Username” and “Password.”
How to sign in to your Emerald Card Account via the MyBlock mobile app?
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Do you want to use the MyBlock app? To successfully connect to the Emerald Card mobile app, please follow the instructions below:
Step 1: Get the MyBlock mobile app
Android or iOS smartphone users simply need to click once to download the Emerald Card app:
On Android, you can click this link to get the MyBlock mobile app: MyBlock on Google Play
On iOs, you can click this link to get the MyBlock mobile app: MyBlock on App Store
Step 2: Access your online account
Launch the MyBlock mobile application after finishing the first step.
By entering your Emerald Card username and password, you may access your online account.
Click the login button when finished. Read more: https://giaiphapbank.com/en/emerald-card-login
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miasince1978 · 3 years
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Morning 🥰 #snacks #berrys #foodie #breakfastinbed #ispoilme #takingcareofme #today #pastrylove #happyplace #favoriteplace #amust #mytown #myblock #mexicali #localtalent #sogood #nomnomnom #myfavorite #frutosrojos #teamomexico #mytown #dessert #legsfordays #dayoff #leavemealone #alonedoesntmeanlonely #itsthelittlethings #matcha #photobomb #home #mybed (at Mexicali, Baja California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPLoGQ1lE6W/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ibogard · 3 years
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#Yaaaoooo Sean! “ dats not my name”.. Huh? What’s ya name b?! “ it SHAAaAAN Barnie lol” with your stupid laugh/ grin smh.. Damn jus when you think your heart can’t hurt anymore. Then you get hit with another blow… But this one here just has me dazed. Damn Sha; we were just in the phone kickin it how we need to grow better because we know better.. I am happy though the ended by us sayin I love you! “ I love you more Barnie B”!! You never hesitated to us/ the crew how you live then no matter how upset were with or how they might’ve played themselves- you tell how wrong we were but still end with “ but I love you Cous” haha!! Bro you’ve jus left a LARGE whole in the town.. At least your at peace now brobro.. Rest in paradise God body! You know you won’t be forgotten.. I can’t believe I’m even writing this on you S- FVKC B! • #iTsJustDifferent #SeanCartwright #XL #CousinLarge #100MillionRoses #914representative from #Greenburgh #MyBlock #MadKemistry #iAmMyBrothersKeeper #MyBrother #RegalFam #RoyalFlyness #Swaganomatry #Hustlerinstyle (at Town of Greenburgh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSazh1YsZg_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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WARNING ... WARNING ⚠️ YOU ARE NOT READY new work alert 🚨 😎 Stay Tuned #theartofshawnartis #theshawnartisgallery #block #chain #houstonartist #contemporaryart #scarface #houston #5thward #myblock (at Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CObnMpShS0J/?igshid=6x17de0wnsyw
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kreleda · 4 years
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Son günlerde iyi değilim. Kafamın içinde, dipsiz bir kuyuda saklanan o yaratığın sesi diğer sesleri bastırıyor. En son onu dinlediğimde kendime fiziksel olarak zarar verirken, şimdi intihara meyil ettiriyor. O kadar sinsi bir şekilde yapıyor ki bunu direncim yeterli mi bilmiyorum. Uzun tırnaklarının yarattığı gürültü diğer sesleri bertaraf ederken kendisi de bir sis bulutuyla zihnime hükmetmeye çalışıyor. Bir vücudu olmamasına rağmen istediği zaman istediği formu kusursuz bir şekilde size gösteriyor. Gözlerinin o kızılllığı hiç bir şekilde değişmezken insana en büyük korkusunu yansıtıyordu. O kadar sinsi bir piçti ki seni alt etmenin bir yolunu her zaman bulurdu. Sinirlerinle oynar ve en ucra köşede senin ona gitmeni keyifle izlerdi. Bilirdi çünkü ona döneceğini, sana kurtuluş vaat ederken aslında kendini yitirdiğini her seferinde. Bu sefer aptalca bir şey yapmaktan korkuyorum. Ve o bunu zaten biliyor ve bunu bir silah gibi kullanacağı zamanı bekliyordu. Namlu tam alnımın çatındaydı, kurşun sürülmüş ve patlayacağı anı bekliyordu. Son vuruşunu yapmak için beni gafil avlayacağını anlamıştım. Direnmek zorlaşırken ne kadar sabırsız olduğunu gözlerindeki alevlerin harlanışından anlardınız bunu. Ama hamlesini yapmadan başına ne geleceğini bilemezdin. O tetiği çekmeyecek olması şu an için emin olduğum tek şeyken, gözlerinde olan parıltılar arkama bakmadan kaçmam gerektiğini vurguluyordu. Öyle yapmalıydım. Aslında yapacaktım da. Ama içimde bir yer kontrolü ona vermem için çıldırıyordu ve bu bana engel olan yegane şeydi. Kumar masasındaydık ve kazanmayacağım bir oyunun içindeydim. Kazanmak için bir nedenim de yoktu. Kendi celladıma doğru bir adım daha attım. Başım dik, gözlerim korkusuzdu. Kaybedecek olmama rağmen meydan okudum karşımdaki iblise...
|Yazı bana aittir.
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darkakhenaten-blog · 5 years
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Jushtin the Uncalculated
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