#myojo foods
easternmind · 2 years
J A P A N o F I L E S # 8 -- Chronicle of Starting a Shina Soba Shop
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[ The last JAPANoFILES feature was written eleven years ago. The post reached an audience of many thousands and helped create awareness about a powerful videogame creation left buried beneath the snow: Mizzurna Falls. One of its readers went on to translate the game to English, in fact. This is an impossible act to follow. In reviewing the original intention of these articles, it occurred to me that if I’m to give continuity to this effort, I should carry on seeking items of both cultural and videoludic relevance that have slipped between the cracks of history. Today’s story was one I began writing shortly before this tumbleblog hibernated and that, to my knowledge, has not yet been satisfactorily told until now by any of my fellow japanophiles. As you read it, I hope to instil in you the same gemütlichkeit you’d get from a steaming bowl of noodles on a cold winter evening.]
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From the very onset, チャルメラ suggests a fascinating divide: although the title and cover art will hardly resonate with western observers, virtually anyone in Japan will instantly recognize what it is all about. To them, this is as household a name as they come, and one synonymous with precooked noodle deliciousness and convenience for over half a century.
Charumera is a much beloved line of instant noodle products introduced by Myojo Foods, a company whose foundations date back to the mid-twentieth century. Its name is interchangeable for cup noodles in many areas of Japan and the Japanese diaspora, including Brazil. The company grew a reputation for introducing some of the early revolutions in this food category that we now take for granted. In 1961, it was the first to propose the concept of cup noodles, a simplified meal preparation method made possible by ice cream type paper containers capable of withstanding the pouring of boiling water. Many misattribute this invention to Nissin due to the fact that Myojo, who lacked the wherewithal to file for a utility patent, could only profit out of their idea by selling production and commercialization rights to that prosperous food giant. The Tokyo-based company was also the first to usher in the now ubiquitous separate powder flavouring bags, initially under the name Myojo Ramen in 1962, and later rebranded as Myojo Charumera in 1966, with an improved formula that made this a reference to a fast-food seeking population.
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The man in the above cover art for this Playstation game adaptation, also titled Charumera, consists of the product's very own mascot, whom the Japanese lovingly call Ojisan (uncle). Few could have predicted that he would ever star in a videogame of his own. Created by Bits Laboratory and published by Victor Interactive Software on November 1999, it is unclear whether the game was sponsored or merely certified by Myojo. In the absence of more concrete information, all appears to indicate that this project was developed with the clear intent to pay homage to the brand and iconic character, only tangentially serving the purpose of advertising.
    ~ An ageless man carries the weight of tradition ~
In Charumera, the good uncle merrily pushes his Yatai about the streets of a fictitious town at the height of the Shōwa era. Momentarily, if the player relinquishes the control pad, he may feel at ease to wipe the sweat off his face with his chef's side towel. The streets are wide and long and barely any automobiles can be spotted. He does not speak during any of the ample verbal exchanges, although a narrator of unknown origin may on occasion report on his sentiments and reactions. He is simultaneously the central component of the game and a mere spectator to unfolding events.
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A map of the aptly-named Naruto town, itself a microcosmic representation of Japan in the fifties and its dichotomy between urban and rural zones.
One part of the game has the player engage in the basic management of a mobile food stand business, starting with an understanding of the different areas of Naruto, its distant farm fields, a fishing wharf, sooty industrial zone and the bustling city centre. Each turn represents a business day, lasting from late afternoon to the wee hours of the night. Different locations at different times of the day represent varying degrees of foot traffic.
When the turn is complete, the player is free to indulge in culinary research and development, customizing all aspects of a ramen dish: the different varieties of noodles, type of bowl, seasonings, stock base and toppings. At first, the selection is limited to a set of base ingredients that can be expanded by the discovery of new areas and characters, some of them tradesmen and produce suppliers. The best selection of components ensures the most customers and, consequently, the most servings. Currency does not exist in the game. Its functional end is reached when enough meals been served for the empty bowl stack to rise above the height of the fabled mount Fuji. No small feat for a self-employed man of advancing years.
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The interface for assembling Ramen bowls puts one in mind of Cybernetic’s less-than-stellar Pizza Tycoon, enabled by the overlapping of transparent bitmaps. The final presentation adds a plume of smoke to what may well turn out to be a mouth-watering success.
Charming as the business simulation aspect of the game system may be, at its heart, Charumera is an adventure centred around the exploration of a city and its denizens; one where the main goal is to bring people together through a common appreciation of the quintessential Japanese delicacy that is ramen. Scattered across the different areas, and at different times of the day, exist a number of key characters who, unlike the average passerby, will not only stop for nutritious soup but also prompt a conversation. This is done, primarily, in order for players to receive an assessment of their dishes. Some of these self-professed critics will be quite forthcoming in their comments, suggesting the flavor profile or combination of fixings most likely to please them. Others add difficulty to the game by keeping their contributions brief and enigmatic. By learning of their preferences, the player is invited to adjust the composition of the dishes and return to the same location, at the same hour of the day, to attempt another serving and achieve complete satisfaction.
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Customers tasting Ojisan’s cookery will react with different facial expressions. Some, on the other hand, will slurp his stock while remaining silent and expressionless. To captivate the more demanding customers, subtler signals need to be observed.
At times, a fully content customer's quest will be completed with a round of smiles, praise and gratitude. But on occasion, these may set in motion a more layered story to be unfolded over the remaining course of the game. An illustrative example of this is the recluse monk who is undergoing a long prayer exercise, and of whose rigorously vegeterian dietary needs can only be learned through the input from other characters who relate the motive of his abstinence. The developers also integrated a clever mechanism to aid in the understanding of what constitutes a fine plate of noodles by allowing the player to regularly visit the home of one of uncle’s best friends, a taxi driver who will be delighted to perform a tasting and attribute a score.
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The evolution of Ojisan’s design over the years observed some changes including a much needed footgear upgrade from hardwood zori to a snug pair of sneakers (left). The alternative, far less inspired cover art for the game's second edition (right). The black cat Suzuneko only makes its first appearance a couple of hours into the game as a part of a substory (bottom).
    ~ Sweet shawm music ~
The long tradition of Yatai-wheeling cooks is only supplanted in age by ramen itself. Decades before it came to known by its present name, noodle soup was commonly referred to in Japan as Shina Soba, a clear enough reference to its nonetheless opaque Chinese ancestry. Japan’s fast-paced industrial development in the late 19th century caused severe economic and demographic changes. A host of policies adopted by the government expedited the rift between an increasingly impoverished and isolated countryside population, for whom labour-intensive agriculture was no longer a profitable activity in view of neighbouring competition. This resulted in an exodus to the cities, in droves, and the search for the opportunity of low-level employment in manufacturing. The extended work hours and taxing duties of factories paved the way for a new type of meal, one substantial enough to sustain workers and at the same time affordable for regular consumption.
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The passing of time is strikingly reflected in the backgrounds, the result of a clever combination of gradual colour scheme alterations and the loading of new bitmaps. The switch of music themes equally signals the change.
Wheat flour imports from Korea and Taiwan being more affordable than Japanese rice, this new noodle soup found its way among the most predominant food offerings of the early 20th century; first introduced by Chinese emigrant-owned eateries and later integrated into even the most traditional Japanese restaurants in view of its high demand. Yatai, already used for many decades in Japan to bring prepared food to residences, were one of the prime vehicles behind the propagation of Shina Soba by keeping this delicacy in permanently close reach.
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As illustrated by the emblematic Charumera product logo, the sounding of the horn is an instrumental ritual of food cart owners, enabling their presence to be known. Conversely, this is a recurring action performed in the game with the pressing of the O button. Once the sound plays, bystanders will gather around the ever-cheerful uncle.
The name ‘charumera’ refers to a double-reed woodwind instrument that is said to have derived from ‘charamela’ – Portuguese for shawm -, hinting at a possible introduction to the Japanese by way of Christian missionaries from that provenance sometime during the 16th century. The simplicity of the instrument made it popular among pushcart owners, not only because its sound signalled their impending arrival, but also due to the clever employment of signature melodies in what can only be described as a primordial manifestation of brand awareness. All these practices are exquisitely demonstrated in a scene from Yasujirō Ozu’s 1936 film Hitori Musuko (The Only Son). Needless to say, a viewing of the entire picture is most advised.
~ Ramen as the expression of longing for a bygone era ~
In the present, where connections to history have been severed, ramen is a tool to rearticulate the charm of Japan’s traditions. - Hayamizu Kenrō
There couldn’t have been a more appropriate moment to reintroduce Charumera. Ramen is more of a nipponic cuisine staple than it has ever been before, sustaining its high demand across the islands, each region unyieldingly asserting the superiority of their own rendition. As for the rest of the world, ramen has long expanded beyond the constricted cubbyholes in which it remained for decades, when only urbane gourmets or ablutophobic otakus dared to publicly utter the word above a whisper.
Japan is presently witnessing an intriguing wave of nostalgia for the Showa era, as evidenced by the multitude of visitors to the recently inaugurated Yūhi No Oka Shōtengai (Sunset Hill Shopping Street) at Seibuen Yenchi, a massive theme part located in the Saitama prefecture of Tokyo. The concept behind this attraction is to recreate the life of a small shopping district from the 1960s, faithfully capturing the architecture, décor, fashion, transportation, advertising, stores and products from this period. Visitors seem delighted at the prospect of evasion to what they perceive as an easier, more compassionate style of living. (recommended viewing: NHK feature "Showa Nostalgia", May 2022).
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A similar ideal is humbly pursued with this unique software: the use of modern technologies as a medium to connect to younger game-playing audiences, reciting a tale from a time when simple pleasures such as a cup of hot soup were deemed an enriching experience, for those preparing and feasting on it alike. Its only message is the celebration of amity and unity, as conveyed by its ultimate purpose: to weave lasting bonds with the community, establish the business as a local institution by acts of kindness and cooperation, inspire followers through hard work ethics and gain full support of every element of society. Its period recreation prowess may lack the verve of SEGA’s seminal Shenmue, published that same year. The exploits of its game system surely pale in comparison with the gargantuan catalogue of expansive role-playing games for which this epoch came to be celebrated. This is, after all, the product of nearly self-sufficient designers making as good a use of their previously acquired skills and experience as was permitted by the modesty of the budget in reach. In true indie form, it nevertheless excels at what the majority of the towering productions of the day failed to possess – a soul.
~ Heisei 11: the year of digital noodles ~
Though infrequent at the turn of the century, food and cooking themed video games have witnessed a vast expansion in popularity, presently existing in numbers sufficient to constitute a subgenre all their own. The ordinariness of most proposals in this category of late, however, beg for a tribute to earlier accomplishments. In general, food has been a pervasive theme in Japanese games since the early 1980s – after all, what is Pac-Man’s main premise if not to devour? For the purposes of this article, a more refined search is required to single out those pertinent creations still shrouded in relative obscurity.
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Ajinomoto's foray into the world of video game product placement may have been the unintentional inspiration for a brave new console game category.
Certainly, one of the first Japanese games on the subject of cooking was Motoko-chan no Wonder Kitchen, a 1993 promotional Super Famicom cartridge obtainable only in return for mailing Ajinomoto mayonnaise cut-out label seals, all part of a contest for which ten thousand units were produced. The relevance of this game cannot be overstated: not only does it produce an early example of a stunningly functional dish assembly minigame, it also represents the early days of that obscure Japanese tradition wherein the video game space is permeated by advertising from large-scale food corporations.
A year later, the doyen of bishōjo games, KID, teamed up with Nissin Foods to give digital life to UFO Kamen Yakisoban, the superhero from their saucer-shaped yakisoba cup noodle ad, this time for an eccentric Super Famicom beat ‘em up in which the kitchen remains off-limits. In early 1999, KID would in turn partner with PepsiCo for the production of Pepsiman on the Playstation, Japan’s most recognizable face for the world-renowned soft drink, a game that garnered cult following among western players in the early 2000s.
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It never ceases to amaze how many ports of The Family Restaurant hit the market between 1998 and 2000 alone. Just a year after the original Masterpiece game, a slightly improved version developed by ArtDink also made its way to the PC. There were also three editions of the game for the Playstation, each a unique variation of the base design. Notably, the Human edition included a partnership deal with the Skylark group, advertising a handful of their most beloved restaurant chains. The above cover art boasts the logos for Yumean, Aiya, Jonathan, Gusto and the temple of Chinese food deliciousness, Bamiyan.
Other honourable mentions from the latter half of the decade include Burger Burger, a Maxis/Bullfrog styled fast-food chain restaurant strategy simulator designed by board game designer and 1988 Monopoly word-champion Hyakuta Ikuo; the 1998 Masterpiece personal computer game Za Famiresu (The Family Restaurant), another restaurant business sim ported to the Playstation in 1999 by Human Entertainment, in an edition rececing the sponsorship from the major restaurant group Skylark; and Cooking Fighter Hao, a remarkably unusual Nippon-Ichi combat game in which the player slashes live animals for meals to be prepared.
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Ore No Ryouru demands impeccable chopping skills at the cost of a few fingers (left). A leering look at historical Japanese society, Ramen Bashi is best described as a game of customs (right).
The year of 1999 represented a peak of creativity within the genre. Invariably, the first piece of evidence sustaining this claim is Ore No Ryouri, the result of a partnership between Sony and Argent intended to support marketing efforts for the original Dual Shock controller. Much like Saru Getchu, the game makes sensible use of the dual sticks in replicating the taxing kinesis that restaurant-grade food preparation entails. The game was a small success in Japan due to its hilarity and frantic pace, meriting a Playstation the Best edition and PS3/Vita rerelease.
Making its appearance mere weeks before Charumera, Ramen Bashi, developed by Media Entertainment, is another triumph from that same year, one that remains largely unappreciated even among Japanese players. Unlike the aforementioned oddities, novelties and brazen publicity stunts, this is a game of some depth and complexity. In it, the player assumes the role of a soldier demobilized from Siberia after the war who takes over his father’s ramen shop, finding himself encircled by a society of commoners, thugs and other such unpleasant people that, throughout the four decades during which the game takes place, ceaselessly prey on his Hakaiou-like, short-tempered nature. For every ounce of heart that Charumera possesses, Ramen Bashi matches it with its peculiar brand of satire and sardonic humour. So caustic, in fact, that the studio was forced to tone it down in for their ensuing gourmet series, referred to by some as the holy trinity of PlayStation cooking games - Yakiniku Bugyo, Nabe Kazoku, and Yakitori Musume. An article of similar scope to this one has yet to be written about any of them.
  More JAPANoFILES features JAPANoFILES #7 - Country of Bears and Burgers JAPANoFILES #6 - Violent Cop
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theramenrater · 1 year
tim to cook
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Myojo Aiuchi's Profile.
Porcelain Roses' choreographer. He excels in the creative arts, but is very lacking in social skills. When he's not at school, he prefers to stay in his room or hanging out with his sister. Myojo seems to hold his sister in high regards, often ignoring his wants or needs to please her.
VA: Mamoru Miyano (Osamu Dazai)
School: Kamiyama High School (Night Classes)
School Year: Night Class 2-C
Hobbies: Painting, Woodworking
Speciality: Ventriloquism
Favorite Food: Anything Matcha Flavored
Least Favorite Food: Steamed Oysters
Dislikes: Being Interrupted
DOB: May 4th
Height: 175 cm
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🐦‍⬛🪶: "As long as Runako's happy... That's all that matters. I don't care otherwise."
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cliffburton1120 · 9 months
【一風堂】博多一風堂 白丸元味&赤丸新味 食べ比べ【冷凍食品】
スーパーで見つけた博多一風堂 白丸元味と赤丸新味を作って食べ比べてみました。
最初に白丸元味 熟成なめらかとんこつラーメン
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続いて赤丸新味 濃厚コク旨とんこつラーメン
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白丸 赤丸…好みの味をお試し下さい
(株)力の源カンパニー オフィシャルサイト商品紹介
博多一風堂 白丸元味 具付き:チャーシュー、きくらげ、ネギ、とんこつスープ
博多一風堂 赤丸新味 具付き:チャーシュー、きくらげ、ネギ、とんこつスープ、辛味噌、香油
ラーメン【一風堂】| Ramen "IPPUDO"
明星食品 オフィシャルサイト商品紹介
明星 チャルメラ バリカタ麺豚骨
まるで豚骨ラーメン屋さんで食べるような小麦香る本格バリカタ麺を、ご家庭でも楽しめる袋麺の豚骨ラーメンです。 スープもコクや香りを楽しめる本格感のある豚骨の味わいです。
熱量:303kcal めん・やくみ:257kcal スープ:46kcal たんぱく質:10.4g 脂質:5.0g 炭水化物:54.1g
明星 チャルメラ バリカタ麺豚骨 5食パック | 明星食品
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nickim93 · 6 years
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azflashjp · 2 years
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"Charumera Ojisan" Myojo foods Co., Ltd, Japan.
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garlands-jpn · 3 years
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myojo foods (1992)
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iohourtime · 4 years
Think Note Vol #92 %
Myojo 12.2020
(Please let me know if there are any errors.)
My head is filled with [thoughts of] work, luxury mattress, and gourmet tour!
Work, private life, things he’s currently interested in… what % do they take up [in] Yamada Ryosuke’s [mind]? Body fat percentage, battery left on his smartphone, chance of precipitation etc, he’ll talk about various episodes related to % as well.
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If you take what’s in my brain and put it in a pie chart, then 70% of it is filled with work. For the remaining 30%, a large part goes to the luxurious mattress I bought on the show “Sakuraii, Ariyoshi THE Yakai”. It will be delivered to my house soon, but it’s simply because I can’t wait. It was seriously comfortable to sleep in! Once I sleep on it, I wonder if I can get up from there (laughs). Next, I need to figure out where to put the mini table next to my bedside.
When I hear about the word “%”, my smartphone’s battery comes to mind. In my case, my phone’s battery mark is generally red, so it is naturally below 20%. When I am working, especially when I am on the film set, I don’t touch my phone. If my phone is at 30-40% before I go to bed, I won’t charge it and I’ll just go out with it the next day. If my phone’s battery dies on the way… I’ll borrow the mobile battery from the member or staff nearby. My smartphone, basically, has been relying on others to survive (laughs).
My body fat percentage is around 10 to 11% now. Although it was at single digit at one point, as I continued to workout, I could not fit into my suit from the drama “Kiwadoi Futari - K2 - Ikebukuro Sho Keiji Ka Kanzaki · Kuroki” (Dangerous Duo - K2 - Ikebukuro Station’s Criminal Investigation Unit’s Kanzaki & Kuroki). As a result, the staff told me to stop training and I paused from that point on (laughs). During 2010’s “SUMMARY”, I trimmed down to around 5%. Rather than saying I trimmed down [on purpose], since I was going from high school to work, did muscle training… as I continue that routine, I just naturally got into that shape. As I’m working towards my ideal goal of 7%, I hope to restart the training gradually.
I have checked the daily chance of precipitation relatively often. Especially since this drama mostly shoots outside, I’ll ask the staff “what is the chance of rain tomorrow?” If it’s 80% or so, the location shoot would be cancelled and we would switch to indoor shoots, so I would need to memorize those lines… I have to be flexible thanks to that. However, privately, I don’t care about the weather report. Although I will look when there’s a planned outdoor BBQ… or when I have to drive. I will not drive my own car when it’s a rainy day. Why, you ask? Cleaning my car is annoying (laughs).
There are 2 more months left in 2020. I completed 0% of the things I planned to do privately at the beginning of the year. Since I knew I’d be very busy with movie & drama filming from the start, I didn’t plan anything. However, when I can do it, I want to do a tour just to eat good food. Recently, I was talking with my friends about this famous sushi place in Fukuoka. Although it is a popular place where you need to make reservations around half a year in advance, my friends happened to have one. In the end, in the current situation… we had to tearfully give up on this, but as “revenge”, I’ll go to Fukuoka first. After that, we’ll go to Shimonoseki to eat fugu (blowfish) and then to Okinawa. After that, I’ll fly to Korea and finally to China! Last year, when I went to Hawaii, because there was a typhoon in Japan, we had to divert to Shanghai on our way home. At that time, in the airport in Shanghai, my friends and I said “Since we are in China anyway, we should go to a super fancy restaurant!” We ate the most tasty Chinese food. So ending [the tour] there will be the greatest gourmet tour ever! 
“I like* sushi." - Ryo-tan
*He used sukki instead of suki, but I think he was just trying to sound cute or something.
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kimonobeat · 4 years
80′s idol Saito Yuki’s famous 1985 school girl commercials for Myojo Food’s “Seishun to Iu Ramen (A Ramen Called Youth)” instant noodles
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dc-translator · 5 years
[ENG TL] Myojo December issue interview
Dreamcatcher, the K-pop girl group known for rock sounds, releases their 1st Japanese album “The Beginning Of The End”
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While Korea has many cute girl groups, Dreamcatcher debuted on January 2017, featuring a unique ‘Nightmare” concept. They’ve drawn the attention of a worldwide audience with their intense metal rock sounds and amazing performances! Their 1st Japanese album ‘The Beginning Of The End” is on sale now with great reviews. They did have some difficulties, they say. “We recorded the album in mid-summer. But to avoid noise, we did it without air conditioning. We were sweating all over.”(Dami) “In the MV of the lead track ‘Breaking Out’, there’s a scene where the members had to gaze at each other and reach out, expressing ‘longing’. I kept my eyes beneath the nose of my partners to stop myself from laughing.” (Sua) The finished album includes 12 tracks in total, including Japanese versions of their songs released in Korea as well as original tracks written by Japanese songwriters. They seemed happy to have released an acceptable album. “I’m so excited!”(Handong) They said their great weapon is “our impactful on-stage presence”(Yoohyeon). They said “Since our trainee days, before our debut, we repeated the basics of dance moves countless, countless times. Now, thanks to those days, we don’t need much time to sync our dancing perfectly.”(JIU), revealing the secret behind their well synced performances.
While stoically practicing repeatedly, working on their performance, in Korea, they are living together in a dormitory. They told us about their crowded life together. “Me and Siyeon and Dami, Sua and Yoohyeon, Handong and Gahyeon are roommates.”(JIU) “During summer, we keep the air conditioning on high, so it can get cold.” (Siyeon) “Our room is filled with stuff. The double-decked bed has clothes hanging off it like curtains.” (Gahyeon) “Nobody else does it. I’m always the one cleaning the toilet!”(Sua) The gap between their on-stage charisma and their cuteness off of it is charming. “Our charm is that once you see us, you can’t forget about us. Please check us out!” (JIU)
Born Oct 1st `95. Blood type A. Height 166cm. “I’m the main vocal and the wolf of Dreamcatcher, Siyeon. My hobby is monitoring our performance videos that are focused on myself. The food I like is onions. I rest while listening to music.”
Born March 7th `97. Blood type A. Height 163cm. “I’m the main rapper, Dami. To sum myself up in one sentence, I’m a panda-like person. My hobby is writing lyrics and composing music, and the food I like is sweet potatoes. I go shopping to refresh myself!”
Born February 3rd `99. Blood type AB. Height 160cm. “I’m the lovely Maknae Gahyeon. To sum myself up in one word, it’d probably be “cute”. (Laugh) My hobby is relying on someone and giving massages. I love sukiyaki”
Born March 26th `96. Blood type O. Height 165cm. “I’m the cat of Dreamcatcher, Handong. My hobby is taking care of my teeth, but I also love “dirty chocolate bread”, with so much chocolate on it that it makes the area around your mouth black.”
Born May 17th `94. Blood type B. Height 167cm. “I’m the leader and charisma bunny Jiu. My hobby is watching romance films like “About Time”. The food I like is beef brisket.”
Born August 10th `94. Blood type O. Height 162cm. “I’m the main dancer, and the one called queen, Sua. My hobby is collecting perfumes. Recently, I bought a perfume in a 1-liter bottle! The food I like is “An Butter”.”
Born January 7th `97. Height 168cm. “I’m the puppy of Dreamcatcher, Yoohyeon. My hobby is studying English, and the food I like is ramen. When I want to relieve stress, I eat spicy foods and watch horror films.”
In the September 12th showcase, they performed 8 tracks including the encore. They sang passionately and powerfully in a transparent high-tone voice. The dances were also very polished, and each movement felt sharp.
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ask-anr-cast · 5 years
To everyone: Have you tried the Melon Buns yet? They're they're Myojo's specialty, remember?
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“Oh, I tried them once! I thought it taste good and it’s sweet ^^”
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“Hashiri is that you? Just so you know, I refuse to eat anything suggested by you.”
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“As if Isuke would eat something like that.”
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“I tried once. Not bad.”
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“I haven’t yet. Not interested.”
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“Hm, I’m not really into sweet food. I prefer salty food like chips.”
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“Yeah I tried! Really good, but not better than pocky!”
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“I like sugary food so I tried. It was okay.”
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“Of course I had! It’s Myojo specialty after all. Really good!”
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“No I haven’t. Maybe I’ll try.”
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“I have not tried, I usually bring my own food at school. I have standards.”
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“I… I would like to, but… Shinya… doesn’t want…”
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“Nah. I’m on a diet, I can’t.”
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theramenrater · 2 years
oh doooooood
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kaileeandag · 2 years
Items in Kaylee’s Collection!
Kaylee finally (FINALLY!) gets a collection
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-Meet Outfit (My Melody t-shirt, blue jeans, and pink sandals) -Meet Accessories (face mask, Pokemon Pikachu plushie, gold Mother/Daughter bracelet set, and Barbie Nurse doll)
School Collection: -Kaylee’s Backpack (black Pokemon backpack with these items: Pokemon pencil case, four pencils, 4th grade math textbook, 4th grade science textbook, FiveStar brand red notebook, and blue FiveStar brand notebook) -Kaylee’s Lunch (Pokemon lunch box, comes with these pretend food items: peanut butter sandwich, pouch of fruit punch Capri-Sun juice, bag of mini Clubhouse Crackers, and a Granny Smith apple) -Kaylee’s Ghost Concert t-shirt (black shirt from the Ultimate Tour Named Death with concert dates on the back, she went to the concert with her dad)
Holiday Collection: -Pokemon Shield game (case only, comes with screenshots from the game) -Fire Emblem: Three Houses game (case only, comes with screenshots from the game) -Saint Young Men manga omnibus #1 -Kaylee’s Christmas Breakfast (comes with these pretend foods: french toast with syrup and butter, crescent roll with butter, one bacon strip, one sausage link, hash browns, and cup of apple juice) -I Love My Dad ornament (pink present ornament with a picture of her and her dad) -I Love My Mom ornament (red present ornament with a picture of her and her mom)
Birthday Collection: -Kaylee’s Birthday Party Stuff (Spongebob banner reading ‘Happy 10th birthday, Kaylee!’, three Spongebob balloons, three Spongebob cups, and Spongebob fork and plate) -Kaylee’s Party Food (pretend large pepperoni pizza, pretend birthday cake with Spongebob decal and reading ‘Happy 10th Birthday, Kaylee!’, and pouch of Grape Kool-Aid Jammers) -My Dad Is a Paramedic shirt -Resident Evil 3 (2020) game (case only, comes with screenshots from the game)
Summer Collection: -Kaylee’s Protest Items (My Stepdad’s Not a Threat sign, #BlackLivesMatter sign, and #StopAsianHate sign) -Kaylee’s Swimsuit and Towel (blue daisy one piece bathing suit with Spongebob towel)
Winter Collection: -Kaylee’s Winter Clothes (black coat with red hat and mittens and red snowboots) -Kaylee’s “90′s Party” Stuff (comes with these items: pretend cheese pizza Lunchable, pretend Dunkaroos with vanilla frosting, pretend can of Surge soda, screenshots from these shows: Hey Arnold, Ren & Stimpy, Ed Edd n Eddy, Courage the Cowardly Dog, and Arthur, and pair of JNCO jeans. The JNCO jeans belonged to her stepmom) -Pokemon Sword and Shield DLC screenshots (comes with screenshots from the Isle of Armor and Crown Tundra DLCs)
Bedroom Collection: -Kaylee’s Bed and Bedding (full bed with Spongebob bedding) -Kaylee’s Nintendo Switch (non-functioning, comes with a pretend charger and screenshots from these games: Pokemon Let’s Go Eevee!, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate) -Kaylee’s TV and PS4 console (TV does not function, comes with screenshots from these games: Resident Evil 2 remake, Resident Evil Code Veronica X, Persona 5) -Kaylee’s TV Show Screenshots (comes with screenshots from these shows: Bob’s Burgers, Archer, Yuri on Ice, My Hero Academia, Spongebob Squarepants, Pokemon Journeys, and Hetalia) -Kaylee’s Manga (comes with these manga: Hetalia volumes 1 to 6 and Cells at Work volumes 1-5)
Extra Accessories: -Kaylee’s Randoseru (black, got this from Luna when she returned from Japan) -Kaylee’s Japanese Magazine bundle (got these from Luna when she returned from Japan, all issues August 2019: Myojo, Nicola, and Nico-Petit) -Kaylee’s Pit Bull Captain Spaulding and Dog Bed (dog bed is bigger, since the dog is a pit bull)
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mrpsplacecards · 2 years
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On such a cold da, this seems luke the perfect thing to make, Vegan wonton soup😋, courtesy of [email protected] A cozy simple meal for my cold weather today! Are you a clear broth or thick soup lover? I love soup, period.😆 Wonton or more commonly known as wantan in my family is the first dumpling I learned to make. Wonton skin is often made with eggs which give it a signature yellow hue and usually come in squares. They are slightly thinner than round dumpling wrappers, which is why you can get a see-through texture once cooked. In Malaysia, wonton is commonly served with noodles, such as char siu wonton noodle - a breakfast item that is usually served dry. Also, served in soups like this for those who don't want any noodles. Have you noticed that I always have a side of chopped chili next to my food? I realized it's quite a Malaysian way of eating. Anyway, this wonton soup is simple and easy to make.👍🏼⁣ ⁣ Full recipe instructions with video: https://woonheng.com/vegan-wonton-soup/⁣ ⁣ or google 'woonheng wonton soup'⁣ ⁣ Cooking notes:⁣ - There are many wonton wrapper brands that are egg-free, such as Myojo (this is what I used, got it from HMart), Nasoya, Twin Marquis (check the ingredients)⁣ ⁣ - Tightly wrapped wontons will look wrinkly once cooked. So when you wrap it, try to push out as many air bubbles as you can⁣ - Feel free to add some vegan minced ground such as omnipork ground to the mix if you like (or you can use my vegan 'pork' bun filling for the wonton)⁣ - The wontons are great for make-ahead so you can freeze them. ⁣ - Soup seasoning: I alternate between mushrooms seasoning (po lo ku - picture on my blog, check the lastest Shoyu ramen post) and yondu. ⁣ ⁣ #wonton #wontonsoup #easyrecipe #dumplings #dumpling #forkyeah #chinesefood #veganfood #woonheng #f52grams #asianfood #buzzfeedfood #foodgasm #foodandwine #compassionateliving #mrpsplacecards #thejoyeconomy (at Old Chatham, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYeHC37OQkc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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graphicabyss · 7 years
Random Translations
Q: A part of your face you want to be praised on?
T: Lips. There’s no big reason for it. But I’d be happy if I was told “Your lips are great!” Of course, by a girl!
Myojo 2017.11 
Wow, Tegoshi, how rude! So Koyama’s praise doesn’t count?
Q: Something you felt while traveling the world
T: I’m gonna talk about serious things for a bit but lately there have been many terrorist attacks all over the world... it’s tough. Yesterday it happened in Barcelona and moreover at a place where I have been, I’ve also been in Manchester and Paris. To think that such things have happened at places I have actually been to makes me sad and angry.
Popolo 2017.11
It’s refreshing to have him talk about something important for once but I really don’t get why he thinks that him visiting the places where attacks happened somehow makes it more relevant.
Q: If you could work at a part-time job, which would it be?
T: Waiter.
K: A shop at the airport.
M: Fast food.             [wouldn’t that be a bit too... fast for you?]
K: Florist.                       [just....fuck you, Kato Shigeaki]
Duet 2017.10
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iohourtime · 4 years
Think Note Vol #89 Buddy
Myojo 09.2020
(Please let me know if there are any errors.)
Chinen, who hasn’t fought [with me] in the last 13 years, is my important buddy.
“Kiwadoi Futari - K2 - Ikebukuro Sho Keiji Ka Kanzaki · Kuroki” (Dangerous Duo - K2 - Ikebukuro Station’s Criminal Investigation Unit’s Kanzaki & Kuroki*) is a drama about two cops who are complete opposites of each other in terms of personality, values, and investigation methods. For Yamada who’s working hard in this lead role, another buddy who supports him is…?
* Why are most of his recent drama / movie names so long? Semi Otoko is a blessing!
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Now that the “stay home” orders are lifted and work has restarted, I feel myself switching on. Although I wondered if I would hate losing my gaming time at home, indeed there is nothing more fun to me than when I’m working! With that, the shooting of the drama, “Kiwadoi Futari - K2 - Ikebukuro Sho Keiji Ka Kanzaki · Kuroki” began. When I received [the offer] - both at the time when my casting was confirmed and when I found out I’ll be working with the current heartthrob Tanaka Kei-san, I was very happy. My impression of Tanaka-san* is that while he is acting non-stop and he also appears in variety programs, so he’s an unbelievably busy person. When I first met him, I asked him lots of questions like “Do you have time to sleep?” However, when I heard him say that he had time to properly rest, I felt relieved (laughs). Actually, when I watched Tanaka-san at work, I noticed that he has a mischievous side. If I have a long break on the set of the drama, I will go to the gym, but every time Tanaka-san sees me doing that, he will [pretend to be] shocked and say, “You’re kidding~” One day, Tanaka-san approached me, smiled and said, “Yamada-kun! I have some free time, what do you think I’m going to do?! I’m going to my personal gym!” (laughs) While he is so cute here, of course he is very stoic about his acting and he’ll ask me, “For this scene, how should we do it?” Although I’m [technically] the lead, the way Tanaka-san moves on set feels more like the lead, so I am learning from him every day.
* Eh, he’s not Kei-chan yet?
What I ask for in a buddy is someone who knows me well and will support me. Being the “let’s attack first and think later”, “special forces commander*” type of guy that I am, I am unable to take a step back and provide “covering fire*”. That’s why I need someone who can analyze the situation behind the scenes and stop me when necessary. For me, the one who is close to me and who I called my best buddy is Chinen (Yuri). Chinen can look at things objectively and most important of all, he knows me very well. Chinen gets what others might not like, and conversely, what things others do like, and he’ll act accordingly, so it is easy to be with him. I started working closely with Chinen slightly before the formation of Hey! Say! 7. That means we have been together for 13 years or so and we have hardly argued during this time, so doesn’t that speak for our relationship?
* Gaming related analogy, I suppose?
If I have to pick other members as a buddy… the candidate will change depending on the purpose. I will want to plan the live tour together with Yabu (Kota) chan, but if it’s gaming, it'll be Dai-chan (Arioka Daiki). He has great sense and ability even in games he is playing for the first time. If we are talking about vacationing together, it’ll be (Takaki) Yuya or Inoo-chan (Inoo Kei). Especially Inoo-chan since we have the same taste in food, so it will be a fun trip. Although I don’t like to plan anything while I’m travelling, I think Inoo-chan is also the type who enjoys going on trips on a whim (laughs). If I need to form a comedy troupe, then it’ll be Yaotome (Hikaru) san. Since I am the one who tsukommi* at everything and he won’t say anything but boke* back, won’t [our team-up] be really funny? If I am going to work with a member on a police drama, then it’ll be (Nakajima) Yuto. If it’s related to acting, then no matter what genre it is, I obviously want to work with Yuto. Surely, I will be playing Tanaka-san’s Kuroki’s type of unconventional character while Yuto will play my Kanzaki’s type of serious and by-the-books character. That will be another “K2” and it’ll be nice if we can do this someday.
* Obviously, we are talking about the manzai double act comedy where one person (the funny man) plays dumb on purpose and lets the other person (the straight man) react to it, either seriously or snarkily.
“You must watch K2" - Kanzaki
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