babsywabsy · 7 years
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First day of winter camp!
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noona-la-la-la · 8 years
My parents and I moved back to Korea a little over a year ago now and what's being said here is true. The standards, especially on women, are so rigid and pressuring. I have double eyelids and paler skin so I wasn't picked on for that, but the first few months I moved back, I was picked on because of my weight. Before moving to Korea again, after about six years of living in the US, I never considered myself fat. I was around 5 foot 6 and around 128 pounds, and I had thought I was at a healthy-
-weight. But some of the first things I heard from my classmates were Wow, how different are people in America? You felt really let yourself go" and “You have a nice face, but your body ruins it.” As bad as it is, I ended up starving myself. I would eat less than a hundred calories a day to lose weight, and while it worked, the effects on my mental and physical state were awful and I wouldn’t recommend doing this to anyone. I regret it now, but all of the constant criticism from my classmates and even adults ended up getting to me a lot. I dropped to around 94 pounds within my first four months in Korea which I’ve since maintained, but I still don’t feel comfortable. On women here, there’s constant, constant pressure and importance placed on physical appearances. While I love living in Korea and being able to be constantly surrounded by my own culture, I hate all of the physical standards there are for being attractive. It’s as if people here don’t want to recognize that there are different types of beauty, and that appearances are not even close to being a complete telling of who someone is and their personality. I’m sorry this message got so long, seeing this topic brought up on your blog just really brought a lot of thoughts out
That sounds so stressful!  I hope that you are always able to keep your health in mind and not succumb to the pressure to put physical appearance first, but it has to be really hard when you are taking criticism from ever side all the time.
I know there are people reading this right now who are obsessed with their weight and constantly on the quest to be thinner.  The diet you went on was not healthy in the least, potentially dangerous, and could permanently mess up your metabolism.  (I think you know that already) and frankly, 94 pounds at 5 feet 6 inches in height sounds scary thin.  Everyone has a different build and I don’t like to judge anything just on weight, but that number seems exceptionally low even for a small framed woman of your height.
I remember reading some articles about the growing number of women in Korea who are considered underweight and malnourished… when I went to validate that information, I found this blog post titled Skinny Korean Bitches from @mysocalledkoreanlife that does a really good job of summing it all up.  It’s from a few years ago but I strongly recommend everyone go read it.  It’s better to hear from someone who lives in Korea and has experienced this all first hand and has some research to back her up than to hear it from me. 
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yoochunsa · 13 years
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mysocalledkoreanlife replied to your post: coffeejusayo replied to your post: ONE MONTH. some...
When I moved to Korea my skin was TERRIBLE!!! The different water and pollution can set it off as well as diet changes and weather change. It literally took like a year of living here for my skin to get better.
I've heard mixed things about skin in Korea. Some say that their skin stayed the same, some cleared up beautifully, and others broke out terribly. I'm hoping mine at least stays the same ㅠㅜ We'll see next month...;;
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babsywabsy · 7 years
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In a New York State of mind.
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babsywabsy · 7 years
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Barbed wired beaches
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babsywabsy · 7 years
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babsywabsy · 7 years
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Kamja during sunset.
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babsywabsy · 7 years
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There are four dogs by the gym and I always want them to come get some love. Yesterday it happened.
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babsywabsy · 7 years
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Packing for Japan. Jigglypuff wants to come with. We'll see.
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babsywabsy · 7 years
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Got my hair done by some third graders. Also a 6th grade Thai/Korean girl gave me a much needed neck massage.
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babsywabsy · 7 years
Today I had a salad. With croutons. I also made this.
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Today is a top ten day.
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babsywabsy · 7 years
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Reunited with old friends.
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babsywabsy · 7 years
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Dinner is served
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babsywabsy · 7 years
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I don’t even have words
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babsywabsy · 7 years
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Day ✌🏽
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babsywabsy · 7 years
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I swear I don’t have favorites....
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