melfinawins · 3 months
Let me start suiting up for war. We're looking at less than two weeks before the premiere of The Bear.
Gotta get myself ready to say that Sydney existing and also being a black woman is indeed not a moral failing.
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It won't matter what happens in S3, that's the thing. Those types of people don't care. Mysogynoir is gonna be popping off, it's already seeing a resurgence on other platforms.
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jackmichaela · 3 months
I have such a tiny following but um hi friends I don’t wanna lose the gay men in this fandom because of shitty people please can we make sure they know we value them and their contribution to fandom? I also don’t wanna lose the black women, men and non binary friends because this can be a hostile space for them. Um. Drop into their asks with a love letter? Find them and reblog their takes? Fandom is a shitty echo chamber when it’s just us white women - queer or not, let’s not pretend that being queer makes us above having shitty and harmful opinions!!
Ps: Tag me if anyone wants me to fight for them, I got all day and a passion for fandom inclusion.
I mean it, I’m here for you.
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ladyimaginarium · 9 months
Hey y'all, just figured I'd let y'all know about something that's been going on in "Canada" lately.
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The RCMP is planning on disposing the evidence of the victims of Robert Pickton, one of Canada's most notorious serial killers, with most of them being indigenous women and/or sex workers and/or addicts; there were also a few Black women that have gone missing and/or murdered, as well.
For more information on the victims, here's a list of a few of them. Just be warned it's very graphic & tragic. This is important because today, on December 17th annually, is The International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers.
Advocates, academics, indigenous women's groups & lawyers have repeatedly said that this is a violation of human rights and it's extremely telling that the RCMP is trying to borderline cover this up and dispose of evidence when it's not even just Pickton who did this, he's stated that there were others involved and people who knew about what happened and nothing's being done about it. It's genuinely horrific that this is even being considered, and the victims and the families of the victims deserve better, especially the lives of indigenous, black and/or sex workers, because the fact that this is even being considered is basically telling them that their lives — these women's lives, but also the lives of Native women, Black women, addicts and sex workers — don't matter. It's fucking disgusting, especially as a reconnecting two spirited person.
Please keep the victims & their families in mind!!
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princesse-tchimpavita · 10 months
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jewishdainix · 10 days
Btw if your analysis of the reaction in the epic fandom to calypso doesn't talk about the mysogynoir in the fandom affects how people view and interpret her it is worthless
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thoughtfulpaperback · 7 months
You know, I've been scrolling through the tags, and I've seen some posts arguing either that Colin never loved Marina or that he did love her and anyone who thinks other ways is being being misogynistic or racist.
And I will say that I agree that we can't overlook the mysogynoir I also think that many people are missing the big picture here: that Colin hasn't been in love at all based on the shows definition of love.
Okay like here me out before everyone jumps down my throat.
I will concede that love is complex. It comes in many forms. While I have never experiences puppy love I don't want to devalue the experience of others who have.
What I am trying to say is that based on how the show defines love in each of its stories. He just hasn't been mature enough to be in love.
Violet tells Daphne that the best match/choice is your best friend. Though each story takes on a different troupe (fake relationship and enemies to lovers) the heart of it is the same. Love is wanting someone who is your friend. Someone who you know well and can share parts of yourself that you don't share with anyone else. Someone who challenges you to grow and you you are willing to be open minded for. Someone you want to stick with even when life is tough. Passion and all that is part of yeah but essentially that is the gist from the main show and Queen Charlotte.
While I personally do think Colin has affection for both Marina and Pen and he knows and liked the idea of love, but He just isn't mature enough to love anyone in that way yet.
He could never have been Marina's best friend not because of the lies but because he hadnt really tried to be. He never seem to actually get to know her. He liked dancing with her and spending time with her but, and forgive me if I'm wrong since it has been a while since I watched it last but Colin didn't seem to ask her her much past the superficial or the rescue attempts.
He had the whole willingness to stick it out with her. And he definitely had the feelings. I don't think its fair to downplay that Colin felt genuine care and infatuation. Maybe it was based on a fantasy more than the reality, but those are still valid feelings.
I do think Colin definitely could have grown to love Marina because if they had gotten married they would have eventually grown to be each other's friends since he cared for her and would be more than eilling to make it work, but that also would depend on whether Marina ever let down her guard and stopped playing the part of wanting to be with him for security reasons (Which I don't think is a crime worth all the hate it gets her).
By the same token, he isn't in love with pen. Again there is genuine care. And Pen for sure loves him. He is one of her best friends, she would do anything for him. She wants to protect him and she sees him in a way no one else does.
Obviously while Colin also matches some of that, he isn't there yet. He cares for Pen, he sees a part of her that no one else does, and he's her friend. But he doesn't actually see all of her yet. And I'm not just taking about the LW thing. But everything that goes with it. She isn't a damsel that needs rescuing or a puppy to coddle. She is capable witty and talented.
He definitely sees some of it, but not enough.
Now again if we are going to talk about the complexities of love and validation of experiences.
Then yes Colin loved Marina and he loves Penelope. Just like Anthony loved Sienna and loves Kate.
Love isn't just one thing or another, and it isn't always equally reciprocated.
But I feel that in the context of the shows idea and presentation of love, Colin has not loved anyone truly and probably won't love Pen right away either because he just hasn't matured enough yet to get it.
I don't think this is a particularly new or insightful thought but hadn't seen yet while i was scrolling.
Also yall who are out here waiting for Marina to die....what the heck. I am someone who likes Phillip x Eloise's story, though I think a lot of that would have to be revamped for the show Eloise if they were going to do it.
I honestly would think that they will move on to Benedict before Eloise. That aside I'm not like out here counting down the moments and anticipating the death of a character...
Jeez. Yall out here posting crap that makes me like not want to admit I liked eloise's book.
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Liking Phillipe x Eloise is not equal to wanting Marina dead ASAP.
I feel like I shouldn't have to say that but apparently it needs to be said.
That's pretty disgusting, y'all, especially knowing how poorly Ruby Barker has been treated.
Now I know you can feel away about a character and not an actor, but I don't think giving the trolls validation is a good thing.
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shecanball · 4 months
The current state of sports journalism was already sensationalized, inflammatory, tabloid styled garbage (with very few exceptions like The paywalled Athletic) but it has reached a new level with how the WNBA has been covered this season! All that original toxicity combined with misogyny (especially mysogynoir) is just taking the fun out of everything. There’s no talk of stats, odds or on court predictions like there is for men’s sports. There’s just one, tired storyline fueled by daily rage bait. I’ve never seen anything like this in sports. I imagine it’s what the height of celebrity tabloid culture was like… but for professional athletes. It’s so strange and I’m tired of it.
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txttletale · 2 years
Probably not your intention but a little weird to say people were “Mad Online at me in my time making silly little posts on this website” on an ask about that specific post and situation. Talking about how people on the internet are always mad ect ect in relation to this specific situation feels really trivializing of people’s justified anger over a post that was not silly and genuinely insulting and unintensionally or not, gave mysogynoir. The ask itself also is a really weird… you can say you were wrong without dragging the people who called you out it just because they’re “in large number.” They were in large numbers because black women were upset… why apologize but respond to an ask that’s dismissive of everyone’s response to your post, and talk about how people are always mad on the internet in a serious situation where you’re recognizing you did something wrong. I think people understand that you changed your mind, and I don’t think anyones trying to “cancel” you. I also think it’s completely understandable for black women to still be frustrated because you may be able to change your mind and thats it, move on, but when you live it, post like that are genuinely hurtful, and add to the regular familiarity of our voices being ignored.
i suppose i wasn't clear enough--i was responding that ask specifically to disagree with it and to wholeheartedly reject the insinuation that it makes that the people who disagreed with me were dishonest or a Mob or whatever. i said 'Cancelled' in a purely ironic way to mock the asker's obvious insinuation, not because it's something i actually believe.
i'm sorry the 'mad online' thing came across as trivialising--my intent is not to, like, dismiss all anger on the internet as somehow Not Real. like i was comparing this situation not to like Generic Internet Anger but to specific situations where, e.g. anti-civs, anti-nuclear people, eastern european anticommunists, have all disagreed with me in 'large numbers' or whatever that anon said and i simply did not change my mind -- because it does not matter to me if people i don't know are or were angry at me (justified or not). it matters to me if i was wrong and acted shittily.
and like idk i know people feel like i am minimising something when i say that ultimately i am a silly blogger and do not matter but that is just honestly how i feel. everything i post here, including posts where i pour my heart and soul into writing about something i'm passionate about, including ones where i say shitty and egregious things, is a silly little post on my silly little blog. i simply do not assign much value or importance to my online presence, positive or negative.
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walkertxt · 5 months
i know the answer is in racism & mysogynoir but its so crazy how male rappers can rap about fucking bitches killing people pimping trapping scamming whatever no one bats an eye but when a black woman does it she's a bad person all of sudden .
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melfinawins · 3 months
I put this in a reblog to @whenmemorydies, but I wanted to ruin everyone's day.
Here's a theory that was posted on The Bear subreddit a month or so ago that got so downvoted that the person deleted the post because of myself and others ridiculing him:
The mob is after Carmy, Richie and Cicero. Mikey didn't kill himself but was murdered by the Chicago mob as a hit for the money Mikey stole from Cicero who owed it to them via money laundering. The reason why Sydney and Nat are around is because Nat turned on the family and is an informant. Sydney works for the FBI and is there undercover to bust the case wide open.
He based this off of thinking Natalie and Sydney were "suspicious".
These are the bright minds saying that Syd is a "terrible" character.
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imaginarianisms · 8 months
i& was actually talking about this w/ els last night but sansa would be treated differently in king's landing not just bc she's a northerner or her family's at war with the Crown or a girl but also Because she's an indigenous woman, even if she has lighter skin compared to arya & jon and has red hair and blue eyes ( & this is why she would find solidarity with aurane waters & really anyone who's dornish or is seen as more of an outcast ). sansa is repeatedly abused by a white blonde haired green eyed boy king & his mother & no one bats an eye. sansa is held under the iron grip of the lannisters who keep her in their custody; one could theoretically make a comparison of this to white people adopting or straight up kidnapping n.ative c.hildren with nefarious intentions during the 6.0's S.coop to the M.illennial's S.coop in the hopes of "killing the i.ndian in the child" where they would be subject to abuse and told to forget about their culture and assimilate into the predominantly european culture & is eventually forced to marry tyrion while other individuals use sansa, oversexualize her and/or objectify her for their own gain & treat her like she's not even a person by many male figures in her life, particularly with baelish even after joffrey's death & on top of that the northerners are canonically called "savages" both publicly and in private (sound familiar? lmao); this is also not a coincidence. some of the abuse sansa is subjected to is inherently attributed to sexism, misogyny & particular antinative misogyny based upon her gender & her race & the racism she's faced is a key part of her life & is still very present in her life & that doesn't go away even if she does become lady of winterfell & the lady of the vale or perhaps even queen of the north depending on the verse.
lyanna has also faced this, too, on a much larger scale, in the sense that most are still Obsessed with lyanna to this day, particularly robert baratheon who she never particularly liked and he literally started a war simply because she rejected him & most don't even see her as a person but rather as an idea, ned even says this "you saw her beauty but not the iron underneath"; her father, rickard and her brother, brandon, try to save her after they hear the news and they are both burned alive in court of the red keep and once again, no one bats an eye and everyone watched while indigenous men are murdered in the most gruesome way possible; the same applies to eddard stark years later before the sept of baelor, another indigenous man dead and everyone in the crowd cheers as arya and sansa watch on in horror.
it's the same thing with katniss, in both her canon thg verses & other aus. katniss is treated differently than peeta is, particularly because she's brown skinned, has dark eyes and is undoubtedly a visible indigenous woman with traditional native features; this is even touched on in the books that the movies don't even talk about.
clementine experiences this too on top of mysogynoir — misogyny against black women based on race & gender; she's been parentified for literally as long as she can remember and she's expected to be that way and be strong 24/7 bc she's a Strong Black Woman™ & unfortunately whether subconsciously or not black girls are usually subjected to being more adultified than their white peers all the while that's slowly crushing her bc at the end of the day she need someone to take care of HER for a change.
these are all things i& write about & address On Purpose. make no mistake: this blog incorporates themes of racism & sexism towards woc, especially towards native women, femmes & two spirits & i won't be ignoring these issues nor disrespect my past & my communities by ignoring these issues.
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jackmichaela · 3 months
911 fandom listen to gay men challenge.
Get it together people we’ve got a 911 fandom listen to black women challenge coming up and I DONT WANT TO BE LATE.
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ladyimaginarium · 4 months
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Anyway, I need y'all to honor, mourn & remember his victims, whom he claimed was 49 in all. Before he died, the RCMP was planning on disposing the evidence of the victims of Robert Pickton, one of Canada's most notorious serial killers, with more than half of them being indigenous women and/or sex workers and/or addicts; there were also a few Black women & white women that had gone missing and/or murdered, as well. What's even worse was that he wanted to murder more woman to "even the score". He then fed the corpses to his unsuspecting friends. It's fucking sickening.
For more information on the victims, here's a list of a few of them. Just be warned it's very graphic & tragic. This is important because today, on June 2nd annually by the time I'm posting this, is The International Sex Workers Day.
Advocates, academics, indigenous women's groups & lawyers had repeatedly said that this was a violation of human rights & it's extremely telling that the RCMP was trying to borderline cover this up & dispose of evidence when it's not even just Pickton who did this, he's stated that there were others involved & people who knew about what happened & nothing's being done about it. It's genuinely horrific that this was even being considered, & the victims and the families of the victims deserve better, especially the lives of indigenous, black and/or sex workers, because the fact that this was even being considered is basically telling them that their lives — these women's lives, but also the lives of Native women, Black women, addicts & sex workers — don't matter. It's fucking disgusting, especially as a two spirited person. But at the very least I hope this brought at least some semblance of relief & hopefully get the rest of the people who were involved in this & bring the families some closure.
Please keep the victims & their families & friends in mind!!
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nose-bl · 2 years
ugh one of the blogs i follow reblogged a gwen hate post. you know the kind, the ones that hate on gwen bc arwen is canon instead of merthur, the ones that are very obviously racist against gwen but justify it with "i just hate m/f couples" (which is absurd and also ties in with biphobia and transphobia but that's a whole other conversation), the ones that say gwen is just bland and boring and that she became "selfish" or whatever
anyway i blocked them but im so disappointed to see how many fans hate gwen, claim she "got in the way of merthur" when merthur would have never been canon anyway. im tired of the fans claiming arthur didnt love gwen, that merthur would have been canon if merlin was a girl, that merthur is better than arwen even tho arthur literally abuses merlin and makes him feel like shit while he actually treats gwen well and with respect and shows her love
seriously how can you claim merthur wasn't canon just bc it's two men? when it actually isn't canon bc it wouldn't make sense for merlin and arthur to be together in this show- i would love an arthurian retelling where merlin and arthur are together, but in this specific show they wouldn't have worked bc of the way the whole show was planned and written. it's not queerbaiting (queer coding maybe, yes, but not queerbaiting) and arwen being canon is not "just another basic m/f couple" or "heteronormativity"
i am in no way saying you can't ship merthur or prefer it over arwen, everyone likes different things, my issue is just with how ppl talk about it bc many end up falling into mysogynoir territory against gwen, and often romanticize abuse (you know all those gifsets of arthur literally throwing hard objects at merlin and being disrespectful and insulting him in a really bad way and ppl comment "omg husbands❤️" "they're so in love❤️")
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
Every time a powerful Black woman with power shows up doing powerful things (ie, MVP or DA Fani Willis) watch how quick certain demos in the media fall back on microagressions, dog whistles, mysogynoir, and angry/uppity Black women tropes. We see you. 👀
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Thank you for tagging me @thequeerlibrarian :)
honey and lemon or milk and sugar, musicals or plays, lemonade or iced tea, strawberries or raspberries, winter or summer, beaches or forests, diners or cafés, unicorns or dragons, gemstones or crystals, hummingbirds or owls, fireworks or sparklers, brunch or happy hour, sweet or sour, rome or amsterdam, classic or modern art, sushi or ramen, sun or moon, polka dots or stripes, macarons or croissants, glitter or matte, aquariums or planetariums, road trip or camping trip, fairy lights or candles
I'm tagging @thisiskatsblog @louaylormercy @rainbowsartlove @holyshit @joydilouis @obviouslyjc @angstybritishboys @ste098 @mysogynoir @so-idialed-9 and everyone else who wants to do this!
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