#myst saga
lunaquantica · 5 months
The Basics of D'ni Grammar
(research by Richard Watson)
D'ni is not an Earth language, but because the D'ni are so similar to humans physically and mentally, their language has similarities to some of our native tongues.
D'ni is often compared with Hebrew, since the two languages have similar characters and sounds. But there are many differences, with the most obvious one being that D'ni is written left to right, unlike Hebrew.
The D'ni alphabet has 24 characters, but there more than 24 consonants. These are created by adding indicator marks to a letter. For instance, the character for a "v" sound is the same as the character for a "b," only the "b" has a dot over it. Generally, any consonant without a dot is a fricative, meaning it's produced by air passing continually between the tongue and lips. A consonant with a dot over it contains a stop, meaning that the air is cut off. in the case of a dotted "v," the air is stopped by the lips. By adding indicators to their vowels, D'ni's six vowel letters are expanded to eleven vowel sounds in their spoken language.
D'ni follows a familiar noun-verb structure. Adjectives follow the nouns they modify. Adverbs follow the verbs they modify. Quantifiers such as "very," "extremely," and "really," which add emphasis to phrases, are indicted by numbers from one to twenty-five. The higher the number, the stronger is the emphasis. For example, the phrase "I am a little tired" in D'ni becomes, "I am tired to two." "I am very tired" would be. "I am tired to twenty." To exaggerate something, the D'ni would use a number over twenty-five. "I am incredibly tired," in D'ni could be written or spoken as, "I am tired to thirty."
There are a number of important prefixes and suffixes in D'ni. Verbs use a suffix to indicate both number and person (this is similar to Spanish). For example, the D'ni word for eat is "rees," which is the form it takes when you say "I eat." The suffix "en" is added to indicate that he, she, or it eats, "rees-en." "They eat" uses the suffix "eet." "rees-eet." "We eat" uses "et," "rees-et." "You eat" (singular) uses "em," "rees-em," "You eat" (plural) uses "tee," "rees-tee." You can change this phrase to a command by adding the additional suffix, "ah." To order an individual to eat, you would say, "rees-em-ah!"
Verbs use a prefix to indicate the past, present, and future. To say that you have finished eating, the phrase is "ko-rees." To say that you are currently eating, the phrase is, "do-rees." To say that you will eat later, the phrase is "borrees." Other forms of the suffix are:
• kodo (past progressive): kodo-rees (I was eating)
• le (perfect): le-rees (I have eaten)
• kol (past perfect): kol-rees (I had eaten)
• bodo (future progressive); bodo rees (I will be eating)
• boko (future perfect): boko-rees (I will have eaten)
• bodol (future perfect progressive):
bodol-rees (I will have been eating)
Other common prefixes are "re" for "the." The D'ni word for "book" is "kor," so to indicate "the book," the phrase is "re-kor." The word "and" is "ga," so to indicate "and the book, you would say "ga-re-kor." Suffixes can indicate ideas such as plural and possession. To make a noun plural, add "tee" to the end.
The word for "books" is "kor-tee." To indicate possession, add the suffix "akh," which roughly corresponds to "of." The phrase "Gehn's book," in D'ni is structured, "book of Gehn," and is written, "kor-okh Gehn." An adjective, such as "garo" ("mighty"), can be changed to a noun with the suffix "th," as in "Garoth" (Mighty One). You can change the same adjective into an adverb with the suffix "sh," "garosh," as in "mightily." There is also a special set of characters called the "Garo-hevtee," "Great Words." These symbolize important ideas of groups of words.
From " From Myst to Riven: The Creations and Inspirations" (1997)
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mysticstormflyete · 2 months
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You complimented him! (again)
He seems to be open to questions... He still seems wary... ask him something? (You can now ask him questions in my inbox! (Anon asks also welcome!))
edit: i'll be trying to continue w/ polls n such too bc its fun,,
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wordswhisperinthedark · 5 months
"You rely on wit and people die on it" 🤝 Sakamoto Tatsuma (esp during the Joui War)
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randomstranger27 · 11 months
Bastard Acquired
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screwzara · 1 year
Another fake journal picture
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Myst: Hey, Zara...?
Zara: Yeah?
Myst: The camera is stuck in Black and White picture mode
Zara: ...what?
This time it's an actual camera setting instead of a drawing
And i didn't do lineart.
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miramizar · 7 months
It's been a while since I did one of these so thank you for the tag @vikingost 💕 I'll definitely be tagging you in stuff in the future~
Last song: "Cantus insolitus" by Adiemus 🎵
Current obsession: Books, always books, and... sweets? Buying loose candy and baking cakes always puts me in a happier mood and I did both yesterday ajhfdbdf 🍬
Last film: "A beautiful day in the neighbourhood", and I just realised that it's been a while since then... that makes me a bit sad (;v;) I hope I can watch another one soon!
Currently reading: "Vinland Saga" by Makoto Yukimura ⚔️
Currently watching: I've been watching some Myst/Riven videos recently and I'll be watching the season 5 finale of "Little house on the prairie" with my family in a couple of hours! ✨
💞 I'd like to tag @your-sophie18 @guardians-of-exo @thedeviousdo @cinnamaelfwon @cottonhyun @kimjunnoodle @songwoongmink @nutedrawsstuff @kyungsooinsweetlies @mel-loves-all @swiftfeatherscorner @atinyfantasytothemoon and anyone who feels like doing this! 💞
(⭐︎ but of course you don't have to do it if you don't want to ⭐︎)
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srepgames · 1 year
Firmament es lo nuevo del creador de Myst y llegará el 18 de mayo.
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La desarrolladora Cyan Worlds anunció que Firmament, su nueva aventura narrativa de exploración, llegará el 18 de mayo a PC (Steam), PlayStation 4 y PlayStation 5.
Acerca del juego:
Firmament es un nuevo juego de ingenio y aventuras desarrollado por el legendario estudio de juegos que creó los exitosos títulos Myst y Riven. A través de una historia profunda y la generación de mundos, descubre la saga de este planeta aparentemente abandonado, mientras exploras y resuelves los misterios de tres mundos únicos… ¡y mucho más!
Características principales:
• Explora el mundo:  Con una estética steampunk única, Firmament te invita a explorar la legendaria y profunda generación de mundos que distingue a Cyan Worlds. Firmament es un fantástico espectáculo visual, con nuevas y emocionantes escenas en cada rincón. Al mismo tiempo, el mundo Firmament se ve completamente real, como si estuviese construido con un objetivo ulterior… Un objetivo que deberás descubrir mientras juegas.
• Resuelve acertijos: Durante la exploración, llevas contigo un dispositivo llamado «artilugio». Este artilugio te sirve para interactuar con los diferentes dispositivos que se encuentran en los mundos de Firmament. Usa el artilugio para resolver los acertijos y así revelar los secretos que oculta este lugar.
• Descubre la historia: Tendrás compañía en Firmament. Además del artilugio, te acompañará una misteriosa aparición, que quiere compartir su historia contigo. Durante tu exploración, conocerás los tres mundos, cada uno de los cuales esconde secretos y misterios. ¿Cuál es el propósito de los mundos? ¿Puedes confiar en el espíritu que te acompaña?
• Revela el misterio: ¿Los mundos de Firmament están realmente abandonados? ¿Qué son esas máquinas gigantescas y misteriosas que están desperdigadas por el planeta? ¿Para qué sirven? ¿Cuál es tu rol en este gran misterio? ¡Explora, descubre y resuelve el misterio por tu cuenta en Firmament!
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more job quests
paladin: mylia got friendzoned and solkwyvewrbjn didn't shwo hsi face. a good day. wow they totally pretended the paladin quests just didn't exist (tbf they were bad)
warrior: did we ditch curious gorge who going to be stuck on a ship to the far east for who knows how long. is it me or have the warrior quests gotten progressively more goofy like the maurader ones were pretty serious.
dark knight: esteem totally wrote that letter. are we going to end up in whitebrim? was gundobald one of the one's to witness one of the pc's very public mental breakdowns? *slaps roof of wol* this bad boy can hold so many personalities. fray/esteem, myste, ardbert, the reaper demon, im forgetting someone
monk: oh yeah wasn't widergelt revealed to be a secret prince or something. "please wait for me half way on the other side of the continent" huh weren't they going back to ala ganna anyways. hi lyse. i thought we were setting up a provisional government. how's that going. YES YES YES I am so happy about this, was a little disappointed this didn't happen in sb but i guess it's the structure of the quest system. these are made to be done after 5.0 those were meant to be flexible enough to be done during 4.0. rhalgr's reach is THE temple of the fist of rhalgr and the Resistance is there and I wanted widergelt to go there so badly.
dragoon: baby orn kai
ninja: there's no way this works. karasu better not fake his death a 3rd time. or well tht could be pretty funny actually. spiderman meme. uhh i choose underpants boy. eyyy got that one right i wasn't sure. and the adventures continue. nin is different in that way in the others so way have been about wrapping up loose ends or more like an encore.
samurai: i forgot this storyline.
white mage: a alaqua the worst job questline in the game. what do you mean she wasn't able to take down a treant wasn't the whole thing about how powerful a mage she was. also e sumi still sus af for letting sylphie roam around and take charge of the gatty situation. sooo we're not gonna talk about her dead family at all?
scholar of all jobs is the only one to have combat. i forgot about setoto and h=may have gotten her confused with surito carito
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astrologian: so between 3.x and 5.x is less than a year. i'd say this is a deviation from all the politics of 30-50-60 but this did all start with janne's crush on her dad. my aro queen. wish this had more to do with sharlayan as that shows up in 6.0 but well she did fake her death. hope grandpa is ok.
machinist: hilda! I wanted to her to show up in a mch quest. oh hey i have to kill something again remember the bad ol' days where ever job quest was to go kill something
black mage: i feel like the game usually forgets dewlala exists
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did the writers forget that cocobuki is like half yayake's age. i don't exactly remember but buki's like 27 and yayake's in her 40s. because buki was never this rude.
summoner once again continues to be the most msq relavent job despite never being featured in the trailers. smh and with the ascian saga ended with ew the devs lost their chance for a summoner meteor. that is the question someone is born (or made in foldora's case also offies zenos also has that implanted echo) to do something well, should they do what they're good at or not?
red mage: still think arya should have minmaxed into thaumaturge/black mage. wow how come its all the magic jobs that get combat. what's to stop other tomb robbers?
wow we really did tell the whole realm that there's multiple worlds and we went to one.
did you know that if you rotate your character near a wall at just the right angle you can see that they are empty inside except for the floating insides of their mouth?
role quest capstone
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doing the job capstone. see this is a weird take because up until this point we are led to believe that it was the decimation of the First's native dark aether that unbalanced the shard to light. but here the shadowkeeper is revealed to be from another world (the 13th?). yeh 13th, wasn't that like thousands of years ago tho, well source time who knows about 13th time but that doesn't explain how she's still alive. ah she's echo'd too and friends with unukalhai wonder how he's doing..
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these 2 statements seem to contradict each other. is Cyella talking about a symbolic radiance because she was trying to lose. instead of Cylva's death the Flood was triggered by by ardbert killling mitron and longhrif. im assuming cylva was the bait so that the ascians could better control the flood and bring the shard "to the brink" instead of over it as she puts it. ardbert and co then killed themselves and jumped shards. ascians got vauthy to transform the party's corpses into cardinal virtues. time continues to be a mystery. why is she alive. huh her goal was to kill them... uggg i nned to think this over
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hmm but the lightwardens didn't have that thrall effect. but then again everyone who came close died. cant tell if sin eater conversion is related or not. oh his dialogue predicts going to the first. should have talked to him earlier woops
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kahran042 · 1 year
Breath of Fire I dream soundtrack
I've alluded to this once, long ago, so I figgered I'd show it off. If something isn't listed, you can assume that it's the same as in the actual game.
Boss battle - Everyday Battle, Breath of Fire III Nanai - Invasion, Xenogears Camlon (rebuilt) - The Lively Imperial Palace, Legend of Legaia Winlan - The City Liked by the Wind, Breath of Fire III Romero (with zombies) - Terrible Plan of the Vambees, Brave Fencer Musashi Xeon gas, Wizard (1) battle - Sedition, Suikoden II Wizard (2)/Pincher battle - Battle 5, SaGa Frontier Forest Fortress/Hidden Fortress - Hellaina Prison, The Legend of Dragoon Ease Cave/Lake Shrine - A Limestone Cave, Tales of Destiny Romero (purified) - Country Living, Breath of Fire III Agua - If Tails, Despair if Heads, Hope, Wild ARMs 3 Wisp/Cloud/Myst battle - Odoro, Breath of Fire III Talon/Bain/Avian battle - Dramatic Battle, Breath of Fire II Auria - Lime Light Night, Tales of Destiny Krypt - Intention of the Earth, Final Fantasy V L&D Tower - Leonid's Castle, Romancing SaGa 3 Dark Dragon Port/South Castle - March of the King, Suikoden II Gant - Guild, Breath of Fire III Nabal Castle - The Castle of Dragoon, Terranigma Sea Volcano - Jellyfish Sea, Chrono Cross Lab. - Technology, Breath of Fire III HornToad, Mote, Cerl, and Goda battles - Disciples of the Mist, Legend of Legaia Gramor - The Tendas' Cave, Earthbound Mogu's dreamscape - Nightmare, Alundra Mote's dreamscape - Door of Holy Spirits, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Spring (unfrozen) - Carried on Rippling Waves, Suikoden II Carmen (time stopped) - No music Tock - Clock Tower, Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow Carmen (normal) - A Person's Warmth, Wild ARMs 3 Scande Tower - The Center Ministry Area, Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter (overrides battle BGM) Zog battle - Conflict of Dragons ~ Battle, Breath of Fire III Pagoda - Undersea Palace, Chrono Trigger (overrides battle BGM) Sara battle - Fable, Seiken Densetsu 3 Obelisk - leave time for love, Secret of Mana (overrides battle BGM) Jade battle - Losing Sight of Tomorrow, Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter
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twdeadfanfic · 2 years
I wanted to get my mother the Practical Magic book (I like the others of the saga more but I guess she should have the first, first?) from Alice Hoffman...but they're not available in Spanish? Seriously??? Those are not obscure books, no editorial has decided to release them in Spanish???
I guess maybe I can get her Circe from Madeline Miller. I have it in ebook in English so I could get a hardback copy on Spanish.
She's read pretty much through all my books, they're all in my bedroom at her place, since I move so much I only carry my ebook. She's read pretty much all the ones I have in Spanish (and complains about the ones in English).
I pretty much read fantasy, young adult, withchy thing, so that's what I've given her. The ones she's liked the most are The Mysts of Avalon, Six of Crows/Crooked Kingdom, The Death Gate Cycle...I can't remember more, she read half my library during covid (and she didn't use to read!).
In case you have ideas.
I believe she's reading Lore now.
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scotttrust · 2 years
Myst release date
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Myst release date Pc#
Myst release date mac#
A next-gen, VR-friendly version of Myst is coming to PC. It was developed by Cyan, Inc., published by Broderbund, and initially released for the Macintosh personal computer platform in 1993. Myst Release Date: When is the film coming out Myst is coming out To Be Announced (TBA). But These are games that the history of videogames have really made. Myst is the groundbreaking adventure game that’s credited with popularising the CD-ROM drive in home computers. 0 comments For those that dont know: Myst is a 1993 puzzle-adventure game and widely considered one. While featured at Summer CES 1994 and given a release date of January 1995, this port ended up being. Of course, 'soon' is subjective and vague, but this does possibly suggest a 2020 release date. I do not blame you because time has accustomed you to anything else. A Sega Mega-CD version by Sunsoft was also in development. Many have also laughed about the porting of must have like Golden Axe or Dragon's Lair. Many who were not even born in 1993 will laugh in front of the graphics and gameplay so little evolved. 26 release date, on PC, Mac, Oculus, and Xbox Game Pass by Thomas Wilde on Augat 11:48 am Cyan, headquartered in Spokane, Wash., announced Tuesday that.
Myst release date Pc#
This new Myst rebuilds the original 1993 PC game from the. Cyan goes the merit of having given birth to a masterpiece saga, started with this game: Myst. Cyan, headquartered in Spokane, Wash., announced Tuesday that its latest remake of the original Myst is planned for release on Aug. Then came Riven and all the various sequels to The End Of Ages when, at a distance of over 10 years this kind of games was now in crisis. It was the first game that made me forget the time. Orichalcum Pictures, a hybrid production company and non-profit founded to explore archaeology through a multimedia lens, and developer VR Connection have. The history, the books, the continuous search for a solution.
Myst release date mac#
Later this year, that game will be released for PC and Mac players, with support for both. I still remember when I saw him the first time: the atmospheres that had created, so surreal, but at the same time so true and plausible that you immerse yourself completely in the curious discovery of unknown worlds. In 2020, developer Cyan Worlds released an updated version of Myst for Facebook’s Oculus Quest platform.
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lunaquantica · 6 months
Are you into reading?
Because I am, like really into it.
I'm all about Myst's epic saga – those books transport you to a whole new world (and I mean literally).
It's like real books, but with a teleportation twist.
And guess what?
I'm about to drop a link to a book (pdf format) that talks about a game with books that have a serious case of wanderlust.
Check out "Myst & Riven, The World of the D'ni" by Mark J. P. Wolf – because who doesn't love a good read?
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bat-snake · 2 years
Me: Ah, he's playing Solitaire...like my dad does. (Remembers what else my dad used to play.) (One minute of editing later)
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OK. So like. The start of 'My Goodbye' — the first few beats — kinda sound like wings? So imagine an owl lands on the ship all menacing, and the rest of the men are like: wha-? before time stops and we're drawn into the discussion between Odysseus and Athena. THEN at the end, we get pulled out of their thought bridge area (idek) and the men are confused at why their leader is having a staredown with an owl before it flies away and Odysseus follows it with sadness and hurt in his eyes before it fades from view
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ranvwoop · 2 years
feelin like laminated paper
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vyladromeave · 2 years
please dont make me watch through all of myst to try and find where they said that im not even confident they did. im not strong enough i cant do it.
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