mysteriouslover1516 · 2 years
Moon (Richy x MC) 3
Based on Jonah Kagen's song Moon. Read Part 1 and Part 2 first if not already done so.
I’ve got demons, you’ve got scars
But all the bumps and bruises take us the place we are
The smell of smoke and gasoline hit MC with a vengeance as the light in the distance grew closer, making her soon come to a startling realization. The light wasn’t a lantern, nor was it a flashlight…..it was actual flames. Faint coughing reached her ears as she picked up on the sound of crackling, roaring flames; the fire hungrily sapping up fuel.
We’ve been through heaven and then we fell
And you might think it’s over
“Hello?” MC called out hesitantly, debating whether or not to turn the corner, knowing she would then be vulnerable and out in the open. Who would she come face to face with? Michael? Richy? Shaking her head, she took a deep breath, the smell of fumes making her mind spin and eyes burn. She couldn’t be afraid, not now, he needed her, Richy needed her.
But the story’s ours to tell
Just know that I will be with you
Richy opened his eyes, his mind whirling. Was he hallucinating? Were the fumes getting to his head? He could have sworn he heard a voice, he heard her voice. But that was impossible…..she had sent Alan in her place. Alan had rescued Hannah, left the mine with her clasping tightly to his arm. He had watched them exit the Grimstone, then he shut the trap door behind them, making sure no one else could venture back inside. He couldn’t put anyone else’s life back in danger, not again, not anymore. As the smoke started to fill his lungs, his chest ached, his body quickly succumbing to an immense coughing fit, eyes closing once more.
Just keep looking for the moon and I’ll be here
While you’re searching for your life out in the dark
Stepping out of the shadows and into the blazing light casted by the dancing flames, MC’s thoughts slowly came to a stand still. All too familiar messy, blonde hair; those ocean blue eyes she had come to adore hidden behind closed lids; the slight dimples; staring straight back at her. Was he dead? “Richy?!” Her eyes flickered away from his face, gaze falling on his upper body. The navy blue hoodie he wore was coated with dirt and grime, a once-white wrapping barely clinging on to his right arm, stained crimson red. No, this wasn’t happening. No.
Looking for the moon, you’ll see it clear
Cause it shines the same wherever you are
The mechanic’s eyes snapped open as he heard his name being spoken, his eyes locking with those of the girl before him. Her face was pale, her hands shaking, he noticed the slight biting of her bottom lip, oh god. The red glow of the roaring flames mirrored themselves in her sad, beautiful eyes; tears starting to cascade down her cheeks and glisten in the mocking scarlet and maroon lighting. “MC.”
Let it guide you, don’t look behind you
If you stay within the light, I’ll always find you
In that moment, MC’s world fell apart,  it felt like her heart was shattering into a thousand billion pieces. Pieces that she would never be able to recover, that were impossible to glue together without cutting herself on the sharp shards. Pieces she wasn’t even sure she wanted to face ever again, pieces to relive. Jake was right…… oh god, he was right.  It was Richy, it was Richy all along.
Looking for the moon, and I’ll be here
If you don’t ever have to feel alone
“MC,” The blonde’s voice cracked as he watched her resolve fade. In that moment he was sure he had lost her, he had seen it, leaving him looking into a sad, desolate wasteland of racing emotions.
Cause I will be with you
“It was you.” MC barely recognized her own voice, the quietness of it startling her. “You.” More tears started to rapidly fall from her eyes, “Richy, how could you? How could you do this to Hannah, to your friends, to Jessy. How could you do this to ME?” She choked as she remembered the video call where he faked his death, the pain she had experienced then was nothing compared to what she felt now. “I loved you, Richy! When you….when I thought you died…..I cried so hard for you, I cried myself to sleep! Do you even care?!”
I will be with you
Keep looking for the moon
I will be with you
“Of course I cared!” Richy pleaded, struggling to his feet, a groan escaping his lips as his arm screamed its dismay at the sudden movement. “It killed me to do that to you! To know what kind of an effect it would have on you, what toll it would take! I-”
In my letters and in my songs
It’s the thought of you that fills them up
And keeps me feeling strong
“Then why would you do it?!” MC cried, barely registering the mechanic closing the gap between them. “Why Richy? You said you cared for me, and then you-”
I don’t regret it, I know it’s hard
But I know that we are greater than the sum of our hearts
Just know that I will be with you 
Ignoring the flames enclosing around them, his head growing numb to the pain in his shoulder, he reached his injured arm up to MC’s cheek, gently brushing away her tears with his thumb. “MC, I’m so sorry. I swear, I didn’t mean for it to go this far. Please, you have to believe me, I didn’t want this, MC! I never wanted this! Just give me a chance, a chance to explain, please, just give me another chance!”
Just keep looking for the moon and I’ll be here
While you’re searching for your life out in the dark
“You don’t deserve another chance, Richy!” MC cried, hating the way she felt herself leaning into his touch, the way her body was ultimately betraying her. “You deserve what’s happening to you, you deserve that gunshot wound in your shoulder! You deserve to die, Richy! You’re a monster! I-” her mouth struggled to form the words, the words that were echoing inside her head. I hate you.
Looking for the moon, you’ll see it clear
Cause it shines the same wherever you are
“MC, no,” Tear-filled blue eyes shone in the light of the flames. “Don’t say that, please. MC, I can’t lose you, god I can’t lose you! I know I deserve your hatred, I deserve you to despise me and wish me dead, but MC, I’m begging you, please, just don’t!” He subconsciously found his arms around her waist, pulling her close to his chest, noting her breath hitch at the closeness.
Let it guide you, don’t look behind you
If you stay within the light, I’ll always find you
“I don’t know you,” MC whispered as she looked up into his eyes. “The man I thought you were, it was all a lie, an act. I……..I don’t know you, and I don’t want to.” Her voice began to raise as the tears came more rapidly, suddenly trying to pull herself away from Richy’s arms. “You’re not the man I fell in love with, that guy was apparently just a figment of my imagination, he didn’t exist, he NEVER existed. You lied to me, deceived me! And I hate you, Richy! I hate you for what you did to me, for what you did to us, to Hannah. I HATE you and I hate that it’s killing me! I hate that I still find myself loving you, when all I want to feel towards you is hatred!”
Looking for the moon, and I’ll be here
Cause you don’t ever have to feel alone
“You have every right to hate me, I know.” Richy hung his head, fighting the urge to let go, instead he held her fighting and squirming in his arms. “But please, I’m begging you, don’t. I know I hurt you, I hurt you so so much. I know I took advantage of your feelings for me, I deceived you, lied to you about who I was. But you have to believe me, the affection I felt for you was all real. The feelings I shared with you, when I told you I liked you, I meant it. I know I lied to you about nearly everything, but if there is one thing you can believe me on, believe me when I say I still love you. Because MC, I still love you, and I never stopped and I never will until my dying breath! And I know you probably still hate my guts and think I’m once again trying to lead you astray with my words, but I promise, I mean it all with my whole heart!”
Cause I will be with you
I will be with you
“How am I supposed to believe you, Richy?” MC said weakly, finally resting in his hold, breath shaking. “After all you did, after so many lies, how am I supposed to believe you now? Because…….if you truly loved me, you wouldn’t have gone this far, right? If you truly loved any of us, any of your friends, you wouldn’t have allowed everything to happen. It’s hard to trust you, no matter how much my heart wants me to forgive and forget, my head screams no, my instincts say to run and not look back. To leave you to your demise, let the others believe it was Michael all along, not their friend, not their beloved mechanic, not Richy Rogers, the man who always smiled and always had a joke for them.”
And I know how it feels to be lonely and lie awake on your own (I will be with you)
And I know how it hurts when you hide
That your heart is barely holding on (I will be with you)
“I know, MC, I know.” Richy sighs as his gaze shifted from her eyes, and then to her lips. “It would be crazy of you to forgive me, to simply act as I never did anything at all to hurt you, to forget.” He opened his mouth up as if to speak some more, but no sound came out, he was truly at a loss for words. There was nothing he could say that could reverse the past, excuse his actions. Nothing.
But if you think that I’ll forget you
Then you must be crazy
Suddenly a smoldering beam fell from the mine ceiling, jarring them both back to their present circumstances, the environment mimicking a raging furnace. “Richy, we need to get you out.”
Cause honestly it’s not only you that needs saving
I will be with you
“I don’t deserve it,” The blonde shook his head. “I don’t deserve you, MC.”
"Richy, don't, please-"
Just keep looking for the moon and I’ll be here
While you’re searching for your life out in the dark
“You said so yourself, MC. I’m a monster, I deserve to die, I deserve what is happening to me. I did this to myself and now it’s time to reap the consequences.” His lips screwed into a small, bitter smirk. “As my father used to say, you made your bed now lie in it.” A hollow chuckle escaped him, here he was literally laughing at danger, at death himself.
Looking for the moon, you’ll see it clear
Cause it shines the same wherever you are
“You want another chance, right?” MC asked seriously, eyes searching his ocean blue ones, the ones she found herself once more drowning in the more she stared. “Another chance for us?”
Keep looking for the moon
I will be with you (I will be with you)
“More than anything, MC.” More tears started to cascade down Richy’s cheeks, “But I don’t want to hurt you, I don’t want to burn you. I don’t deserve to take your hand, to walk out of this mine with you by my side. You deserve life, I deserve death. MC, I can’t-”
Keep looking for the moon
I will be with you
Cause I will be with you
MC cut him off by pressing her lips to his, “Save it for later,” she breathed out as she pulled away. “A the moment, we need to focus on escaping. And now.”
Hey lovelies! Thanks for sticking with me on this journey! Please like or comment, I love to hear from all of you! <3 <3 Part 4 is on its way.........
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mysteriouslover1516 · 2 years
What reminds me of you is: the color blue, blue eyes, ukulele and my bittersweet unrequited love, long time ago 💙💙
Omg, dear Misha, lol. "That is very nice thought." ;) Blue eyes, gosh, I love them so much because that is how I imagine my hacker, and because someone very dear to me has blue eyes as well.....
Ukulele, yes, I play ukulele. (I wonder how you knew, are you a Hacker?!) It's fun, and easy, and I love it. Currently learning Drunk Text by Henry Moodie on it, so wish me luck! ;)
Unrequited love is always a hard topic, and I know. If it's in the past, let it lie and move on, because things were meant to be this way. But lovelies, if it's still in your power to confess and befriend that special someone, do it. Don't live a life of regret, even if they reject you, laugh and move on, because apparently they're an idiot for turning you down! (Also I will come kick their ass for you if need be)
Love you all. ;) <3 <3 <3 <3
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mysteriouslover1516 · 2 years
Here, some virtual hugs for you :P 💚💚
OMG, I'm probably just overreacting, but seeing you in my ask box and the first onenonetheless is making me so ecstatic. Thank you, and here's some back for you! ;) ;) 💙💙
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