#duskwood oneshot
miss-celestia13 · 1 month
The Ending You Deserve
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Jake x MC - Duskwood One Shot
I wanted to practice angst and creating suspense. This happened. It has a touch of humor, a hint of fluff, and other things! Sassy MC. No smut for a change. It feels weird 🤭
Can Jake run from death and make it to MC?
Or will his demons win the race?
MC isn't named or described as it was more for the emotions. It's all from Jake’s POV.
Aching. Cold. Hot. Burning, burning, burning. It rolled through him in waves.
He couldn’t breathe.
He couldn’t see.
Dread wove through his internal organs and strangled him from the inside like an invasive vine had taken root in the core of himself.
Smoke and ash choked his airways as he stumbled and tripped through the mine.
His heart rattled savagely against his ribs.
It felt like a creature in its death throes, trying to break out of his chest.
His foot collided with a jagged, jutting rock and he went down like a house of cards. Crumpled and folded as he rolled and rolled.
Hissing as tiny sharp stones cut into his face and hands.
Ash ridden sweat trickled down his face and stung the many small slices leaking blood as he lay on his back panting and cursing himself as the ominous orange glow of raging flame inched along the underground tunnel.
The air grew thinner and thinner.
The smoke grew thicker and thicker. 
The gasoline fueled fire was a monster bearing down on him and he scrambled to his trembling feet. Taking off at a staggering jog, one hand braced on the rough, dirty wall.
A pinprick of light opened up far ahead and a jolt of adrenaline surged through his bloodstream. He hurried, panting and terrified, breathing too shallowly as the rising heat nipped at his neck.
He knew he had a choice to make.
It was death by fire or FBI.
Neither option appealed to him, but as he looked back and saw the swirling, furious flames licking nearer and nearer. He knew he had to decide.
It wasn’t fair.
He wasn’t innocent or free from any wrongdoing. But he didn’t deserve to die like an animal, run over and left bleeding out and twitching on the side of the road until he grew cold and stiff. 
No one would miss him.
No one would look for him.
He was all alone. It was a surety. He was always, always alone.
That’s not true though, is it, Jake?
It hasn’t been for a while now.
The voice in his head made his breath catch, and his heart pounded painfully in his throat.
It felt as though someone had reached inside his chest, broken through his flesh, muscle and grasped his bones to pry them apart, an invisible fist that gripped his pulsing heart and shoved it in his mouth. Forcing him to swallow it.
It beat there like a Wardrum. Marching him to his death. 
It throbbed and choked and filled his mouth with copper. He couldn’t stand it. The pain was corrosive as it ate through his nerves and left them exposed to the heat and acrid taint of smoke.
She is waiting for you. Don’t let her down.
A soul deep sigh huffed through his nose as his feet sped up, pebbles and broken glass crunched under his boots as he raced toward the gradually growing dot of light.
The roaring fire and echo of his escape bounced off the stone and haunted him as he ran for his life.
Four years of running.
Four years of searching and shame and seclusion. Running had been his gift. His lifeline. 
Yet he felt wholly unprepared for this last sprint.
He was tiring.
Steps shortening faster than his scalding breath as black smoke slithered overhead and wrapped its insidious tentacles around his body.
He would not make it.
He would not see her after all.
The thought felt like a poisoned blade sinking into his chest. He could feel the barbs of it twisting and cutting through sinew.
He would soon bleed out without a sound.
The fight left him as the intangible knife punctured his hope and foolish dream of having a love he didn’t deserve.
They’d been writing their own story, filling the pages with dreams and fragile, flourishing love.
He felt like coming here was akin to him tearing out those pages and ripping them up.
It broke him so completely he almost stopped and let the flames embrace him.
He could already smell the sickly sweet and pungent scent of his blistering flesh. Like tanning leather over a flame.
He was going to burn.
It would hurt more than he already did.
It would roast through his flesh, flay it from his bones and incinerate muscle and blood to dust.
He could already feel it.
Creeping closer, singing the hair on his nape, and filling his nose with the cloying scent of dangerous smoke.
No one would know it was him.
Nothing would remain for her except blackened bones and the memory that he had gone to the mine instead of her.
She would blame herself for this.
It would destroy her.
And it was all his doing.
He wouldn’t be a cause of her pain anymore than he already had.
A burst of fresh speed and determination glittered through him as the fire drew so near he could feel the flames whispering in his ear.
Too slow, Jake. It’s too late.
You can’t run away from this.
Your luck has faded.
He forced it aside and sobbed through his clenched teeth as the dot of light swelled and came toward him.
His legs were heavy. Growing weightier with every leap over fallen support beams and shattered rock.
His rabbit heart raced faster and faster. It deafened him to the groaning, popping wood as the fire devoured it.
Tears streaked through the soot and blood on his face. Leaving pale tracks through the grime and coating his chapped lips with brine.
His vision blurred as his emotions broke free of the locked and coded vault he’d stuffed in the back of his hive mind to come here.
He attempted to shove them back in.
It didn’t work.
They spilled out and utterly overwhelmed him.
He’d spent years locking them down. Beating them into submission, so they listened to him and not him to them. The steel and stone fortress he erected around himself had already crumbled for her and there was nowhere left to hide.
He’d given her everything he had, and it wouldn’t be enough.
You always knew you weren’t enough. Let’s not think too highly of ourselves.
She deserves better than this.
Better than you.
That is a truth you will never escape.
His heart fractured as his mind fought against him and his flagging spirit frayed further.
She deserved better than this.
He was failing her. Had failed her since he let her in.
He’d always known he’d cause her future hurt.
He just hadn’t expected it would come so soon. That he wouldn’t get to watch from afar as she healed from his vanishing.
They had always lived on borrowed time.
And now, the fire was so close sweat slid like rivers down his back and legs, eating away at his nerves as they flared wildly under his soaking skin.
Jake knew it was futile. The ball of light in his vision seemed to run away from him as his eyes blurred and cleared repeatedly. His hands curled into two tight fists and he fought the urge to punch the wall in fury.
He bit down on the inside of his cheek instead. Biting down hard until the skin gave and blood welled over the tattered edge, glazing his tongue with the buttery, metallic taste of it.
It acted like a stimulant.
His eyes focused and his heart pounded fiercely as he ran and ran and ran.
Feet pounded stone as fire blazed through the mine. He had to outrun it.
He would outrun in it.
There was no other option as his blood pressure skyrocketed and his breath became harsh, shallow.
The fire sucked away the air before it could go in as he tried to gulp it down.
There was no oxygen.
His insides kept writhing and twisting.
They knotted up and up so tightly he swore felt something tear. Something that made him cry out as the air was crushed from him.
He could see shadows in his periphery. Specks of darkness and sparks of light as his lungs ached and screamed for oxygen. For rest.
Resting meant dying.
Dying meant failing her.
Failing her was never an option before.
It couldn’t be one now.
He put his head down and ran.
He jumped over another wooden beam as the light ahead broadened and he landed atop aged wooden boards.
He only had time to scream as they broke under his weight and their age.
Jake fell. And fell and fell.
He screwed his eyes shut before he hit the ground.
The impact was so brutal, he almost wished it had killed him.
He hit the ground with a resounding whack.
His head cracked off the stone. Pain, blinding and bleeding, radiated through his skull and brain, frying his rationality completely and leaving room for fear to consume him wholly.
Warmth seeped across his scalp and his hand came away, stained in crimson when he reached to feel the damage. 
Head wounds bled worse than they were and the gash didn’t feel too bad once the stinging pain subsided a little. He internally surveyed the rest of himself. Finding nothing broken despite his ribs feeling as though a giant had stomped him flat.
Dirt and blood coated his teeth as he wheezed and coughed. Choking and spluttering as he tried to get a handle on himself.
He’d bitten through his lip, and it bled like a bitch.
Something was stabbing into his shoulder. 
As he stared up at the hole he fell through, a sensation like a thousand razor blades slicing down his skin moved down his spine, coiling in his lower back. It swirled there, a ball of cutting, primal fright that soon bled through the rest of him.
A rickety ladder leading up and out offered a small ray of hope.
He clung to it and calculated how long it would take to climb in his current condition. 
Fire scoured over the opening and left no place for him to escape.
His hope died with a breathless whimper.
He barely even heard it as agony rippled through his bones and he rolled onto his knees, panting.
“Fuck!” He spat. The word was more like a vicious curse as it rebounded off the mine walls and into his ears.
Mocking him as he squinted into the darkness and tried to figure out what to do next.
The fire would keep the police and FBI away from the mine until it burnt out. They wouldn’t rush in until it was safe enough. He knew that.
He could use that.
Jake kneeled on the filthy ground and schemed.
The temperature rose and rose as he shuffled through his thoughts.
He neatly ordered and arranged everything, thinking of his brain like a filing cabinet.
He could slide one drawer open and find a treasure trove of data and memories.
Some would get stuck as he tugged at them. Rusty and dusty, hardly ever opened for fear it would cut off his ability to feel nothing.
He pulled at one that had eroded so much he had to kick it and smash it to smithereens to pull the files out.
It was like opening Pandora’s box and expecting sunshine to pour forth. 
A veritable flood of emotion, memory, and agony spilled free of the mental drawer and absolutely annihilated his hold on himself.
He’d forgotten what it was like to feel everything so fully.
Everything of the last few years had felt like he was competing against time itself. And time was humanity’s greatest enemy. There was never enough of it and it actively fought back when you tried to beat it.
It was a losing game and in order to keep playing, he’d become a ghost.
He muted everything that made him human in order to survive.
Jake was all of that.
Now, he felt everything.
He wanted to survive. He wanted to live.
Lingering as a phantom on the periphery of reality no longer appealed to him. He wanted to feel and touch and be. He wanted everything life had to give.
The bitter and the sweet. The hurt and the relief. All of it.
Jake just wanted.
And when Jake wanted something, he got it.
He pushed up on his hands. Curling his fingers into the gravelly dirt and ignoring the bark of pain as his nails cracked and split.
His blood mingled with the muck, and he clambered to his feet.
Everything ached and bled and felt so heavy he could barely put one foot in front of the other as he carefully headed down the tunnel he’d dropped into.
His throat was raw. Torn to shreds from smoke and screaming. His hands quaked and his mouth was so dry his tongue curdled in his mouth as he smacked his lips together and tried to create some lubrication.
It was useless. He needed water.
He needed to rest soon, or he would pass out in sheer fright and exhaustion.
It’s too late, Jake.
Give up.
Only fools persist in fighting when the odds are stacked.
Jake’s head throbbed as he thrashed it, as if to dispel the sinister crooning, and muttered, “The odds are always stacked. It’s how you play the system.”
The voice went quiet again, and he breathed a sigh of relief as he tripped over rock and wood, hands scrabbling at the walls to ensure he wouldn’t get himself lost.
He risked taking his phone out of his pocket, scowling at the shattered screen as message after message came through.
MC: Jake. You can’t just tell a woman you love her and then ignore her!
Answer me.
Just give me a sign. A smoke signal. Send a damn carrier pigeon if you have to! They’re saying there’s no way in or out. But I know better. You’ll find a way. 
Keep going. Please don’t give up. You’re not alone in this. I won’t allow it.
If you die, I will hunt you down, drag you back and kill you again. You must live, Jake. Not for me, not for Hannah or Lilly, but for you. You will make it back to me.
He swiped them away. Deleting them. They made his heart shiver and fracture more. The rubious fissures would leave silver scars behind. He groaned as another came through and he immediately memorized the coordinates she gave him. Deleting the message once he had. He put all his remaining energy and will into planning his escape.
His mind wheeled with memories from before.  Prior to being forced into hiding, he had experienced a life of color and fluctuating joy. It wasn’t a perfect life, but it was his. The day he had to leave it all behind, he’d severed all strands of his old life and assumed the identity of many and none. 
He’d learned a lot about humanity and its cruelty in that time. He knew how it worked.
Life was a battle against human cruelty. It always was and always would be. Wisdom, strategy, and hope were the only factors that could hope to gain over cruelty.
And his hope lived on. 
Hope, he understood it lived with her now. He’d given her it and she had offered him her own. He would not waste it.
He flicked through his brain and memories, shelving what didn’t matter and keeping what did. Everything that made him ache, he kept. Everything that made him feel safe, he lost.
If safety meant being alone, lost in a mine until he either burned or starved to death, he didn’t want it.
He reached into the mental vault containing their chats. 
Their conversation about her coming here was the most potent file he had, and it would fuel him to make it out.
She had complimented his research on the mine and he’d told her about some entrances/exits.
He informed her of the ones he thought were most likely to get him caught. It was a manipulative decision, so she wouldn’t get the stupid idea of following him.
He kept one exit loaded like a bullet in the back of his mind.
It was risky.
It was idiotic. 
Still, Jake took off running for it. 
The tunnel was narrowing as he traveled along it. He had to duck before long.
His heart still frothed behind his sternum. Relentless and out of time, with his sawing breath as the walls closed in on him.
He had to crouch now. His head scuffed off the rugged ceiling and he bit back a shout as the pain merged with that of the wound still leaking blood on the back of his skull.
He felt drained. His body became so weighty, he was grateful when the tightening passage forced him to his hands and knees.
Jake crawled and crawled. Palms scraped and searing as sweat irritated all his grazes. His eyes prickled with fresh tears as a draught of fresh air snaked into his nose.
Dread rose to swallow him, but he kept going. He didn’t know what awaited him on the other side, but it was better than dying alone, never to be mourned or found.
The fear of being arrested was so strong it almost halted him as he squeezed through the ever shrinking tunnel and felt like he was caught in a vice.
If he got stuck—No, he couldn’t think it.
He had to turn his fear into a weapon. Run from this place and reclaim his name. The sweat on his brow, the blood running through his veins; it was that of a survivor.
This was just another glitch.
He told himself that over and over as he army crawled through the crushing mine.
He was blind.
The darkness entrenched him.
It would entomb him if he allowed it.
His coat snagged on the rough wall and dragged him back. He shook his sore body as much as the tight space would allow and panted through his clenched teeth.
It kept sticking. He had stretched his hands ahead of him.
There was no room or way for him to tug the fabric free.
His heart stopped dead in his chest.
Helplessness stole his flagging fight, and he slumped into the dirt, hiding his filthy face in it.
Abruptly, Jake started sobbing like a child. Great, gasping cries tore from him and his entire body shuddered with it. So violent and soul destroying he couldn’t temper it.
No matter what he did, it went against him. He’d never worked with such horrendous odds. His brain was a mess of emotion and regret.
He wished he’d written everything he felt and hoped for them down and mailed the letter to her before he entered the mine, but he’d been cocky then. Too confident in his ability to escape any trap or cage.
Jake gave up and accepted his fate.
If he died, if that was his due, there was no stopping it. He’d been living off begged and borrowed and stolen time for years.
It had finally caught up to him.
He was so lost in defeat. Consumed by it. His throat contracted, and he felt like he might be sick.
He hoped he choked on it.
Make it quick.
“I don’t want to die,” He whispered without meaning to and his mouth kept moving, the words kept falling from his bloodstained lips, “Not like this, anything but this.”
His heart shriveled and went cold as he struggled and tried to shuffle forward. He couldn’t breathe properly. All his weight was on his front. His ribs felt bruised and cracked, every tiny inhale felt like a sledgehammer blow.
It is over, Jake. Feel that? The cold creeping in? Soon, it’s all you’ll know. This darkness? It’s all there is. All there ever will be. It’s what you –
“-- I don’t deserve this.” Jake growled with a certainty he’d never known.
Adrenaline coursed through him, lighting up his veins and filling him with new trembling energy as if someone had injected him with a drug.
He rocked and shook his body until his bones jolted and his skin felt too tight. He forced what little breath he had out through gritted teeth and felt the tendons in his neck straining as he dug his fingers into the dirt and put all his strength into pulling himself free.
The sound of fabric ripping caused his heart to start beating again.
He gave a laugh like shattering glass.
Unhinged and desperate as the momentum of his coat coming free shoved him forward a few feet.
From there, it wasn’t easy. He felt like a clumsy serpent as he slithered through the mine.
He kept laughing. His heart kept pounding.
The voice in his head was silent as his hands connected with something that fell away as he shoved at it.
Glorious, clean night air hit his sweaty face, and he gulped it down as he pulled himself out of the horrible tunnel.
It seemed to cling to him. Like invisible hands tugged on his ankles to keep him trapped. He refused to allow it.
Damp earth, long green grass, and dried leaves crunched under his hands as he lay on his back on the forest floor and stared at the starry sky.
He considered the spectacle of stars as the greatest gift he could have received. He analyzed it, finding the North star and thinking of the co-ordinates MC had given him. He quickly checked them on his phone before he threw it away, and was relieved when he discovered it wasn’t too far to make it there on foot.
If he headed in a North- Easterly direction, he could make it there at sunrise.
He didn’t bother looking toward Duskwood, didn’t need to know how close his pursuers might be or he’d lose his nerve.
He shakily got to his feet and started walking.
Time meant nothing to him as he traipsed through forest and open fields. He stayed away from the roads he knew were always busy.
In his current condition, some good samaritan would call for help thinking they were aiding him when in fact they’d be signing his death.
He was so tired. It clung to him like a shroud of smothering fog he would never break out of.
He kept moving. 
Through shadow and moonlight, he kept walking and ignored the pain in his body as best he could. 
There was no end to his exhaustion as pink tinged sunlight shimmered through the pines.
The sun was rising.
How strange, he thought, that his world could burn down around him and yet the sun still rose.
He eyed it and felt strange, like it was an abstract painting absolutely out of place in this world of cruelty, death, and flame.
No matter how deeply or irrevocably the world burned. No matter how thick the shadows grew and the amount the freezing darkness consumed, the sun would always rise.
It filled the world with light, warmth, and color and precious hope.
He felt the soft warmth kiss his hurting face, and it energized him as he broke out of the cover of trees and came to a halt in a motel parking lot.
Jake frowned, glancing around in suspicion and doubt as he failed to understand. Why would she send him here? He hadn’t stayed here. It was too out of the way.
And just how did she know of it?
He stood straight and fear thickened in his throat as his attention snagged on a window. The curtains had moved. He was sure of it.
He moved as though to sink back amongst the trees, but the creak of a door opening made his head snap toward it.
A small, slender hand poked through the gap in the door, beckoning him. He was moving toward it before he could give his feet the command.
His heart picked up speed again. His pulse and distress ratcheting up and infusing him with tension like someone was turning a screw too tightly.
He was only a few steps away from the door now. His skin felt too sensitive and everything hurt in some way. His throat felt like he’d been eating sandpaper and gravel.
The shake in his hands intensified, flight or fight. His nervous system couldn’t decide.
As he hesitated, a female voice trailed through the open door and it was like a salve on his exposed nerves. He had heard that voice, he could recognize it anywhere.
His heart raced for an entirely different reason as he listened to it.
“It’s safe. Come in and I’ll explain.”
Jake didn’t care about her explanation as the adrenaline left him so suddenly he drooped and nearly dropped to his knees.
He tripped through the door instead.
She didn’t give him time to rake his gaze over her the way he wanted to. She gripped him and forcefully dragged him into an embrace, causing him to groan in pain as it aggravated his many minor injuries.
She instantly pulled back, grimacing and apologetic.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t think. Here, I have supplies. I figured one of us would get shot or stabbed or maimed. It felt important to be prepared. Thankfully, the worst injury I’ve had is paper cuts. You don’t look like you’ve been so lucky. Are you bleeding anywhere? What do I do first? Are you burnt? You smell like someone roasted you over a spit! Are yo-”
Jake chuckled roughly at her babbling. Touched and amused by her care and thoughtfulness.
It was the first genuine laugh he’d had in years, and it turned into a cackle before long. It just slipped out of him and sounded more like crying by the end.
His gritty eyes closed as emotion swallowed him and he welcomed the darkness they offered.
It was familiar.
It was safe.
He woke hours later very confused and so stiff it felt like he was breaking his bones to sit up. His grunt of pain escaped his teeth as a lilting voice cut through the static in his mind.
“Oh, good. I was worrying. That’s nothing new, but you look like someone just dug you out of your grave. I cleaned and patched you up as best I could without stripping you. I thought I’d let you buy me dinner before we got to that stage!”
Her tone was light and filled with humor, but there was an edge of despair and anxiety in it that told him she’d fussed over him the entire time he slept.
His sluggish heart resided in his empty stomach as she approached him slowly like she thought he was an injured animal and she was afraid to spook him.
“Where are we? Why are you here? You promised to stay away.” He managed as he accepted the glass of water she offered him.
His fingers left dirty streaks on the glass as the dirt mingled with the condensation. The water was cold and crystal clear and he gulped it down to clear the sour taste out of his mouth.
She huffed at his words and waited for him to sink the water before she responded, “Typical. I come and help you and you scold me. Well, shove it.  If it weren’t for me and Alan, you would be dead or rotting in a cell. And I did stay away! I didn't go to the mine, did I?” 
His gaze flew to her indignant face, lovely and open despite the fury razing hell in her narrowed eyes.
He felt shocked that he could speak because his tongue felt so thick in his mouth. “My apologies. I’m still—I’m sorry... Alan? I thought he would be more interested in helping them catch me?”
She smirked, tossing her hair over her shoulder as she sat down beside him.
“That was until I ripped him a new one. The fire helped most, but Alan is currently playing down your involvement to give us time. He’ll make contact with us once we find a safe place to stay.”
He opened his mouth to demand she go back home, and he’d message once he was safe, but she flung up a hand to silence him.
“None of that. I’ll explain better once we know the scope of the fallout in Duskwood. But I am coming with you. No, if ands or buts about it, Jake. I make my decisions, not you. The last time someone tried to decide for me, I bit them. Don’t make me bite you too. Are you in?”
Her eyes were hard and unwavering, not a sliver of doubt to be found.
Everything inside him protested against dragging her into his mess, but he was tired.
He was tired of being alone.
He was so tired of losing everything.
Four years of fatigue and depression sank through him like a millstone and he hung his head in defeat. He was in no condition to run alone, anyway.
And he didn't want to. It was selfish. It was daft. But he didn't care.
He hadn't expected to survive this long. Plus, she had been his reason to make it out. He sighed and let his shoulders curl inward. Having someone else to protect would keep him sharp and ready for anything. She must've sensed his resolve weakening. 
She reached out and threaded her clean fingers through his muddy ones, dark and light; he thought stupidly as his skin tingled at the contact.
It had been so long since he’d been touched gently. With obvious affection and because someone wanted to, not because they had to. 
He was used to bruises and hurt. This was — this was what he'd survived for. 
He’d forgotten what it felt like as he met her gaze and felt his stomach fluttering with something that felt like excitement.
It felt like hundreds of tiny birds had taken flight in his abdomen and a frisson of tentative anticipation filtered through him. 
Her eyes glittered and his mouth twitched with the want to smile as he gave his response.
“I’m in.”
Thank you for reading. I hope it was worth your time despite this being done so many times before me. Oh, and if you leave a comment or reblog, thank you. It is appreciated ❤️
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lyon-amore · 4 months
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I feel Jake's fingers passing over my body, sliding slowly, as if he were painting with them.
Slowly, I open my eyes, meeting his gaze. It is as if he is observing something precious.
I smile at his touch and he returns it with a small laugh.
The room is illuminated by only the light from the table behind me. And I'm grateful, because I can see Jake's face.
I cling to him, hugging him. It is our fourth meeting. Meeting that I don't want to forget like the rest.
But then I start to shake. I realize that fear takes over me thinking that I will wait for him again.
“Stay.” I whisper, placing my head in the crook of his shoulder “Please, Jake…stay with me more time.”
"You know I would like to do it, angel." he says, caressing my back. I notice the pain in his voice “It is what I want most.”
“And why don’t you do it?” I separated him a little, watching his eyes shine when he saw me again “I would never give you away. I would never say that you are here.”
"I know that, but I am afraid that because of me, they will come for you." he caresses my cheek and I lean into his hand "It is already being selfish of me to come see you every time I miss you, putting you in danger.”
Small tears escape me, along with a small sigh.
"Promise me you'll come back." I bring my hand to his face, brushing his bangs away.
Jake nods, kissing my lips. It's delicate. Almost like another soft caress.
"I always come back to you, you know that, but I promise you." he whispers after separating a few millimeters.
I nod and intertwine my legs with his.
I know he always comes back to me. I don’t doubt his words or his promise. Jake has kept every promise he has made to me, even if it was only for a short time.
And I trust that one day, we will be able to be anywhere without anyone stopping us.
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itsnotzka · 12 days
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Why, hello! Okay, I needed a break from other things, so I decided to finish this thingy. Nobody stopped me, so there you have it, haha ;)
Insomniac neighbors AU (:D) Fluff of sort?
Jake/MC (and Richy (mentioned)),
warning: strong language (just a few swear words :))
little over 3k words.
Read below or on Ao3.
Quiet was the night.
The faint murmurs of the city seeped through the open window, blending seamlessly with the gentle hum of his computer. The soft glow emanating from the screen delicately illuminated the room without overpowering the senses.
Outside, the city was sleeping. He sat alone, relishing in the tranquility around him. With a soft exhale, he allowed his eyelids to drift shut, surrendering to the serene stillness. A perfect way to spend the sleepless night.
His bliss did not last long, though. 
The tranquility he had just savored shattered like fragile glass as a series of loud thumps resounded from the apartment above, rudely intruding upon his peace. Rhythmic. Regular. Purposeful. It was as if someone—or something—was relentlessly pounding against the wall.
With a frustrated click of his tongue, he glanced upward, his thoughts already swirling with annoyance. This wasn't the first time, oh no. It was the third consecutive night of such disturbances. Three damn nights in a row, his sanctuary invaded by these unwelcomed noises. And, as the noise persisted, irritation simmered within him, threatening to boil over.
Because the nights, the nights were meant to be his and his alone. 
He closed his eyes once more in a futile effort to block out the noise. Yet, the relentless thumping persisted, refusing to be ignored.
Fine. Enough was enough.
With a sudden jolt, he stood up, the chair he had been sitting on spinning and nearly tipping over as he strode purposefully toward the door. He paid little heed to the possibility of disturbing his neighbors' intimate moments. Ready to demand they screw their bed to the wall, or simply screw each other elsewhere, he stepped into the hallway, slamming the door behind him. Without any hesitation, he began climbing the stairs two at a time. Before he could even start second-guessing his decision, he found himself knocking firmly on the door of the apartment directly above his own.
The thumping stopped immediately. For a brief moment, there was silence, then the sound of footsteps approaching.
Just as the door began to creak open, he wasted no time in venting his frustration. "Finally! I don't know if you even realize, but it's the fucking middle of the night and—oh, shit."
A step backward was his immediate reaction upon seeing the woman before him. It wasn't just the anger etched in her eyes, nor the furrowed brows and crossed arms that silenced him. No, it was the startling sight of her—all covered in red stains. From her shirt to her hands, even her face, she resembled a character straight out of a slasher movie. And when she casually wiped her sweaty forehead, leaving behind a conspicuous streak of crimson, his shock only deepened.
"Uh-huh. It's the middle of the night. And?" she sighed, seemingly unfazed by her unsettling appearance. "Do you need something? You're the one standing in my doorway, yelling."
“What the h–hell…” Stupefied, he could only manage a dumbfounded gesture, pointing incredulously at her with both of his hands, his eyes widening.
Her frown deepened at his reaction, but it was only after a moment that she glanced down at herself and her hands, noticing the streaks of red. With an amused scoff and a roll of her eyes, she dismissed his alarm. 
"Oh. It's paint, genius. I'm painting," she casually fixed a lone strand of hair that had fallen onto her forehead with her fingers stained red. "If I were a murderer, I'd be more careful. Don’t you think?"
His breath caught in his throat as he registered her words, a wave of relief washing over him. 
"Well, I suppose I'd rather confront a murderer, then!" he retorted, his voice regaining its composure. "At least I wouldn't have to deal with the constant banging on the walls at night, it seems. What the hell are you even doing?"
"I already told you, I'm painting," she shot back, her narrowed eyes fixing him with a glare. "And, excuse me, but aren't you that loud guy living in the apartment under me? The one who slams his doors no matter what, and always blocks my bike with his?"
"Am I? Well, maybe because your pretty urban bike with that ridiculously huge basket always takes up two spaces, mine included," he countered. "Learn to park, maniac. It’s not that hard! And keep it down! I’m trying to work!"
The young woman's laughter echoed through the hallway, genuine and hearty. "Unbelievable. And what are you doing at night that my painting bothers you so much, huh?"
"None of your fucking business what I do," he barked, jabbing an accusatory finger in her direction. "It's quiet hours, so either you stop banging on the walls or I'll report you. And then your bike!"
"Damn asshole," she hissed, her grip tightening on the door handle.
"At your service," he replied with a mocking bow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Have a good night, psycho. Red does not suit you, by the way."
Whether or not she heard his parting words remained uncertain, as she promptly slammed the door shut in his face. Fuming with anger, he turned on his heel, ready to storm back to his place. But as he reached the door and patted his pocket, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of his stomach.
"Oh, for fuck's sake, you’ve got to be kidding…" he muttered aloud, his hand coming up empty. He grabbed the doorknob, even though he knew it was a futile gesture without his keys.
Could he be that stupid? Could he really leave his apartment with nothing, not even his damn phone?
Apparently, he could.
With a frustrated grunt, he considered banging his forehead against the door in a fit of vexation but quickly dismissed the idea as both stupid and potentially painful.
And definitely loud.
Left with no other option, he reluctantly decided to seek help from the landlord. He cursed his luck because, of course, the landlord lived right next door to that dreadful neighbor who could easily pass for a murderess in the right lighting. Nevertheless, he really didn't like the idea of spending the rest of the night stranded in the hallway.
This time he climbed the stairs with deliberate steps, determined to handle the situation with a little more finesse. Walking to door number 33, he knocked softly, hoping the guy, by some miracle, wasn’t sleeping yet. Or was already awake. Whatever was closer. 
Yet, the silence that greeted him was quite deafening. Undeterred, he knocked once more, this time with slightly more force.
His heart skipped a beat as the door behind him creaked open, and a familiar voice broke the silence. "What happened? Is the landlord too noisy, too?" 
He spun on his heels, fingers clenching into tight fists at his sides. "Mind your own business, huh?" he retorted, frustrated. 
The young woman chuckled, pausing in her task of wiping away the stubborn red streak of paint from her face with a damp towel. "Richy's out for the night," she informed him, nodding toward the landlord’s apartment. "Whatever you need from him, it'll have to wait until morning."
"Well, isn't that just fucking perfect," he growled, more to himself than to her. 
Her laughter bubbled louder at his exasperation, head tilting slightly in amusement. Quickly, she covered her mouth, though, mindful of the late hour and not wanting to disturb the neighbors further. 
"Let me guess, genius," she remarked with a hint of amusement, her smile softening. "You locked yourself out. A smarty-pants like you? Aww, that’s so sad…" Her lips pursed in mock sympathy as she tried to wipe her hands of the remnants of red paint.
He snorted in response but remained silent. With determined strides, he made his way towards the stairs, fully prepared to spend the night wandering the city until morning. Passing her by without so much as a glance, he was about to descend when she called out to him.
"Okay, wait a minute," her voice caused him to pause mid-step. "I think I can help you out."
“No, thanks,” he snorted, turning to her, “You just want to gloat at my misfortune.”
Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she shook her head. "Maybe a little," she admitted playfully. "But you're the asshole here. I'm just the good-natured maniac whose pretty bike you keep blocking."
Her bluntness caught him off guard, and he regarded her with a mixture of surprise and skepticism. After a moment of contemplation, he let out a resigned sigh, realizing that he was indeed in a bit of a bind with very limited options.
"Come in, will you?" she urged when he didn’t respond. "I'll go get some tools."
"Tools?" he echoed, but she had already vanished inside, leaving him with no choice but to follow.
After a moment or two, he sighed and cautiously crossed the threshold of her apartment, his eyes scanning the space to locate where she had gone. The layout of the place mirrored his own, a spacious studio with an open living area. However, the differences in décor were quite obvious—unfinished paintings leaned against the walls, an easel stood in one corner with a canvas in progress, and sheets of paper littered various surfaces, each with vibrant splashes of color. The faint smell of fresh paint lingered in the air, and somehow it wasn't unpleasant at all. 
On the floor in the further corner of the room, his gaze landed on a toolbox, its lid slightly ajar. Beside it lay a hammer and a small painting, only partially framed.
The culprit of the noise. 
"Hey, what did you mean by tools–" he started, his voice trailing off as he took a few steps toward the bedroom, only to freeze in place.
She had already taken off her paint-stained flannel shirt and was in the process of pulling a red t-shirt over a snug tank top, the fabric clinging to her figure a little too perfectly. He felt a pang of unease, suddenly aware of his accidental intrusion into her personal space.
He barely had a moment to process his embarrassment before she turned around with a smile as she noticed him there, her laughter hitting his ears. Then, with a playful shake of her head and a casual run of her fingers through her messy dark hair, she made her way back into the living room. 
"So you're not just an asshole, but a voyeur, too?" she teased, her tone surprisingly light given the circumstances. "What a combination!"
"S–sorry," he mumbled, feeling a flush of embarrassment color his cheeks as he looked away. "I didn't mean to. I was just–" He clicked his tongue in frustration, struggling to find the right words. "In my defense, you disappeared, and I just wanted to–"
“Relax, eh? Let's open your door,” she interjected, her laughter cutting through his stumbling explanation as she patted him on the shoulder and moved toward a large toolbox.
"What? H–how?" he stammered stupidly, his gaze following her movements as she crouched next to the box, her fingers deftly rummaging through its peculiar contents.
"Yeah, well… Have you ever taken a closer look at me or my apartment?" she quipped, a wry lift of her eyebrow accentuating her point. "I'm the absolute embodiment of forgetfulness and scatterbrained tendencies, in case you haven't noticed. How many times do you reckon I've accidentally slammed that darn door and found myself locked out? Those locks might seem sturdy, but truth be told, they're quite easy to pick…"
He snorted in disbelief. "Wait, wait, hold on... Are you seriously thinking about picking my lock?"
"Why not?" she shrugged casually, as if it were the most natural suggestion in the world.
He opened his mouth to make a cutting remark, but found himself at a loss for words.
"Yup. You're crazy. I'm leaving," he declared, raising his hands in resignation as he turned towards the door.
“Well. Good luck, then!” she chuckled skeptically, waving to him with a small, thin screwdriver and what looked like a hairpin. “I hope your doormat is comfortable… You should know that Richy is on a date, and I guess it went very well, so I have no idea what time he'll be back. Might as well be late in the afternoon. Or in the evening.”
He paused, a mix of disbelief and fascination flickering across his face as he turned back to look at her. Despite the paint smudges and the aura of chaos surrounding her, there was a peculiar glint in her eyes that felt oddly genuine and dependable. Bold. Daring.
"This can’t be happening…” he muttered, his fingers instinctively finding their way to pinch the bridge of his nose.
She only chuckled further, “If it makes you feel any better, the first time it took me about 3 hours to get inside.”
“So you've… really done this before?" he inquired tentatively.
She burst into laughter, her amusement almost contagious. "Yup. I do this every two weeks or so. My own door, of course! But don't let Richy in on my little secret. I just don’t want to bother him too much..."
He hesitated, uncertain whether to trust someone whose toolbox contained an eclectic mix of brushes, paints, and all variety of tools. As he pondered, his gaze drifted to the paintings adorning the walls behind her.
"Hey… Did you paint those yourself?" he asked, pointing to the colorful canvases, most of which were saturated in shades of red.
"Of course. Why do you ask? Want some proof?" she retorted, crossing her arms over her chest, the screwdriver still held loosely in her hand. “Or are you about to critique my masterpieces?”
"No, I just— I... I've seen similar ones. All over the city. In different places," he explained, his voice trailing off uncertainly.
Her brow furrowed in confusion, her gaze narrowing as she processed his words, rising from her spot on the floor. "You mean that street art?"
He fell silent for a moment, his eyes lingering on her still paint-splattered face. "Are they yours? They are, aren’t they?"
"Planning to report that too?" she shot back, a hint of sarcasm lacing her tone as she held his gaze. "Just like my bike and the alleged noise at night? You know you have no evidence for any of it!"
"No, it's not that," he chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm just curious. I really like those paintings. The ones in the city, I mean. I never would've guessed someone like you could be the artist behind them."
“I didn’t say I was.”
"Come on," he gestured towards the red figure on the canvas, "They're identical to the ones in the city. These simple, faceless cat-like characters doing all sorts of amazing little things. Cleverly hidden in various, unexpected places."
"No, they're most definitely not identical," she huffed, striding up to the painting. "Can't you see something's missing in mine?"
"Yes, those big eyes painted with thick black lines, right? Sometimes other details, too. Very distinctive."
"Distinctive my ass! They're just stupid doodles that someone painted on real things!" she retorted, her frustration evident as she gestured toward the artwork.
"Do you really think so? People seem to like them. Have you seen all those pictures all over the web? They got quite popular, at least in the city. They even got a name, what was it…" He rubbed his stubbled chin, trying to recall.
"Night Watchers," the woman sighed, resigned.
"Right," he grinned with an odd sense of satisfaction, "Night Watchers. I like it."
"Well, I don’t!" she snapped, pointing her sharp screwdriver at him once again. "Those doodles are crude and primitive. And so are those who paint them!"
"Fine, fine!,” he laughed, raising his hands in surrender. “You're strangely defensive here, and we're just talking about graffiti, you know? Are you sure they're not yours?"
"Forget it," she sighed, taking her keys and waving them in front of his nose. "Come on. I’ll get you and your arrogant ass home."
He opened his mouth to protest, but seeing her determination, he realized there was no point. Without hesitation, she strode down the corridor, and he hastened to follow.
As they reached his apartment door, the young woman wasted no time in kneeling down, her movements fluid and assured as she began to work on the lock. He watched her with a mix of fascination and disbelief, the scene unfolding before him like something out of a movie. Here he was, in the dead of night, entrusting a stranger with the task of breaking into his own home. and not just a stranger. It was a surreal moment, one he never could have anticipated.
"My name’s Charlie, by the way," she muttered suddenly, her voice cutting through the silence. Despite her focus on the task at hand, there was a hint of warmth in her tone. "You can tell me yours, or I can keep calling you an asshole. Whatever you prefer."
He snorted in slight disbelief, recalling the last name written on an intercom, “Okay, hold on. You want to tell me your name is Charlie Brown*?”
She turned to him, her expression serious and unfazed, “Charlie Brown. Got a problem with that?”
“No, it's…” he scratched his head, trying to contain his smile to a minimum, “It's just cut– curious. That's all. Fits an artist, I guess.”
“Uh-huh. So?” her gaze focused on the lock once more, “Do you want me to keep calling you an asshole?”
"Tempting," he conceded, leaning against the railing with a wry smile. "But my name is Jake."
“Well then, Jake…” Charlie's fingers danced over the lock, her touch deft and precise. With a soft click, the lock surrendered, and she pushed the door open. "Welcome home." Her grin was triumphant as she got up and gestured for him to enter.
“I'll consider this as compensation for disturbing my peace,” he sighed, stepping past her as he finally made his way back to his place. But then, as he glanced back at her, he nodded slowly. "Thank you, Charlie. You'd make a very good burglar."
“Yeah… No problem,” she rolled her eyes, “Suppose us insomniacs have to stick together. No matter how annoying you are.”
Jake’s shoulders shook with silent mirth, “Yes, well. It was… interesting to finally meet you, Charlie Brown. And you actually do look good in red… when it’s not all over you,” he casually pointed to her t-shirt.
“Screw you, Jake,” her eyes crinkled at the corners as she snorted at him, “See you around.”
He watched her vanish down the hallway, a smile lingering on his lips. Then, with a soft click, he closed the door behind him, careful not to make a sound.
. . ………………… . . 
She came to an abrupt stop, her fingers tightening around her phone as she squinted at the grimy wall of the aging city building. Until quite recently, it had served as a canvas for her creativity. The playful red figure mid-jump over the rope – the cable swaying from the electrical box nearby.
Now, however, it was something entirely different.
Thick, bold lines appeared on her little masterpiece. A bike now dominated the scene, but not just any bike. It was a truly whimsical rendition, making the red figure no longer leaping but riding that damn bike with carefree abandon. A large basket adorned the front, and right in it—a brush, and a screwdriver.
And there were those eyes. Those unmistakable, big, doodle-like eyes.
A laugh had to leave her lips, disbelief and amusement fighting with each other, as she read the small writing underneath. 
Coffee tonight? 
“That damn asshole…” 
. . ………………….. . . 
*You all probably know this well, but Charlie Brown is a character from the comic Peanuts :) 
Thanks for reading! Leave a comment, share, let me know what you think ;) <3
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shane-mc · 1 year
Pregnant MC waking up at 1 am craving for something.
MC: Jake, babe. Wake up!
Jake: Mmmm... babe, what is it?
MC: I want it. I want it right now. I need to touch it.
Jake: MC, it's 1 am. Can you just wait until later? I promise as soon as you wake up it's there.
MC: No! I want it right now!
Jake: Ok fine!
Jake talking to someone on the phone.
Jake: Hello, it's happening again.
XXXX: What? Common man! I'm working here. Can you try to do something with that?
Jake: Don't you think I did? And let me remind you that I hate this but what can I do, it's what my pregnant wife's craving. I can't go against her. Do it or I'll hack your bank account.
XXXX: Agh fine! Give me a few minutes.
Jake ended the call. After a while, someone rang their doorbell. Jake went to the door to get it and he let the person in.
Jake: She's in our room.
The person went inside the room and Jake followed him.
MC: Phil! I'm so happy to see you!
Phil: I wish I could say the same. I want to see you MC but not like this. At this time and with your weird craving. But here, you can touch my hair!
MC started to caress Phil's hair.
MC: Awww, thank you Phil. Wow, your hair is really silky. What's your conditioner again?
Phil and Jake both just sighed.
A/N: I don't know what's gotten into my mind but I just had to write it. 🤭 Yes, it's a really weird craving. 😂
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Tumblr media
Do you trust me?
The young hacker's fingers quickly typed across the keyboard, Yes. Maybe a bit too desperate, he thought, biting his lip. How could he answer her question without just putting himself out there again?
Would I have given you access to Hannah's cloud if I didn't?
But you don't me like that
Damn, MC was once again right. He barely knew anything about this mysterious girl, but somehow he felt like he did. It was as if they were supposed to meet, like their souls were coincidentally but eternally bound.
Maybe Jessy isn't the only person who felt an immediate connection with you.
Damn, Jake. What an idiot, what the heck was he doing?! He immediately berated himself, his fingers were betraying him, or was it his mind? He didn't know, but whatever it was, it wasn't safe.
Is that a compliment?
It is. I will talk to you later, MC.
Jake quickly logged off, heartbeat racing. He could feel sweat on his forehead as he wiped black, wavy hair from his eyes. Was he seriously blushing? Oh god, this was not good.
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hiramaris · 4 months
Dusk Fragments #3
Summary: He has you by his side but your heart has always been with her. It's a battle he knew he'd lost anyway.
Pairing: Platonic Jake x Gender Neutral MC & Mentions of Jessy x Gender Neutral MC & Jake x OC
“You're staring.”
Jake's eyes darted from you to turn to the redhead before him. Her voice was gentle but great amusement was dancing across her cerulean orbs. The stinging pain from the cotton ball this person– Aerith, he reminded himself– was using to dab across his cheek- was a harsh reminder of his current predicament. It felt like a bee sting, and he couldn't help but wince.
Jake closed his eyes momentarily. He'd been dying to close them for minutes already, but the temptation to look and observe you had always been stronger. Maybe if he didn't open them, he could pretend he hadn't been caught staring by your subordinate of all people.
“Chief got you good, huh?” Aerith continued as she tended to his wounds, her touch surprisingly gentle despite the situation.
Jake slightly opened one tired eye, and it didn't escape him how her gaze wandered towards you. You were currently engrossed in a serious conversation with Charlotte. Your eyes occasionally glanced toward their spot, which told him he was probably the topic of conversation with Charlotte.
"They have to do it, you know?" Aerith's voice brought him back to the present.
“Who?” Jake asked simply despite knowing exactly who she was talking about.
“Chief L/n.”
Jake fell silent for a moment, contemplating whether he should discuss these matters with anyone other than you. “I know Y/n’s plans. We have talked about this possibility long before something went wrong with our plans.”
Aerith raised an eyebrow. “I figured. You wouldn't be willingly so compliant with us if the chief hadn't told you anything.”
 “What do you mean?” Jake's voice was gruff, still carrying the discomfort from the injuries he'd sustained. He winced slightly as Aerith applied a bandage to one of his facial cuts that you had given him.
Aerith didn’t speak for a moment, choosing to grab some bandage to put on some cuts he had on his face. You really got him good; broken nose, a couple of bruises and cuts, and all that.
"You'd given CIA some trouble pinning you down, you know? Not that I'm surprised given how incompetent their system is. If I were assigned to track you down, I would have wrapped it up before it all went sideways,” she remarked, a smug grin playing on her lips. Jake, despite his current state, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her audaciousness. “Anyway, what I mean is... a man of your nature would pretty much prefer to be killed or be locked up rather than work with us. You were pretty vocal about your hatred of us, so it was quite surprising to see you being so compliant.”
“I trust, Y/n,” Jake answered almost automatically like it was normal as breathing. Like it was supposed to be the only reason. But even though he said that, a part of him is starting to question his own beliefs.
“Yeah, sure.” Aerith eyes him skeptically, unable to believe his words. “After they beat you up earlier in front of hundreds of agents and CIA officials no less, can you still say that you trust our Chief?”
The memory flashed back in his mind for a brief moment. Despite his absolute trust in you, he couldn’t help the sudden fear that bubbled up in him when you walked towards him earlier. Eyes devoid of emotions met his helpless ones as you kicked and tossed him around in front of so many people.
Feeling such enormous pain spiking up in his body almost broke his resolve. It almost made him think that he was truly indeed captured by you, and he’ll probably meet his demise in your hands.
However, he knew you. He knew you better than he knew anyone else, even himself. And he knew that the act was part of a grander scheme, a plan that involved protecting something much bigger. But that didn't mean it was easy to endure.
“I was beginning to question that myself.” He couldn't help but mutter, voice hoarse from his throat feeling so dry.
Aerith laughed softly at that. “Don't take it to heart though. Chief had to do that to ensure your custody falls on us rather than the CIA. And I guarantee you that we are the best shot you got."
Jake continued to eye her skeptically. He was only here because he trusted your words. But in this unfamiliar territory, trust was a fragile thing.
“I'm going to be blunt. CIA wants you dead,” Aerith stated matter-of-factly as she handed him an ice pack for the swelling bruise on his right eye, her demeanor remarkably casual given the gravity of her words. “Chief had to take drastic measures to prevent that from happening.”
“Beating me up sounds so helpful,” Jake mumbled sarcastically. He wasn’t angry at you by any means, but he was rather frustrated about the whole situation. The only thing he was holding onto was the words you had told him when you were both in the car, and that was what kept him going.
“Can you maybe stop predicting things, Jake?”
“You and I both know how this will all end.”
“Do we?” You challenged, a small smirk creeping into your features. “Maybe we should start trying for a few alternatives.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know if you’ll approve but I think I can help your defection to the FBI.”
“Y/n, they are after me, remember? In what world would they allow me to have clearance?”
“As far as I’m concerned only the CIA wants your head and we’re just tasked to capture you. But what if, Jake? What if you prove that your skills will be valuable to our Agency?”
“It does.” Aerith’s answer made him snap back to reality. “Chief has to make sure that our Agency is fully capable of controlling, even subduing you if necessary. By beating you up, it serves that the Chief held you by the neck.”
Jake pursed his lips, almost wincing due to the cut on his lips. It felt like this woman was spouting nonsense but the possibility that was your way to help him, never mind that it hurts like hell, is something that he could see you’ll do.
"I see."
“You're staring again.”
Jake sighed, realizing that his eyes had been locked on your figure. You were slouched in your office chair, engrossed in your phone, staring at what seemed to be a picture of Jessy. There was a distant longing in your eyes that Jake wished he could fulfill, but he knew well enough that he couldn't be the one you were yearning for.
“What do you want?” His voice came out colder than he intended. However, Aerith didn't seem to mind.
“Chief said that people like us who spend most of our time in front of our computers find it difficult to connect with people and understand their feelings,” she mused as she swiveled her chair back and forth.
The office around them was quiet, with only the soft hum of computers and distant chatter from other agents. It was a stark contrast to the intensity of their recent missions, a temporary respite from the action.
“And your point is?”
“Tell me if I'm wrong but it seemed to me that you are harboring unrequited feelings for our Chief.”
Jake raised an eyebrow, taken aback by her blunt assessment. “And what, pray tell, made you come to that conclusion?”
She shrugged, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. “I have never met someone who could tear my eyes away from a computer screen for as long as you just did. You’ve been staring at Chief for minutes already! Either you like the Chief or you’re probably planning their murder already, which is highly unlikely, so I assumed it would be the former."
“You’re awfully perceptive, it’s scary.”
“It’s a perk one must have if you have to be in Gamma,” Aerith replied nonchalantly, leaning back in her chair. “You’ve worked with Chief before, right? Then you have probably seen firsthand how scarily perceptive and manipulative they are.”
Jake raised an eyebrow at that but did not comment.
"In a good way, of course!" She hastily added, realizing her choice of words might sound negative.
Jake sighed and nodded. "Y/n is a good agent. They manage to notice things I wouldn’t. And their emotional intelligence is something that shouldn’t be overlooked."
Aerith grinned, seemingly satisfied with his response. "Well, our Chief has sung nothing but praises about you. Not that we need another hacker in our team because I’m awesome already,” she began to quip making Jake quirk a small smile behind his mask, “but I can say it's a relief to know that someone as capable as you are on our team. Let's just hope Chief doesn't catch on to your... affections. It could get complicated."
Jake's expression grew serious. “I don't intend to let it affect our work. Y/n is a dedicated leader, and I respect that.”
Aerith chuckled. “Well, let's just hope your feelings don't get in the way of your judgment.”
Jake didn't reply, but his troubled expression spoke volumes.
“You shouldn’t be staring.”
Jake pursed his lips but didn’t tear his eyes away from the monitor. He had spent months already hearing this voice so he was already familiar with it.
“I think I should be. This is our task after all.”
“I think the right word should be ‘watching.’” Aerith points out with an eyebrow raised. “We need to watch all 50 monitors not one.”
He sighed. She’s right. He shouldn’t be just watching the monitor you’re only in. Such incompetence could compromise not only this mission but as well as his clearance.
Watching every monitor is of importance as such it will help you navigate your way through your culprit’s location without compromising your presence to them. And that’s where the tech team comes through. The Tech team comprises Aerith and him so technically they’re not too many in the team but as a person who’s used to working alone, he felt like it was too crowded.
He’d like to think that’s the case but in reality, it just doesn’t feel the same when he’s not working with you. Aerith is a good company, but she’s not you.
“I am just wondering if it’s such a good idea for Y/n to be alone infiltrating the base and we’re just here watching and sitting when we could be much of help to them.”
“Chief prefers to work alone. We’re just here to provide any means they may need if such a situation arises. In any case that we’ll be there with them, we’re just going to be a liability to them.” Jake was about to open his mouth, but Aerith continued speaking. “Even if they need backup, they would have brought Charlotte and the others with them.”
“But the others have their own mission to attend to.”
“Exactly. This is why it’s just the three of us.” Aerith rolls her eyes at him before throwing a snack bar on his face that he almost barely caught. “So sit your ass down and let’s do our job.”
“What were you thinking, Jake?” Your voice rises significantly at every syllable and Jake could only stare at you. “I already got it! You shouldn’t have done that! What if you got killed for Christ’s sake!”
“I’m not gonna say ‘I told you so.’” Aerith whispered against him as Jake found himself being bandaged again by her.
As it seems, Jake doesn’t have the presence of mind to think about his own safety whenever he sees you’re in trouble. After Aerith told him to just do their jobs, his eyes caught one of the monitors of a room next to where you are. There were at least a dozen armed people waiting for you at the door.
Aerith was busy barking up warnings your way to notice Jake bolting out of the van and into the scene. Long story short, his impulsiveness got him shot in his shoulder, the mission was a success despite some shortcomings and now, you’re mad at him.
“I’m sorry,” he mutters so low that Aerith might be the only one who heard it. “There’s just so many of them… I–“ he paused and finally looked at you. “I just don’t want to lose you.”
The fire in your eyes didn’t die down at his words and Jake knew then it wasn’t the right choice of words.
“I’m not yours to lose.” Your reply was swift and unthinkable. It doesn’t need thinking because Jake knew it was a fact. You were not his to lose. Never were and never will.
It felt like a punch in the gut. Hell, that hurt much more than the bullet that pierced his skin, and yet he didn’t know how to react. In fact, he’s not sure what his face looked like right now and he badly hopes you couldn’t see in his eyes how those words affected him.
Even Aerith froze at your choice of words but remained quiet. She knew this was a subject matter she shouldn’t even be hearing.
It took a moment of silence before your words sank in you. Closing your eyes, you plopped down the nearest cushion before addressing the redhead, “Ae, are you done? Can you give us a moment, please?”
“I’m just about done,” Aerith replies as she secures the last gauze on Jake’s arms. She stood up, “I’m just going to buy some coffee. You guys need anything? Uhm… no? Okay.”
When Aerith left, Jake didn’t dare to look up from his seat but the feeling of the cushion pressing down beside him let him know you sat down next to him.
“I’m sorry,” you began, “I shouldn’t have said that.”
“No… I shouldn't have said what I said. What I did was foolish as well.”
A firm hand was placed on his shoulder, forcing him to look up. “I’m sorry for forcing you into a life like this. I know this isn’t what you had in mind.”
“Don’t worry about it, Y/n. There’s not much choice in the matter. Either I get killed, die in prison, or join your team.”
“I know. But if you hadn’t come into the mine with me, you wouldn’t have ended up here.”
“It’s my choice. I wanted to ensure you’re safe. And that stands until now.”
“Jake…” You sighed. “You shouldn’t be making a choice based on me. Look where it’s gotten you. You’re stuck in a job you didn’t want under the same people who were chasing after you a couple of months ago.”
“I have no regrets, Y/n. I hope you know that.” He said firmly. “I don’t ever regret meeting you, knowing you and…” he paused, not sure if it’s even appropriate to say it, but he said it anyway,” loving you.”
He can see you’re trying to make a neutral expression, but your eyes never fail to hide what you truly feel, and yet this time, he saw it beneath the cracks of your mask. There was a brief surprise in them. If it’s a surprise about his feelings for you or the fact that Jake finally voices out the words that remained unspoken for months, he didn’t know which.
For someone like Jake who has known warmth solely from the presence of his mom, his beanie and hoodie, and his ever-trusty laptop, he never knew what loving and caring for someone feels like, however, his actions for the past months have been more vocal than his voice ever could. And for someone perceptive as you, he wouldn’t be surprised you’d already catch on his feelings the first week.
It also didn’t help when he found out that you have taken a particular liking to Jessica Hawkins. So even without confessing, he already knew he lost the battle without even starting.
“I’m not saying this for you to say it back.” He continued after a minute of deafening silence. “Just…” He clenches his fist. “Just let me feel this, Y/n. It will go away eventually. Just give me some time.” Some time to desensitize myself from the ache I’m feeling from having you but not truly having you.
You gazed at him, your lips parting briefly before closing as if you were about to say something but decided against it. You visibly swallowed, your eyes staring deep into his soul that Jake wanted to look away. “I care about you, too.” You settled on.
There was an unspoken sentence beneath those words. You cared about him. Just not the extent he wanted it to be.
“I’ve had a lot of people die under my watch. Please don’t be one of them, too.” Tears started to gather at the corner of your eyes. But you didn’t dare let them fall. Instead, you leaned back, resting against the headrest, your eyes fixated on the unseen sky beyond the van's roof. “I don’t want to lose you.”
Your words echoed his own ones making him freeze on the spot.
Had he been selfish all this time? Focusing on his love for someone who already loves someone else? Focusing on you while you were busting your ass making sure he won’t be killed?
I don’t know.
You love him. You care for him. You’re here with him. Even though it isn’t the type of love and care he wants, it was always there for him. You were giving it to him without asking anything but to stay and be alive for you. It should be enough. It should have been enough.
The ache in his chest began to dissipate, replaced by a comforting warmth swelling within him. Taking a deep breath, he mustered up the courage to take your cold hands against his warm ones. A flash of surprise flickered in your eyes, but you didn’t dare pull your hands away.
“I don’t want to lose you either.” He mutters softly. This time his words didn’t anger you. It was then you knew what he meant. That he understood what you said and he finally understood what to do about what he feels.
“You’re staring.”
Jake blinked at the redhead before him. Somehow this scene felt awfully familiar. But this time, Aerith wasn’t here to dress his wounds nor were his eyes glued at your back.
In the passing weeks, he realized a newfound appreciation for the color red. Not the crimson of blood, but the allure of red lips, fiery hair, and flushed cheeks. When did he develop a fondness for such a hue?
“Keep staring at me like that and I’m starting to think you’re crushing on me.” Aerith teased, her voice filled with a playful arrogance, pulling him back from his trance—clue: red hair.
"I'm not staring," he weakly defended himself. He was glad he kept the mask on. It saves him in such embarrassing prepositions like this. He mutters a soft ‘thanks’ when Aerith places the cup of coffee and a slice of red velvet cake in front of him.
Yeah, definitely not staring. Aerith can only snicker as she watches Jake’s dark orbs follow her every move.
A/n: Sorry for the long wait, guys. This has been in my drafts for months and I wasn't able to finish it when my Internship started. I was so busy I barely had the energy to write. Then the holidays came and yeah, I only got the motivation now to finish it. Anyway, just wanted to point out that I wanted to write these one-shots in different POVs. After this, I promise we're going to get crumbs on our favorite couple. Though I cannot promise I'll be able to write the next one soon. Thanks for the wait! Adios!
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zmayadw · 9 months
- Unforgettable Lullaby -
Duskwood Jake x GN!Mc Oneshot
A/N: Hello lovlies! 😊 I hope you're all well and enjoyin your summer and that there are still some of you interested in reading some Duskwood content! 😊💚
It's nothing special, but I hope you will still find it likeable! As always, don't mind any mistakes you might stumble across, and happy reading! 😊💚
It was just another usual night for Mc and Jake - him lying with his laptop on his stomach, sharply focusing on the screen in front of him, with numbers and letter from codes reflecting in his eyes; Mc with a book in their hands, eyes hungrily jumping from one word to another and fingers excitedly turning page after page as the entrancing story came to its end.
With a slightly melancolich sigh, Mc close the book and place it on the night stand next to the bed.
By now, Jake got to know them so well, that by the time they lowered the book, he was already prepared - his laptop closed and sittuated next to him, left arm stretched and slightly lifted as he waited for Mc to turn and lay their head on his chest so he can hug them.
He just held them like that, silently, feeling Mc's body relaxing more and more with each slow and steady breath they both took.
"Another sad story?" he inquiers softly after he estimated enough time passed for their emotions over the book subsided enough.
"Yes, and no." Mc begins "The end was kinda saddish, but all in all, the book was really great."
Mc fall silent after that, and Jake knew better than to ask any more questions - during their time together, he also came to realization that if they wish to say more they would on their own.
He just let himself enjoy this simple, yet for him amazing moment, in which their breaths were perfectly synchronized, and no words were necessary between them.
"Do you remember any lullaby from when you were little?"
"A lullaby?" he repeats surprised at their unexpected question and chuckles "Where did that came from?"
He could feel Mc smile before speaking "It's just - it was mentioned in the book, and for some reason it got stuck with me. Just - just ignore it."
And in that moment he did remember- a melody he could never forget, even though the memory of some words faded. A seren voice of his mother, gently lulling him into dream world, and the soft touch of her palm on his cheek. Unforgettable, indeed.
"I do remember." he say after a moment, making Mc begin to feel a little bad, noticing a wistful tone of his voice.
"I'm sorry if this isn't something you want to talk about, it's fine. Just forget about it."
"Oh, no no, it's all right, angel." he smiles and give them a reasuring rub on the arm. "It's kinda like with your book, both sad and a happy memory. Well precisely, definitely more happy. It's - it's just that I haven't thought about it for a while, so..."
"Yeah, I understand what you mean."
They fall silent again, each lost deep in their thoughts.
"Would you sing it to me?"
It took a moment for Mc themself to realize what came out of their mouth, but before they could even say something Jake cut them "I can't."
"Ugh, just ignore me and my stupid brain, I wasn't thinking at all. Forget about it!"
They were already feeling like a fool, and when Jake started laughing, the feeling just got worse.
"I didn't say I don't want to," he quickly speak, as he could feel Mc's embarrassment without the need to see their face "it's that I can't, because I don't remember all the words of it."
"Oh, ok." was all they managed to say, that feeling of embarrassment still quite present.
"But I could humm it to you, if you'd like."
"Really?" They were so surprised with his offer, feeling happy as a little kid "I would love that very much!"
Jake chuckles again and pulls Mc closer "All right then, make yourself comfortable and close your eyes."
He waited for Mc to situate, and when they were both still for a few seconds, he too close his eyes and begins to humm.
And once again, the memory and images of his mother gently lulling him to sleep flood his mind, her seren voice softly echoing along his humming, enciting a blissful smile to his face.
As for Mc - the gentle humming and the sound of Jake's strong and steady heartbeats worked like a charm, and soon them too drifted off to peaceful sleep.
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hackerqueen · 9 months
In The Stars
author's note: i missed writing one shots (you also know that i love writing sad stories) hope you like it!
She couldn't tell fact from fiction anymore.
She hadn't slept through the night in so long because thoughts of him haunted her constantly. Every attempt to nap ended the same way. With her eyes closed, she saw the hundreds of messages she exchanged with him. From the worst ones, where both lacked hope, but their presence gave them strenght, to the sweet ones, where they forgot about the world around them. Where the group, the Hannah search or the government didn't matter. Where they were just two people who were blindly in love with each other. Where in these small moments they could breathe a sigh of relief and find their own definition of peace.
She was reliving them all. And she regretted so much that those moments were so few. That she didn't get to know him fully. That they did not experience what other lovers in great romantic novels did.
Despite the passage of time, she could not come to terms with it, much less erase it from her memory. Then it was all about him. Every thought, every dream or whisper in her head. She never expected his departure to be so painful. The hole that was still bleeding in her heart was making her breathing more shaky than normal. Every day she fell apart, only to put herself back together again in the evening. However, after the nightmares that haunted her at night, the morning came when she had to face the world again, pretending that she was still alive, even though she couldn't live anymore.
Every day she tried to forget everything. Get rid of every memory left of him. But she felt him all the time. And she was sure that she will always feel him.
A few months later she was sitting on the edge of the roof, her legs hanging loosely and the cool night wind chilling her body. The night was absolutely beautiful. A full moon and thousands of stars illuminated her face. With a sigh, she reached into the pocket of her black sweatshirt to pull out the box of pills she put away each day. She poured some into her palm and swallowed them without sipping. She closed her eyes, blowing steam from her mouth due to the low temperature. She tried to let herself feel the blissful state she usually felt after the drugs that somehow allowed her to fight another day.
– Bad day?
Hearing a soft voice behind her, she immediately opened her eyes and turned her head.
He was standing there. In the darkness of the night she couldn't see his face, but the silhouette of the hacker made her feel a longed-for peace. A pleasant warmth spread inside her, as if someone had poured hot water on her frozen body.
– You are here. – she whispered in a trembling voice – You're here again.
She watched as he started walking towards her, nodding his head in response. He sat down next to her. His face was still blurred as if pixelated, but she could recognize his blue eyes, which were always calm, harmonious, and warm. So much warmth that could have lulled her to sleep. They felt so real that once again she was sure it was really him.
– You know these meetings of ours are... – He paused and scratched the back of his neck, searching for the right word. – Alarming.
She smiled. However, the smile did not last long, because after a few moments tears stung under her eyelids and she was not going to stop them. Not here and not with him.
– You can't keep doing this.
– I'm trying to quit it, all the time, but it's just too hard. – she looked down at her lap and he took her hand
But she felt nothing but coldness and lasting emptiness.
Then she burst into even more sobs that shook her whole body. She choked on it, as she had that night when she found out about the mine explosion.
– Please don't cry. – he said softly as his other hand caressed her cheek where he was wiping away the tears – It's okay.
– No, it's not. – she croaked – Tell me what I can do to make you stay? What can I do so you won't leave?
He looked straight into her eyes, still gently holding her cheek, on which he was drawing patterns unknown to her with his thumb.
– You can't do anything because you know perfectly well that I'm not..
– Please don't say that – she whimpered, looking pleadingly into his eyes
She didn't want to hear it because each time it felt like the hole in her heart was growing even bigger.
– I'm not here, MC.
The words vanished into the air with the gust of wind. MC squeezed her eyes shut as more hot tears ran down her face. She hated those moments. She hated them because even though she knew he was right, she still couldn't accept it.
She opened her eyes and the seat next to her was empty. He hadn't been there for long, endless months. He never showed up. It was only an illusion and an image of her riddled psyche, which she could not part with. It was the last thing left of him.
It's been five whole months. She knew that tomorrow would be another day when no one would notice that something was wrong. And she would come back here again to feel his presence for a while. In the middle of the night, where only the stars will witness their meeting. She knew it was bad for her. But she couldn't muster the courage to say goodbye.
More than anything in the world, she wished Jake would still haunt her.
"I don't wanna say goodbye, 'cause this one means forever
And now you're in the stars and six-feet's never felt so far
Here I am alone between the heavens and the embers"
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raccoonempire · 9 months
I've been on tumblr exactly 2 years now and I wanted to make something for it buuuuuut bc of certain things I've not been able to do anything. However I did check my notes and found this very short.. uhh oneshot..? I made long time ago. This was just a random (and badly written) idea which I thought would never be seen by anyone🥴 Probably full of mistakes too
The key.
"I finally have a plan to get you all out of this." My breathing was heavy while I texted in the group chat. Now I could not back away.
Lilly was the first one answering, "We all know your plans. They always get some of us killed!"
She was right. I've messed up big time. The dead were still in the group chat, as a memory, like Thomas once said.
"I promise you don't need to do anything. Just delete this group chat." This is what he wants.
"???? How that helps anything?!" Lilly continued writing. "Are you just trying to get away from all this and leave us to deal with this by ourselves?! This is all your fault!!"
I've started to relax a little though tears were falling from my eyes. I couldn't bare with this pain.
"Once this is done you will never hear from me.. nor him ever again. You'll be free." I hear knocking on my window. He's already here.
"I know nothing can bring back your friends or sister but this is the least I can do. Please take care of yourself." And with that I closed my phone and dropped it beside me on the bed. He had entered the house and I could feel him watching me.
"I did my part. Now do you keep your promise?" I asked out loud.
"Don't worry, your friends will be safe now. I only need you to come with me.. the so called key." I heard the answer from a dark doorframe I had turned around to look at.
I shouldn't be too surprised. I always knew it was me who he was really after.
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x3kristax3 · 1 year
Selfish in Love
⚠️warning: emotional damange... you will probably hate me then love me.
She always wanted to get married, wanted it to be perfect. Today it was just that, everything she had planned since she was a little girl. Her grandfather is preaching the service which is just a small one to save her daddy some money.
He walks to where all the bridal party is and knocks on the door. Her mom opens it with the biggest smile. Since he entered MC life her family took him in like he was one of them. When he saw her wearing the wedding gown his heart broke. She still had her back to him as she was talking to Jessy.
When Jessy saw him she hinted for MC to turn around. As she did her flowy dress twirled with her and she saw him standing there in a black suit. He walked up to her with a smile on her face but he saw the nerves. The nerves no one else wanted to mention.
"Everyone besides Jake out please" she states and everyone else leaves us alone.
He grabs her hand and feels her nerves, she shouldn't be this nervous on her wedding day. She is though because she's not marrying the man she wants. They had fallen in love and he pushed her away because of being a wanted hacker. She sought love from someone else but always her heart belonged to him. However she knew when she sent those invitations that it was too late to go back and undo the damage done.
He grabs the flash from his jacket pocket and hands it to her. She takes a sip of the whiskey and hands him the flask. It calms her nerves slightly and she watches him take a gulp. He doesn't put away knowing she's going to want more so she grabs it taking another drink. 
They had yet to exchange words but with how well they knew each other words weren't needed at this moment. She fights back the tears as she looks into his blue eyes and she turns around facing away from him to stop herself from saying what she wants to say.
"MC, just say it please." Jake states putting his hand on her back.
"I can't, I'm marrying Alan, Jake." She puts the flask down, not looking at him.
"I understand," his voice is low as he grabs the flask and walks away from her.
She hears the door close shut and no one else is in there with her. She clenches her fist as the memories with him flood her brain. She hears the door open and she turns around. She sees her gorgeous red haired maid of honor and the look on her face.
"MC, you don't have to do this," her voice is tender as she holds both sets of flowers. She knows her best friend all too well. She knows those feelings for Jake never went away even though she swears they did.
"Lets go," MC states as she takes a deep breath and grabs the flowers. She walks out the door and sees her father there he has tears in his eyes which doesn't help her tear's thinking about everything. He hands her a handkerchief to wipe them away and she does just that.
The wedding is simple in the country with magnolia's. As the music starts Alan turns around and she sees that smile of his. She should be feeling the same but those nerves have returned. She walks with her father to Alan and he gives her to him. Her grandfather says the vows and she hears Alan say I do. She says her vows but when it comes time to say I do in her heart she cant. She looks over the crowd and sees Jake and looks back at Alan. She sees the heartbreak she's causing him by standing by her but not saying those words.
"I'm sorry" she whispers and runs down the aisle.
Alan stands there watching her run away as he stands there unsure what just happened. He looks over the crowd and sees Jake follow her. Alan wants to stop him but he can't. He knew MC's heart didn't belong to him and they tried to act like it did.
Jake goes running after her. He lost sight of her a few times but finally found her standing there. He knows she's crying without even seeing her but with her back to him she looks stunning with the wind and the water.
"MC,'' Jake calmly calls for her.
She doesn't answer she's lost in thought trying to figure out where she went wrong. Why she let it get to this point before she broke it off. She doesn't hear anyone until she feels a hand on her back and she gets spooked. She turns her head and sees those blue eyes and black hair looking at her. Even in her heels he still stands taller than her. 
He grabs her face and wipes the tears away but they don't stop. He pulls her into his chest, rubbing her back.
"What happened?" Jake asks in a soft tone lifting her head up as he looks into her hazel eyes.
"I can't marry the man who doesn't hold my heart," she manages to get out between the tears. She puts her hands on his wrist and holds on tight. Afraid if she lets go he will disappear again.
Without saying anything he leans in towards her and she leans in their lips lock. They both realize at this moment that they should have been the ones standing at the altar today in a small wedding. Their hearts are connected together and have been since that first text. Nothing and no one in this world or any other will ever change that they are soulmates.
She pulls away, looking into his eyes full of love at this moment. "Jake, I need you to say it," her words break her heart as she's unsure if he will.
"MC, please don't marry him. I love you. I shouldn't have let you go all those years ago." His voice is soft but strong. He means every single one of those works. He can't take the thought of losing her.
Her hands grab his "I love you too, Jake. I shouldn't have walked away. I should have fought to keep you" she whispers inches from his mouth.
As those words come out of her mouth he crashes his lips back into hers, this time passionate and demanding. Her arms wrap around his neck and he picks her up, holding her tight.
No words are needed, they know what needs to be done but right now they need to be selfish in love.
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Ironsplinter Mine
Fog settled over the canopy of trees that lined the outskirts of Duskwood, the full moon elevated greatly above the horizon. Rain drops coated the windshield as the storm raged outside, a quiet chill in the air the closer she drove to her destination, heart in her throat. Guilt consumed the girl, knowing damn well that the others were in danger due to her negligence. If she had been more careful, her friends would still be safe. If something were to happen to them…
It would be all her fault. She wouldn't be able to forgive herself.
“Shit…” She whispered quietly, eyes focused on the road before her.
It wasn’t long until she arrived at the Ironsplinter Mine, pulling into the visitor lot and turning the engine off. Leaning back into her seat, the girl took a few moments to organize her chaotic thoughts, afraid of the unknown. After some time, she reached across the center console towards the glove box where she pulled out a flashlight.
The rain drops pelted aggressively against the windshield, only slightly soothing the nerves she had. Stormy weather was always comforting to her but tonight felt different. The weight of this investigation rested heavily on her shoulders, wanting nothing more than to bring an end to everything and assure Hannah’s safety. Attempting to steady her racing heart, the girl closed her eyes for a moment, her mind settling on one person.
He was in there.. Somewhere. With Alan. Oh no.
Panic churned within her, knowing she had to act now before the situation got out of control. Tugging the hoodie over her head, the girl stepped out into the chilly night, rain absorbing into the material almost immediately. Holding the flashlight in one hand, she took off towards the woods in a sprint, keeping a close eye on her footing to avoid any broken tree branches or slippery rocks. After what felt like minutes, her phone rang with an incoming video call, scaring the hell out of her. Scrambling to pull the device free from her pocket, she exhaled a sigh of relief when the screen displayed Alan's contact information.
The storm overhead ignited the sky with lightning, thunder following quickly behind as she answered the call, eyes concentrated on the screen. The screen was lagging a bit, the weather and Alan’s location impacting the connection. Through the raindrops and the pixelated image, something glistened in the frame, catching her eye almost immediately.
A gun.
“Alan! Please put the gun down.” The man didn’t respond, assuming it was due to the poor connection. “Alan!” The girl raised the phone closer to her lips, hands trembling slightly.
“Please tell me you can hear me!” Warm tears began to fill her eyes, stomach churning with anxiety and fear for Jake’s safety. “No.. no no.. listen to me! Alan, my – my friend is in there! Don’t hurt him. Put the gun away in case –”
The call was dropped before she could finish her sentence, staring at a dark screen. Her face contorted with anguish as she began to cry, feeling her chest tighten. The girl brought her hands to her face, feeling the start of a panic attack when she heard it.
“Y/N?” A voice called out from behind her, barely audible over the storm that raged overhead.
Her head snapped up, spinning around to see the source of the voice, recognizing the boy from a close distance. Pale skin. Black clothes. Baby blue eyes. Rain water mixed with her tears, wiping her cheek with her sleeve, gazing at the boy.
“Jake?” Realization dawned on her face, running towards him and closing the distance. He was just a bit taller than her, burying her face into his chest as his arms circled protectively around her. “I thought –”
“I know. I found a different way out and that’s when I got all your messages.” He responded, leaning down to press his lips to the top of her head, hands comfortingly rubbing her back. “I’m here now. Hannah’s in good hands with him.”
She nodded her head, shivering slightly as the adrenaline wore off, absorbing the little heat that radiated off his body. “Let's get warmed up in my car. I don’t want you getting sick.”
Without waiting for a response, her small hand settled in his, lacing their fingers together as she led him to her car, settling in. The girl pushed her hood off, hair tangled and wet as she turned the engine on, turning the heat up. Jake settled into the passenger seat, slipping his hoodie off. His dark locks were dripping, leaving trails along his cheek.
As delicate as she could, the girl wiped the runaway droplet from his cheek, eyes skimming his familiar features. It felt like she knew him for a long time, the tension between them building as his eyes flickered down to her lips.
“Didn’t expect our first meeting to go like this.” He teased lightheartedly, watching her eyes twinkle with joy, leaning her head against the seat as she smiled.
“How’d you picture it? Was Chinese food involved?” His smile was enough of a giveaway, sitting up straighter as she laughed. “It was!” Her eyes twinkled, the dashboard illuminating their features as she took a deep breath.
“... I don’t want to say goodbye, Jake.” She whispered, brows furrowing as she delicately ran a finger through his curls. “Not again. Not after your last text.”
I love you.
Those three words played through her head, gazing into one another's eyes. His blue eyes softened, his emotions conveyed in a simple look. It only made it more difficult.
“I’m right here, Y/N.” Jake whispered softly, his fingers reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, index finger trailing down towards her jawline as if trying to memorize every angle and curve of the girl he loved.
“Yeah.. but for how long?” She leaned into his touch, lips brushing against his inner palm, not breaking eye contact as she placed a gentle kiss to his skin. Jake felt his shoulders relax, unable to give her a response.
Gliding his hand down, the boy grasped her chin gently with his index finger and thumb, the two leaning closer as if pulled by an invisible force. When their lips met, every fear and worry melted away, savoring the taste of his lips for the first time. She deepened the kiss, portraying everything she felt for Jake in this single moment.
Breaking the kiss with a soft smack of their lips, he leaned his forehead against hers. A smile formed on his lips as her nose brushed his affectionately, catching their breath quietly.
Pulling away slightly, she began to speak, orbs soft as they found his. “We can leave it all behind right now. You and me. Just give me the word and I can have us out of Duskwood in the next half hour.” Her hand settled over his that rested on the center console, Jake turning his hand over so their fingers could lace. “You deserve more out of life than to be on the run. I won’t subject you to that.” His thumb brushed against her hand, watching the determination shift in her gaze. 
She shook her head, reaching up to cup his cheeks before delivering a soft kiss to his lips, the contact lingering as her heart hammered against her ribcage. Pulling away, she leaned her forehead against his as she whispered, “But I’d be happy with you, Jake.”
“Y/N..” He tried to protest, fighting every instinct that screamed to hold her and never let go. He couldn’t let his heart win this fight; listening to the logical side of his brain. “I want nothing more than to leave this all behind. You’ve seen what a life with me can look like. If you want to be with me then we’ll find a way.”
Her face grew warm at his sentiment, feeling her heart melt. “We will, Jake.” Her eyes skimmed his blue eyes in the dim light, leaning forward to kiss him again, unable to hide her smile when he returned the kiss more eagerly. She was determined to wait out the storm with him, spending the rest of the hour talking about anything that came to mind, feeling hopeful for the future.
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miss-celestia13 · 5 months
All Over Me
Tumblr media
Jake x MC Smut One Shot
Words: 1.8k
Jake returns home long after midnight, bringing some good news with him. She’s already asleep and he decides to wake her in the best way, knowing his latest success will make her year.
Dual POV, as usual. It only changes once this time, their names are in bold when it happens. I hope you enjoy it if you give it a try! Thank you ❤️
Jake didn’t remember locking his car as gravel crunched under his jogging feet, focused entirely on getting inside to tell Manon something he’d been dying to since he left work. All signs of fatigue and stress dissipated when he pulled up to the cabin and saw she’d left the light on for him. The house was silent. He could only hear the creak of wood settling and the electronic sounds of their alarms engaging as he raced upstairs and crept inside their bedroom. His smile gentled as he padded to the bed and found her sprawled across his side, mouth slack, and the sheet had slipped as she slept, revealing her honeyed skin. He was certain that he had thoroughly explored every inch, using his mouth, hands, and teeth.
He knew if she woke to find him watching her, she’d laugh and tell him to get in bed before she banished him to the couch for waking her up. The mental image stole a breathy chuckle from his chest as he stripped down and decided to wake her up in the best way, completely unable to wait until morning light to tell her the good news. He silently went to her nightstand and slid it open, grabbing the velvet drawstring bag she kept her goodies in and taking out a slim black vibe before putting the rest away again. She lay on her back, legs crossed uncomfortably, and he knew she’d struggled to fall asleep. She was dead to the world as he crawled under the covers at her feet.
She made a murmuring sound as his hands pried her legs apart, shuffling to kneel between them as her spiced musk scent hit his bloodstream and sent his mind down lust-hazed paths. When she didn’t ask what he thought he was doing, he loosed a breath and pinned her leg to the bed, peppering her skin from her knee to her thigh with phantom kisses until he reached the apex of her thighs, smirking as he gave the same treatment to her other leg. She shivered, body tensing for a second as he hovered over her and turned to give her inner thigh a sharp little bite to make her gasp and mumble his name. He did the same to her other leg, harder this time now he knew she was awake. 
Jake grinned as she lifted the covers and her sleepy eyes locked on him, her fatigue clearing fast when he licked at his bottom lip and said, “I’m home, Sweetheart.” 
She cocked her head, and a dazed laugh tripped out of her mouth before she teased, “Oh, good. I thought you might be a horny ghost for a second.” 
Her tone was steady, but her breathing was quickening the longer he spent perched above her cunt, and a flush splashed her chest and neck with pink as he stared up at her. 
“Sorry to disappoint,” he said, chuckling before pressing a tender kiss into the scar on her hip. 
“Behave. Are you going to eat or just play with your food?” She asked in a breathy undertone, her brow arched and lips smirking at him, a challenge in her venom eyes that he could never back down from. 
“You know I like to take my time,” he murmured, breaking eye contact to drag a fingertip up the seam of her folds and feel the heat of her anticipation.
Manon chewed the inside of her cheek to keep quiet as Jake repeatedly teased her, barely grazing her clit with every pass of his finger through her dewy folds. She wasn't sure what had gotten into him and wasn't too interested in finding out as he finally lowered his head. She barely had time to brace herself before his mouth was on her. The gentlest of licks taunted her, and a soft sigh from the depths of her lungs released as his hot tongue opened her up and captured her essence, drinking her down with a pleased humm. His scratchy beard, clever mouth, and firm hands spreading her legs wider, pinning her down as he fluttered his tongue over her clit to make her cry out and bury her hands in his hair. 
He suckled her clit, drawing it into his mouth and swirling his stiff tongue around the tiny bundle of nerves. Heat cascaded through her as he groaned at the taste of her, and the fire only he could bring to life in her sprang to life as he relented to slide two long fingers inside her taut, wet heat. She flung her head back, teeth bared at the ceiling as he teased her with fingers and mouth, his tongue probing and delving into her sheened flesh, bringing her to the edge of release and leaving her hanging there as he backed up and fumbled for something on the bed. A quiet vibration made it over the roar of blood in her ears as she caught her breath and her heart tried to break free of its cage, sense abandoned her as anticipation robbed her of all rational thought. She was aware of herself talking, but she couldn’t understand a word of it. Jake simply smiled, crooked his fingers inside her, and pressed the vibrator against her clit, and he pulled his fingers. Her breath burst from her in a shout as her body fought the release, racing toward her faster than she was ready for it. 
The vibration intensified as her cunt flickered around his fingers, his eyes glued to her writhing form, and her tensing stomach told her she couldn’t hold it off for long. Her wetness coated his busy hand, making it too easy to hit every spot that drove her mad. Her mewls and moans turned to throaty cries, breath sawing, and her pulse was felt in every part of her, a second heartbeat in her core as he drove her to release. His eyes narrowed as she arched and shook her head, desperately fighting against the onslaught of sensations. He wouldn’t allow her to stay paused on the threshold of utter delirium. The toy changed patterns, his steady hand keeping it exactly where she needed. He added a third finger inside her dripping cunt, and the tinge of pain was too much, too good to bear for long. 
Her body arched off the bed as she sobbed urgently, sharp jabs of his fingers driving her too hard to hold it back. She let out a loud cry, the powerful, torn sound escaping into the silent room as he murmured her name and told her she was all he ever needed. The torrent of ripples and flutters spilled out from her core, and he allowed her no respite as he rose from his crouch, immediately manhandling her spasming body. He gathered up her legs, bent them over her torso to angle her ass in the air, and she clamped a hand over her mouth. The glint in his eyes was nothing short of predatory, and she trembled under his gaze, essence sliding down her inner thighs to soak the bed as black excitement ruled her. He used his arm like a steel band across her thighs to lock her in position, satisfied that she couldn't escape, and bent her further back.
It wasn’t fair. He knew what he was doing and had her trapped like prey. She could only pant through her nose as her chest heaved and her cunt quickly slackened around his length. Her release still lapped through her like luscious waves of steaming water as she screamed into her muffling hand. Her ass lifted to take him deeper, impossibly so, her inner walls fluttering wildly as she kept coming and he fucked her through it. Her cunt gripped his cock possessively, her fiery, sensitive flesh holding him captive. The brutal pleasure was so intense it was a burst of vivid scarlet light behind her quivering eyelids, wholly unable.
Somehow, she was pushed even further back. He withdrew from her tight clasp and slammed back in, his smile turning wicked as she pulsed around his cock, so deep inside her she foolishly thought they’d never be untangled. He soon found a rhythm that sent her reeling and stopped him from coming before she did. The mesmerizing sight of him using her body hard unleashed a guttural growl from her chest, every thrust was exquisitely emphatic and rough, her inner walls clenching with every drag of his cock. She was so slick and hot her cunt stroked and clung to his rigid length, sucked him, down, down, down. His dominance over her body was so consuming she no longer cared if she lost her mind in the aftermath. 
His plunging movements slowed, pace erratic as he turned his head and savagely bit her calf to smother his own desperate sounds. She didn't feel the pain, utterly absorbed in the pleasure that coiled and soared through her body. She couldn't imagine it feeling any better, but she wouldn’t risk voicing that aloud. He would take it as a dare and destroy her in the best way. It enthralled her, watching him as he raptly observed the erotic sight of her cunt swallowing his cock again and again. His sapphire eyes were heavy-lidded, face flushed, and intently focused on holding his own release back to make hers last. But she was in torment, wholly unable to withstand the razor edge she was balancing on, cutting her to the bone as the pleasure and pressure rising to steal her sanity demanded an outlet. 
She started begging, pleading through her gritted teeth, urging him to fuck her hard in a cracked and shivering voice, imploring him to make her ache. Make her scream. She wanted to feel him long after he left her body, a physical reminder of his love and worship of her. His midnight chuckle sent goosebumps scattering across her sweat-pebbled skin as he held down her twisted, quaking body with force and thrust within her taut cunt so viciously that her teeth rattled. He owned her in that moment, completely in control as she submitted to him and surrendered to the burning. Unable to move, talk, or retreat, she could only lie there and take it. 
Her orgasm was so violent, her inner walls clenched around his length, gripping him tightly, and dragged him into ecstasy with her. His feral growling and her choked cries blended as he buried himself inside her and emptied himself into her, flooding her completely. It was overwhelming. Even now, after all this time, his mastery of her still had the power to take her apart at the seams. She never doubted he’d be able to put her back together, her trust in him was set in stone. The strength of her release washed away all her worries, past, present, and future, leaving her only with warmth and love. Her twitching, aching body was leaden and light all at once, her pounding heart the only sound in her head. She wanted to stay in that rapturous, glowing place, to live and grow old together there, but Jake managed a few words that made her smile brighter than she had in weeks. 
“I found him. We can set the date soon, Sweetheart.”
Thank you for reading, liking or reblogging, I really appreciate it and I hope you enjoyed it. Take care and look after yourself 🥰❤️
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lyon-amore · 19 days
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How many times had he stayed reading that message? How many times had he dreamed of hearing her voice pronouncing that word? And now that he had done it, he had been staring at her.
The young woman looked at him worried. Had she said something wrong? She had just said, 'Jake, I'm glad to finally meet you.' It was the only thing she had said.
Maybe she had been overly enthusiastic? Or she may have thought she sounded ridiculous when she spoke. But not. When she saw his cheeks blush, she blinked in confusion.
“Can you… Can you say it again?” he asked, a little shyly.
“Say what?”
Jake turned even redder, unable to say it. For him, he thought it was the best thing he had heard in so many years, that it would surely be ridiculous to her.
“I think you already know…” He looked away, hoping not to look ridiculous.
She understood, letting out a small laugh.
She placed her hands on the young man's face, so that he looked directly into her eyes.
He could see a big smile on her face, with a pair of eyes full of life.
"Jake..." she whispered, unable to erase her smile.
A wave of heat ran through his body as he heard the sweet intonation of his name. He had heard how her mouth had moved again as she pronounced 'Jake'. He couldn't help but smile. His name in her mouth was better than he had dreamed of.
He tried not to let any tears come out of his eyes, he didn't want to seem like he had been wanting to hear it again for years.
He leaned forward, carefully pressing his forehead to hers. He took a deep breath, while his heart beat fast. More. He wanted to hear his name more times from her. He didn't want his name to be forgotten again. He wanted her to be the only one who remembered him.
"I love the way it sounds with your voice," he said slowly. “I want to be able to hear my name when you wake up next to me, when you need to call me because you need to drown your sorrows, when you miss me,” He pulled away a little, caressing her cheek lovingly. “If you are ever bothered by something I have done or said, if you need my help.” He saw how she was the one at the end who looked like she was going to cry, with that sweet smile. “Also listen to it every night. Please do it.”
The young woman nodded, seeing that his eyes were also shining with tears.
She gave him a small kiss on his lips, without erasing the smile.
“Your name is one of my favorite words that exist” in the young woman's voice, the happiness she was feeling at that moment could be appreciated. “So you're always going to have me say it. While you, Mr. Jake” she put her index finger on his chest, with a mischievous smile. “you send me at least one message every day that you are okay, okay?”
Jake laughed, taking her hand and kissing her finger gently. She blushed, watching how he then kissed her hand and pulled her waist with the other.
“Shall we seal it?” he asked whispering against her lips.
“We sealed it… Jake…”
Their deal was sealed with a much longer kiss. A kiss that he didn't want to break.
That night, his name was saying in a way he would never forget.
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itsnotzka · 1 year
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Author's note: So, here's the deal. I've committed another rather fluffy one-shot.
This was (kind of?) requested by amazing and awesome @julesisreading (and thank you for your little help, Jules! :))
Jake x MC // no warnings // one teeny-tiny spoiler (ep.10)
Words: 2,6k
- L I G H T H E A D E D -
"I'm not so sure about this," Jake mumbled, keeping a close eye on the woman in front of him as his eyes slowly moved down to that seemingly insignificant thing in her hand. With doubt and great uncertainty, he shifted from foot to foot, trying not to show her that it was stressing him out more than it should. She was standing close to him, much closer than the limits of his personal space would allow, yet he didn't dare to move away.
Because, if he liked it or not, he didn't really want to move away.
It was their second meeting. The first one went well, although Jake knew he had chickened out many times. Too many.
He never touched her. He didn't ask what he wanted to ask. He couldn't look into her eyes as long as he should have.
But, for some strange reason entirely unknown to him, she didn't mind it at all. Her kind eyes were full of patience. Constantly.
"I'll be gentle," she chuckled, a soft smile that appeared on her face made him swallow hard as a shiver went down his spine, "You haven't done this in a long time, have you? For a little too long, I'd say..."
Her head tilted, she raised her hand a little, but before she reached his dark hair, she stopped, a little embarrassed. She saw him flinch.
He didn't want to flinch like that, it was just a reflex. Inwardly, he scorned himself for it. He noticed how she flustered. How she took her hand back, abashed a little.
But she knew him.
She already knew Jake's perceptive eyes, as they were carefully watching every single one of her movements. She saw him analyzing everything, his face flickering with emotion he didn't want to show anybody.
The truth was, after so long, he missed the human touch. The problem was, he was used to being alone. He preferred being alone. He took pleasure in solitude. He liked it to such an extent that any public place, any meeting with a stranger, even a mere thought of it gave him a very unpleasant feeling of anxiety.
But a little while ago, all of a sudden, she appeared in his life. And suddenly, breaking his own rules, his own boundaries for her seemed easy.
'Easy' was not the right word for that. It seemed... possible.
"That's true, I haven't. It's been quite a while," Jake replied, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "Sometimes... sometimes you need another person to get it right. And when someone lives a life like mine, you don't really have time or inclination for such... mundane activities. My mind is usually occupied with something different entirely."
She burst out laughing but immediately regretted it, covering her mouth with her hand. She realized the hacker said it in all seriousness. Thankfully, he didn't seem offended. He smiled slightly, a faint blush on his pale cheeks.
"I can imagine that. But do you trust me?" she asked. A tiny, warm spark appeared in Jake's heart.
A dangerous spark that he didn't really like.
No. He liked it. He was just scared of it.
Of course he trusted her. He trusted her like no one else before. From the very start he felt like he had known her forever. He trusted her completely. Absolutely. Without a single doubt. Only her. Almost like a madman.
He'd been called 'mad' many times in the past, but this was the first time he actually believed it. He almost chuckled thinking about that but stopped himself just in time.
He knew he had tendencies to exaggerate, to overthink, to overanalyze absolutely everything that was going on around him. Yet it seemed that this as well didn't bother her at all. Very unexpectedly, he felt like she had just... accepted him. All of him. Every single good and bad thing about him.
"I trust you. You know I do," Jake finally managed to answer, while she didn't take her eyes off him even for a split second, "But I don't know if that has anything to do with trust. Have you... ever done this before?"
She smiled innocently, the dim lights of his apartment bringing out the beauty in her, emphasizing those little dimples in her rosy cheeks.
"I have," she answered bluntly, "It's not that hard. But if you don't want me to... that's okay. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. You just mentioned the last time it was bothering you, so... "
That was the first time she took her eyes off him. She lowered her head a little angry at herself, because she knew she shouldn't push him that hard. The fact that they were standing so close to each other was enough for her. But something kept drawing them together and she didn't know how to make it easier for him.
"It's not like that," Jake answered quietly, his hand moved on his own, his fingers stopped just before he touched her upper arm, "I want you to. I would like to try it... with you."
This time he smiled on purpose. When his hand touched her skin, he shivered, but it wasn't unpleasant at all. On the contrary! It was as if her warmth had flowed through him, as if for that brief moment her body heat had merged with his.
"You really would?" she asked, her eyes, once again, fixed on him.
He didn't answer, not at first, anyway, getting lost in her eyes. Warm, kind eyes, hiding secrets that he undeniably wanted to be a part of. The eyes that he wanted to share all of his secrets with.
She saw his hesitation. She could see his absent-minded expression as he pondered the situation deeply. She certainly didn't want to put him in an awkward position... as much as she loved to challenge him. But she could barely keep herself from throwing her arms around his shoulders since their eyes had met for the first time that evening.
Yet, she managed not to do it. She knew what Jake was like. She realized a long time ago that this man in front of her didn't know how to get close to people. She only didn't know if it was fear or just his... morbid caution. But she knew that the hacker was slowly breaking all through everything restraining him... for her.
She could see how he analyzed every single world that had been said between them since the very beginning of this meeting. How he fought himself and his thoughts, his doubts.
His doubts?
As he sat on that chair in front of her, as she brushed his shoulders with her fingers... he knew he didn't have any doubts about her. He wanted her close. He wanted her, but... he didn't know how to achieve that. He didn't know how to...just be with someone. Not anymore. His past had changed him.
He held his breath as she stood right behind him. He tried his best to relax, but it was hard. Harder than it should be. He didn't like not being in control, he had to be able to see everything, and with her standing behind him... all his inner sensors were telling him: Watch out! Run! Protect yourself!
Everything changed as she slowly, carefully dug her fingers into his hair. His black hair that he hadn't cut in... months. Just like that his muscles let go. He closed his eyes and shut them tight. He clenched his jaw... he had to. Otherwise he would have given himself away.
Otherwise he would have sighed so loudly, desperately, hungry for her touch, he would turn around and pull her to him so quickly, he was afraid he'd startle her.
That small, innocent touch made him regret absolutely everything he'd done before. Or rather everything he hadn't done. That he didn't take her in his arms as soon as she came here. That he hadn't held her so tight that they both lost their breath. That he hadn't told her how beautiful she was. That he hadn't kissed her right away.
Then he almost laughed.
As if he actually dared to do that.
Damn it – Jake thought, holding back an annoyed growl - He already told her he loved her, for crying out loud! And she even answered him the same! So why was it all so hard in person?!
The hacker didn't know the answer to that.
She knew.
She knew what she could do and say around him. She knew what was making him shut down and what was making him talk. Open up. As her fingers ran through his slightly unkempt hair, she smiled. She heard him sigh quietly, his shoulders dropping as he surrendered to her touch.
"You have nice hair. So soft," Jake was barely able to hear her voice, still relying on her fingers roaming his hair, massaging the skin on his head, "I feel a little guilty I'm going to cut those guys. "
"That's—that's not the kind of thing you want to h-hear from a barber, do you?" the hacker said timidly, ending with a nervous chuckle.
"Oh? Even from your own, private barber?" Jake nearly jumped in his seat as he heard her voice very close to his ear.
"Ev—even from..." he stuttered, feeling a sudden disappointment when she moved her hands away, "I don't know. I've n-never— I... I wouldn't--"
He sounded like he had forgotten how to speak.
When they were texting each other, he never had such problems. He could always think over every word. Not exactly, but... it was definitely better than that!
He held his breath as she laughed out loud. The sound made him smile too, though. He didn't even realize it, but he was laughing with her almost immediately.
Well, he was laughing at himself. He was laughing out of build-up frustration. He was laughing with happiness. He was laughing because - damn it - she was there and she wanted to be there. With him.
She suddenly appeared in front of him, leaned forward, placed her hands on the armrests of his chair and looked him straight in the eye. Then, after a couple of long seconds, during which his mouth went all dry, she murmured, "So, are you ready, Jake?" she asked with a spark in her eyes, showing him the scissors in her hands again, "Are you willing to put yourself in my very capable hands?"
He knew she was testing him. Even when they chatted online, she liked to say things that left him speechless. Things that made his pale cheeks blush a little.
A little? Things that made him blush hard.
Thank god for those dim lights – he thought, although he was sure she'd noticed it.
He didn't like losing. This time he couldn't just log out. If it were a chat, he'd find some sorry excuse and he'd be gone. Like always.
"I am," the hacker replied with such confidence that he surprised even himself, so he decided to continue. To play her little game... as well as he could, "I am all yours."
She smiled with contentment. She was glad that he wasn't as closed off as he seemed before. She knew they were both exploring new territory and he was doing great.
She brushed her hand over his shoulder and stood behind him again. Her fingers dug into his hair once more, to his satisfaction. Before she cut the first strand, Jake stopped her. Then slowly, looking at her, he took off his black hoodie, folding it carefully and placing it on the table nearby.
He was just in his black T-shirt now.
She watched him with curiosity, because she knew very well that Jake's every move, every small gesture meant something more.
"Just don't cut it too short, eh?" he said, sitting back in his chair, looking up at her, brushing a strand of hair that had fallen over his face.
Jake felt her warm expression right in his chest, "You can always say 'stop', okay? If I go too far..."
He nodded eagerly, the corners of his mouth twitching lightly by themselves, and he didn't even feel himself smiling again.
He just wanted to feel her touch once more.
As individual strands of Jake's black hair began to fall to the ground, he felt lighter. It was as if with each subsequent cut, the weight he had on his shoulders simply disappeared... he simply felt closer to her.
He was closer to her.
With every move she made, he allowed himself to overthrow another rule. Another thing that kept him away from her. His hands gradually touched her waist as she faced him. He slowly moved them to her back as she shifted slightly closer, leaning in.
But she continued. She didn't lose her head. Little by little, she trimmed every unruly strand of his hair that he forgot to pay attention to for a long time.
Jake suddenly realized that it surprised him how oddly intimate this moment was for the two of them. Much more intimate than... anything he'd ever experienced before. The smell of her warm skin, or the feeling of her hands lightly brushing his neck, her breath in his face.
He got lost in it and he wasn't even sure if he wanted to go back. He gently wrapped his arms around her waist - so tenderly, you'd think they'd known each other their entire lives. He looked into her eyes, seeing not only her, but something else, something more, something unspoken, yet strangely obvious.
In fact, before her scissors made their last move, he held her in his arms, feeling under his fingers, for a change, not his computer keyboard, but the softness and warmth of her body. All the tension, all the awkwardness, all the fear - everything slowly disappeared. At that moment he finally found someone who accepted him for who he was. Just like that.
He closed his eyes, letting his mind and thoughts fly away, shut down for a short while that felt like an eternity. Still holding the scissors in her hands, she wrapped her arms around him. He could practically feel her heartbeat against his skin, and he was pretty sure she could feel his pounding heart as well.
He didn't care.
At that moment, everything he had feared, everything he wished he had done sooner, ceased to matter.
He broke all the rules for her that day. All of his restraints. All the walls he had carefully built around himself... they all simply came down. They didn't even make a single sound as they disappeared.
He allowed himself to snuggle into her neck when he felt she didn't mind. She chuckled, cuddling him, trying to hide her surprise.. They both realized that they were completely unnecessarily afraid of this closeness... because it seemed so natural to them, as if they were simply made for each other.
Like two pieces of a puzzle.
"Scratchy," she giggled nervously, feeling his face on her neck. His light, calm smile reassured her that everything was fine, "Maybe I should take care of your stubble as well."
"Tempting," Jake muttered, lightheaded suddenly, "I think like this idea."
"You do?"
"I do," he replied as she looked down, their lips so close, they were almost touching, "As I said to you before... I'm all yours."
He had never been so sure of anything in his life, as of those words back then.
She chuckled. Her cheerful voice turned into a sigh, as they finally closed that remaining distance between them.
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shane-mc · 1 year
Jake and MC at an amusement park...
Jake: MC, what do you want to ride first?
MC: Your face.
Jake: Ok, let's go home!
A/N: Sorry, had to write all my naughty thoughts. 🤭😏😂✌️
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The young hacker was just about to log off when MC's message caught him off guard, the heat of the room increasing rapidly by every passing second.
Tell me your name
Why did she want to know his name? What was she trying to find out? Was she going to research him online? (Not like the internet had anything on him, being a hacker had its benefits for sure.) Was this possibly a sign indicating her attraction to him?
My name? Why would you care about my name?
Because I like you. Please
Oh my god, she sent a heart emojie. She ACTUALLY liked him?! He couldn't deny her this one simple but dangerous request, could he?
My name is Jake.
Damn it! What was going on inside his head?! He needed to gain control of his emotions again, his head was starting to fall behind, traipsing along as his heart took the lead.
Was that really so hard?
A small smile crossed his lips, but his annoyance was evident as well. She dared to ask him such a dangerous question, one that could possibly lead his pursuers to him, and now she was playing cocky? Damn right it was hard for him! Did she not realize the game they were forced to play?
Yes, why don't I tell you my address too, while I'm at it.
Jake almost immediately regretted it as soon as he sent it, he shouldn't have allowed himself to snap just like that. Of course MC didn't know how dangerous this was, she was just curious, and very much interested, interested in him nonetheless. He was truly flattered, but also perplexed. Why would she fall for him of all people?And why did he feel like something was somersaulting wildly within his stomach? Why did his heart feel somewhat heavy? And why did he find his thoughts drifting off to a person who he had never met?
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