#richy x mc
incorrectnessduskwood · 7 months
Richy: If you want my advice- Dan: No offense but you’re the last person I want relationship advice from. You tried to kill your significant other. Multiple times. Richy: First off, that was before we started dating. Secondly, they’ve also tried to kill me. MC: It’s true. It was mutually attempted murder.
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twxddle · 2 months
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Richy, Richy, Richy... bad bad boy.
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duskwoodgirl4life · 8 months
Richy is a complete arsehole he is supposed to be our friend and yet he did what he did it can not be forgiven
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mysteriouslover1516 · 2 years
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As the young mechanic headed back to his shop, he couldn't help but feel somewhat remorseful for how far he was taking this whole situation. Why couldn't he just confess to it all? He sighed as he approached the garage door, the blood red paint smeared in the signature mark of the raven. If he hadn't had felt so guilty about leading everyone astray, he would have felt pretty good about how precise the form and body of the bird had turned out. Brushing those thoughts aside, he quickly clicked on MC's contact.
Uhm, MC? I think I might have a problem
After sending the photo, he waited for MC's response. He already knew she was still online, meaning she would receive the message almost immediately. Why did he send the photo to MC first? Because she would provide an alibi for him, the video call providing witness that Richy was at the dare house when his shop was marked. His left hand found its way to his blonde, tousled hair as he started to run his fingers through it, a nervous twitch he had developed ever since he was ten. He felt guilty for using MC like this, especially since he had recently started to have feelings for her. He was using the girl he liked to his advantage, using her so he wouldn't be seen as a suspect. Oh god, what kind of monster was he becoming?
Ok, that's definitely a problem
MC took the bait, he had snagged her on his hook. Afterall, why wouldn't she believe him? There was nothing suspicious against him yet, meaning MC would trust him whole-heartedly. Not to mention it helped that he knew she had developed feelings for him as well.....
After sharing the picture with Jessy and the others, further reinforcing the group to follow the lead of the MWAF, Richy was just about to log off.
Take care of yourself
Richy smiled sadly as he read MC's message. Of course she was worried, in her mind's eye he was being threatened by a mad man, someone who would not stop to finish what was warranted. He hated that he was playing with her emotions, even though all he wanted to do was guard and protect them, to be entrusted with them; but here he was fumbling around and using them to his advantage.
One day everything would be okay, one day he would be able to love her without feeling guilty, right? Or at least he hoped.........No, he was bound to have a good ending, he could feel it.
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juaxii · 1 year
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IN WHICH I tell u how each character would kiss u!
FANDOM: Duskwood (Mobile Game) CHARACTERS: Jake, Jessy, Richy, Phil, Dan, Darkness. CONTENT: Lots of kisses, a bit of spice, Making out, GN reader.
WARNINGS: Suggestive themes. (Tell me if I missed anything)
Sweet, and slow. Is scared he would lose you if he lets go of you.
His hand rests on your cheek as his lips dances along with yours, he is patient; taking his time with his work, making sure he can keep you there as long as he wants. Specially if it's the first time he kisses you, he would be very careful, afraid he might scare you away, show you what a monster he really is. But that will never happen. He mumbles your name throughout the kiss, as if trying to make sure you're still there and this is not a dream. His hands wander from your cheek to your neck and they slowly go up to massage your scalp, his other hand around your waist, keeping you close. Overall he is rarely too rough with his actions, unless you ask him to be, then he will try.. but he is not good at it. He spends most of his time online, acting harsh and dominant in computer is much easier than real life.. specially with you.
« Say you'll never leave me.. please? »
⚝ ⚝ ⚝
Quick, small pecks all over your face that last one second and then turn to a whole make out session.
Her small giggles make you smile as she hugs you close, giving you a kiss on your collarbone before whispering a quick "I love you" and moving on to your chin, leaving trails of quick kisses that make you almost laugh just because of that ticklish feeling. Once her lips find their way to yours, she doesn't waste a second before capturing them. It starts with an innocent small kiss, but it soon turns to her caressing your lips with her tongue, and who are you to deny such thing?! She isn't rough by all means, and she is kind of goofy even, giggling and breaking the kiss from time to time to kiss your cheeks or your neck. She just really wants to appreciate you! She is the hardest to resist, and usually she's the one who asks for the kiss or starts it.
« Come ooooon, just one more kiss, please! »
⚝ ⚝ ⚝
He is much like Jessy, a little silly and goofy, but he is much more shy and would just intend small kisses.
He is really awkward, he doesn't know what he's doing so he only gives you a small kiss on your forehead at first. When he sees your disappointed face, he chuckles slightly, Teasing you by saying something like "If you want it, you should come get it". Obviously, he wasn't expecting you to actually try anything and when you did he just stands there.. not knowing where to put his hands or how to hold you closer so that this wouldn't be more awkward than it already is. He gets used to it at some point, it's not like he hasn't had partners before, but your case was different. You were special to him, you could read him like an open book, he felt like if he let you look him in his eyes, you would know every last of his darkest secrets. So by all means, he isn't the first to intend the kiss, he prefers to kiss you on your cheeks or your forehead or even on the back of your hand.
« You want a kiss? Alright, a kiss coming right up! haha »
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Passionate make out session, he isn't really a patient man.
Like I said, he isn't a patient man, his kisses might start slow but would quickly turn to a make out session and even that might turn to a quicky if he's is in the mood. He gives you kisses at the most random times, specially if you're with the group. He likes to show you off so he will, he enjoys the looks you two get as he suddenly smashes his lips against yours. But in private, he's much more intimate and if PDA makes you uncomfortable he will definitely keep himself from doing anything too much in public. He's a womanizer, sure, but he's also a gentleman. He likes to shower you with affection and make you feel special so expect kisses on the back of your hand. I would also like to add that he would definitely consider your mood too before he intends anything (not that the others don't), because your comfort is his priority.
« Yeah? you want more? we can always take it to the bedroom~ »
⚝ ⚝ ⚝
He's not much for kisses but if you ask for it, he will give you kisses alright.
He is the type to spoil you with classy dinner or great food at home if needed, he isn't up for kisses like I said, mostly because he thinks his beard would annoy you but he also doesn't want to shave it. So unless you ask for it, he wouldn't really kiss you on the lips all that much. He gives you alot of kisses on your forehead though. But let's say you ask for a kiss, this man gives his all to satisfy your needs. He makes sure you are comfortable with anything he's doing before doing it and he keeps asking for permission, he is just a big softie, he is like those big human sized teddy bears. He isn't rough either, he is lazy and slow, he prefers it that way in all honestly. He is also a little messy but not that much.
« You want a kiss, babe? well aight then, get over here, I ain't getting up from here »
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Insecure, awkward and quick kisses.
They don't understand the concept of intimate acts such as this, can't you two just have fun with game nights or horror movie marathon? If you ask for it, they will just awkwardly give it to you. They've never been in a serious relationship so they aren't exactly experimented with this whole act, nonetheless they will try their best. Their kisses start as quick pecks, and they slowly turn to a slow passionate kiss. They are also afraid of losing you, so in the middle of it all, they suddenly start holding you really tightly as if they are afraid you'd run away, because they are the weird kid, the freak that spends their time online scaring people away and being all mysterious and shit.. they can't be like that in real life. They are the type to say some creepy shits in between kisses, those are their sweet nothings that they whisper to you, it's a form of love, I swear. After kissing you for what feels like forever, they would start cuddling you, not even paying attention to the movie you were watching anymore as they close their eyes, breathing in your scent and slowly giving you small kisses on your neck in a form of appreciation.
« Turn the movie off, it's annoying. I wanna hear your heartbeat »
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giu-world · 2 years
Richy: I either cry or turn into a psychopath when I'm mad, there is no in-between.
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saskiahaggens · 2 years
After the Storm ~Poly ending~
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Pairing: Jake x fem!Reader x Richy x Phil (?)
mentioning of death, attempted suicide
Word count: 1258
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When you woke up your throat was sore. It took you a moment to recall the events. What happened after that? Were Richy and Jake, okay? Even with all these question in mind you couldn't ask a single one of them. First and foremost, the nurses who came in three times a day wouldn't know the answers anyway. Your voice chords, on the other hand, were damaged as a result of the cut. Speaking hurts and your voice sounded really raspy.
After a stressful day of questions, it was a relief when Jessy and Phil came to see you.
"Thank goodness. We were so worried." Jessy cried when she saw you sitting in your bed. You eminently pulled her into a hug and joined her.
"Hey.", greeted Phil gently. He whipped away a few tears from your cheek and smiled tiredly. He whipped away a few tears from your cheek and smiled tiredly.
The dark circles under their eyes told you how sleep-deprived they were, and it broke your heart that you were the reason for it.
"What happened?", you asked after some minutes.
When they heard your 'new' voice, you noticed them flinching. You burst into tears the first time you heard it, and Jessy was no exception. She sobbed much harder than before, burying her face even more in your shoulder.
"Richy and Hannah handed themselves in after they processed what happened. That was around two weeks ago. Jake disappeared shortly after, most likely because he was afraid the FBI would start looking for him again. I don't know what happened to his brother. But Jake promised he wouldn't be a threat anymore.", explained Phil.
Luckily, he understood what you meant by your question. You pulled Jessy even closer after this news. You have to see them. They needed to know you were fine. But how would you do that?
"They said you were allowed to go home next week.", sniffed Jessy.
You were confused on how they got this information, but Phil answered your question.
"Jessy told them we were married," he said, blushing slightly.
"They refused to tell us anything about you. I needed to know if you were okay, and that was the only way."
You chuckled a little, which made them both grin.
Dan, Lilly, Cleo, and Thomas also paid you a visit this week. It was great seeing them again. Thomas even arranged you a meeting with Richy. He was in custody, but Alan Bloomgate was generous enough to allow you to see him after you were released from the hospital.
The week stretched like gum, and when you were finally allowed to leave, you met the person you least expected to.
You were on your way to the police station, while Phil brought your stuff back to your apartment, when you were dragged into an alleyway. You assumed it was Wyatt at first, but you were proven wrong.
"I'm sorry if I scared you, but I needed to see you.", was the first thing he said.
You were confronted by ocean blue eyes that appeared to be more tiered than usual. His black hair was knotted, or so it appeared because it was mainly covered by his hood.
He pulled you into a tight hug when he heard your hoarse voice.
"I'm sorry for what happened that night. It was all my fault. I can't make it up for you, but I will try with every fiber of my heart. I love you, Y/n. Please come with me. You don't have to decide now, but at least think about it." He looked at you for a second before he started to walk away.
"Richy.", you said as loudly as you could.
Jake stopped. You walked up to him and hugged him from behind. He held your hand for a moment before he turned around.
"I'm sorry, Y/n. I didn't forget about him. I was selfish for a moment."
You gazed into his eyes before moving your gaze to the mask that covered his face. Jake chuckled and moved closer.
"We have to keep up with him, right?", he mumbled and pulled his mask down.
Your heart began to race faster when he came even closer. So, Richy told him, and they kissed as well. Jake's hand was on your cheek only seconds before his lips touched yours. His kiss was not comparable to Richy's. Jake's kiss was warm, like a fireplace during wintertime.
"We will wait for him, no matter how long it takes.", he smiled and leaned his forehead on yours.
You nodded before stepping away. Jake also noticed how the time flew by and that he had to go.
When you met Richy, he couldn't stop smiling. Alan hadn't informed him who was coming, so when he saw you, he believed he was dreaming. You didn't have much to say most of the time you were cuddling, but you told him about Jake when Alan was distracted for a second. It wouldn't be long until Richy's trial, so it was probably the last time you'd see him before he had to go to jail. You hoped for a warm - hearted judge.
Three years later~
Today was the day Richy would get out of jail. He was quite fortunate to receive a three-year jail term and two years of probation. Jake kept his promise, and the day he finally stepped out of jail, you waited for him.
"Come on, Y/n, Richy! We're going to be late!", called Jake out to you.
You were at your now-shared apartment above Phil's bar. Like the day you first came to Duskwood, all of your friends met at his bar to celebrate. They needed time to accept what Richy and Hannah did, and while Hannah got out of jail a year earlier, they decided they would wait for Richy too. They forgave them, and both of them worked hard to gain their trust again.
Richy even went to his parents a few days later. You and Jake accompanied him since he was probably scared of seeing them again. His concerns, however, were unnecessary because his parents embraced him with open arms. He and Jessy reopened 'Rogers Garage' a few weeks later and surprisingly gained many new customers, because many people were disappointed by Tooltastic. (I forgot the name. Please don't kill me.)
As for Jake, the FBI never looked for him again, thanks to Wyatt. You weren't sure what he did, but somehow, he was able to erase every piece of data that ever existed about Jake. You worked with him at Phil's Bar. The barkeeper needed to get used to him, but he eventually befriended him somehow.
"We're coming, handsome.", responded Richy, and he walked up to him.
You quickly followed and held his hand in yours to express that you were sorry.
You don't talk much anymore. Richy and Jake understood you without words by now and respected your decision. Speaking just felt weird now. It didn't feel natural, and voice creaks were normal. It just annoyed you, so you only used it for special occasions, such as tody.
"I love you two."
"Naw, Y/n. You are way too sweet. We love you too, but we really need to go now. We live over the bar. It's embarrassing if we are late."
"As if we aren't already. I can already tell what the girls will think."
"I swear if Dan makes any sex jokes, I'm going back home.", laughed Richy, and he pulled both of you out of the door.
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duskwood-mc-art · 3 months
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And this little drawing of Jake and my MC will be the first drawing on this blog.
The screenshots for this situation below:
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jake-s-azaleea · 2 months
MC: Oh shoot. MWAF is angry.
Jessy: How can you tell?
Jake: I am no person reader but I think you can read him by his hands. Like right now, he's holding a gun. I don't think that means he's happy to see us.
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mwonie · 3 months
No one.
Literally Dan:
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male!MC: Look at me in the eyes and be straight with me.
Richy: So, do I look at you or be straight? I can't do both.
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hacked-by-jake · 11 months
𝗗𝗪 𝗕𝗼𝘆𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 "𝗕𝗮𝗯𝗲"
Characters: Jake, Richy, Dan, Thomas, Phil, Alan
Warnings: None, I guess. Phil got slightly suggestive but it's Phil so. Oh, and no beta read.
A/n: Hey, look what this is. A little, silly, headcanon thingy. What can I say? No idea how I came up with it. But I was bored. Don't expect too much. It's small and it's silly, as I said. Hope you like it anyway. 💚
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Oh boy, he would freeze on the spot and be unable to move.
He would stare at the table as if he could set it on fire with his eyes. Although he has clearly heard the nickname, his mind needs a few more moments until it has seeped through every cell of his body and the real meaning breaks over him.
You could swear the man is starting to shake with tension.
He is completely shocked that you give someone like him a pet name and indirectly express your feelings for him.
On the inside he explodes with joy and in his imagination a tear rolls over his cheek which he holds back in reality with everything he has.
Either way, he would be absolutely powerless against the crooked grin which is slowly creeping over his lips, so he does nothing but let it happen.
He has clenched his hands into fists and his cheeks turn slightly red in embarrassment but he has to hear it again.
"Can you repeat it?" he would whisper with broken voice.
You would of course repeat it and it would burn into his memory and he is one hundred percent sure that this is the most beautiful thing he has ever heard.
If possible his love for you would increases even further and if you would ask him right now to commit a murder for you then he would only ask which weapon you want him to use.
If he were to stand, his knees would probably give in and he would collapse.
He’s completely at your mercy.
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Pah, the hyperactive rubber ball would lose all composure.
He would look at you with the widest grin and you would be worried that his cheeks would tear open as much as he smiles at you.
He would wrap his arms around you to pull you happily in for a hug. Probably the hug is a little too tight.
He would kiss your forehead and then rattle down all the pet names he can think of to test what would be the best name for you and how it feels to pronounce it.
He would continue without interruption throughout the entire day.
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Pff, Dan is a macho.
That man would immediately start grinning like the greatest charmer and would tease you with it.
"Well, see, see, babe it is now, huh? Took long enough. But I’ve known for a very long time that you call me that every night in your dreams, I mean, how could you not"
He would smirk sinfully before placing his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to kiss you.
Then he would whisper "I love you too, babe" against your lips.
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What should happen? The guy’s a puppy through and through.
He would look at you like he was your pet and you just showed him his favorite little toy and he would be waiting for you to finally throw it so he can bring it back to you happily.
You can swear that you see his eyes getting a little wetter but he would say "I have something in my eye" to distract but you know of course that it’s just an excuse and would have to grin about it.
He would kiss you gently and tell you how much he loves you, of course not without also using a pet name for you.
In his head, however, he already plans that you both move into an apartment together, how you get married and have children and lead the happiest life until the end of your life.
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First of all, he would warn you and ask you how many times he has told you not to use his police radio at home to "call" him. He has a private phone with which you can make calls very well.
But then he would have to concentrate completely on not grinning broadly and would tell you that in his lunch break would come home so that you can continue talking there.
The rest of the shift he’d be a little grinning idiot no matter what case he’s working on.
After he came home, he would wink at you and confess how much he enjoyed you calling him that and telling you to always call him that.
Of course, you will do it with utmost pleasure. Of course, you'll be using the police radio.
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He would smile cheekily and answer you. But of course not without using the same pet name at the end of his sentence and emphasizing it extra strongly.
He would stop cleaning the bar to come around the counter grab you by your hips.
Of course he would kiss you and then whisper in your ear.
"Babe? That’s fucking hot, I think I can go home earlier tonight, the others can do the rest on their own. We should go home urgently."
It's obvious that he would wink at you.
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duskwoodgirl4life · 8 months
Seriously what was the point in this? Richy you are a complete idiot
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mysteriouslover1516 · 2 years
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I need your help
The young mechanic's breath quickened as his lock screen showed a text from MC, help with what? Was she starting to suspect him?
Uhm, you do remember that we have a paying customer in here?
Technically he wasn't lying, but maybe if he delayed the conversation she would forget? Highly unlikely.
Yes, I know
Richy sighed, might as well get this over. She wasn't gonna let up.
He is actually in the restroom right now, so if you hurry up...
Thanks Richy
A small smile tugged on his lips, as always sweet and polite. Ugh.
Can you think of anything to tell me about a "Jennifer" from Duskwood?
The phone nearly slipped from his hands as he read the text, how did MC know about Jennifer? And why was she asking HIM? Did she know his connection to the case? Oh god, this could be potentially bad and very catastrophic.
Quite a few things
I think I know three people with the name Jennifer in Duskwood.
He was bluffing, of course he was bluffing. He could feel the sweat on his hands starting to accumulate, how did she know about Jennifer???
It has something to do with the Duskwood Forest
Richy tugged on his hair, he knew EXACTLY what MC was talking about. And he was horrified, terrified, completely PETRIFIED.
You couldn't be talking about the girl that was found dead in the forest back then
Taking a deep breath, he reread the text he sent, honestly it sounded pretty calm, he hoped MC wouldn't be able to see through it.
To be honest I don't know yet
Okay, so MC didn't know everything about the circumstances involving Jennifer. This wasn't so bad after all, maybe....
I totally forgot about that. The whole town of Duskwood was up in arms at that time, as I am sure you can imagine.
He shook his head as if it would rid the awful memories from his consciousness, the guilt, the pain, it was inescapable.
What else can you think of?
As far as I know the killer was never found. They soon came to the conclusion that he wasn't from here and it didn't take long until Duskwood returned back to a state of normalcy.
Killer. He wasn't a killer, and neither was Hannah or......Amy. He hesitated as his inner demons waged war inside him, was he a killer though? Did he ultimately kill Amy by bringing her to the brink of suicide? He squeezed his eyes shut, willing the thought to release him from its torment.
Was there anything that indicated where the killer was from?
No, there was nothing. The three teenagers had buried the only form of evidence, the body. Richy had stolen the paper on the AMC Gremlin all those years ago, made it disappear. There was Nothing.
Well, I guess I don't know that much about the old case after all
What a piece of bull crap. He knew everything about Jennifer's death, as much as he wished he didn't. He wasn't innocent, the invisible blood on his hands still tormented him. Jennifer was dead.
But you know how people are. There are nicer things to think about than the thought of living next door to a murderer. And Jennifer wasn't from Duskwood either. So this makes the theory even more plausible.
Richy paused, the beginning question once again entering his mind. Why was she asking about the incident? About Jennifer?
But you don't think that Hannah has something to do with what happened back then, do you?
Unfortunately I do
He swallowed hard, if MC made the connection between Hannah and Jennifer, she would ultimately discover Amy's involvement, which would place him closer and closer to the burning flames.
Well I hope not.
"I wish not, I wish she didn't. I wish none of us did." He whispered underneath his breath, fist suddenly colliding with his desk. He didn't ask for this, why was this happening to him?
That happened at least ten years ago. Mmh, I think that's it. I don't know anything else.
I don't know anything else, that was one of the most bogus statements he had ever made in his whole life. He knew a lot about the incident, he knew too much. He wished it could have been different.
That was actually more information than I expected.
Chewing on his bottom lip, his eyebrows furrowed. Wait a minute.
Talk to you later.
Hold on real quick, why did you ask me that?
Was MC asking him this because she already suspected him? Or was she asking him this because of her subtle but at the same time obvious growing feelings for the mechanic?
Because I have a hunch that it might be getting me closer to Hannah
A small chuckle managed to escape his lips, was she messing with him? Or did she really not understand what he was getting at?
No, no, that's not what I meant. Why ME?
I like you
Richy's heart skipped a beat, she had finally said it. His mind raced, it was both a dream come true and a nightmare at the same time, what an oxymoron. MC had fallen for the culprit, for the man behind the mask. And he had messed up, by falling for her as well. Damn it.
I like you too, MC. A lot. Adios
He quickly logged off, needing time to think and reorganize his thoughts. The plan had to work, it was GOING to work, and then he would shoot his shot with MC, it would all work out.
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yubiina · 1 year
The long awaited Duskwood x Moonvale trailer is FINALLY DONE. I'm sorry it took me long it was so hard finding the right clips that set the mood for the type of edit I wanted I got completely blocked at some point 🧍‍♀️
(Also want to mention none of these clips and music is originally mine, all except Jake's voicemail. Please don't chare on any other platforms other than on tumblr without ny permission, thank u <3)
Enjoy! ♡
(I recommend u wear earphones for the best experience)
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witchwitha-b · 3 months
Double Upload :D
Because I thought why not and because I have work tomorrow and I rather upload now than tomorrow and let you wait too long ^^
Besides, there are many other chats I have planned, and I am really excited to share them with you!
But enjoy this one first :D
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