#mystery gang redraw
ciao-pomodoro · 2 years
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Zoinks! Like- how did we get into the backrooms, Scoob?!
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abconlon · 1 year
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zoomer mystery inc and their rescue dog looking for cryptids
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nbydaphne · 2 years
nothing will pull a community (scooby doo fandom) together more than a shitty adaptation of their beloved ip (hbo velma)
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muddledhorror · 2 years
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the mystery gang!
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himes-things · 2 years
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Some old art from 2019 that I never posted on here!
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incredipuppy · 1 year
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Redraw of a drawing I did of summer last year because I rewatch season 4 recently and wanted to draw them again
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dreamcatcher-faux · 1 year
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I wanted to redraw a Scooby-Doo screenshot with the Mystery Skulls gang + Duet :3
I also messed with Lewis and Vivi's designs to give them the colors of the other members; Vivi with a orange headband for Arthur and Lewis with a blue ascot for Vivi :3 I also decided to combine Lewis's undead and alive form as a homage to an old drawing I never posted
Below the cut are the flats and the background by itself :3
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batatinhaturbo · 18 days
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mystery friends 👻
(ocs that i made some years ago when everyone was doing their version of scooby-doo gang and every year i make a redraw to see how i improved 💛)
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tavbabe666 · 2 years
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I did a Velma redraw for the trash TV show they're trying to peddle off. Her name is Vel, she’s a fan of the mystery gang and Velma is her idol. Together with her gang of “friends” they solve mysteries in their hometown.  
Can people just redraw the characters into their own person to keep the sanity? Just imagine what the show could've been.
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Some more Scooby-Doo throawback art! And some extremely old art to boot lol. This is my first Scooby-Doo OC, that isn’t directly related to the main gang, since most of my current OCS are of some direct relation.
Meet Jay! The first image was drawn ‎June ‎13, ‎2011. I was only 10 when I drew it! How time flies. For some reason, his name was Abasi. According to the original description of the image, he wasn’t even a Scooby-Doo character, but because he was a great dane I decided to make him one apparently lol. His name was Abasi for some reason. That might literally be something in Swahili, which would make sense because I drew nothing but Lion King lions back then.
I...don’t know why I assumed Abasi would be a good name for a Scooby-Doo dog but whatever. He was Scooby-Doo’s brother in that image.
Second image was drawn ‎September ‎02, ‎2012. So a little bit over a year later. This was when he was first renamed to Jay. Still more in line with the SD style. Now sporting his own Scooby-Doo collar! It reads “Jay” though. I really like how he looks in this style; I think he looks rather cute, innocent and dippy. It also reminds me of the later style I used in my “Pool party” and “Scooby and Amber’s puppies” image.
The third image was drawn on December ‎08, ‎2012. This one was referenced directly from Clipart of Scooby-Doo himself. Maybe I can find it sometime and redraw it LOL. This one looks...rather terrible  I remember being really happy with it at the time as it was the closest I was able to get to SD style at the time. I’m still kinda happy with it LOL! It was a land mark for me of learning a different style. Return of the one sided whiskers! I couldn’t ever get SD’s eyes close enough together without looking weird, and I still can’t :’)
Annnnddd the fourth and last image was drawn on ‎December ‎23, ‎2012. Featuring his own, Casandra, who is a literal recolor. And by literal recolor, I mean the first image I ever did of her I traced a screenshot of Daphne and used it to get a color palette down. I never posted it online though lol and I still have it. Even her appearance is still a hodge-podge of the other gang members for some reason. Casandra is literally blonde Daphne, with the smarts of Velma(and Freddy’s hair, now that I think of it) she’s wearing the Ankh necklace from Scooby-Doo In Where’s My Mummy. Maybe not the SAME one but a Ankh necklace because I was obsessed with Egyptian culture at the time. I believe she also ate a lot of food like Shaggy lmao. What a mess!
The letter she is holding is the same one from Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! Season 1, episode 2 "Hassle in the Castle". I think the photo on the wall is well....
Her backstory was she was a die-hard fan-girl of the gang and wanted to join them. She also owned Jay, who was changed to be Scooby-Doo’s cousin rather than brother at some point. She would solve a few mysteries herself, but would mostly wander around and get lost as she was kinda dense. She was well meaning but would walk into a clearly marked chasm if someone didn’t stop her. Jay wasn’t much better, outside of having a exceptional sense of smell. I remember her favorite SD member was Shaggy, who she hung out with sometimes. It’s strange, if I had made her today I’d probably had considered them a couple, but Shaggy and her never were a couple lol. I just wanted to draw them being freinds!
I definitely need to remake them sometime! I think I’ll make Jay a realllllllllllllllllllly distant cousin of Scooby. Or maybe just a fan-boy! He looks like he could maybe be Scooby-Dee’s son with someone. But that would just be another bright-eyed-nephew to look up to Scooby. I’ll probably change him to be unrelated.
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cnidarian-tidalwave · 7 months
I'll bite! What's the jrwinitw au?
Nitw (Night in The Woods) is a 2010s indie game about a college dropout named mae borowski returning to her hometown of possum springs, but something is off, and mae is determined to find out what is going on. I recommend actually watching a nitw playthrough if you haven’t ever heard of it, it is beautiful and is the only game that’s ever brought me to tears (The game features things like ghosts, cults, psychosis/BPD/derealization, the fallout of company towns, poverty, familial death, homophobia, abuse, so be warned! It handles all these topics beautifully, but they are heavy nonetheless).
Jrwinitw will spoil the plot of nitw! You have been warned!
Jrwinitw takes my favorite aspects of jrwi and nitw and makes a chip-centric story in which chip is returning to the port city of Blackrose. He meets up with Lizzie Lafayette and she takes him to band practice where chip finds Jay, someone he was close to when they were like 10, Lizzie’s girlfriend Edyn Fischer, who Chip met like once before, and ollie, this highschool senior who just chills with the gang. For some reason Gill, Edyn’s cousin and the old drummer for the band, has gone missing. The gang has band practice then heads to Chey’s Kitchen for some pizza and when they leave they find a blackened and severed arm, giving the first taste of the mystery portion of the story!
For the au I’ll mostly be redrawing screenshots or doing rough animatics of scenes from the game, I’m really excited to do the final act especially!
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silvereyedzoroark · 1 year
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Scooby Doom: Fred the Pokemon Ranger 
Finally got round to finishing this, I did draw a Pokemon Ranger Fred last year, but I wasn’t 100% happy with it, so I wanted to redo it again, but with my busy life, it’s took me till now to finish what I started, so here is Fred the Pokemon Ranger! 
So yeah decided Fred would be a Pokemon Ranger in the Scooby Doom gang, so he has no main Pokemon partner, but if this was a show he would use his  capture styler to temporarily capture a Pokemon to assist them with their current mystery, so yeah able to show case some different Pokemon and Fred utilising their abilities with his traps.   
I don’t have anything else to add here, just hope I can get Daphne finished soon. Also I kind of want to redraw Shaggy again, as I’m not 100% with the draw I’ve done so far.  
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dweebsmcbeebs · 1 year
here are all of the digital refs of my ocs for a thing im calling Diablo Hill- I do need to redraw a lot of them but its the best i got
the main gang, Dustin, Ace, and Malcom, a bunch of queers who go around exploring haunted abandoned buildings and accidently summoning demons
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Penny is a human side character, i haven't drawn enough of the side characters to justify a whole section- but Penny exists, she works with malcom and has a crush on every tall creepy guy she comes across
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This is one of the most infamous local cryptids of Diablo Hill, some say he used to just a guy before something happened. He has eaten people but its not his fault he just gets hungry. he still broadcasts his rants ramblings as well as any music he likes, he often talks of "his love" "the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen" swooning and babbling endlessly of a woman he'd fallen in love with in life
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This is The Pentacule, a group of strangely fully formed ghosts that can even leave their haunt, they rent their house out to some poor soul that they were going to eat- key word going to
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Wyatt Weird is yet another suspicious character in Diablo Hill, he says to sell magic candy but its usually sub par warm melted goo, mostly because he keeps them in his coat. he restocks in a suspicious white van that seems to disappear behind back alleys- sometimes he rants and mumbles about a business partner who took everything from him
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OK now The demons
This is Paprika Cheshire, the shopkeeper of the small hell town, he sells the goods of his fellow townsfolk to outsiders, he can often highten prices unfairly much to the dismay of the mayor- aside from his greed he is quite pleasant, just dont trust him with any secrets, his mouths like to gossip
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This is Denora, she lives in the big city selling homemade trinkets, potions, and perfumes. she is always welcoming sometimes too welcoming especially for the city- her size usually protects her from danger but prevents her from really going out in the city given the cramped narrow and acidic streets
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This is Squigg, they own the Jabberwocky Cafe, a small little cafe hidden away in the demon city that may or may not have ties to the mafia
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This is Zig, the powerhouse of the (red team) mafia, a force of destruction and a wall of hot magma like skin, despite this hes very polite to his peers if not brutish and bombastic. His tie is a separate demon named Windsor, sometimes a voice of reason but usually a nagging presence that backs up his best friend.
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Last but certainly not least we have Thorn a mysterious hulking beast of a demon, she has been spotted in the woods of Diablo hill, gathering roses and planting them around a cave that presumably leads directly to hell
in hell she lives on a tall mountain covered in twisted thorned foliage, she is mostly a recluse even but still considered part of the small hell town the mountain looks over, providing strong spiked logs for buildings and bright beautiful red roses as decorations
she longs for her lover on the surface
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I have SO SOOOO many more but these are the solid in place roles and most deigns, i hope you like them because there will be more to come from my wacky silly demon world Love you Mwa!
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dogfruit01 · 3 years
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obligatory mystery gang doodle
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memelzebub · 3 years
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frogdrawsrainbows · 3 years
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mystery incorporated
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reference from scooby doo: mystery incorporated
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