#mystic prodigy propaganda
khlegacynexus · 7 months
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Aftermath Cover is finally Finished
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graywyvern · 3 years
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( "night gazers" by keita morimoto via spoon-tamago.com / via via @HvnsLstAngel )
Ghost Bankers in the Sky.
My ultimate conspiracy theory. What's behind the funding of anti-global warming propaganda? Venusians, who've run out of living space, & have been messing with the monkeys on the third planet, so there would develop the internal combustion engine & in time create a runaway greenhouse effect to turn Earth into a replica of Venus.
" 'They--we--were betrayed. In our souls we have never been sure by whom. When we feel cheated we are ready to kill; and maybe we feel cheated all the time.' " --Gene Wolfe, "Seven American Nights," in: Best Science Fiction Stories (1980)
Airless is the room of No one-Will-Ever-Read-This; & how prodigious the pretence of breathing there! --Yet it must be done.
Draconian Mystic. (via @singlezer0)
Góngora: De la brevedad engañosa de la Vida (my tr.)
No less than the swift arrow solicited a mark sharply destined to be bitten, nor with more silence than the agonistic chariot glided across mute sands to a winning finish,
does our century run to its prompt, secret end. Who doubts, though he be beast destitute of reason, yet may he read the portent of every dawn. Carthage testifies, & still you don't admit it?
You'll run into trouble, Licio, if you persist in chasing phantoms & embracing frauds... Badly the hours'll account you to yourself: the hoürs that are grinding down the days, the days that are gnawing away the years.
Rainbow Crackle.
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jeskaim · 3 years
My New Commander
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Say hello to my new commander.  I try to keep my commander decks to a minimum so to make room I decided to get rid of Aurelia.  I feel it doesn’t have a definite strategy and there are so few decks of it I had to combine themes.  Plus Smothering Tithe is fricking EXPENSIVE and I didn’t want to spend $40 on another one.  I also decided to take out Path to Exile and Swords to Plowshares from it for Gwafa Hazid to save money.
Why Gwafa Hazid?  If you’ve been following me for a while you would know that besides Aurelia all of my commander decks have blue in them except for two (The Scorpion God and Yisan, The Wanderer Bard) so it’s just another blue commander.  I’ve always wanted to build him in EDH but decided not to do it until I could get someone special to sign it (here’s a hint: it’s not the artist).  Then last month that person started selling autographs of personal items and I took advantage of it.  It was $50 but it was well worth the money.  It hasn’t come in yet but once it does I’ll definitely post it here.
Now onto the deck itself.  It’s your basic “pillow fort” strategy to try to prevent your opponent from attacking you and using alt-win conditions to win the game.  For this deck I have three: Approach of the Second Sun, Acor’s Elocutors, and Felidar Sovereign.  It also has the basic pillow-fort cards like Propaganda, Ghostly Prison, and even Peacekeeper.  For this deck I actually didn’t copy the best cards from EDHREC.com.  I still used it as a guide and but I also combined it with another Gwafa Hazid EDH deck I found on YouTube from a creator named “The Dark One.”  That one is designed to make the game go as long as possible and doesn’t have a win-con.  Here’s a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isetVdDe_X4
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The main change I made from EDHREC is the addition of Kira, the Great Glass Spinner to protect my monsters which wasn’t on EDHREC but was in The Dark One’s build.  Not only that I also added some enchantments like Spectra Ward and Shielded by Faith for some extra protection.
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Now for tutors.  I’m running two in this deck: Enlightened and Mystical.  Mystical to find one of my win-cons (Approach of the Second Sun) and Enlightened to find whatever artifact or enchantment I need.
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I also added another personal favorite card of mine that fits well.  Archangel of Tithes has special meaning to me because I ended getting not just one but TWO copies on the same day.  Back in 2015 (I remember it because it was when I first started to get serious about MTG and going out to play) when Magic Origins was the latest set I was getting as many packs as I could trying to get my hands on a Jace, Vryn’s Prodigy/Telepath Unbound (this was back when it was still in standard and around $100 nonfoil).  What happened was me and my dad went out to Target for some groceries and got me a couple packs of cards and that was when I got the first one.  I’ve posted here before about how much wrestling legend “Rowdy” Roddy Piper meant to me and later that afternoon I find out he had passed away.  I decided to skip FNM that day but I still went to my old LGS to get a couple of packs.  That’s when I got my second one.  That one I put in my Mardu “assortment” deck because of how special it is.  Back then I didn’t know about tier decks and just built decks with cards I liked.  I picked Mardu colors because the Mardu intro pack was the first one I got when I first got back into MTG.  For six years that card has been in my deck until now.  Even though it’s not the best “pillow fort” card it has special significance to me which is why I added it.
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Here’s a link to the full deck:  I’m still waiting on a few cards but once I get them it’ll be ready (minus the autographed commander).
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thrombosys · 8 years
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Epilogue: Myth & Society - Part III: The Hero Today
From ‘The Hero with a Thousand Faces’ (1949)
By Joseph Campbell
The democratic ideal of the self-determining individual, the invention of the power-driven machine, and the development of the scientific method of research have so transformed human life that the long-inherited, timeless universe of symbols has collapsed. In the fateful, epoch-announcing words of Nietzsche's Zarathustra: "Dead are all the gods." One knows the tale, it has been told a thousand ways. It is the hero-cycle of the modern age, the wonder-story of mankind’s coming to maturity. The spell of the past, the bondage of tradition, was shattered with sure and mighty strokes. The dream-web of myth fell away; the mind opened to full waking consciousness; and modern man emerged from ancient ignorance, like a butterfly from its cocoon, or like the sun at dawn from the womb of mother night.
It is not only that there is no hiding place for the gods from the searching telescope and microscope; there is no such society any more as the gods once supported. The social unit is not a carrier of religious content, but an economic-political organization. Its ideals are not those of the hieratic pantomime making visible on earth the forms of heaven, but more of the secular state, in hard and unremitting competition for material supremacy and resources. Isolated societies no longer exist except as areas to be exploited. And within the progressive societies themselves, every last vestige of the ancient human heritage of ritual, morality, and art is in full decay. 
The problem of mankind today, therefore, is precisely the opposite to that of men in the comparatively stable periods of those great coordinating mythologies which now are known as lies. Then all meaning was in the group, in the great anonymous forms; today no meaning is in the group – all is in the individual. But there the meaning is absolutely unconscious. One does not know toward what one moves. One does not know by what one is propelled. The lines of communication between the conscious and the unconscious zones of the human psyche have all been cut, and we have been split in two. 
The hero-deed to be wrought is not today what it was in the century of Galileo. Where then there was darkness, now there is light. But also, where light was there now is darkness. The modern hero-deed must be that of questing to bring to light again the lost Atlantis of the coordinated soul. 
Obviously, this work cannot be wrought by turning back, or away, from what has been accomplished by the modern revolution; for the problem is nothing if not that of rendering the modern world spiritually significant – or rather, phrasing the same principle the other way round - nothing if not that of making it possible for men and women to come to full human maturity through the conditions of contemporary life. Indeed, these conditions themselves are what have rendered the ancient formulae ineffective, misleading, and even pernicious. The community today is the planet, not the bounded nation; hence the patterns of projected aggression which formerly served to coordinate the in-group, now can only break it into factions. The national idea, with the flag as totem, is today an aggrandizer of the nursery ego, not the annihilator of an infantile situation. And the numerous saints of this anti-cult – namely the patriots whose ubiquitous photographs, draped with flags, serve as official icons – are precisely the local threshold guardians whom it is the first problem of the hero to surpass. 
Nor can the great world religions, as at present understood, meet the requirement. For they have become associated with the causes of the factions, as instruments of propaganda and self-congratulation. The universal triumph of the secular state has thrown all religious organizations into such a definitely secondary, and finally ineffectual, position that religious pantomime is hardly more today than a sanctimonious exercise for Sunday morning, whereas business ethics and patriotism stand for the remainder of the week. Such a monkey-holiness is not what the functioning world requires; rather, a transmutation of the whole social order is necessary, that through every detail and act of secular life the vitalizing image of the universal god-man who is actually in all of us may be somehow made known to consciousness. 
And this is not a work that consciousness itself can achieve. The whole thing is being worked out at another level, through what is bound to be a long and very frightening process, not only in the depths of every living psyche in the modern world, but also on those titanic battlefields into which the whole planet has lately been converted.
But there is one thing we may know, namely, that as the new symbols become visible, they will not be identical in the various parts of the globe; the circumstances of local life, race, and tradition must all be compounded in the effective forms. Therefore, it is necessary for men to understand, and be able to see, that through various symbols the same redemption is revealed. “Truth is one”, we read in the Vedas; “the sages call it by many names.” A single song is being inflected through all the colorations of the human choir. General propaganda for one or another of the local solutions, therefore, is superfluous – or much rather, a menace. The way to become human is to learn to recognize the lineaments of God in all of the wonderful modulations of the face of man.
With this we come to the final hint of what the specific orientation of the modern hero-task must be, and discover the real cause for the disintegration of all of our inherited religious formulae. The center of gravity, that is to say, of the realm of mystery and danger has definitely shifted. For the primitive hunting peoples of those remotest human millenniums when the sabertooth tiger, the mammoth, and the lesser presences of the animal kingdom were the primary manifestations of what was alien – the source at once of danger, and of sustenance for those primitive peoples – the great human problem was to become linked psychologically to the task of sharing the wilderness with these beings. An unconscious identification took place, and this was finally rendered conscious in the half-human, half-animal figures of the mythological totem-ancestors. The animals become the tutors of humanity. Through acts of literal imitation – such as appear today only on the children’s playground (or in the madhouse) – an effective annihilation of the human ego was accomplished and society achieved a cohesive organization. Similarly, for the tribes supporting themselves on plant-food; the life-rituals of planting and reaping were identified with those of human procreation, birth, and progress to maturity. Both the plant and the animal worlds, however, were in the end brought under social control. Whereupon the great field of instructive wonder shifted – to the skies – and mankind enacted the great pantomime of the sacred moon-king, the sacred sunking, the hieratic, planetary state, and the symbolic festivals of the world-regulating spheres. 
Today all of these mysteries have lost their force; their symbols are no longer of interest to our psyche. The notion of a cosmic law, which all existence serves and to which man himself must bend, has long since passed through the preliminary mystical stages represented in the old astrology, and is now simply accepted in mechanical terms as a matter of course. The descent of the Occidental sciences from the heavens to the earth (From 17th century astronomy to 19th century biology), and their concentration today, at last, on humankind itself (in 20th century anthropology and psychology), mark the path of a prodigious transfer of the focal point of human wonder. Not the animal world, not the plant world, not the miracle of the spheres, but man himself is now the crucial mystery. Man is that alien presence with whom the forces of egoism must come to terms, through whom the ego is to be crucified and resurrected, and in whose image society is to be reformed. Humankind, understood however not as “I” but as “thou”: for the ideals and temporal institutions of no tribe, race, continent, social class, or century can be the measure of the inexhaustible and multifariously wonderful divine existence that is the life in all of us. 
The modern hero, the modern individual who dares to heed the call and seek the mansion of that presence, with whom it is our whole destiny to be atoned, cannot, indeed must not, wait for his community to cast off its slough of pride, fear, rationalized avarice, and sanctified misunderstanding. And so every one of us shares the supreme ordeal – carries the cross of the redeemer – not in the bright memories of his tribe’s great victories, but in the silences of his personal despair. It is not society that is to guide and save the creative hero, but precisely the reverse. “Live”, Nietzche tells us, “as though the day were here”. 
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khlegacynexus · 6 months
And just like that Donnie now has a gun https://archiveofourown.org/works/50708389/chapters/138059134
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khlegacynexus · 22 days
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Whats This? a Mystic Prodigy cover art halfway through the story. Instead of just before it ends? surprising! On top of the last two chapters are giving me a little bit of trouble. I’ve also been very busy this week. I gotta take a break tomorrow to do some cleaning.
But I have a decent progress today so hopefully the end of the week at the earliest
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khlegacynexus · 9 months
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It’s finally done I used my rendering style and it came out great this is Raph’s season 2 outfit by the way. Yeah the Ninpo thing is what they have been wearing since the end of prodigy with some tweaks.
And like in the WIP Mona is already ready to cut a bitch And her arm is no longer broken!!!
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khlegacynexus · 3 months
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khlegacynexus · 4 months
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Unless something happens you should see the next chapter of others later Tomorrow in the mean time have a pansexual MP!Leonardo for Pride Month
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khlegacynexus · 4 months
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Something a few days before the Seperated AU competition kicks off he’s really trying to get a leg up over the other Leo’s wonder how this will go with the other Leo’s
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khlegacynexus · 3 months
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Here’s the comic for round two with Donnie’s siblings helping him with his limitations as much as they can. And Lizzie likes Pokémon with cute fairy and psychic types being her favorite
Lizzie: They’re just like me for real!
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khlegacynexus · 2 months
I am working on the Next Chapter of Others! But I’m slowing it down until A03’s disruption issue is resolved. Also stream the movie 🎥 if you can today guys as part of the celebration of its release.
Also inspired from the third Q&A here’s some Mystic Prodigy Trivia
I do want to incorporate the recent description of Frida’s Ninpo. I figured out how But I can’t do much more than that right now. Beyond Frida is actually Self taught.
Bonds for the MP kids are as follows Strongest to Weakest currently
Leo: Donnie/Mikey>Lizzie>Raph
Donnie: Leo/Mikey>Raph>Lizzie
Raph: Mikey>Lizzie>Donnie>Leo
Mikey: Leo/Donnie>Lizzie\Raph
Lizzie: Frida/Mikey>Donnie>Leo>Raph
Frida: Lizzie>The boys
Ages for the Turtles are as follows youngest to oldest
Elizabeth- 13
Michelangelo 14 1/2
Leonardo 15
Donatello 15 1/2 (there is a 6 month difference between Their hatching. I have a try to show with the human form if they have been born human they definitely would’ve been twins.)
Raphael, Slash and Frida: 17
So Apparently the sibling that was lost in another dimension was the Brother. And the actual Oldest. While I had always planned for Raph Frida and Later Slash to share that status. Wholly shit I feel so bad for Raph here! First his Leadership position (which if you pay attention to the show closely wasn’t always long for this world.) and now his title as the oldest. I’m not changing that now. 🤣
Also while Slash is a Hamato by blood He has his own life and family in Oaishu
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khlegacynexus · 5 months
Never put off till Tomorrow what can be done today also…..all this lore your learning today
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khlegacynexus · 6 months
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My favorite Joke in the Mystic Prodigy Series along side Recruit and Tiger Claw’s conversation about her and Coffee. Probably not on the level of the Terrir of the Sea Joke From TFS’ FF7MA I hope I can write something of that caliber someday cause that’s like my favorite Joke of theirs
If you’re new to the Mystic Prodigy Series have a read But please be gentle as website servers had issues today I’m still kind of do https://archiveofourown.org/works/47590342/chapters/119942182
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khlegacynexus · 8 months
Finally Done special thanks to @peoplepersonoaktree for letting me use her picture for a reference
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If you’re new to the Mystic Prodigy Series give it a read here? https://archiveofourown.org/works/47590342/chapters/119942182
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khlegacynexus · 6 months
It’s finally here
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