#Dream beavers TMNT
khlegacynexus · 6 months
It’s finally here
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fabuloustrash05 · 9 days
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rantceratops · 1 year
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Still one of the top 5 best episodes. Dream beavers, beloved.
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tmnt-obsessed-ace · 2 years
Time to use the polls for there intended purpose
I leave it in your hands
(there should be a one hour time limit option for the polls -_-)
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brushes-of-sage · 2 years
Is there a full version of that metal song Dread Beaver makes Raph’s brothers play during his introduction? It’s such a banger and I need to keep listening to it. For science of course 👀
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forgetful-nerd · 1 year
I have this small crossover idea that lives in my head rent free for 2003!tmnt and the 2012!tmnt boys.
Where 2003! Mikey realizes how the 2012!boys haven't seen a ton of iconic movies because 1) most of their shows are terrible knock offs of the real thing. 2) they only watch things off of VHS tapes they fished out of the garbage.
So he does with this information what he does best: exploit the hell out of it. He tricks the 2012!turtles into watching a horror movie marathon to scare their shells off.
Only the 2012 turtles spend the whole time INSISTING that the villains/monsters are EERILY similar to some of the bad guys they've fought.
Nightmare on Elm Street? “Hey this guy’s like the dream beavers!”
The Thing? “Do y’all remember that time we meet April’s mom?”
Friday the 13th? “This guy isn't that scary. He can't even suck out mutagen!”
Alien? “They burst out of the guys stomach? Raph just vomited up the squirrelnoids!”
Finally, 2003! Mikey throws in the towel and decides to just put on a more light-hearted movie.
Then he has an absolute conniption, when his own counterpart screams: “OH MY GOD THAT SOUNDS LIKE NAPOLEON BONAFROG!”while they are watching Napoleon Dynamite.
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daylightcommand3 · 5 months
Fuck. I've been so busy that I haven't been able to TMNT: Wrath of the Mutants post. Bullet points time:
For me, this game is kinda gonna be lackluster. I've played the original recently. Plus, I've played Shredder's Revenge, which has the most masterful, intricate, and lovingly fluid combat I've ever played. You kinda just attack until you can't in Wrath of the Mutants.
I feel like Traag is a pretty safe bet for a boss in the Dimension X stage. He's intimidating. He's cool. He belongs in that location. And most importantly, he doesn't really require a voice actor.
I really hope they add more summons. I love Metalhead and Leatherhead, but I want more. My top choices are: Splinter, Casey Jones, Karai, Fugitoid, Slash, Rockwell, Pigeon Pete, and Shinigami. Splinter, Casey, and Karai are on the list because of their importance. Fugitoid probably won't happen because there's no way they get David Tennant. Slash, Rockwell, and Pigeon Pete would mean we get the original Mighty Mutanimals. I also imagine getting Tom Kenny and Pigeon Pete's voice actor would be relatively easier. I put Shinigami because I'm biased (I've been on a Shinigami supporting kick recently). Also wouldn't mind a Bishop summon.
I think a Forest level is most likely the final level not revealed. The forest has plenty of locations. The farmhouse, the woods, the mountain roads, the actual mountain. We would certainly fight The Creep. Don't know what the other boss would be. Genghis Frog? Speed Demon? Dream Beaver? Chimera?
Some additional bosses I want to see are Lord Dregg, Biotroid, Armaggon, Newtralizer, SpiderBytez, Snakeweed, Justin, and Belebome.
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
What is your favourite tmnt 2012 episode? Mine is Parasitica.
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ray-the-fanatic · 2 years
Im kind of rambling on twitter well watching tmnt again cause where else am I gonna do that XD and Im generally enjoying rewatching the show this way not a full epsiode thing cause im doing other stuff atm but
in part why i love the farmhouse arch so much is cause Casey was around more (obvi cause circumstances) and it was fun having him fully in the mix of the team and build on his relationships with everyone. Like his and Don's friendship. 
But also because we get to see what he brings to the team as well. Like taking charge in the dream beaver episode to go back to the store when thinking the book he saw had some connection. The speed demon episode as well I dunno I really like getting to see Don and Casey befriend each other. Getting to see Casey in the mix with the team more.
I dunno getting the main six of them alone in a setting like the farm house was nice is my main point.
Edit: 2012 btw I didn't state that
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angelmichelangelo · 2 years
kisscartoon not working? maybe this is the universe telling me to stop watching tmnt 2012 and do my coursework before my boss yells at me........ but i wanted to watch the dream beavers ep :(((
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zivazivc · 2 years
started watching season 3. the writers really said now that we have the teens all alone in a secluded farmhouse in the middle of the woods without any adult supervision and their big brother badly injured and unable to walk well, let’s base almost every episode off of a different classic horror movie, and i’m living for it
I forgot just how batshit insane some eps get!
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
Is it bad I always imagined Frida meeting the dream beavers and somehow convincing them to turn good.
She would do that XD
Frida is the type of person who sees the good in everyone, so her seeing the Dreams Beavers, these cute tiny colorful creatures, she'd instantly want to smother them with cuddles.
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She wouldn't be scared of them, they'd be scared of her. She is like Dave but more sweet. She's so sweet it's sickening
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hamatoclan76 · 4 years
“I wanted to tell something that was quiet and creepy and slow, like a Bodysnatchers story or The Blob. Taking the tropes of all these great 80s horror films, like John Carpenter ones. I really wanted to do a sci-fi horror film starring the Turtles as they were older. But that never happened.”
There are other stories that they never got to tell, with some season five episodes, such as a Raphael and Casey Jones team up and a return of Den of Geek favourites the Dream Beavers, nixed before production.
“That was a 20-episode season, so it was a little short. If we had a full 26, there probably, definitely would have been a two-part Dream Beavers episode in that season. Now that I’m saying it out loud again, it’s kind of sad.” -Ciro Nieli (tmnt 2012 interview 2019)
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tmnt-obsessed-ace · 2 years
Ok so heres how things will (hopefully) play out
We are actually approaching the end of the first arc of When The World Crumbles which is everything from "A Journey Begins By Accident" to "Interlude 1: Doomsday" arc 1 is basically the establishing arc (and also where my already existing mental outline for the plot ends so...oh boy. Like I know where the story is going but how we get there is a mystery.)
Chapter 5 of Sunshine Of The Woods...ughhggh it mocks me. Once we get past this chapter the next one is the Dream Beavers but...this chapter is currently mocking so I will ignore it for a few days and hope it stops screaming. (It really doesnt help that writing Rise Mikey is just as difficult for me as writing the Donnies. Why are you so weird to write?????)
Lost But Never Found, oh I have so many plans :):):):):) (lets be real, a good chunk of it is "How much torment can I inflict onto 2012 Leo/Indigo." If he didn't want to be whumped he shouldn't have so much good whump potential.)
I still have to finish the designs for the Solar Flare gang...fuck.
And because I have the self control of a piece of swiss cheese...I am starting ANOTHER fic.
This one is an idea I mentioned a few times, an alta and tmnt 2012 crossover fic but Venus and Jennika are apart of the 2012 gang. Aka the fic idea inspired heavily by A Tale Of Spirits (that fic is really good go read it) this idea has been rattling in my head for months now. I originally planned to save it for after When The World Crumbles is done but...I don't know if its no self control or pure masochism at this point. Anyways stay tuned for that fic that I have yet to title once I get at least a few updates done for my three current fics because...oof.
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tokka · 7 years
Colorado Springs Comic Con  2017 :: Tokka &  John Kassir
Colorado Springs Comic Con 2017 :: Tokka & John Kassir by tOkKie-Pokie ..puddin' n pie.. Via Flickr: ☣ ☣ -->> Tokka helped introduced the concept of the Terror Bears to Nickelodeon TMNT 2012 , these classic Ninja Turtles RPG characters would go on to be the fan favourite extra dimensional Villains : THE DREAM BEAVERS. I was honored to meet prolific voice actor & comedian John Kassir in the late summer of 2017 who voiced two of of the sadistic rodents Dark Beaver & Dave Beaver. My Dark Beaver toy on card was signed by him & he was presented with the "Dark Beaver" skateboard which was created specifically for him. Such a great moment in my ramshackle existence to meet one of the vocal talents behind a character i helped plunge onto the small screen. ♥ you, John. And thank you so much !! ~ t
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thefanimator · 3 years
just remembered my first childhood trauma moment... the dream beaver episode of tmnt. it’s just nightmare on elm street in a different font
for christ sakes, it even has Freddy Krueger himself playing a character
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