#n h sensai
aizawa-needs-coffee · 3 years
Shinsou x reader who is really responsible but only acts like that because nobody was ever there for them and the reader has ✨trauma✨ but doesnt show it? bonus points is Shinsou walks in on them crying or smth and its angst to fluff and 10000000/10 if it ends in cuddles
I hope you like it!
Shinso x GN reader Angst/Fluff SFW All characters are 18+
Wordcount: 1,055
Shinso had been aware of you since the school year began, watching as you helped everyone who needed it, he was there when you made friends with Denki and helped him study to pass exams, the nights you would stay up and try your best to get the blond to pay attention. He’d seen you help Midoriya when it came to the brash and obnoxious Bakugo picking on him in the hallways.
Every single time anyone needed help he saw you there at the for front trying your best. He’d asked you in passing once “Why do you do it? Why help everyone?” and you’d just offered him this smile, this sweet, rehearsed smile he’d seen a thousand times “It’s the responsible thing to do, we are heroes after all right?”
He’d never mentioned it again, your reason had been good enough at the time, everyone who wanted to be a hero was bound to have that mentality. The responsibility to help whoever was in need.
One night after he’d had extra training with Aizawa-sensai he was slowly making his way back to the dorms, the hallways so quiet, such a stark contrast from the day when the place was filled with students and staff, bristling with so much energy. Being able to hear each of his footsteps felt unnatural.
His own foot fall suddenly not the only sound his ears could pick up, the shuffling of chair legs on the floor caught his attention to the right, the light was still on, maybe a teacher had staid behind to do marking he mused to himself walking past the door without a second thought. Shinso paused midstep when the sound of a sob broke into the air.
He should mind his own business, he knew that he didn’t like when others fussed over him either, but something about the sad sobs had his heart aching, it felt tight in his chest. The sorrowful muffled wails coming from the room. He sighed outwardly, was he going to regret getting involved?
Sliding the door open he was surprised to see you sat at one of the neatly arranged desks, face buried in your arms as you cried your heart out, no regard to the sound of the sliding door, even when he closed it and stepped forward.
You did not stir from where you cried into your arms, body shivering from each soul wrenching sob, he rubbed his neck nervously and let out cough, he felt bad that you hadn’t noticed his presence, he didn’t want to come off as being intrusive to what was obviously a very private moment.
Lifting your head, eyes red and puffy, tear stained cheeks you sniffled, blinking your blurred vision when you made out who it was. “S-Shinso…h..hey!” there it was, the bright fake smile you wore everyday like it was also part of your uniform.
“Stop it” He was shocked at how blunt that had come out, but the mask you wore at seeing the purple haired male slipped, your lip quivered, putting your arm over your eyes not wanting him to see you cry any more then he already had.
“I can-can’t” you sobbed in a pleading tone, thinking Shinso had meant the tears that still ran freely down your face, soaking the sleeve of your blazer, he clicked his tongue and dropped his bag from his shoulder, making his way over to you.
“Not the crying” you looked over your makeshift shield at him, blinking back more tears, gasping in shock as he knelt on one knee, eye level with you now. “I’m not someone you need to put that fake smile on for, I can see through it” he started, and you trembled at his words, had it always been that obvious?
“I’m so tired Shinso” You let your arm fall by your side, not looking at him, unable to make eye contact, you felt so weak. “I’m so tired of it, I shouldn’t have to be this grown up yet b..but there’s no one… no one to look after me!” fresh tears filled your eyes as you lifted your head now.
“No one cares about me..n..not my f..family” You felt like you couldn’t breathe, the tightening in your chest, the tears coming too strong now, the hic ups taking your breath away, the cusp of a panic attack forcing it’s way into your senses.
He couldn’t do it anymore, seeing you falling apart piece by piece in front of him, the pain that radiated off your words, the unpleasant tingle of familiarity he felt. He moved forward, arms grabbing you and pulling you against him. You choked on a sob, suddenly Shinso had his arms around you, your chin perched on his shoulder. You let it go, the tears, every overwhelming feeling of loneliness, bitterness, everything.
And Shinso held you, grounded you, he rubbed your back as you started to run out of steam, your painful wails simmering down to small whimpers. He gently pulled away to look at you once your body had gone limp against his, his hands on your arms as he did so.
“You can’t be responsible for everyone” Shinso frowned, hands sliding down to find your knees, resting there. Another sigh, he wasn’t good at this stuff, it was why he’d tried his best to remain on the outside.
“I j..” He cut you off, standing to his full height and offering you his hand. “No, I don’t want to hear it, you need to start letting people in” God he hated the irony in his own words, Aizawa’s advice really, but you both needed to hear it.
“You have to start living for you, some people aren’t worth it and some people… “he paused thinking about the friends he was slowly making “Are going to have your back too, just give them the chance to be” You nodded your head, wiping your eyes on your sleeve before allowing yourself to be helped up.
“It’s hard but the dumbasses in this class are the best people to help with that.”
You laughed at his playful insult, feeling the emotions from just before start to leave your body, feeling stronger and braver with your own “Even you?” It was his turn to stare at you, blinking his tired eyes.
“Yeah, even me”
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tamakissimp · 4 years
headcanons- indestructable s/o
summary: they have a s/o with an indestructable quirk who likes to get into dangerous situations.
request: anon - HI! can you do some headcanons of Todoroki, bakugo and izuku having a s/o that have an indestructible quirks, they do crazy and dangerous stuff for fun. Like the boys are watching the news and see their s/o is surfing a massive wave during a hurricane.
characters: todorki, bakugou and izuku
warnings: dangerous situations, lightning, electricity, a knife, fluff, cursing
𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 𝟜𝟟𝟙
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He would be scared shitless, honestly. You're the one person he cares about and who he feels comfortable around so the moment he sees you doing dangerous stuff, he goes into protective mode.
He loves the smile on your face and how giddy you get from the adrenaline but he doesn't like how you only get so giddy in life-threatening situations.
You do a lot of dumb stuff. Running through walls, skydiving, running out and about during hurricanes.
Shoto won't show it, but he is always stressed out. While his face is stoic he is mentally freaking out.
"Get out," Shoto says. You ignore him by diving down under the water. Swimming in a rooftop pool during a thunderstorm is thrilling, to say the least. Shoto keeps his distance from the pool. All he wants to do is dive into the water and drag you out of the pool. But while you could take the potential electrocution, he can't.
You pop back above the water. You look up at Shoto with a goofy smile. While he tries to remain calm you can see the anxiety in his eyes. "Please, you'll catch a cold," he says. Sure, like that's the worse thing that can happen.
"But it's so nice," you whine. You look up at the sky. Thick clouds roll through the sky as the roaring thunder above you only grows tenfold. Lightning catches onto the building next to you.
Shoto's eyes grow wide as saucers as a pale, yellow light illuminates the rooftop. You look beautiful, angelic even. You look at peace in a situation that should send cold shivers up your spine.
"Get out of the pool. Come on," Shoto says. His voice grows more desperate. You dive under the cool water once again. His voice is barely audible under the thick water. You push yourself down until you’re sitting on the bottom of the pool.
Suddenly, lightning strikes down in the pool. Shoto's body grows rigged. He knows your fine, you always are. But situations like these always send panic through his body.
You pop up out of the water again. You swim over to the edge of the pool and push yourself out of it. Giggles fall over your lips. Your nerves are tingling from the electricity and your adrenaline is pumping through your veins. Shoto runs over you, grabs the towel you threw on the ground and wraps it around your body.
"That was awesome!" you say. Shoto drags you along with him he walks to the door leading inside the building.
"Don't do stupid shit like that again," he says. All you can do is nod and giggle some more. He knew you wouldn't stop. He wouldn't want you to stop when it brings you this much excitement. He just wants you to be more careful.
'Shoto," Izuku calls out. Shoto hums before turning around to look at his friend. His eyes grow once he catches sight of the television screen Izuku is looking at.
Shoto quickly stands up and walks closer to the screen. Both boys listen to the news reporter while staring at the screen.
'The storm is expected to last for another day. While people have been advised to stay inside, some have been seeking out the thrill of the storm," the voice says.
Images of warsh waves are displayed on the screen. Water crashed down onto itself. On top of the immense waves, you are surfing like you aren't in a life-threatening situation.
A smile is plastered on your face as you enjoy the cool breeze buzzing around you. "T-That's Y/n," Izuku says. Shoto nods. He grabs the remote from Izuku and turns the volume of the television up.
Shoto sits down on the couch standing in front of the television. "I wasn't expecting less of them," he says as he stares at the screen. A smile tugs on his lips at the sight of you smiling and carelessly riding the waves. God, you looked adorable when you smile.
𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 𝟜𝟜𝟞
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He pretends like he doesn't care much about your doings. He has to keep up his tough-guy act after all. But once you two are alone, he lets that all slip.
Bakugou tells you about his fears that one day your quirk won't be able to save you.
That being said though, he loves seeing you and Kirishima do dumb shit together.
Seeing the person he loves and his best friend run around like giggling toddlers even makes someone as grumpy as him smile. If anyone points it out though, he'll kill them.
"Do it again, do it again!" you say as you stand up from the ground. Laughs erupt through the air as you and Kirishima jump around Denki. The electric blond laughs along with you.
Denki holds out both hands and you and Kirishima both grab one. Waves of electricity roll through your bodies, sending you two flying backwards into the nearest wall. It stays silent for a bit before Kirishima sits up straight while laughing his ass off.
Bakugou sits in the corner of the room, eyeing you three. Seeing you get shocked over and over again makes his blood run cold but the laughs you let out afterwards make it all worth it. You turn your head towards him, eyes locking.
Another laugh falls off your lips while a blush dusts over Bakugou's cheeks. "Baku," you call out to him. "Baby, come over here!". Bakugou rolls his eyes and groans but gets up from his spot none the less. You stay seated on the ground, leaning against the now broken wall.
Bakugou stands in front of you, towering over you. He crouches down in front of you. "What?" he sneers. You reach a hand out towards him. He gets the note and grabs a hold of it and lifts you off the ground.
You wipe the dust off your pants before looking up at him with a goofy smile. "There's a storm tonight and Kiri and I are gonna go surfing," you say. No, that's dangerous, Bakugou thinks. "Wanna come with us?".
"Sure. Someone will have to look after you to idiots.". You just shake your head at him. You lay your hand on his cheek, pulling him towards you before placing a quick kiss on his lips. His body melts at your touch. The kiss lasts way to short for him.
Bakugou wants nothing more than to pull you back against his body and snuggle into you. But he won't do that in front of his friends so he lets you pull away. You ruffle his hair before running over to your other friends.
"Denki," you say. "I wanna go again!".
𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 𝟝𝟡𝟠
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Saying that he hates it would be an understatement. Every time you do dangerous stuff, he cries. He doesn't want to but he does.
But at the same time, he doesn't want to stop you from doing the things you like. You don't stop him from being a hero while he breaks his bones every other day.
Izuku likes to be there when you go into dangerous situations, just to keep you save. When you want to run around during a hurricane, he is there with you. When you want to go swimming during a flood, he is there with you. When you want to surf during a tsunami, you bet your ass that he is there with you.
Afterwards, expect the endless amount of cuddles and affection. He doesn't care where or when he just wants to hold you.
Izuku's hand grips tightly onto yours. How the hell did you reel him into this? "Come on, 'Zuku," you say. If he wasn't so scared, he would blush at the nickname. "If he is actually real, you can catch him and be a hero.".
"Puppy, we're talking about a murderous villain here," he says. You just shrug at him. You slip your hand from his and opt to hold onto his arm instead.
You two walk through the dark for a bit. A comfortable silence hangs over you. Your thumb rubs soothing circles over his arm. It's quite ironic how a fearless UA student like him is more scared than you are.
All of a sudden, a hand jumps out and wraps you of off Izuku. You look up to see the villain. Huh, so he's real after all. You can see the outline of a knife in the hand of the villain.
Izuku screams out your name as the villain lifts the knife up. The knife gets pushed to your chest with an immense force, though it does nothing to you.
You look down at the knife. The point of bend sideways. Not even a bruise or dumb appeared on your skin. You let out a giggle at the confusions on the guys face. "What the fuck," the villain mutter.
He looks back up you. "It's my quirk, bitch," you say before decking him right on his jaw. He stumbles back, letting the now destroyed knife drop to the ground. You kick it away from him and land another hit on his face. The times, he gets knocked unconscious.
You give the guy a soft kick against his ribs. "That's for cutting up my favourite shirt," you say. You turn back around to look at Izuku. His body is shaking and his eyes are wide. He doesn't waste a second before running over to you and pulling you in for a bone-crushing hug.
"Puppy, a-are you okay? Did he h-hurt you? P-please, say you're alright," Izuku rambles. "Why d-did you do t-that? That was d-dangerous. You're n-not hurt, right? You're okay. You a-always are.".
You nod against his shoulder, lacing your fingers through his hair. His body softens as he hears giggles fall off your lips. "I'm okay. I'm not hurt," you say. Izuku nods before pulling away slightly.
His arms are still wrapped around you but he now uses on hand to grab his phone. "I'm calling Aizawa-Sensai. C-Can you sleep in my dorm t-tonight?" he asks.
You nod at him before nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck. "I'll sleep with you," you say. His cheeks heat up at the slightly provocative sentence. "Not like that. Get your mind out of the gutter.".
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kbim · 4 years
Every Hero Has Their End(SWF)
During hero training at U.A, Y/N gets a disturbing phone call from home. And Bakugou Katsuki is there to soothe them however he can.
Warnings: Death, Established relationship, Comfort
PSA: I will be trying my best to make this a Gender-neutral and Quirk-Neutral Fic.
      I've found out that the world is the most peaceful whenever I'm training at school; Watching as my classmates shout encouragements to each other, and knowing that right now, we are all oblivious to the chaos and bloodshed happening outside of these gym doors. Oblivious to how fast heroes are losing their grip on what faith the public has in them, and since All Might has stepped down they are losing it even faster.
"Oi, dumbass. You just gonna sit there and mope like an extra or are you gonna let me beat your ass to a pulp?" And this was my favorite part, the unbreakable wall of angry optimism; Bakugou. When I looked to face him he had poor Izuku in a headlock and was practically dragging him on the floor, Izuku was muttering about some kind of suit upgrade or maybe it was All Might? With him, it's always one of the two. "Cause this shitty nerd won't stop holding back."
I quickly flipped bakugou off. "Ya know that you don't need to call everyone names, it just makes you seem more like a kid" As I walked up to the pair I peeled Izuku from Bakugou's grasp, letting him drop to the floor. "And haven't you bullied Izuku enough." I reached my hand out to help him up. As he held onto my hand I could feel Bakugou's glare, he always hated it whenever I did 'relationship things' with other people. Even though this was just me helping the beating bag up.
"Thanks Y/N" Izuku quickly quipped out as he started whipping the dust and dirt off of his hero costume, unaware that he was still holding my hand. I didn't really care, I knew it was just an accident but I could feel Bakugou's glare shift down to where we were touching. He quickly stomped over and grabbed my wrist, ripping ti away from Izuku's.
"Tch. I thought I told you to stop touching TRASH." As Bakugou pulled you towards him he made sure that the last word was directed at Izuku, making sure it came off harsher. Izuku took the hint and left, quickly finding his squad over the other side of the gym. I gave a soft wave in his direction, as I did I could hear Bakugou huff and puff.
"You really need to work on your passiveness, I and Izuku are just friends. You know I have no interest in our class-mates." I patted his chest as I walked by him, going to continue my endurance training. Even though I was daydreaming and not really training, as I kicked at the rouble I made Bakugou came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. placing my arms on top of his I leaned into him. "And don't worry, the term 'Class-mate' extends to all of the other classes as well." That earned a small chuckle from him.
"As your boyfriend, I have the right to mark you as mine, AND to keep shitty nerds away from you." He moved his hands away from me and turned me to face him, as I looked up to him I spotted multiple spots where Izuku had hit him. I would never say it to his face but, Izuku isn't the little weak kid that he knew before U.A. "And anyways I really wanted to fight someone on MY level." At that his face morphed into a large smirk, he grabbed onto my shoulders and threw me to the left. I wasn't prepared for such a movement and landed on my side.
"Dude, WHAT THE FUCK?!" Leaning onto my elbow, I looked at him. "You could at least give me a god damn warning" He quickly stalked over to me and stood over me.
Well, what a wonderful boyfriend... If he wanted a fight I'll give him a fight. I leaned back and kicked my legs up behind him, which kicked him over my head. As my legs held their momentum I flipped over to lay on my hands, laying in a lower push-up position. As he landed on his hands he activated his quirk and flipped to land on his feet unharmed. I went to activate my quirk to push me onto my feet but I found myself unable to use it. When I looked over to Bakugou he was wrapped up in Mr.Aizawa's capture 'scarf'. I got up to walk over to the pair.
"Y/N, you have a phone call. And next time please make sure to silence your cellular device during school, it interrupted my nap." He handed me my phone, which was showing an active call from my mother. "Now please don't make me have to get up again"
As he turned and started walking away he let go of Bakugou and deactivated his own quirk. "THANK YOU SENSAI!" I pulled the phone up to my face and quickly greeted my mother.
"Hey Y/N, h-how are you?" I could hear the presentation in her voice.
"Um, I'm a good mom. Not to rush you but what's with the call during school?"
"*Sigh* Well, I and your father just got the news that..... That ..." I grumbled, she knew not to call me during class and this was just taking too long.
"What do you NEED mom?" Oof, that came out kinda harsh.
"Oh, um. I just wanted to tell you, that. Your brother was fighting a villain downtown, and that. . . The villain delivered an a-a fatal blow to his head. And t-that when the other h-heros f-f-found him he w-was pronounced d-d-d-dead on arrival."
I heard my phone hit the ground, and I could feel myself drop to my knees. I don't recall telling my body to do so but my hand slapped over my mouth as I started sobbing. This couldn't be true, my elder brother had just gotten out of hero school and was fighting with the pros. They couldn't have failed him like that.
As Y/N was on the phone Kirishima had walked over to me, scolding me for the 'unmanly' move I pulled on Y/N. Saying a true man doesn't attack like that. I didn't care too much about it, in the heat of battle, a hero does everything they can to stop the villain. He doesn't have to be manly about it, he just has to get the job done. As I peaked around Shitty Hair I could see you drop your phone and fall onto your knees. Tears were streaming down your face, I could hear the muffled sobs from all the way over here.
As I grabbed Shitty Hair's shoulder a pushed him to the side, with much less force as when I did it to you earlier. I couldn't control what pace I was going at but I felt my feet hit the ground as I ran towards you. When I got closer to you I slid onto my knees to slow myself down, it was quite effective If I must say.
"Y/N?! What's wrong? Why are you crying?!" I pulled you into my chest and reached for your phone. The screen was cracked but I could still see the call active. I brought it up to my face. "Who are you and what the hell did you say to Y/N?!"
"I-i'm their mother, and I-I h-had informed them t-t-that their brot-t-ther had d-d-died in combat with a v-vll--ian today." Oh Shit. I hung up the phone and wrapped my arms around y/n, they sobbed into my hero suit. When the others run up around us I tightened my grip onto y/n.
"As the class rep, I deserve to know when one of our classmates are in trouble" "Bakugou! What's wrong with y/n?" "Did they get hurt?" "Oh shit man" "What should we do? "What happened?" "Kacchan What happened? "I bet Bakugou said something to them." "Ribbit, I'll get Mr. Aizawa"
"Back the FUCK off, they brother just fucking died man." y/n tensed up and started sobbing louder. I followed my brow and squeezed them. "Shit" I moved you to rest against my chest sideways and moved my arm to hold your bridal style. I stood up and pushed through the extras and made my way towards the gym doors. I could feel their tears soaking my suit, they gripped and released the loose cloth as a stepped through the doors. I could hear the others call after me but I had to intention of stopping for them.
When I got up from my room at the dorms and placed them down onto the bed. As I laid down next to them I covered us both with the blankets.
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thebookwars · 7 years
If you are a book lover of tremendous proportions, you follow book news. You have some idea of what book deals have been announced, which authors have signed on with new agents, what stories are cooking. If you are a book lover, you take your reading and the finite time you have in which to do said reading very seriously. You plan ahead, mark down release dates, pre-order books. To help you out, below is a list of upcoming 2018 books that are on my list. You may find that you need them to be on yours too.
Dread Nation by Justina Ireland Comes out April3rd, 2018 from Balzar and Bray.
#PrettyBoy Must Die by Kimberley Reid Comes out February 13th, 2018 from Tor Teen
The Parker Inheritance by Varian Johnson  Comes out March March 27th, Arthur A. Levine Books.
Not the Girls You Are Looking For by Aminah Mae Safi June 19th, Feiwel and Friends
The Night Diary by Veera Hiranandani March 6th, Dial Books
Me, Frida, and the Secret of the Peacock Ring by Angela Cervantes Sometime in 2018 from Scholastic
Hurricane Child by Kheryn Callender March 2017 from Scholastic
Escape from Aleppo by N. H. Senzai January 2nd, Simon & Schuster
A Girl Like That by Tanaz Bhathena February 27th, FSG
Love, Hate, and Other Filters by Samira Ahmed January 16th, Soho Teen
Betty Before X by Ilyasah Shabaaz and Renee Watson January 18th, FSG
Peasprout Chen, Future Legend of Skate and Sword by Henry Lien April 3rd, Henry Holt
My So-Called Bollywood Life by Nisha Sharma May 15th, Crown BFYR
The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton February 6th, Disney Hyperion
The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang February 13th, First Second
From Twinkle with Love by Sandhya Menon June 5th, Simon Pulse
  2018 Books You Need On Your TBR Lists: Part 1 If you are a book lover of tremendous proportions, you follow book news. You have some idea of what book deals have been announced, which authors have signed on with new agents, what stories are cooking.
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