#n'adana x alisaie
nadana-vhet · 3 years
Adolescent Weapons, Chapter 1: Nightmare
Hey all! Finally posted Chapter 1 of my N'adana x Alisaie longfic! Go check it out maybe? <3 Spoilers for Shadowbringers!
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nadana-vhet · 3 years
To the Beat
Are we ready for the most self-indulgent thing I've written yet? I am!
Modern high school AU where the teen squad is in marching band. Of course F!Teen!WoL x Alisaie!
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nadana-vhet · 3 years
Hello all I’m back with more Alisaie/N’adana content!
Ship: Alisaie x Teen!WoL
Characters: Alisaie, Alphinaud, Raubahn, + N’adana Vhet. Mentioned: Tataru.
Timeline: Just post-Stormblood!
Teen + Up audiences for just some very minor fantasizing on Alisaie’s part.
Alisaie takes some advice from the Warrior of Light in order to impress her.
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nadana-vhet · 4 years
“Why are we whispering?” For N'adana
Alternate Title: Old Men Gossip and Gripe About their Age Minor Spoilers for 5.4: Futures Rewritten
“Why are we whispering?” Cid leaned down towards G’raha.
G’raha Tia pointed silently towards the other side of the room where Alisaie and N’adana had been chattering away just a few minutes earlier. It was easily drowned out by the whirring magitek terminals, so Cid had just assumed they kept talking amongst themselves. However, it was quite clear that the young ones had instead decided to curl up on a bench and take a much deserved nap. They used each others’ shoulders to rest, with Alisaie amusingly drooling on N’adana’s shoulder.
“Well, I did tell them to kick up their feet.” Cid chuckled, smiling softly at the heartwarming scene. He was more than pleased to see them happy after all they had been through, especially at such a young age. 
It would not have been a day at the Ironworks if Nero wasn’t there to walk in and ruin it. “Slacking, Garlond? Tsk tsk, not surprising.”
Cid shushed him, pointing towards the pair of sleeping heroes opposite of them. 
“Oh? When did that happen?”
G’raha chuckled under his breath, “Back on the First, it seems. ‘Tis heartwarming to see, though I felt quite the third-wheel when we visited Azys Lla.”
Nero grinned, and despite playing the part of the gossip, he, too, seemed to be quite pleased with the Warrior of Light’s happiness. “Embarrassing that the youngest of the Scions partnered up before you old men, no?”
Cid and G’raha collectively rolled their eyes at Nero. “Embarrassing for you, perhaps. I’m quite sprightly with my young body now!” G’raha beamed, smoothing down his armor proudly.
“You’re an old man as well, Nero.” Cid pointed out.
Nero shook his head, “Absolutely not! I’m not the one with white hair here, Garlond.”
“I’m sure if I find that hair dye of your’s, that’ll change in less than a moon.” Cid shot back.
“I have no such thing!”
Cid chuckled, “Hit a nerve, Nero? It’s alright, we all grow old one day!”
It wasn’t long before N’adana and Alisaie were woken up by the familiar sound of the pair’s bickering. “Are they fighting again?” Alisaie muttered.
“Mm, sounds like it.” N’adana nodded, not even opening her eyes before readjusting against Alisaie’s shoulder and falling back to sleep.
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nadana-vhet · 4 years
In Sickness
Alisaie x Teen!Wol
Pre-Relationship, General Audience as always!
“Alisaieee, it’s fine!” N’adana whined, rolling over to face away from her friend.
Alisaie hovered over the other side of the Warrior’s bed, medicine in hand as she fussed over the difficult miqo’te. “You’re sick, N’adana. You’ll feel better if you just let me-“
N’adana groaned from under the covers. “It’s just a cold! I’ll be fine come tomorrow morning, so don’t waste your free day on taking care of me.”
“I’ll do whatever I please on my free day,” Alisaie responded firmly, walking around to the other side of the bed and forcibly making the smaller girl sit up. She struggled the whole way, which only made the elezen more firm as she tried to balance getting N’adana up and not spilling the bottle of liquid in her other hand. “Now come on, take this.”
“But it tastes so bad. I’d rather just sleep it off!” N’adana argued incessantly, her body racked with shivers.
“Don’t make me bring in my secret weapon. It will be much more unpleasant,” her gaze darkened, “for both of us.”
N’adana grumbled, “Yes, ma’am.” She knew Alisaie wasn’t talking about her forcefully grabbing the miqo’te and dumping the bitter liquid down her throat.
She was talking about getting Tataru involved, and she didn’t want to experience the wrath of the Scion’s secretary today (or any day thereafter... not after the first incident).
Alisaie sat down on the edge of the bed and measured out the correct dosage, her usual reckless mannerisms controlled and subdued. She was taking care of her Warrior of Light, after all. She needed to be careful.
Gods, did I just think that?
“Here, open up. You’re so shaky that I don’t want you to spill it all over the sheets.” Alisaie gently grabbed N’adana’s shoulder, steadying her as she helped her adjust.
N’adana furrowed her brows, “Alisaie, you’re all flushed! Am I getting you sick?” she frowned.
“What? Of course not, I feel just fine!” Alisaie stuttered, all sense of gentle care evaporating as she shoved the spoon in N’adana’s mouth and forced her to swallow the vile cold medicine.
N’adana grimaced, covering her mouth to cough before shuttering once more. “Gods, I hate that shit. If you’re so determined to take care of me, could you at least get me some water?” she blinked her puppy dog eyes at Alisaie, who turned away as she blushed even more.
Damn her, she doesn’t even know how well those stupid eyes work on me!
...Or does she? am I that obvious?
“Fine, fine. I’ll bring some firewood to kindle the fire, too, since you’re shivering so badly.” Alisaie grumbled, though secretly she was elated to be able to take care of N’adana like this.
“Thank yoooou~” N’adana smiled weakly, falling back into bed and curling up under her blankets once more.
Alisaie stood up and rushed out of N’adana’s room, shutting the door behind her and making her way down the hall before she began to curse herself for losing her composure.
Once she returned with water and firewood from the Rising Stones kitchen, Alisaie gently knocked on the door before entering again. N’adana was already fast asleep, curled up in her blankets, red hair plastered against her cheeks. Her mouth hung open, breathing quietly as she drooled onto her pillow.
Alisaie shook her head with a quiet chuckle, setting the glass of water down next to the bed before getting to work starting the fire. She took the time to take in N’adana’s room, decorated to the brim with trinkets of her adventures since joining the Scions. It was cute, the way she had so eagerly poured her efforts into making this room feel like home - Y’shtola had even found her a candle that smelled like the La Noscean sea, which was practically burned up on the desk pushed against the far wall. I should get her another, Alisaie thought to herself as she finished up with the fire, standing and walking over to the Warrior’s bedside and leaning over to check on her.
“Feel better soon.” Alisaie whispered with a smile, reaching out to brush N’adana’s hair out of her face. Her touch lingered before pulling away, staying for just a moment longer before backing out and quietly closing the door behind her.
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nadana-vhet · 4 years
Headcanon meme about your girl N'adana: ☠, ♡, ♦, ∇, ൠ
☠ Angry/Violent N’adana gets frustrated really easy which can translate to anger pretty quickly if one of her friends doesn’t keep her in check. Like, if someone they’re trying to get information out of doesn’t want to talk it’s not hard to get her to the point where she’ll start throwing punches, so Alphinaud and Alisaie are there pretty often to keep her in line. 
♡ Romantic N’adana is a huge simp and will absolutely stop listening in briefings to stare at Alisaie from across the room, to the point where Tataru has started to make sure she sends Alisaie on an errand before she has to talk Scion business with N’adana so that she’ll actually pay attention while they’re talking.
♦ Quirks/Hobbies N’adana is a bit impulsive and when she’s out adventuring will buy things that catches her eye, much to the other Scions dismay, who just roll their eyes and groan because they know she’ll complain about the amount of random shit in her bag for the rest of the trip. However, when she gets back, she’ll empty out her pack and arrange all her new little items on shelves or her desk or even on the posts of her bed - her entire room is covered in souvenirs of her adventures, with her brother’s old sword and a Fortemps shield directly hung above her bed.
∇ Old Age/Aging N’adana will keep kicking for as long as she can, but when she starts to get older she’ll stay with the Scions to do whatever she can. Alisaie gets in the routine of using magic to reduce the aches in N’adana’s muscles before bed, and when things start to settle down, she buys a place in Limsa where they adopt stray cats and visit the local orphanage often. All the kids get so excited to hear about the greying Warrior of Light’s adventures from her own mouth, and afterwards the two visit Ga Bu and whatever he’s doing when he’s older that’ll make Alisaie and N’adana super proud of him!
ൠ Random When N’adana can’t come home to visit her mom, she’ll send her different flowers that she finds along the way. Her mom has taken to drying them, so her childhood home is filled with these dried flowers from all her different adventures, including flowers from the First, which were kindly delivered by Feo Ul when she couldn’t come back to the Source. When she does get to come home the house always has this wonderful smell of dried flowers and, of course, a fresh meal.
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nadana-vhet · 4 years
"you don't have to pretend. not with me, not ever." 👀 but obviously take your time, gotta study for those midterms
“You don’t have to pretend. Not with me, not ever.” Alisaie squeezed N’adana’s shoulder.
The two of them sat on the edge of N’adana’s bed, nestled in her room in a back hallway of the Rising Stones. It was quieter than usual, which normally would have been welcome, but it filled them with a sense of dread knowing it was only quiet because their friends lie in an uncurable coma only a few doors away.
N’adana sighed, wiping the tears from her eyes. She had unfortunately been caught sobbing when Alisaie came to her door, and the elezen refused to believe any of her normal excuses as to why she looked to be such a mess. “You’re not going to think less of me?”
Alisaie shook her head, “Of course not! We’re friends, N’adana. When you’re around me, you’re allowed to pretend you’re not the Warrior of Light sometimes.”
“Truly?” N’adana’s eyes widened, almost disbelieving at the idea. Ever since she had joined the Scions, her entire identity had revolved around being the Warrior. At some points it almost felt like a character she had to play, with the only respite she had being her friendship with Alphinaud. Even then, if he hadn’t opened up to her during their stay at Camp Dragonhead, she wasn’t sure if she would even have had that. But now Alphinaud was gone, too. It was only her and Alisaie now.
“Truly.” Alisaie nodded, grabbing N’adana’s hand and squeezing it in affirmation.
N’adana let out a sigh of relief, “Gods, you don’t know how much that means to me. I’m always so… afraid… that people will stop respecting me if they think I’m just another blabbering kid.”
Alisaie’s eyes widened in surprise, not realizing that the Warrior had felt so insecurely about how people viewed her. She always seemed so confident and carefree.
But now Alisaie supposed that’s how she wanted people to see her.
The two of them sat in comfortable silence for a time that neither of them could place. After a while, Alisaie sighed and stood up from the edge of the bed. “I suppose it’s late, and we should both get some sleep.”
N’adana bit her lip as Alisaie hesitated in the doorway, blurting out before she could even manage to think, “Do you want to sleep in my room tonight? Truthfully, I just… don’t want to be alone right now.”
Alisaie blinked, her hand tightening around the doorknob as she considered it. “Neither do I.”
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nadana-vhet · 4 years
Prompt 25: Wish
Rating: General Audiences Summary: Alphinaud and Alisaie surprise N’adana on her birthday while they’re stationed at the House of the Fierce. Bonus: some good ol’ N’adana and Alisaie blinding pining for each other and being too dumb to see it.
“N’adana!” The miqo’te heard a familiar voice call, glancing her head up from polishing her sword to see Alphinaud and Alisaie approaching.
They were both acting awfully suspicious in the way they ran up, all eager-eyed and excited.
It was late in the afternoon by now, probably close to dinnertime, she assumed. N’adana could only tell the time by the gaping hole in the ceiling of the House of the Fierce, letting them know that the sun was going to set soon – the sunset that would signify the end of her seventeenth nameday, spent uneventfully gathering supplies while the more intelligent ones in the resistance devised the plan to retake Doma Castle.
“Hm?” she asked them with a raised brow, watching pointedly as they tried to hide their smiles. Alisaie, notably, was disheveled and sweaty, as if she had just come from a bout of training.
“We just wanted to invite you to eat dinner with us.” Alphinaud tried to reply smoothly, but N’adana could already tell they were up to something. The way they hurriedly leaned forward to help her up was enough – they wouldn’t be this eager to simply make sure she was fed.
N’adana followed them without complaint, leaving her sword propped up against the stone wall of the cavernous hideout. They passed the aetheryte and slipped inside one of the doors carved into the stone, which led to a candle-lit room where the resistance kept all their foodstuffs and basic kitchen supplies.
Except today, the room was enchanted with a spell that caused small, aetheric bubbles to hang from the ceiling and faintly light the room. Alphinad’s carbuncle sat curled up on a mismatched chair at the single wooden table, which was set with an array of a modest dinner. There was bread and soup and a hearty chunk of meat on each plate, and in the center there was… a cake?
“Happy Nameday!” both of the twins exclaimed, stepping forward and wrapping N’adana in a hug that made her begin to well up with tears.
“You didn’t have to do this, you two! This is s-so nice, you didn’t…” Alisaie and Alphinaud chuckled as they pulled away from their friend, watching her as she wiped away her tears in embarrassment.
“Don’t be silly, of course we did.” Alphinaud assured her, walking over to the table and picking his carbuncle off the chair before sitting down and placing it directly back into his lap. He gestured for her to take a seat, to which Alisaie pushed her into before sitting in the chair across from her brother. “We shall treat you to a lovely birthday dinner, and then you can open your gifts.”
The three of them ate eagerly, the twins having labored over the food for hours and N’adana having forgotten to eat for much of the day (save for some breakfast she swiped before heading out for the day). N’adana thanked them no less than ten times in the bell it took them to finish, taking their time between bites to laugh and joke and simply enjoy each other’s company. By the time they had finished, N’adana pushed the war and the oncoming assault and her responsibilities from her mind entirely, if only just for a little bit.
Once they all seemed adequately satisfied with dinner, Alisaie leaned forward across the table to pick up the knife that was already sitting next to the cake. “Your first gift for tonight is this cake!” She smiled widely at N’adana, though there was a part of her gaze that made it seem like she didn’t feel it was good enough. It was a simply made cake, unfrosted and shaped like a bowl (likely how she cooked it over the fire), but impressively fluffy and moist looking.
Where had she found a candle like that, N’adana wondered.
Alisaie lit the candle, and thankfully the two omitted the traditional embarrassing bout of singing before telling her to make a wish.
“I wish…” N’adana hummed, closing her eyes and thinking hard for a moment. She could wish for freedom for Doma, or a successful siege of the castle, or even to see her mother or the other Scions, but there was one thing that came to her mind and fell from her lips before she even realized she had said it. It was her nameday, and she could be as selfish with her wish as she damn well pleased.
“I wish that the two of you will be my friends for many years to come. Even if we succeed in our goals and by some miracle don’t need to be around each other out of necessity, I hope that we’ll still spend just as much time together, and be just as close.”
Now it was Alphinaud’s turn to tear up, though he quickly wiped them away and reassured N’adana that they would do everything in their power to make sure that happened.
Another tender moment passed between the trio before Alisaie stood and leaned forward towards the cake. “It was hard to get together the supplies to make one, but I managed! I hope it tastes okay.” Alisaie smiled sheepishly before plucking the candle from the top.
“Shut up! The fact that you even managed to make me a cake in a barely-stocked resistance kitchen is… is-“
Alphinaud smiled between the both of them before raising a knowing brow at Alisaie, “Like I said earlier, ‘tis impressive, Alisaie.”
The elezen deflected the praise from both of them as she cut three slices, ranging from large to small (naturally, she gave N’adana the largest one, as was nameday custom). Alisaie took the smallest, nervously trying a bite of her own creation before crinkling her nose. “Damn, I think I could have added more sugar… maybe an extra egg.”
N’adana shook her head furiously, “No, stop that! This is, I’m not even kidding you, the best cake I’ve ever had.”
Alisaie snorted, “This is not better than that cake they served us the last time we were in Ishgard!”
“It absolutely is, because you made it for me!” N’adana shot back, sticking out her tongue before taking another large, satisfied bite from the cake.
Alisaie grumbled to hide the blush creeping up her cheeks, hoping the dim lighting from the aether-bubbles enough to hide it.
Alphinaud, ever the lifesaver, pulled out a rolled piece of parchment to distract N’adana while Alisaie tried to get over her embarrassment. It was tied with one of his blue ribbons, likely a stray found at the bottom of his pack to make the gift slightly more presentable.
N’adana untied the ribbon and opened the scroll to reveal what was inside, bursting into tears once more at the content she was presented.
“Is it bad? I didn’t work on it very long, it’s not my best work, but-“
“T-this is so s-sweet!” N’adana stared down at the drawing Alphinaud had made for her, trying her hardest to keep it out of the way of her tears. It was the three of them, smiling together in a way that made it feel as if she could simply look at it and hear their laughs feel their presence, even when they weren’t next to her. A drawing of her, perfectly rendered, with her arms wrapped around her two favorite twins. “I… I don’t know what to say, the two of you doing this for me and taking the time out of your day-“
Alphinaud breathed a sigh of relief, “I am full glad you like it. I know you liked to peak over my shoulder while we were traveling in Dravania, so I thought it would be a suitable gift.”
“It’s perfect – both of you, thank you.” N’adana sniffled, gingerly putting the drawing down so that she could wipe her eyes and nose of happy tears – something she hadn’t experienced in moons, at the very least.
“You have said your thanks quite enough tonight,” Alphinaud smiled affectionately at his dear friend, heart swelling at the sight of her so carefree and happy, “now I believe it is time to finish the rest of your gift, hm?” He gestured towards the rest of the cake on her plate, to which she eagerly nodded and finished wholeheartedly.
She was on her third piece of cake when she clocked out, leaning back in her chair and groaning in satisfaction.
“I have another gift for you, too,” Alisaie seemed to suddenly remember, digging into her pocket momentarily before pulling her hand back out, balled into a fist before she opened it to N’adana, revealing a necklace made of sturdy leather. There was a single red gemstone attached to it, wrapped in a gold wire, and hooked onto the leather with a matching clasp. “I found it at the market in Kugane. I knew your birthday was coming up soon, and it reminded me of you...” She shrugged as if it was no big deal.
It was certainly a big deal, at least to N’adana.
N’adana reached out and took the necklace from Alisaie’s hand, hesitating for what was probably a moment too long before grasping it and holding it closer to her face. It was entirely her style – simple, practical, and most importantly – it reminded her of Alisaie. “If you want me to stop thanking both of you, then you best stop being the most absolutely perfect, most thoughtful friends on all of Hydaelyn.” N’adana smiled at the both of them before clasping the necklace around her throat.
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nadana-vhet · 4 years
Prompt 23: Shuffle
An afternoon in the Crystarium where N’adana and the twins teach Ryne how to play the card game known as bullshit (but here we call it bullshite, because of... fantasy reasons). Had an insane amount of fun writing this interaction between the squad.
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“Okay, so the object of the game is to get rid of all of your cards.” N’adana explained to Ryne, who listened intently as she leaned forward with her chin in her hands.
Alisaie and Alphinaud sat across from each other to the left of them, the group curled up at a picnic table settled in the grass of the Crystarium. The afternoon sun was pleasant against their skin, with the smell of freshly cut grass and a faint hint of smokey grilling from somewhere nearby.
“So, if the object of the game is to simply get rid of all your cards, then… why lie?” Ryne tilted her head curiously.
Alphinaud chuckled from his spot next to her, “Well, the better explanation is that you must be the first to discard your entire hand. So… lying gets you there faster.”
N’adana went on to finish explaining the rules of the game, which involved a standard, numbered deck. Plays go by card number, starting from lowest to highest, and players take turns putting down the cards until the first person runs out. “It’s easy to pick up once you’re in it.” N’adana smiled encouragingly at her fellow redhead.
“But… what if it gets to you and you don’t have the card you are meant to put down next?”
“That’s where the lying comes in.” Alisaie winked, “If you think the person that put their cards down is lying, you yell ‘bullshite!’ If they were lying, they have to pick up the entire deck. If they weren’t, you have to take the deck instead.”
N’adana handed the deck to Alisaie to shuffle, taking the stack in her hands and mixing them up expertly. She cut the deck in half and threaded the stack together a few times before she began to deal the cards between the four of them at random.
“You can watch us play a round first if you’d like.” Alphinaud suggested kindly, taking his cards as Alisaie delt them to him and began to organize them in his hand.
Ryne shook her head, “I think I’ll be fine, but thank you Alphinaud!” she smiled sweetly, mirroring him and doing the same as she took the cards Alisaie had been passing to her. She crossed her legs on the picnic bench and turned inwards to better hide her hand from Alphinaud.
Once they had all organized their hands, N’adana explained that whoever holds the ace of spades goes first. She looked around the table expectantly to see who would claim the card.
“Oh, I do!” Ryne smiled, putting down a card in the middle of the table.
And thus the game began, circling clockwise around the table as they began to put down their cards. Ryne, N’adana, Alisaie, Alphinaud, Ryne, N’adana-
“Two sixes.” Alisaie proclaimed, pursing her lips as she put the cards down in the middle of the table.
N’adana narrowed her eyes at her girlfriend, watching the way she was trying a little too hard to seem inconspicuous.
“What?! Oh, come on, darling! Do you really think I’m lying?”
Oh yeah, she was definitely lying.
“Go on, pick it up.”
Alisaie huffed, revealing one six and one eight. She took the whole deck and grumbled to herself as she tried in vain to organize the comically large deck of cards in her hands.
Alphinaud chuckled from across the table, continuing the game by placing down a single seven. Safe.
“Bullshite! I have all four of them, pick that back up!” Alisaie pointed at her brother before sliding the card back to him. He grumbled in that similar way Alisaie did, sliding the card back into his hand with a huff of defeat.
“One eight,” Ryne hummed pleasantly.
“One nine.” N’adana tossed out.
“Three tens.” Alisaie grumbled, and no one argued with that one.
The game continued, though there was a tense air at the table as they all stared each other down intensely, trying to pick up on each other’s every breath, twitch, and shift in movement to try and detect if they were lying or not. Alphinaud was good at it, admittedly, as he had a penchant for politics. It gave him a distinct advantage against the two spitfire girls who sat across from him, though N’adana was near awful at lying due to the fact that her voice lifted nervously every time she did. However, that also gave her an advantage when she wasn’t.
“Three threes.” N’adana smiled, which caused Alphinaud to narrow his eyebrows at her.
N’adana leaned back with a grin, gesturing at the pile and mirroring his raised brow mockingly. “Read it and weep, Leveilleur.”
Alphinaud flipped over the cards and scoffed in disbelief. Three threes.
“Take the stack, Alphinaud!” N’adana shot back with a full, scheming laugh.
Alisaie, of course, cackled along with N’adana at the misfortune of her brother, who had to pick up practically half a deck with how much it had built up over the past few rounds. Ryne giggled next to him, but kept herself fairly inconspicuous as they continued around the circle, Alphinaud having to take quite a bit to figure out what was even in his hand at this point.
By the time they got back around to Ryne, she put down her final card in the middle of the table.
“One six,” she kept her expression steady – an absolute poker face as she pulled her hand back and folded them on the table.
“Wait – Ryne, was that your last card?” N’adana raised her brow at the girl.
“The likelihood of that actually being a six is slim – I call bullshite, Ryne.” Alphinaud tilted her head towards her, certainly not as threatening as he was when he challenged N’adana, but he wasn’t about to let such the obvious possibility of it being a lie slip past him.
Ryne quietly reached out and flipped the card over, revealing exactly what she had said it was – a single six of spades.
The three of them stared at her with wide eyes, jaws dropping against the metal picnic table as they tried to figure out how the hell Ryne managed to beat them all in her first game. “H-how did you-?!” Alphinaud blinked.
The girl smiled at all of them, though there was a newfound sense of mischievousness in those doe eyes. “In the midst of chaos, one can always find an opening to exploit,” Ryne hummed triumphantly, consolidating all of the cards in the middle of the table and beginning to shuffle them herself as she glanced around the table, “Well, would you all like to play again?”
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nadana-vhet · 4 years
Last Line
Rules: post the last line you wrote from any WIP (and tag the same number of people as there are words).
The corner of Alisaie’s lips curled upwards, “Do I have blackmail on the Warrior of Light now?”
N’adana groaned, trying to pull away from Alisaie but instead wincing in pain. She didn’t want to admit it, but she may have broken her nose at this rate. “I give up. I’m at your mercy, Miss Leveilleur,” she grumbled.
Tagged by @wind-up-mayru , Thank you ily for tagging me this is so sweet!!! <3 Gonna break the rules because I don’t have that many people to tag, but I would love to see @windupnamazu, @verthunder, @eorzeanstarlight, @bard-of-light, @msviolacea, @shepherdtothestars, @onwesterlywinds, and @starfallenseas. Plus anyone else who wants to do it! Don’t think you need someone to tag you to have fun in a meme that you think you’re not invited to. I invite you! <3
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nadana-vhet · 4 years
Prompt 08: Clamor
Rating: General Audiences Relationship(s): Alphinaud/WoL (Unrequited), Very Minor Alisaie/WoL (if you squint), overall Alphinaud & Alisaie & WoL friendship.
It wasn’t until one of the younger girls near the front stood up and tugged at Alphinaud’s coat, “Excuse me, mister. Are you the Warrior of Light’s boyfriend?”
“Miss Warrior of Light! Miss N’adana! Over here, over here!”
Within a matter of seconds, what had turned into a pleasant afternoon walk with her favorite twins became a battle for personal space with a heard of elezen children. The little girl from the Vault – Maelie – followed behind sheepishly, as if to say sorry, this is my doing. They huddled around her, pulling at her coat and chattering excitedly about heroic deeds and wow, you’re shorter than I expected!
Alisaie was the first to speak up, loudly clearing her throat and stepping in front of N’adana to try and shield her from the little gremlins. “Listen up! We’ll entertain your questions, but you all have to be a bit calmer, alright? Let’s all make a circle, and then you can prod N’adana as much as you want.”
Alphinaud and Alisaie took up the duty of corralling the kids into a circle while N’adana found a place to sit on the edge of one of Ishgard’s many fountains, a bench already carved out of the stone that could seat four of them. Alphinaud sat to her left and Alisaie on her right, who then slid over to the end as N’adana waved towards Maelie, who was still standing in the back. “It only seems fair that Maelie should be the one to sit up here with us, hm? Her bravery should be rewarded, after all!” She smiled widely at the petite girl, who’s eyes lit up at the suggestion before pushing her way to the front and sitting herself between N’adana and Alisaie.
It was a wonder that Alisaie and Alphinaud rounded up the kids so quickly, but N’adana just figured it was because they were so eager to hear from the Warrior of Light herself. They all watched attentively, with some standing or leaning against the fountain while others sat on the ground.
“Can you tell us the story of how you saved Maelie pleeease?” One boy pleaded with a missing front tooth; his black hair tied back in a short ponytail. The other children joined in on the suggestion eagerly.
Maelie shifted uncomfortably next to N’adana, probably not wanting to relieve almost falling to her death for what was probably the millionth time since it happened. N’adana turned to Alphinaud as a silent plea, who picked up on both their discomforts and expertly steered the conversation elsewhere. “I’m sure you all have heard that story enough. Wouldn’t you rather learn how N’adana became friends with Vidofnir, the dragon who caught Maelie that day?”
They were unsurprisingly agreeable, quickly switching gears to chanting about wanting to hear that particular story instead. N’adana quieted them down and launched into her story, starting with meeting Ysayle and becoming friends with her, to traveling with Estinien (they oo’d and ahh’d at the mention of the Azure Dragoon), to meeting Hraesvelgr and all that happened in between, making sure to praise Vidofnir every chance she had whenever she came up in the story.
By the time N’adana finished with her tale, the gaggle of children couldn’t sit still, eager to ask all the questions they had but didn’t in fear of interrupting the story they were entirely engrossed in.
“Alright, now you can ask me questions.” N’adana chuckled, holding out her hands in defeat as she prepared for an onslaught of what she assumed would be questions about the dragons, or fighting, or what Estinien was like, or even Ysayle.
Instead, they began to ask everything but.
“What’s your favorite color?”
“Easy – orange.”
“Is it orange because you smell like oranges? Oh – where are you from?”
“Limsa Lominsa!”
“My father’s-brother’s-wife’s-sister’s-niece lives in Limsa Lominsa! Do you know her?”
“I don’t think so, no.” N’adana chuckled.
“Does it ever feel weird to have your ears on the top of your head instead of the sides?”
“Uh… I could ask the same about your ears!”
Alphinaud and Alisaie sat back and listened to N’adana answer question after question, clearly amused with the increasingly absurd things they were coming up with. It wasn’t until one of the younger girls near the front stood up and tugged at Alphinaud’s coat, “Excuse me, mister. Are you the Warrior of Light’s boyfriend?”
Alphinaud’s face flushed a bright crimson, stuttering and stumbling over his words as he tried to give the girl any answer that resembled the word no. N’adana glanced over and raised a brow, her ears perking up curiously when she realized she had missed the girl’s question. “What was it she asked you, Alphinaud?”
Before the flustered Levellieur could answer, the little girl turned to N’adana with an excited sparkle in her eyes. “Are you and blue boy dating?”
Alisaie failed to hold back her laughter as she peaked over from behind N’adana, covering her mouth to stifle her amusement as best she could.
N’adana blushed slightly, but she smiled at the girl and shook her head. “Oh, no. I understand why you would think that, but Alphinaud is my best friend, not my boyfriend.”
Alphinaud was still dealing with his flustered stuttering while N’adana was thrown another round of questions.
“Well, do you have a boyfriend?”
“Do you like someone?”
And the most adorable question from the gap-toothed boy, “Can I be your boyfriend?”
N’adana laughed awkwardly at all of the questions, trying her best to answer them but also not embarrass herself to the fullest extent that she could manage. “No, I don’t have a boyfriend, and you can’t be my boyfriend because I travel so much! You deserve a girl you can go get pastries with in the Jeweled Crozier!” She ruffled the little boy’s hair.
“You didn’t answer me!” a little girl pouted, “I asked if you liked someone!”
Alisaie, ever the lifesaver, suddenly pretended to get a call on her linkpearl. “Tataru? There’s a gobbule on a rampage at Camp Dragonhead that only the Warrior of Light can handle? We’ll be right there!” She pretended to hang up dramatically, standing up and turning towards the crowd of kids that suddenly looked very disappointed by the manner of the ‘call’ Alisaie had just received. “Well, you heard me, kids. Looks like our favorite Warrior has to go back to doing hero things.”
The kids protested, but it didn’t take them too long to say their goodbyes and disentangle themselves from their impromptu story circle. They pretended to jog off until they rounded a corner, Alisaie stopping them and letting out a breathy laugh. “You’d think they’d be more interested in, you know, heroic things?”
Alphinaud cleared his throat, straightening out his jacket and trying to reassemble the rest of his pride now that he wasn’t being scrutinized by a crowd of eleven tiny elezen. “I thought so, too. Now I suppose the entirety of Ishgard is going to know of our Warrior’s relationship status, as they are more prone to gossip than the highest nobility. I hope you are prepared for an influx of young suitors to the Fortemps Manor, I’m afraid.” Alphinaud smiled apologetically at his friend, who simply shoved him as they made their way back to Fortemps Manor as inconspicuously as they could manage.
After a few minutes of walking, Alisaie bumped N’adana’s shoulder with her own and gave her a truly devious grin. “So, do you like anyone?” she snickered.
“Oh, me? I’m flattered!” The fiery elezen batted her eyelashes towards the flustered miqo’te.
“No, I – that’s not what I meant and you know it!” N’adana huffed. Her cheeks had already been flushed from the cold, but they turned an even deeper shade of red at the incessant teasing. She crossed her arms over her chest. Two could play the game of theatrics, she pouted at Alisaie.
Now it was Alphinaud’s turn to embarrass N’adana – she could tell by the way his lip curled up in the same way his sister’s had. “I know who it is.”
“Alphinaud, don’t you dare-“
“It’s Hilda.”
“You little – get back here!”
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nadana-vhet · 4 years
Prompt 09: Lush
Rating: General Audiences Relationship: WoL x Alisaie Levellieur  (HARDCORE MUTUAL PINING)
Takes place during Shadowbringers MSQ.
“Come with me, I have something to show you.”
Alisaie had taken N’adana by the hand and dragged her off the path and away from their friends as they traveled across fields of flowers towards their destination of Dohn Mheg. “I’m taking her an alternate route! We won’t be far behind, I promise!” the elezen had called out to Urianger when he had begun to protest, eagerly pulling N’adana up a hill and over the crest to reveal an expansive field of flowers, all beautiful shades of orange, which made the field look like the sunset itself.
N’adana gasped in awe, hesitating for a moment as she took it in before making her way down the hill and into the expanse of flowers. Alisaie followed behind closely, making sure to stay close enough to keep holding her hand as she watched the Warrior of Light and Darkness drop the hardened barrier she had built up around everyone but a select few.
Alisaie felt honored to be one of those people.
N’adana turned towards Alisaie with her signature smile, her green eyes as brilliant and bright as Il Mheg itself – and gods, the way her freckles crinkled on her nose when she smiled like that.
“It’s pretty, but… why did you want to bring me here so badly?” N’adana looked down at their intertwined hands, distracting herself from their closeness by leaning forward and picking some of the flowers from the field.
“Urianger had mentioned it once, before you came to the First. I remembered thinking how much you would have liked a field of orange flowers,” Alisaie’s voice held a softness to it that was surprisingly different from her usual brazen tone, “so I told myself that I’d get to show you one day.”
N’adana straightened back up, a little misty-eyed as she held out a flower and gingerly tucked it behind Alisaie’s ear. “I can’t believe you remembered something as silly as my favorite color.” The miqo’te chuckled softly, hesitantly taking her hand back and admiring the orange flower against the elezen’s white hair.
Alisaie’s face suddenly felt very warm, though she still somehow willed herself to pluck a flower from N’adana’s hand to return the gesture, “Well, it’s easy to remember,” she struggled a little to tuck the stem of the flower into the braid N’adana wore at the crown of her head, but she managed to fasten it securely enough that she was satisfied. “Besides, it’s a good color on you.”
“I, uh… thanks.” N’adana replied lamely, rubbing the back of her neck and shuffling for an awkward moment, “We should get back to the group, yeah? Dohn Mheg is waiting, and I’m sure Urianger is going to come looking for us soon.”
“Right, right.” Alisaie nodded, trying her hardest to push the disappointment out of her voice as she tried to burn this memory of them together deep into her mind for just a moment longer.
The two waded through the field of flowers and eventually caught up with the rest of the group further down the path. Thancred leaned over towards Urianger and snickered about something as they returned, the two girls confused about what they were so amused by until they began to realize that their hands were starting to feel a little sweaty.
They hadn’t even realized they were still holding hands.
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nadana-vhet · 4 years
☾ - sleep headcanon for N'adana
♡ - romantic headcanon for Ahmi
☾ N’adana sleeps in the most uncomfortable-looking positions, but when she’s given time to fully sleep she insists she slept like a baby. When she sleeps with Alisaie, the red mage also really enjoys it because N’adana is super warm and Alisaie finds it adorable that she can tell if she’s having a good dream by the way her ears twitch in her sleep.
♡ Despite being the ‘super cool and powerful Warrior of Light,’ it’s really easy for Alisaie to fluster N’adana. A quick smooch on the cheek? Flustered. Goes to hold N’adana’s hand during a meeting? She starts to stutter while she’s talking. All of the Scions notice but because they’re polite they only tease her about it sometimes. You’d think Alisaie would be the more flustered one because of her tsudenere hero worship vibe, but once her and N’adana are comfortable it’s way easier to get N’adana blushing and stuttering over her cute gf.
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nadana-vhet · 4 years
Prompt 29: Paternal
Rating: General Audiences Alisaie x N’adana, post-Shadowbringers wholesome hours.
N’adana and Alisaie entered the Ocular together, the last of the Scions to gather for their weekly briefing. G’raha raised a brow at the two of them as they entered, which caused the rest of the Scions to turn around as well.
And to their surprise, they had arrived with Angelo bundled up in a blanket and cradled like a babe in N’adana’s arms.
“Why-“ Alphinaud started, but Alisaie held her hand up with a tired huff.
“We’re late because he started crying every time we tried to walk out the door. We shall have to brave Angelo’s whims for the time being, as he is in…”
“A mood.” N’adana finished, adjusting the porxie in her arms as he squealed happily at the warm affection.
Thancred chuckled as they completed their usual circle, shaking his head as he stared at the two tired-looking girls. “Parenthood is hard, isn’t it?”
“Mm, soon we will be joining you and Urianger for brunch and fussing over which one of us will babysit.” Alisaie smirked, wordlessly taking Angelo from N’adana’s arms as he nudged her arm, a silent plea that was a request to switch between them.
The rest of the Scions joined in laughing at the image presented before them - the Warrior of Darkness and Alisaie Levallieur cradling a needy porxie together like a pair of tired, newfound parents.
The rest of the meeting was spent with the two wordlessly passing Angelo back and forth between them when their arms got tired, their discussions only interrupted by the occasional chuckle when one of the Scions caught them babying the needy little porxie.
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nadana-vhet · 4 years
Prompt 22: Argy-bargy
Rating: Teen because of language In other words, N’adana gets made fun of by the Scions for having a silly sailor’s accent. Takes place roughly in the area of post-Stormblood.
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N’adana sank into the uncomfortable but familiar wooden chair that accompanied one of the many tables in the Rising Stones. She hummed with satisfaction at the sensation of a full stomach, an emptied plate of baked popotoes and lamb sat on the surface of the table she resided at.
She watched the Scions bustle about their routines, Tataru finishing up her evening reports at her desk across the way, Y’shtola, Urianger, and the twins surrounded by a pile of books, and the usual crowd of men huddled around F’lhaminn’s bar. Thancred, Coultenet, and Hoary and Ocher Boulder all sat along the bench and chattered amongst themselves, occasionally laughing in an uproar about something or another.
N’adana had almost passed out at the table as she listened to the heartwarming roar of the Rising Stones around her, the only thing stopping her being the rising voices of the increasingly tipsy (though likely drunk, at this point) men at the bar.
She managed to catch something about how Hoary ‘saw her first’ and that Thancred agreed, but it was ‘obvious that she was eyeing him from across Revanant’s Toll the other morn.’
N’adana groaned, and at that moment she caught F’lhaminn’s gaze from across room, rolling her eyes at the scene laid out at her bar. They didn’t notice either of them, continuing to argue about some pretty redhead merchant that somehow was smitten with all of them at once.
She eventually figured out which lovely lady they were talking about, and in her opinion, the only Scion she noticed the beautiful stranger had ever eyed up was Lyse.
N’adana was fine listening to them bicker, for a while, but the alcohol continued to flow and their volume began to rise. Soon enough she noticed that Y’shtola was flattening her ears to her head and F’lhaminn was passive-aggressively packing the bar away for the night, subtly trying to let them know that they were done.
“Oi’! Would the lot of ya’ quit it with the argy-bargy over there? She’s not gonna fuck ya’!”
The entire Rising Stones went quiet as the Warrior of Light’s frustrated quip echoed through the hall. The group of drunken men looked at her in shock. Y’shtola and the twins tried dutifully to not laugh, but failed as the three of them pounded on the table and began hollering with laughter.
“Argy-bargy?” Alphinaud clutched his sides, his eyes welling with tears as he tried to stop himself from making fun of his dear friend.
Urianger let out an amused chuckle as well, grinning from under his hood and offering an explanation for the younger elezen, “’Tis a phrase, primarily used in Limsa Lominsa, meaning ‘argument.’ Hence the… ‘argy.’”
The table erupted into laughter again hearing Urianger repeat the phrase, and meanwhile the group of men had joined in with a drunken stupor of laughing, already having forgotten why N’adana had yelled at them and being just as entertained by hearing Uptight Urianger using Limsa Lominsian slang.
“Look what the lot of ya’ made me do!” N’adana flushed red with embarrassment, slamming her hand on the table and pointing towards the group of idiotic drunks across the way, “makin’ my accent slip out like that!”
It wasn’t uncommon for the harsh tones of her accent to make themselves known when she was frustrated or angry, having picked up on a more ‘proper’ way of speaking in the time she had spent with the Scions. It was especially drilled into her during their time in Ishgard.
Everyone laughed again, which prompted N’adana to stand up and make her way over to Y’shtola, putting a hand on the back of her chair and pouting towards the rest of them. She hoped Y’shtola would defend her from the onslaught of linguistic elitists at the table, but she too was trying to hide her laughter at the poor girl’s outburst.
“We jest, we jest,” Alisaie assured the Warrior through her own amusement, “I assure you the quirk is endearing.”
N’adana was sure Alisaie was just trying to make her feel better, but there was a part of her that was tempted to say something silly again if it was going to prompt Alisaie into calling her endearing.
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nadana-vhet · 4 years
Prompt 15: Ache
Rating: General Audiences Relationship: Alisaie x WoL
455 Words.
Every time she was away from Alisaie, she was acutely aware of it.
The way her mind wandered during meetings, the way her ears perked up at the mention of Alisaie’s name in a conversation she wasn’t a part of. The poor Warrior of Light was absolutely lovestruck, and it was taking a toll on her duties.
Tataru could tell in the way N’adana drifted off during their meetings, annoyed that she had to repeat herself because the girl hadn’t been listening. “Oh, sorry,” she would mutter absentmindedly, but it didn’t stop her from gazing off into the distance again and again.
When she had to be gone for longer periods of time, that’s when it ached the most, a tightness in her chest as she packed her travel gear. Alisaie and Alphinaud always came to say goodbye before she had to leave, even if it was early in the morning and they were still disheveled and half-asleep.
“Good luck,” Alphinaud would tell her.
“I wish I could come with you – you always get the fun missions.” Alisaie would gripe.
N’adana would hug each of them, the ache leaving her body and replacing itself with anxious heartbeats as Alisaie wrapped her arms around her shoulders. “I wish you could, too,” she always said.
It became their thing, she supposed – Alisaie lamenting about how N’adana had to leave again and again, only for the Warrior to return her affections in the most unassuming way she could manage.
And as soon as Alisaie left her presence again, the ache returned. Her life became a cycle of when will I get to see her again. Heart aching and then pounding, back and forth and back and forth with almost no in between.
She found it silly that she preferred the anxiety of Alisaie’s presence instead of the restless calm her absence brought, but under that anxiety always sat a bubbling, unequivocal joy. If she had to suffer warm cheeks and nervous laughs to feel that, then so be it. It’s not like everything in her life didn’t make her anxious anyways.
But sometimes, through the pounding of her heart, there would be a momentary calm. She felt it in the way Alisaie laughed at her jokes or the way her nose crinkled at things she didn’t like. She felt it the most when they actually got to adventure together, and they would go for so long that by the time they finally got to relax they would scarcely have the time to shuck off their armor before they passed out on each other’s shoulders.
It was the only time the ache of absence and the ache of longing disappeared entirely, and for once, N’adana could feel at peace.
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