#nadya tchaikova
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the OCs + name meanings [3/4]
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A day in the life of the ocs as they celebrate the winter holidays! A tad late but there may be more to add to it later.
Playlist: // Last Christmas // Something About December // Hanukkah Oh Hanukkah // Christmas Eve With You // All I Want For Christmas Is You // Holiday With You // 
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snippet of a ficlet
Domestic au where the mafia find they’re oddly? okay? with babies?
Really I just had these scenes in my head earlier at work and just had to write them out. And of course it’s like 2-4 am as I’m writing this junk so it’s probably horrid but I kind of don’t even care. Have some tooth rotting fluff with some of my ocs because honestly there’s just something super fun about all these mafia people who aren’t afraid to snap someone’s neck and get bloody and nasty but then can turn around half a second later and be the most caring wives/husbands/parents.
Valery and Liliya
2006 Manhattan, New York
Valery stares at his wife, watches as she coos at their newborn as she cradles their son.
“He looks just like you, Lila,” Valery whispers in English, moving to sit beside her legs on the small hospital bed.
Liliya looks up at him and for a moment Valery has a flash of worry as he sees tears in the corners of her eyes. He’s about to ask if she’s hurt, about to jump to his feet and yell for a nurse, but Liliya speaks first.
“I love him so much, Valera,” she says softly in tone that Valery had very rarely heard her use before. She touches the newborn’s cheek softly, trailing her finger tip across his cheek up to his head to adjust the little blue hat. “I…” she trails off, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth for a few moments, clearly searching for the proper words. “I did not think that I could ever love someone more than you,” she finally says, looking up at her husband in wonder.
Valery can’t help but laugh softly at that. Then reaches and squeezes her knee gently. “I feel the same way, ангел.”
He looks at their son with pride bubbling in his heart. He wants to take his newborn son and show him off to everyone. If he’s completely honest, he never thought he’d love anyone until meeting Liliya. And then the way he sees her looking at their son only makes the love he feels for her grow. And the pride he feels for son is a new feeling all together.
Neither he nor Liliya cared for children and when she had learned she was pregnant both had been worried. They weren’t exactly the parental type. But now as they sat in the hospital bed with their child, they couldn’t believe just how happy they were. It was such an odd thing for either to wrap their heads around.
The two of them.
They were going to go home, to a new apartment in a new country, with their newborn son.
Liliya began humming softly, an old lullaby that Valery could just barely remember his mama singing to him when he was very young, and it makes him smile all the more.
“He needs a name, Lila,” Valery whispers as he sees their baby yawning.
Liliya hums in thought as she rocks their son gently. “Any ideas, дорогой?”
Valery frowns now for the first time in an hour as he runs a thousand names over in his mind. They’d been trying for months to pick a name and every single time they disagreed. “Igor?” His wife wrinkles her nose, eyes narrowing. So he shakes his head. “You are right. No for that. Hm… Nikolai?”
“Try again.”
Valery rolls his eyes. At times, Liliya can be very picky and even more demanding. “Well I am out of ideas, ангел. You pick something, Lila.”
The woman makes another face, this time sticking her tongue out at her husband. Then hums softly once more. The baby is beginning to really fall asleep now. It warms her heart in so new a way.
“Luka?” Valery asks.
Liliya frowns and Valery is sure that she’s going to tell him to pick something else. When much to his surprise she says the name to herself softly before nodding. “I like that.” She looks down at their son, their little Luka. “Hello, Luka, душенька.”
Sergei and Vera
2010 Hell’s Kitchen, New York
A baby’s soft cries fill the once quiet hospital room and Sergei quickly beings trying to hush his newborn daughter. Vera is half asleep on the hospital bed and she looks exhausted. Understandably so considering she had just given birth not too long ago.
The blonde woman groans softly as she sits up straighter. She loves her little girl, she really does and that’s surprising to her, but she’s very unsure if she can actually handle a baby. If she can take care of a child when she often times finds herself struggling with herself. Having a baby had never been in her plans. But as she looks at Sergei and their child, she can’t help but wonder how their lives are going to be now.
“Do you want me to take her?” Vera asks worriedly. That’s a new feeling for her, actually caring and worried about someone else. She stares at her daughter and feels a pang of worry at the very thought of holding her.
She’s so small. Fragile looking. And Vera, she knows she isn’t exactly gentle and so worries that she could possibly hurt her baby. While Sergei on the other hand looks perfectly at ease holding the newborn.
Sergei smiles softly and shakes his head. “No. She’s fine. I’ve got her. You sleep, голубка.”
He looks down at the baby and sees the baby flailing slightly and looking sleepy. It makes him smile. The newborn has hair that’s only a few shades darker than Vera’s own dirty blonde. Sergei wonders if her bright blue eyes are going to eventually turn out looking more like his or more like her mother’s.
Vera rolls her eyes at him, thinking he’s ridiculous with the amount of pet names he’s constantly giving her. But she won’t deny that she likes it. It makes her feel special. Loved really.
But she takes his advice and lies back, attempts to get comfortable, and lets her eyes shut as she focuses on his coos to their now sniffling baby. “She needs a name,” Vera says, a large yawn escaping.
“We’ll give her a name once you’ve had some rest, alright?”
The only answer he receives is a hum.
Sergei watches his girlfriend fall asleep, a small smile on his face. Vera could be stubborn, annoying so, but he loved her none the less. And loved watching her fall asleep. Being with Vera was different than when he’d been living in Russia and in a serious relationship with a woman, Yelizaveta. He’d had a daughter with her, Nastal, a daughter who he hadn’t seen since she was a year old.
He’d had no part in Nastya’s life, something he’d regretted for the last nine years, and he wouldn’t miss out on his newborn child’s.
Being with Vera gives him faith, and that makes him nearly laugh right there, and hope for the future.
And suddenly Sergei knows just what to name their little girl.
Nadezhda, their little Nadya.
Alex and Anatoly
2012 Hell’s Kitchen, New York
“Papa loves you so much. I do, Annushka,” Anatoly coos in Russian to his newborn baby. The baby just blinks, yawns widely, and turns their face towards his chest. It makes Anatoly grin. “You look just like your mama.”
He’s so busy whispering to the baby that he doesn’t notice his wife stirring awake. And Alex takes this as her chance to watch her husband interact with their baby. She can’t understand a good percent of what he’s saying but his tone, full of love and adoration, make her understand more than enough.
He looks at their baby with love pouring from his very being. He’s so proud to be a father, it’s clear for anyone to see and it makes Alex smile.
“Papa is never going to leave you, I promise.” Anatoly gently wraps the cotton candy pink blanket even tighter around the baby. And holds the newborn closer and presses a kiss to the deep brown fluffy hair on top of their head as he sees the baby beginning to fall asleep.
Alex picks now to yawn loudly, yawn only slightly exaggerated to let her husband know that she’s awake. “What nonsense are you telling that poor baby, Tolenka?” She asks softly so as not to wake the baby.
Instantly Anatoly is turning and quickly walking over to her. “Are you alright?” He asks, accent thicker.
It makes Alex grin. His accent always seemed more prominent after speaking his first language.
“Did I wake you? Are you hurt? Do you need any-”
She cuts him by holding her index finger to her lips, a silent ‘shh be quiet’ motion that makes him quickly fall silent.
“Hush, Tolenka. I’m fine,” she promises, slowly sitting up in the uncomfortable bed. “How’s the baby?”
Anatoly grins once more, beaming brightly in happiness as he slowly sits beside her so that she can see their child’s sleeping face. “Sleeping, звезда моя.” He frowns at her now. “Like you should be. You look exhausted.”
Alex rolls her eyes and waves his concern away. “Hush, Anatoly. I want to hold my child. Why don’t you go get a snack? Bring me back something if you don’t mind?” It’s more of a statement that she phrases to sound like a question but Anatoly understands. She wants to hold their baby and wants him to stop hovering over her like he’d been doing the past nine months.
So he hands over the sleeping newborn and presses a quick kiss to his wife’s forehead and slowly leaves the room.
He runs into Vladimir in the hospital’s cafeteria. The blonde is playing on his phone with one hand, holding a sandwich in the other. But the moment he spots his elder brother Vladimir is shoving the last few bites of his sandwich into his mouth and phone into his pocket as he walks over to his brother.
“How’s Alex? And the baby? I can’t believe you left the room,” Vladimir teases lightly, words falling in a rush and in Russian. He’s worried and nervous for his sister in law and newborn niece.
Anatoly makes a face but grins all the same as they walk over to the vending machines. “They’re both fine. Anya is sleeping. Alex didn’t look too far behind. She practically kicked me from the room. I think she’s tired of my worrying.” He pushes a few quarters into the machine, taps the buttons, and waits.
Vladimir nods in understanding. “Can’t blame her. You worry too much, big brother of mine.” He laughs when Anatoly lightly punches him in the shoulder. “Mm, so when do I get to hold the baby?”
“Soon,” Anatoly says, picking up the water and bag of chips. He flashes a grin to his brother, nudges their shoulders together. “I promise. I’m going to go check back on Alex. I’ll see you later?” Vladimir nods and rolls his eyes as his brother leaves before even waiting for an answer.
When Anatoly enters the hospital room once more he places the water and chips on the nightstand before fishing his phone from his pocket and snapping a picture of his dozing wife and baby. Hair a mess and clearly exhausted, Anatoly thinks she looks beautiful.
Matt and Valdimir
2018 Kazan, Tatarstan
“Sälam.” A very young toddler says, waving her hand before ducking back behind the social worker’s leg. She’s shy, just barely two years old, and these new people in front of her, staring at her, make her uncomfortable. She’d rather go back and play with the other children. But the adults seem fairly keen on keeping her with them.
She ignores as the social workers try to nudge her to go to the new people, two men. One was brunette, the other blonde.
“Isanmesaz. Helleregez nischek?” Vladimir asks, words spilling and sounding terrible to his own ears. He doesn’t think he’s pronounced them correctly at all and judging by the looks he’s receiving from the social workers, he’s guessed properly.
But it does the job of making the tiny toddler look out from behind the social worker. She takes one step away from the social worker, closer to him and Matt. Much to Matt’s pure joy.
This is all the encouragement Vladimir needs. He crouches down so that he’s nearly eye level to the child, and says slowly, “İsímím uh Vladimir. Uh, Papa,” he taps on his chest as he introduces himself. Then slowly points up to Matt. “Daddy.”
She starts speaking quickly, clapping her hands together loudly in her excitement. And Vladimir and Matt can’t understand her at all. But her joy is contagious and they both begin grinning at her. Matt slowly crouches down beside Vladimir, nervous and excited at finally meeting the two year old they’d been in the process of adopting for months now.
Natasha and Yelena stay to the side, Yelena recording them meeting the toddler while Natasha held a half asleep toddler of her own, her little girl Nika.
“Min sine yaratam,” Vladimir says clumsily, pointing to himself then to her.
She lets out a loud noise, squealing, nearly screaming really, mixed with a laugh as she rushes to them. Vladimir glances out of the corner of his eye to see Matt grinning widely and can’t help but feel happiness spread through his being. Seeing Matt happy always made him happy.
“İsímígíz niçík?” Vladimir asks, still trying to speak Tatar and failing horribly.
But again the young child claps her hands happily and she hops in spot as she proudly states, “İsímím Märyäm!” And then she begins speaking quicker and Vladimir is looking up at the social workers, completely lost. While the little girl holds up two fingers, seemingly telling them her age. She reaches out and hops, wanting to be picked up.
And since Matt was closer to her and dying to hold her, he quickly scooped her up, laughing out quietly, “What did she say?”
Vladimir makes a face but stood as well. “Said her name is Märyäm.”
Matt grins, hugs her tighter as she continues to babble away. “I love it. I think it’s pretty.”
Vladimir made a face, nose wrinkling and eyes narrowing slightly as he thought for a moment. Then he shrugged. “We will think of something better. Is ugly name. I do not like it.” He reaches over when he sees the two year old making grabbing hand motions at him now and Matt lets him take the child.
She has deep brown eyes and auburn hair that oddly enough matches Matt’s exact shade. She’s cute, Vladimir will give her that. But he’s still not sure about this adoption thing. Still not sure he and Matt are doing the right thing.
“Min sine yaratam,” the little girl says happily, grinning at him then looking back to Matt. “Min sine yaratam!” She claps her hands, does a little scream laugh once more, then rests her head on Vladimir’s shoulder.
Vladimir slowly hugs her, an odd feeling in his chest beginning to spread.
“What’d she say? She sounded happy?” Matt asked, confused but excited as he tries to make the new language stay with him.
Vladimir says nothing for a few moments, just pets over the little girl’s hair. Then finally, “She says she loves us.”
Piotr and Linda
2025 Hell’s Kitchen, New York
Piotr watches Linda swaddle their son in a light green baby blanket. She seems so good at it already. And he has a moment of self doubt. Of course he’d helped watch over his friends’ children. But Luka, Grisha, Nadya, Vasya, and Jack, oh they had all been young children or toddlers when he’d been babysitting them. Not fleshy little fragile newborns.
He knew he was good with children. That didn’t worry him. But the baby, well simply put, he was a baby. A very little baby at that. And Piotr didn’t know how to care for little babies.
“Do you wanna hold your son?” Linda asks, holding the baby in her arms and ready to hand him over the moment Piotr asks. She’s tired but happy.
But Piotr quickly shakes his head, eyes wide. “I can’t, Linda. He’s so small. What if I drop him? Or what if I break him? He looks very breakable. Or what if-”
Linda cuts him off with a laugh of, “And what if aliens attack New York again? Or, oh I know, this one is a good one! What if ninjas attack the hospital again?”
The Russian just stares at her, not finding her sense of humor all that funny.
But Linda just grins at him. “Piotr, honey, come hold your son and don’t worry so much, okay?”
Piotr looks nearly ready to listen to her, even takes steps closer to the bed until he’s sitting at the foot of it. Then shakes his head. “What if he doesn’t like me?” He asks softly, staring at Linda in worry.
The woman just smiles at him. “Well you won’t know until you hold him.”
“I don’t know how to hold babies, Linda.”
“Well no better time to learn than the present, hm? Come here.”
She gestures closer to herself, scoots over to make room for him next to her, and waits until he’s sitting back down before handing him the baby. The newborn lets out a small noise, gives a long yawn for a baby, and stares up at Piotr while Piotr stares right back at him. Linda leans her head against his shoulder and lets out a tired yawn of her own.
“I decided on a name for him, by the way.”
Piotr just hums softly as he tries to rock his son. He feels clumsy, isn’t sure he’s doing this right. But the baby isn’t crying so he figures he must be doing fine. He hopes so anyway.
“I like Peter. What do you think?” Linda asks, yawning once more and now fighting to stay awake.
Piotr shakes his head, a grin spreading over his face. “Peter Petrovich? Oh that’s horrible, Linda.”
Linda laughs softly, coos gently at the baby before covering her mouth as she yawns once more. “I like it. I, for one, vote on his name being Peter.” The newborn sneezes and lets out a small noise before falling silent once more and Linda nods. “Mhm, see, Peter here agrees with me.”
Piotr rolls his eyes but his grin never once fades. “I guess I’m being outnumbered then. Peter it is.”
His wife begins humming a lullaby, not lifting her head from his shoulder. And within minutes she’s fast asleep. Little Peter not too far along after her.
“Te quiero,” Piotr whispers the foreign words quietly, pressing a kiss to Linda’s hair and Linda smiles in her light sleep.
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more domestic au junk
Timeline with the oc babies and such
really I just don’t want to forget this so I’m jotting it down here I guess.
2000 - Nastya is born 2006 - Veles mafia is moving to Hell’s Kitchen. Luka is born. 2007 - Dimitri is born 2008 - Adrian is born 2009 - Grisha, Sasha, Nicholas are born 2010 - Nadya and Angelo are born 2011 - Michael is born 2012 - Yutaka (Taka), Alexei, Peyton, and Jamie are born 2014 - Sasha is adopted. Raphael is born.  2015 - Toly is born 2016 - Nika is born and later adopted. Vasya, Jack, Rikki, Darla, Patrick, Maddie, Ravdí, Ian, Richard, Lucy, Dani, Marie are born. 2017 - Andrey is born 2018 - Vasya is adopted 2019 - Jack is adopted 2024 - Alexei meets Anatoly 2025 - Peter is born 2026 - Nadya and Nastya begin communicating 2029 - Maddie is adopted
Briana and Matvei
- They keep their relationship a secret for a handful of years.
- Their sons, Nicholas and Patrick, don’t spend much time in the Veles garage with Luka, Nadya, and Grisha. Briana keeps her kids more around her life with the Kitchen Irish and Matvei agrees that this is the best thing for them. 
- Briana goes to the same church as Matt, they’re the same age.
- Briana puts Nick and Rick in Catholic school much to Matvei’s annoyance. He’s atheist and thinks Catholic school is ridiculous but if it makes Briana happy he’ll go with it.
Yuriko and Yuri
- Like Briana and Matvei they too keep their relationship a secret for a few years. It’s because of Yuri that Yuriko tries to leave the Yakuza, she wants to be with him, but before she could fake her death she’s caught.
- Yuriko tries to leave the Yakuza and nearly dies from it. Yuri takes her to a nurse who happens to live in the same apartment building as him, Linda, and she helps patch Yuriko up.
- Their son, Yutaka, doesn’t spend much time around the Veles garage either. He and Alexei become best friends in elementary school along with Jamie and Peyton.
Nastya Sharipova
- Even though she doesn’t remember her father or know anything about him, she ironically is much like him. She begins dabbling in mafia work by the time she’s 18.
- Is in Dimitri’s mafia.
- Goes by her mother’s last name.
- She and Nadya find each other when Nadya begins trying to find her. She’s excited to find she has an older sister and wants to meet her. Nastya is shocked to find she has a sister she never knew about but is excited none the less and the two begin texting and even calling.
Dimitri Volkov
- Born into the mafia. His father runs a section in St. Petersburg. 
- Is a big huge bag of dicks.
Adrian Stepichev
- Joins the mafia because of Dimitri dragging him into it. 
will probably do backstories for some of these peeps later at some point. ...maybe. yikes.
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