#nah but they chill
butchmartyr · 5 months
a lot of older norms for internet and site etiquette are shit but you know what was good that we need to bring back? lurking. you need to lurk moar
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dearestgentlereaders · 3 months
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them acting this horny in broad daylight whilst being chaperoned is just wild
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wildgeese98 · 22 days
The thing is, even if Sam survives the archivist attack he might not survive the power of the "I told you so" beam that Alice is going to shoot him with.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
Angel Dust: “Sweetie, babe… missy, hun-”
Vaggie: “If you’re talking to your reflection in the mirror again, I’m kicking you both out.”
Angel Dust: “I just don’t GET it!”
Vaggie: “It’d be the fourth time you talked dirty to yourself in public this week and I was sick of hearing it three times ago. What’s not to get.”  
Angel Dust: “How come ya got so many pet names for ya girlfriend, Vaggisaurus? Ya don’t seem the type.”
Vaggie: “That’s the worst thing anyone’s ever said to me.”
Angel Dust: “I’m serious! It don’t fit ya at all!”
Vaggie: “Sure it does.”
Angel Dust: “How??”
Vaggie: “I love her. And she loves pet names.”
Angel Dust: “If she loves ‘em so much then why ain’t SHE callin’ YOU by any?”
Charlie: “Well maaaaaybe she WOULD if EVERYONE ELSE actually USED Vaggie’s name instead of saying it WRONG or turning it into a JOKE all the time! Ha ha ha! Isn't that funny???? Maybe Vaggie’s girlfriend LIKES her name and thinks it’d be SAD if no one ever SAID IT!!!”
Angel Dust: “Aw c’mon, since when does that-”
Lucifer: “Gooooooood MORNING Char-char! Good morning Maggie!”
Charlie: “Hi dad.”
Vaggie: “Good morning, sir.”
Husk: “Mail’s here. More fucking hate letters from heaven addressed to That Filth Vagina.”
Vaggie: “Great. Let Niffty burn those too.”
Cherri Bomb: “Cool. Hey guys- Pentious sent a text asking for someone named ‘Vagatha’ to make sure his Egg Boi gets tucked into bed tonight and read a bedtime story from one of the death machine instruction manuals… and I’m wondering…"
Cherri Bomb: "...who the fuck is Vagatha???”
Vaggie: “His murderer, if he wasn’t already dead.”
Cherri Bomb: “What the fuck? I was that idiot’s nemesis! Whoever this Vagatha chic is, I’ve got a bomb to pick out for her!”  
Charlie: “Cherri, just…” (sigh) “Just tell Pen I’ll handle it, okay?”
Cherri Bomb: “Sure thing, but who-”
Charlie: “Don’t ask.”
Vaggie: “Thanks babe.”
Angel Dust: “…..”
Angel Dust: "Huh.
Vaggie: “...You were saying?”
Angel Dust: "Ya need a new name, Vaggietales.”
Vaggie: “I’ve got a loving girlfriend who always says it right, so I think I’m good actually.”
Angel Dust: “Toots, no one outside of a porno can say ‘Vaggie’ with a straight face.”
Charlie: “I do!”
Angel Dust: “You’re in homosexuals with her. Like, sickenin' deep in the yuri genre. It ain't straight and it don’t count.”
Vaggie: “If we're talking about dumb names don't forget I somehow call you ‘Angel’ with a straight face.”
Angel Dust: “Only ‘cause ya hate heaven an' mean it as a slur.”
Charlie: “Oh Angel Dust, you KNOW that’s not-”
Vaggie: “True.”
Angel Dust: “BITCH I KNEW IT!!”
Charlie: “Oh for... is there ANYONE here who’s normal about names???”
Alastor: “Ah-HEM~”
Charlie: “Normal in a non-serial killer kinda way.”
Alastor: (smiles) "Ah." (fades back into shadows)
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bemorechiill · 3 months
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the brainrots getting to my head.
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rowanhoney · 9 months
still no cure for the addicted to dark haired men disease
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There’s a dimension in the Zone that’s about to collapse
As the Ghost King, it’s Danny’s responsibility to deal with the fact that this dimension over here is actively going to implode.
Danny asked Clockwork about the cause. Apparently messing around in the time stream enough tends to make dimensions fall apart. Clockwork has a bit of a grudge against people who mess around with time. So Danny isn’t going to receive help from his most powerful ally. Joy.
There’s not much Danny can do to fix the crumbling dimension either. The only way to save those people is to evacuate them. If Danny leaves things alone, everyone in that dimension will die.
So Danny dons his kingly attire, and jumps into the collapsing dimension.
Danny’s offer sounds like a trap.
The Justice League is immediately suspicious of the Interdimensional Thing that’s trying to persuade people to jump into a suspicious glowing portal.
Even after the creature confesses that he wants to save people from their collapsing dimension under the lasso of truth, the heroes are still skeptical. Danny could be mind controlled to believe he’s helping. He could be a pawn in a much larger game. They just know they have no idea where that portal goes, and really don’t want to risk it.
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luna-loveboop · 4 months
There's a lot about Twilight's injury arc that makes me wanna cry but every time I read through it Legend is what gets me
Because Legend took his hat off out of respect when going into Twilight's room while he was injured
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I don't I ever have or ever will read a "salty and traumatised and not-nice but still good" character as well written as Legend. Because he's mean and snarky and grumpy- and almost always at least one of his eyebrows is down. Twilight even saw him as a bully at first. (Ref. comic 'bully' in Lu archive)
But this is a warrior who will take off his hat for another who got hurt. Legend shows love in almost invisible ways, and his heart is guarded enough to have spikes. But if he's going to see someone who's injured he shows respect and care.
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And he showed his care in other ways too- he has so much love for Twilight to show this much past his guarded heart
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Legend is always wearing his hat- it is literally something he puts on just as much as his shoes or tunic.
He shows so much love for Twilight through his injury. And him pulling off/putting on his hat is just one small way that was shown.
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*dies drowning in tears because legend took off his hat and it means so much and*
Art and comic by Jojo @linkeduniverse au
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recreationalfanfics · 2 years
Hello, I really love how you seem to have such a good read on RoR characters! Kinda shy asking this because I swore I read Record of Ragnarok for the action and backstories but it’s hard to contain my simping…. (๑꒪̇⌄꒪̇๑)
May I request some headcanons for Poseidon x a shy but kind human fem!MC? The idea I had in mind was that some thousands of years ago, Aphrodite, annoyed with Poseidon’s indifference to her charms, “cursed” him with a soulmate. This soulmate turned out to be MC who wasn’t even born yet back then. The plot will take place sometime before the actual human vs. gods battles start, so maybe during some preparation period where they’re setting up the stadium and all that? During this period, the human audience had already been “teleported” there (I don’t think they ever elaborated on how the humans all just end up watching the ragnarok) MC is one of these humans and coincidentally happened upon Poseidon during her stay. Of course, the soulmate stuff won’t magically make Poseidon have a complete change on humankind, but I was hoping he’d gradually soften up to her even if he won’t admit it.
As for what kind of soulmate AU, maybe the type where the first words your soulmate says to you is inscribed somewhere on your body? I think it’ll be fun to have her say something to him, he realizes but doesn’t say anything back so she just doesn’t know until much later.
Hopefully this isn’t too detailed or convoluted (๑•́‧̫•̀๑) And thank you so much in advance if you decide to write this! And if it’s not too much to ask, please don’t kill off Poseidon, but I also don’t want Sasaki to die either… maybe Poseidon will choose to forfeit (after fighting at first) because his soulmate is amongst the humans that will be eliminated if gods win? •ू(ᵒ̴̶̷᷄ωᵒ̴̶̷᷅*•ू) )੭ु⁾⁾
Either way, I hope I did well, this was my first time writing for Poseidon!
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- Consider how vain these two can be sometimes, it's only natural that they would butt heads often but when Poseidon dared to claim that Aphrodite truth wasn't as fair as she claimed herself- no, that she KNEW herself to be- she just couldn't allow this injustice to stand.
- He cherished absolutely nothing, he appreciated absolutely nothing. So she took it upon herself to change that. After all, it was HER who was the Goddess of Love. So she decided to pull a little trick
- Now, lets flashforward (to modern? ancient? Idk, man, heaven time??) and Poseidon has been summoned to his match. A match he felt was pointless but, whatever, who was he to deny his brother?
- Gracing the God's hall and going to his room to prepare and shield himself from sharing the same air as humans; imagine his surprise when he sees you.
- You're pathetic. Skittish, looking around like a confused mutt, and looking as disgusting as the rest of your kind. He knows your human alone and he's offended that you had the AUDACTIY to walk INTO THE AREA WHERE THE GOD'S RESIDE, AND EVEN STAND IN FRONT OF HIS DOOR.
- In reality, you weren't trying to piss anyone off. You had gotten separated from the rest of the humans and accidentally found yourself in a part of the arena you weren't familiar with.
- You were so relieved when you looked and saw another person in the hallway with you! Maybe you could ask them for directions. Poseidon did not know why you were approaching him so casually but he did NOT like it, like, AT ALL.
- Since your soulmates, maybe the reason why you don't feel his threatening aura like other gods and humans do is because some part of you just can't find it in you to fear him. He takes this as a sign of disrespect.
- You do feel anxious, however, he was such an attractive man but he absolutely did not look pleased to see you and you assumed he was just having a bad day.
- "H-Hello, I don't mean to trouble you!" You call out, your voice quiet and filled with uncertainty.
- He narrows his eyes at you, absolutely enraged by the idea of you approaching him so casually. You filthy little worm, he should destroy right-
- But then he takes a look at his wrist, he doesn't know why he does, a subconscious decision perhaps. But he side eyes you...odd, he makes sure to check his wrist. Oh well, he may as well grant you a few seconds of life.
- Then he checks his wrist and sees that the very first words you said to him...were on it. He looks from his wrist to you, who has no idea what's going on and honestly just wanted to find a way out of this big hallway.
- "U-Um, sir? I-I'm sorry, but do you know the way out?"
- He merely narrows his eyes at you before summoning his trident into his hands and thats when you realize; you're standing before a God. He says nothing to you and you instantly want to apologize but before you could, he just points in his trident into the direction he came from.
- You look at him, scared and confused, and he continues to stare at you with cold eyes. When he doesn't say or do anything for a few minutes you finally realized he was pointing the direction out.
- You apologize for the trouble and run like hell, his gaze following you.
- He observes you closely after that, believing this may be some kind of mistake. Thats why he didn't say anything to you, because a part of him was nervous. But he was mostly angry.
- It showed by when he barged into Aphrodite's room to DEMAND her what trickery she had stuped too and to undo it, she just smiles slyly and asks him: "What trickery?~"
- After some frustrating interrogation that goes NOWHERE...he finds himself staring at you quiet often, the mortals all cowering in fear when they feel his divine prescence. Not you, though, you never seem to notice him until you follow their stares and see his cold eyes, staring you down like you were gum under his new shoes.
- It's a very odd exchange, overall. Everyday, he'd show up at the most random of times and causing a stir among everyone else but yourself. Sometimes it'd even be multiple visits a day. Either way it confused you because the matches hadn't even started and already, you had somehow invoked a God's wrath.
- At least, that's what you thought at first until you noticed that he never did anything to really threaten your safety. Yes, watching you was a bit odd, but you find that you aren't really all that nervous about it anymore. Especially since with every visit, you believe that his gaze softens when they're set upon you.
- He kept his distance at first but then, once you started to take notice of him, you'd offer him to sit next to you as you sat in the beautiful fields that surrounded the arena or would be reading in one of the vast nearby libraries. Originally he would just walk away and as time went on he slowly began to warm up to you.
- Like a cat. tbh.
- He couldn't help it, at least, it FELT like he couldn't help it. He didn't know if it was your bond as soulmates, the unyielding kindness that he originally saw as foolish and niave, or overall just your quiet nature until you saw your friends.
- Either way, the more he began to see you, the more he could look past your flaws (which was being a human) and start to appreciate the things about you the made you beautiful.
- Don't get me wrong, he was definetly in denial for the longest time so he would kinda start off with small things. Like it goes from: "Oh, at least they bowed their head to my statue, thats a redeemable quality, at least." to "She is the epitome of perfection♡"
- You wouldn't really ever know that Poseidon's feelings towards you have grown, he hides it very well behind that stoic face that he wears and he hasn't even really spoken to you, yet. He doesn't know why but he feels like...the time isn't right. Despite his growing feelings, he truly isn't ready to accept a human as his soulmate yet.
- You just assumed he didn't talk much so you never pushed him too. Yeah, it mightve been a bit awkward at first but you appreciated his prescence, it brought you a new sense of comfort and peace that you never felt, not even when you were alive.
- When you made flower crowns in the gardens, you'd ask if you could decorate his trident for him and he gave you a deadpan stare before nodding his head in approval. He'd silently gesture you to follow him and show you a private pool whenever a say seemed a bit too hot for you and watch as you played in it, a soft smile growing on his face.
- He would even feel a bit of anger when he was with his fellow gods, listening to them generalize their hatred towards humanity. Usually Poseidon would join them but he couldn't bring himself too. After all, humanity was pesky and troublesome but some of them weren't that bad.
- They could be sweet, they could be unfailingly kindhearted and empathetic...They could be you. So he'd just glare distastefully but never say anything, but he didn't need to as everyone slowly stopped talking after sensing they somehow upset him.
- He spent a lot of his time with you during the days that led up to his match, you were unsure of who to root for; since it's true that humanity would be wiped out if the God's continued to win but at the same time, you didn't want to see Poseidon get hurt.
- He picked you out from the crowd immediately and made eye contact with you, not even acknowledging his opponent as he stepped into the ring.
- Did he still look down on humanity? Yes. But...he supposed there were some good aspects to it. Good aspects like you.
- As the mythical creatures and gods from his side cheered him on, shouting insults towards the humans, and telling him to destroy them like the ants they were: his eyes were locked on your (e/c) eyes before he finally made a decision. Internally, he had just lost a battle within himself in that moment...but he wasn't upset about it.
- So he interrupts Heimdall's introduction speeches as he addresses the whole crowd, "I FORFIET THIS MATCH!"
- Shock and bafflement was all that could be heard from both sides of the arena. They couldn't have possibly heard him right, though, after all: He was Poseidon, the beautiful God of the Sea, there was no way he would just-
- Then he looked at you and your heart leapt at hearing his voice for the first time. His eyes became gentle as they stared into yours, "I will fight for humanity. For some of you are worthy yet."
- You didn't respond for a bit, not noticing how the words "I will fight for humanity" appeared on your wrist, but he did. And he knew that even if Aphrodite had "cursed" him, that it truly didn't bother him. You were made for him. His perfect mortal♡
- This was only proven when you broke out of your shocked trance faster than anyone and cheered his name happily, your shyness lost as you joyfully cheered his name, causing him to visibly smile in front of everyone.
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two-dolla-bills · 7 months
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This is both the absolute best and worst thing I have ever seen in my entire life
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vynnyal · 4 months
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Turns out Sunlit Trail isn't quite done just yet, so after all that they just send you to a dead end 😂
#rain world#comic#rw chasing wind#sunlit Trail#Hunter#Art#Chasing wind spoilers#I can't imagine anyone filters that tag but just in case sksksks#ANYWAYS turns out mod is way better than I expected and it's super well made.#So far made the trip as hunter (first time) then riv and now working on arti.#For arti I realized that howling rifts led to sub and sub led to dar shore so I was like sweet! A shortcut!#Now imagine for a sec trying to get through a parkcore + miros bird gauntlet with a corpse and a worm within 5 cycles#before the scav ran out of karma and you were stuck inside forever. Yeah#Besides that tho I've been messing around and been very tenderly modding the game.#Turns out you can have a bit of fun with most sprites without too much effort by simply cloning the MSC mod in your files#Then changing the copy's mod info so it doesn't clash and simply swapping images out for whatever you want#As long as you have the sprite name you can do this. You can also change region names and decals and music all sorts of stuff.#In short I've been brewing a custom mod for a friend to make her suffer as much as possible <3#Thanks to a buddy on the rw server for showing me that trick btw lol. The best cesspool I've ever participated in#Oh before I forget- the symbol on CW's head is completely made up. They just looked so... Bald.#Tbh I wasn't expecting their personality to be so... bright? Most interpretations make them kinda solemn and gloomy#But nah this CW is what NSH should've been 100%. I like them. Not gonna spoil too much but their situation is somehow so... chill.#Still bad tho!#Other fun news! There's a scammer going around on discord that's basically like ''bad news I reported you for fraud''#And they're getting a lot of people. My buddy that owned my home server got hit and we lost everything. It's all OK tho nobody was hurt#I keep trying to ask them questions on my alts but they're ignoring me... I kinda wanna bait them into doing the scam with me#to see how far I get before they catch on 😜#Wasting a scammer's time is never a waste of time#Ah I had more to say but I reached my tag max. Till next time- hopefully my animation project will be done by then!
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themintman · 22 days
was it casual when you stayed up all night researching and brewing potions, trying to find some way to bring my undead body back to life?
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aur0ralights · 1 year
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Pranks (youre here) | Revenge
I imagine this is around the campfire at night or somethin, but yeah! We’ll see if i come back and finish this thing eventually but for now im more than happy with it being a very sketched animatic :)
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fanartfunart · 2 months
watching death note for the first time having only known tumblr memes about Light and L previously, and realizing that the well put together average jo lookin dude is NOT the detective and the slouchy emo bangs dude with the lifeless eyes is NOT the murderer... is kinda crazy.
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daily-dose-of-bucket · 2 months
I’m so sorry for starting the 🪣, didn’t realize we would unionize
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Day 112: no worries, now we finally have enough buckets for everyone!
Individual sprite edits (except Kai cuz it's an official sprite lol):
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rainecreatesstuff · 10 months
this is no shade to tallulah. She goin through shit ok we love our poultry queen in this household.
Sunny asks if Tallulah doesn’t like her. And asks why. They were never even given much of a chance to speak to her. Why doesn’t Tallulah like her?
and everybody says about the same thing. Tallulah’s going through some stuff, Tallulah is just wary, Tallulah just needs some time to warm up, give her some time.
Give her some time.
and. Those are accurate, fine statements to say. But. But if you ask Bad, or Bagi, or Phil (god, if you ask Phil) what Sunny is like, I would bet my life’s savings that they would summarize them as one of the following:
Now if I asked how much time those people had spent with Sunny, where would you estimate? A few minutes, maybe closer to a half hour for some?
people keep telling Sunny to give Tallulah time. And that’s fair. That is a fair thing to ask.
but not one single islander other than Tubbo has given her time before slapping a label on her behaviours and calling it a day.
she has gone from having nothing to having so much in just a few days. They are learning how to be part of a family, learning how to talk to people. She is mischievous, and passionate, and shy. They like flowers and steak and potatoes and they dream of having fancy lavish tea parties with their pa and his friends. She is a drama queen and she likes cats and she hides behind her pa whenever she meets someone new. They are incredibly perceptive, and fiercely protective, and sarcastic, and they are scared.
she is spoiled. They do act entitled. She can be snobby sometimes.
but they are also sweet. She is also kind. They hear people speak down to their pa and they jump to reassure him when people question his parenting. She sees a cat that’s been abandoned and asks to rescue it. They give out diamonds like they’re made of em, pays for people to be around them. She doesn’t want to be alone again. She doesn’t know how else to make sure that doesn’t happen.
There is so much more to Sunny than what people assume of them. And yes, other people deserve a grace period to warm up to a new person before a negative relationship forms.
but Sunny deserves to be given time too. Time to be known, and learned, and loved.
and if nobody has given her that
can you blame them for being apprehensive about giving it to others?
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