#nah i mean i relate to the themes of growing up christian and then. being gay
qazastra · 2 years
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only ten songs okay? 33 minutes? give it a try at least? for me?
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character questions
Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?  No direct siblings! But if I app to DA7, my character will be around Adachi’s age and related to him. This is true no matter which of my top 2 choices I go with, really.
What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like? Very positive! She babies him a bit too much, and he gets a little annoyed with this. That’s about the extent of the negativity in their relationship.
What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like? Adachi’s dad had a heart attack and then quit crab fishing, divorced Adachi’s mom, and fucked off to who-knows-where. What a weird mid-life crisis!
Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know? I’m pretty sure he’s watched someone else drown on at least one occasion but I regularly forget about this like a good roleplayer lol
On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets? keys, phone, (unless he’s at sea, in which case why even bring your phone if there’s not gonna be reception) gun, ammo. his coat has a specially designed concealed carry pocket. i hate this.
Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams? who tf knows
Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares? now? lots of nightmares of suddenly falling ill and dying. thanks, chou! (dis a Joke i personally stan for chou. seriously go have your OC interact with her, hear her out, and you’ll stan too)
Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target? sIFUISGHJDGKSJGSGhskJGSHJKSDGKJHGSDKGJHUGJKHSGK yes, but he only shoots large animals because they’re larger, easier targets. (also, birds + rabbits are too cute to kill.) first target was probably a rabbit at the insistence of his peers and he cried afterwards.
Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up? not really! adachi’s dad may have fucked off to the middle of nowhere, but he inherited his dad’s job. so they’re still making a comfortable middle class income.
Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing? well i mean he grew up in alaska and prefers not dying of hypothermia so
In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been? ch8 lol
In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been? who kno
Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way? no
Does your character remember names or faces easier? both fairly easy. he notices small things about people easily.
Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not? he’s preoccupied with making an income, on account of uh. being forced to be the primary breadwinner of his household for a while there. but for that same reason, he’s also preoccupied with not spending it recklessly. he prides himself on keeping a fairly large rainy day fund in case of emergencies. he’s probably legitimately saving up for retirement at the age of 19. i hate this
Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success? success, because you kind of have to uh make an income if you want to be happy and not a homeless bum like his dad lol
What was your character’s favorite toy as a child? guns
Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others? both are important
What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before? what the fuck is tact or making an effort to be friendly and agreeable ever. tbh the crab fishing didn’t help, because it’s a REALLY REALLY toxic working environment. consider it a less-organized military setting, in terms of toxicity. adachi pissed off his irl friends back in alaska and now they’re not friends anymore. now he’s living in japan and well, if you’re rude even by american standards, you’re not gonna get along with people in japan either
In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism? “iiiiiii’m the best” - captain kaito adachi, 2017 (in all seriousness he’s somewhat more inclined towards self-reflection these days)
If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others? “FUCK YOU EVERYONE IS TO BLAME BUT MYSELF” -capt. kaito adachi (unless it was very very VERY clearly his fault in which case he’ll fess up quickly b/c he’s an honest man. he’s not tactful, but at least he’s honest.)
What does your character like in other people? drive, work ethic, honesty, not being a goddamned moron, sharing his basic philosophy towards this whole murder game thing
What does your character dislike in other people? being an idiot, laziness, dishonesty
How quick is your character to trust someone else? Not Very you have no idea how many kids in this game he didn’t trust right off the bat LOL
How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person? Very fast, he has a tendency to jump to one conclusion and stick with it tbh. But he’s not 100% unreasonable surprisingly
How does your character behave around children? you know when you go over to your friend’s house and you get weird vibes from their dad, but it feels more like they’re Just Like That rather than that they’re actively going out of their way to antagonize you. it’s like that. for the record, he grew up in a fairly conservative household where men weren’t supposed to have “caretaker” roles, so he’s kind of internalized that a lot. it’s more that he thinks this is how he’s “supposed” to act around children than anything.
How does your character normally deal with confrontation? he doesn’t “deal with it” he starts it LOL
How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation? actually usually pretty slow believe it or not. but he’s in a. murder game setting. so there’s that. for the record, at the moment he’s not going to resort to violence anymore except in self defense/defense of people he cares about.
What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true? a crab man. he is now a crab man. thanks, life.
What does your character find repulsive or disgusting? not much considering he’s a pretty disgusting person himself
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable. The Sea
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable. The Land
In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve? surprisingly willing to improve if the point is driven home hard enough but if you don’t get to that point, he’s just going to be defensive.
Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method? keep trying the solution/method that didn’t work the first time. no his first guess was right damnit
How does your character behave around people they like? surprisingly agreeable
How does your character behave around people they dislike? Hiss
Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status? status
Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat? whatever’s most practical for the objective of self-preservation (and the preservation of those he cares about). much more inclined towards removing the problem/threat tho
Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)? one time he got run over by a moose he failed to shoot and that’s his traumatic backstory. he doesn’t trust those damn things anymore
How does your character treat people in service jobs? neutrally. it’s the manager’s job to determine if the employees are doing a good job or not, not him. when back home in america, usually tips well but will only leave an 8% tip if the waiter is clearly being exceptionally rude.
Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first? Earn Your Keep, Greenhorn. I Had To, Why Can’t You. (kill this man)
Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them? he has a step-dad does that count
Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them? nah
How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it? very very difficult. adachi cannot say it without meaning it.
What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them? adachi’s parents are irreligious - they’re not Rigid Atheists, it’s just that they grew up in japan in fairly secular households. by contrast, adachi himself grew up in a rural american town that was mostly christian. throughout his childhood, adachi’s friends were fairly pushy about their christianity - and to be frank, he found this culturally insensitive. as such, he’s a bit averse to traditional christian ideas of heaven/hell/etc. as for what adachi himself thinks happens after he dies, he’s not totally sure, but he’s also not sure he cares. he’s determined to live life to the fullest, and whatever happens afterwords is not something he needs to worry about right now.
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darklingichor · 7 years
Gilmore Girls Season Two, Episodes 8 & 9
It would be nice to watch one episode of this show where someone I regularly see doesn't set my teeth on edge. I grew up watching weekly TV and it is possible to have conflict between recurring characters where you don't want to put one into a medically induced coma, so they can grow a new personality.
So I can see why I didn't remember much about this episode. Three things that were awesome: Mia, Luke giving Lorelei a pep talk, the development of the painting.
The rest is annoying.
Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with flights between friends. If everyone was always skipping through meadows it would be stupid. However, as I've said before, I have a problem with conflicts that come about because people don't open their damned mouths. As fast and as often as Lorelei talks, she couldn't say to Sookie “Mia selling this place scares me because this is where Rory and I started out” ? I know that sometimes friends pick fights with each other when they are stressed but in my experience, once you get into your 30s and have friends that have known each other, long enough you can tell that's what happening. There have been numerous times when my best friend or I have started a conversation where one of us is just geared up for a fight. My friend let's me get about ten words in before she says “You're acting weird, tell me what's wrong.” I can be a little more blunt saying something along the lines of “What are you pissed off about?” She has two kids so once I turned the mom tables on her and said: “Use your words”.
Basically a blind cat could see that Lorelei was being an ass and it had nothing to do with Sookie. I have a hard time buying that Sookie wouldn't see it. Why did there need a fight in the first place? Was the script too short? Lorelei could have been freaked out and been a little quiet with Sookie and it would have had the same effect. Luke could have just as easily asked how Lorelei was doing with the business stuff, and they could have had the same heart-to-heart. Lorelei could have come to Sookie and explained why she was being so weird, and they could have had a similar moment. The script must have been two minutes too short.
The town turning on Luke... Yep, officially dislike Jess. Also, not too happy with the rest of the town. I'm a little biased here. I grew up in a small town, while there were no town meetings where everyone got together to decide who to treat badly, there were certain people who were just routinely shit upon. It usually had to do with what last name you had. Two families in particular were sort of singled out as “bad news”. The weird part? Everyone in town (except for a very very small number of people) were in some way related to those two families, hell, those two families were related to each other. It always seemed crazy to me... But then I was one of those few people not related to anyone in town maybe it made sense if you had an inside track?
Anyway, I get where the town is coming from, sort of. Jess is a pain in the ass, but he is doing minor mischief. Star's Hollow should count themselves lucky that they aren't a bigger town because Jess is the type to match his mayhem to the town. In a bigger place, there just might have been a dead animal outside the store instead of a chalk outline.
I did love Rory telling him off. I don't really get why Rory would find the prank funny. I mean, she likes the town, right? And while her and her mom do like seeing Star's Hollow residents be quirky she's never really shown any love of chaos. I mean, yeah, Jess is being the G rated version of Loki, but he's still making a lot of people unhappy. I would think that that alone would annoy Rory.
Also, the vibe I got was that he did the whole prank as a way to get Rory's attention... What's the thought process?
“How do I impress the pretty girl who reads a lot? Talk to her about books? Movies? Just talk to her in general? Nah, too common. I know! Dead body chalk outline and police tape! That's not freakishly odd and totally not an idea I should seek therapy for!”
Then again, I also don't get the thought process of “How do I fix the fact that I made the whole town turn on my uncle? I'll fix the toaster, now we're square!”
Jess is both weird and annoying.
I did like the interaction between Emily and Mia. It is weird because I see both sides. I totally get why Emily would be upset that Mia didn't send her home, but on the other hand I get why Mia didn't. Mia didn't send her home because she couldn't have.
Think about it. A sixteen-year-old turns up with a baby, asking for a job, she has steel and determination in her eyes. If you tell her no, you can tell she's not going to give up. She'll just move on to a place that would hire her and maybe that wouldn't be a place where she and her baby would be safe. If you give her a job and a place to stay and then try to make her go home. You can't be sure that she'll actually go home or stay home, that leaves the pair of them in the same iffy situation. Mia knew that Lorelei and Rory would be safe with her, so she took them in.
Not saying Emily should be happy about it, but as always she is looking at how Lorelei leaving impacted her and Richard, not anyone else. She has never talked to Lorelei, asked what her thinking was, the why of it all. It is just all about Emily. That is annoying. But I do like that she seems to be taking small steps forward.
All in all a fairly forgettable episode.
Episode 8. Don't really know why I forgot this one as I really liked it. I loved the ice cream machine bit. I loved that Lorelei named it and called a bunch of relatives. She should have just donated it to Luke's! Even if he didn't need it he would have taken it. Made it into a planter or something.
I feel sorry for Paris for a number of reasons but this episode highlights one. She's laser focused on college, so much so that she's not getting the most out of her education. The assignment of interpreting Romeo and Juliet in a new way is a great one! It allows for the students to really look at and analyze the play, think about the themes consider which are universal and which were products of the time and culture it was written in. This allows for creative thinking and the development of the ability to think about and use what one is learning. But poor Paris is only worried about the grade and so afraid of taking risks that she will only go with what is standard. I speak from experience here, college will melt your brain until you learn how to think.
The teachers are worried because Rory doesn't socialize? I would think they would also be worried that Paris can't think beyond the rigid boundaries of what is written on a page. This school is supposed to prep the kids for college, right? They aren't doing anything differently than the public schools of the early 2000s (aside from the one rogue teacher, I guess).
I kinda like the fact that Paris ended up being Romeo. If they had used a more modern setting that could have been the plan from the start and the whole Tristian drama could have been avoided. I mean, they could have reinterpreted the whole “forbidden love” thing as a lesbian relationship or with the idea that Romeo might be a DFAB trans guy. It would have highlighted society's issues with non hetero, non binary identities. Hell, if they wanted to go deep they could have figured out a way to address the “LGBTQ+ people don't get happy endings” trope that is obvious in a lot of media.
That would have been interesting as Paris and Rory would have had to work together to make this believable and maybe come out of it with a better idea of each other's perspectives.
Speaking of perspective, it was a throw away joke but I liked that Lane's mom watched and came up with a different take on Romeo and Juliet. In my view, R&J is many things, but a love story it is not! What kind of great love story ends in teen suicide? Sure, I thought of it as a love story when I was younger as do a lot of teenagers. I think this makes a point about the play. Teenagers do dumb things out of emotion (adults do too, but that's a whole other line of thought). This doesn't mean that teens are dumb just that they are feeling things so intensely, probably because it is the first time they have felt these emotions that they do stuff that is not well-thought-out. Add parental pressure to that and you have a powder keg. I think R&J is more about how overly controlling parents can push their kids into dangerous situations. Also, to look at the play in a way that might not have been Shakespeare's intent, it could also be seen as a parable detailing why 14 year olds might not be ready for marriage, arranged or otherwise.
Anyway, the little “love triangle” between Christian, Rory, and Dean in this episode was less interesting. First off, I get that Rory is a pretty girl but why is she like catnip to all the boys? Are there really no other nice girls in Chilton or Star's Hollow? The way all the guys flock to and fight over her, you'd think she was dating a sparkly vampire.
Secondly, am I the only one who sees a lot of similarity between Tristian and Jess? Is that why Tristian had to go? Because he was redundant? It is sort of like Christopher and Max. They both could play the same role so one of them had to be cut. The writers needed to compare notes because I feel like there were a few “Oops, we wrote another doppelganger” discussions.
Thirdly, why is Rory still getting the blame for her and Dean's break up? The whole practice fight between Lorelei and Rory just highlights that Lorelei is sort of mean when it comes to this plot line. Dean told Rory he loved her and then got pissed and broke up with her because she didn't feel comfortable saying it back. How does this make Dean the victim? Just because one person is ready for the L word doesn't mean that the other person is, and that doesn't make the latter person bad. Acting like an ass and breaking up with someone you “love” because you didn't hear what you wanted to hear when you wanted to hear it makes that person a jerk.
This seems sort of like the whole “friend zone” myth. A dude decided he wants to date someone but that person doesn't want to date him therefore it is the other person's fault because the dude wants to date them, so they should date the dude! He's decided that he is the right guy for this person, so it must be true. The other person is just a bitch.
Dean loves Rory and is ready to say it, therefore Rory must love Dean and be ready too. He's reached this point so, goddammit, she needs to be at this point too. After all Dean decides how emotions work.
Dean is a teenager (and did something dumb out of emotion) so I can sort of forgive him for not fully empathizing and acting out of hurt feelings. It is the fact that Lorelei keeps sticking up for the dude who was trying to emotionally manipulate her daughter that gets to me. That was part of the “rage trilogy” from last season that made me annoyed at Lorelei because she was all “See it from his side” which is totally valid except for the fact that his side was to act like a brat who didn't get the ice cream he wanted *right then*.
Okay on to somewhat happier things. Lorelei's date. That was cute and funny, how she was all proud of being a casual dater and I even liked a lot of jokes Luke made about how old the guy was. It was also really cute how Sookie tried to explain Luke to her. But Luke was being snarkier than necessary. I mean Lorelei is firmly set on her course of sailing that river in Egypt, so she's not going to ask him out right now. I get him being jealous, but he could, you know *ask her out*. I get why he doesn't, I mean what if she says no? But if what Sookie said is supposed to be true, that he's upset because it seems like Lorelei would date anyone but him, how can he be pissed at her when he's never asked? I guess that's why Luke limits it to taking pot shots and then being grouchy(ier) because he realizes he's sulking? Oddly I don't mind this sort of stuff when it involves Luke and Lorelei but when the same stupid jealousy stuff comes up with Rory and Dean, it bugs me. Maybe because as pouty as Luke gets he doesn't act like he owns Lorelei? Don't know really. Luke is likable, Dean is not. Might be as simple as that.
A forgettable episode followed by a pretty good one. Episode 8 didn't have Jess and despite revolving around Rory's love life Dean was less irritating than Tristian. Nothing has pissed me off horribly yet. So far, so good.
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