#namaste or whatever
avokadoodle · 2 months
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clarification: i started to add details and polish stuff when the base was completely off so i had to basically distort everything i had done, cut and copy and move and reshape and repaint so previous to that, it was all (a good amount of hours) for nothing -
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joshym · 1 year
Thank goodness I just had my yoga class or I would be in WAY worse shape right now.
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protagonist-art · 4 months
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redesigned creek cuz im sick of feeling rage every time i see him
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iscariotapologist · 3 months
multiple similarities between god and the average wax warmer. or sauna even. you understand
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o hello, art friends.
does your ref pic suck? is it so goddamn low quality that when u try to zoom in, you have no fucking idea where those goddamn fingers are???
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like this????
well fear not!! because we live in the future. that's right!!! we live in the GODDAMN FUTURE, and the Future is Sweet. if u can't fuckin see for SHIT whatever details u fuckin need, then take that ref pic URSELF, BABEY!!!
just grab ur fuckin phone. and GO!!!!!!!
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et voila~
just remember: suffer not when you don't have or need to, but suffer well (adoring) when u create what you love :3c
k byeeeee~
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otogariado · 1 year
hank n steve in bcs are just like comedic reliefs in the show. like the role of saul in brba for most of his earlier scenes
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theladybrownstarot · 3 months
2024 APRIL 2024
Pick a card reading ~
❀ Here's my masterlist for more !
❀ Make sure you like/reblog/follow/Comment for more pacs like these !
Pile 1. Pile 2. Pile 3.
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𐙚 Pile 1 .
Namaste pile 1 ! Let's get with your reading :-
☪︎ You people are seem to be very focused in the initial period of april , i can sense that very tough strictness and focus of oneself for their goals and giving best no matter what happens . You are being told to trust your decision, guts and instincts no matter how appealing other's would feel to be . You people will be on high energy and focus throughout the month but very high during the first phase of april .
☪︎ later oh wow oh wow this is a confirmation that whatever you worked hard for will yield results , i sense that you will be highly recognised for your enthusiasm. You will my god very much transformed and will get all that clarity you always wanted for things long time back if any . People are going to be very attracted to you plus i see people helping and appreciating you . You will be in the spotlight . Overall the continued thing will be in a good progress too .
☪︎ The last phase of april will be all about planning and executing the new things and ideas or for before if you couldn't . If you maintained same energy of being focused and disciplined you will get ahead 2 times of the road like that I'm sensing in the reading like maintain yourself and give your best no matter because it will be the test of your commitment and all the lessons you worked hard for .
☪︎ You going to be chilling with your friends by partying and talking plus i see right people coming in your life too . The energy of all people reading this will be balanced just don't overthink a lot.
𐙚❀˖° Monthly Advice : I sense that most of you lost something or lost to something which hurted you and made you heart broken . The advice here is to let your tears flow so the negatives can be out . Try to love yourself by doing what you want so you can come over the past because you haven't completely . Your prayers are heard just be more greatful for what you are and have and control your anger .
❀ prominent zodiacs and houses: Gemini , libra , Aquarius, leo, aries , saggitaurus , virgo, taurus, capricorn, 1st house, 5th house and 3rd house .
𐙚 Pile 2
Namaste pile 2 ! Let's get with your reading :-
☪︎ Your first phase of April will be all about planning and then executing , getting various ideas and projects getting done . Don't be so conscious about all your decisions because you can really thrive in through it just implement and surrender to universe .
☪︎ The second phase of April will bring some changes within yourself that will leave you making more confident about yourself . Your plans will bring very strong stability and foundation for something new . You will quite become famous and i see wealth or money coming in some sort also that you will be quite getting more responsible and serious about your things and life in general , i see a major lesson or realisation hitting in anyway .
☪︎ Third phase of April or the last phase will be all about equal give and take of your assets like knowledge , experience , money or anything with others and helping them also .If anyone wants to start a business or something new then different through something then its a really good time for it . You are protected and loved by universe .
𐙚❀˖° Monthly Advice : Universe says that wake up and stop sleeping , stop getting scared and anxious and make a step . You will be connecting with you highest self a lot .
Be generous and kind .
Give yourself some break .
You are taking something to seriously .
Give that exhausted and tortured mind some break .
Reshuffle your priorities, schedule and routine .
❀ Prominent zodiacs and Houses : Aries , scorpio , 8th house , virgo , taurus , capricorn , gemini , libra , Aquarius , 3rd house and 2nd house .
𐙚 Pile 3.
Namaste pile 3 ! Let's get with your reading :-
☪︎ The first phase of April will be quite confusing for you , you may feel stuck or confused about the way or any thing you feel . Try not to merge or do many things at a time rather do one thing at a time otherwise you may create a complex mess for yourself . You must have dragged something which needed your logic but you didn't which has led to agony and all thigs that i have discussed above for this mess to be clear get your logical side and do not listen to your heart . You will or need to make some final choice regarding something because the more you will drag and delay the more frustrating and tough it will be for you .
☪︎ In the second phase Of April i see you grabbing some opportunities and starting something new ahead , I feel the second phase without much of any fuss or mess and more clear and stable energy . Just go for what you want and inspires you because qualification needs to be a later thing for you . This will be a small new start .
☪︎ The third phase of April or the last phase will be about getting to know something or some big changes that will be revealed to you as a surprise . The shift in perspective will be coming in for you . From here the universe will set you on something big like really something big and you will be starting by seeing the trailer in your life or within yourself , universe will make you realise something deeply . It feels like a big mission or realising your mission.
𐙚❀˖° Monthly Advice : you had be wise to watch and trust no one at this time. keep yourself to yourself and do not buy into any fears or chaos that's being stirred up around you . you know the truth so stay strong. Still someone vunerable needs you and secret is a being shared .
Be honest with yourself .
Look at the people around you something lies in there .
❀ Prominent Zodiacs and Houses : scorpio , pluto ( planet), leo , aries , saggitaurus , pisces , cancer , 11th house and 7th house .
©️ @theladybrownstarot 2023 all rights reserved. Any stealing or copying of work will be a punishable offence.
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0-hoony · 2 months
can you do riize reaction to you in a lehenga/saree/etc 🥺🧡
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riize when you wear desi clothes in front of them!
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pairing : ot7 x reader! genre : fluff <3 cw/tw : i talk mainly about desi ethnic clothing here but i've tried to generalize it as much as i could <3 wc : i wanna say 250 ish
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shotaro ,. ! hmm so i see him as someone who would be so interested in the clothing itself; and try to learn more about your personal preferences regarding types of clothes. will be waxing poetic about you and ALSO he's totally randomly twirling you around or yk that move where the guy pulls the girl in a way that her back is to his front with his arms around her?? that is peak taro behaviour trust (i'll add a visual later if i can find it 😭)
eunseok ,. ! okay okay but hear me out. the second he learns you're planning on wearing something ethnic, he'd make up his mind to intentionally do the "getting your dupatta caught in the guy's watch thing".. he'd have heard you offhandedly mention it like once and would be so determined to make it happen. and it'd end up so perfect too you wouldn't believe it was planned for months beforehand <3
sungchan ,. ! i feel like he'd maybe kinda completely lose the ability to speak for a solid couple of minutes.. but once he's able to regain coherence he's raving about you to EVERYONE. he genuinely walks up to people like "hey. my s/o looks really good in their traditional clothing. btw" also i feel like if your into wearing those floofy anarkalis he'd really like those and the way they flare out prettily when you twirl around :O
wonbin ,. ! similar to shotaro; he'd be really fascinated by the factual details about all the different types of fabrics, the designs, the colours; would definitely try to learn more about the history of whatever you're wearing (especially with the types of embroidery styles like chikankari/zari/bandhani etc etc)!! would def wanna match with you too <3 (also, him in a black kurta. w sleeves rolled up. h oly shit)
seunghan ,. ! bro is going to be glued to his phone and or camera and will be taking like 999999+ pics of you because like??? how can he not??? you just look so pretty??? obviously he knows you're always gorgeous but there's something different, more vulnerable,open and romantic to him about you wearing your ethnic clothing around him <3 also super into matching outfits
sohee ,. ! omg he'd be so pleading emoji coded would be so in awe and with all earnestness follow you around everywhere you go because you just look so jaw dropping, heart stopping, head spinningly beautiful that he can't help but want to be around you at all times so people know you're with him <33.. also a dupatta liker would do that thing where he trails slightly behind you while holding onto it oh my heart D:
anton ,. ! this guy totally lowkey wants to gatekeep you and how gorgeous you like but he can't do that so, like sohee, he'll stick to clinging onto you (with all his 6'1 height) as much as he can.. will tell you he's more than willing to learn how to weave fabrics by hand to make you more sarees/lehengas/etc (doesn't actually end up doing that but he does buy you like every single piece of clothing you even glance towards slightly :P)
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notes : the way i wanted this 2 be so perfect and ended up thinking about it for like 5 ish days ,,, + [m.list] song rec : proper patola from namaste england tyvm !
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lazyyogi · 29 days
How do you gain self control? Or would it be self discipline? I’ve been struggling with my weight for quite some time now, and I always end up going back to bad eating habits. And how/where do I find motivation? Thank you for your time, namaste.
I don't like the concept of motivation and I don't feel it's very empowering or helpful. When someone wants to do something but they can't bring themselves to do it, we'll say they lack some abstract concept of motivation. It's a very crude perspective with no real insight. Not only are you stuck but you also feel like you are lacking something.
So I'm here to tell you that you are not lacking motivation, or anything at all. The fact that you want to make a change is motivation enough. You're good on the motivation front.
So what's the problem? Resistance. Identify and address all the ways in which you are resisting. Once those obstacles are removed, you're free to move forward. Take exercising for example.
When I wanted to begin exercising regularly, I found it difficult to maintain consistency. I wondered what was wrong with me, that I couldn't muster even a fraction of the motivation that others seem to have. So I examined my behavior and routines. And what I found was interesting.
Firstly, because of my schedule, I knew the only time I had to exercise was when I came home from work. And I realized that if the first thing I did after coming home was anything other than exercising, it became a lot more difficult to then make the decision to exercise.
Secondly, I found that if I hadn't eaten well that day or slept well the night before, I often didn't have the energy to exercise.
Thirdly, if I had to leave my apartment to go somewhere to exercise, there were more opportunities for excuses to skip going.
Fourthly, if I paired my exercise routine with my daily meditation session, I became more consistent both with exercising daily and also meditating daily. Exercising before meditation made me feel more relaxed and focused for the meditation.
And lastly, if I had some particular result I wanted (like muscle abs or bigger biceps or whatever), then my own impatience to see those results made me feel like my efforts were fruitless and useless. This detracted from my enthusiasm to exercise and made me less likely to do so.
Using these observations, I made some changes.
I made a rule that the first thing I would do after getting home from work is exercise and then meditate. I would be extra mindful of not skipping meals at work and making sure I got a decent amount of sleep when possible. I researched and found solid exercise options that could be done from home. And, perhaps most importantly, I emphasized and relished the way my exercise regimen made me feel rather than my physical appearance.
With these changes, I maintained a more empowering attitude and a more consistent pattern in my exercise routine while also enjoying its benefits--more energy, better mood, etc.
However, there were plenty of times that I faltered. After going on vacation for a week, getting sick, or just being too busy, it could be difficult to get back into the rhythm. The way I handled this is by viewing exercise in a way similar to how I view brushing my teeth.
I don't ask myself if I feel like brushing my teeth. It's something I've just accepted as part of human body maintenance. In other words, I regard it as inevitable. That way, the question isn't how to summon the motivation to do something. It's about circumventing whatever forms of resistance we encounter and then surrendering to the inevitability of our practice.
It's also important not to judge and scold yourself for your lapses. Otherwise that makes it all the more difficult to get back into your rhythm. You need to be willing to begin at the beginning, again and again, over and over, day after day. If you're willing to do that, to be a beginner, then no amount of lapsing back into obsolete habits matters. They're just temporary disruptions from which you will inevitably move on.
I think you will find that a lot of this applies to any kind of lifestyle changes we wish to make, including eating. I'm sure there are more specific tips and tricks for dietary modification as well, I'm just no expert on that.
Finally, I do think that daily meditation will be an immense benefit for you. It is a practice that equips us with the ability to experience and process all kind of feelings and emotions--including cravings, desires, and fears.
I hope this helped. Much love!
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taurusmoon2008 · 1 month
*Ahm Ahm* mic check mic check 123...123
(intro music plays)
Sooo guys jiska aap sab ko tha besabri se intezar (nahi tha meko pata hai) Tea with Tamanna aa gaya hai Tumblr pai again aap sabko entertain (pakane ) ke liye! 😋
Or aaj ki humari Hostage *ahm ahm* I mean I mean humari guest hai .........
Meri pyaari Big sis, Rasmalai , Chudail, Tumblr ki personal sasti Anya, Hum sab ki laadli Kayaaaaaaa ! (Makes her sit on couch) 🤝
Okay so yk Main aapse kuch questions phuchungi and you have to answer that as whole Tumblr wants to know 😋(nahi sirf meko Janna hai)
Soooo here are your questions ✨
1} I want you to Introduce yourself but the twist is use fictional characters to show your character traits.
2} Aapki itni achi poetries likhne ka raaz kya hai?
3} Why do you associate yourself with moon? Or kya iss chand ko uska chakor mil gaya ?
4} Abhi aapko kayi saare flirty anons aa rahe hai unhe send karne wale insaan ko aap kya message dena chahoge?
5} Your Motto of life?
6} If you have to make a family out of your mutuals who would play role of which rishtedaar ?
And last but not the least I loved your presence here! Sending dher saara pyaar, jhappi , chai and ice creams 🍨
*Okie so is my face looking okay and the kajal is it fine???* *asks the team* Okie ig
*Faces Camera*
Namaste Tumblr wasi...
*Faces Tammu ji*
Namaste Tamanna ji
Thank you so much Tammu ji for cordially taking me in as your hostage uhmm I mean guest yeah as your guest....
Thank you for this lovely sa title Tumblr ki sasti anya must I say it's quite poetic...
And I don't care for anyone I am answering these questions for my chhoti behna tammu aka pishachini aka jalebiiii
Quite difficult but people say I am like Anjali from Kkkg or Geet from jab we met... I am a very talkative person , I am bubbly af and people associate me with golden retriever energy , I have been named as a literal ball of sunshine so yeah I am Geet ig but my character traits are much like Elizabeth from Pride and Prejudice....
Dekhiye itna accha to nahi likhti , jo mann karta hai likh deti hu , I have people in life who acts as my inspiration so I write for them , my lover is a muse to me , whatever I write , I write for him or generally I write for people I love cause writing is sort of a love language for me...(Slightly emotional)
i associate myself with moon cause why be someone's sun when you can light up their life in the darkest hour... Being a moon to someone is the most intimate thing a person can do aur fir mai to ek kaviyitri aur lekhika hu... I tend to Romanticize little things... Aur iss Chand ko abhi tak uska chakor nahi mila hai (with a sulking face)
The person who is sending me these flirty anons truly I am flattered , you have read my blog well and that's visible from your asks but ye sab anon ban kar kaise karoge , you need to come to me then we'll decide *wink wink*
My motto of life is Vivamus Moriendum est i.e live and let live , also to be the change which I want to see in the world , spreading kindness , love and happiness wherever I go....
Each one of my mutual is a family to me but the ones who'll get special shout out are - @btw-its-tamanna is my jaan aka sissy , @paapi is my bestest friend , @hectorfrombritain @bandarrrrr @shyam-kariya are my Big brothers , @chillwithhana is my mumma aka big sissy....
Thank you for helding me hostage oh I mean for having me in your show , I truly enjoyed my time answering your wonderful questions
I would look forward for yet another invite
Shukriya dhanyawad
*looks at camera*
Thank you Tumblr waasi aap sabhi haste rahe muskuraate rahe , buh-bye lots of love to y'all....
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evansblues · 8 months
I hope red flower can come back and tell us more. Like, is he ever going to make it to fs? Does he even want it? At this point I feel like we as fans want it more for him than he does. Not just his person, but just change in general.
Red Flower here,
Reading the cards EvansBlues drew about Halloween, I felt the same way when I picked up informations about the maneuvers that are going to be used to push this illusion. It's encouraging to see that we're picking up the same energies but in different mediums. It also shows that not many people here or on other pages, are mistaken about the reality of events.
There's nothing to do but let them get on with it and watch things sink further into nothingness. Because whatever they do, it won't bring them what they want. It's already lost, but they refuse to conceive it. And that's a good thing, because that's what's going to precipitate their downfall. There's a lot of positive and what seems negative, it's in reality a blessing in disguise. So yes, I understand that it's hard for his fans to watch, but it's the path he's chosen.
Is he going to make it to FS ? Once again, free will plays a central part here, but given that he's scrupulously following his soul contract here (because yes, in the universe everything is planned in advance), he has no choice but to do the right thing. The old Chris, the one he showed to the public, wasn't real. He hid his dark side and lied about a lot of things. FS could never have envisaged anything with this man. She would have seen through him. But whoever emerges from all this will be very different, and that's the man FS wants.
Does it even want it ? Oh Yes ! Desperately ! He's been alone all his life. Even though he's had girlfriends, and he's close to his family… in reality, nobody's ever understood him and he's just conformed to people's idea of him. When FS comes into his life, it's as if she's telling him right away : show me who you are, without hiding. I want to see your soul because I've shown you mine. He'll be a bit shaken by this, and that's why he'll be impressed by her from the start. She's very different from anything he's ever known, and she doesn't fit in his usual environment. It's also why the friends he currently has and the dynamic he's adopted with his loved ones will be shaken up. He's going to travel a lot cause he'll want to see and understand the world, because she'll have shown him that the universe is something to be experienced, not studied. And that's why he'll gradually distance himself from his past. Only his parents and siblings will be very supportive of this, because they'll see him happy at last, while those who benefited from his kindness will be left behind and bitter.
The films he makes after his encounter with FS won't have the same meaning, it's as if I were being shown that it was an act of love in every one of his performances. He wants her to admire him, to respect him, not to be ashamed of him, because she's really brilliant at what she does and he wants to be the same. That's why the relationship will be more successful than the others. In the beginning, he'll be afraid of losing her at every moment, because he knows that without him she'll always be what she is, whereas he needs her love to carry him.
You'll see the difference in his appearance, his choices, even his interests. People's perception of him will change, because his perception of himself will change too. And you'll see what's a real love glow looks like.
She'll be Pygmalion and He'll be the Muse.
Be patient. Just let the universe do its work, it knows what it's doing.
Namaste. Infinite Gratitude. :)
Love. It.
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ccoocckk · 15 days
Bottoms have the biggest cumshots bc they edge when they get fucked, which of course would generate a bigger load, in addition to whatever edging they’d been doing earlier. Also the pros who have multiple sessions sincerely refrain from cumming so it doesn’t hurt when they get banged again in a few minutes, so that’s even more edging for the finale, either with the last partner or alone. Just some made up stuff from my head currently. Sound off, hunties. Tops literally just blow their loads whenever bc they have no self control and that often leads to overusing their semen supply and having smaller loads for when the critical moment comes. Lessons for the tops from the bottoms. This can be achieved through mindfulness through movement or meditation. New grift is mindfulness coaching for tops. Inquire within. Namaste.
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thegreatyin · 4 months
the internet gets unfathomably more tolerable when you learn how to simply not take anyone disagreeing with you as a personal attack against your character. someone tells me they think hatoful boyfriend sucks? i may vehemently disagree but the beauty of the human experience is that people are allowed to form their own opinions and be objectively wrong about whatever they damn well please. kumbaya namaste peace and love on planet earth
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EVERY TIME I SEE HIM DO THIS I LITERALLY THINK HE IS SAYING “namaste, namaste” or whatever you say, like I know he’s not and that’s like not the hand motion you do probably but I can’t help but think that
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theladybrownstarot · 2 days
Pick-A-Card : What does your feminine side wants you to know ? (Collab : @tarot-by-e11e♡)
☪︎ Here's my masterlist for more !
☪︎ Make sure you like/reblogg/follow/Comment for more pacs like these !
Pile 1. Pile 2.
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Pile 3. Pile 4.
Pile 1 .
Namaste pile 1 ! Let's get with your reading :-
cards pulled out : 10 of wands rx, 8 of swords rx and The sun .
☪︎ You people are literally stressed out and burdened with a lot of things that can be felt through the reading . Are you people having teeth pain out of stress because i can feel that . Your feminine side says that stop for second leave others and prioritize your mental and physical well-being ! take proper sleep do not over-do anything because there's always a limit . Your feminine side says even though you got lot of potential inside you but still take how much you can do.
☪︎ Next , some of you might be going through some legal problems and if not then you are full of unecessary thoughts which needs to filtered out seriously otherwise you are going to face lot of problems. Doing work out fear , insecurity or any other negative emotion is not gonna help you out . You might be facing some kind of injustice and i really feel that your feminine side says that you are not taking any proper action against it this tells me the need to have proper boundary for yourselves .
☪︎ last but not the least , your feminine side says that she is going to beat the shit out of you if you cannot enjoy and let yourselves get drowned in that sadistic pool of thoughts and actions ! let yourself be happy and really bring out that child inside you that craves to go out and do whatever it wants , be positive your world is not going to end .
Pile 2 . [@tarot-by-e11e]
Thank you so much for being here ♡ @e11e27
Cards pulled out : 2 of Cups, 8 of Coins reversed, Temperance, 7 of Swords, 3 of Swords, Queen of Wands, Hierophant, Knight of Wands, Judgement.
☪︎ The time in my clock is 1:01 pm as I sat down by my window enjoying the cool summer rain, so that I can interpret for my dear pile 2.
☪︎ Angel number 101 shares an undeniable news about growth, progress and new beginnings. There is this welcoming message of growth and collaboration with your feminine side. This makes me feel like my pile 2 are either: finally taking baby steps in wanting to lean more into your feminine side OR you've reached a certain point of burn out, that you feel called to want to learn how to graciously accept the help from the universe and your guides.
☪︎ With the 2 of Cups, there's this gentle whisper of unity and mutual respect for your feminine side. It would seem that pile 2 might have "girl-bossed" a little too hard this past few weeks/months, so much so that you’d rather push your body to the point of exhaustion than actively allowing yourself to rest and recuperate. There's also this air of hypervigilance caused by the lack of genuine support and healthy role models growing up.
☪︎ More like, Pile 2 was surrounded by who they promised they will never want to become. With the first card alone, the message your feminine side wants to tell you: Let yourself be open to others again.
☪︎ It seems that Pile 2 had experience betrayals and has been in survival mode to God knows how long. To be so disregulated that you feel guilty for even purchasing skincare, even if you are not financially struggling anymore, is quite a heartbreaking situation to be in. Your feminine side is telling you: "Self - Care = Self - Love", so pile 2 can be the type of person that struggles to be okay with putting themselves first. It seems this pile is for my people pleasers.
☪︎ The songs, "You don't know" by Katelyn Tarver popped in my head. Particularly the lines, "I know you got the best intentions, just trying to find the right words to say..."; this line makes me feel like a line you want to tell anyone who wants to help you out. In this case, this is a song you dedicate to your own feminine side. But here's the thing sweetie, your feminine side DOES KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE YOU...
☪︎ Your feminine side, as much as they want to help you out, they can't seem to outscream your insecurities and troubles away. Your feminine side is soft spoken yet firm with their love for you. Your feminine side wants you to know they'll always be here for you, they're just waiting for you to sit quietly in your feelings and take the time to hear them out. They're always ready to help, they're just waiting on your signal. And you choosing this pile, your feminine side is welcoming you with open arms, with them, you are allowed to safely get vulnerable, without judgement or shame. They're always ready to welcome you back into helping you feel like *you* again.
☪︎ So first thing your feminine side wants to tell you is: "Welcome back home".
☪︎ With 8 of Coins reversed, your feminine side wants you to forgive yourself for only taking the time to only want to hear what they have to tell you. It's okay, you're safe with your feminine side. Remember, no judgement or shame will ever come from them.
☪︎ With how much you have on your plate in your life right now Pile 2, having debts and bills to pay, responsibilities piling up higher than your bookshelves, alot of people depend on you for everything, even on things that they can easily deal with themselves, yet they actively decided to pass their burdens to you. Seeing as your attention, focus and efforts are needed elsewhere, it's okay that you only felt the need to sit down to what they have to tell you.
☪︎ The more I interpret for pile 2, the more I can imagine that this pile is for the chronic workaholic people pleasers, it also has the vibe of the sole provider and/or oldest sibling energy. The heavy feeling of burn out is so prevalent in this pile, so much so that you tend to be the type to drown in work while your friends and family barely got a chance to spend time with you.
☪︎ Just know, they love you and miss you so much. They do appreciate your efforts to keeping a roof over everyone's heads and food on the table, but you tend to forget that you deserve to be taken cared for too. This is a strong message from your feminine side, let others show how much they can take care of you. Let others into your life. Learn to let love in again in your life again. Betrayals in any shape or form had closed the gates of your heart, to the point of self-imposed isolation, guised as working hard to provide. It seems that pile 2 overworks to hide their pain. It's like, "Working more means less time to feel".
☪︎ With Temperance, your feminine side suggests you start reassessing your current lifestyle and curate your daily routines to cultivate a "healthy work life balance". I can already feel some of pile 2 are rolling their eyes back so far inside that they can see their brain cells barely surviving from fatigue. And yes, I'm also lovingly call out those of you who leaned back as you begrudgingly "ugggggggggghhhh..." into surrender.
☪︎ Definitely my burn out overwhelmed workaholic people pleasers pile. You're so conditioned to always Go, go, go to the next task before letting yourself catch your breath. My dear, unless your line of work is in ER surgery, you allowing yourself to rest won't lead to someone's demise. So if you work in the medical field pile 2, your feminine side is way more stricter with you about work-life balance. I heard the words "It's non negotiable at this point". So pile 2, please, for the love of rainbows, cookies and butterflies, please curate your daily routines into a healthy work-life balance.
☪︎ With 7 of swords, your feminine side is asking you to keep quiet about your plans for self-love and self-care. This was a rather odd card to show up but with the multiple instances of me mentioning betrayal with the previous cards, it seems pile 2 is surrounded by people who benefit from your lack of boundaries. That's actually the kind of betrayals you've consistently dealt with. People taking your kindness and generosity for weakness, as if it's an invitation to openly abuse your giving heart. Oh no dear pile 2, I'm so sorry you are surrounded by people who can't stand you stepping into your power.
☪︎ This message feels rather severe but your feminine side is asking you to keep your happiness and achievements under wraps and offline. Don't post anything celebratory, it seems that evil eye and ill wishes from jealous and insecure coworkers and/or family members tends be your usual cause of bad luck. So with that, cleanse and establish healthy boundaries with people who have proven that they have no intention of wishing you well. Keep those kind of people out of your life. Take that message in any shape or form that you feel called to interpret it as.
☪︎ Your feminine side urges you to let yourself be nurtured again. You don't have to always be assertive; you don't have to also be the one that leads. You are allowed and you deserve to receive. So let yourself be on the receiving of your friends and loved one's care.
Pile 3 . [@tarot-by-e11e]
Thank you so much for being here @e11e27 ♡
Cards pulled out : High Priestess, Ace of Swords, 4 of Wands, King of Cups, 4 of Swords, Strength, 6 of Coins
𐙚 My dearest pile 3, right off the bat, this feels like the “Stepping into your power” pile.
☪︎ Starting with the High Priestess, this talks about listening to your intuition, leaning more onto your spiritual practices, and, in this specific question, leaning more into listening to your feminine side. I feel called to share a little way to discern the difference between intuition, anxiety, and wishful thinking.
☪︎ Wishful thinking feels self-gratifying and short-lived, and leans more toward satisfying an urge/itch in the moment; like having a quick dopamine fix from doomscrolling. It’s the easiest to fulfill and do, out of all the three.
☪︎ Anxiety is fear-based and meant to keep you safe; there are certain times when safety, when taken too far, leaves you stuck and resentful; If any negative thought starts with “What if..”, this is an example of an intrusive thought that’s rooted in anxiety. It feels comfortable because it’s familiar, but it leaves you regretful and resentful for not pursuing something else.
☪︎ Intuition is sometimes like an invisible cord that’s pulling you into doing something you subconsciously feel is the right thing to do. There are times when intuition makes you feel uncomfortable, if you are in a period of stagnancy; but there are also times when intuition feels right, when even without logical and substantial evidence to back up the decision, you feel in your gut that it “just makes sense.”
☪︎ With Ace of Swords, your feminine side shares that you will receive some sort of clarity/breakthrough once you learn to listen to your intuition more; it takes practice to differentiate fear and inner knowing, so be kinder to yourself as you go about this journey. The more you listen to your gut, the easier it is for you to have new ideas and have a sense of focus towards the vision of what you want your life to unfold as.
☪︎ 4 of Wands is about your community, stability, and a sense of belongingness. With this, your feminine side suggests you put yourself out into the world to call in your soul tribe/chosen family. More like, the more you become the person you know you are meant to be, the easier it will be to naturally draw in your like-minded community.
☪︎ With the King of Cups, your feminine side urges you to embrace a compassionate approach in life, not just towards others, but particularly, towards yourself. Try to strike the balance between duty and nurture. Try to find a way to hone the skill of living a balanced life.
☪︎ Pile 3, your feminine side urges you to let yourself rest in the 4 of Swords; taking a nap while overthinking is not resting; sleeping and feeling guilty about not being productive hours before is not resting. (Damn, the call-out is real in this pile). Your feminine side asks you to truly let yourself rest and recuperate, unapologetically. How about this: whether you rest later, or rest now, your responsibilities remain; so if you rest properly now, you’ll have more energy to do your tasks wholeheartedly, and the chances of you producing results beyond your expectations is a high possibility. But if you push yourself too hard now just to have something you can “produce for the sake of having an output”, 9/10 the result is half-assed, and this will lead you to have more reason to stress and be filled with regrets. So the choice is up to you.
☪︎ The Strength card feels like your feminine side is telling you to embrace your inner power. If you’re the type that’s made to feel small, now’s the time for you to step out of your comfort zone, and try to build your confidence. You don’t have to make a huge. Life-altering change overnight. This feels more like building that steady foundation of your self-confidence. Learn how to reassure yourself that no matter what, you’ll get through everything because you are sure about your decisions and dreams in life.
Pile 4 .
Namaste pile 1 ! Let's get with your reading :-
cards pulled out : The world rx , The hermit , Knight of pentacles , Ace of penatcles rx and the emperor rx .
☪︎ People your feminine side encourages you to move forward and no to give up because you are almost the half way to what you need , i feel you are going through major setbacks and still you people trying to do everything you got to make yourself come out of the situation you are in currently and you will actually .
☪︎ Your feminine side encourages you to go for deep self reflection and take time-off from people and other things to sort out what needs to be , she says that you already have got all the wisdom and solution you are seeking that was because of the constant experience , i feel there's a mistake or an action that your committing again and needs to be stopped . She encourages you to meditate and take rest and don't seek help outside because you got it all !
☪︎ Some of you might be having some male relation issue or an issue with authority which will resolve quickly but you being encourages to take your stand .
☪︎ Your feminine encourages or warns you to be aware of any future scam or money investment you are doing , you need to change your long term financial plan or need to revaluate for better , I feel some of you might not get the desired job as of now and it could be that you facing job related issue which resolve quickly withing 2-3 months or before just do not stop .
©️ @theladybrownstarot 2023 all rights reserved. Any stealing Or copying of work will be a punishable offence.
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"Hi, good morning."
The man ambling up to the counter looks like an extremely average lifestyle backpacker. Late twenties or early thirties, tan, long shaggy hair in a manbun, neatly trimmed beardstache, Led Zeppelin tee and beat-up cargos, flannel shirt and ratty sneakers. His rectangular backpack at least fits on his back and isn't bumping into anything.
He's got dark Ray-Bans on. He places his hands on the counter, leans forward, and smiles like a celebrity trying not to be recognized.
When he speaks, he sounds like he's from New York, but gently and softly from New York.
"Can I get ahhhh large chai latte with uh three shots of espresso, milk child temp and the highest percent fat you got on hand, two jiggers of simple or actually no vanilla, two shots of vanilla syrup in that? And uhhhhhhhh a coupla breakfast sandwiches if you got them, or sausage rolls or whatever. Or if you don't have those, maybe ahhhhhh cheese Danish? One with fruit one without, or two different fruits, or like, two cheese if you just have those. Just two Danishes that happen to have cheese in them. Or two breakfast sandwiches. Whatever's more expensive if you got both. Thanks thanks thaaaanks, love the shop it's so cute."
Having gotten all that out in what seems like one breath, without ever raising his voice, he stands back slightly, presses his hands together in a Namaste gesture, and -- yep -- makes a perfunctory little bow.
This dude definitely spent at least two whole months in India, or really wants people to think that he did.
that. I. Right, so you want a chai latte with high fat milk and two shots of vanilla syrup (never say the term 'jiggers' anywhere in my vicinity), and two cheese danishes with strawberries.
we have that. thanks for the compliments? cool t-shirt.
try to avoid sitting in that corner *she gestures toward the back* there's. uhhhh. zombies a bunch of hungover people around there and they will Eat you if you get close.
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