#namjoon says this one’s for the bis
yoongsisbae · 1 year
Bon Voyage: Into the Sea - Chapter 6
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A storm capsized your boat and looks like you were the only survivor. Somehow you made it to shore, but where? Stranded, you suddenly find out you are not alone, and now you’re stuck in the middle of a centuries old conflict between 7 monsters.
BTS fantasy AU. OT7 x reader. werewolf!Namjoon x werewolf!Hoseok x werewolf!Jungkook x siren!Yoongi x vampire!Jimin x vampire!Jin x whatis?Taehyung.
If you enjoy this series and want more updates, please leave a comment or reblog!
Warnings: smutty content, mind control, blood-drinking cause vampire things, dubconish, light yandere, voyeur, lots of neck licking lol
Word count: 12.1k
“You are going to be the reason we all die.”
“Jimin, stop,” Jin says. “Dove, we need to know what Taehyung said to you,” he asks, much more diplomatically. 
You shake your head, trying to make your way closer to the vampires, but the men around you have made an impressive barrier. How are you going to explain the lost months you experienced, the things you witnessed in Jimin’s memory? You stare at the angry younger vampire, how are you going to convince Jimin to help you?
“Jimin, you need to bite me.”
“What did you do to her?!” Hoseok roars at the vampire in question, who looks equally as shocked and offended at the accusation. 
“Nothing!” you interject, but your words fall on deaf ears.
“He did something to her to make her act like this!” Hoseok yells louder, turning his frustrations onto his pack leader.
“She has been calling out to him since we found her,” Yoongi tells Namjoon, confirming Hoseok’s accusations.
“What?! What did you do!” Jungkook growls out. “I’ll kill you-”
“It’s my fault that she's obsessed with me?” Jimin crosses his arms, looking away like the entire display was beneath him.
“Do you want to stop Taehyung or not?!”
The men exchange looks. “We need a plan, a real one,” Yoongi says, dismissing you. “The longer we wait-”
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“And how the hell did they break?!” Hoseok yells accusingly.
“Don’t look at me!” the merman counters, “There should have been no fucking conceivable way to break those spells,” he glances towards the youngest vampire who furiously glares back.
“Well it happened, okay, and now is not the time to argue about it, we need to work together to stop him, there is no telling what he is capable of now.”
“Hello!? I have a way to stop him!”
“What is it, Dove?”
“I told you! Jimin needs to bi-”
“No! No way in hell.”
“Oh I am going to kill you!”
“Everyone, silence!” Namjoon bellows and a tense silence settles in the air.
You speak up first, desperate to make them understand you. “Jin, why exactly did you forbid Jimin to bite me in the first place? Huh? Why?!” you challenge him.
Everyone stares at the eldest, even the vampire in question himself. Seokjin’s finger runs over his forehead, moving a stray lock of hair back in place. He clears his throat, “I did not want to cause him any pain-”
“What do you mean pain?” Jimin asks, repulsed. “She can’t hurt me!”
You huff, “Your memories, Jimin, your life-”
“There are certain memories better forgotten,” Seokjin interjects.
“No, no,” you say shakily. You had wished to forget this place so many times locked up in the vampire’s lair, and then when you did, you lost more than just the memories, you lost yourself. “No.”
And Jimin, he too, is lost. 
You glance over to the defiant vampire. “You have to bite me, you’re the only one who can stop Taehyung!”
Jimin looks around at everyone’s concerned faces, growing more irritated. Why does he have to be the one to stop Taehyung? Jimin never agreed to even help! And what makes you even think he has that kind of power? 
“Why?” It was Hoseok who questioned you angrily, upset at the way you are treating Jimin with such fondness. “Why him?!”
“Because he knows magic,” you say simply, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“I d-don’t know magic,” he spits out. You couldn’t be any more wrong, Jimin thinks, who the fuck do you think you are, acting like you know so much about him, better than himself!
But everyone is silent, eyes full of guilt and remorse, looking at him as if they know something he doesn’t. The kind of look that Jimin despises.
“You do,” you say with more conviction. “When you were human. I can show you.” You hold out your arm to him as the pack tries still to barricade your body away from the vampires.
“What is she talking about, Jin?” he turns to the eldest. 
“Jin, we don’t have time, you need to be honest with him!”
“Shut up! You are the reason we are even in this mess to begin with, you know that? Just how many times did we tell you to not get so comfy with Taehyung. You let him use you, because you’re weak, you’re-”
“And what about you?! You let Taehyung use you too, didn’t you?!” you scream, your anger getting the better of you.
“Stop!” Namjoon bellows, “Everyone, stop!” He looks furious with you, his hard glare instantly making you feel small and apologetic.
“Don’t order me around, you filthy beast!” Jimin hisses at Namjoon, deep and threatening, his eyes glowing with rage.
“We don't have time,” you whimper desperately. 
Your head is pounding. You feel it…
…inside of you, in the back of your mind…screaming, wrapping around your bones…
…the dread of something horrible coming for you all.
Jimin can’t believe he’s stuck here until sunset! Inside this idiot infested house with the biggest of the idiots telling him the most ridiculous things he’s ever heard. It’s insufferable, you’re insufferable, the way you stare at him now. Whatever spell Taehyung inflicted on you has only changed you for the worse.
“Jimin, I’m afraid we need to work together on this.” The younger vampire yanks himself away from Jin’s comforting hand. He’s beginning to think Seokjin is equally to blame as much as you. He’s beginning not to trust him…
“I’m not fucking helping any of you,” he stares at you, glowering. “Let Taehyung tear you apart,” he growls, baring his fangs.
You shake your head in disbelief. “You wanted to be a doctor, you loved helping people, you became a medic in the military. You fought for your country, you saved people,” you ramble on and on, hoping to convince the vampire to listen to reason. You’re angry that no one has told him, they should have, this shouldn’t be coming from you!
Jimin yells, picks up and throws a wicker chair in your direction in his anger, which Jungkook stops with ease, the chair exploding when it hits the youngest’s shoulder.
Hoseok has had just about enough of Jimin, he hasn’t forgotten the scars he witnessed across your body, he hasn’t forgotten the way you looked so fragile when he found you. This was all the vampires’ fault, and Jimin most of all. That arrogant, cruel, deceptive little-
Hoseok transforms instantly, pouncing on Jimin.
Yoongi pulls you back as the others transform as well. You’re both thrown to the ground as they fight, as they tear the house apart from the inside, unable to cohabitate any longer.
You groan, rolling over, still attempting to get to the headstrong vampire, your hand pressing into broken glass and blood escaping.
At the smell it wasn’t Jimin, but Jin who lost control. So many days drinking from you, addicted in more ways than one. His eyes glow red, searching out your blood. 
Namjoon’s large snout sinks its teeth into the eldest vampire and the fighting only escalates tenfold. Everything is loud, everything is chaos. You try to keep moving closer to the chaos still, until you notice something familiar in front of you. 
You notice the redness of the gem that had fallen out of Yoongi’s pack in the chaos, now shining brighter than ever.
Oh no. You can feel it again, pulling you in. You shuffle backwards, clutching your chest, closing your eyes tightly as the gem burns brighter, glowing like the vampires’ eyes then glowing even more until it envelops the entire home.
“Do you all want to stop Taehyung or not?!”
The men exchange looks. “We need a plan, a real one,” Yoongi says, dismissing you. “The longer we wait-”
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“And how the hell did they break?!” Hoseok yells accusingly.
“Don’t look at me!” the merman counters, “There should have been no fucking conceivable way to break those spells,” he glances towards the youngest vampire who glares back.
“Well it happened, okay, and now is not the time to argue about it, we need to work together to stop him, there is no telling what he is capable of now.”
“Hello!? I have a way to stop him!”
“What is it, Dove?”
“I told you! Jimin needs to bi-”
“No! No way in hell.”
“Oh I am going to kill you!”
“Everyone, silence!” Namjoon bellows and a tense silence settles in the air.
This is getting you nowhere. Good God, how are you supposed to make six stubborn beings listen to you?! Think, y/n. Think! You try to come up with a plan, but your head is throbbing in pain.
Jimin speaks up first, “Just what are you playing at, pet?”
You look up at him. “Pull my memories. You’ve already done it once. Just do it again.”
Seokjin looks over at the younger vampire in disbelief.
“I have not,” Jimin looks at you furiously for getting him in trouble over a lie. “She’s obviously suffering from some delusional episode! Listen, you wretched human girl! You’re nothing to me, you mean nothing, so stop these fantasies! right! now!”
“You have, and we saw your mother. You just, ugh, don’t remember because it happened in the future, ugh, just-” you groan, clutching your head. It’s pounding more than ever, and you feel it, inside of you, in the back of your mind screaming, wrapping around your bones, the dread of something horrible coming for you all. Your body starts shaking and Jungkook wraps his arms around your waist to steady you.
Jimin can’t believe he’s stuck here until sunset! Inside this idiot infested house with the biggest of the idiots telling him the most ridiculous things he’s ever heard. His mother? You saw his mother? How dare you even talk about her! Like you know anything about her, like you know more than Jimin, who well, knows nothing about his mother…and he doesn’t care to know! 
Who the fuck do you think you are, acting like you know so much about him, better than himself! It’s insufferable, you’re insufferable. Whatever spell that Taehyung inflicted on you has only changed you for the worse. “See! She’s lost it,” he yells, pointing at you. “So weak!”
“Please, I’m not lying,” you cry out. You feel sick. You just want to save them, why won’t they listen to you?! Jungkook holds you tighter as your legs give out.
“What’s happening to her!” Hoseok looks over to his leader worriedly, holding onto your shoulders to keep you upright as you slump forward.
“I think it has something to do with this,” Yoongi pulls the red amulet from his pouch, holding the necklace up and letting it dangle for everyone to see.
“No!” You can’t stop it, it’s already starting again, the red glow emanating directly from the gem, covering everyone and everything in that same red hue, until that’s all you can see.
You clutch your chest, closing your eyes tightly as it burns brighter, until it envelops the entire home. 
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“And how the hell did they break?!” Hoseok yells accusingly.
“Don’t look at me!” the merman counters, “There should have been no fucking conceivable way to break those spells,” he glances towards the youngest vampire who glares back.
“Well it happened, okay, and now is not the time to argue about it, we need to work together to stop him, there is no telling what he is capable of now.”
“Hello!? I have a way to stop him!”
“What is it, Dove?”
“I told you! Jimin needs to bi-”
“No! No way in hell.”
“Oh I am going to kill you!”
“Everyone, silence!” Namjoon bellows and a tense silence settles in the air.
You feel your stomach turn again. You feel winded, like you’ve been running. You massage your temples, wiping away the accumulating sweat. God, how are you supposed to make six stubborn beings listen to you?! Think, y/n. Think!
“Why?” Jungkook speaks first, voice full of pain. “Why Jimin out of all of us?” Your heart drops at his hurt expression. You don’t know the right way to explain to Jungkook, to all of them, why this needs to be done, especially now when your head feels like it’s about to explode. When did you become so jittery? What is happening?! You try to concentrate and think, but where do you even begin? 
“W-We all know the power they have, right?” You gesture to the vampires. “The way they can look into your memories when they…but Jimin has never bitten me,” technically that is correct in this point in time, “only Jin-”
“Yeah, and just why is that?” Jimin looks at the eldest vampire pointedly, crossing his arms, fed up with Seokjin’s obtuse answers. “Explain.”
Seokjin sighs, straightening the wrinkly shirt Namjoon had given him to wear. “It was for your protection,” he addresses Jimin.  
“Protection from what?!” Jimin asks, repulsed. “She can’t hurt me!”
“We don’t have time for this,” you mutter. You feel it, inside of you, in the back of your mind screaming, wrapping around your bones, the dread of something horrible coming for you all. “Seokjin, make Jimin bite me!”
“SEOKJIN DOESN’T MAKE ME DO ANYTHING,” Jimin roars. You couldn’t be any more wrong, Jimin thinks, who the fuck do you think you are, acting like you know so much about Seokjin, about him, better than himself!
“THEN JUST BITE ME!” You scream back. “You’ve been wanting to all this time!”
The pack watches you argue, stunned into silence. This is news to everyone else; Jimin hasn’t bitten you? And furthermore, Seokjin didn’t want him to bite you. Seokjin had found Namjoon and explained most of what happened, but not that. 
“Stay here, in case Hoseok returns.” That was a direct order from his pack leader, and as much as Jungkook wanted to disobey and run towards the thundering noise that had rattled their home, the older shapeshifter was leagues above the young wolf in strength and dominance.
It was luck that Namjoon encountered the pair of vampires instead of his brothers. If it had been anyone else, the vampires might not have made it out with their heads. But Namjoon was always the type to observe first, take everything in before making any rash decision, it’s what kept him alive this long and made Namjoon a leader.
Jin and Namjoon were talkers. They were, even in their wildest days, the best at beguiling, enticing, drawing in others with their words, and upon meeting, they realized they had finally met their match. Namjoon’s most favorite nights were conversations with Seokjin, picking apart the intricacies of the humanities. Two beasts had become obsessed with learning and gaining a humanity of their own.
Namjoon would have torn them apart otherwise. But the magical blasts had knocked the younger more confrontational vampire out, and Seokjin pleaded with Namjoon to listen to his story. “Taehyung has escaped.” With a start like that, Namjoon couldn’t resist not learning more.
With the sun soon rising and Taehyung out there somewhere, Namjoon had little options left but to invite the wounded vampires into his home.
While you were in another part of the island healing and trying to bridge the peace amongst two headstrong beasts, Namjoon and Seokjin were coming to their own kind of peace, a détente at least for the time being, an opportunity to speak to each other like old times now that they had a bigger enemy then themselves.
“Well now I don’t want to.” Jimin crosses his arms, looking away.
You look at him in disbelief. Ugh. This is driving you crazy, there is no time to be like this. ‘Fucking Jimin,’ he really knows how to push your last button. Fuck, you are so over this!
You think about the crying man on the floor, covered in your blood with a broken expression on his face, you think about that sweet boy, crying for his mother. Somewhere deep inside Jimin is that sweet boy who cried.
You look down at your nails with one last hope remaining. You’ll just have to make him drink from you.
You dig your nails into your forearm, scratching your skin as deep as you can. 
But it was Seokjin who lost control. So many days drinking from you, addicted in more ways than one. His eyes turning red, searching out your blood.
Fur envelopes you, Jungkook and Hoseok shielding you with their large canine bodies while Seokjin lunges for you, stopped short by Namjoon’s fangs.
Jimin throws the beast off the older vampire. Jimin, full of rage, tears his sharp nails into Namjoon’s coat. Yoongi screams for Jin, his influential words finally knocking him out of his blood stupor. Then he calls out to the younger vampire, “Jimin, stop.”
But Jimin is already too full of rage to listen to reason. He can’t stand being stuck in this idiot infested house any longer. It’s insufferable, you’re insufferable, the way you stare at him now. Whatever spell that Taehyung inflicted on you has only changed you for the worse! He should have never listened to Seokjin! He’s beginning not to trust him-
Seokjin addresses the two wolves next to you as the younger vampire lashes out. “Take her out of here, hurry!” he yells, attempting with difficulty to retain the younger vampire with Yoongi’s and Namjoon’s help. 
“No!” you scream at the top of your lungs, “You don’t understand!”
A deep growl from Jungkook frightens you into silence. His fangs are around your stomach, only holding you still, not puncturing into you, but it’s terrifying nonetheless as he yanks you backwards, his hind legs digging into the earth.
You cry once outside, unable to pull yourself together. You pull at Jungkook’s fangs, attempting to unlock his jaw from your side and the large beast begins to whimper in anguish at your attempts to flee from him, extinguishing the fight inside you.
Nothing is working! Nothing! It’s hopeless, you’re all going to die, you think, either by Taehyung’s hands or by each others. You cry harder into Jungkook’s fur, who has wrapped his large canine body around yours.
“…what?” You see it from the open door and your body acts on impulse as you claw at the ground, trying to move closer, uncaring if Jungkook’s teeth tear at your skin. Tears dry up as you watch the house start to glow red, brighter than anything you’ve ever seen before. 
No, that’s not quite true. You’ve seen that red glow befo-
“We need a plan, a real one,” Yoongi says, dismissing you. “The longer we wait-”
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks. “Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” you murmur to yourself. Jungkook and Jimin glance towards your way.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“And how the hell did they break?!” Hoseok yells accusingly.
“Don’t look at me…” you whisper. “Don’t look at me!” the merman counters, “There should have been no fucking conceivable way to break those spells,” he glances towards the youngest vampire who glares back.
“Well it happened, okay, and now is not the time to argue about it, we need to work together to stop him-”
“There is no telling what he is capable of now,” you say in unison to the leader, finally aware this is not just some strange case of deja vu. All eyes turn to you. Jimin scoffs, just like he did before, pulling on Seokjin’s shoulder. “...I-I want Jimin to bite me!” you yell. 
“No! No way in hell.” “No! No way in hell.”
“Oh I am going to kill you!” “Oh I am going to kill you!”
“What the hell are you doing?!” Jimin screams accusingly.
You look around, your gaze stopping on the eldest. “Seokjin, make Jimin bite me!”
“SEOKJIN DOESN’T MAKE ME DO ANYTHING,” Jimin roars. “Seokjin doesn’t make me do anything!” you yell back in unison, a satisfied smirk on your face, pointing directly at Jimin.
“How the fuck are you doing that?” the merman questions.
You rub your temples, trying to make sense of it all. ‘This happened before, why has this happened before? This has to be Tae’s doing!’ “I don’t know, I don’t know, but we’ve already had this conversation, and I-I think, I can’t remember, something must have went wrong...Jimin, you need to bite me, right now!��
“Well…” he clears his throat, looking around as everyone has gone deathly quiet, “now I don’t want to,” Jimin crosses his arms.
Ugh! ‘Fucking Jimin,’ he really knows how to push your last button.  “Listen, you’ve already done it once! Just just do it agai-wait, no, we did this already…something is wrong…” 
“Maybe it’s you!” Jimin accuses. “Taehyung has already gotten in her head, how can we trust her?” he warns the others.
“Jimin is right. I can feel him,” you shudder. “Which is why you need to bite me, because I know for certain, Taehyung doesn’t want you to.” You hold your hand to him.
“And if this is a trick?”
“Ugh, I’m not tricking you! I want to stop Taehyung for you, you idiot!”
‘Idiot’?! How dare you call Jimin an idiot, when you’re the biggest of the idiots in this idiot infested house! “And suddenly you have my best interest at heart?!” Jimin yells back, disgust evident.
Ugh, your head is killing you, and you feel it, inside of you, in the back of your mind screaming, wrapping around your bones, the dread of something horrible coming for you all. 
You try to think about everything that has transpired since you met Taehyung, trying to see if you missed anything-
“Wait, wait, wait…ugh, let me go!” you yell at the pack surrounding you. You press yourself against the door, opening it quickly and falling into the sand. 
You look up at the sky, taking a deep breath of fresh air to calm yourself. It’s still daytime, but not for much longer, and you’re scared of what night will bring.
Yoongi is by your side, lifting you up. “Y/n,” you think he is about to dismiss you like he always does, but instead he says, “tell me what I need to do to help you.”
“Yoongi...” You’ve never seen him so sincere before. “Do you think you can use your siren song on Jimin to-”
“I can hear you, pet! It doesn’t work! And I should kill you for even suggesting it.”
“Touch her and I will kill you!”
“Ugh,” you groan, turning your back as the group of stubborn monsters in front of you begin to bicker, deja vu hitting you hard again. “What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to change?” You ask yourself out loud, head in your hands.
Yoongi holds you steady. “Something definitely is up, and I have a feeling it has something to do with this-” Yoongi looks through his pack.
“T-That’s it! Wait! No!” You yell as Yoongi pulls the gem out of his pack, letting it dangle in his hand.
But it’s too late. You can’t stop it, it’s already starting again, the red glow emanating directly from the gem, covering everyone and everything in that same red hue, until that’s all you can see.
‘Y/n, take it.’
You fall back to the ground and clutch your chest, dismissing the words inside your head, closing your eyes tightly as the gem burns brighter.
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“And how the hell did they break?!” Hoseok yells accusingly.
“Don’t look at me!” the merman counters, “There should have been no fucking conceivable way to break those spells,” he glances towards the youngest vampire who glares back.
“Well it happened, okay, and now is not the time to argue about it, we need to work together to stop him, there is no telling what he is capable of now.”
“Hello!? I have a way to stop him!”
“What is it, Dove?”
Okay, this is it. “Seokjin, you need to bite me.”
“What!?” Jimin yells angrily.
You look into Seokjin’s eyes, silently pleading with him. “The memory pull, it’s going to work now. Please,” you urge, holding out your arm to him as the pack tries still to barricade your body away from the vampires. “Look into my memories and you’ll understand!”
Jimin pulls the eldest back as he advances. “You’re really going to obey her command? Just like that! Taehyung might have already gotten to her, how can we trust her?!”
“You’re right! Jimin is right. I can feel him. Which is why…” you swallow, looking at Jimin, remembering this same conversation said just another way, wondering just how many times you have tried to convince them. “Which is why, you need to bite me.” You move your eyes to Seokjin, staring ahead steadfast. “So you can see the truth!”
“Why?” Jungkook speaks up, voice full of pain. “Why Seokjin out of all-”
You grab the youngest’s face and kiss him abruptly, silencing his worries.
Hoseok’s stares at you, mouth agape. He doesn’t know whether to be furious with you, or satisfied that Jimin and Yoongi both look so furious with you for kissing the youngest shapeshifter.
“Trust me, please,” your hands shake in your desperation, squishing his cheeks as he looks at you in shock and awe. 
“O-Okay,” Jungkook nods.
The eldest vampire sighs and starts to move closer much to Jimin’s astonishment and disgust. You try to push past the pack’s strong bodies. It hurts them to see you try to go to their enemy, but they let you pass.
Jimin crosses his arms, scoffing as the eldest meets you in the center of the room. Jimin can’t believe he’s stuck here until sunset! Inside this idiot infested house with the biggest of the idiots telling him the most ridiculous things he’s ever heard. Suddenly you want Seokjin to bite you now? When you were just throwing yourself at Jimin! Why?! What happened? What’s the reason? You’re so annoying, you’re insufferable, the way you look at Seokjin with so much hope and trust.
Jimin grinds his teeth together in anger, so hard his fangs begin to pierce his bottom lip.
Seokjin puts his hands up, glancing towards the pack leader, meaning no harm before he bends his head closer to your neck.
“Wait!” Jimin speaks up. “Y/n, you wanted me to bite you, didn’t you? So come here then!”
“Jimin, I-”
“Don’t you dare say it,” Jimin cuts Seokjin off. “You didn’t listen to me about Taehyung, about her, and then you made a truce with them without even asking me! You’re lucky I even speak to you at all!” Jimin is furious with Seokjin, he’s beginning not to trust him...
You raise your eyebrows. “Really? Are you sure?”
“Don’t make me say it again,” Jimin seethes.
You smile, running past Seokjin. You hold out your wrist to Jimin, looking up at him hopefully. 
Jimin scoffs again, gripping your arm painfully and yanking you closer. The wolf trio begin to growl in anger, baring their fangs.
“I choose where I bite you, pet.”
You try to remain calm as the trio behind you let out low threatening growls. Jimin smirks, spinning you around by your arm, hugging you against his body like a shield and snickering at how angry it makes them.
The pack looks ready to attack. Yoongi begins to step forward in his growing anger.
“No!,” you stop him, “J-Just let him do what he wants,” you mutter.
Jimin smirks. “If it was what I wanted, you would be on your knees with your mouth shut.” He sneers, gripping your chin painfully tight and yanking your head backward. “And your head down, thinking about how stupid you are for walking right into Taehyung’s trap.”
‘Like you did,’ you think, keeping your temper in check.  “I know you’re scared, it’s okay.”
“I am not scared!” he hisses, nails digging into your side. You wince. Namjoon’s growls become louder.
“Namjoon, stop!”
Jimin smirks again. “Yeah, listen to her, dog. Since we are all at this human’s mercy,” he scoffs. “You seem to know so much about what happens next, so tell me, is it going all according to your little plan?” He presses his body against yours, holding you tightly.
“You like this, don’t you?” he whispers in your ear, obscenely grinding himself against your backside. Jimin rests his chin on your shoulder, arm still secure around your waist, smirking, intent on drawing this out for everyone involved, “them watching.” His hand grabs your breast roughly. 
Your eyes meet Yoongi’s eyes, dark with anger, and you shut them in shame.
You breathe through your nose as he fondles you for everyone to see, letting out short breaths when he rests his hand over your throat, choosing to submit in hopes he’ll eventually do what you want.
Jimin’s fangs scrape across your shoulder as he revels in the intoxicating feeling of power he has over you and everyone else, finally feeling better about his new situation. He breathes in the anger emanating from everyone in the room, inhaling your sweet desperation most of all.
His fangs scratch the surface of you, up the sensitive skin of your neck until you bleed.
Seokjin drops to his knees, panting heavily, addicted to your blood in more ways than one. Jimin stops, looking over to the older vampire. “I’m fine,” Seokjin pants. “I’m fine.”
Jimin looks coldly down at him, how disgraceful that he’s let you affect him so much. That’s what he gets for drinking from you all the time, for not letting Jimin! He licks the blood off your neck and you shudder. Jimin moans loudly, tasting your blood again finally.
The pack looks ready to kill, they bare their fangs, the restraint in their growls long gone.
“I’m sure they can all smell you from here, I can,” Jimin whispers in your ear, hand pressing down on your lower stomach, taunting you, “You’ve learned to be a good little pet, hmm? Here’s your reward.” Jimin presses his fangs into the column of your neck, directly on your pulse.
“What the hell?” the merman mumbles. There is something glowing in Yoongi’s pack. He fumbles with the latch to inspect it. Yoongi yanks out the red glowing gem, confusion evident on his face.
Oh no. You can feel it again. A familiar voice starts to call out to you. If it wasn’t for the pain in your neck keeping you present, you surely would have lost control.
You clutch your chest as the gem burns brighter. “Jimin! You-”
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?” Jimin roars, advancing on you and the pack.
“You saw– You know–” you look at Jimin in disbelief. You reflexively cover your throat, the punctures are gone, but your heartbeat is still fluttering. “It wasn’t me!” you yell back.
The younger vampire yanks himself away from Jin’s protective hand. “Taehyung…” Jimin growls. “And you!” He points an accusing finger at the merman. “Give me that gem in your pack right now!”
“How did you know about that?” Yoongi glares at the younger vampire.
He scoffs, “I don’t have to explain myself to you!”
“Well then fuck off,” Yoongi spits out.
Jimin can’t believe he’s stuck here until sunset! Inside this idiot infested house with– ‘Wait,’ He feels it, he can’t explain it, but it’s there, all around him, an inevitability that he can’t control, and it pisses him off! Jimin spins around, baring his fangs, claws ready to strike. 
The group watches Jimin spin around angrily like a confused dog chasing its tail.
“See,” you glare at Jimin, “See how annoying it is!”
Jimin rolls his eyes. “Taehyung. The gem is his. And it seems he’s still using it somehow.” Jimin reasons, looking around at the familiar scene. “Give it, we need to destroy it,” Jimin holds out his hand impatiently. “DAMMIT YOONGI! We don’t have time for this!”
“That’s what I’ve been saying,” you huff.
The merman holds onto his pack defensively. He doesn’t trust Jimin, but he knows they have to work together to stop Taehyung. Jimin is untrustworthy, but Jimin is powerful, more than he even realizes. So Yoongi holds his tongue and relents. 
You clutch your head in your hands. It’s pounding more than ever, and you feel it, inside of you, in the back of your mind screaming, wrapping around your bones, the dread of something horrible coming for you all. “Get it away from me!” you cry out. 
You press yourself against the door, opening it quickly and falling in the sand. Jungkook and Hoseok follow you out, worried for your safety and your quickly declining state of mind.
Jimin scoffs again. Pathetic, he thinks. Humans are scared of their own shadows. He turns his attention on the merman, waiting impatiently. He tries to ignore how close the others are to him as the men huddle around to look at the necklace. 
Jimin holds the gem in his hand, inspecting it. The weight of it in his palm is heavy. He touches the smooth rock, the gem itself is small, but the energy surrounding it is immense, a familiar power the vampire can’t quite put his finger on. ‘Why isn’t it glowing?’ he thinks, and as soon as the thought enters his mind a slow bright red light begins to emanate around the gem. 
“What’s going on?” The pack leader questions, staring at the gem, ready to strike anything that appears. 
“I don’t know.” Jimin doesn’t know how to stop it, but he wishes for whatever is happening to halt.
And as soon as the thought entered his mind the glow begins to recede back into the gem.
“Jimin, you should hold onto that necklace for now.” Seokjin speaks.
Jimin looks up and the expression on Seokjin’s face surprises the younger vampire. He’s seen that hardened look before from Seokjin, in moments when the older vampire begins to feel sentimental. Most recently, the night you came to them. Jimin never questioned it before, but now he wants to, he wants to know all the secrets Seokjin is keeping from him. Jimin is beginning not to trust him-
He grabs the eldest’s shirt collar, yanking him close. “You know what this is?”
Seokjin remains unaffected by Jimin’s outburst, covering Jimin’s hand with his own. “Now that I’ve looked at it up close, yes, I’ve seen it before. I believe, that necklace,” he sighs, “used to be yours. A long time ago, I saw you wear it. Or something very similar,” he swallows.
But before you, Jimin has never seen this necklace before in his life! He stares at the gem. That familiarity he feels can’t be– no, that feeling is just like the other moments of deja vu he has been experiencing, it’s not because…is it? Does this necklace belong to him?
You stare at the wolves’ den, refusing to move any closer. Nothing has happened yet, there is no red glow, and no immediate danger, but you feel at any moment everything could change. You look up at the sky, it’s still daytime, but not for much longer, and you’re worried-
“Y/n?” Hoseok shakes you when you don’t respond.
“Hoseok…” You wonder how many times this moment has repeated itself. Has Hoseok looked at you like this before, his care for you evident in his soft gaze? You try to remember and make sense of what is real. “That necklace, Taehyung used it to escape. I-I don’t know how, I don’t know why. I– Ahhh!”
Your nails dig into your scalp as you desperately try to claw away at the pain. The pain is radiating at your temples, just behind your eyes, in the back of your head, behind your ear-
“Hey, y/n, hey!” Hoseok holds your trembling body, patting your cheek, reminded of the moment he found you on the beach. Your eyes stare at the sky, far away, like you’re lost in your head, unable to hear him.
“W-What’s happening to her?!” Jungkook whimpers. You just came back to him and now he fears he might lose you completely.
Hoseok picks you up into his arms, holding you securely to him. “I don’t know, Namjoon will know. I’m taking her back inside.”
You want to tell him no, you want to tell him to wait, you don’t want to go back in, but you can’t find the energy to open your mouth to speak the words. Your body is betraying you, your vision starts to cloud, and you realize darkness is coming for you, even with the sun still high up in sky. You wish more than ever, you could start over again-
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“Oh,” you groan, falling forward, unable to hold yourself up. The youngest of the pack wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into his embrace before your knees hit the ground.
Jimin looks around, the gem still heavy in his palm. “The necklace,” he murmurs. It didn’t glow red this time and yet-
“Jimin!” The merman hisses, glaring at the vampire who has somehow taken the gem from Yoongi without him noticing, “Don’t move.”
Jimin’s body, and mind, suddenly feel sluggish. It lasts only a moment before the vampire is shaking himself out of the merman’s mind control. Jimin can’t help but laugh at his weak attempt. 
“DON’T MOVE,” Yoongi bellows, his words echoing throughout the wolves’ den, and everyone, including Jimin, freezes.
“What are you doing, Yoongi?!” Namjoon grunts, stuck in place by the merman’s words.
“I don’t know how, but he stole that from me, from my pack.” The merman walks with purpose while Jimin struggles to move. 
Your eyes go wide when you notice what’s happened. “It’s not his fault,” you mumble, glancing at Namjoon, your eyes and mouth the only part of you able to move, “I think...w-we’re stuck in a time loop.”
“A w-what?” Hoseok grunts, trying with all his might to turn his head.
“W-Well...it’s a lot t-to explain and you’ll probably forget it all anyways,” you whine.
Namjoon raises his brow. He can only slightly move his neck now, and struggles to turn his head to look at you. “Perhaps you should explain anyways. Now.” His tone is serious, potentially menacing if you were being honest.
“I know it sounds crazy, and I know you don’t want him to, shit, what haven't I explained to you yet? Jimin hasn’t actually bitten me yet, well, technically not yet, he has, but it was before I came back, from the future, into now-another time thing.” You start to remember clearly now, though it seems to be still very hard to explain, “Anyways, I know about Jimin’s past! And everything, and-”
“Is she making sense to you?” Hoseok mutters.
“Oh you’re so lucky we haven’t had this conversation before or I would be really blowing your mind,” you grunt.
Jimin’s arms jerk backwards as he fights the merman’s impressive mind control. “It’s mine! Give it back!” Jimin hisses as Yoongi plucks the gem out of the vampire’s hand mere seconds before Jimin regains control of himself again.
“Jimin, we don’t have the time,” you groan, your limbs finally moving again. “Jimin!” you yell, pulling the vampire’s attention away before he attacks the merman in his anger. 
You struggle in Jungkook’s arms, holding out your wrist to Jimin hopefully. “You know what you have to do, before it happens again!” 
“No!” Jungkook barks, lifting you off your feet to end your advance. 
Jimin exhales. This is insufferable, you’re insufferable, you’re, fuck– It’s happening again. He bares his fangs, letting his anger simmer over this constant deja vu. 
“Wait! Let me see it, that necklace,” Seokjin steps forward curiously.
Yoongi throws his arm backwards out of the vampire’s reach, the gold chain accidentally hitting your outstretched hand.
The gem touching your finger.
It felt like just a graze, so quickly it couldn’t have been longer than a second. Yet you felt it through your whole body.
And then pulling right behind your ear. 
And finally you understood as the brightest flash of red light quickly comes and goes. You hear his voice again, commanding you to do something else, something horrible...
You want to tell them all to run, to escape, but the only words your lips can speak are-
“Taehyung, come in.”
The door shatters, knocking everyone inside to the ground.
The back of your ear feels like it’s on fire and like you summoned the devil himself, Taehyung appears behind you, lifting you up. “Ahh princess, now where did you put my jewel?”
You stand paralyzed by fear, as if gravity chained your limbs to your body.
“Taehyung, leave her alone!” Jungkook roars, and he somehow looks more imposing than the pack leader himself.
Taehyung laughs, looking around incredulously at the monsters surrounding him. 
“I’m saving her from you!” He pulls you close and despite your fear, you gravitate to him. It reminds you of Yoongi’s siren song, but more painful, dark, like ropes around your limbs, a noose around your throat. “You would rather use her, draining her life away because you want a pretty pet-” he looks at Seokjin, “-or keep her here on this island, chained like a prisoner, like you did to me! You just can’t see her potential!”
“You...betrayed Jimin...this is all your fault,” you grunt, barely able to speak the words out loud. 
Taehyung looks at you, eyes softening. “Your loyalty to my brother is sweet. After everything they did to you. You really are perfect. I knew it when I first met you, we were fated to meet. You were the one who was going to save me, and now I can save you.” He holds you close, embracing you how he always wanted to, no chains or shackles between you anymore. “You saw Jimin’s story and believed him. I’ll show you mine, y/n. You’ll see once and for all.”
Yoongi’s nose is bleeding from the explosion. He has the gem hidden in his palm. He doesn’t quite understand how Taehyung appeared so suddenly, or what the gem has to do with it, but he figures no good will come from Taehyung having it, and he intends to risk everything to keep it away from Taehyung. 
He looks at your pain stricken expression and suddenly realizes, no, he can’t risk everything.
“They should have cut off your hands,” Yoongi mutters, wiping away the dried blood from under his nose and standing up. “Thy were too nice to you. When I defeat you I’ll make sure your next cell is underground and twice as small,” the merman tries to goad Taehyung away from you.
“Monster,” Taehyung frowns. “Do you know how many humans he has killed, y/n? How many they’ve all killed? Have I ever killed anyone!” he yells.
“You were going to kill Seokjin!” Jimin argues.
“Seokjin is evil!” he yells back. “And not a human.”
“Okay, Taehyung, you want retribution, we’re all here now. So let y/n go, can’t you see how scared she is?” Namjoon questions, crouching low in fighting stance. His calmness is even more menacing than his anger, you think.
“She doesn’t want me to let her go,” Taehyung smiles, his chin pressing into your shoulder as he continues to hug you close. “Tell them you want to be with me.”
“I want to be with Taehyung,” you cry out, terrified how the words left your lips so quickly, of the way your control is slipping away.
“See, she’s my destiny.” He grins, triumph dripping from his words.
No, no, no. You clutch your chest, where the pain emanates the most, right over your heart.
“Oh, that’s where it went.” Taehyung sighs, petting your head softly. “I’m sorry, one of my attacks must have hit you hard. Let’s go back, out of reach this time. Now, where is my necklace? Tell me, y/n.”
Yoongi, Yoongi has it. It’s Yoongi. It’s Yoongi. It’s Yoongi. Yoongi.
You clench your jaw so tight your teeth begin to hurt. “Who took it?” he asks sweetly.
“Yoongi...” You begin to cry. “Please don’t hurt him!”
The merman speaks up, “Oh, he won’t hurt me.”
“You haven’t changed at all, so arrogant, acting like you’re better than everyone else!” Taehyung says, staring at Yoongi’s closed fist. He flicks his wrist over, fingers pulling at the air. 
A glowing red light starts emanating from Yoongi’s palm, an inescapable power ready to burst from the tiny gem, red streaks of light between his fingers cut through the wolf’s den, knocking back anything it touches.
Yoongi yells in pain, but he refuses to let go of the necklace. 
Unlike the others, when the red light hits Taehyung, he can easily redirect it with his hand, and his beam hits Seokjin, knocking the vampire right in the chest.
You see singes across the eldest vampire’s body, his clothes tattered and deep burn scars across his skin. Yoongi’s hand looks charred too, he yells and doubles over in pain, still fighting to hold onto the necklace. The others are fast, dodging the attacks, but how long can they last? 
Hoseok is hit next, he turns into a wolf instantly, charging towards you. Namjoon runs in to attack Taehyung, who shifts your body in front of the leader. 
The wolves are trying so hard to save you from Taehyung, it breaks your heart to witness the pain they are going through. How can you save them? Protect them? You feel so useless, so human and fragile. A mere pawn in a game played between kings.
If only there was a way to restart this day again.
“Y/n, don’t,” Taehyung whispers in your ear.
The wolves are too worried for your safety to use their full force, something Taehyung uses to his full advantage as he moves closer to the merman still fighting to hold onto the gem.
Jimin doesn’t care about your safety. He crashes into both of you.
You feel the weight of both men on top of you, suffocating you as Taehyung covers your body with his to take the brunt of the vampire’s wild attacks.
However, Taehyung’s physical strength seems to be unmatched, he throws the vampire as if Jimin weighed nothing with only one arm, the other holding your wrist so you can’t get away.
He moves closer to the struggling merman.
This can’t be happening, it can’t end this way, after everything you’ve been through.
Perhaps it was how close to victory Taehyung had been, so close he was only thinking about the outcome of his winning, the great future ahead of him. He was distracted just enough, and the reigns he had held over you loosened just a bit. It cleared your mind just enough, made you hope, wish for help to come for Yoongi and the others.
Your wish fluttered inside you like a heartbeat, pulling you, and this time, pulling everyone…
Through time…
To a place where the merman had an advantage. Your wish was granted.
The thumping receded and seawater filled every space around you suddenly. You were underwater, deep in the sea. You looked around and saw red and blue flashes of light, the shadows of the beast’s bodies around you, blood like red ribbons leaving their wounds. You slowly kick towards the sky.
How deep are you? You don’t know if you can make it to get in air in time.
You scream, the sound muffled underwater, when fingers reach for your hair, jerking your head down.
It’s Jimin. By the look in his eyes you think he might drain you right here, let you drown in a sea of blood, but he reaches for your hand instead and pulls you to the surface at inhuman speed. 
Spluttering, you gasp in air as the ocean lights up the night with streaks of power flashing under water.
“You’re coming with me,” he grunts, dragging your body back to land.
“Yoongi! The others!”
“Hold your breath!” Jimin pulls you back under when Taehyung resurfaces.
You inhale in quickly. You see the sparkling merman’s tail reflecting under water as he attacks Taehyung again.
Red light explodes underwater. Pulsing through the ocean, knocking you back into Jimin. He pulls you away from the fighting, closer to shore until you can stand above water.
You try to keep up, but the night waves crash into your body knocking you off your feet. Jimin drops you into shallow water. You gasp for breath while he looks over you. It reminded you of when you first met him, the way his body is over yours. But his eyes aren’t the same, there’s no hatred in them like before, Jimin looks lost, Jimin looks…sad.
He grabs the front of your dress and rips it, exposing your cleavage. Your arms cover your chest and he yanks those away too. You almost scream, but he doesn’t do anything but look at you. Then his finger traces the scars on your chest, making you shudder. The scar lines form a deep v across your chest, connecting around your neck.
“It was you.” He grips your neck, startling you. “Fix it. Now!”
Moonlight is speckling the ocean’s surface. The water calmer than usual. “Take us back to before Taehyung arrived. Before…” he shudders, looking out at the ocean, up towards the moon angrily. “This is your fault.” Jimin lunges for you, his claws pulled quickly away by Jungkook rushing to your side. Jungkook picks up your exhausted body, wading deeper in the water, glaring at the vampire. “Let’s go.”
“Follow me.” Yoongi yells, further out.
When you reach Yoongi, the youngest reluctantly hands you to him. “Where’s Taehyung?”
“He…took the necklace,” Yoongi says bitterly. “Ready?”
You look at the dark water all around you. “W-Where are we going?”
“My home.”
Yoongi swims down to the sea floor. You hold his hand, let the current and his strong fin lead you to the furthest depths of the ocean.
There’s no light, only the faint sparkling reflection of Yoongi’s tail is visible to your human eyes.
Your feet touch the sandy floor. The pain in your ears lessens the longer Yoongi breathes air into you. It’s an odd feeling, walking the sea floor, a place certainly no other living human could walk alone.
‘Jin.’ Your body stiffens in fright. You see the vampire, lying suspended upon the ocean floor. It frightens you how dead he looks, floating there, but for as long as you’ve known him, Jin has always been dead, hasn't he? Jimin passes, hooking Seokjin’s floating arm over his shoulder and pulling the vampire along.
You reach an underwater cave and swim inside. It’s tunnels are vast. The coral crevices hold things, some are man-made items, some magical.
The coral of the cave winds around, creating tunnels that are compact, walls that are cramped together. It’s dark and lonely inside, there is no light, no warmth. Is this where Yoongi stayed? It makes you feel sorry for the merman, makes you want to fill his life with warmth. He swims around quickly pulling things from inside the pockets of coral.
It’s impressive how the wolves can hold their breath, but even at this depth for so long they are having trouble. Even you are almost out of the air Yoongi gave you.
The merman swims to the cave’s bottom. There’s a purple wooden door situated at the cave floor with a spoked handle. The color reminds you of the one in Seokjin’s office. He begins to turn the vault handle quickly, unlocking the door. You watch, holding your body against one of the coral walls, making sure you don't float away. 
You begin to choke on water. The door opens finally and the others rush inside, quickly escaping down into the depths. Yoongi finds you, kissing you. Slowly, taking his time now. 
Submerged in the water, floating, he became the only thing that grounded you. You wish you could speak underwater and tell him how sorry you were for letting Taehyung inside, for causing this all to happen. You kept your lips pressed to his, hoping to convey how apologetic you felt. Yoongi hugs you close and dives into the vault.
You break the surface of the water, somehow right side up now. You wipe the water away from your face as Yoongi holds you to him. You look around the small cave, a part of the underground cave system inside the island. You look down at your bodies still submerged in the water, you should be upside down. How is that possible?
It never ceases to amaze you, the magicalness of this place.
“How is he?” you call out.
“I’ve seen better days.” The vampire in question grunts. Seokjin has definitely seen better days, the usually put together vampire is the most beaten you’ve ever seen him, lying on the cave floor unable to move.
“Jin, would it help?” you offer your wrist to him. You were the only human here.
Seokjin swallows, “Yes.”
“Let me help him,” you beg the others. Namjoon lifts you out of the cave pool. Everyone looks so beaten they don't fight you, they stay silent as you make your way to Seokjin.
“Are you sure, Dove?” he grunts.
You nod, lying against him, finally letting your tired muscles relax. Seokjin drank from you countless of times before, what’s one more?
Jimin breaks Seokjin’s jade statue, smashing it to pieces.
“Get away from me!” he screams, “w-who are you?!”
You see Seokjin and Namjoon standing next to him. And you see Hoseok. You see Taehyung.
“Is it normal to forget?” Taehyung asks, watching Jimin curiously.
“No…no,” Seokjin swallows. Had Seokjin really been too late to save Jimin?
Jimin screams and screams, clawing at his throat. It’s dry and itchy, he feels like he’s burning from the inside out. “Stop. Stop it!” The pain won’t stop!
“He needs blood,” Hoseok says, his tone urgent and worried.
“If we bring someone to the island, he’s not going to be able to control himself.”
“I’ll find someone no one will miss,” Hoseok suggests.
“No, it’s still a life.” Namjoon interjects, watching the display, clenching his jaw when Jimin screams again.
“And what about Jimin?!” Hoseok argues. “What about his life?!” You can feel his anger, you feel it too within Seokjin.
“If it’s someone who deserves it, someone bad?” Taehyung speaks up, wincing as he watches his friend writhe in pain.
“Let’s go hunt one last time, old friend,” Seokjin mumbles, unable to look Namjoon in the eyes, watching instead the horrible state Jimin is in.
“Okay, okay.”
It was an easier find than they had thought. During a dark club night, the music boomed as a regular flirted with a young woman. Upon entering the club, Namjoon and Seokjin noticed all the tell tale signs immediately, the signs of a predator..
While Namjoon bumped into the couple, and riled up the man by cozying up to his unsuspecting victim, Seokjin quickly switched their drinks, the one the man had spiked for his date switched with his clean one. While the drug worked its magic, you looked around the club, listening to old music. You watched the bodies on the dance floor move together in almost one fluid motion. You missed it, realizing how long it’s been since you’ve had that kind of fun. Your heart raced as the beat of the song quickened, as urgency ran through the vampire’s cold veins instead of blood. You want to dance. You want to kill that man. You want to save Jimin. Complicated emotions filter through Seokjin and into you.
Your mouth goes slack as you press your body closer, your hands fisting Seokjin’s tattered shirt. “You’re taking too much!” Namjoon barks. 
“I’m sorry.” Seokjin licks your wounds clean as your vision goes hazy and you slump against him. No, you wanted to see more, to listen to more-
“Where are you, sweetheart?”
Taehyung covers your cheek with his hand. “Tell me where you are so I can find you, get you away from them.”
“No! You stay away from them!”
Taehyung’s arms cage you in, his body above yours. “Y/n, please,” he begs, lowering himself over you. “I can leave the island now, but I don't want to go, not without you.” He wraps his arms around your body, hugging you close to him in a suffocating embrace. “Please come with me, I don’t want to be alone anymore.”
Despite everything, you feel sorry for him as he shakes against you.
No, no, no! He’s the same man who tried to betray Seokjin. What would he have done to Jimin if he had succeeded? What is he going to do to you? You press against his shoulders, trying to push him off of you. Taehyung covers your lips with his own, lessening your resolve.
His lips work a different kind of magic, he presses his tongue inside your mouth, runs it over your own, tilting his head and deepening the kiss. You grip his shoulders, unsure whether to push him away or closer. He kisses you for so long you wonder how he hasn’t broken away to take a breath, you wonder why you don’t have the need to either.
You gasp when Taehyung decides to move lower down your body, his lips licking across your neck. By now, he’s made sure to keep you locked to him, holding onto both your wrists so you can’t push against him. Even when he shifts his digits and intertwines your fingers, he keeps his weight heavy on you.
“It’s not fair, I can only have you in my dreams like this,” he chuckles against your skin. “Please be with me. Together we can explore the whole world, do whatever we want.” Taehyung was so excited to see all the new technology you had described to him during your long visits. He wants to experience it all with you.
You take in a ragged breath, suppressing a moan every time he sucks and rolls his tongue over your skin. “Promise me you won’t hurt them.”
“I promise.”
You don’t believe him.
You can’t believe him.
It feels like a lie, it all feels like a lie.
“Where are you?”
“In a cave.”
“There are thousands of caves on the island, do you know where?”
“I d-don’t know.”
It’s true you don't know, but there are words you could use to describe the cave. You could tell Taehyung how you got there, about Yoongi’s magical door. But you bite those words down, hiding the whole truth.
“Don’t worry, I’ll find you.” He rests his forehead against yours, runs his thumb over your kiss bitten lips. He can't wait to have you, to mark you, to make you like him.
You touch the necklace dangling from Taehyung’s neck, and he rips your hand away, gripping your wrist so tightly you can feel the pressure in your bones.
Fear trickles down your spine and catches in your throat once you realize how entangled you are to him, how easily he could hurt you if he wanted to. The Taehyung you knew had been so unthreatening, like a lonely puppy tied to a tree, only wanting attention.
The shackles took away any threatening aura, you only ever felt safe with him, you hadn't yet known what he was capable of...
Taehyung feels your heart beat jumping against his lips. “You’re scared of me, why?” he frowns. “Have I ever given you a reason to believe I would ever hurt you? Jimin hurt you, Seokjin hurt you,” he adds.
You swallow, unable to answer him. He’s right.
“If you hated Seokjin so much...why did you want to become like him?”
Taehyung holds you loosely now, smiling softly. “You know...Namjoon, Hoseok, Jungkook, their powers slow their aging, but one day, they’re going to grow old, they’re going to grow weak. They’re going to die,” he hums.
“T-That’s no excuse-”
“Sometimes we have to lose everything to gain everything.”
“Is that what you told Jimin before you took everything from him?!”
“Seokjin’s affliction really did rub off on you. What will you say when you make him remember and he still wants to rip your throat out?”
You swallow, silenced by his words.
“Tell me where you are so I can protect you,” he presses his lips upon the column of your neck tenderly.
“T-The cave-”
“Yes?” Taehyung runs his tongue along your throat, enjoying the way you tremble against him.
“-a d-door-”
His hands knead your side, up your body, gripping your mounds, caressing your suppleness.
“A door? Invite me in then, sweetheart.”
Your fingers tangle his hair, pulling him closer to you. Then run down his neck, slipping under his necklace.
You yank the gold chain, screaming.
“You’re awake,” Jungkook says happily. You’re lying nestled in between bodies, warm in the otherwise cold and dark cave. “Are y-you okay?”
You close your eyes, calming down, shaking your head, worried your words won’t be your own.
Namjoon holds your hand, “Y/n, can you tell us anything about what happened to the watch I gave you?”
Your hand cups your neck, where Seokjin’s bite is now healed over. “T-Taehyung, he said he would ‘fix’ the watch for me. He must have, because...it must have been, three months ago? I found that red amulet, it was from Seokjin’s shop, it appeared in my hand and then I heard Taehyung’s voice in my head, and…and I-I had no control...” You remember it clearly now, “The watch took me back in time and broke as soon as I used it.”
You look down at your hands. “But I still had the one I hadn’t used yet, from this time…” you say, absentmindedly touching your collarbone out of reflex. “When the explosion happened, I-I don’t know, I-I lost them.” Namjoon inspects your neck, gently adjusting the torn fabric of your dress.
He looks over his shoulder, where the merman lazily swims in the cave pool. “Yoongi?” he asks. 
“The stronger the magic, the more uncontrollable it becomes. If Taehyung’s attack hit her...and the watch…anything could be possible.”
“What do you mean?” you ask.
“Does that human brain of yours not work at all anymore?” Hoseok complains, sitting at the top of your head, looking down at you with crossed arms. “The watch’s magic, it’s inside you.”
“...what,” you ask horrified. You trace the scars across your chest, running up your clavicle and around your neck.
“You were trying to protect yourself from Taehyung,” Yoongi says knowingly. “You took us forward in time.”
Yoongi had noticed the stronger tides, looked up at the moon, and realized the phase had shifted 4 days ahead.
But how could that be? Then when he mentioned it to the others, they all realized…
“I-I can’t control it.”
“And we’re not even sure what it does to her when she uses it,” Hoseok says, concerned, thinking the worst. There is no telling what will happen to you in the end, are you losing hours off your life? Days? 
“Where’s Jimin?”
“Cooling off, taking a late night swim.” Seokjin sighs. “Dove, what happened between you and Jimin in this future of yours that makes you think he will be so cooperative?”
It felt wrong, telling his story, intimate memories that he didn’t even have the chance to see yet. “His past…”
“You know his whole past?” Hoseok asks. You nod. “And you trust him? After everything you know?”
“You don’t know what he’s been through! Taehyung-”
“They worked together to betray us all,” Hoseok scoffed.
You shake your head. “Taehyung knew Jimin before he knew you, Hoseok.” You’ve seen enough of their memories together to see how protective Hoseok had been over Taehyung. But the secrets Jimin and Taehyung had kept weren’t even knowledgeable to Jimin anymore.
“Did you know about this?” Hoseok turns to his pack leader. 
He shakes his head no, “They acted like strangers. Did you know?” Namjoon turns to Seokjin.
“He didn’t speak much of his childhood, even when he was human.” Seokjin hums, “The few memories of his childhood I pulled did not have any indication they knew each other. They had only become close after Jimin was turned.”
“No, they were always close.” you say, sure of yourself. “I can’t prove it, yet, but I don’t think what happened was an accident,” you look at Hoseok. “It wasn’t your fault you lost control, Hoseok.”
Hoseok's eyes start to shine in the shadows of the cave as tears well up. “No,” he says in disbelief. It was his fault. He turned Taehyung into a beast like him, and he’s never forgiven himself because of it.
He shakes his head, unable to let your words really hit him.
“Well, we can only learn the whole truth from Jimin himself. Help me this time, please?”
Jimin returns later than usual, right before sunrise, his mind no less at ease.
“Well, it almost worked last time.” 
Has Seokjin been drinking from you this whole time?! Jimin scoffs, settling himself away from you and the others. 
Seokjin does it messily, letting the blood drip down your shoulder, covering your chest in the red liquid.
You let a soft whimper escape your lips, moaning. Seokjin’s hand moves from your hip to resting between your legs
“Are you going to be doing that all day?!” Jimin barks, his words echoing in the small cave.
“You haven’t drank in a while, brother. Come drink.” Jimin swallows hard, smelling your blood, the sweet iron scent fills the cave. He remembers the previous time loop, the taste of your blood still a strong memory. It never happened, he hasn’t really tasted you, yet that’s now all he can think about. He remembers it distantly like a dream. Or rather a nightmare, how can you possibly be this annoying to him without even trying? Jimin silently seethes as his throat becomes itchier and drier.
Jimin looks over at the wolves, who seem to be minding their own business. There is no way they are not affected by this...lewd display! He narrows his eyes on Hoseok, the jealous one, who sits crossed-legged and crossed-arms, eyes closed and jaw clenched.
“You’re joking?”
“No, I saw them do it before with other girls,” you mutter, unable to meet Hoseok's eyes, “in Seokjin’s memories.”
Jungkook rests his head against the pack leader’s shoulder, shaking his legs to a song in his head he is using to distract himself, and Namjoon acts completely unaffected. Jimin scoffs, Namjoon sure has the best poker face, but Jimin knows this is bothering the pack. They probably finally figured out they’re weaker ones amongst them, Jimin thinks.
“Well if you won’t, then I will.” Namjoon speaks up.
Namjoon pulls your leg, pulling you closer to him as he crawls over you. His strong hands press your legs open so he can settle in between them.
“You know my kind bites too. We don’t do it to suck blood, our bite is different. But, I wouldn’t mind eating you up,” Namjoon teases, his deep voice even deeper in his gruffness.
You know this is just an act, but your heart escalates at the thought, remembering the younger werewolf acting so brazenly. Devious suits Namjoon so well, the roughness in his nature is so attractive.
Jimin grits his teeth at such a revolting thought.
“You’re just going to let him put his filthy paws all over her? You’re going to hand her over just like that?”
“I haven’t let her go.” Seokjin caresses your temples, smearing blood across your face. “We used to do this all the time. I’ve gotten used to Namjoon’s scent.”
Jimin looks away, looking for the merman, someone else he can yell at.
“Joon, wait. Jimin, did you want to drink from me instead?”
“No thanks,” Jimin hisses.
You look back at Namjoon. Seokjin lifts your hand to his mouth, biting down on the fleshy part of your palm. It hurts, he is usually better at making the pain feel pleasurable, but his objective isn’t your pleasure, it’s to cause maximum blood flow, to make you cry out in pain, knowing your whimpers will entice Jimin the most.
Namjoon’s lets his teeth scrape across your thigh. “Shh little Dove.” He uses the pet name Seokjin gave you. “Don’t cry, I’ll make you sing.”
It’s so hot in this goddamn cave. The smell of everyone’s arousal is assaulting, inescapable.
“My turn next,” Hoseok calls out.
“I’m going to mark her as my mate,” Jungkook growls, eyes darkened at the sight of you writhing in pleasure and pain.
Jimin has had it. He has had to endure being in their company for this long, but now the dogs want to defile what is his? Yes, you are his and Seokjin’s! They paid fairly for you, you would be dead if it were not for them. You are theirs! You are his. And you are the only human left on this damned island, Jimin had searched all night for any signs of life to no avail.
“I’m going to rip out your teeth,” Jimin threatens lowly.
“Did you say something?” Hoseok says flippantly.
“You don’t think I know what you’re all doing?”
You look between yourselves in silence.
“You’re just giving up! Taehyung really turned you into a bunch of cowardly dogs. You’re just gonna stay in this cave like a bunch of animals in heat while Taehyung does god knows what!?”
You continue to look between yourselves in silence.
He points at you. “She said if I bit her, we could stop Taehyung!” He yanks you to your feet so hard you feel the whiplash in your bones. “Isn’t that right? SO WHY ARE YOU WASTING YOUR PRECIOUS TIME WITH THEM?!” Jimin yells so loud his words echo over and over again.
You blink. “You’re right, Jimin.”
Jimin moves behind you, tilting your head. He licks the old blood off your shoulder, suppressing a groan at the taste. “If this doesn’t work-” he growls.
“It will.”
“Then I wont stop until it does.” All your blood will be Jimin’s one way or another.
He licks his lips before sinking his teeth into the column of your neck.
Just like that, you and Jimin revisit his bedroom, a memory you both shared, your past and his future had Taehyung’s plan not have worked.
Jimin roars, pulling away. Your body spasms with too much blood loss. Jimin looks down, your blood covering his body, his pants undone. How is he in bed with you? He was just in the merman’s cave, drinking your blood.
No, he is in the merman’s cave. This is a memory.
Jimin remembers. 
He gently turns your body over. Your breathing is ragged, strained, your eyes try to focus on the vampire above you.
Now you remember, it was the first time Jimin looked at you without hatred in his eyes. Tearing the flesh from his arm, he puts the wound over your mouth and you drink until your body relaxes. Then cautiously, Jimin lowers himself over you again, ready to see more.
Jin steps closer, followed by the rest of the men. 
Was Jimin still drinking from you?
Neither of you made any movement.
You both fell to your knees with Jimin’s fangs deep in your neck, your eyes glazed over and out of focus. 
“What happened?” Namjoon whispers to the eldest vampire. He wasn’t quite sure, neither of you were responsive, both lost in your heads. 
“Little Dove?”
I am so excited to write some backstory finally!!! Are you excited for the next chapter?
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jealousmartini · 5 months
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∘₊ ✧───────────────────✧₊∘
MKB [initally called MaKe Believe] is a 5 member KPOP girl group that debuted around 2014-2015 under the company of JYP with their winning album : 5ALIVE! and their most popular songs Superstitious, Greedy hearts and What's more?. Adored for their GIRL-CRUSH aesthetic and catchy choruses that is presented in a film cinematographic manner that tells a story through the visuals as well as the lyrics in the genres POP, EDM CITY-POP, fans around the world can't help but feel entranced by the music and the lore that is made along the way.
∘₊ ✧───────────────────✧₊∘
She can sing? She can dance?? She can rap???
Date of dr : 2015 02 04
Stage name : rochie (pronounced roe-she)
Most commonly called : keisha/keesha
Birth name : "CR name" keisha rochela banks
Spanish name : audriana rochela banks
Nicknames : rochie, roe, keesh, audrey
Fanbase nicknames : lol doll, jazz hands, dimples, glasses, curly fries
Date of birth : June 20th 1997
Zodiac sign : gemini-cancer cusp
Height : 5"7½
Ethnicity : half puerto rican, half korean
Languages : spanish, korean, english, japanese, portuguese
Group positions : main rapper, lead/main dancer, main singer, visuals, maknae
Representative animal : red panda / bunny
Representative colour : orange
Representative fruit : also an orange
Fanbase name : charmings !
Training period : 10 months
Company : JYP
Keisha is a witty and ambitious idol who's personality shines brightly through her snappy and energetic choreography, while also showing a raw and passionate side of her through her singing and rapping. She is praised for a her precision, accuracy and emotion by her manager and JYP himself as well as from other Idols.
She is known for occasionally appearing in other k-groups lives either heard in the background or directly in view, rambling about something and coming to say hi to their fanbase. Charmings are shocked to see how close she is to TWICE and BTS in particular, making them wonder how long she has known both groups before she officially became an Idol, and what their relationships are like off camera
She's known for having a pet bunny called Tiffany, Tiff for short. Tiffany often makes appearances in her own lives. Tiffany is very cute and is loved by the fanbase
She is an artist. She tends to draw a lot and can see having piles of stuffed notebooks of drawings in her room. She's too shy to show her art but there was a screenshot of her accidentally leaving one of her notebooks open showing a double page section filled with well drawn sketches of recognised idols. Some from BTS some from TWICE.
She is a spanish black person. This makes her stand out from all other idols. But when she made her first appearance onto a game show, Black fans and Spanish fans of kpop had basically gone crazy seeing a black Idol speak their language for the first time and the number of Charmings doubled, if not tripled.
She is known for being so fucking painfully honest about everything it's funny. She's basically voluntarily called herself out on multiple occasions. Like when she admitted that she likes both man boobs and woman boobs (she's bi) or when she brain vomits her thoughts onto her tumblr page (yes she is in fact a tumblr girly), thinking no one would've seen her viral post that read "namjoon thinks I'm a bad influence on army cus of how vocal i am as if they didnt already want be crushed by his beefy arms before I admitted I did. They just get me (i joke btw.. kinda)" that she had deleted the second she posted it, but of course it got screenshoted and reposted onto twitter☠️
She is older than Jungkook by 4 months
She is close friends with NAYEON, Sana, Chaeyoung, YOONGI, JIMIN, JUNGKOOK, Namjoon, J-hope, TAEHYUNG, Jin, BANGCHAN, Felix, Hyunjin and YUNA
No one knows this yet but she has a crush on 4 of the idols listed and 2 of the highlighted names are part of the four, the other 2 are not
Red Panda is her animal representative because there was a video circulating of her dressed up as a mascot for her highschool as a red panda
She is an excellent cook and loves to cook for her members and her idol friends
She is the 2nd most shipped with trainee in MKB before she even became an Idol. She is now the first most shipped idol in MKB.
She is a genuine ARMY herself lmao😭😭 way too many times has she been caught singing a bts song when on camera
Tags! : @livingmydreamlife5555 @cocozydiaries @theshifterbear @4ellieluv
Side note💌 : she's so silly guys. I hope no one suspects me having a crush on any of the idols in my dr.. — 🍊💭
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cosmicalily · 8 months
my japanese kpop-stan mother gives kpop idols roles in her life (if she knew them) - SKZ, BTS, TXT and ENHYPEN
tagging @thevampywolf since she loves my mother and her iconic content (and my mum loves her too, they're like the same person at times welp)
my mum and dad are currently beefing about seungmin and jeongin bc both of them like to annoy each other so vote here on opinions and to hear the full story since it's fun
chris - "my client." (for context, she's a psychologist, and she likes to assess kpop idols for fun)
minho - "he would have been my boyfriend, but i wouldn't marry him, because we're too similar, and we'd have too many cats and be a bit crazy."
changbin - "my workout buddy." (they're both gym rats)
hyunjin - "a popular boy in high school that i did a group assignment with."
jisung - "my best friend." (she thinks he's funny)
felix - "i probably would've had a crush on him when i was junior high school."
seungmin - "a guy i hated in high school." (mum's very minho coded, and so she'd probably beef with him the way minho does, so sorta affectionately)
jeongin - "my son in law." (she wants me to marry him, like she straight up told me she won't let me marry any other boy.)
yeonjun - "the nephew of a twin i didn't know i had." (she's getting a little too creative with these and this one made me snort)
soobin - "son in law."
beomgyu - "my best friend." (i'm actually scared of the chaos that would ensue)
taehyun - "school captain that i hated." (she actually loves taehyun and seungmin, but she thinks she wouldn't get on with them when she was young since she was very sassy and probably would clash personalities or get annoyed lmao)
huening kai - "my son." (he's her child in her opinion, and he reminds her of my little brother so she sees him as a son)
heeseung - "he would've been my boyfriend in high school." (duolingo has another person to battle here, although she says she wouldn't marry him or minho, because she's already married to my dad, which is cute lmao)
jay - "classmate in uni."
jake - "my neighbour's son who i didn't hang out with much." (i swear she's thought about these answers before sjgdhs)
sunghoon - "classmate."
sunoo - "my little brother." (this was cute, she has a very soft spot for him and i can see her protecting him and also fighting with him since they're both sassy)
jungwon - "a kid i made cry in primary school." (i'm literally WHEEZING)
niki - "my son." (he's a japanese boy, so of course he's close to her heart.)
jin - "the rich neighbour's son i hated." (the way she's beefing with so many idols i'm CRYING)
yoongi - "my friend in high school." (they'd get along well, i can see that)
namjoon - "a weird guy in my university class who liked making friends and tried to talk to me too much." (THE DETAIL HELP)
hoseok - "my best friend." (she once dreamt about him working in a theme park as one of those dress up characters lmao. him, gyu and hannie and her would be a chaotic and unstoppable team)
jimin - "my gay friend." (i asked her why she thought this, and she said he reminds her of me, and since i'm bi, she just decided that was the defining factor)
taehyung - "my brother." (she loves him, his music and his dog, he's her bias and i think he belongs in the 'has a soft spot for' category with jeongin, sunoo, huening kai, soobin and niki)
jungkook - "a kid who had a crush on me in junior high school." (i asked her if she liked him back, and she said even if she did, she would avoid him, since he'd be annoying. i think her reference for this was the seven music video and since then her view's been tainted)
my mother is such an icon for this welp, she was just like "you know let me give skz roles in my life," and then it turned into this
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Lost in the lights: Chapter 1
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Pairing: OT7 x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.7K
Status: Ongoing
Summary: Idol!BTS falls for spoiled brat reader who’s just looking for some fun! Can all 7 of them win her heart and make her theres and theres alone?
Genre:  Idol! BTS social media/sociallite reader. Modern day. No covid
Status: Ongoing
Content warnings: Light smut, swearing, BTS are men and sometimes men are dumb as hell. That B!tch reader. Bi-sexual reader Mild angst. Swearing, lots of casual sex. possesive (?) bts. Unlikely to be member on member action but never say never. 18 PLUS MINORS DNI
You were intoxicating.
Moving through the VIP section of the exclusive club like you didn’t have a care in the world. Laughing in each section as men reached for your hand to kiss it and woman after woman pulled you in for hugs and selfies.
And towards the very back was Jung Kook and Hoseok. They had a rare night off and wanted to blow off some steam. They should be on the dance floor or throwing back drinks. But there they sat the drinks in front of them long forgotten with their eyes glued to you. Jung Kook whispered something to Hoseok who nodded and turned away for a second to whisper back before shamelessly gluing his eyes back to you
You knew they were there. Even over the sound of the music and everyone vying for your attention, you could feel their eyes on you. Quite frankly famous men staring at you was nothing new and while both of the men devouring you with their eyes were considerably good looking you were technically working so you had no plans of stopping by.
Imagine your surprise when a large man slides you a hotel key and a napkin with an address written on it. You look around and lock eyes with Jung Kook and he raises his glass to you before taking a sip holding your stare. You briefly glance from him to Hoseok who let you know with a slight nod exactly what he wanted, what they both did. And honestly what the hell, you only live once right?
And that’s what you told yourself as you stepped out of your black Lexus SUV and handed your keys to the waiting valet at the hotel written down on the napkin. That’s what you told yourself when you used the hotel key they gave you and found them waiting for you in bed already dressed down to  loungewear
And you were so glad you let yourself indulge in the men that wanted you whenever you wanted. Because after a few flirtatious remarks, Jung Kook took you by the neck and started kissing you like a man on a mission. Hoseok wasn’t far behind pressing up against you and kissing down your neck and running his hands up your thighs until they were under your skirt and pressed against your warm pussy making you moan into Jung Kook’s mouth.
It wasn’t long before you three were in bed together absolutely ravishing each other. They made you feel incredibly good, to the point where you wondered if your body could recover from the over stimulation. And afterwards, they cuddled you as you three giggled together. And maybe they weren’t so bad and they both made you laugh. Maybe Jung Kook was genuinely curious about your work and maybe Hoseok’s smile was infectious and when you fell asleep next to them you didn’t mind being squished between them, you felt comfortable. 
And you didn’t stop seeing them or sleeping with them. That one night stand turned into weekly hook ups which turned into you hanging out around the other members more. And thank God Jung Kook and Hoseok weren’t possessive because not only were you insatiable in bed but the other members were just as enthralled as Jung Kook and Hoseok had been.
It was maybe thirty minutes into a heated debate about the merits of abstract art over classic art before namjoon was pulling you from where you sat on the couch into his lap and kissing you to shut you up. He had fucked you that night covering your mouth so the other members wouldn’t hear how good he was making you feel. He loved watching you fall apart underneath him and was thrilled when you cuddled into him and played quietly on your phone while he read next to you. His heart sank a little when you had to leave the next day but that didn’t stop him from texting you every day after about all the little things that popped into his mind. He was worried you would find him annoying but you didn’t, you responded back thoughtfully and playfully and you loved having someone to geek out about art with.
You met Jimin after a play time with Jung Kook went a little too long and a little too loud. Jimin didn’t care who Jung Kook fucked but he was interrupting his sleep. So at two in the morning after a particularly loud moan from one of you, he didnt care who, he barged in hoping to tell you both to shut the fuck up. What he didn’t expect was his best friend half-naked and sweaty on his knees with a makeshift gag in his mouth looking up at you with so much pleasure in his eyes he barely registered Jimin opening the door. Meanwhile, you sat at the edge of the bed in a white lingerie set petting his head, and smiled as if this was a totally normal circumstance at the man who had just barged him.
“Hi” Your light voice floated to him. “What’s your name?” you asked while petting Jung Kook’s head and patting your legs so he can rest his head on your lap. Your fingers lightly gazed his chin and he visibly relaxed closing his eyes. Jimin took in the scene in front of him with a slightly clenched jaw. Who were you that you didn’t even seem to have  even gotten completely naked and had managed to render his friend speechless? He ignored you asking what his name was and crossed his arms to glare at you. “Could you all shut the fuck up in here? Some of us are trying to sleep”
You blinked at him your mouth falling open a little while you continued to thread your hands through Jung Kook’s hair, the youngest boy burying his face in your lap at the sensation.
“I’m sorry” you sincerely apologized. “I’m y/n by the way” You cocked your head at him and pouted out your bottom lip hoping to look innocent and loveable. You tried to hide your smirk as you saw him visibly relax, his hands unclenching at the sincerity of your apology
“It’s fine” he huffed looking around kind of unsure what to do with himself now that he had barged in and you had apologized without a fight.
“Umm” He trailed off as you held his gaze your hand never leaving his friends head, Jung Kook’s breathing steadying out to suggest he was drifting off to sleep in your lap.
“I’m Jimin” he whispered and you let a smile grace your face before repeating your name. He nodded again before backing towards the door never looking away from your eyes except right before he was out to fully drink in the way you continued to provide aftercare to his friend and when he closed the door he wondered if he could make you feel the way you clearly had made Jung Kook feel.
He kept thinking about it for five days straight before he ran into you unceremoniously at a coffee shop.
He offered to pay for your order and it was an hour of laughing and working to out-flirt each other before he was taking you in the back of his car. And he was right you looked pretty on your knees swallowing him down. You looked gorgeous riding on him and this time he didn’t mind how loud you were being. And after making you come apart on top of him he couldn’t allow himself to pretend like you were just a random fuck.  And as for you, you liked how Jimin was soft and rough at the same time. How he commanded you to cum for him but wrapped his arms around you and peppered you with kisses as if he loved you all of his life. So when he put his number in your phone without you knowing and face-timed you later just to see what you were up to, you didn’t mind.
And so it went with all of them, you got to know each of the members, and one by one they fell for your charms.  
You were enjoying sleeping with all of them but you also enjoyed your freedom. You liked being able to come and go as you please and you enjoyed your space. And while they enjoyed your body, god did they enjoy your body, the personality that accompanied it was enticing and they wanted more and more as they got to know you.
When you weren’t around they all secretly lurked on your Instagram. They all felt crazy rewatching your stories to catch glimpses of you kissing super models on your close friends, going out on dates with other guys, and lounging in various vacation spots.They wanted to spend all their free time with you and you didn’t seem to care at all. And it wasn’t that you didn’t care, you liked them all and you enjoyed their company. But you didn’t want a boyfriend, much less seven and you told them as such, over and over again.  Time after time you let them know how you felt
In between a make-out session that got so steamy that Taehyung was begging you to move in, in the middle of it.
When you were leaving early in the morning from Yoongi’s bed and he trapped you between his arms and the door with a kiss muttering into your neck that he didn’t want you to leave.
When Jin was making you cum for the third time that night and letitng you know that you were fucking his.
Your response was some variance of the same thing. You’d kiss them back or rub your hand affectionately across their arm, or chest, or neck, truly wherever you knew they were weakest, and flash that perfect smile at them before smoothly slipping through their grasp
“Don’t be silly baby”
“Aww i’ll miss you too but I have to go”
“Please just fuck me oh my god”
And they were silly and they did miss you and they didn’t stop making you fall apart for each and every single one of them, but they didn’t have you. 
It was kind of driving them nuts.  
And that’s the end of this chapter! If you liked it let me know in the comments or in the asks! Like this post if you want more! I’ll post when I can :) !
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Jeon Jungkook/Jung Hoseok | J-Hope
blood orange by seokabunny *
“We should’ve held you off from it longer, huh? You got to it so early. Everyone else had to wait.” Hoseok’s voice is buzzing warm and sweet in his ear. “Taehyung and Jimin were twenty-three. Jin-hyung was twenty-seven for his first time.” Jungkook’s drooling, slack-mouthed over the hinge of Hoseok’s shoulder. He can smell the dried sweat all over his pretty, tanned skin. “Hyuuung—” “You were twenty-one, baby. None of the others got it that young.”
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM
baby by feraljk *
Jungkook wanted Namjoon to be his leader for life—not just on stage, not just at work, not just anything. Every day, every hour, every minute, he wanted Namjoon to be his sun.
begotten by macabre
Jeongguk was ready to start his family. With or without the man of his dreams.
soft skin, soft eyes by babiestbat *
Yoongi hums, tilting his head. “I bet Jungkook would be up for it,” he considers, swirling the rest of his whiskey around in his glass. “He’s really into being eaten out.” Namjoon’s glass slips out of his hand. Thankfully, he’s sitting on the floor, and the glass just bounces a little before settling. “What?” he says. Yoongi laughs brightly, gums on display. “Aish, don’t look at me like that. He likes it a lot! And you know he thinks you’re hot,” he goes on. (Namjoon does not know that, and he feels faint at the thought.) “He’s already seen you at your worst, you could sneeze into him and I’m pretty sure he’d just laugh it off. He’s a perfect first, too. He likes just about everything.” *** Namjoon's never eaten someone out. Yoongi knows the perfect candidate.
Jeon Jungkook/Min Yoongi | Suga
HGU by sseoltangie (WIP) *
Disaster strikes and as a consequence, Jungkook lands himself in prison. But he's tough—all he has to do is survive the next months. At least that's what he thinks. Until he becomes the cellmate of attempted murder convict Yoongi.
Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin
Come feed the rain by vminkookminv
Jungkook gets teased by his classmates a lot for being a pissbaby. Jimin finds out why.
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon | RM
Lost in the Lights by mangust_d
Alphas around the world are losing their knots due to a mysterious illness. Hoseok convinces Namjoon to try one last thing before he succumbs to a sad, knotless life: visiting an alphas-only club.
Kim Namjoon | RM/Min Yoongi | Suga
Divine and Raw by anon1792 *
It starts, as these things are wont to, with an offhand comment.  Yoongi, in Namjoon’s old don’t be a prick cactus sweatshirt from an adolescent trip to the US with its stretched loose wrist-holes pushed up to reveal his pink elbows, half asleep and half scrolling through his phone while Namjoon works on his dissertation, mumbles, “If you get tested tomorrow, I’ll let you raw me.” Namjoon stumbles and slams his chin so hard into the coffee table, he sees stars.
If Nice Guys Finish Last, Meet Me in the Back by NinjasWearSneakers *
Namjoon has been secretly in love with his best friend Yoongi for years, so he’s familiar with the pain of watching him date other people. Now, Yoongi is getting married, and Namjoon is his best man, so he’s been trying very hard to prepare himself for the pain of that whole ordeal. However, something much more painful happens instead, leaving Namjoon to try to help Yoongi pick up the pieces.
Just Got the Taste For It by deepslowpanic *
“Maybe that guy just wasn’t your type, Namjoon,” Yoongi says after a few moments of quiet, That could be true. The guy was cute, but he wasn’t exactly what Namjoon thinks he’s looking for. Though he’s not entirely sure what that is, not sure about his type, or quite how to figure it out. “Thanks, hyung.” “Of course,” Yoongi says. “I’m here to guide you on your baby bi journey. I’m like your spiritual guide.” Namjoon snorts. “To what?” “The prostate, obviously.” -OR- Newly out as bisexual, Namjoon is trying to figure out his type and exactly what he’s looking for. But every interaction with his (kind, patient, pretty) roommate pushes Namjoon closer to thinking he might already know…
whoopsie daisy, never knew that was your boo, baby by rayfelle *
Not knowing how to respond to this sudden possible courting situation, Seokjin shuffles away to continue his shopping. Was it a courting gift? Seokjin has never met the human man, but it’s not like that matters much to wolves. Do humans operate the same way? But the human offered him food, which points towards courtship. Once back home Seokjin tries to google his questions, like his coworkers often recommend he does. Google, sadly, does not help at all. (or: a human starts courting Seokjin in the middle of a supermarket - he is determined to do his very best in return while Yoongi has no idea what he has just started)
Garden of Eden by sseoltangie
"But how can we…" Yoongi continued, whispering, scared to burst the bubble, scared Namjoon would leave as soon as he’d spoken the words. “When we’re both omegas.”
Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga
driving getaway by silklace
“I’m not upset.” Seokjin nods. “I can tell by the way your face is all red. And blotchy.”
is this love? by sweetbubble3
four months after breaking up, yoongi logs into his and jin’s stardew valley co-op farm only to find that jin has been playing without him.
love you snow much by caprikoya *
Seokjin stomps into the chalet and shucks off his coat and boots at the door, cheeks and nose burning with the cold. When he throws open the door to the bedroom, Yoongi sits up from where he’s still cocooned in the duvet on the bed. “Did you win?” He asks, blinking blearily at Seokjin with his eyes still puffy from sleep. Seokjin doesn’t answer, because Yoongi knows that solo snowboarding is not a sport that you can win at, and is just being a little shit. Seokjin’s heart swells– he’d missed Yoongi having the energy to be annoying. To show his affection, he climbs onto the bed and sticks his freezing hands down the back of Yoongi’s shirt. Yoongi shrieks like some kind of bird of prey, and then promptly bites Seokjin on the arm. -or- After a long busy period at work keeps them away from each other, Seokjin and Yoongi take a vacation.
SEALed With a Kiss by deepslowpanic (WIP) *
“We’re mates,” Yoongi says simply. “We’re married now, you put my coat around me. Now you’re my husband.” “I -” Seokjin cuts himself off. He feels insane, all of this is insane. It doesn’t make sense, there’s no way Seokjin is suddenly married to a - a - seal? “That’s not how human marriage works,” Seokjin says finally, voice cracking a little. “You can’t just say we’re married.” “Why not?” Yoongi does not seem deterred at all. “That doesn’t matter. Humans are stupid anyway. But you’re hot and you smell nice. You’ll be a good mate. With your broad shoulders, your swimming abilities must be admirable. And you can fish, a provider.” He nods, as if this is all settled. “So you’re my husband.” -OR- Burned out from work, famous YouTube chef Seokjin heads to winter-quiet Jeju to escape for a while. His only goals are to relax, and try to find his spark again. When he rescues a naked man on the beach, Seokjin couldn’t have predicted what he was in for. But an accidentally acquired husband in the form of soft, impish selkie Yoongi might be just what Seokjin needs.
Big things come in small packages by teamkimseokjin (closetfairy) *
Seokjin discovers a new kink when he sees Yoongi rubbing his little round belly after a big meal. Okay, so maybe it's a little more than just a kink..
somebody does love (but i'm thinking `bout min yoongi) by missandrogyny *
One thing that Seokjin’s learned after knowing Yoongi for so long is that if he doesn’t want to talk about it, he really doesn’t want to talk about it, and he’ll do anything and everything to dodge the conversation. It’s why it’s so frustrating to deal with him sometimes; he never wants to talk about things, and if Seokjin’s being honest, he too doesn’t want to talk about things, which means that it’s highly possible for the both of them to just exist beautifully in Not-Talking-About-Things harmony. Hoseok and Namjoon have told them repeatedly that it isn’t healthy or mature for them to be acting like this, which is why Seokjin, being the older one, is out here trying his best. But Yoongi is stubborn on good days and a downright pain in the ass on bad ones, and after three more times shooting down Seokjin’s attempts to talk about it, Seokjin decides to do what any self-respecting man would: He talks to his girlfriend about it. (Or: College AU where Yoongi writes an unhinged pining song, and Seokjin just can't get it out of his head.)
Kim Taehyung | V/Min Yoongi | Suga
i wish you would by lessisabore
alone in his mountain cave, a dragon pines for his human ex-boyfriend
OT7 - Relationship
count on me by yeoboluvr
scoring highly on the submissive rating was supposed to guarantee a life of being dommed and pampered. for jungkook, it meant suppressing his instincts, fighting his body, and hiding from his hyungs.
Echoless City by mangust_d (WIP) *
On the same fateful night, Yoongi goes missing during a covert operation, and an injured hybrid is found fleeing from his handlers. Compassion is a luxury afforded to few, but who could resist a bunny in distress? OR: The story of how Seokjin tried to carry the entire world on his broad shoulders and failed miserably.
wisteria by feraljk (WIP) *
Hoseok had gone through four foster packs in the past twenty-two months, and, with two months before he would be sent away for good, he was being given to a fifth. He tried his best to not go soft when he knew it would all be taken away, but even a feral omega latches on to the feeling of home.
Lost Under the Moonlight by ArianneMaya (WIP) *
After being accused of something he didn’t do, Jimin discovers he’s a wolf shifter and is put into the Shifter Reintegration Program. On paper, the program is intended to give ‘unconscious shifters’ in the carceral system a chance at a better, healthier life. In practice, for an unpresented omega like Jimin, it means being handed over to a pack who wants to bitch him. No matter what the program entails, the Bangtan pack wants a new packmate, not a slave. And after running his whole life, Jimin might just find somewhere to call home. That is if he can bring himself to trust them.
dwell by macabre (WIP) *
The pit was the worst prison alphas could be sent to. It was a place to die with no hope, no dreams, no sun. Just a pit so deep in the earth it might as well be hell. Then, an omega is sent down as a prisoner. For the first time ever. Into an ecosystem already designed to eat itself alive.
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM/Min Yoongi | Suga
daffodils by feraljk (WIP)
Some submissives could live by themselves, could take care of their own spacing and dropping and eating and everything else, but Jungkook - he wasn’t like that. He was weak, his family had always told him so. And now, breaking down in front of a strange dom in a bathroom while he was at work, he’d proved them right.
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga
You Really Float My Boat by deepslowpanic
“Hoseok-ah? Yoongi whips his head to the side, staring at his husband in confusion. “What?” “Hi, Seokjin hyung,” Hoseok says, voice sweet as honey. “Hi, Yoongi hyung.” “Hello Seok-ah,” Yoongi rasps. When he turns his head, Seokjin is staring at him. “You know Hoseok?” Seokjin asks. Yoongi nods. “I know Hoseok.” he blinks. “You know Hoseok?” Seokjin nods back. Huh. “Wow!” Hoseok gasps, clapping his hands together. “This is so strange! Who would have thought my ex-boyfriends would have ended up married?” -OR- When Yoongi agrees to go on a cruise with his husband, he doesn’t expect to run into his ex-boyfriend. And he definitely doesn’t expect to find out Seokjin dated him too. Shared memories bring up forgotten feelings, and maybe a vacation is the perfect time to let loose.
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin
only two people by silklace *
Jimin looks up at him. That is, Jimin looks over him. All over him. When his gaze lands on Hoseok’s face, his expression stretches into something annoyed even with all that heat in his looking. “What.” “C’mon.” Jimin swallows. “Come shower with me, baby.” Jimin scratches at the back of his neck. He’s still gripping his phone in his other hand. “Yoonji know you call me that?” It’s not really a question though, not when Jimin knows the answer.
Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin
can't look away by eron_less
When Namjoon video calls the guy he's been seeing late one night, he's not expecting to find the guy's best friend in bed with him. Turns out, he's kind of into it.
(* Personal favorites)    
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mooniekive · 11 months
Slow Burn | six [final] (preview & link)
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Pairing: min yoongi x reader 
AU: neighbors!au | producer!yooongi and teacher reader | they both identify as bi, and reader is aspec (grey-sexual/demi-romantic)
Genre: slow burn, kind of slice of life | fluff, smut
Word Count: 663 words (preview) | 14k (chapter)
Warnings: preview is safe, but in chapter you will find smut - oral m/f receiving, and penetrative sex. A lot of time jumps, sorry if it's annoying.
When one of your best friends and neighbors moves in with his partner, you’re surprised to have a quiet (and attractive) man move in next door. His protective nature intrigues you, and his looks pull you in with a magnetism so unfamiliar to you.
Min Yoongi is so used to being on his own that when he moves into a new place, and into an existing little found family, he’s forced out of his little box. He has no other choice but to finally allow himself to want. To want what he always desired — a place and people to comfortably exist with. 
Preview under cut, or read on ao3
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It’s past 10pm when you reach for the phone ringing on the bedside table. You were under the assumption that you’d find the clock striking midnight and the screen showing February 25, but to your surprise you have not slept longer than it feels you have. You groggily accept Yoongi’s call, and past the sleep still fogging your brain there’s the beginning of some nervous fear seeping through trying to reach your consciousness. 
“Oppa?” you ask, doing your best to sit up on the bed. Bokshil chirps annoyed from all the movement and sound you make, so he stands from his curled position by your feet and jumps down to head to his tree and curl up again. 
“Shit, did I wake you sweetheart?” 
He sounds exhausted, so you start pulling the covers off you, embracing the cold that meets your body as you try to sit up. 
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it, I slept earlier than I thought I would. What’s wrong?” Usually during wintertime you tend to sleep pretty early on Fridays, like the exhaustion of the week piles up until your body practically drags you to bed. 
Yoongi sighs and you can hear the uncertainty in that shaky breath, worry seeping more into you as you stand and step into slippers. “I’m sorry, but can you come over, please?” 
It’s not unusual for Yoongi to call you late at night to catch up, he’s been spending a lot of time in the studio and gets home pretty late. He’s been preparing for his second album, which will have some choreography that has him working for longer hours to prepare for it. He also started having shoulder pains because of said choreography so you often just come over to help massage some lotion onto it and sleep beside him, even if you have to leave early the next day for work. It’s been difficult to see each other for longer than a few hours awake lately. 
This, however, feels different. He sounds antsy. 
“Are you okay, is it your shoulder?” 
“No, no, not that… I mean, it does hurt a little, but it’s not that. Just come over, please, baby.” 
“I’m almost there,” you insist just as you quietly step out of the apartment so as not to wake Namjoon and Jeongguk. Namjoon has been spending a lot of time over at the apartment, which you don’t mind. On the contrary, you welcome having your friend over so often, but it does make you even more aware when you make noise that perhaps Jeongguk is used to, but he isn’t yet.   
“Thank you,” he says almost like a sigh, then hangs up. 
You’re not sure what to expect when you submit the code to the boys’ apartment. The place is quiet, with Taehyung away on some ambassador work for a brand in Europe.  You do miss the sounds of Taehyung watching an old movie or listening to music late into the night from his bedroom, and you hope he returns home safely soon. There’s some light guiding you to Yoongi’s room as it seeps into the hallway from the door frame.
Yoongi is pacing in his room when you enter. His hair is slightly damp and he wears one of his usual sleepwear outfits — black shirt and pajama pants. Clearly he was getting ready for bed but whatever is going on in his head isn’t allowing him to relax. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask as you step in and close the door behind you. 
Yoongi’s worried expression softens when he sees you. He stops pacing and walks over to you. His embrace is strong and warm, and it almost knocks the air out of you. He smells of his shampoo and that perfume with a hint of citrus that lingers in his skin and has become part of his natural scent. 
“I needed to see you,” he whispers just beside your ear. “We should talk, and I couldn’t wait until tomorrow.”
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continue here
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ganggangscenarios · 1 year
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No Such Thing | Ch 8
01 | 02| 03| 04| 05| 06 |07| 08 |09
I can & I will
Neighbours know my name
Summary: angst!! Things are getting dark
Warnings: This chapter heavily features emotional abuse
Jungkook had convinced you to join him and his friends for their usual bi-monthly brunch. He wanted you to meet all of his friends, you were the live of his life and the mother of his unborn child. He wanted to show you anthem that you were permanent thing in his life. 
At first you were reluctant, worried that they wouldn’t accept you, considering you were just some girl that he had accidentally impregnated and that they were all friends with Hyejin. They had only known Jungkook and Hyejin together, you heard the stories of group trips and fun nights in bars. And now you were parasite trying to work your way into their close knit group.
Jungkook held your hand as guided you into the restaurant. He spotted his friends from across the room and made his way through the crowded restaurant, with you in tow. 
“Hey guys, sorry we’re late, it was hard to find a parking space.” He says, as he greets his friends. The guys standing up to give him a brief hug, the ladies sitting in there seats as Jungkook’s presses a kiss on each of their cheeks. 
You awkwardly wave from behind him. Ever the gentleman, he pulls out your chair and waits for you to sit down before pushing you in. He takes his place at the table next to you.
“So what do you do for work?” The question came flying from your left side, leaving the dark haired woman’s glossy lips like a bullet.
Jungkook wraps his arm around you, furrowing his eyebrows his friend.
“We just sat down, shouldn’t we order first? Gotta make sure that mama and baby are fed.” He says in a joking manner trying to brighten the heavy mood that fallen upon the table.
You squirm in your seat as you feel all the eyes around the table fall on to your growing bump.
Instinctively, you cover your stomach with your hands.
“Yeah, how could we forget?” Another woman retorts, sarcastically.
The only friendly faces that you could see were Namjoon’s and his lovely girlfriend, as they offered you sympathetic smiles from the opposite end of the table.
The whole table completes their order and engages in small talk as you wait for the food to arrive. Once the food arrives, the small talk continues as you all eat. You enjoy seeing Jungkook around his friends, you didn’t want him ti isolate himself because of you, you knew he out a lot of energy and effort into your relationship. You laugh as Jungkook and Jin bicker. The men of the group were more welcoming than the women. You could understand, they were friends with Hyejin, who was more than convinced that you had stolen two men from her. It was more than understandable that they weren’t the biggest fans of you.
But sitting at the table with them made you feel like you were back in high school, like you were friends with one of the popular kids who invited you to sit at their table at lunch. In this case, the popular kid being your boyfriend. And the rest of their friends didn’t make you feel welcome, trying to exclude you every time you spoke. Giving their answers to the rest of the group, instead of you who posed a topic in the first place.
As the meal went on, it was getting harder and harder to be understanding, it was increasingly harder to not let your feelings get hurt. You were doing a pretty good job at keeping your emotions hidden until the leader of the girls beckoned a waiter over.
“Would you mind taking picture of us?” She hands him her phone.
She quickly asks the waiter to hold off, she slowly looks at you, fake smile already plastered on her perfectly painted face.
“Would you mind standing on the side?  I just want a picture with my friends, plus we don’t know how long you’ll be in Jungkook’s life, or our lives, so…” She trails off.
You take a sharp breath in, the remark deeply wounding you. Before Jungkook could get his arms around you or say anything in response, you excused yourself to the bathroom. Tears threatening to fall down your cheeks, you quickly walk into the ladies bathroom and let a few tears out.
It too everything in you to come back out, but you thought about Jungkook, you were doing this for him. You knew that if you spent anymore time hauled up in the bathroom, he would come to get you.
Wiping your tears, taking a deep breath, you head over to the table. You stop in your tracks as you hear the conversation increase in volume, each of the women at the table firing retorts at Jungkook.
“Its true! You and Hyejin always do this, break up, only to get back together a month later. So it’s true, we don’t know how long she’ll be here.”
Jungkook looks at his ‘friends’ in disbelief.
“Well, I’m your friend and when I tell you that I love this woman and I want to spend the rest of my life with her, you’re suppose to believe me.”
He looks at Namjoon and Stephanie for support.
“We do believe you.” They say in unison, offering looks of sympathy.
You edge closer to the table, but don’t quite make it.
“Well we booked our ski trip earlier this year, and Hyejin is coming. No matter how much you claim to be in love with her, we won’t change our minds. We don’t want add a overly sensitive crybaby and a literal baby to our group trips.” She looks at you, eyes resting on your bump, a sly smile resting on her lips.
The whole table falls silent as you run to grab your bag and rush out the restaurant, ignoring Jungkook as he calls out after you.
Standing on the curb outside the establishment, you attempt to order a taxi.
The door of the restaurant swings open and Jungkook is at your side, pulling you into his chest. You let go and cry into his shirt.
“I’m so sorry about them. But please believe me when I say that I love you and I am never ever going to leave you unless you want me to. And even then, I will never leave with a fight. I will never get back in that toxic relationship with my ex. You are my right now and future, my forever.” 
He hugs you tightly, slightly rocking you in his arms, making you feel like more of the crybaby you were accused of being.
But despite everything, you believe him, you had gone through too much emotional turmoil with him to give up now. You sniffle and pull back from the hug, quickly pecking his lips.
“It’s okay Jungkook. Just go and talk to them. Nothing is changing with us. I love you and sure, I’m hurt by their words but I have other things to be focusing on. This baby. You. Us. I’m gonna call a taxi and head home. Come over when you’re done. I’ll call you as soon as I get home. ” You kiss his cheek and push him the direction of the door. 
“Wait, come here.” He turns around and pulls you into him, kissing you gently, wrapping his arms around you.
You smile and hug him back tightly.
“You’re amazing.” He whispers into your ear.
You giggle.
“Those girls are her friends not mine, its okay.” You pull away.
He kisses you deeply before going back into the restaurant.
You try to order a taxi, to no avail. You press the call button over and over to only be rejected by every driver. You sigh and open the map to locate your nearest bus stop. 
Suddenly you hear the rumble of an engine. You look up to see a car pull up in front of you. Wearingly, you back away from the curb. The window of the car slowly comes down and you met with the sight of your ex-boyfriend.
“Where are you heading?” He shouts from his window.
You ignore him.
“I honestly regret the way things ended between us. I hope we can be friends at least. Let me give you a ride.” He gestures towards the passenger side.
He seemed sincere, there was no reason for him to lie, right? It had been months since you two had broken up. Weeks since he found out that the baby wasn’t his, after assuming it was. He didn’t seem angry when you told him, he nodded and bid you a quiet farewell. There was non animosity between the two of you, plus no taxis where accepting you as a ride on the app. So u=it would be convenient to get in the car.
“Thank you.” You say before getting into the car, placing your bag on your lap.
You feel his eyes on you as you shut the door and buckle your seat belt. You slowly turn your head towards him and offer him an awkward smile. He returns an smile back, but it does quite reach his eyes. Then you take time to look at his eyes. Really look at his eyes. They were tired, heavy with bags and dark circles. The whites of his eyes tangled with red vines, as if he hadn’t slept in days, or as if he had been crying. You were second guessing your decision to get in the car. A part of you wanted to ask about his wellbeing, but as soon as he notices your hesitance, he rips his gaze away from yours and starts the car. He pulls away from the curb.
As the car moves steadily down the road, you pull out your phone to send a text to Jungkook.
You: I bumped into Mark and he’s giving me a ride home.
I’ll call you when I get in. 
You watch as the blue line at the top of the screen struggle to meet the other side. A glaring red exclamation point appears next to the blue bubble. Without too much thought, you press the exclamation point once more and lock your phone, your eyes now focusing on the road.
Looking around, you realise that you were headed in the wrong direction. Glancing at Mark , you see him driving with such determination. Unlocking your phone once more.
Um… Mark, you missed the exit. I live that way, remember?” You look at him as he focuses on the road. 
You tap the bright red exclamation mark next to the unsent message to Jungkook. Glancing to the top of your screen you see that you didn’t have any signal. 
As you read the words of your message over and over again, the less you were believing them. 
“I’m not taking you home. You’re not safe there.” 
You look at him in shock, hardly believing the words that came so easily out of his mouth. It was as if you were really seeing him for the first time since getting in the car. Your eyes trail over his body, hunched over in the driver’s seat, hands tightly gripping the wheel. His usually perfectly styled hair was messy. He was dressed in a suit, one that he would wear to work. But it was Sunday. It was crumpled like he had been wearing it since Friday. His tie was loose, the pointed end resting in his lap. He didn’t smell like alcohol, he hadn’t been drinking. But his eyes were heavy with dark bags. The lack of sleep was painted all over his face like a picture hung up in an gallery, titled ‘Insomnia’. 
“W-what do you mean?” You splutter, fingers tightly wound around your phone. Your arms, holding your bag, that was placed on your lap, closer to your body. Once again, you frantically press the glaring red exclamation mark that taunted you. Once again, it failed to send. Biting back tears, you take a deep breath.
“Mark.” You say, looking at him.
He doesn’t turn to look at you, he keeps his eyes on the road, occasionally, shifting his glare from the wing mirrors to the rearview mirror. 
“It’s not safe.” He starts.
“Your house is not safe for you or the baby. He could find you there. Make you cry again. You know stress is not good for the baby.” He takes one hand off the steering wheel to run it through his tangled locks.
“It’s not good, it not good at all. It could make you miscarry. We don’t want that.” 
You feel the car come to a stop, as it stops at a red light.
“You’re scaring me.” You say, eying the door, assessing your means for escape.
Mark ignores your comment, sighing, he turns on the radio.
The gentle acoustic music plays throughout the car, loud enough to drown out the sounds of your heavy breathing but not loud enough to drown out the sounds of the buzzing traffic that surrounded the car.
“Do you remember this song?” Mark asks, a slight smile resting on his now noticeably dry lips. 
You shake your head and reply quietly. 
He chuckles.
“This song was playing when I broke up with you. You turned on some shitty radio station as you got ready for our date. You almost didn’t hear me when I told you that I didn’t want to be with you anymore.” He pauses, you could almost see the memory playing back in his head.
Your heart feels like its going to burst out of your chest, the way it was beating. You could hear the sound of it beating loudly in your ears, if it beat any faster, it would drown out the sound of rumbling engine.
“Most breakups are sad and nothing good comes of them, but not ours.”
He takes one hand off of the steering wheel and rests it on your slightly protruding stomach.
“This baby. Your newly found maturity. Our breakup did this. Our time apart gave you space to get ready for our new life. You were looking for houses with him, right? I saw you two near my g-grandma’s house. At the realtors office. You must’ve gotten family insurance too right?”
You freeze as he caresses your bump through the sheer material of your dress.
“I broke up with you because I thought that you weren’t ready for this. Ready for life, you weren’t mature enough. Especially with those little friends of yours.” He sighs deeply, hand still on your belly.
He continues,
“All you needed was a little push. You were more than ready. You already had the qualities of a good mother. You’re so caring. You lied to me that day, telling me that this baby, our baby wasn’t mine. So sweet. Not wanting me to worry.” He takes his hand away from your bump, only to move it up to your cheek, stroking your cheek and then tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
The light turns green. Turning away from you he steps on the gas. Too frightened to confront him, scream at him, tell him that your baby wasn’t his, that there was no way it could be his. You were happy it wasn’t, happier that it was Jungkook’s. You were happy he broke up with you, because you met someone amazing. Someone who you wanted to be next to at the moment. But you needed to protect yourself,  to protect your baby.
Jungkook sat back in his seat and angrily reprimanded his ‘friends’. He got increasingly angry as his ex’s friends casually sipped wine as they told him that they meant everything they said. Only his friends seemed apologetic and regretful. 
He lengthy discussion about boundaries and how he was going to need sometime to rethink who he called his friends. Telling them, if he had to pick between them and you, he would pick you every time.
He looked at his phone, expecting to see a text or to see your caller id on his screen, but there were no notifications from you. 20 minutes had passed, you should’ve been home by now.
Jungkook had called your phone more than 30 times, but no answer. He had called Sara to see if she had heard from you but she hadn’t. His ‘friends’ watched as he panicked and contacted everyone he could think of. Your work friends, your gym buddies, to no avail. Namjoon tried his best to calm him down, only to be brushed off. Jungkook snaps.
“I never want to see or talk to any of you guys again after today. I’ve always been supportive of you no matter what. Do you think all of us liked all of you initially? We all gave each other a chance. You didn’t even like Hyejin at first.  And she was didn’t even try to meet you guys. But the one time I bring someone I truly care about. Who I want to spend the rest of my life with. The woman who is carrying my child. I-She didn’t even do or say anything. You just don’t want to change your vacation plans. Well good news. You don’t have to. “ he rants as he scrolls through his contacts. A number he hadn’t thought about since that shoddy double date all those months ago.
Last resort. 
Sorry for the delay and that its a short chapter, but I hope you enjoy!
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jeonqkooks · 2 years
congrats, jen! can i request namjoon + “how mad would you be if i kissed you?” for your blogiversary event? <3
feather light | knj
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pairing: namjoon x reader
rating: G
genre/warnings: strangers to lovers, fluff, barely any angst unless you count aerophobia as angst?, unedited bc that should be its own warning lol
word count: 1.1k
note: thank you so much for sending in a request!! it's been a while, i know, apologies for the delay!! for some reason i've always wanted to write a drabble where namjoon is a stranger on a plane hahahha i'm glad i was able to incorporate that idea into this request!! i hope you enjoy it heheh ☺️
— as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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If you’re being honest, you don’t recall much of February 24.
You remember boarding the plane, and finding your seat, and fastening your seatbelt, and gnawing on your bottom lip like chewing gum throughout the pilot’s announcement. It was a relatively short flight, only two hours from your city to the island where your friend’s wedding took place that weekend. Usually, you can handle short flights just fine. You just needed to take your meds beforehand and you’d be good to go.
Except, you’d forgotten them at the hotel, on the counter in the bathroom, before you headed for the airport.
Looking back now, was it divine intervention?
Maybe. The universe works in mysterious ways. You’ll never know for sure.
Then, as you internally freaked out in seat 17A, you just knew that life absolutely sucked. Your own brain was feeding you the most terrible thoughts and painting the most gruesome scenarios of all the things that could go wrong over the next two hours. 
It was great - truly amazing - that you only had your brain for company and nothing to distract you.
You hated every aspect of flying, but takeoff and landing might have to the parts you despised the most. When the plane rumbled to life and began to slowly move on the runway, your hands immediately slapped down on the armrests and held onto them for dear life. You remember squeezing your eyes shut and not even daring to take a breath, as if one exhale could send you and all the other passengers to the nether world.
You remember staying completely still for five whole minutes, until the plane settled into a smooth rhythm and glided through the clouds with ease.
You remember taking an experimental breath, but then something warm moved underneath your right palm and you almost screeched in horror.
You remember opening your eyes to find yourself clutching the hand of the person sitting in the seat next to yours. The events of that day may not be very clear in your mind, but the absolute mortification you felt in that moment still sometimes resurfaces to the front of your brain.
You remember scrambling to apologize for holding his hand hostage and not even realizing it. You remember watching him smile amusedly and reassuring you that it was fine. You remember his soothing voice as he told you that his little sister was scared of flying too, “It’s all good.”
You remember the dimples and the kind eyes that calmed your storm for a split second.
Maybe that’s the real reason why you don’t remember February 24 all that well.
Maybe it was something that you only read in books and watched in movies: Love, at first sight.
You remember your hands getting clammy and he mistook it for your fear rearing its ugly head again. He started talking, no doubt to help distract you from the fact that you were thousands and thousands of feet in the air.
Admittedly, you couldn’t really focus on what he was saying, just that he was telling you how he was getting back from a trip with his friends. Something about being an art collector, something about vitamin B powder…
You don’t even know what you replied to his questions and stories, if you even responded at all or if you just sat there, listening but not really listening.
The task of trying not to make an even bigger fool of yourself in front of this beautiful stranger got you through the better part of the dreadful two hours, until the very end.
When the plane shook, only once and it was just very light turbulence, but that was enough for you to spiral again.
Curse the meds that were probably thrown away by housekeeping at that point, and curse you for leaving them behind.
You were back to square one, even though there were only twenty minutes left to endure. Your hands gripped whatever they could find as a means to ground yourself, and it just so happened that his hands were nearby.
You remember his long and delicate fingers wrapping around your sweaty ones, holding your hand back.
You remember him telling you that everything was fine, that you were almost home.
“In and out. 1… 2… 3…”
“That’s it… It’s almost over.”
You remember his warmth not leaving your palm until the plane landed, and the other passengers started getting their luggage from the overhead storage.
When you made it back onto solid ground and inside the safety of the airport, you thanked him for putting up with you the past couple of hours. He said he was glad that he could help, and you asked for his name then, shyly.
“Namjoon,” he answered with a dashing smile. “I told you on the plane.”
You remember flushing with embarrassment once again.
You walked together outside, then stopped to stand in silence as each of you ordered your own Uber.
Yours arrived first, and Namjoon helped you put your suitcase in the trunk of the car.
Sure, you might not remember much of what happened on February 24, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that you’re sitting here, in the waiting lounge of that same airport three and a half years later. This time, you remember to bring your meds, but nevertheless, your leg still bounces in anticipation of the flight you’ll be boarding soon. Until his hand lands on your knee to soothe your nerves, and his voice is clear in your ears.
“Stop that,” he chuckles. “You’re making my seat vibrate.”
You shoot him a glare and your best pout. “I can’t believe you’re making me fly on our anniversary. I should be so mad at you.”
He laughs then, gentle hand moving from your knee to interlace your fingers, diluting this “anger” of yours that’s already as non-existent as it is.
“How mad would you be if I told you that we can do whatever we want for the next five stress-free days? Fancy hotel spas, lounging by the pool all day, dinners right on the beach… I even called your boss and asked for two more days off if you want to stay longer.”
You bite the inside of your cheek to keep from smiling, but he sees right through you. “Still very mad.”
He narrows his eyes playfully, squeezing your hand because he knows he’s already forgiven. “And how mad would you be if I kissed you? My kisses always make you feel better, mhmm?”
You remember that feeling you had on February 24, when you saw him smile for the first time.
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— all rights reserved © jeonqkooks. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 11.03.2023]
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borathae · 2 years
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↳ Index [Snippet #34 - Creampies & Fishnets]
"When you breed Jungkook in fishnets."
Pairing: Tattooist!Jungkook x Restaurant Owner!Reader
Genre: Porn haha, some domestic Fluff in the beginning
Warnings: bratty sub!Jungkook who turns good boy in the end, hard dom!Reader, sadism & masochism, degradation (she calls him slut, whore, bitch, cumhole), praise (she calls him good boy, her baby & puppy too), rough pegging, Jungkook is so vocal omfg, he loves talking back to get a lil punishment :), dirty talk, leather kink, tattoo & piercing kink, Jungkook wears make up and has his nails painted 🥴, he wears fishnets, primal play (she chases him & he has to escape), slight strength kink, huge squirting dildos, spanking, flogging, CBT, hair pulling, handjobs, rimjob, lube, anal fingering, use of glass anal toys, buttplugs, some nipple play, he has sensitive pierced nipples, orgasm torture, edging & forced orgasm, prostate milking, cumming untouched, multiple orgasms (m.receiving), subby boy!tears, Jungkook is such a size king, breeding with so much fake cum, creampies, the fluffiest aftercare!!, they love each other so much :(
Wordcount: 11.4k
a/n: at this point I'm just incredibly bi for both of them. I also wanna state that I have zero tattoos, but this couple makes me wanna get some hahaha. I also want to state that this stems from my horniest desires, this is pure jerk off porn holy fuck. I have to take a walk now, have fun besties 🏃🏻‍♀️🧡
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"Ah fuck, I messed up again. Stop moving so much", you grumble at him, reaching for the cotton swap.
"I'm not moving", Jungkook defends himself, watching as you soak the cotton with the nail polish remover to fix the mistake you made on his ring finger. 
"Yeah, you are. Each time you sing, you move your hand", you murmur, working precisely to clean around the edges of his polished nail.
Deep black with a glossy finish. It compliments his tattoos spanning all the way from his fingers up to his shoulder blades. 
"Oh? Now I'm not even allowed to sing?" Jungkook laughs.
"Not until I'm done."
He clicks his tongue, "mean."
"It's just one more nail babe, you'll manage."
You are sitting on the living room floor, having turned your coffee table into your makeshift nail art studio. The bluetooth speakers, which Jungkook installed throughout the house, are playing your favourite getting-ready-playlist, lifting your mood by a hundred.
Jimin and Yoongi asked the entire gang to come to a leather party in the neighboring town's most popular kink club and of course you and your husband agreed instantly. Leather was entirely your thing. Mix that with a chance to see your friends, an opportunity to dress up and an excuse to get out your prettiest gear and you two are at the front of the queue. Hoseok and Tashyung promised to pick you up on their way and told Seokjin that he can drive with them too. Jimin and Yoongi will pick up Namjoon later, who currently celebrates his well-deserved single life. The group chat has been busy the entire day and excitement for the party was grande.
"Jungkook!" you exclaim.
"What I do?" he gasps, widening his eyes in an innocent way (he knows that he isn’t innocent, but loves to act as if he was).
"Dancing isn’t better, you doofus", you complain, wiping off the huge plop of polish you left on his pinky finger. 
"You gotta tell me that", he says, earning himself a roll of your eyes. 
"I sometimes can’t believe you", you murmur, "there, all done." 
Jungkook pulls his hands from the table, examining them with his fingers stretched out. You close the polish in the meantime.
"Wow", he says, voice slightly pitched in honest awe, "they look so beautiful", he lowers his hands, "thank you so much, my love. I love them so much."
He wanted to reach for you and kiss you, but you flinched back.
"Careful, you'll ruin them. You gotta let them dry."
He sacks his shoulders, pouting so incredibly sadly. 
"But kissies", he murmurs.
You lean forward and smooch his lips. 
"Ye", he says with the goofiest grin ever. 
You pinch his chin and stand up.
"Imma make a pre party snack now. I'm too old to drink on an empty stomach. Want something too?"
"Yes, please."
You and Jungkook thankfully started early enough with your preparations to feel no ounce of stress right now. Quite frankly, your entire day was planned out with party preparations. A good workout in the morning to make your bodies really pop (Jungkook’s words not yours). Then after a shower and hair wash, Jungkook painted your nails a dark black and while you let it dry, made breakfast. If one was worrying. Bam was staying with your parents tonight. Jungkook and you drove him to them after your nails dried, staying for a glass of orange juice fresh from the oranges of their tree. Your parents have really been making an effort ever since you moved back home and while the start was a little rocky, you really love that spending time with them feels like it did when you were a child again. They loved Jungkook as if he was their own son and loved Bam as if he was their grandson, having agreed to watch your little puppy without hesitation. After coming home from your parents and some free time, which you spent cleaning the house because you both love coming home to a clean house after a night out, you painted Jungkook’s nails, now preparing both of you a quick late afternoon snack.
"I hope you like toast. I thought some carbs are the perfect base", you tell him, already munching on your buttered toast.
"I love it, thank you baby", Jungkook says, opening his mouth so you could feed it to him.
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You clean up the kitchen and your impromptu nail salon after finishing your snacks. By the time you finished, Jungkook’s nails have already dried enough that he can safely handle things. 
You find him in your bedroom, looking through the closet. 
"What's your vision?" you ask him.
"I'm thinking slutty husband", he says, making you snort. 
"You wanna identify as a husband?" 
He looks over his shoulder, studying you from head to toe 
"Yeah? Why?" 
You shrug your shoulders, "just thought you'd go with something like slutty biker who gets his dick wet each night." 
"Ooh I like the way you think, that does sound like me. What's your vision, babe?"
You join him by the closet, opening the drawer with your leather gear. 
"I was thinking super hot leather babe with great tits."
Jungkook chuckles, "that does sound like you", he mumbles mindlessly, flicking through his leather pants collection in search of that one distinct pair. It sits the lowest it can get and emphasises his ass and crotch maddeningly well whilst showing off his happy trail. Jungkook pulls it out of the drawer, taking a pair of tightly knotted fishnets with them. Black of course. 
He throws them both on the bed and then moves on to picking out the perfect shirt. There are three options for him. A leather chest harness which accentuates his muscles, a fishnet turtleneck and a body tight crop top without sleeves. He shows you all three options, posing in his briefs and white toe socks, which for some reason he pulled up all the way. 
"Crop top, no doubt", you tell him, "that shirt with those pants? Honey, you’re gonna get fucked tonight", you say.
"Message received, crop top it is", he says, putting the other clothes away again, "now jewellery. Imma change my piercings too. Need the ones you can see through the shirt. And my ears too? I think yeah", he is talking to himself and so you stop listening to concentrate on your own outfit instead. 
You decide to go with leather pants as well, combining them with a black mesh crop top that really shows off all the tattoos you have collected over the years with Jungkook. You really love showing them off, because most of them your husband did and you are so proud of all his work. 
"Two more hours babe, Imma start doing my makeup", you let him know on your way to the bathroom.
Jungkook, who is in the middle of changing out his nipple piercings, looks up.
"Okay, thanks for telling me the time", he says, returning to his task.
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He joins you in the bathroom ten minutes later. 
"Piercings successfully changed?" you ask him.
"Yup. Watcha think?"
He exchanged his silver eyebrow piercing for a black steel one, matching his earrings as well. His lip ring he kept intact, but he exchanged his barbell nipple piercings for heavy rings so they would really show up under the shirt. 
"You look so good. Shit, I forgot how sexy those rings look", you say, eyes lingering on his chest 
"Yeah right?" he rubs his hands under them, "I'm not used to how heavy they are. My nips are gonna be hypersensitive, I'm telling you."
"Hot, can’t wait to play with them", you tease, ignoring the longing gaze he sends your way to instead finish applying your skin care. 
"You're gonna give me a boner if you keep talking like that", he whines, cracking you up.
"Sorry boo, I’ll tone it down."
"No, no continue I like it", he assures you and opens his cabinet to finally begin prepping his face as well. 
With thirty minutes to spare before Hoseok arrives, both of you finally finish your make-up looks. You went for smokey eyes and glossy lips. Jungkook went for a smudged eye look and red tainted lips. You both also went for sparkly highlighter, which you helped apply for each other. 
It gives you just enough time to finish your looks until they were both perfect and you looked like two sexgods (Jungkook’s words not yours). You also somehow matched without actually initially planning to. But even if you hadn’t matched, people would have known you two belong together. There was just something in your energy and vibe that showed that you two were an inseparable team. 
You insisted on snapping a few pictures in front of the mirror and Jungkook agreed passionately. So you spent the entire remaining ten minutes taking photos, dancing to your favourite songs and almost making out atop the bed. 
You probably would have ended up making out, if Hoseok hadn’t rang your phone, informing you that they were there. You then grabbed your money and finally left for the night. 
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"You guys look so hot what the hell?" Hoseok greets you, looking like a leather god himself in his harness and tight pants.
"You look hot too, like damn" you tell him, "you too Tae, you look like a slut."
"Well thank you, that was my plan. I wanna get fucked tonight", he says, showing off his legs in the tiniest booty shorts known to mankind and a lowcut shirt over which he threw on a jacket.
You pick up Seokjin at his house, complimenting him on his scorchingly hot leather look. Longarm shirt and pants. It fit his shoulders so well. And then you are cruising down the coastline with loud music blasting in the radio and the mood being amazing. 
You meet the rest of your gang in front of the club. Jimin decided to not wear a shirt at all while Yoongi went for a leather vest with a newsboy hat look. Namjoon chose leather pants and a jacket, having mousse in his hair.
"Whore you look amazing", you greet Jimin.
"Bitch you don’t talk, you are such a slut", Jimin greets you, taking you into a tight hug, "I'd fuck you if I were straight."
"Well thank you", you laugh, breaking out of the hug to greet the others with a hug as well.
"You look so hot Joon. I see someone’s trying to get over that bitch", you say.
"Yeah, totally. She was the biggest mistake in my life, no joke", Namjoon says, "gotta make sure to replace those memories with actual good ones. I mean, she couldn’t even fuck for shit."
"I never liked her", Yoongi says.
"Me neither, I thought her breath always stank. I could even smell it through pictures", Taehyung agrees.
"Yeah totally", Hoseok says, nodding his head.
"You're better off single", Seokjin says.
"Totally", Jungkook nods his head.
No, the break up was not recently. His ex just turned out to be complete and utter human garbage. He deserves to hate and you are all ready to support him like the family you were.
"I hope you get laid tonight, hun", you say, patting Namjoon's arm before stepping back and tugging Jungkook close to you by his exposed waist, "you ready to party?"
"So ready, let's go", Seokjin says.
"Are you gonna end up sitting in a corner and playing mobile games again?" Jimin asks him teasingly, slinging an arm around him.
"No? What the hell? I never do that?" Seokjin complains with red ears, which means he was very much planning on doing so. And he will, but he will assure you that he was having a great time with little waves and smiles at the rest of you as you were grinding on the dance floor. 
Namjoon will also be very successful in his task of getting laid, having to leave the party early with a beautiful woman by his side. 
Taehyung will be successful too, except that he won't be leaving the party but will engage in it in the VIP area just up the stairs. 
"They’re all having so much fun", Jungkook rasps against your neck. He is as close as the situation allows, lipstick smeared and eyeshadow smudged even more. His eyelids are heavy in sex, his hair is soaked in sweat. 
"Whatcha mean?" you ask him. You have your head rested against his chest, enjoying the electrifying feeling of having Jungkook’s strong hands on your hips as his tattooed arms are slung around you from behind.
"I can see Tae give it doggy from here", Jungkook rasps, "I wanna fucking rail you doggy too", he adds with his parted lips pressed against your ear.
You grind back into him, moaning needily. The music drowns out everything either way. Besides, nobody would care if you fucked right here and there, you wouldn’t be the only ones. 
"Seokjin’s having fun too, look", Jungkook speaks.
He is talking to someone, sharing drinks.
"What do you think they're talking about?"
"Maybe how hard your cock is?" 
Jungkook chuckles deeply, "fuck baby", he growls playfully, dragging his nose up and down the side of your neck, "you're so fucking sexy, can't help it."
You turn, hooking your arms behind his neck. Jungkook pulls your hips snug against his instantly. Next to you, Yoongi is currently fighting off Jimin slipping his hand down his pants.
"I need you so bad." and "not here, I’m shy", you hear something along that line and then the music drowns them out again.
Jungkook looks so fucking sexy under those lights. Reds and pinks and purples, all hazy because of the smoke and distorted by the people around you. 
It compliments Jungkook’s skin so well.
"I'm so fucking obsessed with you", you say, gripping his face harshly just so you can kiss.
Jungkook moans lewdly, biting down on your lower lip playfully. It makes you hiss and pull back just enough that you can stare at him. He is smirking. 
"I need you like crazy", he rasps.
You move closer, lips brushing against his', "and I wanna breed you like an animal."
Jungkook widens his eyes in genuine surprise.
"Damn babe", another genuine reaction.
"I'm serious, I want you bent over, ass bred and mind complacent."
"Shit baby, what the hell?" Jungkook laughs, squeezing your hips, "what's gotten into you?"
"You. Also, I drank a shot of tequila with Hobi when you were gone taking a piss."
Jungkook sneaks a glance at the latter, who is currently busy chatting up a very obvious leather daddy. He shifts his eyes back to you, gulping at how heavy they look in arousal.
"Wanna call a cab and dip?"
After saying your goodbyes to everyone except Taehyung as he was busy otherwise, you and Jungkook manage to snatch a cab back home.
You spent the entire ride home groping Jungkook’s body and slathering his neck in needy kisses. You also spent an unhealthy amount of fumbling with the hem of his fishnets which he pulled up his waist far enough so that it would peek out of his pants and accentuate his happy trail even more.
"I wanna rip that off of you", you whisper into his ear, "it's driving me crazy."
You try to slip your hand inside, needing nothing more than to play with his hair.
"Babe wait", Jungkook stops you in a quiet chuckle, "the cab driver."
You sneak a glance at the driver, dropping your head on Jungkook’s shoulder with a defeated groan.
Your manners last two minutes and then you start fumbling again, tracing Jungkook’s abs. His skin feels so sticky from dancing, now ice cold from being exposed in the fresh air for too long. But every touch you leave, returns some of that heat, riling Jungkook up even if he doesn’t let it show for the sake of the cab driver. 
"I wanna play your body like it's my favourite game", you rasp against his neck, "hear me? I won’t stop until I'm a pro at it." 
Jungkook tilts his head, kissing your forehead, "of course baby", he says lovingly.
He almost moans when you abandon his abs to instead rub his nipples over his terribly thin shirt. Not that the thickness of the fabric would have any difference. Just like Jungkook figured, the big rings made his nipples hypersensitive. Your messy, yet incredibly good touch goes straight to his cock. Everything stopping his cock from ripping through the seams, is Jungkook’s hand on it, squeezing it as tightly as possible to stop the blood flow.
"We're not alone", he whispers shakily, forcing his body to stay still.
"I need your nips in my mouth, baby", you rasp, "all swollen and hard from having to carry those big rings. I need them against my tongue."
Jungkook exhales shakily, "fucking shit", he whispers under his breath, tilting his hear back for a second to gain control again. He lifts it.
"Sorry Sir, but how long still?" he asks the cab driver.
"Five minutes Sir", he answers him and turns the music back up again.
"Okay, thank you", Jungkook turns to you, "five minutes, please baby."
"I can't wait any longer, I need you", you say, trying to slip your hand under his shirt. 
Jungkook grabs your wrist and pins it against his tummy.
"Five minutes, please", he says sternly.
"So uncool", you murmur, gazing at his lips. 
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The cab driver lets you out in front of your house, driving off quickly.
You turn to Jungkook now that you are alone, gripping him by his dainty waist to pull him close.
"Babe wait", Jungkook stumbles with a laugh, finding support on your shoulders.
"Shut up and kiss me", you hiss, pulling him into a passionate kiss. 
"Mhmbaby", he murmurs, almost falling over his own feet as you not only kiss him like crazy, you also push him closer to your front door, guiding the way without looking. It is a dangerous game you're playing, but you can’t stop.
All night long, you had to watch Jungkook dance and laugh and sing. All night long, you had to stare at his scorchingly hot legs in those tight leather pants and his well-groomed bush and that dainty waist of his' hugged by fishnets. All night long, you had to look at his messy makeup and feel his painted fingernails swirl over your skin and you have had enough. You need him like lungs need air and fins need water. 
The kiss breaks because looking for the keys is impossible. Jungkook fumbles with them, trying and failing to flee from you grinding yourself into him.
"Give me a minute baby, I can’t open the door like that", he chuckles.
"Hurry up, will you?"
"I'm trying. It’s hard when you’re humping me."
The door clicks and opens.
You rip it open for him and seconds later push him inside just so you can kick the door closed behind you and pin Jungkook against the dresser in your hallway. 
"Wait you-" he gets silenced by your lips, mewling into the sloppy kiss instead while you bend his body over that uncomfortable dresser. 
You have your knee between his legs, rubbing his cock and balls with such vigour he wonders if you want him to completely crumble here and now. 
"Ah please", he moans breathily, knees buckling and fingers gripping your thigh, "give me a minute to take off my boots."
You give him a growl as an answer, stepping back. You take off your own shoes in the meantime, discarding them in the middle of the walkway because you can’t be bothered to waste time.
Jungkook uses the opportunity to flee out of the entryway, getting chased by you all the way to your hallway leading upstairs. 
You grab his waist.
"Wait", he squeaks in a shy chuckle, squirming in your hold.
You twirl him.
"Baby wait", he laughs.
"What?" you ask, "why are you acting like that?" 
"Why are you acting like that?" 
"Because you- urgh" you press him against the railing harshly, knocking a needy moan out of him, "you fucking annoy the living shit outta me. How dare you flaunt your slutty little waist and your whore thighs all night long. You are such a slut, you fucking anger me", you growl, feeling him up hungrily.
"Jesus fucking Christ", Jungkook gasps, eyes comically big, "you're crazy."
"Yeah, crazy for you. I want you on my strap. Now."
"Okay, okay wait", Jungkook laughs, fighting off your hands trying to open his pants, "wait a minute, wait."
"Jungkook please", you whine, falling against him in a defeated manner, "pleasee let me fuck you open. Please I'm begging you, I need to fuck you. That’s all I need." 
Jungkook chuckles, "I didn’t say no, just give me a minute."
"No minutes, I need you now", you say, trying to kiss him again. 
He stops you with his fingers squishing your cheeks.
"I'm sweaty, sticky and stinky. I need a shower", he says.
"You don’t stink, you smell like sex", you whine, "let me smell you", you add, fighting his hold for a sniff of his neck. 
He lets you, laughing loudly when you do the most intense and honest nose breathe he has ever heard you do.
"Urgh yeah", you say in a deep voice, "I need this fucking packaged, you smell so fucking good." 
"Fine", he chuckles, "fine, then at least let me clean out. I don’t feel comfortable without cleaning out." 
You inhale again, grinding into him in a defeated, almost stubborn manner.
"Fine", you give in, "I want you to feel comfy. Go clean your ass, urgh stupid cleaning out, I just want your ass now. Why did nature make it dirty?" 
"Yeah big mood", Jungkook pecks your cheek, "give me twenty." 
"You get fifteen and not a second longer."
"Fine, fifteen. Good god, I married a crazy woman", he says and turns to hurry upstairs.
Contrary to your first words, you both take a quick shower, exchanging your dirty party clothes for clean new ones in a similar style. You go for tight leather pants and a lace bra, knowing very well that more clothing is unnecessary. 
You knock on the closed bathroom door.
"You've got five more minutes. I expect you back in fishnets."
"Yeah, yeah. Where you off to?"
"Come and find me, will you?" 
"Babe wait!" you hear Jungkook call out and then you have already disappeared out of the bedroom, geared up with all the toys you need and more. 
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Jungkook comes out of the bathroom to silence and a dark room. 
"Babe where are you?" he asks, turning the lights off. 
"You wanna play games? Fine with me."
Jungkook decides to go for new fishnets, combining them with an oversized shirt to cover up his dick and the harness for now. He hopes that he will be forgiven for not choosing leather pants again, but he figured that those were unnecessary either way.
He leaves the bedroom, calling out for you again. Nothing. He looks into the guest bedroom and his room. Both empty.
"Darling where are you?" 
The lights turn on downstairs. He hears footsteps. He jogs down the steps, looking left and right.
The steps come from the living room.
He follows them, finding you in the middle of it with your back to him.
"There you are. Damn, you look hot. What are you doing here?" 
"I wanna play a game", you turn.
"Okay? Why are you holding our flogger?" 
Your lips curl into a crazy smirk. You hit your own hand with it once. 
Jungkook realises, gulping heavily.
"Babe no way…"
You lower your eyes dangerously.
"Run if you want it, stay if you don’t", you tell him, "five, four, three.."
"Fuck", Jungkook says and turns, setting off with a loud squeal.
"...two…one! Run faster little rabbit, run!" you call out, running out of the living room. 
You hear Jungkook squeal in the entryway. You cross the corner, watching as he presses himself against the door.
"Hello there."
"Let me tell you something, wait let's talk. Wait", he says, lifting his hands defensively.
"Gotcha", you say, inching closer to him with the flogger tangling by your side dangerously.
"No, listen. Hear me out", Jungkook says, "hear me out! I- eeek" he squeaks and dodges you by twirling around you and running off.
You turn with a laugh, "come back!" you yell and chase him all the way to the kitchen.
Jungkook dodges every single one of your grabby hands, laughing and squealing as he does. You two manage to do two rounds around the dinner table and then Jungkook runs to the living room.
"Come here you little shit", you spit, almost catching him. His shirt slips from your fingers again and with it, Jungkook.
He runs off laughing, getting as far as the staircase and then you have a bundle of his shirt between your fingers again.
You tug roughly, pulling him back.
"No", Jungkook stumbles hard, "please another chance", he begs with tears of laughter in his eyes, "I was warming up."
"Shut up, I caught you", you hiss, wrapping your arm around his waist harshly. You tug him with you on your way to your room.
Jungkook goes willingly, laughing squeakily.
"Not so fast, I’m not wearing underwear", he begs, hitting your arm gently.
"Not my problem", you hiss, kicking the door open and turning on your light with the handle of the flogger. 
"But it pinches my balls", he whines, trying to make himself heavier only to get shaken around as you tighten your grip on him.
"You're a pain slut, you’re into it."
"So now you’re me and know what I like?" 
"Shut up, whore", you spit, throwing him on your mattress.
Jungkook moans, squirming deliciously for just a second before he uses the opportunity to try and belly crawl away from you. Not that he comes far. Seconds later and you pin him down with your knee on his lower back, weight perfectly balanced to cut off his movements without hurting his spine or kidneys.
He wiggles under you like a little fish out of water, kicking the floor as he does. 
"Let. Me. Go", he grunts.
"No", you answer him, forcing his shirt up his torso to expose his ass to you. Like this his little waist is exposed as well, made even smaller by the tightly cut fishnet hem. The fact that he isn’t wearing any clothes underneath, makes you want to ruin him. 
You trace his butt, making sure the flogger was gracing his skin.
"Last chance. Say the word and I'll stop", you say.
"And if I don’t?" 
"I'll flog you like the stupid slut you are."
Jungkook squirms, earning himself a stronger grip from you. It squishes his cock between the edge of the mattress and his body so well. 
He shakes his head vigorously.
"No? Don’t wanna say it?"
"Don't wanna say it", he confirms, tilting his hips back.
"Holy- fffuck", Jungkook brings out, head shooting up and feet kicking the floor, "warn me." 
"Whores don’t get warnings", you spit, swirling your flogger skillfully to really land a harsh spank on his ass. 
Jungkook sucks in air, hips chasing the sensation the second it is gone. It comes again. Harsh, intense, hot.
You truly don’t have mercy in you tonight. Another harsh flog reminds him of that fact. Its aftermath makes his toes curl and his voice get stuck in his throat.
Jungkook feels the burn pulsate before it bursts through his vein and makes his head pound. 
"Fuck", he croaks, "give me a break, will you?" he spits, wanting to do nothing more than challenge you to hit him harder.
"No", you hit him harder, fucking scrambling his mind with it, "you don’t get breaks."
"Yes I do", he insists.
"No." Smack!
"No." Smack!
"Yes!" he moans, "give me a break."
"Shut up bitch", you spit, "fuck, you stupid brat", you bark, hitting his ass three consecutive times with the perfect technique to make it really sting, "first, you look like a slut the entire night, then you run away from me and now you wanna demand shit? The only thing you get to say are begs for me to go harder." 
"Well. Don’t." 
"Too bad", you growl, showing him how hard you can go with two timed spanks to his ass followed by a whip with the flogger.
Jungkook hits the mattress once, burying his face in the sheets deeply. Then he groans. He groans with such raw and honest ecstasy, you find religion in it. 
You love the sound the flogger makes. High pitched and sharp. Exactly how it feels to be struck with it. Sharp and with precise dots of pain sprawling all over his skin. Jungkook twists the sheets when you hit him again, kicking the floor weakly. 
You watch his kicking legs, running your eyes along his tensing thighs. The redness of his ass has spread down along them the slightest bit. 
"So stupid", you say, forcing them apart and keeping them that way by sticking the sturdy handle of the flogger between them. 
You lean forward, inspecting Jungkook’s rock hard cock stuffed into the fishnets.
You have to stop pinning him down with your knee in the new position, but Jungkook has been flogged into a state of droopiness, which means you can do things like force his legs apart and slip your knee from his back to instead straddle it. 
"So heavy and big", you rasp, placing your hand on his cock to rub it.
Jungkook lets out a delicious moan, rolling his hips into the mattress edge.
"Oh", his head shoots up.
You just spanked his balls, sending sharp pain through them.
He feels the fishnets rip right around his cock and then your fingers fish him out of the new hole you created. The position forces you to have to tug his cock back and squeeze his balls in the process. Jungkook swears he becomes soaking wet because of it.
"So wet", you rasp, digging your thumb into his slit harshly, "such a nasty whore."
Jungkook bites down on his lower lip, twisting the sheets. You are so rough, he's in heaven.
"F-fuck", he whispers, dropping his head, "fuck."
You are spanking his hard cock, holding it in your palm while your other strikes down on him without mercy. 
They are singular spanks at first until you turn into the cruelest person ever and begin slapping him without a pause. Just tiny little spanks, placed with care yet enough precision to torture his sensitive parts.
Jungkook squirms.
Jungkook kicks the floor.
Jungkook moans squeakily.
And Jungkook flees your spanks with honesty.
You tug him back, continuing your never ending slaps even if he is squirting precum everywhere.
"Please stop."
Jungkook begins begging.
"Please stop. Please stop, you’re making me cum. Please stop."
You laugh, stopping your spanks just to jerk him off three times. Harsh and angrily. 
"Fuck please. Please I'm cumming, please stop."
"Why should I?"
"Please", Jungkook groans, body twitching uncontrollably.
You stop.
"Please!" he wails, "I'm fucking begging you, please don’t make me cum." 
"You're so funny, imagine being such a pain slut that you cum from being hit", you say, dropping his cock harshly.
Jungkook sighs in relief, "thank you…"
You crawl off of him and lay down next to him. With a harsh tug on his hair you tilt his head up, locking eyes with him. He looks so high on pleasure.
"Your ass is fucking deep red", you tell him, smiling happily.
"Good", he says and gulps, blinking droopily, "fucking kiss me."
"Fuck, I love you so much", you fall into a passionate kiss, kissing him in the uncomfortable position until your necks ache. 
You break it with a moan, giving him a smile and soft caress of his cheek.
"I love you too", Jungkook mumbles. 
"Good", you say and giggle, dropping his head and sitting back up.
You crawl back on top of him, running your hands over his ass. His skin is as hot as coal. He flinches at the first contact, shivering afterwards.
The fishnets rip easily, making the most amazing sound as they do. So now you exposed his ass to you. He is at your mercy. No fabric in the world can stop you from doing whatever you want to him and he is loving it. 
"What are you doing?" he asks.
"Taking what's mine", you answer him, forcing his buttocks apart to expose his rim to you. 
He clenches it instinctively.
"Look at this slutty hole", you say, "stop clenching, will you?" 
Jungkook clenches even more, earning himself a flick of your finger to it. The pain is sharp and stings.
"Shit", he gasps, relaxing instantly.
"Better, I hate having to force my way into there. You know that don’t you?" 
"Just do it, will you?" he throws back.
"No", you say nonchalantly, lowering yourself afterwards to run your tongue over it. 
Jungkook shudders, growing completely limp in bliss. His thighs become so soft, his knees so weak, the tension in his back ceases to exist as well. Limp like a little doll, he lies on the mattress as he tries to rationalise the fact that your tongue is on his hole. 
You slurp deliciously, ending it with a gentle suck to his rim, "so yummy", you murmur, licking him with the flat of your tongue repeatedly, "so good, that’s so good."
"Don't stop", he begs, feeling so lightheaded. The contrast of getting his ass whipped sensitive to you running your tongue over his hole so gently, gets him way too good. The first heat was harsh and painful and now you replaced it with a comfortable heat, soft and gentle. Jungkook feels his head pounding because of it. 
You begin probing at his hole with the tip of your tongue, trying to get him to open up. And Jungkook really, really tries to relax. He swears that he tries with all his willpower. He wants your tongue inside so bad. But his body only works with him as far before he can’t physically relax any more and so he ends up with you lifting your head in defeat.
"Stop clenching", you hiss, spreading him further to force his hole open.
"I'm not, back please", he begs with desperate demand in his voice.
You spit on his hole, "shut up, I do what I want", you growl, picking up your spit to spread it around his hole harshly. 
Jungkook mewls and kicks the floor. He is not complaining, this feels so good. So good in fact that he reaches behind himself to take over for you with holding himself open. You study the way his painted nails dig into his red skin, feeling your pussy throb at the view. 
"Such a pretty slut", you praise, "keep yourself open, that’s it", you say, putting pressure on his rim.
Jungkook makes a sound of anticipation. The pressure is so intense, riles him up so well, leaves him aching. When does it stop? When will your thumb slip in? 
"Faster", he demands, rolling his hips up.
"Will you", you pin him down harshly and spank his left cheek, "stop demanding shit?"
"But you told me the only begs you want from me are begs to go harder", he throws back, wiggling his hips.
Another spank to his right cheek almost makes him sob. The position allows you to land it right on the more sensitive inner parts of his ass, missing his hole by a hair's width. 
"Will you be quiet? How dare you talk back", you say in an angry snarl.
"What do you want from me? I'm just saying" he throws back.
You spank him again, ending it by reaching between his legs to squeeze his balls harshly.
Jungkook shudders, body growing weak. His fingers slip from his ass just slightly, his thighs try to close and because of the flogger fail. The pressure on his balls grows.
"Any more bratty words from you?" you warn, tightening your grip.
Jungkook spills tears. Holy shit, his balls feel like bursting. Holy fuck, he can’t breathe.
"Are you behaving? Mhm?" you challenge, tugging on them with the pressure still intact.
"Yes!" he exclaims, "yes please I'll be good! Please stop, I'm gonna burst."
"Good boy", you praise, releasing his balls. You watch in delight as they throb in desperation, smirking to yourself. You edged him. You know that you did. Your pain slut of a husband almost climaxed from getting his balls crushed. 
"Such a slut", you say, caressing his heavy balls before returning to his hole, "hold yourself open."
Jungkook follows with shaky fingers.
"Good boy. See? It’s so much easier when you are a good little whore and listen to me", you taunt, tracing his pretty hole.
He huffs out air, furrowing his brows. If you keep taunting him like that he can't guarantee that he won't start talking back again.
Your weight leaves his body, your hand comes down on his ass to support your weight instead. Jungkook tries to sneak a glance at what you are doing, eyes lingering on your ass in those leather pants before flitting to your hand. You are fumbling with something on the ground and lift it into his view. The lube bottle. Jungkook bites down on his lower lip, trying to keep his breathing steady. So it begins. Next a small plug. A little longer than your pinky finger and just about thicker than his thumb. 
"Bigger", he says, making you look over your shoulder.
"Are you watching me?" you ask, studying his face.
He nods his head, "need it bigger, please."
"Tch slut", you say, clicking your tongue and turning away from him. You drop the small plug to instead go for another one. It is made out of glass, starting off small and becoming thicker at the end. Three balls, growing in size, make the entire experience so much more intense.
You look at him, "better?"
"Yeah", he whispers, eyeing it with such longing.
You turn away and sit back down on him.
Jungkook closes his eyes, wanting nothing more than get surprised by each second you stretch him open.
He tenses up when he suddenly hears the distinct click of the lube bottle opening. 
"More", you order and Jungkook tries his best to spread himself further. 
He knows he was successful when he feels the cold trickle of the lube on his rim, having to moan because of it.
"Cold?" you ask, discarding the lube bottle next to you. 
"Yeah", he answers you.
"Good", you say, poking your fingers into the lube to spread it. You run them all the way from where his tailbone starts down to his plump balls. He needs to look the part and that means spreading the lube everywhere.
Once happy, you return to his hole, massaging it in circular motions. He relaxes it as best as possible, spreading himself apart more. 
One push to his rim and the lube and his willingness to get stuffed forces your fingers to slip in completely.
"Holy fuck", Jungkook croaks, bucking his hips up, "fuck, oh god." 
"Slipped in so easily, jesus christ you’re seriously such a whore", you taunt, fucking your fingers in and out of him. You don’t do this for long. Just a few time to get a good feel of him. This was solely to make sure his insides are coated. You slip out again to spread lube on the toy. 
Jungkook waits with his back heaving up and down quickly underneath you. He is seriously so adorable because of how eager he is to get stuffed. 
You rest the tip of the toy against his rim and push, watching with eager eyes as his hole swallows the toy all the way up to the second ball. Then he tenses, swallowing at the same time as he whimpers.
“Good?” you ask him.
“Really cold, burns”, he says.
“That’s what glass toys are, yeah”, you say, “relax, you can do it.”
Jungkook tries to do so with a squirm of his thighs. It sadly makes the flogger slip and for the makeshift spreader bar to cease working, but Jungkook is so far gone into wanting to be stuffed that he still keeps his legs open. You push, forcing his hole to open and close around the second ball. Further and further, making the smooth shaft of the toy glide inside until the biggest ball at the end stops you again.
Jungkook breathes in and out so deeply and loudly that you have to look over your shoulder. You can’t see a lot of his face as the ruffled sheets hide it from you but his fingers are relaxed on his butt which means he was good.
You push again, watching in delight as his hole opens up oh so slowly as that big ball slips inside. Fuck, the glass is giving you such a good view of how pink and tight he is inside, all pressed up against the toy and glistening in the lube. The thickest part of the ball slips past his rim, causing a domino effect of reactions. The toy slips in quickly until the flat base, Jungkook whines and tenses around it.
Almost salivating in arousal, you watch how he struggles and struggles without being able to close up again.
“Glass toys are seriously the best shit ever”, you say, running your fingers around the base, “I can see right into your slutty little hole”, you add, pressing down on the toy to shift it a little.
“It’s so deep”, he groans, pressing his thighs together.
You slap them apart again, “stay open”, you order, “I want to see your plugged hole.”
“C-can you see a lot?” he asks.
"I can see everything. Mhhm, you’re so tight and pink inside. And so wet too. You have such a pretty hole."
"Fuck I wanna see", he whines - no - sobs.
“Stay still”, you tell him and Jungkook obeys, waiting with perked ears for whatever you are doing. He can’t hear anything, he just feels you shifting around a little, “spread yourself.”
He follows, feeling the pressure inside of him grow afterwards as you fix the toy inside him. The pressure subsides, the intense stretch remains.
“There we go.”
A bright light, then a second and third time.
Your weight leaves his back, he feels the mattress dent beside him. Your hand running through his hair makes him open his eyes.
“Look”, you say, shoving your phone all up in his face.
Jungkook blinks to get used to the brightness, widening his eyes the moment they focused on the picture you are showing him. There it is. His stuffed ass on full display with the glass toy giving a good view deep into him. It makes his cock throb like crazy. So that’s how he looks right now. No wonder he feels as stretched as he does.
"Aren't you so pretty?"
"Yeah", he croaks, "what are you gonna do with that pic?” he asks, looking at you instead.
“I’ll keep them and look at them whenever I need a reminder that I married a slut”, you tell him with a sweet giggle, pecking his lips.
Jungkook lifts his head, kissing you back eagerly. You break the kiss way too early for his taste, leaving him to frown at you.
“Adorable”, you say, squishing his cheek.
“Kiss me again”, he begs, staring at your lips droopily.
“Nah”, you dismiss him, removing yourself just to sit back down on his back and return to his ass.
You wrap your fingers around the base of the glass toy so you can finally begin fucking it in and out of him.
“Oh god, yeah”, Jungkook groans, dropping his head and closing his eyes again. He doesn’t mind anymore that you didn’t kiss him again. You are fucking his ass and that’s all that matters. You do so until the very beginning of the toy, going oh so slow when you press it back inside to make him really feel the balls and going oh so fast when you pull it back out to overwhelm his little hole with pressing out the balls. Jungkook doesn’t know what’s harder to bear. The slow stretch or having to squeeze out the toy with such little patience. What he does know, is that each time his rim finally manages one of the balls, he feels his entire lower body convulse for a good second and his lower tummy tense like crazy.
“Don’t stop, please don’t stop, please keep going”, he begs, floating on the sensations.
It is not long and that delicious feeling of struggling with the balls has disappeared. Jungkook is so sad, it doesn’t feel so intense anymore. Why does he have to be so easily stretched open? Why does have to love anal so much? Can’t he struggle a little longer? He is so angry at himself for being such a slut. He needs to struggle again, please.
You know that he isn’t struggling anymore. Up until a few seconds ago, you felt a little resistance with each thrust, but now it feels as if you are fucking a smooth dildo into him. The balls do nothing for him anymore.
“You’re so loosened up”, you tell him.
“I know”, he sounds out of breath, “bigger, I’m begging you.”
You stuff the toy back into him and busy yourself with getting the next one ready. A good layer of lube and then it is ready. You pull the glass toy out, discarding it on the laid out dirty-toy-towel for later clean up. His hole looks stretched out even now that nothing is inside. All soft and differently shaped than it was when you started playing with him. So pretty.
You place the toy against his hole. You can’t wait to fill it up with your strap. Knowing Jungkook, it won’t be long anymore until he is finally ready and you don’t have to hold back any longer. Soon and you can rail him stupid.
You push, gasping with Jungkook at how easily it slips in. Inch by inch until you bottom out with your pinky finger squeezed between the base and his body.
You give him a few seconds of getting used to it. He tries to rub his thighs together, but you stop him wordlessly. So he rolls his hips up instead. Then he drops lifelessly and huffs out air oh so loudly.
“What is it? Don’t like it?” you taunt.
“It’s, it’s not….are you messing with me? Is that the same toy?” he asks, looking over his shoulder.
“No it’s not”, you say, shaking your head. You hide it from his view with your body.
“But”, he looks devastated, “it’s not bigger.”
“Yes Kook, it’s bigger. Quite a lot actually.”
“No it’s not”, he frowns, “you’re fucking with me. Give me something bigger.”
“Control your tongue”, you warn, forcing the toy deeper.
“Ah”, he lets out, furrowing his brows.
“Wanna know a secret, Kook?” you taunt.
He nods his head.
You lift your hips, revealing the toy.
“You’re taking the dildo I first pegged you with.”
Jungkook stares at the pink, glittery dildo peeking out between his buttocks with widened eyes. That dildo felt huge in that first fateful night. Jungkook worried for his poor hole back then, struggling so much that he wondered if his hole just wasn’t build for anal sex. It was so huge to him back then. And now it feels like nothing. He barely even feels it, almost as if he is lying there with nothing in his ass.
Jungkook crumbles, “please fuck me please”, he begs with little sniffles spilling out of him, “please I’m begging you, fuck me please.”
“I was hoping you’d say that”, you say, pulling the dildo out in one swift movement.
His hole makes the nastiest, sluttiest sound in surprise, spilling the lube everywhere.
“Fuck, god sorry that was so loud”, he says, clenching it as he has to laugh.
You chuckle, “I love that sound”, you say, holding him apart to check on his well-stretched rim. You lean down and trace it with your tongue.
Jungkook’s laughter cuts off abruptly. He drops his head and squishes his cheek in the process.
“Mhm so good”, you say, kissing his hole, “can’t wait to breed it. Take your shirt off in the meantime”, you add, climbing off of him to finally strap yourself into the gear.
The leather harness of your strap sits snuggly around your waist, spanning down to your upper thighs and ending there in two neatly done buckles. You secure them tightly, tracing the straps all the way up to where you secured the huge dildo. Ten inches in length and with a heavy girth. You can barely even close your fingers around it as you spread the lube on it. The best part about it however was the built-in tube which enables the cock to squirt cum whenever you wanted it to. And that was the hottest shit you have ever been able to do.
You force yourself between Jungkook’s legs, laying the heavy cock atop his ready ass. You lean forward, placing your weight on his back. With a harsh tug you tilt his head up, forcing his ear to brush against your lips as you speak.
“I’m going to breed you like the slutty, dumb whore you are and you are going to beg me to go harder, are we understood?” you rasp, feeling him shiver underneath you.
“Yeah, understood”, he squeaks out, nodding his head as best as your punishing hand in his hair allows him to.
“Good and what are we saying if it gets too much?”
“Red”, he croaks.
“Good job, remember it well. Puppy.”
“Fuck seriously”, he laughs breathily, “please just fuck me, I need it.”
“Mhm”, you drop his head harshly and straighten up.
You grind your big cockhead against his hole with slow rolls of your hips as your hands are busy preparing the lube for him.
“Such a slutty little boy”, you say, “you look so sexy in those fishnets, fuck.”
Jungkook wiggles, earning himself a spank.
“Stay still, I gotta prepare you”, you warn, placing the nuzzle of the already filled up lube syringe against his hole. You slip in without warning, Jungkook barely reacts because of how tiny it feels to him. You squeeze the lube into him and once again he barely reacts, mind occupied with nothing except finally getting that cock up his ass.
“There we go”, you say, discarding the now empty syringe. You slap your cock against his hole, spanking it repeatedly, “now you’re ready. Relax, I’m not gonna go slow.”
You thrust forward, forcing your huge cock into him.
“Ah!” Jungkook flees the harsh breach, squirming on the mattress and kicking the floor with such vigour that he accidentally lands one kick on your butt as well.
You pin him down, twisting his harness tightly to really have a grip on him.
He whimpers, tilting his head back and so you use the opportunity to tug his hair, forcing his panicky eyes to lock with yours.
“What’s wrong? Can’t take the cock? Mhm? Did you demanding little slut overestimate yourself?” you taunt, fucking the huge toy in an out of him slowly yet in its entirety.
Jungkook squeezes tears out of his eyes, reaching behind himself to grab your wrist tightly. His fingers are clammy.
He croaks out sounds then his lips fall open. Tears roll down his cheeks, his lashes flutter. Another attempt of talking. You paint circles with your hips as you are buried inside him to the hilt. A little sound escapes him then the shakiest and most pleasure-distorted “thank you” rolls over his tongue. Jungkook completely gives up afterwards, head slacking in your hold and eyes falling closed.
“Fuck baby, I love a well-mannered slut so much” you praise, dropping his head and harness to instead really straighten up. You grip his hips, ripping the fishnets further open for the sole purpose of needing them ruined. You need all of him ruined. His hair, his makeup, his fishnets, his ass. You need to ruin him for acting up the entire night. With a harsh tug, you tilt his hips up and then finally begin the promise you made him. No more slow thrusts to get him used to it, now Jungkook has to get used to the size by getting drilled stupid with it. If he wants to or not. 
Jungkook reacts accordingly, convulsing on the mattress with his knees starting a measly attempt to lift himself. You pin him back down, spanking his right ass cheek.
“Stay down, I’m telling you when I want you on your knees”, you bark, punishing him with a deep, harsh thrust right out of your hips. Skin slaps against skin, his hole is squelching and squirting, his little feet tap the floor repeatedly as he squirms and shakes.
Jungkook swears that he will have a sore throat at the end of this night. He can’t stop moaning and wailing for you. It feels so fucking good. Your cock is so huge. It is so goddamn huge. Jungkook feels it shift inside his belly from its immense size, hitting spots inside of him he never thought able to have hit. His hole is so stretched open, he spills tears at the sheer thought of how loose he will be for the next days.
“Fuck Jungkook that feels so fucking good”, you pant, “I’m fucking you with ten inches, you’re such a slut, ah”, you moan loudly, spanking his ass as a reward, “my ten inch slut, fucking shit, urgh.”
Jungkook’s moans pitch, growing in volume. Ten inches. He didn’t think that he had it in himself. But now he does. Quite literally. He has ten inches of your cock inside in him and he feels like a complete blissed-out whore.
“Yes, keep moaning like that. Such a whore, such a loud slut. Just for me”, you encourage him, squeezing his hips into the mattress just so you can thrust even harder into him. Your arms are shaking and yet you don’t want to stop, your back is so arched, your thighs are so tense. But you can’t stop. You need to fuck. You need to breed. Need to make him yours. Turn him into an open, loose cumhole.
“You deserve it, you deserve it so much. Slut, fucking slut”, you chant, spanking him every now and then to make sure his ass stays red and sensitive. His hole isn’t the only thing that should stay reminded of who owns him. You want him unable to sit for the next few days, maybe even dripping way too much cum for an extra little bonus.
“I’m such a slut! Holy fuck I’m so stuffed! Gonna cum so good!” Jungkook answers you, twisting the sheets as angrily as he can. His nipples and heavy piercings are rubbing right against the sheets and kt feels so fucking good. His tattooed arms are tensed, as is his sculpted back. The view is delicious, but not as delicious as his bubble butt taking your huge cock. His hole is so pink, moving around your girthy shaft, stretching so far, squirting so much lube, sounding so pretty. His ass looks so good in those ruined fishnets, his thighs are stretching the thin material to its limits. And those little hairs on his legs, all ruffled up and sticking out between the thin netting. You seriously could eat him whole.
“You are. You’re such a pretty slut, fuck Kook those fishnets make me so wild”, you pant, slowing down your movements for a quick moment to catch your breath, “gonna cum so hard too, hear me? Breeding your ass makes me cum so good.”
Jungkook swears he could pass out. Making you cum through his own actions? Spectacular. Getting used to make you cum? Amazing. Getting told that you are going to cum from pegging his ass? His death. Jungkook loves getting fucked by you so much and knowing that the entire act is so pleasurable to you too that you can cum, makes him want to cry for hours.
“Harder please!” and so he cries out to you, “harder, please harder. Harder!”
“Urgh shit, yes”, you growl behind him. You broaden your stance, pulling his hips back onto your girthy cock repeatedly as the newfound leverage allows you to really drill into him.
“Yes, yes, yes, I’m a whore! Feel so good! Harder!”
“You’re so cute”, you laugh manically, “I don’t even have to call you names anymore, fuck such a good whore.”
The floorboards beneath you creak, covered in a small puddle of lube, which you managed to already fuck out of him. It looks so wet and liquid by now, warmed up by his ass and your ruthless fuck. It looks so pretty as it runs out of and down his balls and throbbing cock until dripping on the floor. His cock. It rubs against the floor each time you are balls deep inside him and torture his deepest parts with angry thrusts. It lies there right in the tiny puddle, making you wonder if there was truly only lube dirtying your floors or if you are fucking him so well that his cock can’t stop leaking. You wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case. Jungkook’s such an ass slut after all.
“Harder, harder, harder”, Jungkook chants, voice becoming higher and higher.
You growl, furrowing your brows. You know his squirming and that endless begging. You release the grip on his hips, placing your hands next to them instead. Jungkook begins instantly, fucking himself back onto your cock in messy, hard thrusts. Exactly how you figured. He has reached his peak sluttiness where your amazing, hard thrusts aren’t enough anymore no matter how hard you fuck him and all that helps is him meeting you in equally as hard squirms.
Jungkook groans and grunts, voice contorted in ecstasy. He doesn’t even truly sound like your Jungkook anymore. Except that he does. Because you know your husband and you know that the sounds he is currently making are the most honest and rawest sounds you will ever hear from him. They are because of you and just for you.
You tug his hips up until he can rest on his knees, knowing very well that he needs that. He keeps his torso pressed into the mattress, back so terribly arched you wonder if he wants to snap his spine.
"Yes! Fuck yes! Oh yeah! Yes, yes, yes" he chants in ecstacy.
Needing more leverage, you make yourself bigger, putting one foot down on the floor. It enables you to fuck Jungkook from the same height you fucked him in as he was lying down for you but with the added bonus of having new strength in your legs and truly going to town on him.
He slams into the mattress with the first thrust, air knocking out of him in a guttural “hrng” sound followed by a honest and desperate grunt and heavy moan.
“I’m going insane, you’re such a good slut”, you croak, watching the sweat drip from your forehead and landing on his fucked-open hole.
“I have to cum”, he wails, fucking back harder and harder, “I have to cum, Mistress. C-can you hear me?”
“I hear you. You can cum but-“
Jungkook interrupts you by climaxing with a wail of your name and his cock ruining everything beneath him. You fuck him right through it, holding his hips with your own knees buckling. Shit. You grind your teeth. You are so close. Your pussy is throbbing like crazy in your pants.
Jungkook wails up then, reminding you that you were still fucking him like an animal.
“Please wait please”, he chants, reaching behind himself as his hips lift themselves desperately.
“That’s your own fault for falling into my words”, you slap his hands away and force his fleeing hips back on your huge cock, “I wanted to say that you can only cum when you are aware that I have to keep fucking you afterwards. Your own fault when you dumb slut cum before I can finish my sentence.”
“Holy shit”, Jungkook collapses back on the floor right into his puddle of cum. Like this his cock is getting squeezed, giving you a good view of his continues streaks spilling out of him as you milk his prostate dry.
He sobs miserably, reaching behind himself to hold his clenching hole open for your girth.
“I know, I feel sorry too, but you were such a slut tonight, I have to punish you.”
“I can’t stop”, he somehow gets out and then you realise that he isn’t crying from too much fucking, he is crying because he can’t stop cumming because of you.
“That’s because you’re a dirty, pretty asswhore”, you say and spank him, “such a greedy slut for cock up his ass. You’re supposed to cum, hear me Jungkook? That’s what good bitches like you are supposed to do.”
“Fuck please slow down, I can’t stop”, his voice contorts into a loud and endless moan as his body squirms again in a torturous orgasm. It feels like fire is an understatement to Jungkook. Maybe lava. That’s hotter than fire, right? He is burning up from the inside out, fearing for himself all whilst riding on that fear like an addict. All that orgasming and cumming made his stomach so tight that he can now truly feel every single inch of your ten inch cock shift inside himself.
“Baby, Jungkookie baby”, your voice is trembling behind him, “baby, I’m cumming.”
Your hips still, your nails are almost breaking through his skin. Jungkook listens to the weak, yet terribly happy moans you let out as you shake in your high, fucking his hips back on your cock in desperate search for one more high. And then he feels it. Masses and masses of sticky, wet cum shooting up his ass.
“Mine”, you growl through your shakes, squeezing down on the pump with shaking fingers.
“Ah!” he gets out and then the thought of being bred by you like a whore sets him off for his last big crescendo of the night. Jungkook cries loudly, thanking you repeatedly while his entire body feels like floating.
“My slutty whore”, you croak, dropping your head in exhaustion, “holy fuck.”
The pump finally becomes empty, slipping out of your hands and rolling right into Jungkook’s cum puddle.
“Thank you”, Jungkook sobs, body twitching in the aftershocks.
“Yeah”, you let out a breathy laugh, “fuck, baby”, you place your hands on his butt, massaging it softly, “you did such a good job.”
“I can feel it inside me”, he says and whimpers.
“Good, that’s what you’re supposed to do”, you say, “you’re my bred slut now, hear me?”
“Yeah”, he nods his head, “I love being your bred slut.”
“I know you do”, you smile, caressing his sweaty lower back, “now relax, I’m pulling out. It’ll get messy.”
You slip out easily, gawking at Jungkook’s gaping hole presenting itself to you. It makes the wettest, most well-fucked sounds ever, squirting your white creamy cum.
“Shit”, he laughs, forcing more cum and sounds out of him, “you fucked me well, my ass says so too.”
“Yeah so good”, you chuckle, picking up your dripping cum, “you sound like such a well bred boy like this, love hearing those sounds.”
“God baby, don’t wanna be empty”, he whines, hole still so open for more.
“Need some training?” you ask him.
“Yeah, train me please”, he begs.
And so you push the biggest buttplug you own inside him again, plugging him up and forcing the rest of the cum to stay inside. You will exchange the plug for the next smallest one after some time and then the next smallest one and the next, but for now he needs to stay plugged up and filled with cum. Jungkook needs that kind of reverse training often, he says it's incredibly sensual to him.
“There all done”, you say, kissing his tailbone, “now you’re all plugged up. Nothing can escape now.”
“Good”, he says, “wanna stay bred forever”, he says, turning around to fall onto his back. Like this his hair is all sprawled out, cock lying completely ruined between his legs.
You laugh, “that’s very ambitious of you”, you say, crawling on top of him to straddle him.
Jungkook runs his hands up your legs and to your cock, jerking it off slowly.
“I can’t believe that was inside of me. It’s so huge”, he says, rolling his thumb into the cum hole, “that looks so realistic.”
“I guess, if your cock’s blue with silver sparkles.”
He laughs, “you know how I meant it. That looks like a real cockhead.”
“Mhm, if only I could feel through it”, you say, leaning down to cup his face and kiss him.
Jungkook runs his hands up your back until he has a bundle of your hair between his fingers to pull your closer.
The kiss only breaks because you both have to breathe. If air wasn’t so important, you would have kissed until dawn.
“Your cock’s the only one I need, I hope you know that”, he says, “it’s better than any real cock ever could be.”
“You really think so?”
He nods his head, cupping your cheek. His eyes are spilling over in love, still so glassy from getting fucked so well. His makeup is so, so smudged, cheeks carrying black streaks from all the crying he did.
“Thank you”, he whispers, “you tick every fucking box and more. I mean, who can say that they have a wife who can change her cock how she pleases? How cool is that? You’re like a shapeshifter, no wait, cockshifter.”
You snort, spilling some tears for unexplainable reasons. Maybe it’s because Jungkook makes you feel so happy and good and maybe it’s because he loves you so unconditionally that sometimes you wonder when those conditions finally come.
“Fuck, you idiot”, you press out, resting your forehead on his, “being a cockshifter actually sounds kinda cool. It makes me sound so badass.”
“You are so badass”, he insists.
“Thank you”, you murmur, sniffling quietly.
“I love you so much, you know?” he whispers, drying your cheeks.
You peel your eyes open, feeling the need to smile instantly. He is so pretty.
“I love you too, like crazy”, you breathe.
He smiles, tracing the little smile lines along your eyes.
“Phew”, he lets out, exhaling deeply, “do you think I’ll ever be able to close up again?”
“I don’t know”, you giggle, “you kinda gaped a lot when I pulled out.”
“I felt it”, he closes his eyes, settling back into the mattress and closing his eyes, “I hope I never close up again.”
“You’re wishing a lot of things tonight, aren’t you?” you laugh, settling on top of him with your face nuzzled into his neck.
“Yeah”, he grins, tracing your spine, “do you think the others are still at the party?”
“Probably? I’m glad we aren’t though.”
“Yeah? Cause we fucked?”
“Yeah, duh? Seriously, I don’t know if you noticed, but a bitch was horny tonight.”
“I couldn’t tell at all”, he says sarcastically and laughs.
You chuckle, snuggling closer to him.
“Sorry, sorry. I know I was wild”, you mumble, kissing his sweaty neck.
“It was perfect, don’t apologize. I love it when you’re like tonight. It’s so hot.”
“Good, cause you’ll be getting that again one day.”
“Good, I’m counting on it.”
You chuckle happily and so does Jungkook.
“We have to do so much cleaning though.”
“Can that wait? I want snuggies”, he says cutely.
“Of course, snuggies are the most important thing right now”, you promise him, nuzzling into him, “my cutie pattootie Googie Boogie Woogie Shoogie, love you so much, my sweetie.”
Jungkook giggles cutely, heart racing like crazy in his chest. Being loved by you is the best thing in his life!
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vinetae · 2 years
BTS OT7 + Other Masterlists I love
!Credits to all owners!
Date: October 26th, 2022
OT7 + Masterlists, and Poly!aus :
Study Sleepovers - BTS x reader (college!au, Smut)
Summary: Sleeping should make you feel refreshed and energized, so why do you feel sore and tired after you wake up instead?
Pairings: BTS ot7 x Reader
Tags: naive Yn, college students, dub-con somnophilia, yandere ot7, manipulation, smut, drugging, vaginal drug administration, noncon touching. (tags will be updated as i post more parts)
Warning: not for the soft-hearted, if this isn't your thing pls don't read it. This will be a yandere drabble series, but it doesn't reflect the BTS members in real life. Nor do I condone the actions that are done in this fictional series. It's just a story, that is all.
Halloween Nights Masterlist ~All Members~
Just a bunch of small fics about the guys for spoopy halloween that's very close. This. IS. HOT.
Between Us - Jungkook x F. Reader x Jimin + Namjoon x Yoongi (Smut, Poly!au, Slight Angst)
Summary: Just poly ish with BTS.
↬ genre: poly!au, smut [18+], slight angst
↬ summary: Jungkook gets caught being naughty at practice, which leads to Jimin joining in on the fun.
↬ wc: 9.8k
↬ warnings: cursing, pet names, sexting, bi bts members, oral sex, (f. giving and receiving), open relationship in established poly triad, fingering (f. receiving vaginal and anal), voyeurism, nipple play (m. and f.), spanking, dirty talk, marking/scratching/biting, edging (slight), mxm handjob, nooona kink, baby boy kink, switch!Jungkook, switch!reader, unprotected sex (vaginal and f. anal), double penetration, creampie, cum eating (male), angst
MASTERLIST - thirstybtsthoughts
All content is 18+ unless it says otherwise!
Addicted to Your Touch - PJM x KTH x reader (Smut, poly!au)
♡ pairing: Jimin x Taehyung x Reader
♡ genre: Poly!au (closed triad), boyfriend!au, fluff, smut [18+]
♡ summary: Y/n asks for a special Valentine’s Day. Her boyfriends, Jimin and Taehyung make sure to deliver.
♡ wc: 13k
♡ warnings: Straight up filth! MxM, unprotected sex, impregnation kink, spanking, fingering (f. receiving), dirty talk, spitting, scratching, slight over-stimulation, oral (f&m receiving and giving), cream pie, snowballing mxm, marking, slight possessiveness, cum swallowing, dom! Jimin, switch! Tae, 
A Night Out - KNJ x PJM x JJK (Namjoon x reader, Jungkook x reader, and Jimin x reader)
↬ genre: smut [18+], poly!au 
↬ summary: The boys are celebrating being back home in a nightclub.  Namjoon is excited to see his best friend/baby girl Y/N, only for Jimin and Jungkook to get their hands on her first.
↬ warnings: Pure filth! Choking, ice play, spanking, daddy kink, brat, voyeurism, cum swallowing, fingering, oral sex (giving and receiving), cursing, degradation, humiliation, multiple partners, alcohol use/mentions, cream pie, bondage, fingering, public sex
↬ wc: 8.8k
Baby Talk - JJK x PJM x Reader (Pregnancy!au, Surrogacy!au)
Pairing: Jikook X Reader (Jimin X Reader X Jungkook)
Genre: Surrogacy!AU, Polyamorous!AU, Romance. (Future Smut)
Summary: Y/N needed some money. Two extremely handsome men offer something of a lifetime. One thing though....
They're gay?
(a/n): I looked for forever to try and find the masterlist to this so I just gave up and put one of the chapter links instead. Enjoy! I love this story!
—Movie Night (M) kth & pjm
⟢ pairing:  taehyung x reader x jimin
⟢ word count: 1k
⟢ genre + warnings: bff’s to lovers, mmf-threesome, nsfw 18+, explicit smut actions in the form of kissing, teasing, fondling, unprotected just the tip, cockTIP-warming
⟢ summary: Your best friends have never reacted to your purposeful wardrobe choices for weekly movie night, due to Jimin’s fear of ruining the friend group, until Taehyung takes matters into his own hands.
titillating touches | mlist - ALL MEMBERS
come visit Blissful Hands for a place to relax and for you to let go of all your stress under the care of our top-tier masseurs who don’t hesitate to attend to every need of their clients with complimentary treatments! with an extended range of carefully developed techniques that are sure to satisfy all, whether you’re looking for a familiar treatment or venturing into something new, Blissful Hands opens its doors to take the best care of you!
(a/n): I actually was waiting so long for this!!! I'm so excited to read all of them, and you should too!
THESIS IT [ix.Cortisol] - BTS x Reader
Pairing: BTS x reader; Jimin x reader
🍋 Genre: romcom, unveristy!au, medical!au, music!au, roommates!au, cafe!au, smut
⇢ Word Count: 7.2K
⌦ Warnings: NSFW, 18+, dirty talk, blind dating, sexual tension, mild smut, random dates might wreck you!
Chapters: | i | ii | iii | iv | v | vi | vii | viii
[F.U.C.K.] CORTISOL is called the ‘stress hormone’. It’s responsible for body response to stress or danger, controlling blood pressure and reducing inflammation.
therapy, m | jjk, myg
pairing(s): jungkook x reader, yoongi x reader
summary: Jeon Jungkook has an appointment with the Sex Doctor. *record scratch, freeze frame* Yup, that's him. You're probably wondering how he got into this situation. It has to do with Instagram, sad songs, and the existence of one rotten peach.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; discussions about love; more about feels / life than it is about the porn tbh; angst(?); smut (fem reader, voyeurism, v intense making out, m-receiving oral ft. tongue technology, face fucking, scratching); non-idol!AU - sadboi!Jungkook x Sex Doctor!reader x music producer, Sex Doctor!Yoongi, ft. JK's friend, Kim Taehyung; Jungkook’s > reader's > Yoongi's POV and each shift is another layer to the story
it's what you think it is, but also not yes, partially inspired by JK's actual Instagram stories
summer in the soop - BTS x reader
synopsis. two siblings, two groups, one house. boys versus girls, simple as that. they can either enjoy the unsupervised mansion in the middle of the woods or start a war. summer, here they come!
🌳 the chapters will be archived » here
pairing. jungkook, taehyung, jimin, namjoon x oc's
genre. summer au + fluff + slice of life + angst + smut
word count. 3040
warnings. swearing and lots of teen fights :)
Four’s a crowd || j.jk/k.th/p.jm
Summary: As a birthday present your boyfriends Jimin and Taehyung take you for a special stripping show, little do they know how attracted you’ll be to the officer and the acts you’ll be performing to win this new man’s heart and cock.
Genre: smut
Length: 1.5k
good girl ⤑ ksj ft. myj ∙ pjm | m.
⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦:〝 accidentally walking in on your boyfriend’s flatmate, min yoonji, and her boyfriend park jimin, was probably the best thing you’d ever done. 〞pwp au.
❥ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: seokjin x reader x yoonji x jimin
❥ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: smut • some fluff
❥ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 23k : )
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠:  hard dom!seokjin, hard dom!yoonji, sub!jimin, sub!reader, big cock!seokjin, thick cock!jimin, possessiveness, foursomes, lots of bdsm themes, lesbian sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, mistress kink, sir kink, pegging, masturbation: female, praise, pussy eating, teasing - so much fucking teasing, edging, wet & messy sex, sex toys, masturbation, pussy slapping, bondage, blindfolding, gagging, dirty talk, degradation, praise, did i mention teEASING? and edGING?, nipple play, temperature/ice play, fingering, multiple orgasms, cum eating, orgasm control, orgasm denial, overstimulation, pussy slapping, handjobs, hair pulling, cock sucking, throat fucking, deepthroating, cum eating, cum swapping, cum smearing like rubbing cum into a body, spitting, slight choking, cum swallowing, also spit swallowing, lots of neediness, listen there’s so much edging and orgasm denial in this im surprised i haven’t gone mad, cum shots, cumplay, masturbation: male, rough breast/nipple play, biting, marking, scratching, joint pussy eating, grinding, unprotected sex, rough sex, doggy style, riding, reverse cowgirl, two doms fuck each other n fight to have the upper hand, ass eating, anal fingering, anal sex, reader gets strapped, double penetration, multiple orgasms, squirting, anal creampie eating, forced orgasms, creampie, aftercare ᵘʷᵘ ˘ ³˘

(a/n): Y-you have been warned....
bitten & knotted | jhs + knj
⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: as different as night and day, your two lovers have many differences, after all, one is a vampire and the other is a werewolf. they have their similarities too, namely their supernaturally long life. something you don’t share. something they’re going to rectify tonight. supernatural au.
⟶ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: vampire!namjoon x princess!reader x werewolf!hoseok
⟶ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: fluff • smut • pwp (with more plot than was intended)
⟶ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 10k
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: dom!namjoon, dom!hoseok, sub!reader, joon and hobi both have big cocks xxx, this is somehow tender and hard at the same time, threesome: mfm, dirty talk, slight body worship, light spanking, nipple play, pussy eating, fingering, face riding, cock sucking, deep throating, gagging/choking (on cock), cum eating, degradation, praise, unprotected, sloppy seconds, rough sex, manhandling, hoseok goes feral, slight mentions of blood, cum play, spitting, knotting, breeding, creampie eating, slight mxm, multiple orgasms, multiple creampies, biting/marking
bon appetit | m.list - ALL MEMBERS x Reader
Hunger is the yardstick with which we measure our ardor, and the meal is unity, a coming together so sacred and gratifying we as people have learned to make a feast out of our lovers. Culture to culture, heart to heart, our appetites have grown carnal. Fruit has become feminine, silky sweet, a sheen on the skin that lasts for days, binding the fingers together until we lick them clean; chocolate against wine wet lips a heady chemistry, one that always makes the blood take to yearning.
Our lovers are candy. Our lovers are drunk whole with our open mouths. Our lovers are the first bite of relief against our skin, a celebration of knowing how it feels to be wanted. Our hearts have craved the meaning that comes from a feast that grows beyond desire. Our bodies have been starving and we have always been hungry. So why not indulge with us, just a little? If we showed you, five times over, how it feels to eat your way into perdition for the sake of love could you learn to devour us, too? Well, then.
Lucidity - ALL MEMBERS x Reader
☼ Pairing: BTS x reader (this chap is Taehyung x reader ft. Yoongi!)
☼ Genre: vampire!BTS, succubus!reader, smut, fluff, angst
☼ Count: 4.9K
☼ Warnings: 18+, mentions of blood, descriptions of injuries, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, grinding, some nipple play, big dick Tae (duh), guided sex, dom/sub undertones, voyuerism, exhibitionism, implied male masturbation, slight choking, lots of kissing, dirty talk, creampie
☼ Summary: You’ve spent years jumping from country to country, starting countless new lives. Crafting new lives is as easy as breathing for you, lies flowing easily and people are charmed with a simple bat of your eyes. When you meet a witch who offers the idea of opening a supernatural club, using your powers combined with hers to ensure safety to those who enter, you decide to join her in an adventure that is entirely new to you. But your new life in Seoul is drastically changed when you’re forced to face something you’ve spent centuries hiding from. But just because you might be running for your life again doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun along the way, right?
All Wound Up (Tighter) | KTH, JJK
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader x Taehyung
Genre: smut, porn with the barest of plots, strangers to lovers, Rock Star!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: swearing, kissing, dirty talk, fingering, masturbation (m), voyeurism, oral (m & f receiving), vaginal sex, threesome, orgasms
Word Count: 6K
Disclaimer: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: Jungkook and Taehyung help you unwind.
No Regrets | KNJ, JJK
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader x Jungkook
Genre: smut, friends to lovers, there was only one bed!, Reunion!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: unrequited crushes becoming requited, 190811 Jungkook and platinum blonde Namjoon are the visuals, also both are gym rats so.... think "thick", excessive use of "Noona," lots of longing touches, implied threesome
Word Count: 1,000 on the dot!
Disclaimers: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: One hot night spent lying between your friends Jungkook and Namjoon brings old feelings to light.
“Do you have any regrets, Noona?”
birthday twist JJK x PJM x Reader
ㅡ pair: Jimin x reader ft jungkook x reader
ㅡ genre: pure smut.
ㅡ warnings: explicit unprotected sex. Threesome.
ㅡ W.C: 1.9k
₍₍ ☆ the boyfriend headcanon series ☆ ⁾⁾
in this series i shared my humble opinions about how bts would love you, kiss you, take you to dates, how would react if you fight...
and in the second part of my writings it gets +18 so nsfw alert after the gif parts babies 👀
- lav's thirst list -
this list is made of mature content. if you're a minor do not interact.
BTS masterlist - lady-hunkyhair
Butterfly Tattoo Studio - ALL MEMBERS x Reader (WIP)
ღ pairing: f. reader x piercer!Hoseok x Jimin
ღ genre: tattoo parlor au, piercing shop au, strangers to lovers, smut [18+]
ღ summary: Your fear of needles always kept you from getting piercings, but after a year of wanting a septum piercing, you swallow your nerves and head to the Butterfly Tattoo Studio. What you don’t expect is the piercer to be hot as fuck!
ღ: wc: 3.8k
ღ warnings: cursing, mention of nervousness, piercing of septum in detail, needles (and fear of needles), tattooed!hoseok, pierced!hoseok (nostril, septum, tongue), lightheadedness, making out, sex in a workplace (hoseok’s), fingering (f. receiving), spit kink, hair pulling, oral sex (f. receiving), vibrating tongue ring, mention of masturbation, squirting, hoseok kisses jimin
Shhh… - BTS x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k+ Rating: NSFW Genre: Smut or PWP Warnings: Unprotected Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Double Penetration, Cream Pies, Group Sex, Dirty Talk, Sloppy Seconds (kind of), Slight Voyeur Kink, Hint of Dubious Consent Pairings: Kim Taehyung x Reader x Jeon Jungkook Summary:  “Shhh sweetheart, you gotta be quiet. You don’t wanna wake up anyone, do you?”
Let It Snow - (M)
pairing: yoonkook x f. reader
genre: poly au, established relationship, light smut [18+]
summary: the weather outside is frightful… Jungkook’s lap is delightful
wc: 747
warnings: cursing, marking (hickeys), making out, implied smut-threesome
In the middle of the night... - BTS x reader
Pairing: Ot7 × Reader (Fem! Reader), Ot7×Ot7
Summary: Y/N is a Domestic cat-panther hybrid imprisoned by a psychotic animal-tester/researcher. By who? Why? Nobody knows. She somehow manages to escape by an mistake he made during a experiment resulting a huge fire. What will happen when 7 complete strange men find her?
Genre: Hybrid au!, Werewolf au!, Mates au!, Soulmates au!, Mentions of a/b/o, Secret Agent au, Supernatural, Fluff, angst, 18+, strangers×lovers, poly relationship.
!Warnings!: Anxiety, panick attacks, suicidal/destructive thoughts, (mentions of) abuse, mentiones of death and blood, (mentiones of) violence, Possessive behaviour, insecurity/self doubts, trust and abandonment issues, use of mature language (cursing), (much eventual?) smut.
Status: Ongoing
Summary: You’re in the CIA - trained by Kim Namjoon. Your target? Art connoisseur and international criminal, Park Jimin. Under cover at the Vante Gallery in Paris with your sidekick Jin and spy handler Yoongi, who comes out on top when love, lust, and the law intertwine?
TL;DR? It’s a love story with spies and smut.
Bona Fides: Proof of a person’s identity, used by spies to prove cover stories.
Pairings: Namjoon x OC, Jimin x OC
Genre: Secret Agent AU; Smangst; Strangers to Lovers
Rating: Explicit 18+ 🔞 (most chapters)
Mused obsession
Industry famous Jeon Jungkook of GJK photography takes an interest in a model and up-and-coming fashion designer, Park Jimin. After an opportunity to study the man behind his trusty lens, he thinks he may have just found his new muse.
⇢ Explicit [18+] ⇢ Xtremity: 10 (In it’s entirety.) ⇢ Pairing: Jungkook & Jimin ⇢ Genre: yandere, smut, gore ⇢ Warnings: Each chapter will have specific warnings.
KNJ & JJK || In Paris
summary: Namjoon shows Jungkook how to pleasure a woman in the city of love.
tags: pure smut (18+), idol!jungkook x reader × idol!namjoon
warnings: threesome, unprotected sex*(don't do this), brief handjob/blowjob combo, innocent!jungkook, experienced!namjoon, vocal kink, smol praise
Void - Part 1 (M) - ALL MEMBERS x Reader
Genre: Sci-fi with a little angst and a LOT of smut
Pairing: BTS x Reader (yup - all seven)
Summary: You are the only female crew member on a 12 year space mission with seven handsome men. The sexual tension is real, y’all.
Word Count: 7.9k 
Part 1 / ?
Warnings: explicit sexual content, masturbation, discussions of pornography, voyeurism, and excessive sexual tension
(07) Ways To Kiss Your Hybrid
➻ rating | 18+
➻ genre | fluff - smut.
➻ pairing | park jimin x fem!reader x jeon jungkook
➻ au | hybrid - slice of life.
➻ word count | 7.3k+
➻ warning(s) | jimin and jungkook being soft, hybrid!reader, sugar daddy!jimin, sugar baby!jungkook & reader, the reader stutters when she’s nervous, unprotected sex, oral sex (m!receiving), voyeurism, first ‘i love you’s’, mutual pining, spit roasting, face fucking, lots of kissing
➻ date | 04.14.21
➻ synopsis | Jungkook and Jimin wanted a companion, someone to love and cherish and what better way to do that then with a hybrid. The moment they laid their eyes on you, they knew you were going to be the one they brought home.
More to be added...
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 8 months
Thank you for talking about mijoo cause I just went down a rabbit hole and it snapped me out of being delulu lol. I can't believe army and shippers really convinced us she was married, and now I'm finding out that was a lie and there was more to the story. Also while going through message boards I found out that allegedly, during the 97 liner scandal, they were at a club trying to hook up with girls in their vip room. Now I just feel silly for ever thinking jungkook could be queer 😅 like this man clearly has a type cause mijoo, nain, and chaewon all give off a similar vibe.
Do you believe the rumor about jimin and daeun? Like I was a bit skeptical, but I find it weird that she tries so hard to connect herself to him. It's giving obsessive ex
I've always thought he could be bi, but to believe that he's like GAY 100% gay is a bit too crazy. And I wonder if part of how hard some people push the gay label on him doesn't have to do with all the rumours.
Yes, the very first thing that came out about Jungkook that night of the club in 2020 was a french girl who said Jungkook had bought drinks for her and her friends at the club. If I recall correctly, she posted about it that same night.
I don't believe about Daeun, no. And there's nothing to really talk about because what I'm supposed to do... analyze a freaking carpet? Then there's the fact that ya'll talk about that woman but it's not even present time stuff, it's all allegedly about the past. I don't really know how to make myself understood, but I'll try.
I was talking about taekook once and said how I don't like going back in time to try and figure out something that happened years ago, and that's the same thing. I just can't be bothered to go back three years (in Jimin's life, we're not even talking about my own life) to try and find clues about it. As 2020, 2021, 2022 was going on, there was nothing I saw that would've led me to believe Jimin was in a relationship with her. In fact, 2020 he literally was spending every single day with Jungkook, it's still unclear if Jimin was spending more time in 911 or in the dorms, but they even slept in the same room with him.
After 2020, there was nothing, absolutely nothing in the following years where I thought Jimin could've been living with someone else. If I didn't see it back then I'm certain that I didn't see it because nothing was going on. So, ya'll are too late, even if it somehow it was true, ya'll are just too late.
If I talk about things that happened years ago it's because I was there, and I lived through it. It's not the same to what people are doing saying "see how Jimin was in a relationship in 2020 and we know it because she posted a photo in 2024?" It's too ridiculous. Next time, try to get the rumours as the relationship is still going and have at least one single photo of them in the same room. Otherwise, I just can't be bothered.
This is literally Jimin's first and only relationship rumour, ever, in 10 years. All of the other members have had the same type of rumours, some of them had several, and none of them turned out true or at least nobody could confirm it. I didn't care about those rumours either because same this same that was never "evidence" for me. Namjoon even laughed about it once, posting on instagram the headline and saying it was fake. I remember there was a dog involved, too.
So, that's pretty much it. I don't believe it because first, that's just not me, I don't think "same this" is proof of anything when there's not even proof that Jimin knows her or has even talked to her, ever. Second, because of who initiated the rumours and the timing, it's always conveniently brought up at very certain times. Lastly, because even if the taekookers detectives are right (because it's literally all them), it's too late. I'm not about to revisit history to try and fit something that I never saw and of which there's not proof enough for me to say that it actually happened.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Maknae Line + ARMY = Power Dynamics (Pt 2)
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We love them and they love us right back. It's what makes the ARMY/BTS relationship what it is, and it is genuine.
It is also a power imbalance.
Less of one, these days, but it is still there. And WE HOLD THE POWER. We LOVE THEM. We are the driving force behind BTS' success. We hold their actual paychecks in our hands.
That's... a lot. A lot of love. A lot of paychecks. And a lot of power.
And it lends itself, unfortunately for both us and them, to a lot of abnormal behavior. OH WAIT LET'S READ THAT DISCLAIMER AGAIN
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In my last post I said that BTS is a safe place for ARMY to explore sexuality.
Never has been, never will be, because ARMY was never designed for that. We are not their safe space. Not if they're straight, even more not if they're gay or bi or pan or heaven forbid gender non-conforming.
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They accept us as we are because they love us, but we are under NO OBLIGATION TO DO THE SAME FOR THEM. And... as a general rule, ARMY - OT7 ARMY, anyway - doesn't. But also we do. And don't. Very confusing, ARMY reactions.
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Hell, when have they ever had TIME to grow into healthy, normal adult sexual relationships? They lived together until some of them were nearly 25, FFS. Well beyond college age for Seokjin and Yoongi and well into it for the rest of them. That they seem to be reasonably well-adjusted is a credit to them and their partners, should they have any. Again, the hyungs have excelled, here. Mainly because they've never really HAD "dating scandals", which: ARE THE STUPIDEST IDEA OF A SCANDAL.
Literally how stupid is it to be upset that a famous person who is an adult human might also be (gasp, clutch pearls, die) having sex? Out in the world adulting like a whole adult WITH PEOPLE? And yet, ARMY gets like that sometimes.
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See also Koreaboo, Dispatch and other publications we don't like
And before you say "not ALL ARMY" let me just remind you that "not ALL men" is the exact. same. statement. "Not REAL ARMY is like "not REAL men."
Which: granted and I don't entirely disagree, but I'll just say that people who identify as ARMY behave this way and rest assured that both BTS and BigHit are aware -- and market for it.
You're mad, now, maybe and I get it, so let's move on and not beat ARMY to death, k? I do feel like that for the majority of us, all we feel for Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung is simply love and support. Misguided support, sometimes, but love and support nonetheless.
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So imagine you're a young man - still a boy in many ways - and you are living with and surrounded by beautiful, legitimately stunning, other young men. And maybe you've had time to examine your own sexuality and maybe not but Namjoon has WOW THIGHS and guys are naked and girls were kind of cute but also very weird anyway, bros just make so much more sense and then
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A wild Park Jimin appears. Geeky, until he dances and then it's a gaspy thing that happens. Also: THIGHS. And, um, an ass that won't quit also biceps and a sweet heart and a big brain and, well. Shit. Anyway he dances. And you wanna dance, too. Your assigned role is to be yourself, pretty much, as long as you're good at everything. Don't act too too happy to see him, all right?
OR... you're the wild Park Jimin and you stumble gaily forward into a whole new life and you see the biggest pair of doe eyes you have ever seen... and he's the got-damned maknae. Kid's a prodigy. From Busan. He's a complete turd 90% of the time, and your JOB is to play the gay buff boy who adores him and gets routinely rejected. OH SWEET JESUS WHY.
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LORDT. You see where this is going. The unattainable baby, far too young to do ANYTHING meaningful with, and in the meantime there are other guys just shirtless wandering around like a whole Min Yoongi exists please excuse me I devolved overnight I apologize anyway where was i?
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Taehyung. Oh thank the gods, he's safe anyway. Fun, a little wild, definitely attaches to people. Accidentally brilliant (he didn't even have to audition) and a little eccentric and interesting, and he's a 95 liner - CHINGU! - and they go to the same school and and and. He's savvy - he lost his Daegu satoori immediately to fit in. Asked his friends to take good care of his slightly older hyung. Partner in crime, pretty voice, pretty eyes, a slinky dork of a dude who... maybe doesn't have his sexuality 100% locked down but is well-versed in skinship. Lots of skinship. Lots and lots of skinship. Gonna be a star, that one.
Let the glowups commence right along with the narrative.
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They're a marketer's homoerotic slightly underage wet dream.
To be continued...
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dari-ede · 2 years
In the Middle of the Night: Chapter 26
Chapter 26: "You Don't Mean to Hurt Me"
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Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30
AN: And it’s back! Thank you everyone for your patience. It’s been quite the 2 months. Hopefully, I’ll be able to come back to a regular weekly, or at least Bi-weekly, posting. Happy reading! 🥰
Summary: As Bangtan prepares for a new chapter in their lives, they head to their private property in the forest for a songwriting workshop. As a songwriter and producer they have worked with for years, I’m asked to tag along. I was ready for the heavy workload and small amount of sleep during the workshop week. However, I wasn’t ready for the storm that came that changed my friendship with Namjoon forever.
Pairing: Idol!RM/Namjoon x OFC
Genre: Friends to Lovers, Fluff and Smut
Rating: M (mention of sexual assault, explicit language, sexual scenes in prior chapters)
Warnings/spoilers: Hurt, Miscommunication
Warning/Spoiler: All flashback; It's a loooooong one. 
April 2017, Anaheim, Ca
The guys were in town temporarily and would be leaving in a few days. There was a short window we were able to meet to just hang out. Tomorrow we would be at the recording studio together and then they would be flying off to who knows where.
I had driven to their hotel with my ex in the passenger seat. I honestly didn’t know why I invited him to go with me. Maybe I thought it would make him less pouty about me hanging out with guy friends. He had an issue with every friend I had that was of the opposite sex. And when I told him I would be hanging out with seven guys, he was a whining nightmare. I felt obligated to invite him.
Out of all my bad boyfriends, he was the worst. At the time, I didn’t think our relationship was unhealthy. We weren’t as extreme as my parents were, so in my eyes, we were stable. We didn’t throw heavy or dangerous items at each other. That was a plus.
The entire drive to the hotel had been quite unbearable. The argument just kept escalating. By the time we arrived at the parking lot, he was at the peak of yelling.
“If you don’t want to be here—you don’t have to,” I said to him, putting my car in park.
“So, you’re gonna hang out the entire night with a bunch of guys without your boyfriend there? That’s disrespectful,” he said loudly as I got out of my car.
“They’re just my friends,” I said back for maybe the tenth time.
“It looks like you’re their call girl,” he said loudly as he made his way toward me.
I knew other people were in the parking lot with us, but I didn’t dare look up. It wasn't our first argument in public; I was certain we had their full attention. I didn’t want to see the looks, so I kept my eyes away and did my best to keep my voice down.
“Fuck off,” I muttered to him.
He got to me and grabbed my arm, pulling me tightly towards him.
This physical maneuver was pretty common that my body reacted automatically. I pushed him off with vigor. “If you’re gonna be acting like an ass, then it’s best you don’t go.”
“This is gonna come out on the tabloids—you meeting them in their room. You’re gonna look like a whore to those—”
He used a term that ignited something in me. Angered me and made me see red. It changed everything. Up until that point, I had brushed off my ex’s verbal, emotional, and physical abuse. I didn’t see it as abuse back then because I always physically pushed him back—I, too, used words to call him names. Everything about his behavior had been excusable back then, but not the term he used. The term made me see him for what he really was: a racist, homophobic piece of shit.
I had never felt angrier at another person than at that moment. I couldn’t understand how I was ever with a guy that was like this—someone who would say such a vile thing.
“What’s wrong with you?! Why would you say that? They’re seven of the kindest people. They would never allow something like that to come out. Unlike you, they’re real fucking men. So go fuck off. We’re done. Find your way back home.”
I turned to leave as he said some obnoxious thing behind me, but I didn’t listen. He wasn’t worth it. Plus, I didn’t want to show up at the guys’ room upset.
From the corner of my eye, I could tell the people on the other side of the parking lot were making their way toward us. I didn’t want to get involved with other people, so I dodged away and left in the opposite direction. I would take the long way up to the hotel.
I sent a message to Hoseok letting him know I was on my way up. After getting into the hotel, I made sure to go into one of the restrooms and calmed myself down. Minutes later, I got to their floor and was met with a group of their team that welcomed me and guided me to Hoseok’s room.
Stepping inside, I was welcomed by sweet smiles. Most of the guys were there.
Hugging all of them, we settled into the room and hung out.
Even though I was friendly with them, I was most close with Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Suga. Jin, Jungkook, and RM were still quiet around me. Hoseok had invited me, convinced it was only a matter of time before I fully blended with the other guys.
So, there we were, all of us minus Namjoon, having drinks. Jin was talking a little more, which I appreciated. He was making jokes and keeping things light.
Jimin and he were bickering for a moment, which made me laugh.
Jin stared at me. “What?” I asked, curious about the look.
Jin smiled. “You’re like Hobi.”
Jimin nodded, agreeing. “I’ve said the same thing. There’s a reason they hit it off when we met.”
“They both laugh with their entire body; they're loud and push you when they laugh,” Suga added. “Hobi makes a lot of sound effects and Maya hums a lot.”
Taehyung nodded. “It’s almost like they were separated at birth.”
"Also, both are scary when they get angry," Jimin said with a teasing laugh.
Hoseok and I exchanged a look. We had discussed this with ourselves in the past. From the start of our friendship, we saw a lot of similarities in our personalities. I told him he must have been Latino in another life because his energy was starkly different than most Koreans I had met and aligned more with my culture.
“Maya and I were already having deep conversations within the first week of knowing each other,” Hoseok said. “We were even crying to each other.”
I nodded, remembering. “I think we were comparing the struggle of being an artist.”
Hobi agreed. “I was having trouble being far away from family and you were having trouble with a former boyfriend. I think you were missing him.”
I shook my head. “It wasn’t because I missed him. We were fighting. He was trying to make me feel guilty for always being on the road.”
“Oh, that’s right,” Hoseok said, his face falling a little. “Well, it’s a good thing he’s gone.”
I nodded. “I know how to pick them.” I grabbed the beer the guys had handed to me and took a sip, remembering the fight I had earlier with my now-ex.
“How are things with your current boyfriend?” asked Jimin carefully. “We thought he was coming with you.”
Looking around the room and seeing they all had their eyes on me felt a bit embarrassing. I would have felt comfortable talking more openly if only Hoseok, Jimin, Suga, and Taehyung were present. I didn’t want to lay all my baggage out in the open for Jin and Jungkook to see.
I took another sip of my beer, deciding to just give a little bit of truth. “We had a big fight in the parking lot. Decided to end things with him.”
They immediately began to voice their sympathies and give me comforting words.
“What was the argument about?” Taehyung asked as he soothed my arm.
At that moment, I heard the door open. I turned towards it and found RM walking in. The guys told me upon arriving that RM was taking a call from his girlfriend, which was why he had been missing since I had arrived.
RM caught my eye and gave me a greeting.
The dimples he displayed made butterflies suddenly appear in my stomach. Since meeting him, I had a small crush on the guy, but it always seemed to come in waves. The fact that he had a girlfriend made it easy to ignore whatever attraction I had for him.
“You don’t have to answer if you’re not comfortable doing so,” Suga immediately commented, sending Tae a glance. The look contained a lot of words.
Taehyung pulled back a little, giving a small pout.
My heart tugged at seeing the scolding. Taehyung was only being considerate. I didn’t want to talk about the fight—feeling embarrassed and angry for what my ex had said, but I also didn’t want Taehyung to think he had done anything wrong. I wanted to let Suga know I was perfectly fine with being asked the question.
“It’s fine that he asked,” I told Suga. I turned to Taehyung, gaining the courage to suppress my uncomfortableness. “The fight was similar to many we’ve had. He thinks I’m unfaithful, believes I care too much about my career and hates that I have too many guy friends. He didn’t like me coming over. Thinks guys and girls can’t be friends.”
“Yes they can,” Jungkook said out of nowhere. He hadn’t spoken much the entire night.
Seven pairs of eyes turned to him.
With a full look of valor, Jungkook confidently said, “I think of you as my friend. What does he know about male and female friendships?”
“Thank you, Jungkookie,” I said with a smile.
The guys wore proud grins on their faces as they looked at their youngest member. He was growing up quite rapidly. The timid boy they all had come to raise was developing into a young man with full confidence.
While the guys felt pride for their maknae, I felt gratitude for what he said.
I looked around and noticed Jin’s eyes fall on me at the same time. He gave me a small smile, almost as if he was silently agreeing with Jungkook’s words. Like he, too, saw in me a friend.
A warmth spread through my chest at the feeling that the two of them saw me just as the other guys did: a friend.
I turned to Namjoon, who also wore a small smile.
But before I could decipher his look, Hoseok’s voice pulled me away.
“Mai-Mai, we have a confession to make to you.” Hoseok held my eyes, his face fully serious. It was almost scary to see him without his signature smile. “We saw you in the parking lot.”
I frowned, not understanding.
“We were there for your argument. We saw your ex grab you,” he said sadly.
Now, I understood. A feeling of embarrassment came over, realizing it had been them who had been there to witness it all. I had cussed and yelled—I had not been well-behaved. And I don’t know why, but in their eyes, I never wanted them to see the worst in me. And that moment in the parking lot was not my finest moment.
“We went over as soon as he grabbed you,” Jungkook said, a scowl on his face. “But you left before we could get to you.”
“We know the nasty words he said to you. And you don’t deserve that,” Jimin said, a similar look of anger on his face.
“Namjoonie made sure security escorted him out,” Suga said, assuredly. “We had some of our team stay behind to ensure he didn’t come back. Security of the hotel has been informed about him.”
I looked around, reading all of their faces as they gave me comforting words. The look of concern on all of their faces told me that they didn’t think I had misbehaved. They looked over my moments of anger and seemed to focus on my ex’s behavior toward me.
I was grateful they were concerned about me and even more that they were looking after me. I thanked them.
“Namjoonie told us what he said about us,” Jin said, his eyes right on me. “We want to thank you for being a good friend and standing up for us.”
A blush swept over my cheeks.
“We’re glad to call you our friend,” Teahyung said proudly.
My eyes went around the room again, seeing how they were all looking at me so kindly. They all gave small nods, agreeing with Taehyung’s words. The last one my eyes fell on was RM. He was the one I still wasn’t sure of in our friendship.
He gave me a half smile. “Thank you.”
I gave a slight nod, feeling uncomfortable. It was odd that I was being thanked for being a decent human being. Why were they making me feel as if I had done something so courageous?
“How are you feeling?” Jimin asked, worriedly.
I thought for a moment, not knowing how to answer. How was I feeling? I had never thought of that. My initial reaction was to say “angry”. But the anger faded after spending time with the guys. Seeing looks full of concern staring back at me, I wondered if there was something to be concerned about.
“You just broke up with your ex, it’s normal for you not to have processed everything yet. It’s ok,” Suga said calmly. “The sadness and loss and confusion will come when it comes.”
Suga and I had had plenty of deep conversations in the last year. He knew me almost as well as Hoseok did.
But now that he said it, I was now starting to feel those exact emotions: sadness, loss, and confusion. The fight replayed back in my mind and a concern popped into my head as I did this. “I don’t know why I keep choosing these assholes. What the fuck is wrong with me?”
We were all quiet for a long moment.
“What would he say to you?” Hobi asked as Jimin came over to hand me a tissue.
It was then I noticed I had been crying. I apologized as I took the tissue and thanked Jimin.
I felt slight embarrassment in the state I was in. But knowing I was in the comfort of a group of friends, I felt ok in sharing. “Stupid shit like I don’t know how to prioritize a relationship. I make him feel like a second choice. My clothing is too revealing—men are going to take advantage of me. I’ll get groped and it’ll be my fault.” I shook my head in disgust. “I would tell him to fuck off, but yet I still went back like an idiot.”
“You deserve someone who is going to always respect you,” Jin said. “Disagreements happen but respect should always be there.”
Jimin nodded. “If he’s not kind to you, then what’s the point in being with him? You should be with someone who is going to treat you right.”
Wiping away my tears, I kept my eyes down, still feeling shame.
“There, no need to cry over some loser,” Suga encouraged.
“Aw, if she wants to cry, let her cry,” RM said immediately.
“Yeah. What’s wrong with crying?” Jin challenged.
My heart warmed at the two of them defending me, even though Suga only meant well with his words.
“That’s not what I meant. I just mean she should save her tears for someone who's worth it. That piece of shit doesn’t deserve anything from her,” Suga said defensively.
“That doesn’t change how she feels about him. He might be an asshole, but that doesn’t take away the fact that she cared for him,” RM argued back.
Soon, the three of them were starting a nonsense argument as Jimin tried to interfere and calm all of them down. Hobi tried to crack a few jokes to diffuse the situation, but Taehyung and Jungkook sat closer to me and offered me some of the fried chicken that had now turned cold, They watched the entertainment with Cheshire smiles.
“It gets pretty juicy sometimes. Let’s hope Jimini and Hobi-hyung are unsuccessful,” Jungkook said as he took a bite of his chicken and giggled.
“Be sure to take cover if Yoongi-hyung gets ahold of a shoe, though,” Taehyung muttered.
I was about to ask for clarification on this, but all of a sudden Jimin’s voice pulled my attention back to the argument.
“Hyung, put that down!”
Suga had taken hold of a pillow and Jimin had his arms extended out, creating a small shield in front of a massive RM.
The look on RM and Suga’s faces was stern, but it was hard to take them seriously as the two evil maknaes next to me giggled like children. Jimin also looked like a tiny character; did he think he could protect RM? He was so tiny. Jin was currently sitting down and also enjoying the show with a wide smile. This was how I knew there was nothing to be too concerned about. Surely if things got too out of control, Jin would step in….. Right?
The argument didn’t escalate too much. Suga did end up throwing the pillow at RM, but less than a few minutes later things calmed down. From the look of things, this happened every now and then as they all continued as if nothing happened. Occasionally, Jimin and Jungkook would replay bits and pieces of RM and Suga's argument, finding it comical.
We all went back to discussing other things. As I continued to hang out with all of them throughout the night, it was like I went through a Grinch moment on Christmas day. I felt my heart grow three sizes that night. I don’t know why it felt this good to know I was great friends with all these individuals. What was it about these seven men that could make anyone think they could conquer the world?
Even though I only got a few hours of sleep that night, I still felt energized the next day. There was a song I was working on with the rap line. There was a time crunch, so we only had a day in the studio. Whatever didn't get done today, we would have to do electronically—something my brother Seb and I both disliked doing. We liked working with an artist physically in a room together. Doing things through email and phone calls muddied up the work.
We had a lot of ground to cover. When the guys arrived at my brother's studio, they went directly to work. Even though the guys were a bit worn out, they still gave it their all as they recorded. They were used to the workload.
Thankfully, everything went smoothly and we got done everything we set out to do. This was mostly because we had worked together before and knew how to speed up the process without risking the quality of work.
After Suga and Hoseok were satisfied with their parts, they left for some rest. My brother also stepped away for an important call. He announced he would be back in an hour or two. RM, however, wanted to stay longer to go over the record a little more. I stayed behind to assist.
RM was a perfectionist, so I knew it would be a few hours before he was satisfied. I decided to order us pizza. However, it was another half hour after the pizza arrived that RM was finally satisfied with the day’s work.
As RM took a few slices and served the both of us, I went into my brother’s mini-fridge and pulled out a couple of beers. RM and I had a similar way of working: we didn’t drink while we recorded, only until after.
It was the first time we hung out alone. Usually, someone else was always in the room. Now considering him a friend, I didn’t feel discomfort. I started asking personal questions that I hadn’t before. The topic of old relationships came up and it led me to ask what caused his last breakup. I knew he was head over heels for his current girlfriend, but I was curious about his past rather than his present.
“We broke up because it felt like she disrespected me,” he said finally after I had pushed a little. He originally didn’t want to talk about it, but somehow I convinced him to talk about it. “She had too many guy friends that were too physical with her.”
I couldn’t help but feel similarities to the argument my ex and I had last night. While I didn’t want anything to do with my asshole ex, I certainly wanted to get a different viewpoint on girl and guy friendships. Maybe RM could give me a glimpse into my ex’s thought process. Maybe there was a different perspective I was missing. I mean, if two of them seemed to have a problem with me having a lot of guy friends, maybe there was an angle I wasn’t considering?
“So you broke up because of the guy friends she had?” I asked, curiously.
“It’s not that she had guy friends—it was how close she was with them. And how many of them she had. There’s just a way you behave with guys and another that you behave with a boyfriend. It shouldn’t be physical—that gets reserved for boyfriends.”
“Hugging and touching too much.”
I thought about how my relationship with Hobi and Jimin. We goofed off a bit. They had tickled me a few times. I didn’t see the big deal.
“And also the type of things that are talked about. There are topics reserved for only significant others. Things you can discuss with friends of the same sex, but not the opposite sex.”
“Like what?”
He hesitated. “Personal stuff.”
“Like?” I pressed.
He was getting shy, avoiding eye contact. A slight blush came across his cheeks. “Just personal stuff.”
Sex. Koreans and their shyness on the topic, especially when talking to the opposite sex, let me know he was referring to this.
As I considered his perspective, I still didn’t feel swayed from my opinion on female and male friendships. I didn’t see why and how that would affect a romantic relationship.
“I don't think I could be with someone who wanted me to stop being friends with Hoseok and Jimin. To not have Hoseok, who is the epitome of happiness and positivity, or Jimin who is incredibly kind… just seems wrong. I probably wouldn't want to be in a relationship where the guy doesn’t want me to be friends with other guys. Sounds kind of like it’s insecurity.”
Namjoon was quiet for a moment, deep in thought and considering his next words. “I don't think it's about insecurity. It's about respect.”
This somewhat annoyed me because it was a similar word my ex had used: ‘disrespectful’. “You think having a close relationship with the opposite sex is disrespectful?”
RM’s face was serious as he looked right at me, not breaking eye contact. “When there is a significant other involved, yes.”
A sudden urge to challenge him came over, especially after some of the guys had validated me last night about the topic. “But you and I are friends. Do you side with my ex when he said we shouldn’t be friends?”
RM shook his head in a dismissive manner. “That's different. We're work friends. You’re helping me out with something work-related. There’s nothing personal happening between us. Different rules.”
His words sank at a rapid pace.
Work friends. Not friends, but work friends. Someone you only spoke about certain topics with. Nothing personal. 
A feeling of nausea took over.
Work friends? Is that how he saw me? Someone to only hang out with during work hours? Only if he was getting paid to do so?
How could he think of me this way? We had known each other for years. I had been present for group trips, dinners, music video shoots, and recordings. I had been present during dress rehearsals and mic checks. Been to many live shows. I had seen some of RM’s lows: recording him had brought him to near exhaustion once and I had been present when a doctor was called. I made sure not to leave his side until the color came back to his face. We shared many stories while drinking a beer. I was his go-to person when he had English grammar questions. And just last night, we had an entire night full of laughter—I had shared thoughts and emotions because I thought we were friends.
And then it hit me. All of those shared moments had been alongside the rest of the guys. The group trips were always done with all members. The dinners and hangouts were always with the other guys present. And it was always Hoseok, Jimin, or Taehyung who would invite me to their shows and music video shoots. I never really hung out with RM, even more notably now that he had a girlfriend. Last night, it had only been Jin and Jungkook who verbally confirmed our friendship. RM had never agreed with the rest of the guys that he was friends with me.
Even after showing my tears and hurt last night, there was still a barrier between RM and me.
But, if I took a step back, I couldn't blame him. He had always created a line between us. I just had never seen it. I was a fool to think differently. A feeling of embarrassment took over. And hurt.
“Hey, you guys get done?” came a voice from the door as it swung open.
It was Sebastian, my brother. He was back.
I couldn’t be here. It was far too awkward. Not to mention I was feeling my heart rate accelerate.
“I gotta go,” I said suddenly, searching for my keys. There was pressure in my chest. I could feel my breathing change.
I cursed at myself silently as I spun around franticly. Where the hell were my keys?
“Mayita.” My brother’s voice pulled me.
Turning around, I saw him holding my keys, a look full of concern across his face. “Qué pasó?” He took a step close to me, blocking me from RM. He was trying to spare my embarrassment. He knew I felt self-conscious about my episodes, he was trying to ensure RM didn’t see me like this.
I shook my head, not being able to speak.
“Ve. Está bien,” he encouraged as he handed me my keys.
“Maya, what’s wrong?” RM asked. He took a few steps closer.
Hurrying out of the room, I heard my brother ask RM what had happened.
As I drove out of the property, I felt a stream of tears start coming down. My chest felt like it was being squeezed.
I felt like such an idiot. How could I have ever been so stupid to not see RM didn’t want to be friends? Just because he was nice and friendly did not mean that he wanted to be friends.
After an hour of driving around and crying, my negative thoughts began to go out of control. I began to doubt my friendship with the other guys. Were they also just being friendly with me and nice, like RM? Was it only Hoseok and Jimin who I had a genuine friendship with?
I felt the need to know the truth. There was no way Hoseok would ever be honest with me. He was much too kind for that. There was only one person who would be completely honest if I asked him to be.
Using some sunglasses, I made my way to the guys’ hotel. I had sent a message to the person I needed to see so the staff had been informed about my visit.
“What is it?” Suga asked as soon as he opened his door.
He looked concerned as soon as I took off my sunglasses. I must have looked like shit.
He stepped back, inviting me in.
“I'm sorry,” I said immediately. “I just...I need a direct answer and I know you’re the one who would be most honest with me.”
Suga looked a little uncomfortable. Maybe it was because he was only in his boxers.
“Hold on.” He reached over to a bathrobe and put it on. Poor guy, I hadn’t given him ample time for him to get ready.
Once again, I felt like an idiot. Of course, he would feel uncomfortable with me here. He probably saw me the same way RM did. We were work friends. Work friends didn’t visit each other in their personal bedrooms for non-work-related reasons.
“Are we friends?” I blurted out, not able to keep it in.
He looked even more confused. “What?”
“Would you consider us friends?” I asked a little more clearly this time.
“Yes. Of course.”
It seemed like I wasn’t being clear, so I became more specific. “I'm not talking about work friends or associates, but friends-friends. Someone you feel comfortable having deep conversations with? To share secrets with? Trust important information with?”
He couldn’t look more lost. “Yes. You are a friend of mine. Maiwa, what’s wrong?”
And then the tears just streamed down.
Suga reached over and gave me a one-arm hug. He held me for a good while. Once I had settled down, he asked again, “What’s wrong?”
I took a breath. “I was talking to RM and I found out the friendship I thought we had really only existed in my head. And if I was wrong about my friendship with him, maybe I’m wrong about my friendship with the rest of you guys.”
He pulled back a bit to look me in the eye. “Why would you say such a thing? Namjoonie values your friendship.”
I shook her head. “He sees us as associates. ‘Work friends’ were his exact words. Had I known he didn't see me as a friend, I would have waited until he was out of the room to talk so openly with you guys.”
Yoongi seemed to consider my words before he spoke again. “What you said last night was important. We're all grateful you trust us enough to share that with us. I'm sure he didn't mean what he said.”
“RM is one of the best communicators I know. He dissects everything he says. He’s careful and articulate. I’m more than sure he meant what he said. Especially when I’m the one who referred to the two of us being friends and he was quick to correct me. He said we were different from friends. We were work friends.”
Suga stayed quiet for a long while. Surely, he was going over what might have occurred in his head, questioning if I was overreacting.
It felt like another punch in the gut. A level of anger began to build toward RM. His words were making me doubt Suga. I had never thought negatively about any of the guys but now I was overanalyzing everything. Allowing self-pity to win over.
“You know Hobi once called us business partners? Not friends, but business partners,” he said carefully.
This was shocking to me. It didn't seem right. Hoseok would never say this about Suga or any of the other guys. He loved his six members more than brothers.
Suga seemed to have read my mind. “He did...but he wasn’t serious. It took a moment to figure out he was only messing around, but I remember that horrible feeling that someone I cared for, thought of me as something so insignificant. To me, the six guys are an eternal family. My brothers for life. So, hearing those words, it cut something deep.” He looked sad at the memory. “Thankfully, it was a misunderstanding. Hopefully, for your circumstance, it was as well.”
New, warm tears began to stream down. “I don’t think so, Suga. I’ve been thinking about it. RM and I never hung out. Not by ourselves, that is. And whenever we talk, he doesn’t really ask personal questions. I ask him about his family and girlfriend and past, but he’s never shown interest in me. I don’t think that’s how friends are.”
Suga was quiet again. “Namjoonie is someone who holds up many walls. It takes a good deal to bring them down. I’ll be honest, there are moments when he doesn’t let us in. He carries a lot on his shoulders. Sometimes Jin can get through to him, but when he shuts down, there’s no way of getting him to open up. He has to be the one who’s ready to do so. A lot is going on lately. I’m not trying to make excuses for him, but I’m sure he’s stressed and not thinking clearly.
“I know his heart. He’s an incredible person and someone who would never want to hurt someone. I’m sure if he sees he’s upset you, he’ll do everything in his power to set things right.”
I didn’t say anything. A part of me believed Suga, but a bigger part was buried deep in the pain and I couldn’t see straight. I was stuck in a negative headspace.
We didn’t speak much for the remainder of the night. Suga kept his arm around me for a while longer.
This moment I was having with Suda reminded me of last year when we were recording a song for their current album. I was asked to help assist with a solo song for him. While writing for the track, the two of us went the entire night drinking and comparing childhood stories. We found we shared a complicated relationship with music. We were both born to be musicians but there came a point in our lives where we resented it for different reasons. His thoughts about it were similar to mine and together, we created a song that held a special place in my heart. It was a song that after the recording was done, I only listened to once due to the power it had over me. It was one of the few songs I had taken part in writing but couldn’t listen to.
As I sat next to Suga, I began to feel sleepy. When he noticed this, he offered me his bed. I insisted on using the couch in his room, knowing I couldn’t drive at this stage but not wanting to inconvenience my friend either. He had none of it. He placed the covers around me and took the couch for himself.
My doubts about the rest of the guys seeing me as their friend began to float away.
The next day was full of activity. The schedule for the guys was set from the start of the day and would carry on until the night. The next day, they were set to leave LA for their next destination.
Having the responsibility of ensuring everyone was awake today, Namjoon woke early the next morning. He knew his hyungs were more than likely awake, so he went directly to the three youngest rooms first. After ensuring they woke up, Namjoon then made his way to Hobi and Jin’s rooms; not surprisingly, the two of them were easier to stir awake. Finally, he headed to Yoongi’s room. Namjoon was certain he was awake, but he’d rather play it safe and check.
Just as Namjoon got to Yoongi’s room, he saw his hyung’s door open. And out came a curly-haired brunette.
Namjoon stopped in his tracks. It had been a while since Yoongi had brought a girl to a hotel room, but he had never done so while they were overseas. What chick had he hooked up with last night? He didn’t know any Americans. And judging from this girl’s backside and figure, she was not Korean, so it couldn’t be one of their staff.
“Thanks again, Yoongi,” said the girl as Yoongi stepped up to the doorway to see her off.
He gave her a small smile and a half hug.
It took Namjoon a moment, but he finally recognized the voice. “Maya?”
Maya turned; her almond-shaped eyes wide. Did she look…scared?
Namjoon remembered how she had left so abruptly from the studio yesterday. Sebastian had asked him what had happened, but he genuinely didn’t know. One moment they were having a conversation and the next Maya was gone. He had noticed the change in her breathing right as Sebastian tried blocking him from looking at her. Namjoon asked Sebastian what had been wrong with Maya, but Sebastian simply said that she got sick every once in a while but didn’t give specifics. It worried Namjoon. He had even sent Maya a couple of messages, wishing she felt better.
But Namjoon figured she had gone home to rest. Why was she here? Had she spent the night with Yoongi? Was there more going on between them that he hadn’t noticed?
“What are you doing here?” Namjoon asked her bluntly, stepping forward.
Maya took several steps away from him. Some tears began to make their way down her eyes. “I gotta go.” She gave Yoongi a quick look and walked away in a hurry.
As she left, Namjoon could hear her take deep breaths, just as she had last night.
He wanted to go after her to see if she was ok, but something made his feet stay where they were. “Why was she crying?” Namjoon asked.
“How about you tell me?” Yoongi asked, a lethal note detected in his tone.
Namjoon frowned, not understanding. “Did I do something wrong?”
“I would say so. What the hell were you on yesterday?” he asked, the lethal note sounding deadlier.
“Excuse me?” Namjoon’s patience began to wear thin. His defenses started to come up.
He and Yoongi got into intense arguments, sometimes it seemed out of nowhere. Since meeting each other, Namjoon and Yoongi’s relationship had been intense. It mostly stemmed from their competitiveness and different personalities. Yoongi tended to be stubborn and blunt while Namjoon was more docile and subtle. Their opposite traits tended to create the most intense fights.
Namjoon did his best to avoid arguing as much as he could, but the guy always knew what buttons to press. Just like he was now.
“What did you tell Maiwi last night?” Yoongi demanded.
Namjoon was quick to notice the nickname. Hobi and Jimin usually called her 'Mai-Mai', but Yoongi had created a nickname for Maya that was fully Korean. That could only mean one thing, right?
“Are you guys together?” Namjoon asked, shocked.
Yoongi looked completely unimpressed. “You know, for a genius, you really are daft sometimes. Nothing’s going on between me and Maya. She’s a friend. And she only sees a friend in me as well. Wish she could say the same thing about how she sees you, though.”
Namjoon’s confusion only deepened. “What?”
“Did you seriously tell her that you guys were work friends?”
Namjoon thought for a moment. “Yeah.”
“Aishhhh,” Yoongi hissed out as he shook his head disappointedly.
“You hurt her feelings, Namjoon,” Yoongi emphasized.
Namjoon was taken about by these words. He didn’t know how to react. But he continued to listen to Yoongi as he spoke.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but last night was the first time Maya has ever opened up about how toxic her relationships are. Hobi even pointed out that even with him, Maya is pretty quiet about her relationships. He’s noticed markings on her arms in the past, but she’s always dismissed the bruises. I’ve seen a couple of bruises on her as well, but never asked her about it, fearing what her answer would be. And last night she confirmed our suspicions.
“She opened up to us because she thought she was talking to friends. She felt safe bringing down those walls. And then you go and tell her she’s not a friend? What the fuck do you think that did to her?” Yoongi demanded.
The realization of his mistake made Namjoon want to start digging a hole for himself to live inside. “Shit,” he let out. He replayed the entire conversation from last night in his head. What the hell had possessed him to say such a thing?
So much was going on lately, that he had behaved and spoken without thinking. But it was no excuse for him acting like a jerk.
Yoongi was right, Maya had entrusted them and opened up to them. And she was a friend. Last night during her breakup with her ex, she had proved how great of a friend she was. He had fucked up.
He turned towards the hall, but Maya was long gone. "I didn't mean it that way; just that we're not that close like I am with you guys or my other friends."
“Listen, whatever backward, caveman mentality you have on guy and girl friendships, I couldn't give two shits about. But the rest of us do consider her a friend. She's shown great loyalty to us not only professionally—she's defended us countless times in the media whenever some idiot makes a racist or homophobic comment about us—but just last night she even defended us privately. It looked like she was about to fight her ex after he said what he said."
"I know," Namjoon agreed. "She's amazing. We're lucky to have an ally like her."
"We're lucky to have a friend like her," Yoongi corrected him.
Namjoon just gave a nod, his eyes still on the hall, where Maya had disappeared into. He was still debating on going after her.
"We have a full schedule today,” Yoongi said, knowing exactly what was going through Namjoon’s head. “It’s best to call her. See if you can meet tonight or tomorrow morning before we fly out.”
Namjoon nodded, taking out his phone.
“I know you can be blunt with your honesty, but you really need to think before you speak. Especially when it comes to someone who hasn't come to fully know you quite yet. Set things right with her, Namjoon. Don’t fuck it up with her. She’s a good person,” Yoongi said then turned back to his room.
Namjoon pressed Maya’s name on his contacts. He left a message, apologizing over and over.
Around noon, she still hadn’t responded, so he called again.
That night, he called again.
And again.
And again….
I had only agreed to meet with him after the 10th voicemail. Plus, Yoongi had sent me a message, telling me to give RM an opportunity to explain.
It was the following morning when we met. The guys always booked out an entire floor, meaning there were plenty of empty rooms. When I entered the room, RM was already inside waiting.
He stood up once he saw me. “Thank you for coming,” he said politely.
Instantly, I felt an uneasiness in my stomach. No words came out of me; I remained standing, just staring at him.
RM took a breath, a look of regret washing over his face. “I want to apologize for yesterday. What I said, I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I do value your friendship. Please, do not think I don’t,” RM sounded like he was pleading.
A rush feeling of flight took over, I didn’t want to be here. However, my feet remained still “You don’t have to apologize for something you feel. I shouldn’t have made assumptions. I feel embarrassed for putting you in an awkward position.”
“No. Not at all. I—”
My feet jerked and I could feel them wanting to make their way to the door. I forced my body to remain still. “I don’t want to keep talking about this; it’s upsetting. And I don’t want to cry in front of you.” I don’t know what possessed me to be so blunt and honest. Maybe it was because it was my best bet for him to let me leave without causing a scene.
I took a deep breath, trying my best to maintain control of my emotions. “Let’s continue as we have. When the guys invite me over, I’ll come over like normal. If you need some advice with English, it’s fine if you email me or text me like you usually do. I’ll be sure to stop inviting you over to hang out. Now, all these years later, I understand why you never accepted my invitations, so I’ll stop putting you in an uncomfortable situation.”
“I know you have your flight to catch, so I’ll be on my way out.” My feet finally won the battle and moved towards the door.
RM’s long legs were quick; he made his way in front of me, blocking me. “I’m sorry, Maya. Please. I want to set things right.”
I always spoke in Korean with all the guys. Every once in a while I would say some English words, but normally I stuck with Korean. It was a struggle since Korean was not my first language and one that I didn’t use daily. Even with my Tia Jia and her family, I spoke more English with them than Korean. I never told any of the guys, not even Hoseok, but it certainly took a lot of energy when I was with them. It never felt stressful, though, because the guys were worth it—they were my friends. But I suddenly didn’t feel the drive to overwork my brain. Maybe it was because RM wasn’t a friend.
I decided to stick to English. “You meant what you said. As shitty as it felt, you meant it. I don’t want you to let Suga make you feel guilty. Everything is fine with us professionally. Personally, I’m hurt. I don’t want to be here because I know I’m going to cry and I don’t want to do that in front of you.”
It was like someone had just slapped him in the face, RM looked so taken aback and hurt. He composed himself and gave a nod. “Ok. Can we talk later?” He asked softly in English.
He looked like a kicked puppy and the sad tone in his voice made my stomach turn. Guilt. I wanted to forgive him and forget all the words from nights ago because he did look to mean his apology, but my pride kept me from accepting it. “Maybe. I don't know.”
He leaned forward like he was about to take a step closer to me but he stopped himself and stayed at a distance. “I'll call you this weekend,” he said with determination, still in English.
I didn’t say anything. I walked out and went into the hall, heading to the elevator.
He stayed at the doorway, watching me as I waited for the elevator doors to open.
I kept my head high, doing my best to not give in and cry. Even as I entered the elevator, I kept it in, not allowing my emotions to come undone until I was on the highway.
RM did call me that weekend. Several times. At all times of the day. But I didn’t pick up.
He called again several days later. But still, I did not answer.
He sent messages, asking when I was free. He would make time. I didn’t reply.
A couple of weeks after, there were a few emails, asking the same question. But they all went unanswered.
In the months that followed, my communication with the rest of the guys increased. Not only was I chatting with Hoseok, Jimin, Tae, and Yoongi, but Jungkook and Jin would randomly send me messages as well. Jungkook's were scarce, but knowing he wasn’t much of a texter meant a lot. Jin's messages were mostly funny video clips of them. We played a few mobile games together. With the two of them, I felt a sweet and genuine friendship. 
But even though it felt nice to have six of them in my life, it felt like something was missing. I would get the urge to message RM, but I didn’t know how to start a conversation. I slowly began to see things more logically; my anger faded, and my hurt no longer took precedence. However, my pride would then take over. I became determined not to allow myself to be weak again. RM had hurt me and I shouldn’t let him do it again. I didn’t need to beg someone to be friends with me. Hoseok and Jimin had been right that night I had broken up with my ex. I needed to start cutting bad people out of my life. Not that I thought RM was a bad person, but he certainly was someone who didn’t care about me. Why should I keep someone in my life if I didn’t matter to them?
As the months went on, RM’s phone calls stopped. His text messages didn’t come anymore. Some emails were exchanged. But they were always work-related and kept cordial on my end.
I took notice he always signed off with, “Call me anytime.”
But I didn’t do so.
-November 2017-
In the many months that followed, I managed to make drastic changes in my life. I cut off anyone in my life that was not a good influence. Taking the guys’ advice to me, I made sure to only keep people who I knew had my best interest at heart. The guys I normally went for, I made sure to avoid. No artists, no musicians, no guys dressed in that homeboy style. Those were my rules. If a guy came up to me with any one of those characteristics, I dodged them.
I managed to catch a couple of good guys but dumped them pretty quickly after finding no real chemistry with them.
It was a good and positive change for me. I felt better than ever knowing I was actively being more positive.
However, something seemed off still. And I knew why that was.
After many talks with Hoseok, Yoongi, and my Tia Jia, I finally got the courage to send Namjoon a message.
The guys were scheduled to come back to LA and it felt like a good time to meet with RM.
Once again, we met at one of the many rooms they had checked out in their hotel.
This time, I made sure to be the first to arrive. I felt it was only fair. It was difficult not to acknowledge that he had in fact all he could to set things right. He had done his best to reach out to me; it was my turn to reach out just as much.
As he entered the room, I got to my feet. “Hi.”
Being the ever-polite young man he was, RM gave me a proper bow, thanking me for meeting him.
 My heart squeezed at seeing this. Guilt came over. How could I ever have thought any part of RM was negative? He had made a mistake. He was allowed to do so. He was human.
RM had a whole speech prepared. It was like he had rehearsed it several times, hardly taking a breath. “I do see you as a friend. I always have. I was an idiot to have said what I said," was how he ended his speech.
I gave him a small nod. “I appreciate your apology. And I’m sorry on my end for not reaching out earlier. I think it was my pride mixed in with my embarrassment for my overreaction, but—”
“You didn’t overreact,” RM cut me off. “You were right to be upset. I spoke without thinking. Just like you told me, you shouldn’t apologize for how you feel.”
I was quiet for a moment, considering his words.
“So, can we be friends?” RM asked with a teasing smile.
His dimples made the butterflies in my stomach go wild. I felt the crush I had for him emerging. I did my best to squash it. “Yes,” I answered.
The dimples on his cheeks deepened.
Wanting to forget the last half year, I decided to move the conversation to something lighter. “Ok, I need some guy advice and Hoseok and Yoongi still haven’t answered my damn messages.”
“I’m all ears,” he said, taking a seat on the couch and giving me all of his attention. He seemed eager to prove himself.
“So, there’s these two guys I’m talking to—only talking. Nothing physical has happened with either one of them…yet,” I said with a snicker.
“Ok, I see where this is going,” RM said with a smile. “Been on dates with either one of them? Gone to dinner with them?”
“Went on a couple of dates so far with both of them. Dinner with both.”
“How did they treat the staff?”
I frowned, not understanding.
He read my confusion. “Go on a dinner date with both of them again. Look for an opportunity for the staff to make a mistake and see how they react. You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat staff. If he’s an ass, don’t make excuses, and stop talking to him. Keep the one who is humble and treats the staff like a decent human being.”
I considered his advice and concluded it was a pretty damn good one. “Thanks. I’ll do that.”
“What do these two guys do? What vocation are they in?”
“One is a talent agent, really hot and a pretty good smooth talker—very fun to be around. And the other one is an attorney. He’s alright, but a little boring.”
“What makes him boring?” RM asked curiously.
I shrugged. “I don’t know. Just doesn’t seem to be too exciting. A real homebody, which I’m cool with, but you know—I like to go out, you know. Possibly travel; have some fun. This talent agent and I have gone to the club and I had a good time with him. The attorney I have yet to have fun with.”
RM stopped me. “Wait, I’m remembering something. Weren’t you dating some actor? I thought I saw you at one of the premieres with him.”
“Oh, yeah. We dated for a few months, but it didn’t last. His schedule got to be too much.”
RM seemed to be thinking. “Was it just the schedule that was an issue? You’re an artist, you should be able to understand a busy schedule and work it out.”
I felt I was being called out. “Fine. It wasn’t his schedule. He just…he was a bit bland.”
RM chuckled. “Bland?”
“Yeah, he tended to like the quieter dates. A simple dinner and a movie at his place. He never wanted to go out.”
RM cocked his eyebrow, signaling to me that he suspected something about me.
I was sure I knew what he was thinking. “So, I prefer to have fun. What’s wrong with that?”
RM put a hand in defense and laughed lightly. “No, I don’t mean to judge. It’s just that…it seems like you aren’t willing to bend a little to the guys’ preference. Being part of a couple is sometimes doing things for the other person. Just like you want to go to the club with him, maybe give him that night in.”
I let his words marinade, considering if he was right.
“Maya, I say this as a friend who cares for you: many of your past boyfriends haven’t been the best choices. Maybe try going for a guy completely different than what you’re used to. I’m not saying change your personality, but start being open to someone very different than who you usually go for.”
He was kind of making sense.
“Give this lawyer guy a chance,” he suggested with a warm smile.
I gave him a nod.
On the following dates I had with the talent agent and the attorney, I paid attention to how they were with the staff. The talent agent failed miserably, snapping at staff at the first opportunity. However, the attorney, a guy named Jerry, was a complete gentleman.
I followed my friend’s advice and decided to see where this thing with the attorney would lead.
AN: I've been wanting to do a Namjoon POV and I finally found the perfect spot for it! 🥰
ANNOUNCEMENT: The next two weeks will be pretty busy at work. I might go a couple of weekends without posting, my apologies. The good thing is we are closer to the end of this story.
Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Ok this is silly and stupid but I was wondering about bts's sexualities hehe
So I think jm, jk and yg are definitely queer.
Seokjin is definitely straight
Namjoon might be straight
Hoseok is a tough one. He's probably straight but is extremely supportive of the queer folks.
Teahyung seems straight too. Only time I've seen him checking a man out was jin tho. They have real chemistry but too bad jin's straight lol
What do you think?
Taejin ... straight
Minimoni ... Bi
Jhope ... Straight. There is a way he acts that tells me he might not be into dudes. If he's not then he's just not attracted to any of his members 😂😂 He could be Bi though coz Irene is like one of his closest friends and she always comments with a rainbow under his posts so idk what that means 🤭🤭 he's definitely an ally though 💯
Yoonkook gay. Super gay. So very much gay. 😂 I mean, Suga says his tongue technology can drive BOTH sexes crazy so that's something to consider, ig... 🤔
But...idk. dude looks like he's getting some on the reg and I have this feeling its a boyfriend, not a girlfriend. But that's just me. He been looking good though lately, damn.
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JK though I have 0 doubts he only bats for one team. We have seen some of the others look at women some type of way at one point or another and have heard them talk some type of way that alludes to them being partial to women. But JK.... nothing. JK and women we have nothing. Only what his Y/Ns make up. If he liked pussy he would have slipped up at some point like RM and V do 😂😂 😂 Someone said even at American award shows JK when watching the female singers his reactions were like "yas Queen!" Or "you go girl!" It wasn't because he found them hot or whatever. That tickled me 😂😂
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Pairing: OT7 x Female Reader
Word Count: 1 K
Status: Ongoing
Summary: Idol!BTS falls for spoiled brat reader who’s just looking for some fun! Can all 7 of them win her heart and make her theres and theres alone?
Genre:  Idol! BTS social media/sociallite reader. Modern day. No covid
Story warnings: Light smut, swearing, BTS are men and sometimes men are dumb as hell. That B!tch reader. Bi-sexual reader Mild angst. Swearing, lots of casual sex. possesive (?) bts. Unlikely to be member on member action but never say never. 18 PLUS MINORS DNI
Chapter 1
It was Seokjin who brought it up. All the boys were gathered around the dining table for family dinner. He was barely paying attention to the various conversations going on around him as he was scrolling through your Insta. 
It was maybe the third time he had done a deep dive on the page unable to take his eyes off of you in various locations.
“Mind your business!” Seokjin blushed as Namjoon reached over and grabbed his phone, before he could recover it Namjoon was sighing at the screen, before flipping the phone to show the rest of the men. A collective groan swept over the group.
There were photos of everything really, you looking stunning in front of the pyramids, a half-eaten croissant with a woman’s hand reaching towards it, five different photos of a cat walking down the street. He liked looking at your world when you weren’t around.
“Jin Hyung!” Jung Kook called from two chairs away snapping Seokjin out of his scrolling. Jung Kook chuckled “What are you looking at?” 
“It’s really not fair how sexy she is” Jimin sighs running his hand over his face. Taehyung nods adjusting in his seat to pull his phone out.
“Look at what she sent me” He smiles showing the boys the cute selfie you sent him while you were lying by the pool. 
Your skin is glistening and you still have that all-knowing sexy glint in your eye even through the photograph. Taehyung had texted you earlier asking to come over and see you and when you politely declined he figured he’d tease you and ask for a selfie instead. His heart sped up a little when you actually did what he asked. You were so beautiful and he had to share how gorgeous you were with the group. He smiled as they all stared at his phone cooing over you before putting his phone away. 
“Asked her what Hyung?” Jung Kook spoke up quirking an eyebrow at him as he shoved more noodles in his mouth. Hoseok laughed a little feeling embarrassed as all the guys stared at him. He was relieved when Yoongi patted him on the shoulder speaking up. 
“So have you guys like…asked her?” Hoseok cleared his throat looking around. They all turned towards him waiting for him to finish his sentence.
Taehyung earnestly breaks the silence “I asked her to move in once” And for a split second no one reacts before everyone bursts out laughing. 
“Don’t play dumb guys.” Yoongi scoffed. “Do you guys ever ask her to get more serious?” A quiet falls over the table as the question hangs in the air.
“Tae what the fuck.” Namjoon cried. 
“Ours.” Hoseok corrected raising an eyebrow at his friend. And that seemed to do it. Silently they were all in agreement, you were going to be theirs one way or another. 
“We’ve only known her like two months!” Jimin breathed out through giggles.
“Okay but I would have too hyung” Jung Kook admits smiling at his friend. He wasn’t afraid to admit he wouldn’t mind seeing you all the time.
“Ahh, I can’t live like this” Seokjin sighed. “I wouldn’t ask her to move in so soon, but I’d like her to be mine” He nods his voice gaining a serious tone. The tension slowly racks up in the room at Seokjin asserting a form of ownership over you. 
Slowly the idea formed between them on how to convince you. First things first, invite you over for a movie night with all seven of them.
And so there you were at their house flouncing around like you owned the place bouncing from member to member flirting and having a ball. 
“I already said no” You laughed coming back to the living room with a fresh bowl of popcorn where they were all spread out waiting for you.
“Ughk stop saying that” Jung Kook whined pulling you onto his lap.
“What’s the issue then?” You asked while picking up the remote from the coffee table and scrolling through the selections before landing on Legally Blonde. 
“What it’s the truth! You don’t like the truth?” You smirked at him while Namjoon reached over for the popcorn popping a kernel in your mouth before sneaking a kiss on your lips and settling back into the sofa.
“I don’t think the truth is the issue baby” Jimin chimed in scooting closer to you and Jung Kook.
“The issue is that you’ve never had boyfriends like us” Taehyung looked up at you from the ground flashing a charming smile. You rolled your eyes and chuckled. 
“I don’t know about that, I mean aren’t all men essentially the same?”
“Bull shit” Yooongi breathed. He had been relatively quiet watching you own the room like you always do. Don’t get him wrong he wanted you as badly as the others and he let you see that but when it came to their mass fawning session he liked to take a more low-key approach.
“Oh yeah?” You looked him in the eye as the room slowly quieted. The heat between y’all building.
“Let us prove it” He shrugged.
“Prove it?”
“Okay?” You laughed looking around the room as their eyes roamed over you. “And how do you all expect to do that and don’t say-”
“It’s not what you think” Jin rolled his eyes, cutting you off. He got up from the opposite end of the couch shuffling over to you before pushing Jimin aside to sit by you. He rested his hand on your inner thigh before nuzzling your ear. You squirmed enjoying his touch and the attention of the others watching you two.
“Seven dates” he whispered in your ear. “One-on-one with all of us. Let us show you how different we all can be” he teased while inching his way up your thigh and planting a kiss beneath your ear lobe. “Let us show you how good we all can be”  
And oh my god, he knew all the right spots, between the seven of them they all did. Your head was swimming and you were enjoying his hand drawing tortuously small circles on your inner thigh. You were also well aware of all seven of their eyes drinking you in as you slowly melted in to Jin’s touch
“Don’t make me beg, love” Jin squeezed your thigh snapping you back to reality. And you knew you’d regret it but you said it still.
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taehyungfirst · 6 months
I'm late but I want to join the speculation.
RM - started out very straight and then opened his pov and now doesn't use a label (though still basically straight because he's too emotional for queer romance)
Jin - straight
Yoongi - less bi/pan than people want him to be but not strictly straight
Hobi - straight
Jimin - I lean towards straight. Not sure because I think a lot of what gets pointed to as indicating his sexuality is more about gender expression. He has been vocal for years about breaking down stereotypes of what is considered "manly".
Tae - queer - though I don't think he does labels. I think it's about being, in his own words "free".
JK - queer - but I also think he's not one to vibe with labels. I also think his intentional engagement around gender expression doesn't get enough credit.
(Random sidenote: I think a lot of the "proof" about JK/JM's relationship comes from early days when they were two young boys figuring out how to navigate the gender stereotypes ("manly muscles" and "cute boy next door") that they had and that were being put on them as opposed to how they started to understand their own desires around what they wanted to express and how. I also think that's where JK's resistance on being "cute" comes from.)
Namjoon being still “basically straight” after he got traumatized by his ig bf situationship is very funny to say 😭
I agree about Jimin! He fought really hard to break the early days image people (the company) wanted to push on him, and most of his actions revolve around gender expression.
I also believe labels are important for some people and while I agree on Taehyung, I think Jk would probably use a label. And you’re right, he’s also very involved with genderless brands.
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