#naoya x reader drabbles
lale-txt · 1 month
❥ falling asleep besides you for the first time ↳ w/ Toji, Naoya, Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Higuruma, Sukuna & Choso
a/n: this came over me like a fever dream during another episode of insomnia. some of those drabbles are a little sad, i apologize. it's what you get with all those tragics characters. reader is gn!
word count: 1.4k
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𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 doesn’t even want to fall asleep; it’s not like he had a good night of rest ever since… well. He tells himself he’s just gonna close his eyes for a bit, stretched out on the couch next to you, his weary head in your lap. There’s still blood on his hands and on the side of his face, he’s gonna get cleaned up in just a bit, he mumbles, but the words come out heavy and drowsy, and your fingers are tangled in his hair now and your voice is this sweet whisper, baby, I love you anyway, and Toji–Toji just gives in. For the first time, sleep doesn’t come over him as a heavy veil, as if he’s drowning; for once it’s something peaceful, something quiet. Something he welcomes. Next to you, you with your fingers woven between his, you who loves even the broken parts of him, you with quiet love and reassurance that you’re still gonna be there when he wakes up again.
𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐀 hasn’t had another warm body next to him under the covers in a long time. He doesn’t realize how much he missed this until your body melts into his, one leg swung over his thighs, your arm sneaking around his waist and your head finding its spot in the crook of his neck. His cheek falls softly against your forehead when he pulls you closer, breathing in the scent of you that’s the closest to home he ever felt, pressing kisses on the crown of your head. It’s not just lust–oh, he wants to devour you, but there’ll be time in the morning–it’s the absence of loneliness and unspoken confessions. Higuruma can tell when he’s falling in love and in this moment he’s wading deep, deeper through his feelings for you, biting his tongue so they don’t spill out all over the pillows and into you. You already know anyway, and when the sun comes up again, you’ll lick them from the cave of his mouth like a prayer.
𝐍𝐀𝐎𝐘𝐀 can’t fall asleep, not on his wedding night, not when your mouth is whispering all those words he’s demanding from you. His cheek is pressed against your palm while he’s pinning you down, almost nuzzling into it like a touch-starved stray, golden eyes lingering on you. Say you’re mine. Again. Say who you belong to. Mine. Mine. All mine. He isn’t aware how pleading he sounds, how raspy his voice gets the more you obey, every time you sigh his name so softly into his open mouth. Naoya doesn’t care if you’re lying, as long as you wear your wedding band on your ring finger for everyone to see. You’re his to keep now, and if he could have it his way, you would be forbidden to leave this bed forever; he wasn’t aware just how much he had craved the presence of another being by his side at night, one who doesn’t leave once he had his share of pleasure. No, you’re his now, and before sleep eventually finds him, he’ll make sure to sink his teeth into you till his name rolls off your tongue like a lullaby. 
𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈 doesn’t let go of your hand; he’s afraid it’ll go cold if he allows himself to let his guard down even for one second. This isn’t how he had imagined spending the first night with you. Not under the fluorescent lights of the infirmary, not with your body wrapped in gauze and machinery monitoring your heart rate. It dawns on him as he’s sitting on your bedside–how attached he’s gotten to you, then: How he had almost lost you today. He squeezes your hand tighter and sighs, his weary head sinking down on the mattress. Your fingers twitch and find their way into his hair, combing through it weakly. As if they say, it’s okay, I’m alive, you’re not to blame. So please don’t leave and take all your love with you. And Nanami takes your hand once again and kisses your fingertips, pressing promises against your skin, promises of a future where you and him can just be, one where he can finally put all of these feelings down, down in your open and gentle palms for you to keep.
𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐎 is clingy throughout the day, but even more so at night. He doesn’t like the eerie quiet that settles in once the sun has sunken, not when he can listen to your steady breathing next to him instead, so naturally he feels a rush of joy when you push your futons together for the first time. His heart is beating way too fast to find sleep now, his eyes taking in everything about your sleeping figure, from the way your chest rises and falls to how your nose scrunches slightly for a moment. Choso wants to know what you’re dreaming about, what colors your dreams are, and if he’s ever in them. He wants to engrave himself into your being, wants to keep you wrapped in his arms forever. His kisses feel light against your skin, careful not to wake you but enough to fill his desire. Choso loves you with his entire being, and sleep is merely an obstacle, cutting away from your time spent together–though he must admit, his eyes flutter shut quite easily in your embrace.
𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 realizes that his idea of ‘sweets in bed’ now has a double meaning, seeing you sprawled out in his sheets with candy wrapping paper clenched between your fist and more of it lying on the floor. Cute, he can’t help but murmur as he lays down next to you on his side, mustering you with an amused smile on his lips. When he told you to knock yourself out on the sweet souvenirs he brought, he didn’t assume you would take it that literally. His thumb brushes over the corner of your mouth, collecting some of the powdered sugar that’s still stuck there, and Gojo could swear he never tasted anything sweeter than this when he brings it to his tongue. He gently replaces the trash you hold onto in your sleep with his fingers, woven between yours, and pulls you close to him, his tall figure embracing you; and for the first time in a long time, Gojo feels a wave of calm wash over him, allowing him to exhale and sink into a dream almost as sweet as you.
𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐔𝐍𝐀 doesn’t know why he keeps entertaining your antics. Sharing a bed, sleeping together side by side? How utterly foolish, but as to be expected from a mere human; they’ve always been like this, seeking comfort and warmth when they’re the most vulnerable. Of course a predator like Sukuna wouldn’t have to worry about sleeping safe and sound. Yet still; he can’t help but let his gaze linger on you, wrapped up in his embrace, four arms holding you in place on top of him. Everyone else would freeze in fear, but you? You snore quietly without a single worry in the world, knowing you have a king watching over you in your slumber. Sukuna huffs but still brushes a strand of hair out of your face. Maybe he’ll tell Uraume that you’re off the menu, for now. As long as you know your place–in his embrace, wearing his marks with pride, providing a sense of comfort Sukuna had never known before. Fool, he mutters and rests his chin on top of your head, not sure if those words were for him or you. 
𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐎 doesn’t question when you knock on the door of his dorm room, asking for shelter after a particular nightmare. He hasn’t found any sleep yet anyway. When he lifts up the covers for you to slip under, he’s surprised that you don’t even hesitate to do so, wrapping yourself around his body as if it was molded for that only. Geto can tell that you’re trying not to tremble, but the nightmare still lingers. He knows it all too well. His fingers brush through your hair when he pulls you closer to his chest, as if this could prevent you from falling apart–though deep down he’s aware that he might be the one on the verge of breaking. You know it too, don’t you? Geto is tired, oh, so tired. The kind of tired sleep can’t fix, and he can’t help but wonder if this would also be the last time that you’re in his arms, clinging onto someone who is long gone; a version of him that he shed together with his dream of letting himself love you.
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drak3n · 5 months
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CONTENT WARNINGS: exes to lovers trope, smut, angst, mean naoya, praise, (consensual) recording and sending of sextape, creampie — scroll down for smut!
sena’s note: i love him no matter what y’all say 😻😻
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➩ REAL ESTATE AGENT!NAOYA who hated his job and working in general; whose father had more than enough money as he owned a lot of buildings and offices all over kyoto
➩ REAL ESTATE AGENT!NAOYA who had been forced by his father to do something after getting his business degree, something other than enjoying his life, spending his daddy’s money and traveling the world
➩ REAL ESTATE AGENT!NAOYA who hasn’t really been the same ever since your breakup two years ago; who was in denial for the longest time about missing you until he decided to make peace with his mistakes and move on… try to move on
➩ REAL ESTATE AGENT!NAOYA who knew you had moved on a long time ago, as he had seen multiple pictures of you with another guy on your socials, pictures where you looked at someone else the way you used to look at him
➩ REAL ESTATE AGENT!NAOYA who didn’t give a damn about his clients and whether they liked a place or not, but who was still very good at his job due to his cunning and manipulative ways
➩ REAL ESTATE AGENT!NAOYA who didn’t really look at his next client’s name, all he knew was that they were in dire need of an apartment for one person
➩ REAL ESTATE AGENT!NAOYA who showed up to the apartment he’d found, a shabby place that was way too expensive for the state it was in, but they didn’t have to know, right?
➩ REAL ESTATE AGENT!NAOYA who stood in the dim living room on old, croaking parquet with his expensive, shiny dress shoes and crisp, perfectly tailored suit, hearing the doorbell ring
➩ REAL!ESTATE AGENT!NAOYA who ripped the door open just to see his ex-girlfriend he had wasted spent three years of his life with
the first thing naoya noticed was that you looked like shit. not even in an offensive way. you just looked terrible. sleepless, sickly, with crinkled clothes and messy hair. back then, you made sure to look presentable even on your worst days.
he didn’t think he’d ever see you again. especially not in such a state.
“naoya?” your voice was hoarse, and you made no move to crack a smile. he didn’t smile either. “my coworker organized this, i didn’t know it was going to be you. i’ll just leave and—”
“stupid. come in.” the apartment wasn’t very inviting, and naoya’s face wasn’t either, but it was better than spending any more time outside in the cold. your jacket was too thin for the weather, as you still hadn’t had time to pick up all of your things from—
“how are things goin’ with your boyfriend?” silence. you didn’t bother asking how he knew you had someone else… used to have. you picked on the laces of your coworker’s hoodie she’d let you borrow, seated on the run-down couch while he opted to stand. of course he wouldn’t sit on a couch that wasn’t made of exquisite, original leather.
“we broke up,” you stated after some time, not quite meeting his amber eyes, “that’s why i need a new place.”
➩ REAL ESTATE AGENT!NAOYA who almost laughed in your face at that; and who let his bitterness of the breakup get the best of him as he told you that he knew that no one else would be a good match for you, reminding you of the words he had spat at you two years ago
➩ REAL ESTATE AGENT!NAOYA who didn’t bother stopping you as you left the shitty apartment through tears, and who didn’t care until he received a call from your coworker demanding to know what the hell happened because you hadn’t talked ever since the incident
➩ REAL ESTATE AGENT!NAOYA who found out from your coworker that you were staying with her, whose jaw tightened when he heard that your ex-boyfriend dumped you for his ex who moved in with him immediately and wanted you out of the apartment
➩ REAL ESTATE AGENT!NAOYA who appeared at your coworker’s apartment days later — after finally checking the data sent to him by her — while she was at work and you had a day off, and who looked at your miserable state when you opened the door
“do you really want to give that ugly bastard the satisfaction of being all depressed?” he sneered, hands shoved into the pockets of his brown dress pants. you didn’t see how his hands twitched in anger at your condition. he always hated seeing you like that. it was him who was supposed to be moody and grumpy, not you.
“did you come here to make me feel even worse?” you bit the insides of your cheek, feeling self-conscious at how polished he looked while you looked like you were homeless. technically, you were. “you got what you wanted, naoya. i’m unloveable. are you happy now?”
he kept quiet for a few seconds, and you took it as a sign to shut the door. before you could, he stopped you.
“pack your things. you’re staying with me.”
➩ REAL ESTATE AGENT!NAOYA who didn’t take no for an answer and nearly smirked in victory when he had you sitting in his passenger seat just like back when you were his
➩ REAL ESTATE AGENT!NAOYA who frowned upon seeing that you only had very few clothes, meaning that most of your things were still over at that bastard’s place
➩ REAL ESTATE AGENT!NAOYA who heard you crying yourself to sleep that same night in the guest room he offered you, and who shrugged innocently when you asked the next morning how your bags of belongings were suddenly standing in the middle of the blonde’s spacious living room; “someone set them down in front of the door. must’ve been your colleague.”
➩ REAL ESTATE AGENT!NAOYA who watched you open up more and start smiling again, and who felt something inside of him blossom once more, something that had never quite withered away to begin with
➩ REAL ESTATE AGENT!NAOYA who couldn’t be happier when you asked if he was willing to try again with you, more maturely this time, and who knew you were dying to get revenge on your shithead of an ex as much as he was
“arch your back more— yeah. fuck.”
a breathless chuckle was heard and you wiggled your hips, face buried in silky pillowsheets as you heard the sound of your phone recording. “n—naoya, please—” his hand massaged the flesh of your ass greedily, and you whined.
your thighs shook in excitement as naoya slid inside of your already drenched cunt, and you moaned loudly into the fabric as you started fucking yourself on the cock you had missed so, so much.
“hey, y’see that?” he wasn’t talking to you. you could tell from how condescending and arrogantly he spoke. “look at how she’s moving so prettily for me. s’your new bitch doing the same for your ugly ass? i doubt it.”
your phone camera captured your body glistening with sweat, shoulders and ass littered with hickeys and bite marks, and naoya made sure to record where your bodies connected, revealing how your squelching pussy pushed out a ring of your combined arousals.
“fun fact.” he kept talking while shallowly thrusting into you, kissing your womb with every push. “she’s lettin’ me hit it raw. never let ya do it, hm? because no one can compare to me, right baby?”
your trembling body along with the muffled squeal you let out was proof enough as you were tipped over the edge, squeezing naoya deliciously. he grunted, hips stilling before he pulled out. in your fucked-out state, you barely registered naoya’s digits spreading your lower lips to record how his cum oozed out of you.
your ex could never.
“and no one can compare to her. fuckin’ perfect pussy. look at what you’ll never have, son of a bitch.”
➩ REAL ESTATE AGENT!NAOYA who was disgusting, but who grinned widely when your shaky fingers pressed send before you chucked your phone aside to take one or two more loads that night
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mncxbe · 3 months
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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭...
ღೀ๋࣭ ⭑𝒄𝒘: nsfw, age gap implied, subby men~ they cry a bit, overstimulation, wish that was me
Men who live for those few hours between work and sleep that they get to spend with you. Their job is awfully stressful– just problems after problems and incompetent underlings they need to deal with every day. There's too much responsibility, too much pressure and weight on their shoulders, but you're always there to take it away.
Men who don't even bother with pleasantries before loosening their tie and grumbling about how tiring work is. When they slump on the cushy mattress in your bedroom you're right beside them, helping them take off their clothes while you listen to them vent about their day. "Don't worry, dear, I got you" you reassure them in that soothing voice of yours and they can already feel their frustrations melting away.
Men who let you take the lead, willingly submitting to you because they're so tired of always having to be in charge and ordering people around. It's a nice change of pace– them laying limp between the crisp sheets while you rock your hips against theirs, their cock nestled deep inside your sweet cunt. In moments like these, they finally allow themselves to slip off the mask they're forced to wear every day and just be.
Men whose minds go blank when you praise them for their work. Just knowing that you appreciate and value what they do, that you acknowledge their worries makes the knot in the pit of their stomach thighten. It doesn't take long for them to grip your hips and squirm under your weight, their breath coming out quicker, shallower as gruff moans fall from their lips. When they cum their whole body tenses up, milky white seed spilling deep inside you. "You're so good for me tonight, darling. Think you can take more?" you ask and of course they can. They're good for you, always.
Men who lose all their composure after you coax a few more orgasms out of them. They can barely keep their gaze locked on yours from that sweet mixture of pleasure of pain making their head spin– it hurts, they feel like they can't physically take it anymore, but they don't have the heart to stop you. After all, this is their only escape from those straining jobs and duties and if relishing this sheer bliss meant being so vulnerable and completely at your mercy they'd gladly do it.
Men who don't bother to hide the pretty tears brimming at the corner of their eyes and choke on heavy sobs as you keep riding them. "Poor you..." you coo, brushing away the tears with your fingertips, your touch soft as silk against their rougher skin "You really needed this didn't you darling?" They nod eagerly, hissing sharply when you start bouncing on their cock again– they can feel each drag of your gummy walls against his cock and it's driving them crazy. Frankly, the fact that they're still hard after cumming so many times is a miracle, but you seem adamant to get another orgasm out of them. "Come on, you can do it just one more. Wanna make sure you really fill me up this time, ok?" you urge nonchalantly as if his lap wasn't already covered in sticky cum and slick.
Men who cry out praises and thank yous as they reach their high for the nth time that night, their back slightly arching off the bed before melting back into the mattress. They peer at you through droopy eyes, their grip on your thighs or waist loosening as you lay on their chest with their cock still sheathed inside you. Their heart flutters when you kiss their face oh so softly and lovingly, they feel so warm and welcomed in your embrace and swear they could fall asleep like this every night. But hey, they actually can and do, because you're always there for them, ready to soak them in your love.
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𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺: 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐢, 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐞, 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢, 𝐊𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐚, 𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐮𝐲𝐚, 𝐅𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚, 𝐉𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐨, 𝐍𝐚𝐨𝐲𝐚 (𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠)
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wttcsms · 5 months
grumpy tenured professor Naoya x new, sunshine-y associate professor reader !!
lessons in intimacy, naoya zenin ;
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pairing naoya zenin x f!reader word count 4.5k synopsis naoya zenin, phd, still has a lot to learn, and you are a surprisingly good teacher content contains fluff!!!, academia au, and they were office roomies!, naoya-centric, he bashes the arts </3
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Learning Objective One: Notice Things About Your Partner
Naoya Zenin stares at the heart-shaped cake you left on his desk and refrains from going absolutely batshit. 
He can feel the pinpricks of irritation poking his insides, making him curl his hands in annoyance. Two weeks prior, there was a staff meeting informing the business school that they would be sharing their classrooms and offices with the English professors since apparently, due to poor plumbing and a lack of funding, their shack of a school building got flooded and was therefore deemed “unsafe” and “unusable.”
Naoya distinctly remembers making a snide comment about how majoring in something as worthless as English or literature should be deemed a safety hazard and that the degree is basically unusable. Maybe this is the universe’s way of telling everyone in the school to get a grip and let the entire English department just float away into a nearby swamp. 
The business professors all agreed and considering that all of their students end up becoming wealthy alumni who donate money to ensure that their buildings don’t go under, Naoya doesn’t care about the enraged comments from the English department. 
All his rude remarks seem to ensure that he’ll be left alone, which is exactly how he likes to be. It seems that he’s the most hated business school professor and no one is willing to share a space with him. 
Because you are the youngest and newest member of the faculty, you end up being the unfortunate soul paired up with Naoya Zenin, PhD. When you first step into the office, big box filled with your printed lesson plans and desk supplies, he refuses to lend you a hand.
Instead, he sits back in his seat, staring at you with such an intense look in his eyes that you decide to look at anything but him, and he watches you struggle to maneuver around the tight space. Because of the funding, the business school offices are spacious, but to maintain some semblance of privacy, minor renovations were made. Crammed in a corner is a new desk meant for you. If he keeps staring daggers into your very soul, you’re going to make a request to have a room divider put in place so you can cower behind them and avoid his glare.
While your side of the office is small, you make it as unique to yourself as possible. There’s a Cinnamoroll plushie sitting on your desk, a cup holding glittery gel pens, and inside your desk drawers are scratch-‘n-sniff sticker sheets with colorful words of encouragement because the world has already beaten down your students enough — you might as well give them back some of their childhood enjoyment.
Naoya’s desk is vintage mahogany and rarely has anything sitting atop it unless he’s inside the office and on his laptop. Hanging on the wall behind him is his doctoral degree that is forever put on display in a massive, ostentatious frame. Naoya Zenin, PhD from Keio University. Economics, you recall him telling one of his colleagues. Because finance is the poor man’s idea of a prestigious field. 
It doesn’t take a degree to know how Dr. Zenin feels about a degree in the arts.
Upon your first awkward meeting with Naoya (where he let you nearly trip and spill all your meager belongings onto his pristine office’s floors), you immediately head home and look at your new office buddy’s RateMyProf reviews.
Professor Zenin’s Top Tags
Review 1: i dropped my econ major because of him. this wasn’t even supposed to be a weeder class
Review 3: only redeeming quality is being hot, but he’s still an asshole
Review 4: Misogynist, doesn’t believe women can be leaders in the business world, has God awful takes that literally no one sane would agree with, teaches what HE thinks is right and refuses to acknowledge any opposing viewpoints, talks down on students, and that’s all i can say about him from the TWO DAYS i attended his class. i immediately dropped his course LOL 
Review 5: Dr. Zenin’s rigorous coursework and unforgiving grading has prepared me for graduate school, and I still believe all the courses I had with him provided me with a better foundation than my other peers in my doctoral program. However, he did make my undergrad experience a miserable one. His lectures are hard to follow at times, and he creates his exams with the intent of making it unpassable. He’s the professor that you wonder why he hasn’t been fired yet.
You search for any positive comments about him, but it appears that the students hate everything about him, to his tests, his teaching style, and his personality. 
In all honesty, it’s kind of sad. What must it be like, you wonder, to be so hated by the very students you’re meant to teach and inspire? You’re willing to give Naoya the benefit of the doubt — you know how one student’s misconception against a professor can paint a bad picture overall. Maybe Naoya is just a difficult person to understand! An undercover softie, if you will.
There’s no harm in trying to be friendly with him. After all, the two of you are going to be partners for the foreseeable future. You don’t have the energy to remain constantly on your guard around him. 
You start off with little things, like burning candles in the office to fill it with sweet, welcoming scents. You offer to let him borrow your extension cord so his charger doesn’t have to bend all awkwardly when he plugs in his laptop. You make an effort to ensure that the classroom is clean before his class enters because that’s a courteous thing to do. You notice that when he eats his lunch on campus, he’s always unwrapping a sweet treat afterwards.
You can’t be a truly bad person if you have a sweet tooth, you rationalize. 
So, you bake him little goods and leave them on his desk. When a week goes by and he doesn’t acknowledge your actions but the goods are always gone by the time lunchtime is over, you think you’re making progress. You notice that he seems stressed and annoyed every time he storms into the office, and so you start adding tiny notes of motivation alongside the goods, too.
Written on a pink sticky note that’s in the shape of a heart (probably to match the fucking miniature cake you baked), Naoya’s eye almost starts to twitch as he examines every loop and curve of the letters you personally handwritten for him.
I hope you have a great day today! Look on the bright side, you’re done with all your lectures for the week!
Naoya angrily takes a bite out of the cake as he waits for his laptop to turn on. The sugary sweetness does very little to alleviate his annoyance, but he can begrudgingly admit that the cake is good. Delicious, even. 
This makes his scowl deepen. 
How annoying, he thinks, tossing your note in the trash bin (not having the heart to crumple it up like he used to do with your previous notes). What are you, some kind of a stalker? How is it any of your business to know that Thursdays are his last days for teaching since business schools don’t believe in having class on Friday? And why do you always do that? Saying I hope? 
“I’m not going to tell you what to do, Momo,” he remembers you telling your blonde-haired student. “But I hope you consider sticking with your creative writing major. We’ll lose a very talented student if you choose to go, you know.”
Naoya had let out a little snort of amusement at this. Who the fuck cares about whether or not students drop out? If they can’t handle the coursework, clearly they’re not cut out for the real world. He finds it annoying that you practically hold their hands, coddling them, always tacking on an I hope because you don’t want to demand people to do things. So much damn consideration, he wonders how you even survive in this big city. You’re probably the type of person who apologizes when someone else gets in your way at a busy store. You probably let yourself get cut in line. You definitely give money to panhandlers who are only posing as the homeless and needy. 
Naoya wants to take joy in the fact that you are the type of person who could easily be taken advantage of, but as he finishes the cake you made for him, the idea of people purposely giving you a hard time just because you’ll take it lying down makes him feel even more irritated than before.
He takes out his frustration on his students. A first-year student emailed him asking for an extension, so Naoya tells them either they get it done by the original deadline, or he is more than willing to just give them the zero right now. In the real world, your boss and your clients will not give a single shit that you are hospitalized after being hit by a truck. Perhaps, if you used the brain inside your head and the eyes on your face, you would know better than to cross the road when a speeding truck is heading your way. 
Then, he thinks that you would probably gladly give your students an extension if they asked. You’d probably even visit them in the fucking hospital, like the saint you think you are. 
You’re so helpful to the point of your kindness being detrimental to your own wellbeing. You extend deadlines, and then have to beg and plead with the dean and bust your ass to get final grades in by the required date. All that struggle could have been avoided if you just gave the zero. You hear out your students, letting them speak their minds, and it cuts into your lecture time. Nobody is paying tuition to hear another student’s ramblings. And how long does it take you to bake him these desserts? It’s something different every day, always fresh, always seemingly made with care. 
He doesn’t even know how you know he likes sweets. Lucky guess, he tells himself. 
You see, Naoya knows that he is respected (somewhat) and feared (most definitely). He knows that he is not loved, not by his colleagues (who are all intimidated by him), not by his family (who thinks becoming a professor at a prestigious research university is dogshit when he should have been a global economist), not by his students (the university-mandated end-of-the-term class surveys are always sent to him). So to him, despite the ego he presents to the public, he cannot fathom the idea of someone noticing little things about himself. He definitely can’t imagine someone noticing and caring — it would honestly make more sense if they used private information against him. 
He doesn’t think about you noticing him, and he refuses to think about all the things he subconsciously notices about you. He can recognize you by your perfume alone; someone had passed him by in the hall, and his eyes searched for your figure, only to be greeted by a student who just happened to favor the same fragrance as you. (He had snapped at the poor girl, telling her to walk faster or get out of the way.) He’s certain he knows the fucking HTML color code for the specific shade of lipgloss you’re always constantly applying in the office. One time, against his better judgment, he saves the place you’re at in your book. You had fallen asleep at your desk, your finger pressed on the page you were struggling to read, and then your head banged on the desk, hand slipping away. He doesn’t know why he didn’t leave you alone in the office; he had no business staying that late since none of his students were brave enough to turn in any assignments to be graded. There was an on-campus police alert the day before, though. Naoya rationalizes that he just didn’t want any criminals or deviants breaking into his office and destroying it. That’s all.
He actively avoids any thought of you, not realizing the irony of how, in his vehement attempts to ignore your existence, he is very much acknowledging you.
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Learning Objective Two: Have Meaningful Conversations With Your Partner
“Why do you do that?” Naoya snaps, breaking the silence in the office. 
Naoya is the type of person who does not simply say things — he snaps, he sneers, he smirks. And he has the exact tonation, voice, manner of speaking, of someone who grew up and was never told to shut the fuck up. With his current position in life, it seems like no one ever will.
“Do what?” You look up from the papers you’re grading, staring at him all doe-eyed and genuinely confused that Naoya discovers the unfortunate fact that he does, actually, possess a heart. An annoying one that gets all tight in his chest and starts beating against his rib cage every time you look at him. He’d charge you with a hospital bill from a top of the line cardiologist, but he knows you get paid like shit in comparison to him. Also, because he doesn’t like the idea of women spending money on his behalf. 
“Give out pity grades.” 
It’s like you’ll do anything in your power to not fail a student. You’re just pulling out participation points straight from your ass! And the comments — don’t get him started on the amount of comments you waste time leaving on your students’ papers. There’s a reason why his grades always get entered before deadlines. He’s efficient. 
“And ruthless.” You tell him, after hearing him tell you all about his “efficiency.” “We’re here to help cultivate their minds. Get them to think. College shouldn’t be about getting grades based on your professor’s mood.” 
Was that somehow an attack on him? He should be annoyed. Instead, he finds this side of you less annoying. 
“I’m always in the same mood every time I grade.” 
“Oh, yeah? And what’s that, vindictive?” You’re teasing him, and he wouldn’t let just anyone get away with such a comment. He’s bored, he tells himself. That’s why he’s entertaining this. Unlike someone, he doesn’t have anything left to grade.
“Nah. Irritated. They’re all idiots.” 
You frown. “No student is an idiot.” 
He gives you a look. “You teach English.”
“Intro to Classic Lit.” You correct him. 
“Right.” He says this slowly. “Idiots.”
“Maybe yours, but definitely not mine.”
“Let's compare our students’ majors and potential earnings after graduation.” 
Now it’s your turn to give him a look. “There’s nothing wrong with pursuing your passions.”
“Great. Do you tell them that when the cashier tells them their card declined? Or, does the passion end up paying the total? Are grocery stores accepting passion as a form of payment now?”
“Don’t be as mean as people say you are.” 
His signature smug air of superiority momentarily dissipates at this statement. It’s not often that someone can get Naoya to shut up. To be bested by someone who grades using pink gel pens is so humbling, the only thing keeping him on his pedestal is the fact that he knows he’s the youngest tenured professor in this whole entire university and an acclaimed researcher (he always makes the list for top five most cited economic researchers). You’re fresh out of a doctoral program, and even being tenure-track would be a pipe dream for you. 
“There’s nothing mean about being honest.” 
“You can be honest without being mean.”
“It’s the truth. Students are idiots.” He shrugs, because what the fuck is he supposed to do about it?
“Then why become a professor?”
“Sweetheart, professors that work here are researchers first, teachers… no, not second. Maybe third? If they’re that dedicated to shaping young minds, or whatever fantasy you’ve got going on.” 
“Well, I believe that the students are here to learn. And before you call them stupid again, that’s the great part about learning. You don’t have to be smart to do it.”
Growing up, Naoya had to be a lot of things, smart being one of them. No one in his household was ever capable of producing an ounce of empathy, and considering all the people he’s been surrounded by since his prep school, university, and internship days have all been raised in similar environments. The world is unforgiving. Naoya lives by the ever-so-poetic motto of “sucks to suck.” 
He will go home and lay in bed and stare at the crown molding on his ceiling, and he will recall your sunny disposition. He wants to shame and berate you for being so damn optimistic, for believing in those words, and he will think to himself wouldn’t it be nice for it to be true? 
Instead, right now, all he does is huff. The truth is, Naoya is well aware that his students aren’t stupid, even if he tells them that they are every time they’re in class and every time they dare to come to his office hours to debate their grades. They aren’t stupid in the booksmart sense, but they are very dumb when it comes to the real world, and Naoya considers it a ruthless kind of mercy that he exacts on them. They’re idiots because they have all the potential in the world and would rather waste their time on stupid shit and procrastinate on their assignments instead of putting forth any real effort. 
If they tried, he would give them an A. 
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Learning Objective Three: Be Specific and Sincere With Your Praise
You’re crying.
In his head, Naoya tries to force himself to roll his eyes but finds his body unwilling to comply with the demands of his mind. He’s annoyed, but the irritation isn’t directed at you.
It’s at the man sitting across from you. Dr. Kimura got his PhD from Cambridge and thinks he’s hot shit, but out of pure curiosity, Naoya found his dissertation online and still uses it as free melatonin. Two paragraphs in knocks him out faster than a whole bottle of sleeping pills.
Dr. Kimura asks him to leave, into which Naoya reminds him that this is technically his office, and that Dr. Kimura is an intruder. Too much time spent with you in such a confined space has some of your little lessons rubbing off on him. Words are so important to you. Naoya decides that visitor and guest are too kind, too euphemistic, for Dr. Kimura. Call it like it is. 
Kimura’s business for being here is to give you your first ever teaching evaluation. It’s actually just a poorly disguised attempt at trying to lowball professors’ salaries, but this is the type of schtick that only works on pushovers like you. Naoya leans back in his desk chair, arms crossed, and it’s obvious that he is going to be listening in on the whole entire ordeal. You’re embarrassed to be put on display like this, not knowing that he isn’t here to scrutinize you (for once), but rather he’s your backup. 
Before things take a turn for the worse, you’re actually all smiles and sunshines and rainbows. 
Stop smiling at him, Naoya thinks. He hates your smile. Hates it the most when it’s directed towards anyone but him.
Kimura begins with a compliment. That’s how all the professors in the arts are taught. Compliment sandwich! Praise, constructive criticism, more praise! What a fucking joke. Naoya thinks his way of handling things is much more efficient. Talk about all the stuff they need improvement on, and whatever isn’t corrected clearly is okay. Don’t you people know how to read in between the lines? Context clues ring any bells? Fuck, what did you all go to school for?
Disaster strikes, just as Naoya predicts. 
“Listen, we know that this is your first year of teaching, and you’re still getting settled into your role of professor and not student, but clearly there’s some leniency when it comes to your grading…” 
Kimura’s listing all sorts of shit. Grade inflation is what he claims one second, next he’s claiming you have subjective grading criteria. No other Intro to Classic Literature course has a similar class average to yours. 
Kimura shakes his head, like he’s disappointed in you. Another tactic that would only work on someone as sweet as you. 
“If this continues to be an issue, we may have to reconsider renewing your contract.”
And there are those waterworks Naoya is expecting. 
The thing is, Naoya knows a bully when he sees one. Naoya knows all about being cruel just for the sake of being cruel. As cold, shriveled up, and worthless as it seems, Naoya does have a heart. 
“That’s bullshit.” He inserts himself into the conversation. You’re staring down at your lap, twiddling with your fingers. Kimura turns to look at him.
“This is a private matter—”
“If it was private, you would have done it in your own office instead of mine.” 
“This is a matter that concerns the English department, not yours, Dr. Zenin.” 
He’s right. And yet—
“Have you even read any of her students’ papers?” 
—Naoya is your backup. 
“How is this relevant?” 
“Read their papers. Read their first one versus their most recent one. Hell, read every single essay a student has turned in over the course. I guarantee you they deserve the marks she’s given them.” 
“Their papers are filled with corrections and questions, and yet, she gives them an A.” Kimura knows all about Naoya’s reputation. He’s infamous. He’s the reason why everyone’s scared of majoring in economics. Naoya Zenin is the toughest grader there is.
“I’ve seen the mental state of your department’s students. She’s doing them a favor by not crushing them.” 
“You’re saying they deserve those grades?”
“She lets them redo all their papers within a reasonable period of time and grades based on the overall improvement.” Naoya shrugs, like it’s just that simple. “I don’t see an issue.”
“She’s manipulating grades.”
“She’s giving them a second chance. I personally find that to be admirable.” Naoya is not lying. This is what makes you look up. “And she cares. I think she’s the only one of your faculty who gives a damn about whether her students are learning or not.” 
Naoya doesn’t hate a lot of things because he doesn’t like giving certain things so much special attention, but he does dislike insincere people. People like Kimura are the worst because they hide behind fake niceties and table manners, but if you peel off their skin, they’re secretly lizards in disguise. At least in Naoya’s case, no one ever has the luxury of being shocked when he says something very mean and unpleasant because he will never filter himself or put on a mask that gives off the vibe that he practices civility. 
As a matter of fact, Naoya has a nasty, serpent-like grin on his face as he locks in on Kimura, caging him in. 
“After all, isn't that the point of becoming a professor, Dr. Kimura?”
Gotcha, you slimy bastard.
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Learning Objective Four: Be Vulnerable, Put Yourself Out There
“Would you say I’m an asshole?” Naoya brings this up as he helps you pack up your belongings. He claims that it’s because he can’t wait to have his office all to himself again, but really, he’s starting to realize that lending a helping hand every once in a while can’t hurt. He hisses when a sharp edge from one of the many stacks of paper you possess cuts his finger. 
That’s the last time he’ll ever help someone, he thinks bitterly.
“Not to your face.” You reply back, giving him a grin. He wants to take your smile and store it in a moving box and then keep that box underneath his desk and have it be one of his most prized possessions. 
“Hm.” Then he tells you, “A student called me that.”
“To your face?” You look equal parts shocked, amused, and delighted. It’s a good look. 
“No. RateMyProfessor.” 
“Oh, I think I saw that one. They called you hot, right?” You’re busy packing up your sticker sheets and binders. Naoya wonders if he’s reading too hard into what you’re telling him.
“You’ve seen my reviews?” 
“Of course I did. I looked you up on the Internet the day we became office roomies.” You throw this information out so nonchalantly that Naoya almost feels like he’s the weird one to have a reaction from it. 
“You looked me up on the Internet?” 
“Duh. Naoya, we live in a world where AI is writing essays for students. Of course, I would look you up online.” 
“But why?” He presses you, latches on to the idea that there is a world where someone wants to look him up online and it’s not to find his home address so they can get revenge on him failing them. 
“Because I wanted to know more about you, silly.” 
It would be nice to be known. It’s already nice to have someone who wants to get to know you. Naoya Zenin does not settle in life, but he thinks he could settle for this and be content for the rest of his days.
Of course you would. He would say this, all snarky and egotistical, but he knows better. He won’t have an excuse to see your four times a week, won’t be cooped up in this office with you late in the night, won’t get to smell the remnants of your perfume when he’s up at the podium, lecturing his class. But there’s a chance that he could see you in different settings, too. Getting coffee together in between classes. Sitting next to each other during university-wide faculty meetings. Taking you out to dinner, because he’s reviewed your contract, and he’s not sure how you’re surviving financially. 
“I would like that.” The words come out rushed, all jumbled and smushed together. He’s a grown man. He doesn’t blush. This is what he tells himself when he feels heat rise to his cheeks. “I would like for you to get to know me. And to learn more about you, too.” He swallows. Hard. “I sound stupid, I meant to—”
“It’s okay, Dr. Zenin.” You have the prettiest smile in the world. His dissertation should have been on that. “The fun part about learning is that you can still do it, even when you’re being stupid.” 
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luc1-anna · 2 months
"Gonna cum!" You whined out as you felt him hit your sweet spot, it was already overstimulating having two things inside both of you lower holes, he had you in a babbling mess just within a few minutes. His hand kept pressuring your clitoris, it was one of your many weak spots. "Keep it in you whore" he ordered as he tried to control those jaggered breath which only set the mood even more. He loved to deny your organisms, you were lucky if he didn't pull out right now.
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m-ayo-o · 3 months
Naoya Zenin: one of his girls
-> 18+ thoughts !! he wants to make his slut his wife; TOXIC DARK CONTENT degradation, bruises, unprotected sex, implied forced marriage, just trying to write Naoya being his nasty self xx
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⋆。°✩ Naoya Zenin, who has too many dumb girls fawning over him he can barely choose. So he doesn't, making an active decision to fuck as many of you as he can.
⋆。°✩ Naoya Zenin, who takes his anger out on you, plunging his cock into your body, using you as a personal stress reliever. He barely preps you because 'you're tighter like this'.
⋆。°✩ Naoya Zenin, who leaves you full of his cum, despite you not being on birth control- with his handprints on your ass and bruises on your wrists.
⋆。°✩ Naoya Zenin, who is actively searching for the perfect wife. Unbeknownst to you, he has already chosen, and hasn't been fucking his precious load into the other girls like he has been with you.
⋆。°✩ Naoya Zenin, who makes you stutter and fidget when he makes eye contact, telling you that he's dropping his single status to become a husband, and that you will accept his hand in marriage.
⋆。°✩ Naoya Zenin, who is all about looks- once he pulled a strand of your hair out because it was in the wrong place. He is a strict and possessive husband and accepts nothing less than a perfect, needy little girl. It's no easy task, but you're sure you could get used to it.
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hanasnx · 19 days
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MINORS DNI 18+ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ NOTES: dedicated to @dosiido. WARNINGS: fem reader ノ dom naoya ノ dubcon: coercion ノ sexual content ノ unprotected sex ノ arranged marriage ノ breeding ノ degradation: m + f receiving ノ objectification ノ size difference.
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"It helps you're easier on the eyes." NAOYA ZENIN teases, nipping his teeth against the line of your jaw. You're frustrated, and he's exacerbating it deliberately with how leisured his ruts are. Dragging out this experience at a snail's pace, the anger flared in your chest reignites with each detail of his cock sliding against the sensitivity of your walls. Your lips press together, refusing to look him in the eye despite him chasing it.
"You're a pig." you spit. Unfortunately, he chuckles. It's dark, cold, triumphant. You jerk your head away as you feel his body heat near.
"I'd prefer it if you kept that mouth shut. Might get you into some trouble." he replies, and you huff at his threat. Even if it holds truth, you're sure any fate would be better than remaining his wife. He picks himself up on his knees, large hands splay under your hips to raise them from the mattress. "At least try to act like you want it. You're to carry my heir after all, is that not an honor?" he purrs, rubbing salt in the wound as lifts you against your will. Despite your resistance, he bottoms out, his grasp on you tightening to a painful degree—purposefully making you wince. His powerful body flexes with each movement, not a muscle out of place, yet it appears easy. Like you weigh nothing to him, he uses your hole like a fleshlight.
The lack of lube from your disinterest is not a deterrent for him, instead he winds his deft hips in a circle, lodging his dick all up in your sticky insides. It hurts.
You throw your hands down to the mattress at your sides, neck craned from the position he's chosen to put you in with your back fully arched off the bed and your ass in his hands. "Will you just get it over with, Zenin?"
"I'm enjoying myself, aren't you?" your husband's steady pace of ruts annoys you to no end because he's milking it. He's not even close to finishing, and the sooner he does the sooner this will be done, and he knows that. With Naoya, it's not good enough you're practically his property—and his future incubator—but you're entertainment, too. He weaponizes your distaste for him.
You sigh, clawing into the sheets as a way to curb your anger. If you show too much emotion, you know it'll end badly for you. "This is to serve a purpose. Consummate the marriage, make a kid. I don't want to do anything else." you explain, despite knowing the likelihood it'll bury you. "If you could just—"
"You're just saying that."
Brows furrow, exasperatingly puzzled at him. "The hell are you talking about?"
That sickeningly wolfish grin stretches wider on his features. He'd be handsome if he wasn't so evil, if his personality wasn't so putrid, if he didn't disgust you. His canines and ear piercings alike glint in the dull light, like a yokai. "You can't refuse me." he replies easily, as if relaying the weather. Like his dick isn't in you raw, fucking your drying walls with no regard for your comfort or enjoyment or even fulfillment. "If you don't give me what I want, I'll take it from you."
At the prospect of yet another threat—one you're significantly more wary of—you open your mouth to refute, but your incredulousness is cut short by a palm swatting over your gaping trap. A darker, more sinister fire glows in his eyes as he looms over you. "Speak again, and the clan'll wonder why my brand new wife is tongueless." Your fear shows on your face visible under the large surface area of his hand, swallowing hard. "Make yourself useful and lie there."
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@HANASNX 2024 | do not copy, plagiarize, or steal.
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ryomens-vixen · 8 months
Kenjaku simps: . . . We thinkin the same thing stink. That ngga fine I just know it.
Jogo Simps:.... 😟girl wtf?
Higurama: It's giving Daddy issues & Horny
Itadori Simps: Precious af, slightly Horny.
Megumi Simps: You have a bad boy complex don't you squidward?
Naoya Zenin: 😟...Girl
Todo Simps: You have immaculate taste.
Hakari Simps: me too stink.. Me too.
Inumaki Simps: 👀... I know y'all nasty af.
Yuta Simps: Y'all are so Wholesome and Horny
Kokichi Simps: I get it.. I swear I do 🤍
Kashimo Simps: you are a rare horny gem 💎
Ijichi Simps: . . . Y'all actually exist?
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noritoshiikamo · 2 years
Naoya who’s secretly in love with his wife but he’s always a little mean to her so he knocks her up to secure their marriage👀
& yes i am horny
cw manipulative naoya, reproductive coercion
he would never said.
not even with a gun to his head, he will never reveal his deepest secret. the enjoyment he had in the little 30 minutes he had pinned you down on the bed. nose buried in your head, hands palming your bare chest, listening to weak, soft whimpers as his hip slammed harsh against your own. cock prodding the thin resistance of your cervix, the aching feeling of a bruise forming almost a bliss more than pain to you. you were used to it. it was the only moment he could be true to you without exposing himself. confusing your head with the softness of his lips against your skin while raking your sensitive walls. every whimpers of his name rolling out of your tongue begging for him to slow down were only making his cock twitched.
he could only tell you how much he loved you when his cock is molded around your cunt.
deep in the corner of his heart, he felt bad. trying to reason his mistakes with an excuse of he was just doing it for you. you were too innocent for the world. there were just too many bad, manipulative men in the world he would rather it be him than any one else. he knew how much doses of the fertility herbs he could coax you to drink in a day as disguise of a simple plain tea. watching intently as you swallowed the bitter tea down, threatening punishment if a drop ever spilt. his eyes stared down on your throat, watching you swallowed it down before squeezing your cheeks apart. tingles down his spine as your tongue rolled out to present your empty mouth. he inched his lips closed to your ears, warm breath tickling it.
“that’s a good girl.”
your body shuddered.
switching your birth control with a constant stream of placebos were easy. you though you got the long end of the stick; naoya made it happened. only he and the housekeepers had access to the pills. what do the housekeepers know about pills anyway; they all looked the same. the faux safeness you felt as you swallowed the pills down eyes burned on him almost made him laugh.
“you’re foolish. you’re just a pretty little lamb. numb, dumb the moment my cock entered your little hole.”
it was hard to reply, your head thoughts of all these snarky remarks but your throat could only gargled strings of slurred moans with his palm around the column of your neck. he wanted to see you, tossing you on the bed before crawling over you. your legs held apart by his own, cock slipping through the soaking slit so easily. god, how he loves the way your face contorted in pleasure. he hated how vocal a woman is on bed, the begs and moans sounded like a shrill to his ears but from you, it was all melodious. he wants to know how good he making you feel, how begging will only make him obeyed your requests better. he swallowed the lump in his throat as he inched closer to his edge.
you don’t know how much power you have over him.
“nao-” you choked, eyes widened as his lips laid agains your own. his kiss were different. your fingers dug into his shoulder, crescents shaped dents bound to left its mark on his back. he wore his scars with pride, sparring half naked with a fresh nail marks all over his back were something you couldn’t put a reason to why you found it hot. maybe you were as insane as him. who would ever love someone as annoying as him?
you would.
“keep it all in,” he grunted, “not a fucking spill.”
you nodded. his threats were green in your head as you nodded pathetically, eyes glinting in excitement as your own knots started to tense. “what? i can’t hear you, did my cock make you dumb already?” he scoffed, clenching your jaws in a hard grip.
“y-yes naoya, please.”
naoya promised, he did feel an ounce of guilt. partially wasn’t because you did beg for it. how can he not filled up his pretty little wife when she begs for his cum? leaning against the bathroom door arms around his chest. you couldn’t move, glued to the floor, eyes staring down on the pee soaked stick. it was your third, all showing a positive mark. you shook your head. this can’t be happening.
“what did you do?” your voice trembled.
“nothing you’ll understand,” he voiced sternly. he knew what he was doing. you are forever his before and now, it sealed it. you’ll learn to love the baby just like how he had learned to love you. even if it takes years, he will wait.
you did promise him until death do you apart.
and he’s keeping it.
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© all content belongs to noritoshiikamo. do not modify or repost
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nkogneatho · 2 years
Your Naoya spitting blurb had me curling my toes. Please!! I beg you to feed us more Naoya content 🤌
I wanna step on his nuts. But after I milk them dry. Also, I promised this one to @devoti
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—cw: gn!reader, groping, grinding boner, misogyny but he's nice with you, mention of cumming inside in the end.
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It all began when you started working there. The groping, the fondling. You couldn't say you didn't like it. Neither you'd deny that you had a crush on the man you were hired to work for. But it all went away when you saw how he treated women. If anything didn't go his way, he would insult them. It sent shivers down your body. But not the shivers you were expecting.
"I'm so sorry. I am so sorry, sir." Multiple apologize left your lips as you cleaned the saké you had accidentally spilled on his well groomed attire. You had wiped the table and the room was just filled with your sorrys. It scared you when he didn't say anything back. Just stared at your pathetic form.
"Then clean it up," he ordered, leaning back until his lower body was visible to you. Your corrupted mind had wandered very dark places when he said that. And it only wandered more when you took the clean cloth in your hand and tried wiping the alcohol off his bottoms, even when you sure as hell knew that alchohol stain doesn't go away from merely wiping.
You heard him moan when your knuckles accidentally brushed against his crotch. You started rubbing your thighs, looking away from him. Naoya had his haze fixed on you. He reach out for your lips and grabbed them. He liked that you just shrunk under his form, not resisting his touch. Big hands stripped you and fondled—harshly groped your chest.
"Ngh! Ah, Naoya-sama. Th—this is inappropriate," you mewled.
"Mhm? Yet here you are grinding yourself against me." Shame filled your body. Your cheeks started to burn up. He held your hips and made you ride yourself on his hardened cock. He loved when moans slipped past your lips. He fucking loved when you moaned "Naoya-sama" in your sweet yet lusty voice. You looked so innocent when he hired you. Who would've thought you were so naughty.
It was hard to resist you. And he was sure he fucked up when the thought of how good you will look with his cum spilling out of your hole plagued his mind. He had it all planned.
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cheshirecattx · 2 years
Taking care of him when he's sick - Naoya Zenin
t/w: naoya/misogyny
a/n: wowie im obsessed with this man. maybe its not even naoya bc is naoya really capable of being soft?
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Naoya Zenin hates being sick. He hates showing anybody a semblance of weakness, but here he is, trusting you. Naoya’s thoughts are muddy and barely linear, but in his head he says you were simply fulfilling your womanly duty of taking care of him. Yet he can’t shake the thought of how grateful he is for you right now and your seemingly infinite patience. 
How grateful he is that, despite his demanding grumbles, you prepare his favorite food for him. How grateful he is for the tender way your hands brush against him when you change the wet cloth on his forehead. For the way you delicately sit beside him to take his temperature, a small smile gracing your features as you evaluate the new number on the thermometer. 
“Your fever’s gone down.”
“Of course it has, who do you think I am?”
He doesn’t want to tell you to stay in bed with him. Naoya doesn’t want you to know how comforting your presence is and how your smile practically gives him strength. Instead, he brushes his fingers against yours as you move to leave the bed. You understand his wordless request, he’s your Naoya after all, and you slide in bed right beside him. He rests his head on your bosom as you begin to run your fingers through his hair.
“You’re not a bad woman,” he almost whispers.
“What a compliment,” you grin.
He loves this. Away from the tumultuous life of the Zenin estate, Naoya’s muddy thoughts begin to float to how someday you’ll be an excellent mother to his children. He thinks of how you're more than just an accessory to him. Of course, he'll could never let you in on his thoughts. Instead, Naoya wordlessly rests his head on your bosom as the way your fingers dance through his blonde hair lulls him to sleep.
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chosos-mascara · 15 days
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jujutsu kaisen
✿ smut ✧ fluff * angst
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one shots
i am currently in process of reworking some of these. i will reblog once complete. i have taken a few works out of this list to be re-written entirely, but they are still on my blog somewhere.
satoru gojo
with me ✧ summary: as you find yourself awake at night, you wonder if it’s time to confess to captain gojo. (pirate au)
gojo's bride 5.4k words summary: as part of the ryomen clan, your life revolves around organised crime. when your father tells you you're destined to marry naoya zen'in, you're left with little choice but to run.
morning after ✧ summary: after sleeping with Satoru for the first time, you wake up to him making you breakfast. just a cute little comfort drabble tbh!
new years kiss ✧ summary: gojo devises a plan in which you can share a new year's kiss in secrecy.
when flames dance 2.4k words ✿* summary: as prince gojo's bride is chosen, you're left to experience one last night within his chambers.
heat ✿ 2.6k words summary: gojo isn't human. even if you can't explain it, you can feel it, in more ways than one.
payback ✿ 2k words summary: after learning your boyfriend has been cheating on you, satoru devises a plan of payback.
blood,night ✿ (satoru x reader x suguru x megumi) 4.6k words summary: as a maid to the geto-gojo house, you're surprised when they request your presence alongside their usual source of food, megumi.
suguru geto
pull *✧ summary: two years had passed since you'd broken up, but when suguru serves you in a coffee shop, you feel the pull to him once more.
blood,night ✿ (suguru x reader x satoru x megumi) 4.6k words summary: as a maid to the geto-gojo house, you're surprised when they request your presence alongside their usual source of food, megumi.
choso kamo
red,blood ✿ 10.8k words summary: bitten by a stranger, you notice an extreme aversion to food - instead craving one substance above all. moments from taking a life, choso brings you back to normalcy; with only one issue. it's choso's blood that you crave.
christmas tree ✧ just you, choso and his little brother yuji decorating the christmas tree!
heart-shaped roach ✿ 0.4k drabble cw: smoking weed (dubcon)
a white christmas ✧✿ 3.2k words summary: you and your daughter spend christmas with choso and yuji.
toji fushiguro
mornin' ✧ 0.7k words summary: waking up beside toji!
you shouldn't ✿ 4k words summary: arriving at toji's home after a break-up, you decide to finally make a move.
good girl ✿ 1.3k words summary: after accompanying toji to the zen'in residence, he wants to thank you.
wedding night ✿ 1.4k words summary: after an arranged marriage to unite your clans, you're left alone in a hotel room with your new husband.
insatiable ✿* 2.3k words summary: falling for toji, you finally venture to his home in order to confess, only to be met with a questionable encounter leaving you confused through your admiration for him.
first time✿ summary: after toji finds out you're a virgin, you find yourself in an ultimatum.
choke ✿ 0.8k words summary: just a smutty drabble tbh
kento nanami
two lines 0.8k words ✧ summary: after finding out you're pregnant, you contemplate what to do.
overtime 1.2k words ✿ cw:office sex, semi-public
megumi fushiguro
blood,night ✿ (megumi x reader x suguru x satoru) 4.6k words summary: as a maid to the geto-gojo house, you're surprised when they request your presence alongside their usual source of food, megumi.
reunion 2.1k words ✿ cw:spitkink
yuta okkotsu
a piece of advice 2.6k words ✿ summary: after you offer condom advice to yuta, you put forward a second suggestion.
yuji itadori
blood ✿ 3k words summary: you don't understand why your boyfriend won't come over while you're on your period. the secret he's been keeping from you surfaces as he's faced with the iron scent he loves - yuji is a vampire.
lord✿ 2.5k words summary: After confessing your sins, Sukuna is unsatisfied by your devotion to an undeserving God.
the proposal*✧✿ 5.5k words summary: an evening within a club owned by sukuna had ended in a late night conversation, the beginning to a secret friendship between yourself and your sister's boyfriend. only, when pining over one another for so long, you can't keep yourselves from the truth; you were in love.
maki zen'in
girl ✿ summary: after maki arrives in your home riddled in self-doubt, she learns your true feelings toward her.
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chatsukimi · 3 months
Jujutsu Kaisen Directory
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⟣ Drabbles. ⿻ Headcanons. ❀ Fanfiction. ↳ Albums (more fics)
SUKUNA ↳ malevolent shrine
❀ Flames: hell is a pit of fire for a reason ❀ Eternal: ten cursed fingers, born from the flame ⿻ Scars: they say it's where you were killed in your past life ⟣ All your pretty jewels: do with me as you wish- my love, my equal, my queen ⟣ courting death: pov. you're sick
GOJO ↳ currently referring call:: caller busy...
⟣ Midnight boy- Geto, Gojo, Yuta ⿻ Hockeyplayer!gojo x commentator!reader: who's this gojo, anyway? (jjk athletes) ⟣ dirty tricks: sparring with satoru is a pain above all else ⟣ paint & promise: perhaps you didn't know everything about gojo after all
NAOYA ↳ zenin estate, north gate
⿻ Weak for you: women like you lure men from empires
GETO ↳ currently referring call:: caller busy...
⟣ Polaroids: how could photographs deceive you so? ⟣ Midnight boy- Geto, Gojo, Yuta ⿻ ARE WE STILL FRIENDS?
TOJI ↳ zenin estate, south gate. akita.
Moodboard ⿻ Streetracer!toji x wealthy reader: bet on me, baby (jjk athletes) ⟣ Streetracer!toji: can i borrow your last name?
⟣ regret
YUTA ↳ grave of lovers
⟣ Midnight boy- Geto, Gojo, Yuta ⿻ Soccerplayer!yuta x soccerplayer!reader
⿻ Skateboarder!choso x popular!reader: the grade's ultimate unofficial couple (jjk athletes)
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bridgetotheskyyy · 8 months
✨Skyyy's First Kinktober 2023!
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Just as it says on the tin, this is my very first kinktober event ever! My main priority will be to post my prompts on ao3 at a timely basis but I will try to post those same fics on Tumblr on the same day if I can! Please patient with me 💕
These are the prompts I've made up my mind on so far, but the list will be updated (edit: still making up my mind lmao)
I am not comfortable with taglists at this time so please just check back here for updates/links to prompts ✌
Prompts will be a mix of one shots and drabbles 💕
18+ only
Character x f!reader always
Fandoms included: naruto, bleach, jjk, arcane, csm, aot
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October 1st | Hashirama Senju | PEGGING
October 2nd | Jiraiya | TITFUCKING
October 3rd | Aki Hayakawa | HATE SEX
October 4th | Viktor | RIMMING
October 5th | Naoya Zenin | COLLARING
October 6th | Toge Inumaki | DUBCON
October 7th | Yuji Itadori | STUCK IN WALL
October 8th | Suguru Geto | MASTER/SLAVE
October 9th | Akatsuki | GANGBANG
October 10th | Kisuke Urahara | PRAISE KINK
October 11th | Itachi Uchiha | SOMNOPHILIA
October 12th | Utahime Iori | LINGERIE
October 13th | Kento Nanami | ORGASM DENIAL
October 14th | Armin & Eren | THREESOME
October 15th | Silco | SPANKING
October 16th | Kisame Hoshigaki | SIZE KINK
October 17th | Yuuta & Toge | DOUBLE PENETRATION/ONE HOLE
October 18th | Kisuke Urahara | SENSORY DEPRIVATION
October 19th | Mitsuri Kanroji | BODY WORSHIP
October 20th | Yuuta Okkotsu | VOYEURISM
October 23rd | Mitsuri Kanroji | SEX TOYS
October 24th | Gaara | MASTURBATION
October 25th | Itachi & Shisui | DOUBLE PENETRATION/TWO HOLES
October 26th | Mikasa Ackerman | FACESITTING
October 27th | Kakashi Hatake | ROLEPLAY
October 28th | Toji Fushiguro | PUBLIC SEX
October 29th | Suguru Geto | DADDY KINK
October 30th | Itachi & Sasuke | INCEST
October 31st | Kishibe | STRIPPING
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hanasnx · 1 month
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-ˏ͛ ꒷꒰ jujutsu kaisen ⿻ m.list ꒷ˏ͛-
"I had a vision of love / And it was all that you've given to me / I had a vision of love / And it was all that you turned out to be." — Mariah Carey. (1990). Vision of Love.
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彡 ch: toji fushiguro 「 � 」
── drabbles ┆ ABOUT 1K OR LESS.
smut ¡! ❞
✩ playing pool ✩ braids
── headcanons ┆ LIST OR NARRATION.
smutty ¡! ❞
✩ family's favorite ex | part two
彡 ch: satoru gojo 「 � 」
── drabbles ┆ ABOUT 1K OR LESS.
smut ¡! ❞
✩ no one has to know ✩ no kiss sex
smutty ¡! ❞
✩ are we datin'?
彡 ch: naoya zenin 「 � 」
── drabbles ┆ ABOUT 1K OR LESS.
smut ¡! ❞
✩ you don’t seem…
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milkpup · 5 months
fic masterlist! ɷ( ’ ’ )ɷ : ⊹ ̟˖
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›› this page is under construction and will continue to be edited. all my fics are originally posted on my ao3 first!
 ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ jjk x reader oneshots
。⋆ʚ♡ throwing it back for the blue - toji fushiguro x reader 。⋆ʚ♡ a bitch meant for breeding - zenin naoya x reader
° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ jjk x reader rambles / drabbles
。⋆ʚ♡ stoner!choso - choso kamo x reader 。⋆ʚ♡ tattoo artist! sukuna - sukuna ryomen x reader 。⋆ʚ♡ nsfw alphabet choso - choso kamo x reader
 ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ jjk x reader series
。⋆ʚ♡ like father, like son - toji fushiguro x reader x megumi fushiguro :  ongoing ✧ ch 1: promises ✧ ch 2: intimacy and exposure ✧ ch 3: innocence ✧ ch 4: impulse ✧ ch 5: pink carnations 。⋆ʚ♡ bad luck comes in threes (and in me) - toji fushiguro x reader x naoya zenin x megumi fushiguro : ongoing ✧ ch 1: exposed
 ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ jjk x reader angst compilation
。⋆ʚ♡ jjk angsty oneshots + drabbles - ongoing compilation SFW ✧ part 1: you promised to watch a movie with me - yuuji itadori x reader
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