narcononeuropa · 1 year
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Prescription drug abuse is a growing problem across the United States and many European countries. From opioids to tranquilizers and stimulants, the abuse of prescription drugs has become endemic. Despite this alarming trend, only one in a hundred people abusing prescription opioids receive treatment.
People often start abusing prescription drugs after using them legitimately. Additionally, some individuals may try someone else's prescription at school, work, or a party and enjoy the effect, leading to abuse. Regardless of how it starts, prescription drug abuse is dangerous and can result in an overdose.
The signs and symptoms of prescription drug abuse vary depending on the type of drug used. Individuals abusing prescription opiates may experience drowsiness, confusion, nausea, and constipation, among other symptoms. Meanwhile, those abusing benzodiazepines may appear unnaturally relaxed and drowsy. Other drugs used for similar purposes, like Ambien and Lunesta, have similar symptoms.
It's essential to identify the signs of prescription drug abuse, especially in young people. Some signs include withdrawing from family and friends, being hostile and irritable, and no longer caring about personal appearance and cleanliness.
If you or someone you know is struggling with prescription drug addiction, there is hope. The Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation program has been helping people find sobriety for nearly five decades. They offer a comprehensive addiction recovery program that includes the Narconon New Life Detoxification. This program uses a combination of low-heat sauna, a nutritional program, and moderate exercise to help the body flush out stored toxins, leaving individuals feeling brighter, more energetic, and with reduced or no cravings.
Prescription drug addiction is a serious issue that requires immediate attention. The Narconon program can help individuals and their families achieve lasting recovery and sobriety. https://www.narcononeurope.dk/en/drug-abuse/signs-symptoms-prescription-drug-use.html
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narcononlm · 1 year
De la esclavitud a la libertad
Corrían los años 80, cuando siendo una niña al salir del colegio, un grupo de amigos estaban sentados en la malla de al lado charlando y fumando. Me acerqué a ellos y me ofrecieron fumar. Aquello no era un cigarro, tenía un fuerte olor, recordé que también había visto a un conocido fumando y pensé que no haría mal a nadie si lo probaba. Así fue como comencé a fumar mi primer porro, poco a poco se…
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gemstarb · 2 months
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Centro Narconon Gabbiano e Volley Melendugno
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Il Centro Narconon Gabbiano è main sponsor ufficiale del Narconon Volley Melendugno società di serie A2 femminile di volley che è sempre più in crescita. 
Il 29 Gennaio 2024, presso il Palazzetto San Giuseppe da Copertino di Lecce, ha avuto luogo la presentazione della nuova maglia gara del Volley Melendugno realizzata in collaborazione con l’U.S. Lecce e griffata M908. “Siamo veramente grati anche alla società del Lecce calcio per quello che sta facendo perchè noi possiamo dare una possibilità ai nostri giovani di farli innamorare dei nostri territori oltre che aiutarli per il loro futuro”.
Questo è il commento del Direttore Esecutivo del Centro Narconon Gabbiano Gaetano Prisco, nonché Presidente della squadra femminile A2 Narconon Gabbiano.
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super-uriel · 1 year
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xzeihoranth · 3 months
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luxgalador · 1 year
Hey! I saw that recently after a long period of sobriety you decided to try drinking again and it seems like it has been going well so far. Although I also appreciate that you are remaining mindful and self-reflective about your relationship with substances. I was wondering, if you feel comfortable talking about it, if drinking again has changed your view of addiction or on labeling yourself as an addict? I feel like addiction is so often defined as a “chronic and progressive” condition and that people who are "real" addicts can never have a healthy relationship with any substance. Personally, I think that there are many addicts who can't ever drink or use again and do need to remain abstinent. However, I also think that there are people out there who had serious issues with addiction but who are able to eventually moderate their drinking or using and that it is very dependent on each person’s individual situation. I usually don’t share that I think there are some addicts who can drink/use again. The reason I don't share that is because I know many addicts who can’t ever drink/use “successfully” but who would hear that opinion and think that maybe they should try and end up relapsing with really bad consequences. But truthfully, I don’t feel like it is such a black and white issue of all addicts either achieving complete sobriety or being in full blown addiction and I appreciate the posts you've made so far that shed light on that gray area and on your experience.
I think anyone who claims to have full and complete answers when it comes to mental healthcare and mental illness, however well-intentioned, is misguided.
We know so little about the human brain relative to what we do know.
Our best bet always and forever is to follow what works for people and shows results, which is SO individual to each person.
Our society should be built in such a way that every single person has access to evidence based care and support for whatever issues they have, for however long they have them. Even if those issues are for life.
The problem is that most care for addiction is outsourced to groups like AA/NA which are not scientific in the slightest and built outwardly from Christian theology. This is not to say they don't help people, but in many ways it functions like a cult. Narconon is a more extreme example of this as well, given that it is an offshoot and recruiting arm of Scientology. I could write forever on the problems with currently affordable and accessible resources for care.
To sum it all up, different things work differently for different people. There's no answer (that is within our grasp currently) that will apply to everyone, which means individual care and support is the way forward in whatever shape works best for the individual.
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beesmygod · 2 years
So this might be way out of your wheelhouse, in which case feel free to just delete this, but I was wondering: do you know of any decent friends & family of people with substance use disorder style groups that aren't based in the AA 12-step religious programs? I am extremely uninterested in anything that involves a Higher Power™.
from what i've HEARD, al-anon groups are intentionally secular, but still welcoming of people with religious beliefs. however, unlike AA groups, the religious conversion focus is (hopefully) not present. the -anon groups are not associated with the parent organization but work in tandem to them.
a similar group is nar-anon for substance use disorders of any kind. both of these i have only heard good things about because they are heavily focused on YOU and not the addict in your life.
e: to be clear, the programs i listed have their own “12 steps” but its in order to mirror the original program. the content is very different
NOT NARCONON that's the insane scientology one.
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Si salvano Olbia e Melendugno, Bologna torna in B1
Decisamente più importante la vittoria ottenuta dalle sarde nello scontro diretto contro le felisinee, condannate a loro volta alla retrocessione in B1. Gara a senso unico al GeoPalace, con le rossoblu che chiudono a 15, 7 e 17 le tre frazioni, sommerse dai 21 punti di Adriano e dai 15 dell’MVP Partenio. Certamente più agevole il successo della Narconon Volley Melendugnomai in discussione il…
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narcononeuropa · 11 months
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The New Life Detoxification was also great to do. It helped to clean my body from all those drugs. Drugs drag you into bad conditions, both physically and mentally and you make all the wrong choices and decisions which affect you and your family.
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narcononlm · 1 year
ACERCA DEL PROGRAMA PROGRAMA DE REHABILITACIÓN DE DROGASDE NARCONON INTERNACIONAL Narconon es un programa sumamente efectivo para la rehabilitación, desintoxicación y dejar las drogas, que utiliza técnicas desarrolladas por L. Ronald Hubbard. La red de Narconon se extiende mundialmente desde Narconon Arrowhead, la instalación residencial más grande de su tipo y centro de entrenamiento para…
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gemstarb · 2 months
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Narconon Melendugno: Un grande risultato motivo di prestigio per tutto il Salento
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Standing ovation per la Narconon Melendugno che espugna il campo della Millenium Brescia e resta ben ancorata in quarta posizione nella classifica della poule salvezza del campionato di volley di serie A2. Una vittoria cercata, sudata e voluta, una vittoria netta per 3 a 0; leggendo i parziali 25-20 25-19 25-14 si nota come la Narconon Melendugno abbia schiacciato, vendicando anche il controverso KO dell’andata.
Al Palazzetto “San Giuseppe da Copertino” di Lecce è andato in scena un match fondamentale per Melendugno che sta combattendo per mantenere la Serie A2.
Con questa vittoria le salentine sono salite a quota 29 in classifica e adesso stazionano al 4° posto con 4 punti di vantaggio sul sesto posto che significherebbe retrocessione.
Tra quinto e sesto posto infatti appaiate a 25 punti ci sono Bologna e Olbia e in questo momento a retrocedere sarebbe Olbia.
Nel prossimo turno il Narconon Melendugno farà visita alla Millenium Brescia che con 38 punti è già salva ma ciò nonostante venderà cara la pelle di fronte al proprio pubblico.
Dunque si lavora sodo in palestra per preparare questa difficile trasferta; a coach Vito Abel Morales il compito di tenere alta la tensione e di arrivare alla sfida con le bresciane con le motivazioni giuste per scrivere un altro punto esclamativo in questa ultima fase di stagione.
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super-uriel · 2 years
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trinitydigest · 2 months
Narconon Suncoast Attends National Prevention Summit
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