agapurplefun · 1 month
Narika's wepen is baiking :3
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Lets hop it wont burn
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kokiai-blog · 1 year
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2023/01/29投稿 ネタ切れ状態 Pocochaのライバーさん紹介 @narika_44 さん Pocochaのライバーで 現在 とあるファションショ でオーディションの参加しております。 舞台女優、ファションショ〜モデル @sachika613_official さん 岐阜のほうで介護士ならびに歌手活動しております。 詳細は@narika_44 さんならびに@sachika613_official さん のInstagramを参照よろしくおねがいします。 #1日1instagram  #ぽこちゃライバー #pococha #動画配信 #ポコチャ配信者 #narika #モデル #役者 #歌手 #写真撮ってる人と繋がりたい #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #いいねした人で気になった人フォロー https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn_ADeHLuOZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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etherealyoonghwa · 1 year
Monsta X Recommendations
feel better @moonhoures
He Calls You Clingy @blu-joons
‘til death do we part, changkyun @mxnrly
Babe @kimbapuhkidding
chasing love - two @peachoony
“Why can’t I ever get enough of you ?” @crabsxdragons
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” @milfgyuu
Time for a Change @kwanisms
Jealousy @kwanisms
Give it a Chance @kwanisms
Close your eyes and hold out your hands @bebecue
Wrong Number @prettywordsyouleft
Affectionately Attached @jae-bummer
“You’re still here and I already miss you” @crabsxdragons
Ditto @svtcarat-exo-l
a blackout @shownusgfayoooo
Angel @eternalmx
Unknown Number @heartau
Fuck Away The Pain @seunguwoos
[10:49 p.m] @bearseokie
Friends Don’t Do That @welovekpopscenarios
I Only Hate You A Little- Part 4 @little-chimchim
Cruel Lips @little-chimchim
Borrowed @little-chimchim
Dating Jooheon would include @ultkpp-blog
When He Carries An Item Specifically For You @blu-joons
When You Feel Lonely @blu-joons
When He Gets Jealous Of Another Guy @blu-joons
When you confess your feelings to them @narika-a
Them crying in their s/o’s arms after a hard day @narika-a
Monsta X as the guy who hits on you in a bookstore @thesnowinthemountains
You wearing their shirt/sweater as pajamas @sugarjaee
Asking to call you baby girl @cho-ji-eun
First Time: Kissing @fymoanstax
Zoey Masterlist @k-llama-llama
Zoey Masterlist P.2 @k-llama-llama
"when I get home you better be on the bed waiting for me" @kpurereactions
Thigh riding @taexual
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saltv2 · 2 months
Nerika Merika Nirika Nenika Nekika Nierka America Narika Nairika Neri Nezika
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these-detestable-hands · 10 months
ALSO guess who has a fresh batch of palette-corrupted profiles! we have:
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annnnd Jute!
Lushua and Jolm go hard ngl
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loveneverfades · 1 year
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Spike and Julia
Art by Narika
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v1leblood · 1 year
elden ring flc wishlist:
- patches (almost a given, doesn't even count)
- rya post base game quest, going on her adventure and becoming a great serpent warrior (or possibly a big scary snake like rykard)
- (delusional, unhinged, impossible) marika disguised as a common stranger a la odin uktimately leading to onr of the dlcs having a pre-shattering marika or a resurgent narika as a boss with a distinct move srt from radagon
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Inside (Tsukishima x Reader) Part 2
You weren’t really sure how it happened, but after that, you seemed to run into the volleyball team much more often. Of course, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima were in your class. Hinata and Kageyama, despite constantly arguing, were always together when they ran into you. Kiyoko and Yachi invited you to eat lunch with them every day. Noya, Tanaka, and Asahi always found something to talk to you about when they saw you in the hallway. Sugawara seemed to pop up like a guardian angel whenever you needed help, and Daichi even stopped you at times to talk. 
Apparently, you lived near Tsukishima, though you didn’t know exactly where. Since you often stayed late in the art club, he often ran into you after splitting off from Yamaguchi, and the two of you would walk together. Most times you walked in peaceful silence, but every now and then, you would talk to him. It was usually nothing important, and Tsukishima never replied, but he never told you to stop either. Sometimes, you wondered if he was actually listening at all, but you found you didn’t mind if he wasn’t. It was nice to be able to talk with no expectations. 
Today was one of those days. It had been a hard day. The dull ache in your shoulder, and the memories that were just a little too vivid weighed heavily on your mind. You flexed your fingers, imagining what it would be like to dribble again, to hear the squeak of your shoes as you raced down the court. 
“I miss it.” 
Tsukishima glanced at you from the corner of his eye, catching the wistful gleam in your eyes, the longing.
You nodded absently, lost in the memories of those days. “I felt alive when I was on the court, like everything had fallen away. There was no one I had to be, no mold I had to fill. Just me and the basketball.” 
“Then play.”
“...It’s too soon.”
Tsukishima looked at your face, the sadness that coated your features. There was more to that statement than met the eye, but Tsukishima didn’t push it. If you wanted to talk, you would. The rest of the walk was quiet, but neither really minded. 
“Thanks for walking me home.”
“I didn’t. You just followed me.”
You rolled your eyes. Others might be offended, but Tsukishima’s cold personality didn’t really bother you. “Whatever helps you sleep, string bean.” 
You could feel the glare on the back of your head, but it only made you smirk. You heard him scoff and his fading footsteps as you stepped into your house. 
Narika poked her head out of the kitchen and grinned at you. “Come help me with dinner! I want to hear all about your day!”
You nodded and dropped your things in your room before returning to the kitchen. You told her about the boys, wondering aloud if you should call them friends or acquaintances. 
“Of course they’re your friends!” 
You doubted they considered you that way, but you just nodded along to avoid a lecture. 
“Hinata and Kageyama were arguing over who’s better at serving today.”
“Do they ever stop arguing?”
You cracked a smile. “When they’re playing.”
“You’ve seen them play?”
You nodded. “Kiyoko and Yachi invited me.”
“How was it?”
Your smile widened. “It was fun. The team works so well together. They fill in each other’s weaknesses and improve on each other’s strengths. Hinata is really fast and super agile. He’s a great spiker, and despite their arguments, he and Kageyama work really well together. Suga’s a great setter and a really positive influence on the team. I can see why they call Asahi the ace. He’s a well rounded player that can do well in any position. Noya is insane. He moves so fast, and he’s not afraid to get hurt if it means helping his teammates. Tanaka is…” You chuckled amusedly, “He’s Tanaka. He’s loud and tries to be intimidating. He gets worked up really easily, but he’s a good player. He keeps people on their toes. Daichi is a great captain. He’s good at leading them. He knows when to encourage them and when to push them. It’s admirable. Yamaguchi is nervous and insecure when it comes to his skills, but I think he has a lot of potential.” You rambled. 
Narika smiled fondly at the familiar gleam in your eyes. It was the same as when you talked about basketball. “What about the other guy, the tall one with the glasses?”
“Tsukishima. He’s good. He’s got the height and the skills to make a good blocker. He knows how to spike pretty well. His receives could use some work, but overall, he’s a good addition to the team.” 
Narika took in your furrowed brows and mild frown. “But?”
You glanced at her and sighed. You couldn’t get anything past her. “He’s got so much potential, but he doesn’t try. It’s hard to tell if he even likes volleyball at all. He could improve so much if he just put in the effort.” You grumbled, frustration seeping into your tone. 
Narika was always amused by this side of you, the side that wanted to push people to be the best they could be. That drive to inspire people was one of the things she loved most about you.
“Why don’t you tell him that?”
You shook your head. “We’re not that close.”
“Since when do you need to be close to help someone?”
You paused at that. Narika wasn’t wrong. You didn’t necessarily have to be close to someone to want to help them, but you weren’t sure how to approach Tsukishima. He was likely to get angry if he felt like you were trying to tell him what to do, and you didn’t want that. You weren’t sure if you could be considered friends, but you liked Tsukishima. You enjoyed his company, and you didn’t want to lose it. 
“I’ll think about it.” 
It wasn’t easy getting out of bed the next day, but you managed it. The walk to school was interrupted when a car stopped beside you. You glanced to the side, and Daichi waved at you from the front seat. “Want a ride?” 
Your lips curved slightly. “I’ve been told not to get in cars with strangers.”
Sugawara gasped from the passenger’s seat. “Us? Strangers?”
You couldn’t fight the smile at the sight of his dramatic display. You popped the car door open and climbed into the back seat. 
Asahi smiled at you. “Good morning.”
You listened curiously to them talk about volleyball strategies. They answered your questions when you had any, but for the most part, you just listened. By the time you reached the school, you had a rough understanding of how volleyball worked. 
You smiled. “Thanks for the ride.” You called before parting ways. 
Class didn’t start for another twenty minutes, so you decided to walk around. You turned a corner and ran into Yachi. She dropped a load of papers she was carrying. 
“I-I’m so s-sorry!” She stammered. 
You crouched down to help her pick up the papers. “Don’t be. It was my fault.” You paused when you saw a drawing among them. “This is really good.” 
“I’m making posters for the volleyball team.” She frowned. “It’s a lot harder than I thought. Drawing isn’t my strong suit.”
“I can help.” You offered.
Her eyes widened. “Really?!”
You nodded. “I like to draw, and it’d be good practice.” 
“That’s great!” 
The bell rang, and Yachi quickly gathered the last of the papers. “Meet me in the gym after school, and we can talk about it!” 
As soon as you agreed, she was rushing down the hallway to her class. 
You sat on the bleachers beside Yachi, talking amongst yourselves about the design for the posters. She watched in awe as you easily sketched some example figures at a surprising speed. 
“I think this one is the best.” Yachi pointed to one of the figures you’d drawn. It was a featureless form in a jumping position, legs bent back and hand poised to hit an invisible volleyball. 
You nodded along and began listing the possible things they could do with it. After a while, Yachi was called to help with practice, and you flipped to a new page and began to sketch a larger version of the drawing the two of you had picked. It was a slow process, and you made several mistakes, but you didn’t mind. It was just a rough sketch to put down the idea. Then, you could work on refining it. 
You were still hard at work when someone held a bottle out to you. You glanced up to find Suga standing in front of you. “Drink this. You’ve been working hard.” 
You snorted. “Oh please. You guys are the ones doing actual work.” 
Daichi caught your words and smiled. “You’re helping with work for the team. That means you’re working hard too.” 
You sighed, knowing you were outnumbered on this. You took the bottle and cracked it open. “Thank you.” 
Hinata bounded up out of nowhere. “Can we see your drawing?”
That caught the attention of the others, and they slowly made their way over to you. 
“It’s not done yet. It’s just a messy sketch right now.” You explained, feeling nervous under so many stares. 
“That’s okay!” Noya cut in with a bright smile.
You still hesitated.
“What?” Tsukishima chimed, a smirk appearing on his face. “Is it so bad that you don’t even want to show it?”
You glared at him and turned your sketchbook to face them. The sketchbook slipped out of your hands as someone took it from you. Noya was staring at it with a wide grin. “This is so fucking cool!” 
“It’s not that good..” You mumbled, flinching when multiple incredulous gazes fixated on you. 
“Not that good?” Suga gasped disbelievingly. “This is incredible!” 
You ducked your head, feeling more embarrassed as they continued to pass around your sketchbook. The last person to get it was Tsukishima, the person you were dreading most. You watched his eyes scan over the page before his sharp gaze lifted to you. He held out the sketchbook with a smirk. “Not bad. Looks like you’re not useless after all.”
You snatched your sketchbook from him with a huff. “Shut up, string bean.” 
He scowled at the nickname, which you paid no mind to. Yamaguchi patted him on the shoulder. “Come on, Tsukki!”
“Shut up, Yamaguchi.”
“Sorry Tsukki!”
You smirked to yourself.
Y/n- 1
String bean- 0
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444names · 10 months
rromi (roma) names
Alabav Alili Ankal Anore Arbenika Arilaya Arona Ashon Asimiza Balaya Balia Baril Barila Barili Barril Bender Berkaka Berlen Berlin Berom Bertsho Besno Bessen Bessenda Bessimil Bethen Betivay Bevaldo Bidja Bidsh Bisha Bisopov Bobal Boboika Bobolda Boicu Boika Boiza Bolor Bottia Bublia Bublika Bublis Cabar Chaitsha Chaiyan Chaiyari Charila Chavo Chaya Chayala Chika Chilis Choma Choordji Choro Chuvo Coika Coiker Coizz Comozola Dajesmen Daroma Dikori Dilamiya Djawni Djorisha Dodor Domin Dooma Doorila Dorika Drika Drildo Dudji Dudjo Dukkeja Dukkel Dukkenda Dukkerli Dunaviya Dunina Dunisno Dunka Duntsaia Duntshey Duntsho Duram Durano Emanie Emilder Emirika Emitia Emmando Emmar Eshel Esmero Esnorel Ethen Ethero Etshaia Evali Fengo Fenso Fikano Fiken Floika Floiz Flosh Flouzsar Forilika Forka Framany Gariyaka Gemiya Gemmaia Gimer Gimerkli Gimerko Gimirvi Gimiya Gitawn Gitianka Gitsari Gitsh Graga Granusza Grasha Gromaiya Guarko Gunarila Gunka Guritsha Hebako Hengo Hershaya Hofon Homan Honsar Hoomaini Horiyak Horko Jawnia Jeshi Jesno Jetawna Jetsaiya Jetshako Jibbenda Jidilika Jivaya Jorka Jorom Kellcas Kinan Kinarb Kinka Kinkonso Kirellca Kirviol Kisha Kiskalda Krerko Kromaro Laeta Lashil Lashofra Lenia Lenno Lishavo Lishon Lisni Ludunka Lugem Luliko Lumenica Lumitsh Lutha Luthebar Luthero Lutsavo Lutzin Luvola Luvula Maiah Maiahne Maian Mairia Maitanka Maitia Maldaje Maldoren Maliawno Malilbre Maliza Manavi Manda Mandodo Manica Manie Manka Mantsho Mantsi Manuscha Marilaip Mengo Mereingo Merilor Merka Merko Milaver Milda Mildee Mimennie Mimer Mimiza Minka Mirambol Miranika Mirawni Mireinee Mirel Miridi Miringol Mitha Monsari Monsopoy Mutha Mutsa Mutsh Mutshi Mutshie Naiawnie Nankenda Narika Naviol Ninarri Nisli Nislika Nititha Oasimia Oasta Oramalia Orasha Orawnie Orawnin Oricha Orila Oriyaka Palda Palilila Palpanor Panka Pankarli Panoromi Panusza Papinar Papiso Pappin Pappisni Paprinel Papula Patinko Pativin Pativo Patri Patria Pattawno Pattoy Pattoya Pelly Penso Pethavi Piawni Pinarka Pisli Pitan Pitia Pitsh Pitshey Pitsurin Pittoko Pittoya Plaia Popolly Pulengan Puluthak Punarika Punie Puscha Pusza Puthay Putshaip Putshey Ragaro Ragarom Rambobo Ranka Rhaip Rhaitsh Rofriah Rufferi Rufferno Rumerla Rumilen Rupal Rupapi Rupati Saine Saria Sarri Shainan Shaitah Shako Shavi Shaviolo Shawni Sheba Sherlia Shikel Shila Shooma Shwan Sidjoro Simerica Simerka Singol Staka Stashi Staul Stavinka Stawnel Steklika Stersh Syeinavo Syeirawn Syeirvo Syerko Syero Takali Takoro Talika Talini Tandera Tanie Tankal Tanoro Tashaiya Tatoko Taule Tauli Tauluvo Taunaire Taunar Taunicu Taval Tawna Tawne Tawnel Tawni Tawnika Tawniol Tawniti Temali Teman Temandel Temia Temilen Temirvi Temiz Temmalpa Terenso Teril Terila Terili Terko Tersh Tershik Tertsho Tevado Tevol Tiawnie Tiggunie Titana Tivaya Tiviria Tobola Tobotia Triliz Trumil Trupana Tsavi Tshebar Tshelel Tshen Tsher Tshik Tshom Tsurani Tsurja Vandoro Vanichay Vayay Vedeli Verka Verko Verkonka Verkor Verli Veshika Vesmer Wennoro Wensopol Weshena Wesho Weshoom Wesnie Wesnoro Yakalda Yakorko Yaldan Yalia Yalin Yeini Yeiraga Yerina Yisaia Yishi Yisliz Yistia Yistitsa Yojor Yojori Yosha Yosharo Yoshilil Yoshompi Yottas Yulam Yulia Yuluvol Zigari Ziggur Zinar
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agapurplefun · 1 month
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I'am doing a fihurin maid from clay that can be baket în the oven and the last 2 staps is to boilet and GLOSET.
If you don't know woth this is, is one of Nerika's wepens.
Narika is NOT my oc it's saltv2's oc.😊
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mayalet · 1 year
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This one was an artisttradingcard I did for a secret Santa at the Anima ex Animals. Character belongs to Narika. I really like her design :)
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dcvilgrams · 2 years
now i gotta do a headcount...
xhura (ayla) typhon astaroth zelphrem dagon belias luvart zenith nadir ryoko narika nakita josiah kaoru [unnamed sorcerer society oc] {michael w/ original concept} {gabriel w/ original concept} ...
holy moly, that's 18— ...wait hold on a sec i forgot a few...
lexha tammuz tusk zef the chef abraxas apharomet baphomet ...
holy moly the sequel
that's 25 human, angel, demon, & sorcerer obey me! ocs @houselamentation and i have created for the disaster duo chronicles—and even then it's more like 25 & counting...
i love us and i love our story and our wonderfully stupid disaster children
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saltv2 · 6 months
How did Goldie and Narika first meet tho?
Nerika used the portal gun to travel to random universes and eventually landed into Goldie’s universe, it all basically went like this:
(Portal opens)
Nerika: what’s up.
Goldie: (confused screaming)
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zivakanaya · 6 months
Nilam Khaira Saraswati
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ㅤㅤAh, Ziva bisa berbicara sejuta kata mengenai awal pertemuannya dengan Nilam dan hubungan mereka selama ini. Saat itu tahun 2019, menerima pembagian kelas yang akan Ziva tempati selama jalannya TPB. Pertama melangkah ke dalam ruang kelas kalkulus dan menemukan hanya satu yang sudah hadir—duduk di barisan paling depan dengan kaki kanan yang diketukkan pelan dan tatapan yang terpaku pada layar gawai. Saat itu, Ziva mengambil bangku di sebelah kanannya, menepuk bahu Nilam sembari tersenyum riang setelah dosen mengumumkan tugas pertama; dikerjakan secara berpasangan. Nilam membalas sapaannya dengan senyum yang tidak kalah sumringah, begitu lebar hingga mengangkat kedua sudut matanya, and the rest—as their friends often said—is history.
"Sayangku, cantikku, aku ada disini ya? Gak akan kemana-mana. Aku sayang kamu banyak-banyak, cinta."
ㅤWisuda, dan mimpi tak sampai yang masih menjadi tanggungan Ziva menjadikan keduanya mau tak mau harus terpaut jarak hingga beberapa waktu. Sekarang, disini, adalah kesempatan terakhir in god knows how long bagi mereka untuk melepas rindu dan afeksi yang setahun lamanya sudah terpendam. 3 tahun sudah mereka lewati bersama, dan setelah ini Ziva harap selamanya akan jadi milik mereka.
Naraya Dewa Ganesh
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ㅤㅤZiva tinggal di Bandung untuk 5 tahun pertama hidupnya; selama itu juga, ia mengenal sosok Raya. Dengan jemari gembulnya dan kaki yang berjalan tertatih-tatih, Raya lah yang pertama menghampiri Ziva dengan rambut cokelatnya yang dikuncir dua saat itu, melambaikan tangan dan tersenyum lebar dengan sederet gigi mungil yang belum semuanya tumbuh.
"Eh, ini Ziva yang waktu kecil main ayunan tiap hari bukan?"
ㅤㅤLalu 2007 datang, and the world as Ziva knows it changed. Ziva kecil hanya bisa menatap kosong keluar jendela saat bis besar itu membawanya pergi, saat rumah-rumah yang tadinya tampak begitu besar mulai mengecil, saat lambaian tangan Raya sedikit demi sedikit hilang. Sejam setelahnya, giliran Raya yang mendekap boneka beruang kesayangannya dan terduduk menatap keluar jendela—beda dengan yang darinya Ziva saat itu memandang pohon yang seakan berlalu-lalang, tapi tetap dengan tatapan yang sama kosongnya. Meninggalkan tempat yang sama dan kini dipertemukan kembali lewat guliran dadu takdir.
Narika Hanindita Lituhayu
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ㅤㅤMelalui salah satu dance competition bergengsi yang digelar tiap tahunnya, disitu awal mula Ziva mengenal Nara. Dirinya yang saat itu baru saja memulai tahun pertama perkuliahan, dan Nara yang masih menduduki bangku SMA. Siapa yang pertama memulai ajakan perkenalan, ia tidak ingat. Yang jelas, tiap tahun ia menghadiri kompetisi, dan tiap tahun pula ia bertemu kembali dengan lelaki itu. Perbincangan singkat di waiting room berubah menjadi ajakan keluar saat after hours, dan tanpa sadar pertukaran pesan antar keduanya menjadi rutinitas mingguan.
"Kak Zivaa, hai! Kakak masih inget aku, kan?"
ㅤㅤTerakhir berkabar sebelum Ziva disibukkan begitu dahsyatnya dengan skripsi, Nara bercerita akan berbagai angan yang ia harap terwujud tahun setelahnya. Ziva mengangguk antusias—mendengarkan semua dengan telaten dan mengaminkan segala yang terucap.
Rengganis Zanitha
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ㅤㅤGanis, sapaan karibnya. Kalau kata Ziva sih, betul-betul definisi dari friends made along the way, mengingat awal dari hubungan mereka. Saat itu merupakan tahun akhirnya di perkuliahan, berjam-jam berkutat dengan layar laptop dan pena di tangan. Ada satu café dekat kos yang ia sambangi tiap hari, siang hingga malam, karena selain dekat dan dengan harga menu yang ramah di kantong, entah mengapa disana Ziva merasa sumbat di pikirnya yang senantiasa ada seakan jadi longgar.
"The usual ya, Teh? Lagi aku angetin, dikit lagi selesai."
ㅤㅤSeminggu, dua minggu berlalu, dan sekarang justru rasanya aneh jika melewati pintu masuk dan tidak melihat Ziva duduk—bersila dengan sandal yang ditanggalkan—di tempat biasanya. Sampai suatu hari, saat ia menghampiri kasir untuk memesan ulang setelah 3 jam berlalu, Ganis—yang saat itu sedang bekerja paruh waktu—menginisiasi percakapan singkat. Mungkin hanya sebagai ice breaker semata, namun setelahnya mereka jadi banyak berbincang; tiap memesan, kala café sepi, bahkan sekedar pamit sebelum pulang.
Angga Yunanda
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ㅤㅤLagi-lagi kenal lewat dance. Tapi yang kali ini bukan sebagai kompetitor melainkan rekan tim—lebih tepatnya karena Ziva dan Angga keduanya merupakan bagian dari INFINITY. Awal bertemu lewat welcome party UKM tahun 2020, Angga yang waktu itu berstatus mahasiswa baru, diminta buat freestyle sama waketu yang lagi nunjuk-nunjuk asal beberapa anggota buat showcase skill mereka. Sekalian ngetes ini panggung properly made atau enggak, ceunah.
"Teh, practice lagi yuk habis ini? Aku rasanya masih belum hafal diluar kepala."
ㅤㅤDekat pertama kali saat mereka ditugaskan dalam tim yang sama, diajukan sebagai perwakilan kompetisi yang diadakan saat libur semester gasal. Kebanyakan yang ditunjuk saat itu angkatan'18, dan Ziva yang sejujurnya masih sedikit kikuk dengan yang lain secara otomatis gravitated towards Angga. Sayangnya, mengingat tidak ada lagi benang merah dalam relasi mereka selain dance, sedikit banyak renggang hubungan itu setelah Ziva tak lagi berpartisipasi aktif.
Arjuna Nawasena
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Kalau yang ini, Ziva met at a later stage in life. Saat sudah mulai probation di bagian QC, sekali ia ditugaskan ke cabang yang letaknya di Kawasan Industri Jababeka. Disitu lah ia disambut oleh Arjuna sebagai kepala proyek yang sebentar lagi akan berjalan. Bisa dibilang yaa, hubungan mereka ini layaknya rekan kerja pada umumnya, tidak ada yang menonjol. Namun, first impression yang Arjuna beri menurut Ziva cukup memikat, beda dari kepala proyek lainnya yang ia temui sebelumnya—sepertinya karena usia Arjuna yang terbilang masih muda, menyentuh kepala tiga pun belum.
"Loh, ada Ziva. Kirain gak bakal ketemu lagi abis resign kemaren."
ㅤㅤMungkin begitu pula kasusnya dengan first impression yang Ziva beri, karena surprisingly, ialah yang pertama bertanya—diluar rekan-rekannya di pusat—tentang alasannya mengajukan pengunduran diri beberapa hari silam. Mungkin kemah 7 hari ini dapat menjadikan keduanya lebih dekat.
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moondancers-tales · 7 months
The black thorns of death's rose.
An original story by moondancer.
rated: M for mature themes.
Hmmmmmm, hmm....mm.
She always thought to herself: why do i sing? It seemed a mystery to her, that the sound of her voice was so harsh, so broken, that a tune was not fit. She could ask herself why, but it just came, in a way. Just, felt right...
Narika could ask herself; "what am in doing here?"" What is the purpose?" It seemed as though there was no purpose. It seemed as though she was put here on this world for no reason whatsoever, with her prophetic dreams of...everything. "what am i doing here?" ''what am i doing?" "what am i?" "i dreamt of my death..." "i am dying." Only, she died more than once...
-An original story by moondancer.
to be continued...
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bayresources · 7 months
DV Support Resources
Here I will add a list of resources mainly from the CCSF Project Survive Website.
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National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-SAFE (7233); 800- 787-3224 (TTY); www.thehotline.org; http://www.ndvh.org
Cooperative Restraining Order Clinic (CROC): (415) 864-1790 (office); 415-255-0165 (in-take) www.probono.net/sf/volunteer/item. cooperative_restraining_order_clinic_croc
W.O.M.A.N. Inc. (resource and referral): www.womaninc.org (415) 864-4722 (crisis); (877) 384-3578; (415) 864-4777 (office)
Asian Women’s Shelter: (multiple Asian languages/English) www.sfaws.org (415) 751-0880 or (877) 751-0880 (crisis); (415) 751-7110 (office)
La Casa de las Madres (shelter): (Spanish/English) www.lacasa.org (415) 503-0500 (office); (877) 503-1850 (crisis); (877) 923-0700 (teen line); (415) 200-3575 (text)
Riley Center and Emergency Shelter: www.rileycenter.org; www.svdp-sf.org (415) 255-0165 (crisis); (415) 552-2943 (office)
Women Overcoming Violence (at Glide): www.glide.org; (415) 674-6000
Victim Services: www. sfdistrictattorney.org; (415) 553-9044; District Attorney (553-1754; 553-1751)
Futures without Violence: www.futureswithoutviolence.org; (415) 678-5500; 866-678-8901 (TTY)
CORA (San Mateo County): (Spanish/English); www.corasupport.org; 800-300-1080; (650) 312-8515 (crisis); (650) 259-1855 (legal services line for victims only); (650) 652-0800 (office)
Jewish Family and Children’s Services: (Russian/English); www.jfcs.org; (415) 449-2900 (office); (415) 449-2915 (mental health clinic supervisor)
Arab Cultural and Community Center: www.arabculturalcenter.org; (415) 664-2200 (office)
Women’s and Gender Studies Department Project SURVIVE Ocean Campus: Office 402 Cloud, Mailbox S-55, San Francisco, CA 94112 (415) 239-3899 www.ccsf.edu/survive Women’s Resource Center, Smith Hall 103-104; 239-3112; Campus Police 239-3200 27
A Safe Place: (Oakland); www.asafeplacedvs.org; (510) 536-7233 (crisis); (510) 986-8600 (office)
Narika: (South Asian languages); www.narika.org; 800-215-7308 (help- line message will return calls in 24 hours); (510) 444-6068 (office)
Shalom Bayit: (counseling for Jewish women); www.shalom-bayit.org 866-SHALOM-7 (helpline toll free within Bay); (510) 845-7233 (crisis); (510) 451-8874 (office)
STAND! For Families Free of Violence: (Concord); www.standagainstdv.org 888-215-5555 (crisis); (925) 676-2845 (office)
Center for Domestic Peace: (Marin); www.centerfordomesticpeace.org or www.c4dp.org; (415) 924-6616 (crisis); (415) 924-3456 (Spanish crisis line); (415) 457-2464 (main office); (415) 457-2421 (TTY)
ManKind Program/ Batterers’: (Men’s hotline); 415-924-1070 (crisis for men); 415-457-6760 (office)
SWAP/PREP: (batterer intervention program); (415) 575-6450
Pocovi: (Latino batterer intervention groups); (415) 552-1361 (Spanish)
Men in Progress/Men Unlearning Violence: (at Glide); www.glide.org; (415) 674-6151
National Rape Crisis Hotline/Nationwide RAINN: 800-656-HOPE (4673); www.rainn.org
San Francisco Women against Rape (SFWAR): www.sfwar.org; (415) 647-RAPE (7273) (crisis); (415) 861-2024 (office)
San Francisco Trauma Recovery and Rape Treatment Center: (at SF General Hospital); (415) 437-3000 (services in English and Spanish); www.traumarecoverycenter.org
The S.A.F.E. Place at San Francisco State University: http://www.sfsu.edu/~safe_plc/; (415) 338-2208 (counseling and psychological services center)
Bay Area Women Against Rape (BAWAR): (Oakland); www.bawar.org; (510) 845-RAPE (7273) (crisis); (510) 430-1298 (office)
Rape Trauma Services: (Peninsula); www.rapetraumaservices.org (650) 692-RAPE (7273) (crisis); (650) 652-0598 (office); services in Spanish and English
CASARC (Child and Adolescent Sexual Abuse Resource Center): at SFGH; www.casarc.org (415) 206-8386 (counseling and medical services)
GENERAL COUNSELING (free and/or sliding scales based on income)
City College Student Health Services; www.ccsf.edu/services/student_health; (415) 239-3110; free to City College students
Private Provider Network/Mental Health Access: (415) 255-3737 or 888-246-3333 (toll free); www.sfdph.org
Marina Counseling: (415) 563-2137; www.marinacounseling.com
Integral Counseling Centers (California Institute of Integral Studies): www.ciis.edu/counseling; www.goldengatecounseling.org; (415) 648- 2644; (415) 776-3109; (415) 561-0230
Networks Family Counseling Center: (415) 668-2218; www.networkscounselingcntr.com
Access Institute for Psychological Services: (415) 861-5449; www.accessinst.org
Western Addition Family Resource Center: (415) 202-9770; www.wafrc.org/
Lyon-Martin Health Services: (415) 565-7667; www.lyon-martin.org
Richmond Area Multi-Services (RAMS): (415) 668-5955; www.ramsinc.org
Haight Ashbury Psychological Services (HAPS): (415-221-4211); www.hapsclinic.org
Horizons Unlimited of San Francisco: (415) 487-6700; www.horizons-sf.org; youth/substance abuse
Parental Stress Hotline/Talkline Family Support Center: (415) 441-KIDS (5437); www.talklineforparents.org
CCSF Title IX Coordinator: (415) 452-5053 Equal Rights Advocates (public interest law firm): (415) 621-0672; www.equalrights.org; 800-839-4372 (advice)
Community United Against Violence (CUAV): www.cuav.org; (415) 777-5500 (office); (415) 333-HELP (4357) (crisis)
National Black Women’s Health Imperative: (202) 548-4000; www.blackwomenshealth.org
Asian Women’s Resource Center: (415) 788-1008; www.gummoon.org
Native American Health Center: (families); (415) 621-4371; www.nativehealth.org
Survivors International: (415) 437-3000; http://traumarecoverycenter.org/
Suicide Prevention: (415) 781-0500 (crisis); (415) 984-1900 (office); www.sfsuicide.org
Department on the Status of Women: (415) 252-2570; www.sfgov.org/dosw
Immigration Assistance Line via Help-Link: (415) 808-4357 (multiple languages); 800-273-6222
Deaf Hope: TTY: (510) 735-8553; www.deaf-hope.org
Family Justice Center: (510) 267-8800; www.ACFJC.org
Elder Abuse (Dept. of Aging and Adult Services): 800-814-0009; (415) 557-5230
Please feel free to share additional info you think I should add here.
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