#narukami what should i do
civilhavoc · 4 months
pondering my narukami nendo
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akolnoix · 5 months
in planning out a little 1 page folded zine for masami i realized that i need her persona in it so i have to design an izanagi for her (following in the footsteps of p3p's orpheus) and god im throwing so much shit at the wall lol.
all i've really got to work with is that yu's izanagi is very clearly styled after the gakuran so i'm working from the angle of the seifuku (in line with the yasogami uniforms)... but beyond that im flying by the seat of my pants
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m0e-ru · 1 year
From the Persona 4 Drama CD Series, Volume 3! Somewhere near the end of the third track. Translations by aatash on livejournal! https://aatash.livejournal.com/ If you want this taken down, I’ll happily comply and apologize in advance!
A bit of context, they talk about Dojima and Yosuke goes, “I can understand how he feels from a male perspective. It's more cool to hide your efforts and hard work. We've got people like that in school, right? The ones who say they didn't study at all, but end up getting good scores anyway.” It’s also supposed to be late since they were out studying together (it’s supposed to be summer too I think but i was too lazy to edit more bancho portraits so ohh well).
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How would someone like Miko, Ei, and other high ranking officers react to an S/O with a long list of titles like Settra the Imperishable, King of Kings,-
(Genshin Impact) Yae, Ei, Sara, Kokomi, Furina, Jean, and Xianyun's S/O with an absurdly long list of titles
I've been building and painting a lot of Bretonnians lately, so dear readers, you will now become aggressively French.
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By the Archons above, nothing was worse to Yae than having to be so serious during a ceremony,
Of all the things she could be doing, literally anything would be better than having to listen to some stuffy noble read their title.
So it was by chance S/O had to be present. She recognized their title was of Fontaine descent.
'The Red Hand of Brionne', 'The Red Duke', Something something Red.
...Wait, their titles were still being read off?!
(Yae) "My goodness, just how many titles with the color red can one have?"
Yae internally sighed as the list kept going. And going. And going.
All the while S/O stood perfectly still and respectful, not even batting an eye at the list of titles that probably would stretch from the top of the shrine all the way to the bottom.
Yae's head looks up to the sky momentarily, wondering how of all the people in the world she could have as a lover, it was the one who had to bore her to tears.
No doubt there were interesting stories of how the titles came to be, but this is not the way she wanted to find out.
And here Yae thought Ei had a lot of names to go by...
(Yae) "...Why is it still going?!"
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Ei doesn't react too much at the titles being read off for S/O's form of address at first.
She had to deal with similar situations of people reading off her own titles, so it was only proper etiquette.
"Water-Knight," "The Holder of Secrets", "Keeper of the Way"
(Ei) "...Hm."
It was only now she noticed that the list actually exceeded her own titles.
Which surprised her more than anything.
As far as she knew, S/O was just a mortal. How many feats did they achieve in Fontaine during their short life?
She made a note to ask later, but now the list was starting to become a bit absurd.
...Maybe she should implement a law where only the most notable of titles are read off, because they would actually be here for eternity if this continued.
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Sara gets jealous fast.
Not because S/O has more titles than her, she couldn't care less about that.
What really irked her, was they had the gall to own more titles than Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho!
Sara masks her annoyance well as she keeps reading off the list.
Line after line, name after name.
...Okay, who the hell even gave her this list, this was way too many!
(Sara) Leader of battles...? What kind of title even is that?!
She made that comment in her head as she droned on with the names.
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With every single title read off, Kokomi's energy drained.
She loved her S/O dearly, but by the Archons, how the heck did they get that many titles while living in Fontaine?!
(Gorou) "Lionheart, The Lionhearted, High Paladin of the Breton Court-!"
As far as she was aware, there wasn't even any Knight Houses like this in Fontaine!
...Then again, this was Fontaine she was talking about. They did have their theatres.
Kokomi doesn't mention anything about their stupidly long list of names until after the formal ceremony.
She drops her head onto their shoulders, sighing loudly.
(Kokomi) "S/O...why did we need to have all your names read out...?"
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To have more titles than HER, FURINA?!
This transgression would never be forgotten!
...But they were some pretty cool names, she did have to admit.
'The Golden Paladin',' 'Lord of the Lance', 'Roi Breton'
(Furina) "Hmph, and where exactly did you acquire such names, S/O? More importantly, how does it nearly rival my own?! Hmph! Perhaps I should read all of mine so that we are on equal footing!"
Honestly, some of those were starting to sound like stage names, which wasn't fair at all!
If they could do that, then so could she!
Needless to say, the ceremony the two were attending dragged on for way too long.
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By Barbatos, those were some extra titles.
'The Green Knight', 'Knight of the Glade', 'Heart of the Lion'
Though, she only had a few titles under her own belt, the sheer number S/O had was honestly staggering.
But it was also admirable.
It made her want to keep up, and wondered if she could ever live up to Vanessa, and apparently S/O.
Because at this point she was wandering in her mind, the list was still going, and probably outnumbered Vanessa herself.
(Jean) Well...I suppose we did say we were to refer to all forms of address...Maybe we should revise that.
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Xianyun was no stranger to titles.
She did indeed go by many, but S/O seemed to go by even more.
Which both impressed, and honestly annoyed Xianyun.
How did a mortal go by more names than Rex Lapis?!
'The Sacremor', 'The Soul-Killer', 'Duke of Couronne'-
(Xianyun) "One has to wonder why you must have all your names read aloud? We could be doing something much better right now..."
Granted, she did recognize a few of these titles, but that was no reason for dinner to get cold now!
Xinayun pouts, adjusting her glasses as she tries to get comfortable as the reading continued.
One found this situation inane...
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yuellii · 1 year
aurora borealis green
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feat. miko, kazuha, ningguang, thoma, lisa ( separate )
𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 they are so obviously in love with you
( or, in which i tie them to a taylor song i’ve been crazing over, but you don’t have to listen or know the songs to read / understand )
note. reader’s gender unspecified, implication of sexual intimacy ( for miko, the others do not have this )
> part one ( more characters ) / part two
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YAE MIKO. false god
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Her affections stemmed from a sort of sightless faith.
When she leans back downwards, pink strands all messily cascading down her shoulders, she plants the lightest of kisses on the bare stomach of your laying form. But you could tell such a small act was still the most holy of worships, almost as if she was kissing the ground of a path to an alter.
“You were so divine,” she whispers, lips plump against your skin. And it feels like sin, almost, to have the Yae Guuji speak to you as if communion was melting on her tongue. “I wonder what God I pleased to ever deserve you…” It a mumble that’s so casually said, one that is only spoken between divinity and its loyal follower.
And said loyalty was etched into her name, truly, coursing through the way her fingers traced along your hips. They were gentle, almost akin to worship.
You were no God. And yet, there was a blind faith in her eyes that swore to the Heavens about the things she would do for you—to wait centuries, to topple down Celestia, to defy the Gods themselves, all for you. But was faith really blind, when the taste of religion danced upon the lines of her lips?
You may be no God, but you were her only diety. Oh, how the real Gods of this world were probably glaring down on you now—to see the Grand Narukami shrine maiden laying atop your body in a manner of worship that was only meant for sanctity. A manner so sacred, one that she should only show to the reigning Celestia and never to you.
But when she loves you more than the Gods, you might just get away with it.
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KAEDEHARA KAZUHA. cornelia street
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He met you at sea, a Liyuen shipmate on the carefree Crux.
Carefree: He’d say that word was a great way to describe you. You were like the ocean, so unbelievably unpredictable and characteristically carefree. He swore he saw the serenity of the sea in your spirits—and when he introduced himself with a mere ‘Hello, I’m Kazuha,’ your smile in return may have haunted him for an eternity that the God of Electro could not even dare to recreate.
Kazuha grows to love the sea at the same time he grows to love you. Wishing waters practically spell out your name, and he thinks of you in a way that harmonizes to the nature of this world.
Such harmony proved to be naive, however, on one trip where Beidou sadly proclaimed you were not on this journey, and he felt sick to his stomach. It was the first time he got seasick. It was the first time ever since he step foot out of Inazuma that he felt so drearily dizzy, and it was when you were not there.
The ocean felt lonesome, he felt incomplete. And being surrounded by its ferocious vastness felt so scarily suffocating that even the sounds of waves would haunt him in his sleep.
Then it was quite telling, truly, when the moment he docked onshore, the light of your eyes greeting him with the crinkling scent of the sea came to cure his feverish feelings. He was well again, suddenly the waves felt so kind—and perhaps that was when he realized that harmony was a silly ideal; you are the ocean itself to him. Love so powerful, so beautiful, and yet so calming: his love for both was a bind he could never break.
And if he ever lost you, he’d never set sail again.
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NINGGUANG. paper rings
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Kiss her once and take her to an high-end dinner, kiss her twice with a diamond ring, three times if you book the most expensive wedding in Teyvat.
That’s what she expected from the thoughtless men and cheap women of this world. Because she liked shiny things, and diamonds were a girl’s best friend. Only price tags for a woman so bejeweled—only luxury for the leading lady of a nation. But when it was you… Oh, when it was you…
In plastic gifts, in picture frames, in paper rings, you were still the one she wanted. Several times, she’s been offered the most dazzling a of rings by businessmen and high class women for a life of luxury. And yet, the one time you jokingly folded her a little paper origami ring that was too big for her finger, she felt her heart flutter in ways that could only be described in poetry written by hopeless romantics.
She wore it for the day, even taping it down to be tighter on her wedding finger. She was even sad when the paper eventually ripped, as if this ring held more value than any other ring she was ever offered. Rings that cost millions, rings that were dug up from the deepest and most dangerous mining sites of Teyvat—still beat by a ring made from thin paper.
The entirety of riches and the entirety of the elite, all forever beat by her simple lover who gave simple gifts.
But she didn’t mind. If you got down on one knee now and proposed to her with another paper ring and the most modest of smiles on your face, she would say yes even quicker than a heartbeat. Her heart would flutter, her mind would blank, her body would break down into the happiest of sobs until she’s sinking into your arms.
If another person proposed to her now with promises much more expensive than yours—promises that would fulfill the dreams of wealth from her childhood—she knows she would say no, it was more than obvious to her now.
She wants all of you. All your companionship, your complications, your confessions; Because in her values, they were all priceless.
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THOMA. gold rush
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What must it be like to grow up consciously carefree?
What must it be like to grow up so beautiful, that you could have all of Inazuma trailing your footsteps for just a glance? To have both Kamisatos eyeing you, to be so carelessly happy even under the scrutinizing eyes of the elites—as if not even threats of losing your nobility could stop you from being such a fun-loving person. And even if you had pressure like that, you were still rolling as life went on, still with a smile that he so adored—
Thoma just slapped himself back into the real world.
Adoration? For someone so beautiful and so out of his reach? Really? He grumbled some scoldings to himself as he held the broomstick in one hand and his stinging cheek in the other.
He had such a stupid mind for daydreaming of such things; in fact, these thoughts weren’t even the worse of his colorful collection. Sometimes he’d think about what it would be like to actually be in love with you.
But they were such nice thoughts, really. Just the idea that he would get to see someone so gorgeous every day. He could imagine himself cooking up meals with all his love, taking care of your things just for you to return to him after your busy meetings to his adoring arms. And he’d do it all, really, anything to allow you to continue being so happy and so healthy while still remaining an Inazuman noble.
He just slapped himself again.
Who was he kidding? He didn’t have even the slightest of chances, not when everyone loved you, not when everyone wanted to be with you, and certainly not when everyone who admired you was at a better standing of nobility than he was.
You’re so easy to love… But he’s so easy to forget.
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LISA MINCI. tolerate it
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If your life was one of the books in this Favonius library, then perhaps she would only be a footnote on some random page in the middle.
Perhaps she should be glad at how aware she is, but the sense of awareness only made her more frustrated than before. Because awareness meant that she knew her place in your life ( or, the lack thereof ), and knowing her place meant that she willingly ignored all the signs that pointed her to turn away.
Your friendly smiles, your distracted looks, your mild toleration: they should have been enough to tell her you weren’t interested. You only smile at her as a friend, you look distracted when she speaks to you, and your toleration was probably the worse of all.
Toleration meant you’d continue to overlook her; Toleration meant that all these advances she made were fruitless. It would mean that every favor she did for you like a little library servant was just a waste of her time.
And yet, she still did them. She still delivered all the books you requested right to your study table in the library, plus even more books related to your topic. She still told you all the information she knew on details you requested, even if they took hours to explain. Worse, she still adored you enough to pipe up every time you called her name, just happy to hear it.
But maybe you were like Jean, and maybe you were like the rest of them—you just thought she was lazy. Maybe all these acts of services were just seen to you as a part of her job instead of sleeping during her hours all day. Perhaps it isn’t as big of a deal to you like it is to her.
Because when all you give her is a little friendly smile after she exerts her love and time to you, she feels defeated even more.
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a-certain-romance · 2 months
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Can’t Help Falling
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Characters/Ships: gn!reader x Yae Miko, Lisa, and Jean (separate). Pre-relationship for Miko’s part
A/N: Sorry to have kept this ask in the dark for so long D: the fluff was super fun to write!!
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“You are like a walking fire hazard”
You wince at her harsh comparison, though she does have a point. The Narukami shrine is just so tall and steep, you can’t help but trip every now and then walking to and fro. Not that it’s much different when you’re on flat ground.
“You have a perfectly shaped fox tree yet you can’t have the trail be paved?,” you argue, right before you lose your footing and slip. Miko’s reflexes were fast enough to catch you at the very last second before you could tumble to the ground. Her arms circled your waist as if she were dipping you in the final moments of a couples dance.
“Oh now this feels familiar,” She taunts. “Are you intentionally using light novel tropes against me to gain my attention?” Her eyebrow raises, and you begin to feel smaller under her gaze. “You really don’t need to try that hard” she tsks before setting you back on your feet.
You awkwardly apologize before standing up straighter. “It won’t happen again.” She only hums in response, walking past you. “Come along now,” she beckons with a swish of her tail, “it’s going to take more than a simple cliché to win me over.”
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“Oh hi cutie~”
Lisa’s lazy smile brightens at your entrance into the library. She’s sitting at a table with Razor across from her, books and loose papers spread out in nearly placed sections.
“Razor, don’t you want to say hi?” She asks. Razor remains seated on his side of the table. “They have bad luck, like Bennett.” He says bluntly, but nods anyways.
Lisa snorts, and your face flushes in embarrassment. “I’ll come find you when we’re done.” She turns back to Razor, a fond smile playing at her lips now that she knows you’re close by.
Unlike your other visits to browse the isles or talk with Lisa, you were on a mission. You needed a book. One that of course you realized was sitting on one of the top shelves— taller than you could ever reach. Maybe Razor’s comment held some truth. Deciding you didn’t want to interrupt Lisa’s one-on-one time with the wolf boy, you set a nearby ladder against the shelf and began to climb.
“I’m all finished with Razor if you still wanted to chat—“ her voice catches you off guard and you quickly lost your balance. The ladder falls and you go with it. But instead of hitting the hard flooring, you fall into something much softer. A sigh of relief escapes your lips but it’s quickly replaced by a loud yelp.
An electro shock runs through your body that only Lisa’s narrowed eyes can explain. “Darling, if you need my help please just tell me. I’m here for you, all you need to do is ask.” She ruffles your hair fondly. “Let me move this ladder and then we can have our regular tea break, okay?”
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“Jean, I think you should carry the basket.”
A picnic at Windrise was just what you both needed. You were always one to encourage Jean to take more days off, and a nice lunch in nature was the most idealistic experience you could think of. But in retrospect, the idea seemed much better in your head. You’ve already lost count of how many times you stopped yourself from falling down to the grassy terrain.
Next to you Jean laughs and stops to hold out her hand; you grasp it and she leads you up to the base of the large tree. “I think you’re more than capable of carrying this basket dear. But if you insist,” she takes the basket from your hand and guides you over the roots. With her by your side you had faith that your clumsiness would not win out this time.
That is until your foot caught on a root, sending you into her arms as the picnic basket drops to the ground.
“Please be careful around here. One wrong move and you’ll wind up with a twisted ankle.“ Her face carries some worry as she sets you back on your feet.
“You caught me and dropped the basket?” You ask, a small chuckle escaping your lips. She shakes her head, “I’ll always be the one to save you.”
“My knight in shining armor~”
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whats-it-mean · 11 months
What having your very own Knight is for ☆
KNIGHTS x Reader (separate) saving you from a creep
A/N - celebrities and idols get harassed fairly often (sadly) so i felt like this made sense ^^ also im not very good at writing arashi or leo VERY SORRY il try to improve as i write more for Knights. Most of these can be read as platonic but Izumi and Ritsu’s parts are slightly more romantically-coded because… im down bad
TW - People who wont take no for an answer >:(
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Intro
You clenched your fist as you desperately tried to pull it away from the grasp of the person in front of you, who had grabbed you by the wrist to stop you from getting away.
“Let go of me-”
The person in front of you only scoffed, tightening their grip on your wrist before grinning down at you. You could feel your fight or flight response kicking in, and you mentally flipped through your options in that moment, before you snapped your head up at the sound of footsteps drawing near.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Leo Tsukinaga
You could barely process everything with how fast it happened, but suddenly you felt your wrist being released, and the next thing you could see was the well known King Leo, standing in front of you with an arm outstretched, his eyes narrowed in an uncharacteristically serious expression.
There was a moment of silence, Leo staring directly at the individual across from him, before breaking into a pout and placing his hands on his hips.
“That’s not very nice, ya know.” He huffed, taking a moment to glance over his shoulder towards you. “You okay?” You nodded, to which he properly turned around to face you, now completely ignoring your aggressor. “How could he!? Are you hurt? Here, we should go back to the Knights’ practice room…” He turned back around to face the other individual, who was watching, dumbfounded. “I’m not done with you, either! Hmmph. rude. What makes you think they’d even wanna hang around with a loser like you?”
You blinked at the boy’s antics, simply watching in awe as he continued to fire off insults and them, grinning slightly any time that they showed a reaction. After a moment, you heard a scoff and they simply turned and walked away, clearly upset.
Leo turned back to you. “Well! Now that that’s taken care of… Let’s go do something fun, ‘kay?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Arashi Narukami
It was as if the breath left your body as Arashi resorted to grabbing you carefully by the hand and glaring directly into the eyes of them, showcasing a surprising amount of strength as she pulled their hand away from your wrist without a word. She paused for a moment, giving them the dirties glare you had ever seen her give, so much so that you got shivers.
The moment she could, she turned on her heel and ushered you away in a rush, making sure to keep her touch on your hand gentle, her expression slightly anxious. The moment you two rounded the corner and she felt you were far enough away, she placed her hands on your shoulders.
“Are you alright? Did they hurt you?” She asked, voice pitched slightly higher than usual.
“I- Im fine.”
Arashi looked you up and down as if inspecting for ay sort of damage, glancing once around the corner once to make sure your aggressor was gone before leaning forward and bringing you into her arms, holding you as close to her as possible as if it would bring her some solace.
“I was so worried for you. Next time that happens, call me, okay?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Izumi Sena
“I said let go of---”
You were cut of by the undeniable feeling of Izumi’s arm wrapping around your shoulder, as without even sparing a glance behind you, you knew he wasn’t happy. At the sight of him, the person in front of you released your wrist instantaneously, and Izumi slowly stepped back, bringing you with him.
All the silver-haired boy did was sigh, holding you ever so slightly closer before finally averting his glare, which had been trained on your aggressor the whole time.
“You really shouldn’t touch what is’t yours.” He muttered, taking one moment to glance over the other’s figure- most likely to memorize their face in hopes of talking to them later, in private- before starting to walk away, arm still around your shoulder to assure you stayed by his side.
“You had me worried there, you know.” He huffed, glancng around like he was on edge. “It’s a good thing I’m here to keep you safe.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Ritsu Sakuma
All you could see when you looked up from the ground was the familiar white of Ritsu’s favorite sweater as he stood in front of you, reaching out a hand and giving a lazy shove to the person in front of him. Despite his usual tired way of going about things, you could sense how tensed up he was.
“Oi. Leave them alone.”
An immediate sense of safety washed over you, as you took a step forward to peek over his shoulder as he stared down at your now very nervous aggressor. He glanced in your direction for a moment, assuring himself that you were alright, before turning back.
“You know-” He let out a quick yawn. “Me and my brother are vampires. I wouldn’t suggest messing with people dearest to us” He narrowed his eyes at them for a moment, watching until they left in a hurry. Ritsu turned to you, almost immediately leaning onto you and closing his eyes once they were gone. “You okay?”
“Yeah- Thanks, Ritsu.”
“Any time. I can’t have you getting hurt, now can I?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Tsukasa Suou
You could tell when he stepped protectively in front of you that Tsukasa was nervous, but he stood his ground nonetheless, keeping up his chivalrous nature. He kept his chin tilted upwards, attempting with as much confidence as he could muster to look like he wasn’t anxious.
“You need permission to touch someone.” He said, voice sharp as he stood there, staring down at your aggressor. 
They opened their mouth to say something, most likely some sort of shitty comeback, but you didn’t really hear as your mind was still struggling to catch up to you- all you could really focus on was how thankful you were that Tsukasa had arrived to save you. And the fact that he was trying so hard to appear strong for you- it was adorable.
You could sense Tsukasa falter at their comment, but he maintained his disposition. He muttered some sort of threat regarding ‘The student council president’, and they finally gave up and left. The moment they were out of earshot, Tsukasa let out a sigh of relief and turned to you, fawning over you in a rather panicked manner until you assured him you were fine and they hadn’t done anything.
“God… I’m so glad you’re safe. I’m not sure if I’d forgive myself otherwise.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── End
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writers-reach · 6 months
Hey! Can I have headcanons of persona protagonists [ Yu,Minato,Ren] kissing SO for the first time? Thank you!
persona 3/4/5: first kiss headcanons (minato arisato, yu narukami, ren amamiya)
notes: no spoilers, gn!reader, fluff, ren amamiya for persona 5 protagonist
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minato arisato
a bit nervous, but shows it by being a bit more quiet and shy than usual.
hides his gaze under his lil emo bangs as he asks to kiss you!
probably in his room after hanging out all day at the strip mall
"hey, um, do you want to, like... kiss? maybe?"
you're ecstatic and your heart quickens at his cute look and shy demeanour. he was just adorable!
you agree, and he leans in with his hands on his knees. he's about to press his lips to yours when he brushes his bangs from his eyes (just so they don't get in the way)
his lips are decently soft, if not a bit chapped (in his defense, it's been a cold autumn so far). he's a bit tentative when kissing but overall he's just a bit nervous about your boundaries!
gives you the cutest look when pulling back.
"...you're cute."
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yu narukami
probably asks you to kiss him first while on a walk on the hill overlooking inaba!
he stops walking, his hand in yours, and turns to look at you. he grabs your other hand and smiles as his eyes meet yours
"it's been a great day so far. thanks for going out with me." he flashes you one of those charming grins - god, they melt your heart!
"of course," you reply, "i love spending any time with you."
"yeah." yu replies, seeming a bit... out of it. like something else is on his mind.
"what's up?" you tilt your head and yu can't help but find it super cute!
"it's just-- i... okay, listen, you're super cute and i'm so lucky to be your boyfriend, may i kiss you?"
wow. that came out... all at once. after recovering from his quick word vomit, you nod with a blush on your cheeks. with that affirmation, yu moves in slowly.
he lifts one hand to cup the bottom of your chin and leans in. his eyes shut gently and he presses his lips to yours.
he's firm yet gentle, definitely sweet. he's probably kissed people before, but none of that matters when he pulls back and looks into your eyes with the most adoring gaze you've ever seen
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ren amamiya
he's been acting strange all week. walking you to and from places, stammering and trailing off his words... hell, he's even been acting fidgety in the metaverse when he usually dons the persona (heh) of the confident joker, leader of the phantom thieves!
eventually, it gets to be so much that you confront him after an excursion to mementos.
as you two are walking back from the subway, you pull him aside.
"hey... is something up? you've been acting weird all week, and i'm getting worried. you know you can tell me anything, right?" you ask.
ren glances aside, not really feeling like being honest. instead, he only mutters, "can we go to my room?" in response.
it makes you start a bit, but you understand the sentiment. he wants to talk alone.
so, you two go to the attic above leblanc and sit down on the edge of his bed. he, once again, starts to fidget.
"what's on your mind, ren?" you ask.
"i just... uh..." ren's lip trembles slightly as he tries to explain. he eventually gives in with a sigh. "we've never, like, kissed, have we?"
you pause. "no...? no, we haven't."
it's a moment before ren responds, smiling. he pushes up his glasses.
"i think we should." wow, okay. smooth ren is back. but he's still a bit of a dork, especially with those glasses.
"like, right now?" "right now. if you want to, that is." "duh i want to, idiot!" you scoot closer to him and smile softly at him, waiting for him to make the first move. he suggested it, after all.
ren moves closer and soon closes the distance with a kiss. his hair tickles your forehead. you kiss back as one of your hands finds its way to hold his, your fingers intertwining.
when he pulls away, he's still smiling, but he isn't trying to hide his blushing cheeks.
"...you're free all evening, right? wanna do that some more?"
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a/n: i tried my best! my writing chops for the protags are a bit rusty, but i hope you enjoyed! i tried my best to not fall into tropey pitfalls with these guys (aka trying not to write yu as a chad or w/e)
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trendywaifus · 1 year
Hmm can I ask for making them Jealous and then pinning you to the wall? Chlorinde, And Miko? NSFW if it’s fine??
if it’s alr with you, ill make it gn! i didn’t know if you wanted fem or gn! reader. nsfw’s fine but i had a major brain fart so I kept it sfw, sorry lovely😞
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“ what do you possibly gain from involving yourself with the new traveler? “ a hardened familiar voice husks in your ear after a hand swiftly pulls you into an empty street. back pressed against the wall, you found yourself staring into clorinde’s narrowed purple eyes. you blinked several times at her question in confusion, “ what do you mean possibly gain and involving yourself? what’s with the suspicion? i was simply trying to be friends with them—wait, were you following me, clorinde? “
before this, you and the traveler explored around the popular parts of fontaine to introduce them to great shops and sight–seeing areas. you were unaware of your lover following closely behind, blending into the crowds and weaving through them. she places her gloved hand next to the side of your head, the other rests under your chin. “ oui, i wish to keep an eye on the traveler and i was surprised that you also were accompanying them. that. .not only strengthened my resolve to follow behind but to also make sure you were safe. “ clorinde confessed.
you chuckled, “ navia was right, you do have a stalking problem. “
she sighs deeply, flickering her gaze down to the ground before back at you, slightly embarrassed. “ please do not say such things, mon amour. you’re making it sound like i am strange, but. .i am sorry for following you without your consent. “
“ you should apologize to the traveler as well, gorgeous. “
clicking her tongue, she draws closer to your face, you wind your arms around her waist. “ i am only apologizing to you and that is all. “ clorinde’s soft lips brush along your jaw, a shiver runs down your spine.
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“ dearest, come here. “
her request sounded more like a demand as she beckons you over with a finger. confused, you reluctantly complied, walking over to her by the narukami tree. yae’s eyes looks you up and down in with disapproval. “ i heard from little birdies you were acquainting yourself with that divine priestess earlier today, no? “ she queried, crossing her arms. noticing the subtle tension in your youkai’s voice, you swallowed thickly.
“ miko, i— “
“ address me as guuji yae before you speak, little one. “
you sighed exasperatedly, missing the mischievous glint in her eyes. “ guuji yae, kokomi was simply visiting for a formal meeting with the shogunate, i managed to catch her around the town area prior and wanted to chat with her. “ you explained. she hums thoughtfully, unfolding one of her arms to caress your cheek idly. it made you nervous that you couldn’t tell what yae was thinking, but you felt the atmosphere thicken when you mentioned kokomi. those two did share some sort of weird rivalry with each other.
“ chat, huh? care to share anything interesting you two were chatting about? “
“ w-well, it wasn’t really much, just books and general things involving daily life and duties. we were catching up. “ you laughed nervously, rubbing the back of your neck. yae quirks a brow, her gaze narrows. “ goodness, catching up? dearest, i was unaware you were already acquaintances with that girl. why didn’t you tell me about this sooner? “ was that hurt in her voice? disbelief? it couldn’t be that she was. .
“ mik–guuji yae. .are you jealous? “
before you can react, your body was pinned against the divine tree. it felt pleasantly warm against your back. yae’s hot breath fans against the side of your cheek, her hand encircles around your neck firmly. “ to ask me such a question like that is most baffling, wouldn’t you say, little one? “ she chuckles dryly, softly squeezing your neck before continuing, “ but i should say, it irks me at the thought of you and miss ‘sole of the deep’ meeting behind my back. next time i see her, we will have many things to discuss, hm? perhaps i’ll even have you tag along as well. “
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gfmima · 2 years
category : 米哈游 原神 work title : “love bites”? more like, love does bite, eh?
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humiliating. mortifying. there’s no other way to describe the sight of the nation’s number one detective, self-proclaimed, moseying down the city’s main thoroughfares in the middle of his work break. it was tough to figure out if he was simply aloof or ignorant of his surroundings.
bystanders gasp in shock as heads turn to look at the awful sight of him.
the icing on the cake was how he wore them in pride, as if it was a medal of honor he had won by merit. his little idiosyncrasies were expected by the residents of narukami island and his agreeable personality made it easier to bear, though this was going too far.
heizō’s flagrant show of what transpired on your late-night rendezvous prompted a wide range of responses. some were indifferent, others were downright scandalized by how shameless he was to carry himself in broad daylight… there are children here!
the elder citizens clutch their sango pearls in horror. what a time to be alive! a member of the tenryou commission had chosen to roam the streets while flaunting such blue marks littered all over his neck with great delight.
“oh, may the almighty raiden shogun have mercy on us all,” a graying woman prays to herself, wise eyes turn shut after the quick show of his bruised skin when he strides past her in the direction of the komore teahouse.
“celestia knows we need it.”
the highly esteemed tengu kujou sara thought of chastising him for his less than savory appearance once she caught wind of the snickering in the background. it was considered dishonorable to the kujou clan after all, a giant offense even. however, she was at a loss for words; too embarrassed over the suggestive nature of these blemishes.
hence, she placed the burden onto you instead.
“light of my life? fine. i can speak for the two of us anyway,” heizō puffs his cheeks then sighs out loud, “in all honesty, i don’t understand why i’m the bad guy here. i didn’t do anything wrong?!” he shakes his head. “i’m willing to argue this goes against protocol since it involves my personal life and—HUH?”
your hands planted on either side of his face, squishing it to stop him from rambling on and on and on.
“shut up.”
you lean back to study your work.
he was very lucky you decided to bring your hand kinchaku today. without it, he would’ve been out of commission for a day or two. and although the beauty product failed to properly conceal the love bites, it did a pretty decent job. it was now impossible to see unless you squinted.
“please stop making this more difficult than it should be.” 
“b-but! why would you wish to conceal the evidence of your love for me?” you roll your eyes. how dramatic. heizou stares at you with a pitiful yet endearing look of desperation on his face. “it ISN’T noticeable, in fact, much of it is hidden by my collar.”
“don’t care, you’re the tenryou commission detective,”  you mumble, refusing to succumb to his request no matter how cutely he refutes the comments about his public indecency. “it’s inappropriate for you to come to work looking like this.”
“well, you weren’t thinking that last n—OUCH!” he pulls out the theatrics, massaging the spot you pinched with the sulk of sulkiest pout known to mankind. “it was the truth!”
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a nosy architect observes and gives him a quick once-over, “i see you’ve woken up on the right side of the bed today.”
wanderer scoffs at him then returns his focus to the grand sage’s discussion with you on the akademiya’s renovation plans to accommodate more students by supplying better facilities. his gaze lingers on you instead, and kaveh wasn’t blind to his actions.
from the moment you stepped inside the room together, he sensed a change in the air. it was… eye-opening? to say the least.
he overheard the personal aid of lesser lord kusanali wasn’t the most pleasant of companions, yet you enter with a coy expression, which is rare for the recently elected sage of the rtawahist darshan.
kaveh draws his bottom lip between his teeth. it was fun to see the infamous man grow increasingly irritated by his inquisitive stare. “there is no need to get defensive. i’m not interested in what you and the new sage do in your outside of work… especially when you two are consenting adults.”
wanderer glares.
“right side of your face, below your ear.”
in an attempt to be as invisible to the naked eye as possible, he cranes his head downward in hopes that his hat obscures his face as he checks his reflection on the smooth marble flooring to figure out what the nosy blond was going on about.
upon seeing what he did, heat rushed into his system and dusted his cheeks.
the moron was telling the truth, he inwardly scoffs; a faint bruise paints his neck directly below his ear, leaving little to no room for interpretation.
it was loud and clear.
wanderer was thrown off his balance by its presence that he was hardly able to react to the architect’s snickering next to him. no number of years in this world could’ve prepared him for this tricky situation.
(he secretly adored it!)
he appreciated the lengths you went to let him understand how much you wanted him, desired him, but my goodness, couldn’t you have chosen a less noticeable part of his body?
perhaps his lower stomach?
maybe even his chest area?
there was no saving him now… he spent his morning hiking through the streets tending to nahida’s errands like checking on the welfare of its citizens, so he was hilariously late on conjuring up a fool-proof plan to hide it.
everyone and their mother saw it by now. he could only pray the opposite happened for the young archon.
he was abruptly removed from his thoughts by the sound of you bidding alhaitham farewell; doe-like eyes make contact with his wordless agreement to meet one another in private after the this.
he didn’t want to be too obvious, so he waited for everyone to finish their business and leave before he moved, thinking he could walk away scot-free.
alas, he spoke too soon.
“have a wonderful evening, my friend!” kaveh greets loud enough for many heads to turn and stare at him curiously.
he was definitely going to have a word with nahida about the grand sage’s associate.
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kaveuh · 2 years
*breaks into your house* so ive been thinking about this for a while.... a headcanon of knights reacting to their s/o trying their knights idol uniform... 👁
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author’s note — as your local knightsP, i had a whole blast with this and may have gotten carried away.. oops 🤭 also ritsu’s isn’t really him walking in on the reader trying it on, but he still walks in on them wearing it saur…. AND I HAD A LOT TO SAY ABOUT THIS HAHDHSHFHF
genre — fluff
warning(s) — slight ooc izumi, only a lil… mentions of bathing together (sfw only!!)
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you were bored. incredibly bored. it's even worst that your boyfriend wasn't there to keep you company.
it wasn't rare for tsukasa to be away during the weekends. being an idol meant having a busy schedule, let alone a whole leader of a unit that belongs in the big three.
"kasa… i miss tsukasa…" you complained for the nth time today. all you did was nothing but lay down on the couch yearning for your darling boyfriend. though, it would be sad to say that you're supposed to be used to this, you should be… you just wanted this day to be over with and cuddle up against your lover in bed.
which is why you found yourself digging into his closet and carefully slipped into his spare knights uniform. it was a bit loose, but you were content with it. besides, despite how it looks, it was comfortable enough to pass as your tsukasa's warmth. unfortunately, it was nothing compared to your lover himself.
which is why it was a surprise when your red-haired, busy boyfriend walked in on you running around the kitchen wearing his uniform. (he almost passed out on the spot)
"[n-name]?" he choked, trying not to lose it. you, on the other hand froze and slowly turned your head towards him. "i'm… home?" tsukasa smiled, sweating and was on the verge on freaking out— you could tell from how red his face was.
"kasa? you're home early…" you laugh nervously, putting down the glass of orange juice that you were drinking. "um, i can explain." tsukasa shakes his head frantically, quickly approaching you, (he teleported) putting his hands on your shoulder with a still, visible blush on his face.
"no, no! please keep it on… i-it looks good on you."
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now, leo was the one who suggested that you try on his uniform. although you'd always refuse, explaining that it's embarrassing, you did end up trying it on to imitate your boyfriend whenever he isn't around. (or you wear it simply because you miss him. not that you’d admit it to him, though.)
leo never found out, or so, he was just too oblivious to the fact that his clothes were hanged differently than last time. (he was also too busy composing songs and showing them off to you.)
unlike tsukasa, leo leaves work a bit earlier, and would be home at 10 the latest. though, your boyfriend decided it would be a good idea to surprise you by pretending to leave for work, but would come back to hopefully, catch you off guard.
you, on the other hand, felt like making fun of your boyfriend today (again & affectionately.) like how it had become a daily routine, you slipped into his uniform’s jacket and faced the mirror. "huh… now that i look closely, i do look good in this." you hummed in approval.
"yeah, you do." jumping in surprise, leo stood by the door, grinning from ear to ear as he happily hopped his way towards you. "my dear darling, [name]! how could you try this on without letting me know?! GAH! you look so gorgeous, pretty, cute, adorable, elegant, mesmerizing, irre—" you shushed your enthusiastic boyfriend, embarrassment building up from the compliments.
"s-stop that! you're too loud… i thought you had work?" you sigh, avoiding his gaze as you attempted to hide your reddened face from him.
he laughed, cupping your face with both his hands, gently making you look at him. "what? getting all shy now? don’t be, [name]~ keep it on, i want to see you wearing my clothes for the day!"
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wearing arashi’s clothes was something you'd usually do whenever you're staying home or sleeping. it's become a daily thing, and honestly, arashi loves it! she'll never get tired of cooing about how adorable you look and showing you off to her unitmates whenever you send a picture of you wearing her clothes. which are usually too big for you.
even so, it’s not that hard to get shy around your girlfriend. consider how she showers you with compliments and is very affectionate. not that you’re complaining.
arashi had informed you that she was going to be home a bit late for tonight. of course, you were understanding, willing to wait before you sleep. you had already done your skincare routine, ate dinner (you made sure to leave some in the microwave for arashi) and was ready for bed.
this time, instead of regular clothes, you decided to wear arashi's knights jacket. it wasn't too uncomfortable, and was comfortable enough to be able to cuddle up to as long as it was paired up with a soft blanket.
yawning as you waited for your water to boil, you heard the door open. assuming that your girlfriend was home, you peeked your head into the living room, arashi noticing your figure instantly. her face instantly brightened and hurriedly jogged towards you.
"good evening, darling! i'm sorry for coming home so late tonight, i bet you're already sleepy. ah, are you making ramen? do—" she paused suddenly, causing you to look up at her, confused. "arashi, are you okay?" your question made arashi come back to her senses, her face slowly flushing red.
"ah, my bad. is that my uniform you're wearing?" she giggles, pulling away to get a better sight of how adorable you looked. "can you do a little twirl for me? wait, i wanna take a picture, you look so cute~! you think you can wear this on our next concert? ahh, i'm about to burst!"
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izumi acts like he doesn't care whenever you wear something that belongs to him. i mean, you're a couple, right? it's only normal for his partner to wear his clothes. though, everyone and their grandma knows that he secretly giggles to himself behind closed doors.
"have fun at work today, zumi." you bid your boyfriend, giving him a peck on the lips. you swore you saw small smile on his face before it fades back to his usual frown. "don't overwork yourself. i love you~" izumi hummed, staying still for a moment before pulling you into a hug.
"mhm.. i love you too. i'll see you when i get home. text me when you're going somewhere." he reminded, before pulling away and left the house. izumi wasn’t normally an affectionate person, so it most definitely surprised you.
you didn't think much of it, and proceeded to do whatever you needed to do. it was your day off, after all. going into the bathroom was the first thing you did. a relaxing, nice bath would be nice. though, noticing the blue knights jacket, an idea eventually popped inside your head.
"[name]? i forgot my coat. is it in—…" the loud voice of your lover eventually turned quiet. he blinks, keeping his eyes on you as you turned around, returning the action. "there…"
he gulped, a blush creeping up to face, but soon covered it up with a cocky smirk. "the hell? did ya' miss me that much already?"
you felt your eye twitch, frantically shaking your head. "h-hell no! i just needed something to cover myself with…" you huffed, playfully glaring at your boyfriend as you saw his smirk turn into a grin. "stop looking at me like that. it's creepy."
izumi snickers, engulfing you into a hug from behind. "haha, i knew you couldn't go on a day without me. and i can't help it, you're irritatingly cute face is making me wanna keep annoying you." perhaps, ditching shooting today wouldn't be a bad idea. it's just one day, right?
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compared to the others, ritsu is the one who goes home the earliest. usually, he'd find you waiting for him on the couch or eating at the dinner table whenever you were too hungry to even wait for him.
tonight was a fairly stressful day for him. with izumi'a constant yelling and bossing him around, he wasn't able to take a nap once the whole entire day. if there was anything he wanted to do, that was dragging you to bed with him and sleep until the next day.
"i'm home." ritsu yawns, rubbing his eye while he was greeted with silence. strange, he thought. assuming that you were probably in the kitchen, having your own little concert (that he had walked in on multiple times), he was once again greeted with nothing by still somewhat, heated leftovers on the table.
he did end up eating the leftovers— there was no way he was going to let your cooking and efforts go to waste. ritsu finally entered your shared room, which was dark and your soft snores was the only sound that occupied the room.
"ah… they fell asleep without me." ritsu pouts playfully, and was about to head into the bathroom to get ready for bed until he noticed the familiar jacket that you were wearing. is that my uniform? he didn’t even realize the smile that crept up his face until he leaned in closer to admire you. "[name]~ wake up…" he poked your cheek continuously until you finally stirred in your sleep, slowly gaining consciousness.
you groaned, ruffling your boyfriend's hair. "hm? you're home, ritsu… i fell asleep without you, i was too tired…" you explained, which he hummed in acknowledgment. "what's up? did you wanna bath together again?" ritsu shakes his head, motioning for you to sit up, and so you did.
"you're so cute…" he coos, pinching your cheeks as he took out his phone to take a quick picture, catching you by surprise. "hehe, you should really wear my uniform more often. it looks better on you than it does on me."
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mehiwilldoitlater · 10 months
The atmosphere was as tense as a violin chord, thick and heavy as a blanket.
Yae eyes darted from Ei figure, calmly sipping tea from her cup, enjoying from time to time some small bite of the mochis on her plate, to you, clearly upset by something by the glares that you threw to the Shogun, who was obviously ignoring your attiotude.
Usually the afternoon at the Shogun residence, where the three of you shared some good chatting, news, and gossip from the towns, was a moment of pure relaxation and nothingless. It was the moment when the Raiden Shogun, the Head Maiden of the Narukami Shrine, and the Creator weren't such mighty and important figures, but just three friends who loved to spend some quality time together.
At least that was the case for the other days, since now there are some problems between you and the Shogun.
"Oh my, I wonder. You both are so chattering today. I'm guessing that whatever happened between you two must have been quite an event."
Before speaking, Ei's eyes sparked toward her friend. Did she really need to bring that up?!
"Me and Y/N had a discussion a few hours ago."
"We argued-"
You corrected, noticing Ei eyes rising toward you in the same glare.
"About some matters that aren't supposed to be on their minds right now."
"Um, um, and...what are those matters, to be precise?"
"I asked her to teach me how to fight."
The ceramic Ei cup clattered with the small plate in her hand. Why do you have to be so stubborn? She loved that thing about you, but, seriously, on those occasions, it was impossible! Yae hears, on the other hand, pointed up, showing her her full interest in the matter. Her eyes were full of a small glimmer.
"Oh really? And...why so?"
"Why not?!"
"Because you don't need to! I can protect you just like this!"
Finally, Ei decided to get out of her small, composed shell. She raised her voice, shocking you for a momet, and Yae, not so used from the Shogun to shout.
"I don't want to be protected! I want to be able to do it myself!"
"This world is merciless; one wrong step and-"
"I've been hurt and hunted by the nations, Ei; I'm far more aware of how this world works! I want to protect our people too!"
The two of you keep on having that argument in front of the fox lady.
She found the entire ordeal quite cute. She knew that, at some point , this was supposed to happen. You wanted so much to prove yourself, while Ei tried with all the strength of her being to reject the thought of losing her Creator. It was meant to happen that the two of you would crash at some point; it was later than she believed, but better than never, no?
Posing her cup, she started to adjust the front of her kimono.
"Umm...well, it seems like she won't help you, dear Y/N. Forget asking her to help you master the art of polearming."
Finally, thought there was some sense in that discussion! It was strange to hear Yae finally siding  with-
"So, instead, why don't try to master another weapon? Sarah would love to get the chance to teach you the bow—or the Kamisato sibling? I can sense it; the art of the sword would elevate your status."
Your face glowed (literally) for happiness, while Ei looked at the scene with confusion and so much disdain.
"Do you mean it?!"
"Of course! Maybe you can master all of them! Why don't we pay them a visit later?"
You launched towards her, hugging her closely. She giggled a little, caressing your head in delight.
"I'm going to change! I'm going to need some proper gear...FIGHTING CLOTHING!"
You disappeared from the room, leaving the room again in the same silence. Ei keeps throwing light from her eyes towards the fox.
"They want to protect their and your people, Ei, and they don't want to be scared anymore... You should acknowledge that..."
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luvizna · 1 month
୨୧ opulent - s. tsukasa x reader
━ rivals to lvrs socmed au
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synopsis: (name) unfortunately is stuck with tsukasa for yet another school project, except this time around both of their lives change..
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chapter 14 - "full moon"
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(Name) was on their way to the front of the school, when they felt a quiet buzz in the pocket of their jacket. They pulled out their phone to see a message from Tsukasa, who was asking them to come to the gates. They internally rolled their eyes, knowing that they were already headed there in the first place, but nonetheless replied back, letting him know that they saw his message. 
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Once they got to the front gates, they saw the knight standing a few feet in front of them, waiting for them to arrive so he could take them home, though more focused on the phone in his hand than anything else. (Name) figured that he must have been playing some sort of mobile game, judging from the fact that he was holding the phone horizontally. He quickly switched off his phone and looked around before putting it in his pocket the moment he heard footsteps coming, however, making them chuckle a little.
“You play mobile games?” (Name) asked as they approached him.
Tsukasa refused to look in the other’s direction, his face slightly reddening. “It released today.. I would have been at the dorms playing it if it weren’t for you.”
(Name)’s expression dulled. “I can’t believe you came in the first place.”
“Narukami-senpai was bothering me about it, she was practically insisting that I should come instead of her, or like, Kagehira-senpai..” The male still refused to make eye contact with them as he said that, causing them to smile slightly at his embarrassment.
“Why’d you bring him up.. Whatever, it’s okay.” (Name) began walking in the direction of their home, clutching their school bag more tightly than normal as a means to escape the unabating awkwardness between them. They looked back to check if Tsukasa was following behind, which he was. They sighed. “I thought we’d go our own separate ways from here.”
He shook his head. “I came to pick you up, meaning I get you home. It would be un-knightly of me to do otherwise.”
Tsukasa had a point, so the only thing (Name) could do was give in. “Fine, I see you're still maintaining your ‘knight’ image outside idol activities, huh..” (Name) commented, turning the corner.
“It’s just who I am— Ever since becoming a member of Knights, it’s become a core part of my identity since then.” Tsukasa turned the corner subsequently, following after the other. He sped up the pace of his walking, so he could be side by side with them now.
“Aren’t you like, the leader or something..” (Name) took a guess. They weren’t affiliated with ES, so they knew little about the everyday details that Tsukasa was used to seeing, such as who led each unit and which agency each unit belonged to.
“I am, it’s a bit of trouble sometimes since all of my unit mates are.. You know, but I still have to keep up my title.”
(Name) hummed in response, not knowing what to say in return. They worked by themselves, so they didn’t know how having to group up with other people felt like.
They continued to walk in silence for a couple of minutes, walking beside each other on the way home. 
The Moon was glimmering among the other beings in the night sky, as usual, except it shined a bit more brightly tonight. The forecasts called for a full moon tonight, allowing for maximum illumination. 
(Name) looked up at the sky to study the features of the celestial body.
They liked how the Moon and the stars together lit up the night, the corners of their lips turning up correspondingly. “The moon is so pretty tonight.”
Tsukasa turned to look at the other, slightly taken aback by their sudden comment, and looked up at the Moon to see what they were talking about. He, too, was drawn in by her exquisite features as she shone in the sky.
“It is, indeed.. It’s a full moon tonight, doesn’t that happen once a month?”
“Mhm,” (Name) gently took his hand in theirs and pointed to a trio of stars in the sky. “See the three, super bright stars near the moon? The one on the bottom is Altair, the one to the left is Deneb, and the topmost one is Vega,” They made a triangular-like motion with their finger. “That’s the Summer Triangle.”
It’s been a while since (Name) went stargazing, so it was nice for them to finally catch a glimpse of the constellations for once.
Tsukasa was taken aback by the sudden physical contact, but didn’t mind nonetheless, wrapping his hand around (Name)’s accordingly and holding it a bit tighter.
“Do you know any more?”
“Yeah, those were just the ones that I could spot easily.”
He didn’t know they took a liking to the night sky, and thought that was pretty interesting of them. 
“..Could I see more?” Tsukasa asked them.
(Name) looked back at him and their cheeks flushed, making them look away and break eye contact instantly. They felt a pang of conscience overtake them, as they were just impulsively rambling about their interests to the other. “Oh– I didn’t realize I was going on and on about this, sorry..”
The male’s eyes widened, unaware that (Name) was feeling in such a way. He still wanted to hear more about it, though. “Wait, don’t worry, I’m okay with it! Unless you don’t want to go on..”
(Name) felt a smile creep up on their lips upon hearing his response, and thus continued to point out more constellations they could find to him, while the two of them walked home, the streetlights glowing just above them, and the Moon shining above everything else.
Neither of them wanted to admit it, but both of them secretly enjoyed the moment they were sharing at the moment, and wanted it to last forever.
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taglist: @myunghology @ventiswisp @rinz3 @cosmical-flowers @kitsxne-reboot @teacute @lunavixia @ritsleep @v3nnz
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Could we get Yae Miko tying up a shrine maiden as a punishment? perhaps putting her on display in the shrine and encouraging her fellow shrine maidens to use her to their hearts' content?
-Editor (sorry, have to do it through anon because we use a subblog)
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PAIRING: Yae Miko x Afab!Reader
WARNINGS: Nothing Explicit, NSFW, Sub!Reader, Dom!Character, Dub-Con, Alludes Gangbang, Punishment, Humiliation
AUTHORS NOTE: Okay... will admit I'm pretty into writing stuff like this. Also completely alright Editor, I get why you gotta do it like that.
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THIS WASN'T the first time Yae Miko punished one of her dear shrine maidens like this. Having them stripped naked and strewn up in the middle of the Narukami Shrine, a blindfold wrapped around their eyes. You just never expected you'd be the next one recieving this punishment, but you supposed it was deserved.
Having failed to deliver an important message to an upcoming author for Yae Publishing House, as requested by the kitsune, you cost her the deal. Having lost such a promising author, Miko had wrapped a hand around your throat and dragged you out towards the middle of the shrine.
You tried your best to fight against her, but sadly Miko's grip was too strong, and so you were helpless to her as she began tearing your clothes off, all in front of the stunned eyes of the other maidens. You begged her to have mercy, to please stop and you promised to make it up to her.
Miko only laughed at your pathetic begging, forcing you to your knees and grabbing your chin in her hand, her sharp nails lightly pinching at your skin as she growled, "This is a worthy punishment for a maiden who lost me a new partnership. If you want to make it up to me, be a good girl and stop fighting."
You reluctantly did as instructed, whimpering as you stopped your struggling, eyes down casted to the ground as Miko finished taking your clothes off. Once bare, Miko instructed for a maiden to fetch rope, and once given it, she raised your hands above your head, forcing you to stand as she tied the rope around a hook above you.
You were slightly suspended into the air, standing on your tiptoes. You could feel numerous eyes burning into your naked skin, making you close your eyes to fight back your tears. You kept repeating to yourself that you deserved this, that this was a fair punishment for what you had done.
Miko hummed as she stepped back, admiring her handy work and your body, crossing her arms and letting her eyes roam. She had to admit, you did have a fine body, a body she wouldn't mind having for herself. But she'd deal with having you later, because for now, you were being punished.
"Look at you, so pathetic." Miko mumbled, tapping a finger against her chin in thought as she stared.
You whimpered softly at her words, your body shaking as you continued staring at the ground, the tears beginning to flow down your face in a rapid succession. You could hear the steps of the other shrine maidens gathering, all curious to see who exactly it was being punished this time. They're eyes burned into you, and you could feel the hunger in many of them.
"Seems you've caught quite the crowd," Miko muses, her eyes scanning over the shrine maidens that paused their duties to stare at you. "Understandable, you are quite the treat."
You shivered and flinched as you felt Miko drag a finger down your side, hearing her let out a content hum. You pulled your lip in between your teeth, chewing on it lightly in nervously as Miko continued to drag a single finger across you, moving it across your stomach.
"Maybe I should let the other maidens have some fun with you... they do seem particularly hungry." Miko muttered, more to herself than to you, and her words quickly made you go into a panic.
"W-What..?" You paused, eyes finally lifting up from the ground to look at the kitsune, the sight of her eyes glowing making you tense.
Miko smirked, your reaction very amusing, and it only fueled her more to allow her idea to come to existence. "Remember, this is punishment little one."
Miko took a step back away from you, a smile lingering on her face as she moved to address the other shrine maidens. She simply glanced at them all, letting out a chuckle before stating, "She's yours to play with."
You froze, panic really settling in as you watched Miko leave, leaving you behind with the other shrine maidens. Maidens whose hungry gazes pierced through you. And you knew in that moment this was the real punishment, and you weren't sure if it was fear or excitement coursing through your veins.
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ENDING NOTE: I was going to write a full thing on this and add the reader getting fucked, but I decided in the last minute that that wouldn't be focusing on Miko, which this is fic is for (kinda). So I cut it out, but I hope this was still enjoyable for you Editor.
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a-certain-romance · 2 years
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You’re the one I’m addicted to
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Characters/Ships: Yae Miko x fem!reader
Synopsis: Had you known wearing her clothes would speed up your relationship, you would’ve worn them sooner.
Warnings: Smut written by a minor, some breast play, rough sex, scissoring, gagging (use of fingers)
A/N: Anon you’re so sweet <3
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Despite being in Inazuma, rain is a rare sight in the city.
An evening with udon noodles and light chatter, now interrupted by the light pitter-pattering droplets outside. Miko had invited you over for dinner at her place earlier in the day. Had you known it was going to rain you would’ve at least brought a jacket.
“Maybe it’ll let up in a bit”. The sound of lightning cracks in the distance and you wince. The food and company had been lost in time, and now it is to too late and too wet to venture outside. As you contemplate your options, Miko offers you to stay the night.
“You’re without an umbrella. And without anything to shield you from the downpour, there is no doubt in my mind that you’ll catch a cold before the next dawn can come to greet you”
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to be imposing…”
“Nonsense, I don’t mind the company. Especially if it’s you~”
She leads you we bedroom and makes quick work of finding a suitable pair of pajamas. “Here, put these on while I get changed in the bathroom. We can retire to the bed right after if you wish”
“Your clothes? And shouldn’t I take the couch?”. She waves a hand, “You’ve been wearing those clothes all day, I’m not about to let you dirty up my sheets. And what kind of host would I be if I made my guest sleep on a couch when we have a perfectly soft bed right here?”
She hands you the clothes and places a hand on your shoulder, “And for the record, I think sleeping with you would be an interesting experience”. You shiver and try not to think of any other implications.
Nothing she gave to you fit how it should. The shirt was too big & the bottoms were too short. You think about the sleeping arrangement and your heart skips a beat. Miko was always a close friend but, secretly, you’ve always wanted more with her. More of her time, more of her touch, but you never really considered her to return your feelings.
“It’s really coming down now” Miko remarks from the other room, her voice becoming clearer as she opens the door. “I mean seriously, it rarely rains in the city. I can’t remember the last time…” her words die out which prompts you to turn to face her. She stands frozen by the door with a brush stilled in her hair. Her eyes dart around your body as if she doesn’t know what part of you to look at. Huh, maybe there is a chance.
“My, my,” you mock, “is Yae Miko, guji of the Narukami Shrine and chief editor of the Yae Publishing House, having lewd thoughts?
Her jaw clenches. “You weaken my resolve. I might hurt you”
“What if I want you to be rough?”
A fain growl escape her lips. “Such a pity to waste so much time. Had I known better, I would’ve said something sooner”
“Why don’t we make up for lost time?”
Not a moment later she pins you to the bed, hands snaking around your body as she pulls you close for a searing kiss. She peppers your face in kisses and remnants of her lipstick, moving from your cheek to your jawline, finally stopping at your pulse point and sucking. “Y’know…I’ve wanted you for so long. And now I finally get to have you”
She fumbles around with your shirt as if she’s debating to keep it on you or to take it off. She huffs in annoyance, and pushes it far enough to where it’s above your breasts. To Miko’s surprise you’re not wearing anything under it, “You’re not wearing a bra? How naughty, were you planning for this to happen? Awaiting my reaction? If you wanted me this badly, all you had to do was ask”. She wastes no time in burying herself in your chest. Pinching and biting at you, all to hear the cute little sounds you make. She moves herself down further and takes off your bottoms and your panties.
She lift up your leg and you blush, moaning out as presses her pussy to yours. She cocks an eyebrow, “What? This was your doing, being so tantalizing in my clothes. I want to ruin you, if you’ll let me”
You nod your head. Yae Miko is unrelenting; the second you give her the green light she’s bouncing against you at inhuman speed. The friction leaves you breathless, panting hot breath into the air. She’ll change her pace so that it’s fast one minute but slow and deep the next. A certain roll of her hips has you arching your back, furthering the stimulation on your clit.
On an extra loud moan, she sticks 3 fingers into your mouth. “There’s still neighbors after all” she’ll say as she shoves them in further.
“Come for me, I need to see you fall apart”. Your arch into her and spasm into the mattress. She takes her fingers out and pins your hands above you, already settling into a new position.
“I should wear your clothes more often if this is the reaction I get from it”
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adachimoe · 5 months
I can't remember the context of Adachi saying daddy but isn't that also what you call your father in law? I thought maybe Adachi is indirectly teasing Dojima about Nanako or maybe Narukami (that they are close to Adachi?)
I was joking around about ~daddy~... or was I?
The scene is Dojima introducing Adachi, Adachi saying Dojima has been bossing him around since spring, then Dojima threatens Adachi suggesting that he's been holding back on how hard he's been bossing Adachi around / he can still boss him around more, then Adachi responds by saying this line where he playfully says "dohoho, again with these jokes, dad". To me, it's about his tone of voice / how he says it -- it has the same vibes as little old ladies talking to their husbands, as "dad" is something a wife calls her husband too.
Iirc wives start doing this after they have kids / when the kids are around because the kids should/would call the husband "dad", and in this scene, Nanako (who would call Dojima "dad") is there. Of course, Adachi is not a replacement for Chisato, he's just fucking around, but he feels comfortable to do so around Dojima and when Nanako is present (this is his first time meeting her too). Again, I think it's really about his voice on this line. In the tags on that original post, I put that it reminds me of little old ladies saying, "look, dad, it's Mt Fuji!" to their husbands because omg that's what his voice delivery reminds me of lol.
Here is the actual clip:
If you Google something like... hum... "夫をお父さんと呼ぶ" you will find threads of people talking about calling their husbands "dad", but only after the kids are born. (And of course, some couples don't do this.)
It's not so much "He says daddy"; I'm just fucking around lmao. But more, "Adachi seems to be talking as though he's Dojima's wife".
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