#natalia rtc
joneleslament · 7 months
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Talia has two hands, Guys
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rednosebigshoe · 2 years
Broke: Talia is Noel catfishing Mischa
Woke: Talia is code for Noel
Correct: Talia is real, Mischa has two hands, they are all in a polyamorous relationship
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thatfkdupgrl · 3 months
I have a head canon that Mischa can braid hair beautifully. Any time of hair, any type of braids, he can do it. He used to make up fake scenarios of one day meeting Talia and braiding her hair on their honeymoon
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grrrlkisser · 1 month
big fan of mischalia. love mischalia.... i love briderap i love brideaccent i love talia and mischa
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Hi I'm Constance and this is my girlfriend Ocean and Ocean's girlfriend Penny and Penny's partner Ricky and Ricky's boyfriend Noel and Noel's boyfriend Mischa and Mischa's fiancée Talia
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soulsista04 · 1 year
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mischa and talia at the wedding they never got to have 🥺
(pics from the usf production of rtc)
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fatherfigurefusion · 1 month
(In the afterlife…)
Mischa: I have to get wi-fi before Talia finds out I’m not alive!
Talia: (panicked) Mischa?…MISCHAAAA!
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schnitzelsemmerl · 23 days
talia: can't believe there are grown men who sleep.
misha: what?? do you want me to just- not sleep??????????
talia: money doesn't sleep so you shouldn't either
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yellowcry · 1 month
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Me: *Casually checks rtc wiki page for Natalia*
Me: Is calling her waist eleven times out of ten not enough????
Like I even checked, there's not such a thing as Muruska? And what is it supposed to be? It's not connected via - so it's separate from the name and surname. And the form is wrong for the patronymic name. It should have suffix -ivn- or -yivn- and no it couldn't be a middle name. Ukranians don't have these.
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jklovesfandoms · 2 years
Okay, so we all know about the (in my opinion, disgusting) theory that Noel is catfishing Mischa, right?
Have you considered, this theory/story that is my personal favorite? Even if I made it myself, lol.
Mischa Bachinski and Natalia Bolinska are two 10 year old best friends. Mischa Bachinski, a child raised by his single, sickly mother, Tamara, makes a promise to his mother who's been by his side, no matter what the world has thrown at her, that she will see him get married one day. That she will not die before she gets to watch her son have the most gorgeous wedding ceremony.
He makes a deal with his best friend since before diapers, Natalia Muruska Bolinska. They will marry each other, to make sure that Tamara at least gets that in her life. That she gets one glimmer of hope before joining her husband, and Talia's mother, in the afterlife.
Natalia Muruska Bolinska never knew her mother, and has been raised by her poor father, and by Tamara. She would do anything to make Tamara, who is essentially her own mother, happy before she passes.
They know they're too young to get married, but before the time they can, Tamara changes Mischa's birth certificate, and he gets adopted. Mischa and Talia never get married, and Talia, across the sea, keeps her best friend and fiance in the know about his mother's condition. And how it's getting worse and worse by the day.
On opposite sides of the world, the two best friends and lovers save as much money as possible, since they still have a chance to get complete a long time promise.
The day before Mischa is punished by joining the choir, Tamara Bachinski passes away in her sleep. Talia breaks the news, and Mischa weeps for the loss of his mother. It may be his adopted brother's (his cousin's, as he was told to say) birthday, but the communion wine he steals isn't just to celebrate a birthday. It's to mourn a mother that he will never embrace again, and a promise he will never keep.
The next day, he is punished, by joining the choir, and his teary eyes fall upon Noel Gruber. And Mischa's grief-filled brain is finally broken by a moment of love, love that he's only felt for one other before, his beloved Talia. So that's who he talks about, he introduces himself to the choir, and introduces Talia, as if she is standing next to him, and not preparing a funeral for the only mother figure she's ever had.
After a month of pining, and feeling guilty about sharing his love between two, Mischa messages his love, not only to check in on the Ukrainian girl, but also to inform her of his discovered feelings.
'My love, there is a boy in my choir, and I'm afraid of how he's making me feel'
It takes Talia a while to respond, but she does.
'How is he making you feel?'
Mischa pauses. How can he tell his fiance about him having the same emotions for a man he met barely over a month ago, and for her? He simply rips off the bandaid.
'I fear that I am in love with him, but I feel as though I barely know him '
'That's okay, my dear. Why do you fear love? You hold much of it in your heart, so why are you holding yourself back from showing it?'
Mischa pauses. His fiance has always made him stop and think, rather than rushing in like he's always wanted to. Talia makes him pause, just like his mother did.
'Because, my love, I am engaged to you, I am saving money to move back to Ukraine and marry you, in honor of Tamara'
'I know you are. But your heart is more than big enough to love two, so why are you stopping yourself from it? I give you permission to show care, and passion, my love. Even if you don't need it from me. You need it from yourself'
Mischa almost weeps, for Talia was right. He didn't just need permission from her, but he needed permission from himself. The tears pouring down his face, while he is collapsed in on himself, on the floor of one of the cleanest men's restrooms in the Saint Cassian Catholic High School, are all the permission he needs. But he checks, for he never wishes to hurt his best friend.
'So, are you okay with me pursuing love with him?'
He didn't realize that he had been crying for 5 minutes without responding to his fiance.
'I am fine with it under two conditions. One, what is the name of the man who has gripped my love's heart as much as I have? Two, what does that man look like?'
Mischa quickly replies
'His name is Noel Gruber, and he has the one of the most angelic face I've ever seen, besides yours, and my mother's, of course. Give me a moment, I may be able to find a picture of him.'
It doesn't take long for Mischa to find a picture of Noel on the school's website. Considering there's not that many programs, and the Chamber Choir only had one singing low voice before Mischa joined, it wasn't difficult. And as soon as he finds it, he's quickly sending it to his fiance.
'This Noel, is almost more gorgeous and handsome than you are'
And his fiance would never be more right. Noel Gruber is HOT, and that was clear.
'I am very aware of that, my darling'
'I approve of him. If you'd like to invite him into our relationship, I'd fully support, and I would love to talk to him, at some point'
Mischa was shocked. His fiance approved! She allowed! She wanted to talk to his crush!
'Thank you my love, I shall keep you informed, no matter what happens. But it's getting late'
It was very late in Ukraine.
'Goodnight my love, I shall message you again, when the sun graces my eyes.'
He reacted with a heart, and shut off his phone. He slowly realizes that he's been crying on the floor of a bathroom, in a school he hates, in a country he hates, for the past 24 minutes. Slowly, Mischa lifts himself from the floor, opens the door of the stall, and sees his dark red, teary eyes, staring back at him. He stutters towards the sinks, splashing himself with the coldest water the faucet can muster, trying to cool the redness on his face. Mischa Bachinski, in his long 30 minutes in the bathroom, builds a plan.
The next day, after a night of isolation in his adopted "parents" basement, Mischa walks into the choir room with a mission, and a plan.
He arrives before most anyone else does. Father Marcus (or as Mischa calls him, behind his hearing aid, Father Bitch) hasn't arrived, due to his old age and slow movement. In fact, the only other people there are Constance and Ocean. Mischa quickly grabs a chair to sit backwards on, and waits impatiently for Noel to arrive.
Finally, the clicks of crutches start clacking down the hallway to the choir room, and Mischa hopes that Noel is following beside them. Mischa's hopes quickly become fulfilled, when the angel that is Noel Gruber opens the door for Ricky.
"Ugh, I can't believe that I can't do that history project on France! It's picking a country and summarizing their history! I know French history!" Noel complains.
Mischa knows that project, due to having history much earlier in the day. He'll write about Ukraine, and how much Canada has destroyed his country.
"Noel! Angel, I am so sorry that you can't write about France. You'd write so beautifully"
Noel, was visibly shocked. The 'Ukrainian Badboy' who talked about nothing outside of how much he hated being here, and his fiance in Ukraine, was talking to him in a way that Noel has never heard before.
"Thank you, Mischa?"
Noel is extremely confused by Mischa's odd behavior. And Mischa is almost hurt by the questioning in Noel's voice.
Before either can even think of another thought, Father Marcus comes through the door, and forces the choir to start. Mischa continues trying to show his affection to Noel, despite often talking about his beloved fiance. Noel continues to be confused, and scared that Mischa is cheating on his fiance by the near aggressive flirting. Several months go by, and Talia gets many various messages from an increasingly frustrated Mischa.
'My love, I am approaching the third month of trying to capture Noel's attention, but I am not getting any closer! What am I doing wrong?'
In Ukraine, something finally clicks for Natalia.
'My darling, do you still mention me to the choir, and call me your fiance?'
'Why of course I do! You are my fiance, and one of the loves of my life! How could I not talk about you?'
And the final puzzle piece was placed.
'Have you told Noel that he is welcome to our relationship? That I am very fine, and happy that my beloved has more than enough love for multiple people? Perhaps he believes you are trying to cheat on me with him, so he feels uncomfortable acknowledging your attempts?'
And in Uranium City, Saskatchewan, Canada, a finished puzzle set is dumped onto a certain Ukrainian.
'oh. I don't think I did. That.... Would make sense'
'I figured something like that was happening.'
'I must inform him, thank you my love'
And out in Kiev, Ukraine, a young woman named Natalia, is smiling at the innocence that her fiance still holds.
The very next day, at the Saint Cassian Chamber Choir practice, Mischa pulls Noel outside during one of the short breaks that Father Marcus only gives to give himself a break from hearing.
"Noel, I'd like to apologize for the way I have been acting over the last 3 months. It was... Inappropriate, to say the least. I owe you an explanation."
Noel was shocked, finally Mischa would explain his weird behavior over the past several months of choir, and just in time for spring break of junior year.
"Yes! Thank you, I've been needing an explanation from you! You can't use me to cheat on your fiance!"
Mischa looks near ashamed at the mention.
"Speaking of my fiance, Talia. I have been asking her for advice over the last several months, and she gave me permission to ask you this."
Noel looks very nervous for the question he's about to be asked, and Mischa looks even more nervous to ask it.
"Noel Gruber, since the day I have set eyes on you, I felt emotions that I have only felt for one other before. I have asked that one, and she wishes for happiness and love to be spread, so will you allow me to take all the pain from your soul, and in the passion factory of my heart, transform it into functional joy, by becoming my boyfriend?"
"Mischa Bachinski.... Who knew you were such a romantic? I'd love to be your boyfriend! But I'd like to talk to your fiance. Make sure that she's okay with it still?"
Mischa is nearly overjoyed, leaping into a hug that looks as aggressive as a wild bear, but for Noel, is as sweet and soft as a teddy bear.
"Of course! Of course! Talia has been begging to meet you! Oh she's going to be overjoyed!"
Father Marcus forced apart their sweet moment, by calling the choir back together, but no one noticed the two boys in the back, holding hands with each other.
Anyways, that was very long, thank you for reading, lmao. (this was originally supposed to be like 5-10 sentences.... I think I went overboard) anyways, hope you enjoyed, and watch ride the cyclone!
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cyclqnes · 1 month
taliastrid moment. i found out about this ship not long ago and I love them?? they're so gfs /silly
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(also I still love mishalia but AUGHH multishipping)
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nischaaskblog · 2 months
whats talia to you both?
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Rough Translation: Misha? Since when do you call at this time?
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Noel: "She's pretty nice I wouldn't call her a friend necessarily. We only talk when Misha forces the whole choir to wish her happy birthday."
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lillazyboithings · 1 year
Day 27 - Talia
Natalia Muruska Bolinska, the she herself<3
Was testing out new art materials I got from the mall<33
Dress also looks weird, sorry
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undescribed1mage · 2 years
Reminder that the person that plays Talia changes depending on the production !! In some, Jane plays her !! In one, Noel plays her !! In another, A FUCKING RAT PLAYS HER. It doesn't contribute to any ships except the one with Mischa and his fiance, who the song is about !!
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sydneyofalltrades · 1 year
I never really realized just how traumatized Talia must’ve been after the accident.
She was waiting, praying, making it through one day at a time to be with the love of her life, who promised in a grainy video call that he’d see her soon. She probably had a calendar she was marking down to the estimated day she’d get to see him, and hold him, and marry him.
Only for her to wake up one morning with the daily “good morning my love” message and smiling happily as Mischa went about his day, texting her as it went. Only suddenly, he stopped. And Talia is confused. She’s scared. She’s texting him back, asking where he went, what happened.
She probably checked his socials, and realized none of them had been updated since 6:19 his time.
And then the articles come out the following day. And Talia cries as the man she loved with her heart and soul was plastered on the front page, under a headline that read “May Our Six Saints Rest in Peace”
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