#nate is also very dear to me and i think every one of his 2 lines per season is liquid gold. but u see the problem here ?? HDJKFLNWLJFJDS
gorgeousundertow · 3 months
wip tag game <3
tagged by the wonderful @blood-mocha-latte <3 <3 <3
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
oh dear. this is Extremely Cool and also Extremely Terrifying.
1 - The Burden of Tomorrow - bradnate Minority Report au. Some of it is up on a03 already, but here's a snippet:
Nate tossed his pencil down with a sigh and rubbed at his eyes with the heels of his palms. “I’ve seen seven hundred murders, Brad. I’ve seen people stabbed, shot, choked, burned, poisoned. I’ve seen more horror than you can possibly imagine. And yeah, I guess I always thought maybe it was different, seeing it in a vision. That if I ever saw the real thing, or God forbid if I ever did the kinds of things I saw, it would be the worst thing in the world.” He looked at Brad, and his green eyes were as steady as ever. “But it wasn’t. It wasn’t any different, doing it myself. What do you think that says about me?”
Brad looked back at him for a long moment, and then he got up. He went to Mike’s refrigerator and pulled out a couple of cans of beer. He popped the tabs and handed one to Nate before sitting back down and taking a long drink. “It tells me you’re some kind of fucked up,” he said at last. “But you know, that puts you in pretty good company. Look at Ray.” He gestured to where Ray was squatting on his heels on top of Mike’s desk chair, cackling to himself as he hacked into the FBI employment database. “He’s a two-bit hustler with the impulse control of a squirrel on meth, and he would never admit it but he cries every time he has to pull the trigger. And he’s still one of the best cops on the force.”
Nate laughed, and Brad watched, pleased, as some of the light came back into his shadowed eyes. He took a drink of beer, and Brad watched his throat move as he swallowed. “And what about you?”
“Me?” Brad shrugged and looked away. “They call me the Iceman, because I never feel anything at all.”
2 - Winnix Ever After
Struggling with this one a bit, even though I basically begged to write it. But here's a snippet:
“I thought you were going to steal my horse.”
The prince laughed, though it wasn’t a very nice laugh, Dick thought. “You weren’t wrong, as it happens. I was. I am.”
Dick shook his head, bewildered. “Why didn’t you just ask me for it? I’d have given it to you. You’re the prince.” I would have had no choice, he thought.
“Because I’m trying to be stealthy,” the prince said. “Here, horse, come on, now…” Dick watched as Prince Nixon tried to climb on Silvermane, without success. “Why the hell isn’t there any saddle?” he complained.
“Because I didn’t have time,” Dick said mildly. “Would you like some assistance with stealing my horse, sire?”
3 - Bradnate in a snowstorm.
No snippets available yet, just an outline
4 - Hanahaki Nix
There was something in the wine at Berchtesgaden.
I have other general ideas, but those are the ones that are somewhat started.
tagging the lovelies @lamialamia @ep6bastogne @meet-you-at-the-north-star @spinteresting and anyone else who wants to do it <3
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Leverage Ep 11 >:3
Pre-game thoughts:
ngl the last episode was a lot of fun! got to see Nate at his breaking point, Sophie being the best (as always), ALEC AND ELIOT DUO!!!!!
also it looks like this one focuses on Parker? (at least, that’s what the blurb says 🤷🏻‍♀️) so praying for more moments for my ot3 🥰 either as duos or altogether, I do not care. just want them to have screen time 
anyway, can’t really think of anything else to add???
I mean, this is the last episode before the 2-parter finale, so I’m curious if this will touch on…..the ✨insurance company✨and that uh Crowley-looking dude (unrelated to GO!Crowley, a show I should also watch)
ooooooh a flashback 👀
Ok that was not a safe dose
is he dead?????
oooooooooh team drama 👀
lmaooooo parents (Nate/Sophie) using jury duty as a lesson
“Yeah, I know jury duty, this seems legit” <- has only gone once
OooooOOOoooooOoOooh defendant is wearing colored shades, he must be an asshole 😂
babe, please step the fuck away from the jury panel. i would not be in favor of you anyways with you standing so close wtf
oop! she knows!!! fuck they’re gonna strike her out 
ok but seriously who are those camera people???? are they even a real legal team???? the ick is strong, I hope they burn this other team to the ground
everybody giving Nate the stink eye, yesssssssssss 
(You would think, with how much I yell at this man, I hate him, but tis the opposite! Love him. He’s just an asshole, and I would never like him in person, great character <3)
Lmao he took the beer
literally before clicking play I was like “you know, I don’t think Parker and Eliot have been a duo yet” AND HERE WE GO
nO glasses guy 🫢 was a faker?! <- is not shocked
jfc Alec is good 😍
ok what you doing Parker? oh wait nvm 
Chess???? lmao you nerd
“Hmmmm how do we show an evil character is smart…..I KNOW! Chess!”
ohhhhhh big pharma ok (can’t believe it took me this long)
ugh no we’re not
oh shit bribery????
ELIOT PLAYS CHESS???? you fucking nerd 💕
lmao Parker gets a lesson in social interaction (I’m so sorry, girlie, I’d hate it too, but tbh I also befriended an older lady while at jury duty so same????)
it’s ok Parker you tried your best 🫂
“I have a peanut allergy” <- love you Alec 
Nate, I sure hope you don’t regret that honeypot plan
OHHHHHHHHH oh dear ok now the brownface comments make sense
Ok show’s age has been shown
jfc Sophie wtf please tell me this is the only episode where this happened 
“I’m very spiritual” <- 🤢 god how many times have I heard this
Jesus H Christ I can’t even look at her T^T
awwwww Sophie is helping Parker
i want Parker and the grandma to be friends. Like best friends
lmaooooooo she’s foreman now (I don’t think I spelled that right)
girlie, you sound like you’re giving the old man a job interview 😂
He won’t
Nate noooooooooo
but also shit they are treading the legality there (<- she says even tho they do this every episode)
“Do you trust your government, Ms. Vargas?” ALEC 😂😂😂😂 bringing back the old teachings of being a Jehova Witness i see
WE ARE BARELY HALFWAY?????? (Sorry just looked at the time stamp  what do you mean it’s only been 20 minutes????)
“is that a high school yearbook?” oh my god
Alec, babe, love you, but what
girlie you could say cauliflower steak
Awwwwwwwwwwww Parker has a friend 🤧🤧🤧🤧
Alec’s headshot is beautiful 
“It all checks out unless [says an example of exactly what Alec did]”
Ooooooh outsource mention 👀 
Nate there are cameras!!!!
“You know why they say, ‘Justice has a blindfold’? Because Justice is asleep” FUCKING DEAD
ok bro this isn’t jury duty anymore this is a trial???? did I miss the part where they finished jury selection 
lmaooooo he was Scottish 
Awwwwwwwww Parker 🥺 “she likes rainy days” im fucking sobbing
Ok now that’s why we were only halfway 
Hehe Alec has to actually win the trial
“You think lawyers aren’t just pretending and trying to fill in daddy’s shoes” ok, uh, wow 💔 
Eliot on another parents trip!!!
wait who is he fighting???? Oh ok
Nate, you look so fucking dumb 😂
oh ho ho! bringing up his qualifications I see 👀 why he now only doing cases in Cali 👀
Alex’s closing statement 👀 omg 🥺 yes babe 🤧 beautiful 💐 take my flowers 💐💐💐💐💐
jfc I’m nervous!!!! I know this will end happy but still!!!! So nervous 🫠
nooooo, she must not figure out 🫠
Oh dear, 
lol yesssss girlie, burn that fucking bridge!!!! BURN THE BRIDGE!!!! DIG THAT HOLE!!!!
unrelated but her jacket is super pretty
ok ok here we go. fuck I’m nervous 
why are you revealing yourself to her????? bro she could find people to get you!!!!
Final Thoughts:
this episode was so much fun!!!! we may not have gotten much of the Parker/Eliot duo but I’m still happy that they got to tag-team! Parker learning how to socialize, be a team player, and lead was just 👌👌👌👌👌👌 wonderful so proud of her T^T Alec was amazing (obviously) and fucking killed both for stalling the case and winning it <3
not as much Nate/Sophie moments besides them acting like parents to their teammates and being a well-oiled machine 😎 so I’m still satisfied! a little disappointed that there wasn’t any hint for the finale but that might just be because of the messed up order again 😔 
overall: wonderful episode, this might be my favorite of the season (tho Miracle Job still has my heart)
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vaugarde · 2 years
Top five anime
oh god forgetting every anime ive ever watched
5. fullmetal alchemist brotherhood/2003 (very different shows ik but i can never decide which i like more). i really love the world presented in these shows, i love the themes of how human we all are at the end of the day. i love all the ways they play with science and real life alchemy, and all the interesting things that come from it... like how do you even come up with alphonse's entire ordeal? it's so unconventional and yet it's handled near perfectly and we get all the drama and situations that come from a boy being tied to a suit of armor.
4. death note. tbh i mostly agree with what everyone else says about the show, it's super engaging and it's fun to see the game of cat and mouse that L and Light play. both of them are super interesting characters and its fun trying to figure out their plans only to be thwarted. again, it's a non conventional idea, but death note embraces the fantasy aspects really well while being more focused on the corruption of light and him trying to keep himself from getting caught. sadly tho i do have to agree with a lot of people that the latter half of the show with nate isn't nearly as good. i like the stuff that happens like light's dad dying but i just kinda missed L the entire time
3. cowboy bebop. this is a show i might have to digest some more bc it does require more thinking, and i may have to rewatch it to fully appreciate it, but i really enjoyed it! space western is a genre i've never thought about, but it's a very natural combination and I think this show really captured that. I love it's main theme of living in the present, it's kind of unlike most shows i've seen. at first i didn't appreciate not having the backstory of most of the characters since they seemed so important to the episodes, but that's kind of the point. we don't NEED to know every little detail about their pasts. because the show is about the present and how they're coping in spite of their pasts. and it works because it's unfair how these people are still suffering for what happening in their past, even despite everything they've accomplished in the show. it's a very bittersweet show and i enjoyed it. also i love edward. baby
2. trigun (i havent finished it yet though). i can't say much abt the entire thing but i LOVE all of the characters a ton. i love vash himself the most, i love silly characters that are actually extremely genuine and tragic at their core. he's got one of the most compelling backstories i've seen so far and i'm excited to see how his arc concludes in the show. the other characters are also extremely good! i love meryl and milly a lot and how they're actually kind of more of a threat than vash, and how they have a vitriolic relationship with him but grow to genuinely care about him. wolfwood is also a good character to pair up with vash in a lot of episodes because he's got different ideals, and also the gun cross makes me laugh. idk i love the world and these characters and im excited to finish the show.
puella magi madoka magica. im aware that on its own, its probably not nearly as good as these other shows, but at this point the show means a lot to me. I've got a lot of good memories associated with it and its kinda helped me at a time i needed it. i love all five of the main characters a lot and each of the struggles they go through. it's another show where it's world is fully utilized in every way it needs to be for the story to work. i love all the psychological horror elements and how they're presented in an almost uncanny way. the art is beautiful and the witch labrynths are fully realized. this show is so good i can't emphasize enough how dear to me it is as this point
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ashanimus · 1 year
Ash Liveblogs LL 2-3
Every time I think I understand I get in deeper and I realize I do Not. Oh yes Anna, oh yes Nate, I see why people like these Robits. I get it now.
I stayed up till 4 am the other day finishing MTME thinking I'd have a moment of breath, of peace, before moving on. NO! I got the ontological equivalent of the dickbutt. Go read the next collection, you idiot.
Anyway here's the liveblog of LL 2-3
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AHHHH my boys <3 also hi swerve.
Dear GOD i've said it before and I'll say it again, I would NEVER EVER want to end up on the minibot's bad side. Theyre both fucking feral but REWIND
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HE's SO bold and impulsive and intense. I would so much sooner find myself Cyclonus or even Whirl's enemy
Also, 12 of 12.
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This is what would happen if Facebok gained self awareness and a body. This is the pope if he ate -insert billionare techbro of your choice-
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I am obsessed with the coloring in this fucking series, and also I am a Fan of Anode. Her design is so appealing. Very nice colors.
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I really like her ; o ;
SKEIFJLKDAGKJ Rod's new blue look is throwing me off so bad but dear GOD this is so fucking funny. Roddles just got BURNED
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Oh Christ on a pogo stick. In a comic chock full of some of the most grotesque images I've ever seen it says something that these words and the picture they paint is so far proving to be amongst the most OMINOUS
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TRAPPED LIGHT? Lost light? Threadbare space? Like? About to tear??? AAAAAAAAA
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Aghhhh. All silliness aside. This is heartbreaking. Tailgate despite being Cyclonus' contemporary is a little naive and lacks a certain physical experience of war and destruction and Cyclonus quietly and calmly walking him over the threshold of the aftermath is breaking my little bat heart T m T
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He looks so sad :<
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SNERK yes cry for help you annoying green bitchbaby--DAMMIT
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All hail the useless one! Where did you find my negative self talk bubble six of twelve--OH DEAR GOd FOR REAL?
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I mean yes Rung is a Useless Therapist but oh my GODDDD WHAT IS THIS
LL 3
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Whiiiiirl my beloved
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Im always so impressed by how the artists make these characters emote. The squinty lil optic...
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The list of what is wrong with these men is so long but I love them all so much
Whirl. Whirl. Buddy. I distinctly remember something about your Nemesis being a guy named something else entirely and definitely not Killmaster--
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Genuinely fascinated by this entire conversation, and also in awe of how JRO effortlessly seems to come up with the most badass fantasy technical terms ever. Widowed metal. Holy shit.
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I also love how the Lost Light is big enough that we can have this drama happening upstairs and then THIS happening directly beneath their feet as;dfjlkdsjg
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Oh look, the cavalry! Cyclonus here to help!
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fasa-umich · 2 years
A Love Letter to FASA (and SZA’s Album) || Emily Paras, FASA’s 2022 - 2023 Media Chair
Dear FASA,
When I think about all the things in life that I could talk passionately about for hours and hours, FASA and SZA’s album, Ctrl, are the first things that come to my mind. The impact that these two things have had on my journey of self-love and owning my identity has been immeasurable.
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the person behind the camera!
a song that reminds me of how much I’ve grown
I grew up in a small, predominantly white town in the middle of Michigan notorious for its ties to a white supremacist group. As a second-generation Filipino American, I felt disconnected from both my hometown and the Filipino community. I also grew up as the eldest with two younger brothers, so I was left to navigate many things by myself and became the family guinea pig. My parents tried to teach me Tagalog at the same time I was learning English, but I never picked it up. Other than indulging in Filipino dishes and wearing polka dots for the New Year, my parents never really pushed my brothers and I to learn more about our identities. Additionally, our Filipino friend groups were at least an hour away from us, so I struggled feeling close to those communities of Filipinos. It was hard for me to find opportunities to engage with my culture, and even harder for me to find the motivation to explore it on my own.
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I remember writing about FASA in one of my University of Michigan application essays and being so excited to join. But in the beginning, I had an extremely hard time getting myself to attend events and meet new people. Seriously – I couldn’t even get myself to go to the Fall Mass Meeting. The Fall FAM/Lineage reveal was one of the only events I attended that semester. The number of people I could name in FASA at the time was a number I could count on my hands. (I even had mistaken Nate for Josh at one point…) I knew that FASA was something I wanted to be a part of, and yes, I am a pretty shy person with a very short lasting social battery, but truthfully I was nervous that I wasn’t “Filipino enough” because of the little exposure I had in my upbringing. Eventually, with enough encouragement from people around me, I brought myself to apply for the intern program at the end of my fall semester of freshman year and my silly little journey in FASA began.
2.  “PROM”
a song that reminds me to live in the moment
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rare photo of media chair!
The role of Media Chair can be overwhelming and rewarding at the same time. There is so much behind the scenes work that many people may not think about.
From sorting through hundreds of photos that I take at each event, to fixing every formatting issue in the newsletter platform, to creating several versions of a simple graphic because of my indecisiveness, so much goes into the Media Chair position that often gets overlooked. At the same time, you immediately see the result of the hours of work you put into a post with all the likes, reposts, and comments. But it truly is more than just the numbers – it’s about being able to engage and excite people with their culture and community.
Media Chair has been such an amazing way for me to express myself creatively as well. You have so much creative freedom with this position, and I especially enjoyed creating and incorporating reels and TikToks to highlight FASA's members into this year’s social media posts.
This position has also helped me connect with so many people from our community. And yes, as Media, one of your main responsibilities is to take photos, but I highly encourage stepping away from the camera for a second and taking a moment to introduce yourself to a new face or strike up a chat with another member. Media is so important in bridging the generational gap the gap between e-board and the greater FASA community in a number of ways, so don’t be afraid to take a second to say hi! 
In order to effectively engage and connect with people, you have to know your audience. This year, I started to include image descriptions with FASA's posts on Instagram. It is important to recognize that being in this position with over 1,100 followers, not everyone accesses social media the same, and that we must take steps towards making our platform as accessible and inclusive as possible.
Creating the Yearbook Committee was another vision I was proud to make happen. Our committee’s goal is create a physical little keepsake that recaps FASA events for the 2022 - 2023 school year. It makes me so incredibly happy to see other FASA members get excited to create something that will spark the same excitement in our community and give members something to physically look back on.
3.  “20 SOMETHING”
a song that reminds me it’s okay to not have everything figured out and keeps me hopeful for the future
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when can’t hang lin did in fact (haha get it) couldn’t hang at FACT
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meedja meesh and media milly :)
Some words of advice and thank yous:
To future board:
I am so excited to see what you all will accomplish! Continue to show the FASA community so much passion and love through everything you do, and board will be one of the most rewarding experiences. Also recognize that things can and will get stressful. Know your limits and boundaries and be able to take a step back when needed. Board burnout is so very real, so please, please, please, prioritize your health and wellbeing. Most importantly, look out for one another and support each other in every aspect. You are a board member first, and your chair position second.
To current board:
Thank you for supporting me through some incredibly busy semesters and rough patches. From having to repost our new board announcement at least 4 times because I spelt Ashley’s name as “Ashely” and Christian’s slide accidentally being duplicated and contemplating on whether or not I delete Instagram, to not realizing my SD card was out of space and forgetting to bring a backup one to our board photoshoot, you have continuously been there for me. You are some of the most hardworking people I know and your dedication to our community is so inspiring and infectious. I am so proud of each and every one of you and I hope you are proud of yourselves as well. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to take over (in a wholesome, non-malicious way!) FASA with. It has been such an honor to work alongside you all. (Also, PLEASE FIX YOUR SLEEP SCHEDULES!!)
Thank you for offering a space for me to grow as an individual and own my identity. It’s been said countless times, but it truly is the people that make FASA so unique. There is no one thing that defines someone as Filipino. You are enough in the ways that you choose to explore and engage with your identity. And to the people who have been afraid to attend FASA events, or worry that you aren’t “Filipino enough”, I have been there and I totally understand. I encourage you to take that step out of your comfort zone and attend a FASA event or two. Being a part of FASA will be an unforgettable part of my undergraduate career, and I hope to always have a community that is as welcoming and inclusive as FASA in the future.
To Michelle:
You are one of the main reasons I became more involved with FASA and why I ended up applying to the intern program event after not being present for majority of fall semester and why I ultimately decided to run for Media Chair. I remember when I had met you for the second (?) time in October at my cousin’s house (which also happened to be the same night I had mistaken Nate for Josh…). I was so certain that no one from FASA remembered my name. But you did, and I was so surprised. You talked about FASA, the intern program, and being Media Chair, and I thought you were the coolest person ever. Even after that night had passed, I still thought about how you remembered who I was. When I was spending hours debating on whether or not I apply to the intern program, whether or not I apply for Media Chair, I would think back to that night. It seems silly but you made me feel so seen. I wanted to do the same for others as Media Chair as you did for me -- to make people feel seen, heard, and represented. Thank you for everything :')
(And to SZA: I AM LITERALLY YOUR NUMBER ONE FAN thank you for putting out an album that has stuck with me since the end of eighth grade)
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the most awesome epic cool fun and safe board
Before this becomes a five page essay, I will end with a silly little poem:
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
FASA says that IAmFilAm,
And you are too!
But for real, words could never describe how much FASA means to me and how incredible this silly little experience on e-board as Media Chair has been. I am forever grateful to have served (served!) the FASA community and I can’t wait to see where things will go next. Good luck to the future boardies and remember that you always have me as a resource!
Mahal kita,
Media Milly 
4.  “GO GINA”
a song that reminds me to live life fun and safe! :P
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proud to serve
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aq2003 · 3 years
ok so ive joked about this before but to me one of the most genuine glaring issues about cobra kai the show about karate and generational trauma is that the east asian rep amongst the new characters is. Very bad. like it is so clearly worse than the karate kid trilogy it's almost kind of comedic. in s2 the show has a joke going "haha look daniel got cancelled on twitter bc he isnt asian! hes white and thus everyone thought he was doing cultural appropriation! lol!" While at this time in the show every east asian character was either irredeemably evil (kyler) or so far in the background you barely notice them (nate) . i would be laughing if this wasnt incredibly sad
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sublimecatgalaxy · 3 years
la vie en rose- Part 2 (of many)
-Pairing: Fezco (Euphoria) x reader (eventually); Elliot (Euphoria) x reader
-Summary: After the New Years Party and the incident that occurred there, things are a bit awkward. Reader goes to confront Fez about his safety, or lack thereof, and Elliot and reader have a cute texting moment. Also, enter Faye lol.
-Warnings: Swearing, flirting, implied sexual doings, injury, mention of blood and injury, mention of death, Nate Jacobs and Cal Jacobs. Enough said with those two.
-Word Count: 4.9k
A/n: Hi guys! So I freaked out after I started getting likes on my first part of this so I decided to go and clean up part 2. I've been on tumblr for years and years and I know I always appreciated a writer who posted frequently so, here I am :)
Also I for sure lied and made Elliot able to speak French. Go with it. Faye is a queen and I genuinely don't take Faye slander. If she turns out to be evil, then you guys can hold that against me.
Part 1
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My head whips over to the sound of the noise just in time to see Fez take Nate to the ground, a group developing around them. What the actual fuck, Fezco? I hear multiple people whistle and call out as I listen to fists hit against skin and bone. My heart breaks as I shuffle in Elliot’s lap. My body seems to be frozen as Elliot’s voice drowns out behind me.
Is this my luck? The two men who are very near and dear to my heart have to go out of their way to kill each other?
Shifting my glance to the ground, broken glass scatters around the floor and I think for a moment, wondering if that was the sound. Thoughts run through my head at once, my words lodged in my throat as I turn to look at Elliot. He looks more worried about me than what’s going on in the middle of the room, his hand reaching up to cup my cheek gently.
Quickly pushing myself off of Elliot’s lap, I hear my name leave his lips but I choose to ignore it. I push my way to the front of the crowd, a gasp getting stuck in my throat as I see them. Nate’s face is already beat into a pummel, blood seeping out of every crevice. And Fezco does not let up. His fist winds up over and over again, beating the shit out of the jock with no remorse. No one does anything for a while, just enjoying the fight as Nate seemingly takes it, no fight being fought from his side. That is until Maddy and Cassie, who’s finally made an appearance, try their best to get Fez off of Nate, but it just ends with both of them shoved back into the people of the crowd. Angry yells and cheers call out throughout the room, some people wanting Fez to stop and others hoping he’d kill him. Fair enough. I get both sides. Jules and Rue stand to the side, Jules cradling Rue to her chest as they look at the men with shocked glances. I send Rue a simple what the fuck under my breath as she shakes her head, seemingly just as confused as I am.
McKay joins the fight now, trying his best to get involved to get Fez off of him. Deciding to be done with this, I reach forward, helping McKay pull him off of Nate who’s clearly done for but Fez’s elbow reclines, hitting me square in the nose as I curse loudly. I watch as the room turns to me, now even more fearful. But not fearful of Fez’s reaction. Fearful of mine. I watch as Fez’s head flies back to look at me, his jaw dropping as he makes his way to his feet.
“Fucking hell, Fezco!” I fold in half, a hand on my back as my head spins. Turning around to see Elliot, his jaw is square and angry as he looks to Fez, fury behind his eyes. “Stop.” I point at him before another fight breaks out, turning to look at Nate who’s barely conscious. “Oh my god.” I shutter, fighting the urge to go with them, but I think that it would only make it worse.
Bile rises in my throat as I watch the scene before me. Maddy, Cassie and McKay work to get Nate off the floor, peeling him off the ground like a piece of tape. My angry glare shifts to focus on Fez who pays no mind to me as he shoves his way past the crowd. “Fezco!” I scream, following him out of the house, a few steps behind as he flexes his fists. “You’re my ride and you fucking broke my nose, jackass.” That must’ve been the final straw because he finally turns around, his face angry until he sees me grasping my bloody nose. His face falls, his lips parting but no words come out for a few moments. Looking down at him, I realize that he must’ve had this planned because his sweater is gone, a white shirt now covering blood. Shaking my head at him, I fold my arms over my chest.
“You weren’t supposed to get involved, kid.” He huffs, looking back to the running car, his brother in the front seat before turning back to me. He reaches forward, gently pulling my hand away from my nose, taking a step closer to look at it. Gently cupping my jaw, he tilts my head up as I hiss. “Shit, I’m sorry, ma.” He whispers, his eyes sorry as he looks past me, his hand dropping. “Can you get her home?” He calls out, my head craning to see Elliot approaching us, angry. Scoffing, I turn back to Fez who looks at me, almost waiting to be yelled at.
“Fez, you can’t leave without explaining why you did that. You just beat the shit out of my friend.” I scoff, feeling Elliots hand on my back as Fez backs up, his jaw tensing at my use of the word friend.
“Stay outta it.” He points at me as a warning but I can tell he means for my best interest and not as a threat. “Okay, kid?” He asks again and I roll my eyes, sending him a nod as he lets out a sigh of relief, opening the door to the car. “Good girl. Text me if you need me and get better friends!” He calls out before stepping inside the car, motioning to Ashtray to drive. Huffing as they pull out of the driveway, my stomach swirls in nausea as I turn to Elliot who frowns at me. He gently reaches up to cup my cheek, his thumb brushing over my cheekbone.
“Is it broken, doctor?” I ask quietly and he shakes his head, leaning down to place a kiss against the sore skin. “Can you take me home now?” I ask tiredly, his hands gently taking mine in his, making his way back towards his bike.
The next day was awkward.
I went to the hospital to visit Nate, my hand in his as Maddy and Cassie watched me from across the room. I didn’t know what to say to him once he woke up. I had zero clue what to do. Nor did I know what to say to the girls or any of Nate’s family. It seemed like no one but the people there that night knew that it was Fez who beat the shit out of him but I could tell that Cal Jacob’s wanted to know. I kept my mouth shut, sharing glances with Cassie and Maddy every time his mother would make a comment about wanting to know who’d do this to her baby. My heart broke as I left the hospital room, not knowing if he was gonna be okay.
That was until he lived two, three, four, five more days and was awake. When I visited him after he finally went home, the first thing he did was ask about my nose. I told him that it was collateral damage when I was trying to rip Fezco off of him. His demeanor went from upset to sheepish, embarrassed. He knows I’d defend him, even if it was against the man that’s had my heart for years. He was okay though. Nate was okay and he had no plan on getting back at Fez for whatever reason. Nate said that apparently he had it coming and Fez warned him once and apparently Nate went and did exactly what Fez said not to. But even though he wasn’t about to rat out Fez, his father was hell bent on learning who did it. And that worried me more. Because I wouldn’t put it past him figuring it out on his own. He had a knack for that.
“I don’t know Jules. It scared me.” I whisper as I close my bedroom door, leaning up against the wood. “He didn’t care that he almost killed him. He was more worried about me and my semi-broken nose.” I explain and she chuckles breathily through the line. “When I went to go see Nate, he was more caught up in my nose than the fact that he was bed ridden because of my best friend.” I huff, pushing off from the door to fall onto my bed. I stare up at the ceiling aimlessly, watching as the fan spins around in circles.
“Because Fez hates Nate and adores you. That’s why he was worried.” She responds simply and I scoff, making my way to the bed. “He’s worried about you more than usual lately. Especially with everything that’s been going on between you and Elliot.” My head spins with suspicion, my heart pounding in my chest as my mind spins. “He worries about you.” She coos and I can almost see the smile on her face in my mind. Feeling my phone buzz against my face, I pull it away, seeing Lexi’s name across the front of it.
“Hey, Lexi’s calling me. I’ll talk to you later okay?” I tell her, hearing her hum in acknowledgement as we say a quick goodbye. Picking up the other line, I hear her sigh of relief. “What’s up, Lex?” I ask, but I can tell by how she’s breathing hoarsely that something’s wrong. “Lexi?” I call out again, hearing her gasp quietly before clearing her throat.
“I need you to do something and not tell anyone.” She starts, her voice shaky and scared as I pause, my breathing stopping. “I need you to go tell Fez that Cal knows it’s him who beat up Nate. I need you to hang out with him because Cal won’t do anything if you’re there. Cassie just gave him up to Cal with no hesitation and if I leave now everyone will know that I knew.” She mutters quickly, my heart dropping in my chest as I sit up, my head almost hitting against the top of my bunk bed. Seconds go by without words, my mind running with all the possibilities of what this means. “I gotta go, just text me. Do it, please.” Before I can reply, she hangs up, my heart beating wildly in my chest as I find my way to my feet shakily.
Looking down at my phone, Elliot’s name coming up on the screen, I huff, ignoring it as I make my way out the door. I quietly step my way down the stairs in order to not startle my dad who’s passed out in the living room. Sliding out the front door, my walking turns to jogging, then turns to a full on sprint as I run down on the pavement, the sky getting darker above me. Tears fill my eyes as the intrusive thoughts of Fez lying on the ground, similar to Nate, but instead Cal is standing over him with a gun. The thought of me standing in front of Fez knowing full well that I’d take a bullet over him any and every day. Fuck.
Turning the corner into the parking lot, I see no cars, just the flickering lights above the carport. My lungs wheeze as I approach the entrance, wiping my tears brutally. I see Fez, his legs swinging in front of him as he looks down on his phone. My heart swells at the sight of him, but I put my obvious love for him aside and get straight to business.
“Fez!” I call out, stumbling into the store as his eyebrows pull together, confused by my chaotic state. “I need to talk to you. It’s important.” I gasp out, stepping up to him as he hops off the counter, immediately stepping up to me. He looks over my body for any sign of injury, his hands hovering above my arms. Looking past him, a blonde girl with way too much lip filler sits on top of the cooler. Tilting my head at her, getting distracted, not knowing her or where she came from. I look back to Fez suspiciously.
“She’s cool. She’s stayin’ with me a bit.” He explains vaguely, not answering any of my questions as he smiles down at me, his eyes looking over my face. “The nose looks better. What’s brought you all the way out here?” He laughs sheepishly, his eyes nervous as my face falls, remembering the real reason why I came here. His face drops at my nervous expression, my hands shaking at my side as he nods gently, reading the room. I watch him softly, feeling him place a hand on my shoulder before pulling me where the girl can’t see us. “What’s up?” His voice deepens in worry, his eyes wide.
“Cassie told Cal it was you who beat up Nate. I came to tell you and stay here with you just in case Cal came here and hurt you. I don’t think he’d hurt you if I was here.” I shake my head, nerves filling my stomach as I huff, my eyes filling with anxious tears. Blinking them away, I look up at him. He has a small smile on his lips as he nods, reaching forward to pull me into a hug.
“Thanks for lookin’ out for me.” He whispers against my hair, nodding softly. I hum quietly, my hands patting his back politely as he lets me out of his grasp. “How’d you find out ‘bout Cas?” He asks, leaning against the wall as my feet shuffle under me.
“Lexi called me.” I answer simply with a shrug, the small smile on his lip growing as he laughs quietly. “She couldn’t leave without it being suspicious. I’m sure Cal would’ve known.” I shrug, running my fingers through my hair as I panic. “Fez, what’re you gonna do? I’m in the clear because I’ve been visiting Nate and his parents know me but they don’t know I know you nor that we’re as close as we are.” I ramble, my hands in the air as I fall apart in front of him. But he seems calm and stoic.
“I’ve got a few guns here. Ash is always here. If you don’t want to stay, I get it.” He whispers reassuringly, my heart thumping as he gazes down at me. “I wouldn’t want you to be involved in this shit to begin with.” He scoffs, rolling his eyes. “Yet, where I am, you are.” He laughs and I blush, reaching up to scratch the back of my neck.
“You know I’m a sucker for helping the less fortunate.” I wink, reaching forward to punch his shoulder playfully. He laughs, his head leaning back to rest on the metal wall. We stand there in silence for a moment, the overwhelming anxiety in the air suffocating me, forcing me to break it. “Do we just wait until he shows up? I’m gonna stay, you can’t change my mind.” I tell him and he knows better than to argue. “He’s gonna show up Fez. It’s not gonna be pretty. Nate already swore that he wouldn’t get involved with you anymore or anything that concerns you.” I confess, his eyebrows raising at my words. “Yeah, he said that. He said that he deserved what happened to him. I was shocked too.” I scoff, rubbing my eyes as I make my way to stand next to him.
“Yeah well, he says he’s not gonna get caught up in shit that concerns me, but you concern me.” He says simply, my cheeks heating up even more at his kind words. A smile stretches across my lips as I look away from him, goosebumps erupting on my skin. “And I know that he definitely wants to get caught up in you.” He snorts, my eyes rolling as I bump his elbow with mine. “Same with that Elliot dude- who even is he, Y/n?” He asks, annoyed at the name leaving his lips. “Cuz last time I checked, I was your best friend, dude.” I laugh with a small smile, shaking my head as I look at my feet.
“Him and I aren’t exactly the typical best friends.” I reply vaguely, his face looking even more intrigued at my response. “Well, he sticks his tongue down my throat and I stick his dick in my mouth.” I giggle, watching as Fez’s face turns beat red, as he scoffs, pushing off against the wall. I smirk as I watch him pace uncomfortably. “In all fairness, he’s a really good kid. He lives with his cousin and a cat and his place is sort of a safe place for me. He plays guitar and sings to me. It’s nice actually.” I shrug, my chest warming at the thought of him. Reaching in my pocket, I remember his message from earlier. “In fact, he texted me.” I grin, watching as Fez approaches my side to peer over my shoulder, reading the boy's message.
Doudou Excuse me, I haven’t seen your eyes or your boobs in like a week. This is shocking to me and I’m sure you’ll feel bad when you realize I’ve been dying over here without them. Especially your eyes.
Okay, if you’re with Jules or Fez, you’re excused, but come to my house after you're done. I miss you sweetheart. Also I saw your snapchat story last night and I was too dumb to reply to it but you looked so beautiful.
I haven’t done drugs since New Years. I think that’s cool.
“Yo, this kid, how many more messages?” Fez asks, taking the phone from me as he swipes. I giggle, resting my head on his shoulder as he reads. I take in his proximity, enjoying it while I can. “What’s his name in your phone about?” He asks and I blush vividly, an uncontrollable smile appearing on my face.
DouDou I wrote a new song. I wanna play it for you.
“It means teddy in French. Like, teddy bear. He knows some French.” I trail off, Fez nods simply, his eyes trained on the floor, jaw angled. “Yeah, he messages me like that a lot. I like it.” I whisper, taking my phone back as I type out a reply. “He’s a really good kid, Fez. And with all of my issues with men, I’m lucky to have him even though it’s not gonna go anywhere.” I shrug, spinning in circles as I look up at the flickering lights.
“Why not?” Fez asks, pulling out a joint as he lights it up. He takes a hit before handing it to me as I think of what to say. Because I’m in love with you so Elliot is letting me use him as my drug.
“He’s a drug addict. Not a recovering one, not one who wants to get better. I’m lucky he’s still alive.” I answer simply, taking a long hit from the blunt before slipping it back into his fingers. “And, the thing about being best friends with benefits, is that I get a good fuck, I have someone to talk to and I’m still single.” I chuckle with a smile as he rolls his eyes, a smirk on his lips. “You should try it, Fez.” I offer, trying to seem aloof and nonchalant but the words make me want to throw up. He shakes his head almost immediately, looking down at his feet.
“Not for me.” He shrugs, putting out the joint as he motions for me to follow him inside. “Aye Faye!” He calls out, the bubbly girl appearing in the doorway. She smiles widely at me, her hand out in front of her as I smile back at her, shaking her hand.
“I’m Faye.” I look at Fez who smiles at the interaction before looking back at her.
“I’m Y/n.” I introduce myself but she scoffs, looking at Fez with wide eyes.
“Oh I know who you are.” She sends me a wink, Fez looking at her with daggers as my eyebrows pull together in confusion as the inside hint. I have no idea what that means. “So I overheard your best friends with benefit type of situation. Does it actually work cuz I need something like that?” She asks as I sit down in the folding chair, watching as she leans up against the counter that Fez has returned to sitting on.
“Well, it’s okay to enjoy someone’s ‘extra’ presence without putting a label on any of it. I used to be a real goodie-two-shoes so this is very odd of me to not need to know how he feels about me.” I chuckle, feeling Fez’s eyes on me as I shrug with a smile. “Him and I care for each other and we both have different priorities when it comes to love. Me, it’s complicated, and he’s so in love with drugs that he can’t afford to give himself to someone who doesn’t understand potential loss.” Faye watches me intently, nodding along as I speak.
“Whatchu means it’s complicated? You could have any guy you wanted.” Faye laughs at Fez’s comment, my cheeks warming at Faye’s agreeable nod, both of their eyes on me as they look for clarification. Maybe not any guy. Fez’s eyes are confusing, emotion swirling in them as I huff, trying to put it into the right words.
“Uh, I don’t know. I guess I’m not completely over my feelings for this one person so I can’t really be in a relationship if I’m still in love with someone else. Trust me. I tried.” I scoff, looking to the ground as Faye lets out a sigh. Fez looks shocked at my answer, surprised that I have such heavy feelings for someone and that I didn’t tell him about it. Great, now he’s never gonna let that go.
“Yeah, I get that. But this guy you’re seeing now understands your feelings for someone else and he’s okay with it?” Faye asks and I send her back a simple nod, not needing to say anything else. “Well he’s super fucking cool.” She laughs and I nod, agreeing. “Is it big?” She asks in a whisper with wide eyes as I grin, looking away from her as I bury my face in my hands.
“Yo, shut up, the two of you.” Fez mutters under his breath with an uncomfortable laugh. Looking back up at Faye, I give her a quick wink, answering her question silently as she bursts out in giggles. “You two are best fucking friends now. Fuck that.” Fez runs a hand over the top of his head as he looks between the both of us. Folding my legs to my chest, I blow him a kiss as he waves me off playfully. Feeling my phone buzz beneath me, I see Elliot’s name across the screen, my cheeks heating up. Fez and Faye look to me as I answer it, both of them knowing who it is based on my face.
“Could you not wait like an hour?” I ask Elliot as I answer the phone, looking up at the bugs that attack the fluorescent lights above our heads. Hearing him chuckle, I smile.
“I just missed you and your annoying voice. You still with loverboy?” He asks eagerly and I hear the strings of the guitar in the background. “I can practically smell the infatuation through the phone.” I giggle, shaking my head at his jab.
“Yeah I’m with Fez. Just hanging out to make sure everything is okay. I’m good.” I respond, knowing that he’s more worried than anything. If I wouldn’t have mentioned Cal, he wouldn’t have worried. “Whatchu up to?” I ask, looking down to see Faye looking at me expectantly as Fez sneaks glances at me every once in a while, his gaze curious. Is it curiosity? Or maybe he’s just being protective again.
“Waiting for you to get your ass here so I can go down on you.” He replies simply, my jaw dropping as I fumble my way to my feet. Without a word, I make my way outside for privacy as I blush. I stay within Fez’s gaze knowing that given the circumstances with Cal, it’s for the best.
“Watch your mouth, Elliot.” I whisper with a grin, my cheeks hot. “We were literally just talking about you. Fez has this girl staying with him, probably a drug thing, but she was asking me all these questions about you.” I giggle at his shocked gasp, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. My gaze rises, catching Fez’s eyes as he watches me. His eyebrows quirk up a bit, a soft, sheepish smile on his lips. His eyes shine with something unreadable and the look holds until Elliot speaks in my ear. What the fuck was that look?
“I actually just wanna spend time with you. Lay in bed and shit. I just feel like I need to rest. But just not alone.” He explains, his voice sad as I coo, nodding.
“I’ll be over as soon as I can, okay? Maybe I’ll have something interesting to tell you about Fez, hmm? I already gotta tell you about this girl, just wait.” I giggle, hearing his small, tired chuckles over the line. “Let me know if you need anything on my way. I might have Fez drop me off or something.” I explain as he hums in acknowledgement. “Bye bubs.” I whisper, hearing a quiet bye from his end before hanging up. Making my way back into the shop, Faye looks at me with wide eyes, a giggle leaving her lips. “He’s just lonely. Having a rough night. I’ll probably go over in a little bit and stay the night.” I sit back down in my chair, shoving my phone in my pocket.
“Damn girl, get that shit.” Faye claps her hands, her gaze shifting to Fez who’s glare in on the ceiling. “Does he live, like, far?” She asks and my face falls, answering her question. “Oh, so far.” She asks with a laugh at my expression as I wave her off.
“Uh, yeah. I’ll figure it out.” I chuckle, looking at Fez who sighs, hopping off of the counter, approaching me. My stomach twists up as he looks down at me with a soft smile. “Do you know what I’m gonna ask?” I ask quietly with a laugh, his hands fumbling in his pocket to pull out his keys. “Thank you, thank you.” Standing up abruptly, I press a quick kiss to his cheek as I help him close up shop. I flick off the lights as he pulls down the metal door, locking it up as Faye looks to us.
“Am I going with?” She asks and I snort, looking at Fez with a deadpan expression. Oh my god this chick is a hoot.
“Uh, yeah, Faye, you stayin’ with me so you gotta.” He chuckles, making his way towards me to wrap an arm around my shoulder. Walking to his car, I look up to Fez, a small smile on my lips. “Whatchu lookin’ at?” He asks quietly, sneaking a glance at me as I blush.
“Thank you for letting me hang out with you just so I know you’re okay.” I whisper, his thumb gently rubbing circles into my skin as he smiles.
“We’re family. I do that for family.” He responds simply, leaning over to press a kiss to the top of my head. Wrapping an arm around his waist, I stop him, wrapping in a tight hug. He seems surprised for a moment, not realizing that his words meant so much to me. If only he knew. “You gotta stay safe, alright?” He asks quietly, rubbing my back as I nod, pulling away from him as make the rest of the way to his car.
When we arrive at Elliot’s, my leg bounces at my side, my hands sweating in my lap. I’ve only been to Elliots a few times, the only times being in the middle of the night. I pray to god that tonight is not the night that I meet his cousin. I have had too much weed for an introduction of that kind.
“Text me, kid.” I hear Fez as he reaches over, gently placing his hand on my knee. I look to him with a nervous smile. “I’ll let you know if anythin’ happens with Cal.” He promises, squeezing my knee gently before nodding towards the door. “Go.” Turning in my chair, I smile at Faye who grins and claps her hands.
“Get dick, girl! I’ll see you soon, I’m fucking sure.” She chuckles as I roll my eyes, sending one more wink her way before I step out of the car.
Elliot stands on the front steps, wrapped in a blanket as he sends a wave to Fez behind me. A huge grin settles on his face as I blush, immediately taking him into my arms the minute I’m close enough. I hear Fez’s car drive off behind me, knowing in my heart that he saw our embrace. He he.
“Hi honey.” I whisper, my fingers going to his hair as he lets out a sigh of relief, his chin resting on my shoulder. Pulling back to cup his cheeks gently in my hands, his eyes flutter shut. “Come on.” I gently give him a little push towards the door and he smiles, taking my hand, leading me through the doorway.
A/n: So I really liked this chapter. I like a lot of random conversations and issues going on. I live for long fics lol.
Ps. It's wonderful to live in a world where Fez beat the shit out of Nate. Like the artist and his art right there. Shit.
Anyways. -Liz :)
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sakura-83 · 3 years
Things from Anne with an e that I feel like writing down
Season 1 Episode 7: Wherever You Are Is My Home
⚠️WARNING!!!⚠️ this episode not only talks about suicidal thoughts but also a character trying to commit such acts, of you are sensitive to this I suggest you just skip this post or at least skip #75-77
1. Anne calling it comforting that no two snowflakes are alike, as well as calling snow a sign of gods forgiveness as he blankets the dead world in a beautiful frost
2. Josie gossiping about her while she’s RIGHT THERE
3. Her and moody just talking
4. “And I love Christmas, don’t you?” “I don’t know, but I plan to.” “Did you not have Christmas at the orphanage?” “There wasn’t much to it really. I’m not sure why Father Christmas wasn’t able to stop there, maybe the matron scared him off.”
5. “Do you at least know if they’re going to keep you?” “Keep me!?”
6. Anne trying to sing with the others but the other voices quickly fading out as she panics and rushes home
7. “They’re not going to send you back, you’re in the Bible and everything!”
8. Marilla has every right to be angry that Matthew rushed their home without even discussing it
9. “I knew you’d lose your head-“ “Oh, I oughta smack yours right off your shoulders!”
10. Matthew is prone to heart attacks, the very same thing causing his death in the books
11. “He’s had an episode of the heart” just a funny way to say heart attack, sort of long winded
12. Marilla not understanding the complex math because she had to leave school when she was young
13. Anne helping her with it because she’s top of her class
14. “Not keeping you? You’re a Cuthbert, for better or for worse! No getting out of it now.”
15. The awful bank not relenting on the payback schedule despite the fact that Matthew cannot work. Corporations are cruel and ungiving despite the human struggles and needs of its clients and it hurts. I know the bank invested that money and they need it back but Matthew was indisposed by a tragic event and to not only not extent but to SHORTEN the payback schedule is just unfeeling
16. Marilla putting out an ad to the mainland to take in borders
17. The terrifying idea that you must sell everything you have in order to survive
18. Marilla being desperate yet still too prideful to accept charity
19. The fact that it not only effects the family but also Jerry, as they can’t afford to pay him. It puts him out of a job and lowers his families income
20. A reoccurring theme I love in this show is the idea that the characters will give up their belongings, no matter how sentimental, in the name of family. Matthew selling his dead brothers watch, Marilla selling her grandmothers brooch, Anne selling the dress of her dreams, all because no matter how important these items are, they are just things. That family is more important, so even though it pains you to have to give those things up, you do it in the name of love for others
21. “Theyre just things.”
22. Anne feeling sorrow and yet being excited to stay at aunt Josephine’s
23. Despite being told she can keep the dress, Anne insists on selling it back because it’s a family effort
24. Anne being exited for a solo adventure and then getting stuck with jerry
25. Jerry has to be there to get money Anne his family is hungry :(
26. “I don’t actually need your help.” “When’s the last time you drove a sleigh? Auctioned a horse? Let’s go.”
27. Diana giving her things to sell as well
28. Jerry knows how to drive a sleigh?????
29. “It’s not so bad to ask for help sometimes, y’know?” “If I needed help I would say so.” “No you wouldn’t.” “Yes, I would.” “Wouldn’t.” “Would! Times infinity.” “What???”
30. Jerry singing in French
31. “No singing. I mean it. I’m serious, Jerry! This is an important journey! I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY BEAR HANDS!”
32. Jerry grinning as she gets madder
33. Anne bring mystified by the dress shop
34. “I’m here to return a dress.” Is something wrong with it?” “Not a thing.” “Do you not like it?” “It is my very favorite thing that I have ever possessed in life. But I need to return it to help my family.” “You’re Anne, Matthew’s Anne!” “I am! How nice it is to hear it said that way.”
35. Anne being upbeat until Jeannie asks what’s wrong and then ask just breaks down
36. Poor Jerry waiting outside in the snow for her
37. Either Matthew spent some much money on Anne’s dress or Jeannie gave her extra, or both
38. “Did Matthew really spend this much?..” “You’re worth a lot to him.”
39. “I hate to say goodbye…” “😏 I won’t be so long~” “To the HORSE, Jerry. Why are you so annoying.”
40. “You’re a good horse Birdie, try to remember that. Someone will be very lucky to have you.”
41. Birdie really is a beautiful horse though
42. Anne’s little “my parents are spies” act she uses on the pawn broker
43. The pawn broker is so understandable rude because of his profession, it makes him equally annoying and funny
44. “What a piece of work you are.”
45. Anne is so good at making up stories on the spot
46. “If you can’t afford it I completely understand.”
47. I love how snide remarks of “being a good Christian” are frequent and effective insults in the 1800’s
48. Poor Jerry doesn’t just get beaten up and robbed, he gets brutally beaten by two grown men and there’s nothing he can do despite that being… his last paycheck. That was the last income he was going to give his family and he’s so ashamed of himself that he keeps apologizing for it despite most of the money being his. He apologizes to Anne, to Matthew, it bothers him for months to come
49. Gilbert’s back!!
50. “Still seems unreal. Even though I just sold all our… everything.”
51. “He’s a good man.” “I love him with all my heart. I don’t know what if do if…”
52. Them arguing over not arguing
53. Anne apologizing
54. “Anyway…” “Anyway..”
55. I genuinely didn’t realize that the men who beat up Jerry are the same men that took in borders at green gables, I got the same face blindness as Jerry himself
56. “I’ve missed you.” “Yeah?” “At school, theres.. no one to compete with.” “”You want to spell out a few words for old times sake?” “How about… truce?”
57. Jerry thinking Gilbert was going to hurt Anne and take her money and immediately jumping in to stop him despite swaying on his feet
58. When Anne asks him if he’s okay he immediately starts apologizing about the money
59. “I don’t like the city.”
60. “Just take care of yourself, and come home someday.”
61. Anne and Gilbert staring at each other quietly
62. “This is a palace, not a house.”
63. Jerry assuming that they’ll make him sleep in the stable instead of inside the massive house
64. “I’ll look after belle.”
65. “This city is rife with ruffians!”
66. Aunt Josephine insisting on helping
67. Matthew lamenting his own life, talking of how his life insurance will give them a sizable sum and how he drags them down despite them needing him
68. “Anne loves you, you have to remember that.” “But her future…” “Which do you think she would choose, this house or you?”
69. Jerry bring terrified to stay in a room by himself because he’s always had his family around him
70. Anne making room for him only for him to sleep upside down
71. “Don’t worry, I don’t kick like my sisters.” “Yeah, you’d better not.”
72. “Everything will be alright. It’ll be alright..”
73. Aunt Josephine helping by paying for Jerry to work at Green Gables, as well as giving Anne books
74. “We’ve been together all these years, thick or thin, so don’t think I’ll put up with you slipping away now. Anne will be home today, and she’ll be very happy to see you.”
75. Matthew trying to kill himself because the life insurance would pay off the debt he caused
76. Jeannie happening to show up and find Matthew with the gun just in time as he tries to hide what he’s almost done from her, realizing what he’s done
77. The way they stress how his passing would effect Anne the most because of what they mean to each other, that she will suffer without him despite what he’s trying to do
78. “Don’t ever get old…” “Too late for that.”
79. “You would’ve left us that way!? Left me?..”
80. “Give it back. I won’t take charity.” “But.. love isn’t charity.” “I won’t take it.” “Nay I ask why not?” “We will not be pitied! I don’t want people thinking we can’t fend for ourselves.” “Well at the moment we can’t, and I’d sure give my last bit of strength or my last dollar to help a friend. Then I know that friend would feel grateful and loved above all else. And I do. I feel very grateful to have such a dear friend as Miss Barry. Sometimes you just have to let people love you Marilla.”
81. Anne selling her cleaning services to make steady income
82. “We’re rich, aren’t we Matthew?”
83. Jerry carving a star for the Christmas tree!!!!!!
84. Anne’s friends coming to sing carols at their house
85. Anne helping Matthew walk outside
86. Not Nate :(
87. Nathaniel, the bane of my existence
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lclrgsl · 2 years
hi, it's me again!
i think my favorite are the ones you mentioned plus Every Second Counts (i also have a soft spot for At Least I'm Loved). i was looking forward for that one to be released since the first episode (whose soundtrack i really loved).
from the first hearing what i loved about Dracula was how haunting (?) it is especially with how the keys are used. i don't really know to explain, but the keys at 2:09 got me hooked (it also reminded me a little of the keys at the beginning of Nate Growing Up).
the album is absolutely incredible (let's really not talk about the interlude), and i think i liked this one even better then the s1 ost (for now, bc i have to listen more to it). (it might be silly, and i don't really know how to explain it, but what first stood out to me was not the lyrics, really, but what emotions the melodies brought out and how it would be linked with the characters and their journey in the season).
i love your comments about the soundtrack, really agree with them! also would love your ranting about the contrast you mentioned earlier :)
I love those two songs too, At Least I'm Loved is absolutely beautiful! and I agree, I think I prefer the s2 ost, all the songs are specials, and have character, while the first album really felt like a soundtrack, with 4/5 really good songs and moody instrumentals in between.
Dracula is definitely haunting, the disharmonious notes and the beat drop at the end? Incredible, show stopping. I definitely agree with you.
I could rant so much about it, and I am sure it'll be just me reading way too much into it, but just the fact that the two songs are in a row, they both concern the Howard sisters' relationships, they both talk about monstrous things, skeletons and vampires, and yet, yet, they're so very different. One is a warning of what's lurking, the monsters you don't expect, and the other is about knowing exactly what you're up against (Hang 'em outside the closet, my dear).
What makes me love Fexi is how different they are from the other relationships, and really, they shouldn't work, he's a drug dealer!! she's a theater kid!! he's a criminal!! she wears ribbons!! but they're sweet and soft. So I think it's really interesting to have these two songs in a row, with similar themes but really different interpretations.
Thank you for taking the time to leave some asks! I love them!
0 notes
ms-rampage · 3 years
New Dawn: New Horizons Chapter 4 - The Twins 
Warnings: Language, some violence
Word Count: 2.0k
Summary: The 5 Winchester kids meet The Twins after they invade their home. 
Guest OCs: Just the usuals
Guest Characters: Mickey and Lou. Archangel Raphael [Supernatural: Male vessel], John Seed [mentioned]
Note: Far Cry: New Dawn and Supernatural crossover. Sorry for the gaps in-betwern chapters 😖😅
Written by @athenalillystar and myself. Hope y'all enjoy!! 😁❤
Taglist: @wargames94 @vicki-the-sinner @rabbitsoldier @mrsladydiana
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Flashback 16 years earlier
Paige and Kate had given birth to kids. Paige had triplets, 2 boys and 1 girl, having to get a C-section with the help of her friend Cody who happens to be a doctor, and performed the surgery, and was living with them underground in the bunker. 
Kate having a vaginal birth a few weeks later, and giving birth to a little girl. Thought she would’ve been a single mother but around the time the bombs dropped, some angels had been cast out of Heaven, and one of them seeked shelter with the Winchesters, their friends, and family. Archangel Gabriel aka Trickster aka Loki aka several other names, appeared in their bunker hours after the bombs had dropped. 
He had lost about 70% of his powers, and was basically also human. Him, and Kate grew closer, and eventually developed a relationship. 
After Kate gave birth to her daughter Daenerys, Gabriel grew to love the infant, and became her father.
He protected her, he loved her in many ways possible as she got older, even though he was technically her adoptive father, her real father being John Seed. 
She always saw him as her birth father, and nothing else. Not knowing that he was an Archangel, and her adoptive father. 
A few days have passed. 
One morning everyone at Prosperity wakes up to the sound of an explosion outside the safehouse. 
Kim Rye alerts the Winchester-Smith compound for back up, and they immediately rush to their aid.
Paige, Kate, Kenny, Mandy, Barbara, Nate, Mark, Cody, Marty and Adrian had taken off to help out against the attacking Highwaymen.
The kids, Cristina, Bianca, Jeffrey, Thomas and Daenerys stayed back with some of the other adults. 
In case the Highwaymen attacked there, and that’s what happened. 
The Highwaymen attacked, throwing bombs and shooting at the front gates of the compound. 
“Come on they’re here!!!” Cristina yells, going to their families gun case.
All the kids each grabbed a rifle, ammo, explosives, and took their positions. 
They were all trained for something like this. Their parents trained them since they were younger than 7 years old. They all knew what to do when they were attacked. 
After wiping out all of the Highwaymen. Getting shot at, and coming out uninjured.  A gruesome battle of exchanging bullets. 
"How many did you kill?" Jeffrey asks his younger triplet brother. 
"16" Thomas answers, "You?". 
"19" he responds, with a cocky tone. A smug smirk on his face
He scoffs, "Whatever showoff". 
The 5 Winchester kids meet face to face with the Twins Mickey and Lou. Lighting off fireworks outside the gate, getting the siblings' attention.
“Oh shit!” Cristina exclaims, "Oh no" when they see they have children hostages. 
They run towards them, aiming their guns at them, and their followers. 
“Better put those down. You don’t want to scare the kids” Lou tells them. 
“Cristina” one of the 3 kids, whimpers out of fear.  
“Everything is gonna be fine kids" she reassures them, "You all better leave now!". 
Lou, one of the twins, laughs at her comment and threat, Mickey back slaps her in the face which only pisses off the elder Winchester sibling.
“You piece of shit!” she angrily mutters, as her younger brothers hold her back from bashing in her face.
“I’m sorry I just don’t like to watch people lie to little kids” Mickey tells her, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. 
“Why are you doing this?!?” Bianca asks.
The eldest Twin breaks it down to the 5 siblings. 
“Because of your hero parents” Mickey starts off, “Until they started to grow your little family Army, everything was running smoothly. But you. You all have become a fucking problem. Taking from us. Throwing everything out of balance”.
“I think we should just kill ‘em” Lou says, while holding a grenade.
Sending off the youngest of the 5 with a threat of her own. 
“Do that, and you’ll be dead before you get the chance to pull off the clip bitch” Daenerys threatens them, while aiming her slingshot with a throwing knife at Lou. Bianca lowers her weapon as the Highwaymen aim at them. The older Twin tries to calm the situation. 
“No. Hold on. We don’t want any martyrs here” Mickey intervenes, “What we want is to make sure everyone understands your help. Your whole family is a curse. Every person you help, every child you inspire, every settlement you build, we will take from you”. 
The 5 of them stare angrily at the two sisters. Wanting to kill them right there, they see the chance and it’s slipping. 
“You’re gonna have a hard fucking time doing that!” Cristina informs her, while being held back by her younger brother.
“And when you’ve got nothing, we’ll come for you” Mickey continues, getting into Cristina’s face.
“Bring it bitch!” Daenerys yells out, while Bianca and Jeff hold her back.
“Calm down Dae, calm down” Bianca whispers, trying to calm down her cousin.
Even if they’re completely outnumbered by The Twins and their followers. Cristina knows they'll have a chance at killing them, if only the small children weren't there. 
“Don’t drop it” Lou tells one of the kids, putting a grenade in his hand without the clip. 
“The only currency in this world is power” Mickey yells, “You. You made us look weak. That ends now!”. The older twin getting into Cristina’s face once again, "We are going to take everything that you hold dear. Starting with your home” she continues. 
“And if we can’t take it, we’ll break it” Lou says. 
“You ain’t taking fucking shit from us!!!” Cristina growls. Glaring up at the two. 
“Don’t be here when we come back” Mickey says, pointing at the elder sibling.  
She throws the grenade clip at Jeffrey, and he catches it. 
They get into their trucks, and drive down the dirt road. Leaving behind a trail of dust. 
“Oh god. Oh my god” Bianca mutters, as one of the kids holds an active grenade.  
“C’mere, c’mere kids” Cristina says, to the two of the kids.
Jeff puts the clip back onto the grenade. Disarming it, and taking it from him.
“Come on kids. Lets go. Lets go inside” Bianca tells the group of children, as they guide the kids back inside the compound. 
Meanwhile, Lucifer and Gabriel follow the sound of a high pitched static ringing, which most likely means there is an angel nearby.
“Over there!” Lucifer says, walking towards what was once Peaches Taxidermy. 
They see the silhouette of a figure, and when they get closer they see.
Their brother Raphael, pacing back, and forth. Looking lost.
He stops pacing, and looks in their direction.
“Who’s there?!?” he calls out.
“Don't you recognize your own brothers?!?!” Lucifer says, in a joking manner. 
“Lucifer? Gabriel?’ he says, in shock, “You both fell too?”.
“I’ve fallen a long time ago” Lucifer tells him, sarcastically.
“I’m one of them that fell” Gabriel tells him, “What happened?!?”. 
“I don’t know” Raphael answers. “But there are more angels out there”.
“Who else?!?” Lucifer asks.
“Michael, Samandriel, Castiel, Uriel, Gadreel and probably more” he tells them, looking around the radiated wasteland. 
“Do you know where?!” Gabe asks.
“I heard a frequency going that way” he points, towards the direction of the Drubman Marina.
“Alright let’s go” Lucifer says, already walking towards the direction.
They walk in the direction of the Drubman Marina, walking through the toxic radiation that they can’t smell, nor does it have any effect on them. 
“Do you have your powers Gabriel?” he asks.
“Very little” he answers, “I lost like 70% of my powers. What about you?” 
He sighs, “About the same. I’m surprised I can survive in this radiation”. 
“Have you tried to contact dad?!” Gabe asks. Looking at his older brother. 
“Yes. but he doesn't answer” he replies. Looking at his younger brother. 
Lucifer jumps into the conversation, “Yeah, I know. Same thing with me”
They’re halfways to the Marina, and Lucifer picks up the frequency of another angel. Looking around, trying to spot another celestial through the thick fog. 
“Where have you been Gabriel?” Raphael asks.
Before he could answer, “He was living with the Winchesters and he’s a father!!” Lucifer tells him.
Raphael looks at his little brother, “You brought in a Nephilim?!?!”.
Gabriel groans, and stammers over his words, “No, no. I didn’t bring in a Nephilim. Kate Winchester was pregnant already, and when I fell I teleported to them in their bunker because they were the only humans I knew that would’ve taken me in”.
The eldest Archangel gives his younger brother a piece of his mind. 
“Plus Mandy Winchester said you told her about Joseph Seed” Lucifer says to Raphael. 
A look of disappointment on his face, “Yes, I did several years ago. I told her about him, and that he needed to be protected. Why? Because our Father spoke to him. I didn’t know he meant for all of this to happen” he responds with his arms out. 
“Dad spoke with him for all those years. To recruit people for his “Cult” and look at what happened” Lucifer says with his arms out. 
“I didn’t know!!. I didn’t know he was going to do this!, if Joseph wasn’t protected” he defends himself.
They continue walking towards the Marina, and the pitch ringing comes back.
“Over there!” Raphael exclaims, he can somewhat hear the angelic frequency. 
A silhouette standing still with their head lowered, muttering something to themselves. 
They get closer, and they see Uriel.
“Uriel?!” Raphael calls out. 
He lifts his head up slowly, and sees his older brothers
“Raphael?, Gabriel?, Lucifer?” he questions, relieved, “Are there more of you?!?”.
“Most likely. According to Lucifer” Gabriel tells him.
The 5 siblings sit at the front steps of the main house of the compound, waiting for their parents to come home.
“We could’ve killed them right then and there” Cristina mutters.
“If we did, we could’ve killed those kids too” Thomas tells her.
“We just have to wait until they come back, and maybe they can figure something out” Jeffrey says. 
They sit at the steps until their parents come back. After what felt like hours, they finally come back. They see the mess that the Highwaymen, and the Twins had caused.
“What happened?!?” Paige asks, approaching them.
“The Twins” Bianca answers. 
“Fuck!” Paige whispers in frustration, “Are you guys alright?!”.
“Yeah. We’re fine” Thomas answers. 
“What did the Twins say, or do?!?” Kate asks them. 
“They said that we better not be here when they come back, and that they’re gonna take our home” Cristina answers. 
“Like Hell they are. I’m gonna put a fucking bullet between those little cunts eyes” Kate mutters, angrily. 
“Okay, calm down, we’ll get them. We need to prepare for it. They hit us, we’re gonna hit them back harder” Paige tells them. 
“What do we do?!?” Cristina asks.
“We’re gonna need more supplies. The 5 of you can go out, and scout for more supplies. Anything you can find, and while you’re out get some intel on those little shitheads. I want to hurt them” Paige instructs them. 
They get up from the steps, and go to the garage. Taking one of the cars, and drive towards Roughneck’s Crag. Since that’s where all the best supplies are. There and that abandoned gas station near the Meatfort. 
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Reunited at last (3/6)
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Part: 1,  2
After an escape gone wrong they, Sam, Nate and Rafe, never quit there plan. As they kept running, the guards started to close them in. Jumping from on building to the next, gun shots filled the air. Rafe was the first to jump, Nate follow suit and Sam barely made it over. Hanging from the wall with dear life Nate offered him a hand to pull him up.
Holding on his brothers hand the guards took this as an opportunity and opened fire once more. Nate almost got Sam on the wall when they started firing, most of the bullets hit the wall but a couple ended in Sams torso.
Sam started coughing and blood dripped from his lips. ‘’Sam, no.’’ said Nate softly and scared.  ‘’No, you hold on.’’ He said as Sam started to slip. Now hanging from the wall, Nate holding onto his arm with all his might. Little by little Sam started to loose concussions and slips further from his brothers grasp. ‘’Give me your other hand.’’ Nate said hasty, knowing he didn’t had much time left. But Sam could not bring him self to it and slipped out of his brothers grasp and fell down. Hitting a steal roof on his way and fell right trough it into the dark layers below.
Nate didn’t want to leave his brothers body behind but Rafe told him he was gone and that they needed to move. ‘’We have to go, now.’’ he said as he tried to help Nate up from the ground. ‘’No, I can’t, I can’t leave him behind.’’ It was a difficult decisions but he soon followed Rafe to the boat and leaving his brothers body behind.
A lump in my throat prevented me from speaking. ‘’But it is normal to think you saw him.’’  I nodded slowly. He hugged me tight and stroked my back. ‘’Take the time you need, but I do need to go back, the auction is about to start any minute now.’’ I wiped away some tears that had made there way out. ‘’I will be there in a minute.’’ I said softly, once I cleared my head I joined Rafe back in the hall.
As Rafe walked back inside he stumbled upon an old friend. ‘’Victor Sullivan, how the hell are you?’’ Rafe said with a honeyed voice. Victor, my dad, looked up from the women he was speaking with, Nadine, Rafe’s business partner. ‘’Rafe, why am I not surprised to see you here.’’ He said while shaking his hand. ‘’How long has it been?’’ Rafe asked mocking, knowing perfectly well how long it has been. ‘’Ten years, twelve?’’ he continued. ‘’Fifteen.’’ Said Victor annoyed and slightly irritated.
They spoke some more about work and business. Feeling a little bit better I decided to go back and look for Rafe. He wasn’t hard to find. Walking closer to him I could not see the man’s face he was talking to. ‘’Feeling better?’’ he asked soon as I came in his few. ‘’Yes.’’ The smile I carried soon faded as the man turned around. ‘’Dad?’’ I asked shocked. ‘’Are you here with him?’’ he pointed to Rafe. ‘’Yes. She is, Victor.’’ Answered Rafe for me as I couldn’t find the words.
With a glare Victor looked at him. ‘’She can speak for herself, son.’’ Rafe held his hands up in a backing away manor. ‘’You said you were in Yemen.’’ with my arms crossed I looked at him, waiting for his respond. ‘’Why did you lie?’’ I knew I had lied too, but this was different. ‘’I uhm, we, oh boy.’’ He mumbled. ‘’We? Nate is here too?’’ he sighed and scratched his head. ‘’Well yeah and,’’ he stopped himself from talking. ‘’I never said whit whom I was because I knew you were still pissed at Rafe for leaving but this,’’ I was angry at my dad. How and why would he lie about this.
Before he could answer the auction was about to start. ‘’And in a moment we will start bidding on our next item an inlaid wooden crucifix from the Trott Estate.’’ the lady spoke. ‘’Should have know the two of you went after the crucifix as well. You could have just told me, you know.’’ I said angry and walked away from my dad.
Without saying anything further Rafe followed me and left Victor alone. ‘’Guys, we have a problem, not only is Rafe here but also my daughter.’’ It was silenced for a second on the communicators they used. ‘’She is?’’ someone asked both hurt and hopeful. ‘’Yes, she is, but she is here with Rafe.’’ Victor said. ‘’Sam, I am so sorry.’’ Nate said, not exactly knowing what to say or feel. ‘’Let’s just focus on the task boys. We need that cross.’’ Victor said in his fatherly tone.
Looking for a place in the crowd, I admired the cross. For something so old it was in perfect condition. Preserved in its original state, finding something like this was rare. Just being here, able to see it from so close was a privilege.
The bidding had started. Rafe waited till a higher bid before he started to bid on it as well. At almost one hundred thousand euro, no one els was bidding any more, until my dad had the audacity to made the bid of the one thousand euro’s. “What is he doing?’’ I muttered under my breath. Rafe placed another bid. Thousand euro’s higher than the last.
It went on like this between the two for a good two to three minutes. After my dad had bid two hundred thousand euro Rafe got so irritated that he bid five hundred thousand euro. ‘’Get this show on the road, shall we.’’ Rafe said eager to win the bid. ‘’Does the gentleman wish to bid again?’’ The auctioneer asked. All eyes were on Victor.  ‘’Its all yours.’’ he said, making a waving hand gesture. I let out a sigh of relive, if he had won this bid we would be bankrupt. We didn’t have that much money, let alone the opening bid.
A smirked formed around Rafe’s lips. ‘’We are going once,’’ the women started. ‘’Going twice.’’ the  room kept quiet, Rafe could feel the victory. ‘’Then I shall sell it for five hundred thousand,’’ before she could finish the lights fell out and the hall was left in complete darkness. ‘’Ladies and gentlemen, please remain calm. The backup power will come on shortly.’’ the women spoke in order to keep everyone calm.
In the room whispers arose, some panicky and some calm. I had a bad feeling by this. Just a second later the backup power came on and someone stated. ‘’It’s gone!’’ meaning the cross. I should have know it. It could have only meant one thing why my dad and Nate where here, to steal the cross.
I lost Rafe in all the commotion, looking for a way out in the hope to find Nate. He couldn't have gotten far. Opening every door in the corridor I was in, I came face to face with Nate. ‘’I think you have something that doesn’t belong to you.’’  I said pushing him back in the room. ‘’Well, technically it’s neither yours.’’ he joked, but I was not laughing. ‘’Just give it back Nate, you gave up this hunt years ago.’’ He was holding back something, I could see it in his eyes. ‘’Why are you here with Rafe.’’ trying to distract me he changed the subject. ‘’Hand me the cross Nate.’’ I held out my hand. ‘’No.’’ he said stern.
With pain in my eyes I looked at my best friend. ‘’Don’t make me fight you for it Nathan.’’ he was shocked to hear me say that. ‘’You don’t mean that.’’ Somewhere I did, but hoped it would not come to it. He took some steps back while I took them forward. Slow and steady I approached Nate. ‘’There are a million other treasures to be found, can’t you just for once let one slip?’’ he shook his head. ‘’I am sorry, but I can’t not this time.’’ And with that he ran towards me.
In shock I covered my face not knowing what would come, but at the very last moment he dodged me and jumped out of the window. ‘’NATHAN!’’ I screamed and ran to the window, looking outside in the hope to see him hanging onto something, but nothing. After a couple of seconds of looking down I could hear a faint grunt. It belonged to Nate, who was probably hanging onto something underneath the window just outside of my point of view.
I let out an angry sigh before I headed back to the main hall to find Rafe. On my way there I could hear the gunshots from outside. My head was spinning, I just hoped Nate would make it out alive. Somewhere outside I found Rafe. ‘’Rafe!’’ I ran towards him and looked him up and down. ‘’You are oke. I heard the shots and.’’ my voice was cracked and my hands were shaking. ‘’Im oke.’’ he said pulling my into his arms. ‘’I was worried about you.’’ he admitted.
Back at the hotel I told him what happened. ‘’Nate stole the cross.’’ I said defeated. ‘’I should have known, that could have been the only reason why my father would be there and why he would bid such ridiculous prices he never could afford.’’ I rented without pausing. Rafe sat at the kitchen table with a glass of scotch in his hand, listening. ‘’We will find out what was so important to that cross the hard way.’’ With a big gulp he emptied his glass.
Because of my tiredness I couldn’t think logically, I needed sleep and in the morning I would look at ways to unravel this mystery. I said goodnight to Rafe and went to my room.
The next morning we talked about ways to find clues. ‘’I can go to the library, maybe find some books about Avery.’’ I suggested. A spark in his eyes ignited. ‘’Yes, If there is anyone who can find that out it’s you.’’ with a broad smile he looked at me. ‘’I can talk to some other people and drop you off at the library.’’ I nodded. ‘’Thanks. I appreciate that.’’ Out of my suitcase I grabbed my notebook and my favorite fountain pen. I never left without the two.
The drive to the library was short, he dropped me off at the Ambrosiana Library. Founded it 1609 and holds some of the oldest manuscripts of the world. I just hoped they would also have something on Avery, how small it might be, any lead could help.
Walking in without a plan, I started looking for books. Henry Avery was an English pirate in the 1600. I took books about Pirates, the Founders, some of Avery’s companions and even a scroll about Libertalia. It didn’t say much but every bit of information was critical.
Hours on end I sat in the library doing research. Once I was in my zone I easily forget to eat, drink or take breaks in general. It was getting later and later but I wasn’t going anywhere, staying in my spot until I found that piece of information that would lead us further.
After two days of searching I finally found something. A resting place that allegedly may or may not have been Avery’s. Located in Scotland. Hyped about my findings I rushed cleaning up and may have misplaced some books. With my notebook clutched in my hands I walked outside and called Rafe. ‘’I found something. Im heading to the hotel now.’’ I said before leaving the building.
Stepping outside in the cold morning air. It was in the dusk of time, I checked my phone and saw that it was five thirty in the morning. The sun was about to set and the stars where still visible in the sky. ‘’I will be there in five, just stay put.’’ I heard Rafe say with a sleepy voice. I completely lost sense of time while I was in the library.
Part 4 
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calpalirwin · 4 years
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Summary: Every story’s gotta start somewhere
A/N: The (way more detailed) origin story nobody asked for because after reading @cxddlyash​‘s spin on the end of this story, I wanted to rework some of it on my end.
Content: Take a wild guess
Word Count: ~4k
And away, and away we go!
Caroline Bennett placed a sneakered foot on the rung on her dolly cart, shifting the weight so she could wheel it into the venue. “Merch booth, merch booth, merch booth,” she muttered under her breath as a way to keep her focus on the task at hand rather than how weird it felt to be walking through an arena meant to house far more people than it currently did. If she had to take a guess, there were maybe 50 people or so in the building, compared to the 5,000 that would be pouring through the doors in a matter of hours. But she didn’t care about the 5,000 people because she’d be long gone by then. Right now, her only focus was finding 1 out of 50, because god damn it, how hard could it be to find the fuckin merch table?!
“You’re not Nate,” an accented voice questioned, almost making her lose her grip on her cart with how close it was to her. 
“Jesus!” she exclaimed, hurrying to adjust so the boxes didn’t go flying everywhere. Because that would be what she needed, to spill merchandise all over the place on her first day.
“Somehow I doubt that,” the voice said again, and she could hear the smirk before she saw who it belonged to- a boy, well man, she supposed, of about her age and about a foot taller. Soft brown curls were tightly contained by a bright-red bandana he had plastered to his forehead. If that wasn’t a dead-giveaway as to who he was, the drumsticks in the back pocket of his black skinny jeans sure were. Know everybody’s name, from the top to the bottom, her dad had taught her. “Wanna try again? It’s simple really. I say ‘hey you’re not my regular delivery guy.’ And then you go, ‘No, I’m,’ and then, here’s the crazy part. You tell me your name. And then I tell you mine, and well… you do know how meeting people goes, I hope.”
“Just point me to your promo team,” she scowled.
“Ashton Irwin, at your service.” He did a mock bow, somehow smirking even wider. 
“You’re not the promo team.”
“And you’re not Nate, merch girl. But you clearly do your research.”
“I’m good at my job, you mean.”
“That’s still to be decided. Seeing how it’s your first day and all. C’mon, follow me.” He started to lead her towards what she assumed would be the merch table. “So, how old are you?”
“Oh, so you’re the same age as my bandmates. Well, almost. Two of ‘em are nineteen. Luke’s still eighteen.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Ashton laughed. “You’re smart. I like that. You single, merch girl?”
“How is that any of your business?”
He held up his hands defensively. “Just making conversation, shit. If you’re in charge of our LA deliveries, then you’re gonna be seeing an awful lot of me.”
“I was told I wouldn’t be dealing directly with bands.”
“Yeah, normally. But we like to make a lot of our merch so I try to know as much about it as I can.”
“Mmm, and the rest of your band?”
“They’re around. Why? You happen to fancy one of them more than your dear friend, Ash?” He pouted his lips at her. 
She rolled her eyes. “I don’t know which is the bolder assumption. That I fancy you, or that we’re friends when you don’t even know my name.”
“I would know it if you told me, merch girl.”
“It’s Caroline.”
He grinned, and if he wasn’t so infuriating, the dimples in his cheek and the lights bouncing off his hazel eyes would be downright swoon-worthy. But good God, he was annoying. “You can drop this stuff right here, Caroline.”
“Thanks,” she muttered, setting her cart upright and reaching for the top box.
“Not a problem,” he said, grabbing the box underneath hers to help her unload faster.
“Did I make you mad or something?” he asked after they unloaded in total silence.
“What?” she asked, as she double checked the order form against the boxes. “No, I’m not mad.”
“Okay. Cuz I wasn’t joking earlier. Like if you’re on our account now, you will be seeing a lot of me. And I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable or anything. But stiff professionalism never really spoke to me. So I’d much rather if we could try to be friends, you know?”
“I can be your friend, Ash. I just can’t be more than that.”
Ashton chuckled, “Damn, you sound a lot like Luke.”
She arched an eyebrow in a silent question. 
“Not that way!” he rushed, his cheeks flaming. “I meant that he’s also told me he doesn’t want to focus on a relationship right now. Which kinda sucks cuz thinking about it, you two would work really well together.”
“You hardly know me…”
“Call it instinct then, Miss Skeptic.”
“I think I liked ‘merch girl’ better. Here,” she thrust the order form in his chest. “Sign this.”
~Three Years Later~
“You seriously want more of the black hoodies than the white ones?” Caroline asked as she looked at the computer screen.
“Yes,” Ashton told her and she could hear the eye roll. “People like black.”
“People are also gonna like the white ones, especially when they see you modeling it,” she told him.
“Aw, you flatter me,” he deadpanned. “Who calls the shots here?”
“Fine, fine,” she said, punching in the right number for his order. “But don’t come crying to me when you get stuck with shit you can’t sell.”
“When have I ever?” he gloated. 
She sighed. He was right. The drummer knew his audience in terms of what they liked and which items were more popular. And all she had was a hunch.
“Hey, how’d that date with… uh… fuckin hell what was his name…” Ashton fought to remember the name.
“Brandon,” Caroline reminded him. “We broke up like three months ago. Guy was a dumbass. Where have you been?”
“Making an album and planning new merch for a tour. Why was he a dumbass? I thought you liked him.”
“I did, up until he turned into every other guy, Ash. He thought my job is so fuckin sick until he saw that I’m actually friends with you other dumbasses, and then I turned into a groupie all of sudden.”
“That’s fuckin disgusting.”
“Yeah, tell me about it…”
“So what you need is a guy who gets it.”
“Ash, for the last time, I’m not going out with you,” she joked. 
“Okay, 1.) Ouch. 2.) I’ve never asked you out so what the fuck do you mean ‘for the last time’? And 3.) I don’t mean me, although I’m flattered you think of me that way.”
“I don’t think of you that way. I don’t think of you at all actually.”
“Ha-ha, you’re hilarious. I see why all the guys are beating down your door.”
“Oh, fuck off!” she laughed. “But yeah, you’re right. I do need a guy that gets it. Problem is, I keep ending up with guys who are only pretending to get it.”
“Well… I might know a guy.”
“Oh, do you?”
“Yeah. Luke. About giraffe high. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Killer front man.”
“You mean the one who wasn’t looking for a relationship because he was working on himself?”
“The very one!” Ashton applauded her memory. “Look, I wouldn’t suggest it if I didn’t think it would work out. I wouldn’t fuck with you both like that.”
“Yeah, I know, Ash. And I appreciate you looking out for me, I do.”
“You know me, Ash. If he asks me out, I’ll give him a fair chance.”
“Cool. You’re still making deliveries right? Or did they finally get wise, and promote you?”
“They promoted me. I’m in charge of your account now, along with a few others.”
“Nice! Although, that kinda puts a damper on you and Luke meeting. I was counting on that delivery next week. Damn…”
“Oh, I’m still making deliveries. It’s weird though. See, I got the promotion, but then my boss said I was still requested to do deliveries for one of my accounts. You wouldn’t know anything about that would you?”
“Not a damn thing,” he lied through his teeth. “But, that’s good. Must mean the promo team likes you.”
“Yeah, ‘promo’ team.”
“So, see you next week?”
She laughed. “Yep. See ya Ash.”
“Luke, mate, you gotta sign those posters,” Ashton said, stirring Luke in the direction of the merch booth, knowing Caroline would be there any minute.
“Alright, I got it!” the blonde huffed at his friend, stepping to walk beside Ashton so he’d stopped getting shoved forward. “Geez, what’s the big deal?”
“The big deal is, there’s a girl coming later and if you don’t ask her on a date, I’ll never hear the end of it.”
Luke stalled, turning to face his friend, eyes wide. “You promised someone I’d ask them out?! Without checking with me first?! Ash…”
“Relax, mate. You’ll like her, I promise.”
“I’m gonna fuckin kill you, is what I’m gonna do,” Luke threatened.
“Kill me, and you’ll have to find another drummer. And that would suck on such short notice. Might have to cancel a show, maybe more, while you guys get a replacement. Really bad for business.”
Luke glowered.
“Just trust me, okay? Just ask her on one date. One single date. That’s it.”
“This better be one hell of a girl…”
“Oh, she is. Don’t worry.”
As Luke stomped off to sign posters and await this girl he was supposed to ask out, Caroline walked confidently through the near empty amphitheater, a feeling she had really come to enjoy. There was something calming about walking silently through a place meant to be packed tightly with bodies with music so loud you could feel it in your bones. The calm before the storm, as she’d come to view it.
“Merch order,” she said, walking right up to a booth with a single man behind it. His blonde curls covered his face, a stack of posters beside him and a Sharpie resting delicately between his fingers. She rolled her eyes immediately. Ashton was going to pay for this one way or another.
Luke didn’t look up as he scrawled a loopy autograph across the poster at the top of the pile, setting it aside before repeating the same practiced scribble. “Can leave it right there,” he said, curls shifting across his forehead as he nodded over his shoulder in indication of where she could put the boxes. “What’s the order?”
“You don’t know what you ordered?” Caroline asked, grabbing the top box from her dolly cart and dropping it in the ground with a thump! She knew he didn’t. In three years, she’d never once crossed his path. God, what had Ashton been thinking?
“Not part of the promo team. I just get told to sign the posters.”
“Careful not to get a hand cramp there, rockstar,” she teased, dropping another box. 
Her comment was enough for the blue eyes to snap over in her direction. He swore under his breath, pushing his chair back and standing up to his full height. “Shit, here. Let me give you a hand with those.”
“Oh, it’s fine,” Caroline tried to brush him off, but their hands were already knocking into each other as they both reached for the next box. Caroline’s cheeks flushed as she dropped her hands, letting Luke grab the boxes as she instead busied herself with the itemized order form on her clipboard. “So, it’s a box of extra large shirts. 1 box of large. And a half and half box of medium and small. All men standard sizes.” She could hear the slight shake in her voice and she was definitely going to murder a certain drummer for this occurrence. 
“A box of the black hoodies, in various sizes, and then a last box of random odds and ends. Keychains, pins, CDs, the sorts,” another voice finished as a man with brown curls cut closer to his head than the blonde’s spoke up behind them. Just the man she was looking for. “Thanks, merch girl.”
“It’s Caroline, Ash. How many times do we have to go over this?” Caroline said as she turned on her heel, arms opening to hug the man. “I’m gonna fuckin kill you,” she whispered low in his ear. 
“Good to see ya too, love,” Ashton chuckled, accepting the hug.
“You two know each other?” the blonde man asked, an eyebrow arched in confusion.
“Yeah, Care’s been handling our merch for years. Have you two not met? Luke, Caroline. Caroline, Luke.”
The pieces clicked in Luke’s head, and he would have loved nothing more than to wipe that all-knowing smirk off Ashton’s face. He noted the way Caroline’s own fingers curled, like she was itching to do the same. And damn it all to hell, wasn’t she cute with her polo work shirt tucked into her blue jeans, and her brown hair pulled up in a ponytail, with little escaped strands framing brown eyes that snapped like fire as she glared up at Ashton? If this was the girl he’d be promised a date with… well shit… to say the pressure was on was definitely an understatement. 
“Yeah, I know who he is, Ash. I’m not blind. But nice to officially meet you, Luke,” Caroline spoke first, opting to be polite. After all, Luke had helped her with the boxes. And he was pretty damn cute up close and in person. 
“Pleasure,” Luke smiled, extending out his hand.
“Alright, if I can just get one of you to sign off on this…” She switched back into work mode to distract herself from how pink her cheeks were under Luke’s gaze.
“I got it,” Luke said, holding up his Sharpie as evidence.
“And maybe you can convince this one to order more of the white hoodies because those are going to sell better than your black ones,” she joked to Luke.
Both of the men laughed while Ashton scoffed, “Is that so?”
“Yep. Matter of fact, grab me one in medium.”
“Small,” Ashton corrected as Luke started ruffling through the stack of white hoodies.
“Lady said medium, Ash,” Luke said, handing Caroline the hoodie.
“Ooo, I like this one. He listens,” she smirked at Ashton who rolled his eyes playfully in response. “How much are you charging for these things?”
“$55,” Ashton answered. 
“Highway robbery!” Caroline told them, digging into her back pocket anyway.
“Don’t worry about it,” Luke said, his fingers brushing against her arm as he tried to stop her. “It’s on us.”
“Yeah,” Ashton agreed. “No one’s gonna notice if those ones go missing anyway, cuz I’m telling you, nobody’s gonna want one.”
“Well I want one, and that should count for something. I’ll throw an extra hoodie in the next order, and we’ll call it even. How’s that?” Even though her words were directed at Ashton, she looked right up at Luke, almost daring him to ask the question all three of them were waiting on. 
“How about a date instead?” Luke blurted out the magical words, and Ashton had the nerve stifled a laugh at his friend’s outburst, like he hadn’t orchestrated the whole thing. 
Caroline kept Luke’s gaze, pushing a copy of the itemized order form into his chest. “You’re on, rockstar.”
“You know, I’m really glad you said yes. I didn’t think you would,” Luke confessed, fingers tugging nervously on the curls at the back of his neck. “I mean… I know Ash sort of forced both our hands. But you still could’ve said no, ya know?”
Caroline smiled over at him. “And miss out on all of this?” She gestured out to the city lights blinking in the distance. “A midnight picnic overlooking the city. Gotta say, this ranks pretty high on my list of first dates.”
“Oh, yeah,” she nodded, leaning back on the palms of her hands. “Plus my date’s pretty fuckin’ cute.”
“I’m glad you think so,” Luke chuckled. “You look stunning by the way. Don’t know if I told you that.”
Caroline blushed. “You did, when you picked me up. But, thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Shit, sorry I’m so nervous. I just… I’m having trouble getting out of my head I guess.”
“Because of Ash?”
“Yeah. I mean, I’m glad we’re here and all. Like you seem really nice. And you’re really cute. But…”
Caroline’s heart dropped. She had just been on the brink of forgiving Ashton for his meddling in the first place. But if his friend left her crying on the cliffside, she’d put that man six feet under if it was the last thing she did. “But what?” she forced herself to ask. 
“Was worried you’d say no. Ash meddling or not, you’re still a woman with free will. You didn’t have to say yes.”
“Just like you didn’t have to ask me.”
“Why wouldn’t I ask you out?”
“Why wouldn’t I say yes?” she countered.
“We talked for maybe like what? Two minutes? And… I dunno. I know Ash is the one who pushed us both into this, but… you guys seem close. Shouldn’t this be you guys?”
Caroline shook her head. “Nah, Ash and I get along, sure. But no. I, uh, have that problem a lot, actually. A lot of rock bands are made up of men, and I supply a lot of rock band merch. People, guys especially, seem to take that the wrong way a lot of time.”
“N-no, I- I didn’t mean it like that. I’m not… I don’t see a problem with…” Luke fumbled over his words.
She laughed softly, moving one of her hands to rest it over his. “No, I know what you mean. Ash is your boy. You didn’t want to feel like you were swooping in on his girl, even if this was his idea. And that’s sweet of you. But, I am a free agent who can go on as many cute dates with as many cute boys as she likes.”
“How about as many cute dates as you like with only one cute guy?”
“Ooo, I dunno. He’d have to be pretty fuckin’ cute,” she flirted.
His eyes were soft, his touch softer as he leaned in for a kiss that sent shivers down her spine. “I’ve been told I’m pretty fuckin’ cute,” he murmured against her lips, his own quirked up in a smile.
“Merch girl!” Ashton chirped over the line. “You coming to the party on Friday? Lover boy misses you something awful.”
“Of course I’m gonna be there, Ash,” she laughed. “Lu asked me last week.”
“Well damn. What do I bother calling you for anymore now that you have him?”
“To bother me because that seems to be your favorite pastime? And you can’t be mad that your meddling worked, Ash. Wasn’t that the point?”
“Yeah, I’m happy for you guys, truly. But also kinda scared because now there’s two of you to plot revenge.”
“Oh, no fair! I didn’t know plotting revenge was an option!”
“Ha-ha, hilarious. Seriously, how high should my guard be up for this party?”
“If you want me to return the favor of meddling in your love life, all you need is ask.”
“See, I’ve seen the people you pick out for yourself… so, lemme think… yeah, hard pass.”
“Suit yourself. I’m still bringing my friend along. If I can persuade her to come, that is.”
“Ooo, shy friends. Those are always fun.”
“Oh, so you do want to be set up!”
“I didn’t say that. All I’m saying is that I happen to be a very, terribly so, single man. And if I so happen to be introduced to a pretty girl, I’ll take it from there.”
“Well I’ll see what I can do about getting that pretty girl to the party, then.”
“Oh, will you come on?” Caroline asked, exasperated as her friend Britt sat on the edge of her bed, picking at the skin around her fingernails.
“I don’t want to be a third wheel, Care.”
“You’re not gonna be a third wheel.”
“Is Luke going to be there.”
“Then I’m a third wheel.”
“Oh, c’mon! There will be plenty of other people there, too. Maybe even the man of your dreams. But you won’t know that if you sit here, so c’mon!”
“I’m not like you, Care. I don’t go to work and come home with a husband.”
“Okay, 1.) Luke is not my husband. We’ve been on like maybe four dates. And 2.) it’s a good thing this is a party then, not a delivery.”
Britt let out a long sigh, weighing her options. “Better be some cute fuckin guys at this thing…” she muttered finally.
“Oh, there will be,” Caroline smirked. It wasn’t technically meddling if she just introduced Britt to Ashton. Wasn’t like she was promising Britt a date with the man or anything crazy like that.
“Merch girl!” Ashton greeted, spotting Caroline as her and Britt walked in.
“Hey, Ash,” Caroline said, giving the man a hug. “Missed ya guys.”
“Missed ya too, Care. But not as much as lover boy, over there.” He jerked a thumb over at Luke who was quickly pushing past people to get over to where they were. “Who’s this?” Ashton’s hazel eyes flickered over to Britt.
“This is my best friend, Britt. Britt, this is Ashton.” Caroline matched Ashton smirk for smirk. 
“And I’m Luke,” Luke said, wrapping his arms around Caroline and pressing a big kiss to her cheek. “Missed you, baby,” he whispered low so only she could hear.
“Let’s get you girls something to drink. C’mon.” Ashton led the way deeper into the party. “So, how’d you meet Care?” he asked Britt.
“Kids,” Britt squeaked.
Caroline laughed. “We’ve known each other since we were kids,” she elaborated.
“Mmm. Well, any friend of Care’s is a friend of ours.”
Caroline wasn’t sure her friend’s cheeks could get any darker under Ashton’s gaze. She had to hold back bewildered laughter of how well this was going already, while wondering if this was how Ashton had felt watching her and Luke interact for the first time. Like you had inside knowledge on a love story that hadn’t been written yet. 
“So, what’s the deal with your friend?” Ashton asked Caroline later on in the evening.
“Why? You interested?” Caroline teased.
He scoffed. “I don’t think I’ve heard her speak, she’s too busy blushing.”
“I told you she was shy. And she’s also out of her element here. But yes, she is single, if that’s what you’re asking. Which it is.”
“I said I didn’t need to be set up, Care.”
“I never said I was setting you up, Ash. I just happened to introduce a pretty girl to a very, terribly so, single man.”
Ashton chuckled. “You’re devious, you know that?”
“That may be so. But you’re both my friends. All I did was introduce you guys to each other. Something that was bound to happen sooner or later. What happens next is up to you and her. Although, for the record, I think you’d be pretty cute together.”
“So you admit you’re setting me up with your friend?”
“Just like you set me up with Luke?”
“Oh, I fully accept responsibility for that one. Worked out great, don’t ya think?”
She laughed. “So clearly you’re the one with the matchmaking abilities. So go on. Go make your match. Get out of here, and go talk to her!” she laughed more, pushing at his chest.
“Tell that to Britt,” he called out over his shoulder.
“What was that about?” Luke asked, coming up with new drinks and handing one to her.
“Oh, I was just telling Ash to go talk with Britt some more.”
“Mhm, cuz you're setting him up with her just in a less in-your-face way.”
“I am not! I brought Britt along because I thought it’d be fun for her.”
“Sure ya did.”
“Okay, maybe I did mention something about there being cute available guys to persuade Britt to come with me. And maybe I did mention to Ash I was bringing her. But, you gotta admit that they would make a cute ass couple.”
Luke nodded in agreement. “But not as cute as you and me.”
“Thank God for Ashton Irwin, huh?”
“That meddling bastard.”
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mxrstar · 5 years
hi!! made a playlist for Martin and now I am sad
wrote as always an unnecessary explanation for why I chose these songs specifically? if you want to read it it’s under the cut 🌻
— The Orphan King, Mary Gauthier
alright. this is,,, my favorite song? I cry almost every time I listen to it, I cannot tell you with words how much I am in love with it. and, well. Martin “I think our experience of the universe has value, even if it disappears forever” Blackwood vs the relentless “I still believe in love” of the lyrics… “My mama had held me one time then kissed me goodbye, but I still believe in love. She never came back and I don't know why, but I still believe in love. She passed me her crown on her way out of town, but I still believe in love. She left me this kingdom to wear it around, but I still believe in love” I…. I cry.
— Class of 2013, Mitski
“Mom, I'll be quiet / It would be just to sleep at night / And I'll leave once I figure out / How to pay for my own life too / Mom, would you wash my back? / This once, and then we can forget / And I'll leave what I'm chasing / For the other girls to pursue” I don’t want this
— A Love of Some Kind, Adrianne Lenker
I listened to this song on a discovery weekly I think, and hhhhhaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaa I could only go Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin “I don't have much but what I've got / is something I can give. / And I’ve found that on your own is no good way to live. / So what d’you say? / Nothing much in our way / And the world is always turning / And the light is yearning / It'll be just fine / Would you mind? / I could use a heart / I could use a home / I could use a love of some kind” ......……. h
— Unfucktheworld, Angel Olsen
technically this song has a romantic relationship behind it (I think), but the gentle, desperate tone of the lyrics, “you may not be around I am the only one now”…. it does make me think of Martin, and just… yeah, his mother. “I have to save my life / I need some peace of mind” oof
— All Alright, fun.
“Yeah, it's all alright / I guess it's all alright / I got nothing left inside of my chest, / But it's all alright” hhhhh “And I know, oh no, / You've fallen from the sun / Crashing through the clouds / I see you burning out / And I know, oh no, / That I put up a front / But maybe, just this once, / Let me keep this one” hhhhhh I love the way Nate Ruess sings those lines so much
— Utopian Futures, Kimya Dawson
I think Martin “If we were all happy that wouldn't actually be the end of the world” Blackwood deserves little a anti-capitalistic anthem, but like gentle and tender and intimate…… “Here in the place where dreams aren't dead, here in the space between our heads” I cry!!!! (also listen to Kimya Dawson please they are relentlessly touching)
— Clementine, Sarah Jaffe
there is no justification except that the melody is very melancholic and I am in love with this song and martin would listen to it a lot
— True Love Will Find You In The End, Daniel Johnston
“True love will find you in the end / This is a promise with a catch / Only if you're looking can it find you / ‘Cause true love is searching too / But how can it recognize you / If you don't step out into the light, the light / Don't be sad I know you will / Don't give up until / True love will find you in the end” presented without comment
— 6/10, Dodie
“I feel like a six out of ten / I’ve gotta get up early tomorrow again / What goes on behind the words? / Is there pity for the plain girl?  / Can you see the panic inside? / I’m making you uneasy, aren't I?” h.
— To a Poet, First Aid Kit
1. the title 2. “it always takes me by surprise, how dark it gets this time of the year, and how apparent it all becomes that you're not close, not even near. no matter how many times I tell myself I have to be sincere, I have a hard time standing up and facing those fear”
thank you for your time
— Alone Again Or, Love
I adore this song. it is just, almost defiant in its melancholy. “And I will be alone again tonight my dear”…… martin…… martin……..
— Transatlanticism, Death Cab for Cutie
the melody of this song….. “Most people were overjoyed, they took to their boats / I thought it less like a lake and more like a moat”…. the Lonely, anyone?? “I need you so much closer”?????? help?????
— Maybe Sprout Wings, The Mountain Goats
the obvious mountain goats song for Martin is always get lonely, but I like this one too. “Ghosts and clouds / And nameless things / Squint your eyes and hope real hard / Maybe sprout wings” Martin tries!!! Martin tries so hard!!!!
— Your Soft Blood, Sorority Noise
wanted!! to put an “angry” song in here, and had thought of Fantastic Bastard by Death Spells. and I looove the chorus of that song, but it didn’t fit the vibe I think? and then I remembered this one song and aaaaaa. the desperate frustration of the singer in the first half “I can be replaced / I can be replaced” and then the final part, the impulsive, angry desire to be defined by your sins if by nothing else, if the other option is always just, getting a passing mention, a distorted grey image. yeah,,,, yeah…….
— Songs for Owls, Olly Alexander
I don’t know who Olly Alexander is, I have not seen the movie this is soundtrack for, but I would die for this song. I just. it is achingly beautiful and I had to put it here
— Samson, Regina Spektor
this song is otherworldly and one day I am gonna write a jonmartin fic based on these lines (you can quote me on that): “I cut his hair myself one night / A pair of dull scissors in the yellow light / And he told me that I'd done alright / And kissed me 'til the morning light” 
— Come Away With Me, Tracey Chattaway
this is a long song, 7 minutes I think, but just… the rain,,,,,, it is just very beautiful and it reminds me of him. good ending, I think
if anyone is reading this, thank you for getting this far! 
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crispyimagines17 · 5 years
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“GOSSIP GIRL: New York, New York“ (Chapter 1).
Summary: Gossip Girl, your one and only social media source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan’s Elite. Things begin to stagger at the Upper East Side with the return of Alana Howarth and the unexpected arrival of Timothée Chalamet, a European handsome boy and rising ruler who has come for Alana; ignoring that NYC already has an heir and prince in its realm, Tom Holland. Secrets, romance, drama and lots of champagne are our daily bread. You know you love me, XOXO. 
Originally based on: R’s & CrispyImagines writers’ idea.
Written by:  @crispyimagines17
Tom Holland
Timothée Chalamet
Disclaimer:  This fiction is set on our days (2019). Gossip Girl is now all over social media, Twitter and Instagram being the best sites to find hot tea. Also, for those who may ask what happens with Serena, Blair, Chuck, Dan, Nate and the original cast, they’re now grownups who set the reign and have left it for new generations.
Author’s Note: Well, I’m really really excited for this. A huge sorry for those who’ve been waiting an eternity; college and our sense of perfection got in the way. But now here it is. Hope you love it as much as we do and enjoy every word <3 (also hope this feels like watching a Gossip Girl episode). 
Further author's note: So this me from the future haha I was reading this chapter and holy crap! I needed an editor for this, it's good but some scenes are garbage and just make the chapter really REALLY long. Please new reader, give my series a chance. I promise the 2nd chapter is better (check it on the masterpost). Way better. Also, I'll try to re-write this chapter to take away that shit. In the meantime, please try to enjoy my efforts.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Hey Upper East Siders. Gossip Girl here… And I have the biggest news ever. One of my many sources – jessica97 – sends us this; 
Spotted at JFK International Airport, bags in hand: Alana Howarth. Was it only a year ago our It-Girl mysteriously disappeared for, quote, ‘boarding school’? And just as suddenly she’s back. 
You don’t believe me? See it for yourselves. Thanks for the photo, Jess.
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Wonder what Tom Holland thinks about her return? Not much, I guess. Manhattan’s elite prince himself was caught low-key undercover at a downtown Starbucks.
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But she’s not the only surprise that comes up with foreign winds. Fresh meat sent from overseas, girls. A foreign handsome boy chatted with our Lana before taking his own way. New snack, huh?
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Enjoy your mocha latte, Tom; you’re gonna need it. And welcome back, Alana.
The flight 0159 London-New York City had arrived at its destiny. And Alana Howarth breathed for the first time in a long time the air of her city. Maybe it was good to be back at home. The airport was somehow peaceful, at least.  
Geoffrey, the family butler, was waiting for her in the same place as usual; near the candy shop where 7-year-old Alana loved to buy chocolates after a long journey.
“Geof!”, she took her Prada pale gold sunglasses up to her hair to glance at her old friend better.  
“Miss Howarth”, the 50-year-old man who might be easily confused with Alfred Pennyworth showed her a bright smile.
“Oh, c’mon. I brought you something.”  
“You’re so kind, miss Howarth. Let me take your luggage and…” Geoffrey went silent and only made a gesture with his eyebrows for Miss Howarth to turn her face behind her.
A young handsome man was decidedly walking towards her. By the Louis Vuitton travel pillow around his neck, one could say his flight had just landed too.
“Surprise!”, he shouted while shaking his hands as magicians do.
“Timothée?”, but Alana’s reaction wasn’t reciprocal. She frowned and narrowed her eyes, completely confused. “Wha- How?”
“I was on the same flight, London-New York. Literally crossed the sea to see you again.”
“But I never saw you on First Class boarding line”
“Ran late.” Before she could argue something else, he added “And asked for a seat far from yours, I didn’t want you to see me.”
“Wow… Why?”
Both youngsters were looking right into each other’s eyes; Timothée’s with a flash of hope and Alana’s were almost watery.
“I just couldn’t let you go so easily”
The following silence allowed Geoffrey to help her and cleared his throat loudly, bursting their bubble.
“Miss Howarth, your mother gave instructions to have you at the penthouse at 2 p.m.”
The clock read 1:40 p.m. Saved by the bell.
“Sure, she did. Thank you, Geof.”
“Go, go. I’ll send you a DM”, Timothée nodded and made a gesture with his hand for her to enter the limo.
They shared a brief eye contact once more before the handsome man turned back and walked away.
Overwhelmed, Alana was about to step into the limo when she heard a female known voice.  
“Marva?”, a brunette typical-Upper-East-Side-girl approached her with eyes wide open and eyebrows raised in surprise.  
“Oh God, you’re back!”
Both girls shared a courtesy hug. Though, Alana was clearly tired.
“And… how you’ve been?”
“Cool. My cousin Jessica arrives today”, Marva answered as opened her purse to take out her cell phone and unblock it. “Well, I guess everyone knows you’re back now. It’s all over Gossip Girl”.
“Wait, what?”, Alana asked with a frown while trying to see Marva’s phone screen, but before she could read anything Marva kept it back into her purse.
“Gotta go, A. See you.”
Oh, A. New York has never been peaceful at all. You should know that more than anyone. Our princess is back, but apparently her crown has lost one diamond; what did she do last summer? And why did she return?
Down at Starbucks in the Upper East Side, Tom Holland had his phone on Do Not Disturb mode. He preferred it that way. His mother had announced him Alana’s arrival at breakfast, and he wanted to take a breath before seeing her. The last time both had spoken left a weird feeling down his chest, so he better be prepared.
Tom plopped down on his Jaguar’s leather back seats with a sigh, leaned against his back and sip his cappuccino. His mother words echoed on his mind over and over again.
“Our dear Alana comes back today, Tom. Please, don’t forget the party Margot and I have prepared for her at the Palace.”
Our dear Alana. Another sigh escaped through his mouth as he smoothed his hair back with one hand. But he had a special ringtone for Gossip Girl and its sound interrupted his thoughts, couldn’t helping himself on unblocking his device and check out the latest news.  
Tom tightened his grip on his phone as his eyes read the lines about a foreign handsome man. In a single move, he dialed a number and approached it to his ear with pursed lips.
“Evan. Tom Holland here. Tell me everything you know about this man, I’ll send you his picture.”
Timothée looked through the polarized windows with his eyes fixed on New York City. It was very American, not a single glimpse of Europe, indeed. His phone vibrated under his right pocket and as soon as he read the name on the screen, he answered.
“How was your flight, Timmy?”, a soft female voice asked on the other line.
“Good, mom.”
“Fine. Your father wondered where the private jet was.”
“Father… Asking for the jet instead of his son”, Timothée gritted his teeth and nodded ironically.
“Are you…?”
But he anticipated to her words and answered right away.
“Yeah, I’m on my way to uncle Chuck’s. Call you later… Love you too, bye.”
Chuck Bass, his mother’s millionaire cousin. They were related by Chuck’s mother, but her death didn’t make them close. Though, family is family and the Chalamet were always invited to every Bass event. But Timothée hadn’t seen him in years, he barely remembered Bart Bass’ funeral or more so, Chuck’s wedding with Blair Waldorf.
But he knew one thing for sure; his uncle had been the king of the Upper East Side, and now that he’s not a youngster then his place must be someone else’s.
With a frown and pursed lips only a true Slytherin could do, Timothée opened his Twitter and typed “Gossip Girl”, being immediately presented to an account describing;
Gossip Girl, your one and only social media source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan’s Elite.
He smirked.
“Time to catch up.”
February 16th, 2018. One year ago.
The sun drew a soft orange-blue in the sky, ready to let the night its way. Her Louis Vuitton luggage set laid behind her, up in an airport cart. 
“Bye, daddy”, Alana kissed her father’s cheek and embraced him as a couple of teardrops fell over his shoulder.
“Take care, sweetheart”, Dr. Howarth’s nose huffed in an effort not to cry.
“Bye, Geof”, she embraced her old friend. The butler took his hat off and smiled at the Howarth girl he had served since her very first day.
“Bye, mom”, Alana kissed her mother. Though their adieu was shorter than her father’s.
A male voice echoed in every corner of the Airport, announcing the boarding room for flight 912 New York-London. Alana took a deep breath before nodding an airport butler for him to drive the cart along her side.
And without further goodbye, she walked towards the VIP boarding line.
Once on her seat, she asked the stewardess for a glass of water and an Aspirin. This was more than she can handle. Though, they say it’s better to tear it from the root. So, she typed the well-known user on her Instagram and found right-away the latest hit she had read a couple of days before.
In fairy tales, Cinderella danced until midnight with her Prince Charming. But on the Upper East Side, our Cinderalana ran away before dancing with our Prince T and, instead of a crystal slipper, left a whole crowd open-mouthed. Sorry T, but you had to read the tale first; Cinderella didn’t kiss the Prince on Valentine’s Day ball while he was under vodka’s spell. 
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 Her eyes went watery and bit her tongue to hold her feelings inside. Gossip Girl having perfect timing for dropping bombs. Suddenly, Alana felt the chills running down her spine as she remembered Tom’s closeness and everybody’s eyes on them with their phones out ready to snap the moment.
And it made her sick. She shut her eyes as she leaned against her back on the comfortable seat with a sigh. This had to end, now. But gossips would always be around, and people have no mercy. That’s why she had to leave.
In a movement worthy of dramatic film scenes, Alana looked out through the plane’s window and saw New York City lights vanish before her eyes. Then, she brought her attention back to her phone screen still on Gossip Girl and decidedly clicked ‘Unfollow’.
A new beginning, far far away.
May 2019. Present Day NYC - Howarth’s penthouse.
“What do you mean dad is not at home?”
Alana frowned at the woman standing behind a desk with her glasses in the middle of her nose, focused on the golden MacBook screen.
“Well, hospitals demand a lot of him these days. And it certainly did not help the fact he had to deal with the Foundation too when his daughter left.” Margot, Alana’s mother, answered throwing a reproach glance in her daughter’s direction while interlacing her fingers to rest her chin on top.
“But I’m back now.”
“He said he’d be here as soon as his meeting with the board finishes. Maybe you can re-join your place as ‘Charity and Foundation leader’.”
“I’d love that, truly.” Alana said as a warm smile covered her face. If one thing she had missed was the Foundation and all its activities; see children’s faces when they were told their surgeries would be free.
“By the way, the Holland’s organized an evening party at the Palace in honor of your return.” Margot added, bringing her attention back to the MacBoook screen and typing fast over the keyboard.  
“Oh mom…”, the prodigal daughter rolled her eyes. Margot being Margot Howarth and the socialite.
“You know they’re very fond of you. Besides, Tom and you have always been close, like cousins.” Alana’s mom took her glasses off to fix her eyes on her daughter as she shrugged. “And when Elizabeth told me about her idea, well, I thought it was hilarious.”
“Hilarious for you.”
“Alana please don’t act like a chi…”
“I’ll be on my room!”, she shouted already on her way towards the stairs. “Until I move again somewhere else”, this last muttered under her breath.
As soon as her foot stepped into her room, a kind of relief relaxed every muscle of her body, plopping down over her big bed. After a few seconds, the whole world fell under her chest.
The very one thing she wasn’t ready to face, and her mother arranges everything as always for it to happen. Alana could’ve continued regretting her bad luck, but jetlag dominated her will and a couple of minutes later, fell deeply asleep.  
It wasn’t until Dr. Howarth kissed her forehead that her eyes opened, and she slowly got up, still under the sleep’s stupor.
“Morning, sunshine”
“God, what time is it?”
“Six.” He answered calmly as he lend her a glass of cold water. “So, how was Europe?”
After drinking the last drop, she placed the empty glass on the bedside table and fixed her eyes into her father’s.
“Great. Thanks for… everything. Spending my Senior high school year there was the best I could’ve ever done, thank you for supporting that.”
Dr. Marcus Howarth sat up on her bed with his lips pursed in an apologizing manner.
“I’m sorry we had to leave so soon on your Graduation Day, sweetheart.”
“It’s okay. You were there, that’s all that matters.”
“You know I’m so thrilled you’re back, and more so behaving like an adult. What happened to my naughty teenager?”
Both shared a laugh. Her father had always been honest with her and knew exactly when to act as a friend or as a parent.
“She grew up.”
Marcus nodded with a proud smile on his face.
“Yeah, she did.”
A brief silence floated in the room. Dr. Howarth was about to stood up when Alana asked.
He looked at Alana with a slight frown.
“I met someone”
His father’s blissful aura faded and narrowed his eyes, ready to hear the story his daughter was about to tell.  
February 17th, 2018. London City.
Alana closed the door as soon as the last worker left the last suitcase and stood before the mess, but a genuine smile covered her face making it almost shine.
There she was in her new, and so far craziest, adventure: living alone. After enjoying a few minutes of peace, Alana began unpacking. It’d be a long night and she had to hurry. 
Tomorrow was her first day at Woldingham School for Girls in Surrey, only 35 minutes away from her location; her father alleged she should study somewhere in London, but her mother decided that, if her daughter was studying in the UK, then she’d do it at the same school she once did. At least Gossip Girl’s realm didn’t get that far.  
The bell rang, bringing her back to Earth; approached to the micro near the button instalment that controlled the gate.
“Who is it?”
Her favorite female voice answered.
“It’s me. Blair.”
“Come up!”
A couple of minutes later, godmother and goddaughter were embraced with big smiles.
“Goodness, you’re here!”
“Chuck’s waiting outside, I just wanted to see the place you… chose to live”, Blair Waldorf glanced with a frown every corner of the floor as if looking a horror show. “Seriously, Lana, you should stay at my house here, nobody’s living there. And I’ve heard Benedict Cumberbatch lives a couple of houses from it.”
“I’d like to give this place a try. But thank you.”
Blair hold her goddaughter’s hands and showed her a sincere encouraging smile.
“And remember, no matter if your last name is Howarth, you’ve always been a Waldorf.”
The subway ride hadn’t been as bad as she imagined. But living in London with less privileges than in New York felt good.
Alana was about to step outside the principal’s office.
“Here”, the principal handed her a bunch of papers. “Your first class had just begun a couple of minutes ago. ‘Art History’, you better hurry up.”
“Thank you for receiving me, Principal Martha.”
Both women shook hands and shared polite smiles.
“You’re welcome, Alana. It was a pleasure.”
Once on the aisle, she inspected the papers content and between them found a map of the whole campus.
“Not even Harry Potter’s Hogwarts map was that difficult.” Alana muttered under her breath with her eyes locked in the drawings of aisles and buildings.
Apparently, this boarding school was only for girls but was related to the boys’ boarding one next to this, and so, some classes were shared; such as Art History.
When she finally figured out where the hell her room was, it had already begun as the principal warned her. She was standing near the door with her eyes trying to see through the little windows.
“Maybe it’s almost finishing”
But before she decided to leave, a boy with wavy hair and indie aspect cleared his throat and touched her back with his finger. He had drops of sweat running around his face, he ran late too.
“Excuse me uh, are you coming inside?”
“Uh, I don’t know. Seems the class is interesting, I’ll interrupt the professor’s speech, maybe.”
“Mr. Blackwood’s? He doesn’t mind.”
His aura was full of electricity and calm at the same time. And his eyes made Alana’s impression to sound reasonable; both eyeballs were surrounded by a smoldering green.
“Yeah. Besides, if you come in with me, he won’t get mad. Trust me”
“Alright”, she answered doubtfully.
Though his charisma convinced her about the professor’s behavior, this was the first time she trusted someone who had just met.    
“I’m Timothée, by the way.” He stretched out his hand to shake it with hers, something not commonly used among youngsters.
Timothée gently smiled at her as he made a gesture with his hand to let her walk inside first.
“Nice to meet you, Alana. Shall we?”
April (one week before Summer) 2018. Woldingham Boarding School.
A couple of months were enough for Alana to feel like a Londoner. She might not know the city by heart but had connected to it in a way she never had with New York. And she barely remembered Gossip Girl or the Valentine’s ball incident.
Mr. Blackwood was in front of the whole class pointing something on the projector’s screen. ‘Modern Art’ era and music was the main subject of the day.
“So, as many of you may know or even have the honor of meeting, Hans Zimmer did change the way film music was recorded…”
The boarding school, despite what her mother commented her, had rich kids from several Western Europe countries. Perhaps Margot referred to the fact most were new monied instead of old monied as in Constance, her former high school in New York.
Timothée was sitting next to her in the middle row.
“He’s getting sentimental.” He turned his head and whispered near her ear.
“Shh.” Alana giggled.
“He is. Jesus, I told him to follow his dream, get his butt to Hollywood and ‘boom’ the Oscar goes to Joe Blackwood for Best Original Score”
Blackwood crossed his legs as he leaned his arms over the desk behind his back.
“Alexandre Desplat finally received his Oscar, but… Alright, back to topic, please eyes on the screen.”
Everyone did as told. Unlike other classes, this one gave them the opportunity to flirt, so in exchange they obeyed the young and cool professor Joe.
“The following video reflects what we’ve been talking these weeks; the power of music.”
Letters – Abel Korzeniowski
Lights had been turned down, leaving the room in complete darkness until two dancers appeared on screen. Their performance was so beyond perfect it almost made her wince.
Once the lights were on again, Mr. Blackwood’s excitement filled his face and voice.
“You see? Every note was sintonized with every movement. Did you feel the passion?”
A moment of silence between the students reigned in the room, until Timothée broke it and everyone’s heads turned in his direction.
“Indeed, Mr. Blackwood. The sequence of the young man reading his lover’s letter reflects pure desperation and pain. Ballet is quite misunderstood sometimes, just bodies moving doesn’t make any sense… But when music accompanies this, it’s… Art.”
His velvety voice was casting a hypnotizing shadow on his very feature. Everyone’s eyes were glued on him. However, it wasn’t interest what she saw reflected on them but a weird mix of respect and fear? She wasn’t sure.
And when he finished his comment, Mr. Blackwood cleared his throat bringing the class’ attention back to the desk where he had been without moving, also spelled by Timothée’s charm.        
“That’s art, ladies and gentlemen. Your final Project is about this video, I want an essay on my desk by the end of the week.”
Ten minutes later, Timothée and Alana were walking down the aisle in silence.
“What are your plans for this summer?”
She glanced at him with a slight frown as she let out a chuckle. That was unexpected.
“Head back to New York, maybe.”
His eyes were fixed on her, ready to perceive any reaction on her feature while both kept walking.
“Why don’t you come with me?”
Suddenly, her face changed to a completely speechless expression. So, he decided to add more and ease her a bit.
“Yeah, road tripping all over Europe. Or at least Western Europe before senior year.”
Nothing. Her eyes were blank.
“Don’t tell me Summer at the Hamptons sounds better.”
Two blinks. And seconds later, a smile.
“No… Uhm, you know what? I’d like a road trip… Very much.”
It was true, another summer listening to her mother’s speech was the last she wanted to do. Or facing what she left.
May 2019. Present Day
Spotted: The airport handsome young man stepping into the Empire Hotel. There are only two reasons a stranger would walk in with such determination; he’s a guest in a hurry or he’s visiting our former prince Chuck Bass.
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NYC – Bass’ penthouse.
The elevator door opened and Timothée walked into his uncle’s penthouse. He had his hands inside his pocket as he stared the whole place; it must be the biggest penthouse in New York.
Chuck Bass appeared in a blue suit, holding a glass of whisky on his right hand.
“Timmy, long time no see!”
Bass handed him the glass as he approached to his mini-bar and served a drink for himself.
“Indeed, uncle.”
“Your mother?”
“She’s fine but couldn’t come. You know, Europe is-“
“Her home. That’s what she always told me when we were kids.”
His uncle made a slight gesture for him to seat over the couch.
“And your father?”
“Chalamet… Guess his new empire got him pretty busy.”
Timothée nodded before drinking a sip of whisky.
“I still remember when my father learned your mother was going to marry your father Domenico, a nobody, as he called him.” A hint of a playful grin showed over his face. “He surprised us all when suddenly bought your mother a mansion at Monte Carlo and had investors everywhere.”
A naughty smile covered Timothée’s face as a memory crossed over his mind at the mention of Monte Carlo.
“Oh, that mansion… Got some cool parties over there”
Chuck joined him with the same smile.
“You got that fun sense from your mother’s family side, particularly me.” Chuck blinked as he reminded himself the main subject of that chat.“But, what can I do for you, nephew?”
“Well, I’m pretending to stay here for a while. Yale haven’t accepted me, but Columbia already did and just wanted to let you know.”
“You already found where to live?”
“Yeah, they’re sending my luggage there.”
Again, the elevator doors opened but this time Serena van der Woodsen stepped inside, announcing her hurried way. 
“Chuck it’s me! Just came for something Blair left and…”
She was open-mouthed for a splice of a second, before approaching to Chuck though not taking her eyes away from the young man sitting in front of him.
“Serena, this is my nephew Timothée Hal Chalamet.” Both stretched hands politely. “Timothée, this is Serena van der Woodsen, my wife’s best friend.”
“A pleasure.” Serena, despite the years, still glowed in beauty showing him her characteristic smile. “Maybe you’d like to join us tonight. It’s at the Palace, Blair and a friend organized a party to celebrate Alana Howarth’s return.”
“Come, Tim. Blair would be delighted to see you.”
The young man raised his eyebrows in surprise at the invitation. He pretended to be speechless for a few seconds just before a big smile wrote all over his face.
“I’d love to. Thank you so much”
Well, he had to admit it. That insane egocentric philosophy ‘The Universe conspires in your favor to achieve your purposes’ proved him wrong. Thank you, New York.  
May 2019. Present Day
Spotted: A prince with bewilderment written all over his face. Poor T, here’s an advice; if you need help, don’t ask Cupid nor Saint Vodka.
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NYC – Holland’s penthouse.
Tom was under a warm shower. As soon as he arrived, he locked his door and went straight to his bathroom in an attempt to slowly regain his senses and clarity. He later changed warm for cold water, running his fingers through his hair and sniffing loudly at the freezing touch.
A couple of months ago, he would do this same thing and more, and still say he deserved this pain for what he had done. But today, his mind had changed. Now, he did it as a knight would’ve prepared his horse and his best sword before battle.
Evan was fast, his best informer in fact. Tom was quite pleased by his efficiency; he still hadn’t reached the building when already had the file on his phone. It took his informer less than an hour to get everything about Timothée Hal Chalamet and gather it onto a file. 
The first pages were enough for Holland to understand what this man was doing here. He felt blood running faster than ever through his veins, his breathing sped up, clenched his jaw hard and his body was almost trembling in rage. So, he got himself into the shower.
And there he was.
“I fucked up, Alana… I fucked up everything.” He shut his eyes, trying to hold tears inside. “And now this son of a bitch appears from Nowhere…”
Tom couldn’t blame him for the main title in the first page.
“Timothée ‘The King’ Chalamet”
He had laughed when he read it; only someone stupid would name himself a king and add it to his own name. But his smile faded as he kept analyzing and reading newspaper headers.
Chalamet had earned his nickname in late years, by heart. All over Europe, people recognized him as a nice charismatic and gentle young man when regarding adults. But among youngsters, a different story surrounded his name.
Not that he was terrifying or a murderer, a psycho or whatever. Not at all. He was more like a plague. A virus that entered through your ears and eyes.
Newspapers described him in few words as a promoter of good, mainly when he attended to hospitals or charity events. They ignored completely his scandalous life. Early on, his social status had remained low-key, almost nonexistent if not for a couple events his family attended hosted by the Bass family. His debut in true high society had been at the age of 11, when his family moved to Monte Carlo and since then have enjoyed a very wealthy life.
Though, he began building his realm in an Italian boarding school when he was 14; a professor was fired. Nobody really knew the reason; some said that had been because he had seduced her, others said that she scolded him after class for not delivering his homework on time and he turned things around until she cried, and others said she sneezed very close of him.
Later, at the age of 16, when his name was known in several Western Europe countries, he offered a party in Amsterdam. Some say celebrities such as The Weeknd and Cristiano Ronaldo were there. And more parties like that were hosted by him; it’s said Ed Sheeran got inspiration for a song that later became his hit ‘Shape of You’ while he attended one.
Although, when Chalamet turned 18 and moved to London, he settled down and devoted to Art in a calm boarding school.    
“Months later, just after he decided to agree a kind of armistice with his realm, Alana comes to his life… And everything because of me.”
The water had ceased falling and Tom reached a towel, drying his face first and breathing deep while blaming himself.
“But this motherfucker is not in Europe. This is New York.”
Summer 2018
Seventy summer nights together. Perhaps Shakespeare, Nancy Meyers, and the whole bunch of screenwriters who wrote romcoms about summer loves were right. And she’d confirm it a thousand times… She hadn’t felt better in a long long time.
Alana chuckled and bit her lower lip from time to time as she reviewed her phone gallery with all her on-the-road memories.
He had told her this was his favorite, thus he set it as his lockscreen.
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This was Paradise. Although the deal was road tripping, some luxury wouldn’t do any harm. She couldn’t even believe the beauty in the view their shared suite enjoyed.
The sound of the glass door from the shower made her immediately smile as the picture of Timothée with a towel wrapped around his waist filled her eyes.
He smiled at her too and turned around to open the mirrored cabinet and look for his Hugo Boss cologne. Once he found it, he poured some over his hand and dispersed it around his neck.
“Ready for your surprise?”
Alana smirked. Her eyes had been focused on his movements she didn’t expect that.
“What? You didn’t tell me”
“Oh, it’s true. I forgot to tell you about your surprise, maybe cause that’s what surprises are. A SECRET.”
“You’re a bad bad guy for not telling me.”
He walked towards her with a mischievous smile.
“But I’m YOUR bad guy.”
Timothée approached slowly and then captured her lips with his in a long and soft kiss. He cupped her face in his hands after pulling away.
“Go, babe. Get ready.”
Now was her turn to take a shower. Life couldn’t be better.
“Oh God. Timothée you didn’t…”
Alana was open-mouthed as she looked through the window how the limo drove them to the front door of the auditorium. A big poster announced tonight’s event: The 1975 in concert.
He rejoiced in his success for making her that happy.
“I did, darling. I did.”
“But- wh- how?”
“Let’s just say Matty Healy owed me a favor.”
“You know Matty Healy? Oh, dear heaven…”
Once inside the complex, another surprise came for her; Matty reserved them special seats in the front row. This had to be a fucking dream, one Alana wanted to never end.
The lights were all off, only a few white shadows were visible. Some guitar chords resonated. And suddenly, a blue neon light lit up the stage. Robbers characteristic sounds shouted making the whole crowd crazy and she couldn’t help herself but joining them.
Timothée just looked at her, at the shine in her eyes reflecting those lights and felt his heart melt. When he remembered the lyrics, he also joined the crowd and the woman next to him.  
The group played a lot of songs more, connected, laughed and played with their audience. Matty even mentioned them:
“A few friends of mine are here tonight. Hope you’re enjoying this. ARE YOU ENJOYING THIS PEOPLE?”
As the end of the night came closer, the illumination changed slowly until a violet-pink light colored the stage and a kind of white smoke covered the arena. One more song and it’d be over.
It was ‘Somebody Else’. Alana’s favorite song from The 1975. Her eyes went watery as a soft smile wrote over her face.
He felt it too. Countless times he had told Matty this was their best song ever, so when it began playing Healy looked at him and blinked an eye before singing.
Timothée pressed his body against hers with her back touching his chest. He wondered if she could feel his fast heartbeats. Though she did nothing, but wince at his touch that only sent shivers down her spine.  
He was a few inches taller, so his breath moved some strands of her hair. His hands ran down her arms until it reached hers and hold them as both crossed their fingers; hand to hand. Slowly, he led their arms to raise them above their heads and move with the music.
And if there’s a thought, it was a lie.
Two bodies, two souls, two hearts. Dancing together. Being one.
“Let’s keep dancing, let’s do it”.
Matty said to the audience, but Timothée felt the message had been more for him because he saw the way he danced with Alana. Yeah, he perfectly knew what Healy wondered and he was right; The King fell in love.
Backstage, Timothée introduced Alana to The 1975 members.
“You guys enjoyed the concert?” Matty asked as he grabbed a bottle of water.
“Hell yeah. It was amazing, you guys are AWESOME.”
Her smile was infinite. Almost nothing in the world would make it fade.
“Thank you, thank you. And what are you both doing? I mean, you wanna join us at the after-party?”
The couple looked at each other’s eyes and immediately knew the answer; they wanted to spend the night together at the hotel.
“Maybe next time, Matty. But thank you.” Timothée answered as he nodded to his friend.
“The King shall rest.”
The singer and Timothée shared a masculine hug before Alana took a picture of them with her Polaroid.
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“Was a big pleasure seeing you, man. And hope to hear more from you, Alana; you gotta be The Queen.”
Alana stood before the mirror and started removing pins from her hair.
“What a night. I still cannot believe it.”
“Pure magic”, Timothée said standing behind her and slowly approaching to retake the same contact as in the concert.
Both looked at their reflection and stayed in silence for a minute before she turned her face to meet her lips with his in a soft kiss.
“Do you love me?”, she asked.
Instead of answering, he kissed her again but desperately this time. Her back hit the nearest wall as he deepened the kiss and unfastened her robe before kissing her neck.  
But suddenly he stopped. The Killers Mr. Brightside’s chords coming from her purse interrupted the moment; her phone was ringing. She reached for it and her face paled when she saw the name flashing on the screen; Tom Holland.  
She tried to collect herself, speechless as hesitance prevented her from making what her memory commanded her almost instinctively. Her thumb struggled between two choices; she answered, obeying her brain’s will.  
Alana winced at the sound of his voice, though she couldn’t utter a word. Timothée stood behind her as he smoothed his hair back with both hands, confused and frustrated.
“If you’re listening… Oh God, I-I-I don’t know what time is in your location, maybe it’s late or… not,” he began with jitters and hesitance cracking his voice. “Listen, it doesn’t matter if you’re a couple hundred miles from Japan… I was wondering if you have plans tonight.”
He made a pause, waiting for an answer or at least a reaction on the other line, but Alana kept frozen in her place, so he took a deep breath to encourage himself and continue.
“Maybe we could talk. Please, let me explain what-”
“Stop!” Alana exclaimed with an angry yet broken voice and hung up the phone.
She stood there for a couple of minutes more, with her eyes glued to the window view facing the darkness of the ocean at night. And when she finally faced Timothée, who had his eyes fixed on her, she swallowed hard. His eyes widened at the sight of her face, pale as ghost.
“I’d like to get some fresh air… Alone.”
He nodded with a slight worried frown. It was clear she had to make an effort to utter a word. He leaned against the couch, letting a sigh escape from his mouth.
The phone rang again. Mr. Brightside’s chords again over the bed.
Timothée answered.
“Alana? Please, listen to me. I-I-I’m so sorry.”
As soon as he heard a male voice, and even more after listening the weak apologize, his blood boiled.
Who the hell ever dared to hurt her?
He clenched his jaw when he read the name; Tom Holland.
When Alana crossed the door and entered their suite, a huge relief relaxed every muscle of Timothée’s body. A part of him told him not to, but he couldn’t help himself on pulling her into a tight embrace.
“Thank you.” She whispered over his shoulder before pulling away. “I’m sorry for leaving like that…”
His eyes were filled with tenderness for the woman standing face to face.
“No need to apologize, Alana.”
“Yes, I have to. We were having OUR moment and he suddenly calls with perfect timing and everything came back…”, a knot formed in her throat and her voice broke against her will.
Timothée immediately placed his hands over her shoulders, ready to pull her again and protect her. Only God knew what he was capable of if that man placed a finger on her without consent.
“What? He did something to you?”
Even though her voice was now recovered, he could tell it wasn’t easy for her to talk about it.
“Not exactly. There’s a stupid site called Gossip Girl that makes public everything that happens on the Upper E…”
Her lower lip trembled, perhaps as a sign for trying to keep the calm. So he made a decision; no more pain.
“It’s alright, you don’t have to tell me right now if you don’t want to.” Alana fixed his eyes into his in utter silence. “This is your fresh start.”
“A fresh start.” She nodded.
“The past is on the past”, he gently grabbed her by the chin. “Don’t feel you gotta tell me everything that happened before we met… Let’s make a deal, okay? Like… Hakuna Matata.”
She chuckled. And this relieved him in more than one way.
“No worries, no bad experiences, just today. Present is all that matters.”
“That sounds promising”, she said with a soft smile spreading across her face.
His thumb caressed her chin while both stared straight into each other’s eyes.
“It does, yeah. So… deal?”
Timothée holded her right hand and kissed it as he promised himself he would never let her go.  
The Palace. Present Day.
The terrace was crowded by those distinguished guests who were, in Mrs. Howarth’s opinion, indispensable to celebrate her daughter’s return.
Tom had arrived earlier than everyone hoping she’d come with her mother. But she didn’t. People started arriving and there was no sight of her. He was sitting at the Palace hotel bar, taking a sip of scotch as he tried not to check his phone again. One hour. One hour late to her own party.
Just when he was about to believe she wouldn’t come; a waiter tinkled a glass to gain everyone’s attention and music stopped. His mother and Margot Howarth stood mid-stairs with a microphone each in their right hand.
“Good evening”, his mother said.
“Thank you for being here, it’s a pleasure for us to…”
Margot’s voice was in the background while Tom kept glancing in every direction to see if Alana was around. But the face he recognized from the pictures made him grip his scotch glass a little too tight; Timothée Chalamet. What was he doing here?
“Well, she doesn’t really need an introduction. Ladies and gentlemen, my daughter Alana Howarth.”
The words resonated in his ears as Tom instinctively turned his face at the stairs. Everyone clapped joyfully.
“Thank you, mom. And thank you, Mrs. Holland. I’m so glad for being here with all of you…”
Still not a minute went by when her voice seemed to have everyone under a spell, as always. Her charm to connect with people had always been her strongest gift.
“…hope to rejoin the Olivia Howarth Charity Foundation and serve our people as it’s meant to be”
More claps. People loved her benevolent soul.
As she walked down the stairs, Alana made eye contact with Tom, but she looked away almost immediately, paying attention to Blair Waldorf and the couple talking with her.
Wind wasn’t blowing in Tom’s favor.
Alana had done everything in her power to keep herself busy eating canapes and talking about the beautiful flowers or the dress of Mrs. Perkins with every guest. With this luck, the night would end before he could approach her.
The clock read 9:40 p.m; it was now or never. Tom walked towards Serena van der Woodsen who was standing with a group of people, however when she saw from the corner of her eye her godson, she excused herself and turned to meet him.  
“Auntie, I need your help”, Tom said handing her a glass of champagne.
“What is it, Tommy?”
She stared at him with a worried look on her face.
“You see that guy over there?” He glanced at Timothée’s direction talking with Chuck Bass and a couple more businessman. “I need you to distract him so I can have a word with Alana.”
“Oh, I saw him today with Chuck Bass. He’s his nephew.”
“I know. Would you talk to him while I’m with her, please?”
“He’s not with Alana, why don’t you just simply ask her?”
His eyes traveled the whole room.
“It’s… complicated, auntie S.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll do it, but please Tom don’t make a scene”, Serena placed one hand over her godson’s elbow. “It’s classic of Gossip Girl haunting for something in parties like this one.”
He nodded as putting on a smile and taking a step back from her.
“Don’t worry, auntie S.”
Serena went to the canape table and grabbed two, one for Chuck and one for her, then she headed up to their direction. Timothée welcomed her.
Fortunately, Alana was with a group of women who appreciated him very much. Confident of himself, he took a deep encouraging breath and he took three long strides to stand before her.
“Good evening, ladies.”
A couple of them raised their eyebrows, but they welcomed him nicely.
“Oh Tom dear, we were just talking about high school.”
“Thank God we graduated”, he chuckled, and the group joined him in his polite laugh. His charm might not be as powerful as hers, but it worked, and he used it. After the laugh faded, he cleared his throat. “Alana may I have a word?”
He got her. Fuck. The only thing left for her was nod and force a smile.
“Excuse me.”
Tom led her to a balcony away from the party, not without looking around to make sure no one saw them. In the midst of nervousness and excitement, Tom missed a pair of green eyes watching from the other side of the terrace.
Once outside, Alana turned to face him; she wasn’t chickening out this time.
“Tom, please don’t do this.”
He raised his hands as an innocent man would do in front of a cop.
“I just have to say something, please”
Her eyes were locked on his while she shook her head as if begging him not to press his finger over the wound.
“Don’t, don’t go there.”
“You just need to hear it.” He took one step to be closer to her, and when his mouth opened his voice had a soft sound. “I’m sorry, Alana. For that night. I never wanted to disrespect you or make you feel so bad for you to leave the city and…”
“I didn’t leave because of that!”, she cut him off.
His lips parted, looking genuinely confused. She shut her eyes for a brief moment before letting go a tired sigh.
“Jesus! What happened was the drop that spilled the glass. One day I woke up and… I didn’t want my life to be the way it had been with Gossip Girl shouting every party I hosted or even if I sniffed.” Alana swallowed hard and prayed her courage wouldn’t let her voice fail. “I… thought it’d be enough if I just stayed at the edge, but on Valentine’s…”, a complex mixture of rage and sadness were threatening to crack her voice, but she collected herself before tears flood her eyes. “The very person I cared the most about… showed me this world wasn’t for me cause no one would be truly a friend.”
She let the words hit him as she bit her lower lip in a last attempt not to cry. It still hurt.
“And, you know the rest.”
Silence set between the two of them. Tom was shattered; she had trusted him, and he failed her. He failed. And her words explained a lot of things but one. Tom tried to swallow the knot that formed in his throat.
“So, why you came back?”
“My aunt Blair told me Gossip Girl’s gift for Upper East Side grads was a clean slate for college. That’s why I’m here. A new beginning in New York, with my family.”
“I called you a thousand times and you were mad with me.”
Alana exhaled loudly and her rage seemed to come back for a second.
“I was, right. I knew you had feelings for me, and that night I expected you’d do something. And you did, but under alcohol’s effect. In front of the whole class with their phones out.”
“And I would never forgive myself for that”
Once more, Alana shut her eyes trying to control herself. When she got it, her eyes opened with a calmer pace and saw a dark knight walking towards them. Tom had his back to him and didn’t feel him coming.
“The past is in the past, Tom. Wish you a good life.” She administered the coup de grâce.
“Alana, please…”
Tom lifted his right hand to caress her arm. But Timothée’s hand stepped in the way, pushing his hands away before he could touch her.
Alana rolled her eyes, tired of this drama. She glanced at both men and moved a strand of hair out of her face.  
“My dad should be wondering where I am”, she said as she brushed past Timothée making his shoulder move.
As soon as she left, Tom pushed sharply away Timothée’s hand with pursed lips and clenched jaw.
“Who the fuck you think you are to interrupt us?”
Timothée stared at him with a quirked eyebrow, challenging him as a mocking smile threatened to set free at the corner of his lips.
“Would say it was over before I came.”
“Listen to me you…”
But his sarcastic feature changed in a blink of an eye into serious, taking a step closer to him.
“No, YOU listen to me; you got your opportunity and you lost it.”
“Use your words carefully, you’re not in Monte Carlo anymore”, Tom warned him.
“Yeah, that’s what Google Maps says”, Timothée raised his eyebrows as he nodded with a smile.
“Alana would’ve never trusted you if she knew every thing I know about you”, Holland furrowed his eyes while putting his hands inside his pocket.
“And you think she’d believe a word you say?”, Chalamet scoffed. “Wake up, Thomas. She’s not under your mercy anymore.” He enjoyed the face Holland made, speechless. “Do yourself a favor and move on.”
Though, the prince reminded himself his advantage.
“You don’t know her at all. No matter how much time you’ve spent together, the good stuff is on the details and that’s something you won’t get.”
This hit Chalamet hard.
“Are you threating me?”, the European king asked sounding annoyed.
“I’m warning you”, now Tom used Chalamet’s same attitude with raised eyebrows and a smirk.
The atmosphere got heavier as both young men stared at each other with rage overflowing from their auras. But before one could do anything else, Nate Archibald walked towards them with a drink in his right hand.
“Tom? Here you are. Serena’s been looking for you. She’s inside.”
Whether Serena was indeed looking for him or not, Nate prevented him from making a scene and so, Tom had nothing to do but walk away with Nate.
Alone, Timothée stared at the amazing view.
“New York, New York”
The identity of the mysterious airport handsome man was revealed; Timothée Chalamet. But our prince is not delighted by his presence. Looks like Manhattan’s Elite might quake with their outstanding chemistry to light a bomb up.
Alana, you did have fun in your year out… Enjoy your clean slate. I know it won’t take much time for you to dirt them up.
You know you love me, XOXO
Gossip Girl.
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TAG LIST: (tagged those who asked but feel free to let us know if you want to be removed or added)
@clairesrainbow; @noobmaster63; @claryaki; @silverscreenkid; @vogueworthy-barnes; @persefoneaurispa ; @izdevett ; @mae-petite-etoile ; @tpwkal; @meliketozier; @aliceinwhateverland; @justcallmenameless; @kathrynisadogperson; @loricwizardbluetoastedcake; @vintageroses1014516; @im-not-edgy-im-just-pretentious; @xlilmultiimaginesworld; @sunnygubler; @agentcvrters; @adorablehumanbeing; @goingwiththewind; @rachel-mc11; @candycxorn; @bruvberta; @justficsandstuff
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scorpio-skies · 5 years
Interview with an OC -Nora Hart
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(I was tagged by the lovely @lothrilzul and very likely other people but my inbox is messed up and I lost track T^T But thank you very much for thinking of me! ♥ ) 
Tagging: @eluvisen @mrninjapineapple @sociallyacceptablemadness @ariejul @alexaberkeley @marvilus73 @prezs @mars-colony @charomiami @leporidaefluff @solesurvivorkat (feel free to ignore if this is your second tag -- and if you have yet to do this dear reader, then consider this your invite and tag me >8D)
Important to note; this is Nora from an upcoming collab-fic and she’s not the sole survivor in this verse! (Honestly this is my favourite universe and story for her so there’s a lot different from her typical canon!)
1. What is your name?
“Nora Hart, at your service! Lucky to my friends!”
2. Do you know why are you named that?
“My actual name, not a clue. My nickname though? I once won several jackpots in New Vegas, survived a lot of things I shouldn’t and have yet to lose a game of cards. Scout tried to rig a game once and somehow his card ended up in my hand and I won again. It’s like magic! But that’s why they call me Lady Luck!”
3. Are you single or taken?
“Taken and part of a happy family -- I would introduce you to our daughbear, but Sarge is doing his side of the parenting right now.”
4. Have any abilities or powers?
“Well, there’s my luck, obviously. Kammie says I have gift for making dangerous friends but uh… we don’t talk about Richard. Oh! Also there’s my ability to get out of the boring jobs! Can’t be a member of Houdini Squad if you can’t break in or out of places, right?”
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
“...I’m Nora Hart? I thought we weren’t drinking in this interview… do you need a lie down?”
6. What’s your eye color?
7. How about your hair color?
“Black -- maybe dark brown? It gets a little warmer in colour when I’ve been in the sunlight too long. I did not appreciate that Nuka-World sunshine by the way, no sir.”
8. Have any family members?
“Houdini Squad are my family -- and Kaelyn and Nate! If I had to narrow it down further, Sarge is my partner, Hayley is our daughbear, Kammie’s my brother. Sure, we’re not blood but our bond’s stronger than that and his Ma and cousin adopted me when I was in the Mojave, so!”
9. Oh? How about pets?
“Let’s see there’s the radstags, Sarge’s babies Maisie and Booker, Blanche the radgull who lives on our porch, Luna and Celeste the cats… You’re waiting for me to mention Hayley, aren’t you? Well, let me tell you that little bear is our daughter, not our pet. She’s also a member of Houdini Squad so… check your bag before you leave.”
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like?
“Needles, I… and I don’t like the dark overmuch, or ferals. Or raiders. I really, really hate raiders… ugh can we just… next question!”
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
“Good switch! So I like to hang out with squad, play hide-and-pray when we’re skipping duty and Sarge comes looking -- that’s gotten harder, by the way. Think he’s finally realised how to use that voice and those eyes and… and I also like raising animals! Training the radstags! Trying to teach Hayley to be better behaved, but let’s be real. Those big brown eyes and little round earses and pawsies! How can you call her a bad bear! She’s the best bear! Queen of the bears!”
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
“... I’ve hurt more people in more ways than I can count. And I don’t wanna talk about it.”
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
“Yeah. It was always in self-defence though, and you don’t survive a place like Nuka-World without getting blood on your hands...”
14. What kind of animal are you?
“A magpie. I’m gonna be straight with you. I see a shiny? I like the shiny, I take the shiny. But I do it fairly through buying or gambling!”
15. Name your worst habits?
"Oh boy this might take a while… so I clearly have a gambling problem. I mean, it’s not a problem coz I never lose but I know I do too much of it. I tend to want to adopt every animal we encounter, I guess I can be kinda judgemental, yet ironically I definitely befriended one of the absolute worst people on the planet...”
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
“Sarge is one helluva leader and keeps us all together and I adore him. Kammie’s always had my back and has great intentions -- and Kaelyn. I’d be dead several times over and worse without her. She had to make some ugly but necessary calls and she always did it for everyone else, never herself. I don’t know if I could be so selfless, but I admire her greatly.”
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
“I’ve only ever been with Sarge, but I can appreciate everyone!”
18. Do you go to school?
“Never went -- feels like I’m there when Sarge makes us stand in the naughty corner to think about what we did and write him an essay though.”
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“I’d love to get married and have kids, yeah, but… I don’t know if I can have kids of my own, and I don’t know if Sarge is ready to get married yet. But that’s okay! We have our daughbear and she’s beautiful!”
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
“Well, not to brag but I did gain a small following in New Vegas who wanted to bask in my winnings! Kinda felt embarrassing though. Houdini Squad are all the cheerleaders I need!”
21. What are you most afraid of?
“Being abandoned and left alone.”
22. What do you usually wear?
“My hat, a duster, some riding gear and body armour with a few hidden weapons… yeah, I never grew out of the habit after Nuka World…”
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
“Snack Cakes! They’re just great, y’know? Sweet little pieces of heaven you can eat!“
24. Am I annoying to you?
"Nah. You’re nosy but I like you! You bought me lunch for this interview!”
25. Well, it’s still not over!
“Good! I don’t think the others are done setting up your ‘surprise’ yet.”
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
“Honestly thanks to the winnings in New Vegas, I’m probably high class. Definitely new money though, I mean the looks those Upperstanders give me when I prove I can buy their houses, sheesh!”
27. How many friends do you have?
“Too many to count! I have eight I can fall back on without question though, and they’re the ones that matter most to me.”
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
“Pie is second only to snack cakes -- Dandy Apple pies mm-mmm!”
29. Favorite drink?
“Sunset Sarsparilla! I mean, I love how Nuka-Cola flavours glow and all, not so much how they make your teeth and tongue glow too...“
30. What’s your favorite place?
"Ever been to Sunshine? Me, Kammie and Sarge own it. We’ve turned it into a beautiful ranch and its just an amazing place to live. Safe, beautiful and surrounded by my animals and family. Who could want more than that?”
31. Are you interested in anyone?
“Already told you I’m with Sarge, and I’m exclusive when it comes to relationships.”
32. That was a stupid question…
“Well, I mean, you called me Mary Sue earlier so its not the worst thing you’ve said so far...”
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
“Oh god how about neither? You ever seen a queen or king lurk before? How about a gatorclaw?“
34. What’s your type?
“Kind, compassionate, brave, intelligent, believes in the greater good and fights for those they care about… I don’t know, just go see Sarge! I never met anyone else like him, but he’s my type!”
35. Any fetishes?
“Yeah, okay. This is the most stupid question! That stuff’s private you kinky radrat!”
36. Camping or outdoors?
“Camping is more secure and you can get plenty of outdoors while camping, so why not both?”
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sublimecatgalaxy · 3 years
la vie en rose: Part 7 (of many)
-Pairing: Fezco (Euphoria) x reader
-Summary: Holy crap, so much happens. Reader has a bad trip, Ashtray almost gets some action, protective!Fez (extremely), and, uh, well, cliffhanger. Fez finds out about her dad.
-Warnings: Swearing, injury, addiction, sexy smoochin', ANGST, heavy drug use, mentions of abuse, reader's asshole of a dad. I feel like me saying cliffhanger as a warning is now mandatory.
-Word Count: 7.4k
IMPORTANT A/N: I'm back with more. This part, a lot happens. Also, see you guys after tonights episode! I'm so excited to see your guys opinions and rants. I just wanted to also put a warning or put this out there so you are all aware. I used to, and still do, struggle with drug abuse and dependency. I do attend NA meetings and work to maintain my sobriety. All of the situations where the reader is doing drugs, it is me speaking from personal experience and is very personal and near and dear to my heart. With that being said, there is HEAVY drug use in this chapter. Please be kind.
Playlist Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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Weeks passed, the ever present tension between Fez and I fizzling out as we learned to be in each other's presence without wanting to jump each other. Rue and Jules haven’t picked up on anything, they’re completely oblivious to the extreme sexual tension invading any room that we’re in together. The only ones who seem to know anything are Ashtray, Nate and Sienna. Sienna can’t seem to shut up about Fez and I, especially since the night of my birthday. I think it’s exciting for her to be able to see me happy and excited about something.
With every passing day, the urge to ask him when is an appropriate time for us to be together grows.
And the thought of him also counting down days doesn’t help.
“Hey you good?” Rue asks, bumping into my shoulder as Gia and Sienna walk in front of us. The sun sets on the street in front of us, the shadow of the shop becoming more present as it gets darker. I nod, sending her a reassuring smile as I look up at the sky, the pinky purple color filling me with comfort. “I wonder what Ash is gonna have to offer me today.” She grins, her ever present drug issue sparking no worries to those around her. We’ve been trying our best to keep her on a pretty tight leash, especially since I learned of her OD last summer. Fez is away of the amount she can have and buy. And if he’s aware of it, I’m sure Ashtray is too.
Gia and Sienna giggle to each other, stepping up onto the platform before sitting their butts down on the concrete. The cool air of November runs through my bones, making me pull my hoodie string tighter around my face. Rue opens the door slowly, the ring of the bell startling me as I step into the small room. Ash sits behind the counter, rolling his eyes at Rue.
“Really? You back already, bitch?” He asks, clicking his tongue as he shakes his head at her. Does that mean she was here recently? Why hasn’t anyone asked the obvious question in the room; where does she get the money to sustain her obvious problem? Looking at me, Ashtray sends me a wink before looking past us. “Aye yo, Fez! Yo girls is here!” He yells and my cheeks heat up, looking to the ground as Fez enters the room from the back. Patting Rue on the back, his eyes don’t leave me as he sits behind the counter next to Ash. “Whatchu gals want?” Ash asks, unamused as he sits back against his stool. Looking up, a smile on my face, Fez sends me a sly wink. I giggle, shoving Rue as she steps up to the counter. She clears her throat, digging in her back pocket as she sighs.
“We want LSD.” Rue slaps money down on the counter and I snicker, leaning against the cool doors of the cooler. There was probably a smoother way that she could’ve gone about that. Maybe with a please or thank you would’ve helped. “Please.” There it is. Fez’s eyebrows raise, his eyes darting from Rue to me. His eyebrows are pulled together, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. Anger maybe? Disappointment maybe? “We have money, we want a fun ass trip.” She grins, reaching back to me to highfive me. I giggle, watching as Rue continues bouncing on her heels. She looks back to me, her eyebrows raised as she looks for back up.
“You,” Ash looks at me, his face shocked, “want LSD?” He squeaks and I nod quickly with a shrug, watching as the boy turns to his brother. They share a quick moment, a whole conversation happening behind their eyes. “Nah.” Ashtray shakes his head, Rue’s jaw dropping as she turns to me, unsure of what to do. My face twists up in confusion as I step up to the counter, resting my arms against the counter. Reaching in my pocket, I pull out another fifty dollar bill, slapping it in front of the kid.
“You give us drugs, I give you twice as much of what it’s worth, and,” I pause, thinking for a moment before snorting, “I’ll show you my tits.” I offer, Rue chuckling next to me as Ash’s face becomes beat red. Knowing I had won, I shrug slightly, my eyes flickering up to Fez who’s jaw is angled and tense. Jealous?
“Deal.” Ash snorts without a second thought, reaching under the bar and pulling out two pouches of pills, containing two pills each. Licking my lips, I grin at Rue who does a victory dance, just happy that we’ve won in the first place. But before we can celebrate, Fez places his hand on the pills before Rue and I can take them, his face unamused.
“You’re not taking these.” Fez looks at me, his eyes stern and unwavering. Are you asking or telling? I pout at him, my bottom lip jutting out as he shakes his head at me. “Don’t look at me like that, mamas. You’re not taking these.” He repeats, Rue looking between us, her eyebrows furrowed as I huff. “Don’t pout.” He points at me, slipping the pills off the counter as he looks to Rue. “Stop trying to turn her over to the dark side, yo. She don’t fuck with that shit.” He reprimands, annoyed in the first place that she would come in here with me and ask for something as crazy as a hallucinogenic.
“But dude,” Ash pouts, reaching over to punch Fez on the arm, “I wanted to see tits. Give them the pills, yo!” He yells and Fez rolls his eyes, shaking his head. Standing my ground, I fold my arms over my chest in defiance.
“Fez.” I huff, gaining his attention. His blue eyes flicker over to me, unruly and annoyed. “Give me the drugs so I can show your little brother what a good pair of boobs looks like. Look at him!” Fez scoffs, rolling his eyes, looking at Ash who pouts like a baby, his eyes wide and pitiful. Rue chuckles loudly, clapping her hands as she watches the scene go down. Making his way around the counter, Fez steps directly past Rue and stands in front of me in just moments. His chest heaves up and down as his jaw clenches.
“I told you to go easy on me, woman. This ain’t easy.” He whispers, his eyes flickering down to look at my lips as he seethes.
"I'm not actually going to show him my tits Fez, he's a kid. Work with me here." I hiss, his face relaxing a bit. I raise my eyebrows at him, trying my best to convince him.
“Ya know what, fine.” Reaching in his pocket, he pulls out the baggies. Grabbing my hand, he places the baggies in my palm as he turns to Rue. “But you’re takin’ that shit here and I’m watching you two.” He orders and Rue pouts, throwing her head back as she groans loudly. “Shut it, you.” He looks to her, not leaving his spot in front of me. “Ash, go walk their sister’s home.” He demands and Ash pouts, looking at me for help. Sending him a shrug, Fez looks back at Ashtray after a few moments of defiant silence. “No tits, go.” Fez points at the door, before looking back at me, his head tilted. Moments later, we watch the teens leave the front of the store, making their way down the street. Rue reaches past Fez, grabbing the pills from my hands as she runs into the back room, leaving Fez and I alone.
“Why? You jealous?” I ask quietly, going on my tippy toes to get to his level. He chuckles sheepishly, shaking his head as he opens the door for me to follow Rue.
“Get yo cute ass back there.” Grabbing my upper arm, I giggle as he pushes me back towards their dealing room. The lights dim as I make my way further back, Rue sitting on a beanbag, looking at the pills in her hands. “You two both take one and sit yo asses down.” He sits down on the desk, watching as I sit down on the beanbag next to Rue, taking a pill from her. Giggling loudly, I take one of the baggies, opening it up. Peeking up at Fez, he holds his breath nervously as Rue downs one of them quickly, whistling along to the music as her body absorbs the substance. His eyes lock with mine, his eyelashes fluttering as he blinks slowly, nodding toward the pill.
“You’re not gonna take advantage of me when I’m all high and hanging off you right?” I tease him, listening to Rue giggle, her hand coming over to slap my thigh. Fez tilts his head at me, his eyebrows raised.
“Behave, ma.” He whispers, watching as I take the tablet out of the bag, placing it on my tongue and swallowing it. “So, got any questions?” He asks, looking between the two of us and we cuddle up together, our legs intertwined.
“What are the effects?” I ask quietly, closing my eyes as anxiety ripples through my body.
“Uh,” he pauses, looking up at the ceiling as he ponders, “dilation of pupils, hallucinations, confusion, headaches, nausea, irregular or fast heartbeat, fever, increase in breathing, vomiting, sweating or chills.” He rattles off, my eyebrows widening as I look over at him. “Regretting it yet?” He asks with a ‘told you so’ smile. I shake my head proudly at him, looking at Rue who seems to be asleep. “I won’t let shit happen to ya. You’ll be fine.” He reassures, giving me a slight nod as he makes his way to sit down next to me. “Lemme know if you’re feeling shitty, though.” He asks and I nod, reaching under my shirt to reveal the gold chain around my neck. He grins, looking away from me bashfully. “Shit.” He chuckles, rubbing his face with his hands as my fingers play with the dainty piece.
“I like it a lot.” I smile, my legs swaying back and forth in front of me as I gaze at him, him looking right back. Glancing at Rue, her snores now very present, I giggle quietly. “Is she just gonna sleep through the whole thing?” I ask and he nods, knowing his friend better than anyone. “So just us, huh?” I ask, my voice timid as he gives me a warning glance. “I didn’t say anything!” I giggle, holding my hands up in surrender as he huffs.
“Ash will be back soon.” He shrugs simply and I nod, understanding what he means. “You should start to feel it within the next half an hour.” He tells me, his foot bumping against mine as he plays with the strings on his hoodie.
And boy did it kick in.
My body feels as if it has an internal vibration going on, my legs twitching uncomfortably. I groan, looking at Rue who continues to sleep, not fazed at all by the heavy drug coursing through her system. Fez’s gaze goes from his phone to me as I groan again, his eyes widening in concern. Before I can explain what’s happening, he notices the twitching in my legs, the uncontrollable movements driving me crazy. Giving me a slight laugh, he moves himself so he can sit against the wall directly next to me, placing my legs in his lap.
“Just look at me.” He whispers, his voice seemingly ten times louder than usual. The buzzing of the cooler bounces off the inside of my head, my eyes closing as I wince. “Whatchu feeling?” He asks quietly, noticing my censoring issues as his hands soothe over my twitching muscles in my bare legs. My mouth dries, the saliva drying up as soon as my lips part.
“Loud, uh, I feel like everything is breathing a-and I’m shaky.” I whisper, my eyes closing as a wave of nausea rolls over me, my forehead dripping in sweat. “I feel jittery but tired at the same time. Like I want to close my eyes but if I do, I’ll be aware of what every single thing my body is doing. Like I’m no longer on autopilot anymore.” I explain further, my voice slurred and he nods, reaching over to tug me off of the bean bag, my arms limp next to me.
“Come ‘ere.” He mutters, pulling me to his side as he wraps an arm around my shoulder. Keeping my legs across his lap, I cuddle up to him, the sound of his heart beat comforting me. “I wanna warn you though, this ain’t the worst part.” He whispers, his hand rubbing up and down my back, chills running down my spine. I take a deep breath, trying to stay calm as his words ignite fear in me. “Whaddya need?” He questions quietly, his lips brushing against my temple as I groan once more, seemingly not in control of it. Hearing someone enter the room, I look up to see Ash standing over us chuckling. “She’s havin’ a bad trip, punk, don’t make fun ‘a her.” Fez orders and I hear a small ‘sorry’ come from the kid above us, watching as he sits down across the room. The boys talk for at least ten minutes, my mind and the distortions that my mind is creating make this experience even more uncomfortable for me. Swirls of light and color swim around the room, every time I move my eyes, another beam of light comes across my vision. Closing my eyes, I attempt to make it go away but instead, the visions are even more vivid.
“Fez.” I whimper, sitting up abruptly as I press my palms into my eyes. He follows me, his hand on my back as he gently presses a kiss to the side of my head. “I’m such a pussy.” I groan as the boys laugh quietly at my insult. The colors of the room all swarm together as I open my eyes, squinting as I turn to look at Fez. His freckles stick out more than usual, the site of them actually managing to calm me down a bit.
“You countin’ my freckles, kid?” He asks with a small chuckle, watching as I nod, leaning back down as he holds me gently in his lap. “Alright, whatever helps ya.” He laughs, looking up to Ash who just snickers.
“Pipe down, asswipe, you didn’t see my tits.” I call out to Ash who, just by Fez’s shocked expression at me, must be pouting. My words seem delayed in my mind, the action of the words leaving my mind to leave my lips is a slower process than I thought.“And they’re so great, so your loss.” I mutter, my eyelids feeling heavier than normal as I tuck my head into Fez’s strong shoulder. He gently runs a hand through my hair, minutes passing by as if they were hours. Enjoying his arms around me, I try my best to sink into the feeling.
“You okay? You been quiet for like twenty minutes straight, man.” I hear a voice above me ask and I open my eyes to see Fez peering down at me, his eyes full of concern. Smiling softly, I reach my hand up, my finger landing on his nose as I giggle. “Alright, she’s okay now.” He chuckles, moving to set me down but I shake my head, making noises of defiance. Gripping onto his shirt, I tuck my head back into his shoulder, humming happily. “Alright.” He whispers, tugging me into his lap as I curl up even more.
“I feel like I’m flying and dying at the same time.” I giggle into his shirt, feeling him chuckle underneath me. “You smell really good.” I lean back, looking up at him, my face tingly as he blushes gently under the dim light. Seeing Ash walk by us and out of the room, I smile up at Fez. My fingers come up once more, linking around the chain that’s around his neck. Toying with it, he watches me intently as the world swirls and spins around me.
“You’re hella fine.” He whispers, his large hand running up and down my side. “I told you to go easy on me, to behave.” He whispers, pointing out that I’m obviously doing neither of those things. “You just can’t listen, huh?” He chuckles as I roll my eyes sassily at his remark.
“Daddy issues; It makes me have issues with authority.” I wink, continuing to twirl the chain between my fingers as his eyebrows raise. “Oh did me going for guys who are three plus years older than me and the fact that I’m pretty angry all the time not give it away?” I ask, my eyes closing as I crane my head to look at Rue. Sound asleep. Lucky bitch. He snorts, moving me so I lay back, my head gently resting on the bean bag. My body is still mainly in his lap, my legs curled up.
“What’s your daddy gotta say about these issues?” He asks teasingly but I shrug, frowning.
“Probably doesn’t even know what time of day it is, let alone how old I am.” I snort genuinely as his eyebrows pull together in confusion. Fuck, too much info. “Sorry,” I whisper, his eyes watching me as I find the right words to say to deflect this conversation, “‘sober’ me wouldn’t be okay with ‘high’ me giving out this sorta info to someone who isn’t going down on me on a regular basis.” I shrug, feeling him tense up beneath me, his head thumping against the wall behind him as his eyes close in a laugh. Watching him, the drugs somehow enhancing every move he makes, I grin. His chest rises and falls quickly, his eyelashes bouncing against his cheek as he blinks rapidly. We sit in silence for a moment, the sexual tension making the room twenty degrees hotter as I smirk, my lip tucked between my teeth.
“You mean as fuck, you know that?” He whispers breathlessly and I chuckle, sitting up the best I can to maintain eye contact. He gulps, shaking his head at me. “I told you to be patient. Here you are, though.” He reaches up gently brushing some hair off of my cheekbone, his fingertips trailing against my skin. My skin burns in the wake, a thin sheen of sweat covers my body. He looks between both of my eyes, shaking his head slightly. “You mean.” He whispers and I smile happily, just happy to be this close to him. “What? Why you smiling so much, huh?” He chuckles softly and I shrug, leaning forward to rest my head against his shoulder, wrapping my arms around his arm, humming quietly.
“You just always take care of me.” I whisper, my words slurring together as my head pounds. He hums in acknowledgement, his thumb rubbing circles into my calf. We sit in silence for a few moments, the let down of my high slowly but surely fading. “I’m starting to feel more normal.” I mutter, Fez tilting his head to look down at me, a small smile on his lips.
“Good, cool.” He responds simply, nodding as his hands continue to rub up and down my leg. Sitting up, I rub my eyes gently, yawning. I turn to see Rue, her eyes flickering open as she looks at Fez and I. She smiles contently, nodding at the both of us.
“Y’all are so cute.” She whispers, a blush covering my face as I slide off of Fezco’s lap and onto the ground next to him. “How was your high, Y/n?” The tired girl asks me as she sits up, her legs stretched out in front of her.
“Rough. Fez helped though.” Sending her a smile, I feel Fez shift next to me. He stands up abruptly, his head turning to listen to whatever is going on in the store. When I hear the yelling, Fez looks at me, giving me a warning but Rue and I are already standing, making our way through the alley and into the store. Fez pushes past us as I see who Ash is fighting with. When his eyes connect with mine, I let out a loud scoff, catching the attention of everyone in the room. Fez looks at me, confused, his hand reaching under the counter for the gun when I shake my head. He gives me a confused look, almost saying ‘why not?’.
“Oh shit.” Rue mutters, backing herself up behind the counter and behind Fez as I step further into the store. When my father sees me, his eyebrows pull together bitterly, a sneer dancing on his chapped lips. He claps his hands, leaning against the counter as he waits for me to talk.
“What’re you doing here, dad?” I ask, my arms crossed over my chest as my dad looks down at me, towering over me by at least a foot. He rolls his eyes, looking at Fez and then to me. “Get out.” I point at the door but as my arm crosses in front of him, he grabs my wrist in his fingers, gripping me tightly. I cry out, ripping my hand away from him as anger bubbles in my system. The room still rocking a bit, I let out a bitter laugh, feeling the tension from Fez as he steps behind me, his hand on my back.
“You dress like a whore and now you hang out with drug dealers?” He hisses, his eyes glazed over from the copious amounts of alcohol that he must’ve taken in today. His words slap me across the face and I huff, looking down at the floor. “Never thought of you being a groupie for a gangbanger, but then again, you’re just like your mother.” Without thinking, my hand lifts up, my clenched fist busting across my fathers face. His frail body falls to the ground as I follow him, my fists pounding against whatever I can hit. Hearing Rue’s screams and Fez’s grunts as he tries to pull me off of my father, tears flow freely from my face. My fathers hands claw at my face, trying to fight me off but I just close my eyes. I thought I was winning, that is until he raises his hand, wrapping his fingers around my neck as he shoves me against the wall. My head slams against the concrete wall, tears filling my eyes as my ears ring. I watch through blurry eyes as Fez and Ash peel my father off the floor, throwing him out the door as Rue locks the back door. Hugging my knees to my chest, my throat screams in pain, my pain whimpers barely leaving my throat. Surprisingly, this isn’t the worst thing he’s done to me.
“What the fuck was that?” Rue screams, kneeling down in front of me, her hand on my knee as I thrash uncomfortably. “Oh my god.” She whispers, gently reaching up to cup my cheek as I look at her. Her eyes water as she looks at me, her eyes scared and jaw dropped. “F-Fez!” She calls out through a stutter, my heavy eyes fluttering shut as the commotion continues in the small room.
“Oh god.” I hear Ash mutter, and I open my eyes to see him covering his mouth, taking a step back until his back hits the counter. Quickly, Fez falls to the ground in front of me, his eyes wide and worried as his hands cover over my shaking body. “Fez.” Ash mutters and Fez shakes the boy off, turning to Rue.
“Get outta here. Get Ash out of here.” He whispers to her, my mind fuzzy and confused as Rue stands up, tears streaming down her cheeks as Ash rushes from the building. I want to ask what’s wrong, why he’s so panicking. He’s seen people injured, even at his hand. “Hey.” He whispers, his head dipping to catch my fuzzy gaze. “You’ll be okay.” He whispers, bile rising in my throat as he looks over my frame. “We’re gonna get you outta here.”
When we arrive at Fez’s apartment, I’m half unconscious.
I’m not even sure how I managed to get into the car in the first place, or on his couch. All I know is that I’m wrapped in a thick blanket, Fez kneeling on the floor in front of me with a first aid kit to his side. His flat is small, it has a seventies vibe and the lights are dim as I shiver. His nervous glances and silence continue to make me even more nervous. Even throughout the whole process of him cleaning up the scratches and cuts on my face, he doesn’t say a word. Was he mad at me?
“Say something.” I croak out, my throat hurting worse than it did moments ago. He bites his bottom lip, taking a deep breath as he looks over my face. “He wasn’t always like this.” I whisper, reaching forward to gently place my hand on his cheek, catching his attention. He shakes his head, standing up as he removes my hand from his skin. Feeling rejected, I fold in on myself, tears leaving my eyes again. So fucking fragile, aren’t I? “Fine. If you’re not going to talk to me, I’m going home.” I throw the blanket off of my shoulders as Fez stares down at me, his eyes angry. I stand up carefully, my legs wobbling beneath me as I crane my neck, my eyes watering at the pain. I pick my purse up off of the floor, making my way past him and towards the door.
“Stop.” He mutters, following closely in my footsteps. Before I can open the door completely, his hands force it shut. His nose brushes against my hair, his quiet, annoyed sighs are the only thing I hear. I feel a hand on my hip, my head leaning forward to rest on the door. “Does he do that shit a lot? To you or your sis?” He asks quietly and I can tell it’s taking everything in him to not leave right now with a gun and hunt him down. I gulp, my throat hurting as I answer.
“Yeah, it’s not the first time, nor the last.” I whisper, sniffling loudly as my eyes trace the cracks at the door in front of me. Fez huffs, gently spinning me around so he can look down at me. “There’s a lot of shit you don’t know about me.” I mutter up at him, his eyebrows pulling together as he shakes his head. “There’s a lot of things I don’t know about you. We all have those things we don’t tell people.” I huff, explaining why he didn’t need to know the deep, dark details. “I don’t need to give you any more reasons to avoid me or never be with me.” I scoff, my eyes teary as I stare at our shoes, watching as he shifts his weight nervously. He ponders for a moment, shaking his head as he chokes out his words.
“Mamas,” he whispers, squeezing my hip gently as he continues, “I deal to him.” He confesses, ashamed as I look up at him, my heart beating crazy against my chest. I deal to him, what the fuck is that supposed to mean- oh. “I didn’t know he was your dad.” He shakes his head, trying to explain but I laugh bitterly, reaching up to cover my face with my hands. I’m so goddamn stupid. He takes a step back from me, his hands resting behind his head as he watches me process the information he tossed on me. Realization punches me in the face, realizing this is why my father has been so distant lately, so cruel and mean towards Sienna and I. I shake my head, pointing my finger at him.
“You were right.” I mutter, watching as he stops shifting, his eyes confused. “There’s a line. And we crossed it.” I choke out, my body trembling as his face drops. He shakes his head quickly, marching up to me as he continues to shake his head, his eyes closing. “We crossed a line, and I got too attached and-” My words get caught in my throat as my chest aches, knowing full well that I don’t believe my own words. Fez’s hands wrap around my waist, pulling me to him as his breathing shakes.
“No, you’re not too attached.” He whispers, trying to talk me out of my own words. My hands hover over his back, knowing that if I hug him, I’ll be done for. Tugging me closer to his body, my heart breaks at his worried gasps. Worried that he lost me completely. “Don’t say that, don’t. I wasn’t right, I’m never right. I don’t give a shit about the line’s, boundaries, fuck them.” He pulls back, his hands not leaving my hips as he stares down at me, his eyes teary. “I’m sorry. I’m so goddamn sorry, Y/n.” He whispers, my bottom lip trembling at his frantic apologies. “Let me make it up to you, please. I’ll do anything.” He offers, his face resembling a kicked puppy as I whimper.
“Fez, I’ve been waiting for almost two years. For you.” I tilt my head at him and he nods, knowing full well.
“And I haven’t?” He asks, his eyebrows furrowed and a frown on his lips. “You act like you’re the only one waitin’, like I just like the chase or some shit. ” He scoffs, shaking his head as he reaches up to cup my cheeks in his hands, the sting of my cheeks distracting me from his sad eyes. “I need you, l-like I need air. I am so stupid for you, woman.” He fumbles, his eyes closing as he rests his forehead against mine.
“I don’t want you to get in trouble.” I explain and he nods, understanding. “I just feel like this stupid child who’s got a school girl crush on someone who doesn’t even know she exists sometimes.” I add and he shakes his head, laughing under his breath at my ‘silly’ words.
“You’re not the only one waiting..” He trails off, biting his lip nervously. “Waiting to kiss you, to hold you, to- shit.” He takes a deep breath, his head falling onto my shoulder as he hugs me tightly. “I’m sorry, I’ll tell Ash to tell your dad to get lost next time, I won’t put up with him coming in and asking for shit and I won’t let him hurt you.” He promises quietly, my heart finally giving in as I wrap my arms around his neck. “You told me you was gonna go easy on me and you haven’t. We can’t get in trouble. Can’t have people asking questions.” I nod, my hands balling up his shirt in my fists. “But you are no secret to me. That’s why I gotta wait, why I can’t even give in to you now. Because once you’re mine,” he pauses, lifting his head for his eyes to meet mine, “everyone is gonna fucking know.” He chuckles tearily as I roll my eyes playfully at him. “Just some time to make it seem like I wasn’t just waiting for you to turn 18. No being alone with each other, no looking at me with those eyes you give me.” He bumps my nose with his, reaching up to brush my tears off of my cheeks. I pout, trying my best to bat my lashes at him. He snorts, rolling his eyes. “But you gotta put up with it if I gotta. I won’t stop being territorial though, and I won’t hesitate to beat the shit outta anyone who hurts you. That’s just me, feelings or not involved, ya know?” I giggle breathlessly, feeling him remove his hands from my cheeks as he takes a step back. He looks at me from a few feet away, his eyes conflicted as I smile at him softly. We stand in silence for a few minutes, the buzz of the fridge the only noise filling the room. Nervously, I tug my lip between my teeth, making Fez’s eyebrows raise in temptation. “Fuck.” He mutters, reaching forward to grab my hand in his, pulling me against his chest. He quickly captures my lips with his, a quiet gasp leaving my lips as he hums, his hands resting on my lower back, mine winding around his neck to pull him even closer to me. My nails scrape against his scalp, a quiet moan leaving his lips as he backs me up, my back hitting the wall abruptly. My head spins as I grin, parting my lips gently to deepen the kiss. Taking me by surprise, and taking the wind from my lungs, his tongue gently brushes against my bottom lip. His hands wander my back and my hips, one trailing down to the dip of my ass. He gently pecks my lips a few times before pulling away from me, my lips following his. Before he can go to speak, I shake my head.
“Just shut up, stop thinking and kiss me.” He looks shocked at my words, a small laugh leaving his lips as I tug him back into a hungry kiss. The weight of the last few years leaves my shoulders as I grin. He groans quietly as my hands travel down his chest, and down his abdomen, resting on the top of his belt. Gasping, he pulls back, looking down at my wandering hands as I giggle devilishly.
“You’re mine, whether or not you can be yet.” He pulls back, his ocean eyes not leaving mine as he grins. “But you gotta behave, and I mean it this time.” He repeats sternly, my eyebrows raising in protest. “Okay?” He steps back, holding his pinky out and my heart warms at the childish promise. Pouting playfully, I wrap my pinky around his, my heart beating happily. “Okay.” He huffs quietly, leaning against the fridge as I look to the ground, my head swimming with happy thoughts, the taste of weed still on my lips. “Oh and you and Sienna are moving in with Ash and I.” He adds quickly, catching me off guard as I look at him, confused. Before I can protest, he speaks up again.``If I see your dad again or you crying cuz of him, I’m putting a bullet ‘tween his eyes.” He replies simply, his eyes dark as he watches me move towards the kitchen, my teeth gnawing on my lip. “So text her, tell her to pack her shit up and we’ll head over later. Her and Ash will get along, right?” He asks but I’m still shocked at his offer, or demand. I nod, still taken by surprise. “Don’t act so shocked, ma. You know I’d do anythin’ for the people I care ‘bout.” He smiles softly and I grin, looking down at the phone in my hands, nodding.
Me Pack up your stuff okay? All of it. We’re getting out of that hellhole.
I text her simply, shoving my phone in my pocket as I look back up at Fez. He’s sifting through the fridge, his fingers bouncing against the plastic of the handle.
“We should probably grab food before we get her.” He chuckles sheepishly and stands up to close the door, looking around the apartment. “I’ll get Ash to hide all the sus things here so your sis stays safe and ignorant.” He adds and I let out a nervous laugh, thankful that he thought of that before anything happened. “There’s probably something I should show you, alright?” He offers, motioning for me to follow him closely. He leads me down the hallway, the pictures of him and Ash and a woman lining the hallway as he stops in front of a door. He hesitates, sneaking a glance at me before opening the door, holding it open for me to look inside.
An older woman lays lifelessly in a hospital type bed, pills scattered around her on her bedside table. My face flushes, confusion filling my mind as I ponder why she’s here and who she is.
“My gram.” He whispers, his hand resting on my back as he continues. “Not really sure what happened. She was a spitfire one day and the next, like this.” He explains quietly as I watch her chest rise and fall rhythmically, suddenly feeling terrible for Fez and Ash. I never knew. I always wondered how he managed to get an apartment being in the business that he is and because he didn’t have legal custody over Ash, I always wondered how his living situation worked. Now it makes sense.
“Fez, I’m so sorry.” I whisper, looking up at him as he sends me a small smile. “I’ll help in any way I can.” I offer, not sure what else I can offer him, especially if I’m going to be living with him under the same roof as her. He nods gently, reaching forward to shut the door, back us up as he continues to lead me down the hallway.
“We have an extra room, I can always kick Ash outta his room if you guys want-” I shake my head, placing my hand on his arm as stops walking. I try my best to convey that he doesn’t have to do this, but he just looks down at me with a sigh. “Jus’ let me do this for you, alright? You guys have had it rough. Lemme take care ‘a you.” He whispers, both of us hearing my phone buzz in my pocket. Opening it, I swipe to see Sienna’s message, smiling at her response.
Sens :) Don’t tell me we’re living with your sugar daddy? Cuz if we are, I’m gonna need a refill on my anti anxieties to keep up with your freakouts.
Actually, maybe you’ll leave me alone if you’re distracted ;)
Giggling loudly at her antics, I hand the phone to Fez as he reads over the message. A light blush covers his cheekbones, shoving the phone back into my hands as he chuckles nervously. He avoids my gaze, nervous, sheepish chuckles leaving his lips.
“So you talk about me?” He asks as he opens the door to his right, guiding me into the dark room as he flicks on the light. I grin at him, nodding as I look around the room. It’s simple, a queen bed in the middle and a few pieces of furniture. “There’s a bathroom in there.” He points to the furthest door against the wall and I nod, smiling as I look around the homey room. “It okay?” He asks quietly, rubbing the back of his neck gently as I look around. Making my way into the room, I throw myself onto the bed with a giggle as he watches me. He leans against the doorframe as I nod happily.
“It’s perfect, sweetheart.” I whisper, looking up at the ceiling as he comes to sit down next to me.
“Shit, yo.” He whispers with a laugh, his hand gently splaying over my thigh. I gaze at him, looking between his cute face and the strong hand that is gripping my thigh, I grin. He frowns though as I bat it off. He huffs, falling back on the bed to lay next to me. Turning my head to look at him, now realizing how many freckles he has under this light, his eyelashes casting a pretty shadow on his cheeks. “Having you under the same roof, calling me cute names is not gonna to be easy on me. Imma have a heart attack by the end of this.” He laughs, his chest rumbling as he runs a hand over his tired face.
“It’ll be okay. I’ll try my best to close the door all the way when I’m changing.” I snort, watching as he rolls his eyes playfully at me. “Thank you. For taking care of me and Sens.” I whisper, reaching over to take his hand gently in mine as he smiles.
“You my family. I take care of family.” He whispers, his voice soft and it melts my heart. “How’s your neck?” He asks, his eyes trailing down as he gently reaches over, his finger hooking under my chin to lift my head. “It’s nasty lookin. I’m just proud that you got a lotta good hits in.” His fingers gently trail over my neck as I close my eyes, the feeling warming me to my core. “I wanted to kill him the minute he touched you.” He grits, his jaw tense as he gazes softly at me. For some reason those words start a fire in me, his lips drawing me in again. This is going to be the longest wait of my life.
“It’s okay.” I whisper, watching as Fez lifts our hands up, his eyes trailing over the bruises that line my wrist. “Fez, I’m okay.” I repeat, taking his attention away from my wrist. I can tell that he’s angry beyond belief but he’s trying his best to keep it inside so as to not to freak me out. Such a softy. “He mostly does it to me. He’s only thrown a glass at Sienna and that was years ago. I take it so she doesn’t. You get that, I know you do. I know you’d do the same for Ash.” He nods, biting the inside of his cheek knowing that I’m right. Feeling my phone buzz, I huff, reaching in my pocket to open it.
Nate :D Hey, Rue told me what happened at the shop, you all good? I’ll kill that douchebag.
As long as you're with Fez or Jules, I’ll let it go.
“It’s Nate, just checking up on me.” I hand the phone to Fez, his eyebrows pulling together in confusion at my offer. “You hate Nate. Nate and I are friends. I wanna show you he’s no threat.” I shrug gently and he pauses, looking at me with a shocked expression. Suddenly he breaks out in a grin, taking the phone from me, reading over the message. He nods appreciatively, pondering for a moment before handing the device back to me. “I don’t hide things. I mean, not stupid stuff like that anyways.” I chuckle, quickly sending a response back to Nate.
Me I’m okay. I promise. Sienna and I are gonna stay with Fez and Ash for the foreseeable future. I’ll keep you updated. Promise.
“For as big of an asshole that he is to everyone else, I’m happy he’s not like that to you.” Fez mutters quietly, a bashful blush on his cheeks as he gazes up at the ceiling. “Now no one will fuck wit’ you. Between Nate and I- Yeesh.” He laughs and I grin, sitting up on the bed as I look back at him happily.
Hours later, Fez drives down my street, one hand on the steering wheel, the other firmly planted behind my head. Our plan was to get in and out without the confrontation that I’m sure is going to happen anyways. It’s a toss up with my father. Sometimes he’s too drunk to even form words, but sometimes he’s just angry. Nerves swarm my head as we approach the corner that my house sits on, my leg bouncing up and down nervously. Fezco’s hand moves, gently setting it on top of my jittery thigh.
“He’s not gonna touch you.” He grits, adjusting himself as he grips the steering wheel tighter. I look out the window, the dark sky growing even more ominous as I see someone sitting outside of my house. The scene outside my small suburban house is shocking. Bile rises in my throat as I unbuckle, hearing Fez curse under his breath. Things, clothes and miscellaneous items, are thrown all over the lawn and as we get closer, I see Sienna, her face in her hands. The door is wide open, and it’s quiet. Before Fez can even park across the street, I’m out of the car, marching up to the lawn. Sienna looks up, hearing the car door slam behind me, her eyes red and sad. Her curly hair is disheveled as she wipes her face with her trembling hands.
“What did he do?”
A/n: My dudes, I am so sorry to leave it off like this. I like to watch you guys squirm. I really do. Let me know in the comments if the tags are working properly now. I think they weren't in the past.
Also, if I fulfill my requests for non-Euphoria characters that I write for, do you think that'll gain me more views/followers? This is only my third day on tumblr (with this account) and I have no clue how this all works still lol.
Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @alex--awesome--22 @grxnde-dwt @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @distantsighs @poohkie90 @tsukishimawhore @peter-maximoffs @szlaco @jjsredhat @spinkspanther @taysirene
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