#mathew cuthbert
gilbert: I love you <3
anne: no I actually gave you a concussion when I hit you with the slate and now you're just delusional
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irene-with-a-gaze · 2 years
Shirbert Fanfiction
Although no one asked, here are my top favourite Anne Shirley-Cuthbert/Gilbert Blythe fanfictions:
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1. all this time (how could you not know?) Rating: T / Status: unfinished
2. champagne problems Rating: G / Status: One shot
3. dancing with our hands tied Rating: G / Status: Ongoing
4. don’t kiss me (unless you mean it) Rating: T / Status: unfinished
5. drive me crazy Rating: G / Status: Completed
6. explain the infinite Rating: T / Status: One shot
7. in which anne socks billy Rating: T / Status: Completed
8. please don’t cover my barbed wires, untangle them  Rating: T / Status: Ongoing
9. possibility and choice Rating: G / Status: Completed 
10. say my name, don’t ever stop Rating: G / Status: Completed
11. spin that bottle (land on my heart) Rating: G / Status: Completed
12. strangely ours souls are constructed Rating: G / Status: Completed
13. the wee tragical love tales of saturn Rating: G / Status: One shot
(much of them, i realize now, are inspired by taylor swift songs)
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i just finished anne with an e and omg, it’s so so so good and funny and heartwarming. the ending was *chef’s kiss* wonderful, i love it.
AND IT IS MUCH GAYER THAN THE BOOK SERIES AND I LOVE IT. anne is so bisexual, like the way she and diana were holding hands, blowing kisses, and saying that they love each other is so gay??? aunt josephine is a lesbian and cole is gay?? i fucking love it.
im in depths of despair because the show is cancel and there wont be a season 4
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emlynphoenix · 1 year
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Was anyone else traumatized by Matthew dying, and needed to know if Anne with a E was going to make you relive the trauma, or is it just me?
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hitchell-mope · 9 months
Oh Annie. You know he doesn’t mean it know that.
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crabtreee · 4 months
Hi I’m going insane is that R.H. Thomson (Mathew Cuthbert in Anne w an E) in tonight’s episode? Thx in advance.
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shannyh25 · 1 year
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“I suppose your Mr. Mathew Cuthbert. I’m Anne Shirley. Anne spelled with an e.” Lucy Maud Montgomery quotes- Anne Of Green Gables.
Follow me for more inspiration! 💜💕
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pie-shenanigans · 2 years
Current asthetic goal: the farmhand Marila and Mathew Cuthbert thought they were getting.
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penguicorns-are-cool · 5 months
my assignment was to diagnose a fictional character but turns out I was supposed to make it brief so now I have to delete most of this. I don't want to though so instead I'm just moving it to Tumblr
Anne Cuthbert has ADHD
Anne Cuthbert is an orphan girl who was adopted by Marilla and Mathew Cuthbert. Anne is often characterized by her imagination and tendency to daydream. A significant part of her growth in the book, Anne of Green Gables, is learning how to manage her daydreaming and forgetful nature. Anne is often theorized to have ADHD among other conditions. Anne of Green Gables follows Anne from the ages of eleven-sixteen, so any behaviors that persist throughout the book have been present for over six months. 
Throughout the book, Anne often makes careless mistakes because she is distracted, daydreaming, or just forgot. Throughout the book, she manages to forget the flour while baking a cake and to burn a pie because she forgot it was in the oven. Marilla notices early on that while doing chores Anne will often start daydreaming and forget to finish her task, sometimes wandering off, a habit which Anne improves on but which still continues throughout the series. One of the biggest signs of Anne’s ADHD is how much she talks. Anne is constantly talking with rants that often take up a whole page or two. She is known to interrupt conversations because she gets distracted by her own thoughts and surroundings, and because of this, people tend to think she isn’t paying attention and her conversations are oftentimes one-sided because she talks too fast for others to keep up with her. She is also incredibly impulsive. Throughout this book, she breaks her ankle falling off a roof because of a dare, dyes her hair green by accident (this was a bigger deal for Anne than it would be for us because Anne’s culture sees hair dye as vain and wicked), and accidentally jumps on her friend, Diana’s elderly aunt who was sleeping in bed. 
These symptoms affect Anne’s home life when she accidentally ruins dinner or fails to complete chores because of her forgetfulness, and her social life when her impulsivity and talkativeness lead her to offend the wrong person for reasons she is not always sure of. Though we do not see Anne for much of her life before the age of twelve, we do see that she had all of these symptoms at age eleven, and Anne’s occasional references to being punished for talking or daydreaming in the past tell us that she’s had these symptoms for years. 
Anne meets all the diagnostic criteria for ADHD. Using only evidence from the book, Anne has Predominantly Inattentive ADHD, but I do believe if she were to be assessed in real life she would be diagnosed with Combined Presentation ADHD. Though no disorder explains these symptoms as well as ADHD, it is likely that Anne has comorbid disorders, especially considering her traumatic upbringing.
Inattentive Traits:
Anne is often forgetful in daily activities leading her to make careless mistakes
Often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, at work, or during other activities (e.g., overlooks or misses details, work is inaccurate).
Is often forgetful in daily activities (e.g., doing chores, running errands; for older adolescents and adults, returning calls, paying bills, keeping appointments).
“The last time I made a cake I forgot to put the flour in.” Anne was 11 at this point and flour is a pretty important ingredient to just forget.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” said Anne penitently. “I never thought about that pie from the moment I put it in the oven till now.” If this were an independent incident I would consider it normal, but this is part of a trend of Anne forgetting dishes for meals or to start heating up food ahead of time. 
“My besetting sin is imagining too much and forgetting my duties. I’m striving very hard to overcome it and now that I’m really thirteen perhaps I’ll get on better.” Anne recognizes that her forgetfulness which leads to careless mistakes is a significant issue in her life. 
Anne often gets distracted by her daydreams and surroundings in the middle of tasks.  
Often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities (e.g., has difficulty remaining focused during lectures, conversations, or lengthy reading). And Often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace (e.g., starts tasks but quickly loses focus and is easily sidetracked).
Often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace (e.g., starts tasks but quickly loses focus and is easily sidetracked).
Is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli (for older adolescents and adults, may include unrelated thoughts).
Marilla observes that, “​​her most serious shortcoming seemed to be a tendency to fall into daydreams in the middle of a task and forget all about it until such time as she was sharply recalled to earth by a reprimand or a catastrophe.” At this point in the book, Anne is eleven and has just moved to her new home so it could be argued that this is appropriate for someone of her age going through a major life change. However, Anne has spent her entire life caretaking and doing chores for other families so it’s reasonable to expect her to be better able to focus on the chores Marilla assigned to her. Additionally, though Anne learns to manage her daydreaming by the end of the book, this behavior continues throughout the series.
“Anne, who had not been picking gum at all but was wandering happily in the far end of the grove, waist deep among the bracken, singing softly to herself, with a wreath of rice lilies on her hair as if she were some wild divinity of the shadowy places, was latest of all.” When the rest of her class was picking gum from a spruce grove, Anne wandered off and ended up late for class
Anne often seems like she is not listening
Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly (e.g., mind seems elsewhere, even in the absence of any obvious distraction).
“Well, I guess I’ll light the lamp and get to work,” said Marilla. “I see plainly that you don’t want to hear what Miss Stacy had to say. You’re more interested in the sound of your own tongue than in anything else.” This is one case of Anne seeming to not listen when someone is talking to her. At this point Anne is 14 and Marilla is trying to tell her something but Anne keeps getting distracted by her own thoughts and interrupting so much that if Marilla didn’t know Anne well by now, she would assume Anne wasn’t paying attention. 
Hyperactivity Traits:
Anne is known to talk excessively and interrupt in conversation
“But am I talking too much? People are always telling me I do. Would you rather I didn’t talk? If you say so I’ll stop. I can stop when I make up my mind to it, although it’s difficult.” At this point in the book, Anne spends a long carriage ride in a one-sided conversation with Mathew, who is quiet and rarely speaks. As the book and series continue, Anne grows to talk less, but she is still known to ramble on for pages at a time on occasion. 
“That is what I want to tell you, Anne, if you’ll ever give me a chance to get a word in edgewise.” Anne also often interrupts. This is from one instance when she was 15 or 16, but her tendency to interrupt in conversation continues throughout the series.
Often talks excessively.
Often blurts out an answer before a question has been completed (e.g., completes people’s sentences; cannot wait for a turn in conversation).
Often interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g., butts into conversations, games, or
activities; may start using other people’s things without asking or receiving permission; for adolescents and adults, may intrude into or take over what others
are doing).
Anne tends to go too fast for others to keep up
“Oh, she can talk fast enough.” The biggest example of Anne’s hyperactivity is her talking. She not only talks excessively, she also often talks too quickly for others to keep up. 
There is one part where Anne is doing patchwork and talks for ten minutes straight, but the passage is too long to put here. Though Anne learns to talk less as she grows up, her inability to stay quiet through boring activities was significant enough to count as a symptom. 
Is often “on the go,” acting as if “driven by a motor” (e.g., is unable to be or uncomfortable being still for extended time, as in restaurants, meetings; may be experienced by others as being restless or difficult to keep up with).
Often unable to play or engage in leisure activities quietly.
“Marilla. I was walking the ridgepole and I fell off. I expect I have sprained my ankle. But, Marilla, I might have broken my neck. Let us look on the bright side of things.” Anne walked on the ridge of a somewhat high roof because she was dared to
“Now, then, what did you do to your hair?” “I dyed it.” “Dyed it! Dyed your hair!” Dying hair may not seem as impulsive now as it was for Anne. Anne lives in a culture where it is very frowned upon to dye your hair and where hair dye isn’t as common or reliable.
“That it was all my fault about jumping into bed on you last night. I suggested it. Diana would never have thought of such a thing, I am sure. Diana is a very ladylike girl, Miss Barry. So you must see how unjust it is to blame her.” The jumping on the bed incident was when Anne convinced Diana to run and jump on the guest bed with her without realizing Diana’s elderly aunt was sleeping in it. 
Though none of these specifically fit into any of the remaining hyperactive-impulsive symptoms, Anne is incredibly impulsive and would likely tick off more of the listed criteria if my view of her life wasn’t limited to what was included in the book. Because I feel some of the criteria couldn’t be checked off here just because either the detail was irrelevant to the book, such as fidgeting, or the culture of the time and Anne’s childhood circumstances would’ve likely forced her to mask those traits early on, such as walking away when she should be sitting, I’ve decided to include these moments of impulsivity as extra context for Anne’s character.
Several inattentive or hyperactive-impulsive symptoms were present prior to age 12 years.
Though Anne is only under the age of twelve for a short period of time in this book, she does exhibit all of her symptoms when she is eleven and it is implied that she’s dealt with many of these symptoms for years. Anne occasionally mentions how she was punished for talking too much or making careless mistakes in the past
Several inattentive or hyperactive-impulsive symptoms are present in two or more settings (e.g., at home, school, or work; with friends or relatives; in other activities).
This one is difficult because very little of Anne’s school life is shown in the book. Most of her symptoms are clearly present both at home and with friends.
There is clear evidence that the symptoms interfere with, or reduce the quality of, social, academic, or occupational functioning.
Yes. Anne’s carelessness and daydreaming affect her ability to do chores around the house and she has ruined at least two cakes and one pie due to carelessness while baking. Anne’s talkativeness and impulsiveness have also led to her offending others without meaning to or realizing it. 
The symptoms do not occur exclusively during the course of schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder and are not better explained by another mental disorder (e.g., mood disorder, anxiety disorder, dissociative disorder, personality disorder, substance intoxication or withdrawal).
While Anne may have other disorders, which should be looked into especially considering her traumatic upbringing, it is more likely that Anne has comorbid psychiatric disorders than a disorder that explains these symptoms better than ADHD.
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irene-with-a-gaze · 2 years
words are gorgeous
Is it just me, or are the titles of the AWAE episodes and music tracks just simply scrumptious? 
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and... !
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acorntops · 1 year
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#FantasyIndiesJanuary (@l.v.russell_author @ChesneyInfalt) Facts about my WIP, An Impossible Dream... 1. Chapter title "Lovely Night" references Rogers & Hammerstein Cinderella 2. The jokes about butter churning were inspired by Are You There God It's Me Margaret ("We must, we must, we must increase our bust") 3. Mathew is named for Mathew Cuthbert from Anne of Green Gables 4. Lettie's name was inspired by Lydia from Pride and Prejudice 5. Chapter title Safe Place to Land references the Sara Bareilles song of the same name #animpossibledream #bebookseries #wipfacts #writingfacts #writingcommunity #writerscommunity #writingofinstagram #authorsofinstagram #authorgram #booksofinstagram #bookstagram #bookinspiration #writinginspiration #readersofinstagram #readingcommunity #readerscommunity #readingofinstagram #wipwednesday #authorchallenge https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn0Z1OVvY7I/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ninonlitaussi · 2 years
Anne de Green Gables (T.1): « Âme de feu et de rosée, elle ressentait les plaisirs et les peines de la vie avec une intensité décuplée. »
Anne, orpheline, se retrouve sur un malentendu chez les Cuthbert qui voulaient un orphelin pour aider Mathew aux champs. Et si au départ, elle ne devait pas rester, la jeune fille rousse va finir par y trouver sa place. Anne, avec un E, de Green Gables est un roman frais où la jeune héroïne nous est attachante. (more…)
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irondad-not-ironsad · 2 years
One of my favorite parts of Anne with an E is when we’re shown Marilla and Matthew try and figure out how to be parents. It shows us that it’s not a skill that one automatically has, but something they put effort into, and while they make mistakes they’re both doing their best to do right by Anne
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darkroyalcoresblog · 2 years
And even if things go wrong you'll still have Avonlea in your heart.
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aliciatudors-love · 2 years
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Tv show memes 1/30 :Anne with an e 2017
"No one but you can is allowed to dictate your own worth"
"It's not what the world holds for you, it is what you bring to it"
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sakura-83 · 3 years
Things from Anne with an e that I feel like writing down
Season 2 Episode 2: Signs Are Small Measurable Things, But Interpretations Are Illimitable
1. Pasty white Canadian salt is too spicy lookin Gilbert Blythe goes to Trinidad
2. He is strong though so that’s something
3. Bash telling him he’s so skinny a good breeze will knock him over
4. Gilbert’s favorite foods are potatoes and boiled crab with salt. White boy in the 1890’s syndrome
5. “What’s wrong with that :(“
6. “I don’t think I’ve ever had a hot pepper in my life.” “Yeah, you? Your little dry-up body would go to war against itself!” “I think I could handle it.”
7. The way Gilbert furrows his eyebrows and cocks his head back in like. Amused confusion
8. Bash’s sad childhood
9. Gilbert sees one horse and is like “beautiful I’m gonna pet it right now.” Like thanks farm boy
10. Gilbert being. Naive to how the world works, to the idea of racial prejudice because he’s never seen it
11. The fact that even though slavery has been outlawed in Trinidad, Bash’s mother never left
12. Anne’s sweater is so cute honestly
13. Nate using the “you’re more mature than most kids” tactic on Anne.
14. Him gaslighting her until she lies to herself about seeing it
15. Nate flirting with Marilla is SO WEIRD
16. Cinnamon toast
17. “Any morning we don’t find ourselves in the grave should be celebrated.”
18. The cuthberts refusing the gold testing until later on
19. Matthew giving Anne money for a new slate
20. “Technically I broke it defending myself!”
21. “Ah, children. So precious, so expensive.”
22. Anne trying to prove to Nate that she isn’t a child. This is all textbook grooming that I acknowledged before as a whole but I never looked at individual tactics
23. Anne’s horror stories of the haunted woods
24. Jerry grinning while he takes care of the horses
25. COLE!!!
26. I’m realizing that bash appeared so suddenly that I don’t think I acknowledged his first appearance so uh. BASH!!!
27. Billy’s great and witty insults such as “hey sissy” and “Rembrandt” how clever. Haha.
28. Coles got a strong arm
29. I like how Mr Phillips has a thing for theatrics but cannot read aloud in any interesting fashion
30. Cole is really good at art oh my god
31. Josie Pye being hardcore conservative :/
32. Mr Phillips needs to stop hyping himself up as if he’s good as his job
33. Anne picking up Cole’s book
34. Cole writing in excessively flourished cursive out of spite <3
35. Poor Gilbert is a hungry growing boy feed him!!!!
36. Gilbert eating a mango with skin because why waste it if it’s still edible also the way he bit into it was so funny I’m sorry
37. The way Gilbert holds his little newsboy bag with both hands
38. Gilbert calling hazel ma’am and her being surprised
39. “They don’t feed you on that boat, Gilbert Blythe?”
40. Poor bash getting sent away by his own mother in favor of, yet again, someone else’s children
41. Marilla doing her hair differently but not really knowing how to do it differently. It looks really nice though!
42. Matthew staring at her like she’s crazy
43. “There’s no boy more sad and handsome than Gilbert Blythe.”
44. Cole being alone reminding Anne of herself and therefore she just claims him into the group
45. The other girls sitting with them because Diana has strawberry tarts
46. Josie pretending to get invited to sit with the older girls
47. Cole being genuinely happy
48. “C-A-T- cat! Mr Cuthbert, look! I write English :D”
49. Matthew being genuinely proud of him but only bro he able to express it by giving him Anne’s old slate
50. Anne’s imagination is so vivid she practically believes it all herself, as do her friends
51. The dark furred fox!!
52. Mr Dunlop is such a good actor I genuinely thought when I first watched this show that his aunt really did die
53. Mr Dunlop giving her a fountain pen!!!
54. I hate when Nate is having a good day
55. Poor Eliza panicking to plan this party
56. Mary Joe having to explain that alcohol in cooking is only for flavorings
57. The fact that the word fiddlesticks existed back then is so funny
58. Mr Dunlop turning the piano music pages for Diana
59. Matthew keeping a wary eye on Nate
60. Every time they say Nathaniel I laugh
61. Mr Dunlop singing with Diana
62. Nate reusing the same pickup line to manipulate multiple women
63. Mr Barry signing all his money away
64. Thomas Lynde eating all the sweets
65. Mr Dunlop deciding genuinely to stay in Avonlea
66. Nate trying to steal from the Barry’s and getting caught by Minnie May
67. Nate complimenting Minnie May to manipulate her and getting kicked full force
68. Anne lighting 10 entire candles and then trying to sleep with them lit
70. I was wrong it’s more like 18 candles
71. Marilla leaving her with a lit lamp for comfort
72. Eliza not feeling like her husband listens to her concerns for not only her but their children as well
73. “I couldn’t bear never seeing London again.”
74. Matthew accidentally sneaking up on people
75. “I want us to give Anne a farm, a while one. And she can dig it up after we’re gone, if she wants.”
76. Matthew telling Anne that she’s safe being enough to put her to sleep
77. Gilbert and Bash’s dynamic is so great
78. Gilbert laughing about how Anne hit him over the head
79. “She should’ve done more than whack you.” “Wonder if I’ll ever see her again.”
80. Cole drawing Anne because the ink spots remind him of her freckles!!!!
81. Marilla saying good morning to Jerry. She’s come a long way from episode 1
82. Matthew giving Jerry the old slate and some chalk to practice English on!!!!!
83. Anne’s pen spilling ink when she finally tries writing a letter to Gilbert
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