#nathan barone
d4isywhims · 11 months
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meet the roommates!
oliver is already friends with three of them since he went to uni first, but airene (the sim on the right) and aria are freshieeees
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jasvvy · 6 months
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livelaughlovelams · 1 month
So I was just doing some calculations, right?
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But, uhm..
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Okay bbg I'm sorry I love you but.... Uhm...
Uhm... Okay no my head actually physically hurts🩵
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super-lupus · 10 months
If Mark is the king of FNAF (rightfully so) can Nate be the prince?
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Fuck! This.....is... hot. (Not Kurt or Sacha lol), but Nathan....holy hell..❤️‍🔥
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miru-has-thoughts · 6 months
Axiom and Nathan did it!!!!!
But I'm sure the wolf dogs are breaking up 😭
AOP...please don't destroy my flippy bois 😭
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pierre-reads-comics · 6 months
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Avengers (1963) #6 — Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
"A solution for Adhesive X!! I never thought of that! If anyone can find it, the Avengers can! And, if I can steal it from them...!!"
So, wait, your initial plan was just covering all of New York in your Adhesive X for shits and giggles to get the Avengers' attention? You didn't even consider them finding a solution to counteract it?
Amazing, hahaha.
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rawsmackdownnxtdivas · 7 months
Ava ~ Bron Breakker/Baron Corbin ~ Chase U ~ Nathan Frazer/Axiom
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nathanfieldafan · 2 years
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Oh my FUCK
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RE8 AU Incorrect Quotes [Part 2]
I’m currently busy with other writing projects at the moment (mainly this year’s Goretober, because I’ll have to stick to an actual posting schedule if I want to go for thirteen days).
I’m still not sure when I’ll be able to write another fic for this AU, but I definitely haven’t forgotten about it! Until then, here’s more memes. (Thank you for all your patience and understanding, @that-bat )
Nate/Lord Ophio: The real secret to immortality? Not dying. You want to be immortal? Okay, that’s easy. Just don’t die. That’s it. Refuse to die. There you go. Ethan Nestor-Winters: But how—? Nate/Lord Ophio: “But how”, you may ask. Well, easy. Just don’t do it. Refuse to. Say “no thanks”.
Ethan Nestor-Winters: Shouldn’t you have something inspiring yet infuriating to say? Hunter/The Baron: Yes, actually. . . Hunter/The Baron: *stands up, clears his throat, straightens his tie* Hunter/The Baron: . . .Smash Mouth was right all along! “The years start coming, and they  d o n ’ t  s t o p  c o m i n g . ”
Nate/Lord Ophio: Life is just a hallucination caused by oxygen. Once you stop breathing, it all goes away.
Matt/Lord Loxosceles: I'm not creepy. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: I'm petty. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: There's a difference, y’know.
Mark/Lord Isurus: I’m a multitasker! Mark/Lord Isurus: I can torture fifteen people at once.
Nate/Lord Ophio: Though I admit I don’t know much about you, I am feeling pretty confident in my assessment that you are probably some sort of sick deadly fuck. Hunter/The Baron: Who told you my secret?
Ethan Nestor-Winters: The “how the fucks” and “why are you so dumbs” don’t matter. All that matters is that I have a new gun.
Hunter/The Baron: So, you three are brothers? Mark/Lord Isurus: Only in spirit Matt/Lord Loxosceles: Technically speaking, yes. Nate/Lord Ophio: No.
Ethan Nestor-Winters: Those darn tall people. Nate/Lord Ophio: Darn em’ indeed. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: Don’t worry, they'll be gone soon enough. Mark/Lord Isurus: Hahaha. . .
Nate/Lord Ophio: *sitting on the roof of The Baron’s Market, quietly talking to an undead raven* Hunter/The Baron: . . .Lord Ophio, what’re you doing? Nate/Lord Ophio: Apparently finding out that Ethan guy is pretty weird. Hunter/The Baron: Ah, so you’re stalking him? Nate/Lord Ophio: No, my pets are just helping me observe from a distance. Hunter/The Baron: Look, it’s none of my business what you decide to do with Mr. Nestor-Winters, but I’m pretty sure that still counts as stalking Nate/Lord Ophio: *pauses, then sends the raven off* Baron, do you know what the difference between people-watching and stalking is? Hunter/The Baron: I might. . . Nate/Lord Ophio: *nods* A restraining order.
Hunter/The Baron: Why do you and the other Lords want to kill Mr. Nestor-Winters? Matt/Lord Loxosceles: Have you seen him?! His neck looks so snappable!
Ethan Nestor-Winters: So, what do you do for a living? Nate/Lord Ophio: I exist against my will
Ethan Nestor-Winters: I can’t fucking handle this right now! Mark/Lord Isurus: Just remember, if you can’t handle me at my worst. . .I CAN HANDLE ME AT MY WORST, WHICH MAKES ME STRONGER THAN YOU!
Hunter/The Baron: Lord Ophio, when’s your birthday? Nate/Lord Ophio: Why? So you can look up my natal chart? So you can figure out my weaknesses? So you can destroy me? Hunter/The Baron: . . .So I know when to wish you a happy birthday.
[The Lords are getting ready for a standard ritual event]
Nate/Lord Ophio: Mark is late again. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: How did this happen? I called him at eight o’clock this morning and pretended it was eleven! I even printed up a fake schedule for him saying we were starting at nine instead of noon! Nate/Lord Ophio: I set his clock to say PM when it’s really AM. Hunter/The Baron: *not involved with the upcoming ritual, but is still within earshot of all this* . . .I think you might’ve overdone it, my lords. Mark/Lord Isurus: *bursts through one of the temple’s windows* Mark/Lord Isurus: WHAT FUCKING TIME IS IT?!
Nate/Lord Ophio: You don't know anything about me! Hunter/The Baron: I know EVERYTHING about you! You’re an open book written for very disturbed children!
[During the Boss Fight between Ethan and Matt]
Ethan Nestor-Winters: Why did you let Miranda turn you into this?! There’s so many better things in the world that you could’ve seen! Matt/Lord Loxosceles: I don’t know, Earwig. Why do you keep letting your hands get ruined?! THERE’S SO MANY WEAPONS IN THE WORLD THAT YOU COULD’VE USED COMPETENTLY!
Ethan Nestor-Winters: You’re terrible at interacting with people. When you meet someone, what’s your opening line? Nate/Lord Ophio: “Hi, did you have a happy childhood, or are you funny? It can only be one!”
Ethan Nestor-Winters: It’s strange how well you and that zombie get along. Didn’t he hate you at first? Hunter/The Baron: Lord Ophio hates everybody at first. It’s his way of reaching out to people.
Matt/Lord Loxosceles: What’s the plan? Nate/Lord Ophio: I don’t know! You’re smart, *points at Mark* and he’s mean, so come up with something!
“Adulting is hard. How do I quit?” Hunter/The Baron: Time travel. Nate/Lord Ophio: Die.
Ethan Nestor-Winters: Were you guys born AMAB or AFAB? Mark/Lord Isurus: You’re gonna need to be more specific. Are you talking about original birth or rebirth? Nate/Lord Ophio: Bold of you to assume I was born at all. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: I personally metamorphosed in a lab. Hunter/The Baron: I just straight up spawned lol.
Mark/Lord Isurus: I technically don’t have anything against you, but I can still make up lots of reasons to attack you!!
Nate/Lord Ophio: I’m gonna go check on my scouts. Try not to kill each other while I’m gone. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: Oh, please. We’re not children. Nate/Lord Ophio: *leaves* Mark/Lord Isurus: *casually* . . .Eat shit and die. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: Yeah, fuck you, too.
Ethan Nestor-Winters: *writing in his diary with a glitter gel pen* I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There’s blood on my hands.
Hunter/The Baron: Why can’t we all just get along? Nate/Lord Ophio: Because most of us are assholes, Baron. I thought that was obvious
Mark/Lord Isurus: You know what I’ve realized? Ethan Nestor-Winters: Some thoughts are better left unsaid? Mark/Lord Isurus: Nice try, anyway—
Ethan Nestor-Winters: Are you trying to give me a fucking aneurysm?! Nate/Lord Ophio: Pretty sure we all are. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: Maybe you should’ve thought about that before you came here. Mark/Lord Isurus: To be perfectly fair, you almost gave me one first Hunter/The Baron: I just cause aneurysms naturally.
Hunter/The Baron: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be? 

Matt/Loxosceles: Maybe a bit tipsy? 

Mark/Lord Isurus: Drunk. 

Nate/Lord Ophio: Wasted. 

Ethan Nestor-Winters: Dead.
Ethan Nestor-Winters: *trying to hide his gun behind his back* If the conspiracies about life being a simulation are true, then WHOEVER’S CONTROLLING MY SIM NEEDS TO COME SEE ME BECAUSE I JUST WANNA TALK—
Hunter/The Baron: It’s not like I try to blow things up, exactly. It just sort of happens. You’ve got to admit though, fire is fascinating.
Nate/Lord Ophio: Could you maybe just like. . .stab me. . .right in the gut. Just REALLY twist it in there. ‘Cause that honestly seems less painful than this conversation.
Mark/Lord Isurus: Look, try not to roll your eyes at me, alright? I’m not in the fucking mood for that. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: . . .I don’t even have pupils anymore??
Ethan Nestor-Winters: Why do people worry when their life feels incomplete? If it was complete, they would be dead. Hunter/The Baron: . . .Do you have, like, a spirit animal to look up to? Ethan Nestor-Winters: Yeah—roosters! Because they also start every day screaming!
Nate/Lord Ophio: Yesterday, I overheard Matt saying “Are you sure this’ll actually work?” and Mark replying “Trust me,” and I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my life.
Hunter/The Baron: I think I mostly want to see what happens when this whole place breaks apart.
Mark/Lord Isurus: Matt, I’m so ready for the Twitch stream with Lady Dimestrescu! It’s gonna be so great! I bought the best laptop your money could buy! Matt/Lord Loxosceles: . . .Did you say MY MONEY? Mark/Lord Isurus: Yeah! It’s even one of those two-for-one foldable ones! Mark/Lord Isurus: *forcibly snaps the laptop’s screen back, breaking it pretty much beyond repair* Matt/Lord Loxosceles: Mark, that was nOT A FOLDABLE LAPTOP. Mark/Lord Isurus: *freezes in place, eyes welling up with tears* ...EuH. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: . . . Mark/Lord Isurus: EuH—!!! Matt/Lord Loxosceles: . . . Mark/Lord Isurus: *gingerly pulls the laptop’s screen back up, letting out a raspy sob* I tHiNk YoU bRoKe It. . !
Ethan Nestor-Winters: *unconscious on the ground* Hunter/The Baron: Do you think he’s okay? Nate/Lord Ophio: *holding a bucket of ice water* Who cares? *dumps all of the water on Ethan’s face*
Nate/Lord Ophio: Mark has no survival skills. His need to win has replaced them. Hunter/The Baron: Prove it. Nate/Lord Ophio: Hey, Mark! Matt said you couldn’t get to the bottom of those stairs faster than him! Mark/Lord Isurus: *Throws himself out a window at the top of the staircase*
Ethan Nestor-Winters: This is a safety pin. Ethan Nestor-Winters: *cuts off the end of the pin* Ethan Nestor-Winters: It is now a danger pin.
Nate/Lord Ophio: I just realized that every person is living a life as vivid and complex as my own. Nate/Lord Ophio: . . . Nate/Lord Ophio: I feel so bad for them.
Nate/Lord Ophio: It’s called the Circle of Life because it’s POINTLESS Hunter/The Baron: Haters got you down? Nate/Lord Ophio: I show the haters how it’s DONE! By hating myself more than they ever could! Hunter/The Baron: The point of this was to tell people what the longest part of your morning routine is. Nate/Lord Ophio: FINDING THE WILL TO LIVE
Nate/Lord Ophio: Welcome to Fucking Applebees, do you want apples or bees?
Ethan Nestor-Winters: “Bees?”
Ethan Nestor-Winters: Wait—
[Matt/Lord Loxosceles approaches, shaking a jar of bumblebees menacingly]
Ethan Nestor-Winters: I think it’s time I get my life in order. Hunter/The Baron: *narrating* But he did not get his life in order. In fact, he got drunk last night and fought a raccoon.
Nate/Lord Ophio: When I admitted that I didn’t know what family I actually came from, Mark told me Mother Miranda must’ve found me in a KFC bucket next to a dumpster. Matt/Lord Loxosceles: . . .I mean, that probably is what happened. Nate/Lord Ophio: Oh crap, maybe that’s the reason why. Maybe my lackluster feelings towards their fried chicken is because subconsciously I'm reliving the trauma whenever I see their trademark bucket. My brain and cognitive dissonance won't let me completely lie to myself and say I hate their food, because fried chicken is great and I want some now, instead it just steers me away. Thank you for helping to guide me towards this epiphany, perhaps now the healing can begin.
Ethan Nestor-Winters: I’m learning what PEMDAS stands for! Ethan Nestor-Winters: Please-End-My-Depression-And-Suffering!
Mark/Lord Isurus: Y'know, I once knew a man who said to me, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” He also had a pair of sideburns that would cause even Jude Law’s face to weep in forfeit. You put those lemons in a sack and beat your enemies with ‘em! And maybe if you beat ‘em hard enough the bag will split open and lemon juice will spray into their eyes, causing intense burning pains as you crush them into a citrus-y pulp! Hunter/The Baron: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Their heads or the lemons? Mark/Lord Isurus: Whatever caves first!
Ethan Nestor-Winters: Did you win? Or just not die? Ethan Nestor-Winters: Either way, hooray. Nate/Lord Ophio: . . .Is “no” a valid answer? Ethan Nestor-Winters: The hooray is redacted.
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rabbitmotifs · 2 years
my toxic trait is that i love strange comedians
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jasvvy · 6 months
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incompleteguide · 6 months
stand and deliver 2024 winner predictions
it’s wrasslin’ season! following in the footsteps of our mildly successful aew revolution predictions, lets today take a look at stand and deliver (yes, we still watch nxt and also miss that simon has stopped doing ups and downs for this, but we get roi).
trick williams v carmelo hayes: carmelo hayes never knew how good he had it when trick williams was on his side - and now he will feel the pain of losing him. trick will whoop him
nxt championship: ilja dragunov (c) will prevail over tony d’angelo, the don of nxt, and his family, even if there are threats to not just him but ilja's family, as ilja is single-minded to the point of recklessness
nxt women’s championship: roxanne perez has tempted lyra valkyria (c) to the dark side, enabling lyra to retain the title, and creating a rift with tatum paxley - but that’s not much of a sacrifice
north american championship: a truly tough one to predict, as dijak is a ruthless operator, and oba femi is a beast. josh briggs just needs a good show, but ultimately he will be pinned by one of the other two, probably dijak, who can have a quick run before another hopefully more successful try at the wwe main roster
tag team championship: baron corbin and bron breakker are ready to return to the big leagues - axiom and nathan frazer get the win thanks to the disharmony between the wolf dogs, leaving breakker ready to break out in smackdown as a superstar
six-women tag: thea hail, kelani jordan, and fallon henley are outnumbered by jacy jayne, izzy dame, and kiana james, as those three still have jazmyn nyx on their side. shenanigans will ensue, to the detriment of our favourite chase u student - who will seek out a confrontation with jacy, with a no interference-type stipulation
joe gacy v shawn spears: the problem here is that while shawn may have the wrestling upper hand, joe just doesn’t know when to quit. both of these have long indie careers behind them, but i think that shawn’s career trajectory is now to put folks over, so i see joe gacy winning this one, to keep both of them as viable challengers to others
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miru-has-thoughts · 6 months
I think this might be where the wolf dogs drop the titles so they are free to be full time on main roster..
On the other hand, Axiom and Nathan no longer teaming....
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daminouspurity · 6 months
NXT Stand & Deliver 2024 NXT Tag Team Championship Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin vs. Axiom & Nathan Frazer Predictions WWE 2K24
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Halton House
Hace un instante
Hi guys!!
I'm sharing Halton House. This is the 15th building for my English Collection and the second Rothchild house I recreated.
I decorated some interiors for reference, but I could not find the real distribution of the house, so I just worked with pictures I found.
You might be familiar to the central hall and stairs, as they are the ones used for Bridgerton House in the series.
I chose to build the version with the conservatory, as I think this was a glory lost to time.
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History of the house: Halton House is a country house in the Chiltern Hills above the village of Halton in Buckinghamshire, England. It was built for Alfred Freiherr de Rothschild between 1880 and 1883. It is used as the main officers' mess for RAF Halton and is listed Grade II* on the National Heritage List for England.
There has been a manor house at Halton since the Norman Conquest, when it belonged to the Archbishop of Canterbury. Thomas Cranmer sold the manor to Henry Bradshaw, Solicitor-General in the mid-16th century. After remaining in the Bradshaw family for some considerable time, it was sold to Sir Francis Dashwood in 1720 and was then held in the Dashwood family for almost 150 years.
The site of the old Halton House, or Manor, was west of the church in Halton village. It had a large park, which was later bisected by the Grand Union Canal. In June 1849 Sir George Dashwood auctioned the contents and, in 1853, the estate was sold to Lionel Freiherr de Rothschild.
Lionel then left the estate to his son Alfred Freiherr de Rothschild in 1879. At this time the estate covered an approximately 1,500-acre (610-hectare) triangle between Wendover, Aston Clinton, and Weston Turville.
It is thought the architect was William R. Rodriguez (also known as Rogers), who worked in the design team of William Cubitt and Company, the firm commissioned to build and oversee the project in 1880. Just three years later the house was finished.
The house was widely criticised by members of the establishment. The architect Eustace Balfour, a nephew of the Marquess of Salisbury, described it as a "combination of French Chateau and gambling house", and one of Gladstone's private secretaries called it an "exaggerated nightmare".
At Halton all were entertained by Alfred Freiherr de Rothschild. However, Halton's glittering life lasted less than thirty years, with the last party being in 1914 at the outbreak of World War I. Devastated by the carnage of the war, Freiherr de Rothschild's health began to fail and he died in 1918. Alfred had no legitimate children, so the house was bequeathed to his nephew Lionel Nathan de Rothschild. He detested the place and sold the contents at auction in 1918. The house and by now diminished estate were purchased for the Royal Air Force by the Air Ministry for what was even then a low price of £115,000 (equivalent to £7.08 million in 2023 pounds).
For the style of the house Alfred was probably influenced by that of plans for the nearly completed Waddesdon Manor, the home of Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild, his brother-in law. While not so large there is a resemblance, but other continental influences appear to have crept in: classical pediments jut from mansard roofs, spires and gables jostle for attention, and the whole is surmounted by a cupola. The front of the house features a porte-cochère. A Rothschild cousin described it as: "looking like a giant wedding cake".
If the outside was extravagant, the interior was no anti-climax. The central hall (not unlike the galleried two-storey hall at Mentmore Towers) was furnished as the "grand salon". Two further drawing rooms (the east and west) continued the luxurious theme. The dining and billiards rooms too were furnished with 18th-century panelling and boiseries. The theme continued up the grand, plaster panelled staircase to the bedrooms. The whole was furnished in what became known as "Le Style Rothschild", that is, 18th-century French furniture, boulle, ebony, and ormolu, complemented by Old Masters and fine porcelain.
A huge domed conservatory known as the winter garden was attached to the house.
For more info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halton_House
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This house fits a 64x64  lot (You can fit the main building to the 50x50 or 50x40 lot if you lose the garden and conservatory)
I furnished just the principal rooms, so you get an idea. The rest is unfurnished so you create the interiors to your taste!
Hope you like it.
You will need the usual CC I use:
all Felixandre cc
all The Jim
Regal Sims
King Falcon railing
The Golden Sanctuary
Dndr recolors
Harrie cc
Lili's palace cc
Please enjoy, comment if you like it and share pictures with me if you use my creations!
Early access: 08/18/2024
DOWNLOAD: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=75230453
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