#nathaniel reed
tcmparty · 1 year
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@tcmparty live tweet schedule for the week beginning Monday, January 30, 2023. Look for us on Twitter…watch and tweet along…remember to add #TCMParty to your tweets so everyone can find them :) All times are Eastern.
Monday, Feb. 04 at 8:00 p.m. COOLEY HIGH (1975) African-American teens in Chicago prepare for life after high school.
Sunday, Feb. 05 at 8:00 p.m. NEVER FEAR (1950) A dancer who has just gotten engaged to her partner is devastated to learn that she has contracted polio.
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why-i-love-comics · 4 months
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Fantastic Four #17 - "Savaged From the Wreck of Ages" (2024)
written by Ryan North art by Carlos Gomez & Jesus Aburtov
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burningfudge · 7 months
it's a richards family tradition to turn to spaghetti 😭
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nevenkebla · 8 months
Sé mejor hombre
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Guionista: Jonathan Hickman Dibujante: Dale Eaglesham Publicación original: Fantastic Four Vol 1 #572 (2009)
— Nathaniel Richards: El mundo es feo. No debería serlo, pero lo es. Te obligará a hacer cosas que sabes que no deberías hacer —a contemporizar—, solo porque te sentirás como si no tuvieras alternativa. Eso nos debilita. Convierte a los hombres en menos de lo que deberían ser, y para ti será incluso más difícil, porque llevas una carga adicional… porque tienes un don que afectará a mucha gente. Pero esto… sin esto… no significa nada. Que alguien no alcance todo su potencial es algo terrible. Lo sé. Al envejecer, he comprendido que no tengo el carácter necesario para ser tanto bueno como grande al mismo tiempo. Pero tú sí, Reed. Y, como tal, deposito todas mis esperanzas y deseos en que te conviertas en lo que yo no soy. Cuando tú crezcas, espero más. Hijo… espero lo mejor. Quiero que seas mejor amigo de lo que he sido yo. Mejor esposo. Un padre mejor. Reed… sé mejor hombre.
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comicwaren · 4 months
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From Fantastic Four Vol. 7 #017, “Salvaged from the Wreck of Ages”
Art by Carlos Gómez and Jesus Aburtov
Written by Ryan North
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Yup, Ben is giving Susan the cold shoulder... anyway we learn the visitor with the time platform was Reed's dad, Nate.
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rafasbiscuits · 1 year
Random Kang the Conqueror facts before the Ant Man movie. Kang the Conqueror aka Nathaniel Richards, Iron Lad, Rama-Tut(Egyptian god, moon knight related), Scarlet Centurion and Immortus (older Kang)
Kang the Conqueror is originally from the 31st century(earth-6311) while Ant Man is earth 616, so time traveller(all of u probably know that alr)
He already appeared in Loki, but the one in Loki is actually, as canon as comics can be. Immortus, Immortus is the older version of Kang, who has grown old of conquering.
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*probably* the descendant of Reed Richards, that noodle dude at Doctor Strange played by John Krasinki himself, Fantastic four member that has no bones, Mr Fantastic.
Already appeared in Fantastic four 2005, DSMOM and the 2015 one (let's be honest, no one watches the 2015 one, it was more flop than the 2005 one and it's cause I actually liked the 2005 one)
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Reed is also said to be super super smart, so yeah. You guessed it. It's in the genes.
Kang is also rumored to have some sort of connection with Mr.Doom, haven't appeared on any movies yet but in the comics, he is the main antagonist of the Avengers and Fantastic Four.
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And since Kang is from way back at the future, his idol as a kid, obviously, is Mr Tony Stark. And as you all know, Tony Stark found the multiverse thing and Kang just continued his legacy(yes, he is that smart!)
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It's gone to the point where his other alias is actually Iron Lad. He has the role of iron man in the Young Avengers comic.
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So in general, Kang's a real smart guy, and this movie IS about Ant Man, our lovely Scott Lang. But multiverse is literally invented by Kang(found by Tony), and that's why he was at the statue at the Loki series, Immortus's(old Kang) masters are the Time Keepers themselves.
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There is so so much to unfold, I couldn't possibly fit it all in one blog. Idk if I'll do more but I think I've posted all the important things(and some bonus stuff as well) needed for the Ant Man.
Hopefully this covers our Kang knowledge before Ant Man, so we can be prepared!
(if you guys need any breakdowns for the other Kang variants, feel free to message me or comment. I've got knowledge now idk what to do with it)
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thestarlightforge · 6 months
And now, the debate begins: Fully pivot to Galactus, Arishem, Miss Minutes, Alioth, Chthon, Mephisto, or Doctor Doom, claiming Kang was just a puppet in their Game—or go the variant (or even Don Cheadle) route and simply recast Kang?
(Article gifted btw)
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calliopets · 1 year
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in reference to my older post about Sarah truly and how I don't know if I would ever come back to this story, well I did. This is my first drawing of all of them together in a long time. I'm reworking the story and I've fallen in love with these characters again. It's not that good of a drawing but I only spent like 4 hours on it.
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avengersrewatch · 1 year
E19: The Kang Dynasty
So here it is, the Avengers head to space to confront Kang the Conqueror! It's episode 19, "The Kang Dynasty" not to be confused with Avengers: Kang Dynasty coming soon. Though they LOVE reusing the same titles from comic books to cartoons to movies. ("Age of Ultron" was a a run of comics and they used the name for the second Avengers movie even though it was more like "A Day or Two of Ultron" in that case.)
Our team is: Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Hawkeye, Wasp and Ant-Man. All the white people since T'Challa went back to protect Wakanda from Kang's invasion of Earth. (Well, I guess Hulk is green.)
We are almost immediately another Avenger down, because Kang locks his weapons onto the Avengers (which would include much of New York as well), and Thor jumps out of the spaceship and absorbs the blast/sends it back to Kang with Mjölnir, so it will not kill millions. Wasp worries he is dead but Hulk assures her "goldilocks is tough" and I know he's right because I've seen this show before.
I feel like any variant of Thor can be counted on to do something very stupid but heroic to save people. Like in the comics, he dives into the Godbomb using two Mjölnirs to stop Gorr. In the movies, he takes a blast from a star to forge Stormbreaker. Here he's absorbing the full force of future lasers. What a dummy; I love him.
Just about everyone gets to do something fun this episode. Hawkeye is psyched he gets to shoot from the Quinjet at alien craft. Jan gets to fly around in space, since Tony made her a suit that allows her to, and she is awed by space. I would argue, you should be awed by space. It's objectively cool to be in space.
As a result of Jan and Tony keeping the alien craft off the Avengers' ship, they are not with the others when they arrive in the ship. Hulk gets to punch a hole in Kang's spaceship (the Damocles), allowing the Quinjet to land aboard. And he says "that was fun." I have never seen the Hulk so happy.
Jan tricks Kang's own scarabs into blasting holes in the ship so she and Tony can sneak in. At the same time, we get the news that all the ships around Wakanda have "disappeared." (So T'Challa's having some fun even if he's not with the team.)
If only millions of people on Earth weren't dying this would be the best day ever.
Hank leads the others to the "time drive", the thing that allows the ship to time travel. If they destroy it, then the ship will go back to where it belongs. But meanwhile, Wasp sneaks through the air ducts of the ship and finds Ravonna, in her stasis. Jan, being Jan, wants to know if she is okay.
Ravonna has, of course, appeared in the MCU in Loki and I am still confused as to what her connection with Kang is in that universe. Here it's a bit simpler. Kang loves her, and she's dying because of the time anomaly.
There is fighting. Kang captures Steve, who he blames for everything. They bicker until Tony shows up and hacks into the Damocles' system. Some fighting. Steve and Tony beat Kang. The Avengers send all the ships on Earth back to the future. They are about to send Kang and the Damocles back when Wasp stops them.
See Wasp doesn't want "Princess" Ravonna to die, and if they send her back then she will be erased from existence. She spills all the tea that Kang loves her and did all this to keep her alive (which seems to embarrass Kang). The Avengers are like, "Bro, we could have helped you" but Kang is like "NEVER!" so they have to fight some more until he's down.
They put Kang in one of the Negative Zone prison cells, while Reed Richards (first appearance, he doesn't speak) and Hank study Ravonna's stasis. Ultron stands by menacingly.
It's not the most epic of battles. At the end, it feels like neither side has "won." On the other hand, it seems the solution to Kang is to let Wasp and Ravonna hash things out. She can't talk in this, but if she could I bet she'd be more reasonable. And while we haven't seen Ravonna and Kang's relationship in the MCU but we have seen that he respects (even though he feels betrayed by) Janet Van Dyne.
Ravonna and Jan. BroTP.
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evilhorse · 2 years
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I was wondering when you’d show up.
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why-i-love-comics · 4 months
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Fantastic Four #17 - "Savaged From the Wreck of Ages" (2024)
written by Ryan North art by Carlos Gomez & Jesus Aburtov
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daisyjoners · 2 years
repostando minhas tags de char porque o tumblr fez o favor de apagar praticamente TODAS as minhas tags 👍
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nevenkebla · 5 months
Una idea horrible
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Guionista: Jonathan Hickman Dibujante: Steve Epting Publicación original: FF (Vol. 1) #1
— Reed Richards: He estado pensando… tendremos que acabar haciendo algo con los Inhumanos. Deberíamos pensar a mayor escala. ¿Qué os parece que terraformemos la Luna? — Susan Storm: Si crees que es correcto… — Nathaniel Richards: Creo que es una idea horrible. ¿Qué pasa? ¿No se aceptan opiniones contrarias? ¿Reed dice algo, y todos asienten automáticamente? Es ridículo. — Reed Richards: Qué refrescante. Me alegra que estés en casa, papá. — Nathaniel Richards: Limpia tu plato, hijo.
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avengerphobic · 1 year
marvel really does miss out on doing the funniest thing and doing a fathers day comic tbh. I want a fathers day comic but its just marvels really fucked up dads. A reprint of that comic that logan kills akihiro, Ultron monologues about how he is his own father since hes walking around in Hank's corpse, Kristoff sending Dr Doom a happy fathers day text and doom texts him back that he no longer considers him a son, Nathaniel Richards contemplates being not a piece of shit and tell Reed he's got a brother (kristoff) but decides against it because fuck them both, Scott Lang spends a whole issue spying on Cassie as ant sized this one is only a little fucked up, Bruce decides to hang out with Lyra and neither of them like it, Mar-Vell comes back to life and hangs out with Genis-vell, Phyla vell, and Teddy and he says smth homophobic and theyre all like 😬
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There is obviously something sinister to what Nathaniel has going on... and Agatha knows, but she sees the alternative as worse, so she is going to help...
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