#national pralines day
murderousink23 · 3 months
06/24/2024 is Festa Junina 🇧🇷, Inti Raymi 🇵🇪, National Pralines Day 🇺🇸
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subby-sab · 3 months
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Today is 24th of June.
Today is International Fairy Day, Midsummer Day, National Pralines Day, Upcycling Day.
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breezingby · 1 year
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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National Walnut Day 
Go nuts for walnuts! These crunchy delights pack a punch of flavor and nutrition in every bite. Sprinkle them on salads, bake them into treats, or snack on them straight from the bag. It's a nutty good time!
Go nuts about walnuts in honor of National Walnut Day! This ancient, healthful nut makes a great addition to sweet treats, salads, trail mixes and so many other interesting dishes. While other nuts often take center stage, the walnut is absolutely worth celebrating and appreciating on National Walnut Day.
History of National Walnut Day
As the oldest known tree that has provided food to humans, walnuts have a history that can be traced back for thousands of years. It didn’t take long for humans to discover that the walnut is an easy to store and simple to eat nut. Plus, it travels well and offers great nutritional benefits.
In Persia, the walnut was referred to as the Royal Nut and it was only allowed to be eaten by people of royal heritage. During the reign of Alexander the Great, the walnut was brought to Greece from Persia and it was referred to as the Persian Nut for more than 1000 years. However, over time, the Greek version became smaller and inferior to the Persian walnut. In fact, the Greeks were envious of the Persian walnut, so they brought some Persian cultivars back to Greece to improve their breeds.
The Greek name for the walnut is karyon, which means head. This is actually fairly spot on, because the outside shell resembles a human head and the interior nut looks a bit like a brain!
Walnuts likely made their way further into Europe somewhere between 500–700 BC and then moved west after that. The nut probably traveled to the British Isles with the Roman Empire. It was somewhere around this point that it picked up its name “English walnut”, which is used to distinguish it from the black walnut.
Eventually, the walnut crossed the ocean and found a path to the New World. It was a group of Franciscan Fathers who found that the climate of Southern California was an important one for growing these deciduous trees. And this is likely the reason they picked up the name “mission walnuts”. California walnuts have become so popular that they account for 99% of the commercial walnut industry in the United States, a large portion of walnut trade in the world.
National Walnut Day dates back more than 70 years! It was in 1949 that the Walnut Marketing Board in the United States established the day with the purpose of celebrating and promoting this delicious and nutritious nut. US President Dwight D. Eisenhower made the day a public holiday in 1958 and National Walnut Day has continued to be celebrated every year since that time.
National Walnut Day Timeline
7000 BC Humans cultivate walnuts
The oldest tree food known to man, walnuts are cultivated starting in Persia. 
1754 BC First documented account of the walnut
The cultivation of the walnut is mentioned in The Code of Hammurabi, the oldest code of laws in the world. 
600 BC Walnut plants arrive in Europe
Around this time, the walnut plant makes its way from Persia into Europe. 
17th Century AD Walnuts land in America
English settlers are responsible for bringing walnut plants to the New World.
Late 1900s Walnuts are cultivated in Chile
The climate in Chile does well for growing walnuts and the country eventually becomes the world’s third largest walnut exporter. 
How to Celebrate National Walnut Day
Enjoy tons of fun on National Walnut Day by celebrating in style with some of these tasty ideas:
Learn Some Health Benefits of Walnuts
National Walnut Day is a perfect time to get a bit more familiar with some of the health benefits that are offered by this little nut. Take a look at these ways that the walnut is a healthy choice for snacking and baking:
Filled with Antioxidants
High in Healthy Fat
Promotes Gut Health
May Decrease Inflammation
Walnuts contain the most antioxidants of any of the commonly eaten nuts. The high Vitamin E content, melatonin and polyphenols can help to prevent oxidative damage and promote the lowering of “bad” cholesterol.
Omega-3 fat is an essential ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) that is a vital part of the human diet, especially for the prevention of heart disease. A single one ounce serving of walnuts provides a full daily supply of this important nutrient.
Walnuts offer essential bacteria and microbes that help with the functioning of overall gut health.
One of the common triggers for health problems in inflammation and walnuts offer nutrients, such as polyphenols, that can reduce oxidative stress that tends to cause inflammation. This could be beneficial in reducing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and even cancer.
Make Some Candied Walnuts
While candied pecans and toasted almonds are often thought of as some favorite snacks made from nuts, candied walnuts are absolutely worth trying out. Candied walnuts are delicious for snacking, adding as a topping to salads or used as a garnish on cakes and other sweet treats. And, they’re super easy to make!
Really, it’s as simple as just three ingredients: walnuts, butter and sugar. Add all of the ingredients to a skillet and heat for five minutes over medium heat, stirring constantly. Separate nuts on parchment paper and allow to cool.
Share Fun Facts About Walnuts
One super clever way to raise awareness about the goodness and health of walnuts might be to learn a few bits of trivia about this nut that can be shared. Tell friends and coworkers about some fun facts while encouraging them to celebrate National Walnut Day in their chosen fashion.
Get started with some of these:
Even since ancient times, walnuts have been used for various health benefits and have even been considered to be medicinal for treating issues such as bad breath, wound healing and reduction of inflammation.
Walnut trees can grow to be very large, up to 60 feet tall. They can produce walnuts for more than 100 years!
Walnuts are best when kept cool, so it’s ideal to store them in the refrigerator or freezer for the best flavor and the longest life.
The state of California produces approximately one billion pounds of walnuts every single year. Now that’s a whole lot of nuts!
Make Baked Goods with Walnuts
Enjoy the delicious National Walnut Day by getting some walnuts for the kitchen and adding them to a variety of baked goods. This might mean adding chopped walnuts to a loaf of banana bread, a selection of oatmeal muffins, a pan of freshly baked brownies or a variety of other tasty baked treats. Be sure to bake up extra treats with walnuts and pass them out at work, share them with neighbors and offer them to family members in observance of National Walnut Day!
National Walnut Day FAQs
Are walnuts good for you?
Some studies have shown that walnuts are a source of vitamins and minerals, as well as lowering “bad” cholesterol. 
How to toast walnuts?
Walnuts can be toasted in a single layer for 8-10 minutes at 350 F. 
Can dogs eat walnuts?
Though it may not hurt them to have a stray walnut, dog owners should avoid feeding them to dogs as they can be a choking hazard.
Do walnuts go bad?
When exposed to heat for a period of time, walnuts can begin to smell rancid and taste bad. 
Do walnuts have protein?
Yes, walnuts have 4.5 grams of protein per ¼ cup.
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Yandere Steven Grant headcanons
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- Steven met you at the National Art Gallery in the Museum in London. You were new at the job, Donna made you do inventory 90% of the time.
But the next day Steven helped you and it resulted in you finishing your shift two and a half hours earlier. It made Steven happy. :)
- At first he was happy to have someone else near him, he grew tired of sorting candys and complaining about them.
- One day Donna made you stay two more hours to help the janitor after someone vandalized a toilet the night before. The place looked like someone had some real anger issues or two things were beating the shit out of eachother. Steven felt so bad for you. :(
- Steven was fast to like you, he secretly stole glances at you and offered help wherever he could.
- Weeks turned into months and he grew attracted to you. Maybe even developed a crush?
- One day he brought you coffee while on his break after he saw how tired you were. Seeing how grateful you were made his heart melt. He loved seeing you smile. :)
- He wanted so badly to ask you out but he was scared you might turn him down if he would forgot the time again and leave you waiting. :(
- Everytime he saw Donna bossing you around he wanted to throw a fish into her face. No one shall boss you around!
- Tries so hard to get closer to you, but he is scared.
- He slowly got obsessed with you, watching you more often and day dreaming about you. You are more beautiful than all Egyptian goddesses combined.
- His obsession made him bolder, which resulted at finally asking you out.
- At the first date he brought you Belgian Pralines. He discovered you loved those, so he made a mental note of that.
- Steven promised he will cherish you, treat you like the goddess you are and always be there for you. Will tell you about his DID and hope you will still love him despite his condition. :')
- By the way, have you heard of Marc? He wants to get to know you too. <3
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minigirl87 · 10 months
Ice is the only hard thing
Steven Grant x Reader
You and Steven go ice skating and accidentally stimulate Steven, but let's be honest, it wouldn't take much to turn that sweetheart on. This is part of @moonknight-events Bingo. There is no description of the reader and no use of y/n.
I used Google translate for the French words
Quelle surprise - I'm surprised
Oui mon amor- yes my love
Salope- bitch.
Please enjoy and feel free to comment and reblog ❤️
⚠️ 🔞 🤬 over 18s only
Male receiving oral, cum eating.
Word Count:- 1290
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London in winter time is a mixture of miserable bitter weather and fun activities. You're currently standing at the bottom step of the National Art Gallery wait for Steven, who, as per usual, is running late. You let out a chuckle as Steven stumbles out from behind a Victorian Greco column for the Galleries stunning entrance, the lights dancing of the creamy stonework, making the building stand out against the velvety inky sky of evening.
Your warm breath making patterns in the cold air as you call his name Steven stops in front of you, looking exasperated and dishevelled. You smile up at him, taking in his rosy cheek, goofy smile, and sparkling dark eyes, a stray chocolate curl popping out of his Egyptian hieroglyphic patterned woolly hat.
“Hiya love” he says excitedly, kissing you and rubbing his nose against yours as he speaks. “You ready, my love?”
“Yep sweetheart. I’ve been looking forward to this all day.” You reply as you zip his navy jacket up and sort his scarf. “That’s better. Can’t have you freezing on me, sweetheart.” You giggle as Stevens face flushed “sorry love. Didn’t have time inside to get sorted because of Donna.”
"Quelle surprise," you mutter. Steven smiles happily “Oui mon amour” you both laugh “enough of Madame salope, she’s not spoiling our night sweetheart” Taking his hand you walk of towards Tottenham Court Road underground looking forward to your evening together.
Oyster cards at the ready you both head through the barriers to catch the tube to go to Waterloo train station. The Bakerloo line was busy commuters heading home, exasperated Christmas shoppers, and loved up couples like you and Steven heading to Hampton Court Palace. As if sensing your uncomfortableness of the busy carriage, Steven instinctively wraps his arm around you and kisses your nose, his scarf tickling your chin as you smile and snuggle against him.
At Waterloo Station, after checking your connection, the Christmassy smells moreishly filling both you and Stevens nostrils. “Come on love let’s get 2 hot chocolates for the train. You roll on the balls of your feet as you wait in line at Starbucks. Steven speaks calmly and with appreciation in his voice to the barista. As you both carry a almond milk praline hot chocolate away from the counter you hear the staff say how nice it was to deal with Steven and how they wished every customer could be like him Stevens cheeks flushing pinky red at the compliment.
“See you really are a sweet boy, sweetheart* taking his arm heading for the train to Hampton Court Palace. “I’m just me” he mumbles. Sitting on the train together, listening to Steven, listening to historical Christmas facts, and drinking the hot chocolate.
“you’re a walking encyclopaedia sweetheart. You really should go on who wants to be a millionaire” Steven, not listening, continues to chat and explain about Chanukah and his, Marc’s and Jakes beliefs. You listen carefully to him and get him to explain when you weren’t too sure. The 36 minutes of the journey pass quickly. You can listen to Steven talk for hours, loving his beautiful voice.
Once out of Hampton Court Station, the bitter air stings your face as you draw your scarf tightly around your neck. Standing at the start of the walk way up, you both look at the Palace light up and colourfully decorated as the noise of the ice skaters is hear hum of laughing, shouting and fun fill the air. You look up at Steven lovingly and squeeze his hand “Thank you for this sweetheart” The coloured lights twinkle and fade against his face and eyes, and you share a sweet and tender kiss. “anything for you love, now let’s get our skates on literally” he chuckles as you roll your eyes.
Having collected 2 pairs of ice skates you help each other to put them on as Christmas music adds to atmosphere listening happily and not paying attention as you lace up Stevens skate you unknowingly pulled him forward slightly and as you moved to stand up your nose brushes against his clothed cock and Stevens eyes flutter and a soft whimper escapes his velvety plush lips. “You ok, sweetheart?” his eyes snap open, and a look of embarrassment covers his handsome features “no love, all hunky dory” as they kiss his lips, the wetness glistening in the Christmassy lights.
You raise an eyebrow but shake it off, giggling as you walk like bambi onto the rink, grabbing onto the side as you almost fall flat. Steven follows suit, but he’s as graceful as a Swan. Soon you’re both moving in sync around the ice having fun. Hand in hand, you circle around, and, trying to be smart, you decide to try spinning, and as quick as you try, you fall on your back side. As ever your knight in shining armour Steven rushes to pick you up and the angle he’s at means your cheek brushes against his cock, his hard cock.
“Have you been hard this whole time sweetheart” licking your lips. Steven swallows hard “yeah pretty much love”
Standing up and looking at him with a soft smirk. “come with me, my love.” Skating to the edge of the rink and leaving to change your skates to your boots hurriedly with Steven and handing them back to the woman at the counter. You grab and pull Steven away and walk down a gravel path, and push him into some trees and shrubbery. The darkness engulfing you both.
Steven stammers “what you doing, love?” as you unbuckle his belt and undo his jeans pulling his hard weeping cock out his boxers giving his shaft a few strokes with left pointer and middle on top and thumb under the shaft giving just the right amount of pressure for Stevens eyes to clamp shut and his body to shiver.
“All it took was for me to accidentally rub my nose against your clothed cock and you get stimulated sweetheart?” Smirking up at him as he nods biting his lip. “have you been aching to cum my love?” Steven jerks his cock further into your fist. A soft whimper leaves his lips “please love, don’t torture me more than I already am. Please”
You kiss the head, swirling your tongue around him, tasting him, letting out a satisfied moan around him. As you start bobbing your head you feel his hand grab your hair as he starts moving you faster against him his thrusts matching as the fucks your mouth, grunting as he stops moving holding you in place as he cums covering your throat with his warm creamy seed your nostrils filled with his musky scent it still amazes you how each of them taste and smell different. You run your hand down his softening cock squeezing the last drops in your mouth before swallowing as you then tuck him back in and fastening him up.
Steven breathes heavily against the tree he’s leaning on as you stand up. He smiles and leans into you licking a dribble of his cum from the side of your mouth swallowing as he kisses you.
“That was amazing love” his cheeks all rosy as you adjust yourself, taking his hand and walking back onto the gravel path to walk to the exit and start your journey home.
“anything for you, my love, I think I should make this a yearly tradition from now?” You squeezing his hand “definitely my love. We will.” As you get to Hampton Court Station, Steven looks like he’s concentrating, which means he’s talking to Marc and Jake. “Um love! Marc and Jake want to know when it’s there turn?.”
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@melodygatesauthor @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @my-secret-shame @missscarlettangel @missdictatorme @jake-g-lockley @steven-grants-world @romanarose @campingwiththecharmings @writingforcurrentobsessions2 @welcometostayingawake @novanitee @micheleamidalajedi @annautumnsoul @guruan-is-not-here @ivystoryweaver @whirlybirbs @whatthefishh @lonely-dark-moon @missscarlettangel @missdictatorme @lonelyisamyw-0love @madlittlecriminal @midgardian-witch @saturn-rings-writes @madlittlecriminal @gigachadcowboy @yeetus-thyboomer @draggolblackthorn @he-burnt-my-shake @musicsavedme98 @mess-of-fandom @hon3yboy @ominoose @jayke0 @theaussiedragon @reallyrallyauthor @moonknight-events
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Banners and deviders by @saradika thank you❤️
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Holidays 6.24
Accla Brewing Day (Ancient Inca)
Araw ng Maynila (a.k.a. Manilla Day; Philippines)
Bannockburn Day (Scotland)
Burning of the Lamps (Sais, Egypt; Ancient Egypt)
Calcio Fiorentino (Florence, Italy)
Carabobo Day (Venezuela)
Cat World Domination Day
Celebration of the Senses Day
Countryman’s Day (Peru)
Day of the Caboclo (Amazonas State, Brazil)
Dia del Indio (a.k.a. Day of the Indian; Latin America)
Discovery Day (Newfoundland and Labrador; Canada)
Dobbs Anniversary Day
Experiment 624 Day (a.k.a. Angel Day; Lilo & Stitch)
Farmer Day (Peru)
Festival of Contagious Magic
Fisherman's Day (Zaire)
Flying Saucer Day
Free RPG Day
French Canadian-American Day
Global Day of Action to Climate & Employment Proof Our Work
Hawaiian Coffee Day
International Day of the Makeup Artist
International Day of Women in Diplomacy
International Fairy Day (a.k.a. Faerie Day)
International Ia Day (Romania)
La Festa Dei Gigli (Festival of the Lilies; Italy)
Lost Handkerchief Day
Manila Day (Philippines)
Melpomene Asteroid Day
Museum Comes To Life Day
National Ageless Day
National Day of Joy
National Holiday of Quebec (Canada)
National Kenneth Day
National Indigenous Day (Peru)
National Le Day
National Midwife Day (Indonesia)
National Parchment Day
National Patch Day
National Pegging Day
National Relationship Equity Day
National Upcycling Day
Quarter Day (England, Ireland & Wales) [2 of 4]
Rosemary Day (French Republic)
Sânziene (Carpathian Mountains, Romania)
St. John’s Wort Day
Stonewall National Monument Day
Summer List Day
Surfside Remembrance Day (Florida)
Swim a Lap Day
Swing a Kid Day
Think Your Way to Health Day
Tibedetha (a.k.a. Tiber’s Day; Elder Scrolls)
Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse
World Alsace Lovers’ Day
World History Day
World Messi Day
World Senses Day
World UFO Day [& 7.2]
World Young Doctors Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
American Barley Wine Day
National Creamy Pralines Day (a.k.a. National Pralines Day)
National Take Back the Lunch Break Day
Independence & Related Days
City Day (Porto, Portugal)
Constitution Day (Zaire)
Edanzia (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Gishabrun (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
4th & Last Monday in June
Hetero Male Monday (Boise, Idaho) [Every Monday in June]
Motivation Monday [Every Monday]
Please Take My Children To Work Day [Last Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 24 (4th Full Week)
Boys & Girls Club Week (thru 6.28) [Mon-Fri of Last Week]
Lost Handkerchief Week (Shamanism)
Festivals Beginning June 24, 2024
APGA Conference (Boston, Massachusetts) [thru 6.27]
HTEC 2024 (Charlotte, North Carolina) [thru 6.27]
INmusic Festival (Zagreb, Croatia) [thru 6.26]
National Insect Week (thru 6.30)
Feast Days
Alfred (Positivist; Saint)
Amitabha Buddha Day (Buddhism)
Ambrose Bierce (Writerism)
Anton LaVey Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Bartholomew of Dunelm (or Farne; Christian; Saint)
The Burning of the Lamps (Ancient Egypt; Everyday Wicca)
Claribelle (Muppetism)
Eleanor Norcross (Artology)
Feast of Parvati )Woien’s Festival; India)
Feast of Rahmat (Baha’i)
Ferdinand Bol (Artology)
Festival of Fata (Ancient Roman Goddess of Fate and Chance)
Fors Fortuna (Ancient Rome)
Fortuna’s Day (Pagan)
International Fairy Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Inti Raymi (Ancient Inca)
Jan Matejko (Artology)
Jean Metzinger (Artology)
Lawrence Block (Writerism)
Margaret Olley (Artology)
María Guadalupe García Zavala (Christian; Saint)
The Martyrs under Nero (Christian; Martyrs)
Mog Ruith (Servant of the Wheel; Celtic Book of Days)
Nativity of Saint John the Baptist (Christian; Saint)
Robert Henri (Artology)
St. John’s Day [and 2nd Day of Midsummer celebrations] (a.k.a. ... 
Bonfires of St. John (Spain)
Enyovden (Bulgaria)
Feast of the Dews (Lithuania)
Inti Raymi (Festival of the Sun, a.k.a. Peasants Day, Peru)
Jaanipäev (Estonia)
Jāņi (Latvia)
Joninės (a.k.a. Saint Jonas' Festival; Lithuania)
Jónsmessa (Iceland)
Macau Day (China)
Midsommardagen (Sweden)
Midsummer Day (England)
Midsummer’s Day (Estonia)
Quarter Day (England)
Saint John the Baptist Day (Andorra)
Saint Jonas' Festival or Joninės (Lithuania)
Sant-Jean-Baptiste Day (Quebec)
Sânziene (western Carpathian Mountains of Romania)
Surinal (North Korea)
Wattah Wattah Festival (Philippines)
Zuni Buffalo, Corn and Comanche Dances (Zuni Native Americans)
Saloua Raouda Choucair (Artology)
Sexual Fantasy Day (Pastafarian)
Simplicius (Christian; Saint)
Sun Festival (Peru)
Zamling Chisang (Universal Prayer Day; Tibetan Deities, esp. Samy Dolde)
Zemlya's Night (Mati-Syra-Zemlya, Slavic Goddess of the Earth)
Orthodox Christian Liturgical Calendar Holidays
Whit Monday [50 days after Orthodox Easter] (Orthodox Christian) a.k.a. ... 
Doua Zi de Rusalii (România)
Holy Spirit Monday
Kataklysmos (Cyprus)
Monday of the Holy Spirit
Pentecost Monday
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [37 of 57]
All a Bir-r-r-d (WB LT Cartoon; 1950)
Ape Suzette (The Inspector Cartoon; 1966)
Bewitched (Film; 2005)
The Caine Mutiny (Film; 1954)
Cars 2 (Animated Pixar Film; 2011)
Cat Ballou (Film; 1965)
Catch-22 (Film; 1970)
Chastity (Film; 1969)
A Chinaman’s Chance (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1933)
Dangerously in Love, by Beyoncé (Album; 2003)
Elvis (Film; 2022)
4, by Beyoncé (Album; 2011)
Generation Cancellation, by Little Big (Song; 2022)
The Great Milenko, by Insane Clown Posse (Album; 1997)
Happy-Go-Nutty, featuring Screwy Squirrel (Tex Avery MGM Cartoon; 1944)
Hawaiian Vacation (Pixar Toy Story Cartoon; 2011)
Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo (Film; 1977)
Hot Air Races (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1949)
Independence Day: Resurgence (Film; 2016)
The Last Indian (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
The Lion King (Animated Disney Film that ripped off Kimba; 1994)
Little Girl Blue, by Nina Simone (Album; 1958)
The Man from Toronto (Film; 2022)
March of the Penguins (Documentary Film; 2005)
McCabe & Mrs. Miller (Film; 1971)
Mr. Robot (TV Series; 2015)
The Newsroom (TV Series; 2012)
Nuts and Jolts (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1929)
Pink Paradise (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1967)
Scalp Trouble (WB LT Cartoon; 1939)
A Scent of the Matterhorn (WB LT Cartoon; 1961)
A Sleepless Night (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1948)
Sorcerer (Film; 1977)
Spaceballs (Film; 1987)
A Spaniard in the Works, by John Lennon (Book; 1965)
The Spy Swatter (WB LT Cartoon; 1967)
Star Maker, by Olaf Stapledon (Novel; 1937)
Swiss Army Man (Film; 2016)
Symphony No. 5 in D Major, by Ralph Vaughan Williams (Symphony; 1943)
Ten North Frederick, by John O'Hara (Novel; 1955)
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, by John le Carré (Novel; 1974)
Under the Dome (TV Series; 2013)
Undone - The Sweater Song, by Weezer (Song; 1994)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (Film; 1988)
Who’s Cookie’ Who? (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1946)
The Will to Meaning, by Viktor E. Frankl (Psychology Book; 1969)
Yellowbeard (Film; 1983)
Today’s Name Days
Johannes, Reingard (Austria)
Enio, Yanita, Yanka, Yanko (Bulgaria)
Faust, Ivan, Krsto (Croatia)
Jan (Czech Republic)
Hans (Denmark)
Annes, Ants, Hannes, Hans, Jaan, Jan, Janno, Johan, Johannes, Juhan, Juho, Jukk, Juss, Kanek (Estonia)
Jani, Janne, Johannes, Juha, Juhana, Juhani, Juho, Jukka, Jussi (Finland)
Jean-Baptiste (France)
Johannes, Reingard (Germany)
Giota, Giotis, Panagioula, Panagoula, Panayotis, Panagiotis, Panos, Panousos, Panagis, Panagos, Panagiota, Panayota, Pani, Panikos, Pegie, Pegy, Takis, Tota, Toula, Yiota, Yiotis (Greece)
Iván (Hungary)
Gabriele, Giovanni, Romolo (Italy)
Jānis, Žanis (Latvia)
Eiviltas, Eiviltė, Jonas (Lithuania)
Hans, Johannes, Jon (Norway)
Dan, Danisz, Danuta, Emilia, Jan, Wilhelm (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Ján (Slovakia)
Bautista, Iván, Juan (Spain)
Johannes (Sweden)
Bohuslav, Bohuslava, Boris, Boryslav, Boryslava, Ivan, Jean, Joan, Johanna, John, Slavka, Slavko, Yvonna (Ukraine)
Hans, Giovanna, Giovanni, Ian, Ivan, Jan, Jana, Jean, Jeanette, Jeannette, Johan, John, Johnnie, Johnny, Juan, Juana, Juanita, Sean, Shana, Shane, Shanna, Yancy (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 176 of 2024; 190 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 26 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 19 (Ji-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 18 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 17 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 26 Blue; Fryday [26 of 30]
Julian: 11 June 2024
Moon: 91%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 7 Charlemagne (7th Month) [Alfred]
Runic Half Month: Feoh (Wealth) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 5 of 94)
Week: 4th Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 4 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Feoh (Wealth) [Half-Month 13 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 7.8)
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aaliyahunleashed · 11 months
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Today is National Dessert Day (October 14). Share some of your favorite desserts (more so the Aaliyah related ones).
What was Aaliyah's Favorite dessert?
Favorite Dessert: Vanilla ice-cream with vanilla syrup, nuts, whipped cream and cherries.
.. another article I saw, Aaliyah mentioned that she also enjoyed praline and cream ice cream.
Attached to this post are some Aaliyah cakes and desserts fans have shared over the years. Please tag me in any other Aaliyah related desserts you come across!
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camera-man-2 · 1 year
Happy National Pralines Day to all of y'all.
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murderousink23 · 1 year
06/24/2023 is Festa Junina 🇧🇷, Inti Raymi 🇵🇪, National Pralines Day 🇺🇲, Armed Forces Day 🇬🇧
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lizellyn · 2 months
Dig In and Enjoy, It's National Ice Cream Day
Blueberry and Strawberry swirlChocolate Gooey-Butter CakeLavenderChocolate and Dalgona Coffee SwirlMint Chocolate, Chocolate ChipLemon Chess Gooey-Butter CakeBirthday Cake with SprinklesModern Rocky RoadPumpkin with Praline PecansVanillaBrownie and Cookie Dough BitesBlack RaspberryChocolate with Chocolate GanacheCaramel MarshmallowChocolate Banana BreadChocolate Cake
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nobertsales · 3 months
It’s National Praline Day
Although the stories surrounding the creation differ, it is widely agreed that #pralines are named after French diplomat from the early 17th century whose name and title was César, duc de Choiseul, comte du Plessis-Praslin.
French settlers brought this recipe to Louisiana, where both sugar cane and pecan trees were plentiful. During the 19th century, New Orleans chefs substituted pecans for almonds, added cream to thicken the confection, and thus created what became known throughout the American South as the praline.
In New Orleans and along the Gulf Coast, where there are many communities settled by the French, the pronunciation is prah-leen, with the long aaah sound. Other regions of the country, including parts of Texas, Georgia, and New England have anglicized the term and pronounce it pray-leen.
#NationalPralineDay #FoodOfTheDay #NobertSales @NobertSales #FoodConsultant #FoodService #FoodServiceSolutions #FoodSales #Food #FoodDude #WeKnowFood
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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National Chocolate with Almonds Day
Chocolate covered almonds, Snickers, Almond Joy: take your pick of the many tasty treats that combine chocolate and almonds into a perfect snack.
There is little in the world as divine as chocolate, unless we consider the almond. What providence it is that these two things compliment each other so readily.
Truer words were never spoken. Chocolate is a delicious substance that has been loved and lauded by every tier of society from the poorest to the richest. Kings have traded for it, and men have killed for it, and even Gods have bowed for it. The almond is equally revered, referred to in the Bible as being “among the best of fruits.” Chocolate With Almonds Day celebrates the coming together of these two substances.
History of Chocolate With Almonds Day
Let us begin exploring its history in alphabetical order, shall we? The almond was spoken highly of in the Bible, and finds its origins in the Middle East. There it has been used as a source of food, medicine, and decoration for time out of mind. They are easily harvested from within the almond fruit, and are now grown extensively in California, and is the subject of the largest managed cultivation in the entire world of agriculture. That’s how important this humble tree nut is.
Chocolate is easily one of the most popular substances to every enter the world. It has been seen as a solution for sorrow and a great compliment for joy, and literally contains the stuff of love, at least chemically. Chocolate is used as a way to demonstrate your love for another and has been used in just about every culinary combination you could imagine. Its diversity is well loved, as well as its adaptability.
Chocolate With Almonds Day celebrates what happens when these two fantastic ingredients come together into one mind-bendingly delicious whole.
How to celebrate Chocolate With Almonds Day
Find your favorite source of chocolate drenched almonds and indulge your tastes appropriately! Snickers now makes a bar with almonds, as does Hershey’s with their almond variation on their traditional chocolate bar. But it can go so much further than this. Try your own hand at making a special Chocolate With Almonds Day treat.
Take some almonds and clean them thoroughly, salt them, and put them on a cookie sheet. Place them in the oven and roast them at 450 until lightly browned. While they’re roasting melt down the milk chocolate in a double boiler, add a sprinkle of cayenne pepper, and stir thoroughly. Then you just take the roasted almonds from the oven, allow them to cool, and toss them in the bowl until coated. Place on wax paper to let the chocolate harden and enjoy!
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brookston · 3 months
Holidays 6.24
Accla Brewing Day (Ancient Inca)
Araw ng Maynila (a.k.a. Manilla Day; Philippines)
Bannockburn Day (Scotland)
Burning of the Lamps (Sais, Egypt; Ancient Egypt)
Calcio Fiorentino (Florence, Italy)
Carabobo Day (Venezuela)
Cat World Domination Day
Celebration of the Senses Day
Countryman’s Day (Peru)
Day of the Caboclo (Amazonas State, Brazil)
Dia del Indio (a.k.a. Day of the Indian; Latin America)
Discovery Day (Newfoundland and Labrador; Canada)
Dobbs Anniversary Day
Experiment 624 Day (a.k.a. Angel Day; Lilo & Stitch)
Farmer Day (Peru)
Festival of Contagious Magic
Fisherman's Day (Zaire)
Flying Saucer Day
Free RPG Day
French Canadian-American Day
Global Day of Action to Climate & Employment Proof Our Work
Hawaiian Coffee Day
International Day of the Makeup Artist
International Day of Women in Diplomacy
International Fairy Day (a.k.a. Faerie Day)
International Ia Day (Romania)
La Festa Dei Gigli (Festival of the Lilies; Italy)
Lost Handkerchief Day
Manila Day (Philippines)
Melpomene Asteroid Day
Museum Comes To Life Day
National Ageless Day
National Day of Joy
National Holiday of Quebec (Canada)
National Kenneth Day
National Indigenous Day (Peru)
National Le Day
National Midwife Day (Indonesia)
National Parchment Day
National Patch Day
National Pegging Day
National Relationship Equity Day
National Upcycling Day
Quarter Day (England, Ireland & Wales) [2 of 4]
Rosemary Day (French Republic)
Sânziene (Carpathian Mountains, Romania)
St. John’s Wort Day
Stonewall National Monument Day
Summer List Day
Surfside Remembrance Day (Florida)
Swim a Lap Day
Swing a Kid Day
Think Your Way to Health Day
Tibedetha (a.k.a. Tiber’s Day; Elder Scrolls)
Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse
World Alsace Lovers’ Day
World History Day
World Messi Day
World Senses Day
World UFO Day [& 7.2]
World Young Doctors Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
American Barley Wine Day
National Creamy Pralines Day (a.k.a. National Pralines Day)
National Take Back the Lunch Break Day
Independence & Related Days
City Day (Porto, Portugal)
Constitution Day (Zaire)
Edanzia (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Gishabrun (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
4th & Last Monday in June
Hetero Male Monday (Boise, Idaho) [Every Monday in June]
Motivation Monday [Every Monday]
Please Take My Children To Work Day [Last Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 24 (4th Full Week)
Boys & Girls Club Week (thru 6.28) [Mon-Fri of Last Week]
Lost Handkerchief Week (Shamanism)
Festivals Beginning June 24, 2024
APGA Conference (Boston, Massachusetts) [thru 6.27]
HTEC 2024 (Charlotte, North Carolina) [thru 6.27]
INmusic Festival (Zagreb, Croatia) [thru 6.26]
National Insect Week (thru 6.30)
Feast Days
Alfred (Positivist; Saint)
Amitabha Buddha Day (Buddhism)
Ambrose Bierce (Writerism)
Anton LaVey Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Bartholomew of Dunelm (or Farne; Christian; Saint)
The Burning of the Lamps (Ancient Egypt; Everyday Wicca)
Claribelle (Muppetism)
Eleanor Norcross (Artology)
Feast of Parvati )Woien’s Festival; India)
Feast of Rahmat (Baha’i)
Ferdinand Bol (Artology)
Festival of Fata (Ancient Roman Goddess of Fate and Chance)
Fors Fortuna (Ancient Rome)
Fortuna’s Day (Pagan)
International Fairy Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Inti Raymi (Ancient Inca)
Jan Matejko (Artology)
Jean Metzinger (Artology)
Lawrence Block (Writerism)
Margaret Olley (Artology)
María Guadalupe García Zavala (Christian; Saint)
The Martyrs under Nero (Christian; Martyrs)
Mog Ruith (Servant of the Wheel; Celtic Book of Days)
Nativity of Saint John the Baptist (Christian; Saint)
Robert Henri (Artology)
St. John’s Day [and 2nd Day of Midsummer celebrations] (a.k.a. ... 
Bonfires of St. John (Spain)
Enyovden (Bulgaria)
Feast of the Dews (Lithuania)
Inti Raymi (Festival of the Sun, a.k.a. Peasants Day, Peru)
Jaanipäev (Estonia)
Jāņi (Latvia)
Joninės (a.k.a. Saint Jonas' Festival; Lithuania)
Jónsmessa (Iceland)
Macau Day (China)
Midsommardagen (Sweden)
Midsummer Day (England)
Midsummer’s Day (Estonia)
Quarter Day (England)
Saint John the Baptist Day (Andorra)
Saint Jonas' Festival or Joninės (Lithuania)
Sant-Jean-Baptiste Day (Quebec)
Sânziene (western Carpathian Mountains of Romania)
Surinal (North Korea)
Wattah Wattah Festival (Philippines)
Zuni Buffalo, Corn and Comanche Dances (Zuni Native Americans)
Saloua Raouda Choucair (Artology)
Sexual Fantasy Day (Pastafarian)
Simplicius (Christian; Saint)
Sun Festival (Peru)
Zamling Chisang (Universal Prayer Day; Tibetan Deities, esp. Samy Dolde)
Zemlya's Night (Mati-Syra-Zemlya, Slavic Goddess of the Earth)
Orthodox Christian Liturgical Calendar Holidays
Whit Monday [50 days after Orthodox Easter] (Orthodox Christian) a.k.a. ... 
Doua Zi de Rusalii (România)
Holy Spirit Monday
Kataklysmos (Cyprus)
Monday of the Holy Spirit
Pentecost Monday
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [37 of 57]
All a Bir-r-r-d (WB LT Cartoon; 1950)
Ape Suzette (The Inspector Cartoon; 1966)
Bewitched (Film; 2005)
The Caine Mutiny (Film; 1954)
Cars 2 (Animated Pixar Film; 2011)
Cat Ballou (Film; 1965)
Catch-22 (Film; 1970)
Chastity (Film; 1969)
A Chinaman’s Chance (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1933)
Dangerously in Love, by Beyoncé (Album; 2003)
Elvis (Film; 2022)
4, by Beyoncé (Album; 2011)
Generation Cancellation, by Little Big (Song; 2022)
The Great Milenko, by Insane Clown Posse (Album; 1997)
Happy-Go-Nutty, featuring Screwy Squirrel (Tex Avery MGM Cartoon; 1944)
Hawaiian Vacation (Pixar Toy Story Cartoon; 2011)
Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo (Film; 1977)
Hot Air Races (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1949)
Independence Day: Resurgence (Film; 2016)
The Last Indian (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
The Lion King (Animated Disney Film that ripped off Kimba; 1994)
Little Girl Blue, by Nina Simone (Album; 1958)
The Man from Toronto (Film; 2022)
March of the Penguins (Documentary Film; 2005)
McCabe & Mrs. Miller (Film; 1971)
Mr. Robot (TV Series; 2015)
The Newsroom (TV Series; 2012)
Nuts and Jolts (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1929)
Pink Paradise (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1967)
Scalp Trouble (WB LT Cartoon; 1939)
A Scent of the Matterhorn (WB LT Cartoon; 1961)
A Sleepless Night (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1948)
Sorcerer (Film; 1977)
Spaceballs (Film; 1987)
A Spaniard in the Works, by John Lennon (Book; 1965)
The Spy Swatter (WB LT Cartoon; 1967)
Star Maker, by Olaf Stapledon (Novel; 1937)
Swiss Army Man (Film; 2016)
Symphony No. 5 in D Major, by Ralph Vaughan Williams (Symphony; 1943)
Ten North Frederick, by John O'Hara (Novel; 1955)
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, by John le Carré (Novel; 1974)
Under the Dome (TV Series; 2013)
Undone - The Sweater Song, by Weezer (Song; 1994)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (Film; 1988)
Who’s Cookie’ Who? (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1946)
The Will to Meaning, by Viktor E. Frankl (Psychology Book; 1969)
Yellowbeard (Film; 1983)
Today’s Name Days
Johannes, Reingard (Austria)
Enio, Yanita, Yanka, Yanko (Bulgaria)
Faust, Ivan, Krsto (Croatia)
Jan (Czech Republic)
Hans (Denmark)
Annes, Ants, Hannes, Hans, Jaan, Jan, Janno, Johan, Johannes, Juhan, Juho, Jukk, Juss, Kanek (Estonia)
Jani, Janne, Johannes, Juha, Juhana, Juhani, Juho, Jukka, Jussi (Finland)
Jean-Baptiste (France)
Johannes, Reingard (Germany)
Giota, Giotis, Panagioula, Panagoula, Panayotis, Panagiotis, Panos, Panousos, Panagis, Panagos, Panagiota, Panayota, Pani, Panikos, Pegie, Pegy, Takis, Tota, Toula, Yiota, Yiotis (Greece)
Iván (Hungary)
Gabriele, Giovanni, Romolo (Italy)
Jānis, Žanis (Latvia)
Eiviltas, Eiviltė, Jonas (Lithuania)
Hans, Johannes, Jon (Norway)
Dan, Danisz, Danuta, Emilia, Jan, Wilhelm (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Ján (Slovakia)
Bautista, Iván, Juan (Spain)
Johannes (Sweden)
Bohuslav, Bohuslava, Boris, Boryslav, Boryslava, Ivan, Jean, Joan, Johanna, John, Slavka, Slavko, Yvonna (Ukraine)
Hans, Giovanna, Giovanni, Ian, Ivan, Jan, Jana, Jean, Jeanette, Jeannette, Johan, John, Johnnie, Johnny, Juan, Juana, Juanita, Sean, Shana, Shane, Shanna, Yancy (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 176 of 2024; 190 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 26 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 19 (Ji-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 18 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 17 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 26 Blue; Fryday [26 of 30]
Julian: 11 June 2024
Moon: 91%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 7 Charlemagne (7th Month) [Alfred]
Runic Half Month: Feoh (Wealth) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 5 of 94)
Week: 4th Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 4 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Feoh (Wealth) [Half-Month 13 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 7.8)
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bestmessage · 3 months
National Pralines Day Messages, Wishes and Greetings
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This day celebrates the nut based confection that makes a delightful treat. Have the most amazing National Pralines Day wishes and messages shared with your family and friends on Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram.
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jzontheazarian · 9 months
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A Taste of the South: Atlanta Airport’s New Concourse T Expansion
If you’re flying through the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport this holiday season, you’re in for a treat. The airport has just unveiled a new wing of Concourse T, the largest expansion at the airport in a decade. The extended terminal ends with a large circular atrium that will be home to more retail and dining options, all operated by leading airport restaurateur and retailer Paradies Lagardère.
Whether you’re looking for a quick bite, a gourmet meal, or a souvenir to take home, you’ll find something to suit your taste at the new concessions options. Here are some of the highlights:
Southern National Market
This retail and dining concept is the creation of Reggie Washington and chef Duane Nutter, who are the talented duo behind One Flew South in Concourse E. With a selection of globally inspired sandwiches, wraps, and salads, it is a stop that is worth a detour to Concourse T for both dining and retail offerings. Grab-and-go selections like Southern National’s signature pimento cheese and a local charcuterie selection are perfect for the traveler who is short on time.
Inside Southern National Market, you’ll also find the Pizza Boxx, which serves made-to-order modern takes on pizza with flavors like four-cheese, smoked chicken, and beef bulgogi, plus sides like wings, meatballs, and soups.
!Pizza Boxx
The retail side of Southern National Market will stock some of the flavors that make the South special. Guests can bring home Southern National signatures like bourbon honey, peach butter, or Chef D’s house mustard. Local vendors shine with gourmet pecans, chocolates, and pralines sourced from the surrounding areas, and travelers can pick up other Georgia-themed souvenirs.
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Vino Volo
If you’re looking for a more refined experience, head to Vino Volo, the award-winning wine bar and restaurant that has been creating wine experiences in 35 major airports across the U.S. and Canada since 2005. Each location is unique in that it embraces the flavors of its regional markets. The Atlanta location will feature wines from Chateau Elan, Three Sisters, and Georgia Winery and craft beers and ciders from breweries like New Realm Brewing, Urban Tree Cidery, and Monday Night Brewing. Local partnerships also permeate the food menu with seasonal selections created by Southern National’s chef Duane Nutter.
Vino Volo is more than an airport bar; it is an elevated food and wine experience. The newly expanded food menu spans from breakfast to dinner all day with entrees that can be paired with a beverage recommended by the restaurant’s knowledgeable staff. The restaurant’s name loosely translates to “wine flight,” so the wine menu features carefully curated wine flights of three pours linked by a common thread from rosé to red. These flights allow travelers to sample new flavors without committing to a full pour.
Other Options
If you’re looking for something more familiar, you’ll also find Starbucks and Tropical Smoothie in the new Concourse T expansion, offering a familiar coffee concept and a selection of health-conscious smoothies and flatbreads. These options will open in early 2024, along with other exciting additions to the airport’s dining scene.
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