1929crash · 10 months
Anti-choice Mystical Suicide
Faith-based prohibitionist asset forfeiture & girl-bullying LOSES, 2008 (link) It’s no secret. Republicans were upset when Ayn Rand told the world that girl-bullying mystic Ronald Reagan was an enemy of freedom in that he wanted cops to bully women into reproducing. These same Republicans had been thrilled when Ayn Rand–royally ticked off at anarco-communist infiltrators like Murray Rothbard–had…
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Vertigo Politix — The German War Against Globalism : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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guillaume-holland · 1 year
Ursula Haverbeck Debunks The Holocaust Hoax : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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lesewut · 5 months
Furcht und Elend im dritten Reich (~ 'Fear and Misery in the Third Reich' original title: Deutschland - Ein Greuelmärchen, based on H. Heine's "Deutschland ein Wintermärchen"; the final title is a reference to Balzac's novel "Glanz und Elend der Kurtisanen") by Bertolt Brecht and Helene Weigel - written between 1935 and 1939 in emigration. Based on eyewitness reports and newspaper notes. The scenes were printed in 1938 for the Malik publishing house in Prague, but could no longer be distributed as a result of the Hitler invasion.
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Excerpt from the play - notes, historical considerations and interpretations
'For the poor' and yet against them [excerpt from the 24 chapters, especially considering the propagandistic claim to be politics for the poor, whereas the ideas are more and more intensifying the precariousness, free translation of mine]
"There they come down: A pale, motley heap. And high in front A cross on blood-red flags That has a big swastika For the poor man" [The German Army Show, 2nd verse]
"The widows and orphans are coming For them a good time is promised too. But first they must sacrifice and tax Because they make meat more expensive. The good time is far away." [Chap. XI.]
"The class conciliators press For boots and bad food The poor to labour service. They see a year in the same kit The sons of the rich. Would rather have a profit." [Chap. XII.]
"The winter helpers enter With banners and trumpets Even into the poorest house. They proudly drag extorted Rags and leftovers For the poor neighbour.
The hand that slayed their brother Is enough for them not to complain A charitable gift in a hurry. The alms wafers remain Stuck in their throats And the Hitler salvation too." [Chapter XVI.]
"They fetch the young and tan dying-for-the-rich Like the multiplication table. Dying is probably harder. But they see the teachers' fists And are afraid to be fearful." [Chap. XXI.]
"The job creators are coming. The poor man is their kaffir They put him where they want. He may serve them again He may pay their war machines Pay blood and labour sweat." [Chap. XXIII.]
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VI The practicing of law; Augsburg 1934, consultation room in a courthouse; magistrate uncertain about the jurisdiction
Introductory poem
"Then the master judges came To whom the rabble said: Law is what benefits the German folk. They said: How are we supposed to know that? So they will have to speak in accordance with the laws Until the whole German people are seated."
Conversation between magistrate and inspector
The indictment consists of only one page and is the "leanest and sloppiest that the district judge has ever come across" Inspector: Mr District Judge, I have a family Consideration of charges by provocation
District judge and inspector
Problem: certifying the Jew's innocence means that in the Third Reich a Jew can be proven right against the SA; solution: the SA stole the jewellery in national excitement
"Half of the storm are former criminals, the whole neighbourhood knows that. If we didn't have our justice system, they would still be dragging away the cathedral church."
Magistrate and district court judge
"I'm prepared to do anything, Jesus, understand me! You've changed completely. I'll decide like this, and I'll decide as required, but I have to know what's required. If you don't know that, there is no justice."
Hist. Background: National Socialist propaganda effectively used the justice system to spread its ideology and influence the population. The National Socialist justice system was used by the National Socialist German Labour Party (NSDAP) as an instrument to enforce its ideology and propaganda.
Development of the Justice System:
Guidelines for National Socialist propaganda in Hitler's "Mein Kampf": Adolf Hitler already emphasised the importance of propaganda aimed at the feelings of the masses in his work "Mein Kampf"; Psychology of the masses
Before 1933: Propaganda techniques were used even before the Nazis came to power. After 1933, however, the judicial system was heavily politicised and used for the National Socialist agenda
After the Nazis came to power in 1933: The Reich Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda, under the leadership of Joseph Goebbels, played a central role in the dissemination of National Socialist propaganda. Books, newspapers, radio and films were used as means of dissemination.
Instrumentalisation of the judiciary:
The judical system was violeted for politcal purpose. The undermining and politicisation of the judiciary increased arbitrariness and lawlessness
The control of public communication had a high priority for the regime, for strenghening the power and to prepare the propaganda for the war and the extermination of Eurpean Jews.
Notices in German [formatting costed too much energy and nerves, just was able to correct a bit - very unordentlich!]
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personal-worst · 23 hours
did u know german history class skips over the entire battle part of ww2 and ww1 ? we learnt everything else like factors leading up to it, holocaust/shoah, why the name nationalsocialism is inaccurate and was just fishing for votes, the propaganda and hollowing out of the constitution & the more social aspects during the war & the aftermath. but we didnt do a single lesson on battles because those inherently have that "team" aspect. its very easy to fall into 'patriotic' thinking when there are sides and one 'wins' and one 'loses'. its very easy to feel pride or resentment. especially for kids or teenagers
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I have to say something important...
And at FIRST : I will NOT justify war, genocids and others. This post is ONLY to say, to attack or blame someone because of they prefer a character is NOT okay! I am AGAINST war. Against Genocid, I am from germany and my family were pursued and murdered for that they say: NO we will NEVER support the Nationalsocialism in the 2nd worldwar
My family has fought for the weak and protected the persecuted!
Until the end!
Back to topic:
A lot of us (Quaritch fandom) be attacked because we ARE definitely Quaritch fan's...
Because they say....
How can you like him.
He is a murderer, genocist, crimes against humanity...
Aaand so far and more...
MILES QUARITCH was a soldier and that's a FACT
🔹A marine who FOLLOWED the INSTRUCTIONS and the ORDERS he got from his General, Supervisor whatever.
🔹A marine who does everything for hir country, his loyality and his squad.
🔹He has a task and he fulfilled...
Also a fact:
🔸Every soldier on this planet is a potencial murderer
🔸Every soldier who kills people is a murderer
🔸Every soldier fulfilled their DUTIES
🔸Every soldier who murders acts as a possible genocidal monster
So tell me...
Why it is okay to celebrate soldiers who fight for your country, dies for your country, kills people, genocides and more...
And in fact WHY is it a problem that WE are fan's of our big blue guy and mayve before this also his human form?
In the movies we only see Quaritch ON DUTY
Never in PRIVATE situations, never as a friend, a lover, teacher or something.
It is OUR fantasy to create a personality for him, far away from his duties, hir job and instructions
So please be fair to each other.
And NO ONE have the right to say that we are not allowed to,
Or that we have to feel ashame for that...
@milknhonies @angelltheninth @blind0demon @cats-and-fiction @cuethediscoandthedrinks @ikranwings @kxnxrki @lostboysmate4ever @lina-lovebug @nqify
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uwameshi · 11 months
Getting triggered in history class by my teacher talking about nationalsocialism and stating that this (blond, blue eyed and white) is what a German person is supposed to look like wasn't on my bingo card for 2023, yet here we are
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nina-vonnegut · 8 months
once again i wish that commie/socialist (its the same picture) warriors would learn and remember it was nationalSOCIALISM. and how easily they fall prey to antisemitism. and how antisemitism was always present in every single country that attempted socialism/communism.
jews have always been regarded as the 'default' 1% class. without any material reality backing up the claims
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babyawacs · 8 months
.@israel @israel .@haaretzcom @haaretzcom .@iaf_site @iafsite #israel because youare  that shocked how this (recent terror atrocities)  couldhave happened #keypoint youhave no handling or grip on the mindset and the pe rsons how this couldhave happened and you searched for mistakes inyou howyou didnot see these coming #keypoint youlook for c o m m a n d o to sadistic commando mindset mental programs ‎ of where  selfdestructive utmost consequence is utmost consequence to irrelevance r u t h l e s s n e s s programming may be an eastern programming   i always had a selfdisciplined mind and youcan quest decades tofind selfpitty s o m e w h e r e  s o m e h o w  there are specific traits in mindsets which may be amplified and you overlooked #keypoint commando programming to sadistic commando programming maybe darkside programming of (!)deathcult pr ogramming where dying is pegged on sadistically humorous now thisis the technicality commando wants tolive sadistically deathcult programming not necessarily but foremost: how those that rule gaza are used by who wheneversomeone wants toharm israel theywill a l w a y s use thesepeople #keypoint you aimfor theremoval of some of them untilothers tak etheplace and the technicality isthesame ‎ ‎ ‎butyoudonot have a gripontheproblem clearly as i seeit #keypoint #critical the segragation of the population from who s grip onthem touse them againstyou the critical part ‎ ifyou need a grip on nazis search nationalsocialism is warm to it s citizens and search ingroup vs outgroup ‎allthebest
.@israel @israel .@haaretzcom @haaretzcom .@iaf_site @iafsite #israel because youare that shocked how this (recent terror atrocities) couldhave happened #keypoint youhave no handling or grip on the mindset and the persons how this couldhave happened and you searched for mistakes inyou howyou didnot see these coming #keypoint youlook for c o m m a n d o to sadistic commando mindset mental programs…
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sirenofthegreenbanks · 10 months
reading up a little on the closest town for research purposes. i find it so interesting how individual families' ancestral history and the history of events and social developments can be so intricately interwoven with the history of places. it says here that an accurate and complete documentation of events that includes the era of nationalsocialism has thus far (until the publication date of this particular history book) been complicated to realize because the time is so deeply ingrained in living people's personal history, its consequences are a kind of family inheritance for them. so when they recorded the history of this place, they also had to interview time witnesses and risk old scars breaking open and old wounds hurting again, just so they could get a complete picture of this town that thus far ive only ever experienced as a colourful and lively, very old small town with roots in the roman empire. even though i was born here, i consider myself an immigrant child and my knowledge of this place is shallow. i didnt know there was this, well, brewing history beneath the surface of it. i love that recordings of this exist
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thesongthesoulsings · 2 years
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dertraumer · 3 years
"Today a new mythos is dawning – the Mythos of the Blood; the belief that the godly essence is to be defended through the Blood. The old beliefs will be brought back to honor again. The whole secret knowledge of nature, of the divine, the demonic. We will wash off the Christian veneer and bring out a religion peculiar to our race.” Alfred Rosenberg
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1488waffenss · 4 years
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misericor-dia · 4 years
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manyofnine · 5 years
I just watched Jojo Rabbit.
I wanted to do that since last December.
I feel like crying. We laughed a lot while watching it. Part because it was genuinely funny, part because it was so morbid you cannot do anything but laugh, part because I always rather laugh than cry.
There were so many great characters, so many interesting things, and while it was a caricature of what had been, it also managed to be more accurate than any other ww2 movie i've seen so far.
If you have the money, go watch it. If not, then stream it, a few good ones are up already. It's a movie that i would say has to be seen. Especially in our (western) current political climate.
Funnily enough the rawest line of the whole thing for me was:
"You are not a Nazi. You are a ten year old boy."
That one kicked me in the teeth and bloodied my smile. Ppl say a lot of things about Taika Waititi and the oscars and stuff lately. And i never really cared about any of them.
What i care about is that the movie made me laugh and nearly choke on my tears.
So go watch it, take one evening to be happy and sad and remember the words "Never again" and then act upon them the next day.
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Rainbow Fascism
Who thinks we should start calling SJW's 'Rainbow Fascists'?
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