shuusnow · 6 years
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skygemspeaks · 7 years
You've managed to send me off on a Natsume Yuujinchou kick - thank you so much! It's been so long and it makes me so happy. ♥️ But, uh. Do you have any suggestions for good fics for the series? I'm sorry, I just had to ask. Thanks.
^^ Yay, I’m glad!
I’d also mostly forgotten it for several years, but then s5 came out last fall and it got me really hyped to be back in the fandom, and now s6 is here less than half a year later and I’m just completely in love with the characters all over again, y’know?
Anyways, sorry, I don’t actually have very many recs, but there are a few must reads I can point you towards:
An Ordinary Session by volta_arovet is about a young boy who can see youkai, but is forced to see therapists because of his chronic “lying”. This is his first meeting with his newest therapist - Natsume Takashi.
Calling You Home by paperwar is a cute little fic about five scenes between Takashi and Shigeru.
Dear Beloved by SkyGem (because obligatory self plug ;) ) is a character death fic, so proceed with caution!
Little Lost Spirit by ncfan is a sad little one-shot from Touko’s pov about the first time she saw Natsume Takashi.
The Human Mask by harunekonya is absolutely amazing, and I’m pretty sure it’s the single most popular fic in the fandom. It’s a fic in which Natsume gets turned into a god. I absolutely adore it, but it unfortunately hasn’t been updated in almost a year T^T It has 182k words though!
Three for Family by NightsMistress is another one-shot from Touko’s pov about her thoughts on her foster son.
Unconventional Family by bleach-ed-na-tsu is only 3 chapters and hasn’t been updated in quite a while, but I rather enjoy it! It’s super cute and is about Natsume basically parenting the 4 youkai children that imprinted on him throughout the series (Tama, Kogitsune, Kirinoha, and Kai).
Ahhh, sorry, that’s all I have at the moment! I hope you like them though!
It’s a bit hard for me to find fics I like in this fandom because so many of them are NatorixNatsume, which is my notp, since I see them more as a sibling type relationship, so the ship is kinda squicky to me. TanumaxNatsume is another popular ship which I don’t particularly like, bu I’m more okay with this one. I mostly try and find non-pairing fics XD
Nyanko-senseixNatsume is one that I used to ship, and even have a fic for, but I find I don’t really like it much anymore.
I tend to hc Natsume as either aro or demiromantic these days.
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yourlocalyorozuya · 8 years
Hooo boi yes Natori X Natsume no4. Pls let Natori give the stresed lil boy a nice "massage" hmmmm
[[tbh poor boy needs a lot more than a massage]]
[[and that’s not even meant to be an innuendo]]
[[in any case here u go nonnie!]]
Send me a pairing and a prompt? Or give me your own idk
A03 Link
4. “Do you…well…I mean…I could give you a massage?”
Natsume does look over at him then. An expression of disbelief, confusion on his face, just barely conveyed through the exhaustion. 
“Yes? You’ve heard of massages, haven’t you?” Natori asks in turn, a slight grin on his. 
Natsume’s cheeks do flush then, “Yes, I have. But-” 
“You looked pretty tired. And seeing as you’ve been helping me out all this time, it’s the least I could do.” 
“I’m not…really.” 
“Natsume-kun, you have dark circles under your eyes. And you’ve been yawning since dinner.”
“A-ah, I have? Sorry. I just haven’t been able…” A yawn breaking the sentence apart into mumbling words, “to sleep lately.” 
“And that’s why I’m offering.” Natori says smoothly, “Maybe I can help you relax.” 
And Natsume immediately stiffens. “I’m fine. Thank you, though.”
“Are you sure? Like I said, you haven’t been looking so good. And I’m starting to worry about you.” 
That does it. Natsume looks away, averts his eyes.”I…”
“Only if you want me to, though.”
Natori’s tone is sweet, light. Honeyed. 
There’s a different light in his eyes, a light Natsume recognizes. 
Let me at least do this.
That’s what those words implied. 
And it doesn’t take too long before Natsume’s resistance crumbles. It was getting easier to break. 
“…Fine. I-If you’re really insisting…” 
He turns his head towards the front again as Natori approaches. 
His neck was still warm, tepid from the bath. It’s warm against his fingers. 
Natsume’s still tense. 
“Try to relax, Natsume-kun.” Natori says, his voice is low. He lays his hands on the boy’s shoulders experimentally. 
So tense, rigid. Unyielding. Natsume’s voice is soft when he replies.
He moves against Natori’s fingers, tilting his head back. Natori could feel the sigh going through his body as he attempts to relax. 
He could almost imagine the rabbit-like heartbeats just from seeing the blush. 
His neck and the back of his ears were painted red too.  
A begrudging, quiet sound. And Natsume’s extremely conscious of it. 
“Does it feel good?” Natori asks and the question only serves to make the boy more self-conscious. 
Had he intended it? Probably. 
Natori pushes down gently, fingertips flaring out on the soft skin, the way that the boy’s shoulders give way beneath him. 
It feels…intimate, almost. 
“Feels weird.” 
“Weird?” Natori questions. There’s still a light tone to his voice, hushed though it may be, “Weird how?” 
“Weird as in…um. Never mind.” 
“Hm? You’re going to need to tell me how you feel, Natsume-kun. I’d need to know if it’s too rough. Or if I’m hurting you.” 
He’s deliberately picking his words; it’s exactly how he intends them to sound. Natsume knows this. 
“It’s f-fine.” 
Natori pushes down carefully then, and his fingers seems to drift slowly on the boy’s skin. Seemingly at random. 
“I need to know if it’s good or bad, too.” Natori says. The smirk clear as day on his face. He’s not even bothering trying to hide it now. 
The tension in the air between them is fragile, brittle, seems to crack the more that he touches him.  
The more that he watches the boy react, finally relax under his ministrations. Enough for his eyes to close and his breathing to even out. 
“Feeling better?”
“Mmm…” Natsume says. Almost sleepily. 
He does open his eyes when Natori’s finger traces its way up his cheek. Towards the circles under his eyes. 
“You shouldn’t work yourself to the bone like this. I get worried, you know?” 
“…It’s fine.” The customary response, automatic. A small smile, practiced, polite, “I’m used to it.” 
“That doesn’t exactly put me at ease, Natsume-kun.” 
“…Neither does this.” 
“…I…” His words are a monotone, like he’s half-there, slipping through his mouth without his consent, “When…you touch me.” 
“’’’When I touch you?” 
“It feels…like fire is running through me. My heart, my veins.” 
There’s that blush again. A hand to cover his eyes. 
“I’ve never…been touched that way. By other people. They stay away from me, usually. I…I’ve usually kept my distance from them, from any friends and-!” 
The conversation is depressing, too depressing. 
Natsume’s fingers are slender, more delicate than they seemed. 
Natori takes the hand over his face and brings the back of his palm to his lips. Holding the boy’s gaze as he registers the movement. 
“Do you like it?” He whispers. 
His breath is warm on Natsume’s skin. 
This is not a conversation that follows common sense or the realm of reality. 
They stare at each other’s eyes at Natori pulls away. 
Enough to kneel down while Natsume stutters, the boy pulls away and he manages a kiss on the nape of his neck. Effectively freezing him. 
“Do you hate it?” 
His act is in shambles, his mask scattered around their feet. 
When Natsume looks at him, he sees Natsume’s true face. He shivers. 
“I...It just feels. Weird.” 
“Tell me if you want to stop.” 
The smell of soap and the delicious warmth of his skin. Slowly, ever so slowly, their fingers interlinked, hands between them. 
Natsume never tells him to stop once. 
His lips are softer than Natori thought they would be. 
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captainsusana19 · 9 years
Okay, but who else wants Natori and Natsume to get together once Natsume is a bit older and until then enjoy a wonderfully troubled bromance..?
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allboutmyworld · 10 years
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Pairing: Natori x Natsume
Natsume Yujincho Ep 9 23:49
One of fujoshi's favorite scene in Natsume Yujincho anime XDDD
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ceedawkes · 11 years
so i wrote a thing:
title: a weekend away rating: mature...ish? idk THERE WILL BE BANGING OKAY. fandom: natsume yuujinchou summary: 5 times the youkai knew too much about natsume and natori's love life and 1 time it didn't matter  pairing: natsume/natori status: 3/6 chapters uploaded currently  ao3 link: here 
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illusions58 · 12 years
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shuusnow · 6 years
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skygemspeaks · 7 years
Hi, it's the Natsume anon again. Aaah, I feel so nostalgic looking at these recs - I've read a few, but there are still some I haven't see before, so thanks for that. Yep, I've read the Human Mask and absolutely loved it. I don't have hard NOTPs, specifically, but I prefer gen fics or friendship fics in this fandom? So, amusingly enough, the fandom's fascination for NatorixNatsume used to weird me out. But! You used to ship MadaraxNatsume! I prefer aro/demi Natsume, too, but I adore that ship!
Ah yeah, the thing about Natsume and Nyanko-sensei is that, a while back, I mentioned that I headcanoned Natsume as having some youkai blood in him (given that his hair and eyes are canonically silver and he has crazy spiritual power), and one of my followers actually mentioned this headcanon that’s been going around that Nyanko-sensei is Natsume’s grandfather, and I completely fell in love with that hc. (It would also explain why Nyanko-sensei’s human form looks so much like Reiko)
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