#navy blue stethoscope
watercolor-hearts · 1 month
Someone stop me from buying more stethoscopes. 😭
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jungle-angel · 3 months
My Heart Belongs To You (Doctor!Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You and Bob share a beautiful little moment when studying for your exams
Warnings: None, Grey's Anatomy reference though (lol).
Notes: Inspired by the amazing moodboard of @ryebecca Honey, I couldn't help myself and yes there will be a part two to this (lol).
Tagging: @floydsmuse @ryebecca @callmemana @attapullman @hederasgarden @withahappyrefrain @rhettabbotts @desert-fern
You groaned loudly, frustrated by the endless round of exams you were faced with over the next few weeks. All you wanted was to be out and about, enjoying the gorgeous summer evenings but instead you had your nose buried in a copy Gray's Anatomy that was clearly older than you. But oh was that old book smell worth it. You didn't care that your classmates had made fun of you for using those old books for studying, but their bitchy, superficial whisperings had made all the stress go straight to your neck.
"S'matter sweetheart?" Bob asked, placing his keys in the fishbowl near the door.
"M'fuckin stressed," you said, your voice muffled as you buried it in the pages.
Bob sighed, adjusting his glasses. "Lemme guess," he said. "Teddy Altman?"
"She's such a fucking BITCH!" you blurted, placing as much emphasis as you could on the last word. "She thinks she owns everyone and everything, that she's all that and a bag of chips and that she gets to boss around all the interns."
Bob laughed a little. "Oh believe me babes," he said. "She's on thin ice."
"She made fun of my books because I got them at the thrift store," you commiserated. "I'm sorry, I can't afford all those fancy medical books that I'll never use again and enjoy the smell of old books."
"Babes don't worry," Bob chuckled. "Teddy's about two steps away from getting fired after what she pulled on the last patient."
"Oh really?"
"Oh yeah," Bob answered. "Jake and I tattled on her because she was denying people organ transplant surgeries. We had a wicked young couple who both had CF and who had gotten married but Teddy of course had to meddle in it all."
"No!" you gasped.
"Oh yeah, total mess," Bob said, kicking off his shoes. "She told them that if they didn't get a divorce then she'd deny them the organ transplants. Jake and I reported her to Iceman and they're gonna give Teddy her walking papers tomorrow."
"Did the couple get the transplant?" you asked.
"Ice came to see them personally and told them that under no circumstances would he deny them the transplant," Bob explained. "Ricky and Julia are both going under tomorrow and you're looking at the surgeon who's gonna be operating."
You shrieked excitedly, jumping up from your desk seat and throwing your arms around your husband's neck, kissing his soft cheeks. "Bob that's amazing!!!"
"Oh that's not all," Bob elaborated. "I talked to Father McKenna, the hospital chaplain, and he said that Ricky and Julia wanna renew their vows before they go in for surgery."
You were practically melting at the thought. Meemaw Floyd had been right, true love really did conquer all.
"Alright, enough about my day," Bob laughed. "What's up here? What can I help with?"
"This stupid practicum," you answered. "I have to practice giving a full body physical and I don't wanna do it."
"I'll help," Bob said.
"You sure?"
"Absolutely!" he insisted. "I'll walk you through everything."
You and Bob set up a mock exam room in the living room and began the practice part. He guided you through everything and let you know if you were doing too much or too little.
"Alright Mr. Floyd," you said. "I will need to have a listen to your heart and lungs just to make sure everything's all good. Do you mind removing your shirt for me?"
"Don't mind if I do sweet cheeks," Bob chuckled removing the shirt of his navy blue scrubs.
You laughed a little bit as he tossed it to the corner. "You've got alot of nerve there mister."
Bob smiled and kissed your cheek. "I'm just teasing."
You pressed the stethoscope against his chest, listening for any abnormalities and moving it from one side to the other. You were surprised by how strong the beat of his heart was, not a single abnormality to be found and nothing out of the ordinary.
You moved it to just below his nip, the beat having grown louder and more noticeable. You didn't realize how long you had been listening until you felt Bob's hand covering yours, holding it there with a dreamy look on his face. You blushed a little, the heat rising to your cheeks, swearing you could hear Bob's heart saying "I love you" with every beat.
You took the earpieces out and set it aside as Bob pulled you closer to him, his skin warm against you. He pressed sweet little kisses to your lips, loving every little giggle that came out of you.
"I love you sweetheart," he whispered before kissing you again. "You're gonna do great."
And you knew he wasn't wrong.
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the-fiction-witch · 7 months
Favourite Nurse
Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Sweet AF
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I stood in the surgical theatre sweeping, scrubbing and cleaning the place down in the early morning light, my cheap scratchy nurse dress around me as I tried to remove blood stains from the table. I heard the door creak open and a voice spoke up.
"Humm... There's my favourite nurse." He slyly smiled,
I looked up seeing Doctor Jack Dawkins leant on the wooden door frame that led into the prep room, in his usual brown trousers, white faded shirt with blood-stained sleeves, blue waistcoat and tattered green tie, his blonde hair dusty and dirty as usual. His arms crossed smugly over his chest and that stupid sly smile on his lips. 
I turned on my heels to face him moving a strand of hair out my eyes and setting both hands on my hips, "Ah Doctor Dawkins,"
"The Very same my darling," 
"Just the man I've been looking for, I have a bone to pick with you,"
"ohh really?" he smirked as he moved his hands behind him and swaggered over with an air of teasing playfulness, "Umm... Go on then my darling, But I think we both know what bone I want you to be picking at," 
"You left the surgical theatre in an utter abhorrence!" I complain, "Tools used and all over the place, floor blanketed in blood, if you are going to do surgery in the middle of the night you could at least tidy up after yourself!" 
His tone soured, "I don't have time my darling," He rolled his eyes, "If I hadn't acted quickly the man would be dead by now. So I had to perform an emergency operation late last night or early this morning... not confident which it was."
"That's not an excuse not to clean up after yourself."
"But I was tired," he pouted, 
"I am not your maid Jack, as much as you like to think I am," I told him as I took my bucket out with me to the courtyard, but he followed me. 
"I know you're not. I just needed your help. We are the only ones working round the clock here. It's not my fault my body won't let me stay up past 10 anymore."
"That doesn't mean I'm your maid," I told him as I tipped my bucket over the stairwell and set it down with the others, but before I could scamper back inside he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"But you're a brilliant cleaner you get all the spots I'm too blind for."
"Or too ignorant for." 
"Both," he chuckled, "I like you being my cute little maid girl,"
"I am not your maid." I told him poking his chest with my finger, "As much as you may like it."
"And how did you know I had a maid fetish?" he whispered,
"Because you have an everything fetish," I glared as I moved away and cleaned off my hands, "You're a very horny boy Jack."
"Well yeah? You spent ten years in the navy where you're lucky to see one woman per six months, You can't help getting excited for every girl you see." he smirked sitting himself on the edge of the stairs, "And how can I help it with you running around my darling? "
"Some days I really do wonder how you are such a smart doctor, your brain rarely gets any blood it's always down your trousers." I sighed as I began to hang the washed sheets on the lines in the courtyard, 
"I can't help it, you're too captivating," 
"Umm... You're lucky you don't get a damn slap. Escpaily after I caught you peeking down my dress the other day."
"And up your dress," he muttered,
"What was that?" I glared,
"Nothing my darling," He cooed, "You're such a little smart ass, aren't you? The girls at the cat and bagpipes don't give me such sassback."
"That's because you're paying them jack they have to pretend to like you,"
"They do like me."
"do they? do they ever actually want to talk or be near you before you hand them a pound?" 
"Sometimes," He lied, "They like my stethoscope, and hearing stories about work."
"AHH yes your stethoscope I'm sure all rottys girls at the cat and bagpipes just love your... Stethoscope"
"Well and because I'm so handsome,"
"You good looking I think you're very handsome just... Too confident for your own good sometimes" I rolled my eyes as I finished hanging the newly washed sheets and gathered in the dry ones from earlier, 
"Oh? you think I'm handsome My darling?" he teased, 
I finished gathering all the dry sheets and headed back towards the door, "You can be when you have a bath and some clean clothes Jack" I said tugging on his stained sleeves and giving his hair a tussle as I walked up the steps seeing visible dust fall out of it, 
"So you're saying I'm attractive? Like you are actually attracted to me and you think I'm handsome" he gave chase of course following behind me like an excited puppy, 
"If it makes you feel better. Yes," I rolled my eyes kissing his cheek before I headed into the storage cupboard to start folding the dry sheets and putting them away, 
"Wait. You're actually serious, no joke and you're not just saying that to make me stop bugging you?"
"I'm very serious you can be very handsome sometimes," 
"Ohh? Well, what makes me so handsome then my darling?" he cooed leaning his elbow on the shelf, 
"you're a very handsome man Jack. You have a toned slender body, you're tall, you have very handsome soft blonde hair, deep chocolate brown eyes, a striking jaw and a very cute smile and you're are adorable when you get mad or jealous and you frown all pouty, so yes I do find you attractive and the times when you clean up have a hot bath and some clean clothes I admit your very lovely" I explain as I fold sheets, 
He smiled and slightly blushed at my compliments "So... if I had a bath and some fresh clothes I wouldn't just be cute I'd be... sexy?"
He smirked and grabbed my hand spinning me around before pulling me into his chest, "So? how would I rate all clean and lovely?"
"Out of ten?"
"Yep," he smirked not letting me move in any way,
I smiled and set my hands on his waistcoat moving on my tip toes to be inches from his lips as I spoke, At the moment eight. When you have a bath eleven."
"A-an 11? So you're saying once I've had a bath and worn nice clothes, I'll be stunningly handsome and an 11 out of 10?" he blushed, "You... really mean that Y/n?"
"I do, You're a slender little smart-ass jack. And I think you're the most attractive man in the hospital... I mean, that's kind of a hollow complaint though given my options for doctors are you, Dr sneed and Prof. And prof is in his 60s and Sneed looks like a snail" 
"Well, it's lucky for you that I'm so good-looking and have such a captivating personality," 
"It is," I giggled,
"I always knew I was your favourite nurse darling," He smiled stroking my cheek and pulling my lips to his own.  
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kme-2020 · 4 months
I walked down the dimly lit hallway, my footsteps quiet but quick. I glanced over my shoulder, not wanting to be caught, even though it was after hours at the clinic. I swept my eyes from right to left as I opened the door to one of the conference rooms and slid inside. I glanced at my phone and re-read your text “meet me in 15, usual spot”. That was 12 minutes ago. I had three minutes to get ready. I glanced out the window and watched as the last of my colleague’s cars drove away. I sighed and looked down at my navy blue scrubs. I removed my badge and set it down on the table, my portrait smiling back up at me with “Stephanie, RN” written underneath in block letters. I paced back and forth, waiting. I loved our secret meetings- a perk to working at the same clinic at your fiancé.
The door clicked behind me and I spun around as you slipped into the room, eyes darting up and down the hallway like mine did. I smiled to myself, admiring your dark hair and tall, muscular body. Our eyes met and you smiled. “Hey” I whispered as I walked over, stretching up on the tips of my toes. You leaned down to kiss my lips and circled your arms around my waist, pulling me close. “Hey babe”, your deep voice breaking the silence in the room. I leaned back and smiled, searching your face. “Is everyone gone?” I asked. “Just about” you replied. I nodded and moved my hands to gently squeeze your biceps visible under your maroon scrubs. My eyes landed on your stethoscope, still hanging around your neck. I kissed my lips to the stethoscope’s bell and said “are you going to need this?”. A coy look crossed your face. “Maybe…” you replied. You removed your badge and placed it beside mine, the words “Dr. Jacob Dundee, MD” written below your portrait. You gestured towards the conference table with a mischievous look in your eyes. I hopped up and leaned back on my elbows. I smirked at the irony of the situation. A nurse and a physician meeting at a CPR/First Aid course four years ago, which we had to attend regularly to retain our licenses. At the time we were both working in emergency medicine at the local hospital. We had been paired together as partners during that training- such basic training for medical professionals working in emergency medicine…we spent the day simulating and reviewing skills on each other. It had been impossible to not notice how hard his cock became as it was pressed into my back while he practiced the Heimlich Maneuver on me, and it was even more impossible to ignore the heady rush I got when he pulled his hands into my stomach, by back pressed against his front. That was four years ago. As we got to know each other through work we began dating, and discovered we both enjoyed resus play. Since then, we’ve enjoyed the occasional rendezvous-vous at work, the thrill of keeping those meetings secret.
Jacob walked foward slowly, appraising my body propped up on the table, a mischievous look in his eyes. He placed his one hand on my chest and the other on my shoulder, his eyes tracing my lips, over my chin and down to my chest. My breath caught in my throat at his touch and he smirked at this. “Oh Steph…take a deep breath for me…in and out, just like that, good...” I inhaled, your hand rising and falling with my chest. I closed my eyes as your hand moved to hold my left breast, squeezing it. I leaned my head back, enjoying your touch as your lips pressed to my collarbone. I sighed. “Deep breaths, Steph…come on, you know that” you taunted me. I opened my eyes and watched as your put your stethoscope in your ears, raising its bell to my chest. I gasped at the cold touch as you leaned forward, pressing the stethoscope firmly against the delicate skin of my chest. I felt my heartbeat quicken and knew you heard it too when you said, with satisfaction “I don’t know Steph, I’m having a hard time hearing your heart”. Your smouldering gaze met my eyes as your free hand crept its way down my stomach, untucking my top and slipping it into the waistband of my scrub pants. I inhaled deeply, the faint remnants of your morning cologne dancing in my nose.
“Ahh, that’s a bit better” you said as kept one hand in my pants, tracing your fingers along my panties, and the other hand moved the stethoscope around my chest. Your brow furrowed as you listened to my heart race, clearly enjoying the sensual power you had over my body at the moment. You slowly raised my arms above my head, removing your stethoscope from my chest momentarily. You lifted my scrub top to expose my abdomen and pressed your lips just above my navel. I gasped as your lips moved up my rib cage, pausing momentarily as you slipped my top off over my head, leaving me exposed with only my black bra on top. You leaned back over me, pressing your ear to my heaving chest. You glanced up at me and pushed a stray curl from my face. “Steph, your heart is beating so fast, you need to calm down” you whispered to me, knowing your words had the exact opposite effect on me. I took a deep breath as your stethoscope once again found my chest.
“Hmm…Steph, do you need CPR?” you asked me. Our eyes met and I nodded my head, unable to speak, my face flushed. You stood up and swung your leg up to meet me on the table, straddling my thighs. You placed both hands on my hips and slowly traced my rib cage, making your way up to my sternum. I breathed heavily in anticipation, a buzzing feeling filling my body. I swooned as you nestled your hands between my breasts and rocked your body into position, locking your elbows. You maintained eye contact as you gently compressed my chest, my lungs exhaling any breath left. You remained in this position and slowly released, my breastbone expanding. You did this again and raised your eyebrows. I nodded, letting you know it felt good, inviting you to compress deeper. I bit my lip and stifled a moan as your weight slowly pressed into my chest and released, synchronized with my breathing, over and over again.
We carried on like this, thrilled by the fact we had to be quick but wanting to savour the moment before going home after work. Your cock was hard; I could feel it grinding against my body through our pants. You paused to press your stethoscope once again to my chest, listening intently to my heart pounding. You grinned, pleased with what you heard. You reached for my stethoscope, putting the earpieces in my ears and pressing the bell into my chest. My heart was racing, pounding out a loud and steady beat as we listened together. I heard the blood rushing in my head as you returned to your chest compressions, once again synchronizing with my rapid breath. I closed my eyes and arched my back, trying unsuccessfully to hold back a moan. Your lips found mine as we kissed, my hands tangling in your hair.
Your hands moved from my chest to cradle my face as you pulled away. “I’m going to breathe for you” I nodded in agreement, ready. You sealed your lips over mine and exhaled, filling my lungs with your warm breath. Our lips parted and I felt the air rush out. Quickly, you sealed your lips over mine again and exhaled, my cheeks puffing out. You rocked back and returned to compressing my chest, this time with a stronger, steady pace- similar to CPR but not as intense. I felt my ribs cave and recoil under your weight, my abdomen bouncing against your thigh with each compression, my head gently bobbing side to side. I spread my arms out and gripped the edges of the conference table we are on. I felt warmth building between my legs, desperate and hungry. A heady rush engulfed me, delight and pleasure connecting our bodies with each chest compression and breathe you rewarded me with.
You stopped your compressions and once again made sure my stethoscope was in my ears and placed the bell on my chest, grabbing my hand to hold it in place so I could hear. My heartbeat filled my ears and I watched as you put your stethoscope in your ears and pressed the bell to my chest. We listened as my heart pounded and danced under our touch. Excited and satisfied, my body relaxed and I sighed a deep breath. We lay still for a few moments, savouring the sound of my heart as my breathing slowed.
You got off the table and pulled me into a sitting position, my legs dangling off the edge but not quite reaching the ground. I was still only wearing my navy blue scrub pants and black bra. You grinned at me as you stepped back and pulled off your maroon scrub top. “Okay, my turn” you said as I hopped down. “I need nurse Steph to check me over”. I smiled with anticipation as my eyes traced Jacob’s strong body, my eyes lingering on his chest. It was craving my touch.
I grabbed my stethoscope and pushed you onto your back and straddled your legs. “Nurse Stephanie is here” I said. “Try and breath normally, Jacob” I teased as I pressed my stethoscope’s bell to your chest “I’m going to listen to your heart, you look a little stressed…”
The perks of working with your fiancé.
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fredwardart · 1 month
formula E drivers and their stethoscopes
@watercolor-hearts and I discussed what stethoscopes each driver would use after they created a list for Formula 1 drivers. then we had the ideas for formula e drivers (+ André and James) so I made a list. Thanks to V for creating the collages!
André Lotterer - Littmann CORE Digital Stethoscope 8572 - High Polish Rainbow, Littmann Cardiology IV Diagnostic Stethoscope: Black & Black - Red Stem.
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He’d want a digital one to save it for later. And the rainbow chest piece is obvious (for the gay in him). Sleek black with a hint of dark red is perfect for our war criminal.
Jev - MDF procardial® titanium adult cardiology stethoscope - cheetah/blackout.
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Like Cheetah the cat.
Mitch Evans - MDF acoustica® stethoscope - white/black.
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When I think of jaguar I think of Mitch. The colours remind me of him.
Nick Cassidy - Littmann Cardiology IV Diagnostic Stethoscope: Hunter Green
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I just looked at it and thought, oh yeah, he’d look good with that.
Maximilian Günther - Littmann Cardiology IV Diagnostic Stethoscope: High Polish Rainbow & Navy Blue - Black Stem, Littmann Classic III Monitoring Stethoscope: Ceil Blue (suggested by V).
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Maserati prince. Rainbow chest piece gives gay vibes.
James Rossiter - MDF MD one® adult stethoscope - white/perla noire, Littmann Cardiology IV Diagnostic Stethoscope: Satin Alabaster Tube
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The vibe. Simple but a little bit posh, sophisticated. He likes the white.
Sam Bird - MDF MD one® epoch® titanium adult stethoscope - orange
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The orange suits him.
Stoffel Vandoorne - MDF procardial® titanium cardiology stethoscope - green/blackout
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It's illegal how good he looks in green.
Robin Frijns - MDF MD one® epoch® titanium adult stethoscope - graffiti/blackout, Littmann Classic III Monitoring Stethoscope: Smoke & Lime Green - Blue Stem
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Given the pokemon obsession I feel like robin would like this one. can also imagine the green to rep Envision.
Edo Mortara - MDF procardial® titanium cardiology stethoscope - pink glitter/rose gold
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Girl dad. I think he would love the pink and would enjoy using it.
Sacha Fenestraz - MDF MD one® epoch® titanium adult stethoscope - sunflower
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A sunny personality that would look great with flowers.
Nyck De Vries - MDF MD one® epoch® titanium adult stethoscope - tie dye
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Sunny personality, a bit of fun away from his on track crimes. He’d look cute with it.
Oliver Rowland - MDF procardial® titanium cardiology stethoscope - white glitter/rose gold
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Another girl dad. Secure enough in his masculinity to own the glitter. I was imagining red glitter, but this is close enough.
António Félix da Costa - Littmann Cardiology IV Diagnostic Stethoscope: Black & Black - Red Stem
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I think he’d like the black with a surprise bit of red. Porsche vibes.
Nico Müller - Littmann Classic III Monitoring Stethoscope: Turquoise
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He looks good with this blue.
Jake Hughes -MDF sprague-x stethoscope - burgundy
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Aston Villa FC vibes.
Sérgio Sette Câmara - Littmann Classic III Monitoring Stethoscope: Grey
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Reminds me of the ERT. Subtle . Sort of quiet but still there.
Jehan Daruvala - Littmann Cardiology IV Diagnostic Stethoscope: Plum
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Immediate thought was blue but I think he’d look good with plum.
Jake Dennis - MDF procardial® titanium cardiology stethoscope - paws
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Jake loves his dog so He’d 100% get a paw print.
Sébastien Buemi - MDF MD one® epoch® titanium adult stethoscope - vulcan - carbon fiber/blackout
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“Its dark, like my soul.”
Pascal Wehrlein - Littmann Master Cardiology Stethoscope: All Black
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Dark and mysterious. Gives me his vibe.
Dan Ticktum - MDF procardial® titanium cardiology stethoscope - poseidon - carbon fiber/blackout
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He'd go for this purely because he thinks it looks cool.
Norman Nato - Littmann Master Cardiology Stethoscope: Burgundy
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He just looks like he'd suit it.
Lucas Di Grassi - Littmann Lightweight II SE Nurses Stethoscope: Black
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I didn’t put much thought into this one lmao. Could imagine him using it.
these are all my personal opinion so there is literally nothing proving this, was just a bit of fun. If you have any other ideas though let me know. Hope you enjoyed! :)
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dr-trafalgar-law · 4 months
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Trafalgar Law X CisFem
The little pittie's surgery was a success. Her right hind leg was now in a bright teal cast and she was resting comfortably in one of the larger runs to recover. Blood work came back normal and other than a few cuts and bruises she was a healthy pup. That made the fact that no one appeared to be looking for her more confusing. She seemed to have been well taken care of up to being abused by a group of shitty teens.
You had been back to visit her during your break. Still groggy from medications she rested her head in your lap while you rubbed her ears and read on your phone. It was hard to visit her and not be able to call her by name when she didn't have one so you'd started calling her Azul. Shachi and Penguin had heard you - before you knew it they'd changed her cage card* and everyone was calling her that.
Soft steps drew your attention up as they came to a stop in front of the open gate. Those piercing golden eyes glared down at you, his expression stern as usual. Today he was in light blue scrubs and hightop white and gray Nikes. His thick black hair was splayed in all directions after removing his scrub cap. Tattoos on full display from his forearms down.
"Oh, I'm Sorry - I probably shouldn't be in here." you gently shifted her head off of your lap earning a soft grumble.
"Don't bother if she's comfortable," He stated evenly, "she needs to get used to good people."
With that he continued down to the main treatment area. You resettled against the wall and attempted to continue reading, albeit a bit distracted. In two years that was probably the most he had ever said to you that wasn't totally work related.
Did he just say you were a good person?
"How's your girl doing?" Ikkaku, one of the treatment techs, asked making you jump a little.
She wasn't much taller than you and had long thick curly black hair. Her black scrubs were accented with yellow paw prints on the pockets and a navy stethoscope with a polar bear printed fabric cover rested around her neck.
"She's not mine," you chuckled.
"Not yet." She added adjusting her yellow headband, "Well I just came to check on her but it looks like you've got it under control. Let one of us know if you want to take her for a walk and we'll grab a sling for you."
"Sure." you smiled up at her just before she made her exit.
When your break was over Dr. Newgate was arriving with a caddy of coffees from Sanji's cafe nearby.
"What great timing I have." you smiled as the tall blonde handed your macchiato over, an order he had memorized after a few years.
"Don't say I never got you anything - yoi." he jeered.
You observed quietly for a moment while he teased Chopper about his afternoon tea. Marco was generally in a good mood. The even tempered doctor was harder to fluster than most, though he definitely had a mischievous side.
"Is there something on my face-yoi?" he asked glancing over at you.
"You're just awfully chipper today doc."
"Got nothin' to complain about." he shrugged.
"Whatever you say." you smiled back.
"I'm going back to my office before F/N starts grilling me-yoi." your boss shot you a pointed look as he stepped away from the desk.
The work day continued at a fairly even pace. A few more surgeries were on the books for Dr. Trafalgar while Dr. Newgate had rechecks and call backs. Before you knew it, it was the end of the day.
After the night staff did their rounds you decided to go say goodnight to Azul. As you made your way back to the runs you heard a familiar voice in a rather unfamiliar tone and slowed down.
"You really are a good girl aren't you?" Law was sitting on the floor in front of Azul feeding her Vienna sausages after setting her e-collar* aside.
He spoke to her with such a bright energy. It felt like he'd been replaced by a more chipper version of himself. You had never truly seen him interact with a patient. The techs always took his patients and clients to the exam rooms and brought them back to the reception desk for payment unlike Dr. Newgate who preferred to do that himself. This was incredibly endearing and admittedly a little redeeming. If he sounded this pleasant all the time perhaps fewer people would end the shifts in tears. You certainly wouldn't mind hearing this voice on the phone instead of his normal low energy melancholy timbre.
"Look how pretty you are," he rubbed under her chin and steadied her head to look over her curious little gray and white face while her tail thumped happily against the kennel wall.
You smiled to yourself.
Seeing him be so sweet to her made you happy for some reason. It was nice to see a softer side to the cold, stern doctor you knew. You almost wanted to make sure no one else got to witness it.
Quietly you backed down the hall and entered the lobby again. Chopper had already left for the day, all you had to do was lock up. Slipping into your favorite black knit sweater, you grabbed your bag and headed out to your car.
"Hmm, I'm not sure that he hates you," your blonde friend placed the sandwich you'd ordered down in front of you, "sounds like he's that way to everyone."
"Maybe he just hates people." His husband muttered, picking a fry off of your plate.
Sanji slapped at his hand, "Damnit Mosshead, don't steal customer's food."
"Relax Waiter," the greenette leveled an amused smirk at his better half before shrugging, "it's just F/N."
"Don't involve me in your lovers' spats please." you chuckled.
"Ew." they said in unison turning back to you.
"Anyway," Sanji cleared his throat, "he hasn't actually been mean to you, yeah?"
"He hasn't been nice." you countered before taking a bite.
"If it's really bothering you, why don't you try to bond with him over something?"
"Or you could just leave him be," Zoro suggested, "you don't have to be friends with everyone."
"That's fair, I guess."
You'd become friends with Zoro and Sanji through Chopper. They were all part of a small group of close friends that had a tendency to pull others into their orbit. It was common now for you to drop by the cafe after work for a coffee or dinner. Before them you didn't socialize much. It wasn't that you didn't want to, your introverted nature just made it easy to be a bit of a loner. They'd adopted you and taken you on a few short adventures. It was exhausting but they were experiences you were grateful for and wouldn't have otherwise had.
After your small meal at Sanji's you made a stop by the grocery store to pick up a few things you needed to bake muffins you wanted to bring into work in the morning. After gathering the things you needed in the baking aisle you turned to see Law looking over the opposite side where the coffee and tea were. While you were still in your work clothes - he was dressed in an oversized black hoodie pulled up to cover his messy hair, dark gray sweats and sneakers that had more wear to them than the ones he wore at the hospital. He glanced over taking notice of you as you stood facing him just a few feet away.
Instinctively you raised your right hand and offered a short wave. His eyes seemed to widen a fraction before he quickly blinked and turned to walk away.
He definitely hated you.
*A cage card is a name tag placed on the kennels and runs in a vet hospital to identify patients
*E-collar - Elizabethan Collar - aka cone of shame
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iambic-stan · 1 year
last book read, last stethoscope used, part 15
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The stethoscope: My ole (and old) faithful Prestige Clinical Cardiology scope in navy.
The book: Jay Coles' YA novel, Things We Couldn't Say. High school junior Gio already has enough to navigate with an alcoholic father who won't accept his bisexuality and expects nothing less than for Gio to become the pastor at their church upon his retirement. Out of the blue, Gio's mother, who abandoned him and his little brother when they were small, decides to reenter the picture, finally ready to disclose the secret of why she left her family. I really enjoyed this plain-spoken and poignant story about what forgiveness can or should look like. Also really appreciate positive bi representation with two of the main characters.
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jomiddlemarch · 1 year
And there’s no way back to where we’ve been
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Joel didn’t remember.
Grace didn’t blame him. She’d forgotten plenty: the smell of her mother’s kitchen, the moves of the Philidor Countergambit, the color of her first car, the chemo induction for AML.
She hadn’t forgotten Joel but she hadn’t remembered him until he came back to Jackson, Ellie at his side. Both of them had had more wariness than relief in their eyes, except when they looked at each other. She didn’t say anything when Maria introduced her as Dr. Yang, Jackson’s head physician, though she grimaced at the title and the implication that there was a staff and a hierarchy, that she didn’t operate out of a log cabin or rely primarily on moonshine instead of Betadine to clean wounds. Her stethoscope was shit, barely a step up from the old Fisher-Price doctor’s kit model, which she hadn’t told anyone, because what could they do about it? She wondered what it would be that jogged Joel’s memory, if anything did. When they’d met before, in Before, she’d only been Grace, her hair caught back with a clip, wearing a navy-blue UVA sweatshirt and a pair of Calvin Klein jeans her mother would have died to know she’d spent nearly full-price on. A pair of ballet flats instead of scuffed work boots. They’d only spent one night together.
It wasn’t like that.
She had a slow morning in clinic, no one at death’s door or about to deliver a new resident of the commune, no one who’d gotten on the wrong side of a carving/paring/whittling knife, which meant she could sit in the swivel chair they’d found her and nurse her cup of mint tea in a way that would suggest to someone else that she liked it or found it an adequate substitute for coffee, which she emphatically did not. It meant she could think back to that night and let herself fill in the gaps, a detail here, a detail there. There hadn’t been any obvious reason for the flight to be delayed, so she hadn’t worried at first, because it was probably a late cleaning crew or a last-minute staff swap, not some huge blizzard bearing down on them that would require a cutesy name and tiresome updates from ever-more-tired meteorologists. She’d catch up on that article she was due to present in morning report or find a copy of the splashy rom-com bestseller Lauren had been going on and on about and in a hour or so, a new gate would be announced and she’d figuratively pat herself on the back for not checking (and thus losing) any luggage, even if she had to hike halfway to kingdom come to actually get to the new gate.
The flight was cancelled.
The airline’s long-suffering rep informed her that the next available flight to her destination would leave the following day at 11 am and here was a voucher for a night at the airport hotel, just across the way, ma’am, and to have a nice day.
Grace was dismissed too quickly to fume. She used all her willpower to keep from crumpling up the voucher into a ball that the hotel would refuse to honor.
“Fuck this!” muttered the man standing across from her in front of a battered duffel bag who must have been a few people behind her in the line. He was shaking his head, which she couldn’t help noticing was a pretty attractive head on an absolutely smoking brick shithouse body and yes, she was objectifying him and mixing metaphors or at least idioms but he’d never know. Hell, she probably wouldn’t even mention her reaction to her Lauren, or not until she’d had a few margaritas (not her favorite, but Lauren had bought a special margarita-blender and Grace was obligated to help her make it more than an impulse buy after a particularly lousy breakup.)
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“It sucks,” she offered, surprising herself by talking to him instead of scuttling off to the hotel to try and get what was sure to be a crappy night’s sleep. He had curly dark hair that looked like he’d run his hand through it a number of times and the kind of scruffy beard like he hadn’t bothered to shave for a few days.
“If I did my job this badly, there wouldn’t be a finished kitchen reno in all of Austin,” he said, exasperation giving way to something else. Something more charming, a degree of friendliness conjured by the situation, but maybe more than that. “My name’s Joel and I’m not a serial killer.”
“Is that your standard introduction?” Grace asked.
“No, I usually stick with my name, but I thought under the circumstances, it might be reassuring,” he said.
“But wouldn’t a serial killer also say he wasn’t one?” Grace countered.
“Yeah, I guess he would. I’m still not one,” he said.
“What did you mean, under the circumstances? It’s not like they’re making us bunk together at the airport hotel. Oh my God, they’re not, are they?” Grace said. There was cutting corners and there was a complaint to the Better Business Bureau begging to be made.
“No, but it’s a shitty hotel,” he said.
“I figured,” she said.
“I have a proposition for you and feel free to turn me down,” he said. She waited. They were in a public place and for whatever reason, her entire limbic system was pretty chill around him. Still, the word “proposition” was fraught.
“Okay, I’m listening.”
“I say we cash in the vouchers and spend the money and the night in the airport’s VIP lounge. The armchairs there will be more comfortable than the hotel’s beds and we’ll get a better dinner and booze,” he said. “They’ll have Johnnie Walker Blue Label. Dom Pérignon.”
“I’ve never been in the VIP lounge. Any VIP lounge,” Grace said. She’d been prepared for him to offer to split a rental car and road trip to Austin, which would have been a hard pass, because limbic system or not, she wasn’t risking her life to get back to work a few hours sooner. Austin wasn’t home, it was where she was living during what seemed like her endless training, though her own bed and access to full-size toiletries had an undeniable allure at this point.
“I racked up frequent flyer miles when I was working for a big builder, going to conferences, before I started my own business as a GC,” he said. “I’ve missed my share of flights. My little girl’s going to be upset if I’m not back home tomorrow.”
“What’s her name?”
“Sarah. Sarah Renée. She’s two, stubborn as hell and twice as pretty,” he said, his voice warm, the affection and pride obvious. “My brother’s watching her, which means she’s eatin’ nothing but chicken nuggets and those strawberry yogurt squeeze-pops the whole time.”
“I see why you need to get back. I’m Grace. I bet the VIP lounge can do better than yogurt and super-processed chicken,” she said. “I work at a hospital, I’m used to scavenging whatever the pharma reps bring for lunch.”
“Yeah, they can,” he said, passing up the chance to assume she was a nurse, ask her if she were a doctor, or start to regale her with some medical mystery that only a stranger stranded at an airport could explain. “Whatever they call Mexican will be awful, but the rest should be above average.”
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He was right. Grace didn’t remember the next several hours in minute detail, but the food had been good and varied and the portions, which were supposed to be more like appetizers, were standard American-oversized. The drinks were equally good and the company was better. They’d both been careful not to share too much about themselves, but more than if they’d been seated next to each other on the plane. Or maybe less, because then they both would have expected never to see each other again after the few hours and the night stretched ahead of them. He’d made her laugh and she’d made him smile and while she was still a straight human woman with a healthy libido, the initial attraction she’d felt had receded. She’d liked him, the single dad who was determined to run his own business so he could prioritize his daughter, who shrugged when it came to his ex and didn’t take the obvious opportunity to trash her, who made sure to get Grace multiple glasses of club soda to go with her bourbon sidecars so she wouldn’t be hungover, who knew all the words to “Jolene” and sang along for a few bars, making Grace really wish she could see him play the guitar at the bar he mentioned gigging at when his brother would babysit Sarah. When she told him how much she disliked peanuts “I’m not allergic, I just can’t stand them,” he ate them all out of the dish of mixed nuts the bartender put in front of them. After eating and drinking far more lavishly on the airline’s dime than she ever would on her own, they’d retreated to a pair of overstuffed club chairs and they’d both dozed off for a couple of hours, until the lounge got lively again with business travelers taking the first flight out, an urn filled with Blue Mountain most heavily trafficked. Joel snagged her a mug while he muscled his way through to get one of his own. She probably wouldn’t ever drink another cup of coffee in her life to match it. When she opened her eyes after the first sip, he gave her a smile she knew she’d never forget.
She hadn’t. But he had and it was okay, it was totally okay, because so much had happened and he’d lost Sarah right away when the world ended, while she’d been working nearly non-stop on futile cases on the hospital and then deciding what care meant in the end-times was going to be based on her own take on bioethics, her access to prescription opiates, preferably morphine, and nothing else. He’d had Tess, she’d had Kian. They’d lost them both. They’d each traveled so far from that one night she couldn’t possibly hold it against him that he’d nodded at her and called her “Doc” when Maria introduced them. That as they grew closer, moving from friends to something more than that, companions, lovers, a family, he never squinted at her and said, Hang on, Gracie or I can’t help feeling like this isn’t the first time…
Maybe she wasn’t the only person he’d ever hung out with in an airport VIP lounge after a cancelled flight. She wasn’t about to inquire and it wasn’t likely to come up in casual conversation.
“None for Grace. She hates ‘em,” he said, waving away Ted’s offer of boiled peanuts from the can he’d bartered a three dried-apple and plum hand pies for. Grace wasn’t sure what it meant—she might have said something more recently about not eating peanuts or Joel might remember after all, either the moment at the bar or the whole night. Maybe he thought she didn’t remember him, their hours-long conversation, waking up in the syrupy gold sunlight that came through the viewing windows of the lounge.
Maybe in another dozen years, she’d ask.
Written for @pedrostories​ 1K celebration, the bourbon sidecar is for @tessa-quayle​!
Prompts used: AU, platonic, forced proximity with allusions to time travel, roadtrip, and only one bed (if you squint, basically)
Quote: “Fuck this!”
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shermerclassclown · 1 year
Metro-General (closed RP)
Dressed in navy blue scrubs, donning her stethoscope on her neck, her red hair tied back in a tight bun, and her white sneakers that would surely support her feet for the next 12 hours, Sheila Donovan was looking forward to being the new nurse at Metro-General Emergency Department. She took a deep breath, ready to meet whatever came her way: meeting patients of all kinds. Of all ages and wounds and illnesses. She had worked very hard to get to this point. She walked down the halls, looking for Dr Christine Palmer. She was supposed to be working with her today. Her green eyes scanned the room for anyone by that name. She wasn’t really looking where she was walking.
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xtruss · 1 year
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Irakli Khvedaguridze, 80, is the only licensed doctor across nearly 386 square miles of mountainous land in the Tusheti region of northeast Georgia. Here he rides his white horse, Bichola, through the village of Omalo. In the background is the clinic where he obtains limited medical supplies.
This Doctor Braves Mountains By Horseback and On Foot To Make House Calls
This 80-year-old physician is a lifeline during brutal winters in the Caucasus Mountains.
— Photographs By Tomer Ifrah | By Nadia Beard | March 16, 2022
TUSHETI, GEORGIA — During the summer and early autumn, before heavy snow blankets the mountain peaks, Irakli Khvedaguridze gets to his patients on his white horse, Bichola. Later in the season, when the snow reaches too high for the horse to gallop, Khvedaguridze converts his shoes into skis, using a pair of sanded birch planks nailed with wide canvas. Once the snow rises above his knees, he can only travel on foot.
Regardless of the elements, he never visits a patient without first packing a knife, a box of matches, food that will last for at least two days, and a hunting rifle—along with his stethoscope and other medical supplies. Such is the life of this 80-year-old mountain doctor.
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Top: Region Map. Bottom Left: Irakli Khvedaguridze relies on his horse, Bichola, to visit patients and travel through the mountain villages of Tusheti, Georgia. He serves as a lifeline for the dwindling community of Tush people who remain in this remote area throughout the eight months of winter. Bottom Right: A view of Bochorna, a village of a dozen houses high above Tusheti’s pine-filled Gometsari gorge. Come winter, nearly all of the Tush people head to the lowlands.
“Each time you step out, no matter the season or weather, you know that anything could happen,” says Khvedaguridze, a muscular man with milky blue eyes and a shock of white hair that protrudes from underneath a navy-blue baseball cap he is rarely seen without. “You might fall off a cliff, injure something. This is wild nature.”
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Top: Early morning clouds hover over the village of Omalo in Tusheti, Georgia. Bottom: Snow covers part of the land in the village of Borchorna.
Khvedaguridze, the only licensed doctor across nearly 386 square miles of mountainous land in this historic region in northeast Georgia, serves as a lifeline for the dwindling community of Tush people who remain in this remote area throughout the eight months of winter.
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Top: Irakli Khvedaguridze tends to a shepherd, Rezo Partenishvili, who was experiencing agonizing back spasms, stomach cramps, and other ailments. Khvedaguridze gave him a packet of pink pills to take with meals and an injection to relieve the pain. Bottom Left: A patient suffering from alcohol poisoning is transported via helicopter to a hospital in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. Bottom Right: Irakli Khvedaguridze escorts a patient aboard a helicopter en route to the hospital.
A few years ago, an intoxicated patient in the village of Omalo had to be airlifted to a hospital in the lowlands of Kakheti after he accidentally shot himself in the stomach with a hunting rifle. In the early 2000s, Khvedaguridze saved a boy’s leg after he trod on an unexploded mine.
More frequently, he tends to common ailments: shepherds with back pain, aging locals complaining of heartburn, or tourists who get into accidents. One summer, a Czech visitor was mauled by shepherd dogs while hiking. Another year, an American got sick from drinking water out of a stream.
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Top: Irakli Khvedaguridze, outside the clinic in Omalo, prepares his horse for the ride back to his home about six miles away in the village of Bochorna. Bottom Left: A mountaintop view outside the village of Bochorna in Tusheti, Georgia. Bottom Right: During the coldest winter days in Tusheti, temperatures can drop down to way below freezing.
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Top: Irakli Khvedaguridze travels through the Tusheti region on his horse, Bichola. Bottom Left: During a medical excursion in August, Irakli Khvedaguridze made his way over the mountain to reach the home of an ailing shepherd. Bottom Right: Irakli Khvedaguridze looks through binoculars over the Tusheti mountains. “My father, my grandfather, all my ancestors were born here,” he says. “This area belonged to us.”
In December, while paying a visit to his friend at a hamlet in a gorge dotted with a few wooden houses and a sheep pen, Khvedaguridze received a call from Georgia’s 112 emergency services about a man in another village complaining of a racing heartbeat and chest pains. He made the 7.5-mile trek by foot to reach the patient.
The next day, when the helicopter landed on the snow-laced pastureland of Kvavlo, the patient was lying face up on the ground. The tall, thin man in his early 40s was so inebriated his legs buckled as he was loaded onto the helicopter for transport to the hospital. Khvedaguridze also climbed aboard the flight to monitor and escort the patient to the hospital. The patient was released a few days later, and returned to his village. But alcohol poisoning sent him back to the hospital in January.
The Doctor’s Journey
In 1941, the year Khvedaguridze was born, sheep-keeping was the lifeblood of Tusheti. The twice-yearly transhumance—shepherds migrating their flock on foot down to the lowland pastures for the winter and back up to the highlands for grazing in the spring—was just another event in the Tush calendar.
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Top: Irakli Khvedaguridze stands for a portrait. He is the only licensed doctor across nearly 386 square miles of mountainous land in this historic region in northeast Georgia. Bottom: Irakli Khvedaguridze, who keeps his limited medical supplies—a stethoscope, pain killers, a suturing kit, injections for muscle spasm relief—in a German-made military first aid case emblazoned with a red cross, describes his profession as a "mediation between God and the sick."
Today, it signals the near-total departure of the Tush people to the lowlands for the winter, and their return when the Abano Pass—comprising winding, narrow, cliffside roads—reopens in spring.
Khvedaguridze lives in Bochorna, a village of a dozen houses high above Tusheti’s pine-filled Gometsari gorge. His two-story cottage is made from thin grey-brown slate and wood, and overlooks the wide, green valley. On the steep hillside below, some houses with rusted metal roofs speckle the grass beside the remains of stone towers long destroyed.
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With his horse, Bichola, at his side, Irakli Khvedaguridze, walks down the steep descent en route to the home of a patient several miles away. To save time, the doctor chose to ride through winding mountain paths.
“My father, my grandfather, all my ancestors were born here,” Khvedaguridze says. “This area belonged to us.”
After graduating from the Medical Institute of Georgia (now called the Tbilisi State Medical University) in 1970, Khvedaguridze took his first job at a hospital in central Georgia. When the previous mountain doctor left Tusheti in 1979, he did one-month rotations there a couple of times a year. In 2009, he left his job as a neuropathologist at a hospital in Alvani, and the next year, instead of retiring, he took on the permanent post in Tusheti.
Khvedaguridze, who keeps his limited medical supplies—a stethoscope, pain killers, a suturing kit, injections for muscle spasm relief—in a German-made military first aid case emblazoned with a red cross, describes his profession as a “mediation between God and the sick.”
“For me, there’s no night or day,” he says. “If they call me to help someone, no matter the circumstances, no matter the rain, snow, day or night, I have to go. Even if I’m as old as 90, should there be people who need me, I will go to help them. It’s my duty.”
Mountain Doctor Treatments
Khvedaguridze’s 59-year-old neighbor, Elza Ivachidze, is among his patients. When she complained of shortness of breath and pain in her arm last summer, Khvedaguridze treated the symptoms with pain killers and an injection.
“He often gives old, traditional treatments, including herb teas and pears. It’s not always pills and antibiotics,” says Ivachidze, adding that she worries about what will happen once Khvedaguridze is gone. “He’s the oldest and wisest person we have. Who would replace him?”
During another medical excursion in August, Khvedaguridze saddled up Bichola to make his way over the mountain to reach the home of a shepherd, Rezo Partenishvili, who was experiencing agonizing back spasms for the third day and could not stand up, let alone walk his sheep onto the mountain for grazing.
On the descent an hour later, Khvedaguridze dismounted and soon three snarling Caucasian shepherd dogs alerted him that he was close to his destination. With the speed of someone a quarter his age, he dropped to the ground to snatch a handful of rocks to scare off the dogs but ultimately did not need to throw them.
At the sheep pen, Partenishvili, 39, was lying on a mattress of folded woolen blankets known as nabadi. He is one of five shepherds who graze the flock across the mountain. None of the others looked worried. Back pain, they say, is the most common ailment among shepherds. At this time of the season, they spend their days bent over, shearing the sheep.
In addition to back spasms, Partenishvili suffered from stomach cramps, diarrhea, and chronic sciatica. Khvedaguridze gave him a packet of pink pills to take with meals, then retrieved an injection with some red liquid from his bag: indomethacin to relieve the pain. Partenishvili muttered that he didn’t want it.
“Really? You’re telling me you’re afraid of such a small thing?” Khvedaguridze jested. He reminded Partenishvili that the other option was to stay in bed for a month unable to work. Partenishvili rolled over and pulled down his trousers for the shot.
As Khvedaguridze prepared to head back home, a man sitting nearby quietly puffing on cigarettes called out to complain about shortness of breath. “Get that cigarette out your mouth, then!” Khvedaguridze replied. The shepherd laughed but obeyed, throwing what was left of the cigarette into the fire pit in front of him.
Uncertain Future
Toward the end of the year, with the road now closed for two months, the mountain doctor’s birthplace is almost empty of both people and animals. The transhumance in October cleared the region of most sheep and their shepherds. Only one small flock grazed on a distant hill, and an old Jeep puffed out thick grey fumes before disappearing into the distance.
The arrival of snow quickly revealed the paucity of Tusheti’s infrastructure. Moving around demands sustained physical strength. Fetching water from the nearest tap or spring can take half the morning. With nowhere to get fuel, car journeys must be rationed. Military helicopters are used to deliver food and other necessities. Relatives in the lowlands prepare care packages for soldiers to deliver to family members up the mountains.
Loneliness can creep in from the isolation. “Sometimes I hear a wolf from afar,” he says. “That’s how I know there’s life out there somewhere.
An easier life would be possible elsewhere, but leaving Tusheti would sever Khvedaguridze’s connection to his ancestors’ land—and to his patients.
Despite his devotion, the day eventually will come when he can no longer handle it here. “I will leave,” Khvedaguridze says. “I don’t know if the next doctor will risk their life for this.”
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kelkachu · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Marini CardioPulmonary Cardio Platinum Pro Cardiology Stethoscope (Navy Blue).
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watercolor-hearts · 3 days
I realised that we never discussed what stethoscope Alex would have. What are your thoughts? Would he match with Mitch or go for a different style?
[Help distracting me with your own questions or choose something from here.]
Oh boy, one of the best asks I've ever gotten. 😍
My first thought was navy blue, which might seem boring for most people but I really love it and I usually give it to people who are special to me. I think it fits him perfectly. I tried to find something that's more fun but for me this is the perfect match.
But I'm interested how you see it because you know him better. 😊
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But in an alternate universe it'd be fun if he went with the opposite of Mitch's, so one with black tube and white/silver chest piece and eartubes. It'd be quite romantic, kind of like a yin and yang situation. 😃
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believerindaydreams · 2 years
me: gosh I'm depressed today
me: why don't I go out and buy a stethoscope to go with the navy blue overcoat I already have for unrelated reasons
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knyamed · 2 years
Best Medical Apparel: Doctor's Scrubs, Apron Coats & Surgical Scrub Cap
Buying medical apparel isn’t like buying any other piece of clothing.
Medical apparel is one of the most important investments you’ll ever make in your profession as a medical practitioner, so you must do it with a thought.
Most of the medical apparel out there, in the forms of lab coats, scrubs, and scrub caps are pretty bland and basic.
Like if you buy scrubs, then you get scrubs made out of cotton fabric. If you find a good one, if only you’re lucky, then you’ll find these scrubs have lesser pockets.
If you’re luckier and buy a scrub that has many pockets and is also not made of cotton, but with a good fabric, then you find that the fit isn't perfect.
The same story goes on with lab coats, and it is annoying.
We feel you, and your pain.
That’s why we have a one-stop solution for your scrub, lab coat, and surgical caps buying problems.
And that’s KNYA Med.
KNYA Med isn’t just any other medical apparel brand out there. What makes it unique, and the best one is how they give back to the doctors, with the best, highly functional, and fashionable medical apparel.
If buying the best medical apparel is a thought in your mind, then it should end with, KNYA Med.
Before we get down to what makes KNYA Med unique, here’s a question for you.
If you come across a scrub, or a lab coat that has it all, the fabric, fit, aesthetics, and quality, what’d you do?
Love it, and get obsessed with it, and that’s what makes people get obsessed with the best medical apparel.
Best Doctor's Scrub suits
Is your medical scrub, or lab coat made from poly viscose fabric?
Why isn't it?
Poly-viscose is a fabric that is more durable than cotton, it doesn’t fade, and this fabric gives you better breathability, fit, comfort, and overall functionality than medical scrub suits or lab coats made with other fabrics.
Most medical scrub suits aren’t that generous with pockets.
You’ll find 3 pockets in most medical scrub suits.
Just think for a minute about what role no. of pockets play in your life.
Pockets are important for carrying all your medical equipment with ease, without ever having to carry a backpack!
You’ll have to carry
Blood pressure cuffs
Alcohol swabs
Can you carry all these things in your hands?
And in a scrub that only has 2-3 pockets?
You need pockets, more than 5 in your scrubs.
KNYA Med scrubs have 5 or more 5 pockets in their scrubs.
Pockets in the apron coats are deep enough to carry whatever you need with ease!
Best Surgical Scrub Caps
Best scrub caps are available at KNYA Med. KNYA Med has printed scrub caps, with different designs.
You can wear scrub caps on different days based on your mood.
These caps are made with ultra-breathable fabrics and are available in different designs like camouflage, evil-eye, and smiley.
If you're not the one for the scrub caps with designs, then you can choose solid colors for your surgical scrub caps too.
You can choose from colors like:
Navy blue
Dusty pink
Peacock blue
Best Apron Coats
KNYA Med makes the best lab coats because doctors wear only the best ones that are made for comfort, have exceptional quality pockets, and are highly functional.
These apron coats can withstand pressure and tiredness during long shifts, as they’re made to keep medical professionals enhancing performance in mind.
Now, you know what makes KNYA Med unique and also why choosing KNYA Med for medical apparel like apron coats, scrubs, and surgical caps is a smarter option.
Ashraf Shaikh is a copywriter by day and an aspiring novelist by night. His passion for writing started very young, with him penning his first novel at the age of 17.
Since then, he has gained much experience through writing stories of varying lengths, from short stories to novels.
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stim-robot · 3 years
David Dawson stimboard
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🩺 🐾 🩺 - ❤️ 🐭 ❤️ - 🩺 🐾 🩺
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axelbeats · 6 years
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Nursin and werkin
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