#nct mistletoe
starlightkun · 9 months
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❧ word count: 7.6k ❧ warnings: cursing, mm and that’s really it! i mean like they fight and stuff but just read the genre tags lmao ❧ genre: exes to lovers, angst with a happy ending (look at what blog ur on rn), christmas-themed (if the title wasn’t apparent enough), getting snowed in trope, cuddling to share warmth trope, just a fun, cheesy, time ❧ extra info: i wrote this in a 24-ish hour fever. it’s moderately proof-read. beware. ❧ author’s note: a starlightkun fic under 10k! it’s a christmas miracle!
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“I just said, it’s not that simple!” You yelled, your hands curling into fists at your side. Kun let out a huff, walking away from his armchair to pace in front of the Christmas tree across the room from you. You weren’t going to let him off that easily, though. “Why did you stop loving me?”
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“Any big holiday plans, Y/N?” Your boss asked as you handed her some documents to sign.
“Oh, staying in town,” you answered nonchalantly. “What about you, ma’am?”
She told you about her own Christmas and New Year plans with her wife, kids, and parents with a bright smile on her face as she flipped through the pages. After giving you the signatures you needed, she handed the papers back to you.
“Can you run those over to Dr. Oh’s office for me? The undergrads all went back home for break.”
“Sure, no problem.”
“After that, you can head out for the day. My Christmas present to you.”
“Oh, thank you, ma’am.”
“That, and also this.” She handed you a red envelope before standing up from her desk and closing her laptop. “Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year, Y/N.”
“Thank you, you too,” you flashed her a genuine smile. “Happy Holidays to your family as well. See you in a week.”
“See you.”
Tucking the envelope into your bag, you quickly tidied up your workstation before heading out of the research lab to do your final task. You were a research fellow at a rather prestigious university, and while running papers would typically be asked of the interns and undergraduate students who helped out in the lab, as your boss—the head of the lab—had already pointed out, classes let out for their Winter Break two weeks ago, so you were fresh out of fresh meat.
You pulled your scarf tight around your nose and lower half of your face as you stepped out into the chilly winter air. Dr. Oh was the Dean of Graduate Studies at the university, and you’d been to his office a couple of times before, so your feet followed a familiar path as you hurried through the cold and into the building. The air was almost oppressively hot inside, and you tore off your scarf as you ran up the stairs.
There was light pouring out from Dr. Oh’s office at the end of the hall, the only one on. You poked your head in through the open door, greeted by the sight of a seemingly empty office. Must have stepped out.
Just as you had dropped the papers into his inbox on his desk, you heard footsteps at the doorway and whipped around to greet the older man, breathless smile already on your face.
Except it wasn’t Dr. Oh standing there. Your greeting died in your throat as you stared at the newcomer with blatant shock.
“Oh, Y/N,” Qian Kun rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. His hair was a bit longer than before, a shaggy length that covered most of his ears and neck, and he’d forgone his contacts in favor of a pair of silver wire-rimmed glasses, but there was nothing that time could do to conceal his identity from you. The way your heart dropped to your stomach as soon as he said your name was undeniable. “What are you doing here?”
“What are you doing here?” You sputtered back harshly. His PhD program was at a completely different university in the area and should have ended in the spring. What business did he have here of all places?
“I started assisting Dr. Oh last month. Uhm, sorry, I sort of thought you graduated already, or I wouldn’t have interviewed for the job.”
“I did graduate.” You crossed your arms over your chest. “Two years ago. I’m a research fellow now.”
“Of course. Well, congrats.”
You let out a small noise of acknowledgement that could’ve also been interpreted as a cynical chuckle.
“So, did you need to see Dr. Oh? He’s left the office for the year, I’m just finishing up a couple things here.”
“Oh, no,” you shook your head, vaguely gesturing to the inbox over your shoulder. “My research head asked me to drop something off.”
Kun nodded. “Right. I’ll make sure he looks it over first thing when he gets back.”
“Thank you.” There was a pause of tense silence, and you looked around the office uncomfortably. “So, can I go, or…?”
“Yeah, of course, sorry.” He moved out of the doorway, stepping aside to clear the exit for you. “It uhm, it was nice to see you, Y/N.”
“Yeah, sure.”
You’d just brushed past him when he called your name out again. Against your better judgment, you stopped just short of leaving the office and turned to look at him.
“What, Kun?”
“What uh, what are you doing for the holidays? Are you going back home? Or, celebrating here with… someone?”
You weren’t sure what compelled you to answer other than basic social niceties. “No. Airline tickets were crazy, couldn’t find anything that would get me back in the lab in time that wasn’t ridiculously expensive. All my friends are traveling, so I’ll be eating ramen by myself on the couch, presumably.”
You had answered his half-asked question. No, you didn’t have a significant other to spend the holiday with. Just your family back home that you couldn’t afford to go see, and friends who had all left town.
“Oh…” He looked down at his feet.
“What about you?” You asked pettily, fully expecting him to be visiting a significant other’s family in town, flying home to see his family, something much merrier than the picture you had just painted.
“Same for me,” he admitted quietly. “Plane tickets back home were so expensive… and I just left my old job and haven’t really made new friends here yet. At least not ones that are on the level of them inviting me to their family Christmas.”
While you wanted to be bitterly vindicated by Kun making himself as alone on Christmas as he had made you, it somehow just weighed twice as heavy on your heart. All that came out of this was two lonely people, far away from home.
“Do you… maybe want to come over? For Christmas?” Kun’s hesitant proposition knocked the wind out of you.
“Well, neither of us have any other plans. And, I don’t know, I thought it might be nice… to be with someone you know. Better than being alone on Christmas eating instant ramen, maybe?”
You took a couple deep breaths, gnawing on your bottom lip as you thought over his offer. “Fine. Christmas dinner. No presents.”
He grabbed a pen and pad of sticky notes off the desk, scribbling something down. “Here’s… my address. Let’s say six?”
You plucked the yellow square from his fingers delicately. “Six.”
“See you then.”
You reached into your bag to affix the sticky note to the red envelope from your research head, then pulled your scarf back out. “See you then, Kun.”
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For the next three days, that sticky note sat on your coffee table and stared at you. Even as you went about your day trying not to think about it, busying yourself with jigsaw puzzles, books, and whatever cheesy Christmas movie was on at the time. That yellow square was stuck to your forebrain, plaguing your every waking moment.
Every night you were kept up with memories. You hadn’t seen Kun in three years, since you’d picked up the last of your possessions from your old apartment. The apartment the two of you had lived in together. A brief flash of picking up your things, cut by the first time you’d opened the door to your new place together, hand-in-hand, absolutely bursting with excitement and hope for the future.
As you started getting ready to go over to Kun’s place, your body moved by itself, despite the sinking pit in your stomach threatening to swallow you whole.
Rooting through your spare closet, you finally got a small blue box out of the back. You opened it up, a bittersweet sigh leaving your mouth. Nestled in among some tissue and spare ornament hooks was a three-dimensional figure of a sea turtle, covered in glitter and with a navy blue loop of string for hanging coming from its back, but otherwise pretty realistic. You placed it in your bag, carefully cushioned by a scarf.
Before you left, you finally opened your card from your boss. She had written you a very nice note about how much she appreciated your work at the lab, and wishing you all the best in your future endeavors. There was also a gift card loaded up with a considerable amount of money, which you pocketed for later.
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Kun’s place wasn’t terribly far from yours, about a fifteen-minute walk, but the heavy snow that was starting to fall slowed you down a bit more. You’d probably have to get a taxi on your way back at this rate. Hopefully your awkward, polite Christmas dinner would be very short.
Knocking on the evergreen-painted door, which sported an elegantly beautiful wreath, you checked the time on your phone. So you were a few minutes late. Oh well.
Kun opened the door with a bright smile, dressed nicely but casual enough in a dark brown knitted sweater, loose-fitting dark pants, and socks with cartoon reindeer on them. “Hey, you made it. Come on in.”
“Thanks.” You stepped into the warmth of the apartment, and he closed the door behind you.
“When I saw how hard it was snowing out there, I started getting worried.” He helped you out of your thick overcoat, hanging it up on a hook by the front door for you. “I hope you didn’t walk.”
“I did. It wasn’t too bad.” You peeled off your gloves, moving to put them in your purse at the same time that you grabbed something from the bag.
“Did you see they’re forecasting 30 to 90 cm of snow by tomorrow morning? We’ll have to get you a cab home tonight before it gets too bad.” He was still talking as he started leading the way from the narrow hallway entry into the rest of the apartment.
His living room was cozy, especially with the crackling fireplace, delicious smells emanating from the kitchen, and festive decorations put up everywhere. One corner was taken up by a modest-sized Christmas tree, covered in colorful lights and an eclectic mix of ornaments.
“Is that a real tree?” You asked curiously.
“Yeah,” he admitted almost sheepishly. “Your uh—your Christmas tree purism rubbed off on me... Doesn’t feel like Christmas unless I’m sweeping up pine needles.”
You chuckled lightly at that, remembering that your first fight as a couple was around your first Christmas together, specifically about whether to get a plastic tree or a real one for his apartment, which you were practically living in at that point. Your family had always gotten real ones when you were growing up, and you could never get behind the fake ones. Kun, on the other hand, didn’t really care either way, but got frustrated when he couldn’t convince you on the cost-saving aspect of being able to reuse your tree every year. The spat fizzled out the very same day, and you ended up having a very cute date when you went to go pick out your first (real) tree together.
“I know I said no gifts, but I don’t think this really counts, since I’m just giving you something back that was yours in the first place.” You brought the sea turtle ornament out, holding it out to him by the loop of string. “It ended up in my stuff and I couldn’t... see you again. Sorry for holding onto it for so long.”
Kun accepted the glittery marine creature in his hand, a fond smile coming to his features. “I thought I’d lost it. Thank you for not uh, throwing it out or something.”
“I paid good money for that, I wasn’t going to be the one to put it in the trash,” you joked half-heartedly, watching as he turned to hang it up on the tree. In the branches among his other ornaments, it looked at home.
Your first date had been to the aquarium, and your first kiss that same day by the sea turtle exhibit, which was why you had picked that specific ornament to give him for your second Christmas together. It was actually from the very same aquarium’s gift shop— meaning that it was wildly overpriced, but cute nevertheless.
“You have a working fireplace, too?” You gestured to the very real fire nearby.
“I do!” He beamed proudly, going to readjust some of the logs, the flames growing to a steadier burn. “I got really lucky with this place.”
“Yeah, it’s nice,” you nodded in agreement.
A couple of beats of silence passed, then Kun gestured towards the kitchen. “Dinner’s almost ready.”
You followed him into the kitchen, where there was a small square table with four chairs around it, and two places already set across from each other. A few full dishes were already on the table as well, and you wondered how much more food he could be making, as it looked like there was already enough to feed a family of eight at least.
“Smells good,” you commented.
Kun gave you another small smile, pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose as he leaned against the closed oven. “Thanks. I uh—got excited to cook for someone else again, and sort of went overboard. So you’re welcome to take a bunch of leftovers, too.”
“Cool, thanks.” No fucking way would you be doing that. Taking leftovers home in one of his containers, that you would then have to wash and bring back to him? Absolutely not.
The beeping of a timer went off then, and he spun around to turn off the numbers flashing at him from the stovetop. He opened the oven, putting on oven mitts before taking out the last dish.
After putting it down at the table, he announced, “Alright, dinner’s served!”
You took a seat, watching as Kun continued to bustle around the kitchen. Putting the oven mitts away, turning the oven off, grabbing a wine bottle, corkscrew, and two wine glasses from the cabinets.
“Oh, I don’t drink anymore,” you informed him casually.
“Oh, sorry.” As he went to go put everything away again, you interrupted him.
“You can drink around me, it’s not... anything like that. I’ll be fine. Just sort of lost the taste for it.”
Kun poured a glass for himself over at the counter before putting the bottle away. “So, what can I get you? I have some sparkling water, sodas, eggnog...”
“Just regular water is fine.”
He rushed to do that, and as he set your glass down in front of you, you noted, “You remembered how much ice...”
“You did give me a ten-minute lecture on the proper ratio of ice to water, if you’ll recall.” He took his seat across from you.
“Alright, lecture is doing a lot of heavy lifting there. I was simply explaining myself thoroughly so as to not be misunderstood.”
“I understood you crystal clear afterwards,” Kun chuckled, lifting his glass of red wine. “Merry Christmas, Y/N. Thank you for agreeing to do this kind of weird thing I asked you.”
“Merry Christmas, Kun,” you clinked your glass to his in a toast. “That’s what I do, remember?”
Dinner continued with civil, even sometimes amicable conversation. Mostly catching up on what had happened in both your lives in the past three years, how your families were, your jobs, fairly neutral topics.
Kun had just finished his doctorate program in the spring, and had taken the position with Dr. Oh at your university while he looked for something more aligned with his studies. You wanted to do some research before possibly going back to pursue a doctorate in your own field.
Kun’s family was doing well, his baby brother Chenle was graduating high school in the spring, his middle brother Dejun was now in his fourth year of undergrad at your own alma mater back home, and his parents were going to be celebrating their 30th anniversary next year on a cruise— which they were both very excited about, as it would be their first one.
You had to belatedly break the news to him that your grandmother passed two years ago— she had always loved Kun and you never did have the heart to tell her that the two of you broke up when she would ask where he was on your visits, since her dementia just meant that you would’ve had to re-explain it to her again the next time you saw her. You elected not to mention any of that to Kun in the moment. Other than her passing, your family was alright. Your parents had just gotten a new old cat from the shelter a few months ago, your older sister welcomed her second child, a baby girl, and you happily showed off pictures of your niece, and now five-year-old nephew to Kun.
“Wow... I can’t believe Little Bear is so big,” he gushed at the photo of your nephew on your shoulders.
“Oh, he’s an absolute menace now,” you laughed and shook your head. “That little docile baby you knew who would just fall asleep in anybody’s arms is nowhere to be found.”
“And his sister?”
“Oh, she’s going to be even worse than her brother, I just know it.” You swiped to another photo of the baby, fond grin on your lips.
Kun’s eyes lingered on you for a moment, then he cleared his throat and leaned back in his chair. “Are you finished?”
“Oh, yeah,” you looked down at your empty plate, having completely forgotten about it in the moment. “It was all really delicious, thanks, Kun.”
“Better than the instant ramen you had planned?”
“By far. You’re a great cook, as always.”
He stood up to grab your plates. “I’m glad you liked it.”
Realizing that this was the end of dinner, of your commitment for the night, you felt simultaneously disappointed and relieved. On one hand, it was kind of nice seeing Kun again and being able to catch up—you especially loved hearing about how his little brothers were doing, you had adored doting on them while you were dating, since you were the youngest sibling yourself. But on the other hand, it was all a façade. Neither of you were addressing the elephant in the room, and it was getting exhausting trying to keep up the friendly chatter and not veer into anything serious, to only put your best foot forward in representing yourself and your life.
“Thank you for inviting me, I don’t think I said that before,” you said indicatively, standing from your seat. “You were right, it was nice being with someone you know, someone who’s from the same place as you, on Christmas.”
Kun gave a half-smile, taking his phone from the table. “We should order you that taxi, huh?”
As you started putting all your layers back on in the hallway, you could hear Kun’s end of the phone call with the cab company.
“What do you mean you’re not dispatching? I know it’s Christmas but— How much?! Seriously?!”
You poked your head out to look at him with concern, but he wasn’t facing you. Instead, he was at the window of the living room, throwing the curtains aside to look out.
“Alright, well, you can’t help that, no, sir. Thank you. Yep, Merry Christmas.”
After he’d hung up without giving his address, you knew something was wrong.
“What’s going on?” You asked cautiously, still slowly pulling on your gloves one finger at a time.
He looked at you over his shoulder, now leaning one forearm against the window. He jerked his head for you to come over. “Come see for yourself.”
You walked over hesitantly, and saw nothing but white. “Oh my God.”
“Forecasts were off a bit. Apparently there’s already been 100cm of snow, and they’re projecting at least another 50 before tomorrow.”
“Holy fucking shit.” Your jaw dropped. “So we’re...”
“Snowed in. Yeah,” he confirmed bluntly. “Guy at the taxi company says they’re not expecting the roads to start being cleared until New Year’s, and they’ll start with businesses and shopping districts first.”
You continued staring at the snow piling up against the window in shock, and Kun took a step back.
“So, you want some eggnog?”
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After you had once more removed your coats, scarf, gloves, and boots, you sat down on Kun’s couch, fervently texting all your family. They had apparently seen on the news about the crazy snowstorm hitting your area, and were checking in on you. You reassured them that you were just fine, and were staying at a friend’s place until the storm blew over and the roads cleared. You deigned not to tell them who exactly this ‘friend’ was. You hadn’t told anybody who knew Kun that you were going to his place today, actually. While your family and friends had been supportive of you during the breakup, you could tell how disappointed they were that you two hadn’t worked out—and a couple outright said so. You knew it was in the ‘we’ve never seen you so happy’ sort of way, but that didn’t make it feel any better at the time.
A mug dipped into the top of your vision, accompanied by Kun’s voice. “Here.”
“Oh, thanks,” you flashed him a smile as you accepted it, and set your phone down on his coffee table. “Just letting the brigade back home know I’m not dead under a hundred meters of snow.”
He sat down in the armchair caddy corner to the end of the couch you were at. “My family has been blowing up my phone, too. For some reason my parents aren’t very amused about Chenle and Dejun daring me to go build the world’s largest snowman right now.”
“Probably have enough snow for it,” you mused. “What is the record for the biggest snowman, do you think?”
“Got to be at least ten meters, right?”
“Oh, definitely way more than that.”
“Really? You think?”
“For sure,” you snorted, picking your phone back up and quickly searching online. “It looks like the official Guinness World Record is 37.21 meters, in Bethel, Maine. But Donnersbachwald, Austria made a snowman that was reportedly 38.04 meters, named Riesi.”
Kun whistled lowly. “Well goddamn.”
“And look!” You turned your phone to show Kun the photo of Riesi. “It’s so cute!”
“Is that a top hat?”
“I think?”
As you looked at the picture one more time and put your phone to the side, you reclined back in your seat, lifting your mug up to your lips to take your first sip of the eggnog. The fire continued crackling in the background, and you hummed a Christmas carol to yourself. So you couldn’t make your great escape exactly how you’d planned. But you and Kun had tolerated each other pretty well so far, you could probably make it out of here in a few days relatively unscathed.
“Hey, uhm, what did you mean earlier?” Kun quietly shattered all of your hopes and dreams for peace with just one vague question.
“Huh? When?”
“When I thanked you for going along with my weird idea to get together for Christmas despite… everything. And you said: ‘It’s what I do, remember?’ What did you mean by that?”
“Oh… just… you know— You’d have some weird, or crazy, or slightly irresponsible, or fun idea and I always said yes,” you kept your tone conversational and nostalgic. “Blowing your whole paycheck on a LEGO set that you’d always wanted but your parents would never buy you as a kid, skipping classes in undergrad to laze about your apartment, taking the long way back to your car after Sicheng’s film festival even though it was pouring rain because you remembered I had said on our first date that I’d always wanted to dance in the rain, submitting my paper to the undergraduate research panel…”
“Moving out here,” he filled in for you flatly.
You pressed your lips together in a thin line before nodding. “Moving here…”
“Is that really how you feel? That I was always dragging you around places, making you do stuff that you didn’t want to do?”
“Kun, we’re going to be stuck in here together for who knows how long, can we not do this?”
He threw his hands up in exasperation. “I mean, I knew you were bitter about coming here, but apparently I was holding you hostage the entire four years before that too and had no idea.”
“That is not what I said,” you said through gritted teeth, narrowing your eyes.
“What else am I supposed to think about what you said?”
“You don’t!” You snapped. “You don’t think about it, you don’t read into it, they’re just words! Not everything has a deeper meaning, sometimes people just say stuff, you know.”
“Well you never actually say what you mean, so I have to try to read between the lines.”
“Or maybe I’m saying plenty, and you’re too far up your own ass trying to decipher me like some cosmic puzzle instead of listening to the actual words I’m saying!”
“So I don’t have to ask if you’re still bitter about it, then,” he scoffed.
The final shred of decency and civility left in you burned up right then, and you got to your feet as you exploded, “You convinced me to leave my family, my friends, my home, everything and everyone I knew, to come here for your dreams! And then you told me you didn’t love me anymore! Of course I’m fucking bitter!”
Kun got to his feet too, staring you down intensely. “Then why didn’t you go back home? After you graduated, you stuck around. Why?”
“I was offered the position at the lab—”
“There’s other labs.”
“The studies we’re doing—”
“There’s other studies.”
“It’s not that simple.”
“If you hated it here so much and hated me for dragging you here, why didn’t you take the first chance you had to leave?”
“I just said, it’s not that simple!” You yelled, your hands curling into fists at your side. Kun let out a huff, walking away from his armchair to pace in front of the Christmas tree across the room from you. You weren’t going to let him off that easily, though. “Why did you stop loving me?”
His features turned apologetic for a moment. “Y/N—”
“You knew how much I loved you, that I’d follow you anywhere. I chose to study here even though it was my second choice because your top pick had already accepted you. I thought we were planning our life together, but then you dropped me like it was nothing. So why? Why did you stop loving me?”
“It’s not that simple.”
“Just answer the question, Kun,” you demanded. “Why? You had to have an inkling before you took me from everyone I loved—”
“I didn’t take you anywhere, you’re not some helpless waif! We were grown-ups and we made grown-up decisions!” He raised his voice again, face red with anger and veins bulging in his neck and forehead. “If I remember correctly, I suggested being long-distance while we did our graduate studies.”
“I loved you, Kun! I loved you, and I wanted to see you thriving and to support you from right next to you, not be in the sidelines of your life.”
“I never stopped loving you.”
“The answer to your question is that I never stopped loving you, actually. I just told you I did.”
You stared at him, dumbfounded, slack-jawed, before you were filled with even more white-hot rage than ever, “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“Y/N, we were fighting every other day, we never saw each other because we were working so much and when we did we just fought—Like this!” He gestured between the two of you zealously as he defended himself. “—about the stupidest stuff. I could see how much you hated being here, and I knew you resented me for bringing you here, but you wouldn’t ever talk to me about it. I thought that if I was the only thing keeping you here, then I needed to stop being so selfish and let you go back home where you would actually be happy again.”
“And you didn’t think to consult me on any of that?”
His jaw clenched as he took a deep inhale through his nose before answering, voice absolutely incensed, “I couldn’t get you to talk about it! Whenever I tried to ask you how you were doing settling in here, how you liked your program, anything, you just gave me these- these hollow smiles and placated me with the same ‘oh, it’s great, I really like it’ over and over again! It was like being in love with a brick wall!”
“Because I didn’t want youto blame yourself! Because it wasn’t your fault!” Your chest heaved as you caught your breath from so much shouting. The white-hot anger was gone, leaving only a cold sorrow inside you as you were confronted with your own admission. You hugged yourself as you followed it up with a much quieter, “It wasn’t your fault, Kun… It’s just been so much easier to blame you this whole time.”
“Y/N…” Kun sighed, running a hand through his hair as his tone changed from anger to remorse, his face softening. “I should’ve made sure our focus was on your career as much as it was on mine. I let my ambitions become the priority for both of us instead of seriously considering yours as well. I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry for blaming you the whole time. You’re right, I was a grown-up, and I made a grown-up decision.” You shook your head at yourself, staring into the dynamic flames of the fireplace. “It was so much easier to hate you for dragging me here than to hate myself for following you here.”
“I’m sorry for lying, too. When I told you I stopped loving you. I really thought that would get you to leave, to go back home where you could be happy again. But it was just needlessly cruel. I’m so, so sorry.” His voice was shaking, and when you looked back at him again, you could see that the whites of his eyes were pink.
“I didn’t go back home because it wouldn’t have meant anything to go back without you,” you finally answered his question, swallowing the lump in your throat. “When we first moved here, and I’d imagine going back home, I would always imagine us going back together. Because it wouldn’t have been home without you, for me. That’s why I stayed. Not because you were here—I really never wanted to see you again. But because you—the you that I wanted, that still loved me—weren’t there.”
“I’m sorry…” He blinked and the first of his tears slipped slowly down his cheek. “I know I said that a lot the first time we did this but… I wasn’t apologizing for the right thing.”
The corners of your lips twitched with a bittersweet, cynical smile. “You didn’t know any of this stuff the first go around.”
“I did know that you loved me. And I really thought that if you could just get over that one little thing then you could be happy again. I underestimated you and what it meant for you to love me.”
“It wasn’t that simple…” You repeated feebly. “You made me happy too, Kun. I should’ve told you that, all of this, everything, instead of pushing it down and letting myself resent you just because that’s what seemed easier at the time. That wasn’t fair to you.”
“None of this was fair on either of us.”
“But saving our relationship wasn’t your sole responsibility, Kun. We were partners, it was on both of us, and I didn’t try.”
“It was everybody’s fault and nobody’s fault,” Kun declared with another sigh, dropping his body back down in the armchair.
“Yeah…” You sat down in the corner of the couch. “It was…”
The apartment was silent as you took another sip of your eggnog, and Kun wiped his damp cheeks.
“So… now what?” You prompted as you met his gaze.
“You still like jigsaw puzzles?”
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Kun and you worked together on a puzzle on the floor of his living room. Once put together, it would show a full Winter Wonderland scene. He had put on Christmas music in the background, and your assembly was interspersed with sing-alongs, easygoing conversation, and long, comfortable stretches of silence.
When the puzzle was about halfway done, you let out a big yawn, briefly checking the time on your phone. “Oh, jeez, it’s after midnight already.”
“I think that’s plenty for tonight,” Kun declared, slowly getting to his feet. “We can finish up the rest tomorrow.”
“Sounds like a plan to me.” You twisted around in place to crack your back.
“I’ll go get you some pajamas.” He gave your head a gentle pat before walking off, taking both of your now-empty eggnog mugs with him.
He returned just a couple minutes later in a pair of lounge pants and simple longsleeve shirt, holding out a stack of clothes to you. “Here.”
“Thanks, Kun,” you accepted them gratefully. “But you really didn’t have to—”
“Y/N, were you seriously going to wear the same clothes for like a week straight?” He raised an eyebrow doubtfully.
“I mean, you have a washing machine, presumably.”
“And you would’ve… stood by the washing machine naked? Until they were done?”
You covered your face with one hand as you laughed. “Good point, good point.”
“Seriously, it’s fine.”
In the bathroom, you fully appraised the clothes as you changed, a funny sort of tug in your chest when you recognized the sweatshirt he’d given you. It was a plain black crewneck sweatshirt, save for a small rose embroidered on the left wrist, just above the cuff. It had always been your favorite of his to take and wear for yourself before.
The sweatshirt was as soft as you’d remembered, and when you put it on, you were awash not only in Kun’s scent, but warm, happy memories of being held, loved, treasured, safe. You folded up your clothes and left them on the bathroom countertop.
The fire had been put out when you returned to the living room, and the lights on the tree unplugged.
“I uhm, I’m not sure where you wanted me to put my clothes, so they’re on the—” You cut yourself off when you looked up from where you’d been fiddling with the hem of the sweatshirt to see Kun looking at you with an off-putting, oddly mournful look of tenderness. “What? Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he waved off your concerns, his voice tight. “That’s fine, I’ll throw them in the wash with mine tomorrow.”
“Do you have some extra bedding I can use out here?”
“I mean, your couch already looks super comfy, but a real pillow would sort of be nice…”
“No, no, you can take my bed,” he shook his head. “I’ll take the couch.”
“Kun, I’ll be fine out here for a few nights,” you pushed back. With humor in your tone, you added, “You’ve done enough sleeping on the couch to last the rest of your life, okay? I think it’s my turn.”
He seemed to understand your joke, but also the sincere intent behind it, and held up his hands in surrender as a smile cracked across his face. “Alright, I know when I’m beat. I’ll get you some pillows and blankets.”
Kun set up your makeshift bed on the couch for you, with a couple of real pillows, a very fluffy blanket, and heavy quilt to go over that. He refilled your water glass from dinner, and set that down on the coffee table for you.
“Oh, phone charger—”
“I have one.” You stopped him with a hand on his arm, going to grab your purse and root through it. “I keep an extra on me. Never know when your phone is going to die reviewing notes in a random café.”
“Right. Cool.” He watched you plug it into the outlet closest to the pillow end of the couch, then stand back up.
“Well, goodnight, Kun. Thanks for letting me stay here.”
“Goodnight, Y/N. Thanks again for coming, and uh, sorry for getting you stuck out here…”
You sat down on the couch, smiling up at him. “Hasn’t been all bad.”
“Yeah, it hasn’t,” he agreed with a chuckle.
When he still hadn’t moved, you realized the both of you must have been debating the same thing. Should you hug goodnight?
To save yourselves, you opened your arms in a half-invitation, and Kun bent over to give you a one-armed hug, briefly rubbing your back before standing back up. He gave you a final hesitant smile and nod. “Night.”
As you laid down, you could hear him walking across the room, and pause at the threshold. Just as you’d finished readjusting your covers and getting cozy with your head on the pillow, the lights were turned off, and you listened to Kun walk all the way into his room and the door creak closed behind him.
You watched the last of the dying embers in the fireplace as you started trying to sort through your muddied thoughts. You and Kun no longer had the awkwardness of bitter exes, but it had just been replaced with a new kind of awkwardness. Now that you didn’t hate each other, what was left? How did you feel about each other?
You still hadn’t figured it out by the time you fell asleep.
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Full-body shivers woke you up, and you blinked rapidly trying to readjust to your surroundings. You pulled the blankets tighter around you, but that did practically nothing. Every inch of you from your fingers to your toes felt like a block of ice, and your muscles were shaking to try to generate some kind of heat. Your teeth even chattered a couple of times.
A hasty look at your phone showed you that it was only two and a half hours after you’d fallen asleep. You turned on your phone flashlight, looking around the walls for the thermostat. Having spotted it at the start of the hallway, you made the hasty decision to throw your blankets off you and run over to it as quick as possible, fumbling to look at the controls. But as best you could tell, the heat was definitely turned on, and it was set to a perfectly comfortable temperature.
You felt terrible for what you were about to do, but you were going to get hypothermia sooner than you would get back to sleep at this rate. Lightly knocking on Kun’s bedroom door, you paid attention for any signs of life. After a moment of no response, you knocked again, a bit louder.
There was a groan from inside, followed by a half-intelligible, confused mumble of your name.
“Yeah, Kun, it’s me,” you responded through the wood.
You heard the sounds of him rolling out of bed, then lumbering over to the door. He opened it, rubbing one of his eyes.
“Y/N, what are you— Shit, it’s a fucking meatlocker out there!” He exclaimed, grabbing at his own arms.
“Yeah, I know. I’m really sorry to wake you up, but I can’t seem to figure out your thermostat and it’s freezing out here.”
Kun pushed past you, shutting his door tight behind him before going to inspect the thermostat himself. “Doesn’t make sense… The heat should be working fine…”
“God, of course it’s fucking broken,” he grumbled. “I’m sorry about this, Y/N. I’ll go call the maintenance line right now.”
Just a moment later, and you heard more swearing from his room. He came back out with his phone in hand. “Got a text from the management company… Heat in the whole complex is busted, but they can’t get anybody out here until the roads are clear.”
He spun on his heel back towards the bedroom. “Come on, it’s at least a little warmer in my room. You’ll freeze to death out here.”
You followed him in without complaint, and he shut the door firmly behind you. He grabbed a towel from his attached bathroom and stuffed it under the crack of the door.
You couldn’t see much about his bedroom in the dark except for a few vague shapes, but the air felt noticeably warmer in here than it had been in the living room. Kun opened up a couple of drawers on what you were now realizing was a dresser, and grabbed a hoodie for himself, then handed you a zip-up hoodie. It was big enough to fit the sleeves of your sweatshirt through, and you could feel the chattering of your teeth dying down.
Kun sat down on one side of the bed, and indicated to the other side for you. You obliged, following his lead to slip under the covers. The sheet, blankets, and heavy quilt were still pleasantly warm, and you rubbed your frozen feet together in contentment. You accidentally bumped Kun’s leg, a flash of accidental heat.
“Oh! Sorry, sorry!” You jerked your limbs as far back as you dared without leaving the security of the blankets.
“Fuck, Y/N, you’re an icicle,” Kun said disapprovingly.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to—”
“Come here,” he sighed and lifted the blankets in between you two.
“I’m not going to let you freeze to death literally right next to me. Either you come here or I go over there.”
You shuffled a couple inches closer to him, but either he was impatient, or wasn’t sure that you’d follow through, because he moved to close the gap himself, meeting you in the middle and wrapping an arm around you to pull you closer to him.
You gulped, and hoped he couldn’t hear it. “That’s a lot better, actually.”
“I was always much warmer than you,” he pointed out.
Readjusting to lay on your side facing the same direction as him, your hand brushed against his that was slung over your middle.
“God, you feel like you’re about to lose your fingers to frostbite, too.” He covered your hand with his.
You instinctively spread your fingers so his would slot together with them, and it felt so familiar and comfortable that you almost burst into tears again on the spot.
“Y-Yeah?” You tried and failed to keep your voice casual.
“I think you’re cutting off my circulation now.”
“Oh God, sorry!” You loosened the death grip you didn’t even realized you’d had on his appendages.
“It’s alright,” he reassured you. “Are you warming up?”
You nodded hastily. “For sure. Thank you, again.”
“I was thinking… about earlier.”
“Kun, for real, if there was ever a time not to fight.”
“No, it’s not— Well it is about that, but I’m not looking for a round two, promise.”
“I was thinking… about how I didn’t really accept your apologies, and you didn’t accept mine.”
“That’s fine, Kun. Not every apology is made to be accepted.”
“I know, I know. And I’m not fishing for your forgiveness right now. I was just thinking, about how I’m kind of relieved, that we still haven’t you know, finally gotten our closure or whatever.” His breath was getting quicker. “Because I don’t want this to be over, actually. And closure feels like it’d really be the end.”
You squeezed your eyes shut tight and opened them back up again, staring into the inky darkness. “What do you mean by that, Kun?”
“I mean… When I said I never stopped loving you, I didn’t just mean when we broke up. I still do.”
“So you… What? Want to get back together?” Your voice was a hoarse whisper.
“At least talk about it,” he confirmed. “I’ll do anything you want, lovey. Complete restart, take you on a new first date, or we can even just try to be friends first. I’m not saying we have to jump right back in where we left off. I think we need to leave space for the people we’ve become since then but… I know I want to try again.”
You swallowed down your sniffles as you turned over to finally face him. Despite the lack of light, you could find every feature on Kun’s face, holding a caged hopefulness in them. You gently caressed his cheek with the back of your knuckles.
“Okay…” You murmured. “We can try again. I-I want that too.”
You caught just a flicker of Kun’s bright grin before you were tangling your fingers in his shaggy locks and pulling his mouth to yours. It was somehow even better than you remembered, than you had imagined, because it felt like coming home all at once. Like all of you, body, mind, soul, heart, had come home.
Kun kissed you back just as ardently, tangling his legs with yours and pulling you even closer—if it were even possible. One of his hands cupped your cheek while the other wrapped around your waist, bunching in the fabric at the small of your back.
When your lungs were screaming for air and you were light-headed for more than one reason, you broke away, resting your forehead against his.
“Looks like neither of us followed the no gift rule,” Kun said in the negligible space between your mouths, the tip of his nose bumping yours for a moment. “I think I had my heart gift-wrapped for you from the moment I saw you again.”
You chuckled as you stole one, two more kisses from him. “You’re as cheesy as ever, pooks.”
“I have three years’ worth of lines like that stocked up,” he teased, giving you another peck. “And you’re stuck in here with me until next year, lovey.”
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sequel :・゚✧。・:・*
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⤷ 2023 hallmark movie marathon | blog masterlist
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fullsunstrawberry · 9 months
texting dreamies “meet me under the mistletoe ;)”
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requested? nope :)
[dreamie masterlist]
warning: none
a/n: had to make a little something for christmas :)
general dreamie taglist open (18+)
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General Masterlist: @vvsmydiamonds127 @haechansbbg
nct dream taglist: @loveforred @rmslover
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captain-joongz · 8 months
fanfiction recommendations/my favourite reads in 2023
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jeong yunho
♤ the drill by @byuntrash101
big dick!yunho, kinda fluffy and sweet
kang yeosang
◇ let's play a game by @anyamaris
yeosang x reader x soobin (txt), friends to lovers, primal play
choi san
♧ howling to your moon by @essenteez
established relationship, smut
☆ oh he's good by @yoongiseesawmp3
part of church boy series, bad boy (?) san kinda
♤ pornstar!san by @orgverse
camboy/camgirl au, live stream sex, hinted ateez x reader
◇ incubus: coming of age by @byuntrash101
incubus!san, kinda slowburn
♧ moll by @last-words-ofashootingstar
1920s mafia, corrupt police officer!san, dark, yandere, manipulation
song mingi
☆ roommate by @essenteez
roommates to lovers, horny mingi
♤ a taste of desire by @solfiera
college au, brother's best friend!mingi
jeong wooyoung
◇ not on my watch by @remedyx
christmas time, getting together thanks to mistletoe, fluffy
♧ 5 weeks by @setsugekka
idol!wooyoung x stylist!reader, coworkers to lovers, woo is an annoying little shit (affectionate)
ATEEZ rec list pt. 1 BTS, TxT, Stray Kids, Seventeen, NCT rec list
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midmourn · 11 months
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© midmourn. all rights reserved. no reposting or translations or modification.
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last updated on 04/06/2024 —  recent work: we can’t be friends
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there are none under that name. want to request a book?
mune ga hachikire-sōde (my heart seems like it’s going to burst) F
teaser: you speak mandarin, too. but the cute boy doesn’t know that.
there are none under that name. want to request a book?
sometimes love isn’t enough A
teaser: there’s rumors about a cure.
my boy A
teaser: your boyfriend doesn’t love you like he says he does.
play the part A ft jaemin
teaser: haechan’s your boyfriend, but jaemin’s your best friend. how could he ever compete?
there are none under that name. want to request a book?
there are none under that name. want to request a book?
there are none under that name. want to request a book?
fwb!jeno A M
fwb!jaemin A M
soft launch with chenle F
soft launch with jisung F
best friend!you setting them up on a date G F
hyung line | maknae line
“my bf just left come over” H G F
sassy men apocalypse H
“your mom hasn’t paid me this month” H
lipstick stain trend F
someone sent me a picture of you getting into a girl’s car H
idol!s/o doing a sexy collab G M
“hey shawty, your man at home?” G H
bf texts G
not saying ily back H
“i want a baby” H
jealous bf texts F A
fangirling over riize H
“what are we?” H
girl math H
idol!s/o has dating rumors H
they cheat on you in a dream H F
you storm out after a fight A
strawberry test C
we can’t be friends A F
accidentally revealing your relationship G
like the movies F A S G
under the mistletoe F
in every universe F A S G
break ups A
✶ sour A [ 7/7 ]
teaser: god, it’s brutal out here.
✶ guts A M [ 0/7 ]
teaser: it gets better, but what if i don’t?
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navi. rules. ask.
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lisired · 7 months
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yani, 22, she/they
⤷ 18+ blog primarily for long nct fics. masterlist below. no requests.
⤷ revehae is my side blog where i write evil little stories that normal people will find off-putting.
⤷ DM for commissions
⤷ JOHNNY SUH, 13.6k
All things love and commitment are feared upon by you. You keep a tight crew and let few people in, cynical of other’s intentions and leaving a trail of broken hearts in your wake. If you break other people’s hearts first, they can’t break yours. And yet, it was all too easy falling for Johnny, digging yourself into a depthless hole of love. But he is no exception to your heartache games.
⤷ JOHNNY SUH, 9.1k, 1/4 of the Temptation series.
Your best friend’s dad is a smoking hot dilf seeking vengeance after you’ve spent the past couple of years teasing him, but it seems that you can’t handle a taste of your own medicine.
⤷ LEE TAEYONG, 14.9k
After three years away from Miami, Taeyong is finally ready to return to the city. He left a world behind here, but most importantly, he left you. And being invited on a friendly get-together trip to a beach resort gives him a little too much time to resume unfinished business between you both.
⤷ NAKAMOTO YUTA, 7.4k, 3/4 of the Temptation series.
Nakamoto Yuta and his rings have caught your eye. In an effort to seduce your professor, you decide to take your best friend’s advice and change your wardrobe. You’re given an advantage when Yuta’s son asks you to tutor him, and it’s like Satan is handing you opportunities on a silver platter - but at what cost?
Born into the underworld, crime was all you’d known your entire life and was practically in your blood - murder, drugs, money, power, and everything in between. In spite of your father leading one of the two major gangs that dominated Asia, you managed to keep safe. But all that changes once the rival gang has bad blood to settle with your father, and suddenly a vendetta’s being pursued against you.
⤷ KIM DOYOUNG, 8.9k, 2/4 of the Temptation series.
When you were nineteen, you could only dream of meeting Kim Doyoung in his sheets. Behind his back you watched all the movies he starred in, wanting nothing more than to be the one he touched whenever a sex scene came on. So when the opportunity surfaced four years later after you’re casted together in the same movie, you didn’t hesitate to snag it - even if it meant hiding from his wife, your father, and the public. And even if feelings developed.
Every single night before bed, you play your royal husband, Jaehyun, a song on his grandfather's piano as a distraction from the ominous sounds you hear. To the public, you're all smiles, but discreetly, you're a slave to your suspicions. Though it seems the more you pry, the more secrets you start to unravel.
A year ago, wedding bells were ringing and you were screaming, “Yes!” at the top of your lungs. Last Christmas, you were supposed to be wed under a mistletoe. This Christmas, company finds you in the form of your ex-fiancé that broke off your engagement after you’re both inconveniently trapped in an elevator.
Three years ago, you had a summer fling with Jung Jaehyun, and what was simply sex turned into more after you caught feelings for him. Then, you find out he has a girlfriend, and decide to call it quits. Three years later, he's back in town, trying to come back in your life, and most importantly trying to come back into your heart, but you're a little hesitant to let him.
Your brother, Johnny, hates Jaehyun and has never told you why. Although you intend on leaving it alone, unforeseen events thrust you into a forbidden love affair with Jaehyun. In between hookups and stolen kisses, you have to bury your feelings for Jaehyun around your overprotective older brother.
⤷ MARK LEE, 10.4k, 4/4 of the Temptation series
The apartment next door to yours has been vacant for months. No one had gone in or out, not until your new next door neighbor moved in two weeks ago. Mark, a slightly older guy who prides himself on his patience and willpower with a penchant for control. But when you make it clear you’re resolved to wither away the things he values most, Mark decides he’s down for the challenge, determined to put a leash on your unrestrained behavior - and most importantly, finally shut you the hell up.
⤷ MARK LEE, 19.9k
Two months ago, you and Mark called it quits and haven’t spoken to each other since. As per tradition, your respective friend groups gather each Christmas eve to keep the peace, but this year somebody has a different plan. And the new chick on Mark’s arm isn’t the worst thing to happen.
⤷ MARK LEE, 25.7k
A lifetime worth of adversity had brought you to Bloodlust. You joined them to escape your history, but with Mark Lee - an undercover narcotics agent with a secret to keep - comes the threat of being forced to confront your past. Old wounds are opened, but scars heal.
You’re going to kill him. You swear, You’re going to kill him. how did Liu Yangyang accidentally tell Lee Donghyuck—your greatest enemy—that you think he’s hot and that you’ve been in a dry spell recently? Now you have to avoid the inevitable confrontation, and worst of all, deal with the most stubborn person alive (who ironically thinks that you’re the most stubborn person alive).
Thirst for exhilaration and a stupid dare brings you, your boyfriend Haechan, and your friends to the eerie camping grounds of Chimera - the name of a town rumored to be occupied by a number of vengeful, lurking spirits. But nothing is as it seems in this ghost town.
⤷ LEE HAECHAN, 25.5k
After breaking off your engagement to your fiance, you move to Los Angeles to pursue a modeling career. There in the fairytale land where stars go to shine you meet Haechan, an aspiring photographer with a penchant for mischief and flirtation.
upon accidentally finding a video of you and your boyfriend haechan doing some very sexual things, jisung knows that he shouldn’t watch it. he knows that it would be an extreme invasion of privacy, but he’s unable to control himself when he sees the thumbnail. so he settles for only watching 30 seconds. except, 30 seconds turns into 30 minutes, and by then he’s buried himself too deep into a life-changing situation—or in which jisung’s terrible at keeping secrets.
Five years ago, you left your hometown and ex to recreate your identity in California. Now, you're a staple of the fashion industry and on the front cover of magazines everywhere. Your hard work has paid off, but when you realize that you might be pregnant, you have to decide whether you want to be a full-time model or a full-time mother.
In a world where humans and demons are separated by earth and the unknown, you’re curious about the creatures that most mortal beings are too frightened to investigate. More specifically if they can please you sexually. As they say, curiosity killed the cat.
⤷ LEE HAECHAN, 11.1k
Cupid is not on your side, it seems. He’s made you fall in love with the worst possible person ever, AKA your best friend, AKA the man who still eats tootsie-pops—willingly. And frankly, it feels like the damn candy has a better chance of dating him than you ever will.
307 notes · View notes
daegall · 1 year
Lee Jeno's top 10 ways to stay warm.
pairing: (implied) bad boy!jeno x reader
genre: fluff, strangers to lovers!AU, college!AU, winter!AU, slight bad boy!AU
warnings: mentions of anxiety
word count: 1.4k words
a/n: hi its jeno hours
also lowkey wanna make this a whole fic idk...
networks/taglist: @neoturtles @knet-bakery @kflixnet @nct-writers @k-radio + @soobin-chois @markhyuckselca @jaehunnyy @justalildumpling <3
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It's cold. Really fucking cold. And it's night. Scary. A snowy, cold, scary night, and you have a bus to catch. So, instead of staying outside, where it's cold, and dangerous, you decide to step into the bus stop smoking pod, knowing it's a lot warmer in there.
And now, here you are, reading a novel you can barely focus on, due to the cold, and your slight anxiety of being alone.
A moment later, however, your anxiety spikes its all time high as the door to the smoking pod swings open, causing you to look up with wide, worried eyes, only to soften when you recognize the platinum white hair and leather jacket.
It's Lee Jeno.
He's got his usual cold, bad boy exterior stoic face, and almost permanent scowl on his lips, as he curses and shakes his head like a wet dog, shaking the snow off his hair.
He doesn't seem to realize he's got company, not until you let out the sigh you sucked in abruptly from his sudden entrance.
"O-oh," Jeno stumbles over his words, recognizing you from campus. "hey,"
"Hi," You reply back quietly, lips pursing into a line awkwardly.
He takes a few steps towards you, his sneakers tapping against the ground oddly loudly. Jeno halts after no more than 3 steps, pointing at the seat next to you. "Do you mind...?"
"Oh," You shake your head, hands waving as well. "no, please, sit."
It's a cold night, sitting seems like a more comfortable position, better than having your joints freeze while you're standing at least.
As Jeno takes a seat next to you, you can't help but feel incredibly awkward, glancing down at your novel, once again barely paying attention, but for a different reason now.
You know Lee Jeno. You're not too sure if he remembers you.
Last week, Zhong Chenle's party, you kissed. Twice. Once, at a game of spin the bottle, a small, innocent peck, and another time under the mistletoe. Not that innocent.
You can barely remember it, but Donghyuck made sure he recorded both, and showed you both. You had dreaded seeing Jeno after that party, afraid he would find you... weird, or anything of that sort.
Look at you now, stuck alone with him on a very cold night.
Emphasize on the very. Because it's very, very cold tonight.
You try to hide the slight shiver in your movement, opting to shift in your seat to try create some sort of friction, for some nonexistent heat.
Had you expected Jeno to notice? Maybe.
Had you expected him to take his leather jacket off, and offer it to you? No. Not at all.
"S-sorry?" You blink at the jacket being placed on your lap, too shy to look Jeno in the eye.
You don't have to worry about that, because Jeno's just as embarrassed, looking to his side. "Y-you're shivering, right? It's okay, just take it."
"No, Jeno, I really can't."
"I insist, Y/N."
"You only have a t-shirt on, Jeno,"
"It's okay, you look freezing, Y/N,"
"Jeno, I ca—"
His hand suddenly envelops yours. It's... very surprisingly warm, as his thumb strokes across your skin comfortingly. "I swear, I'll be fine, okay?"
Jeno's got a small, stupidly attractive smile on his lips, head tilting to the side. He's got some snow in his hair, but it blends in almost perfectly due to how white he dyed his hair. He's... ethereal.
"Fine," You give in, sighing.
Jeno goes as far as helping you slip his jacket on, fixing it on your body, stroking the sleeves across your arms, making sure your neck is all covered. He smiles at the way you simply look up at him, lips agape to say something, anything, but you don't know what.
Lee Jeno knows who you are. He remembers you from Zhong Chenle's party—well, long before that. He remembers you from the day you bumped into him in the hallways, apologizing profusely at something so small. You picked his books up for him, and as cheesy as it sounds, his heart raced and he fell the moment your hand brushed slightly against his.
And when you kissed him in spin the bottle? God, he felt like he could cry. Partially because he was drunk. And when he caught you under the mistletoe with him, pushing Kim Sunwoo out of the way so you could be with him, and when your hands tugged him closer by his hoodie strings to kiss him deeper, he swore he was gonna bawl.
And here he is, how blessed is he to be next to you, alone, just the two of you, with you wearing his jacket, looking all adorable in it?
Lee Jeno thinks the Gods have blessed him, and he will thank whatever is out there in the universe for this opportunity.
He's about to express his gratitude right now, as your hand taps his, your cold skin against his.
When Jeno turns, he's immensely surprised when you have your scarf and beanie in your hands, reaching them out to him.
He doesn't respond, simply freezing and staring at the items with wide, almost puppy-like eyes.
Chuckling, you decide to put them on him yourself, placing the scarf down to start with the beanie. You reach up to slip it over his head, making sure to cover his ears nice and snugly. Your fingers unintentionally skim over the skin of his cheek, but neither of you comment on it, neither of you mind it, really.
"Warm?" You question quietly, grinning when he nods. A small curl appears on the corners of his lips, as he starts to grin as well.
Next, you take the scarf from your lap, raising it to wrap it around his neck. Jeno instinctively leans down to help make the task easier, feeling not only his neck warm when the scarf is wrapped, but his cheeks and heart as well.
Lee Jeno is blushing, you could blame it on how cold it was, but god knows the truth.
"There, all better."
Jeno basks in the warmth of the items you had placed on him, smiling fondly. "Thank you."
"No need, when you gave me your jacket. Thank you for that."
You're incredibly adorable. Wrapped up in his leather jacket, hands rubbing together, a shy smile on your lips.
Lee Jeno wants to kiss you. Again. For real, fully sober with nobody around to record and shove in people's faces the next day, nobody to whistle out and hoot at the interaction, no disruptions at all.
Jeno finds his hands suddenly unwrapping your soft, warm scarf from his neck, holding each end tightly, before he loops it behind your head.
What's he doing? You both have no idea.
A moment later, however, you are fully aware of his lips inching towards yours. His breath hits your lips, as he tugs your neck closer by the scarf, and suddenly all you can see, is Jeno. The red tip of his nose, his hazy, but fully beaming eyes as he stares at your lips, and his lips brushing against yours. His breath is warm, so incredibly warm, the warmest thing you've felt tonight.
And suddenly, your eyes are shut, as you make a move and press your lips together.
Jeno's hands release the scarf, as one of his arms wraps around your waist, pulling you closer, the other slipping to hold your neck gently. His warm hands leave a trail of goosebumps on your skin, as you tilt your head to deepen the kiss, your own hands holding dearly at his cheeks.
When you pull away, you share warm breaths, finding it comforting in the middle of the cold night.
"What was that for?" You mumble against his lips, laughing lightly.
Jeno shrugs, "It's one of my top 10 ways to warm up. It's cold. Figured I might try the top method."
"Kissing someone?"
"Kissing you,"
He bumps his nose against yours, as he chuckles along with you. "Seems like it worked,"
"If I'm not mistaken, Jeno," You tap at his cheek, stroking his skin. "I'd say that's just an excuse, and the real reason is because you like me,"
"What makes you assume that?"
"Maybe because it's my reason too?"
He grins at your words. "Okay then," Jeno's thumb streaks across your neck, warming it up, along with your heart, with every moment spent near him. "Yeah, I like you."
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tonicandjins · 2 years
eyes tell
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characters: haechan/female reader genre: fluff, confession word count: 3.9k summary: donghyuck has been trying to confess his feelings to you. third time's the charm, he thinks.
Note: nothing but donghyuck brainrot for valentine's ^_^
❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
DONGHYUCK KNOWS HOW MUCH YOU LOVE THE HOLIDAYS—the fairy lights surrounding every place in Gangnam, the Christmas songs playing in every corner of SM Entertainment (courtesy of every EXO Christmas album ever), the sound of kids singing Christmas carols—and he thinks it’s the best time to confess.
It’s a foolproof plan: all he had to do is take you somewhere under a mistletoe, look up and pretend he didn’t know there was one, show it to you, and VIOLA! A kiss under a mistletoe!
However, three hours into the small party the crew members threw for both NCT Dream members and the crew themselves, Donghyuck realizes it’s better said than done. He couldn’t, for the life of him, keep you in his space alone for more than two minutes. People are always pulling you from him—either to ask you to get something for someone or hand you a small Christmas present—and you are always too nice (too kind, oh, be still Lee Donghyuck’s beating heart) to say no.
Sulking, Donghyuck decides to settle on the couch, sitting between Jeno and Jaemin who are arguing about a stupid game they were playing earlier in the night. Donghyuck knows he’s pouting, and he’s pouting really hard hoping you would glance his way and kiss the pout out of his lips. Perhaps if he whines along that cute pout of his, you would hear and come running towards him and call him cute. But none of those happen because, of course, Mark Lee and Park Jisung are hogging you for themselves.
Donghyuck even wore a hoodie with your favorite color so he could catch your eyes tonight, yet here he is: stuck between Jeno and Jaemin who wouldn’t stop debating over everything and nothing at once.
It’s Renjun, bless his heart, who notices Donghyuck sulking while he watches you laugh with Jisung and Mark. Chuckling at Donghyuck’s distress, Renjun pulls him by the hand towards the small table where the sweets are.
“Let me guess,” Renjun starts as he offers a chocolate-covered strawberry to Donghyuck. Donghyuck pries his mouth open to take a bite, eyes still on you. “You’re sulking because she’s not giving you attention.”
“I wore something cute for her,” Donghyuck says while chewing. “But she won’t give me a second of her damn day.”
“It’s because you’re not trying enough,” Renjun answers. “What does she like most about you?”
“Does she even like me?” Donghyuck contemplates.
Renjun laughs, “Of course, she does!”
“Don’t,” Donghyuck whines. “Don’t keep my hopes up. It’ll break my heart.”
“I wouldn’t dare,” Renjun assures. “Come on. Think about it. What does she like most about you?”
Donghyuck thinks as far as his memories allow him. You’ve told him a million times how much you like him—love him, even—and Donghyuck could only hope to become as vocal as you are when it comes to how you feel towards people.
One time, you told him about how easily he could make people gravitate towards him and how much you like his innate talent in grabbing people’s attention (which apparently doesn’t include you because here you are now, giving him 0 attention). Another time, you admitted loving how much he adores and cares for his family—specifically for his younger siblings—and you wish you had someone like him in your family (Donghyuck doesn’t want you to think of him like family, like a brother, damn it. He wants to kiss you on the lips).
Just as Renjun was about to say something, Chenle grabs everyone’s attention by testing the mic from the karaoke the crew had prepared for everyone.
“You know I love you, right?” Donghyuck remembers you asking in a drunken haze that one night you and him drank your guts out two days after his 22nd birthday. Donghyuck remembers nodding, but not truly realizing you had meant it. “I think I love you more and more whenever you sing. Sing for me please.”
Donghyuck remembers singing softly to your ears that night, and he realizes that’s what you probably like most about him.
Hence, he takes the mic from Chenle and enters the code to the first song that comes to his mind. As soon as he starts singing, he notices your attention back to his eyes. Donghyuck smiles in triumph, winking at you as he sings his heart out.
“Express your love four times a day, laugh eight times, kiss me six times,” Donghyuck sings his heart out. “It’s the only password to my heart, No one else can know it, only you can have me, you are my secret, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl!”
When it’s done, Donghyuck finally, finally sees you approaching him. Chenle takes the mic back from him and Donghyuck doesn’t even mind.
“Hello, Ms. Everyone’s Friend, you’ve finally noticed me,” Donghyuck jokes.
“Hey, as soon as you came here I hugged you,” you protest. “Not my fault all your friends like me. Hey, do you have a second?” you ask like Donghyuck wouldn’t give up anything for you.
He nods (a little too quick, a little too obvious), and lets you pull him by the sleeve of his hoodie, taking him to a small storage room, far from the noise and small crowd. Donghyuck isn’t aware of your proximity until you whisper a small hi.
“Hi,” Donghyuck says back, smiling as he look down on you, eyes locked in yours. “What are we doing here?” he whispers.
“I wanted to give you my gifts,” you whisper back. “I didn’t get the others a gift and I really don’t want them to feel upset that I only got something for you.”
“Y/N, my dear, what makes you think I’m not going to brag whatever you have for me on a daily basis?” he asks, chuckling as he watches you take a small box from your pocket of your hoodie.
“I figured you probably already have everything and this is something you can most likely afford to buy ten times, but…” you trail off. Even under the small light bulb, Donghyuck could see the blush on your cheeks.
He takes the small box from your hand, and it’s a box from a luxury brand, Donghyuck suddenly realizes he didn’t get anything for you for Christmas. He opens the present, and it’s that famous Thomas Trench bear bag charm from Burberry.
“He reminded me of you,” you mutter shyly. “You can put it on your hand carry bag whenever you travel. I mean, you’re going on tour with NCT 127, and like I said, it’s nothing big, like I said, you could probably buy this ten times, like I sai—”
“Y/N.” Donghyuck is going to kiss you now. He wraps an arm around your waist, caressing your back as he pulls you close.
“Donghyuck,” you whisper. You look up. Donghyuck does, too, and who would have known? A mistletoe right above the both of you.
Just when Donghyuck is about to lean in, of course—of fucking course, Park Jisung.
“Y/N noona, Renjun is about to sing your favorite song, aren’t—am I interrupting?”
You jump back from Donghyuck’s arm, looking at Jisung, then at Donghyuck, then back to Jisung, who’s still holding the door open.
“No, no,” you stutter a few seconds later. “I’m coming.”
You don’t look back at Donghyuck and follow Jisung.
Park Jisung is so going to get beaten up.
❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
His second attempt came out of nowhere, unlike the first time he decided he’d confess and finally ask you out.
Donghyuck is in the hospital, and he feels like it’s the shittiest day of his life because it most likely is. They were in the middle of a schedule promoting Candy, and just when the music show was over, Donghyuck’s body failed him. His chest started hammering like crazy, and he had always thought this was normal because it happens to him all the time, until it started to hurt and his body started shaking unceasingly. The medics were quick to get to him as soon as Mark shouted for help. Donghyuck doesn’t really recall much of what happened; all he knows is that his body just collapsed and Jeno and Jaemin helped carry him so he could be transferred to a stretcher and that Renjun was on his phone already calling his Mom, probably because he knows Donghyuck would want them to call his Mom.
When Donghyuck wakes, hazy from the oxygen and the dosages of medicine they’d put through his dextrose, feeling adhesive patches stuck on his chest, he sees you sitting beside him. You’re on your phone, and you quickly bid goodbye to whoever you were speaking with as soon as you see him open his eyes.
“Donghyuck, baby, how are you feeling?” you ask, holding his hand. Donghyuck’s throat is dry so all he could muster up is a nod. “Your Mom and sister went out for a minute to get something to eat. I’ll call the doctor real quick.”
Before you could stand, Donghyuck reaches out to weakly grab your wrist, keeping you still on your seat.
“What is it, my love?” you ask. The influx of nicknames is making his heart hammer against his chest, and it’s proven when the cardiac event recorder starts beeping like crazy behind him. “Donghyuck, calm down. They’re trying to stabilize your heartbeat. I’ll call the doctor.”
“I love you,” Donghyuck barely whispers.
“Oh, baby,” you softly coo. “I love you, too. Now please let me get someone to check on you.”
Donghyuck can’t remember much after that. He could hear his Mom nagging in his ear, something about pacing and how he should really calm down. His sister was just whining in the background, saying that the expensive shit he buys for them aren’t worth it if it means they find him in the hospital multiple times a year. He reckons it’s the dosages of medicine that makes him hazy, but everything else are all blurred and toned down. While he lies on bed, high on oxygen, all he could see clearly is you—the worried look on your face and just the way your eyes are glued to him—and all he could think of is maybe love isn’t all about a big, grand confession one makes an effort to prepare for.
Perhaps love can be as quiet as the way he said I love you, hand weakly holding your wrist, voice barely audible. Perhaps love can be as simple as being there on days as quiet as this.
❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
The third time Donghyuck musters up the courage to tell you about his feelings is about two months later, when NCT Dream just won the grand prize for a prestigious awards show.
He finds you in the crowd as they perform, and you’ve always been the kind to easily blend in the crowd, wearing your usual crew fit, a lanyard with your ID labeled as NCT Dream’s staff allowing you all access to wherever he is, but Donghyuck’s made it a habit to make sure you know that you stand out whichever crowd you try to blend in. Tonight, Donghyuck winks exactly at your direction when he sings the words to their hit songs, and he does it multiple times, making sure you’re as affected as he is whenever your presence is within a mile radius.
They’re on their way back to the dormitories. Tonight, Donghyuck is staying at NCT Dream’s dorm and will most likely share a bed with Jisung. He had a schedule the next day for 127’s fansign, but he doesn’t have much energy left and would rather share a bed than go back to the other dorm.
You sit on the back of the van with him, and by default your hand intertwines with his as soon as the lights and cameras are out. Donghyuck is so, so, so tired and happy, but he keeps himself cool and calm because he doesn’t need a part two of the hospital scene during the promotions for Candy. But Lord Jesus, what can he do when your first instinct as soon as you and him are out of people’s sight is to hold his hand? You know how much he loves holding hands. You might as well kiss him now if you’re planning his doom.
The other members are quiet. Donghyuck could hear Renjun snoring already.
Gently, you massage the back of Donghyuck’s hand, and seconds later, he could feel your lips softly kissing his fingers, humming the tune to one of the songs playing at the venue before the team left. Donghyuck smiles, content with the way his heart flutters at your actions.
“Y/N,” Dream’s manager asks while he takes a turn, his hands tightly holding the steering wheel. “Shall I drop you off at your building?”
“Yes, please,” you answer. “You know where it is, right?”
The manager hums and makes eye contact with Donghyuck through the rearview mirror. “Donghyuck.”
“If you want to stay over at Y/N’s, you can. I’ll have someone pick you up at six in the morning tomorrow.”
“Really?” Donghyuck gasps, a little too loudly because Renjun groans as soon as he does. “Sorry. Will you really let me stay over?”
“Unless Y/N says no, then it should be fine. You deserve it,” the manager answers. Donghyuck turns to you, eyes pleading, as if you’d say no.
“As if I’d say no,” you parrot whatever he had in mind.
Donghyuck happily (but quietly) cheers.
“No funny business, Haechan,” the manager reminds as soon as the car stops in front of the building you live in. “Be ready at six in the morning.”
“I love you, hyung,” Donghyuck pouts, sending the manager a flying kiss, before opening the door and jumping, offering his hand to help you. “Thank you. I won’t stay up and I will wake up early.”
The other members mumble a quiet, tired bye-bye, and it seems like only Donghyuck has enough energy left to even tell each member he loves them. Their manager allows you and him to enter the building first before Donghyuck hears them drive away.
 It doesn’t hit Donghyuck that it’s his first time staying over for a night until he hears you lock the door and he gets a full view of your place. His confidence runs low when you start removing your coat and shoes, realizing that holy shit, this is real. He’s really staying the night at the love of his life’s safe place. Will you let him sleep on the same bed? Probably not, what is he even thinking? Of course, he’s sleeping on the floor, and you’re taking the bed. Why does he thi—
“Donghyuck, stop thinking and get rid of your shoes,” you interrupt his thoughts as your enter the small living room area, switching some lights on one by one. “Go take a shower.”
Donghyuck nods, following you while he carries his backpack of necessities. You lead him to the bathroom and tell him you’ll prepare the bed.
When Donghyuck is left alone, he decides that this would be the best time to confess to you, the only time he really can because you’re all alone and there’s no Park Jisung to interrupt your bubble. He starts the shower and composes his thoughts, thinking about the most beautiful words he could string so he could put the message across.
When he’s done, his mind is all fogged up just like the mirror in your bathroom. He hears you knock, asking if he’s done yet because you would also need to shower. He puts his clothes on, a shirt and some sweatpants, drying his hair with the spare towel you prepared for him, and opens the door to find you smiling softly as you wait for him. He steps out and allows you in, finding his feet padding on your warm floor.
“Please make yourself comfortable,” you say before locking the bathroom door. Donghyuck hums.
The door of your bedroom is already open when he reaches it. Donghyuck is suddenly so conscious of his presence inside your safe place, inside the privacy of your home. He’s never been here, and didn’t think this day would come so soon. He doesn’t know where to sit, if he’s even allowed to sit on your bed, and is not sure whether this is okay suddenly.
Your room is almost the same size as the one he shares with Johnny in the dorm. He finds your computer setup in the corner of the room, a small shelf of your favorite books displayed right beside it. He sees a vinyl turntable on top of the small shelf, and he makes a mental note to buy you a record the next time he visit a record store.
Donghyuck honestly doesn’t know what to do, so he settles himself on the swivel chair and takes his phone as he waits for you.
The sound of the shower running stops and the sound of what seems like a hairdryer echoes from the bathroom; it doesn’t take that long until you’re entering your bed room, hair still a little damp from the shower.
“What are you doing? I told you to make yourself comfortable,” you mutter as you enter, brushing your hair, yawning a little. Donghyuck looks up from the TikTok video he’s watching.
“I—I didn’t know if we’re staying on the same bed or, or, like…”
You giggle, walking towards him. “Oh, Donghyuck, you’re crazy if you think I’m letting you sleep on the floor.”
“So, like, we’re—we’re like sharing? The bed? Together, I mean.”
A look of surprise, more like confusion, flashes on your face. “Oh, is it not okay? If not, then we—I can, the living room, well, there’s a couch, and perhaps—?”
A second of silence.
Donghyuck starts laughing, and you do, too.
“We’re awful at this,” he comments, you agree and offer your hand. “How do you want this, my lady?”
“The bed has enough room for you and me,” you answer. “Come on, Donghyuck-ah. Let’s sleep.”
Donghyuck pulls you close, and you hold onto him like magnets connecting. Kissing the top of your head, he hums in content as you hug him tighter, your face nuzzled comfortably on his chest. You kiss his cloth-covered chest and make a comment about him buffing up especially on his chest area.
“Taeyong-hyung forces me to go to the gym. I’m glad you noticed,” Donghyuck jokes as you pull him towards the bed after switching the main light off, leaving the small light from your side table on. Donghyuck takes the right side and, as if you’ve been doing this for a long time, allows you to comfortably rest your head on his chest.
“Congratulations again,” you mumble sleepily. “You were so handsome on stage. I was about to fall on my knees.”
“Thank you, I made an effort to keep your attention on me. The entire venue was screaming for Jaemin. I need at least one person to keep their eyes on me,” he jokes.
“The world is your stage, Donghyuck,” you reply, voice softer. “You have everyone’s attention.”
“Some days, I only want yours.” This is it. This is when Donghyuck confesses and tells you about his undying love and how much he wants a future with you.
“You have mine every day,” you mutter, voice barely audible.
Hold on, God, are you really falling asleep before he could confess?
“I lo—Y/N, I’m having a moment. Please let me have this moment. Can you stay awake?”
“No,” you mumble. “Night.” Barely there.
“Wow,” Donghyuck sighs in disbelief. “You’re really sleeping when I’m about to give you my entire heart.”
Donghyuck hears you hum. Fuck it.
“I really,” he starts. “Really, really, really, really, really, really.”
He inhales, waiting. No response.
“I really, really, really love you.” There. No reaction.
“I have loved you for a long time,” he continues anyway. “I think the first time I realized it was when you were bringing food for us, and prior to that all members were talking about how much they’re craving for pizza. But when you arrived with the food delivery, you—” He chuckles at the memory. “You were holding a separate box for me. With fried chicken. For me. Because you know I don’t give a shit about pizza.”
He turns a little to kiss your hair.
“And it wasn’t even a eureka! moment,” he continues. “It wasn’t even a punch in the gut. It wasn’t loud, like my heart hammering against my chest, screaming for your name. It was—it was quiet. Like a tap on my wrist, telling me it’s always been there. You’ve always been in my heart. And you didn’t come in screaming, pulsating, crying. You walked in my heart, slowly and surely, like—like, the sun rising. It doesn’t abruptly rise from the horizon and blind everyone before they get the chance to wake up to start their day. The sun rises slowly, seeping through your curtains, gently waking you, kissing your skin like it’s the most precious thing ever. You’re like that for me. You’re the sun rising quietly into the horizon for me.”
“And I just—” Donghyuck sighs. “I wish I could say it better. I love you. I have loved you for a long time. I don’t think I’ll ever stop, so please let me say this. Let me tell you I love you.”
Donghyuck is left with silence for a few moments. And he wonders if he said it right. Honestly, he doesn’t even remember the words he said. He probably just spluttered nonsense. Main point is he loves you, and damn does he wish you were awake to hear all of it. He feels you breathe slowly, then—
“I love you, too,” you whisper, sniffling. He thinks you may be crying. “Have for a long time, too. I can’t remember when. I can’t even remember a time since we’ve met that I don’t look at you like you hung the stars for me.”
“Baby,” Donghyuck pouts when he realizes you’re already crying. He moves so that he’s lying on his side as he grabs your face with both hands, thumbs wiping away the tears. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
You giggle.
“Can I kiss you?” Donghyuck asks and you nod too quickly. He wipes the stains of tears from your cheeks and leans closer, closer, closer—
And there. Finally. The most-awaited first kiss.
He presses his lips only softly, a feather-like touch, waits for your reaction, but you keep your eyes closed, and then he’s leaning again, pressing his lips firmly this time.
He kisses you gently—carefully, like a curator carrying a piece of art that’s been around for ages, and you kiss him back like you mean it.
The kiss is over not long after, and Donghyuck brings you back close to his chest, hugging you and telling you to sleep.
You hum. Donghyuck closes his eyes.
The room is covered in silence. Donghyuck feels like he’s dreaming, and slowly, he lets himself fall asleep. The last thing he hears before drifting of is: “for the record, I’ve always known, Donghyuck. I’ve always known, because the things you can’t say, your eyes tell.”
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orangesaek · 2 years
Since it’s Christmas, Merry Christmas btw 🥰 maybe bff reader x jaehyun who secretly crushes on each other and ends up below a mistletoe during a party 🥹
OMG although it's late, but Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones! Happy New Year 🤍 thanks so much for your request, and so sorry it took so long 🥲 anyway, I hope you see this and let me know if you liked it 💕
warnings: mentions of alcohol and some light cussing lol again, nothing serious! safe for minors 🤍
a/n: slightly proofread
It was Christmas Eve, and Chenle has invited everyone to his house for a small party. With his mom flying back to Shanghai to attend a very important business meeting, Chenle had the entire house all to himself. And although not everyone in NCT was able to come over since they also had other plans with their family, he was still happy to have at least some of his hyungs with him.
Including you, Jaehyun's bestfriend since middle school, who had also become one of Chenle's treasured friends over the years.
"Hyung, be careful." Ten gently reminded Yuta, who was assigned to chop up the vegetables along with Yangyang.
"Hai~ thank you." Yuta responded, his eyes focused on the cucumber in front of him.
Everybody was actually busy doing something as soon as you arrived. Some of the guys put up the decorations for the party, some set up the Christmas tree, and some of them prepared the food.
Meanwhile, you were assigned to take care of Chenle's one and only princess—Daegal.
"Is Jaehyun still not done with his schedule?" Johnny asked you as he came down from the ladder after being assigned to put up the Christmas lights in the living room along with Jeno, while Jungwoo, Hendery, and Ten decorated the Christmas tree.
"Not sure... he promised he'll be here before midnight, though." you answered. You looked at the time on your wristwatch before letting out a quiet sigh. It was already 9pm.
"Renjun's on the way! He said he's with Jaehyun," Winwin shouted from the kitchen before going back to seasoning the salmon.
You heaved a sigh of relief at the update, but quickly turned to look at Johnny, who had sat beside you to rest after putting up the Christmas lights for the past hour.
"I have a feeling we're gonna starve later." you chuckled, turning your head to the direction of the kitchen. Johnny chuckled as well.
"I know, right? Such a crazy group of people." he said before chuckling some more. "But as long as Kun and Doyoung is there to supervise, then everything's gonna be fine. At least I'm hoping..."
All of the least skilled in the kitchen were assigned to cook that night, and you couldn't help but worry for Chenle's house getting burned down to ashes on Christmas day.
"What are some of the Korean members doing here anyway?" you asked out of curiosity after seeing Doyoung, Jungwoo, Jeno, Haechan, and Jaemin.
Nearly all of the members present in Chenle's house were the foreigners (except Mark, who has his family in Korea), so you wondered why some of the Korean members were there and not with their families.
"Oh, I'm not sure about the other guys, but Doyoung and Jungwoo told me they had dinner with their families before coming here." Johnny answered as he stretched his arms wide and exhaled in satisfaction. It was partially a lie. They were there to help carry out Chenle's plan to get you and Jaehyun to confess your hidden feelings for each other.
Although Chenle was the only one who knew about your feelings for Jaehyun, the other members have already caught on even before he has told them anything. And they were also successful in making Jaehyun confess through an extreme drinking session not too long ago that he's actually in love with you. Thanks to Haechan's shenanigans.
"Guys, I'm gonna start the grill outside!" Jaemin announced.
"Let me help." you kindly offered, still holding Daegal in your arms. Jaemin shook his head lightly and smiled at you.
"Noona, thank you, but I got this." he said before opening the sliding door that lead to the backyard. "But you can come watch if you're bored!"
You hopped on your feet and quickly followed Jaemin outside. You found it fascinating how he effortlessly started the fire and grilled the meat.
"My father taught me how to grill meat properly," he answered when you asked him where he learned to grill.
"Sorry i'm late." a familiar voice suddenly said. You turned around to see Jaehyun standing by the doorframe, hands in his pockets and a smile on his face.
You returned his smile and walked towards him in excitement, with Daegal still in your arms.
"Good to see you, hyung." Jaemin greeted quickly before turning his attention back to the grill. Jaehyun hummed in acknowledgement.
"How's my bestie doing? I missed you..." he said as he looked into your eyes. You felt your heart stop for a second, but just as you were about to respond, Jaehyun suddenly bent down and patted Daegal's head gently.
"My Daegal~ so cute!" he squealed as he softly bopped her nose with his index finger.
Your cheeks flushed in embarrassment and scoffed at him in disbelief. For a moment there, you really thought he was talking to you. And for the first time in your life, you were jealous of a dog.
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry," he chuckled with a teasing look on his face. "I was just kidding... kinda."
"I swear I would have already choked you if I wasn't holding Daegal right now." you said through gritted teeth.
"Ohhh~ kinky." he teased with a wink before putting his hands up in surrender after seeing you glower your eyes at him.
"Just kidding! Come on~" he chuckled some more before pulling you (and Daegal) in for a hug. "You know that I miss you the most." he quietly said, but this time, he was sincere.
You stayed quiet, slowly melting into his warm embrace.
"I hate being single." Jungwoo blurted, shaking his head as he passed behind Jaehyun, carrying a box of decors.
Jaehyun let go of you (much to your dismay) and let out a light chuckle.
"Let's get inside," he said, slinging his arm on your shoulders to pull you inside with him.
The two of you went over to the kitchen to check the other guys, and Jaehyun glanced at you with a worried look on his face.
"It's going to be okay," you mouthed to him before chuckling quietly, knowing exactly what he's thinking. "Doyoung and Kun are helping them. There's Chenle, too."
"Were there any changes in our plan?" Renjun asked quietly to the members sitting with him on the couch. Johnny, Ten, Jungwoo, Haechan and Hendery looked over to where you and Jaehyun were standing before turning their heads to look at Renjun.
"No, it's still the same." Jungwoo whispered.
"Yeah, Jeno put up the mistletoe over there earlier." Hendery whispered back as he pointed quickly to the mistletoe that was placed on one of the pendant lights above the kitchen counter. Perfectly hidden away.
Being a member of the 'poor eyesight group', Renjun had to squint his eyes to find it before letting out a gasp, to which Ten was quick to cover his mouth. He pulled Ten's hand away from him and checked his watch.
"But there's still a lot of time left. What if they end up finding it later?" Renjun asked in slight panic.
"That's why we need to start this party right now. I think the guys are almost done cooking anyway," Haechan whispered as he glanced to the kitchen. "We'll just have to keep those two distracted until then."
The other boys nodded in agreement.
"Hyung, noona~" Renjun called out (cutely) from the living room. You and Jaehyun (with Daegal now in his arms) whipped your heads and looked at the 6 boys.
"Come play Jenga with us!" Ten shouted. Jaehyun looked at you with a big smile on his face. It was one of his favorite games to play.
The two of you went over to them and Jungwoo patted the empty space between him and Johnny—your and Jaehyun's back facing away from the kitchen.
Unknown to you, the guys in the kitchen (namely Yuta, Winwin, Yangyang, Doyoung, Kun, and Chenle) exchanged knowing looks with a huge grin on their faces.
"They've commenced the plan," Kun whispered just enough for the guys to hear. "Let's finish this quick and join them."
"I'm gonna call the kids outside." Doyoung whispered back, giggling to himself as he made his way out of the kitchen and to the backyard where Jaemin and Jeno were.
Meanwhile, the 8 of you got pretty competitive and didn't even notice that you've been playing Jenga for more than an hour already.
Which means there's just a little over an hour left for the guys' plan to succeed.
"Okay, who wants to karaoke?" Doyoung asked as he walked over to the living room with the rest of the guys who have just finished cooking in the kitchen.
"Me!" Yangyang raised his hand in excitement, while the lot of you who were playing Jenga just hummed in response, too focused on the blocks of wood haphazardly stacked in front of you.
Everyone was having their own fun. Some exchanged turns in singing, some danced to the songs comically, and some (including you and Jaehyun) opted to play board games while laughing at the other guys' antics.
Chenle discreetly nudged Winwin (who was dancing like a drunk man next to Jungwoo) to look at the time. There was only less than 15 minutes left before midnight.
"Hyung, it's your time to shine." Chenle whispered. Winwin nodded and walked over to Jaehyun, kneeling to his side and lightly poking his shoulder.
Jaehyun put down his UNO cards and turned to face him.
"U-uhm," he stuttered nervously. "I was wondering if you could help us mix the drinks..."
Jaehyun was known around the group for being one of the best drinkers and one of the guys who actually knew how to create drinks.
"Sure, i'll just finish this round." he said. The other guys who heard his response, panicked.
"Hyung, we'll pause the game and wait for you and noona." Haechan said quickly.
You whipped your head to look at Haechan in shock.
"Me?" you pointed to yourself in disbelief. "I can't even make a simple glass of somaek for myself." you reasoned out.
"Then it's the perfect time you learn from the somaek master." Ten retorted. "Everything's already on the kitchen counter."
Jaehyun chuckled before standing up and dusting himself.
"Let's go, bestie." Jaehyun said as he offered his hand out to you. You sighed in defeat but took his hand anyway and walked (begrudgingly) to the kitchen.
As soon as your backs were turned, the guys cheered in silence, already feeling the success. Chenle looked at his watch and noted the remaining 10 minutes left.
"I still can't believe you suck at making somaek when i'm your bestfriend. Such a disappointment." Jaehyun said with a playful smirk on his lips as he opened a bottle of whiskey and some other drinks.
You let out a snort and handed him a measuring cup.
"I guess that means you failed as my bestfriend." you retorted. Jaehyun chuckled.
The two of you fell in comfortable silence as Jaehyun mixed the drinks and you assisted him. A soft smile fell on your lips when you looked at the guys having fun in the living room, singing and dancing their hearts out while the others munched on the snacks. Jaehyun secretly took a glance at you and chuckled.
"Something funny?" you asked accusingly as you turned your body to face him, one hand leaning on the counter and the other on your hip.
Jaehyun smiled, pouring some more alcohol into the mix.
"I just find you cute," he said, not looking at you. You blinked in surprise, feeling your heart skip a beat.
Jaehyun stopped what he was doing and put the ladel he used for mixing on the counter. It was his turn to face you, mirroring your body.
"You look like you've just seen the love of your life," he teased, looking straight into your eyes this time.
You could only respond with a snort and turned your attention back to fruits in front of you. You tried to ignore Jaehyun's stare, focusing on chopping up the fruits, when you suddenly felt his arms around your waist from the back.
"W-what are y—" you were about to protest when you felt his chin rest on your shoulder. You stood there frozen as Jaehyun let out a sigh.
"I was planning to get drunk before saying this, but anyway..." he started. "Remember how I've always received love confessions and gifts during Valentine's day when we were in school, but never dated any of them?"
You nodded slowly, remembering how Jaehyun was always on the receiving end of love but you have never witnessed him reciprocate any them at all. Not even once.
"And do you also remember when you got really drunk one time and called me on the phone in the middle of the night just to tell me that i'm a cold-hearted selfish jerk? And when I asked you why, you said it's because I never gave anyone a chance to really love me?"
You nodded again, slightly feeling embarrassed at the memory.
"Y-you know I never really meant that..." you said quietly, almost in a whisper. You could feel Jaehyun smiling.
"It doesn't matter," he lightly chuckled. "But do you know why I never gave my heart to anyone?" he asked.
"No..." you answered, shaking your head. He adjusted himself slightly, feeling his hug tighten, as if you were about to disappear suddenly if he loosened his hold on you.
"It's because of you," he sighed. You turned around to look at him in confusion. You weren't sure what he meant by that, or where the conversation was going.
"I-I don't... just what are you trying to say?" you asked, clearly puzzled.
"What I'm trying to say is that..." he answered as he held your hands in his, looking directly into your eyes with sincerity. "I can't give my heart to anybody else because you already have it. You've always had it."
You just blinked in response, unable to process everything he just said. Jaehyun softly smiled at you before gently pulling you in a hug.
"In other words, I like you," he said, his voice soft and full of sincerity. "More than just my bestfriend."
Despite your mind thinking it was just a dream, your heart swelled in happiness and you found yourself hugging him back.
"And here I was thinking it was one-sided all these years." you mumbled into the embrace.
Jaehyun let go of the hug and looked at you with a huge smile of relief.
"HURRY UP AND KISS!" Chenle shouted through the mic. You and Jaehyun looked at him and the other guys in utter confusion mixed with embarrassment. You totally forgot the guys were there as well, and have started wondering how much they have witnessed.
"HURRY! 10... 9... DAMN IT!" he shouted once more impatiently, and the rest of the guys have started counting as well.
You and Jaehyun faced each other with puzzled look on your faces before Doyoung abruptly took the mic from Chenle.
"THERE'S A GODDAMN MISTLETOE ABOVE YOU!" he shouted in frustration.
Jaehyun looked above, failing to find the mistletoe. He took a step back and finally found it hanging on the cover of one of the pendant lights. He gently pulled you to him and grinned.
"3...2..." the members counted. You blinked your eyes at Jaehyun, feeling your cheeks burn again from embarrassment.
"I love you," he said, holding your waist with one hand and the other gently lifting your chin up for a kiss. "and Merry Christmas." he mumbled into the kiss before taking your lips again.
- end.
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nizhspo · 2 years
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photo credit: @briichz
genre: nct fluff, fake-dating, fwb
pairing: co-worker!hyuck x gn!reader
warnings: cursing, smut mentioned
summary: in which you and fwb!donghyuck are a little too close in the office, leading your co-workers (namely johnny) to think you’re dating at the office christmas party.
a/n: i’ve been rlly busy w/ school work but the christmas spirit has given me a bunch of new ideas so i’m def interested in making a spin-off of this prompt someday? and other holiday stories to come??? <3
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“…and for my favorite award of the night,” johnny smiles cheekily, his face flushed from his several cups of doyoung’s famous eggnog recipe as he sways further into an equally flushed taeyong. “drumroll, please…”
johnny’s face is giddy as he watches the office erupt into rumbling, a chorus of whoops, bells, and laughter filling the conference room so loudly that you can’t help but join in, rapping your fists against the table.
“i present the mistletoe award to my favorite office couple— one, because they’re effing adorable, and two, because unlike a certain couple—” he turns to glare at winter and karina, “i’ve never caught them making out in the break room. so ladies and gentlemen, give it up for donghyuck and y/n!”
oh shit.
you and hyuck aren’t a couple. at least, not in the traditional way, that is.
i mean, sure, you’ve fucked in the janitorial closet a couple of times, and you’ve counted the number of moles on his body so many times you know the number by heart— but that wasn’t in a boyfriend way.
it was just in a donghyuck way.
in a friends-with-benefits way.
but you can’t explain that to your co-workers, not when yangyang is drunk and teary-eyed about how you “never tell him anything,” or how ningning is exchanging cheers with chenle because she won their bet on you two.
and certainly not when taeyong is handing you the mic with his happy little drunk boba eyes.
but you’re also not a liar.
so when you two meet in the middle of the stage, your mind is made up, and you’re sure hyuck would agree.
“thank you for this award.. coworkers.” you grimace a little, vaguely aware of the mistletoe that johnny is beginning to hang above you two. “but me and hyuck aren’t dating, we’re—“
“actually engaged!” donghyuck interrupts, reaching over with one hand to grab the microphone as he squeezes you in the other, his hand resting tightly on your waist.
“me and y/n are recently engaged! and we are so, so, happy to accept this extra week of paid-time-off to further explore—“ his grip tightens on your waist, “our relationship as a young couple.” he nods with mock earnesty, making sure to throw a smile your way before handing johnny the microphone.
“wow, get a load of these two, everyone!“ he laughs heartily from his spot on the ladder above you two as he gestures towards the mistletoe. he doesn’t have to say it out loud for you to know what he’s referencing.
and sure, you’ve kissed donghyuck dozens of times— but not like this. never in front of people (especially not your co-workers), and certainly not as as a y/n and donghyuck, the newly engaged couple.
but then hyuck leans in, his hand still firmly on your waist as he whispers in your ear, “are you gonna accept your award, y/n?”
hell yeah you are.
and without thinking, you lean in, too.
and for a split second, you feel nothing but him. his hair in your hands, his lips on yours, the cotton of his stupid light-up sweatshirt, and his hands gripping your waist.
oh, and don’t forget the whoops of your co-workers.
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
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24 days of Advent, 24 days of Kinkmas
Posted: 1st - 24th December
Genre: Smut (Minors DNI) - Under the Cut
Warnings included with each scenario. 
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> WEEK 1:
🎄Day 1 - Stray Kids Felix x Reader
Cum play: Who doesn’t love a little treat on their first day of advent. You certainly do when Felix treats you early.
🎄Day 2 - ATEEZ: Wooyoung x Reader
Bondage: When decorating the house with Christmas lights turns into you tying Wooyoung up with the spare set.
🎄Day 3 - NCT: Jaehyun x Reader x NCT: Mark  
Threesome: Tensions are high when you “forget” your presents for each of them, giving them something they could never forget instead.
🎄Day 4 - GOT7: Mark x Reader
Brat Taming: It’s the season to behave...or not. It didn’t take a lot for Mark to switch when you tested his patience over Christmas party planning. 
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> WEEK 2:
🎄Day 5 - Monsta X: Minhyuk x Reader
Toys: Is it Christmas day already? Minhyuk suprises you with a little present that has your legs shaking uncontrollably. 
🎄Day 6 - Day6: Young K x Reader 
Edging: When drinking hot chocolate whilst watching Christmas movies turns into something else that would make Santa blush.
🎄Day 7 - EXO: Sehun x Reader
Oral Fixation: Sehun gets a little wound up when you wouldn’t kiss him under the mistletoe, putting that pretty mouth of yours to good use. 
🎄Day 8 - Seventeen: Mingyu x Reader  
Creampie: Christmas pudding wasn’t the only thing that you were getting filled with this Christmas. 
🎄Day 9 - Pentagon: Kino x Reader 
Mirror Sex: You admire yourself so much in your reflections through the town’s windows, Kino turns this into something for both of your pleasures.  
🎄Day 10 - Block B: Zico x Reader 
Dry Humping: When getting bored at the Christmas party, you and Zico find something else to perk yourselves up. 
🎄Day 11 - Vixx: N x Reader 
Master/Sir: After a hard working month at work, your boss suprises you with something a little extra special, a bit more than a Christmas bonus. 
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> WEEK 3:
🎄Day 12 - SF9: Zuho x Reader x Hwiyoung 
Cuckholding: When his date doesn’t go to plan, Hwiyoung gets something extra special to spend his Christmas holiday with you and Zuho. 
🎄Day 13 - 2PM: Nichkhun x Reader 
Marking: When you have a secret santa off a secret admirier, Nickhun can’t help but get jealous and makes sure that whoever it was, knew you were already taken. 
🎄Day 14 - SuperM: Ten x Reader 
Lingerie: Too cheer him up after a hard time over the holidays, you try on something a little special for him.
🎄Day 15 - SHINee: Taemin x Reader
Face Fucking - What does that mouth do other than sing those pretty little carols? Taemin bursts with the need to find out.
🎄Day 16 - U-Kiss: Kevin x Reader 
Wall Sex: Oh how pretty you look pressed up against the wall in your Mrs Claus outfit as Kevin is anything but nice. 
🎄Day 17 - KNK: Youjin x Reader 
Fingering: Naughty or Nice? Youjin makes that decision of you for himself, as his fingers do all the magic. 
🎄Day 18 - BTOB: Hyunsik x Reader 
Videotape: What’s Christmas without having a little keepsake of such a good time? This is the Christmas you’ll never get the chance to forget. 
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> WEEK 4:
🎄Day 19 - TXT: Yeonjun x Reader
Exhibitionism: What’s a night out with friends to watch the lights without your boyfriend being desperate to have them shine over you whilst he’s fullfilling his needs?
🎄Day 20 -  ASTRO: Rocky x Reader
Vanilla Sex: 1st Christmas together, how else to celebrate that giving each other a little something to celebrate the holidays?
🎄Day 21 - Wonho x Reader
Thigh riding: Oh how you looked so god in your Christmas party dress, making Wonho slowly lose his mind as you use his thigh to not ruin such a pretty outfit. 
🎄Day 22 - DPR ian x Reader
Corruption: Of course, he couldn’t help himself from tainting you with his deepest and darkest desires when it’s a season to be good. 
🎄Day 23 - Eric Nam x Reader
Praise: A long day of shopping turns into something more entertaning to keep your spirits up, and of course, you behave so well
🎄Day 24 - Woosung x Reader
Degradation: Claiming to have been so good all year to the Santa at your mall, Woosung makes it evident that it’s all a facade. 
Tags: @ateezreactionsandscenarios, @trashlord-007, @fanfictrashlord-007
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starlightkun · 10 months
much mistletoeing about nothing ❧ teaser [kun]
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❧ teaser word count: 732 | full fic: 7.6k ❧ warnings: none for the teaser! ❧ genre: exes to lovers, angst with a happy ending (look at what blog ur on rn), christmas-themed (if the title wasn’t apparent enough), getting snowed in trope, cuddling to share warmth trope, just a fun, cheesy, time ❧ extra info: i wrote this in a 24-ish hour fever. it’s moderately proof-read. beware. ❧ estimated release: wednesday, december 20, 2023 7:00 p.m. eastern time
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There was light pouring out from Dr. Oh’s office at the end of the hall, the only one on. You poked your head in through the open door, greeted by the sight of a seemingly empty office. Must have stepped out.
Just as you had dropped the papers into his inbox on his desk, you heard footsteps at the doorway and whipped around to greet the older man, breathless smile already on your face.
Except it wasn’t Dr. Oh standing there. Your greeting died in your throat as you stared at the newcomer with blatant shock.
“Oh, Y/N,” Qian Kun rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. His hair was a bit longer than before, a shaggy length that covered most of his ears and neck, and he’d forgone his contacts in favor of a pair of silver wire-rimmed glasses, but there was nothing that time could do to conceal his identity from you. The way your heart dropped to your stomach as soon as he said your name was undeniable. “What are you doing here?”
“What are you doing here?” You sputtered back harshly. His PhD program was at a completely different university in the area and should have ended in the spring. What business did he have here of all places?
“I started assisting Dr. Oh last month. Uhm, sorry, I sort of thought you graduated already, or I wouldn’t have interviewed for the job.”
“I did graduate.” You crossed your arms over your chest. “Two years ago. I’m a research fellow now.”
“Of course. Well, congrats.”
You let out a small noise of acknowledgement that could’ve also been interpreted as a cynical chuckle.
“So, did you need to see Dr. Oh? He’s left the office for the year, I’m just finishing up a couple things here.”
“Oh, no,” you shook your head, vaguely gesturing to the inbox over your shoulder. “My research head asked me to drop something off.”
Kun nodded. “Right. I’ll make sure he looks it over first thing when he gets back.”
“Thank you.” There was a pause of tense silence, and you looked around the office uncomfortably. “So, can I go, or…?”
“Yeah, of course, sorry.” He moved out of the doorway, stepping aside to clear the exit for you. “It uhm, it was nice to see you, Y/N.”
“Yeah, sure.”
You’d just brushed past him when he called your name out again. Against your better judgment, you stopped just short of leaving the office and turned to look at him.
“What, Kun?”
“What uh, what are you doing for the holidays? Are you going back home? Or, celebrating here with… someone?”
You weren’t sure what compelled you to answer other than basic social niceties. “No. Airline tickets were crazy, couldn’t find anything that would get me back in the lab in time that wasn’t ridiculously expensive. All my friends are traveling, so I’ll be eating ramen by myself on the couch, presumably.”
You had answered his half-asked question. No, you didn’t have a significant other to spend the holiday with. Just your family back home that you couldn’t afford to go see, and friends who had all left town.
“Oh…” He looked down at his feet.
“What about you?” You asked pettily, fully expecting him to be visiting a significant other’s family in town, flying home to see his family, something much merrier than the picture you had just painted.
“Same for me,” he admitted quietly. “Plane tickets back home were so expensive… and I just left my old job and haven’t really made new friends here yet. At least not ones that are on the level of them inviting me to their family Christmas.”
While you wanted to be bitterly vindicated by Kun making himself as alone on Christmas as he had made you, it somehow just weighed twice as heavy on your heart. All that came out of this was two lonely people, far away from home.
“Do you… maybe want to come over? For Christmas?” Kun’s hesitant proposition knocked the wind out of you.
“Well, neither of us have any other plans. And, I don’t know, I thought it might be nice… to be with someone you know. Better than being alone on Christmas eating instant ramen, maybe?”
You took a couple deep breaths, gnawing on your bottom lip as you thought over his offer. “Fine. Christmas dinner. No presents.”
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⤷ blog masterlist
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phoxphenex · 2 years
nct dream holiday special?🤭 -🐰
i actually had this planned in my drafts so i hope you like it 🤭💖 (most/all of these will be christmas-y since the dreamies celebrate christmas)
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driving through neighborhoods to look at all the christmas lights is a must for you and mark. it was a childhood tradition for him back in canada, and since it’s difficult to decorate a dorm with lights, you would put extra effort into finding a well-lit neighborhood to take mark to. the two of you would just slowly drive through the streets with some soft christmas music playing on the radio, his eyes catching all the twinkling holiday lights. you love watching his face light up when he points the extravagant houses out, and you’re just happy that you get to help mark experience some fun for the holidays.
you and renjun have your own little cookie-making contest every christmas eve. each year, you both come up with a new recipe or theme for the members of nct to judge, and each year, you lose. it’s not even because renjun is an amazingly skilled baker, it’s that you are absolutely terrible at it. last year, some of his members compared you to jisung, and he was the offended one! still, though you are convinced the contest is rigged, you and renjun go out of your way to have your bake-off every year.
ugly sweater contests! you love going out and buying random crafting items from your childhood to put on the poor sweaters, and jeno just likes making a mess. one year, you bought red and green legos and glued them to your sweaters to stick them together. xiaojun and taeyong were especially amused that year. i feel like jeno would mess up on purpose to tease you, and you’d fall right into his traps. all in all, it’s a tradition for the two of you to customize ugly couples' christmas sweaters to wear to sm parties.
the two of you love singing christmas songs, his favorite being the jackson 5′s take on i saw mommy kissing santa claus. you tend to stick with the classics, such as frank sinatra and elvis, but you support each other's separate tastes. another thing you do after drinking a bit too much of jaemin’s special egg nog is going around the dorm, knocking on the member’s doors, and since christmas carols whether they answer or not. oh yeah, you’ve already memorized dream’s candy choreography for your caroling session this year :)
mistletoe. jaemin would literally hide mistletoe everywhere around your place, and just point it out at random times. he says it’s festive, but you know it’s just an excuse to get free kisses. not that you’re complaining ;) it was strange one year, though, when haechan and jaemin found themselves under the mistletoe. you were the only one entertained, but jaemin got his revenge by following you around with the mistletoe in his hand all night. after that, your little pranks became a holiday tradition, and to this day, there is no escape from jaemin and his mistletoe kisses.
christmas movie marathon. every, single. year. you watch every movie you can think of the entire month of december, but save your favorite for christmas day: love actually. you watched it with your parents when you were a kid, so it made sense for you to recommend it to watch on the 25th. you didn’t expect chenle to like this movie as much as he did, and after watching it on your first christmas together, you wouldn’t pick any other film to match it. in fact, after that first christmas, chenle became the one to eagerly force you into your (matching) christmas jammies to comfortably watch love actually together.
you and jisung love decorating the tree together, but your favorite part of christmas is the cocoa. it’s just about the only thing jisung knows how to make, so his excitement is just that more special to you. you make a point to drink the make the hot chocolate before decorating the tree so that by the time you finish, the temperature is perfect. of course, jisung helps you put the star on the tree since you can’t quite reach the top without a little help.
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kiss me, kiss me by @sehunniepotwrites
lucky number seven by @paintmebare
Unholy by @sluttyten
nct 96z roomies (date gone wrong / hoodie thieves / exam week pickup / yikes!) by @suhnshinehaos
much mistletoeing about nothing by @starlightkun
nct 96z roomies (date gone wrong / hoodie thieves / exam week pickup / yikes!) by @suhnshinehaos
Unholy by @sluttyten
nct 96z roomies (date gone wrong / hoodie thieves / exam week pickup / yikes!) by @suhnshinehaos
Read It In The Newspaper by @drewexe
Unholy by @sluttyten
strawberry sunday by @starlightkun
Unholy by @sluttyten
Book Hogger by @haechanitboy
elevator pitch by @luvhaos
when the ball drops, our hearts stop by @sehunniepotwrites
tell me it's love by @mingirn
kiss you right now by @domjaehyun
nervously in love by @angelwonie
the best man by @mrkis
dress by @primehyuck
sweet cream, cold brew / salted caramel by @lucyandthepen
pretty & nerdy by @mrkis
Summer Nights by @sluttyten
a taste of you (darling) by @sluttyten
Off script (part 1 / part 2) by @thetypingpup
Post Party Oral by @lustbile
blondes are done with fun by @rrxnjun
crush culture by @suhnshinehaos
The New Cupid by @lunena
Two Makes a Team by @sxcret-garden
10 things i know about you by @asthmark
Just So You Know by @sluttyten
love always by @tonicandjins
You In My Arms by @sluttyten
wicked games by @cherryeoniis
take the stairs by @rrxnjun
like clockwork by @cinnajun
Two Makes a Team by @sxcret-garden
On the Rebound by @lunena
Upon Your Invitation by @lunena
Can't Handle This by @hannie-dul-set
talk to my skin by @fadedncity
Something To Prove by @lustbile
Just So You Know by @sluttyten
Subtle by @ncteez
corduroy by @wincore
treacherous by @suhnshinehaos
Wanna Watch? by @lustbile-archive
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cbxadmin · 2 years
Christmas Update
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👑: I baked a few Christmas cakes! They're so pretty! Come eat them with me @onlyomega-cb?
🙏: Kiss me under the mistletoe @the-hellhounds?
🩸: A certain little girl decided to be daddy's Christmas present. @dc-heroes-cb
💕: hoping to have my love under the Christmas tree~ @universe-of-superm @reallychaoticgalaxy
🖊️: Christmas parties are boring.. Wish my Markie were with me @rebel-markhyuck
🔪: hoping a certain vampire will spend Christmas with me @darkmoonsiblings
🍺: getting ready for our little bundle of joy! I got them a snowman @multixbots
🐱: don't have high hopes for Christmas.. Also, enjoy this picture from last year
📸: he put the snowflake on my forehead! @mafiaxljn
💃: my first Christmas with my girl! I'll make it a memorable one~ @multiyiren
@angelxdevil-bot @fallenangel-oc @storybook-nct @dark-dream-cb @hybrid-babies @shangrixxla @glamrockpop-cb @ateezmystery @dawnswonderland-entertainment @00dreamz @clairvoyantbeasts-cb @welcome-to-maniac @hwangsiblings-oc @thegreatdahliacase-cb @spectralrp @clubwnderland @ae-valorant @blackpink-cb @thepack-cb @moonlightchn @kitsuneboyscb @appa-cb
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midmourn · 9 months
under the mistletoe
♡ nct dream ﹒ gender neutral!reader genre fluff warnings one suggestive joke on chenle’s note if yall have any requests let me know 🫶 happy holidays if u celebrate ! ( masterlist )
you can’t control the grin that takes over your face as you and mark get closer to the front door, glancing up to make sure the mistletoe is in place. “so i should be home by three, but if plans change, i’ll text you,” mark turned, blinking in confusion at the happy look on your face. “why do you look so happy to see me leave?” you giggle, shaking your head in amusement as you point up to the ceiling above your head. he follows your gaze, blinking rapidly as his cheeks glow red. he stutters as he looks back to you, watching you take a step closer and press a soft kiss on his cheek. he stares at you as you pull back, a warm sensation tickling his chest before suddenly growing confident at the sight of your blushing cheeks and shy giggling, “i think you missed.”
renjun doesn’t know how many mistletoes he’s hung around the dorm, but he’s going to start throwing hands if he doesn’t get you under it. his jaw drops from across the room as he stares daggers at you and jaemin, who knows what he’s doing, standing under the mistletoe. jaemin glances up, directly at renjun before tapping on his cheek teasingly. you breathe out a laugh, leaning up to give him a kiss but before you can, he’s shoved out of the way. you watch in surprise as renjun takes his place, batting jaemin away when he jokingly tries to get his place back. he waits for jaemin to walk away before he says, “the world must hate me or something. how have i gotten everyone but the one person i want the most under the mistletoe?” your brain buffers, “what?” he grins cutely, “i want you to kiss only me from now on, okay?”
jeno doesn’t know how he got to this point. “uh,” is all he can offer as he stares up at the ceiling above your heads. he points at the mistletoe unhelpfully, “mistletoe,” he states the obvious. “oh, really?” you can’t help but tease, pressing your lips together to prevent yourself from laughing. his cheeks tint red at your words, scratching the back of his neck, “look, it’s just a dumb tradition, we don’t have to. none of the guys are looking so it can be our little secret.” you pout, tilting your head, “oh, you don’t want to kiss me?” his eyes widen, “i- no, that’s not what i meant. i do want to kiss you but if you don’t, then that’s—” you cut him off by leaning in, pressing your lips softly against his and making him make a confused noise back before kissing back. you lean back after a few moments, opening your eyes to see jeno leaning forward to chase after your lips. you giggle, “you taste like eggnog.”
there’s a tap on your shoulder and you turn, frowning once you see haechan with a devious glint in his eyes, hands hidden behind his back. “can i help you?” you ask, narrowing your eyes at him. “yeah, actually,” he clears his throat, finally revealing what he held and lifting his hand up. you look up, face deadpanning as you see the mistletoe. it dangles above your heads teasingly, haechan smirking, “you know the tradition, don’t you?” you huff, crossing your arms, “a dumb tradition and an easy way to get mono.” haechan pouts, “i don’t know about you but you’re the only one i wanna kiss, baby.” you shake your head, going to walk away but he catches you by your arm, dragging your name out, “come on, it can be my christmas present! and it’ll be familiar and easy since y’know, we’ve already—” you roll your eyes, wrapping your hand around the collar of his shirt and tugging him to your level to smash your lips together. he wastes no time in dropping the mistletoe and pulling you closer to him by your hips, tilting his head. you pull back a few moments later, slightly breathless as you push him back, “good enough?” he grins a little lovesick smile, “i might need a few more presents.”
as soon as jaemin opens the door for you, there’s a burst of laughter coming from the boys towards you. you frown, glancing down at your outfit. nothing was wrong, so you look to jaemin who chuckles hesitantly. “uh..” he goes to speak, but haechan beats him to it, yelling, “look up, lovebirds!” you look up, feeling heat rise to your cheeks at the mistletoe hanging above your heads. your eyes connect with renjun, who is grinning so hard you think it might split his face in half. you immediately know that he’s the one who planned this, and your eyes narrow at him threateningly. you look back to jaemin, who is shuffling in place slightly, looking away from you. such a stark difference from his usual confident self, that it bursts your own confidence. “well?” you say, and he looks at you. “aren’t you going to kiss me?” you ask and he slowly smiles, “i’ve been wanting to since forever.”
“now how did that get there?” chenle fakes a gasp, a shocked look on his face as he stares up at the mistletoe somehow attached to the roof of the car. you follow his gaze, hiding a smirk behind your hand, “how does this keep happening?” you ask in faux shock, glancing around for any more. he shrugs, “must be fate,” is the last thing he says before pulling you into a kiss by your chin. you say in between each kiss, “i— can’t— wait— until— you— get— caught— under— one— with— your— members—” your giggle is caught by his mouth again, hand cradling your cheek. he breaks away, pecking your lips once more before saying, “i saw a video where some girl had her belly button pierced and the piercing was a mistletoe.” it takes a second, but your eyes widen and you gasp, making him burst into laughter at your expression. “chenle!”
“i should be playing in the winter snow,” jisung’s sweet, deep voice fills your ears as you rest your head on his chest, some cheesy christmas hallmark movie playing on your tv that neither of you are paying attention to. “but imma be under the mistletoe, with you, shawty, with you.” his fingers tap gently on your back and there’s some shuffling before mistletoe appears in your vision, held up by a nervous jisung. you giggle, glancing between the blushing jisung and the mistletoe. you put your hand over his, lowering the mistletoe and leaning up to press a kiss to both of his cheeks, “you don’t have to have mistletoe for me to kiss you.” he giggles back, a shy, soft smile on his lips as he grabs you by the back of your head softly and pulls you in for another kiss.
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onyourfifi · 10 months
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(f) ~ fluff (a) ~ angst
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nct dream ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆☾ ゚。⋆
⤜ lee mark .°˖✧
just friends (f)
mistletoe (f)
⤜ huang renjun .°˖✧
nothing yet!
⤜ lee jeno .°˖✧
nothing yet!
⤜ lee haechan .°˖✧
you. (a) (f)
⤜ na jaemin .°˖✧
[7:04 am] (f)
⤜ zhong chenle .°˖✧
i got you (f)
⤜ park jisung .°˖✧
december 3rd (f)
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nct 127 ☾⋆⁺₊🎧✧
⤜ suh johnny .°˖✧
my priority (a) (f)
⤜ lee taeyong .°˖✧
childish (f)
⤜ nakamoto yuta .°˖✧
nothing yet!
⤜ kim doyoung .°˖✧
nothing yet!
⤜ jeong jaehyun .°˖✧
nothing yet!
⤜ kim jungwoo .°˖✧
nothing yet!
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wayv 💿˖ ࣪‧₊˚໒꒱⋆✩
⤜ qian kun .°˖✧
nothing yet!
⤜ ten .°˖✧
nothing yet!
⤜ winwin .°˖✧
nothing yet!
⤜ hendery .°˖✧
nothing yet!
⤜ xiao dejun .°˖✧
on your lap (f)
⤜ liu yangyang .°˖✧
nothing yet!
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