connorthemaoist · 1 year
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The greatest Filipino of the past century bereaved us peacefully last night.
Prof. Jose Ma. Sison, founding chair of the Communist Party of the Philippines, passed away at around 8:40 p.m. (Philippine time) after two weeks confinement in a hospital in Utrech, The Netherlands. He was 83.
The Filipino proletariat and toiling people grieve the death of their teacher and guiding light.
The entire Communist Party of the Philippines gives the highest possible tribute to its founding chairman, great Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thinker, patriot, internationalist and revolutionary leader.
Even as we mourn, we vow continue to give all our strength and determination to carry the revolution forward guided by the memory and teachings of the people’s beloved Ka Joma.
Let the immortal revolutionary spirit of Ka Joma live on!
December 17, 2022
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
LA Times: Philippine Vigilantes Reflect U.S. Strategy for ‘Low-Intensity Conflict’ (1987)
by Peter Tarr October 11, 1987
NEW YORK —  Some weeks after retired Army Maj. Gen. John K. Singlaub told the Senate-House Iran- contra committees about his fund-raising activities on behalf of the Nicaraguan “freedom fighters,” I went to the Philippines to research that country’s communist insurgency.
My travels in the southern islands of Negros, Cebu and Mindanao turned up evidence that the counterinsurgency strategy advocated by Singlaub and other private American citizens on the far right for use in Central America now had taken firm root in the Philippines.
The tactics are used in what Pentagon strategists call “low-intensity conflict” or LIC. They emphasize an “integrated” approach in the fight against communism combining rural civic action and humanitarian aid programs with methods of “unconventional warfare” that Singlaub and others--including the U.S. government--have covertly employed in El Salvador and Nicaragua.
Singlaub’s credentials in “unconventional operations” are well known. A former chief of the Joint Unconventional Task Force in Vietnam, he participated in “Operation Phoenix,” the CIA’s notorious assassination program that resulted in the murder of an estimated 40,000 supposed Viet Cong sympathizers. More recently he served on President Reagan’s Special Warfare Advisory Group, to offer recommendations regarding LIC strategies.
There remains much speculation throughout the Philippines about the purpose of his several recent visits, spanning a period from July, 1986, to this past February. The former commander of U.S. forces in South Korea insists that he went to the Philippines to search for buried treasure. A number of his critics say the general’s real mission was to help organize civilian militias to be employed in the fight against guerrillas of the communist New People’s Army (NPA).
Many questions have yet to be answered, but one thing is certain: Vigilante justice has captured the imagination of the mass of Filipinos. It is a development that has disturbing implications.
In the theory of low-intensity warfare, the establishment of paramilitary groups is a key element in the battle for the sympathies of people living in rebel-contested areas. Their proliferation is thought to deprive communists of “mass-base” support, and thus contributes to a broader effort to isolate and demoralize insurgent forces.
Several commanders of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) assured me that most vigilante groups were unarmed. But at every turn I saw deadly weapons: M-16 automatic rifles, fragmentation grenades, homemade pistols and shotguns and a bewildering variety of machetes and bolo knives. And at every turn, the men, women and children who wielded these weapons were eager to tell me that they were “prepared to die” to defend themselves against communism, which many of them called “the godless ideology.”
On a street in downtown Davao, a sprawling city of 1.2 million on Mindanao’s southeast coast, the bolo-toting “Midnight Attack Commandos” of the “Far Eastern Democratic Restoration Bureau” boasted about dismembering captured communist guerrillas while one of their leaders supplied me with leaflets published by an evangelical ministry in Arkansas that posed these burning questions: “Are the IRS, FBI, U.S. Dept. of Labor, the Mafia and labor unions part of the Vatican? Is the Pope the superboss of all government agencies as well as the Vatican?”
How did this literature get to Davao, 10,000 miles from its point of origin in Alma, Arkansas? Did the vigilantes have American contacts? Were they acting in concert with the Philippine military, or on their own? Where did their weapons come from? What were their sources of financial support?
Lt. Col. Franco Calida, police chief of Davao and the acknowledged “godfather” of the first and most successful vigilante group, the Alsa Masa, insisted that his and other paramilitary groups had arisen spontaneously. Their popularity, he said, reflected widespread dissatisfaction with the communists’ urban terror campaign conducted in the city between 1981 and 1985. Indeed, Davao had been the “murder capital” of the Philippines in those years, a city where more than 5,000 people had met violent deaths. Many of the murders were “insurgency-related,” although the activities of criminal gangs also accounted for a good deal of the carnage.
Alsa Masa, which in the local dialect means “Masses Arise,” was organized by the leader of one of those gangs early in 1986. But the movement went nowhere until Calida assumed his Davao command in July, 1986. It was at that time that Calida received a visit from Singlaub. They “chitchatted,” Calida said, but did not discuss Alsa Masa. Nevertheless, in the months following Singlaub’s visit, Alsa Masa grew exponentially. It now claims 10,000 members. “The Alsa Masa was never a CIA project,” Calida told Filipino journalists several months ago. “It is the product of abuses of the communist New People’s Army. The people were left with no choice but to band together to protect themselves.”
In Davao, virulently anti-communist radio announcer Jun Porras Pala admitted that the vigilante groups lumped together all manner of riffraff, from members of criminal gangs to adherents of fanatical religious cult groups.
In Negros, Cebu and Mindanao there were ominous signs that anti-communist fanaticism was putting innocent people in danger. In Davao, the houses of people who did not join or make financial contributions to Alsa Masa (a practice one member called “extortion for democracy”) were marked with the letter X. Anti-communist broadcasters threatened supposed sympathizers over the airwaves.
In all three islands, liberal members of the Catholic Church had been threatened both by vigilantes and military officials. During my stay in Negros, 35 clerics and newsmen were accused of being NPA sympathizers by a local military commander, and had received death threats in the mail. A similar scenario was simultaneously unfolding in Cebu. And in Davao, the Redemptorist Church was strafed from a passing truck late one August night. Earlier, Catholic members of the congregation had been called “redemterrorists” by broadcaster Pala. Redemptorists in Cebu had been similarly branded.
Why did President Corazon Aquino, an uncommonly religious woman, agree to endorse the vigilante movement? The answer lies partly in a meaningless distinction she makes between armed and unarmed vigilante groups. Aquino favors the mobilization of unarmed citizen patrols, called Nakasaka, that warn the military of NPA activity. She favors these groups, but does not proscribe the activities of armed groups.
American officials may have influenced Aquino’s policy. On March 16, 1987, she ordered a government-trained militia, the Civilian Home Defense Force, “and all private armies and other armed groups” to disband. The CHDF, with 70,000 members nationwide, had been active since the 1970s in the fight against the NPA, but its ill-disciplined members had been blamed for many of the military abuses committed against civilians in counterinsurgency operations.
A phase-out of the CHDF was mandated in the new Philippine constitution, adopted in February. But soon after Aquino issued the order to disband paramilitary groups, she rescinded it. The Philippine military, led by Gen. Fidel Ramos, was lobbying hard for retention of the CHDF. So was Local Goverment Secretary Jamie Ferrer, slain in August. Aquino and her military had been repeatedly lectured, directly and indirectly, by high-ranking U.S. officials on how to fight the communists. One such lecture was delivered on March 19, 1987, by Richard L. Armitage, the assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs. He offered a blunt critique of AFP tactics in testimony before the House subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs.
Armitage’s remarks clearly indicated American impatience with Aquino’s policy of reconciliation, in effect during her first 12 months in office. Even after the failure of peace talks with the radical left and the collapse of a cease-fire in the AFP-NPA war that had held for only 60 days, Aquino continued to offer an olive branch to the left. On Feb. 28, she proposed amnesty and rehabilitation for rebels who would lay down their arms, in the interests of “healing the wounds of our nation.”
On March 18, a time bomb exploded at the Philippine Military Academy. It was apparently intended to kill Aquino, who was to address the academy’s graduating class four days later. When commencement day arrived, the Philippine president unveiled a new strategy--one that might have gratified Singlaub himself. “The answer to terrorism of the left and the right is not social and economic reform, but police and military action,” she said, turning her back on a philosophy she had espoused since coming to power.
It was in this climate that Aquino rescinded her order to disband the paramilitary groups. In keeping with her new policy of “total war” against the communists, and in light of her growing reliance on Ramos, who repeatedly put down attempts by disgruntled AFP officers to take over her government, Aquino found herself, by the end of March, implementing the very counterinsurgency policies she had resisted for more than a year. She was now prepared to wage low-intensity warfare.
Her shift to a hard-line policy is likely to encourage a similarly militant response from the radical left. But even more important, the legitimation of vigilante “justice” will most likely serve to accentuate a culture of violence that has prevailed for decades in the Philippine countryside. At the core of the vigilante movement are incompetent CHDF commandos, religious cultists and members of private armies that flourished during the Marcos years.
The Philippines needs more than civic action and “humanitarian” aid programs carried out by civilian and military authorities waging low-intensity warfare. The country needs structural reforms, the most important of which is land reform. As Aquino often noted during her first year in office, the insurgency has economic and social roots. It will continue to flourish--no matter how many vigilantes are mobilized--unless the root causes are addressed.
Source: LA Times
Links and notes below
Moonies Support Vigilante Violence in the Philippines Around 1986/1987 - excerpts from Belina A. Aquino’s “The Philippines in 1987: Politics of Survival”
Marti found that the Reagan administration sought the help of CAUSA International to support US policy in Nicaragua. It might be mentioned that the Moonies and CAUSA have conducted expense-paid seminars and conferences in Washington, D.C.; Manila and other places, inviting well-known names in academic, religious and political circles. Among the CAUSA’s top brass are Cleon Skousen, a Mormon Church leader, Douglas MacArthur II, and Bo Hi Pak, the chairman who has acknowledged CIA funding. This is just another form of counter-insurgency, but it tries to minimize direct military intervention in favor of small “grassroots” efforts combining socio-economic, civic action, psychological & political objective.
In 1985 the Washington Times sponsored a fund for the Contras who committed atrocities, and trafficked drugs to the US The WACL and CAUSA’s Role in the Ruthless Violence of US-Philippines Counterinsurgency
CounterSpy: Moonies Move on Honduras (1983)
The UC should be held responsible for supplying weapons that killed young Filipino activists
How has the Moon network played a role in the post-9/11 U.S. Imperialist strategy?
The Unification Church and KCIA: Some Notes on Bud Han, Steve Kim, and Bo Hi Pak The Unification Church and the KCIA – ‘Privatizing’ covert action: the case of the UC The Broad Counterinsurgency Strategies of the US in the 80s, and a Glimpse into the UC’s Role
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milkboydotnet · 5 months
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From May 17-18, 2024, an urgent International People’s Tribunal (IPT) will take place. The tribunal is jointly convened by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) and Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle (FFPS). The theme and title of the tribunal will be:
Katarungan: The Filipino People vs US Government, and the Marcos and Duterte regimes (An International War Crimes Tribunal on the US-directed Counterinsurgency in the Philippines)
The purposes of the IPT will be to heighten international condemnation and isolation against the US-Duterte and US-Marcos regimes for their widespread violations of International Humanitarian Law, to underscore the repressive character and role of US imperialism in the Government of the Republic of the Philippines’ (GRP’s) counterinsurgency war against the Filipino people, to educate the international community on the just cause and legitimacy of the Filipino people’s struggle for national liberation, and to broaden international support for the cause of a just and lasting peace in the Philippines as led by the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP).
In order to make this event happen, we need your help! We are raising funds to cover the airfare and travel costs of witnesses who have seen the war crimes of the Duterte and Marcos regimes up close, as well as lawyers and other human rights advocates. We are also raising funds to cover the costs of publication for the findings of the tribunal. Will you support our efforts, and in doing so, support the Filipino people’s struggle for a just and lasting peace?
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pannaginip · 5 months
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Ang Bayan, the official publication of the CPP, on Twitter @angXbayan:
From April 17 to 24, the NDFP holds the Week to Remember and Honor the Filipino People's Heroes and Martyrs. During this week, we remember the heroes and martyrs of the Philippine revolution's more than five decades of resistance for freedom and democracy.
2024 Apr. 19
Full thread on Twitter
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Honoring Chairman Jose Maria Sison
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The Revolutionary Maoist Coalition has just learned that the great revolutionary leader, Jose Maria Sison (Feb. 8, 1939 – Dec. 16, 2022), has passed away at the age of 83 following a two week confinement in a Utrecht hospital in the Netherlands. 
This tragic news brings great sadness to our hearts, and we extend the sincerest condolence to Sison’s family and comrades in this painful time of mourning. 
Chairman Sison was a prolific writer, revolutionary fighter, and incredible leader in the struggle for proletarian democracy. The loss of his life is felt by all those around the world who share his fight for global emancipation from the brutal capitalist-imperialist machine. 
Comrade Joma Sison was a lifelong fighter of the revolutionary cause in the Philippines. As a youth, he participated in union organization efforts and founded the Student Cultural Association of the University of the Philippines in 1959, from which Kabataang Makabayan would be founded in 1964. These formations organized students and youth around national democracy and Marxism-Leninism. Kabataang Makabayan continues to be a major force of Filipino communist youth today. 
In 1961, comrade Sison joined the old Philippine Communist Party (Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas-1930 or PKP-1930) and was appointed as a member of the Youth Bureau and Executive Committee. From these positions, Joma attempted to correct the revisionist political line of the Lava-clique by preparing political reports on the Party’s errors. 
As the old PKP-1930 showed it was unwilling to rectify errors in political line and military strategy, Joma Sison, using the alias of Amado Guerrero, spearheaded the founding of the Communist Party of the Philippines in 1968 under the red banner of Marxism-Leninism Mao Zedong Thought. One year later, he oversaw the formation of the New People’s Army and the initiation of a Protracted People’s War in the Philippines, which continues fighting for new democracy and the liberation of workers and peasants in the country to this day. 
Later, in 1977 he and his wife, Julie, were arrested and exposed to brutal torture by the fascist Marcos dictatorship. Sison would continue providing political leadership to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), New People’s Army (NPA), and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) while incarcerated until his release in 1986, following the collapse of the Marcos dictatorship and the installation of the Aquino regime. 
The revolutionary principles of Sison were not abandoned, or even dampened, by his nearly decade long prison stint. Once released, Sison continued the struggle for socialist democracy by taking on the Aquino regime; exposing it for its corruption and class affiliation to the comprador bourgeois class. The Aquino government responded by exiling Joma in 1987, at which point he made his way to Utrecht, where he remained until his death. 
In the years since his exile, he has continued writing books which are invaluable to the education of Marxist-Leninist-Maoists across the world, and his continued leadership of the CPP, NPA, and NDFP have led to major gains in their fight for national democracy. 
Joma Sison will forever be regarded as one of the greatest revolutionaries of our era. We remember what another great revolutionary, Mao Zedong, once said: to die for the people is weightier than Mount Tai, but to work and die for the fascists is lighter than a feather — comrade Joma’s death is certainly weightier than Mount Tai. We encourage all members of the RMC, and Maoists everywhere, to make an in-depth study of his life and theoretical contributions, which include great works such as: “Organizational Guide and Outline of Reports”, “Rectify Errors and Rebuild the Party​​​​​​​”, Stand For Socialism Against Modern Revisionism, Specific Characteristics of Our People’s War, Basic Principles of Marxism-Leninism: A Primer, Philippine Society and Revolution, Upsurge of People’s Resistance in the Philippines and the World, On the Philosophy of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, and countless others. 
We are confident that the revolutionary forces of the Philippines will carry on the legacy of comrade Sison by continuing their fight against capitalism-imperialism, semi-feudalism, and modern revisionism in order to establish true democracy by means of proletarian revolution. We, too, must carry on this legacy of the great Sison if we are to truly honor his life and convictions. Whether we be in the Philippines, the so-called united states, Peru, Ghana, Puerto Rico, or Palestine; Joma Sison is an inspiration and model for the type of people we must be in order to win our liberation.  
Jose Maria Sison, rest in power!​​ Long live Joma Sison!  Long live the Filipino masses!  Long live People’s War in the Philippines! 
Revolutionary Maoist Coalition – Chicago Revolutionary Maoist Coalition – District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia Revolutionary Maoist Coalition – New York/New Jersey Revolutionary Maoist Coalition – Arkansas
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sossupummit · 20 days
Statement of the Pambansang Katipunan ng mga Magbubukid (PKM) National Security Adviser Eduardo Año erroneously claims in his recent statements that the primary obstacle for the resumption of peace talks…
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菲律宾共产党领导人玛丽亚·孔塞普西翁·阿拉内塔-博卡拉(孔查同志)(Maria Concepcion Araneta-Bocala (Ka Concha))于8月15日在遭遇战中牺牲,享年73岁。今天本该是她的74岁生日。菲律宾共产党中央委员会的声明《班乃的八月英雄和烈士将被永远铭记》(The August Heroes and Martyrs of Panay will forever be remembered)(注明日期为2024年8月26日)写道:“1972年,她(指孔查同志——笔者注)开始全职担任干部组织者。除了担任班乃的党的地区委员会的重要官员外,她还被任命为菲律宾民族民主阵线(NDFP)的和平谈判顾问。孔查同志放弃了地主阶级的一切舒适和特权,加入了被压迫的农民群众和图曼多克人民争取土地和正义的斗争。”
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my3dartblog · 9 months
This set contains 8 demon shapes for Genesis 9 using Daz's "Body" and "Head" shapes. You can use them for all your scenes with the textures of your choice. For the renderings, I did a "Mix and Match" with the textures of: - NDFP Akhane - NDFP Liloo - NDFP Milo and used the NDFP Demonizer for Genesis 9 set. What's Included and Features ND Demonizer Shapes: (.DUF) Abrahel Apply and Remove Shapes Alastor Apply and Remove Shapes Baal Apply and Remove Shapes Barbatos Apply and Remove Shapes Lilith Apply and Remove Shapes Mormo Apply and Remove Shapes Naamah Apply and Remove Shapes Vassaga Apply and Remove Shapes Required Products: Genesis 9 Starter Essentials, Genesis 9 Head Shapes, Genesis 9 Body Shapes Compatible Figures: Genesis 9 Compatible Software: Daz Studio 4.22 Install Types: DazCentral, Daz Connect, DIM, Manual Install Coming soon: https://3d-stuff.net/ #daz3d #dazstudio #3drender #3dart #daz3dstudio #irayrender #3dartwork #blender #blenderrender #blenderart #noaiart #noaiwriting #noai https://3d-stuff.net/
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connorthemaoist · 1 year
June 15, 2023 | The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) joins the international proletarian movement in paying the highest tribute to Katakam “Comrade Anand” Sudarshan. Comrade Anand was a leading cadre of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), member of the Politburo of CPI (Maoist) Central Committee and is considered one of the most important guiding figures of India’s struggle for national and social liberation.
Comrade Anand was a teacher before he joined the Naxal movement in the 1970s. His unwavering service to the Indian revolution spanned five decades. He was one of the pioneering leaders in expanding the armed revolution in the Dandakaranya area. Comrade Anand became known for his strong command of guerilla warfare which dealt heavy blows against Indian security forces.
As Secretary of the Central Regional Bureau for almost two decades, and as a leading figure of their revolutionary magazine People’s March, he helped the Indian revolutionary struggle gain global recognition and prominence.
Comrade Anand’s passing is weightier than Mount Tai. The NDFP and the entire Philippine revolutionary movement take inspiration from his victories and enduring lessons in the struggle against imperialism and all reaction. The continuous advance of India’s revolution is a testament to his legacy as a revolutionary leader, an ingenious guerilla commander, and a great teacher of the international proletarian struggle.
Long live Comrade Anand! Long live the Communist Party of India (Maoist)! Long live the International Proletarian Struggle!
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FPE Akhane Battle Ready for Genesis 9
FPE Akhane Battle Ready expands upon NDFP Akhane’s vampire and demon concepts through applications involving Geoshells and Textures to give any character a look that ranges from elegant viciousness to savagely unhinged. While this product conceptually ties to our NDFP Akhane for Genesis 9 Character, the product isn’t a requirement. Everything included here can be used on any Genesis 9 Character…
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
The WACL and CAUSA’s Role in the Ruthless Violence of US-Philippines Counterinsurgency
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On the role of WACL and CAUSA in the “anti-communist” counterinsurgency tactics used in the Philippines 
Excerpts from "Revolutionary Struggle in the Philippines" by Leonard Davis
pg. 16
A broader fact-finding mission, headed by former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, took place from 20 to 30 May 1987. The group visited the provinces of Davao, Cebu, Negros, and Central Luzon in what was the most thorough investigation of vigilantes under the Aquino administration.
Several recommendations were made to the government of the United States:
-The CIA's role in advising, organizing, arming, financing, or otherwise supporting vigilante violence in the Philippines is nothing less than a massive campaign of murder, deceit, and manipulation attempting to protect narrowly defined US interests in a policy that is doomed to fail! The US Congress should garner all its resources to put an immediate end to this cruel and absolutely unconscionable activity. -The US government should put an immediate end to all efforts to whip up anti-communist hysteria in the Philippines, whether through the direct distribution of rightist materials, as the US Information Service (USIS) is doing in Cebu, through the activities of "private citizens" such as Causa, or through funding, advising, and providing technical assistance to the Philippine military and vigilante movement. -The US Congress should cut off all military aid to the Philippines pending an investigation into the use of US military aid and hardware in supporting vigilante violence in the Philippines. -The US should withdraw its military facilities from the Philippines, which are of questionable strategic necessity and which were used as a reason to back the ruthless Marcos dictatorship, and are currently being used as a rationale for suppressing the freedom of those who support fundamental social and political changes in their own country.
pg. 163:
In this group are found those who supported Marcos to the bitter end, many of whom were agents of or close collaborators with the CIA or the military. They identify the present status quo as an order ordained by God, and all means - including right wing terrorism - are justified in defending the system against threats which are perceived as the work of Satan. The main actors here include Causa International, which is an arm of the Unification Church of the Reverend Moon. This is closely connected with WACL - the organisation referred to in Chapter 1 - with which a retired US general, John Singlaub, is associated.
pg. 164
. . . the ultra-conservatives launch anti-communist campaigns designed to scare people and induce hysteria. This was particularly so when the ceasefire was being proposed in 1986. In March 1987, VicePresident Salvador Laurel addressed the first national convention of Causa International. He said: We must reject communism as an unmitigated evil ... Causa is conducting the convention, to arouse and galvanise the will and determination of all good men to strengthen freedom and democracy so that the country can resist and prevail over the forces of materialism and godlessness that seek to conquer it. In May 1987, an international fact-finding mission, led by former US attorney-general, Ramsey Clarke, reported that it had evidence to prove that there was 'high prob ability of a link between the CIA and vigilante groups'. One of the members, Gerald Horne, linked Causa in the same way, pointing out that Causa leaders have close connections with the Korean Central Intelligence Agency; and that, in South Korea, they own munitions fcetories. 
p. 183:
In May 1986, NDF spokesman Antonio Zummel wamed that the Philippines would be tumed into 'an Asian graveyard for American servicemen if the US persisted In meddling in the insurgency'. This was in response to W ACL visits to the Philippines by Singlaub in his efforts to organise anti-communist vigilantes. Since then, nearly 200 CIA agents have slipped into the country, while US special advisors are involved in instructing Philippine troops in counter-insurgency warfare. American combat patrols operate with local police as far as 20 kilometres from the perimeter fence around Clark Air Base in search of NP A guerrillas, with Filipino fears in some quarters that this could trigger a wider conflict in the countryside. Warning of an escalation in US interference in domestic affairs, Senator Neptali Gonzales is reported as saying: 'History teils us that just one encounter between the dissidents will lead to escalation and this might lead to further the polarisation of the people.' In his reference to 'just one encounter', perhaps Gonzales was thinking of the San Juan Bridge incident which started the Philippine-American War in 1899.  There is no doubt that the country will first move further to the right, with or without US support. With US support, the AFP will build up a supply of sophisticated weaponry and techniques and use more 'subtle' ways of repression; without US support, the AFP will immediately move into full-scale crude and brutal terrorising of the people, more on a Chilean model. Either way, a 'second' revolution will eventually take place - whether as a brief civil war in which the US plays little part (because it has acknowledged its need to seek other venues for its bases and has disappeared), or in the manner of another Vietnam. In either case, the next change will not be without bloodshed, perhaps massive bloodshed. While heartened by the Nicaraguan experience, Filipinos do not expect an early resolution of their problems. Most people believe that it will take at least three generations to overcome the legacy of more than 400 years of domination, Spanish and American.
Related links below
Death Squads in the Philippines by Doug Cunningham
Those Spared in Duterte’s “War on Drugs” May Go to Moonie Rehabilitation
Korean ‘moonies’ leave the Philippines (1996)
Right-Wing Vigilantes Spreading in Philippines (1987)
Unification Church, WACL and CAUSA Were Involved In CIA Operations
Moonies Were Brainwashed by The CIA As Soldiers In The Cold War
Missing Pieces of the Story of Sun Myung Moon by Frederick Clarkson
On the Filipina “Migrant Wives”
The Unification Church’s Role in the FBI’s Cointelpro-style Campaign Against CISPES
“The Moonies Target Europe” (1986) - on CAUSA and right-wing Moonie activity in Europe
Korean UC Reverend takes $10,000 from a farmer for finding him a Filipina wife.
Moonies Support Vigilante Violence in the Philippines Around 1986/1987
On the Post-Marcos Unification Church’s Counterinsurgency Work in the Philippines
Cardinal Sin, the Catholic Church, & the Unification Church: Partners in Organized Anti-Communist Violence
Paraguay ‘Archives of Terror’ Yield New Horrors – and links to the Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon
The Unification Church and the KCIA – ‘Privatizing’ covert action: the case of the UC
“Moon’s Law: God Is Phasing Out Democracy”
The CIA’s Secret Global War Against the Left
Sun Myung Moon organization activities in Central & South America
CIA, Moonies Cooperate in Sandinista War (1984)
Covert Operations and the CIA’s Hidden History in the Philippines
Moon’s Vision: A New Pan-Asianism - on Headwing thought, Pan-Asianism, and counterinsurgency
On the Fascist International, and WACL
CounterSpy: Moonies Move on Honduras (1983)
CounterSpy: Moonies - CARP (1981)
The U.S. is complicit in war crimes in the Philippines
US Aid Privatized
On Yamashita’s Gold, Singlaub, and the Events Following Marcos’ Departure
On How the Moonies Take Advantage of Imperialist Crises in Today’s Philippines
The Moons and the Marcoses
Biden courts son of Philippine dictator he once opposed
Harris Visit to Philippines another Example of US Prioritization of Power over Human Rights
On the UC links to intelligence
Private Groups Step Up Aid to ‘Contras’ (1985)
The Rev. Moon, the Unification Church, and the KCIA
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rhk111sblog · 7 months
Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) thought he would be "welcomed" in Australia where he thought he would be with "Allies", but instead he was met with Human Rights (HR) Protesters in his Face, including several Senators. Apparently, the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) has many "Friends" in Australia which could prove to be a Problem soon for the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) in Terms of negative Publicity there.
This was initially released as an Article last March 1, 2024 at https://therhk111philippinedefenseupdates.blogspot.com/2024/03/bbm-met-human-rights-protesters-during-state-visit-australia-including-several.html
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milkboydotnet · 8 days
Statement of Christians for National Liberation (CNL) in Response to Jonathan Malaya’s Recent Remarks on the GRP-NDFP Peace Talks
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Jonathan Malaya’s recent statement taunting the revolutionary movement to “prove its sincerity” by abandoning the armed struggle reeks of hypocrisy and dishonesty. As a revolutionary Christian organization, Christians for National Liberation (CNL) is compelled to expose these blatant lies and double standards perpetuated by Malaya and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP).
Demanding proof of the revolutionary movement’s sincerity is nothing more than an attempt to hide the GRP’s own evil intentions. As written in the Scriptures, “Their throat is an open grave; they use their tongues to deceive” (Romans 3:13). Was it not the AFP chief Romeo Brawner Jr. himself who said that their military operations will continue despite the signing of the Oslo Joint Statement last November 2023? Why is the GRP continuing its counterrevolutionary offensives while the CPP-NPA-NDF is asked to abandon armed struggle?
The basic assumption of a negotiation is that both parties are treated on equal footing, but Malaya’s statement reveals the opposite. He imposes on the revolutionary movement to lay down its arms while the GRP continues to bomb peasant communities and violate international humanitarian law, all the while attempting to avoid the substantive issues at the heart of the conflict: social injustice, landlessness, widespread joblessness, and the systemic oppression of the poor.
The Word of God reminds us of the perils of dishonesty and falsehood. As it is written in James 3:11, “Can both fresh water and saltwater flow from the same spring?” The answer, of course, is no. In truth, Malaya’s statement merely echoes the government’s desire to force the revolutionary movement to surrender.
We refuse to let Malaya’s lie go unchallenged. The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) and the entire revolutionary movement have always been clear: we are ready to negotiate peace, but it must be a just and lasting peace, one that addresses the root causes of poverty, exploitation, and inequality. But the GRP, under the mask of “peace and reconciliation,” continues to wage war against the people. Their demands for surrender are not peace negotiations. They are the demands of oppressors looking to crush legitimate resistance and struggle.
The GRP should cease this duplicity and hypocrisy, and engage in honest, principled peace talks that focus on the fundamental issues that have driven this conflict for decades. Only then can we begin to move towards true and lasting peace, based not on surrender, but on justice.
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pannaginip · 6 months
Detained National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) peace consultants welcome reported dialogues to revive stalled formal peace negotiations with the Ferdinand Marcos Jr. Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP), expressing hope to join the talks if efforts succeed.
Following Duterte’s cancellation of formal negotiations in mid-2017, no local Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), New People’s Army (NPA) and NDFP formation officially engaged the GRP in so-called localized peace talks, clarifying that it is only the NDFP Negotiating Panel that is authorized to negotiate with the Manila government.
The 30-year veteran of the GRP-NDFP talks [NDFP consultant Vicente Ladlad] noted that Duterte was of the “mistaken” belief that the GRP shall have eliminated the NPA by the end of his term in June 2022.
Ladlad said that one of the hurdles in efforts to revive the talks is Vice President Sara Duterte’s open opposition to the policy change on negotiations with the NDFP.
NDFP peace consultant Adelberto Silva for his part said another hurdle to the success of the ongoing dialogues is the insistence of other officials in the Marcos Jr. cabinet to do away with previously signed agreements such as The Hague Joint Declaration and the Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG).
Silva said that The Hague Joint Declaration should remain as the framework of the negotiations as it had already been signed and reaffirmed by both parties numerous times.
Both consultants added the Marcos Jr. GRP must remember that the negotiations are not just about ending the armed conflict but addressing its root causes.
“Otherwise, that’s just surrender talks,” they said.
In an interview with Kodao, NDFP Negotiating Panel chairperson Julie de Lima said there have been at least five dialogues with GRP emissaries since early 2022 when NDFP chief political consultant Jose Maria Sison was still alive. (Sison died of illness in December 2022.)
2024 Mar. 27
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Today, the international solidarity organization Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle (FFPS) made a call to action to take to the streets and condemn the Duterte government designating national democratic forces in the Philippines as terrorist. 
Struggle-La Lucha is a proud supporter of the FFPS and we view these forces as people’s movements and individuals representing the aspirations of the Filipino people for genuine social and national liberation.
Comrades and allies in Baltimore hit the streets Aug. 26 to post informational flyers to raise consciousness about the Duterte regime, its abuses, and its connection to U.S. imperialism.
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